#tweaked a bit more with the colours on this one lol
h3adph0nez · 1 month
SFTH as text post part 11! :D
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Part one / previous /part 12
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vault81 · 6 months
Map of the Commonwealth (25.12.2287)
Featuring all (currently) known factions and their territories
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codgod · 1 year
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y’know generally i try to limit colour palettes to as few colours as possible to make things more cohesive but despite my best efforts only jay ended up being able to stick to that </3
ANYWAYS here’s the as-of-right-now fully updated designs for these dickheads. these will no doubt undergo even more tweaking as i draw them more but this is a start i guess. also pls open the pictures to look at them properly i worked so hard LOL
some random notes under the cut yaaaay
chip —
he jingles when he walks. somehow he’s still stealthy. i do not know how
kept the platinum ring that bonded him to gillion in the block! because hey he doesn’t really have a reason to take it off (and it’s a nice reminder of how much gill cares about him, and how far their friendship has come since that ice arena)
his tattoos shift and flicker like actual flames, and sometimes (harmless, purely aesthetic) sparks fly off them when he’s excited
i just think smoke coming out of his mouth when he’s angry would be cool :]
chipped teeth from biting rocks and coins all the time :/
he has scars from the red lightning, they’re just mostly contained to his back and shoulders. they’re a similar red to his coat even once they’ve healed
gillion —
the tail sleeve thing is so he can rest it on the ground without damaging his scales, he doesn’t usually wear it when he’s just on the ship because the wood is soft enough that it’s usually fine + it can hinder swimming a bit. it’s mostly meant for places where there’s cobblestone or gravel streets and such. i think his armour would probably have a version that looks similar but covers the whole tail minus the fins, maybe with some armour plating of its own. i didn’t draw it because there wasn’t any room lol
his scars from the lightning are pink mostly because red stood out too much tbh. they softly glow in the dark the same as his coral and the pink parts of his fins
also kept his ring! his hands aren’t really made for jewellery, though, because the webbing means it won’t sit very secure on his finger. so he keeps it on the same chain as the necklace he got from aslana to keep it safe
tried to make him look a bit bulkier and more his age than in my original design? i feel like i was leaning too much into the naivety and. shortness. originally lol. he also has thicker eyebrows now and i’m still trying to decide how i feel about them but i think? i like it? i don’t tend to give many character thin eyebrows so it could’ve been a unique thing for him but alas
i think i made the sword too small but like ignore that
also forgor to include pretzel </3 that’s okay though she can get her own design sheet later. she’s special like that
jay —
i believe in tall jay supremacy
blue magic! i was considering gold but that’d look a bit more like a canary than i wanted for her wings so. blue jay :]
her hair is supposed to look kinda like fire to mimic her dad ! kinda showing that even if she runs from her family and the navy they’ll always be a part of her. and also i just like drawing messy hair
i gave her sturdier gloves just because i feel like it fits her better. also changed up the shirt to more of a button up solely because i don’t like tank tops very much LOL
i did WANT to make her outfit a bit flashier to match the boys better but i couldn’t quite figure out where to Put the flash. maybe that’ll come later, the way the story’s going i might get to design some cool prosthetics for her or something
overall —
because there’s just so many fucking colours i triiied to add at least one or two colours from each of them into the others designs. jay has her necklace with each of their main colours on it, her wings are the same blue as gillions eyes, her jacket and right eye are the same dark blue as destiny’s blade, her hair is the same orange as the lighter part of chips tattoos. chip has a dark green sash under all the belts, the same as the hilt of destiny’s blade. they all use the same shades of black, gold, and brown
the only real exception is gillion doesn’t have anything from the other two because he has Such a specific colour palette and he already had so much going on as-is orz jay was obviously the easiest to do this with because she has both warm and cool colours in her palette by default lol (and i did her design last, so that helps)
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invisible-brandy · 4 months
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made a piece with the initiative and sketch by @ingydar-g ! thank you so much for sharing your sketch and lineart, it was really fun to work with those as the base! you can see the time lapse of my progress on it under the cut (potential cw for slight flashing at the end of it)
this was originally a gif but it was like 18 mb so i converted it to video lol
my drawing process is honestly very messy and inefficient. i use textured lineart which means i cant easily use the bucket tool, but i hate the way the default pen looks and i don't really like any other more fancier options either. this lineart kinda sucks bc i didn't refine it as much as i sometimes would, and the colouring wasn't as refined either. well im sick anyway, so this is the best i could do in like a couple of hours. also at the end of the speedpaint, even though you cant see but what im doing is tweaking the bg color & phils skin tone to be a little better, the bg a bit more saturated & dark and phils face not so blue. (i think an example of my lineart being at its peak is actually a piece i did for last edition of phanzines, the one with catboy maid dan and catboy butler phil. anyway, art rant over)
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pictureamoebae · 11 months
your post about ReLight is really interesting! I wanted to try it out but I understand nothing lol would you share some tips/tricks/little tutorial for dumbs like me on how to use it/setup for The Sims?
Hi anon!
It's not a massively involved shader, it's really simple, so a full tutorial would probably be a little over the top. Using it in TS4 is no different to using it in any other game.
The first thing I'd do is look at the preprocessor definition section at the bottom of the shader settings and change number of lights to 4 and hit enter. It'll reload and then you'll have 4 different lights to play with.
For the settings at the top, you want Use Smooth Normals turned on, and then all the boxes under Shadows ticked. For Shadow Mode you'll get the best quality with Trace All selected, and Ultra for Shadow Quality, but you can play around with these if your performance suffers (bear in mind I'm using a 980ti and hotsampling to larger resolutions and I'm fine with those settings).
Leave Shadow Sharpness at its default unless you want to go for a specific look, and you can keep Z Thickness at default too. You can play around with Z Thickness if shadows look like they're starting or ending in weird places. They're never going to be 100% accurate anyway, but you can sometimes coax them into not being truly awful.
One of the most important settings is down at the bottom: Visualize Light Position. Turn this on and it'll show you a round dot where your lights are positioned. This is really useful for lining them up exactly where you want them. Then, when you're done, you can turn them off (although they will disappear when you close the ReShade menu anyway, but this setting is useful for people like me who sometimes keep the ReShade menu open when taking screenshots so I can keep tweaking).
You'll see 4 sections that each start with a checkbox that says Active. Those are your 4 lights. Tick the ones you want to use. Then you can start moving them.
Next to Position there are 3 boxes, and they each represent respectively: left-right, up-down, backwards-forwards. Play around sliding each of them and see where your dot of light goes. You'll quickly get the hang of how to move the lights around using those position numbers.
Below that is Tint. It's easiest to click on the box of colour and colour pick than it is to manually change the RGB numbers. This controls the colour of your light.
Below that is Intensity. I think by default the lights are set up at the maximum level of 1.00 but that's super super bright, so bring that down considerably. You can use this to fine tune exactly how much illumination you want once you've set up the position.
And that's really it. You can use the lights to add more accurate light fall-off and shadows from in-game light sources like lamps, streetlights, windows, etc. You can also use it to just brighten a character's face a bit more for a clearer picture. Or you can really go to town and add completely fake and dramatic lights. It's up to you.
If you find that 4 lights isn't enough, you can't add more without editing the actual shader code. However, you can just duplicate the shader, so then you can have 8 lights, or 12, or 16, however many times you duplicate it.
To duplicate ReLight, create a copy of the shader in your shader folder, and give it a unique name (for example, qUINT_ReLight2.fx). Then, open it up in a text editor (I use Notepad++) and scroll all the way down to the bottom. You'll see a section that says
technique qUINT_ReLight
edit that so it matches the name you gave your copy, so in this case
technique qUINT_ReLight2
Then you can use them both alongside each other. I do start to experience a performance impact when using a second version, so bear that in mind.
I'm sure the better option would be to edit the shader code to add the ability for more lights directly in the first shader, but you'd need to be semi-knowledgeable about what to change. You're not often going to need more than 4 anyway, so it's overkill.
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loveislandthegame · 5 months
did a really quick sienna edit, just to see if i could make her a real headturner lol
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i softened her face a bit, tweaked her eyebrows & makeup
tried to make her scary af neon turquoise eyes more natural looking (is she wearing contacts ?) i just gave her one blue & one green
changed her swimsuit colour & gave her some earrings, they match her eyes ! (don’t ask how the gems in the centre are defying gravity… video game logic 😭)
with her hair i think they were trying to give blonde bombshell, pamela anderson or whatevs but it’s just so Meh … it’s shoddy so don't look too closely, but i didn’t want to spend longer than 1 min on this thing
but honestly i don't think she's ugly, FB just needs to stop rushing their designs
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sprinklenoodles · 2 months
They're here! Hopes Peak's Troublesome Trio
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My bad if the image quality's a bit wonky. As for some little image-y blabbering, I tried my best to combine their actual outfits with a dash of Heathers in there. It's not very clear in the sketch by the way, but they are all wearing plaid somewhere in their designs. It's mostly the bottom half such as the shorts for Chihiro, the pants for Byakuya, and the skirt for Junko. Wanted them all to match to show "Yeah! These three scoundrel's are clearly hanging out with each other while gossiping about their classmates at the lunch table" Additionally, I gave them the little overcoat thingies the Heathers got but I have no clue what they're called. Are they overcoats? Just weird button up blazers? No clue! I'm so bad with names too but yeah. They have them. Junko is extra though so hers is undone cus she's just like that I guess. Another thing is that, initially, I was going to draw Makoto here too. His big head was blocking Chihiro's shorts though so he got axed unfortunately. I wanted to make it EXTRA clear that Chihiro was wearing these goofy looking shorts with the suspenders. He's gasping in spirit at the trio though! Wish I was able to put Kyoko in here as well baring her teeth or something but my brain got too excited when I drew Junko and was happy with how she looked so whoops O-O I dunno. The way I drew her just makes me happy. Still dunno about the knee socks though or if I should give her leggings. Also dunno if I should just read everything there and THEN draw or if doing it chapter by chapter's fine. For now though, I did it!! Hope this is good!! The designs are also still up for some tweaks and even more when I eventually draw more rendered pics of them with their respective colors. Dunno if I'll give them the colors of the Heathers or just what I feel works for them. It's mostly a question for Byakuya and Chihiro though since red just works with Junko though I think reading more might help hehe!
This is AWESOME!!!! Really love how they look, especially Chihiro with his silly suspensers.
And it's not like I have described their outfits a lot (other than Junko trying on an outfit in the latest chapter) so technically you can't even go wrong. I really love them though!!
As for colours... Well, Byakuya always goes well with green. I've always seen that as his colour. But it doesn't really matter. Like you said, Junko and red go well together, but they don't need to match up. Byakuya's the leader of the group (though, there isn't a real leader. He just kinda makes the final decisions if the others can't choose) but I would go with green for him.
But also, there are multiple characters where I would say green- Makoto especially but Chihiro a wee bit too. Though, something like brown or yellow (maybe blue, not sure) also goes well with him.
But I don't think that their outfits would just be one colour. That wouldn't look that good, so there's no way Junko would allow it lol.
But really love these outfits!!! Thank you!!!
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ihopesocomic · 5 months
Hey there! I've been reading this comic since the season finale of MP and I must say, It's been an amazing story so far. It has quickly become one of my favorite webcomics to tune into and I really love how you guys tackle some of the topics in the story! Forgive me if you've already answered a question like this before, but I can't help but be a bit intrigued by the BTS work. Since two people seem to be working on it at any given time how do y'all divide the work and how do you guys problem-solve the obstacles of collaborating on a webcomic? How do you align your thought process with the story? Do you ever plan on posting a thorough breakdown of that process? Apologies if anything in this ask is worded a bit weirdly... But also thanks for your time if you read and answer this :)
Thank you very much for your kind words, anon. So happy to hear you're enjoying the story so far. <33
As for your question, generally what happens is thus:
I'll write out a script and we'll go over it together and edit it for comic form as needed because sometimes not everything in a script can work in comic form.
Cat will then draw out the characters. I colour and shade. We tend to share background duties. Others may take on colouring duties (who are paid for their time, of course), so I'm just left with shading and whatever backgrounds I contribute.
Cat handles editing and final tweaks.
As for problem solving, we're just very blunt and open about each other's limitations. We've known each other nearly two decades so nothing is really held back. If I have to throw out whole chunks of a script to accommodate what Cat can deliver, then I'll happily do that, for example.
Because honest discussion beats burn out and all that jazz. lol
But yeah, there's really nothing deeper than that. Doing page-by-page updates has certainly given us more breathing room to do things at our own pace, I gotta say.
Hope that clears things up! Thank you again for your support. c: - RJ
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xthescarletbitch · 7 months
I've never requested writing before so idk if this is how it works (lol) but I saw your requests were open for Horizon and I'd love to see something along the lines of Aloy and her s/o are out hunting machines and her s/o gets injured (nothing like life ending, just enough to be concerning. I'm a whore for the hurt/comfort trope🫡)
If it's not something you're interested in writing, that's okay! Love your account regardless 🤭😆 No rush if you do write it, take your time 🫶 It can be in headcanon format or whatever you wanna do 😋
(Also I saw on your request page that Jinx from arcane was one of your fav characters- I. FREAKING. LOVE HER.)
thank you so much. <3 and jinx is amazing! i hope to write for her again soon as well.
hurt (aloy x reader)
sfw, but i still prefer no minors
cw: shitty title, mentions of injury and bleeding
word count: 1600+
author’s note: this is my first ever hurt/comfort, so i hope you like it! i feel like it was rushed through, but i also had no idea how to do it, i'm sorry. hopefully i'll get better with time. :)
“okay,” aloy begins, pointing toward a lone machine up ahead. “that one’s a sawtooth. it’s a combat machine weak to fire.”
you nod your head and scribble the notes down in your journal, even attempting to make a little doodle of the machine itself. “weak to fire. got it.” 
aloy waits patiently as you document a few more things about the machine. she ensures that all bases are covered so that you can do so in peace. 
you had asked her to take you machine-hunting to gain some more knowledge about the machines you tinker with. aloy has always done an amazing job bringing you what you needed, but you aspired to know more, to see more. at first, she was hesitant about bringing you along, assuring you that she could tell you all you needed to know. after some convincing and a promise that you wouldn’t get hurt, she caved. and now, here you are.
you tuck your journal back into your sack and look up at your eager girlfriend. she has that sweet smile across her face as she anticipates the hunt about to begin. 
“wait! i have something for you,” aloy exclaims, reaching into her own sack. she pulls out a bow and a few arrows, extending them out to you. “i had varga tweak it a bit.”
you grab the items from your girlfriend’s hand. you look over the bow, dragging your fingertips along the wood. it is smooth–very clearly in pristine condition. you notice the wood dyed in a shade of your favourite colour with your and aloy’s initials etched on it, a feature that only widens the smile you already have. 
“aloy,” you finally say, urging a sigh of relief from your partner, who was worried that you didn’t like it. “it’s beautiful. thank you.”
she smiles and admires you as you look over it some more. “i figured that you’d need one if we made this a regular thing.”
“oh, we will,” you assure, playing around with the string of the bow and aiming it out toward the sawtooth ahead, which is still unaware of your presence. “this will be a memorable hunt to kick off future ones.”
aloy shows you a few techniques with your newly acquired bow. you’re still at a distance away from the sawtooth, so you can do so safely. she stands behind you, her arms on top of your own, moving your body into place. of course, she will be there the entire time, but she still wants you to know how to protect yourself. “you can never be too careful,” she always says.
after you get the hang of it, aloy moves on to the focus on both of your temples. “do you remember what i taught you?”
“yes,” you nod. “i just tap on it, and it’ll give me some more information about the machines i see. i should also be careful to not get too distracted by it while the machine still roams.”
“very good,” she smiles and crosses her arms. “i think you’re ready.”
“really?” you excitedly ask, wanting to get into the action already.
she nods her head and takes a deep breath. “follow my lead, okay?”
aloy moves to a crouching position and gets back behind the rock that you both conversed behind before. you watch as she peeks above the rock and studies the sawtooth with her focus, seemingly opting to track the machine’s path. as she asked, you follow her lead and do the same. you can now see the path that the machine will take if left undisturbed–which won’t be for long. she crouches back down and looks at you, giving you a look to let you know that it is time to press on. 
she moves to a patch of grass right next to the machine’s track. you follow along, quiet and prepared, with your bow in hand and an arrow at the ready. aloy taps her focus once more and assesses the machine. you assume that she is highlighting vulnerable parts of the sawtooth–an act that you do as well. you note that you probably shouldn’t use fire arrows at this distance on its blaze canister. thankfully, you only have standard arrows. shooting the body will be your best bet with this machine.
with her bow and arrow in hand, aloy begins to aim at the sawtooth. its back is now facing the two of you, so it is a better time than any to attack. you ready your own weapon, aiming for its legs. you think you could slow it down if you get the right shot in. 
aloy turns to you once more, mouthing the words, “ready?” 
you nod in response, which aloy follows up with shooting her first shot at the sawtooth. the machine turns around with a quickness, looking directly at the two of you. your cover is now blown, so you must be on guard and ready to dodge. the predestined path no longer matters. 
the machine lets out a deep growl before sprinting towards you. aloy rolls to the left while you roll to the right. the sawtooth follows aloy, who manages to evade its melee attacks each time. she swings her spear here and there but ultimately moves to get some distance between the two so that she can use her bow. you follow behind the machine, shooting arrows into its back. you wager that the machine only has a quarter health left, but is definitely putting up a fight.
aloy shoots her own arrows into the machine while in a state of constant movement. you admire that she can be so steady with a bow despite being in motion. you note this to document later in case you ever encounter a sawtooth again. she’d have to teach you how she does it, but it was no doubt contributed to by rost’s training. 
you shoot the final arrow into the beast, causing it to fall in defeat. it causes you to get all giddy because it is your first machine kill. aloy runs to you, smiling. she pulls you into a hug and kisses your forehead.
“you did great,” she tells you once she pulls away. “i’m very proud of you.”
“thank you,” you smile. “i have to go grab my journal! i’ll be right back.”
with that, you leave aloy’s embrace to go to your sack behind the original rock as she goes to the machine to start scraping it for parts for both of you. you reach the rock and kneel, picking up your bag to rummage through. as your hand searches for the journal, you sense that you’re not alone.
you turn behind you to hear a loud noise and witness a blinding flash. you quickly stand up and reach your arms out in front of you, trying to gain your sight back. you hear your name being called but still cannot see a thing. you walk forward a bit, only to be thrown back as the machine strikes you. you feel your body hit the rock hard as your sight somewhat comes back in time to see an arrow pierce the machine’s big eye. aloy follows soon after.
“my love!” she shouts, immediately crouching by your side. “i’m so sorry i wasn’t here.”
her hands roam across your apparent injuries. all you feel is pain in your head and abdomen. you look up at your girlfriend to see her face full of intense concern. you lift your hand to rub the sweat from your forehead so it doesn’t get in your eye, but upon glancing at said hand, you see bright red blood. within the next few moments, everything gets blurry, and your head feels light. aloy mutters a string of concerns as you fall back in her arms, barely able to keep your eyes open.
your eyes flutter open a few hours later, and your vision is clear again. your head is still pounding, but the spots you saw are no more. you sit yourself up on your elbows, looking around at your surroundings and being unable to tell where you are. you do spot a campfire and your flame-haired girlfriend stirring something over it. 
“aloy?” you question, rubbing your eyes as you sit up even more. 
she turns around quickly, the edges of her mouth turning up at the sound of your voice. “my love, how are you feeling?”
“my head is killing me.”
“it will. you hit it pretty hard,” she gets up from her spot and comes to kneel by your side. “i’m so sorry again. i should’ve protected you.”
you place a kiss on her forehead. it wasn’t her fault, and you assure her of that. you glance down at your abdomen, where a sharp pain lingers. you notice some stitching. 
“i had to stitch you up. you were bleeding pretty badly. your forehead, too.”
“oh, aloy,” you say, a note of concern in your own voice. “i’m the one who should be sorry. i didn’t mean to put you through that.”
she takes your hand in her own and kisses it, shaking her head. she is just relieved that you’re awake and able to talk to her. it was a very lonely few hours.
“get some rest, please? i won’t let anything more happen to you.” she kisses your forehead this time and then your cheeks. “i am so glad you’re okay.”
“i don’t suppose you’d let me join you hunting again, huh?” you joke.
her hand squeezes yours tighter. “we’ll see.”
you lay back on the makeshift bed she created for you and let your eyes close for a few more minutes. the smell of whatever aloy is cooking is in the air. not only could you not wait to eat something, but you also couldn’t wait to be back home in your comfy bed, wrapped in the arms of your lover. you open your eyes once more to admire her. you feel very lucky to have her. 
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fluffle-writes · 6 months
I messed around with Vil's luxe couture live2d in ibis paint a little bit and
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He would literally benefit so much from a less crowded design with all of those gemstones AND a more cohesive colour palette. The apple thing on the belt is the same as the detailing on the shoes (which is more clear with the black shoes that actually work with the colour palette) and the altered choker just pulls attention to his face a bit more than the gold one did.
If I had the energy I'd have given him lace gloves instead of plain black and changed his shoes altogether but this just shows how a few little tweaks could make this sprite and design just a little nicer to look at. Hell, some gold details on the gloves would probably work if they're smaller and compete less for attention - idk the designs just bothers me quite a bit for this event.
More complaining about the clothes for this event under the cut because turns out I feel more strongly about this than I thought I did lol
Ace is the only one who looks decent and his trousers still don't fit him right. Honestly, I think the other guys would look better if they all had slightly different accent colours that work well for the colour scheme altogether AND made the outfits look better on themselves (like the brown for Ace's outfit being more of a red instead.)
Their outfits look samey and as if they could swap clothes and still look alright (or as alright as they can look in those live2d sprites) whereas events like the harveston or bunny events had distinct colours or details that actually. Suited each character. Like the clothes were for them or something idk it's just kinda annoying to me how these designs obviously have less care put into them smh.
I mean, the outfits look okay in the card art - but I still think they're just kinda. Not so great as far as event clothes go
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mikalame · 1 year
Hi I love your stories and I wanted to ask you if you could make a story with Manzini that he gets jealous in the club and then like smut, thank youuu
Green isn't a good colour on you
taglist :@oppopotamus @violentnewmarley @saumspam
im just gonna skip to the sausy part sorry pooks
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"You fucken think your so smart huh, fucken grinding on that guy while you KNOW i was there, watching you, your a little shit you know" Manzini huffs slamming the door befhind him when you to get to the clubs bathroom.
"Well it wasn't like YOU were doing anything you were just standing there, i had to get my fill some how" you say sitting down on the sinks counter pulling out a cigertte and lighting it.
"God, i knew you were a slut but i didnt think you would snoop this low come on ___ " Manzini rolls his eyes taking the cigerette out of the girls hand and taking a puff "really kris taking my cig" she huffs
"You know he would he would probably fuck me better then you could i mean did you see the guys arms, ugh is hands them fingers would get so deep, further then you cou-" she groans as her head contacts the tile wall as manzini has his hand around her neck.
"You wanna be whore" he goans in the girls ear tigtening his grip around her neck "bring it on cuck" she smirks
In an instant he feels a pair of soft but chapped lips on her own, the kiss is fast and breathless both pulling back to take in deep breaths. A rough hand is on her waist and moving up, quickly undoing her bra and dropping it to the ground before pulling her dresses top under her boobs, taking one of her nipples in his mouth while tweaking the other.
She lets out a soft while not fulling giving into the feeling, teasing him trying to get him to give her more without saying it, her ego is to big for that.
Manzini under stands what she wants, moving his leg to be in between her thighs only letting her grind on his leg for a few second beofore moving his legs away.
Hearing her whine out of frustration makes him kiss her harder both of them now completely out of breath takeing in deep breaths before diving back in.
"Please..." she moans her nipples becoming sensitive from the tweaking and kissing whining more when she feels his teeth slightly move over them.
"hmm baby i cant hear you, were you begging, i though i was a cuck" manzini questions raising his eyebrow at the girl. "please i didnt mean i i was just joking" she gives him a breathles laugh trying to joke around.
"oh okay" he argrees undiong him bealt him baggy pants falling to the ground along with his belt. Taken back the girl quickly pulls up her dress and takes of her lacy panties spreading her legs a bit.
Manzini grabs under her thighs making her move closer to him she leans her head back waiting for his fingers to start warming her up, she feels wet fingers at her entrance.
instead of the nice feeling she gets from his fingers filling her up and the curling feeling of his finers on her g-spot she instead het hit with his cock straight away no prep (guys dont do this irl it would probs hurt lol)
"OW, FUCK KRISTOFFER, what the hell" she moans from the intrusion gripping his shirt bitting her lip from the pain "You were being such a slut would of though you would be wet enough" he groans doing shallow thrust into her making her wetter by the seond.
"Y-yeah but.. your p-post to-" she gets cut of by him doing a deep thrust hitting just where she needed "Oh Fuck" she crys out if the usic in the club was any quiter the club would of heard what they were doing him the bathroom.
He grips onto her thighs tightly leaving creasten shapes on them moving her legs further apart whenever she trys to close them, he feels her pussy grip on to him.
"you getting close slut huh" he groans "y-yeah" she gasps back trying to form some sort of answer. she gripping every thing she can leaving red scratches over his arms and her back arches and she lets out a throaty moan, her legs lock up and shake a bit.
When she comes down from her high she expects manzini to slow down but instead he goes faster hitting her g-spot every time, rubbing quick circles on her clit.
"W-wait, Krist, slow d-down" she moans out, overstimulation getting to her tears start to roll down her face as she trys to form words. "Oh its not that bad ___ get your self together your starting to look like a actual whore, oh wait you are one" (BURNNN 🔥) manzini groans ito her neck.
Manzini pulls out for a second turning her around to watch her in the mirror, quickly sliding back in and going fast again not letting her rest.
He watches as her face screws in pleasure the knot in his stomach forming, but he wants her to be a complete mess, letting her know she couldnt get away with that sort of behaviour.
Her pussy starts to milk him letting him know she closes again bring him close fast, he starts to dive in and out quick using the rest of his enegery on this, grabing her hair in a fistfull pulling back her back was flush agaist his chest.
"Go on look at the mess you are" he groans his orgasm nearly there ___ looks up slowly her eyelashes fluttering making contact with his reflection, her eyeliner running down her cheeks lipstick smudged over her mouth and on his aswell.
She looks over the deep purple hickeys dotts all over her neck this combined with the deep fast thrusts manzini is doing seads her over the edge, arching her back away from his chest.
This also sends manzini over aswell her pussy milking him for his worth, groaning into her neck his grip tighening on her hip definatly going to leave bruises.
After they both came down from there highs he pulls out slowly watching his cum drip out of her, he walks over and grabs some paper towels to clean both of them up.
He pulls her dress down and covers her boobs aswell pocketing her bra and panties in him jeans pockets not without her eyeroll. "Really" her eyebrow raised, a little giggle come from him while he shruggs.
Pushing the door they see the guy ___ was grinding on. The man quickly puts 2 and two togther and walks away a bit shocked and what the two of them were doing in the bathroom.
The pair giggle to them selfs as they walk out of the club.
Hope you like anon i feel like this is sorta hate fucking but im not sure lol
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themintman · 3 months
How do you make people look 3D 😭
ok so like.. this is mostly me guessing cause tbh I don't pay attention when I'm drawing at ALL. like idk how I do this either but I'll try my best to explain!!
Also I just want to mention that none of the examples I show are bad. This is just what I do! You can do the opposite of what I'm saying and come out with art just as cool as if you were to follow my tips, this is just what helps me
The short version:
3d sketches
Patchy colouring
No line art - just tidied sketches
The long version:
3d sketches
What I find helps the most is to use 3d shapes for your sketches rather than flat, 2d ones.
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As you can see, I build the body out of cubes more than squares. I even make the head a cube as I find it easier to understand the angle then on a circle. The sides and front of the body are easier to spot here. You can tell that the shoulder is connected to the side of the body, while on the 2d sketch it is less clear. Overlapping parts of the body is one of the easiest ways to make a piece look less flat.
I like to break up the body into three pieces, the chest, the waist and the pelvis. This helps me with proportions and figuring out where the body bends.
Remember that clothes follow a similar logic! They flow with the body. The hems of shirts n stuff is rarely just straight, they curve.
2. Patchy colouring
This is how I colour my pictures:
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I use procreate, but there are probably similar brushes and settings on other apps, such as ibis paint x, and if your a traditional artist you can get a similar effect by going over the same area with slightly different colours. I find that it makes it look more interesting. I rarely actually shade a picture, so this is very helpful. It's awesome if, like me, you suck ass at lighting LMAO
These are the only settings on the brush I changed. I used "Rectango"
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What this does is slightly change the hue and saturation of the brush with each stroke. The higher the percentage, the more dramatic the change, so play around with it and find what suits you the best
3. No lineart
Im not sure if this actually helps the 3d-ness, but it makes my art look more interesting and "full".
Also it's fun. I mean, how many artists do you see online complaining about doing lineart? You know you can just.. skip the lineart. Right?
All I do is I duplicate the sketch layer and tidy it up a bit. Heres my design for Sammy.
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This is a particularly messy job, but I think it gets the point across. She also displays the previous techniques - her colours are patchy, the clothes bend around the body, etc.
Now, here is Sammy without the things I have mentioned previously in this post.
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I haven't done lineart in well over a year, so bear with me lol
She looks a lot more flat. Her hands arent curved properly, her clothes don't "wrap" around her. The colours are more flat too, which makes it obvious that there isn't an actual lightsource. These things can all be tweaked to look more 3d, however I find that the first is way more 3d for about the same effort, perhaps less.
this is just what I do. It wont work for everyone, but I hope at least something on this post helps! Have fun !!
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h-f-k · 9 months
please could you do a tutorial on how you enhance the colouring of a gif to be really vibrant in one colour without it changing the coloring of the rest of the gif? you do it really well and it looks great!!
hii, thank you anon!! and yes, i will grab different psds i have around my laptop and explain how i achieved that coloring. very long tutorial under the cut!
it's a bit hard for me to explain how my brain works when it comes to selecting the type of coloring/scenes i want to gif so please bear with me lmao. okay so first things first, i always try to choose scenes that are in the same section of the color wheel, this makes things easier in photoshop.
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i will use this gif as an example
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i chose this particular scene to turn it green because blues and cyans are close to the green tones in the color wheel, so that's gonna make things WAY easier in photoshop, especially if the subject is moving. another tip is to find scenes where there's a color that's really separated or isolated from the rest, that helps me so much in ps because then i can basically change its color without worrying about turning her legs the color i chose.
i don't apply all these tips at the same time because it truly depends on the case but i tried changing the color of the same gif to red with hue/saturation and it looks quite good as well since the blue is really separated from the rest:
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now things get a bit more complicated, because now that taylor's bodysuit has the same tones as her skin tone editing everything gets a bit harder, bc let's say i want her legs to look a bit more purple-ish since they're a bit yellow and i want to tone that down (another tip: look at the color wheel to figure out which opposite color you need to cancel out a particular one you want to get rid of) i usually go liiiittle by little with selective color and i only work in the yellows and reds (sometimes magentas), this is trial and error, drag the tiny arrows in each color to see what looks best or what looks somewhat decent lol. this is how the finished psd would look like, i only had to tweak the yellow section in selective color, and that worked out well!
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that's usually what i do 90% of the time. other times i try to edit the color just a bit, so i can further separate it more in case it still picks up similar tones that are around it.
other tip i have is that most of the times i choose scenes where the subject doesn't move that much, especially if i'm changing the color of something in particular.
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like this lwymmd gif, it's a very radical change in color so i had to use a brush and stuff to make the red turn white, but see how there's barely any movement? that's the type of scenes you want to use when you want to change its color (especially if it's something as contrasting and different as white) this one had a combination of hue/saturation and using a brush with a green color for the most part and selective color to finish tweaking her skin tone.
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for example since the red was super isolated i didn't have to tweak much, but for example when you want to include a bunch of colors you can play with the slides that are circled in teal to tell photoshop "i want you to include this specific tone in your color selection" so then you can desaturate it and increase the lightness (that's how you turn anything to white) or change it to another color, whatever you choose. that's what i did for the midnights bodysuit:
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i dragged the shit out of those sliders lmfao, but it's how i got to change the color in a uniform and faster way.
hue/saturation is my favorite adjustment because i loooove turning things white/black bc of two reasons: makes the scene so unique, bc no one has seen the red dress from lwymmd white, so it automatically stands out AND if for example you're making an orange set and you have a random color that you don't need (like blue, or green, etc,. again, make sure they're a bit isolated at least and that they are not close in the color wheel) you can always turn them white or black to enhance even more the orange! it's what i did with this gif. my focus were pinks, yellows and oranges, so i got rid of the blues/purples/cyans by desaturating them and add lightness to them (like i did with the rep gif)
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when it comes to enhancing a color that already exists in the scene i take some liberties, but it might not apply to every single scene. sometimes i do discard gifs bc it's not working how i want to. i just use selective color to adjust anything and again i go little by little.
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another example of me changing the color and using a different technique: halsey isn't moving at all so that gives me the chance to change the background to anything i want, in this case i used hue/saturation but in a different way, i selected colorize and increased the saturation. that way you're turning your gif whatever color you choose. with a layer mask i then got rid of the parts i didn't want to be affected by this change.
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and same with this one, got rid of the green because it's a very isolated color so that makes things easier when it comes to change its color or get rid of it. and for this set i went for an all pink color palette so see how me desaturating it and turn it into white makes the pink pop even more? it always depends on what your set is going to look like, i could've changed it to blue or purple depending on the color combo.
i think this is everything i can think of, since i color every gif from scratch one case might not apply to another one, so pls if you have any doubts about a particular gif i colored don't hesitate and ask! i'd be happy to help and explain!
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garmmy · 2 years
your lighting style is gorgeous :O do you have any tips for doing the warm early morning lighting used in your drawings?
thank you for the kind words!! 😊
hmmm tips...i cheat extensively when drawing LOL but here's my rough process! feel free to refer to or tweak it to suit your needs/preferences :>
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step 1: a simple sketch, with sketch lines and base colour on separate layers.
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step 2: - i create a multiply layer clipped to my base colour layer (so it doesn't spill out, no need to clip if you don't need it) - and add some rough shading! the colour is very dependent on what your setting/environment is so keep in mind the environment colours and where the light reflects. - for something simple, if you're outdoors sunny day with a neutral-colour ground, shadows will be more blue where they're facing the sky (because it's reflecting the sky) and warmer where they're facing the ground (because of the light reflected off the ground). - keep the parts you want to be lighted transparent (so what i usually do is fill the whole multiply layer first, then erase the parts that are in the light)
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step 3: - i select the inverse of the multiply layer (in photoshop, you can ctrl+click the multiply layer to select the area it occupies, then shift+ctrl+i to invert selection). - i create an overlay layer, also clipped to the base colour layer, then fill the selected part. the colour also depends on your setting, here i used a light orange to fill. - then i add an outer glow to the overlay layer. feel free to adjust the settings! for this i used overlay blend mode and an orange glow.
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step 4: colour the sketch layer according to your lighting! i made the areas in the light orange and the areas in shadow more purple/blue.
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step 5: paint over it! at this point i usually just eyedrop existing colours in the picture rather than adding new ones. the painting over here is just an example, paint over as much or as little as you want. my sketches are usually a mess so i spend more time painting over lol.
a bit simplified but hope this helps!! play around to get the workflow you like :>
and when it comes to colours and lighting, i can't recommend "colour and light" by james gurney enough to learn more about how it works. i'm not an expert+getting rusty myself do i need to take time to re-read it too 😅
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aria-ashryver · 5 months
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Welcome to the Jungle | Choices MC Colony | Episode #2
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Its 0-100 immediately today folks: Ricky the Labrador is being hunted by panthers
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Oh thank god they don't understand doors 😰 RIP to the cassowary who became panther food instead of our pet dog.
At least they weren't chasing any of the colonists, righ-- OH GOD RUN EVIE RUN
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It's fine she's fine everything is totally fineeee 😬 HA, behold the power of doors and running away!!
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🎶Welcome to the Jungle; we've got fun* and game**🎶
*eight smokeleaf joints ** one (1) billiards table (and the very real and constant fear of being eaten to death by panthers)
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In significantly more delightful news, the local elephant herd has formed a nap pile 🥺
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✨ Local Blades MC dabbles in the Beastmaster & Woodslore skills ✨
(Or; Dorian attempts to feed a wild guinea pig a berry to see if it will come live with us)
(It didn't.)
(We'll keep trying.)
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I'm kind of letting the MCs have free reign and decide what they want to do themselves; for the most part, they are filling in their days like this:
Dorian and Luca are doing most of the building and carpentry; Evie has gone full lumberjack; Rin spends a lot of time researching; Mariana acts as our nurse, and does a lot of cooking, cleaning, and tailoring; Dorian and Evie train Ricky (and try to tame new animals); Rin and Mariana do the gardening; Luca, Dorian, and Evie do the heavy lifting and hauling; Evie, Dorian, and Rin go mining and hunting
Here's the gang restoring one of the little ruined buildings that spawned on this map
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The brave young MCs are doing a fabulous job keeping our colony safe from raids by such colourful characters as, uhhhh, "Burnskrap Slagkill the Pyromanic"?
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Lmaooo Marianna has absolutely zero fucks to give, I love herrr 😆
Evie: *rifle out, actively firing, trying to defend the colony from raiders* Marianna: *walking in front of her gun* sorry, pardon me, I just need to grab that rice -- lunch will be ready in ten! Evie: ???? Marianna: Love what you've done with your hair by the way
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So. Rin ran afoul of a man-eating monkey, and then the next day, the second her injuries healed and she got out of bed, she was ambushed by, i shit you not, a second man-eating monkey.
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Eeeeey time for a party in our newly built rec room!! Good idea Rin, we deserve a break 😊 Its still early days in the colony --which we have dubbed Cedar Station (the location), and The MC Coalition (the group).
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oh i see you smoking a joint in the corner of the party honey 👀 and right next to Evie too!
(ngl im surprised Luca didn't join lmao)
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Ah, they were busy chatting to Evie, making tier lists of animals they could beat in a fight. Yeah that makes sense. (Remember that bit in ID1 where MC fights a bear? lol)
(also!! smoking / drinking beer etc is an option I can toggle on and off on an individual basis-- lmk if you want me to switch these options off for your MC sprite!)
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Woooo everyone had so much fun at Rin's party that Anitha decided to join us!! Welcome Anitha!!!! 🎉🎉✨✨
Her stats in the plant skill are bonkers good -- normally I've been jumping in and tweaking our MC's sprites a bit so they feel more like their OG counterparts, so I was going to bump her plant skill up... but it was almost at max already! Wood Atts gonna Wood Att, I guess 😆
Looking forward to seeing what she brings to the colony! 💛💛
Thanks again for letting me steal your darlings, I will continue to try very very hard to save them from being eaten by panthers ✌😎 @rosesnink @cadybear420 @choicesmc @lover-also-fighter-also
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epiphlyte · 2 years
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its a bird its a plane its the wof arc 1 dod! yeah i was into drawing wof before i really honed in on cats believe it or not. it’s finally time to revisit my roots, wof was the first fandom i was introduced to at a young age and wof fanon wiki was the first internet space i ever joined!
a real deep dive on what went into these designs below the cut, im not sure about your regular epiphlyte.tumblr.com reader but i know i absolutely loove to listen to people talk about their creative choices!
clay’s the design i’m most unhappiest with; unlike what i usually do with these kinds of multiple character drawings i completely sketched/lined/coloured each character before moving on to the next. you can tell i did him first LOL the entire time i was just like “eughh i wanna redo him,,,” i like the direction he’s going but the execution isn’t my favourite for sure. i’d like to revisit him someday!
second one i did was tsunami! at the time i didn’t really like her face shape since it wasn’t what i was picturing, but now i actually quite like it. could maybe use a bit of tweaking (and colour variation?) here or there but i think this design’s good! i like her swirlies!
i was super proud of glory’s lineart but then moved onto the colours and? they look fine after ten minutes of changing the hues around but they’re still not ones i usually work with. i like the general base i have down for rainwings and how they look so frilly and out of place next to my other dragons, and i think it suits glory’s place in canon!
starflight’s just a generic little dragon. a lad. i originally had a bandanna on him and drew him with his volcano eruption scars but i forgot them when lining,,,, oops (it was 3 am i was half awake),, however i do like the simplicity for nightwings! it fits their role in canon, but i want to come up with more accessories/shapes/colours to distinguish them
sunny’s the design i did last and also the one i’m most proud of, my little lemon cow <3! i like the little sparkles in her frills and her face shape though id like to maybe play around with the colours a little more. comparing her with starflight im not sure how no one in canon could guess that she was half nightwing lol, although i sort of like that!
generally, apart from maybe sunny, i want to make these designs more unique and reminiscent of my own. fiddling around with colours and such... the characters are a lot less same-facey than they used to be years ago but i want to play with those shapes even further.
anyhow, thank you for reading this far if anyone did!
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