sprinklenoodles · 2 months
They're here! Hopes Peak's Troublesome Trio
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My bad if the image quality's a bit wonky. As for some little image-y blabbering, I tried my best to combine their actual outfits with a dash of Heathers in there. It's not very clear in the sketch by the way, but they are all wearing plaid somewhere in their designs. It's mostly the bottom half such as the shorts for Chihiro, the pants for Byakuya, and the skirt for Junko. Wanted them all to match to show "Yeah! These three scoundrel's are clearly hanging out with each other while gossiping about their classmates at the lunch table" Additionally, I gave them the little overcoat thingies the Heathers got but I have no clue what they're called. Are they overcoats? Just weird button up blazers? No clue! I'm so bad with names too but yeah. They have them. Junko is extra though so hers is undone cus she's just like that I guess. Another thing is that, initially, I was going to draw Makoto here too. His big head was blocking Chihiro's shorts though so he got axed unfortunately. I wanted to make it EXTRA clear that Chihiro was wearing these goofy looking shorts with the suspenders. He's gasping in spirit at the trio though! Wish I was able to put Kyoko in here as well baring her teeth or something but my brain got too excited when I drew Junko and was happy with how she looked so whoops O-O I dunno. The way I drew her just makes me happy. Still dunno about the knee socks though or if I should give her leggings. Also dunno if I should just read everything there and THEN draw or if doing it chapter by chapter's fine. For now though, I did it!! Hope this is good!! The designs are also still up for some tweaks and even more when I eventually draw more rendered pics of them with their respective colors. Dunno if I'll give them the colors of the Heathers or just what I feel works for them. It's mostly a question for Byakuya and Chihiro though since red just works with Junko though I think reading more might help hehe!
This is AWESOME!!!! Really love how they look, especially Chihiro with his silly suspensers.
And it's not like I have described their outfits a lot (other than Junko trying on an outfit in the latest chapter) so technically you can't even go wrong. I really love them though!!
As for colours... Well, Byakuya always goes well with green. I've always seen that as his colour. But it doesn't really matter. Like you said, Junko and red go well together, but they don't need to match up. Byakuya's the leader of the group (though, there isn't a real leader. He just kinda makes the final decisions if the others can't choose) but I would go with green for him.
But also, there are multiple characters where I would say green- Makoto especially but Chihiro a wee bit too. Though, something like brown or yellow (maybe blue, not sure) also goes well with him.
But I don't think that their outfits would just be one colour. That wouldn't look that good, so there's no way Junko would allow it lol.
But really love these outfits!!! Thank you!!!
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fellshish · 1 month
Unhinged asks: Crowley and Aziraphale are both tenured professors at your school - who do you want as your Academic Advisor and why?
to please my parents? aziraphale. to please me? crowley
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I am a proud ethogirly
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coffeeandcalligraphy · 3 months
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my actual reaction every single time I see “you have to read to be a writer” posts
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therandomcreechur · 5 months
kk ik i don’t interact w you like- at all but HOLY MOTHER FUCKIN DIDDLY DARN SALAD SPINNER SHIT
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gaskarth · 1 year
i ♡ how my dad gave me his whole personality like ctrl+p cuz we're both cool & funny but like dude why'd u give me the alcoholism gene
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scooplery · 1 year
idk if ur aware but ur last name is in that last photo u posted
thanks man 👍
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dapper-nahrwhale · 2 years
3,7,11 artist asks
3. what song(s) do you listen to when you do art?
Tbh I'll just slap any of my playlists on and draw. But for the past few days or so I've been listening to my dndads normal oak playlist, my dndads s2 one, and my ninjago cowboys au one! All of them are just an amalgamation of whatever songs I add to it, except the cowboys one which is more folky and western songs.
7. do you prefer sketching, outlining, or coloring?
Coloring for sure!!!!! Its one of my favorite things to do (ironically I dont enjoy coloring books idk) then sketching. I just simply do not do lineart if I can help it. Cleaning up a sketch just to color it is enough lineart for me lol
11. warm or cool colors?
Ooooo o think cool ones with some warm contrasts! Like blues and greens with some purple tones in it sound nice... but in general I go for colors that fit the piece
Thx for the ask!
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bisexual-bat · 10 days
btw I love ur profile pic <3333
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allyriadayne · 3 months
Hello there! Just wondering, will the Tyland Lannister in Every Episode will continue into Season 2?
Have a nice week! x
helloooo yeah i'm pretty sure i will continue into the second season.
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hibi2 · 2 years
A few weeks ago, my dad was complaining that wearing a mask was “preventing me from experiencing a full life.”
Today he’s locked in his office. With Covid.
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cherryshoota · 2 months
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Mi cute umbrella ☂️😋❤️🙌
Thxxxxx dom ❤️❤️
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jasmineoolongtea · 2 months
Hiiii how ya doing? I'd like to req a Megumi X Reader plsss. Smth where the reader is super shy and antisocial (could be due to trauma or their own experience whatever works for you) so they're mostly by themselves because they choose to and avoid people unless it's training and even so they're just alone (or with a mentor IDK). Still, everyone tries to get close to them and Megumi seems like he doesn't care but he does little gestures to make sure reader is comfortable and reader appreciates that a lot. IDRK how to describe this anymore but this is the big picture for me. The rest is up to you. I'M SRY IF THIS LOOKS CONFUSING BUT THXXXXX
a/n: hii anon, i'm doing alright !!! (just kinda busy this week ;-; so sorry for the delay in responding to this) hope you're doing well too !! don't worry i totally get what you mean so i hope that this lives up to your vision 🫡🫡🫡
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if most people had to describe you, the word 'loner' or a more polite 'shy' would probably be thrown around a lot with other vague descriptors that only scratched the surface of who you were as a person, but to you, that was the least of your worries.
it was better this way. honestly, was it so wrong to want to keep people at arm's length? contrary to popular belief, there's merit to be found in being alone and you just wish that others had the same understanding that you did.
a 'how are you doing' here and 'wow, the weather's pretty cloudy today' there and you can already feel your energy being sucked away like there was some sort of energy vampire following you around. getting invited to places as a part of a large group was even worse as you were forced to spit out a pathetic excuse that you were sure would leave them wincing from just how bad and thinly veiled it was.
in a better-case scenario, they would pass on an apologetic smile your way before clumsily making their escape away from you and that would be the last you'd hear of them for a while. in worse cases, and unfortunately the more common one from your own personal experiences, their previously friendly faces would quickly morph into a snarl with all of their old pleasantries going out the window as they scurry away from you, though not before throwing some... colourful words and jabs in your direction before they disappear out of your earshot.
you once heard a phrase that sums up conversations like this perfectly; 'water cooler conversations', conversations that are only born out of the belief that silence between people is bad and that superficial, surface-level talk is the better alternative which is a notion you strongly disagree with.
albeit, you know deep down it would be wrong to fault them as after all, they only had nothing but good intentions. however, good intentions can only carry you so far when the recipient isn't necessarily the most willing participant.
at times, some people would just try to strong-arm you into a friendship with them, whether it be figuratively or literally, and those were almost always the most intense and ironically, short-lived ones. there were some who would just flail the moment you stopped responding to them. sure it was awkward, but at least you had the benefit of silence. with others, it felt like looking into the sun and the longer you stared at them, the more likely you're going to end up with a sunburn and the more you missed the comfort of the darkness that you've become so accustomed to.
but with megumi, it was different, in a good way.
with megumi, things felt... easy, for lack of a better word. you didn't feel like you had to force on a polite grin or shallow laugh for appearance's sake. every word, expression and reaction with megumi was raw, genuine and natural and suffice to say, you craved this more than you were willing to admit.
exchanges with megumi were largely wordless most of the time with more being said in between the silence that the two of you frequently shared with one another. it was like you two had your own secret language which was spoken through brief touches and lingering glances and that if you blinked, you would have missed it.
after a particularly rough training session (no thanks to the boiling heat of the midday sun), you find yourself more exhausted than usual to the point where you simply collapse on the nearby bench in a boneless pile.
when you look up, you're met with the sight of an outstretched hand holding a drink, your favourite drink no less, in your direction. the sun's shining right in your eyes so you have to squint slightly to get a better look at the good samaritan that has managed to stumble on you in this state and are surprised to find out that it's someone you're more than well acquainted with.
turns out, it's megumi who's offering you salvation in the form of a bottled drink and you eagerly accept his offer (albeit a bit more eager, which almost veers on the side of desperation, than you were hoping to come off as). for a brief moment, your fingers brush against his as you reach forward to grab it and maybe it's a trick of the light, but you swear you catch a glimpse of the tips of his ears turning bashfully red.
you take a sip of your drink and a grateful sigh escapes your lips. he's not looking in your direction, seemingly more interested in something far off in the distance, however, his shoulders visibly relax and his whole posture loses its once-tensed-up stance once the sigh leaves your lips. his hand hangs awkwardly by his side and for some reason, you're met with the sudden urge to grab it and you wonder what it would be like to hold it - would it be calloused and rough from years of training or would it be surprisingly soft and relatively scar-free despite your lifestyles - but you quickly shake those thoughts away in an attempt to fight the butterflies that flap around in your stomach.
instead, you settle for a tap on his arm which gets him to turn towards you, a curious expression painted on his face as you pat the spot beside you. a silent invitation for him to join you there. he pauses for a moment, as if weighing the decision in his mind before relenting and taking you up on your offer. you don't say it but this is your silent thank you to him and you know he understands you because that's just who he is.
once seated, you're suddenly met with the burning heat of the sun again and you realise that megumi was purposefully standing in the way of the sun for you and was using himself as your own personal source of shade. another little gesture from him to you.
there he goes again, you think to yourself. you're not sure how he does it but it's like he has an uncanny ability to anticipate your needs, sometimes even before you realise it yourself. furthermore, megumi never asks anything from you, not even a verbal thank you, seemingly just content with being able to be near you.
it's a bit confusing if you're going to be honest. to someone who's so used to being perceived as either a social pariah or as someone who can be used for the benefit of others, you're not sure why he keeps on doing all these things for you and why you find yourself being so drawn to him despite everything but you choose not to push it.
deep down, you know that you're scared that if you question it, then it'll just be nothing more than a nice dream that the universe has allowed you to indulge in for a bit but that's a topic for another day.
seeing that the sun is deciding to be very stubborn today and is not easing up on the strength of its rays, you search around the largely abandoned training field by now for a more shaded place and spot a small clearing underneath a tree on the opposite side. you stand up, startling megumi slightly as he jolts upright, and open your hand towards him. he looks at your hand and at you, his gaze drifting up and down before gingerly reaching out and taking your hand in his.
you're right, his hand is softer than you were somewhat expecting though it's a pleasant surprise nonetheless, and make your way towards the shaded area as he trails behind you with your hands connecting you two together like paper dolls. now under the cool canopy of the leaves above you, the heat is much more bearable and you take a seat with your back against the tree trunk.
you let go of his hand as you do this and he quickly follows suit, though this time, instead of allowing there to be a small space between you, he sits right next to you to the point where if you allow yourself to lean right ever so slightly, your shoulders are going to brush against his. even more shockingly, you feel a warm presence on top of your hand and when you look down, you see that it's megumi's hand resting on top of yours. you both don't look at each other, perhaps in an attempt to hide the pale dusting of pink that surely adorns your cheeks.
maybe one day, you'll get the courage to break the silence you've grown so comfortable with but for now, this is all you could ask for and more.
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sharkboywrites · 6 months
Could I req Halsin with a male ace s/o (not aro) who’s insecure about not wanting to like get intimate (more than like cuddles) and clashing with halsin’s “love the gifts of nature” life style and maybe suggesting an open relationship (from the nsfw point of view) or ways to face his boundary without making Halsin feel restricted? Or maybe be comforted for his insecurity? Sorry if it wasn’t clear English is not my first language.
Thxxxxx even if u don’t do this! Happy new year btw! Love your blog!
Halsin with a Male Asexual S/O
A/N: Okay I'm back to writing again, I know I haven't done a lot lately, I'm trying my best. I've had a lot going on, getting horribly harassed if you saw that, but I'm moving on and trying to get this acc back on track. I myself use the asexual label, I may be greysexual but I'm not really sure I don't really have the experience to know lol. Basically what I'm getting at is I'm writing off my experience with asexuality, it might not fit everyone, sorry.
Male reader, Asexual reader, mentions of sex
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Your relationship with Halsin was very tentative at the beginning
He's a kind man, always making sure you're comfortable
The both of you took time building your relationship, stating boundaries and what you were or weren't comfortable with
He was always respectful, and you felt safe with him
You didn't tell him about asexuality or your relationship with sex until later into the relationship
When you're relationship was getting to that point, him dropping subtle hints and holding you for a bit longer than normal, you knew you had to tell him about it
You were scared, obviously, Halsin is a very nature centric man, and is very open about sex and how it's natural
You weren't exactly sure how he'd react
When you did finally open up to him, it was a quiet night by the campfire, and the two of you were alone
When he made a suggestive comment, you decided that was the best opener to talk about it
You laughed, but started to nervously explain how you really felt, your asexuality and how you didn't want to have that type of relationship
Halsin was a bit surprised, but in no ways upset
It's true that he does a have an "embrace nature" mindset, but that doesn't mean he thinks you have to have sex
While he knows its natural to want to do it, he knows it's equally as natural to not want to
He assures you of this, letting you know it isn't something he'd leave you over
Your next steps depend on what the two of you are comfortable with
He would take up the offer to open your relationship, but only if it was something you wanted, not something you felt like you had to do
He makes it a pint that it's not something the two of you need to do if it's just you wanting him to be satisfied
The two of you would do your best to make a compromise, Halsin isn't the type to do something you don't want or aren't fully comfortable with, even if it means he gets what he wants
Once you both agree on something, whatever that may be, he holds you close
He comforts you, telling that what you feel is as equally natural as what he feels, and that he loves you
You're the man he loves, and your sexual relationship won't change that to him
Love comes in all different ways, and he apricates every type that may come his way
That night you fall asleep in his arms, in his tent, feeling safe, with no worries, knowing that he still loves you, no matter what way you express it
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Trying to get back to writing, don't know how many reqs I'll get to but please have mercy I'm doing my best I just had to take a big test :(
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guppybibi · 1 month
hey !! im not sure if reqs are open or not i just wanted to atleast try..!! may i req an akito (pjsk) x fem!reader thats similer to ame in NSO (general headcannons pls!!) like shes a streamer that also REEKS of bpd/j (i have bpd dw) but also into the style cutecore instead of jirai-kei..? but in general she's slightly unstable yet a SUPER popular streamer? thx thx thxxxxx!!!! >w<
(haii !! >w< i keep forgetting to put that my requests are open in my intro,,,ToT but tysm!! i'm not sure if i did y/n justice,,,!! idk much about ame from nso TvT)
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-at first he ‘subtly’ acts like he's walking on eggshells when he's around you, afraid of setting you off. though a partial reason is because he doesn't wanna disturb you when you're streaming, unless you want him to…
-he does get a lot more chill sooner or later! he’s usually behind you doing some shit when you're streaming, sometimes people notice him and say hi!
-you might expect that your relationship with him would be pretty public due to both of you being famous faces online (vbs would have an acc somewhere,,) but it's actually pretty private! if you want to, of course. akito doesn't mind either way!
-if your temper does get the best of you, akito is there for the rescue! he lets you scream at him all you want, he knows you don't mean it anyway. once you’re okay he's giving you what you need and want.
-cuddles? sure! on the couch or bed? snacks? definitely, chips with soda or some biscuits? whatever it is, he’ll try his best to help.
-don't tell people how much he spoils you though, he’ll be pretty embarrassed about it..
-if you want, you guys could stream tgt! i think akito would be bad at video games aside from shooting games because i said so. if it's possible he manages to lose in cooking mama or animal crossing.
-also secretly adores your style, the first time he stepped into your room, it was like cuteness overload!
-uhhh when the bass gets pumpin
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xioyume · 3 months
If you still take requests, could you do my character Kaori kissing Kyōjurō? 🥺
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(Thxxxxx anyway ^^ Love your art (/ OwO)/✨)
Kaori Masayoshi
Purple girls in love with Kyojuro
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Your girl is very pretty, she seems so lovely 🥺. I hope you like it! 🫶
And thank you! It makes me so happy to know that my art is appreciated 🩷
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