#twd team family
olpie · 1 year
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Chapter 25: Dinner
Beth and Daryl have dinner at Aaron and Eric’s house. Read it here. 
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my-mt-heart · 1 year
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This is what loyalty looks like.
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sarcasmchandlerbing · 19 days
Remember this quote by Negan?
"Bet you thought you were all gonna grow old together. Sittin' around the table at Sunday dinner in the happily ever after. No. Doesn't work like that, Rick. Not anymore."
Negan was so wrong. Of course, people died along the way, not all from Team Family didn't survive, but he was wrong and he was there to witness that himself.
In the end, they were sitting around the table at Sunday dinner in the happily ever after. It happened despite it all. They were there, Team Family, together. Maybe a different version of Team Family than in the beginning, but nonetheless Team Family. And Negan saw that from afar. He wasn't part of it, but he saw how wrong he was.
It does work out like that, it did for them. Of course we don't know what happened then after that (if you don't count spin-offs to this) but we all can have our own interpretations about it.
I'd like to think it was happily ever after because it's a show in the end and happily ever afters happen in movies and tv shows.
To be more specific; They did grow old together. All characters and Team Family who still were alive in the end. They lived a happy, mostly carefree life to the end, not much chaotic things happening, not any big conflicts, not many deaths. They lived a surprisingly peaceful life, Rick and Michonne coming back, Daryl and Carol coming back and they carried all the death characters, all Team Family, all their loved ones, with them, in their hearts. So that's how there kind of were all of Team Family with them to the end.
Remember this conversation between Glenn and Enid?
Glenn "People you love... they made you who you are. They're still part of you. If you stop being you, that last bit of them that's still around inside, who you are... it's gone."
Enid "Who are those people to you?"
Glenn "My parents. A man named Dale. Maggie's father, Hershel. A woman named Andrea. A man named Tyreese. Who are they to you?"
Enid "My parents."
Glenn "Then they're still here... 'cause you're still here."
Sad to think about how no one is anymore remembering Enid's parents. Or Glenn's parents. But I hope he told something about them to Maggie while he was still alive. But wait, if their parents were part of them, people around Enid and Glenn, sort of, got glimpses about their parents too. And Enid and Glenn are still strongly with Team Family.
I'm just so emotional about this. How I am glad not many characters died in season 11 and how the last episode was that beautiful and mostly happy and it included the Sunday dinner.
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trumpetnista · 6 months
The following is taken from my Twitter post my live tweeting the Finale. There aren't any detailed spoilers but if you haven't watched 1x06 or the show in general yet, first of all, WHY? And second, GO WATCH IT RIGHT NOW!
Going in blind for every episode for #TheOnesWhoLive was hard but the right move! I am so happy right now! This is exactly I wanted for #Richonne. Like everything. Dude. Do you see what good writing can do? What it creates? Damn!
A Season 2 isn't needed but it is wanted for #TheOnesWhoLive but I'm cool with this just being a miniseries. THE WRITERS understood the assignment and it shows. All I know is that #Richonne and the #GrimesFamily got the ending they've deserved
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jinwillfly · 2 years
yea shane was a pos but i KNOW if he was still alive negan would not be walking around with zero fucking consequences.
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commiecricket · 2 years
carl died believing he failed. and i think about that a lot
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sandoku · 2 years
Maggie shaking hands with Negan TWD 11x07 MOST EPIC SCENE EVER
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ghostboneswrites2 · 5 months
Maybe, Possibly, One Day.
Summary: All the years that went by before Daryl realized you loved him.
Pairing: Reader!Greene x Daryl Dixon
Era: Starts at the Greene Farm, ends at the Commonwealth
Genre: survival, comfort, falling in love
Word count: roughly 2800
Warnings: TWD typical violence, character death, grief
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        The first time he saw you, you were tending his wounds. His eyelids had barely parted, so little that you couldn’t tell he was awake. The gunshot barely missed him, just grazing over the side of his head. You couldn’t help but think about the scar it would leave. You felt bad for him, always searching tirelessly for that lady’s little girl and getting hurt in the process. 
        The bullet graze was oddly the least of his worries, though. The bolt that pierced through his abdomen may not have caused too much internal bleeding, but it was already nasty and oozing with pus. Your daddy made comments about going through the antibiotics so fast, but you didn’t care. You couldn’t bare to see another person die, not after so many had gone.
        Through the slivers of his nearly shut eyes, he followed you around the bed. He watched you check his bandages, clean his wounds, rewrap him carefully. He took note of your gentleness. Hershel, Patricia, Beth, Maggie — they all had careful hands. You, however, were the most gentle and tender person he’d ever been touched by. You were so afraid of hurting him, even when you thought he was out cold. He couldn’t help but admire your softness, even if it meant you might not be cut out for the world.
        He’d take notice of you after that. He never really did before, honestly. You were just one of the farmer’s daughters he’d met in passing, nothing more. After he was back on his feet, though, you’d catch his eye often. You were young. Younger than Maggie, older than Beth. He knew he couldn’t look at you that way. You know, the way that encouraged lingering gazes and any excuse to brush a finger against yours. No, he instead opted to look at you as someone to protect.
        He told himself if things went bad, if the farm went up in flames and the dead were chomping their jaws at every turn, he’d look for you. He’d make sure you made it out of there, because you deserved that. And so, he did. When the farm was burning to ash, when walkers plagued the land and took out so many of your people, he looked for you. He found you, after Carol was already on the back of his bike. 
        He would have thought you were a walker had he not recognized your frame from behind. You were dragging your feet slowly, traumatized and exhausted from the events of that night. He slowed his motorcycle beside you and called to you. “Get on.” 
        There wasn’t exactly much room, and you found yourself hugging tight around Carol to prevent you from slipping off the back. Carol had to hold Daryl tighter to avoid slipping off with you. And there he was, chauffeuring two women he’d allowed himself to care for to safety, or some semblance of such, at least. 
        That night was a blur. You lost a lot. Everything, really, except the remainder of your family and your newfound friends. 
        The winter on the road wasn’t much easier. You had all learned to operate as a team, tactical and careful. Silence became your best friend. 
        Sometimes you’d find yourself staring at people, reading them, appreciating them for who they were. Daryl wasn’t exempt from this habit. You’d always been an observer, reading people well. You could tell he was a tad softer to you and Carol than the others. Sometimes he’d make sure you got the canned food you liked if he could save it for you. Sometimes he’d just give you that knowing look and remind you that he understood, that you weren’t alone. 
        He wasn’t chatty, not even when the prison became home. Still, he made time for Carol and you sometimes. He’d bring back a little trinket for you or a flower for Carol. They were tokens of his appreciation to you both, two soft souls who reminded him he could be soft too.
        When the prison fell, when he lost Beth, he had given up hope. After the Claimers, when he found Rick again, he reasoned it couldn’t be that bad. Things could finally look up for him and his family, maybe, one day.
        Terminus seemed too good to be true, because it was. The one good thing, he was reunited with most of his family, and especially you. When he saw you in that train car, when he heard your voice, he couldn’t stop himself from embracing you. It wasn’t a long intimate hug, but it was tight and secure and you felt something when he did it. That was the beginning of something, but neither of you knew it yet.
        After Beth died, morale was at an all time low. Days blended together without food or water. You barely had the strength to keep walking. Daryl was a shell of himself after the events at Grady. You took notice but you didn’t pry. You did, however, sneak off after him once. It was one of many times he’d break away from the group and meet them back on the road. You had begun to think he had the right idea. It was exhausting carrying on with everyone in the street, trying to keep your mind set on survival instead of the image of your little sisters brains splattering all over you. 
        You followed him quietly, albeit not quiet enough to go unnoticed. You didn’t have the skill he had when it came to stepping perfectly on the crunchy leaves to not make a sound. It peeved him a little, truth be told. He went out to think of Beth, to cry, to let himself feel something finally. When he found a suitable spot to sit, he did, with no regard for your presence. You sat too, against a tree just a few feet away from him. 
        You enjoyed the silence of the forest. The sounds of nature and critters around you was second nature at that point. You didn’t even register it. You did, however, notice the two shoelaces tied around Daryl’s pants at the bottom. They were different colors, dirty and worn, and the familiarity brought a constricting feeling to your chest and throat. 
        “Are those hers?” You croaked, barely above a whisper. He glanced down at them, and looked over to you. His eyes were glossy and sad. He nodded and pressed his lips together tight, tears aching to burst through the damn of numbness he’d confined them behind. You sniffled and let out a quiet sob. The weight of your pain was too much for his hardened shell to bare. It cracked under the pressure, knowing he failed you, knowing he failed Beth, knowing she was gone and she wouldn’t have been had they not separated. It was just another tragedy to bare the burden of, just another notch on his belt. He broke. He cried. So did you. 
        You were the first to pull yourself together. When you stood and walked over to him, he looked up at you. It was a pleading, helpless look. Maybe it was forgiveness or comfort or something in between that he was begging you for. You didn’t know. But you crouched down beside him and curled up right there on the forest floor, laying your head in his lap and sharing your grief with him. It was like you gave him some of your own sadness and took a little of his in return. It was a lot to shoulder, so you’d do it together. 
        He flattened his legs as his knees were originally up toward his chest. Your head fit perfectly on his thigh. It was comfortable. You didn’t look at him. Your eyes were far away and spaced out. He watched you, though. He took in all of you. The imperfections on your soft skin, the layer of sweat that seemed to permanently coat your face and enhance your radiance. He saw the way your hair stuck down to your clammy flesh, the flush of redness from heat and sunlight. He watched your breathe and familiarized himself with the pace of your breaths. He admired you, much like he always had, but somehow it was deeper than before. 
        He found himself placing a hand on your side, and the other found the top of your head. He didn’t rub you in delicate circles or anything too affectionate. Just touching you felt like such new territory, but he was there. The weight of his still hands on your body was enough. You felt as whole as you could feel given the circumstances. 
        “C’mon.” He’d whisper after maybe fifteen minutes. “Can’t let ‘em get too far ahead.” 
        You stood and offered him a hand, which he only took to be polite. He didn’t use you to hoist himself to his feet, he used his own strength. 
        At Alexandria, when you all slept on the floor of the living room, he was the last to shut down for the night. He picked a spot close to you. Close enough to hear your breathing, but not close enough to draw attention or touch you. 
        He searched for you when the wolves attacked. He looked for you when he came back from recruiting with Aaron to let you know he was back home and safe. He’d find you when you were missing from dinner. He skipped gatherings with you. He grew fond of you in a way he hadn’t for anyone else. 
        He didn’t kiss or compliment you. Hell, it wasn’t so romantic at all, really. He’d just get that fluttery feeling when you stood close enough to touch shoulders, or when you’d both look each other in the eye and communicate silently. You always understood each other.
        Your company was peaceful and welcome. You were soft and kind, sure. But, you weren’t weak. The only thing you’d never done that others had to do was kill someone, and that time was sure to come when the situation called for it. That day would come sooner than either of you thought.
        You went out on a hunt with him once. Your duties at Alexandria were fulfilled for the day and you decided to tag along for some much needed peace that could only be found when you were alone with him in the woods.
        There weren’t many tracks to follow that day, so you spent a lot of the time just wandering with him. He normally would turn back when he realized there was little chance of finding food. This time, though, you were there, and he could tell you needed the escape, so he accompanied you in your stroll and pretended to search for signs of edible life.
          A snap in the bushes drew both your attention in the direction it came from. Daryl’s crossbow raised, your knife in hand. You suspected either a walker or an animal, never a group of rugged men dressed in rags and muck. 
        The men circled you both, outnumbering you by three more. They reeked of dirt, sweat, and blood. They eyed you with a predatory passion, the kind that a woman feared coming from a man. As hard as you fought, you and Daryl were no match for them. Daryl managed to take one out, you managed to injure another, but the other three managed to overpower you both. 
        One held you both at gunpoint while the other two went to gather some wood for a fire. Whatever they had planned for you, it wouldn’t be good. They intended on keeping you both for the night, that much was clear, but past that you were uncertain. While the other two were away, and the man you injured was wallowing in pain, the guy keeping watch over the two of you with a rifle was making sure Daryl understood just how angry he was at him for killing one of theirs. 
        You’d scream and beg him to stop but the man beat Daryl down nonetheless. Eventually Daryl stopped fighting, the pain becoming overwhelming and the fear that retaliation would result in harm coming your way creeping at the back of his mind. 
        Still, you begged, and when the man didn’t stop, you scanned your surroundings for anything of use. Your eyes landed on a gray rock with jagged edges. You glanced over at the man who was still kicking Daryl into the ground, then down at Daryl, who was watching you with a knowing look. His eyes said everything that needed to be said. He was telling you to do it. 
        Without a second thought you rushed over to the stone and ran up behind the barbarian, slamming the rock into the back of his bald head. The man stumbled and grabbed his skull, but he hadn’t gone down. You gripped the rock tightly once again and smashed him in the temple. He fell to the ground with a thud, but he was still moving, and that meant you weren’t done yet. You couldn’t be. 
         You climbed over him and straddled him, raising the rock high above your head with both hands, and brought it down on his face. You weren’t really sure if it worked. You had never killed anyone before — let alone in such a brutal fashion — so you kept going. Hoisting the heavy stone up and bringing it back down as hard as you could. By the time you stopped to catch your breath, the man’s face was smashed in, non recognizable. Blood and brain matter were speckled all over you. 
        You looked at the rock in your hands with horror and dropped it to the ground, scrambling away from the body in disgust. You were panting, hyperventilating.  When Daryl finally pushed his aching body off the ground he rushed over to you.
         His face was bloody and bruised, but you were his main focus. He dragged you to your feet and pulled you back toward home, all the while replaying the events of the day in his mind. 
        He always knew he’d kill for you. Hell, he’d die for you. But he never thought you’d do the same for him. He didn’t think you could. He didn’t believe you should have had to. He was meant to protect you, to keep your pretty skin free from the gore. He may have failed at that, but he did learn something: you’d kill for him.
        He didn’t forget that, either. Not when he helped you clean up that night, not when he relayed the events to Rick and Deanna, not when months passed and it was all in the past. He was reminded time and time again what you’d do for him. When you killed Saviors, when the war was over, when Rick died and you made sure to stay for days at a time with Daryl at his camp in the woods. 
         It took him years to realize it, but he thought maybe you could love him. He thought maybe he loved you too. He thought, no matter what, he’d always find you, and you him. 
        After the Whisperers were gone, at the Commonwealth, between caring for Judith and RJ, he’d find as much time for you as he could. And one night, at your small apartment, he’d stand outside the door, playing with his fingers and gnawing at his cheeks until he took a deep breath of courage and knocked.
        You’d open the door and smile at him the way you always did. Soft and subtle, but real. You’d step to the side and let him in. He’d follow you to the kitchen where you’d pour a drink for you both. He’d take a sip, then two, maybe three. He’d wait for the buzz to set in enough to gain some confidence in himself. Then, he’d find himself staring at you, taking you in as everything that you were. You’d ask him, “What?” With an awkward giggle. You’d wonder if you had something on your face that he couldn’t look away from. 
        He’d shake his head and shrug, unsure if he could find the words to articulate what he was thinking or feeling. He never had a way with words. 
        He couldn’t find the right thing to say, he’d realize. But he did think he knew what to do instead. 
        So, in the midst of the thick silence that consumed you both, in your dimly lit kitchen, he’d step closer to you. You’d stare up at him. He’d get close enough that you could feel his soft breaths tickle the baby hairs on your forehead. He’d reach up, slowly, unsteady, until his hands found your jaw. Then, he’d lean down, and his lips would find yours. 
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Masterlist // Taglist
tags: @kissmeunicornbaobei @thesadcatt0 @clairealeehelsing @duckybird101 @tmntfixationxreader @ryoujoking @blackvelveteen1339 @yondus-girl @ladylincoln @sunshinebug9 @saylum559 @yoowhatthefuck @duffmckagansbandana @celtic-crossbow @virginsexgod69 @dazzling-roaring-20s @l0kilaufeys0n7 @uhnanix
Divider credits can be found on my masterlist!
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lunajay33 · 6 months
Change Part.2
Summary: Y/n is a loner but loves ballet but her family doesn’t have enough money for her to dance at the studio, Daryl is a redneck who hates people and prefers bikes, until one day these two run into eachother and their lives change drastically, will Daryl toughen her up? Will y/n soften Daryl? Or both? How will things go when people start coming back from the dead
Pairing: Young Daryl Dixon x f!reader
A/n: This is going to be a series, it’s gonna start with how they met eachother and their lives before the apocalypse, eventually it’ll blend with twd story line!!
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It had been a week since Daryl and I’s first time hanging out and things have been nice, if that’s the word that could describe complete peace and acceptance around him, he’s the first person to ever see me for me and treat me normally, like o wasn’t a burden or a weirdo quiet loner
At school we’d help each other throughout class, well mostly me helping him when he didn’t know the answer to a question on our daily biology work book, and he started to sit with me on the bench behind the school bordering the towns woods, same as today
“So what do you have for lunch?” I asked as I sat cross cross facing him
“Just a sandwich, sucks” he said shrugging his shoulders
“Here you can have my chips” I said handing him my little bag of sour cream and onions chips
“Nah it’s yers” he said waving his hand
“You’re having them” I said placing them down next to him so he couldn’t refuse
“I’m not that hungry anyways so it’s fine” I said as I took another bite out of my green apple, I don’t know why but I’ve just lost my appetite lately, maybe it was the stress at work plus home life plus school stacked on top of each other but I tried not to think about it too much
“Ya sure? Ya should eat more” he said squinting at me
“I’ll be fine I’ll just eat when I get home maybe…..maybe if you’re not doing anything would you like to come over?” I asked hesitantly, we haven’t hung out, outside of school since Sunday and now it was Friday and I was just crawling to be alone with him again
“Sure, I ain’t got nothing going on” he said as he ripped open the chips but I swear I saw a faint smile
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The bell rang signalling the end of the day, I went to my locker, pulled on my coat and stuff my textbooks into my bag for the homework I had to do over the weekend, I closed my locker jumping when I saw Daryl already there with a smirk
“Jerk you scared me” I said laughing as we started heading for the exit, the gust of fall air felt amazing, fall was always my favorite the leave turning to burnt orange and falling to the ground, the wind with the aroma of wet leaves it was comforting
We got some weird stares from people like the snotty preppy girls but when I looked at the football team all huddled by the car lot by heart dropped, Jackson looked at me with so much hatred and I knew it was because he hated the dixons, I wasn’t embarrassed of Daryl, he’s my friend I was just scared of what Jackson would do
We continued walking towards my house, it was silent most of the way
“So….how much more money do ya gotta save for ballet lessons” he asked his hands stuffed in his baggy cargo pants
“Well the lessons are a hundred dollars a month so for a year it would be twelve hundred a year so I’m really far off, I only get paid 9 dollars an hour at the dinner and i don’t get that many shifts so it’s starting to become just a dream plus I’m probably too old now” I said upset knowing now that doing the math I’d probably never get to be that ballerina I always craved to be, to dance in those pink slippers and tights, to feel the music move me
“I can help ya, I got some extra money” he said with these hopefully eyes I’ve never really seen on him before and it made my heart thump
“Are Daryl I can’t have you do that, it’s your money you worked hard for, it’s okay I’ll just watch Swan lake over and over again” I said laughing pathetically trying to make this situation not as awkward and sad, but wasn’t that just me? Awkward and sad
“But it’s yer dream”
“Ya it’s just a dream but it’s fine Daryl, I’m sure I can find something else to make me happy” I said smiling at him as we finally made it to my house, we went straight to my room dropping our bags and stripping our jackets to flop down on the bed and just look at the ceiling
“Show me this swan lake yer always talkin ‘bout” he said as he laid his arm behind his head looking at me with a smile that warmed my heart, if this is what having friends was like I’m glad I finally had one
“Okay!” I said as I jumped up and put in the vhs into my dingy old tv hearing the tape wind up and appear on screen all grainy but beautiful, I sat back down next to Daryl as we watch the whole dance I knew every move, every turn of music notes it was amazing
The black swan was devastatingly beautiful, and the song change when she appears hits me deep inside and my skin shivers with amazement every after the numerous amount of times I’ve watched this, then it was over and the tape cut off
“So how did you like it?” I asked excited for his impression
“I ain’t one fer this kinda thang but it was…….cool”
“It’s kinda like us, I’m the white swan that everyone runs over and you’re the strong black swan, sad and beautiful” his face turned red as he cleared his throat and looked away
“Nah stop that” it was cute making him embarrased in a sweet way
“Well it’s true maybe you could learn it and dance with me” I said 100% joking knowing that would never happen but would be funny to see
“I ain’t gonna do that, but…..I’ll watch ya dance” he said looking back at me the pink tint still lingering on his cheeks
“I just need slippers first” I said laying back down next to him
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We must have fell asleep because we were abruptly woken up to my door slamming open and Jackson and his one jerk friend coming in, we shot up in bed and I instantly felt scared
“Jackson what are you doing?”
“Really a Dixon, I knew you were a slut” he said as his friend laughed
“What no he’s my friend, just leave”
“If you’re gonna sleep with whoever what about my friend here” his friend came up to me grabbing my arm and trying to drag me off the bed but I held on tight to the sheets
“Leave me alone, let go” I said panicking, I felt his grip let go and when I looked Daryl had him on the ground punching his face in, Jackson grabbed him and threw him back
“Get the hell outta here, ya ever touch her again and yer dead, I swear I’ll kill ya” Daryl groaned as they both left shutting the door
Daryl led me back to sitting on the bed, his touch was comforting and warm compared to the harsh cold grip I was just in
“Are ya okay?” He asked making me look at him as he wiped my tears away
“I think I’m gonna be sick” I whined the anxiety so high I didn’t know what to do
“Shhhh yer safe now just breath”
He helped me relax but that thought of not being safe alone scared me, what if Daryl wasn’t here? What would’ve happened?
“Daryl….will you stay with me tonight?”
“I don’t know ya sure ya want me here”
“Please I’m scared to be alone with them here”
“If that’s what ya want” he said getting up and taking some blankets from my closet setting up a makeshift bed on the floor right next to my bed, the adrenaline crush was hitting me hard and I was exhausted, I laid down facing him, seeing him sprawled out just as tired as me
The moonlight from the window was bathing Daryl in a silver hue, he looked almost ethereal and I felt my heart thump again, I’m glad I met Daryl and that we were paired in class, he feels safe, he feels like……like my hope
“Goodnight Daryl”
“Goodnight ballerina” he said huffing a little laugh but my heart filled with joy hearing that, this was my first sleepover ever and it wasn’t how I thought I would start but I’m glad he’s here non the less
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Taglist: @pinchofthetwd @bigbaldheadname @strawberrykiwisdogog @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @l0kilaufeys0n7 @welcumetomyescape @severelykinky @tesfayera @daryldixmedown
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olpie · 11 months
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Chapter 27: Scout
Beth, Daryl and Aaron go on their first scouting mission.
Read it here.
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whateverisbeautiful · 15 days
♥️Reveling in Richonne - TOWL
#46: The Never Letting Go (1.05)
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I adore that Richonne's love is so strong and everlasting that even despite being kept apart for longer than they were together, Rick and Michonne still never moved on from each other. They stayed madly in love and they never let go of each other.
And it's sweet Rick wants to vocalize exactly that in these woods and all throughout their journey home 😊...
After the great souvenir shop scene, I like how we enter Richonne's conversation in the woods with Michonne sharing her observations on Rick’s 'family member' Pearl. And from her observations, she clearly felt that Thorne lady was doing the most lol.
Michonne says, “Thorne was so uptight. She was trying so hard for this army. Too hard.”
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Rick gives Michonne the scoop on Pearl when he explains, “She was trying to get home to South Africa, to someone she loves. Okafor found her and she stopped trying.”
And then I love that Rick stops and takes Michonne’s hand to look her in the eyes and say, “You know I never let go. I denied it and I pushed you away. But I never let go.”
It’s sweet that he really wants her to know this. To know that no matter his previous actions and no matter how many years, he truly never let go of his love for her. He never let go of her.
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We saw how true that was in all the ways Rick yearned for her while apart. Even all the denying it and pushing her away was rooted in him never letting go of his love and commitment to protect her.
Again, when he was pushing Michonne away, he still had every intent to live the rest of his life like he was hers, just from afar. 
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And then I appreciate that Michonne gets to be honest in response to this. She looks at him again with so much sincere love evident in her expression and then she warmly touches his face and says, “I didn’t know.” That’s valid because some of Rick’s moments of pushing her away in ep 3 & 4 really did force her to wonder if perhaps her Rick was gone.
But fortunately that character - The Bold As Hell Man - made his final appearance last episode. So now Michonne gets to be with the Rick she knows and loves - the man who we know will happily spend the rest of his life making sure she never again has to be unsure of where he stands and how much he loves her. 
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As they keep walking, Michonne stops and notices words about what and who to protect on a National Park sign. Rick asks, “What is it?” and Michonne shares what line from the sign most sticks out to her when she says, “'The people from the people'.” And as TWD has long shown, it’s often the living people that are the bigger danger and most need to be protected from even over the dead.
But also the line is interesting because in a way taking out walkers in this apocalypse is protecting people from 'the people' because that’s what the dead once were. 
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gif cred: @nerd4music
After she says this, they hear some screaming from the distance and they immediately run to the rescue. Richonne works together to take out a walker with skin like stone and I like how they just effortlessly tag team and successfully kill it, despite a whole trio having struggled to take the thing down.
Killing the walker is a piece of cake for them to the point that Michonne is more just casually curious about it saying "hmm" lol. 😋
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Richonne meets this bumbling trio and as the generous goodhearted people they are they agree to give the group some of their noodles after Michonne kindly cared that they look pretty hungry. I love how when she notes they look hungry, Rick is quickly on board to give them noodles. And Michonne’s smile is so sweet being nice to these folks and handing them the food packages.
Rick tells them to stay safe as he and Michonne prepare to head back on their path. But this trio doesn’t have good judgment, so they aren’t able to tell that they just had an encounter with the baddest to ever do it, and they think they can threaten Richonne by putting guns on them. 
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gif cred: @andy-clutterbuck
The best thing about this scene is how Richonne always operates in the same energy. And here they both look more minorly inconvenienced rather than threatened cuz they know that these siblings are gonna regret this.
Rick is unfazed by having a gun on him but he does look particularly peeved seeing that man point a gun at Michonne. Target a Grimes in front of another Grimes and it's gonna have Richonne heated every time.
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gif cred: @ricksmarlene
Continuing to operate in the same energy, Michonne and Rick just casually let the group know they’ll graciously let them take this moment back as that would be in the trio’s best interest. The leader Red starts trying to share his motto or whatever but he doesn’t get to finish because Rick and Michonne disarm them with ease. Always in sync those two. 😌
Within seconds, Richonne goes from having guns on them to being the ones aiming the guns, and now all of a sudden the group wants to change their tune and take them up on their rollback offer.
Michonne and Rick feel like such parents as they try to ensure these people won’t pull this thievery attempt on anyone else. Red wonders why they care about anyone else and says, “You look after you. Anything else is a fairytale.” And Rick says, “You think?” Little does Red know he’s talking to the two people living about as close to an apocalyptic fairytale as they can with their epic love story.
The Philly guy admits it’s very hard to think with Rick (hotly) having a gun on him and then we get some signature Rick Grimes when he says, “Well how about you just listen.” And the Philly man announcing that he’s peeing in fear is a humorous moment. 🤭
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Rick breaks it down for them as he reminds them that he and his wife saved them and they aren’t the ones in danger rn. They finally get the trio to make a promise and then Michonne starts taking their noodles away. And I'm with her on that choice.
Rick is initially surprised that they're taking the noodles away so he curiously looks at Michonne and asks, “Really?” But seeing Michonne is serious, he’s again quickly on board, and I like how he's just like 'Okay' and stoops down for her to put the packages back in his backpack. 😊
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Even tho he's surprised they're taking the noodles, I love that Rick is still like...
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Richonne's whole energy at the end of this scene makes me smile as they get rid of the bullets in the guns and toss them. Like Rick and Michonne really were just so casual and unbothered while letting those three know they’re gonna learn today. 😇
Michonne sternly tells the trio to wait until they’re gone and Rick reminds them to keep their promise and y’all, seeing Richonne back in their zone like this was a sight for sore eyes.😌
Then there’s such a pretty purple nature shot before they cut to Rick and Michonne in their cozy cabin. And once again we get a scene that features Richonne + candles, so you know it’s gonna be good. 😊
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gif cred: @perryabbott
Inside the cabin, Michonne looks so pretty sitting at the table by the candles as she holds Red’s red gun. And I love that Rick is protecting the place with that trip wire. It’s yet another depiction of why Michonne knows she’s always safe with him.
Michonne asks if Rick thinks it was okay to leave the trio the other gun and he answers saying, “I don’t think they’ll come after us, if that’s what you mean. And maybe he’ll keep that promise.” 
Then, because Rick remembers everything Michonne has ever said in life, he recalls back to that sign she noticed before they were interrupted by the trio and asks, “What were you saying about ‘the people from the people?’”
I love how that stuck with him and it’s stuck with her too when Michonne shares, “I don’t know. It’s just something that’s stuck in my head. ‘Protect the people from the people.’” The line is a clear seed being planted that Richonne will feel obligated to go take down the CRM and protect the people from the people. 
Rick grabs a dusty whiskey bottle and one thing I really like about this scene is how comfortable it all feels. Like it really captured a calm authentic vibe with Rick and Michonne just decompressing over a drink after a day of travel. They just seem so at home with each other which I always enjoy seeing.
In one of Rick’s episode one letters he mentioned sitting with Michonne talking into the late night hours, and I love that they now get to do that again. They deserve this. 🥰
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Michonne asks, “You think they would have made it?” and I like how Michonne wants to pick Rick’s brain about these things running through her head. Rick puts glasses and the bottle on the table and says, “What, if we hadn’t come along? I don’t know.”
Michonne mulls over that trio’s situation and Rick says, “Lucky for them someone was nearby.” And Michonne adds, “Lucky for them it was us.” Rick agrees as he pours their drinks and then Michonne reflects on how they didn’t even think twice before running to help them.
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gif cred: @richonnegifs
Rick seems so idk like cute and relaxed when he says, “Nope. Might be strange to admit it but that felt good” and smiles at her. Richonne was back in the woods handling business and helping people so it makes sense it felt good to be returning to their roots together. 😌
And then I adore Michonne softly saying, “Us against the world” as they clink their glasses and cheers. 🥂
Again, I love how Michonne loves and believes in Richonne so much. This world has thrown a lot at them, like more than most could bear, but Rick and Michonne come out on top together every time. So if it’s them vs. anything or anyone else, Michonne is choosing them every time. And so am I.🙋🏽‍♀️
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gif cred: @richonnegifs
And then I also love Rick adding, “Or saving it” because Richonne also makes the world a better place together too. 
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Rick admits he was surprised Michonne took back the noodles but she makes a very valid point when she laughs and says, “They pulled a gun on us. You don’t get noodles for that.” She ain’t ever been wrong, y’all.
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gif cred: @nerd4music
Rick again looks like he agrees with her as they drink. And then...Michonne starts putting some stuff together about that husband she knows so well.😏
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She seductively says, “Toothpaste, booze…what are you up to, Grimes?” Love it. 😊 She knows that man is doing all the things that are gonna have her hot and bothered lol.
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gif cred: @coolpartytimefan
And then Rick is so sweet and sincere saying, “I’m just working with what I got” as he takes the M bracelet from his pocket and places it in her hand. Y’all, how is there so much gold in one six-episode series? Like the way we were fed. #SixCourseMeal 💯🍽
I love that they include this moment in the show of Rick gifting her this meaningful jewelry. One thing about that man Rick - he is going to find a way to be romantic with his wife, even in an apocalypse. 👌🏽
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gif cred: @andy-clutterbuck
Every detail of Michonne is an important detail to Rick. And one of the many things I appreciate about this bracelet moment is that it’s about her. Not her as a leader or someone who is an asset to a group, but just Michonne the woman who Rick loves and cherishes.
And Michonne’s surprised and touched reaction to the bracelet is so so sweet. She smiles with a little laugh as she gets to see Rick yet again replace the one she lost and be so thoughtful to her. She’s got the best husband and I love that for her. 🥹
And Rick has got the best wife which is why he wants to shower her with gifts every chance he gets. Also, when Rick says he’s working with what he’s got, I really feel like it’s him knowing he’s giving her what he can until he can finally find her a ring.
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gif cred: @riickgrimes
Then the scene just continues to live up to the love story that was promised as Rick stands up and gently takes Michonne's hand. I adore the tender way he does that, holding just the tips of her fingers, and the way she’s beaming at him as she stands up. 😍🥹
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gif cred: @coolpartytimefan
And there's even more to adore because I love the way he's taking her in with a smile and pulling her closer with the soft music playing, the way she stays looking in his eyes with her pearly smile, the way they wrap their arms around each other and kiss...again, real lovers are back. 💯🙌🏽
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gif cred: @coolpartytimefan
Also, I love how while this moment starts off all soft and gentle, the kiss they then share is real hungry and passionate from both of them. Like many, I had a second of wondering if they were about to start dancing but no y’all, they get straight to it because of course they do. 😋
Slick Rick said it's been nearly a decade, so every chance I get with my wife...
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Rick and Michonne's hunger for each other really knows no bounds. They kiss each other like its nourishment and that was very much communicated in this passionate kiss as they fall into bed. Every kiss is a ten out of ten in TOWL and I’m here for the drunk-on-love vibes of this one. 😊
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gif cred: @msanonships
Also, whenever I see this I'm just like the world should have known that in this miniseries Rick was about to be quite occupied with loving on his favorite person now that he's returned to Michonne. Like no he isn't itching to know if Negan went on to have a 'redemption' arc 🧍🏽‍♀️...Rick's finally got the woman who is his heart back in his life & wrapped in his arms. This was always gonna be where he directed his focus and energy.
And as the scene in this cozy cabin concludes it affirms yet again that Richonne + candle-lit scenes are always gonna be gold. 🕯👌🏽
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gif cred: @msanonships
Things are going to get pretty fast and furious with Richonne’s next few scenes and so I appreciate that this scene gave them a moment of calm, quiet, and romance before that. It was all so warm and another great reminder of why I love the way Richonne loves each other. 😌👌🏽
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nerd4music · 6 months
I think overall there’s one of two „big“ problems happening for people who have a problem with TOWL (racists and the likes aside… 🙄).
1- The misunderstanding that this was truly much more a Rick and Michonne story than a TWD one. This was not TWD S12. It was about telling the story of these 2 characters and being able to put a dot at the end (or a dot dot dot). And you’ve laid all of that out perfectly. Like yes, in TWD, Beale (& the CRM) would have been draaaaagged out. But this was much more of a Terminus approach than a Saviors one if we will…
2- TWD was never the most ..subtle show. They tended to hit the audience over the head with stuff. And I’m not sure I would go as far as calling TOWL subtle outright either (idk, didn’t think about this until right this moment lol -obviously elements of it are, sure -just as elements on TWD could be on the subtler side) but compared to TWD, it certainly is lol. And there has been a very big „media literacy“ and „basic comprehension skills“ problem happening for a minute now. And I really don’t say this to be mean or make fun of people or anything but these are just facts. Some people really struggle with getting the information when they are not being hit over the head with it, over and over and over again. After the finale I saw several posts on my tl of people wondering why this, that or the other was not addressed or how/why this, that or the other did happen… and I was utterly confused because those things they claimed were missing were very much shown? I was like, there was literally a scene dealing with all of this? And it didn’t require any reading between the lines to be honest, no subtext, it was very much the text of the scene?! So it seems like some people just didn’t get a lot of things that were happening 🫤
(BTW I don’t mean that even if someone didn’t have these specific problems with the show, they MUST love it then. Likes and dislikes etc etc. As much as I really loved the show as a whole, if I decided to put down the Richonne-colored glasses I wanted to and did watch to the show with.. I’d definitely have a few complaints lol, though still very much enjoyed the show even then)
That's definitely what happened. And to some extent, I get why, considering Rick and Michonne are 2/3 of the main show's Big Three. But when the press and promos started, and people were still talking about some Marvel-style meet-up, I was like...oh they're definitely not listening to what's being said, because it's six damn episodes, and also The Richonne story, not the Team Family jamboree. And then acting as if it's somehow 'insulting' to the rest of the characters if Rick and Michonne didn't talk about them. The man had PTSD so bad, he couldn't remember his own son's face. Why would you think it would be good time for him to pause in the middle of his wife telling him about a traumatic moment during her pregnancy to ask about anyone else? Please be fr.
I feel you on the comprehension thing, which is nothing new for this fandom. The fact that so many people legit thought Rick didn't know how to drive stick and questioned the 'realism' of it but never stopped to think that it was because he only has one damn hand. Y'all were fine with every silly ass moment that happened in the main show, that was either sheer dumb luck or handwaved away, but now we need a complete breakdown from experts on how Rick managed to fight off walkers one-handed. Now y'all want the realism, when you've been so giddy for weeks because you need one of them to die for the show to be 'interesting'.
I'm really not listening to people who need the narrative to hold their hand through everything, or need to see every piece of the plot onscreen for it to be considered 'legitimate'. (I'm officially banning the phrase 'plot armor' for the foreseeable future).
People didn't get things, because they don't take a minute to sit with the damn material anymore. From live reactions videos to live tweeting/blogging, people are just watching TV to make content and have an online moment, not for what's actually being shown. And yeah, TOWL isn't perfect, but the minor criticisms I have for it doesn't take away from the fact that it is very enjoyable and easily the best material from the TWD landscape in a long time.
(sidenote: I will say one of my favorite things from these past six weeks is everyone struggling to figure out the overall TWD timeline, lmao.)
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ogprettyprincess · 3 months
𝟅𝟈 some of my dr's ! welcoming potential mootties, lets chat <3 | last updated: 170824 12:07pm
✰ anime
⚘ one piece , (1st) genevieve e. blue , 17 , s/o: trafalgar d. waterlaw , trope: captain/crewmate -> lovers (slow burn) , devil fruit: (kūki kūki fruit)air manipulation / (2nd) alira andilet , 18 , s/o: blackleg sanji , trope: crewmates -> lovers (slow burn) , devil fruit: (dangan dangan fruit) bullet manipulation
⟡ blue lock , satoru jena , 17 , s/o: micheal kaiser , family: gojo, geto (parents) + 4 siblings, team: blue locks eleven
𖦹 mha , gojo satori (yes) , 18 , s/o: bakugou katsuki , trope: strangers -> pining -> lovers (slow burn) , hero name: arachne , power: spider , family: satosugu & their 4 kids
⊰ jjk , taira kazuha , 19 , s/o: nanami kento , trope: mentor -> friends -> lovers , technique: string & invisibility manipulation , domain expansion: illusion of fear & desire , family: ren & kyoto taira (parents) kenji taira (brother)
꧞ haikyuu , ukai kananami , 15 , s/o: tsukishima kei , trope: strangers -> friends -> lovers , family: kaito & ben ukai (parents) ukai keishin (brother) , team: karasuno boys volleyball
␥ aot , geneviève ackerman , 15 , s/o: jean kirstien , trope: strangers -> enemies -> friends -> lovers , family: charlotte & oliver ackerman (parents) levi ackerman (uncle) , humanity's second strongest soldier :P , role: the savoir
⊞ atla , aoki kazuha , 16 , s/o: un-named oc , trope: strangers -> lovers , family: aki & rolan aoki (parents) kian & kano (brothers) , element: all , main: air, avatar of 3000 (?)
✰ shows
❀ obx , geneviève lambert , 17 , s/o: rafe cameron (not psycho) , trope: childhood friends -> "enemies" -> friends -> lovers , family: lyla lambert (mom) logan westwood (step dad) , role: man in the middle
⪩ twd , charlotte grimes , 21 , s/o: daryl dixon (32) , trope: strangers -> lovers , family: oliver & evie grimes (dad & mom) rick grimes (uncle turned dad) carl grimes (cousin turned brother) judith (cousin turned sister) , main weapon: dual blades
✵ bcd (/behind closed doors ; original reality) , katara brown , 18 , s/o: nakamoto arito (oc) , trope: strangers -> friends -> lovers (slow burn) , occupation: assassin in training , role: the finalist
✰ games
✶ genshin impact , (1st) princess enver le'mistral , 21 , s/o: kaedehara kazuha (?) , trope: strangers -> playful enemies -> lovers , vison: anemo , home: sky city (og) + fontaine , family: nalani & alain le'mistral (parents) navida le'mistral (aunt) , position: champion dualist / (2nd) tashita jinx - [under construction]
✰ other
✦ youtuber , (1st) geneviève eden silvestrè , 18 , s/o: matt sturniolo , trope: strangers -> friends -> lovers , family: evangeline & antonio silvestrè (parents) leo + angelina + dom (brothers & sister) / (2nd) imani eden monroe , 21 , s/o: berlin edmond , family: nilani monroe (mom) angelica & clementine (sisters)
◎ footballer , violet dupont , 21 , s/o: elisa de almeida , trope: teammates -> lovers , family: jamais dupont (dad) claude & blaise dupont (brothers) , team: psg feminines + women's french national
☆ actress , (1st) violette eden irl last name , 20 , s/o: drew starkey , trope: costars -> lovers , family: leila (mom) anastasia & june (sisters) , main roles: charlotte in obx + edith in despicable me + peyton in the game plan / (2nd) valerie eden auclair - [under construction]
𐙚 kpop , (1st) jenevieve eden levesque , 19 , s/o: christopher bang , trope: strangers -> friends -> lovers , year: 2020 , family: nilani levesque (mom) leo + angelina + dontai + alias + charlotte monroe (siblings :3) , groups: nct, nct 127, nct x / (2nd) - [under construction]
ᡣ𐭩 teen fame , genevieve eden morgan , 14 , s/o: elisa de almeida (15) , trope: friends -> lovers , family: jeffery dean morgan (dad) , main rolls - [under construction]
一 that's all ! if you have any same / similar dr's feel free to talk about them or dm me so we can !!
❥ i didn't mention my waiting room cause that'll be another post, but it's basically a city shifting hub / giant waiting room for shifters from all different realities ! lemmie know if you wanna hear about it :)
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richonnesbitch · 5 months
It’s too bad certains corners of the TWD fandoms are as annoying as they are (not to mention extremely racists and sexists) because otherwise I would wish for a reunion with other characters much more. I don’t actually *need* it! I just needed and wanted the Richonne and Grimes reunion! But it would be nice to see.. As annoyed as *I* am with some of these characters (for example, you could never make me feel bad for not being bothered (to put it mildly!) by Tara’s death! Idc idc), I also know they do mean the world to Rick and Michonne. So yeah, it would be nice to see them reunite with their extended family. And probably chief among them to Rick and Michonne, Daryl (for all the talk of him being Rick’s brother… let’s talk about him being Michonne’s brother as well). But the stans are so annoying about it, I’m actually glad we didn’t get to see it! This was for Rick and Michonne fans only, stay mad !
Yes to all of this!! If it weren't for the annoying stans, I would wish more for richonne and team family reunions. I care about richonne and their kids first and foremost but I also do like other characters. Like I really love Michonne and Daryl's friendship so it'd be great to see them reunite. But all you ever hear about is Rick and Daryl or how Daryl is just as important to Rick as Michonne is, if not more. But that's definitely not the case. The most important people in the world to Rick are Michonne, Carl, Judith, and RJ. TOWL proves it which is why they despite it so much. And the thing is.... Rick isn't even the most important person to Daryl. Carol is. And Connie. And probably other people I don't know about because I'm not the most up to date with the show lol.
They really want Rick to up and leave his family to go find Daryl which is just insanity. There's no way in this world Rick is ever leaving his family again and also Daryl would NEVER want Rick to leave his family for him. So all this discourse is crazy.
I'm certain they will reunite eventually but only when Daryl returns home. If he even returns home at all. I think he really likes it in Paris, if I'm not mistaken?
I hope I don't get any backlash for this. I love Daryl and didn't mean any disrespect.
And don't even get me started on NEGAN. Rick and Michonne despise Negan. Their reaction to seeing him again won't be a positive one, especially with him being out of the cage he belongs in.
Fun fact, Andy and Danai did want a reunion with the rest of team family but they couldn't do it. I think because of technical issues like not enough time (they said that it would have taken two extra episodes) and also the Alexandria set has been demolished. So we really came close to it!
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sunflowerpromesa · 7 months
IN ONE MORE HOUR I GET TO WATCH RICK AND MICHONNE ON MY TELEVISION SCREEN AGAIN!! It’s been so many years since I seen Rick grimes, I miss TEAM FAMILY’S determined leader so much 😭💙 & I miss bad ass Michonne too!! RICHONNE I will forever LOVE THEM!!!
I also miss being part of TWD fandom!
IM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!
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brain-palace · 1 year
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Just like my previous (sorry if you haven't seen it), this one serves as an archive for the fics I love. However, this one is for smaller things like headcanons, imagines, drabbles and scenarios. As usual, if you're looking for something new to read feel free to have a look I recommend everything here. I read many different characters/universes, so I'll list them all so you don't waste time looking at something that isn't relevant to you. If you find something you like please show the fics and their authors some love!
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Disclaimer: None of the works below belongs to me unless it explicitly says so. © - All rights reserved to the authors. If a fic does not have a name I will make one up for the sake of archival purposes.
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Criminal minds - Hotch & Ried | Stranger Things - Eddie, Steve | TWD (The walking dead) - Daryl & Rick | MCU - Peter Parker, Tony Stark | Sherlock |
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Key ➸ Angst ☁ | Fluff ♡ | Crack ❈ | Smut 🔞 |
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Spencer Ried (CM) ↴
Spencer's wife stitches him up after being injured on a case | by @radiant-reid | ♡
Spencer introduces his family's newest addition to the team | ♡
Tricking you for kisses | by @chrisevansleftpeck | ♡
Playing twister with Spencer | by @byersbootyshorts | ♡ ❈
♠ ♤ ♣ ♧
Aaron Hotchner (CM) ↴
Guess who has Hotch's initials tattoed | by @kryptonitejelly | ♡ ❈
Identity theft - Someone took the wrong badge | by @ssahotchnerr | ♡ ❈
Thought I'd make you breakfast | by @ddejavvu | ♡
Prompting insecurity | by @ptersparkers | ☁ ♡
Saving you from a bad blind date | by @ddejavvu | c
♠ ♤ ♣ ♧
Daryl Dixon (TWD) ↴
"If that’s yer light punch, yer real punch must hurt like hell...” | by @daryl-dixon-daydreams | ❈
"Parking that in my front yard wasn’t exactly subtle,” | by @daryl-dixon-daydreams | ♡ ❈
“The kids ambushed me!” | by daryl-dixion-daydreams
"Blood does seem to be a rather disturbing theme around here." | by daryl-dixion-daydreams |
"Nope, puppy dog eyes aren’t going to work this time!" | by @letterstotheflre |
"I'm not lost. I'm just... exploring my options" | by daryl-dixion-daydreams |
"Just some short and sweet pregnant reader" | by @babyyblues | ♡
♠ ♤ ♣ ♧
Eddie Munson (ST) ↴
Picking up a drunk Eddie Munson | by @munson-blurbs | ☁ ♡
Confessions in the Rain | by @appocalipse | ♡
Teaching you how to play the guitar | by @strange-mischief | ♡
Only you can touch my hair | by @bruisedboys | ♡
Boob talk | by @purplehazed-h | ♡ ❈
Need you around | by @silent-stories | ♡
♠ ♤ ♣ ♧
Steve Harrington (ST) ↴
Got my picture in your wallet | by @luveline | ♡
Signals | by @sanguineterrain | ♡
Cowboy Steve | by @sanguineterrain |
♠ ♤ ♣ ♧
Peter Parker (MCU) ↴
Drunken words | by @luveline | ♡
s'it okay? | by @inkluvs |
Bleeding on your bed again | by @bruisedboys |
"You're a very good kisser" | by @ddejavvu | ♡
Re-touching the roots | by @reidslovely | ♡ ❈
Got to let you go | "Peter will always pick the pain of letting you go over seeing you in pain" |☁
♠ ♤ ♣ ♧
Sherlock ↴
"The Game is Afoot, Indeed" | by @marvelousmando | ♡
Held at gunpoint | by @imagine221b | ❈
♠ ♤ ♣ ♧
Tony Stark ↴
Trial and error | by @mostly-marvel-musings | ♡
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Notes: To see longer fics check out this post → The Archive list
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