#twd dwight imagine
justanoasisimagines · 4 months
I don’t want to sleep alone -Preference- Set B
Warnings; Mentions of anxiety and past trauma, typical canon violence, mentions of manlipuation and obsession. A/N; Requests are open! Guidlines are pinned at the top of my page Credit to @cafekitsune for the divider and banner
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Daryl Dixon; After you and Daryl reunite after the prison fell, neither one of you wants to be out of each other's sight. Except you are both too nervous to admit it. However, one night before you go to bed, Daryl starts moving your stuff closer to his. He's not always great with words, yet his actions speak for him.
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Milton Mamet; It occurs after your and Milton's third date. He drops it suddenly, and you ask him if he's positive. Milton is adamant, he even makes the promise of breakfast with coffee. When you tell him you need to grab your things, he offers to escort you.
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Glenn Rhee; Glenn and you are setting up camp on the farm. making sure everyone had a tent and a space to sleep. As you go to put up your tent, Glenn suddenly gets tongue-tied. He doesn't want to sleep alone anymore. He blurts the question at you. You laugh, but ask him where he wants to sleep.
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Morgan Jones; Morgan's sitting outside admiring the view. He enjoys sitting back, reflecting on the day's events and the possibilities of the future. When you step out, he immediately turns adjusting in his chair holding his hand out for you. When you tell Morgan you don't want to sleep alone, Morgan tells you, you don't have to, but asks for five more minutes
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Ceasar Martinez; Ceasar and you argued. It was over your safety. He didn't want you to go on patrol but you were insistent on attempting to prove yourself. Ceasar's well aware of your capabilities, but he's terrified of losing you. He's trying to fall asleep on the couch when you walk over to him and hold out your hand. Ceasar doesn't say anything as he follows you. He's just grateful he'll be able to sleep tonight.
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Ozzy; Ozzy comes to your room after a night full of tossing and turning. He needs his mind to settle and there's only one person to successfully help him. It's you. He doesn't know how you do it. Maybe it's the way you run your hands through his hair lightly tugging or how right it feels when you sleep beside him.
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Spencer Monroe; Spencer comes to you after he's completed his chores. Ever since he spent the night with you he's struggled to sleep. He doesn't have anymore on his mind than usual. His body is screaming at him to sleep, but sleep evades him. It's got to be you. He can't be tired like this all the time anymore. So he heads to your place so he can crawl into bed beside you.
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Brandon; Brandon is watching you as you slowly begin to nod off. He goes to make his way out of your room when you grab hold of his arm. When you ask him not to leave, Brandon unlaces his boots, shedding his clothes and gets into bed sides you. He pulls you close and quickly drifts off with you in his arms.
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King Ezekiel; Ezekiel has a lot of pressure on his shoulders. He has an entire community of people to look after. Naturally, sometimes he needs to be looked after. It's late when you remind Ezekiel to go to bed. Instinctively he begins to protest. You remain firm reminding him, he's no good to anyone if he's dead on his feet. Reluctantly he agrees as long as you come with him
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Dwight; Dwight thought he'd lost you. He's walking through the Sanctuary when he sees you. His heart is racing as he approaches you. His mind cannot fathom it's truly you, even after you're in his arms holding onto him for dear life. He's not going to let you out of his sight from now on. Where he goes you go and vice versa.
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Aaron; It's your fifth date when Aaron finally asks you if you would like to sleep over. He knows you don't live very far away, but he would like to wake up beside you. Perhaps you could go for an early morning walk before the two of you get some breakfast before your day truly begins.
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Tyreese Williams; Tyreese tells you he doesn't want to sleep alone on the first night he arrives at the prison. You're both in a new place with new dynamics. You both need something familiar. Secondly with you close by, he'll be able to keep you safe. Tyreese is still trying to figure out if the prison is a safe place for you all.
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Simon; Simon's becoming more and more infatuated with you. You are everything to him. His focus is solely centered on you. He refuses to let you out of his sight. He asks you to sleep in his room so he can keep his eye on you, to keep you safe.
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Phillip 'The Governor' Blake; When you approach the Governor tell him you don't want to sleep alone, the governor smirks, explaining you don't have to. Slowly his plan is coming together. Soon he'll have you in the palm of his hands. To access where your old group is currently hiding. So he can move in and take over.
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Dante; Dante was supposed to be working on the inside for the Whispers, however, he never intended to meet someone or fall for them. Yet here you were. You walk into the infirmary one day with a smile on your face to ask him if he has any plans. When he reveals he does you ask him if he'd want to stay at yours. He agrees.
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Bob Stookley; Bob has a lot of demons. He's fighting to be a better partner to you and a proactive member of the group. Some days are worse than others, so as you go settle for the night he asks you. You don't say a word as you grab his hand and lead him towards his cell.
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Aiden Monroe; When you tell Aiden you don't want to sleep alone, he finds it endearing. He knows his parents won't mind you staying over. They adore you. Besides both of you are always so nice, it's nice to spend some time with you, even if you both are technically asleep. Aiden plans to make you breakfast in the morning.
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Otis; When Rick's group comes to the farm, Everything is pure chaos. You hadn't been feeling the most comfortable with all the new people dotted around the place When you stepped into Otis's room that night, he was quick to reassure you. To provide you with a quiet space to breathe and accept the changes going on around you.
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Paul "Jesus" Rovia; It had been a rough day dealing with the Saviours. Everyone was tired and stressed out. One by one everyone begins to turn in for the night. When you go to head in Jesus entwines your fingers together, asking you to come to bed with him. You nod as he leads you towards his room.
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sav1ored · 3 months
//Imagine an AU where in TWD everyone ended up in different places instead. like c'mon CRM - Rick, Michonne, negan, andrea, Abraham, SAVIOR'S - shane, maggie, rosita, Eugene, siddiq, sherry, Ezekiel, princess WHISPERERS - sasha, carol, daryl, Aaron, jadis, alden, elijah, ALEXANDRIA- tara, glenn, morgan, gabe, jesus, dwight, tyreese WOODBURY - Governor, Simon, merle, milton, joe, jared, lydia, mary,
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Dogs Days Are Not Over
Requested | YES. Request | OPEN.
~M~ TWD Imagine: YN finds herself in an impossible situation when she is met with her former lover.
Word Count: 4,667
Trigger Warnings: Mentions of Miscarriage, Mentions of Death.
Pairings: Negan X Reader, Dwight X Reader, Rick X Reader [Previous]
Author's note, this is the fourth request I've seen where the reader is pregnant lol; I have two more with Spencer Reid.
Happy Readings :)
NEGAN stirred gently, his back facing me as he groaned. The voices erupted in the halls, signaling that it was morning, another day of being completely absorbed by the idiocy Negan decided to keep in his company. Moments passed before he rose from the bed, dragging his limp body through the room, finding anything to toss on. He spoke softly to me last night, for the first time in a long time. His hand rubbed against me while his lips kissed my neck, gently lulling me to sleep, but I knew in the morning he would be back to sulking and carrying this attitude. We had been arguing for the last few days, and small things turned into big things that snowballed into us not talking for some days. “I want to go get Michael to check out,” he finally pronounces, his back still facing me as he pulls on some clothes. 
“Negan,” I whispered, sitting in our bed, shifting slightly as he dismissed me. The door slammed behind him, and I was left alone. This time, it wasn’t a tiny fight over Dwight flirting with me or me getting jealous of his other wives; I overheard one of his dick-riding minions talking about the current raid that they partook in. They recounted the names in glee, the names of the victims that Negan bludgeoned, Abraham and Glenn. I froze, and my face grew warm as I listened closer to the words tumbling out of their mouths—the gargling of his words and the look of desperation on the woman’s face. I moved to the man, but I grabbed my gun and slammed it against his temple before I could process anything that had happened. Over and over again, I drew the butt of my gun to his face. My eyes burned with tears and blood. My feet slid against the ground as I felt arms wrap around me. It was one hit, a solid punch against my jaw, and another to my temple; I heard a loud crack. 
I fell limp to the floor, a cold hand pressing against my face. His thumb rubbed gently against my skin. I could smell the stale cigarettes and beer on him. His voice was barely above a whisper. I could scarcely see his face, but I knew it was Dwight. I flinched away from him, slowly pushing him away. “Negan will kill you if he sees you,” was all I could mutter before, succumbing to darkness.  
Now, roughly two days later, I have a bruised and darkened eye. I could barely see from my left eye; bright lights irritated me, and I suffered frequent migraines – Negan would call it a suitable punishment for a disrespectful woman. I wore a patch that Dwight had found on one of his excursions. Negan didn’t take too kindly to it, and me jumping to his defense wasn’t helping the situation either. Negan commanded one of the wives to nurse me back to health; with disdain and twisted face, she did so. She changed my bandages from my worsening eye and cleaned the wounds. This morning was no different; she came with a slight frown upon seeing me. She sighed, setting down her materials. “When are you going to tell him?” she finally spoke as she damped a discolored clothe to my eye. 
After moments of silence, I finally responded, “What.” She laughed before snatching her hand away from my face. 
“You’re pregnant, getting into stupid fights with David? He punched you in the stomach, YN, and the only reason you blacked out like that was because that was your old crew.” I rolled my eyes, shaking my head softly. 
“There’s no need; he’s not talking to me. I feel fine.” I confided in Rachel often, and on one of my drunken nights, I told her that Michael was the group leader's son to whom I used to belong. It was easier to think he was dead than to believe that Rick was dead. I mourned for Rick, Carl, Glen, Maggie, Abraham, Tara, Sasha, Daryl, and Michonne. I told her about my sisters and Beth’s death, and I told her about first meeting Rick and his family. She listened, soaked in every word as I cried in her lap. 
“Your eye isn’t healing; you might want to get checked out when you go to Alexandria,” she sighs as she leaves me alone. 
It didn’t take me long to get ready: light green cargo shorts, a stained tan t-shirt, and some army boots I stole from a decaying corpse. My head shifted to the door as I heard his babbles break the silence. His head rested on Negan’s chest as he moved closer to the room, avoiding eye contact with me. I ran my hand down his curly hair, taking him in for a moment. “How’s he feeling?”
“Not getting any better from last night, still a high fever, and he sounds hoarse,” He whispers; I could feel his eyes on me. Heavy and daunting. Finally, I look up, praying he doesn’t shift his gaze away. “I worry about you, YN” 
Slowly, I let my hand travel to his face, cuffing it gently. My thumb brushed against his facial hair, prickling my skin uncomfortably, then moving to his lips. “I know… I’m sorry” was all I could manage. 
“He could’ve killed you; I would have to kill him. I would do anything for you — for Michael.” I nodded; I pressed my lips against his, tasting alcohol and some sort of meat. His other hand gently grabbed at my waist, yanking me closer. “Come on,” he whispered against my lips. As we left the room, we were greeted by his dick-riding minions, ready to raid another town. My eyes scanned David, his face distorted from the butt of my gun. He smirked momentarily, before trotting off with the rest of the group. My eyes flickered to Dwight, his movements slow and calculated. He dodged through the crowd and soon walked shoulder-to-shoulder with me. Nothing was, but nothing needed to be said. His fingers brushed against mine, and my eyes shifted to Negan and then to him. 
“How are you feeling?” I heard him grunt, his arms folded against his chest as he moved slightly before me. 
“Better; Rachel says I need to get checked out when I go to the town,” I answered shortly, looking around and disinterested in the conversation. 
“I miss you” 
“Don’t,” I interrupted, speeding past him as I slammed my shoulder against his. I gasped as I felt his arm latch onto mine. I didn’t turn around, but I knew he was upset and needed me to show him I was alright. He let me go, and I continued to move with the group as we boarded our rides. 
It didn’t take us long to reach Alexandria, the scene unfolding in front of me as every memory began to flood back. I began to feel queasy and full of anxiety as I stepped out of the car with Michael in hand. I hissed gently as sharp pain ran through my eye, I brushed it off as I lingered behind most of the group.
“Little pig…Little pig, let me in,” he foolishly commands, Lucille tossed over his shoulder. I squinted at the man; he was pale and had sustained some injuries. He was hunched forward slightly, his shoulders moving at an alarming rate. I caught his eyes, his hair covering most of his case; I took another step in his direction, my chest burning as I watched him intently. Realization struck on his face, and his eyes widened. “Daryl?” I whispered. My head snapped back to the gate as it began to open, and slowly, the figure emerged. He steps in, slowly thrusting Lucille into the man’s hand. 
His face changed, and he gained some weight. His hair wasn’t as curly the last time I saw him more clean cut. His face drained of color and life that used to decorate him – he had hope. I couldn’t move or process the man I was seeing before me. He froze, his eyes moving from Michael to me. My throat tightened as I tried to utter something to him; I dreamt of this day, standing in front of Rick, letting him meet his son, explaining the hell that I went through, seeking comfort in his arms. “Rick?” I hiccuped out, shaking my head. I took a step closer to him, tightening my grip on Michael. 
“YN?” he whispered, his voice kissing against my eyes. His eyes traveled back to Michael, “Is this–” hesitantly, he reached out, his fingers running against his arm before laying his hand against his back. 
“Hold the fuck up,” I heard Negan shout, his laughter filtering into the arm as he stepped closer. His face was full of devious mischievous, but his eyes were full of sorrow and confusion. They watered slightly as he stepped closer to me. “Rick? Ole Rick, here is the father of Michael?” 
“I was traveling with Daryl doing some runs in this town when we got separated. A herd of walkers took us by surprise, and I stumbled in the woods somewhere; I was holding up in some shanty town centers, bars, and a mall to give birth to Michael.” I stared at Negan for a moment as realization crossed his eyes. “Where’s Maggie?” I whispered. Rick looked for a moment, his eyes shifting down as he swallowed. 
“She didn’t make the trip back here after—” I sucked deeply. I needed to hold myself together, and I nodded to his statement. I pressed my lips together. “Let me see her.” 
With that, we moved to her grave sight, next to Glenn. I stared at the dirt graves, my foot mindlessly kicking at the dirt as it tumbled down the pile. My eyes stung with tears as I tugged on my bottom lip. “She was sister,” I spoke to Negan, my eyes fixating on the makeshift wooden cross. “She was always the rock between Beth and I. Beth was a crybaby, and Maggie was always Miss Straight and Narrow while I wanted to drink and stay out late with my hick boyfriend,” I laughed. It was long and rested in the stillness of the air. “When I saw Rick and Shane running down that field with Otis with Carl in his arms, I knew then that we stuck with the crew that came riding in their beat-up van and motorcycle. I nursed Carl back to health and taught him how to be a farmer."
My eyes flashed to Rick; a sunken look rested on his face as he gave me a soft smile. “She was my everything, and I’m sorry I wasn’t there to protect you—” I was interrupted by Michael’s whooping cough, his hand gripping against my chest. Negan rushed to my side, his eyes scanning Michael’s face, brushing his hair out of his face. He looked at me for a moment, his eyes pleading to hold him. Absentmindedly, I nodded. He soon began checking his reddening face, the back of his hand pressing against his forehead as he shifted slightly. My eyes flickered to Rick, who tensed; a look of concentration and bewilderment ran across his features. I flinched at the abrupt ring pierced through the air; we froze for a moment; it was a gunshot. I followed behind Rick, my hand removing the gun from my side, upon entering a building far from the gravesite. My gun was aimed at a teenage boy, a bandage covering his eye as he held it at David, who had multiple medical supplies in his arms while tossing them in a crate. My face furrowed in disgust as my eyes shifted to him. 
“Put some back, or the next one goes in you,” he commands; I observed, smirking slightly at this kid's courage. 
“Kid…what do think is gonna happen next?” the boy looked at Negan, his eyes flickering to the child in his hand. 
“He’s taking all of our medicine! You said Half,” he hissed; he squinted in hatred, his lips parted as a low snarl escaped. His finger danced against the trigger. 
“Carl… Carl put the gun down.” I straightened my posture, my eyes taking him in. He was taller; he didn’t have a sweet innocence about him. When I first found out I was pregnant, he stayed by my side — he was overprotective, to say the least. I remember sharing a cell in the prison for a month, his body leaning against the base of the bed, his head resting against the rusted metal pole. His mouth parted, and his chest slowly moved with each huff that pushed past his lips. I watched him for a moment, brushing my hands through his hair. He’d stir in his sleep, uncomfortably adjusting himself, letting his hands run over his neck. He hated sleeping alone since his mother had passed, and I hated being alone since I suffered from the miscarriage. 
Lowering my gun, I watched him. “You should go before you find out how dangerous we are.” I smiled softly at his words.
“David, put the medicine back,” I whispered, holstering my gun. Carl turned to me, his face still tight with anger. I grabbed his arm, and he flinched, his hand locking on the gun. 
“You don’t tell me what to do.” David spits, the crate still locked in his arms. A smirk rode on his face as he cowarded behind Negan. I looked at Carl, pressing a gentle smile on my face. Confusion ran across his eyes; he shifted to face me slightly. 
“You know, cowboy, you grew some damn balls the last time I saw you.” I laughed, tipping his hat back. His face softened, and a smile crept along his face. “Come on, Carl, I promise you, no one will touch the medicine. Half is what he said, and half is what he means,” I whispered, unraveling the gun from his hand. 
I turned to David, taking a long step forward; his eyes widened as he realized that Negan would let me do it, taking the safety of the gun and putting it to his temple. “Put the shit down” his eyes flickered to Negan, who didn’t seem pleased with my sudden demonstration of leadership. “You know I’m good for it.” David curses for a moment, dropping the crate on the ground, his eyes fixed on me as he slowly exited the room. The door slammed behind him as we all listened to his retreating footsteps. 
“YN,” Carl finally lets out, and I turn to him with a wide smile. “YNN,” he finally whispers; I gasped softly as he slammed his body against me. His arms wrapped around me. I chuckled. 
“You’re still a troublemaker, I see” I whispered. 
“I can say the same about you!” he chuckles through his slight frenzy of emotions. 
“I hate to interrupt a touching moment, but this reminds me that, you all have way too many guns,” Negan states. Carl removes himself from me, his eyes shifting to Negan. 
“First, Michael is sick, I know it’s probably too much to ask-”
“No,” Rick interrupted me. “Let’s get him looked at,” he hummed; I nodded, whispering a thank you. A woman with glasses came in, shakingly looking at Negan and me. 
“Hi! I’m YN. That is Michael.” he shyly lifted his head off at the sound of his name, and I motioned her to come closer. She was hesitant for a moment, her eyes scanning the room. She was observing Negan; her hand trembled as she moved to adjust her glasses. “He’s been a little sick, with a bad cough. Negan over here thinks it is serious; he just gets sick easily. He hasn’t had any motivation to do anything but sleep and sometimes eat.” She nods, her hand gently brushing against his back as she tries to take him from Negan. He stiffens, locking his grip on Michael. Resting my hand against his shoulder, I squeeze. Negan’s eyes flickered over to mine, and he sighed content before letting the woman take Michael. 
“What about you, ma’am?” she whispered, setting Michael on a bed. She lay him on his back, her hand moving to his stomach, the left side of his chest, and the right. She turned to me, waiting for an answer. “You should let me check you before you go; the bruising around your eye doesn’t look too good,” she nods for a moment. 
Simply, I responded, “I’m fine.”
“How old is he?” Carl questions
“9 months, he’s so busy and wants to be around everything and see everything.” I laughed, my hands nervously playing with the hem of my shirt; I watched her examine him; the woman made faces at Michael as she poked and prodded him. He whined softly before settling into a soft laugh as she made a goofy face again. 
Carl grabbed my hand, “Hey! It’s going to be okay. If he’s anything like us, Grimes, he’s a survivor,” he hummed; I nodded – tightening my grip on his hand. The memories came flooding in Carl’s kindness towards me, Rick’s loyalty and love, Daryl’s abrasiveness and wit, Abraham’s might and crudeness, and Rosita’s sass and smile. I sucked in a sob as I watched continued to watch Michael. I missed the feeling of Glenn wrapping his arms around in a tight hug after a sleepless night, or Maggie always bringing me a cup of tea in the mornings and before bed. I wanted to kill Negan for taking them away, I wanted to bring him to his knees and make him beg forgiveness as I rammed his stupid ass bat against his head. I wanted him to watch the woman he loved the most murder him. His last memory on this earth, is me wielding Lucille against his skull. But I was weak; I couldn’t imagine my life without him. 
“Well! He’s alright, just a little hay fever; it’s growing increasingly hot outside the pollen and allergens are making him sick. We have some children’s Advil that might help his temperature; some tea and honey would be great. Might wanna keep him in fresh clothes.” I sighed in relief; I nodded rapidly, as she lifted him. “We had some allergy medicine, non-drowsy, of course. I’ll make something to drink for him and get him a change of clothes, and he will be as good as new. But I wanna have a check-up in a week or so. Just to make sure," I moved to grab him, his smile overtaking his face, his hands slamming against my face with excitement as he squeals with glee. 
My eyes shifted to Negan; he stood against the back door. His eyes intensely staring at mine, he nodded briefly before looking away. “Come on, Rick, let’s go get my guns!” he promptly shouts, kicking himself off the door. 
I stared at Carl, we were left alone, and I had so much to say, but nothing came out. I wanted to beg for his forgiveness – I knew it wouldn’t amount to much. He smiled softly, nodding slowly as if he could read my thoughts. Somehow, he always could; he always felt like my first son, the way he clung to me after his mother passed. He would find his way into my room, whispering that he had a nightmare about his mother and Judith. “Don’t,” Carl whispered, tears streaming down his cheek as he nodded. “You don’t have to say it. I know.”
It was silence between us. “I was going into labor; I found my way into a mall. Negan and some of the guys, helped me give birth to him. They took me back to the Sanctuary, and I became Negan’s wife. I wanted to come back; I did — I just… I don’t know.” I whispered.
“It’s okay, YNN. Dad always knew you were out there. He said he was too hard to get rid of.” he laughed softly. 
“Show me around, cowboy.” We walked through the streets, talking about different things, his new life, and the small hobbies he had picked up before things went to hell: the relationships and the heartbreaks. 
I stopped him, grabbing his arm. “These people are dicks; they do this shit for dominance to make you feel weak. You aren’t weak. They want to leave with this feeling of hopelessness. He will come back, and when he does, don’t show fear. He feeds off of it. There’s a shanty ranch home, 15 miles north of here, Hutington. Have your father meet me there in 3 days.” He nods quickly; I unholstered my gun, passing it to him. “Please, be safe cowboy.” 
“I will,” he hums, pulling me into a tight hug. I heard a long, high-pitched whistle, my eyes shifting to Dwight as he motioned for me to follow him. Carl looks at me before, whispering goodbye. Slowly, I made my way to Dwight, his eyes seething with jealousy, a look he often carried with him. Daryl was standing in a position directly behind him as he watched me. I passed a sympathetic smile to him. 
“What were you doing with him?” he questioned. I scoffed momentarily, looking around before returning my gaze to him. 
“He’s my son,” I answered without another thought. Carl always felt like my son; when he first arrived on the farm, I helped nurse him back to health—telling him fables that my grandfather used to say to me. I brought him late-night snacks despite my father telling me to not get so attached to them. I remember the look Rick gave me when I pleaded his case for them to stay– I remember the slight touch that sent shivers down my spine and our first kiss after he killed Shane. “Your leader killed my friends and took their guns, beds, and everything else they wanted. He’s a tyrant, and you know this.”
“I’m not one shacking up with him.” he hisses, stepping in my face, his breath fanned against my nose as he towered over me. “You’re fucking him, for fucksakes, you’re pregnant with his child. Don’t think I notice, how you don’t drink or stand around me when I smoke. The oversized shirts you wear? I notice everything about you.” I could find his hand and tried to find a way in mine. “Or Is it mine?” 
I honestly didn’t know; it was one drunken night. Negan and I had gotten into a nasty fight over Michael. I pushed him, and he choked me; I remember him tossing me to the ground and storming out of the room. Dwight had visited me and asked me if I wanted to go on a run. It just happened. I don't regret it.
I sighed, looking away and noticing everyone gathering at the gate. Their chatter and humming, the teasing and provocation. Finally turning to him, he shifts, his head focused on me, “I love them, and I love him. No matter where I go, I will always be a part of this family,” I whispered to him before moving to Negan. I stood at Negan's side, staring at Rick for a moment. He looked at me, and nodded gently, mouthing a slight OK. 
“Oh-ho,” Negan calls out, “What the fuck is that?” he grabs me by the waist, yanking me closer to him. “Are you trying to get at my wife?” He laughs momentarily and harshly grabs my face, forcing me to look at him. His eyes were delicate, full of curiosity and jealousy. He loosened his hold on my face, his thumb gently rubbing against my bruised cheek. Stunned, I stumbled back as he slammed his lips against mine. I didn’t kiss back; I stood their wide eyes and throbbing upper lip. He continued to kiss me, and soon, we fell into a rhythm, something that came so naturally to us. He pulled back and let out a slight howl. “You see that! She’s mine; I don’t know what you think… is going to happen, but she’s my wife.” 
I looked away from him, my head throbbing, my eyes burning for a moment as he continued with his speech. I closed my eyes briefly, sucking a deep breath before letting it fall against the air. I grew increasingly dizzy as the moments passed, and the longer I stood there, the more irritated I became. I drifted off in the background as Rick and Negan discussed formalities. I brushed past the Saviours as I moved to the truck. 
Night fell as quickly as I was back in my room, breastfeeding Michael, shutting my eyes as I rocked against the rocking chair. The soft sound of the chatter outside of the window calmed me slightly. The door slammed shut; I could hear his footsteps thudding against the ground. His boots slid off and tumbled against the floor. “I love you; I will never let Rick, Dwight, or any man have you. You mean everything to me; you’re mine, and I intend on keeping it that way.” I pried open my eyes, watching him through blurred vision. He stood there, leaning against the wall. 
I got up, placing Michael in a wooden crib covered with soft, thin blankets to prevent him from getting splinters as he would chew on the surroundings if he were up early enough. I tasked Dwight with finding me a different crib for him; after each run, whatever team partakes in, I always receive a report back with an update on any cribs. I brushed his hair out of his face; I tensed as I felt Negan’s body press against mine. I could feel the warmth radiating over me and his head nuzzled in my neck. His lips gently pecked at my skin, slowly as he moaned softly. His hands danced against my waist momentarily, pulling me back into the bedroom. I spun around to face him, noticing a look on his face. I could smell it on him. I chuckled for a moment, tossing my hand in his face. I moved our shared bed. 
Before I could make it to bed, his hand gripped my upper arm. I stumbled back into him. “Don’t walk away from me,” his voice was stern. “Stop walking away for me.” his voice now pleading. His grip loosened as his thumb gently caressed my skin. His hand swiftly moved to my neck –gasping, my hand immediately covered his. He forced my head to the left, our noses meeting slowly he brushed his against mine. “Stop walking away from me,” he repeats, his handcuffing my cheek. 
Our lips collided, my hands moving to his neck as I yanked him closer, letting our bodies tumble onto the bed. I crawled back, trying to keep our lips connected. He pulls back; I fall against the bed and watch him yank my pants down. He doesn’t speak; he usually never does. His fingers, moved on my thighs as he dragged me closer to him. I gasped softly, at the feel of his lips against my clit, his warm tongue tracing patterns as I grabbed his head. “Oh my-” I moaned softly, bucking my hips against my face. 
He kissed the inside of my thighs, moving to my stomach before, kissing my clit again, his finger slid inside me. Slowly he pumped, his knuckles pounding against my lips as he continued eating me out. Holding my breath, I let out disgruntled moans. My hands gripped the sides of his head before moving to my face, and my knuckles moved to my mouth as I bit down. I called out his name softly, he pushed my hand away shoving his finger into my mouth. He shoved it deeper into my mouth as he watched me choke on his finger, my eyes watered as my tongue moved to push his fingers out of my mouth, and yanking them out, I cursed at him. Shutting my legs slowly.
He moved back on top of me, his body weight resting on his hand. “Put it in,” he commanded; I sat there for a moment. My hand hesitantly moving to his dick, I grabbed at it, not bothering to jerk him off. I lined him up at my entrance; I tugged on my bottom, expecting him to shove it in as he usually does. His tip slowly slides in; his face contorts for a moment. 
He moves slowly; I gasp softly, taking sparse and sporadic breaths as he fills me. Finally, he puts all his weight on his forearm, his face closer to mine as he grabs my leg, tossing it around his waist. “I love you” he whispers, into my ear. His thrusts were slow and passionate; he moaned gently in my ear as he nibbled at my ears. “Do you love me?”, I opened my mouth but was interrupted by him thrusting into me. I struggled to push out a yes, my hands clawing at his back as I tightened my legs around his waist. 
“Say it” 
“I love you, D,” I paused, my heart thudding against my chest. I began to notice how heavier he was, how his stomach pressed against mine, and how he just stopped breathing. Fuck. He stopped thrusting; I could feel the anger seething from his skin. I didn’t know what to say. Should I just continue moaning? Should I be aloof?
He lifts himself, and I swiftly close my eyes, not wanting to meet his gaze. “I-I wasn’t thinking about him.” was all I mustered out. 
“No?” he chuckles, the cool air brushing against my body. He was leaving. “You’re fucking moaning his name when I’m fucking you,” he shouts; I look away. 
“You’re going to wake Michael,” I whispered, his footsteps thudding against the room. His hand gripped my arm as he pulled me up. I opened my eyes, watching him. 
“Do you love him?” His voice was eerily calm. 
“No,” I lied; of course, I did. I loved how he made me feel, how wanted he made me feel, and how precious I was to him. How he was so gentle with me, no matter what I did. But I would never love him the way I love Negan…No matter what this sadistic maniac does, I would never love anyone as I loved him.
He chuckles, tossing me back on the bed. “Fuck you YN.”
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twdmusicboxmystery · 1 year
Thoughts on a Beth is alive reveal at Comic Con?
I am wondering what your theorist thoughts are on the likelihood of a Beth is alive reveal this year at Comic Con?
If I were among TPTB, I WOULD do the reveal there for several reasons. 
First, the amount of publicity would be outrageous.  Even though TWD flagship retained a certain audience until the end, it was nowhere near the audience it had at its peak in seasons 3-6.  Bringing a character back from the heyday may attract some of the viewers that fell away especially after seasons 6 and 7.  This is different than reveals for the flagship.  They already had a built-in audience and an ensemble cast and stories to carry the show.  If the audience thinks the spin-off will just be Darly fighting zombies in berets, many may not tune in for a repeat of the last four or five seasons of the flagship series.  However, if they think he may finally get a real love interest, find clues about the outbreak, and discover what really happened to Beth and where she has been all these years it will create enough suspense for the GA to give it a try. 
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Second, it clearly ties into the theme of the last season of FTWS. “You have to go back to go to forward."  Morgan had to go back to King County. There he discovered what he THOUGHT happened to Duane is not what really happened.  Dwight is saying that he wants to go home.  Madison has to go back and fix her wrongs. There is a return back to where these characters were at the beginning of their arcs, but now they are wiser and stronger. 
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Third, if they wait until into the Daryl spin-off is actually airing, it will not give the audience time to get reacquainted with Beth’s story.  By revealing that she is alive (but not giving much away in terms of story), they will still get the shock value of when and how she is found, the publicity BEFORE the show starts, and give the audience a chance to reconnect to Beth’s story and buzz about what might have happened.
Last year, they revealed the Rick/Michonne spin off at Comic Con instead of waiting until the coda of the final episode.  I think they should do the same here.
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The only down side will be certain ships will be mad.  However, as we have seen, they will be upset at almost anything.  I think they could ease this by playing up that this Beth could be very different than the old Beth and that Daryl and Beth are both different people and may not have the connection they did in the past… yada…yada.  We know the symbolism and the end game, but it may appease some.
I really love everything you’ve laid out here. You’ve backed it up with logic and evidence. And obviously, I would totally LOVE it if they revealed her as being alive at ComiCon.
My only hesitation is that now, with the actors’ strike looming, Comicon may be very interrupted or not even happen at all. Unfortunately. 
The good news is that at least season 1 of the Daryl spinoff has already been filmed, and I imagine most of season 1 of the Richonne spinoff has been, too. So, hopefully the strike won’t affect our fall shows too much.
But me and my fellow theorists wondered if the reason they suddenly started announcing the air dates for next batches of shows (Daryl Dixon Sept 10, back half of Fear Oct 22) because they know they won’t be able to do it at Comicon. They usually wait until Comicon to reveal the dates and the official trailers. 
Anyway, obviously I totally hope you’re right. But we’ll just have to wait and see what Comicon brings us, if anything. And here’s hoping both the writers’ strike and the actors’ strike get resolved soon! Xoxo!  🎆 💘
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comfort-person · 1 year
Hello everyone my name is Amber and I am 19 years old. I’ve been writing for about 8 years and have many different accounts for different fandoms I absolutely adore. I enjoy making people happy with my writing! This is a safe place- anyone and everyone is welcome and my DM’s are always open if you want to talk, if you want a friend or if you simply just want to send in a request! Requests for imagines and stories are open! I write for anyone and everyone, fictional or real life.
Here’s a list of characters/ people I write for:
Harry styles
Chris Evans
Jamie Campbell bower
Sebastian Stan
Cillian Murphy
Henry Cavill
Niall Horan
Liam Payne
Louis Tomlinson
Zayn Malik
Jeffery Dean Morgan
And many more!!
Fictional characters
ST: 001/Henry creel/ Vecna
Steve Harrington
Robin Buckley
Billy Hargrove
Nancy wheeler
Mike wheeler
Will Byers
Jonathan Byers
Dustin Henderson
And more
Marvel: Bucky barnes
Steve Rogers
Loki Laufeyson
Thor Odinson
Tony stark
Peter Parker
Bruce banner
Natasha Romanoff
And more
TWD: Rick Grimes
Daryl Dixon
Carl Grimes
Glenn Rhee
Negan smith
Abraham Ford
And more
HP: Draco Malfoy
Harry Potter
Hermione granger
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Ron Weasley
Sirius black
Remus Lupin
And more
PB: Thomas Shelby
Arthur Shelby
Alfie Solomon’s
John Shelby
Michael Gray
And more
Bttf: any character
Hocus Pocus: Thackeray binx
Max Dennison
And more!(:
And of course many more fandoms! Feel free to send me an ask/ a message about it and I’ll get back to you! If any of these appeal to you then feel free to send in a request!! Stay as long as you’d please! All the love, Amber xx
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plus-size-reader · 4 years
Freedom pt.2
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Dwight x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 1517 words
Warnings: none 
Summary: Negan’s daughter trying to negotiate the suggestion Dwight had, even though it could be dangerous for them both
Part 1
"We are going to run away"
As soon as the words left Dwight's lips, he regretted them. Not for the sake of them, of course, but because there was no taking them back. After the way running away had gone for him the first time, it was a terrible idea.
A dangerous idea.
If he tried to do it again and failed, there was no telling what Negan would do to him and if he took you with him, it was surely a death sentence. Your dad would kill him for that, even if you tried to tell him that you took part in it.
...Even if you told him why you'd done it
Really, you could have told him anything and there was a good chance Negan wouldn't listen. Not even his little princess could make a lapse in trust and judgment okay. Dwight would surely die for something like that.
Still, there was just something about you that made the blonde not care.
As stupid as he knew it was to even entertain the idea of taking you and getting as far away from the Sanctuary as possible, you were worth the risk to him.
The dreamy look on your face as you looked at this place, and the people that lived there was more than enough for him to be willing to risk it all. You were beautiful, and he was sure that he would be willing to do anything even if it just made you smile.
It was worth more than anything to him.
You were shocked that he would even say something like that, but it would be a lie to say that it didn't also make you really happy. Even if he wasn't entirely serious, it was something that you often found yourself dreaming about when you were alone.
The idea of getting out and living the life you'd always craved.
"You really mean it? You think that we could do that?" you gasped, now speaking in a much more hushed tone. It was clear that you were thinking over what that could mean, or how it would work.
There were a lot of moving parts and the chances of you being able to actually pull it off were slim to none. There was no way that you could pull it off without anyone finding out and even if you did do it somehow, Negan would surely send everyone he had after you both.
If Dwight thought he'd went all out the first time he'd tried to run away from the sanctuary, there was no comparison to how it would be if you actually went through with this.
You knew your father pretty well, and if he had to, he would send every Savior out after you. Nothing would be too much to get you back home.
It just wasn't something you could risk
You wanted to make it work so bad, and you would have done anything to get out of there but you just didn't want to risk Dwight in order to do it. Even if you had to stay trapped within the walls of the sanctuary, like a prisoner, you knew that D would be safe that way.
As soon as you two left that compound, there was nothing you could do to guarantee that he would be protected from your dad's wrath.
You just weren't sure that the small chance you had at freedom was going to be worth the potential loss that you would sustain if you two got caught. Negan would probably lock you away for the rest of your life if he found out you were even having this conversation.
He would take it as a personal offense, as if you had both rejected him, and that just wasn't going to work.
You both just needed to face the facts.
There was no future for you two in which you just got to happily be together. Even if you wanted to try and make it work within the sanctuary, you could never tell anyone about it or take the chance that they could find out.
You would constantly be hiding away from the rest of the world.
"I'd like to try" he shrugged, reaching out to slowly take your hand in his own, once he'd checked to make sure that none of the other Saviors were around to see you. It was a little bothersome, to have to constantly cover your tracks, but you had to make due.
As much as you hated feeling like a secret, like he was ashamed of you, you understood why it had to be that way. If you wanted to be alive, this was just what you had to do.
"It's too dangerous, we could never do that" you decided finally, just in time to catch a glimpse of Negan headed toward where you both were. Then without even looking back, you stood from your place and headed toward him.
It broke your heart to do that, to switch it up that way when you were so close to getting what you'd always wanted but the danger it would put Dwight in just wasn't worth it to you. You would rather never speak to him again than lose him trying to be selfish.
If something you did got him killed, you were sure you'd never get over it.
That left Dwight in a pretty strange place, confused as to how quickly the conversation had soured, but maybe he'd just hit a nerve. It was stupid for him to even think something like that could work.
"I want to go home now" you announced, your words more than an order than anything else but Negan didn't even give it a second thought. The raid was wrapping up and there was no reason for you to stay, so he got you all set up in Simon's truck and you were on your way.
...And just as you pulled away, you caught sight of Dwight, standing there where you'd left him.
He had no idea how he managed to get himself into this position, but one thing was for sure, this whole thing wasn't over for either of you. Consequences be damned,  that couldn't be how this ended.
You didn't see Dwight again until a few days later, as you had been pretty obviously avoiding him but eventually, he got the better of you. The sanctuary was only so big and you couldn't stay away from him forever.
"Hey, is everything okay? I haven't seen you for a while" he started, catching you on your way up the stairway. Right now, it was just the two of you in that space but you knew it wouldn't be that way for very long.
Rather than stop to answer his question, you just kept scaling the stairs, desperately hoping that he would just move on and leave you alone. Though, with the clear feelings you had for one another, it was a longshot.
...And it wasn't like this was easy for you in the first place.
You didn't like having to stay away from Dwight, who was easily your favorite person in this whole compound. It was all just too real for you there in Alexandria, talking about the future that you could share.
The danger, and the potential made for a deadly combination and it would just be easier for everyone if you put a stop to it entirely. You wouldn't lose him to some childish dream, that never should have happened at all.
There was no future for either of you, and you just needed to accept that now.
"Dwight, just stop. We can't do this anymore" you decided finally, hoping that would be enough to discourage him. It wasn't of course, but you had to try. Even if he made a choice to ignore your warnings entirely, you couldn't be a part of it anymore.
You didn't have the luxury of being naïve anymore.
Your actions had consequences and if you had the wrong choices, you would have to face them.
"Just talk to me. I can fix this" he tried, grabbing your wrist gently in his own. It was enough to spin you around to face him, though you yanked your arm free as soon as you met his eyes. This was real life and if he couldn't make the right call, you weren't going to give him an option at all.
It was as simple as that.
"Do you have any idea what could happen to you? That burn will seem like a slap on the wrist if dad catches us here" you reminded, not really willing to find out if your words were the truth.
You'd seen him do much worse for much less.
You could see in the blonde's face that he was trying his hardest to find some way to convince you that wasn't true, but he couldn't. So, before he could make this any worse than it already was, you opened the door to your floor, only stopping briefly before leaving completely.
"Goodbye D"
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Dwight calming you down when you’re having a Nightmare would include:
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• Him waking up from hearing your whimpers only for his still sleepy mind to first fear that you might be hurt as he turns quickly around to you
• Him seeing how you’re still asleep shifting and even flinching as he realizes that you’re having a Nightmare and eventually scoots closer to take you into his arms
• Him trying to calm you down by trying to find the right words to quietly and consolingly talk to you while letting his hand stroke over your back, truly hating to see you in pain
• Him feeling how you slowly calm down but still seem to be stuck in this nightmare before he decides to carefully wake you up
• Him being relieved as you slowly open your eyes while he’s telling you that everything’s okay before gently cupping the side of your face and making you look at him
• Him sighing deeply and concerned as he still feels how much you’re trembling only to pull you tightly against him and wrap his arms closer around you while just holding you for a good while
• Him making sure that you know that you can tell him about the nightmare if you want to as well as that either way, he’s going to stay awake until you’re feeling better and have fallen asleep again
• Him listening carefully to what you’re telling him, regardless of if it’s about the nightmare or anything else that’s keeping you from sleeping
• Him being relieved as he feels how your body relaxes again and your slow and steady breath hits his skin after a while only to keep holding you tightly and even pulling the blanket closer over you to make sure that you’re comfortable and stay this peaceful all night long
tagging: @dasani-saraai @amysuemc  @ashzombie13 @dragongirl420 @trashimaginezblog @bananakid42 @timeladyrikaofgallifrey @jss-devlin @devotedly-generous-collector @starwarsandstufff @traumbruch (In case you want to be tagged or untagged for specific things I write or everything, just let me know
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charliedawn · 2 years
Imagine being Negan’s daughter and joining Rick’s group : (Warning : Very bad parenting ahead. Angst. Sad and very disturbing things happening. Minors: keep out..)
It was never your intention to get attached to the group. It was supposed to be a simple recon mission. In and out in a week. But..You hadn’t counted on the fact that you would actually get to enjoy their company and you ended up still being there 1 year later.
"Hey Y/N !"
You raised your head to look at Rick who was smiling and waving at you. You were supposed to go out today and get supplies. He had always been kind to you since the moment you had arrived to Alexandria and you had hoped that things would stay this way..but, things never do. They always change. Never stay the same.
"Hey, kiddo..Do you have a moment ?"
"Sure !"
You dusted off your hands before standing up and sitting down next to him on one of the wood logs that made out the limitations of the garden. He looked at the garden with a small proud smile before playfully ruffling your hair.
"You’ve done a great job ! The garden looks like it’ll give us enough vegetables to last the year !"
You didn’t want him to know, but you beamed under his praise..Your father had never praised you, not since the Apocalypse anyway, not since your mother had passed away..You secretly suspected that he held you accountable for her death. But, Rick saw potential in you and accepted you. He never judged you, never asked about your past. He was respectful and your heart filled with pride every time he smiled at you or tried to encourage you. 'He was a better father than Negan ever was and never will be', you thought.
"Hey, Rick ?"
He turned his face towards you, attentive and ready to listen as you opened your mouth to tell him that you wished you were his daughter, more than of the one who had actually conceived you, but closed your mouth and smiled instead.
"I’m glad we met.."
Rick let out a small chuckle before nodding.
"Well, I’m glad too, Y/N. We’ve done quite some road together and you did save me a few times so..that makes you family."
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Your smile widened and you let yourself step further as to hug him. He was surprised by the sudden affectionate gesture, but welcomed it nonetheless. You stayed in each other’s hold fir a moment before he patted your back affectionately, letting you know that he had to go.
"Come on. We’re going out tonight. We better get ready. With a little luck, we’ll find chocolate somewhere."
You nodded in agreement before he stood up and your eyes followed him until he was out of sight. Your smile then vanished as you knew he wouldn’t see you as family anymore if he knew who you were. You sighed before getting out your walkie-talkie, the only remaining link left between you and your father..You tightened your hold on it and if looks could burn ? The damn thing would be melting in your hand..You had considered getting rid of it, but throwing it away would mean someone could find it, burying it would also be too much of a risk..You thought about throwing it in a river on one of your runs ? But, nobody went out alone these days and people would find it too suspicious..You sighed before turning the thing on. You didn’t think anyone would answer, so you didn’t see the harm in turning it on one last time..Maybe, you would even catch useful information ? You stayed and listened to all the whirring and static noises coming from the device..Did they already forget about you ? A year had already gone by since your last transmission with Dwight or Negan..You smiled hopefully, wondering if they thought you were dead ? Good. You wouldn’t want Negan to find this place..It was too beautiful for him.
You then waited a few more minutes, making sure nobody was online before finally following your crazy instinct to call danger and because you knew there was no way either of them would be on the other side.
"Dwight. I sincerely hope you’re alright. I know it’s been a long time, but I miss you.."
It was true. Out of everybody in that hell hole you had barely escaped with your life from, Dwight was the only one you truly ever found tolerable..And then, there was your dad.
"Dad…Burn in hell."
Negan used to be a good person, but it was before he became the chief of the so-called saviors. Your dad then became this cold and terrible monster who scared you..He used to be a decent man, before the bad Negan came into the picture..You closed your eyes as you remembered the last time you had physically talked to each other, more than a year ago.
Flashback :
"Dad !"
You had heard about Negan searching for a volunteer and, eager to get out without anyone’s supervision, were more than willing to take on any job available..
"Yes, sweetheart ?"
Negan turned towards you with a big smile, his eyes lighting up significantly as he saw you. Okay. Now that you had his attention..Time to bring out the big guns. You had to convince him to let you out. You tucked your bottom lip and joined your hands together to ask him pleadingly.
"Could..Could I go on a mission too ?"
The stuttering would surely soften him up enough to at least consider your proposal..You were going all out and were willing to beg him if it bought you your ticket out. But, Negan’s smile faltered for a moment at your demand and his expression hardened..You really hoped he wouldn’t say no. You were more than capable of fending for yourself and Negan knew that pertinently, he had no argument to keep you in anymore.
"Are you sure you’re ready ?"
"I am. I really want to help you."
You replied confidently and made sure not to bring out the part about getting away from the saviours and him..However, Negan didn’t seem convinced as he turned towards you fully, his eyes fixed on you as he asked suspiciously.
"Are you sure it’s not for another reason ?"
His eyes turned pitch black as he stood up, his hands clasped behind his back and he turned around you, like a shark observing its next victim.
"Because Simon told me something interesting about you today.."
You gulped..that little weasel ! However, you feigned ignorance as you tilted your head to the side and asked, pretending to be unsure about what he was referring to.
"W..What did he tell you ?"
He stopped walking before mimicking your innocent act, calling you out on your clearly unsuccessful stratagem.
"He told me..that you were trying to bail on us. He told me you couldn’t stop looking at the front gate and that you had even tried to jump over it multiple times ? Is my baby eager to leave the nest ?"
You closed your eyes and knew here and there that you wouldn’t be going anywhere any time soon, you would be lucky to even leave the room unscathed.
"I..I didn’t.."
Negan leaned forward, pretending not to hear you as he put a gloved hand on the back of your neck, applying pressure here as a warning if you were to lie to him again.
"Yes ? Were you about to apologise because you thought your old dad was a FUCKING IDIOT ?!"
You winced slightly at the sudden raise of his voice and tried not to cower. You knew what would happen next..You closed your eyes to embrace the pain. It didn’t take long. The pain came fast and strong like lightning as he struck you. It lingered for a few seconds—a warmth creeping up your cheek as you tried to blink your tears away—while your father stood above you. He sighed then crouched in front of you to take you by the hair and make you look at him.
"You know why I’m doing this right ? It’s for your own good..There are nasty things out there that would hurt you far worse..Are you going to obey me now ?"
You nodded, covering your stinging cheek and Negan smiled widely—satisfied by your quick submission.
"That’s my girl."
He then uncovered your cheek and pressed a kiss there, a joke of affection that you knew meant nothing. It was just another of Negan’s mind games..
"Here. I kissed it all better.."
He mocked then stood up and walked away, leaving you on the floor as your hatred for him only grew..You then took your walkie-talkie and ran to the gates where you knew Dwight was on guard duty.
Dwight was at his post and his eyes widened slightly as he saw you.
"Woah..You look pissed. Did something happen ?"
You didn’t let him speak before wrapping your arms around him and crying in the crook of his neck.
"Please, D..I need to leave this place. I can't do this anymore..I can't be near him.."
One chance, one life..D didn’t dare move and was so shocked, he didn’t know how to respond. It wasn’t the first time you had sought him to be your shoulder to cry on. He also knew it was just a matter of time until you realized you needed to leave. It just surprised him that you would do it now and he stammered.
"W-Why did you come here then..?"
"Because you’re the only saviour who’s not a complete ass ?", you replied truthfully with a small smile and Dwight frowned, unconvinced.
"You're hiding something.."
You really couldn't hide anything from him, huh ? You sighed before confessing.
"D..I’m escaping tonight. I dont want to lie to you, so I’ll say it now. I like you, a lot. Please. Come with me.."
Dwight looked at your fingers intertwined and opened his mouth to answer you, but was cut off as a siren rang loudly inside the building and you gritted your teeth.
"Shit..He knows."
You turned back towards Dwight who was still hesitating before he finally shook his head. You sighed. It was to be expected..However, you didn't expect him to grav your arm and lead you towards the gates.
"Come on. This way."
He brought you to a hole in the fence covered by a metallic piece of junk and you grinned widely before looking back at D that offered you a weak smile.
"I knew you would eventually want to go and I planned for us to leave..but, I can't. Not yet."
You lost your smile and wanted to argue, beg him to come with you..but, you knew there was no time for that and only kissed his cheek to thank him. He blushed a little before hurrying you, you had to reach the other side before the walkers encircled the place. However, before you went, Dwight grabbed your hand to yank you backwards and put a walkie-talkie in your hand.
"I have to stay, but I don't want you to be alone..You got better chances out there if someone in there is on your side. Contact me as soon as you’re safe, alright ?"
You smiled and nodded before hugging him one last time and then running outside before a lot more walkers would end up at the gates..
The next day :
"Could you tell me, Dwight..How did my girl manage to get past your hawk eyes, huh ?!"
D stayed as expressionless as possible as he shrugged nonchalantly.
"I didn’t see her. She sneaked outside using one of the breaches made by the walkers.."
Negan’s jaw clenched, knowing that Dwight wouldn’t make the mistake of lying to him twice.
"You better be right..because if we can't find her ? I'll held you personally responsible.."
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End of flashback :
"Y/N ?"
You were surprised to hear Dwight’s voice.
"D..Dwight ?"
Dwight laughed, relieved to finally hear your voice.
"Y-Yeah ! It’s me. How are you doing ?"
You smiled at the voice of your old friend and opened your mouth to tell him about Alexandria and Rick..but, hesitated as you weren’t sure if D would tell Negan or not ?
"Yes..I’m fine.", you decided to reply instead and Dwight seemed satisfied with your answer as he was quick to reply.
"G-Good..Listen. You shouldn’t be on this line. Negan still has his walkie on and he’s been pissed since you disappeared.."
You smiled softly at his worry and nodded, even though he couldn’t see it.
"Thank you, D."
Dwight smiled on his side of the line before he heard footsteps coming his way.
"Shit. I need to go, Y/N. I-I’ll talk to you soon.."
And with that, he was gone. You sighed before leaning back..He was okay. Good. You closed your eyes and let out a small chuckle. Dwight was still alive. It shouldn’t have made you so happy, but it did. He was the only savior who ever gave a shit about you. The last true human among them.
At night :
You brought the walkie-talkie to your lips and decided to indulge in your desire to hear his voice again. You called him.
"Dwight..Are you there ?"
You were first met with dead silence and sighed, ready to go to sleep when another voice made itself heard from the walkie-talkie, one that made you shiver in fear..
"Guess again, ~honey.."
No..NononononNO ! You quickly grabbed your walkie-talkie and were about to turn it off when a deep chuckle came from the other side.
"I know you can hear me, brat. I can hear you fucking breathe. Listen. I’m coming for you and you better have a pretty good explanation, you hear me ?!"
You quickly turned it off before you could hear anything else and realised your heart was beating a thousand times a minute..Still, after all these years—the bastard still had power over you. You felt hot tears falling down your face as you took the walkie-talkie and threw it across the room in a fit of rage, breaking it in the process. You had fought so hard to keep the bastard away from you..You couldn't let him drag you back, or find this place..
You filled a bag with all your belongings and were about to make a run for it, but someone knocked at your door. You held your breath and turned your eyes towards the door, your hand on your knife just in case.
"Y/N ? Are you there ?"
You sighed in relief at the sound of Glenn's familiar voice and didn't hesitate before opening the door. Glenn got in and smiled sheepishly.
"Sorry to wake you up, but me and the others are going on a run to search for some medical supply for Maggie. And..I see you're already dressed."
You tried to hide your nervousness behind an awkward smile and pushed your bag further underneath your bed with the tip of your foot.
"Yeah..Couldn't sleep and heard you guys moving downstairs."
Glenn didn't seem convinced, but smiled nonetheless and shrugged.
"Okay. Join us when you're ready.."
You nodded and waited until he was out of view before getting your bag out of its hiding place. You would still be able to help before going, the run itself giving you an easy way to disappear. You gave one last glance at Alexandria from your window and smiled wistfully, you really wished you could stay..You didn't want to leave, but it was the only way to keep them safe. You wiped your tears away before grabbing your backpack and running downstairs.
A few hours later :
How did it come to this ?
You were kneeling among your friends, your eyes fixed on the floor and the same question turning over and over in your head.
"Well..Hello there ! You bunch of troublemakers really caused me trouble, you know that ?"
You thought you would be able to escape, to save your friends..But, here you were. There was no doubt who was behind all this. How did he find you so quickly ? The sound of his bat digging into the ground, his obvious sarcasm and the sight of his polished black boots left no room for doubt. It was him. He was here. The evil incarnate. Negan. He had just killed Abraham in cold blood and you knew it was only a matter of time before he recognized you..
He scanned the group until his eyes lingered on you for a second or two before they lit up in recognition. Shit.
"Y/N ! Is that you ?! Goddamn, I almost didn't recognize you with the amount of blood and shit you're covered in !"
You clenched your jaw and didn't dare look up, your eyes fixed on the ground instead as you kept repeating in your head that you weren't going to fall for it..for this miserable attempt at making you speak. The mud under your legs oddly cool and soothing under you as you tried not to meet Negan’s burning gaze.
"Don't wanna talk ? Fine by me. I've got time and you will answer me. I promise you that, brat."
"Stop it ! You're scaring her !"
Maggie tried to help you, but one glance from Negan and she instinctively shielded her stomach from him. Negan gave her a knowing look before smirking and turning back towards you.
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"Oh really ? Are you scared of me, sweetheart ? Is that why you haven’t been answering your walkie-talkie for a while ? You had me all worried and I thought one of those nasty trespassers may have cut off your tongue !"
He suddenly grabbed your wrist and forced you up, gripping your jaw tightly as he made you look at him, tears streaming down your face as you knew it was over..
"Aren’t you going to talk, sweetheart ? Apologise for making me run to your rescue because I thought your ungrateful a** was in trouble ?!"
His sudden harshness made you flinch and you chastised yourself for appearing weak in front of the man you least wanted to see.
"Let her go !"
You recognised Rick’s voice and Negan’s attention was suddenly on him. He released you and you fell back on your knees as Negan walked towards Rick, his eternal bat resting on his shoulder as he addressed Rick a knowing smile.
"You must be Rick..Damn. I understand why she wanted to stay ! You look like a strong and caring man ! Her type for sure..Wanna bang him, sweetheart ?"
He crouched in front of Rick and admired his pained expression, his eyes staring right at him. He still had that determination, huh ? Negan would have to change that.
"No..Please, dad.."
As if both of them recognised themselves in the appellation, they both turned their heads towards you at your plea. You were in tears and shook your head.
You begged..You knew it wouldn’t change much, but you couldn’t bare to lose any of them, especially not Rick.
"Aww..Are you really begging me for his life, darling ?"
Negan’s legs came into view and you looked up to find him grinning sadistically at you and then, he stomped on your shoulder. You screamed loudly in pain and it took a few of Negan’s men to hold Rick down. However, you knew what Negan wanted and joined your hands together, begging him as your face was almost buried in the mud, sweat making your skin sticky and pain shot as he dipped his heel further in your shoulder..
"Yes ! Please ! Spare him !"
He licked his lips, he always did love a good begging..
"Alright, I will.."
You sighed in relief. But, your relief was short-lived as he took his bat with both hands and mercilessly blew it down on Glenn’s head.
"Nooo !"
Your scream mixed with Maggie’s as you both tried to reach for Glenn, but were both restrained. You felt Dwight’s arms around you before he ordered you, quiet enough for only you to hear.
"Stay still. Please."
Dwight was the only savior you ever had any respect for and you swallowed your pride to obey, knowing it would only get worse if you fought it. It was too late to beg now..You could only watch as your father brought his bat down over and over until Glenn’s head was nothing but a pile of mush.
"Ooh ! That felt good !"
He leaned back and smiled, that blood-thirsty and cruel smile, the smile you were so desperately trying to escape from.
"Here, honey. I did you a favour by sparing your Rick. Aren't I the nicest ? Besides, Lucille wasn’t that thirsty anyway.."
You closed your eyes as you didn’t want to rest your eyes on the damn bat that had replaced you, that had become the prime source of your jealousy..Your mother had been replaced in his eyes by a simple and vulgar bat, taking all of his attention and love away from you..It didn’t deserve her name..Negan quickly noticed that you were staring at his bat and smirked.
"I can see that you’re staring at Lucille. What did she ever do to you ?! Well, besides killing some of your friends. But, she’s a vampire bat ! What can I say ?! She loves blood.."
"You wanna know what she did ?! She took my father away from me !"
Your group seemed shocked and confused by the information, everyone besides Rick who you had told about the man with the bat who had killed your father..A half-truth. Negan smiled before tilting his head and answering you :
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"Oh honey..Your father was long gone before she ever arrived."
He then grabbed your arm and pulled you up, giving a circular look at the rest of your friends who all were trembling in fear.
"I’m taking that one back with me..Do be good and maybe, you’ll see her again ?"
Rick seemed to suddenly get his courage back as he raised to his feet and yelled in protest.
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"You can't ! Please ! Don’t take her ! Don’t take her ! Please ! Take me instead ! She’s the closest to a daughter I have !"
Rick’s words stopped Negan dead in his tracks and you knew what would happen next by the amused expression he gave you. No..He wouldn’t..You shook your head, a sign that he ignored as he turned around with the biggest shit-eating grin he could muster.
"Don’t you dare.."
You glared at him warningly, but Negan ignored you again before fulling facing Rick.
"Wait..She didn’t tell you ?"
Rick frowned in incomprehension and some of the people in your group looked at each other confused, wondering what he meant by that, which only added to your father’s sadistic amusement as he took you by the shoulder, so you were now flushed against his side.
"You sorry lot are in for a big surprise ! Because, you see..Sweet little Y/N over there is my daughter. My pride and joy. Came out of my own nuts and ain’t going back, isn’t that right sweetie ?!"
You grimaced in disgust at his poor choice of words and tried to get away from him, but to no avail. He held you in an iron grip against him.
"W..What ?", you could see the confusion and shock on Rick’s face as he didn’t even look at you. It hurt.
"Go to hell !"
You finally yelled in frustration at Negan and then looked at Rick with teary eyes. You didn’t want him to know. Not like this..Negan took pleasure in the surrounding suffering, including yours.
"You heard me, right ? She is of my flesh and blood ! I’m her loving dad ! Well, she does hate my guts, but she’s still daddy’s little girl, aren’t you sweetie ?"
He pinched your cheek playfully before looking at the surprised looks of your companions, as well as some looks of anger at your betrayal. These were the worst..You closed your eyes and felt yourself faltering slightly, as you couldn’t handle the death of two of your closest friends and the forced confession or who you were..You wanted to disappear, but he wouldn’t let you. You heard faint voices in the background calling your name, Rick among them as he reached out to you just as you were about to black out..but, before you could hit the ground, someone caught you.
"Ssh..Don’t worry, Y/N. I got you."
You had no power over your legs anymore and could only stare numbly ahead at your friends and the bodies on the ground. Negan picked you up in his arms, acting the part of the caring father while you knew he was far from it. You shared the pain and loss of the group. You tried to meet the gaze of any of them, but they all fixed the floor and didn’t dare look up, all besides Daryl who looked up angrily at Negan. Rick was looking at you with such emptiness, the shame you already felt grew in your chest as Negan brought you to his car. He settled you in the passenger seat and booped your nose with a fake overjoyed smile.
"I missed you.."
You didn’t answer. He didn’t want you to anyway. He was far too pissed to listen to whatever you had to say..He got in the driver’s seat and you drove away while you saw the reflection of your friends in the rear view mirror. You felt tears gather in your eyes as you knew Negan had annihilated any chance for you to ever gain their trust again.
"Don’t worry, sweetheart. I’m pretty sure I made a pretty good first impression."
He cackled beside you and you glared at him. Bastard..He was enjoying this. It wasn't fair.
"I wish you were dead, asshole.", you muttered under your breath, loud enough for Negan to hear.
Negan’s expression hardened at your words and his smile disappeared, as he suddenly went faster—too fast as he ran over a few walkers. He made the car bump several times and making you hit your face against the headboard purposefully. You cried out when your felt blood drip from your nose and Negan suddenly stopped on the sidewalk to look at you and grab your chin forcefully.
"Never talk to me like that again, Y/N ! I am still your fucking father and no matter how much you hate it ?! You’re stuck with me !"
You felt your tears mix with your blood and internally wondered if he even cared a little ? Could you could jump out of the car ? Would he come after you ? However, he interrupted your thoughts. He finally sighed and wiped your face with his handkerchief.
"I’m sorry I yelled at you..And I’m sorry the last memory you got of me is me slapping the shit out of you..but, you didn’t have to hide for a year !"
You hated it..His act. He was always like that. It was all an act for him. Everything was a game and he hated when things didn’t go according to script. You were his daughter, but to him ? You were just another prop to use and discard of when the time was right..You had resented him for it. But, now ? You only felt pity and sadness as to see that he had not change the slightest, that your disappearance had absolutely no effect on him. He didn’t care..He never did.
You spat hatefully, which halted his gentle ministrations. He clenched his jaw and digged his fingers even more into your skin until your jaw felt sore by his tight grip.
"That’s it, young lady. You’ll be consigned to your fucking room until you learn to behave !"
As soon as you were back, he put his threat to execution and locked you in your bedroom, ignoring your screams of protest and the multiple bangs of your fists against the door. Finally, you stopped and felt hot tears run down your cheeks. Why couldn't he just leave you alone ?
Two hours later :
Dwight walked towards your room and found Simon standing guard in front of it with a rifle; Negan’s order no doubt. He tried to walk past him, but Simon grabbed his hand and Dwight glared up at him.
"Let me pass, Simon.."
Simon wouldn't normally care, but Negan had been categorical. No one enters or gets out of this bedroom. Simon would be held responsible otherwise and he really didn't want to end up on Negan’s blacklist.
"Nuh-huh. Can’t do. That’s the boss’ daughter. Sorry, D."
Dwight, seeing that it would be difficult to make him move by force, tried to reason with him.
"Come on, man. Please..She must be scared. I didn’t even get to explain.."
"Dude. Stop.", Simon interrupted him. "Ain’t happening. Turn around. She ain’t talking to nobody until Negan comes back."
Dwight clenched his teeth and was about take the goddamn rifle from his hands when he heard a familiar whistling behind him.
"What's going on here ?!"
Negan appeared behind Dwight and Simon scoffed mockingly before replying, not letting his gaze drop from Dwight's.
"Little D over there tried to get in.."
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Negan clicked his tongue before turning towards Dwight and grinned widely.
"Don't worry, D. You'll have your turn, once I'm finished with her."
D's knuckles turned white at the multiple scenarios playing in his mind about what Negan meant by that, a lot of them ending with you—covered in bruises—begging him to come to your rescue as you were buried in a ditch somewhere. He opened his mouth to protest, but Negan stopped him by raising his bat to his face.
"One word..And I'll deal with the other side of your ugly mug, got it ?"
D immediately closed his mouth and even though he wanted to be brave for you, had no choice but to agree. He finally nodded and Negan huffed a mocking laugh before lowering his bat.
"Here we go. That's a good boy. Now, how about you and Simon go make sure everything's going well in the market, huh ?"
Simon didn't have to be told twice before walking towards the market place in the building, eager to get his hands on the most valuable items for free. D closed his eyes and addressed you a silent apology before stepping away. He couldn't help you..You were on your own.
Inside your room :
You were waiting behind your door, a pair of scissors in hand and ready to attack the next person who would get in, that it'd be Simon or Negan. You had succeeded to escape once, you could do it again. When you heard the familiar whistle behind the door, you knew who you would be facing and raised your weapon, ready to strike. However, Negan expected it and grabbed your arm before you could put your plan into execution.
"Really, Y/N ? I taught you that trick.."
He then took the scissors out of your hand and when you tried to slap him, he glared at you with such intensity that you hesitated. It was a mistake.
He threw you on the couch and chuckled as he knew exactly why you had that moment of inner panic.
"You're still scared of me, aren't you ? Good. You should be.."
You glared at him through the thick curtains of your hair and Negan crouched in front of you, tilting his head to have a better sight of you and frowned as he saw a few scars that weren't there a year ago. He took a strand of your hair and played with it before musing.
"You cut your hair ? Too bad..I liked them better long."
"I don’t fucking care what you like or not..It wasn’t for you."
You spat angrily and Negan sighed before glancing up at you with a taunting smile.
"What ? It was for Dwight ?"
You glared at him, but didn’t dignify him with an answer..
"Or, that brand new handsome dad you got yourself ? What’s his name again..Rick ?"
At the mention of his name, you saw red and slapped him so fast—he didn't expect it—and so hard, it reverberated through the walls. You were both shocked for a moment before his lips upturned into a grim smile, announcing your imminent doom at the grave mistake you had just committed..
You tried to formulate an apology, as for him not to hurt you too bad, or even to assure your survival..But, he interrupted you and raised a hand, signifying that you better stay quiet.
"Shut up. Now, you’re gonna listen to me, brat."
He slammed you against the wall and you realised only now that he reeked alcool..Fuck.
"You made me chase your ass across the goddamn country..And this is the thanks I get ?!"
You turned your head away, but he gripped your chin and made you look at him in the eyes. He was not done with you. Not by far..
"Can’t even withstand my face, can you ? I’m disgusting to you, aren’t I ?! A drunk asshole who doesn’t know what he is doing ?! A big fuckin’ joke, huh ?! Is that what you’re thinking ?!"
You winced as he started yelling and the smell only worsened as his face was now inches from you.
"Who are you ?"
The question was simple..You had heard it multiple times before and knew the answer by heart.
No need to play the hero and risk annoying him any further, but you didn’t plan on him taking you by the throat and repeating the question, clearly dissatisfied.
"Oh no..sweetheart. You’re not me. You lost that the moment you stepped out of the Sanctuary. Rectification. What are you ?"
You gasped for air and felt tears forming at the corners of your eyes and couldn’t even utter an answer, not that you even had an answer to give him. He seemed to perceive your genuine confusion and sighed loudly in disappointment before releasing you. You fell to the floor and took large gulps of air in an attempt to get back your regular breathing as he finally gave you the answer he wanted.
"You’re Negan’s. I fucking own you, girl ! Put you on this Earth and will take you back if you ever pull that shit again, got it ?!"
He nudged you with the tip of his boot, which meant if you didn’t answer, he would use his boot to crush your windpipe.
"You’re…a fucking monster."
Here it was..Negan smirked as he knew you weren’t holding back any longer, the unbridled rage storming in your eyes, a clear indication that you were at the end of your game of pretend and that if he wanted to crush you ? He could do it now. He grinned before crouching in front of you again and tutted mockingly.
"Bad answer. Try again."
He pulled you up by fisting his hand in you hair as you cried out and tried to scratch him, but he stayed unyielding as he threw you on the coach once more.
"You’ll learn to respect me !"
You gathered enough spit in your mouth to spit at him, but he anticipated and covered your mouth and nose with his gloved hand, making sure you couldn’t breathe.
"You better swallow that shit, if you know what’s good for you, yeh ?"
You had no choice and obeyed. Once he was sure you wouldn’t spit at him, he let you breathe and stayed silent for a few seconds, letting you get back your breath before acknowledging your words:
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"Maybe you’re right ? I’m a monster…But, guess what ? You made me that monster. The day you took Lucille away."
You tried not to cry and let him know how much his words affected you..But, you couldn’t. It was just too much. Your eyes then landed on another shiny object at his belt: a gun. He realized where your eyes landed and chuckled to himself before getting his gun out of its holster. To your surprise, he then put it in your hand and your felt your heart skip a beat as he pointed the gun at his forehead.
"You really want to shoot me ? Go ahead..But, you better have one hell of a good aim, girl. Because If you don’t kill me first try ? I’ll kill you..And if you miss and I become a fucking walker ? I’ll come back and bite your ass."
You tried to hold back your tears as your shaking hand holding the gun was pointed at him..And then, you realised that you couldn’t do it—you couldn’t kill Negan..No matter how much you wanted to..No matter how much he deserved it..You let the gun fall to the floor and sobbed.
"I hate you..So much. All I ever wanted was to make you proud. I wanted my dad ! But, all you ever saw when you looked at me was your wife’s killer ! I miss her too ! I miss her every goddamn day ! I never got to even meet her, and yet I fucking miss her because you never were around ! I needed you, Negan ! Where the fuck were you ?!"
Negan's expression darkened and gloomed at the mention of his wife and he couldn't believe the nerve you had to even talk about her..Lucille would have listened to him. But, you ? You were of a different breed, more Negan than Negan himself, and it pissed him off. You thought he hadn't searched for you ? You dared complain about his absence when the only way he could ever communicate with you was when you were both at each other's throats ?
"Really ?! What do you think I fucking did during the past year ?! I’ve been listening to that damn walkie-talkie everyday ! I’ve been on the road, searching for you ! You betrayed me, Y/N ! What did you think would happen ?! You left ! And I was left on my own ! You’re everything I got left from her, and you fuckin’ ran away !"
He had to admit that he had never been tender with you, but it was because only the stick made you react. You were both monsters, and it was high time he made you realize that.
"Love ?", he huffed mockingly—as if it all a big joke—before rubbing his face tiredly, keeping himself from laughing at the absurdity of the concept in this crazy world. "When did you ever love me ?"
Your held your breath as he looked up at you with an etched doleful expression. It looked genuine. It was the first time you were seeing your father in such a vulnerable state..He looked old, older than he was and so very miserable. It was unfair. You shook your head.
The corners of your mouth tilted up into a sardonic smile, one of disbelief and clear distaste.
"You're right..Maybe, I never did. You never gave me any reason to. And, yes. Maybe, I found a replacement in Rick. Rick who believed in me.."
You stood up.
"..Rick who took care of me.."
You took a step forward.
"Y/N..", he groaned warningly, but you ignored him.
"..Rick who trusted me.."
You took another step and for the first time in forever, you saw something in your father's eyes that wasn't there before..You could recognize fear, after having felt it so many times in his presence in the past.
You leaned forward and your smile became a cruel snare as you gave the final blow mercilessly.
"..Rick who is a better father than you will ever be.."
Negan's expression soured, all softness leaving his face and he raised his hand. You closed your eyes, preparing for the pain to come. He grabbed you by the throat and pinned you to the wall, his whole being shaking in anger, a tight-lipped expression taking over his feature and his voice a dark whisper.
"You stepped out of line..You made a fool out of me in front of my men..If Rick is a better father ? Do you really think he wants you ? You ungrateful brat.."
Your eyes widened at his words and when you tried to attack him this time, he guessed your next move and grabbed your arm to turn you on your back, almost dislocating your shoulder in the process as you cried.
"Maybe, the reason I am your father, is that no one else would be able to handle it ? How about I go see Rick and we discuss man to man, hmm ?"
You thrashed and struggled to get out of his hold, but he was determined to make you unable to move, immobile at his feet, just as Negan wanted you to be. You sniffled, this position too familiar, bringing you back to the days were you and Negan's wrestling was all harmless fun..when it was only the both of you against this hostile world.
"Why are you doing this ? Why can't you just leave me be ? If you ever loved me..Please. Don't do this."
Negan’s expression softened at your words and he sighed loudly before pulling you up and taking you into his arms.
"Come here, sweetheart. I didn’t mean it. You just make me so mad sometimes..Of course, I love you.."
He didn’t mean to go too far, he was just so worried and you stubbornly didn’t answer any of his calls. He thought he had lost you..He couldn’t allow himself to lose someone else close to him. When Lucille died, his sanity was held by a thread: you. When you disappeared, that last thread of hope almost vanished and it was only when he heard your voice in his walkie-talkie that he felt alive again and also, it made him so very angry at the realization that he would never be what you wanted him to be.
He let out a long tired sigh, sitting on the couch with you still in his arms.
"We make quite the pair, you and I.."
You let out a shaky breath and closed your eyes, reflecting on his words.
"..Yup. We're a terrible duo."
He scratched your scalp gently, just as he used to and you couldn't help but lean into the touch, craving any sort of affection that would make you forget for a moment. He smiled softly as something crossed his mind and he added.
"Like fire and gazoline."
You snorted and couldn’t help but give in into this little game of his.
"Salt and blood."
He followed.
"Poison and death"
It continued until you were both out of ideas and then, you concluded by saying in a low whisper.
"Love and hatred.."
Negan took you by the chin and forced you to look up at him.
"I never hated you..I’m just not daddy material. My kind of love destroys and burns."
"Let me burn away then.."
You muttered under your breath and you didn't know if it was because of the exhaustion or your dizziness..You just shook your head and felt a low chuckle rumble in his chest. He smirked before kissing your forehead lovingly.
"Gosh..We’re fucked up."
You laughed humorlessly and nodded.
"Rotten to the bone."
You agreed and Negan let out a soft sigh..You were both broken and it sucked. But, you were everything he had left.
"Not gonna argue with that.."
He held you closer and closed his eyes. He thought you would both take a break, but as many of Negan’s plans for you, it always turned unexpectedly. He failed to notice your hand sneaking into his back pocket and slowly getting the keys out. You then closed your eyes and tried to gather the courage for what you were about to do next.
"Negan ?"
He hummed quizzically before leaning back to look at you, taken off guard when you suddenly head-butted him. He cursed loudly and you took his momentary dizziness to use the key and run out of the room. He groaned in pain, holding his bloody nose as all of his earlier tenderness turned back into rage.
"I’ll find you ! You hear me, Y/N ?! I’ll find you ! You can run, but you can't hide from me !"
You knew he would, but maybe was it the reason you ran ? Because, deep down, you liked playing the hunted, as much as he liked the thrill of the chase.
You would never get back your father. And, maybe was it for the best ? The world had changed, you were bound to change with it.
(It is very different from what I usually write, but I had the idea and decided to give it a shot.)
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pedroscurls · 2 years
Title: Just the Three of Us (Part 30.)
CHAPTER TITLE: Meeting Rick Grimes
Part 1. - Part 2. - Part 3. - Part 4. - Part 5. - Part 6. - Part 7. - Part 8. - Part 9. - Part 10. - Part 11. - Part 12. - Part 13. - Part 14. - Part 15. - Part 16. - Part 17. - Part 18. - Part 19. - Part 20. - Part 21. - Part 22. - Part 23. - Part 24. - Part 25. - Part 26. - Part 27. - Part 28. - Part 29. 
Character(s): Negan, Simon, Rick, Dwight, and Reader Summary: After learning the reality of the situation, you meet with Dwight to take you to meet Rick Grimes. It was time you take matters into your own hands... Because if you didn’t, you were sure Negan and Simon would end up dead. Word Count: 3,581 Warning: Foul language, angst Author’s Note: As you can tell, I’ve decided not to follow the same storyline as the one that has unfolded in the series. Enjoy.
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Negan stared at you in disbelief. Simon tightened his jaw. You had already known the answer just from the way they were looking at you. If you were being honest, it broke your heart. It was wishful thinking. It was proven that there was power in numbers, so even asking them to leave the Sanctuary, just the three of you, was a long shot. It was never going to happen. Yet, you still asked. 
“[Y/N]...” Negan started. “Why would you even ask that?” 
“You know we can’t just leave,” Simon added.
“Having this compound means more to the both of you, doesn’t it?” It was unfortunate. Even before the world ended, you could never fully be happy with the both of them. Maybe it was just never meant to be. 
“Don’t say it like that,” Negan said. “You know that’s not true.” 
“But it is!” You exclaimed. You sat at the edge of the bed, wringing your hands together as plenty of thoughts ran through your mind. Negan’s wives weren’t going to be punished and even if they were, it would put a target on your back and it would show the entire compound that Negan and Simon have weaknesses. It was a lose-lose situation and you all knew it. “You guys were thriving before you found me. I’m just a link to an old, forgotten world.”
Simon shook his head and reached out for you, but you pulled away. He sighed, clenching his jaw. “You’re more than that… You have always been.” 
“Simon’s right. We never stopped looking for you. During that, we needed to build something… We needed numbers. We needed fighters, an army… The fight stopped being against the dead and ended up becoming against the living,” Negan added. They both remembered how they found you and they would be lying if they said that they were trying to make up for lost time. In some way, they felt responsible for not finding you soon enough, not trying hard enough to look for you. 
“Then what started the merciless killing? Instilling fear in the same people who occupy these walls? Having people go on their knees whenever you enter the room?” 
“Fear helps keep the order!” Negan yelled. He didn’t seem to like that you were insinuating that he was acting the way he was because he liked it. “You weren’t with us in the beginning. Every goddamn group we were with ended up dying because of their fucking recklessness. I decided to lead to save people!” 
“Save?!” You scoffed. “You have a goddamn unfair point system, Negan!” You weren’t expecting to suddenly tell Negan how to lead, but you did have opinions and it was time that you opened your eyes to the reality of the situation. This isn’t the old world and you had spent too much time trying to relive what was, that you lost sight of what really is. The world ended. 
“[Y/N]... You don’t know what it’s like,” Simon reasoned.
You stood from the bed and stared up at two men. There was such an intense amount of love you had for the both of them, but you knew it wasn’t enough. 
“I will always be grateful for you both for saving me from Chris… And I have never blamed the both of you for not finding me sooner, but I asked you both if you would give all of this up for me… To start fresh, just the three of us… Both of your answers showed me where we stand.”
Negan was staring at you. He couldn’t think of anything to say. He was angry, frustrated, sad. He would do anything to give up his role as leader and just leave with you, but he knew that wasn’t possible. While he was sure he didn’t have a target on his back in the Sanctuary, he knew that if he were to leave the compound, there would be plenty of people who would take the opportunity to kill him and anyone he was with. He couldn’t risk that. He couldn’t risk losing you.
“[Y/N], you are safer within these walls,” Simon said. “Trust us…”
“I had to kill one of Negan’s wives because they tried to kill me… How can I be safe here?” You replied. Without allowing either man to reply, you left Negan’s room and headed back towards your own. 
“Fucking shit!” Negan said, tossing Lucille onto the bed. “What is she thinking?”
Simon sighed, running his hands over his face as he took a seat on the leather couch. “Maybe she’s right. Maybe she’s better off without us.”
Negan turned to look at Simon, tightening his jaw and clenching his fists. “Are you out of your fucking mind? Need I fucking remind you how we found her?”
“She isn’t even safe here with us, Negan. How can we protect her without showing the whole goddamn compound that we care for her? Not only will she be a target, but so will we. It’s like you said. We need to keep order.”
Negan couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Normally, Simon was the one who always talked sense into him but in this moment, he could hear the sound of defeat in Simon’s tone. 
“I’m not letting her go,” Negan said. 
“She’s going to push us away,” Simon replied. “You and I both know that.”
“Well, what the fuck are we supposed to do then?” Negan sighed, dropping down onto the couch across from Simon.
“I don’t know, but we’ll figure it out.” 
You stepped into your room, surprised to see Dwight cleaning up the mess that you left. 
“What are you doing here?” You asked.
“Cleaning your mess… And I came to talk to you. Have you thought about what I told you?”
“Kind of hard to when I have a group of women trying to kill me,” you sighed. “But yes, it has crossed my mind.” 
“Right. Sorry.” 
“I tried to get them to leave with me… Simon and Negan. I asked if they would give all this up… For me.” 
“And?” Dwight asked.
“They couldn’t. They won’t.” 
Dwight sighed. “Rick agreed to meet with you.” 
You looked up at him, eyes wide and a glimmer of hope. “What?” 
“But we have to leave in a couple of hours.” 
“Negan’s going to kill you…” 
“No. He won’t. He won’t have any idea. I’m supposed to be paying a visit to Alexandria anyway to retrieve some supplies.”
You contemplated the possibilities that this may end, but you knew that there was only one way and Negan and Simon were both too stubborn to realize a different way of living. They weren’t going to leave with you, so you might as well take matters into your own hands and try and save the Sanctuary.
“Okay… Where do I meet you?” 
Dwight told you the plan. You were to hide in the truck once it was time. No one was going to stop or question Dwight since he was already scheduled to pay another surprise visit to Alexandria. Negan wanted to put pressure onto Rick and his group to maintain the message that they all belonged to him. By the time Negan and Simon would be looking for you, you would already be gone. 
Negan and Simon paid a visit to his wives. They didn’t have any of the other Saviors on watch, just because they wanted to be safe. Negan opened the door to Sherry’s cell, seeing her cower in the corner.
“Cut the bullshit,” he spat. “Here’s dinner.” He tossed a plate with a simple slice of bread. It wasn’t enough, but at least he wasn’t feeding them what they had fed Daryl. 
“Are you going to kill us?” Sherry asked quietly, grabbing the slice of bread quickly. 
“I haven’t decided yet.”
“We’re sorry… We didn’t know what overcame us. We just - We just couldn’t bear the thought of sharing you…” Sherry crawled over to Negan, running her hands along his calves and up to his thighs. On any other day, Negan would have enjoyed this, but he couldn’t help but be fueled by anger and disgust. 
“Get the fuck off of me,” Negan said, stepping back. “You all still fucking belong to me. Don’t think for one second that just because you are my ‘wives’, that I wouldn’t hesitate to kill you.”
“You would have killed us already if you wanted to,” she spat. 
“Oh, don’t fucking tempt me with a good time, darlin’.” Negan smirked, shutting the door and locking it behind him. Once he and Simon finished feeding the wives, they went back up to Negan’s room and decided to discuss what they were going to do about [Y/N].
Negan walked up the stairs and into his room. His mind drifted, wondering what life would be like if he were to leave all of this behind. He was sure he would be happier, especially with you by his side. Negan poured himself a glass of scotch, swirling its contents in the glass as he continued to ponder the possibilities. He didn’t hear Simon come in, but with a clearing of Simon’s throat, Negan was pulled out of his reverie. 
“Any idea on what we wanna do?” Simon asked, pouring himself a glass of scotch and then taking a seat across Negan. 
“How are we supposed to keep order with my ‘wives’ if I keep them alive? They will just know that they can do whatever the fuck they want. If I force them out of the Sanctuary, what happens if they find another community like Rick’s? Then we’ll be fucking screwed,” Negan said. 
“Then kill them,” Simon said simply. “I thought about it… We’re here to keep order and we need to set an example. We don’t tolerate violence within these walls. We use the excuse that these women, your wives, targeted a potential Savior for some sort of rumor they created. It was simply a way to entertain themselves,” Simon reasoned. 
“We can’t risk it.” 
“You just don’t want to kill your wives. Deep down, you and I both know that you thrive on the idea of having multiple women, being able to sleep with anyone at your disposal.” 
Negan tightened his jaw. He set his glass down onto the coffee table and leaned forward, linking his hands together. “Do I need to fucking remind you who you’re talking to?”
“Cut the shit, Negan. You don’t need to play a merciless leader with me once we’re behind closed doors. You know I’m right. I’ve always been right.” 
Negan felt anger fuel him, standing and grabbing the glass from Simon’s hand and throwing it across the room. They both heard the glass shatter and Simon stood to stand toe to toe with Negan. Simon was just slightly taller, but both men were staring into each other’s eyes, anger radiating between them.
“Shut the fuck up. We both know that [Y/N] would rather be with me than you,” Negan said. “Even before the world ended, she still wanted me while she was with you. You know you couldn’t satisfy her the way I do.”
Simon tightened his jaw and narrowed his eyes. “And yet, she still chose me.”
“Fuck you.”
“No, fuck you! You have hurt that girl way too many times and you think she’s going to pick you? She saw what you did to that group! You bash people’s heads in with a fucking bat named after your dead wife that you screwed over!” Simon yelled.
That was the last straw. Negan reached out and grabbed Simon’s shirt, tossing him roughly onto the ground. Before Simon could even get up, Negan raised his foot to kick across Simon’s face. Once it connected, Simon’s head whipped back and he groaned in pain.
“Don’t. Fucking. Mess. With. Me!” Negan yelled. Simon rolled over onto his tummy, trying to push himself up but Negan delivered another swift kick to his ribs. “Know your place!” 
Simon spat out some blood, slowly bringing himself to his knees. Negan was breathing heavy, anger flashing across his features. Simon looked over his shoulder at Negan, standing up slowly and curling his hand into a fist. He delivered a swift punch across Negan’s jaw which caused Negan to stumble backwards, grunting in pain.
“What the fuck?!” Negan rubbed his jaw, staring at Simon as both men were panting heavily. “Are you out of your fucking mind?!” 
“You started it!” Simon yelled, one arm wrapped around his midsection as he tackled Negan to the floor. He managed to deliver a few more punches to Negan’s face which caused some blood to spill from his nose and a cut to appear at his lower lip. 
Negan grunted in pain, rolling Simon over and delivering a punch across Simon’s face. Both men groaned and Simon used his strength to push him off. Both men were lying on the floor, in pain and panting heavily. 
“You fucking started it,” Negan growled. “Learn to shut the fuck up.” 
Simon scoffed, his arm remaining around his midsection. “Learn to grow the fuck up and own up to your mistakes.” 
Negan glared at Simon, standing slowly and extending a hand out. “Get the fuck up.”
Simon looked at Negan’s hand and shook his head, pushing it away. “Fuck you.” 
“Get up,” Negan demanded. “I’m not messing around.” 
“And neither am I. Just leave me the fuck alone for a minute.” 
“Then get the fuck out of my room,” Negan said, walking back towards his glass of scotch. “And while you’re at it, clean up the shattered glass.” 
Simon grunted, shaking his head as he stood up slowly. “You know, you’re right… She would choose you and maybe that’s me being jealous, but she deserves so much better than you.”
Negan downed his drink and looked over to Simon. While you had been with Simon first, there was something different with your connection with Negan and the three of you knew it. “Yeah, she deserves you.”
Simon laughed. “Of course she does. We both know it.”
“Fuck you,” Negan chuckled. 
“You know, we are going to have to kill your wives, right?”
Negan sighed, staring down at his empty glass. “I know.” 
You were sitting at the bed of the truck, feeling the bumps of the road. You couldn’t believe that you had left the Sanctuary and from the silence coming from Dwight, it seemed like Negan and Simon hadn’t known you left… At least not yet. 
You were slowly falling asleep before the truck came to a stop. You heard Dwight leave the truck, then you could hear the conversation he was having. 
“She’s here,” Dwight said. “Where’s Rick?”
“How do we know you’re not lying?” The other man said.
Dwight sighed and walked to the end of the truck. He lifted the sheet and nodded his head towards you. “Come on out,” he told you. “They need proof.”
You stepped out of the truck and looked around. You saw the large gates and widened your eyes once you looked past the gates to see how normal it looked inside. 
“You’re [Y/N]?” The man asked.
“Yeah… I’m here to talk to Rick. About Negan.” 
Dwight tightened his jaw, glancing around and waiting impatiently for the other man to open the gate. “Just open the gates, Aaron.”
Aaron hesitated, narrowing his eyes at Dwight and then glancing over at you. “We can take her from here.” 
“Well, I’m going to need some supplies, so let’s make this trade quick.” 
You widened your eyes. “Trade? What do you mean trade?”
“I can’t stay with you here,” Dwight reasoned. “It’s going to look very suspicious if I’m gone longer than I need to be.” 
“What if they kill me?” You asked hesitantly, glancing at Aaron once the gates opened. 
“We won’t. We’re not like Negan,” Aaron said, pure hatred lacing his tone of voice. 
You tightened your jaw and sighed. No one but you knew who these men really were. “Right.” 
You stepped inside Alexandria and was led in a different direction than Dwight. You shared one last look at him and he gave you a swift nod. 
“You’ll be okay,” he called out. 
Aaron led you to the back of the compound. You couldn’t help but look around in awe at the sight of the houses. You imagined living in one of these houses with Negan and Simon, cooking meals with one another in the kitchen, watching movies in the living room, cuddling in the bed… It was too good to be true. There was no way that was ever going to happen. 
“What’s your name?” You asked.
Aaron didn’t respond. Instead, he led you down a small flight of stairs and opened the door. You stepped inside and widened your eyes. It was a jail cell. Before you could even protest, he gently pushed you inside and locked it behind you. 
“This is for your own good, trust me.” Aaron said. “It’s just a precaution.”
“A precaution?! I snuck out of the Sanctuary to be here, to meet Rick and instead, I’m in a goddamn cell?! I’m trying to prevent a war!” 
“We just need to be sure,” he sighed. “We need to be sure you’re telling the truth that you want to help and not just saying that because Negan wants you to.”
Before you could respond, your eyes drifted to the sound of the door opening. You heard the sounds of cowboy boots walking across the floor. Your eyes raked the man from bottom to top, noticing the holster around his waist, the denim button up tucked into his ragged dark jeans, and his long, curly hair with a beard tinted with gray. You noticed his blue eyes, void of any emotion. 
He looked angry.
“Get me out of here. I’m just here to talk to Rick, I swear,” you reasoned, trying to talk to the other man who just entered the building. Maybe he would understand that you were telling the truth. 
“You can leave Aaron.”
Aaron nodded, glancing over at you once more before leaving. 
“You’re not going to let me leave, are you?”
Rick shook his head, taking a seat and staring at you. “I’m Rick.” 
You cleared your throat, taking a step backwards into the cot. “You’re the man I’m supposed to meet with.”
“And here I am. Now, talk.”
“I saw what Negan did to you, to your group… You can stop this. You can stop this war.” 
“And why should I? You saw what I saw. You know what that man is capable of.”
“He – He only did it to make a point.”
Rick chuckled, running his hand over his beard. “Really? And what do you call taking half of my group’s supplies? Ransacking our homes? Making a point? No, you’re crazy to think he’s only doing this to make a point. He wants control, power… He won’t stop until he gets it.”
“You don’t know him!” 
“And you do?” Rick questioned. 
You nodded hesitantly. “I – I know him and Simon. From before.” 
Rick arched a brow. He didn’t know about this. He just thought you were some woman that Negan cared deeply about. He was going to use you as bait, but he was intrigued about this old connection. 
“That’s why he’s so protective of you…” 
“There’s history between us,” you replied. “I’m trying to stop this… To stop you, to stop him… We can work together. I promise, I can convince him. You both are using resources that you don’t have. There’s no need to fight.”
Rick stood up abruptly, tightening his jaw as he stared deeply into your eyes. “No need to fight? Have you lost anyone, [Y/N]? Had to kill anyone since this world ended?”
You cleared your throat. You were fortunate enough to not have lost anyone since the world ended and you had only ever had to kill one person. 
Rick shook his head. He had his answer based on the silence between the both of you. “He protected you. He shielded you from this world, from who he really is. What makes you think that he won’t hurt you if you’re in his way?” 
“He wouldn’t…”
“But what if he did? What if the man you knew from before isn’t the same person you’re with now?”
You shook your head, tears brimming your eyes. “He would never hurt me.” You lied. Negan was the only man who had broken your heart just right before the world ended and while having Simon and Negan were a dream, you always felt more attracted to Negan. There was just something about him that Simon didn’t have. 
“Please… He’s not a monster.” You pleaded, wiping your fallen tears. “He’s a human being, just like the rest of us. He hurts, like the rest of us. He mourns, like all of us… He’s not the man you think he is.”
Rick shook his head. “But he could be the man that could end us all and he doesn’t even know it.” 
Without a response, Rick left the building, leaving you in the cell. You lied on the cot and stared up at the ceiling. This was a mistake. There was no way of convincing Rick of changing his mind and now, you were positive that a war was coming because once Simon and Negan finds out that you are gone, all hell will break loose.
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sweatyrickgrimes · 2 years
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justanoasisimagines · 4 months
Back To You
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Summary; Dwight comes face to face with someone who he presumed was gone. Pairing; Dwight x Female Reader WordCount; 522 A/N; Requests are open. Losely based on a preference I wrote a while ago. Credit to @cafekitsune for the divider and banner!
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Dwight's eyes haunted him. Creating false imagery of you, the love of his life. Lost. Dwight was uncertain. You could be alive, lost, searching for him. Or you were now gone, walking among the undead.
Dwight looked away. Inhaled and exhaled before he glanced back up. Excepting the image of you to have disappeared. Except you hadn't.
You were still deep in discussion with Arat. Dwight felt his heart pounding in his ears as the box slipped out of his hand crashing onto the floor. You turned reacting to the sudden sound.
It was you without question.
Time appeared to slow around you both. Dwight closed the distance in a matter of large strides. Not a word was spoken when Dwight finally reached you. With calloused hands, Dwight grasped your face as his lips collided with yours with a bruising impact.
Even as you pulled away, neither let go. Silent tears expressed a mountain of emotions you'd need to process. Arms circled around bodies, both holding on for dear life, afraid the other might suddenly disappear.
As Dwight leaned down to kiss you again, he took his time. Wanting to absorb every feeling, every sound, every touch. The softness of your lips sent him back to easier times.
The way you clutched onto his shirt as you attempted to ground yourself. The way lips twitched ever so slightly when Dwight leaned in for another kiss.
So many memories came flooding back, Dwight found a home within you. He would do anything he could to protect that.
Dwight realized there was so much at stake. The Sanctuary was hazardous. There were too many dangers within the walls. Always someone attempting to win Negan's favor.
The two of you would need to take off. Somewhere safe. Somewhere where people weren't constantly fighting for more power. Dwight considered asking if Alexandria would take you in.
It would be a long shot, but what did Dwight have to lose?
"Baby, I've got so many questions, but I've got to deliver this package. Wanna come with me?"
"I can as long as we collect the bundle of clothes I'm meant to be fixing." Dwight retrieved the box from the ground, deciding to take the weight in one arm so the other could hold onto your hand.
"Alright. Then we're going to head back to yours. We're packing up your stuff so you can move into my room."
They were walking around doing their duties, while so much uncertainty hung over the two.
"You know we're gonna figure it out. What to do next? One thing is certain we're not staying here long term. I don't know how. I don't know where but we're going to find somewhere safe."You nodded. Dwight wrapped his arms around your shoulders. The apocalypse had taken a lot from Dwight. Life as he knew it, but he refused to let it take you.
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theneganlegacy · 3 years
Simon : If I punch myself and it hurts, am I strong or weak?
Dwight : Weak.
Regina : Strong.
Negan : A shithead.
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slashingdisneypasta · 3 years
Damn imagine being one of the most skilled surgeons remaining in the zombie apocalypse, so, of course the villains always have to have you (Whether you want to be with them or not). Like, there's of course the millions of bullet wounds you have to deal with (At this point you're not even gentle. Its just like okay, my man, bite don onto this rag. Now we'll do this on the count of 5. Yes, 5. So 1... 2... YANK *You promptly rip that fucking bullet outta dudes arm, drop it in the basin and leave the room to the sounds of his screaming.* Who's next??), and the walker bites (You use a saw to slice off the limbs- yes, you do earn quite a reputation because of this).
... But then there's also the memorable injuries. Like that time at Woodbury where they brought in some crazy fucking redneck who sliced off his own hand, and the time the 'Guv'na' came in with one less eye then last time and wouldn't tell you how it happened so you had to just write down 'fell over' on the report, or the time this one dude called D came in and had to get stitches on his penis after a guy CHOMPED ON HIM. Dear lord, the divine irony.
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daddynegandesires · 4 years
My Little Runaway pt. 1
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(Summary: you and negan use to make a great team untill he turned into the big bad wolf. You left the sanctuary hoping to start over and find a better life untill you stumble back into negan once finding a new home at Alexandria)
Warning: violence, mentions of sex, emotional,teasing,trigger warning
Characters: neganxyou, rick, Daryl, carol,Dwight,carl
(Sorry for how short this first chapter is this is my first one)
"You have lost all of your chances!!" Negan yelled in his hearty voice echoing off of the brick walls of the sanctuary.
Negan was standing in the middle of everyone with his head held high and a nasty grin on his face showing off his pearly white teeth. He has lost his mind since the apocalypse had started...losing his wife and now the world is ran by flesh eaters...do i blame him? Of course not, but he has turned into someone i know he doesnt want to be...someone dirty....someone scary.
" (y/n)...why dont you be a doll and hand me the iron.." He turned towards me grinning
He knew i didnt like this he could see the sadness in my face...the guilt...but he didnt care. All he cared about was himself....he loved the power everyone dropped at his feet. Negan was the best.
"DO NOT!....now you're going to listen to me.." he started walking towards you taking heavy steps"...and you are going to do what i say when I SAY...you belong to nobody but ME....now.. Hand me the iron." he flashed you a smile waiting for you to react.
You bit the inside of your cheecks and slid on the glove to protect your hand from the heat you slowly lifted the iron out of the fire and handed it over to negan. He took it from you and with a swift turn he collided the iron with the mans face bloody screams filled the air almost unbearable the smell of burning flesh and hair...not sure how much longer of this you could take you ran off quietly unnoticed quickly packing a bag and exiting from the sanctuary...this wasnt who you are or who you are meant to be you had tears swelling up in your eyes...with one last look you ran off into the woods.
*end of flashback*
Its been a long time since you've left the sanctuary...you havent seen negans face in what felt like forever. You have found a new home now. Alexandria...rick took you in he is the leader of the group he gave you a home clean clothes, food, and a place to wash up. Things were great at Alexandria everybody got along we helped eachother with gardening and going on runs for supplies and you watched Judith ricks daughter in the free time.
"You are the cutest! Yes you are!" Bouncing Judith on your knee making cute little faces at her.
You, Judith and carl were sitting outside on the porch when you heard a commotion going on over by the gates. You handed Judith off to carl and started to walk over to check it out.
".....no..." You whispered to yourself you could feel your knees getting weak and your breath was caught in your throat. It was him.....how is this possible..how could he find you. You started to turn back around when you heard him speak. His deep...raspy voice....negan.
"Wellll..looky at what we got here" negan pushed past rick making his way up to you"....my...little...runaway" he had a grin on his face and his bat tightly gripped in his hand
"W-what do you want from me.."you managed to get words out of your mouth but it was difficult
"Negan!..leave her alone" rick shouted
"Rick dont be rude!..we are having a conversation" he swung back around towards you on the balls of his feet letting out and deep chuckle.
"...why did you run away...hmm" he stepped in closer to you only inches away from your face
"Fuck you!"spit from your mouth landed on his lip Your mouth was quivering and your hands we balled into fists
"Mmm.." He licked your spit off his lips" we have time for that....BUT youre lucky i have business to take care of...dwighty boy!" Negan turned his head looking at Dwight motioning him to come over.
"Why dont you take this fine gal back to the truck.." Negan chuckled and moved out of the way for Dwight
You and rick both said in unison. dwight now had a tight grip on your arm looking at negan for approval on what to do next. Negans face was starting to fill with rage he flexed his jaw and drug his hand down his face.
"Now now...do you want a repeat of last time Ricky boy" swining his bat around "dont make me choose again between all of these fine people!".
"It doesnt have to be like this..now just let her go we can work something out" rick said raising his hand up at him in a calming motion
"She is mine fair and square...ya see..me and (y/n) here we use to be a GREAT TEAM" sliding his tongue out across his bottom lip
"She was one of my top guys....well a woman"negan chuckles to himself picking his bat up over his shoulder while pacing back and forth amongst ricks group
Taking his bat pointing it out at each of them and finally landing on carl.
"Moe......" Negan pokes his bat into carls chest
"On your knees kid...i promise this will be quick" with one slow rise up in the air with his bat negan tightens his grip to get ready to swing
"Lucille....give me strength..." Negan whispers to himself
"Noooo! Stop!" You screamed before the bat could collide with carls head "ill go! Take me negan!" You were panting out of breath in fear for carl
"Load her up Dwight" negan was mad and fed up he did not hesitate
Tears started to stream down my face as Dwight drug me by my arm to the truck. ricks face was full of defeat and worry knowing that there was nothing he could do to stop all of this without getting his people killed so he had no other choice but to let me go. Negan said nothing and followed behind me and Dwight i was thrown into the truck all i could see was rick and carl standing by the gate watching me leave.
"Its nice to have you back babydoll"
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jasminemackay16 · 4 years
After filming a sexy shower scene with Austin: 
Norman Reedus is casually filming himself whilst walking around set,
“Oh, what do we have here,” he says to the camera, flipping the camera to show y/n walking out of a house completely soaking wet with nothing but a towel around her,
Norman asks y/n in a cocky tone, “what’s been going on here?”
y/n smiles sweetly at the camera 
“I just finished doing the shower scene with Austin” she explains
y/n turns and calls Austin over from the side
The camera panes to Austin who is sitting, smoking on the porch, also soaking wet with a towel around his waist
Austin smiles at y/n before walking over, his towel hanging dangerously low around his hips, cigarette hanging from his lips, and comes up behind y/n
 Austin grabs y/n around the waist pulling her into him causing her towel to slip further down her chest
They both laugh
Norman asks the pair how the scene went
y/n answers that it was a bit hard because of the water kept going into their eyes
Austin hums in agreement 
Norman mumbles “I heard that that wasn’t the only thing that was hard” barely audible 
y/n’s eyes widen and nervously laughs 
“Norman!” she squeals 
 Both Norman and Austin laugh
y/n reaches up still in Austins grasp and kisses his jaw
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alyssawritesss · 4 years
Fandom: The Walking Dead Pairing: Dwight x Reader Prompt: N/A Warnings: N/A Notes: Y/N = Your Name
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[masterlist] [view my tag list info here] [tip me for my writing if you’d like]
TAGS: @sxturn-stars​ (permanent tags) 
You had been with the survivors from the beginning, running into them in Atlanta and joining them at the quarry. From then on you had walked alongside them and fought each battle, surviving together. In all of this time, you had never seen a day coming where a part of you would feel drawn away from the people you had grown to know as family; the people you had grown to love above all else in this miserable world. Not until now.
Lying in your bed, thoughts of Dwight ran through your mind. He was one of them, one of the saviours… but not really. You knew how he felt about them, specifically their leader Negan. He wanted peace among the communities, just the same as you and your people did. Negan would never have it though.
“What’s wrong?”
You turned your head to your left, spotting Dwight’s head on the pillow next to you. In the middle of the night, while the guard shifts were changing, you had snuck Dwight in through the sewer system below Alexandria.
“I’m just thinking… About everything.” You confessed. “I’m scared. What if this all goes wrong? What if Negan wins?”
“He won’t win.” Dwight assured you.
“Even if he doesn’t… Things will be different. In some ways for the better and in other ways-”
Dwight furrowed his eyebrows, cutting you off. “Are you talking about us?”
You nodded softly.
Frowning, Dwight rolled over to face you entirely. You did the same. “Look, I know how your people feel about me, the others too. I’m not stupid enough to think that after I work with you guys, they’ll forgive me for everything I’ve done. I wouldn’t forgive me and I don’t know how you have.”
“So what?” You asked.
“So…” Dwight mumbled. “Stop worrying about that, alright? There’s nothing we can do right now. No matter what, we have to win this war and stop Negan. Let’s just enjoy right now while we can.”
You took in Dwight’s words, feeling a small sense of comfort wash over you. As much as you feared losing Dwight after all of this, you knew he was right about enjoying the time that you had together. You hated sneaking around, lying to your family, but what else could you do? To you, this wasn’t just some fling. You felt something real with Dwight and he felt it too.
“You’re right,” You smiled, leaning over and kissing him. “I’m going to go for a nice, long, hot-ass shower… wanna join?”
Dwight looked at you, a small smirk coming to his face. “From upset about a war to wanting me to shower with you?”
“What can I say? Your words have inspired me.” You smiled. “You know where to find me if you feel a little dirty.”
With that, you matched into the bathroom, pulling off your shirt and tossing it backwards before closing the door behind you. Dwight shook his head, his smiling remaining as he rubbed his eyes with his fists. Taking a moment to collect his thoughts, he hopped out of bed and made his way towards the bathroom.
From my old blog... I hope you enjoy!! I am currently ONLY accepting Christmas-y requests! You can send those HERE if you’d like. Please remember to note and/or reblog if you enjoyed!!
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