#twd dwight x ps reader
plus-size-reader · 4 years
Freedom pt.2
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Dwight x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 1517 words
Warnings: none 
Summary: Negan’s daughter trying to negotiate the suggestion Dwight had, even though it could be dangerous for them both
Part 1
"We are going to run away"
As soon as the words left Dwight's lips, he regretted them. Not for the sake of them, of course, but because there was no taking them back. After the way running away had gone for him the first time, it was a terrible idea.
A dangerous idea.
If he tried to do it again and failed, there was no telling what Negan would do to him and if he took you with him, it was surely a death sentence. Your dad would kill him for that, even if you tried to tell him that you took part in it.
...Even if you told him why you'd done it
Really, you could have told him anything and there was a good chance Negan wouldn't listen. Not even his little princess could make a lapse in trust and judgment okay. Dwight would surely die for something like that.
Still, there was just something about you that made the blonde not care.
As stupid as he knew it was to even entertain the idea of taking you and getting as far away from the Sanctuary as possible, you were worth the risk to him.
The dreamy look on your face as you looked at this place, and the people that lived there was more than enough for him to be willing to risk it all. You were beautiful, and he was sure that he would be willing to do anything even if it just made you smile.
It was worth more than anything to him.
You were shocked that he would even say something like that, but it would be a lie to say that it didn't also make you really happy. Even if he wasn't entirely serious, it was something that you often found yourself dreaming about when you were alone.
The idea of getting out and living the life you'd always craved.
"You really mean it? You think that we could do that?" you gasped, now speaking in a much more hushed tone. It was clear that you were thinking over what that could mean, or how it would work.
There were a lot of moving parts and the chances of you being able to actually pull it off were slim to none. There was no way that you could pull it off without anyone finding out and even if you did do it somehow, Negan would surely send everyone he had after you both.
If Dwight thought he'd went all out the first time he'd tried to run away from the sanctuary, there was no comparison to how it would be if you actually went through with this.
You knew your father pretty well, and if he had to, he would send every Savior out after you. Nothing would be too much to get you back home.
It just wasn't something you could risk
You wanted to make it work so bad, and you would have done anything to get out of there but you just didn't want to risk Dwight in order to do it. Even if you had to stay trapped within the walls of the sanctuary, like a prisoner, you knew that D would be safe that way.
As soon as you two left that compound, there was nothing you could do to guarantee that he would be protected from your dad's wrath.
You just weren't sure that the small chance you had at freedom was going to be worth the potential loss that you would sustain if you two got caught. Negan would probably lock you away for the rest of your life if he found out you were even having this conversation.
He would take it as a personal offense, as if you had both rejected him, and that just wasn't going to work.
You both just needed to face the facts.
There was no future for you two in which you just got to happily be together. Even if you wanted to try and make it work within the sanctuary, you could never tell anyone about it or take the chance that they could find out.
You would constantly be hiding away from the rest of the world.
"I'd like to try" he shrugged, reaching out to slowly take your hand in his own, once he'd checked to make sure that none of the other Saviors were around to see you. It was a little bothersome, to have to constantly cover your tracks, but you had to make due.
As much as you hated feeling like a secret, like he was ashamed of you, you understood why it had to be that way. If you wanted to be alive, this was just what you had to do.
"It's too dangerous, we could never do that" you decided finally, just in time to catch a glimpse of Negan headed toward where you both were. Then without even looking back, you stood from your place and headed toward him.
It broke your heart to do that, to switch it up that way when you were so close to getting what you'd always wanted but the danger it would put Dwight in just wasn't worth it to you. You would rather never speak to him again than lose him trying to be selfish.
If something you did got him killed, you were sure you'd never get over it.
That left Dwight in a pretty strange place, confused as to how quickly the conversation had soured, but maybe he'd just hit a nerve. It was stupid for him to even think something like that could work.
"I want to go home now" you announced, your words more than an order than anything else but Negan didn't even give it a second thought. The raid was wrapping up and there was no reason for you to stay, so he got you all set up in Simon's truck and you were on your way.
...And just as you pulled away, you caught sight of Dwight, standing there where you'd left him.
He had no idea how he managed to get himself into this position, but one thing was for sure, this whole thing wasn't over for either of you. Consequences be damned,  that couldn't be how this ended.
You didn't see Dwight again until a few days later, as you had been pretty obviously avoiding him but eventually, he got the better of you. The sanctuary was only so big and you couldn't stay away from him forever.
"Hey, is everything okay? I haven't seen you for a while" he started, catching you on your way up the stairway. Right now, it was just the two of you in that space but you knew it wouldn't be that way for very long.
Rather than stop to answer his question, you just kept scaling the stairs, desperately hoping that he would just move on and leave you alone. Though, with the clear feelings you had for one another, it was a longshot.
...And it wasn't like this was easy for you in the first place.
You didn't like having to stay away from Dwight, who was easily your favorite person in this whole compound. It was all just too real for you there in Alexandria, talking about the future that you could share.
The danger, and the potential made for a deadly combination and it would just be easier for everyone if you put a stop to it entirely. You wouldn't lose him to some childish dream, that never should have happened at all.
There was no future for either of you, and you just needed to accept that now.
"Dwight, just stop. We can't do this anymore" you decided finally, hoping that would be enough to discourage him. It wasn't of course, but you had to try. Even if he made a choice to ignore your warnings entirely, you couldn't be a part of it anymore.
You didn't have the luxury of being naïve anymore.
Your actions had consequences and if you had the wrong choices, you would have to face them.
"Just talk to me. I can fix this" he tried, grabbing your wrist gently in his own. It was enough to spin you around to face him, though you yanked your arm free as soon as you met his eyes. This was real life and if he couldn't make the right call, you weren't going to give him an option at all.
It was as simple as that.
"Do you have any idea what could happen to you? That burn will seem like a slap on the wrist if dad catches us here" you reminded, not really willing to find out if your words were the truth.
You'd seen him do much worse for much less.
You could see in the blonde's face that he was trying his hardest to find some way to convince you that wasn't true, but he couldn't. So, before he could make this any worse than it already was, you opened the door to your floor, only stopping briefly before leaving completely.
"Goodbye D"
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plus-size-reader · 5 years
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Dwight x Plus size!reader
Word Count:1870 words
Summary: Reader is Negan’s daughter. He keeps her under lock and key, but when she finds a little bit of freedom, how much is she going to take? and what is she willing to do to get it? 
Your dad had always been beyond protective of you, and it wasn't 100% his fault. After you lost your mother, and then the dead started walking among the living, all he cared about was keeping you alive. 
He couldn't lose you too, he knew that so you were hardly allowed out of his sight…
Until he built the sanctuary.  
As soon as the walls were fortified, you were finally allowed to roam about without an armed guard on your tail, and you loved it. 
For about three days...
Once you'd explored all there was to explore in the sanctuary, you weren't having it anymore. You weren't allowed to leave the sanctuary grounds and you felt trapped behind the concrete walls. 
You were a prisoner in your own castle, if for nothing more than your own protection. 
It did no good to tell your dad that you could protect yourself if he taught you to shoot a gun but that didn't do much for you. He couldn't cope with the idea of you being anywhere near the danger so you lived your life under constant house arrest. 
Something that you had pretty much accepted until the discovery of Alexandria. 
The saviors had taken over quite a few communities in the past but something about this one was different. The leader, Rick, wasn’t going down without a fight, and everything that happened behind those walls was beyond entertaining. 
Everyone knew it, but only you were in a position to tag along, after a ton of begging. 
“Please Daddy, I just want to see it” you whined, not caring how pathetic you sounded. Raid days to Alexandria were the most entertaining thing to happen in forever, and you weren’t going to miss it.
Not if you could help it. 
However, Negan wasn’t showing any sign of bending on his hard no. He didn’t want anything happening to you, even if he was there. 
“We aren’t talking about this anymore, go to your room” he suggested, using that ton he used on the rest of the saviors. He rarely used it on you, but when he did, you knew better than to argue. 
Though you definitely thought about it. 
“Ugh, fine” you groaned, louder than necessary before stomping out, the door slamming behind your back. 
Your pouting wasn’t something new for Negan, but it did get him thinking. 
You rarely got to leave the compound, because it wasn’t safe...though, Negan currently had possession of all the guns in Alexandria.  Not to mention that a ton of saviors were going with him. 
You wouldn’t be exposed to anything other than those idiot Alexandrians, and they couldn’t do anything to hurt you. 
Maybe it would be okay for you to tag along, as long as you agreed to behave. 
You could hardly breathe when your dad told you that you were actually allowed to go with the saviors to Alexandria. 
When he’d kicked you out of his office earlier, you thought that was it, but it would appear not. At some point, he’d come to his senses and as long as Dwight kept an eye on you, you were allowed to explore. 
You didn’t like having to have a babysitter but you were so glad to be let out of the cage that you didn’t argue. 
It felt like you’d been waiting forever to get out. 
“I can’t believe you get to come out here everyday Dwight”  you yelled, screaming over the sound of the air zooming past your ears. 
You had asked to ride on the motorcycle with him, instead of in the truck with Simon, and Negan agreed. If Simon was his right hand, then Dwight was his left, and he trusted the man to get you there safely. 
“It’s not as glamorous as you think kid” he called back, ignoring the way your arms wrapped tightly around his middle, keeping you anchored on the back of the bike. 
You had never been on a motorcycle in your life, and it was quite the experience. 
“Don’t call me that D. I’m twenty-two” you groaned, it was bad enough that your dad treated you like a child, now he was doing it too. 
In truth, if there was anyone in the world you wanted to take you seriously, it was Dwight...who you’d been harboring quite a crush on since you met him. 
He was a tortured dreamboat, with a strong personality and skill. It didn’t hurt that he was also handsome, to add to the mix. 
In fact, you couldn’t believe that he hadn’t picked up on it by now. It wasn’t exactly a secret that you liked him, when the two of you were together. 
“Sorry princess, my bad” he laughed, chucking when you batted his shoulder with your hand, before it latched back onto his waist where it had been before. 
You could be so feisty, something that Dwight loved. 
Of course it wasn’t lost on him that you enjoyed his company, likely in the same way that he enjoyed yours. The only difference was that he knew better than to act on the feelings. 
If Negan ever found out about him messing around with his best girl, he’d be left with much worse than a burn. 
He wasn’t an idiot, and no matter how much he liked being around you, nothing was worth dealing with Negan when he was angry. 
“You should let me drive” you suggested, your voice close to his ear as you leaned forward, your hands resting lightly over his own on the handlebars. You loved the feeling of his calloused hands on your own, still soft due to lack of work and a pretty intense moisturizing regimen. 
You felt the man take a deep breath as he tried to ignore your advances but it did nothing but spur you on. 
For you, this was like a game. You had nothing to lose if your dad found out about the flirting and touching, not like Dwight did. Not to mention the fact that you knew he would hate it if he found out. 
You had a rebellious streak in you and being with Dwight was perfect for that...all you had to do was convince him that being with you as worth it in turn. 
Which was proving to be quite the challenge. 
“I don’t think you’d like it” he called back, keeping his eyes on the road and doing his best to ignore the butterflies in his gut at your close proximity to him. 
If he turned his head, he would likely come face to face with you as you now had your head resting on his back. 
He could feel your chest rise and fall with your every breathe, and it was becoming too much for him. You would likely be the death of him if you kept it up. 
“I think I would...if you were there with me” you countered, giggling in his ear in a way that nearly made him crash the bike. 
Next time, you were riding with Simon, for sure. 
The ride to Alexandria didn’t take too long at all, though for Dwight it felt like years, and before you knew it, you found yourself staring up at the tall gate the enclosed the entire compound. 
It was much more open than the sanctuary, and you couldn’t help but feel a little bit jealous about it. All these people got to live in nice houses, while all you had was concrete walls. 
It wasn’t fair at all. 
“I’m gonna go walk around the grounds Daddy, I love you” you purred, pressing a kiss to his cheek at the entrance. You knew that he had work to attend to and you’d already been through the rules. 
You could go anywhere you wanted...as long as Dwight went with you. 
“Come on D” you grinned, reaching a hand out to him, which he ignored...a good move, seeing as he was standing a few feet from your father, and Lucille. 
Instead, he kept his hands behind his back as he walked behind you, trailing you like a dog on a leash. He wanted to make it abundantly clear that he was only doing this out of necessity. 
Dwight had been given an order…
It didn’t matter if he would have done it regardless, or if he enjoyed all the time he got to spend with you. This was about his duty as one of your father’s most trusted soldiers.
This wasn’t about what he wanted. 
Your strides were smooth as you walked along the asphalt, your hips swinging easily as you made your way over to one of the houses farthest from the gate. 
It was clear that you were planning something, but Dwight knew better than to question it. 
“This is pretty fun, isn’t it?” you hummed, reaching out to take his hand in your own, forcing the man closer to you, though he wasn’t exactly upset about it. 
The fact that there was no longer any threat of your father’s anger made it easier for Dwight to relax a bit. After all, he had always really enjoyed your company, but this was bigger than the two of you. 
Still, even knowing that, Dwight couldn’t help himself. “Of course” he replied, following you up the porch steps
You had no idea whose house this was and quite frankly, you didn’t care. 
More than anything, you were looking for something new, something you didn’t have at the sanctuary that you could enjoy for the short time that you were here. 
So far, everything was different. 
In truth, you were in awe of this place. The people here were, more or less, free to do as they pleased and you envied that. You desperately wanted what they had…
“We should stay here” you hummed, sitting down on the porch swing, staring at the people crowding the street. Even dealing with the saviors, they remained together, as a family. 
You had never felt that way when you were at the sanctuary. 
Dwight laughed, looking out at the scene before you. You must have seen something different than he did. 
When he looked out at the crowds of people, he felt nothing for them. If anything, he saw them as an inconvenience. 
You had this dreamy look on your face that confused him. Did you really want to live like them?  
After being provided for, and having everything you had ever wanted at the sanctuary, the only thing you actually longed for was a life like this? A life that Dwight could never give you? 
“Why do you like it here so much?” He wondered, honestly not understanding what it was about the whole thing that appealed to you. Never in his life had he pegged you as the white picket fence type. 
However, you didn’t even have to answer him for the pieces to come together. You had been trapped under Negan’s constant supervision since all hell broke loose, and you wanted nothing more than your freedom. 
You wanted your own life.
It was in that moment, staring at you as you surveyed the surrounding area, that Dwight decided…
“We’re going to run away” 
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