#tw; waterboarding
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frownyalfred · 6 months ago
I think the League of Assassins waterboarded its best students to teach them how to resist torture/interrogation. and it’s one of the few skills Bruce refuses to pass along to his kids, no matter how much each Robin inevitably begs him when they find out.
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chainsaw-strap · 24 days ago
This was such a fun night, he bought me yummy dessert after we cleaned him up 🤍
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serickswrites · 9 months ago
Warnings: restraints, captivity, torture, forced to watch, water torture, waterboarding
"Sit," Whumper ordered Team Leader.
Team Leader's hands were bound tightly behind their back and they avoided glancing over at their team. They couldn't look at their faces. Couldn't bear to see the worry, the pain, and the fear. They had to be strong. For their team.
Team Leader sat on the chair carefully. They turned their gaze to Whumper, letting all the rage and hate they were feeling fill their eyes.
"Your team would follow you blindly anywhere, Team Leader. Such charisma," Whumper scoffed. "Let's see if they will follow your orders now."
Whumper smiled. "If they don't make a sound while I do this, I won't hurt them. Heck, I won't let you die. But if they speak? Well, we will play musical chairs."
"Fine." Team Leader wouldn't let Whumper hurt the others. They would take whatever Whumper did.
They finally looked up and over at their team. Smallest Teammate shook in their restraints, though the look on their face made Team Leader think that Smallest Teammate was so rage filled right now, it was a miracle the restraints were holding them back. Teammate One's eyes were filled with tears. And Teammate Two just stared blankly ahead.
"Don't speak. Don't shout. Whatever you do, just please, be quiet. Whumper won't hurt you. And I'll," they swallowed, "I'll be fine."
Whumper kicked Team Leader's chair over backwards. Team Leader hit the ground hard, but didn't cry out. If they didn't cry out, the team wouldn't know they were hurting.
Whumper dropped a filthy, damp towel on Team Leader's face. "This is going to be fun."
And before Team Leader could get a good breath in, Whumper blasted Team Leader's face with cold water from a hose. Team Leader sputtered and choked around the water.
They could hear Smallest Teammate's growls and Teammate One's cries of protest. But they couldn't muster the energy to try and get them to stop. They could only hope that Whumper would keep hurting them and not the rest of their team.
"I was going to let up. But now that Smallest Teammate's sweet dulcet sounds are in my ears, I'll keep going. That's way more fun!" Whumper's voice was barely audible as they increased the water pressure.
It was all Team Leader could do to keep breathing. To keep calm. They had to, though they felt as though they were drowning. Felt as though their world was ending. They had to stay strong for their team.
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baby-tini · 6 months ago
TW- Waterboarding, Psychological Abuse, Verbal Threats
It was a punishment, the first time he did it. Now, usually when he punished you, it was usually a beating on a spanking maybe, but PM!Dazai is an experimentalist at heart when it comes to torture. He had dragged you to a cold, damp room. Completely empty except for an adjustable table with a board strapped to it. The screaming and thrashing was instant as he held you to his chest and dragged you to the table, the swinging of your arms useless as he fisted your hair and moved you to the table. The black straps used too hold you down were tight as the leather dug into your skin, he had adjusted the table down so that your head was close to the ground before his hand grabbed ahold of the white cloth. His hands playing with it as he hummed moving about as he then placed the rag in your mouth. Your mouth being forced open as the rag was being forcefully stuffed into your mouth, all you could see were those empty eyes, as you heard him pick up something heavy sounding, the clinking of the object on the concreate floor let you know that, that something was metal. Your body fully tensing before going into shock as you felt the unexpected cold water pour onto your face and your sense were overcome by the liquid getting into your nose and leaking down your face, the water getting into your ears as everything soon sounded muffled, the moisture soaking your top half as your eyes reactively shut close, being almost drenched by the time he let up and pulled the metal object back. Sitting the bucket on the floor, you felt his coat brush against your cheek, before your eyes steadily opened, careful too not get water into them, only too find him looming down at you when your vision became clear again from repeated blinking away the blurriness the water once left. His eyes were no longer a soft chestnut, but instead an eerie crimson, the light completely gone as his palms sat flat on his thighs, his hair almost shielding the none-bandaged eye. His bandaged left-hand pushing at the wet strands of your face as they clumped together in a sopping mess.
"I'm gonna do this again and again. Every single time you misbehave, you'll be laid on this table... maybe then you'll learn that I don't tolerate such insolence."
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wearethesensum · 8 months ago
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[ record scratch ]
[ freeze frame ] yep, that’s me. you’re probably wondering how i got myself into this situation.
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just-here-for-the-whump · 7 months ago
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@whumpgifathon | Day 5: Water
Arrow 3x13 Canaries
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worst-mother-throwdown · 1 year ago
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TW: child abuse, murder, mass murder, physical abuse, torture, waterboarding, electrocution, cult, animal cruelty, animal death
Mrs. Momose propaganda
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Titania propaganda
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ex0rin · 1 year ago
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TWD S11E04 | Rendition @febuwhump | Day25: Waterboarding
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the-sonic-crew · 2 months ago
Ah- (Here comes a head canon- mod squirrel
Well , you see, Eggman.. Anons are a strange thing. We take the form of an eight year old child, except all gray and wearing sungalsses.
We know lots of things! Looooots of thiiiiings. Anyways, we could be helpful or harmful, example being the one who waterboarded and almost drown the blue rat, or some who gave therapy to him after.
Our abilities are even more powerful then whatever reality bending rock of the week there is, if you can believe that
Y'know, we may make the perfect team, who wants to join me?
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whumpinthepot · 1 year ago
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@febuwhump 2024, Day 25. Waterboarding
Art for @coyotehusk of his ocs Mica and Nancy!!
Mature art tag: @frogkingdom @coppercoyote @winged-wolf-s-collection-of-arts @ilasknives @alittlewhump @demondamage
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one-time-i-dreamt · 2 years ago
The band Sleep Token waterboarded me when I tried to listen to their music.
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xamaxenta · 1 year ago
Nah it’s the same anon sending in multiple deranged asks I’m in a ‘should be committed to an asylum’ mood
On that topic do you think it’s possible to erotically drown a devil fruit user. Idk I’m just thinking horrible thoughts about sabo on a pristine beach forcefully using haki to shove ace under as he kicks and thrashes on desperate animal instinct but can’t break free. The water is weakening him into a forced kind of distant compliance and even as the sea water stings in his lungs and he can feel his consciousness slipping away. He’s quenched in a way, the fire put out for sabo to have free reign to do horrible things until sabo hauls him out and forced air into aces lungs for a painful choking revival that leaves ace shuttering and heaving at sabos feet, easily able to be grabbed and forced back under again to repeat.
Marco is up the beach playing ‘lifeguard’ jerking off with a margarita
My pupils hypothetically dilating like a cat thats seen something it fucking WANTS and god . I want this
Pristine beach Already salivating its picturesque white sand glimmering waves clear aquamarine waters and there Sabo is drowning Ace in the shallows lmao
Like its erotic asphyxiation bc hands wont do it anymore haki wont do it anymore Ace wants to feel the drain and Sabos like oh. I can do worse and then shoves him under and Ace has never been so lightheaded and wanton
“Fire snuffed out for sabo to have free reign to do whatever horrible things” <- heart eyes 🥰 all tmyhe nasty duxkingb shit he could do with someone as powerful as Ace all limp noodled and soggy choking on salt water
Breathes life into him, cpr could be sexy if its MAS i swear and then rinse repeat until Ace actually ends up unconscious and Marco has to put aside his lifeguard duties to play medic for a bit shame it takes so long considering his boner is hindering him and Sabos set his sights on him as the next target
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bltzgore · 2 years ago
im obsessed with waterboarding torture whump but i canNOT find much on it here on tumblr so i was wondering if i can have your twisted brilliant mind’s take on it……. /pos
Oh, YES! (and thank you 😈) this is gonna be a long one. I have some IDEAS.
Tw: waterboarding, panic, mentions of gasoline
Let's hit the ground running!
Waterboarding is fun, but it is so much better (in my opinion) when you go after someone who is especially susceptible to it. Someone who's afraid of the water, or has incompatible physical traits or powers.
Starting with water boarding the old fashioned way (we'll call it traditional) with the build up. The getting tied, or even better held, down on whumpee's back. I'm gonna lean into held down for how much more they can struggle. I think the amount of fear expressed can double if whumpee actually manages to get an arm free before it's grabbed back and pinned twice as rough.
You need to show that whumpee is desperate. They are convinced this is going to kill them. They are screaming, or growling, or maybe they snap (does your whumpee bite?). This just makes the whumpers laugh. "Damn, we got a live one."
Then the cloth goes over their face and and they feel like they're going to have a heart attack, whumpee is actually crying at this point, hyperventilating (which will only make it worse when the water arrives). The terror is so strong it hurts.
Let us recall that covering whumpee's eyes can make things exponentially worse. They can no longer predict and brace for whatever it is. It can come at any time and that kind of terror can do half the whumper's work for them. So keep things unpredictable.
From there it's a simple process for whumper. Half drown whumpee, demand information they cannot give, put the cloth back, rinse and repeat.
Whumpee feels like they are drowning and dying and being dragged back again. This is their own personal hell, and there is no escape. I like to wonder how much energy they'd have, and if eventually they'd fall limp. Whumpee no longer has the strength to fight back and now they're sobbing and just waiting to die.
I love when it's a fierce character who's breaking to this as well. They started out cursing everyone out and trying to claw at their captors and they've been reduced to begging and incoherent runs of "No no no no no no! Not again!! STOP! STOP-"
So I said before this was the traditional method, let's branch out a bit:
- I once read a very inspired whump post about using gasoline to waterboard someone, and holy shit I wanna write about that! (I was unfortunately unable to find the original post.) Just imagine how much more it burns. Choking on gas. Then whumper gets to threaten them by holding up a match.
- there's also holding someone under water. I don't prefer this necessarily, but it's a fun option if you don't have the means of restraining whumpee on their back. You could do this anywhere, and if you press their head down just right you can make sure they can still hear whumper as they make their demands.
- I could go on and on about water based whump, but for now I'll cut it here! Happy whumping!!!
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worst-mother-throwdown · 1 year ago
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TW: child abuse, child abandonment, child neglect physical abuse, torture, waterboarding, electrocution, cult, animal cruelty, animal death
Mrs. Momose propaganda
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Mrs. Doofenscmirz propaganda
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needfantasticstories · 1 year ago
Wind, Water, and Four 
(DAY 25: Waterboarding)
In Four's era, Wind meets Jago's gang.
HUGE thanks to @somerknights and @estelian-01 and @hotcheetohatredwastaken for BETA reading.
Wind wasn’t often afraid of water. He loved the high seas with its open horizon and kaleidoscope of blues and greens. Not much felt so refreshing as a kiss of saltwater spraying on his face during a hard day of sailing.
But right now, he looked at the simple bucket of water beside him with genuine fear. A towel dangled in the hands of a strange man who stood over Wind. He was tall with short facial hair over his lip and chin, and an obnoxious smirk. Judging by the crooked smile, he was probably just as cocky as Warrior, but certainly not as friendly as the Captain. The man’s grang of rouges sitting on crates around the room muttered in excitement.
“It’s a simple question, kid. You tell me where Link left that sword, and we’ll have no issue. But if you want to make it interesting, I don’t mind playing a few games before you talk.” The gang of low-lifes around him laughed. 
Wind glowered and tried not to let it show how he struggled in his restraints, feeling for the knots that pinned his arms to the short end of the wooden bench.  
“No? You want to play the game? Fine. Let’s get started!” The man threw the towel over Wind’s face. Wind quickly drew in a breath and held it. 
Starting from the top of his head and creeping down came the pressure of water saturating the towel. It trickled down over his nose, then too quickly over his mouth and chin, sealing the dense fabric against his skin. There was no way for air to get through it now, except the tiniest waterlogged straw-suck of air if he was lucky enough for the towel to be old and worn. It did not feel worn. He tried not to think too much about it and held still. He could stay calm. His previous record for holding his breath was two minutes, and his shortest escape was 30 seconds, after all. Nevermind the longer ones, but there wasn’t time to dwell on that.
He picked at the knots, first the left hand, as pressure built in his chest. A drip slid from the rag into his nostril, and he tried not to panic. Hold hold hold . He thought and his nimble fingers worked into the coarse rope. 
One almost free! His face felt hot with pressure. His lungs burned. His heart raced. 
A punch to his gut ruined everything.
He gasped, but only sucked fabric and water in, and he choked as water tickled down his airway. He tried to breathe in again, and coughed out, but nothing came back in except more water. His mind felt washed in white. He arched his back as his legs thrashed and his arms jerked but he couldn't get a single breath, only more and more water dripping and sucked in from his desperate attempts. His neck ached from straining his arms and shoulders, his throat hurt, and his face burned. He’d lost track of which way was up and down, mind spinning even in his blindness. 
His thrashing grew weaker and weaker. 
The rag lifted, and he gulped in the precious air, a spray of water sent into his lungs along with it. His chest heaved like a boat in a storm, up and down. He watched it himself, aching and relieved and afraid.  
“Wasn’t that fun?” The man leered down at him. “Want to play again, or will you tell me where he keeps the blade?”
“What blade?!” Wind gasped. Right hand right hand right hand . The dim wood-paneled room looked fuzzy, all the light glittering too brightly from the water still coating his eyelashes. “Which Link? There are tons of people named Link!”
“What? Kid, there’s only one in this town, and everyone knows him. That bratty son of the Captain, he’s such a show-off it’s hard to miss. And you know that, I bet. You’re traveling with him. I bet he’s pissed you off a few times, eh? Why not give him a little taste of his own medicine? We don’t even want him . Just a sword he took from some shrine in the middle of nowhere. we just want to put it back. We’re like those, uh, what do they call them?”
“Archeologists,” a man in a red bandana supplied. 
“That’s it! Archeologists. That’s us, you see? Interested in ancient things. He’s stolen an old thing, and we just want to put it back. So what is it? Keep playing our game, or will you tell us?”
The man was like Warrior in more ways than one. He had this gang under his thumb, and didn’t take disrespect. “You can take that glass bottle over there and shove i–”
Down came the cloth, but Wind timed his last breath well. He’d be able to focus for a few seconds. He worked his fingers just right when a kick to his stomach threw his fragile plan off track, once again. He gasped, and floundered on the wood bench.
They let him get another taste of fresh air for a brief moment. Right hand right hand right hand . He wished he was as ambidextrous as Twilight. He hooked one finger in the knot and pushed in, wiggling and worming to loosen the knot. 
But all too quickly, his limbs flopped as the white fog clouded his mind again. He felt a strange, almost happy weightlessness. Then the rag was gone, and he gagged on a mouthful of water, spitting it out violently. 
A grumble at his side. He coughed and looked up. His captor was glaring, water all over his cheap cravat and grimey vest. 
A woman nearby laughed. “Oh, Jago doesn’t take being disrespected, lad!” 
Wind gave an exhausted smile of his own, and looked to the man's hip for a promising flash of silver, and he found it.  
Wind lunged. One fist closed over the handle of Jago’s knife, the other he fist swung into the man’s belly. Jago’s smirk shattered as he doubled over. 
Wind sliced the ropes at his feet, grateful the blade proved sharp, cutting them free in only a few slices. 
The ragtag criminals shouted and lunged first for their leader, and then for him, but it was too late. He’d already rolled off the bench and under their feet. 
The door was barred, but he hauled up the crossbeam and shoved it back into the crowd closing in behind him. Those in front fell back under its weight, forcing those behind to dodge around the fallen. Wind ducked under a grasping hand and hurled the door open. Narrowly avoiding the tackle of two scraggly criminals, he danced between the thin groups in the evening crowd, heading for the widest and most crowded roads he could find.
They chased him, shrieks and angry shouts bursting behind him, until at last he skidded into the crowded market. Lamps reflected in a beautiful fountain that he had too little time to appreciate. There were covered stalls everywhere. He ran into an alley near one, then turned and slid under the table of a silk merchant. Footsteps followed into the alley, and gruff curses soon followed, but Wind didn’t wait. He crawled under table after table, and at the end he made a run for the inn. 
“Wind!” Four shouted in relief as he ran into the end where the others had been staying. Twilight and Sky whispered prayers of thanks.
“Where are the others?” Wind asked.
“They’re out looking for you! What happened?” Four demanded. “Why are you all wet?”
Wind huffed, and glared at the irritation in Four’s voice, but it was all hitting him now. He blinked the shine of his eyes away and demanded, “Who in the High Seas is Jago?”
The door slammed open a second time, startling the other patrons who had already been staring at them in nosy interest. Warrior stood in the frame, tense as a bowstring, but when he saw Wind he sprung inside and grabbed the sailor by the shoulders. 
“Thank Farore. Time and I found those hooligans in the market. The knights are rounding them up.”
Four asked, far more gently, “Wind, what happened?”
“I’m fine!” He assured them both, though his coughing fit after made the others only look more worried. “It’s a long story. Can we get food first?”
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lostryu · 1 year ago
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sometimes you like. just have to laugh at these people. like ah yes, the incest enjoyer will now preach to us.
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