#tw: abandoned baby
timeguardians · 5 days
avictimofthejazz answered:
“I DON’T KNOW!” Murphy finds himself shouting back at his irate girlfriend. “DO YOU? BECAUSE I WAS TRYING TO GET TO YOU!”
Sucking in a deep breath, and holding it for a few seconds before letting it out slowly, Murphy pinches the bridge of his nose. Another deep breath follows, and he finally looks at Rose without the haze of adrenaline clouding his judgement or his vision. It is still bubbling in his veins like a bottle of champagne, but the initial explosion has passed with the proverbial cork landing somewhere in the next county.
Breathing in and out again, he attempts to speak, and is pleased to find that his tone of voice has returned to acceptable decibels. “Rose. You could have been killed running into the middle of that mess. I wasn’t trying to get myself killed, I was trying to get to you before something worse happened.”
Another deep breath is drawn in when he feels the adrenaline burp again, the memory of the firefight too close at hand for him to simply dismiss it in passing.
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The illusion of calm returns, and he reaches down to take her hands. “Are you all right, Rose? Or do I need to take you to the emergency room?”
When the questions is rapidly redirected to her, Rose viscerally recoils. His accusation is far too aptly pointed. For a perilous moment the heart floundering inside of her chest SEIZES up and SINKS like a torturously heavy stone. Instead of affirming his suspicions, Rose opts to shout. "YOU-- SHOULDN'T ---HAVE---- DONE ---THAT!!! NOT EVEN FOR ME!!!! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!!" She forcibly prods, as if she was very much in charge of him. Azure orbs bore into him firmly. Her porcelain hand outstretched to curl about the globe of his cheekbone. A cheekbone that seems tinted RED with prolific anger.
"I can NOT live without you." He is the solitary good thing Rose believes she has going for her in this life.
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Guilty eyes divert downwards. Her own fire simmers in the pit of her gut at his words. He isn't WRONG. Interceding like that could have ended far more badly. But he didn't know all the facts just yet. "It wouldn't be the first time I was shot at," the heiress moodily grumbles.
Then dragging in an inhale, she adds. "Besides, I had to---" With those words, Dewitt-Bukater slowly reveals what is burdening her other arm. It is a tiny, squirming form of a young babe. It looks to have been abandoned and uncared for days as there were flies trying to swarm it. "I know you may think me rich and unfeeling," she starts firmly, "but I could NOT leave it in that situation. I'm -----" Her azure eyes lift to him, "sorry." But the apology is every bit as defiant as her stance.
The babe is worth the bullet that Rose took. She would haphazardly do it all again. "Get the baby help, first." She orders softly. She does not care about the crimson stain deepening in the fabric of her coat. Then after a moment, she mindfully tacks on an entreaty. "Please."
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hinamie · 5 months
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I'll rip in hands and teeth and take a bite
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beanghostprincess · 8 months
thing that might be obvious but still suddenly hit me like live fish to the face when i was not listening in class today:
luffy as a child hated being alone (still does, but it was more obvious back then) and knew that shanks and his crew would be leaving someday (leaving him alone, with only makino as his friend, but that's only one person, and shanks has a whole crew full of people)
shanks will not take luffy, because he's a child (because he's weak) so luffy feels like he needs to prove he's grown up (needs to prove he's strong) so maybe shanks will change his mind (so maybe shanks won't leave him)
what do the two strongest adults luffy knows (shanks and grandpa, one is going to leave, the other is almost never around) have in common? scars around their left eyes
luffy is not afraid of being hurt (it's worse to be alone than you be hurt) so of course he stabs himself next to his left eye (to have a scar like all the strongest people he knows)(to be strong)(to not be left alone again)
"When I was not listening in class today" me when I quit high school lmfao so real. I used to spend hours in class writing fanfics. Most of my best works were written in the middle of Philosophy at 8 am.
Oh. Yeah. Luffy's abandonment issues. Yeah. It's quite obvious that he's willing to go to extreme methods to avoid being alone. Relatable little shit. Not gonna call it self-harm but I just want to say that stabbing your cheek and being willing to starve to death (WCI) to not end up alone is a bit um.............. No, yeah, self-harm. Yeah. Not in a conventional way but y'know. It is what it is. We don't talk enough about how serious it is because "haha silly funny boy is so dramatic he stabs his face when he's a kid" but like- He- He stabs his fucking face when he's a kid because being alone and bored is way worse than getting hurt. He feels so lonely. At least he had a friend with Uta but then she suddenly disappeared from his life?? Without any warning?? And he ended up all alone again. I understand why he would want Shanks to take him with him no matter what. Even if he has to hurt himself to prove he's strong. He's been doing that for years. And, okay, WCI isn't exactly just for Sanji not to leave him but more for Sanji to realize Luffy needs him but, uh, same thing. Like it can be both to help Sanji and to be a lil bit tiny selfish in the sense of "if he leaves me I am killing myself" which is quite exactly what happens. Gay ass captain. Can't stand him. This is not healthy nor normal behavior irl btw but if you make it all poetic like that I am willing to let it slide. Love it, even. I love it.
But yeah, Luffy has a bit of a problem there. Somebody take him to therapy.
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diathadevil · 11 months
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Here's the full thumbnail I made for my Ptutu Organ Trail gameplay I ran tonight (basically put their names in the team I was playing).
This started as a joke artwork, but I... I think I ended up accidentally creating a new AU after getting back into Organ Trail again.
(might make more sketches later on if I play more of the game and have them survive. Sadly Rue died midway in my first game 😔)
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seadragon-sailing · 11 months
Baby versions of everyone?
((Sorry that this took so long. I also apologize because I decided to be a jerk, and add a little bit of character lore that turns this cute idea into something sad... ^^; I had fun thinking about it, tho))
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For the most part, things weren't too bad for Luka, Tamara and Lee when they were babies! Grew up pretty happy well-provided for.
But for the others...
Tw; death, and child endangerment(?)/abandonment under the cut
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Things were a little rough.
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hiveswap · 5 months
Parents will treat you like expensive vermin that theyre keeping around due to being mercyful but the moment you wanna kill yourself it's suddenly bad
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Baby Eclipse: I wuv you, Daddy. Uppie?
Kill Code Moon: Go ask your mother.
Baby Eclipse, waddling up to Blood Moon, grabbing onto his pants: Mama! P’eeeeease Mama? Uppie p’ease?
Blood Moon, melting: Twin he claims us Mama!
Harvest Moon: Pick him up, he is crying!
Blood Moon: Come here, little one. *picks him up and let’s him cling on, sniffling and snuggling close*
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i-am-confused-always · 9 months
why do I feel like people are sooo nice when they first find out about your mental problems or sh but like a month later the novelty and their ability to care dwindles away and they stop caring at all? They stop checking if your ok. They stop asking about bl00d or new cuts. They stop responding to cry’s for help. They stop caring. And then once again your left to deal with everything alone. Why does it keep happening? Why does it hurt so bad every time? I’m sad again and tired. Might relapse. Idk.
edit: I did lol.
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yasuhtora · 1 year
Hello loves ❤️
So I’ve been super inactive here and on @inouehs and @yahchiru because!
Drum roll 🥁
I went to the doctor today, after having growing bumps on my hands and feet, and have a *possible* diagnosis of Rocky mountain spotted fever. I live in a wooded, rural area. But haven’t had any tick bites, or at least none that I’ve noticed anyway.
But! All that to say! Until I’m able to type more regularly (and walk without pain lbh) my activity will be very spotty.
So I’ll be back when I can, because I really want to get back to writing. I miss it and I miss you all!
Current hand picture under the read more. Be warned, it looks pretty rough.
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mushroom-for-art · 1 year
Wanted to write about Mud and Rosys first meeting since these guys in my brain canon meet and are briefly a something and also Rosy canonically has babens this was always in her brain lore but with the moth squad now becoming a thing I was really intrigued by how that'd affect the original canon. Maple belongs to @cinnatwo I know they're not as present but credit where credit is due
Stormy night panic
Rain heavily thumped and rattled outside splattering against leaves and stones as the weather raged on outside, the wind howling and whipping through the trees causing creaks and haunting whistles.
Alone in a makeshift nest a distressed mew struggled for her breath, her claws scratches into the scattered leaves underneath her scraping on the cold stone as another wave of pain shot through her body.
"HNK", She whimpered loudly curling her toes, 'not here,' she thought, 'not now, please babies please just wait a few more days, I need to get to the other-' "AH-" Her thoughts interrupted by her own short pained yell as discomfort ripped through her.
Her leg throbbed in agony blood oozing from the claw marks that were left deeply inflicted upon her, she couldn't help the trembling, it hurt so much, her tail curled on itself as another pain shot through her, the stress and pain of the attack had sent her body into a panic and now she was giving birth all alone, cold and wet in a strange forest she was unfamiliar with in a nest that wasn't even hers and she hoped was abandoned. She was in too much of a state to even attempt to send out a psychic message to her friends, let alone heal herself, she could feel the warm blood uncomfortably running down her leg no doubt staining her fur. She hoped to any gods listening that nothing could smell her past the heavy rain.
She flinched at a rumble of thunder her shoulders tensing trying to pull herself small as her ears flattened in terror, she was never normally scared of thunder but right now everything was a potential threat, the rumbling could be the returning Tyranitar coming to finish the job, or a landslide that'd trap her in the cave she'd found in the side of this cliff wall. Cave wasn't the right word, it was more like a outcrop with thick vines hanging over the entrance to conceal it.
She wished the others were with her, she wished she was with them. Maple would shove her head under her own chin stubbornly and press close, wrapping her arm over her to hold her tail wrapping around them like a blanket making her feel warm and safe, Moth would lay down nearby and talk to her and tell her everything would be fine. She wiped a little at the tears falling from her eyes from the pain and from missing them she'd really wanted them to be with her for this, she didn't want to be alone.
A flash of lightning outside and Rosys body froze in sheer terror as the flash illuminated a silhouette right outside the vines.
She couldn't breathe her eyes locked forward as a snout pushed between some of the hanging plants parting them and pushing through slowly, another flash, she could make out horns and the skeletal like structure of their face as they slowly came into the outcrop. She couldn't flee in this state even if she wanted to she could've ignored the pain of her leg but all her energy was being redirected into birth leaving her trapped and defenseless as the strange being finally fully entered the space, drops of water dripping off of them as they stared at her with deep blue eyes.
Rosy tried to prickle the fur on her back, to puff up and look bigger but she couldn't, the defiant threatening hiss in her throat turning into breathless whimpers and pained cries as she hiccuped to herself, she didn't want to die here she didn't want her kits to be born just to die either. She wanted her friends.
She didn't hear them move but felt their paw touch her upper leg above her wounds, green warm energy flowed from their touch over her body, she could feel her leg tingling with energy as her wound was healed with the flecks of glittery light illuminating faintly the dark purple muddied fur of the other and the undeniable skull. Their eye shifted from watching her wound to glance at her face before they quickly averted their gaze back to her healing wound.
She watched them flinch as she whimpered again as another labor pain caused her to shake, looking at her in confusion as she trembled. They seemed to scan over her as though trying to find the source of her pain, holding their own paws anxiously as they looked at her, seeming considerably less scary than before.
They seemed to realize though what was causing such issues and she watches them step away.
"W-wait!...wait..please don't leave me…im..im scared." Rosy called out before her voice went quiet and timid. She knew she didn't know this Pokemon. She couldn't even tell what they were but she didn't want to be alone, they showed her kindness and she desperately needed support. They turned their head to regard her as they took a leaf from a vine holding it out into the rain before they came back, she noticed they didn't walk but floated.
They knelt carefully beside her holding the leaf which was now holding water from the rain like a makeshift cup to her offering her a drink. Rosy hadn't even registered her thirst around pain as they carefully held the leaf to help her drink, they left and repeated until Rosy seemed satisfied, choosing to sit, if awkwardly, near her. As the labor got worse they offered their paws out to her and she grasped onto them with one paw squeezing onto them, through the flashes of lightning still raging outside she was starting to make out what they looked like and was starting to suspect what they were.
In hindsight Mud realized the way he approached the situation may have scared the living daylights out of the birthing mother he found in his nest and had she not already been in labor he might have unintentionally sent her into it. Of course there's probably no right way to go about coming home in the middle of a storm to find a random Pokemon, of your own kind no less, injured and giving birth in your living space so to speak.
He hadn't even intended to come to this nest of his, it was one of many and when the storm hit he was much closer to some others but, he'd felt a pull as though something was off and needed him. He figured subconsciously this other Mew must have been reaching, calling out to anyone close enough to hear, though by the state he found her in, he doubted her message got further than the forest.
She'd passed out not long after the third kitten was born and he was genuinely scared she may have passed on from exhaustion or some unseen wound draining her strength, he was thankful she was still breathing though he was still watching her like a Braviary just to be sure. He'd groomed the gunk off of the last kitten as their mother was unable to and, it was probably the correct thing to do? He wasn't sure he'd not been around others before but back home the Kangaskhan mothers would help one another so he was probably doing something right.
He'd put the last one, who was the runt with a slight kink in their tail that made his heart twinge by their siblings to nurse, his paw rested on their back gently as he felt a level of protectiveness over them before he checked on the mother. She had very lovely fur. It was curled bouncy looking and the yellow highlighting around her cheeks and ears were very charming. She seemed to be doing okay, just tired. The kittens were occupied as well having their first meals. Part of him wanted to go out searching for berries, when she awoke she'd probably be hungry but someone also needed to watch the newborns and protect the nest. The last thing he wanted was some Fearow trying to make off with one of them. He bared his teeth quietly to himself.
For now all he could do was supervise until mom woke up. He slowly took off his protective mask and quietly began to lick the moisture out of his fur. He hated being soaking wet; it made him feel unnecessarily heavy and sluggish, making sure to keep an eye on the triplets.
Maples tail bristled as she paused mid-flight, her ears twitched to the sides flicking forward and back as her tail fluffed up to its maximum volume and the fur spiked along her spine. Something had happened, and this wasn't like the time Moth set one of his tails alight, this felt, it felt more, not necessarily worse but definitely more.
As she sped onwards to the location they'd agreed upon for their meetup she hoped to god it was just Moth being a fool and that nothing bad had actually happened to either of them, especially not Rosy.
Stretching out her psychic energy she could sense Moth, he was rather far away but slowly approaching as he always did, he was always late to these things even though she KNEW he could fly faster. She scoffed to herself as she searched with her psychic energy for Rosy.
Her signature wasn't moving, off somewhere but from what Maple could gather she was fine, if a bit tired, she assumed it meant Rosy was at the time sleeping to recover from a days flight and judging by the location of her she was in a place where the time zone would be night.
Maple sighed to herself, she must've just sensed something else, maybe a natural disaster that wasn't her problem if Groudon and Kyogure can't sort out their differences well it's Rayquaza's job to stop them isn't it? Not her fault if a few people drown or something.
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t4tstarvingdog · 2 years
brother it’s not a gay podcast until you go Baby Acquired!! and then lose the baby immediately.
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benechillax · 1 year
accidentally uhhhhh committed a federal crime by cutting down a tree that i didn’t know had an active purple martin nest looool :(
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zoophagist · 1 year
The guest presses a fingernail to the vein on his throat, but does nothing to open it. He simply taps against it, a clear rhythm of two-one-two-three. His lips move, as if casting a spell, but he doesn't actually voice what he thinks: Water, may it be just water, may it do nothing to quench his thirst, nothing at all. "Sure, sure. Take your fill. Your teeth and nails are strong enough, right?" he says and smiles slyly.
He does not even answer; instantly Renfield's mouth is at the guest's neck. The savagery of teeth biting down into skin is thrilling, uncomplicated by any scruples as he twists and tears to make up for their bluntness. In the release of this beastly hunger there is even a quieting of his guilt, his embarrassment. To bite down and make the flesh part feels so very good.
Lips and tongue work over the broken skin eagerly to suck up the thick, red stream of LIFE coursing through the veins of such a powerful being — life that can be his, can be Renfield's. How wonderful it is to be rewarded, how excellent to take—
Water? The first pull slides over his tongue and down his throat and it tastes of nothing but clear, bland water. He falters, and the instant of stillness cannot but make his confusion obvious to the body under his mouth and hands. But surely this can't be... So he drinks and drinks, more and more heavily, waiting for the spark, the metallic tang of blood to slake his thirst, and he clutches more forcefully at the man, and he bites again, and again, and again, desperate, dizzy, starving. It is a frenzy, far beyond what the guest's offer could be understood to justify, but still his jaw works and his teeth sink and all there is in this gore is water!
Renfield makes an animal noise of frustration, and he thinks to himself, 'This is a trick. I have been lied to again and it is a damned trick!' Are they all so cruel, he had wondered only moments ago, and now the answer is clear as flowing water: yes. All cruel, all selfish, all temptations and takings and never justice. This useless, inert water may do nothing to warm his weakened, blood-starved body, but his fury does.
And that is when he begins to CHEW. "Liar!" He growls as he makes his teeth meet in the guest's neck and he starts to pull.
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hag-o-hags · 1 year
I've talked a few times about My Brother The Social Worker -- he's an LCSW in Montana who's been working with an addiction recovery center for the last few years. Montana, unsurprisingly, has a lot of people who are struggling with their addictions -- there are huge barriers to treatment that start with being hours by car from support to cultural avoidance to, as always, money.
Joann, my brother's boss, began an Intensive Outpatient program as someone in recovery herself, with the goal of meeting people where they're at instead of pushing "addicts" through a system. She created a small, tight-knit, talented group of therapists and social workers who are invested in their clients and their treatment.
Over the last month or so, the business was going through a financial crisis due to the apparent actions of someone who had access to the business's money. This person was confronted about the behavior and their access to the money was cut off. Tragically, this person murdered Joann on the night of Friday, March 17, 2023.
Since her passing, my brother has been trying to balance grieving and keeping Joann's mission alive. Even though technically they aren't being paid, he and the other therapists have been continuing to support the clients through their grief and addiction -- ensuring that the people who also knew Joann aren't left without care. They are navigating immensely complex systems of licensing and insurance while trying to manage everything else that's happening.
They've started a Gofundme, because that's where they're at. When someone passes suddenly, their assets, their business's assets, can get tangled up for months while courts make sure the estate is distributed properly. As of today, it's been a week and a half. They're treading water right now, but they badly need a life raft.
If you can help by giving money, that is wonderful. If you can help by sharing, that's also amazing. If you can't interact with this post, that is more than fine -- please take care of yourself, be safe.
- Nikita, @hag-o-hags
Seeking Recovery - Addiction treatment center: https://www.iamseekingrecovery.com/
KRTV Great Falls - Sheriff release name of GF murder victim: https://www.krtv.com/sheriff-releases-name-of-great-falls-murder-victim
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antvnger · 4 months
I had a strange dream the other night where you had no kids and were living a quiet life (so no superheroes or life changing events), but then one day while you were exploring an abandoned house, you came across a closed wooden box and inside was Cassie as a baby and you adopted her and that's when your fatherhood started. I woke up right after you adopted her, so I don't know all the events that happened after. I'm sure you were a great dad to her though, like you are now, even if she wasn't your blood kid.
Wow, Anon, that’s some dream. Dang, that would make a good movie, wouldn’t it?
But oh man, my heart just breaks at the thought of baby Cassie left behind in a box! Like that hurts and makes me so angry. I can totally see that version of me being like “I promise I’ll protect you and nothing will hurt you as long as I’m around.” Like I can totally see that.
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And then I’d have to go through the craziness of learning how to be a dad with a baby girl.
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psychologeek · 6 months
Tw: death of a child, health conditions.
This isn't a happy story, but I don't think it's a sad story either.
(this is a story about hope, and love, and caring)
Life Worth Living
When my friend was sixteen, her daughter died.
(I think about her, sometimes)
My friend was born with health issues, and spent a lot of time at the hospital as a kid. She always stayed very short, and her heart was too big for her body. I met her when we were both 20 years old, and she worked as a pre-k teacher.
At her teens, she told me, she volunteered at the hospital she was treated at. She spent her time with the babies, especially those in NICU, or babies that were left behind in the hospital by their families due to medical conditions.
When my friend was sixteen, one of those babies was a tiny baby girl with a heart deficit.
(Things didn't look great for her. The doctors said she won't make it to her first birthday.)
And my friend?
She loved that little one with all of her heart. She went there everyday after school, spent weekends, holding the little one in her arms, playing with her, singing for her, just-
It's hard to find a placement for kids with disabilities. Even (especially) if they are babies.
Who would like to be attached, and care for a kid that's going to die?
(My friend did)
And she loved that baby girl, with all of her heart. She wanted to give that little one a home.
And she was stubborn, and unstoppable, and willing to go through some bureaucracy shit.
And she did it.
She made it.
(She was allowed to adopt the baby.)
So she brought her new daughter home. She put her in her cradle by the window, where her daughter could feel the sun. She sang for her in a room that wasn't filled with beeping noises or the scent of antiseptics. In the night, she put the kid to sleep and turn off the light. So different from the hospital.
My friend brought her new daughter home -
and three weeks later, she died.
Her daughter died in a room with an open window, where she could feel the sun and hear the birds singing.
Her daughter died in her own cradle, with her own clothes, in a room filled with the scent of cooking coming from the kitchen.
Her daughter died at home.
Her daughter died before her first birthday-
(As all medic experts expected her to.)
Her daughter died loved, and cared, and home.
(Sometimes I envy her)
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