#tw loss limbs
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nolantan · 5 months ago
Chapter 5 The Treasury
They look outside and see a bunch of blue dragons attacking.
“ The Blue Fire Clan!” Gmńeon snarls and charges outside.
Iquén looks at the rest of the group “ You kids stay here!” He runs out too.
“ Who are those blue dragons?” Aurora asked.
“ The Blue Fire Clan they are another dragon clan we tend to fight a lot over territory.”
“ None of the other dragon clans know about me yet if they did they’d probably try to kill me 'cause I’d be the easiest to get to” Jnoque explains.
" We have to go help them! We can't just stay here!" Aurora gets up and puts the Soler Crest back on.
" What can we do? We'd get fried out there." Slor points out
" The Soler Crest will protect me, right? So you just need to be near me." " We don't know its limits and those dragons can breathe hotter blue fire," Jnoque warns.
Dponá looks outside " We should find Zomkí we don't know what the Volcanic Core can do and we don't want the other clan to get it."
" But we don't know where she went."
"Hm we could check the treasury it's our most guarded spot if an important artifact is anywhere here it's there." " We can show you where it is."
They sneak outside and see dragons fighting it’s chaotic. They see Iquén fighting a big blue dragon
Jnoque wants to help but Dponá stops him “ He’s strong he’ll be fine we need to keep moving.” He nods sadly. They get to a big door connected to a rock wall and see four big blue dragons surrounding Zomkí and she has an injured wing growling at them with other dragons knocked out next to her.
"Hey! Leave her alone!" Dponá yells at them.
They turn and look at the group.
"HA! Do you think you can stop us? A youngling and none dragons we'll burn you up!" He shoots fire at them and Dponá combats it with her own green fire and flies up and they fight.
While that's happening Zomkí fights the other three dragons and helps the rest of the group get inside the treasury.
Jnoque is very worried Dyani noticed this “ Hey their’ll be ok.” Jnoque looks at him “ Y-Yeah..”
“ This place is huge” Slor looks around at the mountains of treasure “ How will we find the Core in here?” The Solar Creat starts to glow again Aurora takes it off and looks at it. One of the star ends is glowing a lot more like a compass.
“ Maybe it can sense the core?”
“ One way to find out.” They walk through the mountains of treasure searching and following the glow. On a treasure pile they see a round, core-like rock that shines with the intensity of molten lava. The Volcanic Core “ Is that it?” Aurora and Jnoque climb up to it. Once she gets close to it both it and the Solar Crest shake and two spirits pop out.
The spirit in the Solar Crest has long, flowing black hair with streaks of silver like cooling embers. His skin is a deep ash color, and he wears a robe that shimmers like the dying light of a fire. He opens his glowing amber eyes.
The other spirit in the Volcanic Core has fiery red hair that flows like molten lava, with eyes that burn a fierce orange. His skin has a warm bronze hue, and he wears armor with glowing ember-like veins running through it.
Once they are aware of their surroundings they become alert and panicked. “ Where are we!? What happened to us!” The Volcanic Core spirit shouted.
“No time to explain! We just need your help!” Aurora declared.
Jnoque touches the core and it glows becomes a necklace around his neck pulling the spirit with it.
Jnoque feels a surge of power in his veins and hears a roar of pain.
Panicked he runs outside to find Dponá and Zomkí on the ground with lots of injuries. Filling up with rage he runs at them.
"Come on this way!" " Where are we going again Apool (app ool)?" A young Jnoque follows his big brother in the woods " I hear there was a cool cave near here" he replied.
" Mom and Dad wouldn't like us going out this far..."
" We'll be quick Jn don't worry."
Apool was so cool he could do all the things Jnoque couldn't he was brave and fearless and always did the right thing.
They approach a cave that has a bunch of keep-out signs
"Ah here is it!"
" I don't think we're supposed to be here Apool..."
"I'll protect you! Come on!" he holds his hand and they go in.
Inside the cave was a pile of glowing gold
" Woah cool!" Apool approaches it but Jnoque stops him and points to a sign that says do not touch. " We don't know what's here and shouldn't touch its stuff.."
" I guess but we could take this back to the village" he goes to pick up a piece of gold and Jnoque pushes him away from it.
Annoyed Apool pushes him back and he lands on top of the gold.
The golds shine dims and zaps him causing him to hold his head in pain and feels ill.
His eyes turn purple pupils turning into slits his hair turns white and his ears turn pointy and black and he grows a fang. The transformation was very painful shaking with tears in his eyes he looks at his brother who has backed away in fear and grabs his arm to pull him off the gold but the transformation has already completed.
Then his throat feels like it’s burning something is building up and he tries to hold it in.
But can’t.
Fire comes shooting out of his mouth burning it
Apool try’s to move out the was but his arm got caught in it burning it off. He screams in agony and passed out.
Realizing what he just did Jnoque panics and runs to him crying he picks him up and it’s a lot easier now and runs to the village to get help.
Someone screams at him and everyone turns to him some doctors snatch Apool from him and run to the clinic. Jnoque tries to follow them but is stopped
" Stay away from him!"
"Are you gonna hurt us too!?"
In the crowd, he spots a woman and a man.
" Mom! Dad!" scared he goes to them for comfort but they hit him away just look at him disgusted. " Leave freak! How dare you hurt our son!" " If he dies we're hunting you down!" " Get out and don't come back!!" Scared and confused he runs away crying.
Seeing Dponá hurt Jnoque is full of rage and runs at the blue dragons The Volcanic Core glows and he shoots white and purple fire at them. Frightened the blue dragons immadaly run away.
" White fire! Run!"
When they leave Jnoque runs to Dponá and Zomkí and hugs them.
The others come out of the treasury.
Dyani sees their wounds " Are you ok?" Zomkí just smiles " We will be dragons can heal quickly."
" Zomkí..?"
She looks at the spirits " You got them to wake." she smiles " Solaris, Ignis, it's been a long time. But we can catch up later right now we got to help the rest of the clan."
They nod and go the find the other dragons still fighting.
Iquén is seriously hurt. Seeing this both Jnoque and Dponá jump into action Jnoque hopping on her back and she flies towards the blue dragon.
They both breathe fire at the dragon combining their fires together to seriously burn the blue dragon causing him to retreat.
They then run to help Iquén get to a safe place.
Another dragon tries to breathe fire at Aurora and co but she without thinking creates a black shield causing the fire to fly back at the dragon.
“ You have my ability?” Solaris questioned.
" Makes since cause you are the Solar Crest that it has your powers." Aurora shrugged. Before he could say anything some of the dragon clan members come to help them aganst the blue dragons.
Once all of the blue dragons leave they go to help the injured.
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shepscapades · 3 months ago
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[Pt 1] [Pt 2] [Pt 3] [Pt 4] [Pt 5] [Pt 6] [Pt 7] [Don’t Let it Reach the Heart]
Doc and Xisuma despairingly endure the fallout of Etho’s violent boot up at the dawn of a new season—but only barely.
[This fic concludes the Destruction short comic series, which follows the chaos and panic that erupts after Doc and Xisuma try to get Etho back online at the start of Hermitcraft Season 9 after a very rough Season 8 finale leaves him glitched and broken. The comic is set to Joywave's Destruction, but this fic is inspired loosely by Overwerk and Jordan Macdonald’s Feedback and Bassea’s fever dreams / by your side.]
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ricksmarlene · 1 year ago
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I am sorry for what they did to you. 
THE ONES WHO LIVE — 1.04 "What We"
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gooeseyleo · 7 months ago
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He would have nightmares about losing his arm. only Dale knew about them.
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the-warrior-of-the-mind · 2 months ago
sister.What's the news? [he lands as a rough shadow next to Athena, gradually taking shape]
Hermes accidentally drugged me and I lost noth arms to it. That’s why both of my arms right now are made out of clouds and can be taken off.
Anyways. I’m fine. I heard you were smoking or something- when did that come up?
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68spidey · 1 year ago
CW BODY HORROR [nothing too extreme tho]
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So fun fact about Mikey.
He's possessed. Or something. He has pure energy running through his veins and he can use it freely, quite literally bursting through his skin. Nothing major, it heals.
There's a point where his theory of "the more damage I'm given = the more power I can summon" was proven right. And there were some people who were about to pay for the shit they had been doing.
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skyward-floored · 5 months ago
Whumptober Day 16 - Swamp, “No, I can’t feel anything.”
It’s another Hyrule-focused fic! Because despite my planning there ended up being a lot of him in a row (or at least close together). oopsie. Hopefully you all don't mind lol.
Warnings: blood, injury, loss of a limb, slightly graphic description of fixing an injury
Ao3 link
Hyrule didn’t like swamps too much. Messy, boggy, damp and hard to traverse, he didn’t mind going through them on occasion, but they were hard to deal with. Especially if you were fighting a swarm of infected monsters in one.
Which they were, currently.
The ground was soupy and wet under Hyrule’s feet, his boots making disgusting noises as he dodged and fought the beasts. Time and Twilight were somewhere near him, and they all struggled through the slop, twisting away from blows and slicing at beasts.
The swamp wasn’t on their side though, and Hyrule suddenly heard a large squelch. He turned to see Time’s foot sinking into a pit of mud down to his knee and throwing him wildly off-balance. The strange doglike knight he was fighting bared its teeth, and lunged forward, sword held high.
And Hyrule watched as if in slow-motion as the blade went clean through Time’s wrist.
Time’s scream rang out across the swamp, muffled only slightly by the moss, and Hyrule bolted, Twilight in his peripheral running even faster. Miraculously neither of them tripped, and as Twilight threw himself at the monster, Hyrule slid to the ground next to where Time had gotten free of the mud and dropped to his knees, face white as he clutched at the bloody stump at his wrist.
“I can fix this,” Hyrule quickly reassured, snatching Time’s currently-remaining hand in his. “It’s okay, I can fix it. Hold on.”
Oh goddesses I hope I can fix it.
Time took him literally, squeezing Hyrule’s hand in a death-grip, and Hyrule quickly squeezed back.
“Hold him,” Hyrule directed at Twilight, who had already killed the monster and was now fluttering his hands over Time, his eyes wide and terrified. “I can fix it but he needs to hold still.”
“I won’t...” Time gasped, tears of pain slipping down his cheek, “I’ll do my best... w-won’t move, do... do what you need.”
“This will hurt,” Hyrule warned, and Time choked out a laugh.
“It can’t be... be worse than this.”
Hyrule nodded, and before he could think about it too hard, quickly plucked Time’s severed, muddy hand off of the ground. Warriors was at his side in an instant, and snatched some alcohol out of his bag, pouring it on the end of the hand before grabbing Time’s arm and doing the same to it.
Time couldn’t bite back his scream, and Twilight held tightly to his arms, his face white.
“What do you need from me?” Warriors asked, and Hyrule swallowed.
“Help me hold things still. His hand, his wrist, anything. It’ll take me a minute to connect everything and I won’t be able to focus on that and keeping him still.”
“Got it. Ready?” Warriors asked him shortly, and Hyrule nodded, giving Time’s good hand one last squeeze before releasing it and lighting up his hands.
He held the severed hand, and while Twilight and Warriors held Time still, Hyrule lined up and pushed the two pieces together.
He began pouring magic into the wound, and Time cried out, jerking in Twilight’s hold.
“Hold him,” Hyrule said through gritted teeth, and Twilight and Warriors tightened their grips, Time’s head tossing with wild-eyed pain.
Hyrule focused on the wrist, connecting tendons that had been torn, healing muscle and the pathways of blood, slowly, agonizingly connecting every complicated piece. Time shook and thrashed through all of it, lost in his pain, and Hyrule just kept pushing magic in, healing every line and vessel and torn part he could find.
It was times like these he wished he had a picture of what he was looking at, a diagram of what he was trying to fix. He knew well enough what a wrist looked like, but on the inside? Connecting one to an arm? Not easy.
Especially since he’d never done this before.
Time cried out again as Hyrule set in on the bone, Hyrule briefly thankful that the cut had been so clean. It would make his job even harder if the lines had been at all jagged. Time thrashed even more wildly against the searing pain, and soon enough Sky and Wind both came over to help hold him down as well.
Hyrule distantly noticed Time’s elbow go out and nearly hit Sky in the nose, and the heroes all held him even tighter, faces pale and worried.
“Are you almost done?” Warriors asked, voice strained from keeping Time’s arm straight.
“I think,” Hyrule bit out, too focused to elaborate.
He was starting to feel dizzy, adrenaline and magic drain all sucking him dry, but he couldn’t stop now. He still had a few layers of skin to connect, still had a vein to properly heal, had to make sure the blood was flowing and the muscle—
Time’s leg caught him in the ribs, and Hyrule went flying backwards into the mud, cries of alarm ringing out. Hyrule reeled from the crack of pain in his side and the snap of his spell being interrupted, and someone grabbed his arm, stopping him from landing in the mud.
“Hyrule are you okay?!”
Hyrule shoved past whoever it was and lunged for Time’s bloody wrist, snatching it back as he lit his hands up again. He plunged back in with his magic, ignoring the sear of pain in his ribs and the scream from Time, and shoved in all the magic he had left.
Blue light flashed through the clearing, and Time’s thrashing finally stilled.
Hyrule leaned back, gulping in air as he released Time’s wrist, hands coated in blood. Someone caught his shoulder when he abruptly listed to the side, and he blinked rapidly as his vision swum, looking up at Sky. The older hero gave him a worried look.
“Did... his wrist...” Hyrule slurred, and Sky looked back at where Time lay.
“It’s attached,” he reported, a little nauseous-sounding. “There’s a lot of blood... I can’t see it very well but I think you fixed it, Rulie.”
Hyrule relaxed backwards, relief sweeping over him. He did it.
Sky eased him down, and he winced, ribs aching harshly. It felt like Time’s kick might have cracked a rib. Legend came over with two potions in hand, green and red, and Hyrule took the green one first, relieved at the way the pounding in his head eased and the fuzzy exhaustion in his limbs ebbed a bit as he drank.
He sat up as he finished the green, and chugged half the red all in one go as he stood up, only stumbling a little on the muddy ground. Legend started to say something about resting, but Hyrule ignored it, pressing the bottles into his hands and hurrying back over to where Twilight and Warriors were helping Time sit up.
Time’s face was pale as a ghost, his markings stark against his skin. Blood soaked most of his arm, bits of it splashed on his armor and tunic, and Warriors was wiping the blood away from his wrist as Hyrule approached. Time’s eye shot to Hyrule’s face, his expression guilty.
“Traveler I’m so sorry—”
“It’s okay,” Hyrule cut him off, tapping his chest where he’d been kicked. “No harm done. I should’ve expected you’d fight it more. How’s your hand?”
“I was about to ask the same. Let’s see you move it,” Warriors said, done with cleaning. Hyrule could see a pale line across Time’s wrist, barely noticeable, but there anyways. His hand hung limp, but Hyrule wouldn’t expect it to be perfect immediately.
Time closed his eye with a nod, and Hyrule watched his hand intently, waiting for any movement. A few long seconds went by without so much as a twitch, and Time reopened his good eye, looking pained.
“I can’t feel it,” Time said quietly, and Hyrule’s heart sank.
“You’re sure?” Twilight asked nearby, and Time nodded, his face creasing with effort.
His hand didn’t move.
Failure hit Hyrule like a solid weight, his eyes fixed sharply on Time’s limp hand. He couldn’t move it. Hyrule hadn’t been able to fix it. He’d promised he would, it was Time’s sword hand, he wouldn’t be able to fight, do anything two handed, combat would be impossible not to mention any number of other things—
“Traveler, stop,” Time said quietly, exhausted eyes meeting his. “You did all that you could, and I’m grateful for that.”
“But it wasn’t enough,” Hyrule whispered, still staring. “I couldn’t—”
“I’m the one who interrupted your spell,” Time said, resting his good hand over Hyrule’s. “If it’s anyone’s fault, it’s mine.”
“I said I could fix it,” Hyrule choked out, and Time gave him a gentle look.
“Link, you did all you could. It may just take some time for everything to settle. I’m willing to wait,” he said gently, and Hyrule took his bad hand in his, calling up his magic again. “Hyrule...”
“Just let me try,” Hyrule begged, but Time shook his head.
“You’ve already exhausted yourself today, don’t keep pushing just for me,” he said firmly.
“We can give him a potion, or try for a fairy, see if that does it,” Twilight added, and Hyrule grit his teeth.
“I need to check and make sure I did everything properly and see if I can fix it if there’s a problem, it’ll only take a minute,” he snapped. Warriors and Twilight exchanged looks, pulling back a little at Hyrule’s sharp words, and Time looked at his hand, still reddish and muddy in places.
He sighed.
“Okay. But don’t push yourself,” he said, face still pale, and Hyrule nodded.
He was hiding it well, but Time looked scared, for what might happen if Hyrule couldn’t fix it, if he couldn’t ever properly move his hand again. Hyrule was determined to banish that fear, get rid of the defeated look on Warriors’ face, the tense one on Twilight’s.
He wasn’t giving up. He wouldn’t give up. No matter what.
Time was going to be able to use his hand again.
Hyrule breathed in, stirring his magic up again. Calling on his life spell again after using it so intensely only a few minutes ago made him feel weary all over again, but Hyrule drew it up anyway, making his hands light up as he held Time’s wrist.
He exhaled as he let it sink in, and focused on all of the intricate pieces inside, making sure the bone was healed, the tendons, flesh...
Something struck him as being wrong, and Hyrule frowned, pushing deeper. He didn’t know what it was, but something was off, he could feel it, something that didn’t get connected right, that got snapped when he was kicked away...
Hyrule gently pushed out with his magic, pulling at the disconnected pieces, and guided them together, distantly feeling his hands shake. He was pushing too hard, but he was so close now, he could feel it—
His vision narrowed and he abruptly tilted forward, but several hands grabbed him, yelling words that rattled wildly around in his head. Hyrule dizzily shook his head as his spell faded away, and his vision focused in on Warriors standing in front of him, his mouth moving as he doubtlessly lectured him.
But Hyrule was only focused on one thing.
He twisted around, and saw Time looking down at him, a smile that was a mix of relieved and exasperated on his face.
Hyrule gave him a hopeful look, and Time raised his bad hand, then slowly, stiffly, curled his fingers in.
Hyrule gave him an exhausted grin, and Time gave his shoulder a squeeze with his good hand. He didn’t say anything, but the look on Time’s face was better than any reassurance he could have given.
Hyrule smiled at him one last time, then let himself fall back into his exhaustion, to the sound of several of the others’ exasperated yelling.
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synvelesow · 2 years ago
fresh cut flower
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sha-biest · 2 years ago
I don't think I understood very well what the hell happened, so I'm going to ask, how did Leo and Donnie lost their arms? Also, why did they lost opposite arms?
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TW: Loss of limbs, blood/injury [Continuation from Donnie's explanation here]
After Donnie send out that signal to the his brothers with his location Bishop knew that his time was running out. He had been experimenting with Krang tech and he wasn't ready to let his mutant specimen go just like that. He'd rather have him dead than anything else. Leo saw what was about to happen and jumped into action. Donnie was struggling to get up, weakened from the week in Bishop's "care" and he couldn't do much when he saw Leo rush at him yelling and reaching out. It was enough to save his twin and Leo would trade any limb for that.
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sketchthetofu · 4 months ago
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Day 3: Cannibalism
Wow Sketch drawing Kota for cannibalism??? Crazy-
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basedball43 · 9 months ago
dumpin all the extra wilo art ive already made (not including chapter art or the covers)
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victor-the-vampire · 9 months ago
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"For Falin."
Here's the Dungeon Meshi fanart I've been working on! It's finally finished! God I'm so proud of this one! It was so fun and out of my comfort zone! I had a blast with the rendering! I hope yall enjoy!
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 10 months ago
Moon: Well, Eclipse isn’t a flight risk anymore.
Sun: What?
Moon: Oh, his legs got towed.
Sun: …Are you saying you took off his legs?
Moon: No, I’m saying Jack did out of grief of losing his dad.
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The Severed
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(Lilith tries to deal with all that's happened since her return)
Tags: Limb loss, discussion of death, angst, avoidance of family, mention of death, Violence
Cary and Zadkiel belong to @sorormaior and @jaghatai-khock respectively
Cary took a deep breath and closed the door behind them. It'd been difficult to see Zadkiel like that, without his wings...and the way he was talking...it was like he'd given up. At least he was asleep now...
A warm presence approaching alerted them to the approach of Lilith who looked more then a little concerned. She was different then how Cary remembered her, older yet with the same youthful face she'd had ten thousand years ago. She smiled less, they'd noticed. It made sense as to why, but it still made them sad because they remembered how she used to smile, especially around Mircalla. They were sweet together those two, even if Cary was convinced that it would cause some sort of scandal. Well, unless you counted the fact Mircalla straight up left the eighth legion in order to be with her girlfriend after Curze decided to go rogue. Cary for their part sighs and says "You should really go in and see him when he wakes. He's probably not going to for a few hours, the apothecary gave him some sedatives. But when he does, you should."
Lilith nods at their words, "I will. I've been visiting when he's asleep mostly. He doesn't want to see me. Has he been drinking my tea?"
"Not sure if he is, but he's been having problems eating in general it seems like. Bring some when he wakes. He should know you're still visiting him" Cary tells her "You two used to be close, I understand that he probably doesn't want to see you, but you should while he's awake. It'll do him some good"
"...I suppose, I guess making sure he drinks the tea is probably my priority. He would do better away from here, that is my belief. Fig has a right to dislike our father, and I will admit I have gained complicated feelings myself over him. I know he did his best, but I still can't help but think of the Mask he wore. How much of it was him and how much of it was the mask?" Lilith asks, seemingly to herself, her feathers fluffed "I see the same mask on my brother, the imperium has been nothing but a blight upon my family. Twisting and changing those who were fine before, but now are not. Are they not perfect as they are?"
Cary quietly listens to Lilith's rant, it sounded like something she'd had bottled up for the past ten thousand years. A thing she'd largely been unable to voice. When Lilith finally seems to be done with besmirching her grandfather's name and all but denouncing the imperium, Cary still doesn't speak, they just pull Lilith into a hug. Yes they might be shorter, but the way Lilith leans down and wraps her wings around them in return says more then enough of what Lilith needed. A quiet sob leaves Lilith and soon enough, Cary can smell the scent of blood as tears began to fall from Lilith's eyes.
"Why? Why did this have to happen? Was my father not enough payment for His crimes? Must my brother suffer and be forced to play a role? What about Fig? Dira? I hate it, I hate it all. I want to be strong for them, I do, it's just-"
"You don't need to be. You can just be there for them. If you need some time to yourself, just say so" Cary says gently "I get it. You've lost a lot to the imperium and you're angry. I get it. You're allowed to feel that."
"I feel useless, Cary, I can't do anything for those I love and I fear that they'll all just slip out of my fingers one day. I should've gone after Zad when he left. I could've stopped it, I could-"
"Hey, hey, kid, listen. There's nothing you could've done. You didn't know. What you can do is be there for him now. You're different these days and I can't quite put my finger on it as to why, but you still need to take time for yourself" Cary interrupts "Come on, Zad's not gonna wake for a few more hours, and I recall you used to love bone carving. I'm sure we can hunt down a bone or two for you"
The next Zadkiel awoke, it was not to Cary but to his sister. At first he didn't entirely comprehend where he was or what he was looking at, just basking in the warmth he felt before he woke up properly. He stiffens as he catches sight of Lilith, a large kettle and two large ivory cups stood on his bedside table. He can smell a familiar floral scent and knows that it's her personal brew. He blinks as he sees strange flowers growing on vines around his room, they look like lilies, yet not, like a lotus on blackened vines of wild roses, the petals a bloody red with a faint golden glow casting a soft light around the room. "Lilith...? What are you doing here? I thought..." Zadkiel looks around in confusion as he sees that the flowers seem to be growing out of the metal itself, not a pot with soil to be found.
Lilith merely smiles "Visiting you. Why else would I be here? I brought some of my tea, I know it soothes your pain better then anything else"
"I...thanks... for the tea, I mean" he shifts uncomfortably and tries to look for any sign of pity or disgust in his gaze upon finding none he huffs "I don't know how you can look at me the same as you did before. I lost my wings, some son of dad I am"
"You're still the same, you're still my little brother. A lack of wings isn't going to change that" Lilith reassures him "Ayah wouldn't judge you for it and nor will I. You have less pain now, yes? That is what matters most, is you getting healthy again. Here, have some tea"
"I mean...yes? No? Maybe? I honestly can't tell, it's weird not having them" Zadkiel admits as he takes the steaming cup of tea from his sister. He takes a sip and he can't help the sigh of relief as the warm liquid seems to so quickly take away his pain, even for a little while. It's not permanent, but even a moment of no pain is a blessing.
"I can understand that. I once lost a wing myself. I can't imagine how it would feel to have neither." Lilith sympathizes, "Though having it surgically removed is likely a lot more pleasant then having it ripped off, I imagine", She adds wearily
He blinks in confusion, and looks at the two perfectly healthy and large wings upon his sister's back "Ripped off...? But you have.."
Lilith chuckles lightly "This isn't my first body, Zad, not even my second. I'm not even sure what body this is any more, just that I've died many times. A quirk of being a perpetual. Forever bound to the mortal coils, and never able to leave it for long. It's how I've managed to survive for this long"
That made sense, he supposed, but Zadkiel couldn't but look at his sister in a new light. He knew she was a perpetual, but it had never really him what that entailed exactly, "Does it hurt to die?" Zadkiel asked before he could stop himself. At the slight hitch of breath from her, he quickly adds "Wait no, that was rude, you don't have to answer that if you don't want to"
There is silence until Lilith speaks up quietly "Usually yes, it does. Our family is not known for it's peaceful deaths. It was only painless once, and that was when Grandfather took my life. I asked him, for I was useless in the depths, but to his credit, I did not suffer pain"
There's an uncomfortable silence as Zadkiel digests that, he has no idea why Lilith would ask the Emperor to kill her, nor does he want to know the circumstances. He decides not to question further and instead sips on his tea. After awhile he asks "What is...Lion up to these days? I heard that he's across the rift"
"Doing well, all things considered. Has yet to control his ability to teleport along with learning to show emotions. Just trying to rebuild his legion honestly, and looking to protect what worlds he can" Lilith responds honestly
"Does he know that legions aren't really a thing anymore...?"
"He does, and he thinks it stupid, a sentiment I share in. We are weaker as individual chapters then we were as legions. I understand why Guilliman made such a decisions, but it puts us at a disadvantage." Lilith remarks "I suppose I can't say much I was given the Mourning suns, and they were never a large legion, but we do our job and we do it well, even if it is from within a well of exile. I say exile might actually suit them"
Zadkiel nods at that. He can understand why Lilith might prefer being in exile. He still can't believe she was exiled in the first place, but then again, she had never liked the Imperium anyway, having had a mindset similar to the Khan on it. Though he's glad she never turned traitor. He wasn't sure if he could handle losing his big sister to the ruinous powers, even at this age. From what he could tell, her chapter was mutated, but no more warp touched then any other loyalist chapter stuck in the warp. If anything, the mutations just seemed to be a quirk from her geneseed and the ingestion of her blood.
He wondered if perhaps exile would him as good as it did her...
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xaytheloser · 8 months ago
It would be such a fucked up idea that if The Witch of Justice ate one of the new beast cookies or a piece of their bodies... as divine punishment...
haha, anyways!
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"now look at what you made me do."
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banana-pancake5 · 1 year ago
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Letter From my Future Self F!Donnie ref!
Honestly not the super happy about this but who cares
Little bit of info:
- kind of a cyborg
- wears his old mask around his right arm
- his prosthetic is controlled by his ninpo
- he doesn’t go on missions nearly as much as his brothers (he mainly maintains security, makes weapons, etc)
- he uses the ninpo prosthetic so he can easily take it on and off when needed
- if he gets too distracted he may lose focus on the prosthetic and it will deactivate and fall to the ground (but that rarely happens)
- he wears his battle shell a lot…I just didn’t wanna draw it
If you have any questions feel free to ask!
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