#tw imperial japan
I hope the Japanese nationalists who deny the Nanjing Massacre that claimed the lives of more than 300,000 civilians burn in hell with their war criminal ancestors. I hope the Americans who pardoned unit 731 war criminals burn in hell, too. And you know what, take “Israel”, who is committing an ongoing genocide in Palestine, with them while we’re at it.
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vesper-roux · 2 years
Sharing this here because it’s a well-done, important video.
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Not to be that person but I've been reading some critiques of totk and how it handles imperialism (and perpetuates pro-imperialist sentiment), and it makes me feel like I'm standing on the sidelines tapping my foot anxiously cause while I agree with the general argument cause yes it does in fact have pro-imperialist sentiment it fails to point out that it comes from Japan. Japan with its own history of imperialism and imperialism apologism specifically. So it's very close to but slightly off mark and makes me frustrated. Especially since this is not the only time Nintendo has inserted pro-imperialist sentiment (looking at you Po/kemon legends:arce/us) and How You Are Not Immune to Propaganda (@ Nintendo devs).
But I refuse to speak of it in detail as I am not Japanese, I am not Asian, and I'm too unqualified (both temporally with relation to my studies and also not in-depth enough) to speak on the subject.
So I'll just sit here. Leg stimming anxiously like I have restless leg syndrome cause yeah I completely agree but I would normally go about explaining why in a slightly different direction but alas I should not and will not.
The only, only thing I will say though, if to make this post relevant to anyone reading this, is that people need to understand that one has to approach Hyrule through the lens that it is created by a Japanese company. The Hyrule religion is based on the Japanese state religion and specifically inspired by the kind that emerged after the Meiji Revolution. This is pertinent to understanding the Hylia lore and Zelda and why the monarchy is Like That, and why it keeps popping up again and again and why they refuse to move away from that model. And this directly ties into the Japanese pro-imperialist sentiment we see in these games.
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lola-legendary · 2 years
Concept of a battle of the bands ww2 au
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hurgablurg · 2 years
Bizarre how quickly AtLA fans take up the cause of the fascists when it comes to deciding between an old woman murdering any invaders she can get her hands on and the explicitly genocidal empire of with the heraldry of fire and skulls.
Like, okay, she escaped, as any reasonable person would try to do when held in captivity by Japanese-coded invaders (warcrimes + r*pe tw). It’s not her fault in the slightest that her captors decided to start murdering people as “punishment” after she escaped. It was the Fire Nation’s decision to start committing atrocities!
“How dare you try to escape? Every person we kill? Their blood is on YOUR hands. It’s your fault.” And you guys, like buy into that because you watched this show when you all were 10 years old and believed that main characters were always in the right when they parroted neoliberal talking points from the writers. And then never thought critically or drew connections about what you were watching.
Honestly, I think it’s good she murdered those civilians. Fewer boots for the Fire Nation to armour up and send out to murder a dozen or more foreign civilians each. Because they would, without a second thought. The show’s characterization of the average fire-bender is exactly that.
You don’t get to think of the collective Fire Nation as “a misunderstood bad guy in need of redemption” when they are engaging in total war and committing atrocities against civilians and then turn around and get mad when the other side makes good on the precedent that’s already been set.
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pinkumiilku · 2 years
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fungirl-apk · 8 months
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(a series dedicated to Jujutsu kaisen characters and what type of scammers they would be. (Keep in mind this is just a joke - slander if you will. Lmao. )
-> PART 2(toji)
TW// dusty!satoru, scammer!satoru, dustmite!gojo, mentions of scammer!geto, crackfic
1K+ words
(if you have eczema , asthma, or a cold, reading this fic featuring dusty gojo and (a very little, but still dusty) geto will make you cough, wheeze, hack, and sneeze. read at your own risk.)
-SATORU is definitely the "over-the-phone" foreign country emperor-type scammer. The kind of scammer who chooses gullible females (such as elderly women,) or vulnerable women (such as lonely widows,) on purpose - he's no misogynist, but he finds women easier to manipulate cash out of (partially due to his good looks and silver-tongue). Besides, what woman can resist a handsome ""emperor"" from a foreign country? with a foreign accent?
-SATORU would definitely be the type to carefully plan out his responses/behaviors before manipulating his victims for cash - he'd purposefully distance himself away from his victim for days, but not before saying things like: "I'm broke", "I have no job", then arrive with a half-assed apology 3 days later, "oh- sorry! was busy working, lol :p"
-SATORU would obviously not be stupid enough to contradict himself, By accident that is. He knows what he's doing, he's just making it seem like he's hiding something... Hiding the fact he's the quote "emperor from some rich foreign country".
He realizes he could never just say that though, so instead, he'd leave little traps for his victim to pick up on, hints, and clues, that'll eventually all add up and corroborate his story. 
-SATORU's entire goal from start to finish would be to push the theory without explicitly saying it. The more distance between you two, the more suspicious you will get.
the more desperate for an answer you feel as he pushes you away? This is how he lures you in, although you'll never realize it until the end. 
-SATORU would only strike when he knows he's destroyed your morale. When you inevitably lower your standards for an explanation as to why he's been "traveling in and out of Japan", desperate for anything, you'll accept his outlandish confession of being a
"foreign imperial monarch, emperor of the south who has 8 Bugatti's and 5 exotic albino peacock-tigers and an 89 figure bank account".
And regardless of whether you truly believe it or not, you accept it. Because you're just desperate for his company and tired of feeling neglected.
-SATORU would use his previous absence to further push the theory if you still weren't convinced enough. "Yeah, the reason I missed your birthday was because I was helping the local Duke of the North. I got injured, so I was in the hospital". he wasn't.
"remember when I said I couldn't be there for your promotion party? The guards of the south needed my assistance on the day of the party, so I traveled to Japan to help them.". He didn't. 
"That picture of me on the airplane was me traveling to my kingdom". He literally snuck onto that plane without a ticket...
-SATORU is smart, smart enough to know you probably would begin to doubt his fictitious empire and his tenuous adventures about "large boats made out of porcelain with golden jewels, exotic albino caviar, and white pearls" in Bali, Indonesia.
So, to further sell the dream - he sends in cash or expensive gifts now and then as the final nail in the coffin. To some inexperienced scammers, it just looks stupid, considering he's supposed to be the one receiving money, "counterproductive" they say.
 But Satoru just scoffs and writes them off as "amateurs". He doesn't see it as ""CoUnTeRpROduCtive"" He sees it as an investment, a down payment, or to put it more accurately, a security deposit for the future.
"It isn't guaranteed you will get back the same treatment in dividends from the person you choose to pour all this unnecessary money into..."
Nanamin often remarks. But again, Satoru just scoffs. Nanamin just doesn't understand the psychological genius behind a true mastermind such as THE gojo Satoru, king of the con artists. Some say he's arrogant, but he'd just say he's confident in his abilities as a scam artist. 
what comes around goes around, and he's gonna get his money back one way or another. it's just his good karma.
-SATORU's best friend, confidant, and partner in crime, geto, comments that if any regular person were to describe Gojo, they would say he's an absolute despicable excuse of a human being.
If any of his victims were to describe him, they'd say he was a learning experience and their first real heartbreak.
If an advanced scammer were to describe Satoru, they would say he is a genius but arrogant hustler in a world full of flim-flam cowards,
a true fraudster in the flesh. Most scammers who've heard the tales of Satoru Gojo assume he's worked his way up to the top all by his lonesome, brewing his own methods of mind games and manipulation processes resulting in successful licks among women internationally.
But, geto would just chalk it all up to him being born into a very corporate family. 
One that happens to scam their customers out of new and expensive phones every 6 months for minimal features but 6000x times the price. it's worth it though, because you get 50kb more space. :>
-SATORU would never let another man in your life. not in jealousy - but in greed. He's had men in the past attempt to distance his victims away from him in either pursuit of a romantic relationship, or because they're trying to play fraudster as well, While he's still trying to play HIS tricks.
you can guarantee no matter who it is - Satoru takes it as a sign of blatant disrespect if another scammer attempts to try and get in the way of his bag 
So, he makes an example out of them, which is the number 1 reason why Satoru Gojo became the most notorious figure in the Con-artistry community.
 IF a man somehow reaches the god-like proportions Satoru Gojo has achieved in the world of the jujutsu scammer-verse, he'd just have to knock him down to size.
He can't have another shyster challenging his authority. If the JJK scammer verse is the Wild Wild West, there isn't enough room in this town for both of them.
-SATORU in the world of scammers would be the kingpin, the best, the inspiration, the moment, and the blueprint for other scammers in the jujutsu scammer verse.
and he's a dust storm heading toward all the women. ladies, pack your bags, skip town, and lock your doors, it's sneezin' season - and beware of the Toji dust blizzard following right behind
-> PART 2(toji)
(also, here's a quick yuji fanart I created LOL)
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theopulenthq · 2 months
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Plot Drop: Dishonor In The Court
After rigorous interrogations and pitiful conditions, members of the French and Flortentian kingdoms are released from their prison cells due to there being no conclusive evidence... though, the eyes of court remain on them. Still, there is a number of criminals to bring to justice yet, and the pre-Tribunal awaits. The solicitors build their cases, selected their jurors, and the promise of honor hangs in the air ahead of the pre-Tribunal. For those who have something to hide, this the last night before all bets are off, and every secret stands to be revealed.
But there is dishonor in the court, and it starts the evening before the pre-Tribunal.
(TW: Violence, Murder)
The Night Before the Pre-Tribunal
A seemingly ordinary evening in The Paco Imperial Palace, though guards remain on high alert following the escape of many French criminals. It is well past the witching hour when an organized group of masked mercenaries subvert De Alcantara’s well-positioned prison guards. The ripple effect of the string of escapees force the hand of those who chose violence. The targeted prisoners are roused by swords at their throats. “We have come to enact true justice.” They proclaim, forcing their way into each cell, until Madhavan Parkash and Rishabh Sundar of the Mughal Empire are identified. “Our home sends their regards.” They heed, prepared to execute the two accused, pockets heavy with Indian rupees. A struggle ensues, with the pair fighting for their lives. By the time palace authorities come to investigate, it is too late. The mercenaries are gone, with only a handful of Indian rupees and a Mughal Empire-forged blade found at the scene. Madhavan is dead, and Rishabh is comatose in the infirmary. The Mughal Empire strikes, and from it, comes the unraveling. Were they avenging their former fallen Empresses... or were they protecting their own secrets?
However, it was not only the Mughal Empire who had taken to the cover of night to slate a bloodlust. Undiscovered until the next morning, there was another assassin - one much quieter, clean. Kaiden Nelson of Cardiff was killed at some point in the night, and the scene appears to be entirely undisturbed save for one missing item of the soldier's. A stack of letters & a page of stamps - three missing. In the letters, contained information valuable to the Scottish Rebellion, and one may wonder who received the first three.
The Day of the Pre-Tribunal
Accused and all-but-proven of interfering with justice and acting against the diplomatic will of the countries in attendance, the members of the Mughal Empire are immediately confined to their apartments to sit out the Pre-Tribunal. An investigation will be held, and whoever knew of the violent storm of the prisons would be charged, tried, and sentenced as well. Panic strikes the early morning, and many whisper - “Surely the pre-tribunal cannot happen now!” Despite the panicked sentiment, those most invested in justice following the Reckoning demand to see it through. The Pre-Tribunal will carry on as planned, and the Grand Jury Hall is prepared. Everyone - from royals, nobles, to staff, is required to be in attendance, excluding the Mughal Empire, of course. 
The first of the accused to stand trial is Takuda Toshiko of Japan/Hong Kong. A spy at Japanese court and cousin to the reigning Emperor. After thorough examination of the facts and a lengthy interrogation, Takuda cracks and confesses, shaken by the attack on Rishabh. Takuda confesses to murdering the former Emperor and Empress of Japan, and promises full cooperation in the investigation in exchange for lighter sentencing for Rishabh if she recovers from the night before. When asked for a motive - he said nothing.
Verdict: Guilty - Held in prison, awaiting Emperor Kaito’s decision on sentencing. 
The second of the accused to stand trial is Peter Hermann of Scotland/Germany. A former groundskeeper of Scotland and current resident of Germany. Peter stands accused of involvement in the death of the former generation of rulers; the deceased rulers of Scotland and Germany. The evidence pointing towards Peter's involvement in both the Reckoning and the death of the former German leaders is overwhelming, with little reasonable doubt.
Verdict: While it also appears that Peter was lying about his lack of involvement with the Scottish rulers, as his story continued to change and the details muddled - he was finally found not guilty for the murder of the former Scottish rulers. He was, however, found guilty for the murder of Germany's King & Queen. Sentencing decisions will be left up to the Hatzfeld's - a fact that the Scottish section greatly opposed.
Swords were drawn, shouts rang out, and justice was demanded - Scotland & Germany yelling at one another across the courtroom. Order was barely restored just before blood spilled, with a promise for a further investigation to be held deeper to the crimes against Scotland by Peter's hand.
The third of the accused to stand trial is Meryem Adin of Turkey/China. Long-time mistress to the former, ruling Sultan of Turkey (father to the current generation of Adbul's). Recently, Meryem confessed to falsifying evidence against the former Sultan of Persia to influence Turkey's attack on his life, in order to fan the flames of a Persian/Turkish conflict. She has claimed to have taken refugee safely in China ever since.
Meryem swore to tell the truth, with no motivation to keep secrets any longer. Much to the detriment of Turkey, Persia, China, and even Madagascar. The court waits with bated breath. But a different sound comes; Meryem shrieks in pain, collapsing on the floor and left undone. The guards make haste to her body, quick to inspect the goblet of water placed at the stand. Poison. She was dead. Though first assumed to be of Madagascar origin - it is revealed that is a copycat design, of lesser potency. If Meryem had been in better health, she would have survived and the secrets she had to spill would be known.
Verdict: No verdict. Meryem is deceased before trial can commence.
The shocking spectacle of continued death & murder leads to absolute chaos. Screams of accusation are hurled - finding home mostly with those in Persia and Turkey. Everyone comes to a stand, and all form of order is lost. The remaining prisoners are ushered quickly off to the side, to return to the dungeons. But as panic ensues and confusion reigns, opportunity is seized. Those with a score to settle find their opportunity to do so, as swords clash and tempers rise. A single dagger, undoubtedly from where the Scottish court & staff huddled together, flew with impeccable aim across the courtroom, and found it's lethal target in Peter. Another down.
Amidst the fray of chaos and despair, it is the kingdoms of Egypt and Norway that break through the frenzy. Calling for order, the nations highlight their diplomacy (or perhaps, their self-interest) by putting an end to the violence and demanding stricter punishment. With less than half of the criminals they started the Tribunal with, the decision is made to end the pre-Tribunal. With many terrified and injured, a new curfew is issued to the guests - no one is allowed out of their chambers past 10pm, and to leave the palace, everyone must sign in and out with the guards.
The remaining criminals awaiting trial are Gabriel Cuvelier, Sabino Montez, Lao Patalung, and Pascal Rakotoson - and Rishabh Sundar, if she makes a recovery.
OOC details under the cut!
The events of the plot drop take place in the last week of June. We are still in the month of June in-character. You can continue to write threads during this timeline. Please do not progress your threads more than a week after the pre-Tribunal into the month of July in-game.
If you wish, you can opt for your muses to take action during the chaos of the pre-Tribunal. This includes; getting into a fight, small injuries, causing some mayhem, or taking cover where they can. All we ask is that any major plots, such as; extensive injuries, extensive harm to other muses, or anything that would impact the events following the chaos are discussed with the admin team. We encourage you to come up with your own ideas, theories, and plots to bring to us if this drop inspired you to do so!
Have fun! Let us know if you have any questions or concerns. With the admin team going into a busy season/hiatus in the near future - this will be the major plot event (including mini drops) for a few weeks!
Next up is a location change - expect a vote on our new location in the next week or two!
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vierran45 · 9 months
Dramas watched in 2024
Japan: I Cannot Reach You / Kimi ni wa Todokanai
Korea: Death’s Game 1 Death’s Game 2 Love for Love’s Sake Marry My Husband The Glory S1
Taiwan: Unknown
Thailand: Last Twilight
Currently unfinished: Psych-Hunter c The Blessed Girl / Ling Long c Bloody Romance c Run On k Rattan c And the Winner Is Love c Poisoned Love c Lover or Stranger c Unforgettable Love c My Roommate Is a Detective c A Female Student Arrives at the Imperial College c Beloved Enemy c F4 Thailand: Boys Over Flowers th Reset c From Now On, Showtime! k Bromance tw The Legendary Life of Queen Lau c Rock it, Mom! c The Guest k Possessed k The Fulltime Wife Escapist j Pledge of Allegiance c Queenmaker k Fireworks of My Heart c Story of Kunning Palace c Wonderland of Love c Love Me, Love My Voice c Derailment c The Midnight Studio k In Blossom c The Legend of Shen Li c The Double c Meet You at the Blossom tw Dashing Youth c The On1y One tw Strange Tales of Jiang Cheng c
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thenxghtwemxt · 8 months
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"All your life you've never seen a woman taken by the wind"
Head Lady Midori Yamoto | She/Her | 24 | Japan | FC: Reina Hardesty
NAME: Midori Yamoto TITLE: Head Lady of the Court AGE: 26 FACECLAIM: Reina Hardesty SEXUALITY: Bisexual MARITAL STATUS: Single POSITIVE TRAITS: Resilient, Resourceful, Unapologetic, Bold NEGATIVE TRAITS: Combative, Paranoid, Insecure HOBBIES: Street Fighting, Sewing
The Story (So Far): Abuse TW, Murder TW
She has no biological parentage to speak of. Instead, she's finds herself in a ubiquitous orphanage in southern Japan. A nameless girl without a penny or a legacy to her name, she's dubbed Midori by the Miko's (priestesses) in their charge.
There is much to be desired in the impoverished corner of Japan's otherwise great nation. Food is scarce and thrills even less so. Was it greed or generosity that propel her into the market to steal from local vendors? It's a question Midori asked herself the first time she committed theft. By the fifth time, she stopped asking herself the question.
It wasn't long before the young girl's escapades escalated. There was always something else missing from the lives of parentless children; pairs of shoes, presents to open on self-designated birthdays, and yes... Perhaps some spoils for Midori herself. Besides, what was the harm? Midori only took for those with plenty. The haves, rather than the have nots.
Before long, she finds herself in a different crowd. Renegades, criminals, and even revolutionaries. The cons grow more violent, but the sweets are even sweeter. The danger is known, but so too is the potential. Reckoning comes, however, in the form of a con gone wrong. Caught red-handed by the imperial army, Midori's sentence is clear before it's even read - decades in prison.
It is Prince Kaito who saves her. A pampered Prince with all the resources Midori coveted, she has long-decided about the privileged Princes of Japan before meeting them. That is... Until he shows uncharacteristic mercy. He pardons her, trusts her, and gives her a new life. A second chance.
Almost five years later, Midori is immovable from Kaito's side. Her best friend, her Prince. She does not believe in politics or reform. But she does believe in him. That belief earns her a place in his court - the coveted title of head lady. But she's never far from her past, and it has come to collect.
Opulent, Part 1: With Kaito's rule so new and precarious, Midori arrives at India determined to tend to his heart and protect his reputation. Although she is no political powerhouse, she's determined to get her hands dirty. Working alongside spies, advisors, and the like. The question of Midori's loyalty shouldn't come... But her on-again, off-again romance with Chinese Captain Tian Feng and estranged friendship with thief-turned-Comte of France, Hisashi, has her distracted. Not to mention, the uncertain kinship with a distant lieutenant who, unbeknownst to her, was her biological mother.
The Opulent, The Reckoning: Following her return to Japan and the subsequent revelation of her affair with Captain Tian Feng, Midori teetered on thin ice with Kaito and her place in his court. The impact of the war against China only exacerbated this distance, heightened by her conflicted loyalty. And so, she focused on serving the way she knew how - working illegal systems, communicating with spies, and maybe stealing tidbits of intelligence herself. Now emerging from the war, Midori is attempting to regain Kaito's trust and her progress prior to the war. Basically - trying to make a "proper lady" out of herself and be a good girl. Featuring a potential "proper betrothal."
SIMILAR CHARACTERS: Georgia Miller (Ginny and Georgia), Eponine (Les Miserables)
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waltheruwu · 2 years
Portrait of Jun Takahashi (高橋淳) as oldest Japan pilot who were still alive until 2010s , During his life he not only worked for imperial Japan although as Commercial pilot after war ended and his all life time, also he flew with Betty.
Ngl he's so cute 😮😮 sorry for bad kanji I've made you can tell me for criticism.
Fb : Walther
Ig : @malmstein_uwu
Tw : @Walther_UwU
Pixiv: Malmstein UwU
DeviantArt: KittyhawkUwU21
#ijaf #juntakahashi #imperialjapanairforce #ww2 #kamikaze #kamikazepilot #ijn #wwii #pilotace #ww2airforce #airforce #commercialpilot #ww2japan #flightjacket #betty #zero #mitsubishi #mitshubisig4m #flighthistory #japanpilot #historicalart #fanart #banzai #digitalart #digitalillustration #ibispaintx #manhwa #manhwastyle
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chaoticcosmos666 · 10 months
Building the OC world I had since I was a kid-
As a kid I was influenced a lot by ATLA and multiple fantasy worlds, the elements of Chinese folklore (aka the elements of fire, water, earth, wood, metal), Egyptian mythos, demonology, gods/goddesses, saints, ect. As I got older and shit happened in my family, I extended it... made it dynamic. I took inspiration from real world culture, politics, the crimes of this world, traditions ect. So in this fantasy world we had the idea of elements being used like how ATLA did but extended to other elements. The following were/are (nation names are in parentheses):
Fire (Infernis. Capital cities- Fenris and Ashan)
Water (ambu. Capital cities- Laukai and Inuut)
Earth (terera. Capital cities- Amonokh and Myrereach)
Wind (ventus. Capital cities- Xian Kai and Laoya)
Shadows (Araphel. Capital cities- ampthere and Gloomshelm)
Light (Illumine. Capital cities- caztra and Glarespeak)
Plant (Shizen. Capital cities- Ivor and Bashkor)
Lava (Magata. Capital city- mokuton. One island)
Lightning (Raizen. Capital city- Alyryn. Island Nation on a dead volcano caldera)
Each of these nations are unique full of races from orcs, humans, elves, fae... Almost anything you can think of. I'll get into the gods another day as the pantheon gets wack. But to go on, magic exists as well and like in Naruto when you run out of chakra, you can't use your magic for awhile. Obviously some people have more Magika reserve than others. But that's besides this intro. I was influenced by the wars we had seen growing up... Imperialism... The horrid shit these war mongers do ... Hell even the crimes. For this part of the intro I wanna cover the major events... So possible TW for war and things that fall into that category?
The Heavens War-
The war that went between the god over all the goddesses and Gods and his brother, god of the underworld. Both forces fought and ending in stalemate only due to the fact that good can't exist without evil and vice versa, lest the balance of the world be thrown off. this was started before humanities birth.
The Angelic Scourge-
A proposed wipeout of humanity 1000 years after it's birth. Still in it's tribalic infancy, the angels sought to destroy humans as these angels saw them as imperfect and bloodhungry. The war was ended by the gods themselves and the angels destroyed when the humans said their plea to these gods. When the destruction of these angels came, the legend had it that when the blood fell, a new being was born, the half angels (although that ended up not even being true. It was just intermingling)
Spawn of the Half demons and the punishment from the Underworld
The god of the underworld couldn't let angels have all of the fun huh? Demons were known to roam at night. Many many years after the angelic scourge, towns began popping up. Small in its infancy. Sometimes tho the demons found love and they created the halfbreed types like the angels did. The god of the underworld was less than thrilled at this time and sent his armies against them. When the word got out ... The half demons fought back. Enough so that the God of the Underworld saw their worth... He let them live... And hoped he could influence some.
rise of clans and the wars between
Years of peace later and Clans arose. Prominent ones such as Kaori in western terera as a main huge one, assokh in eastern terera, Jakara in Eastern Shizen... The clans were the first governments. Working like how Naruto did and influenced from freudal Japan, the clans negotiated with each other, integrated, became one and all that. The most prominent being Kaori. One known for prosperity and it's peace ties. Kaori had its secrets... Being that the clan head was married to a demon woman and had two halfblood sons (who play a huge role in my later stuff) and the Lord who pushed his sons too far. When the clans fought, the eldest would fight while the younger would train. In peace, the youngest negotiated ties and bonds of clans. As the years went on, so did the Kaori clan leaders abuses to the eldest. The biggest clan war was when a treaty was broken. The eldest then destroyed the Lord of that clan... Setting off retaliation. Those loyal to the youngest and the peacekeeper who only raised his blade in necessary times, vowed to fight to the end. The Kaori clan fell from prominence.
Orcish Suppression.
As all fantasy stories seem to have... Orcs always get the short end. After over 500 years of peace after the clans and cities were born, elvish supremacy essentially gained control. Most elves at this time hated orcs and found them savage like and inferior to them. Well what about the others? Well considering orcs are closer to elves in geneology in this world, they only had beef with orcs. Wars and enslavement were rampant in this time. orcs trusting no one. The war only ended when the oldest of the elves were wiped out and the new ones with a belief of peace came in to power... That .. and a bit of help from a Kaori legend (that is another story)
The Demon Slayers and a coupling of an endless war of imperialism
Demon Slayers and the big war happened and continued at the same time. One land was expanding against the treaties of old, thus starting a war. At this time the demon slayers rose prominence and started their scourge. They were eventually whiped out by a half demon scorned by them and her companion. The imperialistic war ended nearly 25 years later when the emperor of Raizen took action against invaders
All of this is a constant work in progress.
This was all born from two kids literally just pretending big sticks were spears and swords and having an uncle into DND and Pathfinder. I will have a tag for this called Cosmos's Lore. Anything tagged on this is where OCs will be unless otherwise noted. Asks are open. I will be updating this when I can 😭
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dailyhistoryposts · 3 years
Yoshiko Kawashima
A complex historical figure, Yoshiko Kawashima (1907-1948) was a Chinese princess-turned spy for the Japanese Empire.
n.b. Most articles on Kawashima use she/her pronouns. This post will use they/them. I don't believe it's any more or less correct than she or he (gender identity is a social construct, and it does not easily translate across decades, cultures, and languages), but will emphasize Kawashima's personal choices.
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Born Aisin Gioro Xianyu in Beijing to the imperial clan of the Qing dynasty, the Xinhai Revolution of 1912 resulted in Kawashima being adopted by their father's friend, a Japanese mercenary. Kawashima was raised and educated in Japan.
In 1925, they said they "...decided to cease being a woman forever." because "I was born with what the doctors call a tendency toward the third sex, and so I cannot pursue an ordinary woman's goals in life... Since I was young I've been dying to do the things that boys do." As a child, even before transition, Kawashima acted and spoke in a masculine fashion, but after this, they dressed and acted as a man.
Two years later, Kawashima was married to a Mongolian man. They were divorced after three years, and Kawashima moved to Tokyo, where they had a number of both male and female lovers.
Kawashima began working as a spy for imperial Japan during the Second Sino-Japanese War. They worked undercover in Manchuria, usually as a man, occasionally as a woman. They led a band of 3,000 cavalrymen as a counterinsurgency force.
Over time, this story became popular in Japan and Kawashima became well-known, enough so that their ability to go undercover was compromised. Kawashima also started to criticize the Japanese military and its policies in Manchukuo, so they were not effective in propaganda.
After the end of the war, Kawashima was arrested, tried, and executed by China for treason.
It's an interesting story. The comment about the 'tendency toward the third sex'--was Kawashima intersex or tomboyish? Were they a gender non-conforming woman, a trans man, or nonbinary? Are any of these post-Stonewall English terms applicable to Kawashima's situation at all? How we talk about queer figures of the past is important, but it is often an unsolvable puzzle. If Kawashima is alive today, with our current language, we cannot say for sure how they would call themself.
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runvash · 3 years
japan really isnt criticized enough. the govt rlly needs to be held accountable for employing officials that outright deny the existence of war crimes like. it’s why the rising sun earrings was so bad, esp in media as international as k*y… and it’s why people hate a*t, bc of its nationalist writer literally pouring propaganda into his media. it’s just like. people who say “it’s just earrings” or “death to the author” clearly have never even THOUGHT about it in context of wwii war crimes and the impact that the normalization of imperial japan imagery has on victims/families. this kind of damaging fiction DOES impact reality… and honestly it’s propaganda imo
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amer-ainu · 4 years
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On the word "Kamikaze"
: from the perspective of a country colonized by Imperial Japan during the World Wars
Kamikaze pilots who were not Japanese were under severe pressure to enlist and give their lives for Imperial Japan, their colonizer. Training suicidal pilots to ram their planes into the opposing forces began in the late legs of WW2, as too many skilled pilots were already dead and it was harder to train skill than to advise suicidal maneuvers. For this reason, the word "kamikaze" is an area of historical sensitivity for Koreans, and I assume any other colonized Asian countries that had to give up their people for the frontlines of Imperial Japan's war.
Even with the "colonized perspective" aside, to glorify suicidal violence in the name of something so abstract as "countries" does not seem fitting with the current world values. Though many, many people still choose to ignore the fact that all humans deserve to live free and happy lives, this core value and our desire for universal human rights does not change. This is why I think a lot of care has to go into the use of the word "kamikaze" in fiction. It is not something cool, it is rather a tragedy of young people asked to die and be glorified in suicide, with heavy historical implications behind it.
I ask that you keep this in mind the next time a cool character, or a cool fictional skill, are given a variation of "kamikaze" as a name. It is not a word to be used lightly. (I don't want to compare it to the "holocaust" because the two words mean very different things, but I do want to explain that the level of uncomfortable aversion I feel when I see the word "kamikaze" thrown around for "cool character names" is near the aversion I felt when I saw "holocaust" used as a supervillain name in comic book media.)
It's a cop-out to use the words for "shockingly bad things that happened to people" for the shock impact it would have on the audience. You want people to be afraid of a supervillain? Write the villain as a scary killer and don't link them to horrifying genocide (it's seriously insensitive, to use genocide as a punchline). You want people to know a character as a foolhardy fighter? Write the character as a reckless fighter and don't link them to actual wartime atrocities.
I mean, I would never name a supervillain some variation of the word "lynching". Certain words have heavy historical meanings that shouldn't be lightly utilized outside of its historical context.
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