#and again I am not attacking anyone
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blood-starved-beast · 2 years ago
Not to be that person but I've been reading some critiques of totk and how it handles imperialism (and perpetuates pro-imperialist sentiment), and it makes me feel like I'm standing on the sidelines tapping my foot anxiously cause while I agree with the general argument cause yes it does in fact have pro-imperialist sentiment it fails to point out that it comes from Japan. Japan with its own history of imperialism and imperialism apologism specifically. So it's very close to but slightly off mark and makes me frustrated. Especially since this is not the only time Nintendo has inserted pro-imperialist sentiment (looking at you Po/kemon legends:arce/us) and How You Are Not Immune to Propaganda (@ Nintendo devs).
But I refuse to speak of it in detail as I am not Japanese, I am not Asian, and I'm too unqualified (both temporally with relation to my studies and also not in-depth enough) to speak on the subject.
So I'll just sit here. Leg stimming anxiously like I have restless leg syndrome cause yeah I completely agree but I would normally go about explaining why in a slightly different direction but alas I should not and will not.
The only, only thing I will say though, if to make this post relevant to anyone reading this, is that people need to understand that one has to approach Hyrule through the lens that it is created by a Japanese company. The Hyrule religion is based on the Japanese state religion and specifically inspired by the kind that emerged after the Meiji Revolution. This is pertinent to understanding the Hylia lore and Zelda and why the monarchy is Like That, and why it keeps popping up again and again and why they refuse to move away from that model. And this directly ties into the Japanese pro-imperialist sentiment we see in these games.
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chalkrub · 1 year ago
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super fun trade with @charseraph !
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captainknox · 17 days ago
So since some of y'all are posting some major mischaracterization of Kevin and Jeans relationship in TGC I thought I would come on here and set the record straight(haha) on what I have been seeing from my perspective on what was revealed in this series and some thoughts i just wanna yap about and hear y'alls thoughts on:
Brothers, friends, teammates, or partners: (+ what's revealed about their relationship from TGR and why I disagree with a few takes I have seen on here, that try to define their relationship as anything, when its complicated and undefinable to Jean himself.)
Since folx are taking things literally, I think it's important to note and remember that most things Jean says about him and Kevin's relationship is a lie. A lie that they had to keep up to separate themselves in the nest and from Rikos rage.
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That being said, when he says that Kevin is not his friend, it leads me to interpret that is a knee-jerk reaction that was trained into him to deny because of the Nest. (I do not think he is a friend, because at this point I dont even think Jean knows what one is, or would say he has any).
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We also are shown that when Jean feels emotional and is about to share what he shouldn’t he self harms to stop himself and control what he says. Which he does here as well when pressed further about Kevin being his friend or partner and his feelings toward him:
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he repeats what he most likely was forced to say over and over as Riko and the master beat him for Kevins whereabouts.
I also do think he means it when he says he wanted Kevin to die, both of them saw no escape from the nest and from the abuse, the only way out they ever saw was death. They both clearly made a pact, my personal theory based on what Jean has said is that If he dies, it has to be by Kevin and no one else in (TSC):
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Their relationship is too complicated for other characters in the series to understand, and though it hurts Jean when Kevin calls him, his brother, I think it truly is how Kevin categorizes their relationship. I also think that Kevin's view of Aaron and Andrews relationship also influences how he labels their relationship(I can dive into that at a later time).
Though Jean says he hates Kevin multiple times throughout the series, he never defends himself when Kevin calls him out on that lie. So also saying that he feels just hatred or animosity toward Kevin, feels incorrect as well.
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So I think the ball is in Jean's court for how he wants to define their relationship. Something, to my knowledge he has not done yet. He either deflects or says 'no' to whatever label people use.
Kevin victim blames/ denies Jeans abuse:
Jean(our beloved unreliable narrator) is still living in the Nest mentally at this point in the series, and is still falling back on Raven conditioning which impacts how he sees Kevin and how their relationship plays out between them. A relationship where they had to hide their abuse from everyone but each other as stated in TSC:
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Kevin, refuses to deny what happened to Jean to those he cares about, or deny his importance to him, but respects what Jean wants to share with others, which is the only reason he ever lies or hides information about Jean.
Jean does as well, in TSC when Thea demands he explains, he does not tell Kevin's story, all he says is "believe him." In this scene he is also trying to distract Thea from asking about the S/A, so do not take it out of its context, it is just important to note how he will always admit that Kevin was abused, but will not break his trust by sharing his story in the same way that Kevin does for him.)
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When Kevin calls the S/A "history," its part because he is unaware of the full truth as is stated by Jean in TSC:
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And more importantly because he does not know what Jean has shared with Jeremy and will not break his trust.
Now this scene being argued about the most in TGR has some of the most worst misinterpretations that I have seen, and I think its because people don't remember that Kevin has had more time to be seperate from the nest and adjust to the "normal world", so people don't notice the way he also still has the same fucked up views as Jean regarding the world. He also, up until a few months prior in the series, was still under/fighting the master/riko ownership of him.
When he does talk about the S/A, he is explaining how they justified their (the ravens/ riko) actions because they had no other choice. It was their reality and the rules with which they had come to accept about the world, not that he personally is justifying it.
What he says here is important:
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Followed by this:
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We also learn later, that Kevin did try and defend Jean. And the conversation highlighted above, implies he tried to bring up reporting it to Jean, but he would not.
At this point, Kevin does not know what Jeremy knows in this moment, because Jean will not even discuss it fully with Kevin when he brings it up, so he is unaware what Jeremy knows of the S/A. He also still refuses to break Jean's trust so he censors himself (acknowledged by Jeremy as well in this conversations):
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-Kevin saw how the Ravens reacted in the aftermath. He knew none of them would even defend him (even Thea would write away their abuse while it was happening, as is seen when she confronts Jean in TSC).
-When he is stating that the age of consent is 16, what he is telling Jeremy, is that even if he wanted to go and report it, the only person who could have was Jean. Not that he thinks Jean was old enough to consent.
Also important is what Jean says in a previous chapter + when he talks to Andrew, you can see how both Kevin and Jean literally almost echo each others words/ perspective on things: (sorry about the bad highlighting)
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Here he is talking about himself not Jean's justice (which i saw floating around as if that was how Kevin felt about Jean reporting things...) :
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Does that mean Kevin would stand by Jean if he ever wanted to testify? We won't know yet, but based on my interpretation and the only other proof we have seen of him defending victims (testifying on behalf of Andrew and Aaron during the court case, a scene which it is implied by jeremy heavily affected him), I am going to say yes.
Important to note: Kevin knew and has stated that if he spoke out against the Ravens they would hurt Jean. He was also restrained by that fear. Which is why the time he finally lets himself loose, is only after Jean is safely with him and the foxes and he knows that Riko can't reach him. Even Jeremy, notes a difference since Jean was finally out of the nest:
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Things I feel it's important to mention and consider when looking at their relationship:
-They both are invested in each other getting better.Kevin willingly agreed to share all his trauma with Betsy so that she can help Jean. Kevin, willingly tells her everything horrific he endured in the small chance that it would make Jean feel safe enough to talk to her and get better. But I don't think we should ignore Jean's confrontation with Kevin about his drinking.
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-Kevin also respects every time Jean tells him to leave or stop. We see this in the TSC and again in TGR:
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-The minute Jean is actually uncomfortable we see Kevin back off. Yes he is bossy, rude, and invited himself into Jeans space, but that is also a reversal/familiarity of their time spent together. The minute Jean says no, Kevin respects it. (I have a lot to say about the coffee grabbing, and my the amount of times Kevin grabs his hands whenever he senses Jean's distress, throughout the series, but that will be a later date)
-The few times they ever get physically violent it is Jean who initiates it first. I would argue that Jean slips into his past role as well, throughout their interactions just as much as Kevin does.
-Kevin defending Jean during the interview, and keeping Jeremy's promise.
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Last thoughts:
Jean himself, never denies the abuse that Kevin faced, in fact the only few times he is willing to mentally acknowledge the abuse, its when he is referencing the psychological and physical abuse and games Riko played on him and Kevin. So... If Jean himself does not deny that Kevin was abused as well, why do y'all remove Kevin's actions from that context??
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Now I'm not condoning either of their thoughts or behaviors, its fucked up, and it's meant to be frustrating that they both could say this about themselves and each other. But Nora's books are meant to be re-read, because they often have so many small easter eggs and deeper meanings that aren't revealed until later.
Please proceed with some reading comprehension and understanding that these characters are all messy and traumatized and do things that you won't morally agree with, that just makes them a well written character.
and finally the exchange that made me almost throw my kindle, all because Kevin asked:
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Remember I first started to write Lofi Beats to Capture Children to, around two years ago based on the entire Concept that the Daycare Attendant was built with child napping, and nefarious purposes in mind?
Wondering who could have possibly made him and that I basically said the Daycare Attendant seems built with similar purposes that Circus Baby and the Funtime Animatronics have? That the Daycare Attendant is meant to be a death trap for the children outside of the Virus? A Child-napping, and Child-sleeping machine built to bring the Children to Vanny specifically and the Virus had very little to do with this???
That he was Meant to be Vanny's Puppet from the start? To do her bidding?
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I'm feeling really good about myself and my headcanons right now.
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purplink8 · 1 year ago
Hate to burst anyone's bubble but I don't think L would've revealed his face to Light if the latter wasn't Kira. The Kira case was the only case in which L shows his identity to anyone besides Watari because it's the first time he (and his authority) has been challenged like this (with the majority of the Japanese task force leaving since they can't trust L coz of the FBI incident).
If Light weren't Kira and went on to become an NPA officer like his father, he might work with L on some cases together but that doesn't mean L would've revealed his identity to him, however intelligent this particular NPA officer may be.
Like I ship Lawlight very much and I'm not (in this post, that is) referring to anyone exploring the idea of non-Kira!Light with L in their AUs as bad (I like those AUs too), but let's remember that it wouldn't be plausible if we're going by canon. Even if Ohba said somewhere that they'd work together if Light weren't Kira, I'm sure he didn't mean working together as in face-to-face.
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rawliverandgoronspice · 1 year ago
I think there's something to be said also about how so many Ganondorf redemption arcs in fanfics involve him being shipped with Link or Zelda. It's very ingrained in the fandom to connect Ganondorf as a good guy to Ganondorf as an object of desire, specifically paired sexually with a good, pale, white, heroic hylian who "tames" him out of his savagery.
Yeah, I think that's a really fair point.
Again, I'm always pretty uncomfortable with chiming in on people's desires, as it is complicated enough of a topic as is AND I know I have strange biases and/or know some subtleties may go over my head given I'm aroace. But yes, it is a continuation of that understanding of the character (not even returning on the fact that I don't think Ganondorf needs redemption as much as Hyrule needs accountability).
I think what bothers me, in both canon and fanon (and in spite of Wind Waker), is that there is a latent denial that he is a character that is capable of depth and vulnerability without tearing agency away from him, if that makes sense? And it often lives, at least in my opinion, in the negation of his relationship to his own people. That maybe he doesn't need the hylian heroes to come and "teach him" the meaning of love and forgiveness, and/or reveal he was always incapable of either; shouldn't he have gotten plenty of opportunities to explore that very topic among his own people, on his own terms?
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scarysanctuary · 3 months ago
you guys are so funnyyyyyy, i hope i never become "normal" and not "disgusting" so that i can keep upsetting people by shipping controversial ships, because really, what am i doing other than existing? worst case scenario youre right, and i do have personal issues and i am working through it/comforting myself through fiction, right? what is so wrong with that? I havent hurt and wont hurt a damn soul by shipping "weird" fictional couples.
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tbartss · 11 months ago
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my drowned rat son<3
am i the only one who imagines him with an undercut and sharp cheekbones? ok then
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moe-broey · 7 months ago
Okay quick and messy I Struggle With Left/Right Object Permanence When You Flip A Fucking Image Apparently Alfonse ref:
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"FUCK CANON" until I have the opportunity to clown on him for having a cutting board ass. Flat Ass Alfonse Truther, he's too powerful, he needs to be nerfed somehow
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It's him!!! The bane of my existence as an artist 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰💘💖💝💗💕💓💕💗💞💖💕💝💗💖💝💕💝💞💗💖💖💞💝💗💖💖💞💝💗💘💗💖💞💓🥲💘💖💞💖
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luanna801 · 1 year ago
I truly hate "Why aren't you posting about THIS" posts, because the majority of the time I think people genuinely just aren't aware of the issue, and in any case it's impossible to post about every single Bad Thing happening in the world, and we would make ourselves crazy trying. I truly don't think anyone is obligated to post about any particular thing, ever.
With that said, I'm not naive enough to think people are somehow unaware of what's currently a major national news story. And I'm also very, very aware that if nearly 1,000 Jews had been murdered in any other circumstances, I would be seeing posts expressing heartbreak and solidarity and support for the Jewish people. Hell, I'd probably be seeing it if a tenth of that number had been killed.
Provided, of course, the culprit was politically convenient.
But these Jews, you've been told, were ~evil colonialist oppressors~. The murder of these Jews isn't a tragedy, it's a form of progressive activism. It doesn't matter that they were unarmed civilians. It doesn't matter if they were children or the elderly. Their deaths are justified, and to even express any sympathy or condolence is to have your leftist credentials questioned.
I understand. Truly, I do. It's hard to speak up when you might get painted as the villain for doing so. I blame no one, and like I said, no particular person is obligated to say anything. But the collective silence is very, very noticeable, where I know that silence wouldn't be there under different circumstances.
This is why I don’t trust the community on tumblr when they claim to care about Jewish people. They'll happily join in to fight right-wing antisemitism, and I'll happily take that allyship. They'll even call out leftist antisemitism, to a point. But when it's just too controversial, they won't speak up for the mass murder of Jews on a scale that surpasseses literally any other event in recent history.
As Jews we notice that, and it does not make us feel safe. And we'll remember it next time there's a convenient talking point and you tell us all you've got our backs. Forgive me if it will ring a bit hollow.
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Okay but fr I hope Dan and Phil don’t feel pressured to actually do a 25-day gamingmas bc that’s like. SO much work for them. They don’t need to upload every day leading up to Christmas. They can just do like 5 days or a week, but even then they don’t need to do that, that’s just if they wanna do some sort of gamingmas-type thing
I just want them to take care of themselves and not burn themselves out 😭
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mod-jazzy · 1 year ago
Jazzy VS Colored Text
Hello! I am making this post just as a update for me/my blogs.
Later today I’ll be adding these banners to all my blogs pinned posts:
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If you are interacting with ME or MY blogs in specific, please refrain from using large amounts of colored text.
I have a reading disorder as it is and colored text on white backgrounds just makes it worse for me to read. It strains my eyes and it’s just difficult all together for me.
This is a example of colored text for reference. I’m being nice and not using yellow
This is not a attack on anyone or anything. I am not telling you how to run your blogs. All I ask that is if you are interacting with ME or MY blogs in specific, that you refrain from using large amounts of colored text.
I don’t mind one or two words here and there. But prolonged sentences or paragraphs are just.. difficult for me to read!
So please if you are interacting with ME in specific, please refrain!
I want to be able to read what is being said and not have to copy/paste it into another program just to be able to read it. Or not have to stare at it and strain my eyes just to comprehend it.
Thank you for your time! Have a lovely day otherwise!
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Honestly I should’ve seen this coming because anytime I IMMEDIATELY fall in love with a character… in any anime/manga they usually die. The only one who hasn’t that I immediately fell for is Levi.
List of a few favorites that have died
Tokyo Revengers-Baji died. Mitsuya died. Draken died. Mikey died. Chifuyu died. (Yes I know how it ends but still)
Attack On Titan-Eren died.
Naruto- Itachi died.
One Piece- Ace died.
Bungo Stray Dogs- Dazai died.
Jujutsu Kaisen- Gojo fucking Satoru died. Geto died. Nanamin died.
UPDATE: I forgot Demon Slayer
Rengoku died. Tokito died.
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swallowtail-ageha · 5 months ago
Thing about small italian villages is that the didnt really have roads up until the 70's which of course leads to a massive amount of cousin marriage and inbreeding and while yes my particular own has its issues regarding that (3 major families (one of whom i am part of!!! Yay!!!) that all of the other families are related to, everyone there has bone/joint problems or some sort of schizofrenia) the neighboring one is worse as in they have one major family and the rest of the inhabitants are ppl who immigrated to have a quiet life in the mountain slopes and that by itself could be an extremely interesting study bcs everyone there kinda looks the same-ish and has a frankly insane amount of people with developmental disabilities for a population this small
#ok now that i have typed it out i realized it sounds mean and i want to earnestly say that i am not mocking them i just suck at tone#i do not think its something to be laughed at i just think the whole thing is uh. i wouldnt say tragic but really no one's fault#bcs again. if you live in the mountains where the main city is hard to reach bcs of poor road conditions#which leads to isolation and also extreme stigma against the village folk *of course* the village#will become more secluded and incestuous marriages will happen (aside from the obv economical factor#that a pre industrial reality would entrail)#its just. fascinating on a sociological and genetical level. esp since by when the roads were functional#and the village folk stigma had already gone away the whole 'we stay here we stay together we are better than anyone bcs they are envious#of us and we will continue inbreeding and any kids with severe disabilities born from it are actually Blessed because they are born from us#has already taken so much root it is now unlikely to be eradicated . the nature of italian villages is that every once in a while#someone reinvents blood purity and eugenetics lmao#anyways this whole incest thing is also the reason why i get frustrated about those books that have#the main characters go into small bigoted villages and either finding peace there or be horrified by its conservatives ideas#while never digging on the *why*. like yeah all this 'what happens in the village stays in the village and everyone else is an enemy'#but they never dig into why that mentality was born to begin with and how incest there#actively helps this mentality to continue on like you legit still have grandmas telling you to marry ur cousin#anw. i dont know what i was going for w this rant. it originated from knowing that my aunt turned local saint#was actually schizophrenic and was prone to paranoid attacks and mental breakdowns similar to mine#fun stuff!
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tommasokinard · 7 months ago
Girl, I gotta ask; BuckTommy or Buddie? I thought were a Buddie shipper at first.
So this has been sitting in my inbox for a minute and have been hesitant to answer because I don't want to lose followers
Fanon wise I love every combination of these three men! Give me all the fics and headcanons I will eat it up!
Show wise I am all for BT endgame.
I don't have the passion or joy anymore for Bvuddie endgame.
I am just so over making everything about them every time RG and OS breathe
It's been getting exhausting FOR ME.
If it's something you love to do I love that for you, do what brings you joy. I am not yucking anyone's yum, but I can't do it anymore.
Also the Fandoms vile reaction to Tommy and BT has driven me away so much.
And if they do go through with Buck and Eddie, I am not going to be pissed about it, I'm just at the point of just enjoying what this show wants to give me.
I ship both but want BT endgame.
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nicheappeal · 6 months ago
are you talking about I don't go to parties here yet? I know im cheating bc it's not published but I love it so! answer in private if you must but ...
10: Why did you choose this pairing for this particular story?
I did post a bit of it for a wip wednesday here! before it had a name though. I'm happy to talk about it here.
Context for everyone else: i don't go to parties is a fic in which Hyunjin is gangraped at a party as a brand new trainee. Jisung is involved, but convinces himself it's fine. (Hyunjin is unconscious, and has no idea Jisung was there.) Over the course of the fic, he gets to know Hyunjin and slowly realizes that no, actually, what happened was extremely not fine.
So, the first and most obvious answer is, I chose them b/c I am extremely horny about them. But there's other parts to the answer.
1 ) I am actually kind of fascinated/preoccupied with Hyunjin's relationship to his own beauty. It seems like he has kind of a complex relationship to it, where on one hand he wants to be beautiful, he wants to be admired and seen etc. But on the other, he wants to be recognized for his talent and not his beauty, to the point that it seems like being seen as just a pretty face is a sore spot for him. Not to mention the way he (and Felix, but early on less so Felix) is clearly the visual, but the group will adamantly refuse to say so (so as to recognize his skills instead, I believe). I explore this theme a lot more thoroughly in pussyverse/Don't Think About the Box, but it's here too. And of course there's the beauty vs masculinity aspect. So I wanted to play more in that complicated space, where it's like. "Is my beauty why this happened to me?" "Does being beautiful mean I get treated like a girl?" (and yes, I do mean to bring the ugliness and loadedness of that into it).
2 ) Jisung is my faaaaaavorite and I want everything to be about him
3 ) There's a lot of discussion of what Jisung was like as a young teen/preteen, and some of it is ugly. I'm wary of talking about it because I've really only seen it discussed in order to try to cancel him, but that's not at all what I want. In brief, he made a racist rap when he was literally 13, and he fought with Hyunjin as a trainee. He gave an apology for the rap, and one of the things he said about it was (grain of salt, I don't speak korean so this is my recollection of a translation) that he just wanted to rap and didn't think about the meaning behind what he was saying. Which I interpret to mean that, well, he heard racist things, he said racist things without using critical thinking. Others did it so it must be fine. Which... is kind of the theme of the fic! "Others did it so it must be fine", and the trouble that leads to. That's a theme that works for Jisung, and just... wouldn't work as well for many of the others.
3a ) As I mentioned, the other thing people point to in order to criticize his pre-debut self is his fighting with Hyunjin. I have a lot to say about that but the part that's most relevant to the fic is that, since we already have that canon fighting, I thought it would be interesting to add this extra explanation for it.
I suppose also I would say. I chose this pairing for the gangrape fic because my dick said so. But the fic is what it is because of the pairing I chose. It wouldn't be the same fic if it was, say, Chan and Jeongin. It would be fucked up in a whole different way!
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