#tw discussion of medical malpractice
jewish-vents · 4 months
My psychiatrist going from the best I've ever had to, since October, being brief and not terribly interested in anything I'm saying, not emailing me back and having to be reminded to call in my meds on time is just... I don't know. Maybe I'm just imagining things. Maybe it's a coincidence. Maybe that's copium and this is exactly what it looks like. But it's exhausting regardless. I feel so irrelevant and easily discarded by everyone all the time.
Hey anon. I'm so sorry you're going through that. I can't tell you if your psychiatrist is indeed treating you differently, but if that's the case that's extremely unprofessional, not to mention hurtful.
If possible and safe you should consider bringing that up to them, in case it's a misunderstanding or they just hadn't noticed that their attitude had changed and are willing to correct that. If that doesn't work, I'd suggest finding someone new (and maybe filing a complaint if that's possible). Of course, this is all IF you are able to. Either way I hope this can be solved as peacefully as possible for your sake.
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applesauce42069 · 26 days
With people like Candace Owens spreading misinformation about medical experiments at Auschwitz, it is important to be literate in this aspect of Holocaust history.
TW below the cut for: medical experimentation and malpractice, forced sterilization, antisemitism, anti-roma and sinti racism, discussion of concentration camps and the Holocaust. I will not include any photos. My source for everything is this book, published by the Auschwitz-Birkenau Museum.
There were more Nazi "doctors" at Auschwitz than I will be able to cover in this post. It is important to note that these "doctors" did not just perform experiments, but they also played a direct role in the genocide of the Jews at Auschwitz by participating in "selections." During these "selections," prisoners or prospective prisoners were chosen to be sent to the gas chambers. I say prospective prisoners because a selection usually took place at arrival upon the camp, with most children, the elderly, and anyone unfit for work, or for some people,just because, were sent immediately to the gas chambers without even being registered in the camp. This is a process that is unique to Auschwitz-Birkenau.
Josef Mengele is by far the most famous SS "doctor" at Auschwitz. He was the head physician of the sector of Auschwitz II - Birkenau which held Roma and Sinti families, before the camp was "liquidated" which mean that every man, woman and child in it were sent to the gas chambers. Mengele performed experiments related to twins, people with dwarfism, and a disease called noma (don't look it up its gross).
Lorenc Andreas Menasche and his twin sister were experimented on by Josef Mengele. Menasche testified about undergoing experimentation with his sister:
"They also gave us injections all over our bodies. As a result of these injections, my sister fell ill. Her neck swelled up as a result of a severe infection. They sent her to the hospital and operated on her without anesthetic in primitive conditions"
Elzbieta Piekut-Warszawska, an Auschwitz prisoner forced to assist with Mengele's experiments, describes experiments on Jewish twins:
"Drops were also put into their eyes. I did not see the procedure itself, since they took the children into the next room. Some pairs of children received drops in both eyes, and others only in one. I was ordered to observed the reactions, and not to intervene in any way in case of any changes... The results of these practices were very painful for the victims. They suffered from severe swelling of the eyelids, a burning sensation, and intense watering of hte eyes"
Dr. Miklos Nyiszli, a Hungarian Jew, was also forced to assist Dr. Mengele. He describes being forced to perform autopsies on a pair of "small twins" who:
"... died [were killed] simultaneously... Their death makes it possible to carry out autopsies on them, intended to solve the mystery of reproduction."
Nyiszli says that Mengele was interested in twins with the aim of "increas[ing] the birth rate of the 'higher race'"
At the same time, two separate "doctors," Carl Clauberg and Horst Schumann, were performing sterilization experiments on Jewish prisoners in order to find an effective method of mass sterilization.
Clauberg's experiments involved introducing chemicals into the reproductive organs of Jewish women. Alina Białostocka, an Auschwitz prisoner who was forced to assist Clauberg testified that
"[the] procedure was carried out brutally, and often caused complications"
When it "worked," the procedure left women forcibly sterilized for life.
Horst Schumann's experiments involved the use of x-ray on male and female genitalia. According to Felicja Pleszowska, an Auschwitz prisoner forced to assist with experiments, Schumann's experiments were
"very painful and dangerous to life. There were frequent cases of men dying immediately after such procedures"
From the combined victims of these two men, only very few individuals survived.
Eduard Wirths, Friedrich Entress, Helmuth Vetter, Fritz Klein, Werner Rhode, Hans Wilhem Konig, Victor Capesius and Bruno Weber all tested pharmaceuticals on Auschwitz prisoners on behalf of companies like Bayer (which still exist and operate).
I cannot stress enough the mortality rate of all the medical experiments that took place in Auschwitz. I cannot stress enough the harm done to those who survived. I cannot stress enough the fact that the information I have provided here is just the tip of the iceberg, and that these experiments were VERY well documented BY THE NAZIS THEMSELVES.
This is horrifying. This is real. And we cannot let people insult the memory of these horrors by manipulating historical fact for selfish gain.
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viviaj · 1 year
tw / medical kink, cnc, VERY DUBIOS, drug use, medical malpractice, CNC, cnc, cnc
shirabu does not have a favourite patient.
but if his colleagues asked him which of his patients he wanted to fuck, that was an easy, easy answer.
it was a relaxed discussion amongst colleagues, the sleazy ones at least, about who they wanted to stick their cocks into the most. the ones they’d do right there, on their table, no shame.
the really annoying thing is that shirabu has shame.
too much shame in how horny he gets around you. so much shame in how hard he gets in his slacks. so much so, he snuck in some anaesthetic for your appointment.
shirabu was no anaesthesiologist.
he knew the malpractice he was committing. he knew what harm this could do to his career; but he didn’t care.
shirabu thinks about his work mates talking about fucking their patients’, and he’s already half hard in his pants, the sight of you lying on his table sending him into overdrive.
the excuse comes out half-stuttered, something about not wanting you to feel any pain.
you flash him a pretty smile, “i trust you, doctor shirabu.”
and oh that sends a pang into his chest.
after a previous measly 40 minute research into anaesthetic, he injects it into you. he watches you, eyes not leaving each others. it’s like you know, he thinks to himself. he feels sick.
it’s too late to feel any guilt.
shirabu watches your eyes flutter close as he’s unzipping his pants. he thinks he’s going to explode as he’s delicately placing his hands over your chest.
“fuck,” he glides his thumbs over your nipples, “fuck, maybe you are my favourite.”
you’re so gorgeous like this, he thinks as he’s tilting your head towards him.
“oh, i should’ve done this sooner,” he slides his cock into your mouth, hissing through his teeth, “oh, fuck.”
his cock pushes into your throat, and shirabu’s hips buck towards you uncontrollably, oh fuck, he actually can’t breathe with how good you feel.
the realisation with how ‘gone’ you are, sparks him. he could just… push as far into you as he wanted. what was stopping him?
“fucking christ, fuck,” his balls slap against your chin, physically not able to go any further, “stupid girl, fuck, you’ve got no clue what’s happening, huh?”
he wants to cum down your throat, make you swallow him but he can’t. he doesn’t want to hurt you that bad, doesn’t want to make you choke to death.
he thinks about how often he’s wanted to cum on your face, decorate you with himself. and then he thinks that he can do whatever he wants right now.
with that image floating in his mind, his cock pistols in and out of your mouth right before he spills, pulling out, “fuck, shit. oh my god,” he groans while his cock rubs against your face, “so fucking pretty now. whore,” his cum comes out in streaks, over your cheeks, across your nose, above your eyebrow. you look perfect. he wants to stay here looking at you.
four flashes from his phone, 2 photos of your face, 3 of your tits, and one of him squishing your cheeks together. you’re so pretty.
he was so not telling his colleagues about this one.
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butterscotch-goat · 5 months
Live laugh love Sushi Soucy (lyrics from "Missing Hell")
(A LOT of OC rambles + bonus doodles below the cut!) (no pressure to read all of it, I talk a LOT. Like a ridiculous amount, I didn't mean to talk that much)
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(OCs in order of appearance: Charles - he/him, Aster - she/they)
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👏. The Manor trio in late 1891. RRRAUUUUGHHHHHH
(tw medical malpractice, emotional manipulation, implied physical manipulation, brief descriptions of depression) sorry this is very rambly
so this is right after Aster's awake-vivisection and after she got "betrayed" by Beatrice- that Big Meanie Thing I mentioned that Bea was manipulated into doing, might as well finally elaborate on it. It's nothing special fhdhhdhd but uh Aster finally had the guts to say no, she doesn't want her blood to be drawn today. She's tired and exhausted and weak and she just doesn't want to. And of course Bea is like "yeah that's fine 👍 we can wait til ur ready!" But Charles does NOT want to delay their tests and experiments(that being mostly injecting various animals with magic essence and seeing how it affects them/using it to combine them with other life forms). So!! He pulls Bea aside and is like "hey Beatrice you're,, Friends with Aster right?" And Bea looks at him like "..yeah?" And he goes "cool cool cool do me a favor and like. Trick her? And get blood from her with force?" And OBVIOUSLY Beatrice is like "NO!!!!???? have you gone MENTAL??? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU" and Charles explains that it's the most efficient way, since Aster would let Beatrice closer to her than she would Charles, but if Beatrice refuses, Charles will do it himself, and Bea doesn't trust Charles to be careful with Aster. I mean duh the other day he was operating on her with no anesthesia so it's a reasonable assumption. Plus, despite everything, Beatrice still loves Charles so very much, and it's still difficult for her to deny him. So after a very very long discussion/argument, Beatrice feels like she has no choice but to go through with it. Regrettably!! Beatrice talks to Aster like nothing is happening, and in the middle of their conversation she gently takes Aster's hand and kisses it as she unbuttons the cuffs. I won't describe how the rest went down but it's gonna be ugly!! It's horrible!! Beatrice is as kind and gentle as she can be and Aster is fighting for her life. At one point Aster just gives up. She feels like an idiot for ever trusting Beatrice. Aster is left on the floor against the wall, one unbuttoned sleeve rolled up, and as Beatrice tries to explain/apolgize/comfort Aster after the fact, Aster punches her in the nose with all the strength she can muster(not much). So Bea leaves with her case of vials filled with fresh blood.
Beatrice is completely broken, she feels horrible and like there's nothing she can do to make anything better, and the only person she has to go to is Charles. The same man who put her in that whole mess is the one who has to comfort her, holding her and petting her hair as she sobs into his shoulder. With nothing else to do, Beatrice continues with the experiments and tests and plans.
Aster doesn't leave her room for the rest of the day. Or the next day. Beatrice knocks on Aster's door once in the evening to no response. The next day, Beatrice leaves Aster a tray of food and water. It's gone the next day, which reassures her a little. This becomes routine; Beatrice leaves meals for Aster, notifying her with a knock on the door. No one sees Aster for days, weeks. After 3 weeks, they're out of blood samples again. Charles (without Beatrice's knowledge) takes a chance and enters Aster's room. It's gross and smelly, piles of half-eaten meals on a nightstand, Aster rotting in her bed, hiding under her comforters, definitely unshowered. He gets a blood sample from her, Aster not even trying to fight it (see where that got her last time.) She doesn't do anything, really. The most that she does is flinch, wince, and glare at Charles. While he's there, Charles replaces Aster's bandages because she definitely hasn't had the drive to replace them herself. This too, becomes routine, against Beatrice's wishes. Charles visits Aster every day, replacing her bandages, making sure she eats and drinks and gets up to use her muscles, etc. Even though Aster hates Charles more than anything, it's easier for her to face him because she knows what to expect. She knows he's not gentle or kind and gets frustrated easily, but she feels like she doesn't know Beatrice at all anymore.
THIS is what I LOVE to write. Charles somehow ending up as the one being there for both Aster and Beatrice, and he's thriving! And Bea just has to watch as the love of her life lets in the man who's hurt her the most, and refuses to see Beatrice herself. Ok I'll shut up now
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fleetstreetpies · 1 month
TW: mental health problems, psychosis, open and graphic discussion of my hallucinations and delusions, mental health meds, mental health med side effects, medical inaction, medical malpractice.
Content under the cut.
Good god it’s happening again. It’s getting REALLY bad again.
I’ve been on a mood stabiliser for about a year now, and I’ve been VERY open with my psychiatrist about a lot of the complications I’ve faced, like needing my dose increased, nausea and headaches from increasing my dosage, persistence of mania, night terrors, delusions, etc. And now the delusions and hallucinations are worse than they were. They’d gotten better for a while but now here I am and good gods, I want it to stop so badly.
I want to not see things and people melting slowly. I want to not perceive that people have been replaced by near identical clones. I want to not perceive that some people are just my mother in elaborate disguise. I’d make it all stop or go away if I could, and when I was a younger man I tried, though when I tried I fully thought that I was God and could control the universe with just my thoughts.
I’ve been trying to talk to my psychiatrist about it. I need to get my mood stabiliser increased, sure, and I know that. But I also desperately need to get on an antipsychotic. And I think she thinks I’m malingering.
Do people actually think that folks with these problems are faking this? Malingering is relatively rare, and by all means, infuriating for all parties. But do the professionals genuinely think that we’re malingering? Because I’d bet (if I had money and were a gambling man) that it’s way harder to fake than you’d think. People who do that whole malingering thing unequivocally baffle me. Antipsychotics are extremely expensive and I cannot believe people would genuinely be willing to buy them and fake it for sympathy. I can’t afford 880 dollars per refill no matter how hard I try because I can barely make rent in a month (at least I get my meds through the school pharmacy where they cost way less).
So what even is the point of some other person faking it? To sell their prescription drugs for a profit on a black market? To gain sympathy? To get some kind of disability benefits?
I just need for my psychiatrist to fucking listen to me for five seconds and to actually fucking help me for once in her goddamn life when all the other doctors or professionals in their white coats and clean blouses and blazers won’t. I need help because they all fucking refuse to help me and my psychiatrist is supposed to help me. They took a vow to “do no harm”, but that vow is useless when their own inaction or bias is the cause of the harm. It’s pointless and futile! Why take a vow when you don’t even listen to the people you swore to help?
Medical inaction is ableism. Medical inaction is malpractice. Medical inaction is to be complicit in the deaths of so many mentally ill people.
Doctors say “do no harm” but they leave the mentally ill to suffer and die because “what if they’re faking it?” That’s a poor excuse to deny people adequate (read: potentially life saving) treatment and healthcare.
Shame on the pharmaceutical industry, shame on doctors, shame on malingerers, and shame on everyone complicit in the ableism, incompetence, inaction, corruption, and denial that kill.
Shame on you.
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 2 months
🌟 Vaella?
Angel baby precious girl thank you so much anon love you
(tw: underage sex, non consensual sex – in this case both parties don't consent, miscarriage, medical malpractice, child marriages)
Vaella is the last Targaryen (except Rhaena) to get a dragon, she's 13/14 when it happens, it's when she's in labour for the first time and nearly dies – Silverwing flew from Dragonstone to King’s Landing, roaring loudly and being impossible to settle until she finally saw her girl
Vaella is wed to Aemond at 13, as soon as she has her first period (it hasn't even ended by the time the wedding happens) and gets pregnant but miscarries
Aemond distances himself afterwards, assuming that Vaella will hate/fear him and want nothing to do with him but actually all she wants is for him to comfort her
Vaella and Helaena have always been close but spend a lot more time together once they're both married, and while Vaella can’t stand up for herself she will always stand up for Helaena when her wishes (especially wishes to be left alone by maids) are ignored, Helaena might not be willing to pull the "I am your queen, do what I say" card, but Vaella will
Jaehaerys & Jaehaera absolutely adore Vaella. She might not have children of her own, but she spends a lot of time in the nursery with Helaena & her babies, and the twins it, they always want her to read to them and they love to jump on her for hugs
The small council spends far too much time insisting that it's time for Vaella to have an heir and being extremely entitled about it (pushing for a second bedding ceremony, maesters insisting that Aegon let them "examine" her to make sure that the miscarriage didn't damage her), eventually leading to Aegon saying that the next person to discuss the subject will lose their tongue
Before being forced to marry, Aemond and Vaella were extremely close, but grow distant after the wedding
Vaella stitched Aemond's eye patch herself, she made him several in different colours and with different embroidery, though he almost exclusively wears the plain black one she made
When they were young, Aegon, Jace, and Luke had been mocking Aemond for not having a dragon and little Vaella who couldn't have been more than five years old told him that "next time, you should tell them that you don't need a dragon because unlike them, you can actually hold a sword without dropping it" (he thought that she had too much faith in his skill and that talking back would only make things worse, but he appreciated her immediate support)
The more upset that Vaella gets, the more she uses her manners and social graces as a shield, she often distances herself from her own hurt/trauma by being excessively formal (this happens the most towards Alicent)
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nin-jay-go · 2 years
mmmmmmm i have only been thinking about ninjago for the past few weeks. you will be here for my brainrot
so ive got this rewrite i'm working on rn, which ive called alterline (portmanteau of alternate timeline) since like 2018. ive picked it back up and i'm officially working on the rewrite, but for it i added a few new seasons. specifically 3 brand new fanseasons.
the other two don't matter right now. all that matters is s17. my mad science season.
fun fact about me i am in love with mad science stuff and i figured hey! why not! i needed to do Something with my s17, so why not work some fucked up science into it :)
the tldr for those who don't wanna hear me ramble or don't wanna see what i will be rambling about (bc heavy tw for mad science themes like body horror, vivisection, and general medical malpractice) is below, but one bit of information before we proceed. nya is still the ocean. let her stay dead for longer than 2 episodes !
s17 is a kai focus! he and the ninja get invited to a lab by a scientist to run some tests (they are still powerless), but she traps them and runs experiments on them. there, they find out that 1) nya is alive now, 2) dr cy is working with aspheera, and 3) the new ninja are clones of the old ninja. kai ends up blowing the lab up and going on a minor destructive arc before calming down. the rest of the season focuses on the new ninja realizing they're clones and helping the old ninja take out mayor trustable.
so now that the summary is over. time to get into the details (or just what i have so far)
hi thanks for uncovering the hell. i'm gonna be rambling for a while.
again, this is a kai-focused season! we haven't had one since my s11 and he deserves to have a focus. as a treat :) (i realize this is just kai suffers the season. i realize that. but it's fiiiiine don't worry)
some prehistory for the season. dr cy calls up aspheera for her magical talents, and they summon nya together. they pull her from the ocean and violently rip her back into her body. of course, she can only be here if her powers are gone, so aspheera drains her water powers. nya has no memory of who she was or what she's doing here. she just knew she was the ocean. and now she's here.
a month later, the ninja are ninja-ing. it's been a year since the events of crystalized, two since nya died. that's the longest any of them stayed dead (sans morro who was dead for 40 years). kai really misses her, but has accepted the fact that she's gone. (she helped out in crystalized, but she wasn't really nya. she was the sea)
he runs into dr cy, who offers him and the ninja an opportunity to get tested. she could figure out the origin of elemental powers and help restore them to the ninja. they deserve their powers back, after saving the world so many times! she's a huge fan!
kai discusses it with the team, who agree that it's worth a shot at least. pixal stays behind since she's mostly unaffected by elemental nonsense, but also to keep an eye on the new ninja. she doesn't trust them. plus, if it ends up being bad, she can break them out.
the first tests kinda go normally, just general doctor checkups. she's just being a little bit weird about the nonhuman members of the team (aka everyone but kai), but a lot of people end up being weird about it. jay's publically part snake, zane's obviously a nindroid, lloyd is lloyd, cole used to be dead, and morro's got their own thing going on.
(oh. some background context. in my rewrite the ninjas' public identities are secret. the only ones with a face and name known to the public are lloyd and morro, to an extent, and jay for those who remember the alternate timeline)
when the ninja thank cy for her time and investigation, she uh. traps them in there JKDFSHKJSFDH because she needs to find out where elemental power comes from. and how she can bring it back for the ninja. to restore them to their full glory.
they're stuck in there for a while. a week, maybe? i haven't decided how long exactly, but a Long Time. pixal does try and rescue them but is taken out by aspheera with water powers, meaning pixal is the first person to find out about nya being alive. she doesn't take it well, so she and aspheera are kinda duking it out out there
meanwhile, the ninja are being put through tests to activate what's called their elements' emergency response, aka a hypercharged form designed for protecting the body and the element. kind of like nya's merged form with the ocean, but temporary. cy is trying to activate the emergency response through putting the guys through Situations that they don't like one bit. one of them included kai in a super frozen room and zane in a super boiling room, morro being pretty much buried, and other stuff like that.
sometimes she tries to stimulate them further by exposing them to their element, like frying jay or lloyd with electrical currents, or piling heavy boulders on cole. maybe that will trigger their emergency responses, but nothing seems to work. she even tries it out with nya to see if she can summon back her water powers, but nya's kind of being a sad sack of amnesia right now.
speaking of nya, she's just kinda. here? around the lab? she's mostly locked in her cell, but she treats aspheera and cy as important people, like parents. she trusts them. she's also kinda having a bad time physically, constantly melting and dripping water. she's not really a solid person right now :(
[tw for vivisection begins here] so eventually, cy tries to take it a step further and pulls out some Forbidden Things. she needs to make kai's fire act up more. he's 100% human still. how would his body react to parts of a fire dragon? so she tries it out, doing a quick lung transplant to see if, maybe, the lungs being close to the heart could kickstart a bit of fire. maybe even some dragon blood? all to see how kai reacts to it.
he reacts badly.
congratz on the dragon parts now, kai! the last human is no longer human, not fully. he refuses to acknowledge that he isn't fully human anymore, denying that he'll probably never breathe the same way humans do again. it's fine. he's fine. [end tw]
through this, however, cy decides to keep a closer eye on his developments. eventually, she lets him in on a secret. she leads him to the back of the lab, a room that no one is allowed to enter. she shows him what's inside.
it's cloning pods. she had already had their dna for who knows how long, and had used it to essentially clone them. make perfect ninja replicas. ones that had all their skills. only five managed to survive the process and come out the other end alive. cy reveals this was something she was hired by mayor trustable to do, and when the clones finished growing, he took them off her hands.
but she's always hated him for that. the original ninja would always be superior. the clones could not come close, ever. that's why she's so adamant about bringing their powers back. she wants them to wipe their clones out and prove they're superior.
kai thinks that's absolutely unhinged and manages to escape, running through the lab. he took a wrong turn and finds a cell, where nya is sitting. his sister is alive. he and nya talk, but it's obvious she doesn't know who he is, or who she even is. kai promises to get her out, but nya doesn't understand. he leaves and gets captured and sent back to his cell.
he goes to visit nya's cell sometimes, now that he knows where she is. he tries reminding her of her memories, to which she listens to best she can. she's a bit... spacey. but it's ok, they're bonding.
that is, until cy catches him visiting her and gets pissed. she threatens to hurt nya if he doesn't back off and go back to his cell, to which he snaps and activates his emergency response. his sister is in danger. he would not let his family be in danger.
he becomes a wildfire and destroys the lab. it gets burned down, its entire foundation gone. and for her cruelty, for what she did to him, his friends, his family, his sister, kai kills dr cy.
still in his emergency response, he can't do much other than rampage, a living wildfire. the others find nya and they all get out of there. pixal, meanwhile, is holding kai back and fighting him off. he's not kai right now, just a mess of fire and rage. it hurts to see him like this.
but nya sees him like that. memories flood back. the element of water rushes back to her (aspheera losing hold on the magic) and she turns back into the sea. she has her memories. she stares kai in the firey face and they calm each other down. their emergency states fade away, leaving two not-quite humans in their wake. kai realizes what he did in his state. nya realizes how long it's been. they're both sobbing messes against each other.
now that cy and the lab are gone, and nya and kai have their elements back, there's two issues to solve. the first is the others' elements, which they don't really want to trigger the emergency response for. the other is the new ninja, their clones.
the og ninja decide to tell the new ninja directly that they know they're clones. turns out the new ninja also did not know they were clones. so that was a fun development where the new ninja realize that Oh God. they're not even actual people. they were just made for one purpose.
the bizarros also get involved. it becomes very confusing to have like three people with the same face in the same room, but the bizarros deserve to know there's clones of their light counterparts. i'm normal about my bizarros.
with their combined effort, they overthrow mayor trustable. and everyone lives happily ever after. more or less.
the new ninja agree to also be city protectors, since they were literally made for that, but that they'll also learn to live their own lives and figure out who they are as people. they aren't the bizarros, who are kinda predisposed to doing bad things.
kai is having a time, meanwhile. he killed someone. he isn't human anymore. he's changed. if there's any more room left in the season, it's left for kai to discover who he is again. maybe he goes on a vacation. they all can go on vacation. they deserve it.
how did the others get their elements back? fuck if i know <3 i haven't gotten that far yet kjdhfgkjdhfg
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Do you have any kinks that you like to write about? Any that you don't like?
Ooh. Anon that’s a wonderful question.
Many of my kinks don’t get brought up when it comes to my requests, and generally I feel like my audience wouldn’t prefer the way I go about portraying characters when I write them.
There’s a lot, a lot more dark then the rest be ready.
Tw: Discussion of kinks further on, dark themes.
Like: Bondage (light and heavy), body worship, oral, yandere, impact, pegging, sounding, roleplay, breath and temp play, dom/sub, light marking.Heavy verbal degradation, sensory deprivation. Cucking, voyerism, threesomes, Medical malpractice adj. (Ie. Inappropriate use of medication, medical equipment, or medical profession.) Body mods, robotics, monsters. Water sports, spit, Heavy physical violence, Heavy knife play, Burning, Marking (permanent), CNC, Dubious consent, NonConsent. Mindbreak, Captivity. Primal, aphrodisiacs, Blood, blood consumption and other gore. Amputation. Anything relating to Catholic trauma.
Refuses; Forced detransition, sissification, sensual genital mutilation, general filth, puss, dirt, necrophillia, beastiality, gang, feet, socks.
When it comes to my lighter works I don’t like to include kinks so much as experience. Light bondage maybe, as more of a trust factor in these.
I get requests for softer things sometimes, and it does give me a chance to write fluffier work surrounding the characters. Many of the people I like are older men, so softer works give me an opportunity to write about their body. And their age. A huge component in these is body worship. I feel like it’s a component focused primarily on the reader most times, when in fan fiction not directed at cannon characters.
In short meaning I like to draw focus away from the readers body so they can feel attracted to the characters in the story. A lot of that is told through foreplay. I personally like oral in these cases, as I feel it adds a need of tact to an act otherwise kinda messy, lol.
In my darker works I feel a bit more liberties but I try and keep it more tame for my audience. When I want to go dark I want to make it really dark but I’m afraid I might accidentally trigger someone in my work, even unintentionally. A lot of dialogue in my darker yandere fics are based of my own and my close friends experiences, and it’s realistic. But it’s also a release of trauma and anxiety related.
Many of my kinks on this end are kind of embarrassing so please-please don’t judge me too harshly. I’m gonna go from most ‘acceptable’ to lesser. I just feel like thats a good way to go about it.
Heavy bondage, light impact, pegging, and roleplay. I like these generally, they’re on the lighter end and generally will have a softer underlying tone coming from me. Spattered about will be bits of humor and a less heavy tone.
Breath, temperature, dom/sub, light scratching, marking as in hickies. I like these, they’re pretty base but they’re good for setting the mood in stories.
I feel bad because I’m blanking on what’s more socially acceptable or not so I’m going to move onto ones I’ve been side eyed for liking to write.
Heavier verbal degradation: I enjoy this specifically in context. Usually it’s for a darker or more yandere story and plays into another element which I’ll go into more context over later.
Sounding: Like the idea of a hole that’s ‘not supposed to be used’ being used. Really enjoy that.
This one’s specific and I don’t know the name for it, so I’ll explain but I think it goes hand n hand with my medical kink.
Person a) dommed by person b. Person b) Out of control given some sort of control mech by person c. Person c) initiated it all so they could record findings.
Medical kink, needles, surgical play, medical malpractice but sexy?? Gaslighting kinda. I’m scared of the doctors but fear can be a huge motivator and I feel the sterile atmosphere of a hospital or the creepy attitudes of a doctor can set a great mood.
Body mods, robotic parts, things not considered human on a human being, plays into monsterfucking.
God I’m going to get killed for this.
Piss. Piss and spit, I find them hot, but a lot of people don’t so I never get the chance.
Physical violence to the point of pain.
Deep stabs, cuts, burns, or marking.
CNC, Dubious consent, NonConsent
Mind break, gaslighting. Heavy bondage and captivity. Again yandere themes and heavy subject matter, a lot of which has to do with subdoing the s/o of the yandere.
Primal, this one allows me to run and convey the fear I have without actually being in danger!
Drugs and aphrodisiacs.
Blood, and other gore. I don’t know what fucked me up in such a capacity to like this. I’ve never actually done this and don’t plan to.
Blood sucking came from vampires but as I grew out of vampirism It grew from there, and now I have a much worse kink that people will certainly judge me for.
Amputation, especially when it’s not needed and as a form of possession. It sends shivers down my spine. The pain plays a heavy role. It’s also about writing dacryphillia.
A lot a lot a lot of religious trauma went into my preist kink. Think of anything that can be related to blasphemy and I most likely want to fuck with it.
I don’t like forced detransiton, or other things about gender such as sissification as a trans man. Generally it makes me cry trying to write it so I just don’t.
Anything dealing with dirt, puss, other insertion I can’t deal. Genital mutilation, scat and farting are off the table.
Scent kinks are ok so long as the above aren’t mentioned.
Nothing to do with feet or socks or relating to feet or socks I will cry my eyes out.
I don’t Like Gang scenes because they’re hard. I refuse to write necrophillia or Beastiality.
Thank your for asking ive left a tldr at the top.
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vesemirsexual · 11 months
fucked up oc Artemis note below bc just spent 2 hours in the sun discussing the girlies and fleshing them out even more
tw for suicide attempt, grooming, medical malpractice, csa and associated trauma
Artemis is such a menace but also. So tragic. Because while she’s quite clever, she has absolutely 0 self-awareness to connect her trauma to her behaviour, or to even acknowledge multiple things in her life have been traumatic
The first major fight she has with Anisette is when Ani finally clicks about her post-trials experience and goes. um. holy shit that is. child abuse? (Because Anisette might be a terrible person in her own right but she’s certainly not a child abuser) and Artemis loses her shit because no it’s not, and Witchers aren’t children, and Anisette doesn’t know anything/doesn’t understand, and it was important, and it saved her, and she wanted it, and so on.
Because Artemis can’t ever ever ever allow herself to see herself as a victim. Bc if she’s a victim she has to acknowledge that 1) she’s experienced trauma and 2) the Trials were not a “necessary evil” that meant she’d never be “weak” (see: able to be hurt) again and that would shatter her psychologically
(Context: Artemis attempts suicide post-trials via cutting of her own wrists. during her recovery, she becomes close with one of the School mages (Sabrine) who she feels saved her from that mental state. Their relationship was incredibly close and also heavily implied by Artemis to be sexual, which would range from when she was around 13 to 18. It’s. Fucked)
(Additional context: bc shockingly no one has ever considered that leaving traumatised teenagers with bodies that have been medically experimented on with people who experiment on children and already have questionable morals is perhaps. A terrible fucking idea)
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turnaboutyandere · 4 years
Hiya!!! It's Glass Anon and I just wanted to say I LOVED the tarot cards!!! I was wondering if you could write an Edgeworth scenario where the reader gets really sick while in his 'care'. Thank you so much for writing this blog!!!! Have a lovely morning/day/evening/night and take care :D
TW: Illness, manipulation, negligence.
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[Miles Edgeworth - “Change Your Mind”]
It had been two weeks.
Two long, painful weeks of you pleading, almost begging your boyfriend to take you to a doctor. And every attempt at persuasion was met with a stern “no”, sometimes with a harsh glare being sent your way if you were being particularly stubborn. It felt as though every day consisted of nothing but you coughing, sneezing, vomiting, and continuing to try reasoning with him.
He’d taken to working from home after you’d gotten a pretty bad fever, and refused to let you do things on your own. The only time he left the house was when he absolutely had to be in court or when you were running low on supplies. Otherwise, he rarely left your side. He insisted on helping you with nearly everything you did, saying that physical exertion would only slow down your recovery.
You were well-aware of your boyfriend’s overprotective nature, but this was getting ridiculous. You weren’t even allowed to call your own family, let alone your boss, to inform them of your sudden illness. Instead, you were told that speaking to others would “cause you needless stress”, so Miles did all the talking for you. He always kept the conversations brief, giving out only the most basic details about your situation.
And you’d had enough.
You tried to be understanding at first, tried to see things from his perspective. He had a strong desire to protect you, which sometimes came off as him being overly-cautious due to his inability to properly express his emotions. Or, at least that’s what you told yourself. But now it was becoming obvious that he was far too controlling. You couldn’t take it anymore. You were going to talk some sense into him, and he was going to listen. You refused to be shut down again.
That’s why, on one gloomy Saturday morning, you decided to broach the topic again. You knew it wasn’t going to be easy, as Miles could be stubborn as a mule at times, but you had to try. You sat patiently in your shared bedroom, twiddling your thumbs as you waited for him to finish making you soup. You’d rehearsed what you were going to say at least a dozen times before you felt confident enough to bring it up.
Then, finally, Miles walked in, carefully carrying a bowl of warm soup in one hand. He wore gloves and a mask that covered his mouth and nose, just in case your illness was contagious. Surely he’d know for certain by now if he had taken you to see a doctor, you thought bitterly.
You gave him a weak smile and an appreciative nod, taking the soup from his hands. He handed you a spoon and sat down next to you, wordlessly. You let the quiet moment last a little longer, forcing yourself to gulp down a few spoonfuls before you took a deep breath. “Miles...” You began calmly. And just like that, all the words you’d been planning to say got caught in your throat.
“Yes, dear?” He replied, eyes crinkling as he smiled at you through his mask.
You placed a hand over your chest, trying to calm your rapid heartbeat. “There’s something I’ve been... Meaning to talk to you about. I mean, really talk to you about.” You almost winced at the look of irritation in his eyes. “If this is about going to see a doctor,” he said.
“Miles, please-”
“I’ve already discussed this at length with you, (Y/N). My answer is still no.”
You fought back the urge to cry. “But-”
“I don’t trust those doctors,” he continued, “Medical malpractice can be a serious threat to one’s health. I’m not willing to risk you getting hurt-”
“I’m just sick, Miles! It’s not like I need life-saving surgery! It’s not that serious-”
“If it’s “not that serious”, then you don’t need to see a doctor.”
You felt your anger begin to boil. He always did this. He always twisted your words to make your decisions seem illogical. You couldn’t take it anymore.
“If that’s all you have to say-”
“Dammit, Miles! You don’t get it!” You screamed, much louder than you intended.
Finally looking at him, you saw him staring at you in stunned silence. You never raised your voice at him, and your sudden outburst surprised even you. As you took a moment to calm yourself, you noticed your eyes had begun stinging. “Look, I-” you took another deep breath. You carefully placed your bowl on the bedside table and turned back to face him. Taking his hand, you began running your thumb across his knuckles in a soothing manner. “Miles...” You said. “Please, just... Listen to me.”
And sure enough, he remained quiet, eyes looking over your face with uncertainty. “I get that you worry and that you just want to protect me, but this isn’t helping,” you made a vague gesture with your hand. “My sickness isn’t getting any better. It’s been two weeks. I need to see a doctor. I don’t want things to get any worse than they already are, and I know you feel the same.”
“I promise that nothing bad will happen. I just need a quick check-up and a prescription, that’s it. There’s nothing you need to worry about.” That was a lie, of course. With how your illness had been steadily growing worse, you knew it was more than just the flu or the common cold. But you still had hope that a doctor might be able to make him see reason.
An uncomfortable silence settled between the two of you, and you noticed some stray tears had fallen down your cheeks. Still, neither of you looked away from each other as you waited to see who would crack first. After a long, suffocating moment, Miles sighed. “I see...” He trailed off, his expression souring behind his mask. “I suppose there’s no point in fighting it, is there? If you’re truly this persistent about seeing a doctor, then... I guess we have no other choice.”
A sense of relief washed over you upon hearing him say that. He stood up, rubbing his temple. “Finish your soup and brush your hair while I schedule an appointment. We leave in twenty minutes.” With that, he left the room, leaving you with your thoughts.
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Sure enough, about twenty minutes later, you found yourself being carried to Miles’ car. You shielded your eyes from its eye-bleeding color as he placed you in the passenger seat, a blanket still wrapped around your shoulders. He shut the door and made his way around, taking his place behind the wheel. With the keys in the ignition, the engine roared to life, and you two were off.
A few minutes into the drive, you decided to speak up. “Thank you...” You muttered, glancing at your boyfriend. He didn’t say anything as he kept his eyes on the road, adjusting his glasses ever so slightly. As you stared out the window, watching all the buildings pass by, you heard him mumble something.
“Did you say something, love?”
With a slight strain in his voice, he replied, “Nothing, dear. I’m just a bit worried about this appointment.” You nodded, feeling that same uncomfortable silence surround you again. In an attempt to calm him, you forced a smile and said, “Don’t worry! I’m sure the doctor will fix me right up.”
Quietly, with venom lacing his words, he muttered, “She better, or losing her job will be the least of her worries.”
A pit formed at the bottom of your stomach. Perhaps this wasn’t such a good idea after all...
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nonegenderleftpain · 3 years
(TW: E_ Mention) Hello, could I ask why weight is brought up as a topic, to be turned into a discussion about attractiveness? I mentioned how I had an e_ting d_sorder being overweight and alot of people are resorting to the same arguments about dating/perceived attractiveness.
It's because fat people are only marginally acceptable if we're attractive. When we try to discuss our issues - the effect diet culture has on EDs, medical malpractice and abuse, the clothing industry catering to smaller and smaller sizes - they turn the conversation back to appearance to try and minimize the scope of the discussion and find an angle to more easily dehumanize us. We are only allowed to exist if we are attractive, and only if we are attractive and healthy, and only if we're attractive and healthy and apologetic about our weight. It's fatphobia. There's no other word for it.
I'm sorry you had the discussion turned on you, and I'm sorry that people had the gall to turn your conversation about an ED into a conversation reducing you to appearance. You're not alone, and you don't deserve that. Take care of yourself.
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tehejosietehe · 3 years
tw: medical malpractice, endometriosis, pcos, lady issues
any of my followers or moots who have been diagnosed with endometriosis or pcos, how did y’all go about asking your ob about it? ive had the discussion with my doctor so many times and feel so unheard and ignored
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