#tw cringe alert
deadprincezzz · 9 months
Sin titulo xd...
Primer pendejada que subo en el año =D!!!
estoy decepcionado de mi mismo!!! (>w<)♡
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creditos a la piba que dibuja a salad fingers siendo joto🎀
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animeyanderelover · 5 months
Could you write “Close your eyes so it’ll hurt less. for Satoru Gojoı with non-sorcerer reader.
It can be nsfw or punishment scenario <3
thanks in advance!
Tw: Yandere themes, toxic relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, delusional behavior, overprotective behavior, manipulation, clinginess, isolation, abduction, paranoia, Satoru breaks s/o's wrist
Words: 3.1 k
Prompt 192
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'Beauty is deceiving. It hides who the true monster is.'
You couldn't quite recall when and where you had stumbled upon this phrase, if it had been spoken by someone or if you had read it in a book. Most likely because you had never given this analysis much thought when you had received it for the first time. In hindsight, you should have probably given those two sentences much more thought. Perhaps, but only perhaps, then you wouldn't have fallen so easily prey to a man whose powers and appearance resembled old folklore of ancient and powerful gods.
Satoru indeed, as you had learned the longer you had been with him, thought of himself as someone blessed and special. If anyone else would have said those words to you, you would have thought of them as delusional. Yet when Gojo Satoru said those words, they were no mere gloating fantasies. Instead those words were reality, a reality you had been exposed to ever since you had gotten involved with him.
A reality that frightened you and one that you still couldn't comprehend. Worst of all seemed to be that Satoru refused to expose his world to you. You had only pieces of the puzzle, an unfinished picture of the whole situation that left you with a strange mixture of fear and agitation.
"Even if I were to tell you, you wouldn't be able to do anything. I would only scare you unnecessarily."
Partially he had spoken the truth and you knew that. You wouldn't be able to do anything against whatever it was that his world held in store for you. Yet Satoru was mislead in his assumption that keeping the truth from you would spare you from unnecessary stress. It only amplified it as the fear of not knowing had become a familiar chain that restricted your mind. You had started viewing your surroundings with more caution and wariness, unaware what it was you had to look out for but on edge nevertheless. A feeling of constant alert had overcome you whenever you were conscious, one that had cost you.
No longer felt you able to relax or take joy in the simple things. What you didn't know was constantly on your mind, the nagging fear a festering tumor that spread inside your mind the more time you were forced to spend with him.
His constant presence did not do anything to soothe your growing anxiousness. On the contrary, it fueled those feelings inside of your chest only more. It was unclear to you whether he was oblivious to this fact or if he chose to ignore it and if you had to be truthful, you did not know which was worse.
There was only one thing he often felt the urgent need to remind you of.
That he was the good guy.
Your hold on the book tightened, your heart clenching in rapidly growing frustration as you tried your best to blend Satoru's presence out of your mind and focus.
"Don't ignore me, (y/n)!" He whined and his voice, one you used to perceive as a pleasant and delightful sound, made you cringe the same way the sound of nails against a chalkboard would have done. It was borderline agonising and you just wanted it to stop. Your jaw clenched, your head pounding as the anger piled on yet you tried to push everything down as you didn't want to lose your composure and, accompanying your composure, the grasp of control over your own emotions.
When you felt soft lips traveling down from your temple to your neck, you shut the book loudly before you stood abruptly up. Your fists were balled to fists as the pounding in your head seemed to intensify. You felt the urge to scream, to cry or to let your feelings vent out in any other way but you knew that you couldn't do that in front of him. Your feet stomped away from the scene in an attempt to get away from him. When you noticed that he stood up and followed you, you had to bite your tongue in your best attempt to not yell at him.
"Am I not even allowed to go to the bathroom alone?" You growled at him before locking the door to the only room where you could have at least a few minutes for yourself. You scowled at the hurt pout he gave you before his face disappeared from your sight. In the very same moment you locked the door, separating you from Satoru, it felt like someone had unlocked your ability to breathe properly again. The air tasted fresher and your chest felt lighter now that you were away from his smothering presence.
You drew water from the tap and splashed the cold liquid against your face in an attempt to soothe the burning pounding that had tormented you for the entire day already. You took those moments to let the silence and appreciated loneliness sink in, your face still buried in your head as you made no attempt to remove it from them.
As much as you would have wanted to stay like this for a while longer, you knew that you only had so much time before Satoru would grow impatient. You'd rather destroy this moment of peace due to your own will rather than to be thrown out of this tranquility by his own actions.
You turned the tap off and dried your face with the towel before you unlocked the door and turned the knob, expecting to hear his voice immediately calling for you or to even see him standing there.
Instead you heard his hushed voice from the living room and although you couldn't clearly hear all of his words, it sounded like he was talking to someone. For a split second you debated whether or not to use this chance to return to the bathroom or go somewhere else. On the other hand you knew too well that he would demand for you as soon as he was finished with this conversation so instead you opted to just head back to the living room as well.
When you peaked inside through the opened door, you could see that he was having a phone call with someone. Brilliant blue eyes darted up as soon as they saw you and a smile graced his lips for a few moments. You could clearly hear how his voice turned to a mere murmur as he suddenly turned his back on you and you knew instantly that the call must have been related to his job which is why he didn't want you to hear what he was hearing. You felt your curiosity urging you to step closer, so close that you would understand everything no matter how silent he might try to talk.
From previous experiences you knew that if you were to try that though, he would end the call instantly and merely tell the other person on the line to text him all the information before hanging up. So you just stood there and waited, feeling the frustration bubble up inside of you again.
As soon as he had ended the call, he turned around to you. A silly pout was on his face as he walked over to you before a dramatic sigh escaped him.
"Seems like I have to head out for a while. Something just came up."
Obviously he was clearly unhappy, you on the other mind felt like your soul was rejuvenating with the mere thought of having a few hours to yourself. Like everything else though, you also were smart enough to not gloat about those news so you gave him a curtly nod as your only response.
Large hands cradled your face as blue eyes looked at you.
"I'll be back as soon as possible. Just wait for me in the meantime, 'kay?"
You didn't return the kiss when you felt warm lips meeting your own but you also knew that with his grip on your face, you couldn't pull away so you just endured the feeling as your body visibly tensed up. Only when you pulled away did you dare to unclench your jaw again, your lips slightly parted as you looked into those otherwordly eyes.
"Maybe I'll buy you something nice if I find something." He continued to speak as he pressed quick kisses against your face as if quickly tanking some affection before he had to leave.
"Would you like something specific."
You merely shook your head.
"Just surprise me."
Really, you couldn't have cared less.
Satoru had returned far too quickly for your own taste. On the other hand he might as well have been gone for weeks and you would still bemourn his absence as too short.
With him he had brought bags full with clothes he had bought for you, in high moods as he had asked you to wear some of them so he could see if they would look as good on you as he had hoped them to be when he had wasted his money on them.
In an attempt to delay this event and prevent him from getting handsy, you had insisted on cutting off all the price tags first as you had assured him that you would like to keep everything that he had brought.
So now here you were, searching for the price tags on every piece of clothing before cutting it off with scissors. It was a lot of work but less because it took much physical exertion and more because of the sheer amount the white-haired man had bought.
Really, you could have enjoyed this task though as it was rather nice to do something.
So why couldn't he have just sat back and remained silent instead of touching you and talking to you? You just wanted some time for yourself.
You knew that he was trying to get you to talk to him by annoying you with questions and touches as he simply longed to hear your voice and to force you to interact with him. This was precisely what you didn't want and so you had to silently chant a mandra to calm your nerves as you hung up all the clothes in the wardrobe. You were surprised that you even had any space left considering that you had so many clothes already.
It was tedious to ignore him but you were normally somehow able to pull through with it. However, on this evening Satoru seemed to have finally enough of your dismissive attitude which was why he exactly spoke something that he knew would get your attention.
"I met your friends whilst I was shopping."
You froze, unable to control your reaction as you heard his words. A strange flood of emotions came over you and you caught yourself swallowing audibly as you tried to maintain some sort of control. You had already failed though and you knew that Satoru would try to use it to his advantage.
You wanted to ask him more but you knew that you couldn't as it was exactly what he wanted you to do so with slightly shaky hands you tried to focus on the task at hand.
Obviously he wouldn't drop the subject that easily though.
You felt his warm breath fawning the side of your face as he leaned closer to you, his eyes taking in the way you had pursed your lips and how you had furrowed your eyebrows as you weren't able to hide your feelings. You were missing your friends and family after all and the bastard knew it.
His own feelings rose up as he saw your face but not because he felt pity for you. Instead he felt his jealousy stirring slowly awake as he saw how affected you appeared by merely hearing him mentioning one of your friends. He envied the feelings you reserved only for them without giving him anything at all.
Why was that?
Your voice resembled more of a guttural growl when one of his hands grabbed your shoulders, clearly feeling how tensed your muscles were as you slowly cut off more price tags from pieces of clothing, your mind barely held together as you were trying in a last effort to hold back.
His name was spoken as a warning from your side as he knew that you were at your limit and that only from hearing from him about one of your friends. If he would have been a better man, he would have acknowledged how petty and low he was acting right now. However, Gojo Satoru wasn't a good man as jealousy started getting a hold of him.
"They all seemed to have quite a good time without you. It didn't really look like they were bemourning your disappearance. Perhaps you are the only one in the belief that they are missing you as much as you miss them."
You paused for seconds that seemed to stretch more than they should have before you put the shirt you had held in your hand down. Your head turned around as your own eyes met his blue ones. You didn't say anything at first, there wasn't even a trace of anger on your face as if you couldn't believe his words.
Then your pupils started quivering though and he saw how your gaze suddenly got poisoned with anger you had kept buried deep inside of you for the last few weeks.
You acted before you could even think as the one hand that had previously held the scissors suddenly flew towards him, fully committed to stab at least one of those cured blue eyes so that his gaze could never torment you again.
Only that the scissor never reached his eye. No matter what you tried, you couldn't move your hand any further, the sharp edge of the scissor only lingering close to his blue orbs.
It was that inability that caused you to snap out of your spiraling anger as you realised what you had just tried to do. You instantly withdrew your hand, visible shock on your face from your unexpected outburst. You felt your blood pumping through your veins and felt shame and frustration heating up your entire face as you had just lost your temper completely.
You ran your other hand through your hair as you took some shaky breaths to regain your control. When you finally managed to look up again, an apology lingering on your tongue for your reckless action that could have seriously wounded him, you found the words quickly dying down before they could even leave your mouth.
Normally already quite intense blue eyes were staring through you and your soul with a new weight to them that had you breaking out in cold sweat as you felt a cold sensation going down your spine.
You felt no relief when briefly his eyes darted down to look at your other hand which was still clutching the scissors on your palm, although you quickly dropped the object when you noticed his stare.
You flinched when one of his palms wrapped around your wrist and lifted your hand up. At first his touch was soft but within only a few seconds he tightened his hold until it felt like he was squeezing your bones.
You let out a short hiss when you felt the pain as you started squirming uncomfortably, trying to get him to let go of your wrist.
"You were about to stab me."
You shuddered when you heard the icy tone that seemingly matched his hardened and cold stare that he gave you right now, vastly different from what you were used.
You wanted to defend yourself. He had taunted you first and he had been the one who had brought you into such a situation were you would lose your self-control in the first place as you hadn't consciously intended to potentially hurt him seriously.
Yet he didn't let you utter even a single word as he pulled you closer to his body, his other hand gripping your chin and forcing you to look right into those glowing eyes.
"You wouldn't hurt me, right? You care about me after all, even if you don't want to show it."
There was something in his tone that gave you the chills. It wasn't anger or anything similar to that emotion though. It was a tremble, a barely audible tremble of an emotion akin to denial that made him look dangerously much like he was about to break down in front of you. Whatever you had just done, it seemed to have triggered something dangerous inside of him.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that. I just lost control of myself for a moment."
You swallowed as you uttered those words quickly, your honest tone only slightly tarnished by the pain you felt as he was still squeezing your wrist. You found your own breath stopping as you looked at his face, praying for whatever had possessed him to stop.
"I knew. You wouldn't want to harm me. It's alright, darling. I forgive you."
You felt no relief when he cooed those words at you as he pulled you closer, giving you a kiss on your forehead. Instead you foud your stomach churning as you felt the stress rising inside of you, warning you that something was about to happen.
"Close your eyes so it'll hurt less."
You knew what he had done when you heard the sound yet you didn't instantly feel the pain. Instead your widened eyes stared into his own blue ones with a mixture of shock and betrayal.
You stumbled back in shock, cradling your broken wrist against your chest as the pulsing and cutting pain finally began to settle in. Tears instantly started to gather in your eyes and cascaded down your cheeks and choked sobs started leaving your lips as you slid down to the ground.
"I know. I know. It must hurt quite a bit."
His voice was sweet and soothing as his arms embraced you, one of his hands wiping away your tears as you continued staring at him with unbridled shock and terror as you felt soft touches on your face from the same hand that had just moments ago broken your wrist as if it was a mere twig.
The fear grew and grew until you felt unable to look into his eyes again, turning your eyes elsewhere as your lips started to wobble.
He had never hurt you before. Perhaps that's why you had felt so entitled to ignore him as he had been only ever acted like a clingy and whiny man around you.
Clearly you had been wrong though.
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loserlvrss · 4 months
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summary : you and your boyfriend were truly opposites, but the saying has always been that they attract, hasn’t it?
genre : fluff, leehan x afab!reader, college!au, slice of life tws : language, zombies (yeah..), pet names, mentions of not eating (could be linked to a eating disorder but also idrk) author notes : cringe couple alert (that should be me) word count : 1.4k
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your hands were covered in clay, grey-brown coating your skin. you could feel the uncomfortable, but familiar feeling of it drying on your wrists, and you were glad you wore something you were okay with getting messy; because today you had done so many pieces, you were covered in muck.
you had just finished a vase, the bottom a thick sphere, tapering off as it furthered to the top. you spread the wire, after picking it up from beside you, and ran it along the stone. you picked it up carefully, grabbing the damp sponge to smooth out any finger prints.
pottery was your hobby, and you were glad you majored in art. you loved doing pieces on the wheel, and you loved sculpting unconventional things. it never felt like homework to do, and you often found yourself forgetting all about time and spending hours in the schools basement; dusty and dirty, haired tied back, back and shoulders sore, and sweats caked over.
that being said, you also often forgot to have meals as collateral to your happiness, spend time with your friends, and do things that people would deem normal. you hated the saying that you weren’t like other girls but truthfully you’d rather be in this dimly lit room than a club, like the people your age were.
but there was also one person who refused to let you starve to death in this poorly decorated room. and truthfully, he hated the flashing lights just as much, if not more than you did.
“y/n,” you looked up, a smile plastering to your features at the sight of your boyfriend who had been doing work on his computer waiting for you to finish for the last however long. “you’re done?” you nodded, moving the piece to the side, preparing to take it over by your others waiting to get glazed and fired. “it’s pretty.”
“i was thinking about painting little fishes on it and putting it inside our apartment after it gets graded, what do you think?”
“only if you eat first.” he stated, making you laugh in response. “going to die in this ugly place one day, y/n. i swear i’m going to find your body, and that wheel’s still going to be spinning.”
you walked over to the sink, opting to listen as you felt your stomach growl at the thought of eating something for, maybe, the second time today.
“my girlfriend would be a zombie, oh my god, an artsy zombie. wait, what does that even mean?”
you tried your best to scrape the clay from under your nails, however you both were used to finding it in weird places—laughing about it like it was an inside joke.
“actually, i think you might be hot like that. imagine all the rotting skin—you’d never have to do skincare ever again because it’d be falling off all the time—messy hair, but i think you’d hate this being your forever ghost outfit.”
you made a grossed-out face at his obvious jokes; however if he had said this to, or around, anyone else, it would’ve seemed genuine due to his monotone nature and straight face.
“you’re so strange, donghyun. if zombies were your type, i could’ve done my makeup differently.” you pinched his cheek with wet fingers. “but i love you anyways… even if you wouldn’t make a hot zombie.”
“what?” he exclaimed. “no way you think this!”
you were taken aback. “i didn’t know you were so serious about us being zombies… we could be a silly-little zombie couple if you want.” you giggled.
he scoffed. “how romantic, y/n. truly,”
“shut up.” you stuck your tongue out at him. “what’d you bring today?”
he took out a glass container; because he refused the plastic ones, saying something about the consumption of microplastics and fish long before you two had even entertained the idea of being in a relationship, to which you replied, save the turtles, and thrusted your fist in the air.
“leftovers from last night.” he stated, uncovering the pizza you two had shared over a couple episodes of game of thrones. you were late to the hype, but you liked the show nonetheless. he had fallen asleep on top of you after your hand had made its way into his shaggy hair, half an episode in, small snores echoing against the drama.
you two woke up on the couch in the morning.
“do you want me to heat yours up?” you questioned, motioning to the microwave that was probably older than either of you. “you know i’d rather have it cold as leftovers… but if you want me t—”
he took a bite, focusing back on his laptop. “don’t worry about it, love.”
you, too, took a bite. “what are you even working on?” you asked curiously, looking over his shoulder.
his face was inches from yours when he turned. “can you chew any louder in my ear?” you scoffed, pushing his head lightly to the side, and mocking an obnoxiously loud chew at him. it was probably the least sexy thing you could do. he laughed. “it’s my research final. twelve pages in. i’m writing about aquaculture and its impacts on the environment—did you know that they’re actually bigger than agriculture? not that either are greatly sustainable.”
you admired how different you two were, but you loved listening to him go on and on (and on) about the ocean and fish, even if you had no idea what anything truly meant. he really did suit being a marine biology major in your eyes. his enthusiasm was your enthusiasm.
you did love his little fishtank though. and despite him denying it, you knew he loved that you named them all.
“my final is much better than yours,” you laughed, watching his eyebrows furrow behind his glasses. “all i have to do is make a couple pots—which we’re gonna use for our herb garden after! our green onions and garlic are getting so big!” you cooed. “i was thinking about using their old pots for our basil and rosemary plants, do you think that they would work?”
he took his last bite, using both hands to type now. “i think that would be fine, love.”
“and we can use our new vase as our table centerpiece? your mom’s going to come over for dinner soon, i think she’d like it—maybe i’ll make her one.”
he knew that once you put your mind to it, there was no stopping you. “i’ll get you some pretty flowers for both of them.” he was just glad that you had eaten something before the idea popped into your head.
you pondered. “what’s her favorite color, baby? do you think i should make her a couple mugs or a vase? or a cutesy little plate collection? or a pot? fuck it, i’ll just do them all, she has a gar—”
“y/n,” he cut your ramble off. “you’ve already made her a cutesy plate collection for christmas, and a mug for mother’s day, and a couple pots last semester.”
you pouted. “but those plates are deco—”
“make her the vase, love. her favorite color is purple.” he smiled sweetly. “i’ll help you paint it after you’re done turning it. we can give it to her as a slightly-early birthday present when she comes over, yeah?”
“we’ll get her calla lilly’s, right?” you pleaded.
his hand rested against your cheek, taking a break from the keyboard. “yes, and you can tell me all about the meaning while we stand in line.”
you grabbed his wrist. “great… now c’mon!” he eyed you as you pulled him up with you. “you made me watch that fish documentary with you the other day, so i’m going to show you how to make this vase now.”
“baby, i have three pages left,” he tried to compromise, but you blocked it out. “i’ll just help you paint it.”
“no,” you whined, which he found more adorable than annoying. “she’d love it so much more if you helped me spin it, don’t you think?”
he knew that there was no use arguing with you—after all if this whole art-thing didn’t work out, law had always been your alternative.
“fine,” he gave in, sitting down on the stool as you happily skipped over to grab him an apron and collect an adamant amount of clay. “but if i find clay inside my keyboard after this, you’re in for it.”
“terrified. so scared. i’m shaking in my boots, donghyun.” you shuddered playfully. “i guess you’ll actually get what you want if that happens—a zombie girlfriend—luckily for you, though, this zombie girlfriend of yours has a toothpick and a lot of love for her living boyfriend.”
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happytroopers · 8 months
Pent Up // Tech x Reader
Summary: After an awkward wake up call from a rather... entertaining... dream. You spend a week trying to distract yourself from your traitorous mind. It doesn't take long for Tech to catch on.
TW: wet dream, brief mentions of erotic things, nothing outright just a lot of build up and tension
somewhere between pg13 and R, originally I was gonna write the smut but then it sat in my drafts for two years so congrats you're getting a fade to black
18+ MDNI for sure tho
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A hand shook your shoulder, shaking the last sensation of your dream away and forcing you awake with a start. A whine died on your lips as your bleary eyes snapped open to meet the eyes of the object of aforementioned dream. Your already blushed cheeks went even hotter as Tech looked down at you in mild concern and heavy curiousness. He was put together, as always, still in his armor except for his helmet. Laying in your bunk in disheveled pajamas, the contrast wasn’t lost on you. You were acutely away of how warm you were, how much you had been squirming in your sleep, how your thighs were clenching, and extremely aware of the slick warmth dampening your pajama bottoms. 
As your mind reeled from the… riveting dream, it switched gears to run overdrive on how to save yourself the embarrassment of being caught having a wet dream. Caught by the one soldier you were mentally assaulting in your sleep… Under Tech’s curious gaze you wanted to melt- and not in the fun way his gaze usually made you want. How loud were you that you not only alerted the genius, but you drawn him away from his projects- something that usually took an explosion or ship crash to do? 
Of course Tech didn’t look uncomfortable in the least, simply waiting for your answer as he removed his hand from your shoulder so you could scramble up into a sitting position, keeping the blanket firmly around your lower half as you batted sleep mussed hair from your face. The only consolation was that while you and Tech hit the rack, Wrecker and Hunter were supposed to be flying while Crosshair filled out his fair share of his share of field reports. 
Tech gave you a once over as you collected yourself, eyebrows creasing as you tried to get your breathing under control. 
"Are you alright, (y/n)?" He asked slowly, watching you curiously as your knees bowed together under your blanket. If you’re eyes weren’t screwed shut from embarrassment, you would’ve seen his Adam’s apple bob at the sight. You cleared your throat to busy trying not to focus on the way his armor accentuated all of his best features in the dim light of the bunks, hoping your voice would maintain some level of propriety. 
"Y-yeah, yeah, Tech, I’m alright. ‘M Fine." You nodded just a little too quick, voice just a hair from being even, so in an attempt to feel out how much damage you did to your dignity in your sleep, you added in false casual airs, "Why do you ask?"
Tech's eyebrow went from creased to quirked, running a hand over his face, "You were tossing and turning, groaning like you were-" 
You didn’t think you could take him continuing or the thought of him watching you so you went with the first excuse that came to mind, "In pain, like I was in pain." 
Voice rushed, your own eyebrows furrowed at what you were saying. Tech looked confused as well- neither of you knew where this was heading. 
"Pain?" He repeated, voice unbelieving but worried, "Are you…injured? Why didn’t you tell me earlier." 
Well, that lie wouldn’t work either. Besides your inability to control your brain, there was nothing wrong with you. And if you couldn’t come up with something, Tech would insist on checking you over. You couldn’t look him in the eye at the moment much less let him touch you after your dream. Wait, dream! 
"Injured? No, no sir." You cringed, you had never once called Tech ’sir’ since you met him, and judging by his… reaction, now wasn’t the time to start, "I had… a nightmare. Yeah, real bad nightmare. Probably gonna talk to the Civ. Enlistment shrink about it, yep." 
Your nodding didn’t do much to convince the Tech, as he just watched your rambling, with a concerned furrowed brow. Running a hand over your face, flung your blanket off your legs quickly as you swung them over the side of your bunk- the middle one. Just high enough that you had to jump, but low enough someone tall like Tech could still look down at you if you were laying down. Too much laying in the dark room with the man (literally of your dreams) had your thoughts spiraling along with your white hot embarrassment- fight or flight was kicking in and you were choosing flight. 
Pushing off the bunk, your bare feet hit the cold floor but you weren’t prepared for how jelly-like your legs would be. Before you could even hit your knees, Tech caught you against his chest. He was warm, and the hopeless romantic in you didn’t fail to notice how you fit perfectly against him or how easily he held you steady, and his chest was firm. Oh stars, don’t let him feel how hard my nipples are. Tech was leaner than his brothers, but no less stronger than his brothers, something that slipped your mind occasionally- only now, as your palms were splayed over his chest it wasn’t so easy to forget. 
His large hands easily encased both of your arms, images flashed through your mind- but it wasn’t your arms he had been holding in your dreams. Eyes fluttering, you shook your head, backing away from the genius as soon as you were sure you wouldn’t fall over. Tech ignored your stammered apologies though you were sure cheeks were practically glowing in the dim light, "(Y/N), are you sure you’re alright? You feel warm, you might have a fever. I think I should-" 
You were pretty sure if you spent one more moment with his hands on you, you would break every single rule about soldier civilian interrelations in the books so you all but wrenched away from him, earning a confused look as you grabbed the first jacket and pair of pants you could find. 
"No time, I’m perfectly fine- hey that’s almost a rhyme-" You stammered, snatching your shoes, "Look at the time, things to fix, no fever here." 
Tech tried to protest but you were already down the hall before he could even grab a medscanner off his belt.
I’ve been on this ship too damn long.
You thought to yourself, splashing water on your face. If the interaction with Tech wasn’t enough to keep you from sleeping again, the lingering feelings and memories from your dream kept your skin tingling and your mind swirling around one resident genius. So you gave up sleep. 
Instead, you decided to work, preferably underneath floor panels where engine parts were thrumming with power - where Tech wouldn’t run into you unless he tried. Bonus points for being far away one of the few places on the ship your dream hadn’t contaminated. 
If he can’t see me, I can’t think about- images of lips trailing across skin, pressing into your thighs, thighs over a lean shoulder. You smacked hands on either side of your cheeks to physically halt that train of thought, What is wrong with me?!
The answer was simple, you were the only woman on a ship of five men, one of which you pretty sure you were in love with, had been on active duty nonstop for weeks and you didn’t even have your own room- no action, no breaks, no privacy. 
You worked for a couple hours straight, too embarrassed show your face again. Until, you finally surfaced top pass through the fresher. Clean face, clean thoughts, right? Growling in frustration, you ran a dry towel over your face before shoving your arms back into your work jacket. 
You were so caught up in your own thoughts, you didn’t even think twice when the fresher door swished open- it was a communal fresher, it wasn’t uncommon for one or more of the Batch to share the space with you at a time. So common in fact, you didn’t even look up from your routine- adjusting your hair, swiping cosmetics on. 
As you peered into the mirror, internally giving yourself a half pep talk, half scolding, the last face that you wanted to see appeared in the reflection behind you.
"Kriff!" You yelped, startled, spinning around so quickly you risked whiplash, instinctively your hands flew to balance yourself against the counter, the cool metal grounding your feverish skin. It was Tech behind you, in his blacks with a towel over his shoulder, watching you in confusion as you met his eyes briefly before your face went scarlet, your eyes dropped- resting anywhere but his. "Tech! Good morning- night… afternoon? No time in space, am I right?" 
The genius’s eye brows crinkled, which you would’ve noticed if you weren’t so busy staring at the floor. Tech took another step forward, bending slightly so he could look at your face and eyes narrowing. He was close enough to touch, the smell of mechanic grease, GAR issue soap, and something so inherently Tech flooded your senses as he asked, "You didn’t get anymore sleep, did you? Are you sure you’re alright, (Y/N)?" 
Another slew of images flashed through your mind, long fingers tilting your chin up, and the last time you were pressed against a counter it wasn’t from this angle, ‘is this alright?’… It was then you realized with his new position, your floor gaze had turned into staring at his abdomen, where his blacks clung to him leaving very little to the imagination. You forced your eyes up to his. 
Between his scent and your own traitorous thoughts, your throat constricted, eyes widening and nostrils flaring slightly, "‘m fine. Gotta go, things need fixing." 
With that, you ducked away from him and quite literally fled the scene for the second time in a matter of hours. Tech watched you go, head tilting to the side. 
"I don’t understand civilians."
Ridiculous, You thought. I’m an adult, I should be able to control myself. 
The bolt you were tightening popped out of the panel it was supposed to be holding together. 
“Dank Farrik!" You growled, snatching it back and attempting to shove it into place. The first time it skewed to far to the left, and next swaying to the right, and the third it was too far up. Irritated, in rapid succession, you slammed the bolt into the metal over and over- despite it never going into the hole.
 A certain part of your dream popped into your mind.
Don’t think about slamming- or holes. You quickly corrected yourself, but didn’t stop your incessant sla- jamming. 
"I thought being a trained engineer meant knowing how to do something a bit more… technical than that." A drawling voice appeared over your shoulder, the bolt getting plucked out of your fingers and plugged into the ho- opening on the first try. 
"Crosshair." You breathed in recognition, irritation still lacing your tone as you looked over your shoulder. The stir in your stomach thinking it might be Tech fading away into not quite relief, but something less… stirring. The marksman was leaning against the wall you were working on, it wasn’t surprising he sought you out. Aside from Tech, you were close with Crosshair- an odd friendship that no one really understood. "I thought you were next on nav rotation.” 
“Tech came to the cockpit with a pretty interesting concerns. He switched shifts with me, said he had too much to think about to sleep. So, he’s up top with Hunter." The marksmen shrugged, critical eyes giving you a once over as you blushed- a more and more common occurrence. 
"Yeah, we all have bad dreams sometimes." You huffed, a low blow, but if anyone could take a mean comment it was Crosshair. The nightmares were kind of a sensitive spot for most clones, but was there anyone on this ship that hadn’t already heard of your sleep... issues?
You assumed that once he got his odd version of teasing in, he would move along but Crosshair didn’t go any further than the nearest crate so he could sit down and pop a tooth pick in his mouth. You allowed him two minutes of staring before snipping, "Is there something you needed?” 
"Not me. Tech wanted you to help him with something about reverse thrust-“ 
"I’m busy." You clipped quickly cutting off Crosshair’s words, wrenching the bolt so quickly that the metal scraped. Your fingers were shaking as you tucked hair behind your ears, clearing your throat, you elaborated, "Tech can handle them himself, he’s, ah, perfectly adept. I’m incredibly busy here.” 
Crosshair lifted a single brow, looking at the squeaky cupboard panel you were working on. Clearly a bottom of the list kind of task, "You are acting weird. He might be oblivious, but he always notices you.” 
"I am not acting weird." You snapped but your voice had a quirk to it, what did Crosshair mean by that? You filed that away for later, "Unless you have something to put on my to do list, I’m busy because I’m fine, Cross.” 
"Riiiiight, completely normal, I’ll let him know.” 
You watched him go before looking at your rather shoddy wrench-bolt job. Sighing, you set to work undoing the crooked bolt, Maybe I am a little pent up.
So started a week of awkwardness between you and Clone Force 99’s resident genius. And it wasn’t long before the rest of the batch began to catch on. Not that you were exactly subtle about it. 
Any time Tech entered a room, your eyes would go wide and a flush would creep up your neck. If you were speaking to someone else, the moment you saw him you would start stuttering or just stop all together. Sometimes it was fluttery nervousness, and other times you just got distracted by his presence. But always, unless actively in a firefight, it would only take about five minutes before you’d shake your head and escape the room like a gundark out of hell. 
Bright side, you spent so much time avoiding Tech you had made it to the bottom of your prioritized to-do list for the first time since joining Clone Force 99. Down sides, it was getting harder to avoid him, and as mentioned earlier, the others were starting to notice- plus, even if you to do list was getting slim, all the work was shoddy at best. When you weren’t actively avoiding him, all you could do was stare at Tech like a lovesick (re: hormonal) schoolgirl.
Crosshair had caught you staring at Tech on multiple occasions, typically flicking his toothpick at you to get you to stop. He would roll his eyes but at least he was quiet about it. He’d just tease you whenever he caught you alone, constantly reminding you of your embarrassment. If you weren’t so preoccupied with Tech, you’d be glad- his teasing his own way of accepting you into the group. But you were preoccupied, so usually, you’d huff dramatically throwing (and missing) the toothpick back in his direction. 
There was the incident where Hunter himself had to order you to go with Tech on a mission, something that had never been an issue before as you usually preferred working with the genius. Subsequently, you were so high-strung that you put your complete focus on rewiring a door panel. So much focus, in fact, that Tech himself had to pull you out of the way of a super battle droid’s fire. He had pushed you against a wall and completely covered you with his body while Crosshair took care of the battle droid. Had it not been for the smoking blaster shot in the wall where you had previously been working, you would have melted when Tech so tenderly asked if you were alright. Like a helpless damsel, all you could do was stare up into the goggles of his helmet for a moment before nodding demurely. Then, so frustrated with yourself you had to walk away from the genius before you could give Hunter a reason to transfer you. 
Tech, himself, had decided you were obviously upset about something and spent more time than usual trying to get you alone. He’d sit down across from you while you ate, which resulted in an awkward silence and you abandoning your barely touched food. Find you while you brushed your teeth- it had been embarrassing when you accidentally choked yourself with the toothbrush because you’d been too busy ogling him in his blacks. And if you hadn’t been so focussed on saving yourself from any additional embarrassment, you would have noticed the worried expression start to slip into a more hurt category whenever you’d literally run away from him with a lame, short excuse. 
Then there was the time when Wrecker had been speaking to you, explaining how his helmet’s comms unit was shorting out after a hit in battle. You were supposed to be listening to him, figuring out from his description of the sound what the issue was and how to fix it. But over his shoulder, your eyes had landed on Tech and your breath had hitched in your throat as you watched him unfasten his armor. Like a teenager watching a strip tease, you shifted your weight from foot to foot, "Are you even listening to me?" 
Wrecker’s booming voice sounded more distant that it should considering you were fiddling with his helmet, but it alerted Tech who looked up from his chest piece. His eyes immediately found yours, and you looked away quickly. After promising Wrecker you’d look into it, you took the helmet before escaping down to the cargo hold, thankful Tech didn’t follow you this time.
 You might actually have too request a transfer at this rate. 
It was Hunter that confronted you about it. He’d noticed your distraction, your anxious demeanor, the decline in your quality of work, and that’s just the things he noticed outright. He saved some of your pride by not mentioning everything he could smell or hear. Instead taking the role of scolding boss. A role he played expertly, judging by the exceedingly dissapointed way he said your name before pressing further. 
"You’re better than this. What’s up with you?" He had asked, having followed you after you slipped away from Tech yet again. He had found you cleaning the brand-new air filters in the cargo hold. 
"Nothing’s up with me, Hunter." You shrugged, hoping he would drop it. He didn’t. 
"Really? ‘Cause you’ve been making rookie mistakes. You were assigned to us because you don’t do that." The sergeant reminded you, crossing his arms over his chest. You were offended to say he had a point. 
"Just going a little stir crazy, Sarge." You sighed. Hunter shook his head, clapping a hand onto your shoulder. 
"Do us all a favor and just tell him." He requested, shaking his head as he turned to leave, "It’s a small ship to be stir crazy on, and neither of you are subtle." 
You watched him go, first embarrassed at being caught- knowing what Hunter could hear, smell, and infer, that he chose not to complain about- but then your mind fixated on something else. 
"Hunter. What do you mean by ‘neither’?"
You were grateful for the planet’s scorching sun, some unnamed backwater (despite the lack thereof) planet that simply had been the nearest Republic friendly refuel/ maintenance station after you deduced the Havoc Marauder wouldn’t make it back to Kamino with the navigation calibration malfunctioning like they were, lest you hyper speed into a black hole. After you’d made your deduction, you had almost combusted when Tech had leaned over your shoulder, breath grazing your ear as he checked over your work at Hunter’s request. You would’ve been offended if you weren’t so busy gaping like a schoolgirl at Tech’s side profile so close to your face. 
’Neither of you are subtle.’ The sergeant’s words played through your mind for the hundredth tune. 
Like, for instance, as you sat in the cockpit, you were supposed to be running diagnostics on the rather shifty new calibrator and modifier Hunter had procured from the maintenance station’s ‘buy, sell, trade’ front room. It didn’t have to be perfect, it just had to get you from dust ball point A to rainy, Kaminoan point B. 
But instead, you were distracted. Which should really be the summary of the past week of your life. Specifically, you were distracted by Tech’s legs. Long, armor clad, muscled, his leather side holsters clinging to the white composite as they splayed out from under the Marauder’s dash. 
You never exactly forgot how tall Tech was, he towered over you even with his usually hunched posture. But, with his top half hidden underneath the console it was a reminder at just how long his legs were. Your breath caught in your throat as his hips lifted, legs tensing as metal groaned. Something snapped before Tech tossed a rusted piece of metal away from himself. The way his thighs clenched and unclenched with the effort made your entire body tense as well, you hadn’t noticed your straying focus until the electroprod zapped your hand. Fortunately, Tech’s voice drowned out your quiet yelp.
"I have found our problem." He announced, grabbing a tool off of his belt. So preoccupied with his long legs, you blinked slowly at his long fingers as they traced up his thigh to find the right tool. 
"Oh? have you?" You breathed, after realizing you hadn’t answered. You shook your head, forcing yourself back to your task. You corrected your own work, the small electro prod in your hand zapped at the calibrator, mostly to see if it could handle any sort energy current. Tech had started rambling about some Acid spitting bugs the ship had picked up on Ethesda IV, apparently the coating on the calibrator was similar to their main food source. Acid spitting bugs should’ve been a turn off, but how his voice stopped and started and strained and grunted as he periodically tore out rusted pieces outweighed the bugs.  
“And the calibrator? Is it satisfactory?” He asked, hips twisting as he continued working under the dash. Satisfactory? Nothing about the past weeks had been satisfactory but that wasn’t what he asked. He emerged just enough to hold his hand out. 
“It’ll do.” You hummed as the diagnostic ran somewhere between yellow and green. You stood, keeping a respectable distance between you as you handed him the small piece of equipment, “I could use an extra set of hands down here, would you?” 
You were digging through your mind for another lame excuse until you saw Hunter peek around the door frame of the cockpit, a look someplace between warning and scolding crossing the sergeant’s face. So, you sighed. 
“Of course, where do you need m-e?” You nodded, noticing your words as they caught in your throat. You cleared it and crouched down beside the soldier. He paused for a moment, even his feet halted their slight movement until he cleared his throat as well. 
“Beside me, I need you to hold the calibrator in place as I wired it in.” Tech answered you, staying half obscured but twisting his body so his hips stayed flat but he was laying on his ribs. You swallowed around nothing, sighing flatly as you wiggled under the dashboard beside him, “A bit closer, so I can reach around you.”
Stiff and rigid, you slowly inched closer to him until you were close enough for one of his arms to snake under your waist and pull you all the way to him. You choked out a yelp. Just as easily as he’d pulled you to him, he propped you just enough so his shoulder and chest could slot underneath your back. 
Under the dash there was barely enough room for this position, so it wasn’t possible to keep yourself propped up unless you wanted your nose pressed to the exposed wiring he was working on. So, you had no choice but to forced yourself to at least half relax against him. Your back to his chest, his face right next to yours so the light on his goggles could illuminate the slot where the calibrator belonged, one of his knees twisted under yours leaving you caged between the legs you’d been staring at for so long. His even breaths were fanning over your cheek, the two of you practically puzzle pieced together. He retracted the arm from underneath your waist and moved himself accordingly so that arm instead went under your neck, further trapping you against him.
“Apologies, though I trust I don’t need to explain to you what happens if this comes loose during light speed travel.” He explained, though you couldn’t see how his analytical eyes watched you carefully as he pressed the calibrator back into your hands and guided them to the correct spot, “Perfect, just there.” 
His fingers left your wrist and began the process of wiring the calibrator into place. You were grateful for his armor, even if your couldn’t ignore his scent and warmth all around you, you were positive if you could feel his muscles moving underneath you you’d have to stick your hand in the power source to keep from committing a serious breech of civilian-solider contact etiquette. Just a snap of his hips… placed just under the round of your ass… 
“You’re shaking, is everything alright?” Tech’s voice shocked you out of your thoughts. You flinched, almost jerking the half connected calibrator right back out of the dash. You tried thinking of a reason, but your voice seemed caught somewhere between your heart and throat. So you settled for a vague hum.
“Would you hand me the microwelder? It’s on the right side of my belt.” 
Even your breaths were shaking as you used one hand to keep the calibrator in place, and used the other the blindly reach down between the two of you. Your fingers grazed against the composite of the armor on his thigh, overshooting your aim for his belt. For the first time, he tensed as well. Using nothing but touch, you worked your way up, trying to keep your touch as light as possible as it worked over his holsters and to the tools hanging from his belt. You put all your focus on your mechanical knowledge, deducing the tools by shape- data scomp, electoprod, multitool, electrical tape… microwelder.  You almost cried in relief, jerking your hand away as soon as you’d unclipped it. The slight graze of your finger tips against his glove palms felt the same as sticking your fingers in the power source.  Tech’s shoulders adjusted, jostling the both of you. Though he didn’t struggle to move you at all, his voice sounded ever so slightly strained as he used the microwelder to hold the wires in place, “Almost there, keep doing what your doing.” 
Kriff, what the hell was wrong with this man?
“There. That should do it.” 
You wiggled out from the dash so fast that you almost didn’t register his hands on your waist assisting you. Almost. Tech watched after you, the curiosity in his eyes turning into something more akin to understanding as you slipped into the fresher. 
You had never been so grateful to touchdown on Kamino. After the longest week of your life on probably the smallest ship you could’ve been assigned to, you were ready for some much needed space. And the privacy of the usually empty civilian barracks sounded like the perfect retreat. Kamino was the one republic stronghold that didn’t have a shortage of workers, they didn’t need a civilian enlistments to lighten the load when they could hand the tasks off to Cadet’s and call it a learning experience. Usually you found Kamino to be lonely, only seeing the boys at meal times, but this time you were chomping at the bit, praying to the Force or whatever other entity out there that the bunks would be empty as usual. 
As soon as the Marauder touched down in the hangar, you were down the loading steps before it even finishing descending. You finished your debriefs in record time and skipped dinner in favor of returning to the Havoc Marauder to start fixing some of your shoddier than usual workmanship in addition to typical post-mission ship maintenance since your bunk would be the first place Tech might look for you. 
"I thought I would find you here.” 
You physically jumped when Tech’s calm voice called out from the ship’s entrance, hitting your head on the cockpit’s console you were working under. Cursing under your breath, you scuttled out from under the console. Tech was leaning against the entrance to the cockpit, watching you like a wild animal who might spook. You guessed that wasn’t too far off from the truth judging by the already rising heat to your face and the way your eyes danced around to anywhere but his face. 
"You missed dinner." He informed you when you didn’t respond, rubbing your head as you closed the panel you had been working on and pulled yourself up to your knees. 
"Oh, did I?" You asked in faux concern as if you hadn’t purposely skipped communal dinner. Suddenly, you realized you were looking up to him from your knees and your nearly choked on the recycled air your were breathing. You scrambled up to your feet, nervously smoothing out your clothes as you momentarily met Tech’s eyes before purposely pointing your own gaze else where- the blinking lights around the cockpit very interesting. In your peripheral, you saw his eyebrows furrow, face hardening as you leaned back against the console. 
"Have I done something to bother you?" He asked, suddenly. Moving a bit closer to you, he froze when you leaned even further away. 
"Not a thing, Tech. Why do you ask?” 
One of his eyebrow quirked behind his goggles, telling you he didn’t believe you for a moment. Tech might be oblivious about somethings, but he always knew when you were lying to him, "You have not looked me in the eye, much less spoken to me since…” 
He trailed off, looking to you to finish his thought. Your rose tint flashed ruby, redder than the shield button blinking on the console behind you. Yep, time to escape. 
"Listen, Tech, I really don’t-" You chuckled dryly, moving to squeeze past him. 
"Have time for this? I think you do." Tech shook his head, sidestepping so his larger frame immediately cut off your exit. Bumping into the composite chest piece of his armor, you stammered something akin to an excuse as you tried to squeeze past you again. The genius repeated his action, this time catching you by bracing his hands on either of your arms and holding them gently to your side to keep you in place. 
Now, you were forced to look up at him, trying to ignore how much skin his longs fingers managed to cover. You wondered if he could feel your erratic pulse under your skin. He observed your face for a moment, from the tint in your cheeks, the quickness of your breath, to part of your lips. He muttered mostly to himself but you caught it, "Dramatic dilation of the eyes, heightened pulse, shallow breathing, erratic behavior.” 
Once he finished his list- or maybe stopped listing aloud for your pride’s sake- he cleared his throat, releasing his grip one your arms so you could take a hesitant step back. Your mind was screaming at you to create some distance, but your thudding heart made it hard to force yourself to move. Tech wasn’t finished with you yet though, his chocolate yes narrowed on you before softening as he continued, "Hunter informed me that you didn’t have a ’nightmare’, as you said.” 
Yep, you were going to spontaneously combust if the ground didn’t open up and swallow you first- either option was preferable to the turn in conversation. Hell, spontaneous separatist invasion would be less painful. 
"Listen, Tech, I really-" You started, but silenced yourself when you saw the way he adjusted his stance. Shoulders broader, chin dipping lower, one leg moving forward…. if you were any closer it would be between your legs. 
"He also had a few theories about the content of said dream, one in particular that interested me." He continued, voice dipping as he continued to stalk towards you until the back of your thighs hit the control deck, forcing you to half lean half sit on the panel. Your backside pressed a couple buttons, managing to conveniently kill the overhead lights and close the door to the bridge in one fell swoop. Whoever was in charge of the force, you wanted to have a firm talking to because you’re heart couldn’t take much more of this. "You’re in your prime, in multiple adrenaline and endorphin inducing situations, surrounded by 4 men… a healthy drive is nothing to be so embarrassed of.”
Your own voice wasn’t quite a sure, almost choked as you nodded, "Gl-glad we covered that, Tech.” 
"I also know, from my research, that the easiest way to resolve this is to act on it.”
Your mind actually went blank the moment the word sunk in. You weren’t sure, but there was a large likelihood you just stood there and gaped at Tech like a fish. He waited, eyes analyzing you from behind the goggles. One moment passed, and then two before you spoke. 
"Act on it…" You repeated slowly, butterflies melting from your stomach, pooling elsewhere, "Like.. you want to act on it with me?” 
Tech closed the distance, his hands on you again. One at your hip and one gracing your hair,  "We really were as oblivious as Hunter said.” 
The armor on his hips pressed into your soft flesh, his long diligent fingers trailing down your arm, "You can tell me to stop.” 
Your eyes had be following his fingers down, your own twitched and laced into the leather straps that held his holsters to his thighs as if that would tether him to you, "Please don’t.”
A ghost of a smile went across his face before he startled you, picking you up swiftly and depositing you in the pilots seat. You weren’t quite sure of the logistics of this decision until he knelt down in front of you, kissing your lips first and yet not long enough for your liking. You chased his mouth with yours, but he pulled back, focussing down to your belt.
“Now, tell him. How did these dreams of yours go?” 
as usual half edited so excuse the typos
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phas3d · 7 months
Caught You || Tom Riddle
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type :: fluff
tw/cw :: cringe, idc that he's "out of character" i'm delusional and stopped taking my meds
summary :: you catch your "evil" classmate doing very un-evil things, dare I say, kind things
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Tom loves the idea of being an ultimate evil, having no redeeming traits in order to solidify himself as the strongest villain within the Wizarding world. But, he tends to fail his goal almost weekly.
Normally, Tom is able to keep secrets very well. For crying out loud, this man drafted, constructed, and furnished a whole fucking "chamber of secrets" without a single teacher knowing. But you, for some odd reason, were able to catch him over and over again.
It first started when one day you were going out for a walk to clear your mind after getting into a heated debate with your friend on some stupid topic. You marched down to the Black Lake for peace, only to get stopped in your tracks as you heard a voice.
"You know, for a homeless cat, you're pretty fat." You heard a deep voice say softly.
With gentle steps, you moved towards the sound and hid behind a tree as you saw Tom Riddle, the evilest and meanest boy in Hogwarts, cooing and feeding a chubby black cat, (he wasn't joking, the cat was on the brink of being a circle). You held your breathe, knowing that the slightest sound will alert Tom's hyper sensitive senses.
"I don't understand how you can survive in the wild when you can barely walk at 2 miles per hour." He continued to roast the poor cat, thank god the cat didn't understand.
You smiled on instinct and from that motion Tom was aware of you. It was scary and concerning how good he was at sensing people around him. It was as if he could hear your flesh tense up in order to create the small smile on your face.
"Shit..." You hear him say under his breathe, covering his face with his hand from embarrassment. For once, he was scared. If anything, he was mortified of the idea of turning around and facing someone he knew or even worse, respected!
To save him from the pain of having to ask you to come out, you stepped out on your own accord. "You're really mean to him" You say with a small chuckle as you glanced down to see Tom still squatting in front of the fat cat.
A sigh left Tom's lips, he got up from his squatted position and it quickly reminded you how he was able to tower over you. He turned to face you, holding two cans of empty cat food. You didn't know cats super well, but you did know they ate very small portions. From the two empty and licked clean tin cans, you could instantly tell that TOM was the reason why that cute cat was so fat.
It was like Tom was able to read your mind as he quickly defended himself, "Usually, there are more cats to feed but his fat ass could smell the container from miles away. So, blame him for overeating."
You couldn't help but notice how Tom's voice was less soft, sounding like his usual self. Although his voice to the cat wasn't extremely different, you could tell there was only pure admiration wrapped into his vocal chords as he spoke to the cat versus pure neutrality when he spoke to you.
Unsure of what to say, you stayed silent. You've tried to talk to Tom multiple times before and it's never ended well. In school you would try to create small talk but he would shut it down with 1 word answers. When you did succeed in a conversation lasting more than 2 sentences back and forth, any attempt to learn more about him was shut down by a dirty side-eye from him, silently tell you to shut up.
You were doing your best to think of a reply but you couldn't before Tom reached into his robe's pockets and pulled out two tins of cat food. He looked down into your eyes as he waited for you to take them.
With a smile, you happily grabbed the two tins and began to follow behind him as he took you to where the cats usually were.
From then on, you began to feed the cats with Tom as often as you could. It went from you joining him once a week to everyday. The cats began to remember your faces and scents as they instantly crowded you and Tom with small meows and rubs of their heads.
This tradition carried on for days and months, making your bond with Tom stronger as each day passed until he finally began to open up to you and start conversation. From that, you felt an instant spark and began to become friends with him which transitioned into a relationship.
Even after you both graduated from Hogwarts, you two would still visit the Black Lake to feed the cats, like an old elderly couple that feeds birds.
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oneforthemunny · 9 months
i love your writing honey💗
tw talks about a pet being hurt. nothing graphic or severe and ends well ofc but i want to add that just in case!
"He's gonna be alright." Eddie whispers into the dark room. The light from the hallway pouring in, illuminating his frame.
Your eyes are raw, chest hiccuping with tears that seemed never ending, clutching Diablo close to you, nose buried in his fur.
It happened so quick, so fucking quick. You and Eddie in town, the boys with you, all on their leashes. You'd been talking, aimlessly window shopping with Eddie. You didn't see it, the shattered glass on the sidewalk.
Lucifer was leading the pack, he always was, ears perched and on alert. A yelp of alarm had you and Eddie both jumping, Eddie drawing the glock from his hip, pushing you behind him protectively.
Lucifer's yelp turned into a hum of whimpers, paw lifted, limping and raising frantically, a trail of blood pooling out. Your gasp had Eddie and the rest of the boys on edge, a cold prick of panic coursing through Eddie's veins.
He hissed at the other boys to stand back, scooping Lucifer up, all of you jogging to the car, tearing away to the vet.
They put Lucifer under, removing all the glass, stitching him up swiftly. You were nearly inconsolable, sobbing into Eddie's shoulder at the vet, the vet tech and vet sweating nervously when they'd give you both an update.
They'd let him wake up, put him in a cone, wrapped his paw in a cast, and sent you home with antibiotics.
"He might be uncomfortable for the next few days. A little sore from the stitches and how deep it cut into the tissue." You had wailed when the vet told you that. Eddie considered killing him for upsetting you.
Lucifer had to sleep in his cage, to keep the other dogs from licking his wound, messing with his stitches. He had whined once when Eddie was putting him in, and another wave of tears washed over you.
"He's already asleep, baby. They gave him medicine so he'll just rest." Eddie cooed gently, turning on the light, your watery eyes shining back at him.
"I know," Your breath stuttered in your chest, the three dogs in your bed sticking their noses in your face in alert. "I just- I don't like that he got hurt, and-and he was bleeding."
"I know." Eddie hummed sweetly, stepping towards you. "I didn't either. I just saw blood. I thought he'd been-" Eddie stopped himself from finishing his sentence, your wide eyed scared look making him pause.
"But he's alright, baby. The vet's gonna come check him every day until he feels better, alright? I'll make sure of it." Eddie was one step ahead, always. He knew you'd worry that he was hurt, that it was infected, anything, so he had Gareth ask the vet to come. They were more than happy to help out.
"I wish he could sleep in here." You pouted, lip trembling. "He's down there all alone." Your voice squeaked, throat closing with tears that had Eddie cringing.
Eddie sighed heavily, opening the door back. "Hades." He commanded, the dog springing to his feet. "Here. Come on."
When Eddie returned, you were still sniffling, but no sign of tears- thankfully. "Hades is down there with him."
That seemed to satisfy you. "You put their blankets on them?"
"Yes, baby." Eddie bit back a smile, unfastening his watch, slinging it in his jewelry box.
A pause.
"And their toys? The stuffed animals. Lucifer has to have the lion, and Hades has the bat-"
"-I got it." Eddie looked at you through the mirror. "They'll be alright. Ok? Don't worry. Let me take care of it. I'll make sure they're alright."
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Summary: After an UnSub threatens to out you, you come out to Emily. 
Word Count: 2269
TWs: threats of being outed, coming out
This whole case had you on edge.
It was a local case, and normally, that fact brought you comfort. Sleeping in your own bed after a long day was exactly what you needed. 
You got home late and beelined for your bed. If you were lucky, you could squeeze in a few hours before you needed to be back at the BAU in the morning. 
You started stripping as soon as your door was closed and locked behind you, shedding clothes on your way to your room. You threw on the first oversized t-shirt your hands touched and rolled into bed, your mattress welcoming you into its warm embrace. 
You plugged your phone into the charger on your nightstand and set your alarm, cringing at how soon you would need to be awake. But before you could lock your phone, a text rolled in from an Unknown Number. 
Stop investigating or I’ll tell your team you’re gay. 
Your blood froze in your veins. The UnSub your team was chasing was technologically savvy and had proven he wasn’t afraid to use it. Through various social media accounts and other media leaks, he’d flaunted the victims he’d kidnapped and killed, and so far, Penelope had been unable to track him. 
You debated the odds of this being a random spam text when another appeared.
If you arrest me I have a failsafe that will alert them right away. 
You knew better than to respond, but you knew you couldn’t block him until Penelope took a look at the message.
The thought stopped you in your tracks—if you showed Penelope these messages, the team would find out anyway. 
It wasn’t that you were ashamed of your sexuality; your family knew—you came out to them when you were 12. Your mom and your brother were your biggest cheerleaders, and while it took your dad a little longer to come around, he was firmly in your corner now as well. Your friends were no different. 
But work was another story. You loved your BAU family and trusted them with your life, but you’d only been with the team for a year. And you weren’t in a relationship at the moment, so your dating life just… hadn’t come up. You’d always known you’d tell them eventually, but you wanted it to be on your terms. 
Despite the threat, you had no intention of stopping investigating or encouraging your team to do the same. 
But the nagging voice at the back of your head that it could all come crashing down at any moment left you with a lingering feeling of dread that kept you awake, tossing and turning until your alarm went off just before sunrise.
You stumbled through your morning routine like a zombie, moving aimlessly from room to room. You made coffee on autopilot, dressed in a daze, and didn’t realize you had two different shoes on until you were one step out the door. You swapped one out for a matching set, grabbed your bag, and headed to the BAU.
You wished you could shake it off. Pretend it didn’t bother you. But as you took your seat at the round table, you knew the carefully crafted facade you’d put up was already chipping away, and it was only a matter of time before your team saw through it. 
“You look like hell,” Rossi said, taking the seat next to you. “Did you sleep at all?” 
“Not really,” you hedged, taking another swig of your coffee. 
Tara and Luke filed in next, and you absentmindedly exchanged morning pleasantries with them, glancing at your watch and wondering what was taking the rest of the team so long.
Emily, JJ, Reid, and Penelope buzzed into the room together, and the energy they brought with them made you sit up a little straighter.
“Our UnSub has made his next move,” Emily announced. She stood at the front of the room, pulling something up on the screen behind her, while the rest of the team took their seats. 
Screenshots of texts filled the TV, and a hush fell over the room as everyone took them in. 
Stop investigating or I’ll tell the press about your addiction, one read.
Stop investigating or I’ll tell the media about your pathetic sister, read another.
With a click of the remote, two more messages appeared, with familiar text that sent a shiver down your spine.
If you arrest me I have a failsafe that will alert them right away. 
You glanced at the timestamps of the messages, fighting to keep your expression neutral. You’d stared at the messages you received long enough to know they came at 2:41 AM. These messages had been sent just a few minutes before.
“JJ and Reid received these texts last night; we assume they’re from our UnSub,” Emily announced. “Before we start today, I need to ask if anyone else received a message last night. You don’t have to reveal what it said; JJ and Reid gave me permission to share theirs, but I need to know if he’s targeting anyone else.”
The team glanced around the table at each other, shaking their heads. When Emily’s eyes met yours, you found yourself shaking yours as well before you could think about it. 
“These threats say more about the UnSub than about us,” JJ said. “He thinks these are threats, but they just prove we’re human. It wouldn’t change how people perceive us, and even if it did, I wouldn’t care.” 
You’d turned to Reid, skeptical. “Is that how you feel?”
To your surprise, he only shrugged. “I’m proud of my sobriety. Last year alone, 17.82% of Americans had a substance use disorder. It’s more prevalent than anyone wants to believe.”
Your heart swelled at their bravery. But the text message you’d received still hung over your head.
“Penelope is working with JJ and Reid’s phones to see if she can trace the messages back. If anyone else receives anything, please let me know right away. In the meantime, Luke and Rossi are going to head down to Metro P.D. to interview more of the victims’ families,” Emily said. “Tara and Y/N, the M.E. is expecting you; she has the latest autopsy results. JJ and Reid are going to stay here with me, and we’re going to work on the profile.”
The team dispersed, but you felt glued to your chair. 
“Are you okay?” Tara whispered.
You nodded. “I just need a minute. I’ll meet you in the bullpen?” 
Tara put a hand on your shoulder before doing just that. 
When your legs stopped shaking, you stood and glanced through the windows at the rest of your team. Emily made eye contact with you through the glass, and you tilted your head toward her office. The raven-haired woman nodded, and you both wordlessly made your way over.
You beat her to it and started pacing across the carpeted floor. You kept your hands clasped so Emily wouldn’t see they were shaking. 
The Unit Chief closed her office door behind her. 
“Is everything okay?” she asked, sitting on the edge of her desk. 
You opened your mouth, but no words came out. You closed it again, mind reeling. 
Were you really about to do this? This hadn’t been your plan when you walked into work this morning, but you knew it was the right thing. 
Despite that, your heart raced in your chest. Stars danced across your vision, and your breathing became shallow. 
This wasn’t fair. You cracked your knuckles, a nervous habit, but your hands shook as you did so. 
Tears threatened to spill over, so you turned away from your friend, sitting on the small couch on the opposite side of the room. You pressed your palms against your eyes, willing the emotion to go away. 
“Not now,” you whispered. “Please not now.” 
The couch shifted as Emily took a seat next to you. She placed a gentle hand on your back.
“Take your time,” she murmured.
You pulled your hands away from your eyes and clasped them in your lap. 
“I got a text from the UnSub last night too,” you said, voice raspy. 
Emily moved her hand from your back to resting on your knee. “Whatever it is, you can tell me.” 
You nodded. You knew you could trust Emily—trust your whole team. None of them would judge you or think lesser of you, of that you were sure. But your heart still felt like it was going to burst out of your chest. 
“He threatened to out me to all of you. And said that if we apprehended him, he had a failsafe in place to make sure everyone found out.” 
Emily’s face crumpled. “Y/N…”
“It’s not that I’m ashamed of who I am,” you whispered. “I’m not. My family knows, my friends know… It’s just that it’s private. I wanted to tell you all on my terms, when I felt ready. And he took that choice away from me.” 
Emily took your trembling hands in hers, and tears welled in your eyes. 
“I love you, Y/N,” Emily said with a sincerity that stilled you. “We all do. You are our family, and I can say with full confidence that this doesn’t change how we feel about you.”
You took a deep breath. “I knew it wouldn’t. I just wanted to control how I told at least one person. How I told you.” 
“Thank you for trusting me enough to tell me,” Emily said. “I can’t tell you how honored I am.” 
“I know we have to tell Penelope,” you said. “So she can try to trace it.” 
Emily shook her head. “We can wait. See if she can get anything from JJ and Reid’s phones; we may not need yours.” 
You grimaced. You didn’t want to hinder the investigation or ask Emily to do the same by keeping this to yourselves. 
“That means a lot to me,” you said earnestly. “But I can’t ask you to do that.” 
“You’re not asking; I’m offering.” Emily’s dark eyes pierced yours. “Just tell me what you want to do.”
“Will you come with me to talk to Penelope? I’d feel better having you there.” 
“Whatever you need,” she assured you. “Is it okay if I give you a hug?” 
You nodded, and it wasn’t until Emily’s arms were around you that you realized how badly you needed some comfort. You sank into her embrace, resting your chin on her shoulder, letting your friend hold you.
She rubbed one hand in circles on your back, and you closed your eyes, the exhaustion of the case catching up with you. You could fall asleep right now. Now that you were safe. 
But there was still work to do, so you pulled away, your cheeks flushed. 
“Thank you,” you said.
You wiped your tears away, suddenly self-conscious when you remembered the rest of your team was just outside. 
As if anticipating your hesitation, Emily asked, “Would it be easier if I brought her in here?”
It was tempting, but you didn’t want to call more attention to yourself.
“No, that’s okay,” you said. “Let’s go to her office.”
Emily didn’t stand until you did, but once you did, she was ready to hold her office door open for you. 
As you walked through the bullpen, you couldn’t bring yourself to look at your teammates. You heard them murmuring—working on the profile, you told yourself—but you held your breath until you were out of sight and knocking on Pen’s door.
“Enter!” She chirped from the other side.
You scanned your badge and the door clicked open, revealing Penelope in front of her wall of monitors—the text messages up on one, another busy tracking the source. 
“Do you have a minute, Pen?” Emily asked.
Penelope whirled around in her chair. “Anything for you, Peaches.” Her eyes widened when she saw you standing beside Emily. “And Y/N! To what do I owe the pleasure?” 
“I got a text from the UnSub,” you said, your phone in hand. 
“Have you gotten anything from JJ’s or Reid’s yet?” Emily asked.
Penelope frowned and shook her head. “Not yet; the UnSub is flexing his tech knowledge, but I am better, and I will find him.”
You smiled at your friend’s easy confidence. 
“Can I see?” she asked.
You nodded, wordlessly unlocking the device and handing it over.
You watched as Pen scanned the message. Watched as her mouth opened in shock. When her eyes reconnected with yours, there was fury behind them. 
“I will bury him,” she growled. “How dare he—”
Emily held up a hand. “Needless to say, discretion is important here.” 
Penelope’s eyes widened. “Oh, Y/N, I know I’m not known for secret-keeping, but I would never…” she shook her head. “I’ll never tell a soul.” 
Your heart swelled. “Thank you, Pen. I will tell the team, I’d just prefer to do it on my terms.” 
“Of course,” Penelope said.
“I can take your place with Tara,” Emily offered. “If you want to stay here and work on the profile with Reid and JJ.” 
You shook your head. “That’s not necessary. But thank you.” You looked between Emily and Pen. “Thank you both.” 
“Let’s go make this son of a bitch pay.”
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@yena-reyna, @propertyofemilyprentiss, @chaekhan, @obsessedwjill, @mrs-prentiss, @i-lovefandom, @tireddeadgirl, @lez-talk1, @emilyprentiss-ily, @ssablackbird
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mamayan · 1 year
Giyuu Tomioka x GN! Reader
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Giyuu is always gentle and firm when you need it.
tw: Fluff • Cuddling • Reader is described as “soft” • Hurt/Comfort • Depression • Please do not read if seeing descriptors of depression is triggering to you. This is meant to uplift not harm. Do not read if this does not seem supportive to your journey.
The day passed by again, and yet, you couldn’t bring yourself to move.
The thought of doing something as simple as bathing left you feeling exhausted.
You felt the dread filling you up inside, like the tide rising, and you were drowning once more in silence.
No one liked to talk about it. Reality was far too nasty an image to allow for others to see, so it was smashed down to avoid the light of day. Except, as you woke again in the middle of the night, you realized maybe it was all of you avoiding the light of day. Shamefully hidden away from prying eyes, hushed whispers of servants as they quietly performed their chores in the early morning when you finally went to sleep. Your eyes glanced at the empty bed beside you, numbly noting he still wasn’t back.
Was he dead?
The thought filled you with nausea even as you lay limp.
A divider moved, alerting you to a presence.
“I brought you food…” the voice which spoke was small and unsure. Your eyes were all which moves, seeing the silhouette of a Kakushi, their features hidden like always.
“Thank you…” it was the first time you’d spoken in nearly a week. You forced yourself to sit up, even as tears pricked your eyes as the Kakushi shuffled into the bedroom, placing a tray beside the bed even as your stomach pleaded not to do this. It was lying to you, you knew it was, but you were struggling—
“Tomioka-sama is back!” It was a distant cry, carrying into the room through an echo.
You flinched, cringing inward on yourself as the Kakushi beside you seemed to light up. You didn’t share the excitement, despite your relief flooding you at his safe return. It wasn’t as if you didn’t want to see him. It was the opposite in fact… what if he didn’t want to see you?
They were going to report on you. They always did, nothing deeper than the loyalty of those within the ranks of the corpse. While Giyuu wasn’t the most beloved amongst the Hashira themselves, he was still adored and respected by all the others. His dedication and hard work undeniably charming as he risks his life every time he takes a mission.
Where did that leave you? While he fought for his life and others away you were rotting like someone already—
“Tomioka-sama, welcome home!” You hadn’t even heard his foot steps. Your head snapping up to stare blankly at the stoic face of your lover. While his face didn’t give much away, his eyes seemed to swim with worry as he entered the room you both shared cautiously. He nodded absentmindedly at the Kakushi rushing out, likely overjoyed to no longer be baby sitting you. You looked away, feelings of shame and anger somehow muted beneath the metaphorical water which kept you submerged in your sorrow.
He was quiet. Even as he moved the tray of food to the side to sit beside you, before setting the tray in his lap, hardly any noise passed.
With your head down, you had a perfect view of the chopsticks entering your field of vision. The war with your stomach won, as you open your lips to allow him to feed you. Even as tears slid down your cheeks, Giyuu didn’t hesitate to softly wipe them away as he fed you each bite of food until the tray was nearly empty.
You no longer felt as nauseous, the burning in your stomach gone as well. Giyuu had a hand against your mid-back, keeping you from pulling away as he helped you drink the water brought with your dinner.
“All of it,” his voice a bit husky as he hums in approval as you do as told. Finishing all of the water before he relents and moves the tray completely out of the way.
You sniff, feeling better and worse all at once because you had certainly needed the food but absolutely did not need the shame which followed. It should be you feeding him, he’s the one who’s been on mission, risking his life and who knows what else out there. You knew logically this would pass, it’s not your fault, it’s not anything new but—
“Shh,” he’s so gentle as his lithe arms wrap around you and encourage you to lean into him. He’s gentle as he cups the back of your head and lets you rest your cheek against his collarbone. He releases one hand to lightly trail down your spine and back up, letting you feel his presence but not overwhelming you.
“I’m sorry you have to deal with me like this,” you whisper in confession. His arm squeezes you, his grunt making a small smile tilt on your lips. You could image his brows are furrowed.
“You have nothing to be sorry for my love.” His words released a damn inside of you though, as your tears welled and spilled freely.
He pulled back, cupping your cheek and looking shaken and panicked as you sobbed. “I do though— I’m like, like this, and I, I don’t want to be,” you’re nearly inconsolable, even as he tries to hush and kiss you. Your heart physically aching inside the confines of your chest as you grip his haori tight and cry.
“I don’t know why I’m like this—!” Your world spins just as the words finish leaving your mouth.
You huff, startled out of your tears as you look up at Giyuu, his face stern as he grips your jaw with one hand, the other beside your face keeping him above you.
“You are everything to me,” his voice is deeper, clearer as he speaks now, “and I know just how suffocating this state can be.” He forced your head up, making you look into his eyes which you feared held resentment towards you.
They don’t.
His dark blue gaze is only filled with patience and kindness, breaking your heart and yet somehow repairing it too.
His weight descends as you struggle to fight back more tears. His weight solid and comforting on top of you as you soak in his warmth and the scent he carries which smells like home. He is your home. And you were his.
You wrapped your arms around him, spreading your legs and allowing him even closer. It was intimate yet not sexual, as he circled one arm around your waist and another beneath your head. Your soft body pliant beneath him. His breath fanning over your cheek as he left small kisses on your skin.
So gently.
Whispering words of love to you.
“I’m so lucky to have you…” his lips felt ticklish.
“Thankful to see you after every mission.”
“Always fighting to come back to you…”
“I love you,” you’re nearly asleep in his arms, surrounded entirely by Giyuu as a blanket of safety envelops you.
The sun might rise and fall tomorrow without ever seeing your skin, but that’s alright.
He’s home again and by your side through it all.
Words of love from me to you. I know it might not be possible to leave the bed today, or tomorrow, and the thought of eating or waking might make you sick… but I promise your body needs it. If nothing else, let a gentle Giyuu encourage you through the day. Let your f/o be there for you. Heck, drop in my inbox if you need another character— don’t let yourself suffer in silence alone♡
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galaxyshine24-7 · 3 months
The Silver Bullet🥂
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Chapter 8 Strawberries and Cream🍓
TW: Violence, Possessive Relationships
After the overblot, Heartslaybul had to do a lot of apologizing to the public about the event. Lots of money was donated to charities around the district and the gang even offered to hold a banquet to raise funds for the community. The gang had a party where Riddle prepared everything and took it as a chance to apologize for his misdeeds. The closeness they had for each other surprised Yuu knowing how cruel gangs could be to their own, but Heartslaybul seemed to accept Riddle back after all the effort he had shown to change. 
Yuu sits by the bar once again all bandaged up and healing from their wounds watching the gang mingle and enjoy their time at the party. Riddle pours tea for his fellow members as Trey stands next to him, proud. Hearing from Ace it seems Trey had his own apologizing to do when it came to not speaking up about Riddle’s behavior to Riddle himself pitying the gang leader for his past hardships. Since that day, Yuu can’t stop thinking about their dream with the young Riddle. Yuu tried to bring it up to the leader himself, but he seemed unaware of what Yuu was talking about. Not to mention the strange black crystal they found in their pocket after the incident, said crystal is now safely at home until Yuu could figure out what to do with it. They go back to enjoying the party taking a sip of the signature drink of the evening strawberries and cream. It’s as much of a happy ending as it good be. 
“Ew what is this!” 
Well almost good. Riddle, Ace, Deuce, Trey, and Cater surrounded the snack table standing by the batch of tarts the leader made. Ace’s face convulses in disgust having to spit out a piece of said tart. 
“It’s so satly.” Ace gags. 
Trey takes a small bit out of his tart cringing at the taste. 
“Riddle what did you put in this?” 
“I put in oyster sauce like you said.” Riddle tilts his head. 
“Riddle dude are you serious?” Cater laughs taking a picture of the moment. 
“I think Trey was joking when he said that Riddle.” Deuce also tried the tart doing his best to swallow it down. 
“I was in fact joking.” Trey starts to laugh as everyone joins him. 
Yuu smiles from the side taking a sip of their drink glade the gang leader seems to have relaxed and let go of his strict mindset, at least most of it. 
The party ended on a good note as Deuce was nice enough to take Yuu home on his blast cycle. Once he was gone Yuu let out a deep sigh heading to their apartment above the bar. As they reach the door a sound alerts them from inside a familiar sound of a radio being played. Yuu opens the door to be greeted by the roar of a fire place as Divus Crewel sits on the armchair beside it. He seems right at home legs crossed with a book in his hand. 
“Getting home rather late pup.” He sets the book down on a side table.
Yuu closes and locks the door behind them, as Grim greets them with a song of meows. 
“Hello Crewel.” Yuu sighs putting their jacket on the coat rack before picking up Grim. 
“Hm formal today are we?” He raises a brow. 
“Well, I’m surprised to see you in my home is all.” Yuu takes a seat on the couch across from him. 
“Does a guardian need a reason to check on his pup? Besides we taught you to never be surprised.” 
Grim jumps off Yuu’s lap to finish his left over food watching Crewel in the corner of his eye. 
“I was taught it was polite to at least send a heads up before entering someone’s home.” Yuu crosses their arms. 
“You’ve gotten cheeky since I’ve been away.” He smirks taking a smoke out of his cigarette. “Let’s cut to the chase puppy, I know you’ve realized the overblot issue we are facing right now, and you getting involved with Heartslaybul was a very foolish decision.” He stares right through Yuu. “The others are thinking we should bring you back home if this newfound freedom is too much for you.” 
“I’m fine I handled it.” Yuu starts. 
Crewel gets up quickly lifting Yuu off the couch by their arm making the bartender wince. 
“Your injuries say otherwise.” 
Yuu pulls their arm out of his hand. 
“You know you shouldn’t get too involved.” He lowers his voice. 
“I wasn’t trying too.” Yuu huffs. 
“You where certainly trying when you nursed that red haired mutt weren’t you?” His voice drips with sarcasm. 
“What was I supposed to do let him die?!” Yuu raises their voice. 
“Your supposed to be smart, and have the upper hand. To much affection will cause others to use it as a weakness.” Crewel flicks them on the forehead.      
Yuu looks up at him rubbing the affected area. 
“If you continue to go this route your heart will be beaten and scattered on these streets.” 
Yuu looks down at the floor Grim comes by to rub against their leg as a moment of silence passes through the apartment before Crewel sighs pinching the bridge of his nose.        
“We just want you to be safe.” He takes out a small black box from his pocket. “Here we thought you needed more protection.” 
“But I already have the guns and the bar is full of traps-” Yuu opens the box to see a simple black ribbon. “Uh what’s this?” 
“It’s a ribbon.” He takes out the simple black ribbon putting it around Yuu’s neck. 
“We have been working on infusing clothing with magic. This will let us know when your in danger and it will protect you.” He finishes making sure Yuu is comfortable. 
“It feels more like a collar.” Yuu mumbles already pulling on the ribbon. 
“It’s just to make sure your safe.” Crewel places their hands on Yuu’s shoulder’s. 
Yuu gives Crewel a small nod. 
“There that’s a good pup.” He gently pats Yuu’s head letting a silence fall over the apartment once more. 
Across town, flashing lights beam down on the arena as blood and teeth litter the floor. Leona Kingschalor punches his opponent across the jaw sending him flying out of the ring. The ground roars his name as he stares at the glittering lights around him. The referee comes over to lift his hand letting the crowd know who the true winner of the match is. Leona doesn’t stay long in the ring after receiving his trophy. He hops over the rope waiting for Ruggie Bucchi to hand him a towel. Leona grabs it wiping the sweat from his face. Once they get backstage Leona finally speaks. 
“So any news?”   
“Everyone is still in an uproar about Riddle’s overblot but the Heartslaybul guys threw a party today,” Ruggie answers. “Very carefree if you ask me.” He yawns. 
“Doesn’t matter once we accomplish what we need to do things will finally be in its rightful place.” Leona smirks as they reach his dressing room. “So they better be prepared.” He closes the door behind him and Ruggie as the crowd cheers in the background. 
“Long live the King! Long live the King!” 
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hypequeenves · 6 months
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So this has been sitting in my brain for a really long time. I've made about a 50 minute video on what Alastor's Radio Show might sound like. Because I am who I am I've also put some references to Vesper in there, because of course I did. The full video is will be up on YouTube https://youtu.be/zWNpshsogiQ?si=0Ct8ygRoAYF1-f4u , but it’s quite long so here is some of my favourite clips and also the ones pertaining to Vesper's story!
SUBTITLES: Ah, good evening, my devilish comrades! It's been an eternity since I last graced the airwaves! What with those celestial attacks and constructing a spiffy new studio, I've been positively swamped. So, do pardon my absence from our nightly rendezvous. But fear not, for I've returned with a vengeance, ready to regale you with tales that'll send shivers down your spine! But before we delve into the depths of the night, let's ponder a question that's been buzzing in the back of our minds: Is VoxTek Angelic Security as impenetrable as it claims? Or are we merely being hoodwinked by the corporate demons? Fear not, my friends, for we shall uncover the truth. But first, let's kick off this evening with a toe-tapping tune, "Let the Good Times Roll" by the incomparable Louis Jordan. So, let's not waste a moment more, shall we? Or as they say: Laissez le bon temps rouler!
YOU SAID YOU WANTED TO BE ON THE SHOW? TW: Screaming, Crying, Someone is in PAIN BEWARE! (Also, I can't tell if its cringe or not)
SUBTITLES: The song slowly comes to an end, when the mic goes hot again you can hear someones panicked breathing along with Alastor humming. There is the sound of a knife hitting the table and then a scream. ALASTOR: Quiet now dear - You’re ON AIR. Can you be quiet for me now? VICTIM: mhm... ALASTOR: Yes? VICTIM: Yes. ALASTOR: Good. While I finish up with our distinguished guest here, let me deliver you a delightful ditty, that is just the perfect amount of ironic considering our current company. Here is "Nobody Knows You When You're Down and Out" by the sensational Bessie Smith. The breathing gets more intense until they scream, but their scream is cut short as the mic goes cold again.
SUBTITLES: Wasn't that just the most delectable interruption. Well as promised: Here is Airwave Alerts with Alastor. There seems to be a string of murders in the Mafia and Weapons District of Pentagram city! You heard me right, murders! It seems that the perpetrator is using angelic bullets to take out their targets. And although I would like to stake a claim on these murders, I cannot take credit for another's work. While the culprit remains a mystery, where they seemed to have acquired the weaponry is not. Unusually Carmilla Carmine has seen fit to stay silent on the topic. One would hope that she would be able to make a public statement soon.  Ah, while you mull over that jaw-dropper, let me serenade your senses with a tune that'll have you tappin' your toes and hittin' the road in style! It's none other than "Route 66" by the legendary Nat King Cole. So sit back, relax, and let the smooth sounds of this classic take you on a ride down that ol' highway of dreams!
SUBTITLES: Ah, listen up, denizens of the infernal realm! It's time for a little update from the Princess of Hell itself. Seems our friend Charlie Morningstar has taken matters into her own hands, bless her devilish heart. She's put forth a petition for those brave souls willing to stand tall in the face of the next extermination - should it come to that, of course. Now, I hate to rain on anyone's parade, but our heavenly counterparts up above have been keeping mum on the matter. And let me tell you, my dear fiends, that's not exactly music to our ears! But fear not, for there's a glimmer of hope yet! If you're ready to lay down your very essence to defend our infernal home from these angelic invaders, then you best hotfoot it over to the Notice Board smack dab in the centre of cannibal town. Sign your name with pride, for in unity lies our strength! (slightly less enthusiastic) Or something along those lines. With that obligatory bit of unpleasantness addressed, my dear listeners, it's time to lighten the mood and spread some cheer! This next tune is dedicated to none other than our beloved Charlie Morningstar, the beacon of hope in this dark and dreary place. So kick back, relax, and let the melodies of "You're Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile" by Charles Strouse and Martin Charnin wash over you. Remember, my dear souls, even in the depths of Hell, a smile can work wonders!
SUBTITLES: Well, well, well, my curious listeners, have I got a spicy tidbit for you! It seems our resident pop sensation, the one and only Vanessa LaBlanc better known by her stage name Vesper, has been spotted gallivanting around town in the company of none other than Asmodeus, the King of Lust himself! Now, isn’t that a twist? It's been a hot minute since the Cardinal Sin of Lust graced the Pride Ring with his presence. So, what devilish plans could he be concocting with our delightful Vanessa? Ah, my dear sinners, the plot thickens! But fear not, for yours truly will be keeping a close eye on this tantalizing tale. So stay tuned, my friends, for the juiciest gossip this side of Hell. Up next the weather! But before we delve into the forecast, let's soar among the stars with the timeless crooner himself, Frank Sinatra! It's time to let the velvety voice of Ol' Blue Eyes serenade us with "Fly Me to the Moon." So close your eyes, let the music carry you away, and dream of celestial delights as we prepare for the weather—though, as I suspect, the forecast may indeed call for a storm of scandal!
If you made it this far - if no one has told you today, you're amazing!
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deadprincezzz · 9 months
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⚠️🚨preparense de nuevo, en 11 minutos empezare a publicar pendejadas🚨⚠️🚩🚩🚩🚩
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blaaamboozle · 5 months
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Helloooo finally got some pony content here
Especially that it's my infection au!! Right now I'm just going to post the survivors until I can post the actual gore and the stages of of the infection. But while I'm working on that I hope you enjoy the survivors I got line up!!
!!TW!! Some death.
Starting off with King Sombra and Flurry Heart!! Now this au, Flurry Heart is a little older, so she is is around the same age Apple bloom would've been in the show. (The cutiemark crusaders are obviously little older in this au as well. And this takes place the beginning of season 3..just..a little different lol. Ah gotta love aus./g).
How Sombra became Flurry Hearts protector/guardian is a sad one with a sweet ending though. King Sombra came back once the Crystal Empire came back. But, it was easier than he thought. He just walked right in, trotting around the empty streets of the Empire. But, it was oddly quiet. He was more so confused and a little worried if the ponies were even alive. As he was trotting up to the Castle, he was attacked by an infected. He quickly fought back and impaled the infected pony (owch). He was now alert and he was bitten. Luckily for Sombra, he isn't a normal pony. He was more shadow than pony. So he can't get infected, he's immune. However, due to his dark magic corrupting his body many moons ago, he can't provide a cure. Once, Sombra got into the castle he noticed it was a pretty bloody sight. Before he noticed a white unicorn carrying a filly alicorn on his back, running away from a horde of infected ponies. Sombra quickly blocked the horde with his black crystals, saving the unicorn and filly. The unicorn turns out to be Shining Armor and the filly is his daughter, Flurry Heart. He suddenly began to beg and plead with Sombra, hoping he could take care of Flurry Heart, to protect her until her mother gets back from Canterlot. Sombra cringes at the idea of protecting this filly but, he knew she would probably die if she doesnt have anyone to guide her and provide for her. And he noticed that Shining Armor was bitten, and it was spread fast. Sombra is cruel, but he isn't that cruel. He promises Shining Armor to protect Flurry and takes her. He now is trying to reinforce the castle and to get any survivors into the castle to build and army to defend themselves and the other survivors. Flurry heart slowly brings out a softness in Sombra, and the two are close. Almost like found family (sobs)
I love these two, they are so cute and the fact that my version of Sombra always wanted kids when he wasn't corrupt but couldn't but then has to protect Flurry heart us just very sweet. He's literally a dad. And Flurry heart just brings out is sweet side and she just makes him play dolls and dress up, most definitely lol.
Here's their story!! I will post Twilight, AJ, Pinkie, Fluttershy and Discord soon!! I think I will post Twilight soon and I will work on RD very soon!! I have lost to work on and write as well!! (Also sorry if I misspelled anything or used the wrong words..I'm not the best at that lol)
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wooahaeruby · 2 months
Chapter 20: Plans Within the Plans of Plans
Chapter Word Count: 4,918
TW 1) Jeonghan and DK are little shits 2) Minghao doesn't know how to knock 3) Drinking 4) Someone gets DRUGGED, YES, IT HAPPENS. 5) Someone gets threatened…it's complicated 6) Uhhhhhh, yeah, I'm tired. 7) if I forgot something, my bad
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Your alarm was going off, it was a lot brighter in here than what you remembered. 
Did I forget to close the curtains in my room? Was all your semi-conscious brain could muster. 
Cracking an eye open, you went to shift to find your phone but fell short at the weight around your body. Now your brain was awake and on high alert, eyes snapping open to be met by Joshua’s face twisting with minor annoyance, probably from being woken up. He made a groan as he stretched his legs out but his arms tightened around your midsection. 
Honestly it was nice laying in his arms but your head had to be malfunctioning because you have a fucking boyfriend.
“Good morning!” Seokmin was stepping out from the hallway and you scrambled to remove yourself from Joshua’s hold. He was dressed in a simple gray suit for work, holding something – you saw a blouse you think? – as he made his way towards the kitchen.
“Ow fuck!” You stumbled off the couch and bashed your knee into the coffee table, falling onto the second couch as you clutched your leg.
“Sleep well you two? I slept amazing and it’s only six in the morning.” 
Joshua was sitting up, a pouty frown spread on his face as he grumbled out. “Too early, shut up.” 
Seokmin only smiled, something playful and devilish behind his eyes as he set his gaze on you. “I had Sona pick up something from your apartment for you to wear and she grabbed some toiletries.” He held up the hanger with a blouse and dress pants from your closet and another bag, probably holding some undergarments. 
Quickly you stood and grabbed the clothes before running down the hall, wanting to get out and away from both of them. Standing at the sink, staring at yourself in the mirror, you let out the breath you didn’t know you were holding, trying to make sense of what the hell was happening.
Back track, come on. 
You splashed some water on your face, wracking your brain the best you could. 
Number one, you and Joshua went out yesterday to an arcade, had an amazing time, chatted for hours over pizza, then came back to the penthouse to watch movies. 
Number two, you and Joshua fell asleep together on the couch and you fell asleep on top of him. 
Number three, you didn’t…hate it. But you were definitely confused on how you were feeling, if it was actual feelings or simple adoration because Jeonghan was away and you were lonely. 
You were screwed, that’s was the conclusion you have come to. For now, you’d put on your work outfit, get ready for the day, and pray that Seokmin would not, under any circumstances, bring any of it up. 
“So…” Seokmin didn’t really say anything until lunch, sitting in your office with the take out he ordered for the two of you. “What uh…What happened with you and Shua last night?” 
Suddenly you weren’t hungry anymore. 
“Uh- Last night? Nothing happened.” You stuttered out the words, quickly drinking down some of the water bottle he brought. “We went out, got pizza, then watched some movies.” 
“Mhmm…” He nodded, drumming his fingers against the table top of your desk. “Nothing…weird?” 
“Weird? Why would it be weird?” You cringed at the defense in your tone. 
That spurred on some impish behavior from Seokmin. 
“Why do you sound so defensive?” Tilting his head to the side, running his eyes over your face. “Something I should know about?” 
“No! Nope, nothing at all, I’m not being defensive, you are just being a snoop.” 
“Keep telling yourself that, hotshot.” 
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[Jeonghan 2:17 PM]  How is the plan going?
Seokmin almost couldn’t contain the laughter that was bubbling in his chest at the text message. 
[To Jeonghan 2:20 PM]  Oh you know, Shua has been taking Mouse out each day this week once since he has been focusing on Pledis on Cheol’s orders. Totally haven’t caught them staring a little too long at each other.  Kind sickening if you ask me, you sure you don’t want me to put a bullet through him?  [Jeonghan 2:22 PM]  Ah, I don’t think Mouse would be okay with that~  Did he take her to that one restaurant she likes?  [To Jeonghan 2:25 PM]  Yes  Wednesday she said he took her to an art opening that Minghao invested in then dinner at the bistro you guys like Yesterday he picked her up from her apartment to go in a fucking picnic, wanted to punch him so bad. And today? Today he wants to take her to stargaze out on the house property. [Jeonghan 2:28]  I’m going to vomit, who knew Shua could be a romantic? Try and convince them to go to Ruby.  I think it's the push both of them need.  [To Jeonghan 2:30 PM]  That can be arranged.
Seokmin nearly skipped his way into Mouse’s office, seeing her leaned over her keyboard, a frown gracing her brow. 
“Who the fuck signs their emails, ‘ lukewarm regards’ ? Has he signed off like that before?” She asked herself before she was clicking away at her computer. 
“How’s my favorite girl?” He knocked his knuckles on the open door to her office, “What are you doing tomorrow?” 
“Oh uh-” She whipped her head up, “I think nothing? Maybe just hanging around the house?” 
“Good so we can go out to Ruby tomorrow?” 
“Ruby? I mean, not saying we can’t, but why?” 
He shrugged, slipping his hands into his pockets, strolling over to her desk. “Why not? I’ve had a long week, family has too, Hoon is gonna be behind the bar. Make it a group event.”
Seokmin rounded Mouse’s desk, leaning himself against the side of it. Mouse looked up at him, analyzing his expression, she had become really good at reading him since learning the big ‘secret’. Tilting his head, he softened his gaze, putting on his best ‘ totally innocent, totally not hiding anything’ face. 
Her face contorted in thought but ultimately her shoulders dropped. “Fine, are you taking me home or is Shua?” 
“I am, then you can pick up some stuff and just stay in Han’s room. Shua has a late meeting before your little date~” 
Mouse reached out and slapped his arm which he recoiled and whined at, not stopping the laughter from coming out. “It isn’t a date!” 
“It isn’t a date.” He mocked but got hit again, this time harder. “Stop, stop! I am only teasing!” 
“God, you are worse than Gyu and Chan.”
“If I was really like the two of them, you’d be kicking their asses, but you like me the most~” Leaning down in her face, she gave a disgusted grimace, pushing his chin up and face away from her. 
“I’d still kick your ass and I have all of them on speed dial.” 
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“I’m fine, Hannie, Shua has been good company.” You and Seokmin arrived at the house not long before Jeonghan called. 
“ Was the art gallery nice?” 
A shy smile spread on your lips and you shook your head. 
The art exhibit was amazing, Minghao always had a good eye for art and the fact he helped endorse the artist was even better. The pieces were beautiful and having the opportunity to spend time with Minghao and Joshua outside the house but in an interesting environment was great. At the end of the night, Minghao went off for dinner with the artist while Joshua took you to a small Italian bistro. He explained that it was a favorite place of him, Jeonghan, and Seungcheol since before SVT was together. They had helped keep it alive during hard times for the owner since they enjoyed it so much. 
“It was beautiful and very thought provoking. Minghao got the artists to talk about some of the pieces with me then Joshua took me to a small Italian place he says you guys like a lot. I can see why you three like it.” 
“ Mmm, I was hoping to take you there one day, but Shua will do until I get back.” Hearing Jeonghan hum again, he continued on. “ Speaking of Shua, how has hanging out with him been? You two usually don’t get time to talk together without someone there.” 
Oh that wasn’t a conversation you wanted to have. 
Things have been…complicated mentally for you. 
Spending time with Joshua was refreshing, calm, maybe even captivating. Joshua never was over the top like Jeonghan was at times, he was fine with comfortable silence while Jeonghan and you liked to go on and on about any topic that came to mind. While they were very similar, they couldn’t be more different. Two very different sides of the same coin. 
On top of that, you could see Joshua was flirting with you, not as blind as you were with Jeonghan. There was guilt that riddled your heart and mind because you are in a relationship. You couldn’t understand the feelings you were experiencing and you couldn’t bring yourself to burden your boyfriend with them when he wasn’t in town to have an actual, adult conversation about it.
Though…last night when Joshua took you home after the dorkiest picnic you’ve ever experienced, you knew you were absolutely fucked. 
“ Did you have fun?” He asked, resting his arm over your shoulder as he walked to your door. “It wasn’t a whole lot but it's always nice to just sit, eat, and talk with you. It’s been my favorite part of the last few days.” His words were sweet, laced with flirtation. 
There were…butterflies in your stomach.  
“It was nice, Shua. I never had a picnic where I could sit and simply watch the sunset between the good food and the company.” Answering honestly, pulling out your keys to unlock the door as the two of you stopped before it. 
“I’ve really enjoyed the time we’ve spent together.” Removing his arm from your shoulder, Joshua leaned himself against the door frame, watching as you unlocked the deadbolt and the knob. “It’s been very refreshing in comparison to work.” 
Lifting your gaze to his face, you took an unexpected deep breath in. 
Soft, longing eyes were staring back at you. His head was leaned up against the frame, little to no tension in his shoulders and jaw. Hell there was a faint smile tugging at the edges of his lips that sent your stomach into summersaults. 
“You should get inside, Mouse.” 
“Huh- Yeah- yeah, I will.” You don’t know what possessed you but you stepped closer to his, placing a hand on one of his cheeks while you gave a feather-like kiss to the other. “Have a goodnight, Shua.” 
“He has been nothing short of a gentleman as he likes to flaunt.” You swallowed down the anxiety and guilt. “Hey, let me get off the phone, your room is a mess and I want to clean up a little since I’m staying the night here.” 
“ Sorry about that~ I was in a rush.” 
Rolling your eyes, you smiled. “I know, I’ll call you tomorrow, okay? Promise.” 
“I know you will. Have a good night, love.” 
“Goodnight, Hannie.” 
When the call disconnected, you sighed, running your hands over your face. 
“It’s fine, everything is fine, you only kissed Joshua’s cheek, you have kissed some of the other guys cheeks before too.” Trying to reassure yourself, maybe even justify some of it to ease your mental suffering, you sat on the edge of Jeonghan’s bed. “As long as you keep to yourself and not do anything else, you’ll be fine. You can talk to Han when he gets back and figure everything out and explain that it meant nothing.” 
“What meant nothing?” Minghao’s voice at the now open door had you yelling out before tossing a throw pillow at him. 
“Sound, Hao! Make sound when you move! You and Junhui make no sound!” 
Ignoring the pillow, he stepped over it and shuffled in, sitting himself beside you on the bed. “I knocked.” 
“Then you just opened the door?” 
“Force of habit.” He turned his face to glance at you, leaning back on his hands. “And I wanna ask again; What meant nothing?”
Letting out a sigh, you bounced your leg, shrugging. “I don’t really wanna talk about it right now. It’s complicated and I want to handle it on my own first.” 
“Does it have to do with someone at work? Do you need help?” 
“No- It’s personal. Nothing to concern yourself over.” 
“Mm.” Minghao hummed, leaning his head back. “Are you hungry? Mingyu is making a taco spread.” 
That was the one thing about Minghao you loved, he knew when not to press issues. 
“You know what? I’m absolutely starving.” 
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You really needed to stop Seokmin from helping with your outfits. 
He said for the club you needed to look sexy, show a little, give a lot – whatever that meant –, but still be at least somewhat comfortable. The previous day before heading to the house, Seokmin had a field day in your closet, sorting through possible clothing combinations while you gathered other items. 
“He is so lucky I like this dress.” You grumbled, pulling the outfit out of your bag, along with the shoes and pouch of accessories. 
Seokmin’s choice for the night was a signature little black dress you ordered online a couple weeks back. The base was a short, asymmetrical hemmed, mid-thigh length dress. The bodice had a deep v-cut and and spaghetti straps, covered in a thin black mesh with sleeves that reached your wrists. You agreed to pair it with strappy black block heeled shoes as long as he agreed to handle your change of shoes as a precaution. The jewelry you picked was dainty and silver, much like the first time you went to Ruby. For makeup and hair were minimal. Just enough to cover blemishes and tame any hair that didn’t want to cooperate. Nothing too crazy. 
The final step was the black spandex so you weren’t surprising yourself or anyone else with a nice show of your barely covered ass in the underwear you had to wear for the dress. 
Stepping into the living room, Seokmin, Seungcheol, Minghao, and Joshua were waiting, all chatting about something quietly. 
“Alright boys, let me get drunk and sleep it off until Monday.” 
“Ohh~ Look at you, hotshot!” Seokmin had a shimmy to his step as he walked over, taking your hand and spinning you around. “Gorgeous, I want a picture of you. Gotta send it to Jeonghan.” 
You laughed, giving him a pose with a peace sign, kicking your foot up some. “Thank you, thank you. I have you to thanks for the outfit~” 
“No one will be able to take their eyes off you.” 
“Easy with the compliments.” Seungcheol snorted, rolling his eyes. “She already has a big enough ego.” 
Setting your eyes on the leader, you narrowed your eyes, taking in the half undone black button up and black slacks. For once he had his hair down, messy and in his face. 
“Says the man that nearly preens when someone compliments or praises him. Have a kink for that or are you just a bottom?” 
“Bottom? Would you like to find out?” 
Opening your mouth to reply, Joshua stepped in, holding his hands up between the two of you. “Easy now, Jeonghan isn’t here to handle your fights and I don’t want to.” He was dressed similarly to Seungcheol, the only difference was his hair pushed back from his face and the sleeves of his gray button up were rolled up to his elbows. 
Ignoring Seungcheol’s narrow eyed glare, you stepped towards the door, feeling a hand land on your lower back and an arm over your shoulder. 
“Let’s get out of here.” Seokmin said from your right, pulling you close by your shoulder while Joshua was a quiet force guiding you by the back.
Unlike last time, you entered in through the back door and slid right up to the VIP area. You had practically fallen into Mingyu’s hug when he called out to you from one of the couches, having missed spending time together since he had been busy. Vernon, unlike most nights from what you have heard, was lounging with Seungkwan on another couch, both with a drink in hand. 
Wonwoo came up from the stairs and sat beside Mingyu. Seungcheol and Joshua were standing near the overhang, looking down at the randoms on the dance floor as they danced. Minghao and Junhui sat at a high table. You did see Jihoon and Chan downstairs behind the bar when Seokmin split off to get drinks. Mingyu was able to tell you that Soonyoung was downstairs on the floor, letting loose. 
It took the first drink that Seokmin got you – a concoction Jihoon threw together for fun from what he said – before you were heading downstairs to find Soonyoung. The DJ tonight was good, whoever they were could mix a beat well and hype a crowd but you had a bias, Vernon mixed better. Soonyoung was drunk when you found him but he was upright and energetic, taking you by the hands to dance with you. 
“Ohh, you have eyes on you~” Soonyoung snickered, flicking his eyes up towards the balcony before meeting your gaze. “They have been for a while, Mousy~” 
Curiously, you peeked up only meeting the solo dark, heavy gaze of Joshua. Leaning over the balcony, a tight grip on the short glass cup in his hand, he stared down at you, expression unreadable. His head was cocked to the side and he raised a brow when he noticed your eyes on him. 
“Mousy Mouse~” Soonyoung grabbed your attention back and a lopsided smirk spread on his face. “Is there something you're not telling me~?” 
“Me? No.” You rolled your eyes, patting his cheek. “Let’s get you some water so you don’t hate everything tomorrow, lightweight.” 
One stop for water from Jihoon for both of you and a trip upstairs later had Soonyoung drunk rambling to Seungkwan and Vernon who took pity on him. You absolutely avoided Joshua on your way back downstairs, feeling his eyes following you the entire time you moved about the VIP area and down the stairs. You slid up to the edge of the bar with ease, signaling to Jihoon and Chan to focus on other patrons while you took a moment. Letting your eyes scan the bar, you took note of groups of girls and guys, loud chatter mixing with the music with the bass vibrating the floor. 
There was a bad feeling in the pit of your stomach. It raised bile to burn the back of your throat but you didn’t know what was messing with you. 
“You want something now?” Jihoon asked, crossing his arms and resting them on the bar in front of you. “What's with the face?” 
“Just a vibe, can’t really figure out what it is, probably nothing. My gut instincts aren't the best.” Giving him a shrug, you matched his posture. “Can you get me another one of those concoctions?” 
“Can do,” He motioned for you to come closer and you leaned over the counter, letting him whisper in your ear. “Get Shua, we need an extra pair of hands down here. I’ll have the drink ready when you get back so no one touches it.” 
Then he was off and you made quick work of the stairs when the guard let you through. 
“Shua,” Still standing at the balcony, now with his back to the crowd, speaking with Mingyu, Joshua turned his attention to you. “Hoon needs you behind the bar.” 
“Mm,” He patted a hand on Mingyu’s shoulder before following you down, dropping his empty glass in the dishwasher rack when he got behind the bar, washing his hands quickly. 
Jihoon only took a few minutes to place a bright red colored drink in front of you, snickering at your raised brow. “I call it the Mouse Special.” 
“So original, how many shots?” 
“Take a sip and find out.” He winked and walked off, falling into rhythm with Chan and Joshua once more. 
You stood and watched, instantly cringing at the first sip of the strong drink. There was a lot in there, way more than you expected, but you were glad you ate earlier and had the water not that long ago. The three moved well around one another, having already seen Jihoon and Chan work, but seeing Joshua work behind the bar, the calm in the chaos that was his friends was compelling. 
He worked through customers with ease, making idle conversation as he made a show of pouring shots and drinks, maybe even flirting some to get better tips from the woman that ordered. There was a knot in your stomach forming alongside the unexplained nausea. 
Why the hell was he flirting with- 
Nope, do not finish that thought. You told yourself, quickly drinking down the cocktail Jihoon had provided. Shut yourself up, drink your drink, and get back on the floor. 
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You don’t know how you caught it, but you did. 
Swaying to the music at the edge of the crowd, people-watching between the bar and the dance floor, you caught someone slipping something into a woman's drink. Chan, Jihoon, and Joshua all were near a crowd for a bachelorette group on the middle to far side of the bar, not fully focused on where the dickbag was. The woman in question was in a heated conversation with who you assumed were her friends, smiling bright with her eyes nowhere near her drink. 
You were moving before you comprehended it and slid up to the bar, fitting yourself between where she was and where the guy was standing. 
Making a show of leaning over the bar to gaze down at the boys before ‘noticing’ the drink in front of you, you played up intoxication and smiled wide. 
“Oh, is this yours?” You pointed to the drink – a colorful tropic one from what you could determine from the coconut smell – then to the man. “A Rum Punch?” 
He seemed startled by your sudden outburst, loud over the music so you could hear him. “Uh- Yeah.” Whoever this idiot was, he probably never had to deal with much hassle in his plans. 
“Do you like it? You drank some of it! The guys here make amazing drinks!” You picked up the glass and handed it over to him, pushing out a fake, obnoxious giggle. 
“I- No. I’m good, I’m going to take my drink slow.” He leaned away from you but you continued to push the drink closer to him. 
“Not even another sip? You are gonna let your drink get warm? It’s already starting to feel like it…” Faking a pout, you glanced between him and the drink.  
He leaned away more, ready to take a step back, but you took the time to strike. You giggled like the stereotypical drunk girl in the movies, about to say something, before accidentally pouring the drink all down the front of his shirt when you accidentally stumbled. Asshole yelled out in surprise, jumping away and staring down in disbelief at the mess you caused. 
“Oh my god!” You shouted, reaching over the bar to grab a handful of napkins. One look down the bar had all three of their eyes on you but Joshua was approaching quickly. “Let me help you with that, I’m so fucking clumsy sometimes-” You dabbed the front of his shirt, muttering apologies before grabbing his shirt and pulling until you were nearly touching noses.
Dropping the act quickly, you narrowed your eyes and set your jaw. “Listen to me and listen to me well, asshole. You aren’t as fucking slick as you think you are. If I ever see you back here again, I’ll string you by your balls and hang you outside as a warning for all the scumbags like you that try and step foot in here, do you understand?” 
“Who the fuck-” 
You don’t know what came over you, there was an untamed anger that had you grabbing him by the throat and squeezing hard. “I asked, do you understand? ” Beneath your hand, you could feel him swallow, taking in a strained breath that you were cutting off. 
“Y-Yes.” He barely managed to get the word out. 
“And if you ever try to slip anyone something in their drink ever again, I’ll make sure you never see the light of day again.” 
You kept the hand on his throat while you dug into his pocket and pulled out his wallet, tossing it on the counter. Once he gave a nod, terror behind his eyes, you released your grip and pushed him back before he was running out of there with his tail between his legs. 
Taking a deep breath, calming some of the rage that was built up inside of you, you turned back to the bar, opening the wallet and taking the ID out. Your hands were shaking as you closed the wallet and pushed it towards him. “I need to talk to Cheol. It’s a small mess on the floor over here.” 
Leaving Joshua in your wake without any explanation, you took the stairs two at a time and clocked Seungcheol sitting with Mingyu and Wonwoo. Stepping up, you sat on the ottoman before the three of them, clearing your throat, interrupting the conversation.
“I need you to do something.” 
Seungcheol frowned, turning to say something but stopped when he saw your tremoring hands in your lap. 
“What happened-” Mingyu leaned towards you but you held up the ID between two fingers. 
“I saw him spiking someone's drink. I handled that part. I need you to handle the rest.” 
Cheol looked taken aback, shaking his head in confusion. “Handled- What did you do, Mouse?” 
“Probably something stupid.” Wonwoo took the ID from your hand as you spoke, taking in another deep breath and forcing it out. “Don’t let him do it again, please.” 
Their leader stayed silent for a moment, keeping his eyes set on you as Wonwoo pulled out his phone and made quick work on the screen. “We’ll handle it.”
“Thank you.” 
You stood up, making your way downstairs to the bathroom, and locking yourself in one of the stalls to shake the still present fury and anxiety. 
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“What happened?” Joshua was pulled aside by Seungcheol the moment he stepped foot upstairs when Jihoon didn’t need him anymore. 
“Where is she?” 
“Still in the bathroom last I checked, I have someone in the hallway by the door just in case. Answer my question, man, what happened?” 
Joshua was trying to wrap his head around what he saw. 
He had his attention on the bachelorette party when he heard yelling further down the bar followed by Mouse’s voice in a similar shout. There wasn’t…fear in her eyes when he caught her reaching over the counter for napkins, rather something dark, anger if he could think of a simple word off the top of his head. 
Joshua got there when she was already in the guy’s face and her threat to him even had a shiver running down his own spine. 
“ Listen to me and listen to me well, asshole. You aren’t as fucking slick as you think you are. If I ever see you back here again, I’ll string you by your balls and hang you outside as a warning for all the scumbags like you that try and step foot in here, do you understand?”
Then Mouse choking him? Where the hell did that fury come from? 
“Then she went off saying she needed to talk to you. I was going to ask Wonwoo to get the camera feed pulled up and see what all happened because she didn’t say anything to me.”  
“Already ahead of you.” Wonwoo stepped forward, turning his phone screen to show that the man did spike the drink and Mouse was forcing the drink towards him until dumping it down his front. 
“Did she-” 
“Choke him? Yeah.” Wonwoo turned the phone back, pulling up another camera feed to see where she was previously. “My guess she saw him from where she was on the edge of the dance floor while looking around and not two seconds later she was in his face and threatening him.” 
“She definitely scared him off.” 
“I have someone dealing with the guy.” Mingyu slid into the conversation, coming out of the office just down the hall. 
The thought of someone almost getting drugged in Ruby made him sick. That was one of the drug types they all agreed to never deal with, nothing that could aid with the rising issues with assault on anyone at bars and clubs. 
“Where’s Mouse? Why are you huddled up?” Seokmin’s voice had Joshua’s blood running cold and even Seungcheol didn’t look the best. 
“Is Sona here?” Joshua ignored the questions. 
“Back entrance still.” 
“I’m going to have her get Mouse.” 
“Get Mouse-? Hey, don’t ignore me!” 
Joshua was down the stairs and out the backdoor to find Sona. Luckily she wasn’t far and her concern was hidden behind a raised brow. “Sir?” 
“I’ll explain later but can you get Mouse out of the bathroom and bring her upstairs?”
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someforeignband · 23 days
WIP Wednesday 🪽
why do one when we can have both,,,, :) !! tw: im soft launching some destiel under the cut lmaooo this work is meant to be a sort of dean winchester character study. (non-magic/non-supernatural AU, canon divergence, human Castiel, rural midwest setting)
this is from my small wip I Can’t Let Go (When Something’s Broken) — you can listen to the song it’s based on here.
“He can’t help it— that he lost his mind,” she’d said, like it was all supposed to make sense, like it was supposed to just explain everything. 
It didn’t feel like it explained anything. 
Everything had been a lie. The last eighteen years had been some big, huge, fucking lie.
And, Dean supposes that’s just how it is. The gag is that there isn’t some kind of man behind the curtain. There’s no invisible man. There’s no thing that goes bump in the night. It was all a lie. A delusion. 
It’s all that sad sort of twisted thing that makes the heap of dirty clothes piled up on your desk chair in the corner of your bedroom look like a burglar. 
But, the sun rose.
And now, Dean had to deal with the reality that it was just a pile of laundry on a desk chair. 
The burglar doesn’t exist. 
It’s just a fucking pile of clothes on a chair. 
Dean couldn’t stop thinking about the look on his Nonna’s face when she’d told him, told him about Dad and how he and Sam would have to pack up their clothes and move in. 
And yeah, now he’s laying in a bed with a real mattress and it’s so comfortable, but he still has his fucking shoes on. It’s three meals a day, and it’s starting Senior year in Schuyler, Nebraska with a roof over his head. It’s not having to load a gun and shove it deep in the bottom of your backpack. It’s not turning over your shoulder every three seconds. It’s getting to worry about making friends for the first time, knowing you’re staying put. It’s a hand-knitted blanket, and getting to wear sneakers, not worrying about wearing the tread off of the bottom. 
It was all a pile of laundry. 
Eighteen years for a pile of dirty laundry on a desk chair. 
The box spring in the attic squeaks a lot. It’s weird sleeping without Sam in the room. Most nights thus far, he’s sort of just lied awake and stared at the ceiling. Sometimes, he still forgets to take his shoes off when he gets into bed. 
Force of habit. 
Quietly, even though he doesn’t have to be anymore, Dean toes off his shoes. They’re new and they sort of hurt his ankles, they’re not quite broken in yet. 
“We couldn’t wait to get you both back,” Pap had said when he smoothed Sam’s hair back, kissing his forehead like he was 4 and not 14. He’d kissed Dean’s forehead, too. But, it was forced, Dean knew it. 
His head is so shiny and bald, Dean chuckles quietly to himself, trying to shake off the memory. He doesn’t have to be quiet. Doesn’t have to be careful, or vigilant, or alert. 
The shoes he kicked off hit the floor with a loud thud. Dean can’t help but cringe, the ghost of his breath crawling up and dying in his throat. Quickly, he sucks in air again. He had to break that. 
His socked feet wiggle around under the flannel sheets. It got cold at night here, even in September. Turning on his side, he reluctantly closes his eyes, trying to will sleep to come. 
Sam seemed to be adjusting fine, which Dean was grateful for. He wanted his little brother to be happy. 
“You look so much like your mother, Dean,” Nonna had made a passing comment that night at dinner. It knocked around in Dean’s mind as he lay there, trying to sleep. 
And it was funny, the scariest part of everything wasn’t that it was all a lie. Well—that was a little frightening. But, it was more than that. 
If there wasn’t some boogeyman waiting to jump out after the pair of them, then Dean supposed there wasn’t somebody out there just waiting to save them, either. 
In the corner of his room, his duffel was open, clothes strewn about, piled tall and disorganized on a folding chair which probably once belonged to a desk.
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Stray Kids Scenario - I Thought You Hated Me? ~ Seo Changbin
Post Date: 29th January 2023 Content: Smut/ Angst/ Fluff - Changbin x Fem!Reader + ATEEZ’ Wooyoung Word Count: 6.6K TW?: Non Idol!Au/ Enemies to lovers/ Fake dating/ Brother’s best friend/ First Time/ Mentions of a toxic relationship/ Corruption Kink/ Slight thigh riding/ Cowgirl/ Manhandling/ Marking/ Penetration (Unprotected, don’t do this)
Summary: Changbin’s ex girlfriend is getting beyond with her obessiveness and Changbin needs a get-away. What else better than for his best friend, Wooyoung, your brother, to set you up on a fake date to make Sophie back off, much what you hated the idea of. You don’t like Changbin one bit. But how long does the fake dating and hating each other last?
Scenario Mobile Masterlist                                     Prompt List
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“Oh look, your favourite person is walking this way,” Wooyoung tries to hold back a loud cackle, alerting his best friend of the presence of Changbin’s stalker... His ex-girlfriend, Sophie. 
Sophie is insane and toxic. Changbin had cut off his relationship with her because she was out of control, harmful, and controlling. It was so unhealthy, especially her obsession with him even after the breakup. She just doesn’t want to let go. She can’t get it in her head that Changbin wants nothing to do with her.
Changbin only has to turn slightly and notice the familiar face running towards him, arms out in front of her as she jumps on him, and Changbin's eyes roll to the back of his head in frustration. Trying to gently get her off him, he attempts to ignore her existence but it is proven almost impossible when she keeps trying to touch him. 
"What do you want now, Sophie?" Changbin lowly growls between gritted teeth, side-eyeing Wooyoung, in search of some help in getting her away from him. Changbin doesn't want to react too badly, considering they're standing in public outside of the gym they regularly go to, probably why Sophie knew exactly where he would be. 
"I miss you, please. I'm sorry, can we please work things out?" Sophie coos at him, pulling at the fabric on his arm, making it extremely difficult for him to contain his anger towards her.
"No. Please leave me alone," He asks as politely as he physically could, trying to refrain from any public conflict, Wooyoung seems to have no idea how to help. He just stands there giving Changbin weird looks as he switches his eyes between his friend and his crazy ex. 
But as a good best friend would, Wooyoung tries his absolute best to think of something, on the spot to try and save his best friend as Sophie is persistent and repeats herself as she starts to whine a 'please' at him. "Sophie, leave him alone. He said no". 
Sophie instantly shoots Wooyoung daggers, arms dropping to her side as she looks at Changbin, ignoring Wooyoung's existence, "But he's the love of my life, I can't let you go my handsome Binnie Boo".
Oh, how the nickname makes Changbin cringe, thinking he might've thrown up in his mouth. In further frustration, his head throws back as he tries to move away from her, "I'm not your Binnie, you're not the love of my life. Get over it". His tone is a lot harsher but she doesn't seem to care what he has to say. 
"Don't lie to me, I know you still love me!" Hitting straight with the dramatics, Sophie starts to well up, tears pooling in her eyes and this just gives Wooyoung the perfect idea. Stepping closer to Changbin, he places a hand on his shoulder, "Come on, brother. Y/N would be upset if you're late to your date with her". 
Changbin's face starts to contort out of confusion, looking at his best friend like he's just eaten the last of his favourite cake. "What? What da-" then it sinks in, "Oh yeah, I almost forgot. I shouldn't keep her waiting, don't want you hating me for making your sister upset. Let's go".
"A date? With who?" Sophie asks in disbelief, the whole thing going over her head as a tear falls down her cheek. 
Changbin turns to her slowly, placing a hand on her shoulder and forcing an apologetic face, softening his voice, "I'm sorry, Soph. Y/N, Wooyoung's sister has my heart. She's everything I've ever wanted and more. I've loved her since we were little. I guess I just didn't realise it until she stayed up with me all night after our breakup". 
Of course, that was a lie. It's all an act to get Sophie off his back. In fact, you and Changbin would much rather not know each other at all. Hate is a strong word, but you and Changbin definitely hate one another, and can't stand being in the same room. 
So the thought that that's the best cover-up Wooyoung could think of is a definite cause for him to give Wooyoung a firm talking to. 
It's a mystery why you hate each other so much, but you just can't even look eye to eye. You've hated Changbin since school, he was always trying to put on a show and make a fool of himself, and you've just never seen what's appealing about Changbin. On the contrary, Changbin thinks you're a spoilt brat, being the favourite child and you act like it too. 
"Well I hope you're happy!" Sophie cries as she runs off, leaving Wooyoung cackling as Changbin shoots him evil looks, pointing at him, "Y/N? Really?" Changbin whispers aggressively, arms wailing as his friend continues to laugh, "I'm so getting you back for that".
An hour goes by and Changbin goes back to his apartment, meeting his other friend for a game night whilst Wooyoung waltzes into your room, with a massive grin on his face. "What do you want?" You look up briefly from your book, already dreading what he's going to come out with.
"I need a favour," He whispers, partially shutting his eyes with his hand in front of him, pinching his index and thumb together, "Just a little favour".
"I'm not lying to mom and dad for you again, forget it".
"No, no. No need for that, it's not for me. Well, it is but... don't get mad..." His voice starts to get high-pitched as he sits on the edge of your bed, keeping a distance to ensure his physical safety after he tells you.
Dropping the book into your lap, your arms cross on your chest, unimpressed already. You're just waiting for him to say it.
"It's for Changbin..." He tries to say as quietly as possible.
"For who?"
"Changbin," He repeats a little louder, scratching the back of his neck as he smiles in hopes that'll help him get away with it.
It was an instant answer, the mentioning of his name makes your blood boil, and if you know your brother as well as you do, he's dobbed himself into some shit he can't get out of.
Leaning towards you with pleading hands, he whines, "Please!!", but you stick your ground, shaking your head at him as he practically lays on you, begging you. Slowly losing your patience, you snap, "What is the favour then?".
Wooyoung spaces himself away from you again, knowing you'll end up slapping him after he tells you. Almost ready on his toes just in case he needs to bolt it out of your door. Preparing himself, he looks at you, with the famous grin, "I need you to pretend to be Changbin's girlfriend... Only for a couple of weeks. Just to get her off his back".
"You're joking right?!" You yell, fists balling at you and glare at your brother, who's now on edge, waiting for the attack, "I hope she continues to bother him. What went through your mind to involve me in his issues? I don't care for him!".
There was nothing you wanted to do more than to hit him, but instead, you loosen the tightness of your fists and caress your temples, a headache forming from having to deal with your brother's antics on the regular.
"Fine... I'll do it but not for free. I need payment for you putting me through this torture," You sigh in defeat, his pleading eyes and hands giving you no other choice, and the instant return of the grin instantly makes you regret agreeing to it.
"I have 20 bucks," He quickly replies, pulling a 20 out of his pocket and handing it to you, offended when you just look at it, "50 and we can call it a deal," You add in an instant.
"Fine, I'll transfer you the 30 now".
"Thank you, you better love me for doing this. You know how much I don't like your best friend. Would rather lie to mom and dad for you," You laugh, choosing to laugh otherwise you'd cry and throw fists at him.
"Well... That's another thing-" He smiles, instantly dropping the smile when you shoot him more daggers with your eyes, "I'm joking! I promise not to ask for a favour ever again!" He backtracks himself, laughing as you snatch the 20 out of his hand, placing it in your pocket and kicking him off your bed.
A few days go by and you're sitting on your bed, head in a book when your phone starts to ring. Picking it up without looking at the caller ID, you answer it and put the phone to your ear.
"Hey," You answer, unknowing to who was actually phoning you.
After taking a deep breath and trying to remember that you've agreed to do a favour for him, Changbin replies, "Hey, Y/N. Thank you for doing me a favour. I know neither of us wants this, but I thought I'd ring you to thank you".
It was difficult for him to be civil but he really was grateful you'd do this. Of course, he knew you had a price for it but that wasn't an issue for him, even transferring Wooyoung another 50 to send to you too, just for the favour.
"Ugh, it's you, yeah. I guess. Would much rather be someone's fake girlfriend, but you've both paid me to do this so I can't complain I suppose". It was difficult for you too, but you couldn't be too mad about it like you said, you've been paid for it.
There's a moment of excruciating awkward silence before Changbin perks up again, "So... With this whole fake date thing, would you go out on a fake date with me tonight? Just to where Sophie works so she sees for herself and actually get a grip?"
It makes you cringe so badly that you have to do this but you have to say yes, you weren't doing anything else for the night, so you agree to do it, agreeing on a time and meeting place before hanging up and forcing yourself to get ready for the night.
Hearing a small knock at your door, you sluggishly walk over to open it, being welcomed by Wooyoung's smug face, "Oh, you look nice for your little date~" He sings lightly, dancing on the spot as you roll your eyes and walk away from him, going back to doing your make-up.
"Don't taunt me, I'm doing this as a favour and a favour only. Maybe I'll ask for better payment, maybe a payment per date I have to go on," You retaliate, making Wooyoung's hands fly up in defence.
Whilst you're bickering with Wooyoung, Changbin is also sluggishly getting ready, dreading the night as it could either go extremely well and Sophie is off his back for good, or either one of you will end up making it too obvious that it was just a scheme. Hoping for the prior, he walks into the kitchen, the panic of the night making him thirsty, grabbing himself a glass of water.
Minho walks into the room, leaning on the door frame and lets out a low snicker, "Well don't you look good for your date".
"Fake... Fake date. You know how much me and Y/N hate each other, I'm going to ruin Wooyoung when I have an idea what to do," Changbin bites, leaning on the countertop whilst his friend continues to laugh, "I bet 20 bucks that you'll end up together officially".
"There's no way, she's doing me a favour and that's all it is. Once Sophie gets the hint I don't love her anymore and backs off, Y/N and I can go back to our own lives. I'm hoping tonight is the only night I'll have to spend with her".
Patting his friend on the shoulder cockily, Minho passes him to grab himself a drink, "Whatever you say".
- Time Skip -
Patiently waiting at the agreed meeting spot, Changbin rocks on his heels, nerves going through him and regrets letting Wooyoung even consider this to be an option but he starts to consider how this may help sort things out between you both. 
It could potentially be a thing where Wooyoung's playing devil's advocate, unintentionally making a bad situation into something that could turn out better than expected.
However, Changbin is grateful that it's you in some kind of way and not anyone else, understanding that there's mutual feeling in this but he knows for one thing, he definitely won't be able to hate you if all goes well and the plan works. He'd be able to tolerate you, maybe even consider you as a friend but that was as far as he'd go. For now.
"Well don't you look... decent," A slight snarky comment is heard from behind him, turning to see you and without realising, a smile grows on his face and he's in awe at how good you look. 
He's never really paid attention to how you look, but you're so attractive, and he couldn't deny appreciating good looks. It must run in the family "I guess you do too".
Same for you, using the word 'decent' for him is an understatement. He looks better than decent but you weren't going to admit to yourself that he looks amazing, well kept and that smirk? You weren't going to listen to the heart in your chest that's pounding so much it could burst out of it.
"You ready to put on a show?" He distracts you from your subconscious arguing with yourself, offering his hand out as you take it, surprisingly neither of you has a major reaction to the physical touch, remembering this is just for show. Just a fake relationship.
Walking into the restaurant, you’re greeted by the person who you’re putting this whole show on for, the waitress, Sophie. The second she looks up from the desk, her heart drops. She looks for signs of a possibility but with the way Changbin pulls you closer, arm now around your shoulder as he kisses your temple, she chokes on her words. 
"Table for two, please?" Changbin politely asks, smiling as your hand rests on his on your shoulder, looking at Sophie with a smirk as you watch her crumble on the inside, maybe this will be more fun than you thought.
The physical touch and affection that you're receiving bothers you slightly but you have to admit, Changbin is a true gentleman, gentle and courteous. You couldn't complain, he wasn't saying anything or doing anything bad and just as you keep reminding yourself, this is going to be worth it. It'll all end soon.
"Of course..." She chokes, "Right this way".
You could feel the jealousy and hate towards you radiate off her and you find yourself enjoying it, really wanting to play on it as you stand next to your assigned table, making sure that she was watching you as you reach up to place a soft kiss on Changbin's cheek after he pulls your chair out for you.
"You're really getting into this," He remarks, smirking as he watches you take your seat.
Shrugging, you turn to him, "It's the perks of fake dating, plus she really hates this. I like a little drama and being a little petty sometimes". Your reply makes his eyebrow rise, his smirk growing slightly bigger as he hands you the menu.
At this moment, Changbin realises you're really all not that bad, actually considering that he might enjoy this more than he's expecting to. Maybe Minho was right to a certain extent, just not the whole dating thing.
Whilst he's scoping through the menu, you just by chance look up from yours and your eyes fall onto his face, making your heart flutter a little more as you somehow start to appreciate that he's more than just good-looking, realising that he's a genuinely good guy.
However, this starts another fight in your head, that it's just a facade purely for the intentions of why you're fake dating in the first place, but something in your mind and in your heart wants to break free to yell at you that you've thought wrong about your brother's best friend this whole time.
"Are you guys ready to order?" Sophie forces her customer service voice and a smile as she glares at you, cursing you and the ground you walk on as she awaits an answer from either one of you.
Looking at you, Changbin nods, gesturing to you to order first, "Hmm, I think I'll have the steak, medium, and a glass of wine please", You ask, putting on the fakest, softest voice you could, smiling back at Changbin who's grinning more than he has since you've met up.
"Oh, good choice, baby. I think I'll have the same, and a side of garlic bread, please?" He looks up at Sophie, writing down the order and it was clear as day that she was not happy in the slightest.
Walking away with your order, Sophie looks back over her shoulder and it's clear that there are tears in her eyes, trying to hold them back before disappearing behind the bar.
"She doesn't seem happy at all, I think it's working," Changbin scoffs behind his hands, cupped together in front of his face, the smile never going away, only growing more when you look up at him, eyes sparkling in the light.
"I think she's ready to cry, I feel kind of bad for her," You tilt your head, hand down on the table whilst the other supports your head, shoulder on the table, "But as long as she leaves you alone after this, it's a win-win".
Both of you at this moment realise that the hatred you had towards each other was seriously useless, that you hated each other on no grounds, but out of pure distaste because you just couldn't ever see eye to eye. In this moment, you realise that you're willing to get past that as your heart flutters when he looks up at you.
Unconsciously, Changbin's hand is on top of yours, caressing the back of it and you think nothing of it, maybe he's noticed that Sophie is looking but he really couldn't look anywhere else, utterly infatuated with you in silence. Only really realising what he's doing when you move your hand slightly.
This setup is the sign of bad intentions going right, and both of you struggle to even consider letting the other know that you can't really have the same feelings for each other that you had, just waiting patiently for your food in such awkward silence.
"You know what, this date... I mean fa-" Changbin gets cut off by Sophie coming over with your glasses of wine, silently putting them onto the table before walking away, now with a huge amount of attitude, not even being able to look at either of you.
"You were saying," You lightly brush up, taking the glass into your hand as you go to take a sip of the wine, Changbin's cheeks turning a light pink as he dismisses it, "Nothing, just saying that this is doing well, she's getting the hint I think".
In reality, he wanted to say he's genuinely enjoying this night for more than what it was intended for, actually enjoying your company. Not thinking much of it, you just agree with him, trying your best to ignore the fluttering of your heart when your eyes meet again.
"I still hate you," You whisper as quietly as you can, raising an eyebrow at him, getting the same in return.
Not waiting for much longer, your food comes out, being placed in front of you as you start to dig into it, making small talk about what you're both up to whilst trying to keep an eye out for Sophie's presence so you can play on the fake dating ordeal. Though she tends to keep a distance, seemingly just wanting to give you both safe and safe to say, she's realised that she has no chance of getting Changbin back.
Though you're both full, you couldn't resist eyeing up the dessert menu, thinking why not take the opportunity to make the most of the night? And oh, was the dessert so worth it? Especially for the price as well, neither of you could say no to the new waitress that comes over.
"Come here, you have something on your lip," Changbin sighs in a teasing voice, leaning across the table, grinning as his thumb gently swipes over your bottom lip, making you smirk at the warmth of his touch, your heart pacing faster than ever before.
"Thank you, Binnie," You reply, unintentionally giving him the nickname, making Changbin's heart race as he remembers, it's part of the act. But he wants nothing more than for it to be real.
In the time it took for you to order dessert, wait and receive it, Changbin's mind floods with ideas of making a first move on trying to "improve" your relationship, not wanting to be enemies anymore and if he is to listen to his heart, maybe he starts to think more of you.
You're pretty, you're kind, funny, and just amazing in his eyes and he's kicking himself that he's never noticed it before. Not that he's really had the chance to in the past, always being around Wooyoung and thinking he hated you too much to even acknowledge you.
Just as you're about to leave, Sophie calls Changbin, "Go wait outside, princess. I'll be there in a minute," He says in a soothing voice, caressing your cheek before letting you love, "What do you want Sophie? Thank you for being a great server tonight".
Taking a deep breath, she nervously looks for the words to say, fighting back tears as she struggles to look at him, "I hope you're happy with her, I want nothing more than for you to be happy. I'll love you forever, but I know I need to let you go".
"You do, and I'm happy. More than I thought I would be, she's..." He realises that there's more to the night than just the fake dating, but the way he smiles whilst thinking of you, he's smitten, "The best. I wish you the best, Sophie. There's someone out there for you," He nods to her before meeting you outside, sighing and throwing his head back, in relief.
"What did she want?" You laugh, making the first move to walk back home.
"Only that she's noticed how happy I am..." He starts, stopping himself momentarily when you turn to look at him, "With you".
Standing on the corner of the street, you couldn't help but laugh at him, but notice how serious his expression has gotten, genuine eyes with the softest smile on his face. And for a moment, you're infatuated, couldn't get your eyes off him, unknowingly getting closer to him, and kissing him.
"What are you-" He gets cut off by the sudden feeling of your lips on his, hands resting on his shoulders as his snake around your waist, slowly melting into the kiss and sighing happily.
The kiss was totally unintentional, you didn't even know why you did it, but god, did it feel good. Sophie wasn't even watching and even if you would try to use that as an excuse, you couldn't deny how you felt after you finally got out the one thing you wanted to do, just to confirm the feelings that brew inside of you.
Pulling away from the kiss slowly, Changbin's smirk was nothing like you've seen from the night, his eyes turning sultry as he looks down at you, tongue between his teeth as you panicked, removing your hands from him and walking away quickly.
Only to stop yourself, take a deep breath and come to terms with what you've just done.
"I thought you hated me," His sarcastic, teasing tone was enough to make you bite your tongue, his hands slowly returning to your waist from behind as you couldn't even look at him.
"I do".
"Sure you do, that's why you kissed me," His voice deeper and quieter, inching his head closer to your ear, "And what a good kisser you are, for someone who hates me".
Maybe it's the whole "fake-dating" thing that's gotten to you, maybe it's the pent-up rage from Wooyoung making you agree to do this for Changbin that's made you unable to think clearly, but there's one thing now, there's no way you can take that back. You kissed your brother's best friend, who you've claimed to hate for years, and now? The pent-up frustration with yourself turns into something a lot more... Sexual.
Turning around swiftly, your face is barely a centimetre away from him, almost as if he's challenging you to see if you'll kiss him again, and so you do, but this time, it turns into more of a make-out session, in perfect view if Sophie was to notice.
"I hate you," You breathe through the kiss, fighting back every urge to rip his clothes off there and then, "Sure you do," He responds cockily, pulling away before taking your hand, "Come on, you're not going home now, let's go chill at mine".
And you aren't going to say no. There's no way you could say no. Maybe you'll regret this by the end of the night, but right now, you thought you've gotten this far, how much worse could it get?
The second you get through his front door, your lips reattach, and there's no mercy in the way you kiss each other, with fiery passion as you fight with your tongues, making your way to his bedroom, completely ignoring the fact that Minho was in his bedroom.
"You still hate me now?" He cockily asks, gently laying you down on his bed before his lips attach to your neck, making you sigh heavily and pant at the feeling that sends shivers down your core and a burning sensation pools there too.
Never have you been in this type of situation, and never have you had someone touch you like this. It was your deepest, darkest secret that you've only ever gotten as far as foreplay with someone, never really finding the want or need for sex, until now.
"Wait," You quip, slight panic setting in when his hands make their way under your shirt, warm hands on your bare skin on your sides.
"I'm sorry, do you want me to stop?" He says with a pure apologetic tone, instantly retracting his hands and leaning back on his heels to give you a little bit of space.
Looking up at him, the feeling of reassurance you instantly feel when he gently caresses your thigh makes you comfortable, "I've just never done anything with anyone really," You say in an almost whisper, almost sounding apologetic, but the reassuring smile on his face couldn't be any more help than it already is.
Hearing that, it just makes Changbin's mind go wild with thoughts of him being your first, finding it to be a huge shame that you've never known what a good night really is, with a slightly smirk and a seductive tone, he leans in so his face is almost touching yours, "That's okay, I can show you how to have a good night. Only if you want it though".
He doesn't move his face, just staring at you with lustful admiration, your eyes wide and glued to his as you do as you did earlier on, randomly kiss him with your hands grabbing at his biceps, tongue swiping his bottom lip.
"Do you want to stop? You can say so if you need me to?" Changbin asks again, softer, his voice lighter as he presses another kiss to your lips.
You shake your head slowly in reply, taking a deep breath before reaching to kiss him back, with much more passion than it has been for the last few minutes, "I trust you".
Looking into your soft big eyes, there's something about your innocence and the change in attitude from you that sends him over the edge. He now wants to make it extra special as his feelings play on his mind, finding that at this moment, he's completely and utterly falling over heels for you.
A gentle gesture of his thumb caresses your cheek as you look back at him, smiling, you realise that you seriously wouldn't do this with anyone else, under any circumstances. The night going from being a fake date, hating each other to now being underneath him without any anger or hatred towards him, your heart warms at the thought that maybe you're second-guessing your hatred, maybe this night will definitely change the relationship between you both and you weren't going to fight it.
The passionate kisses turn into something heated as his hands find their way to your waist, holding you tight as there's no space left between you. Your fingers tangle in his hair as you gently pull on it with the flow of the kisses, soft pants and whimpers in between.
Ths kissing is enough to make your core pool with a burning sensation for him, and the way he smirks into the kissing, your mind is going insane.
"So you don't hate me?" He pulls away, fingers teasing at the hem of your shirt, his smirk permanent on his face as he slowly teases it up your body.
"Shut up and fuck me already," You quip, winking at him as you take control and take your shirt off instead.
The drastic change in your attitude makes him feral, his eyes turning lustful and his mind going places he never thought he'd go to, especially thinking about you. You're going to be the one he's never going to be able to let go of now.
His lips were on your lips now they were across your collar bone, making your chest rise at a quickened pace, making you pant as the gentle touch of his lips on your bare skin made their way down your chest until he reaches the top of your bra.
His hands tease around your back and within seconds, the bra is unhooked, sliding them off your body before his lips wrap around one of your nipples, making you gasp at the feeling. Tongue swiping across the sensitive nub whilst his hand caresses the other, thumb brushing over the other nipple, making you whine more.
Just above the nipple, he marks the skin, sucking and licking over the bruise as it rises to the top, leaving a dark red blotch, continuing this on as he lowers himself down your body, marking your bare skin with hickeys from your chest to just above the waistband of your trousers.
Within seconds, they're gone too, his eyes dark and sultry as he glances up at you, with a pout on your lips, face reddened by how hot it was getting in the room. but also with how good he's already making you feel.
Wanting to match with you, he gets rid of his own clothes, throwing them onto the floor haphazardly to join yours.
In the time it takes him to do this, you get the greatest idea, pushing him back onto the bed as his back hits the wall, legs lying across the bed, situating yourself onto his lap.
Though before you could even find yourself to be sitting perfectly on his lap, you land on his thigh at first. The movement of trying to correct your position, your core brushing against your thigh, you whimper. The muscles of his thigh tense purposefully, making your head throwback when you roll your hips onto him once more.
The friction of his thigh muscles tensing and releasing against your core makes you whimper and whine, his hands back onto your waist, holding it firmly, letting out a low sigh at the sight of you getting off on his thigh alone.
"Awh look at you~" He coos playfully, teasing you as he pulls you over his lap, situating you properly and laughing when you glare at him, "Awh don't tell me you hate me now".
"I hate you," You lie through your teeth, of course, you hate him for teasing you but that's about it, now you're full of lust for him, even going as far as to say admiration for him too.
You're holding yourself up, watching as he carefully lines himself up to your core, soaked from all the teasing and kissing already.
"You're on top, you're in control," He says, smirking as you look down at him, slowly lowering yourself down onto him, taking your own time and as he said, you're in control.
There was seriously no need for foreplay at this point, you needed him, and you need each other. The tip was enough to have you crying, your head throwing back once again as you push through the slight pain from the stretch and sit down, letting him completely fill you up.
"Fuck!" He hisses, feeling your tight walls tensing around him, giving yourself a moment before you make another move, getting used to the feeling, "I love a girl on top".
With his words playing with your mind, finding his lips again, you slowly start to move on his cock, lifting and lowering yourself slowly. Making you moan on his lips as he eats them happily, hands moving from your waist to your ass, holding you up and giving each cheek a good squeeze.
"You're so fucking hot, riding my dick like such a good girl," He groans through the kisses, his grip getting harsher on the flesh of your ass.
This just gives you the incentive to bounce on his cock, moans filling the room as you cry his name. Loud enough you're sure that the whole street could hear you but you couldn't care.
"Who thought you, my best friend's innocent little sister could ride a dick so good, huh?" He continues, biting his lip when you roll your hips after slamming back down on him and loudly crying on his lips. 
"Shut up," You manage to cry out, finding your head fitting in the crook of his neck, also finding this to be the perfect opportunity to mark him just as he did to you, leaving bigger and darker purple marks down his neck.
From this alone, he uses his strength, not that it was a challenge anyway to hold you up, thrusting up into you as you bite down onto his shoulder, eyes rolling to the back of your head with barely audible cries and whimpers flowing out of your mouth. Your mind goes completely numb.
"Awh look at you, baby. Taking this dick so well, your moans are so sweet," Growling in your ear, something in the way your moans sound like sweet melodies to him turns him animalistic, growling more and digging his nails into you, biting your shoulder with little nips just to make you moan more.
Though he's loving every second of you being on top, he just couldn't hold back much longer, holding you with one arm, he gets to his feet with your legs wrapped around his waist. Holding you up, with no issue at all, he lifts and lowers you down onto his cock, just to show off his strength and of course, just to see your reaction when he does it so effortlessly.
The way his tip brushes right up against the sweet spot in this position makes you wail, screaming his name louder and louder each time as the knot starts to tie and tighten with a quickened pace. Almost too quick that you're ready to come all undone over his cock any second.
Feeling that you're so close, with the pulsating sensation around his cock, he nips at your ear lobe, making a deep sigh at the pleasurable sensation, "Fuck, is my pretty girl going to cum? Cum on this cock and still claim she hates me? Huh?".
And with that, your legs shake as the pleasure hits you hard. "Changbin! Fuck-!" You scream repetitively, holding onto his shoulders with everything you have as you tighten your grip around him, only bringing his own orgasm closer.
"That's it baby, you're okay," He reassures softly, lowering you down onto his cock, just letting it sit inside of you as you catch your breath and come to your senses, gently being placed back on the bed.
His finger traces your hairline, gently placing the stray hair behind your ear with gentle rocking motions with his hips meeting yours.
"I... don't hate... you," You sigh through your pants, smiling before another moan escapes your lips when his hips rock into you a little harsher, "Fuck!".
"I know you don't, princess," He huffs through another pleasure hit, the urge to cum getting harder to avoid, pulling out and hot strings of his cum covering your abdomen, the both of you taking in a deep breath as his cock twitches in his hands.
Sitting back on his heels, he just looks at your fucked out state, eyes fluttering, warm and a sheer layer of sweat coats both of your bodies.
Letting you lay there, he rushes to the bathroom, coming back with a warm wet cloth to clean you up, being ever so gentle with you. Even going as far as grabbing you one of his t-shirts and a pair of his boxers, putting them on you so you didn't have to move.
"It's okay, don't move. I'll take care of you," He softly speaks, peppering the tip of your nose with kisses as he pulls down his shirt down your torso, shortly after getting himself into some clothes too, joining you in the bed and pulling you in close to him.
"Why are you being so nice to me?" You choke, finally back to reality, looking up at him as you're rested in his arms and against his chest.
"Because I can't bring myself to hate you, my heart won't allow it. I know today was meant to be a case of getting Sophie off my back, but I never thought I'd end up falling for you as I have," He whispers, head above yours, fingers tracing circles on your bare thigh.
"It's been a good day, I never thought I'd enjoy it as much as I have... Wait..." You completely didn't realise what he said as you try to continue on from the conversation of the fake date plan, the realisation hits you and you're wide-eyed.
"You... Like me?" You quickly add, turning to face him completely, and being greeted with the softest, sweetest smile, eyes pure with admiration.
"No... I hate you~" He teases, rolling his eyes jokingly before placing another kiss on your forehead, "I don't hate you, I wouldn't have let you kiss me if I hated you that much".
"Well, I still hate you," You poke your tongue out at him, giggling as he rolls his eyes again. Bursting out into laughter when he starts to tickle you, "No! Please," You squeal.
You try to get out of his grasp, "Okay, okay! I'll be honest, I'm glad Wooyoung unintentionally set us up. I don't hate you either, I think being in the restaurant and seeing how nice you actually are, made me realise that I've always needed someone... Like you".
"Now that's a conversation we have to have... with Wooyoung. I don't think he's going to be very happy that his plan worked but not to what he thought it would," Changbin breathed in, side-eyeing you before you both crack with laughter.
But that will be a conversation for another time, now you just wanted to enjoy each other's company. Now there's no hate in the way, you realise after a long night, you don't think you could be without each other.
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Taglist: @hipster-shiz, @ateezreactionsandscenarios, @whatudowhennooneseesyou, @bellscamander
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Childe, Scaramouche and Kazuha(separately) X Reader where they are somehow forced to kill them in a very uh... dark way which is basically to make it look like suicide, Cut open both their arms and let them bleed out.. and if you want how they would save you after(Like already bleeding but the people forcing them to do it are gone) or react to your death.
I know its fucked up but I just have a thing for angst I'm sorry
One whumpy-angsty fic, coming right up.
TW: Suicide, assisted suicide, swearing in Scara's part, blood, violence, strangulation, errors in writing (hopefully none, but I'm putting this here just to be sure).
A/N: Thank you for my first request. I hope it's to your liking, or at least satisfaction! :>
A/N v. 2: Heitai means 'soldiers' in Japanese. Kazuha's part is worse than the rest, as I don't really feel his character. Also, Childe may be a bit ooc.
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There was no chaos, no state of high alert after Pantalone was found dead. Nothing, besides tense radio silence. 
Just hours after you finished your meeting with him the scene was discovered by one of the maids. No mess of documents, broken furniture, or any signs of struggle for that matter. He was found slumped against one of his bookshelves, bright blood soaking the exquisite floorboards. Only a single, precise slice at his throat was discovered, leading to the conclusion that he was assassinated. Yet no signs of forced entry were sighted. His killer must have entered through the front of the headquarters, unbothered by guards, and made their way up to the office itself. They had to leave the same way as well. Either the killer is a master of disguise, or someone from the inside. 
You know well who is the culprit. The HQ is aware just as much. If the trail of dead skirmishers and diplomats wasn't obvious enough, the stolen intel considering the Harbinger's current locations sure is. The Eleven know for sure, but making the figure of a lone, masked avenger public would stir up unrest among the common soldiers and citizens. 
You saw the soft knock at your door coming from a mile away. But what you didn't expect was your best friend's face in the doorway. 
You look up from your paperwork, a sad smile decorating your face. Childe returns the gesture, but it quickly turns back into a slight frown. Before he closes the door, you catch a glimpse of a Fatui agent in full gear behind him. 
You stare at each other for a while. The silence between you is somewhat comforting. 
"I know why you're here." You say, rising up from your armchair. 
He stays quiet, looking away from you. He seems pensive. "I'm sorry."
"It's none of your fault, Ajax." You place a hand on his shoulder. "Fate has decided."
He looks you in the eye. You can clearly see the conflict on his face. 
"What are my options?", you ask. 
He sighs. 
"They gave you two. One, you'll be officially tried for Pantalone's murder. Command will strip your honors, and hang you in a public display. Your family will be sent to a penal colony for assisting a criminal. Or the second choice." 
He stretches out his arm. In his open palm lies a transparent container, filled with a white substance. 
" What will happen to my family then?" You ask, taking it from his hand. He moves to take it back, but stops himself. You twirl the capsule in your hand, watching the potassium cyanide fly around. 
"They will be safe. You will also be buried with full military honors. Officially, they'll say you killed yourself."
You can't hold back a chuckle. The Illusion of choice. 
You sit down back at the desk. Breathe in, breathe out. So that's how it feels to be a scapegoat, huh? With one quick move you place the capsule in and bite down. As the foul, bitter taste hits your tongue, you cringe. You have to cover your mouth to keep yourself from throwing up. Childe looks on, unsure of what to do or say. As the poison starts to take effect, your breathing becomes erratic.
You can't draw in a full breath, and that's when the realisation finally hits you. 
You are going to die. 
Tartaglia rushes to your side when you fail to get up, gasping for air like a fish removed from the water. Your hands fly around, looking for something to hold onto as you hyperventilate. 
You are going to die. You are going to die. You are going to die you are going to die you are goingtodieyouaregoingtodie-
"Hey hey hey, hey. Look at me. Please." Childe whispers as your fingers pry into his shoulders, hard enough to draw blood. "Just… J-just listen to my voice, alright?" 
You barely hear him. His face blurs in your teary eyes, becoming an unrecognizable mess of pink, red and orange. You manage to nod. 
"Tired." That's all you can force out. How pathetic. It's your last coherent thought. You don't fight back the heaviness of your eyelids, letting them close for the final time. 
With nothing to control your body, the grip on his shoulder grows weaker and weaker each second. The lungs slow down, soon leaving your chest completely still. In his arms holds you your dearest friend and murderer, Ajax. He feels how limp, how unmoving and just how dead your figure is. 
Childe would never cry - he despises weakness after all. But Ajax won't try to stop the tears from staining his cheeks. Nothing matters in his mind as he holds your ever colder body for minutes on end. 
His voice comes out shaky and hushed. 
"Sleep well, Y/N."
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"So how will it be, Kunikuzushi?" 
The Wanderer growls at the puppet in response, looking up at her with pure hatred in his eyes. The soldier presses his boot down on the captive's back, forcing him even lower to the ground. A spear's tip is placed at his throat. 
"It's either you both or only them." The Shogun points at you, face forced right against the dirt by another soldier's boot. Scaramouche gives no response, choosing to murder Ei with his hateful look instead. She hums, displeased, motioning to one of her men. He lifts his spear to his shoulder and strikes it down. 
"Wait! Wait! I… I'll do it. Just get your filthy hands away from them!" 
The spear halts a hair’s breadth from you.His struggles grow more intense and desperate. The mortal soldier fails to keep him down, and Scaramouche returns to kneeling. 
"A wise choice." She nods, and her underling moves away. Your throat is unharmed, at least for now. "However, since you dared to keep me waiting, the method is mine to choose." 
"YOU FUCKING BITCH!" He suddenly screams, losing his composure. He thrashes around, feeling the familiar, soul crushing type of anger he hasn't felt in years.
"SILENCE!" Ei's commanding tone strikes everything around her like lightning itself. Even her men flinch. In a swift movement, she retrieves the Musou no Hitotachi, and places it millimeters away from your neck. "May I remind you - I can always change my mind, filth."
Scaramouche feels the bindings on his wrists loosen. Two heitai force him to his feet. You too are lifted, but still bound with hands behind your back. Both of you are shoved forward. Your friend keeps his balance, but you land on the wet grass, face first. As you struggle to get back up, a piece of rope is thrown between you and him. 
“Proceed.” Ei crosses her arms, and looks on as Kunikuzushi eyes the object. He hesitates for a moment, looking at your bound and defenseless form. With a growl, he picks up the tool, and charges you. After tackling you to the ground, he wraps the rope around your neck and sits you up. Standing behind you, he pulls the rope into your throat.
It bites down into the sensitive skin, closing your airways. The sheer force of the movement makes you gasp in surprise. The pain is growing rapidly. You start kicking up your legs in a desperate attempt to escape his clutches. In response he pulls harder, knuckles becoming white with how hard he grips the hemp. Various moans, gasps and gurgles fall out of your lips, as more and more black spots appear in your vision. The lack of oxygen quickly gets to you, and after just a few seconds of strangulation your consciousness leaves you.
Scaramouche holds the rope down, tears appearing in his eyes. He can’t stand the gargles, the gasps. They make him feel sick. Sick with himself, sick with this entire scenario he got himself into. After a few agonising seconds, your kicking ceases, and your body falls limp on his leg. Kuni keeps strangling you for a while longer, until finally letting you go. Your frame plops down to the ground, still. 
Everything around him is quiet. Only Ei’s voice breaks the tension.
“Well done. Now, throw them off the edge.” She motions to a nearby steep bank. 
“Why?” is all the man can ask, too weak to bite back once more.
“Prove to me they are dead, my general.”
Without a word, he lifts you up in his arms. He carries you, bridal style, to the rocky edge. As he approaches the brink, he feels you move in his arms. Your chest rises up, and falls down again.
To say Scaramouche was happy would be the understatement of the century.
He stops dead in his tracks, whispering thanks to the gods above, forgetting his disdain for them in the moment. But soon his joy gives way to panic. What now? The Shogun is still watching him, he made a deal, is there a way out of here, what to do?
“What’s the problem, general? Are you having second thoughts about our agreement?” 
“N-no.” Scaramouche tries his best to sound as broken as possible. He quickly runs up to the edge, and throws you down.
He stumbles back theatrically, falling to his knees. He doesn’t look back at the soldiers.
“You have made a wise decision indeed, puppet.” Ei says, more to herself than to anybody around. “I demand to see you at the Tenshukaku by nightfall. You will begin your servitude right away.”
Ei turns around to address her followers. 
“If any of you are wondering, Y/N has taken their life. Anyone stating otherwise will not live to regret it. Understood?"
“Yes, your Magnificence.” They respond as one.
“Sufficient. Leave him be for now.”
With a flash of lightning, Ei withdraws to her Plane of Euthymia. Scaramouche doesn’t stand up for a good fifteen minutes, looking as heartbroken as he is able to. His head hands low, but a mocking smile is painted on his lips. Idiots.
After rising up to his feet, he makes sure everyone is gone. After confirming that he is alone, he runs back to the cliff. A gust of wind lifts your body up high enough for him to get a hold of you. He gently puts you down. Seeing you open your eyes, he erupts into laughter.
“Stupid whore. You would expect someone of this age and ego to be good at telling the dead from the living, am I right?” His tone is spiteful, as it usually is.
“... I’m fine, thank you for asking.” You reply, coughing. Your windpipe still hurts unforgivably. “You could have eased up on that rope though, Fandango man.”
“Oh you ungrateful little worm!” He turns away, a pout decorating his lips. You chuckle at the sight of his usual assholeness.”It was necessary to do so to fool her. That old crone is not that dumb.”
“Pfft. Sure, shortie.” You move to rise up, but your mind is still hazy from passing out. Scaramouche drops his grudge after seeing you struggle, helping you by slinging your arm around his neck.
“Are you alright now?” He asks, a rare hint of genuine worry in his tone.
“Yeah, I think I am. Oh. Wait.” A sudden hit of nausea leaves your head spinning. “I think I’m gonna puke-”
Scara yelps, quickly rushing behind you. He still holds you, but keeping a reasonable distance now.
“Eek! Just not on me!”
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“Nah, that won’t happen, Kazuha.” You sigh, bumping your head against the cold, stone wall. “Do you think they would attempt a rescue mission in the middle of Inazuma City to recover the most well-guarded prisoner in this war?”
Kazuha is fiddling with his clothes, deep in thought. He rubs the uncleaned mud between his fingers, watching it crumple to the ground. “Kokomi has a plan for everything. She must be pre-”
“Listen!” You shout, even though you didn’t mean to. “Kokomi has a plan for everything, yes. But what guarantee do you have for my rescue being included in her scheme? She most likely will take on a new strategy and do a switch of personnel to reduce the impact of me spilling the beans.”
“Will you though?”
“Kazuha. They’re going to torture me until I either tell them what I know or die of my injuries.” You clench your fists. The stories you’ve heard from released captives did nothing to ease your worries. “And I don’t see myself enduring having my kneecaps removed while I’m conscious. Or pouring barrels upon barrels of filthy water down my throat.”
Your friend is silent. He is aware that this will most likely be the case.
“The intel I carry is vital. With it the Shogunate could easily send agents to kill the people I name. They would know what our plan for the next month is, where HQ members live…” You lower your arms to the floor, hands rubbing against the dust and grime of your cell. You absent-mindedly look for anything interesting. It was the third day of being here, and the boredom was getting unbearable.
Your fingers suddenly clutch something cold and hard. You lift it up to your eyes, and squint them to see what it was.
A sharp piece of rock. It must have fallen out of the wall recently. The feeling of your fingers on its sharp edge gives you an idea.
“Hey, look at this.” You show him the piece of debris, and handed it to your cell neighbor. He inspects it slowly, both with his fingers and eyes.
“Yes! We can use this against the guards. If I stab them correctly, that would create an opportunity to escape.” Kazuha smiles, and looks back at you. His expression darkens when he sees your head shake in disagreement.
“That’s not what I was thinking…” You suddenly regret telling him this in the first place.
“You’re joking, right?” He looks at you, practically begging for confirmation.
“No. As I said already, the knowledge in my hands could lose us this war. I can’t let them have it.” You say, taking the rock back by force. You’re lucky he stands right next to the bars separating you. “I have to.”
“No, you don’t, Don’t even try, alright?” His voice is clearly agitated.
He shudders as you put the edge to your wrist. You press down and try to drag it along, but the spiking pain makes you pull back. So you try again, deaf to Kazuha's pleas. After the fifth, you groan in frustration.
"Huh. Looks like I can't really bring myself to do it." You say to yourself, out loud. "I may need your help."
What. It's all Kazuha can think right now.
"Are you seriously asking me to slit your veins?" He asks with disbelief. His attempts at hiding his fear bear no fruit, as his voice comes out as hushed.
You approach the bars, and place your forehead against them.
"Kazuha, my brother. What I know can't get into their hands, else hundreds will suffer. There is no other way. Please."
"They will come for us, eventually. You just have to hold out-"
You sigh.
"Kazu, listen. Until then, if it ever happens, the purples will have the advantage. And I can't allow that. It lies in my duty to protect my people. Please, treat it as your final act of kindness."
He doesn't say anything as you place the makeshift blade in his hands. The white haired male swallows. You stretch your hands into his cell.
"F-fine." He says. "If that's your wish, I'll do it."
After placing the blade on your skin, he pauses.
"I w-will cut now. Be prepared."
And with a decisive movement, the blade splits you open. Bright red blood starts to come out of the wound. You shudder. The stinging is... annoying. Not very painful, but the sight of your own vitality seeping out is enough to make you cringe. Kazuha notices this. Seeing you hurt, especially by him, places tears in his eyes. The second cut earns him a whine from your lips.
You pull back, and so does he.
"Give... give me the rock." You huff out. It feels awkwardly... sleepy.
Kazuha returns it without question, but your arms refuse to clench around it. You back up against the wall you were originally propped up on, sliding down to a sitting position. You place your hands, now bloodied, on the freezing cobble. Your hands hurt to move. You choose to let your eyes close on their own, unwilling to extend the struggle.
"Kazu." You mumble.
"Talk to me, please." You cough, and the wounds hurt more. You whince. "I don't want to die alone. Please."
"I... Sure. Of course." He pauses, trying to find the right words for small talk with a dying man. "So... what's your favorite... plant?"
He only stopped talking after your corpse fell over.
Only silence was left in the room.
Thank you for reading!
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