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dieletztepanzerhexe · 1 year ago
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thesoundofaghost-mp3 · 6 years ago
Sal Mustela fanfiction.
So, I've noticed there are no fanfictions about Sal Mustela from Need For Speed Carbon and decided to write one of my own because he's my favorite and I've got a small (huge) crush on him.
TW: mentions of abuse, reckless driving, car race.
Sal and I have always been a good team. Winning almost every race we take part in, leaving everyone wondering how we do it. We've lost a few races, a few times because of the other contestants cheating, but this is how it is, there's no way of playing fair in illegal car races. There's also no way of proving it when it's not a huge race. Other times, we weren't on the same race.
It's only been 9 months since I took him in. Compared to Neville, who's a childhood friend, and Nikki that I've known for 5 years, he's quite new to the team and we know a lot, but surely not everything about him. I know more, as he and I are the ones who stay at the safe house the most. Now I almost only do races with him.
When I say I took him in, it's because I quite literally let him live in our safe house. I didn't know him until Nikki introduced him to me, and Neville's been trying to hide his jealousy because I don't run with him anymore, by being overly nice. Sal's told me a few times he felt he was being fishy.
I don't think I'll let Neville know I initially gave Sal a chance simply because I thought he looked cute, and he's around the same age.
You see, there's plenty of young people running races, but they're all way below us on race wins and popularity. Sal's the only one on our level. Lots of posers, like he said when my team and I came back, and it proved to be true. He's 19 and I'm 20, Nikki's 22. Neville's 27 but we get along because he has the mentality of a 15 year old.
The fact most guys only respect us when they realize we're racing too only makes it harder to find someone who isn't an asshole around women. That includes young guys, ofcourse. Sal and Neville are part of the few who don't see us as pieces of meat, although there's often random flirting between all of us, even me and Nikki. There isn't necessarily anything more to it than it being harmless fun. Sal doesn't flirt much with anyone except me though, but I think it's more because he's only more himself around me, although he's shown he can get quite mad at Neville if he starts annoying him.
He's usually nice and chill, and he's pretty funny when he's in a good mood. He's got lots of reasons to be in a bad mood usually though.
The reason he's moved in the safe house and occasionally stays over at my house if I go back there, is because he got kicked out of his parents' house at 16. So he stole his dad's car to race with and drove as far as he could, and heard about this place, and now he's been racing for 3 years around here. He's straightedge and doesn't take or drink anything, and so am I. If he wasn't, chances are he wouldn't have survived this far, judging by the other young racers around here.
Thing is, he left a sister there to be on her own with his parents. She's 2 years younger, and asked to leave with him but knowing the dangers of racing and being homeless, he decided not to take her and he's been feeling guilty about it since then. He doesn't ever tell anyone, but I've heard him cry himself to sleep a few times.
I heard him do it again yesterday night when everyone else left the safe house. I waited until I couldn't hear him anymore, meaning he was asleep, and got into his room and left him my second keys with a note telling him to come over to my house if he ever needed company.
"Hey, hello you there?" Neville was standing in front of me, waving his hand in front of my face and I looked up at him.
"You seemed lost in thoughts" he continued his phrase now that I was bakc to reality.
"I was -
"Why won't you leave her alone, Neville, give her a break, she doesn't need to always be alert if we're not racing" Sal had come in the room, and stood at the door.
He shifts on his feet and smiles slightly at me. The keys are hanging at his belt, meaning he read my note. He comes and plops down on the couch next to me, while Neville goes back to his car, tinkering as usual.
Nikki isn't here yet, but she'll be coming soon.
Sal turns to look at me and whispers a small thank you and gives me his dorky smile. My views on him have't changed at all. He's still as cute as he was 9 months ago, maybe even more now he's more comfortable around us, and me peculiarly. He shows us his goofy side as well even if he's still shy. I guess that's just him, he's shy and he'll never stop being shy most of the time. I can't complain though, as he really is one of the kindest people I know, and his shyness makes him adorable.
"By the way — he lowers down his voice when he realizes he's a little loud — could I ask you a favor? I know you're the boss -
I cut him off at the mention of boss, "Team-mate. I hate being called a boss, I'm just racing with you."
"But you pay me. And Nikki, and Neville."
"I'm aware. And I know you'd do it for free too but I refuse to let you race without having anything to win from it. Please, just call me by my name or anything but not boss okay?"
He chuckles and looks down at the space between us on the couch. "Alright, sweetheart, — he stops for a second, looks at me and realizes I'd lift my eyebrows, and starts laughing along with me, shyly hiding his - now red - face in his hands.
"I don't know why I said that — he chuckles, avoiding my gaze — but that was not what I wanted to ask you about, Lei." He pauses, as if he's struggling to look for words.
"I, uh I know you've already got a race today, with Neville, but there's this race in which — a loud thud and the noise of some tools sound from the corner in which Neville was tinkering.
"I'm fine! All fine, don't worry, it ain't nothing!" Neville shouts from behind his car.
"Let's head outside, shall we?"
Sal smirks and nods as we stand up.
As we both stand against the wall outside the abandoned hangar beside an abandoned house we personally made our safe place, or safe house, as most people would call it, Sal stays silent for a few minutes.
He seems to be thinking about something, and by the look on his face, I can tell he's thinking about his sister.
"Is it about her? What did you want to ask me? What has the race to do with her?"
He looked up into the distance.
Despite the seriousness of the situation, I can't help but think he's hot as he concentrates. I've seen this look before, at the start of a race before he starts driving. His eyes look dark and beautiful. I don't think he can really see anything around him, it's as if he's looking into the void and nothing surrounding him is visible to him.
"I found her myspace page. She wants to go to Duke uni in Durham, in North Carolina, I think. She's posted about it, and her phone number is aslo on her profile."
He turns to look at me, with glowing eyes.
"Listen if we win this race, you can keep 25000 dollars and I'll have 25000 too... I'll give it all to her. I'll contact her and tell her I can't come back but I can visit, and I'll give her all the money. I've saved up  from my pay for the extra gas, and you don't have to come if you don't want to, I'll be back as soon as I can."
He looks at the ground and shakes his head.
"If I do this, it might be my only way to make her ever forgive me for abandoning her with those assholes that are my parents. There's a lot you don't know about my family. We weren't just rebellious teenagers hating their parents or their poor family. We were -
He sighs and I put my hand on his shoulder as I feel myself tearing up slightly and fight to not let the tears stream down my face.
We were abused, you know? My dad... he..." He takes a long breath again. This time his voice cracks as he tries to say what his dad used to do to them.
"You don't have to tell me. I understand. That's where you got the scars on your back from... Right?"
He looks at me and nods. He hesitates for a minute but finally goes into a hug. We stand for a few minutes before Neville comes outside and opens his mouth before closing it again, realising he just stepped in on a private moment. We break away from each other and turn to look at him.
"Uhhh.. I was just uh.. gonna tell you I finished fixing my car, and I'm ready for the race for this afternoon."
"Alright, Neville, that's great."
Neville smiles sympathetically, nods and heads back inside.
Sal and I turn back to each other.
He tries to say something but nothing comes out and he just looks at the ground again.
"We'll win that race. If you don't, I'll win it for you and your sister. When is the race?"
He looks up at me and smiles brightly, hugging me again, although this time he backs off quickly again.
"Thank you so much, thank you so, so, much! The race is this evening at 10pm."
He proceeds to tell me the location and how many drivers there'll be, excited as a puppy seeing his owner again after a day of work.
He's adorable. I hacen't seen him like this in a while, but last time, he was in his car and I couldn't see him, only hear him shouting in my car when he managed to win a very difficult race with me. He doesn't know it, but his driving skills might even be better than mine. He's confident, but when he's down he tends to think he isn't that great of a racer even if he knows shortcuts all around and is one of the fastest drivers in the area.
"Hi guys, Neville's inside, yeah?" Nikki just arrived at the safe place.
Sal immediately started blushing and shut up, slightly embarrassed by his over-excitment.
"Yep. And so are we, now."
Nikki gives us a questioning look but heads inside with us.
Preparing ourselves for what races we've got, Nikki asked us if we had any races this evening.
Nikki looked back and forth between me and Neville who had given different answers, smiling like she'd caught me doing something secretely.
Which wasn't completely false, actually.
I glanced at Sal who was already looking at me, slightly amused by the situation.
"Don't you laugh you dork!" I playfully tossed a piece of cloth I used to clean my car with before.
He giggles while looking at me and my heart skips a beat.
"What is happening between you two?" Nikki looked at us, still smiling with a confused look in her eyes.
"We're doing a race this evening." I said, knowing Sal wouldn't really want to explain anything.
"Well that's not new, why was this a secret? Am I missing something?" Neville stepped in.
"I... Didn't choose this one, we're doing it for him."
"Can't we help? Or something?" Nikki asked, intrigued as to why they weren't invited or even talked to about this.
Sam had shyly stepped closer.
"I'd.. Rather only have Lei help me for this race. No offence to you guys, you're great racers but... this is personal."
He almost whispered the last part.
"Well I wonder why it's so personal between you two, it's almost a if this isn't about a race..." Neville says jokingly, with an undertone of immense innuendos.
"Shut up, Neville." Nikki says as she's laughing.
Sal tells me he's thankful I didn't tell them about the details, before I get into my car to race with Neville.
Seeing him this happy puts me in the best mood for a race.
                                                        - Later that same day. -
After winning this race, I head to the safe house to be there as soon as possible, to meet up with Sal. Neville barely had the time to congratulate me, but he knows the race with Sal seems important to both me and Sal, so he doesn't ind it. No matter how much shit we give him, Neville is still a good guy although he's clumsy and has a talent for saying the wrong thing at the wrong time and arriving at the worst time possible.
Either way, It was a quick race, but it's 8pm already, so I'm just dropping by the safe house to tell Sal we're going there directly, no time for a break.
I arrive at the safe house and see Sal is ready to go. I stop by his car window and open mine.
"Ready to go, champ?"
He laughs.
"I wouldn't call myself that. You're the one who just won a race."
"How did you know?"
He's taken aback by my wondering.
"I always ask Nikki or Neville if they know how good you did in your races."
He realizes how this sounds and immediately continues, not letting me answer.
"I'm not a stalker! I swear I don't stalk you when we're not racing..."
"You never ask me how the others did, or do you ask them how the others did?"
He avoids my gaze and avoids my question as well, which, in all honesty is quite amusing to me.
"I just think it's important to know how the rest of the team —
"Alright angel face, it's fine, I don't mind at all."
He blushes when I call him angel face and turns away, gripping at his steering wheel, trying not to smile.
How can he be so cute?
He keeps looking at his steering wheel for a few minutes and I keep watching him.
Eventually he turns to look at me. I don't bother making it look like I wasn't looking at him the whole time. And he definitely notices, but doesn't say a word about it.
"We should go."
I nod and we start driving to the location. It's a long drive and we arrive about 10 minutes before the race starts.
He seems both nervous and excited as he lines up behind the starting line next to my car and a Nissan Skyline GT — R 34 with a beautiful, confident woman at the wheel obviously eyeing him, to which he doesn't pay any attention to. Instead, he turns to smile brightly at me and gives me thumbs up. Over the intercom, he tells me good luck.
Sal drives with a perfect start, and I follow in his steps. Or wheels, more accurately.
A Lotus Elise effortlessly passes me by and tries to get in front of Sal, but I speed up and hit it on the back side, making it turn into the opposite direction unwittingly.
"Wow! Nice job Lei! Thanks!"
Multiple times the driver of the Lotus Elise tries to give me payback by hitting my car but without succeeding.
"Wait let me get rid of that guy!"
I barely have the time to yell out "Wait Sal what are y -
When he suddenly brakes and the other car slams on the breaks and loses control, crashing into the nearest wall.
"Go ahead, I'll catch up!"
"What the fuck Sal, that was so dangerous!"
"I know what I'm doing, just keep driving!"
I clench my jaw but keep driving without a word for most of the race.
"You be careful, Lei, I wouldn't want anything to happen to you.We've gotta win this race."
My heart starts beating faster as I know he's gonna do something I wouldn't approve of.
I look in to my rear view mirror and see him speeding up into a small alley going up on a hill, and exiting the road to jump over all of the cars, back into the racing .
I gasp and stop breathing for a few seconds. As he is mid air, for a split second I swear I can hear him say:
"Lei if I don't make it out alive of this, give the money to my sister and just know that I love you."
I scream and slam on the gas pedal as I see Sal's car land harshly on to the ground, but I can breathe again as he starts speeding up again, meaning he's alive and able to race. He crosses the finish line before anyone and shortly after him and a few other cars, I do too. I slam on the breaks and get out of my car as soon as I can, running towards him. He gets out of his car, busted lip and barely standing and I immediately embrace him in my arms, hugging him as tight as possible, tears streaming down my face.
I whisper between my sobs: "I really thought I had lost you for a few seconds you idiot!"
"I'm so sorry..."
We pull back and realise everyone is around us, cheering on Sal.
Sal looks at me in disbelief.
"We won... We won!"
"No Sal, you won." I smiled at him proudly, tears still in my eyes.
"I wouldn't have done it without you. Lei."
He pulls me into his arms again.
Surprised by the feedback, he signs autographs, smiling.
"I never thought I'd have to do this..."
"You deserve it, Sal. Besides, you'll get used to it soon."
After getting paid 50000 in cash, sirens start blaring and everyone starts panicking.
Someone screams. "The cops! Everyone fucking move!"
A cop car slams into my car I had parked in the distance.
"No! Fuck, my car!"
Before I even start heading towards my car to beat up the cop who did it, Sal pulls me away and we run to his car, and he starts speeding up as soon as I get in.
barely making the turn without crashing into the wall, Sal concentrates on the road, never slowing down until we're finally atleast 100 miles away. He pulls over to the side, after making sure we've lost the cops.
"I'm sorry about your car. It's my fault, if only I hadn't asked you to do this race, maybe I wouldn't have won but it's at the cost of you losing your car..."
He looks on the verge of tears.
"Sal, don't blame this on yourself, this is all the cops."
"Please don't fire me, don't leave me like I used to be befo -
"Sal, stop, I won't fire you, I won't leave you alone, you're still in my team, and you can keep the 25000, I've got other cars. In fact yours is beat up too, so I've got one car and you've got a second one until you've fixed this one, as soon as we get to the safe house."
"You don't have to, Lei, but thank you. But I don't want to head back right now."
"Neither do I. Call your sister, tell her we're coming tonight or tomorrow morning."
He looks at me in disbelief, but soon nods and gets out of the car, pulls out his TMobile and calls a number he wrote down.
I can barely hear what he's saying, so I can't make out if it's going well or not.
He opens the car door and plops into his seat.
He looks in a daze, confused, and I cant read anything on his face."
"She... She said she'll be waiting, and she forgives me..."
"Well, aren't you happy?"
"I am, but I thought she'd never forgive me and I could only give her the money, and leave, but it turns out she's been waiting for me to find her some day..."
He starts the car and pauses. He turns to look at me and stares at me for a few seconds, before caressing my cheek with his right hand. He smiles gently at me and puts his hands back on the steering wheel.
He smiles to himself while I put my hand on my cheek, processing what just happened. My heart is beating fast, and for a second I wonder if I'm okay. I notice I, too am smiling to myself. Sal keeps driving, this time like any other person, calmly, unlike in races, and we barely say a word except for the occasional joke.
He glances at me every now and then, making me feel a certain type of way.
At some point, the radio blasts New Found Glory's "Hold My Hand" and as he taps my hand twice gently and tells me he likes this song when I turn my head to look at him, I feel there's more to it, but I don't mention it.
After more than 2 hours of driving, we finally arrive. There's a beautiful younger girl standing in front of a tall building.
"That's her. Oh my god she's grown so much..."
"Let's go, don't let her stand there any longer."
We take off our seatbelts and the girl keeps standing. She seems to be unable to move, most likely because she's so nervous to meet her brother again. "Alice..."
She couldn't speak, but when he got closer to her, she immediately hugged him.
"Bro where have you been! You missed my coming out!"
"I — what?"
"I live with my girlfriend in a flat up there." She points at the building behind her.
"Oh, okay, well that's cool! How did mom and dad react to that?"
"Well, it seems they've got a thing for kicking out their own kids. As soon as I told them I was bi, which I'm not by the way, I'm not attracted to guys, but I thought I was back then, they told me to find another place to stay at because "all my stuff would be put out the door by next week"..."
"Oh... That was even more unnecessary than it was to kick me out..."
"Is that your girlfriend? She's the girl you told me was coming right?"
Sal turned to me, blushing, not knowing what to say. I smiled and answered for him.
"I guess that's the easiest way to explain it." I winked at Sal and he turned away, smiling slightly and blushing more than ever.
"Do you guys wanna come in? It's kind of cold outside."
We follow her inside and take the lift to get to their appartment.
"It's not much, but it's our appartment" she says as she shows us the livingroom with an open kitchen.
"Oh Amy, there you are, here's my brother, Sal and his girlfriend, — she paused and looked at me questioningly, to which I answered my name — Lei. Sal, my girlfriend, Amy."
Every time she mentioned I was apparently his "girlfriend", Sal became redder than the lamp next to him.
"So they took it well huh? That you're a lesbian?" Amy asked.
"Surely not like my parents." we all laughed and everyone proceeded to tell eachother what we'd been doing, where we had been, etc.
After catching up, Sal handed Alice a stack of money, telling her to take it.
"What? I can't just take that much money from you, Sal, you're not rich, I can't just take 25000 from you!"
I realize he hasn't told her about the money before. He only told her about visiting.
But Sal tells her he won the race for her and he still has money and a place to sleep at and she, with reluctance accepts the money.
We say goodbye after staying multiple hours, and they ask us to stay and sleep here as they're going to sleep too, but with the excuse of the adrenaline due to today's events to not sleep, Sal and I take off in his car, going even further in the opposite direction of the safe house.
We have no races tomorrow and a day off wouldn't hurt. We evnetually stop in the middle of deserted country roads, parking on the side and getting out of the car. Sal opens the trunk.
"I always keep snacks in here." he laughs and takes out a box of random cookies and candy.
He takes a candy out of it's paper and tells me to open my mouth and aims at it, throwing it, missing the target and making the candy fall on the ground. We both laugh and he asks me if my eye is okay while I dramatically shout "Oh no I am now blind!" and fall on the grass.  Sal laughs and helps me up.
"Hey, the sun's coming up, let's sit on the roof of my car and watch it going up!"
We jump on the roof and start eating some candies and cookies. We finish them as soon as we start and end up just throwing the box in the trunk before sitting back on the roof of the car.
Both of us are lost in thought and I think about the race.
"Hey, Sal, did you mean what you said when you jumped over the ledge of the hill?"
He stays silent for a moment and looks at me.
"It's what I've been trying to tell you for a while, and even though the adrenaline spoke for me, there's nothing I mean more than that."
This time, he doesn't hesitate. He takes my head in his hands softly and leans in, and as my heart seems to almost beat through my chest, I lean in too, meeting his lips slowly moving in a perfect kiss. The kiss deepens and my arms slip around his body, pulling him closer as he does the same. Soon enough, I'm laying on the roof as he continues to kiss me as if he's been craving it for his whole life. My hands run across his back and we stop for a few seconds to catch our breath. He lies down next to me and takes my hand in his. There's not enough space to lay down comfortably but neither of us want to move. We watch the sun go up, shoulders touching, holding hands and lips still warm, as we feel like both of us are the only people awake right now.
"I love you."
Sal looks at me and smiles.
"And I love you, Sal."
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reseau-actu · 6 years ago
Au Mali, c’est un véritable massacre qui a eu lieu, au matin de ce samedi 23 mars, dans deux villages peuls du centre du pays. Des hommes armés habillés en chasseurs traditionnels ont fait irruption dans le village d'Ogossagou. Selon des sources concordantes, plus de 100 personnes ont été tuées. Le dernier bilan fait état d'au moins 135 morts. Après Ogossagou, les assaillants sont allés dans le village de Welingara, deux kilomètres plus loin, et ont tué les habitants qu'ils ont trouvés sur place.
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Cheick Harouna Sankaré est le maire d’une commune voisine du village où le massacre a eu lieu, dans le centre du Mali. Comme d’autres, bouleversé, il décrit la scène. Tôt ce samedi matin, des hommes armés débarquent dans le village d'Ogossagou, non loin de la ville de Bankass, « massacrant plusieurs dizaines de civils peuls ».
Un autre élu donne des détails. Le chef de village, Amadou Belko Bari est « tué devant sa mère » qui sera, à son tour, « exécutée ». Un chef religieux local, Bara Sékou, a également « été tué ». Dans la furie, les assaillants n’épargnent personne… ni les femmes, ni les enfants, ni les jeunes, ni les vieillards, tous de la communauté peule.
Des hommes habillés en tenues de chasseurs traditionnels
Le village a été surpris par des hommes habillés en tenues de chasseurs traditionnels, témoigne un habitant. « Dans ma famille, poursuit-il, près de vingt personnes ont été tuées, des gens brûlés, des personnes jetées dans un puits ». « J’ai vu des gens en flammes », déclare un autre témoin, dont les propos sont rapportés par une source crédible.
Et comme s’ils s’étaient bien préparés, alors qu’un groupe tuait sans discernement, un autre groupe d'assaillants habillés en chasseurs traditionnels mettait le feu aux cases. Selon des sources concordantes, le dernier bilan fait état de plus de 100 morts.
Le village a été attaqué par des chasseurs des milices armées de Dan nan Amassagou, dirigées par Youssouf Toloba. Quand ils sont arrivés dans le village, ils ont commencé à tirer sur la population civile. Ils ont découpé à coup de machette des femmes. Des femmes enceintes ont été éventrées. Un jeune du village a été présenté devant sa mère, ils l’ont assassiné devant sa mère et puis ils l’ont assassinée. Pour le moment, jusqu’à 16h, nous avons compté 115 corps trouvés. Nous sommes en train de chercher d’autres corps. Nous avons 70 cases incendiées, 80 greniers brûlés. C’est une situation très très inquiétante. L’Etat malien doit tout faire pour mettre fin à ces tueries.
Témoignage de Cheick Harouna Sankaré, maire de la localité voisine de Ouenkoro
23-03-2019 - Par Bineta Diagne
Après Ogossagou, les assaillants sont allés deux kilomètres plus loin dans le village de Welingara. Quasiment tout le monde avait fui, mais les quelques personnes restées sur place, dont une femme très âgée, ont également été tuées.
Les autorités annoncent l'ouverture d'une enquête
Autres victimes de l’attaque, des jeunes peuls, ex-jihadistes ou pas, qui souhaitaient intégrer le Processus désarmement, démobilisation et réinsertion (DDR) et qui se trouvaient sur les lieux.
Tant que les acteurs n'ont pas confiance en la capacité de l'Etat et de ses partenaires à assurer leur sécurité, il sera difficile aujourd'hui de faire poser les armes.
Baba Dakono, chercheur à l'Institut d'Etudes et de Sécurité de Bamako
24-03-2019 - Par Bineta Diagne
Après les événements, sur place, les civils peuls vivent la peur au ventre. Par exemple, certains habitants du quartier peul de la localité de Bankass ont demandé aux autorités locales de les aider à rejoindre le sud du pays.  
Un détachement de l'armée était sur place samedi dans l'après midi. Dans un communiqué, le gouvernement condamne « un acte odieux » et s'engage à « traquer les auteurs de cette barbarie d'un autre âge ». Sur cette lancée, les autorités annoncent l'ouverture d'une enquête « pour déterminer les circonstances de ces crimes ».
Un contexte déjà très tendu
Si c’est la première fois que le bilan est si lourd, ce n’est pas la première attaque du genre dans le centre du Mali. Les dernières alertes provenaient en partie du cercle de Bankass. Plusieurs attaques d’envergure s’y sont déroulées depuis le début de l’année. La plus marquante était jusqu'ici celle du 1er janvier où 37 civils ont été tués à Kologo.
« Avant novembre, nous n’avions pas de problèmes à Bankass. L’origine du conflit, c’est la négligence », confiait un représentant des autorités locales à RFI quelques jours avant l’attaque d’Ogossagou. Avant d’ajouter « l’État nous a laissé à notre propre sort. »
Partis du cercle de Koro, le conflit s’est ensuite étendu à Bankass et à Bandiagara. Ces localités sont habitées en majorité par deux communautés : les Peuls et les Dogons. De part et d’autres, les vols, assassinats ciblés et attaques de villages s’y sont multipliés l’année dernière. Des milices communautaires sont nées. L’une d’entre elle, un groupe d’autodéfense dogon nommé Dan Amassagou annonçait le 20 mars dans un communiqué le début des patrouilles « en vue de sécuriser les populations contre les bandits armés dans la zone », car dans cette zone sont également présents des groupes jihadistes. Leur présence a attisé les tensions communautaires, comme l’écrivait la Fédération internationale des droits de l’homme dans son dernier rapport de novembre 2018.
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dieletztepanzerhexe · 1 year ago
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varg confirms: yes, greeks are POC
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