#tw bloodwork
reverie-starlight · 9 months
I need blood work done soon (probably next week) so if you see a drabble or mini fic based on something along those lines within the next few days… leave me be
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dogydayz · 2 years
got my blood drawn two weeks ago and just this last Thursday. Theyre tryna figure out what fucking issues i may have and i may have an iron deficiency. Anyway, so I hate needles and i hate having blood drawn, all the shit freaks me out and i have to have very specific accommodations and the ladies were so nice and patient with me, which I was thankful for.
one of the things i do to help me, these last two times i mean, has been to look away and hold my phone in the free hand and focus on a youtube video. Both goddamn times that I did this, that I had my bloodwork done, where I was fuckin terrified of just the thought and not even necessarily what was happening, I watched a very specific video that someway, somehow, perfectly took my mind off of the moment.
"Jerma Laughing at Vehicle Accidents Compilation [Part 1]"
Both times, as I sit there making weird autism stress noises, struggling to not move my arm or body while one lady holds my arm firmly and the other does the needle stuff, whimpering like a fucking dog.... All I hear in the background are the sounds of videogame violence, metal crunching and crashing into other metal and concrete, the sounds of explosions, all followed by crazed laughter and confused, vocal chaos.
I have nothing more to say, I just wanted to share this wonderful experience with everyone.
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We love almost passing out getting blood work done🙃🙃
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ryan-is-a-god · 2 years
Got my blood stolen today (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧
Veins too small. "It looks like I butchered you". Lady was nice though.
Anyways the floor is the most comfortable place to be. Fuck standing up. Only now I'm on the kitchen floor with the cabinet open in front of the doorway, but I'm royalty so if anyone wants passage they have to go through me, the door troll (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
Also spent $80 on Amazon cuz I'm treating myself, and non-delirious? me, won't cancel the order. Muhahahahahahahahahaha.
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To anyone having a not very cash money day, let this be a message, to treat yo self. (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧
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cartooncreature · 2 years
I swear to gos I love my friends.
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Homophobic vampires
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cloudyydraws · 16 days
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more saiki stuff
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skin-slave · 3 months
Hey, how do I kill the part of my brain that says I can't have more than one game that features food/restaurants on my phone at one time, or some mysterious "they" will think I'm obsessed with food, and therefore "too comfortable" with eating while being fat, and not "trying to get better," and I'll be given some kind of unnamed punishment?
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pohlepen · 8 months
told the phlebotomist, "i like to watch. im a watcher" and we both had to sit with that while she drew my blood.
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steorransaluki · 8 months
I do not appreciate being a medical mystery :|
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hiisheart · 4 months
( alright SO. at the doctor's office we discussed the potential for me going on T and they said i could do it if i liked, i just hesitated with jumping straight into it cuz smth apparently happened with the insurance in the sense that they're not sure if they're affiliates with it so they may not actually be able to bill them directly??? idk lol. BUT i'm crossing my fingers that whatever snafu they ran into shouldn't be a big deal and i'll be covered (which tbh should be the case cuz the institution was listed on my insurance's website as a covered provider) so 1. my parents don't have to take on another financial burden and 2. it would be a great place to do my immunizations/checkups/etc while i'm not at home, AND if i manage to talk through things i may be expecting with my therapist and my parents about potential future costs/copays/that sort of thing, then maybe, JUST maybe, T may be in my near future!!! fingers crossed for me!! 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞 )
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mogaihaze · 1 year
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Feargender A gender influenced or overwhelmed by fear. A gender that is overly fearful and afraid.
[Image ID: A five horizontally striped pride flag. From top to bottom the stripes are coloured dark red, red, lilac, blue, dark blue. / End ID]
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Bloodfearic A gender influenced or overwhelmed by fear of blood. A gender that is overly fearful and afraid of blood.
[Image ID: A six horizontally striped pride flag. From top to bottom the stripes are coloured dark red, red, lilac, red, a darker red, and then a brighter red. / End ID]
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Bloodworkfearic A gender influenced or overwhelmed by fear of blood work and getting blood work done. A gender that is overly fearful and afraid of blood work.
[Image ID: A six horizontally striped pride flag. From top to bottom the stripes are coloured dark red, red, lilac, white, light red, and then a darker red. / End ID]
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Bugfearic A gender influenced or overwhelmed by fear of bugs. A gender that is overly fearful and afraid of bugs.
[Image ID: A six horizontally striped pride flag. From top to bottom the stripes are coloured dark red, red, lilac, dark beige, brown, and very dark grey. / End ID]
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Docfearic A gender influenced or overwhelmed by fear of doctors. A gender that is overly fearful and afraid of doctors.
[Image ID: A six horizontally striped pride flag. From top to bottom the stripes are coloured dark red, red, lilac, white, grey, and then silver. / End ID]
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Peoplefearic A gender influenced or overwhelmed by fear of people. A gender that is overly fearful and afraid of people.
[Image ID: A six horizontally striped pride flag. From top to bottom the stripes are coloured dark red, red, lilac, teal, blue, then dark blue. / End ID]
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celenawrites · 10 months
gonna get some tests done tomorrow, just to be safe.
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varyingquality-comics · 11 months
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Got blood work done and immediately after I got all incredibly sweaty and lightheaded. They didn't have a bed for me to lie down and so I just had to kind of crumple myself in the chair while the poor nurse fanned me to keep me cool. Very grateful for that. I was able to drive home after a few minutes, but now I just kind of have a headache.
Anyway, here's a comic about the vibes for today.
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urdnotcadash · 1 year
guess who made a call and didn't sound like a fool. helps when the staff is nice.
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solardee · 2 years
I have been stuck with 8 needles in the past two weeks and apparently I do not bleed LOL
I mean traditionally I do prefer for my blood to remain in my body but this is a detriment at this point LOL
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