#medical blood
dogydayz · 2 years
got my blood drawn two weeks ago and just this last Thursday. Theyre tryna figure out what fucking issues i may have and i may have an iron deficiency. Anyway, so I hate needles and i hate having blood drawn, all the shit freaks me out and i have to have very specific accommodations and the ladies were so nice and patient with me, which I was thankful for.
one of the things i do to help me, these last two times i mean, has been to look away and hold my phone in the free hand and focus on a youtube video. Both goddamn times that I did this, that I had my bloodwork done, where I was fuckin terrified of just the thought and not even necessarily what was happening, I watched a very specific video that someway, somehow, perfectly took my mind off of the moment.
"Jerma Laughing at Vehicle Accidents Compilation [Part 1]"
Both times, as I sit there making weird autism stress noises, struggling to not move my arm or body while one lady holds my arm firmly and the other does the needle stuff, whimpering like a fucking dog.... All I hear in the background are the sounds of videogame violence, metal crunching and crashing into other metal and concrete, the sounds of explosions, all followed by crazed laughter and confused, vocal chaos.
I have nothing more to say, I just wanted to share this wonderful experience with everyone.
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ruporas · 3 months
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dragon meat, you, and me
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TW for blood
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Stayed up way too late drawing my boys & am too tired to think of a caption rn, but wanted to post anyway ✌️
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glgtg · 5 months
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AAAAAAAAAI hate this stupid map aaaaammssmsmmshshahammm so I decided to draw this map with medic injured to make it 200% more stupid!!!
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utopicwork · 2 months
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6 years ago I was told I was in too much pain to go through physical therapy, every doctor since has ignored this and now Im wheelchair bound (without the part where I actually have a wheelchair). No one will ever answer for this.
[Begin ID: "Pixel art of 6 nails in a column, each nail is progressively more dinged up and the last two have increasing levels of blood on them. There is text next to each nail, in order: HAVE YOU TRIED LOSING WEIGHT?" End ID]
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nerdpoe · 1 month
"...Timmy...?" Dick hasn't called him that since before Bruce disappeared, but it's the only thing he can say as he stares at his brother's broken, bleeding body.
Tim, Timmy, his little brother in all but blood, bleeding from his ears and eyes and nose, burned so severely his skin is peeling off, actually turns to look at him.
"Shit. No one's supposed to see this." Tim says, and Dick lurches forward to do...something. He doesn't know what, for all his first-aid training doesn't know how he can help when there's this much damage, but he has to do something.
But Tim disappears, like he was never there.
Or; On a ghosts death day, they gain the appearance they had at death. This includes the injuries. Danny spends his death day very far away from home, since it actually makes his human form look like he got electrocuted to death by untold voltage and mass dosages of radiation, and he really doesn't want his mom and dad to see that, even if they're cool with the half-ghost thing. Problem; apparently he's a dead ringer for someone Nightwing knows, and he just mentally scarred Valerie's favorite hero. Fuck.
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gearbroth · 10 months
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Comm work 💙
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sapphickx · 2 months
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open heart surgery IS a valid love language
Comm info ~
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ncalabby · 4 months
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Come on and feel alive, lover
Come on and feel the love like a sinner
Shout it louder shout it for the ones who could never say
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fexjam · 5 months
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люблю їх
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maeo-png · 7 months
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favourite comic detail is the implication that medic cut sniper's fuck ass haircut in the middle of that 12 hr surgery
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the lil bit on his neck is gone thats how you can tell. medic fucking buzzed his goofy mullet. you dont cut a patients hair unless you're performing surgery in that region. all his stitches are abdominal.
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awetfrog · 18 days
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if yuo sleep in the stillwater every night u can unlock the secret gaysex ending
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emlan · 1 year
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I'm familiar with the concept of game balance, but still
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kahzthesick · 5 months
Some of this silly men content for the Valentine’s day‼️
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waterwindow · 7 months
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It's like Christmas Morning
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gearbroth · 1 year
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EMESIS BLUE but make it a comic
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