#tw animal loss
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chasingrabbits-art · 2 years ago
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DannyMay day 10: bones
Backstory to piece:
Back in 2020 we moved back into our old childhood home and we met the a feral cat that had taken to living under our house while we were away.
It took a whole year for us to tame her down enough for us to handle her and we named her Lilith. The original idea was to catch her, fix her and release her back, it never really crossed our mind that she'd want to stay but we were joyfully wrong. She never left and now 2 years later she doesn't really go out anymore, only coming out when we're doing yardwork or the occasional sunbathing.
Even though she rarely leaves, I still worry about her when she doesn't come back within her usual 10 minute sunbath on nice days. Thankfully her outings are becoming progressively rarer and she's content playing and napping inside with us but I'm still scared. Keep your cats indoors, it's dangerous out there.
Here's our half-toothed kitty 💕
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onlytiktoks · 3 months ago
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andromedaspark · 1 month ago
So. We might be losing our oldest dog. Apparently she has 2 massive tumors in her abdomen, one is about the size of a lung. They cant tell what it's attached to, her liver or her spleen, and we won't know until tomorrow morning (today i guess, it's 3am) at the earliest. We don't even know if it's operable. She's on a DNR, and a lot of painkillers. She's an 8 almost 9 year old blue nose pit. Everyone loves her. I've cried 3 times today. We had to take her to the emergency clinic because she was dry heaving and shaking and stiff as a board. They think she might be free bleeding into her abdomen. I don't know what to do, I'm trying not to catastrophize but fuck dude. What am I supposed to do with that information other than start mourning?
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cumulusbrume · 1 month ago
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this is how i cope
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batty4her · 2 months ago
Our bird died. I haven’t stopped crying since my wife told me. I am a mess. Neither of us are handling this well at all. She’s painting a box with his name on it, her eyes have nothing in them right now. This is the first pet loss she’s ever had. This past year has taken everything from my baby, and now life has taken her bird from her, too.
It was a very sudden passing. We have literally no idea why or how he died. The house is so quiet that it makes me want to scream.
I’m so, so sad. I’m grieving hard. I don’t want to say goodbye.
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lethalties · 7 months ago
it’s been weird day … we lost our family dog we’ve had for 13yrs this morning so I’ve been tired and emotional.
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kingdomheartsmarts · 1 year ago
I know I don't really post on here too often anymore. I still love Kingdom Hearts, I just haven't had any KH juice recently but I wanted to put this here since my love of Kingdom Hearts birthed this blog.
I've loved kingdom hearts since I was a kid. I really loved watching my brother play and it was enough of everything to be magical. I got older. I went through hell. And Kingdom Hearts got me through it. My grandma died, my uncle died, my other uncle died, my grandpa fell, my grandpa got worse, my grandpa died, my mom got cancer, my dad went through work hell, my brother was dealing with a lot, my mom lost her job of almost 40 years, we lost my step-grandmother, I lost an aunt and uncle to COVID, and I always ended up running back to Kingdom Hearts as an escape and comfort.
I started this blog in high school. It was before COVID and I was trying to be happy with myself and learn my way through life. The pandemic happened and all in all, I had it better than a lot of people.
Since 2020-2021, I really haven't had that fire I had to write for Kingdom Hearts, but I've still loved it. So here I am today.
I have an unfortunate cynical view that whenever my life feels too good, some tragedy comes and ruins me. And that happened this week.
My family is quite tight-knit, for the better and worse, and this last Thursday, after a family shopping trip, my brother's dog passed away very suddenly. She was 3. And It's been really hard. We got her in the pandemic and she was a lot of love we needed through our misery. And we lost her, suddenly, without warning, and without real foreseen reason. And it's so fucking hard. I keep hearing my brother when he was told; I keep hearing him crying and wailing while I went back out through sobs and got the rest of the groceries. And then I went and I sat at a spot I went to as a child. I used to have a shitty little kindle where I would listen to a piano cover album of Kingdom Hearts music, and I just sat. And that day I sat and I just. Sobbed. And these last few nights I've been having to listen to Dearly Beloved to get by. To cry, to mourn, to move forward. I hate it.
I hate that I keep reliving when I was told, I hate I keep thinking about her, I hate that I feel trapped in my mourning because that's my only option, I hate it so fucking much. But. There's that little, almost childlike comfort, that Kingdom Hearts has given me through that.
I have to mourn. I wish I didn't have a brain like a checklist, but I do, and I have to fully mourn to move on and I know it and I don't want to. I don't want to have to move on. At the same time, I have to be strong. I'm the one who takes care of the house, who takes care of our other animals, who cleans for the most part. It's me. And I'm forced to keep going even when I want to break down.
It's going to be hard for a while now. It's hell. I can't go to sleep without crying. My glasses keep getting cried tears on them.
I guess what I'm trying to say is this blog helped me to love Kingdom Hearts a lot more than I probably would have, and that's come back to help me now. I don't even know what I"m trying to say, but. I'm typing this through tears while a Megamind fanart stares me down in the bottom corner. I feel like that's a true tumblr experience.
I guess I just want to say thank you for letting me love this with all of you. Thank you for giving me a place to escape to and grow and learn and be myself when I didn't have anywhere else to go.
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splatoonpolls · 1 year ago
I will not have planned date for the oc tourney atm. Yes submissions will still close 1/8. But I may be slow when it comes to reblogging the oc propaganda.
I’ve already posted my cat here. And he died today (he was quite old however and he lived an amazing life) so my energy will fluctuate throughout the week due to that. I hope everyone understands it.
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arabaka · 2 years ago
ʚ。゚☁︎。ɞ。 had to take one of our colony cats to cross the rainbow bridge today </3 i've lived my whole life with animals and lots of them. i've fostered for almost a decade now. i've been through my fair share of loss and it never gets easier, even if it's the right thing to do.
so if you can, send some positive thoughts to margarine "margie" white socks today! she was a sweet one and is now making tortillas in the sky with her babies! <3
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queerkuro · 2 years ago
my dog is 15 years old. i've had him about 12 years. he's the only dog i've ever had. i found out on tuesday morning that he has osteosarcoma. today is our last day together and i'd really like to share a memory from the day i got him.
my family was out, and i didn't know where we were going. then i started seeing paw prints on the road, and asked about them. my parents were smiley, and after some thought, i realized we were going to the animal shelter.
since our new dog would be an inside dog, my mom wanted a small puppy. all the puppies they had were going to grow to be big. they didn't have any small enough adult dogs, and we were going to leave but the worker said they wanted to show us a dog. we got taken to a separate room, and there was a single row of cages that only had a few dogs. we barely started walking by the cages when we saw a chihuahua jumping about four feet in the air over and over and over. as soon as we saw him, my dad and i both pointed and said that's our dog.
they let us know that he was heartworm positive, but that they would pay for all treatment, so we decided to risk it and take him home. for a short while, he couldn't move around much so the treatment could work, and we hated keeping him still when he loved running and jumping.
but finally, after all his treatment, they said he was negative. since then, i have had my dog with me for everything. he loved to play with squeaky toys, and constantly ripped the squeakers out of them. he loved to jump and would take any opportunity to do it. he loved to wrestle and ended every play fight with tons of kisses. but his absolutely favorite thing to do, and exactly what he's doing right now, is crawl under a blanket and just lay with you. he's slept in my bed, curled up under the blanket with me every single night.
i don't know how i'll sleep without him, but knowing that he's been happy and won't hurt anymore is the most important thing to me. i love him so much and can't thank him enough for being with me all these years.
thank you for reading
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gongedtornado · 2 years ago
memorial post. shout out to the boy who broke my heart the hardest. i miss you.
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3/5/23. it has been over a month and i still miss you tons.
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onlytiktoks · 3 months ago
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crypticcatalys · 2 years ago
I just loss my dog of nine years. He was getting old and he was suffering from seizures. I'm happy he won't be in pain anymore, but fuck does this hurt. It's been about an hour now, but I'm glad I got to say goodbye. I'm glad I got to see him grow old and be happy with us. I got to take pictures and give him a kiss one last time. I'll never forget my boy. My little brother and best hugger.
I built him a alter, I used his dog bed, all his toys and treats, and even a statue that I got that looked like him. It made it easier to cry and process. I'm still processing it. But I'm glad he's not in pain anymore.
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fnafoceansoffun · 2 years ago
As per tokkaricenter_official on Instagram, the wonderfully goofy Ponsuke has passed away. He will leave a seal shaped hole in the hearts of many.
Please continue to support seal rescues and the facilities that give these wonderful creatures care.
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angrybatart · 2 years ago
Cats just don't live long enough...
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kanditimesystem · 2 years ago
while its on my mind
please, please, PLEASE, if your cats are suffering from fleas, get them medication. give them flea baths. fleas can do so much more damage than you think. they take your cats red blood cells and deplete their iron. fleas will kill your cat.
so please, if you can invest the money, buy prescription grade flea medicine for your cats. check for fleas, even if your cats dont go outside. losing a cat to fleas is one of the most painful things i have ever gone through.
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