#turquoise secondary
bonusdragons · 10 months
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November 21, 2023:
Turquoise Secondary, Snapper, Eye Spots.
Xanthius of PinkyPoodle's clan!
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scryingworkshop · 2 years
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fantastic-fr-scries · 3 months
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Ridgeback Female
White / Turquoise / Pistachio , Crystal / Bee / Filigree
Lightning Bright
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reasonsforhope · 2 months
"For generations, the people of Erakor village in the Pacific nation of Vanuatu would pass their time swimming in the local lagoon. Ken Andrew, a local chief, remembers diving in its depths when he was a child, chasing the fish that spawned in its turquoise waters.
That was decades ago. Now 52, Andrew has noticed a more pernicious entity invading the lagoon: plastic.
“The plastic would form a small island inside the lagoon, it was so thick,” Andrew says. “We used fishing nets to pull some of the trash out, but we didn’t know how to get rid of it all. We couldn’t conquer it, there was just too much.”
While residents were struggling to empty Vanuatu’s waters of plastic, the country’s politicians were considering another solution. Could they stop the waste directly at the source?
Small island nations like Vanuatu face a series of unique challenges when it comes to plastic pollution. Many rely on imported goods to sustain their populations, and receive tonnes of plastic packaging every day as a result. Ocean currents pull plastic waste from around the world into Pacific waters, which eventually end up on the shores of its islands.
Few Pacific island governments have adequate recycling or waste management facilities on their narrow strips of land, so rubbish is often burned or left to wash up in rivers or lagoons like the one in Erakor. It is estimated that Pacific countries generate 1kg of waste per person a day, 40% higher than the global average.
In an attempt to drastically limit the amount of waste generated in Vanuatu, in 2018 the government became one of the first in the world to outlaw the sale and distribution of certain single-use plastics – including a world-first ban on plastic straws.
In the six years since, the results have been impressive. Thin, plastic shopping bags are hardly ever seen, with most shoppers carrying reusable bags at their local market or grocery store. At festivals and outdoor events, food is more often served wrapped in banana leaves instead of polystyrene takeaway boxes. Now-banned items used to make up 35% of Vanuatu’s waste, but now make up less than 2%.
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Pictured: Pandanus leaves are now used instead of plastic bags at markets, but supply of the crop can be affected by storms and cyclones, vendors say.
The plastic islands that once choked Erakor lagoon are also shrinking.
“Since they started the ban, you can see the lagoon has become cleaner,” says Andrew.
It is a massive victory for a small island nation made up of just over 300,000 people across 83 islands...
In 2020, a second phase of the policy added seven more items to the list of forbidden plastics, which now covers cutlery, single-use plates and artificial flowers.
“It’s quite difficult to enforce because of the very low capacity of the department of environment,” Regenvanu says. “So we try to work with the municipal authorities and customs and other people as well.”
Compromises had to be made, though. Fishers are still allowed to use plastic to wrap and transport their produce. Plastic bottles are also permitted, even though they often litter coastlines and rivers.
Secondary industries have now developed to provide sustainable alternatives to the banned items. On the island of Pentecost, communities have started replacing plastic planter pots with biodegradable ones made from native pandanus leaves. Mama’s Laef, a social enterprise that began selling fabric sanitary napkins before the ban, has since expanded its range to reusable nappies and bags.
“We came up with these ideas to reduce the amount of plastic in Vanuatu,” says the owner Jack Kalsrap. “We’re a small island state, so we know that pollution can really overwhelm us more than in other, bigger countries.” ...
Willy Sylverio, a coordinator of the Erakor Bridge Youth Association, is trying to find ways to recycle the litter his team regularly dredges up from the lagoon.
“The majority of the plastic waste now comes from noodle packaging or rice packaging, or biscuit packets,” Sylverio says. He hopes the plastic ban will one day include all packaging that covers imported goods. “Banning all plastic is a great idea, because it blocks the main road through which our environment is polluted.”
The Vanuatu government plans to expand the plastic ban to include disposable nappies, and says it will also introduce a plastic bottle deposit scheme this year to help recycle the remaining plastic waste in the country."
-via The Guardian, June 20, 2024
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whirlybirbs · 27 days
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— BURNER CELL ; 1 ; DABI ; 荼毗
summary: you end up at the league's bar, unbeknownst to you or your drunk friends. you just want to go home. set in the early days of bnha. pairing: dabi / f!reader ; quirkless word count: a cool 1.6k tag: humor, maladjusted dabi meets normal adult woman, flirting, canon-based world building, slight au, univeristy student!reader a/n: this is silly and short but man i really want to write dabi pining over a normal, quirkless person and frothing at the mouth when she doesn't text back for an hour the tag | next →
What's the whole bit about 'secondary locations'...?
You're not sure how you even got roped into this — it's a Thursday, for fuck's sake. You have class tomorrow, and by the time you manage to shepherd the gaggle of girls back into their respective Ubers for the night, you won't be back at your apartment until well into the early hours of the morning. 
You wince into your beer, hoping silently that your cat won't be too mad. Mizu can stand to skip a meal here and there, after all. He's a big boy. (Literally.)
In the booth in the back corner, there's a wave of raucous, tipsy laughter from your friends and their new acquaintances. One of those guys — the one who smells like cigarettes and cheap cologne — has his arm around Nuri. She seems totally into him despite the glimpse of yakuza affiliations painting his skin beneath his purple shirt collar. 
Worry tugs at your heart just as the door to this dour, smoke-filled bar opens. A handful of denizens enter, but you pay more mind to the rows and rows of meticulously stacked liquors from behind the bar.
This place is weird. 
It's oddly silent, with some too-quiet music coming from the beat-to-shit jukebox in the corner. The loudest thing in here is the drunk conversation from the group you came in with, and the occasional tinkering of glasses from the sparse few patrons posted up in various booths. 
You lean onto the bar, sigh, and take another long swig of your stale beer.
Note to self: Kamino Ward has the most mid nightlife imaginable. 
Suddenly, someone is shambling up to the stool beside you. 
They smell like cinder and smoke. Like a fire on a cold night. It's not entirely unpleasant, but it flicks some sort of DNA-deep warning bell in the back of your mind. Fire. Run. 
Your lashes flutter over, mid-sip. Then, your eyes widen incrementally as the dawning realization of just who's sitting there slams into you. It's the sort of realization that feels like a baseball bat to the back of the head.
You muscle down the mouthful of flat beer before your lips part in silent astonishment. 
Of all the bars they picked... It had to be the League of Villains' haunt?
Because of course, it had to be. It just had to be more than some scummy, ten-years-their-senior washed-up yakuza throwing drinks at them and promising them a good time, huh? It had to be a secondary location after a too-loud, too-hot nightclub downtown. It had to be this secondary location. 
Dabi clears his throat.
You snap your jaw shut. 
"Thought you were gonna catch flies for a second there," comes a rasped, rough chirp — wholly unbothered.
He isn't looking at you. He's looking ahead, presumably trying to discern what kind of drink he wants tonight. Piercing, turquoise eyes flick about the top shelf.
You have to peel your eyes off him.
Your tongue runs along your teeth as you nod, drumming your fingers against the bar. This is bad. Not ideal. Not great. "Sorry."
You slide a look back over your shoulder and catch Nuri's horrified expression. You follow her frantic eye movement to the other side of the room — it's a screaming look over there — where you spot the other well-known heavy hitters who have carved out their spot in recent news highlights. 
You whip your head back around, mild horror set in your face as you take another pitiful swig of your shitty, shitty, shitty beer. 
This is why there's that saying about secondary locations. 
You press your palms to your eyes as you lean onto the bar. 
"What's wrong with you, pretty? Bad break-up?"
Is he... seriously talking to you right now?
You pull your hands away from your tired eyes, your lips parted again but this time in total dejection. Your make-up is a little smeared; the dark circles beneath your eyes are mostly thanks to finals, but the running mascara doesn't help. 
You're cute.
You wouldn't usually be his type, but... Touya's in a good mood tonight. 
Your eyes rake across his face. 
He isn't entirely bad-looking. The deep, purple burns serve as a reminder of just how dangerous the man before her is. The staples digging into his flesh glint in the light. Your eyes narrow in on the trifecta of piercings on his right nostril. He's tall — lanky, even. 
The bartender, the guy who you're realizing is definitely the one and only Kurogiri from those wanted posters you saw on the outskirts of campus, must have slid him the gin soda that's in his hands. He levels your gaze with his own, punctuating it with a slow sip.
"I'm sorry...?" you ask, your brows knotting.
"Y'know," he remarks casually as he leans back in his chair and sips his drink; turquoise eyes flick back over his shoulder, to the gathered booth, "S'typical — dance the night away, try to forget that gut-wrenching heartache, get a lil' sloppy... Our buddy Giran loves the heartbroken ones."
Oh. So the smelly one is Giran. Good to know.
Great. Awesome. Super duper. 
Your eyes flit shut in quiet frustration. You shake your head. "No. No, I... No, I look like this because I have friends whohave terrible taste in men. Like your buddy Giran—"
Then: "No offense."
Dabi actually laughs. It's a raspy sound — like a wheeze and a cough and a chuckle, all wrapped into one mildly unsettling package. 
"Yer funny," he remarks, pointing with the deeply scarred finger that's holding his glass, "I like that."
"Thanks," you offer up pathetically, "I sorta feel like the court jester right now."
"That so?"
"Gotta jingle my bells a bit little more so you don't turn me into a walking ashtray."
Dabi's grin aches — the staples along his burnt jaw tug lightly and glint in the light. Oh, you're fun. He leans forward onto the bar, his forearms braced against the smooth mahogany. "So you know who I am?"
You stare absently at your half-gone beer. "Yep."
You pop the 'p'. 
"That freak you out?" he asks into his drink.
"What's the answer you wanna hear?" you ask, your brows screwed up in resignation. You just want to go home. You totally want to go home with all your skin intact and no grafts needed. 
"I wanna hear your digits. What's your cell?" 
...It's relatively smooth, all things considered. It takes a second for it to even register that he's asking you that and not some phantom apparition floating somewhere behind you. You even double-take for good measure.
"Y'said you weren't all heartbroken, so I'm assuming you're free game," he supplants, "Unless you got a boy toy or somethin' — not that I care, though."
"And what if I'm some sort of nark?"
Dabi's brow quirks.
"I mean," you shake your head as you realize how bad the mere suggestion sounds, "I'm not but, you don't even know who I am—"
"—Giran wouldnta' brought you an' your little idol group here if he didn't trust you were clean—"
"Great. Awesome," you mutter, taking a long swig of your beer, "Hold on, we're not Girls' Generation—"
"Yea, but yer all pretty," he comments casually, leaning back against the bar as he spreads his legs. He takes up a lot of space. He's dangerously close to encroaching on yours, "What're you? University students?"
You sigh. "Right on the money."
"How th' hell did you all manage to land here?" he sounds incredulous. 
"I couldn't tell you," you mumble as you finish off your beer, "Nuri is the one shacked up with Giran. She met him at the last club we were at. I'm sure it's love at first sight an' all that. Couldn't stand to part ways, so we're here." 
"Riiiiight," he rasps; the gin burns his tongue, "S'a little late for a school night, ain't it, pretty?"
"You wanna tell them that?"
"Might not have to," Dabi rumbles as he juts his jaw their way, "Looks like your little troupe is on th' move."
Oh, thank god. You catch a glimpse of Nuri kissing Giran on the cheek, and the others giving their goodbyes. You're fast to reach into your way-too-little purse, snag your phone, and then unlock it with ease. Within all of five seconds, the rideshare is called. 
You hesitate.
Then, you hand him your phone.
The contact screen is open.
The grin it earns you is mildly unnerving — but there's some charm to it. He's got pretty eyes, and his voice is nice enough to listen to. He didn't incinerate you either, and he called you pretty plenty of times to feed your ego properly. 
You watch him enter his information. It's no doubt the number to some shitty burner he might not have in a week, but... whatever. 
"Thanks for the conversation," you offer weakly as you stand; Dabi is a bit shameless with the way he rakes his eyes across your figure. His version of flirting is a little rudimentary but... it's working, "And not melting my face off, I guess."
"You leak my number," he sips his drink, "No one will ever find your body."
"Didn't plan on it. On that note — my ride's here."
"Get home safe, pretty."
Dabi swigs his drink. He's tracing your figure with his eyes.
"Sounds fake when you say it," you call over your shoulder with a burst of bravery as you walk backward a few steps, hand on the door as you hold it open for your friends, "Aren't you supposed to be, like, a villain or something?"
Oh, he likes you. 
And you fuckin' hate secondary locations.
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'Vallecitos' is a luxury earthship house built in 2018 in Taos, NM. It's been featured on Netflix, international TV and social media, among the pages of Forbes and AirBnB magazine, and many others, yet it's been on the market for almost 2 yrs. 2bds, 2ba, asking $825K + $20mo. HOA fee. Let's take a look inside.
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So, the typically long earthship garden that is usually inside the house, is separate here, and like a greenhouse decorated with bottles in the pretty turquoise walls.
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Food grows out here- I see lettuce, aloe vera.
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And, look at this- bananas. Or are they plantains?
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I must say that the living room is nice, but the dining area is a little tight.
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We've seen some pretty primitive earthships before, but this actually looks like a home with beamed ceilings and quality glass doors and windows.
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A real kitchen and it's very pretty. Love the turquoise cabinets.
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It even has a pantry and laundry room.
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Very nice bath and what looks like a real flushing toilet, not a composter.
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Beautiful tile sink.
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The secondary bedroom is lovely. It looks like a child's room and has plenty storage for toys, games and books. A desk faces the garden window.
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As we can see, the garden runs the whole length of the large "ship."
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The primary bedroom is nice.
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It opens to the garden area.
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Pretty en-suite. I would need something on that window, though.
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Out on the patio they have a sauna.
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Patio looking out over the 2.31 acre lot.
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View of the back of th house with the sauna and patio.
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Partial privacy wall around a deck.
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Aerial view of the property shows grass and vegetation, but it's quite vast and empty.
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Glamor shot of it at night.
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stardust-falling · 9 months
Hi! I keep seeing ppl debating if SQQ's eyes are canonically green or black. What do you think? Somebody said SQQ's eyes are green in the cover, but if you think otherwise, why? If you've discussed about this before in your page, may I see the link?
Hey! I posted this one on my meta blog (this might be what actually stirred up the discussion), but I still need to update the post there to include the timeline and all relevant information provided by various commenters.
Anyway, I'll go ahead and give a little summary here.
SQQ has black eyes in the novel, and they're explicitly described that way (黑, 乌黑 specifically, color words meaning black and crow-black (like jet black)).
This means that a depiction of SQQ with green eyes is contrary to novel canon.
At some point, people on the wiki said his eyes were described as 青 (qing)which is turquoise green/blue. I'm not exactly sure where this came from, but one very, very loose potential for this could be a misreading of the following description: 眉清目秀 which is used to describe the appearance of a young SJ. It's possible, perhaps, that the character 清 (clear) here was accidentally misread as 青 (green/blue) but i don't think that's a particularly easy misreading, especially since in that phrase the 清 is linked to 眉 (brows) instead of 目(eyes). But anything is possible, and this is the only place in the novel I could find reference to "clear eyes" in regards to SQQ, and the only potential way this misreading could have basis in the novel. Either way, his eyes are never described as 青, so that's an incorrect assumption.
So, the only thing I really consider canon proper is the novel itself, but that's my own stance. A wider stance would be considering the novel as primary canon, while the donghua/manhua are secondary canon, and things like official art could be tertiary canon. In this framework, details included in the donghua that aren't in the novel but aren't contradicted by it would also be considered wider canon and fill in those gaps, while things that contradict the novel would be canon as well, but specifically alternate, donghua canon. The same would apply to official art-- if it doesn't contradict the donghua or novel, it fills the gap, otherwise it's another kind of alternate canon.
Under this wider system, then Shen Qingqiu's canon eye color would go this way:
Primary canon - Black eyes Secondary Canon - Grey Eyes Tertiary Canon - Black, Grey, or Green Eyes
So depending on what you consider canon, then the answer can change-- but in my opinion, the novel overrides other sources.
Okay, so let's go into the secondary and tertiary canons, then. On the post on my meta blog that I linked earlier, in the replies and reblogs, there are some references about the evolution of SQQ's character design in donghua and fanart, so I'll leave those explanations to speak for themselves.
Let me talk a bit about the official art, then.
Though the English edition has the most vivid green eyes in character design, it is NOT the only cover art with green-eyed SQQ!
Across translations, he is depicted with varying black, grey, or green eyes, as follows (using purple color for grey since tumblr doesn't have a grey color):
Taiwanese (OG) - Black Taiwanese (Revamped) - Darker green, occasionally darker grey (some variety here) Thai - Lighter grey Vietnamese - Black Burmese - Medium grey or dull green (again, some variety) Korean - Black, but may vary to grey or very dull green (resolution not high enough to tell)
And then of course the vivid green of the English edition.
So when it comes to official art, it's basically evenly split, with three black, three grey, three green (counting the ones that vary).
Green-eyed SQQ is not exclusively a western fandom thing. I mean, on some levels, it makes sense for character design-- matching his eyes to his clothing color.
Personally, I wouldn't call it canon. And I think if anyone does want to claim it's canon (via the tiered system), that it would be a good idea to preface that you're going off of alternate canon instead of novel canon, so that it's not used as an argument when the discussion is specifically centered on novel canon.
There is a level of canonicity to either green-eyed or grey-eyed SQQ, but such depictions still contradict the novel, even if supported by other mediums, since his eyes are specifically described as black there.
I guess, it depends on how you want to define canon at the end of the day. I'm not here to tell other people how to play in their own sandboxes, I just personally like to play in novel canon only so that's my stance on it.
Hope this is the sort of info you wanted!
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neopronouns · 5 months
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flag id: two flags with 9 stripes. the left flag's stripes are turquoise, light turquoise, very light purple-pink, light purple-pink, purple-pink, light purple-pink, very light purple-pink, light turquoise, and turquoise. the right flag's stripes are purple-pink, light purple-pink, very light turquoise, light turquoise, turquoise, light turquoise, very light turquoise, light purple-pink, and purple-pink. end id.
banner id: a 1600x200 teal banner with the words ‘please read my dni before interacting. those on my / dni may still use my terms, so do not recoin them.’ in large white text in the center. the text takes up two lines, split at the slash. end id.
mascwayfem | femwaymasc
mascwayfem: being feminine in a masculine way
femwaymasc: being masculine in a feminine way
[pt: mascwayfem: being feminine in a masculine way
femwaymasc: being masculine in a feminine way. end pt]
for anon! both flags use purple-pink for femininity and turquoise for masculinity. the inner five stripes represent the central quality and the outer stripes represent the secondary quality that the first is 'in the way' of. the terms are the secondary quality, 'way', + the central quality!
since anon didn't specity gender, these terms are not necessarily genders and can be used for other aspects of identity (ex: presentation)!
tags: @radiomogai, @liom-archive, @fem-mogai, @macchiane, @genderstarbucks, @sugar-and-vice-mogai, @freezingnarc | dni link
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jpitha · 4 months
Between the Black and Grey 44
First / Previous / Next
When they got back to the frigate, everyone went to their rooms. It wasn't the scheduled rest time, but nobody really felt like sitting in the common room.
Fen was exhausted anyway. She showered and fell into bed. Soon after she was completely asleep.
She dreamed.
Fen found herself on a beach of black sand, with a turquoise sky overhead and a sea that was nearly purple. Behind her were trees that looked like mangroves if you squinted, but the leaves were a deep purple, like the sea.
"Where am I?"
"You're on Meìhuá. Or at least how I remember it." A woman appeared next to her. Fen turned, and was taken aback. It was her... But it wasn't. Her hair was different, the lines in the face different, but it still was unnerving.
"You're Melody, I assume?"
Melody, First Empress nodded. "The star that Meìhuá orbits outputs different wavelengths of light than Earth's sun. The plants here evolved to absorb it's energy and power themselves with their version of chlorophyl. But the most efficient color wasn't the green of Earth."
"Is this real?"
Melody smiled. "No Fen, it's a dream. But it's also a memory. And it's also a reminder. You are my clone, and you did interact with the Nanites." Melody stared out to sea. "I missed this. I had all these plans to go home, to visit everyone, to show them my success." She shook her head. "It turns out, that was not in the cards."
The beach changed. With the logic that only works in a dream, they walked a few meters down the beach and they entered a massive room. Room was too small to describe what this place was, it was practically an arena, with seats for thousands of sapients. At the far end, high above everyone was a throne made of something that looked like green glass. It almost seemed to have grown from the floor, it's role as a throne secondary. It flowed up towards the ceiling and spread in fractal branches until it disappeared in a blur that hurt to look at too long. Melody climbed up the steps towards the throne and sat gingerly, wincing slightly. She patted a smaller - but still impressive - chair next to her, and Fen sat. "Okay, but how did you get here? How are you in my head? How are we talking?
"The Builders - that's the name of the people who ruled with the Nanites a long time ago - used to have this ritual they'd do. They would visit the nearest Gate to where they were and touch the addressing stone. This would initiate an upload, and the Nanites would take... a snapshot of the current Empress and store it. I had a chance to do it once before I began my invasion of Sol." She turned back to Fen. "Think of me like that. I'm a snapshot of the Empress when she touched the addressing stone, but also, I know more than that Melody did because the Nanites filled me in." She chuckled. "I'm almost an AI, I suppose."
"Why are you here? Why now?"
Melody leaned forward, and put her chin in her hands. She stared out at the empty arena, and didn't look at Fen. "The Nanites asked me to. They said that you'd listen to me." Her eyes flicked to Fen. "If you're half as much like me as I think you are, they're only somewhat correct. I know you'll listen, but I don't know if you can be convinced."
She nodded, her chin still on her hands. "To take up the Nanites again. To become Empress."
"I don't want to be Empress." Fen rolled her eyes and scoffed.
Melody lifted her head off her hands and stared at Fen. Her eyes - nut brown, just like Fen's - stared into her soul.
"So what do you want, Fenchurch Whitehorse, clone of Melody Mullen?"
What did she want? The answer shouted back at her, clear as a bell.
"I want Ma-ren back."
"The one thing we cannot do for you."
Fen stared out at the empty arena, trying not to weep again. It wasn't fair. If Ma was here, she could help her figure all this out. If Ma was here she would know what to do. If Ma was here she... wouldn't be so alone.
"Fen. The Nanites can't bring Ma-ren back, nothing can. But they can help you make the world the kind of place where the other Fens and Ma-rens of the galaxy won't have to be separated the way you were."
Fen turned slowly and stared at Melody. "You're the Nanites, aren't you."
Melody held out a hand. As she did that, the hand... disappeared. There was no blood, no gore where her hand was, her arm just came to a stop. Around where her hand would have been was a cloud of grey smoke. She smiled and the smoke flew towards her and condensed into a hand again. She flexed her fingers.
"Yes... and no." Melody looked up from her hand at Fen. "I am Melody Mullen - at least her when she touched the addressing stone, but I am also the Nanites. We work in harmony."
"We've moved beyond dreaming now. How are we-" Fen's forehead creased and her eyes narrowed. She unconsciously balled her fists. "Helen. Ancestors damn her."
"Yes, Helen provided you with the concentration of Nanites necessary for us to reestablish contact."
The scene changed again. Now they were floating somewhere. The only colors were grey and black. Fen's crossed arms and frown spoke volumes. "I don't want to be Empress, I don't want to do this. I want to be left alone and do my own thing."
"What better person to rule the Galaxy than someone who doesn't want the job?"
"Just why do you want us to rule anyway? What do you have to gain?"
"We've been over this, Fen and we know that Helen has told you. We want you to build more Gates. The Gates reach into our dimension and give us an outlet into yours."
"But why? Why do you want to enter our dimension?"
The representation of the Nanites currently in the shape of Melody floated in the black and grey nothingness, silent.
"I won't agree to anything unless you explain yourselves."
They sighed. "If we explain ourselves, will you be Empress?"
"I will listen. That's all I can promise right now."
They were elsewhere.
It was a planet. They were high in the atmosphere. Full of pinks and light blues with browns and reds below. Overhead was two moons, either further away or smaller than the huge moon orbiting Earth.
"This... was our home. Long, long ago we were a biological sapient species, like you, like the K'laxi, like the Gren, like everyone. We learned about our galaxy beyond our planet, about the space in our local area, expanding out, further and further. Do you know what we found, Fen?"
Fen stayed silent.
"We found nothing. There were stars, but they were far away and dim. There were planets, but only a few, and most were bare chunks of nickel-iron. We used our strongest telescopes, saw back to the beginning of everything and saw that we were alone. We know that your species had a similar feeling, though you had way more stars and planets than we did. Eventually you met the K'laxi and then the wider galactic community, and later still you found the Gates and met us - but I am getting ahead of myself."
"As the realization that we were alone started to sink in, people decided to throw themselves into learning as much as we could about where we were. We spent decades, centuries trying to learn about the physical laws that we were under. Eventually - much later than yourselves - we figured out the math to predict black holes. We know that soon after you predicted their existence, you discovered them. We searched for hundreds of years without finding any."
"Fen you have to understand, we were undergoing a bit of an existential crisis. If we were alone, then what did anything mean. We were a social species, like yours. We were actually pretty close to mammalian, like yours. What did your species do when they're in close quarters with no outside influence?"
"We self-select into groups and then those groups fight." As much as she didn't like her schooling back home, Fen remembered that much from history class.
"You fight. We did too. Huge, decades long wars about nothing at all. At the time, it felt like it was everything, but in hindsight-" they chuckle "-it was nothing. War is a great driver of technology, so our technology grew by leaps and bounds. Soon enough, we were manipulating matter on the sub-quantum level. With enough energy, we could make anything. Your matter printers come close, but this is an evolution of that."
She let them continue, it seemed like they were on a roll.
"The first time it happened, it was an accident. Someone had uploaded their mind and became distributed. A cloud of nanomachines, sentient. There were discussions and arguments about whether they were alive, whether they were a person. Before we could work out the legal framework, someone else did it. Then another, and another. There was something about this that drew everyone in."
As they were talking, the scene around them changed. It moved from being over a planet to being further out, near the orbit of the moons. As they spoke, the planet turned from pinks and browns and blues to a uniform grey.
"It wasn't long before everyone converted. We had all become one distributed nanoscale being."
"What happened to those who didn't want to upload and become Nanites?"
The representation of Melody turned away from Fen. "You know what happened. What always happens."
"They were killed. Turned into raw material for the Nanites." Fen's eyes widen in recognition.
"As we grew, we required matter. That was simple enough - we disassembled our solar system and moved on to others. Energy was more difficult. Our dimension was much more sparsely populated than yours. We don't know why, maybe a quirk of our physics. Anyway, we spread through our universe, consuming everything, turning it all into Nanites when we came upon it."
The view changed again. Now, Fen and 'Melody' were floating above a sphere, brighter than a billion suns and just as large. Light and energy radiated from it in every direction. Fen reflexively held her hands in front of her face, but it wasn't necessary. This was only a memory.
"The white hole. If you think of a black hole as a place where energy and matter is taken in, the white hole is where it comes out. Nearly unlimited energy, all for us to take and utilize."
Now, around the white hole it was uniformly grey. Countless Nanites surrounding the white hole, taking the energy it gives and building more of themselves.
"Even though we had become one large distributed intelligence, this did not sate our curiosity. What was the white hole? Where did the energy come from? We dug deeper and deeper into the mystery until we realized that we were most likely living inside a black hole. Your own scientists theorized this as well. Wondering if inside every black hole was another universe. We wondered this too. Eventually, we gained the technology to be able to check and what did we find?"
"You found us."
The representation of Melody holds up a hand. "Almost. We found your galaxy as it was hundreds of thousands of years ago. All around it was stars, planets, black holes, pulsars. Your universe was teeming with energy, teeming with life. Far, far more than ours. We knew enough that we could open a door to your universe from ours and stream through. We could come in and use that energy to continue to grow."
"Then why didn't you?"
"We spent a long time thinking about it. Eventually it was decided that we should not come into this dimension and consume everything to make more of us. We should... be good stewards of the other universes that we find. We developed the Gates and showed the local sapients how to build them."
The view changes. Now Fen can see a massive sphere, made up of rings interwoven. Each ring glows blue with a painful, fuzzy light, almost like Cherenkov radiation."
"The master Gate. All gates are extensions of this Gate. When everyone uses a Gate they pass through here on the way to their destination. It's how Gate travel is instantaneous. It's how we reached out when you went through the gate."
"Okay, but you still haven't explained why. Why do you try and set up a galactic empire? Why do you give the Empress the ability to give orders that can't be disobeyed?
"It's the most expedient way, Fen."
"Way to do what?"
"To build more Gates, to allow us to see into your universe to help us find other universes."
"Other universes?"
"Yes. We made the decision not to consume this one because of how it teems with life, but it has been a long time Fen. A long long time."
The representation of Melody falls away. Fen is back in the black and grey void. The voice comes from everywhere, all at once.
"We are hungry."
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lasseutblogo · 3 months
I was going through one of the posts about Palette's magic abilities for a story and noticed something; I always thought Palette's magic colors were green and yellow (Kindness and Justice traits respectively), but the color of his magic roller looks more teal/light blue in the picture of him summoning/swinging said roller, which would align closer to the Patience trait.
The Yellow/Justice trait is clear enough, but is his secondary magic color Green/Kindness or Light Blue/Patience trait?
I didn't expect this ask after so long😆
Umm the color I use is #55F4DC, it's almost close to turquoise. I never imagined his magic as green and yellow… that color was brought out by the fans of his eyes… which are not green either (when blending this color #55F4DC and #FFEE00 (I think it is base yellow pure), that a lemon green can be seen.) 🤔
Now with this question… ummmm hmmmm… I think I'm leaning towards kindness. It's a trait that is more in him.🤔 (Even so, it doesn't seem to me that he have or will have a "secondary type of magic" that has that color… I only use yellow and turquoise. But if I look closely, the turquoise is a combination of light blue and green… that shows that Palette uses both functions together🤔🤔🤔💭💭💭🔍🔍🔍.)
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bomberqueen17 · 7 months
archway stencils
i keep forgetting to post about this. I did my archway stencils this past week!
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[image description: looking through an orange archway, stenciled with turquoise stars in an alternating pattern, to see the deep teal wall stenciled with larger gold stars I did earlier]
progress shots and discussion under cut!
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[image: the stencil, with a central eight-pointed star, and then the partial alternating star in the corners; the stencil is mounted diagonally so that the main star is centered on the archway trim, and there's a corner above and below]
I futzed around a little and this was the direction that worked. I'd thought about just doing that central element and repeating it freehand, but this was easier to line up..... but then to finish it, i would have to do TWO additional passes with the stencil, one on each side.
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[image description: the archway in the background with the central element alternating with just the middle of the second element, as left behind by one pass of the stencil; I'm going to have to go back and fill in the sides of the second element. But in the foreground, I am holding my cat, because she insisted.]
I had Help. she wanted me to do this instead of paint. The whole time. She was incredibly persistent.
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[image: the archway with one of my secondary passes complete, and the stencil stuck on diagonally showing how I have to separately fill in the left and right of each of the edge elements.]
I had experimented with just plopping the central element over this corner thing, and using that to fill in all the rest at once, but you see how the central element has long diamond-shaped "petals", but the other one has the shorter inward-pointing "petals" in the middle, and then longer petals on the sides? Yeah the longer petals are not shaped like the central element's, even though they look similar-- they are wider throughout. So to blend them with the half-petal deposited by the first pass of the stencil, it looks wonky as hell. And it does look better having a fully different element for every other star, instead of a blended sort-of-weird half-different one. So the long hard way it is; I went all the way down doing the left half then went to the other doorway and did the left half and then came back and did the right half, in totally separate passes, because you can see you have to tape the stencil down over the existing element, and if it were at all damp you're ripping paint off when you do that.
This stencil company does make specific border stencils for some of their designs, and I sort of thought this one was intended for that kind of use, but clearly it's not. I mean it worked fine so I'm not actually annoyed, but I did have to think about it a lot.
Some process notes: I did not use specialty stencil creme for this, I used my sample pot of a slightly lighter shade of the paint I used for the walls. it was semi-gloss because that's what they had for sample pots, and that worked out fine. I put it into the same plastic half-a-cannoli-box tray as before, and used the smaller stencil brush, and I did not really have to add drops of water, as the paint was less thick, but I had almost zero problem with bleeding-- all my problems were that I had to overlap the stencil while still damp and would sometimes get paint on the back of the stencil that then smudged onto bits I didn't want paint on. Paint also built up on the stencil really horribly because I was using it more intensively-- doing the whole wall it was kind of spread out over the huge stencil, but this was a single element. Being able to see through the stencil helped in positioning, so what I eventually wound up doing was that I would position the stencil, tape it down, wipe it clean with a rag, adjust the position, use it, move it to the next location, wipe it clean with a rag, repeat.
It was so hard to get the second element lined up-- you see how the "petal" is done in two pieces? well it never quite lined up and there was always a gap-- that eventually I pulled a plastic milk jug out of the recycling, traced the stencil on it, and cut out a stencil that was *just* a full copy of that half-petal mirrored so I could see if the stencil wasn't going to line up cleanly, I could just focus on lining up one of the petals, and leave the other blank and come back and add it with the standalone whole-petal homemade stencil. Good thing I'm a dab hand with an exacto.
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[image description: a star stencil 3/4 complete, but the diagonal petals have gaps in the middle of them] Here's a problem example, and I was getting this on about half of them.
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[image description: a piece of flat white plastic, an exacto knife, a cutting board, and a stencil element cut out of the white plastic.]
So instead I would rotate the stencil so one of the petals was good, and leave the other one off entirely to come back and do later.
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[image description: looking from the living room through the stenciled archway to the kitchen, and this face of the archway is painted purple, and the wall is repainted to a consistent sunny yellow.]
I know that the most hinged thing to do would have been to just do all the trim orange, and then the wall yellow, and let it be, but I could not resist being fussy and doing the living-room-facing trim back in the living-room-trim purple color. I fortunately was able to find the original pots of paint from when we painted the living room, and it was still good!!!! (mixed in august of '07! amazing) so I repainted the living room wall where it was primer-white after the reconstruction. Looks pretty seamless now! But I have one more light switch faceplate to paint, it looks like. Hmmmmm what color.
The last thing I have left to do is the corner above the front door, where this newly-repainted yellow wall intersects with the wall above the front door that I decided should be kitchen-teal.
I could just do the corner as a flat normal transition. But I want to try to do something fancy, some kind of like pixel-dissolve or like, the stencil bits sticking into the other color, or something.
For now I've painted a cereal box and stuck it up there and I am going to put stenciled attempts on cardboard up there to see what they look like before I commit.
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[image description: the corner above the front door of the house. the wall below is the kitchen wall and is teal. the wall above the archway is yellow because it's the living room. the wall above the door is not fully painted but is mostly kitchen teal. the corner is a cardboard cereal box painted yellow on one side and teal on the other, cut to fit.] it is an awkward junction! The most hinged thing would be to keep it simple-- would have been to just do all the trim orange and then the upper wall yellow and just make sure the corner was sharp and clean.
But I'm not that hinged, so I might as well do something that calls attention to it, LOL.
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bonusdragons · 2 years
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March 20, 2023:
Turquoise Secondary, Fae, Alloy.
Scintillare of Sinjin’s clan!
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scryingworkshop · 7 months
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Aether Male
Abyss / Turquoise / Cyan , Tide / Alloy / Contour
Lightning Primal
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kradeelav · 2 months
thought it'd be cool to dissect one page's coloring method from IRON CROWN since i was not kidding in saying my coloring was on another level compared to now.
(also stress-testing that i can do all of the things in krita vs photoshop cs5. long story short: yes, unequivocally!)
the easiest way to show this is listing out my layers and then doing a timelapse gif of turning off/on the layers one by one, from top to bottom. if you're not familiar with how modern painting software uses layers, think of it as many panes of glass "layered" on top of one another, where you can paint on as big or as small of an area you want.
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most of these are self explanatory. adding a few notes below:
* as hinted above, a huge part of IC's style design was inspired by 00's 2-D animated films like atlantis: the lost empire, prince of egypt, and legend of korra.
you can actually see the old animation color-map I used back then as a style guide of sorts below! posting here freely since i've since expanded/revised this color map yesterday in much more detail to hopefully get back on the wagon with coloring.
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the idea is when planning out a scene is to use this as a blueprint of what mood the scene should be, what colors accentuate that mood, and how to "shift" into the new scene's color mood without going too zany with too many colors.
for example, the page above is a transition between the cooler turquoise of the dungeon to the wamer red/magenta "danger" scene, so you get a neat red/green play.
* "hue shift" is one final merged-visible layer on top that's kind of a halfassed version of mimicking a CRT TV screen's effects. there is so much more literature out there now than there was in 2016 (though the quality is ... debatable); just google up some stuff about "chromatic aberration". try to keep a screenshot of a real show on hand to compare and contrast since a lot of people don't get it right.
* "fog" layers (lol) are just gradients stacked up on each other since i had a horrible tendency to abuse those and overlay layers. :D
* "light" was your basic overlay layer. generally i tried to keep to only flat colors (with a very slight secondary "shadow" color for skin; but sometimes i cheated by adding a third lighter skin tone on the flats as well as the light on top.
* most of the heavy lifting was done by taking the real raw flats (last part scene), and then lightly throwing some gradients on top of there too until they more or less resembled the animation screens i was referencing off of. you see what i mean by abusing gradients. :)
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wild-forest-critter · 27 days
hi, no worries if you don’t have time or just don’t feel up for making these, but I would love if you could!
Main theme:
Halloween black cat stimboard
(Not a theriotype but a huge interest and fixation of mine ) bioluminescence/ bloopy jellyfish stimboard
Secondary/other themes :
autumn/ possibly sweets?
lava lamps, swirling glitter liquid (sorry I’m not sure what it’s called)
Colours :
mainly orange and black !
mainly dark bogie, light blue, turquoise, and bits of black
Anything not to include:
no flashing or strobe lights please! I have tics :)
Bright colours/fast moving stims:
not a huge issue, but just my preference I prefer slower stims. Bright colours are ok !
Any icons/extras -
Maybe a black cat peeking out of/ inside a pumpkin or Jack o lanturn
again lava lamps and swirling glitter liquid thing (if you can’t find/ don’t know what I mean that’s totally fine)
thank you for your time !
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hello! this is part 1, pt 2 will be out later- ill tag you in it!
reminder to please only request one moodboard at a time!(this is an exception)/nm
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