merakipitik · 2 years
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Creating something with soul, creativity, and love is about infusing your work with a piece of yourself. It's about going beyond the technical aspects of photography, filming, or any other craft, and tapping into the emotions, thoughts, and experiences that make you who you are. When you put "something of yourself" into what you're doing, you're able to connect with your subject on a deeper level, capturing not just their physical appearance but also their personality, spirit, and essence.
Whether you're photographing nature, portraits, or spotted moments, it's important to approach your work with a sense of mindfulness and intention. Take the time to observe, reflect, and connect with your surroundings or subjects, and allow yourself to be inspired by the beauty and wonder of the world around you. By bringing your own unique perspective, style, and energy to your craft, you can create work that is not only visually stunning but also emotionally resonant, evoking feelings of joy, wonder, and awe in those who view it.
Meraki Pitik Click Something of Yourself. https://merakipitik.tumblr.com
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transgenderization · 8 months
azyrealel wnt answer the stupid question tumblrfollowers tell me whether i should go to the corner shop to buy snacks or not
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footlongdingledong · 10 days
Sending a call to your psionic warriors with better computers to add skeleton gifs to that last slide in the powerpoint, tried again with my computer and it could not handle it
^my psionic tumblrfollowers get this anon some skeletons
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discountpro · 13 days
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How to Buy Tumblr Followers Safely #TumblrFollowers#FollowMe#TumblrGrowth#TumblrCommunity#TumblrArtist#TumblrBlog#SocialMediaMarketing#TumblrAesthetic
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flunkett · 11 months
tumblrfollowers ive never been higher send posy
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nishp · 1 year
My Twitter
Follow me on Twitter
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touchedenuit · 4 years
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Streets of Paris
A. Bartok
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clearvisionary · 3 years
To feel, to see, to hear, to voice.
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83-18 · 7 years
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You can leave if you want to..
Gif created by Keaton Mason 
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reviewbuzz · 3 years
Liquid Web Review 2021: Fast, Reliable & Managed Hosting? Liquid Web is one that many large brands trust and Businesses require robust web hosting services to maintain their online presences, Liquid Web is the company that has a range of cloud, dedicated, reseller, virtual private server (VPS), and WordPress server packages with enough flexibility and muscle to power the likes of Eddie Bauer, Home Depot, National Geographic, Porsche, and Symantec. Be prepared to pay premium prices for this excellent, managed, enterprise-class service, though; Liquid Web lacks a low-cost, shared hosting tier. Liquid Web excels in managed hosting; in fact, that's the reason for the service's Editors' Choice designation. With managed hosting, a business doesn't house its servers onsite. Instead, the servers are hosted at a web host's datacenter. That might sound like a description of what every web hosting service does, but Liquid Web goes far beyond simply serving up files remotely. The company can handle all the site's administrative duties and support tasks, regardless of complexity and scale. As you'd probably suspect, this type of service is designed with big businesses in mind. Liquid Web's managed hosting is also quite pricey, but with the big-ticket comes big specs. Read Liquid Web Review Blog to know more: Liquid Web Blog
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thelittlebencher · 4 years
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Well well . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #tubblogger #bloggers #instadaily #instagram #instafollow #instamood #instamood #tumblr #tumblrgirl #tumblrfollow #followforfollowback #follow4followback #followers #pictureoftheday #pictureperfect #photography #photogram #photographers #photofilmy #lightroom #lightroompresets #lightroompresets https://www.instagram.com/p/B_KOYWangzN/?igshid=1nzk8cap7ffhb
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cheriebomb0 · 5 years
Depois de você
Quando você voltar
Talvez eu seja a menina bonita de cabelos vermelhos
Calçando botas escuras de vinil
Fumando cigarro
Sentada em cima de um muro branco
Com um olhar que diz "não se aproxime, eu sou perigosa "
E você
Você vai ser o Nerd de olhos azuis
Que anda pela escola com o rosto enfiando dentro de algum livro sobre teorias da conspiração
E quem sabe
Dessa vez
Eu consiga te fazer ficar
Talvez por um descuido
Ou um beijo quente numa tarde fria
Você aprenda a gostar da vida de novo
-Cherie ♡
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namastayworld · 5 years
A Fledged Girl.
"freedom is the oxygen of the soul."
Every time before going to bed I wonder on some random thoughts, I guess we all do. But my wondering are not limited in bed only sometimes i spend a whole day thinking about it. Am trying my hand in writing not because i want to be a writer but because i want to be a portrayer. The piece that am sharing today have had a place in my mind since I got familiar to the concept of thinking and am relieving this thinking again and again.
Here we will be talking of a girl who was finding it hard to grow up in a man's world. We all are familiar with the term patriarchy!!!! To her patriarchy started when she fell in love with her fellow mate at the age of sixteen. In the begining, every thing seemed like a fairy tale to her and to the world too but who knew that there lied a beast in the prince!!!! She almost forgot to live life the way she always wanted to and even she had no idea that there existed any "her way". She started living her life the way he wanted from her and started ignoring the fact that she once dreamt about things that didn't include him or any of him; dreams where he had zero participation into and only thing which was allowed to participate was her smile that was vanishing day by day in the storm of his domination. She used to look high up in the sky and try to make an eye contact with the birds flying there with her eyes being inquisitive and her heart being jealous of them. It was like she wanted to ask them questions like- "Where did you get those wings?", "Do i have to clear any exam to have them?". She was suffocating inside out. It was like she was locked up in a coffin with a hole open and someone had pushed the box in a river where no sos could show up.
She never understood what was happening to her and why it was happening to her at all. She never asked anyone to help her out of the box instead was trying to adapt the situation below three thousand feet down being locked up in a box. She was portraying her story as the perfect one to the world and inside was trying hard to breathe. It's not that he told her what to do rather he was more into what not to that would include- "don't wear that it's too sluty!!!", "stay away from that boy he happens to care for you.", "don't talk in this manner when you are with me.", "don't spill embarrassing shit in front of my friends.", "behave youreself." To be brief he was the one who decided for her when to breathe.
And still she wanted to be with him until a bird showed up to teach her how to have wings and how to fly high in the sky. The wandering bird taught her that sometimes it is okay to be a wanderer and nothing else. Sometimes it is okay to do what you always dreamt of. And sometimes it is okay to breathe on your own. The wandering bird taught her the value of flying in the sky while appreciating walking on the roads. It told her that not always the sky is the preference sometimes you gotta find peace wherever you are not always you have to fly away and run away. It brought out the wings that was tarnished, filthy, murky and dead within her. She decided to break the box and swim all the way out of the river and she swam relentlessly until she found the coast of it and finally she breathed.
Now the girl has learnt to fly so high that you could not get a single glance of her and sometimes you could see her by your side smiling and laughing like she recently have been introduced to it and sometimes she is in between the sky where the dreams are higher enough to be found and a vague watch of the ground. For that she now knows that not all the tale are meant to be told. Sometimes it's better to fly away from your castle where you think you have got all the comforts and build a brand new.
Let's not fight patriarchy, let's make them live into one.
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radxtropics · 5 years
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Whale shark !!!! :0
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colettesvalentines · 5 years
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deepcha0s · 6 years
Eu já tentei me convencer que eu deveria seguir em frente, sabe? Eu deveria me conformar que você nunca irá me notar, pelo menos do jeito que eu quero. É duro, você faz de tudo, você estende sua mão para a pessoa mas do que estenderia para outra qualquer, você grita internamente esperando que as palavras saiam pelos olhos e sejam notadas, sem que sejam ditas. Mas, não. Parece que a pesssoa não quer ver ou finge não ver. É duro, você conhece outras pessoas maravilhosas, que estão verdadeiramente dispostas a pegar a sua mão e seguir com você, dividir a vida contigo. Mas não, você está presa a um sentimento que não te deixa seguir, sair do lugar...Você para analisar sua vida e pensa : poxa vida, como eu posso ter de tudo e mesmo assim me sentir tão triste, vazia. O problema sempre foi ele, o problema agora é essa saudade dele. Saudade de escutar sua voz, saudade do teu sorriso e saudade do que nunca existiu. Enfim, eu queria não sentir isso tudo, mas ele "não deixa."
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