#tumblr/awards in ceramics
sexypinkon · 1 year
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Sexypink - Bahamian Ceramist Anina Major soars!
Join us in congratulating Anina Major for being a 2023 recipient of the Joan Mitchell Fellowship! Major exhibited her first solo exhibition in The Bahamas with us in April 2023. We are quite proud of you, Anina!
"Anina Major (New York, NY; b. 1981) draws on the ancient weaving practice of plaiting to create ceramic sculptures, having begun by employing the traditional styles from The Bahamas, her birthplace, and expanding the research to illuminate kinship connections across the Black diaspora that manifest through the act of making. Further emphasizing the historical importance of weaving as a means of communication that can address issues of cultural erasure and preservation through archival engagement, Major’s fellowship will support additional anthropological research, along with legacy planning and professional development opportunities."
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bmpmp3 · 19 days
like 60% percent of the feedback i get from my professors on my art for critique is just like "keep doing what ur doing" WHAT does this mean
#i dont know what im doing. but thank you i think? i guess i will.#maybe its like that tumblr post where the dog serenely makes a beautiful modernist ceramic out of a baby on a pottery wheel.#'lets see where the dog is going with this' type deal#im glad i think though. maybe i know what im doing. did i ever mention like a few months ago i was staring at the upper year art#while doing some cleaning for a part time job i had (a work+study program in my faculty) and like#that day was the day they announce student awards in the faculty and i basically never go to the lil ceremony because im usually busy BUT#today i was in the building. but still not at the ceremony LOL but i was staring at the upper year art like spiraling into madness or#whatever like oh god. oh god i need to drop out. oh god. and like two minutes later my supervisor (part of faculty) texted me like#you should go to the award ceremony NOW and i was like oh do they need help cleaning up or setting something up?#still in job mode LOL and i walked in and it turned out i won an award. which im still reeling from. ive never actually won anything like#that before. certificate..... my art is being hung somewhere.... i got a lil cash prize... doesnt feel real still#i walked in and stanced like caveman spongebob because people were clapping and i was so confused.....#whiplash of like. 'oh god i'll never be good enough' to 'oh time to do job' to 'WHY ARE PEOPLE CLAPPING'#it was a crazy experience. funny though im glad it was memorable to the audience HFKJDSFKDS#BUT like yeah i dunno i have no clue how my art is perceived sometimes <3 im grateful though. i think?
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ceramiccity · 4 months
Modern Architecture: AIA LA Award Winner
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Contemporary home featuring geometric patterns, large windows, metal panels, and natural vegetation, showcasing innovative architectural design. AIA LA recognized. Follow Ceramic City on Tumblr Source: https://soudasouda.tumblr.com/post/749018198293282816/modern-architecture-aia-la-award-winner-follow
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copperbadge · 2 years
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The Jonathan Adler 2022 holiday supplement has arrived! Nothing says happy holidays, light a candle in the darkness, and love your fellow man like a giant eyeball ala a propaganda poster from the novel 1984 staring up at you from the cover of a gift catalog. 
As I have in the past, I thought I’d share some highlights in an ongoing attempt to determine who, exactly, this is marketed towards. Other than, it would appear, fans of @pangur-and-grim​:
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[ID: An image of a tree ornament labeled “Cat Ornament” and priced relatively reasonably at $28; the slightly abstract cat with large round eyes and pointy ears bears an uncanny resemblance to famous Tumblr cat influencer Pangur.]
Or perhaps you would prefer a Snornament (Snail Ornament): 
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[ID: An ornament in the same style as above, but now depicting a skeptical looking snail, a good trick considering it has no facial features. I think it should really be called a Snauble or Snail Bauble.]
I’m so glad they showed me the reverse of these ornaments, because that’s what’s really going to sell people on them.
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[ID: A photograph of a set of “Le Wink” ornaments, round discs with 1984 eyes painted on them and tassels hanging from them. An inset shows that they look exactly the same, except for the discs being different colors, on the other side.]
Do you need a gift for the man in your life? Why not get him....a bunch....of faces?
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[ID: A page in the catalog labeled “GIFTS FOR HIM”, featuring an image of a vase with several unsettling partial faces sculpted into the side. It is captioned “a handsome head turner is on everyone’s list.”]
Perhaps an ass vase is more to his liking? (This one was such a buried lede, a tiny photo in the back of the catalogue, that it won this post’s “I gotta link to this on the website” award.)
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[ID: A vase made entirely of shapely round protruding butts; one cheek has stars, another has a kiss mark on it in gold, and the small of the back appears to have corset piercings and lacing going up it.]
I will say this, Jonathan Adler skipped right past the “wine mom” marketing and went directly for the “pill auntie” vibe. 
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[ID: A page from the catalog reading “GIANT ACRYLIC: Oversized solid acrylic sculptures bring a luminous glow to your lair with colors that change with the light.” The sculptures in question are giant acrylic pill capsules in a variety of colors, stamped “150mg” on the sides.]
Lastly, I’m pretty sure this two-page spread is the result of someone going “But what do we market to The Jews?” and someone else replying, “Menorahs...Mezuzahs....and blue shit.” 
The QUAALUDES pillow is an especially nice touch for Hanukkah. 
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[ID: Most of a two-page spread showing Jonathan Adler’s Hanukkah offerings: some ceramic menorahs and a dreidel, gilded mezuzahs, an assortment of gold-and-blue fruit dishes, and half a page of basically just everything blue that they had in stock, including a long blue pillow with QUAALUDES printed on it in psychedelic font.] 
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fuck-kirk · 1 year
Congrats on the awards, from what I've seen you earned it! I'm not sure if you remember my ask but I started ceramic sculpture a few weeks ago, I'm in my last semester of my fine arts diploma. I showed my classmates your work and they loved it. I now find your work even more impressive. Sculpture clay is hard to work with in my opinion, I miss polymer clay.
Hey anon! Thanks so much!! Sorry I just now saw this, I haven’t been as active on tumblr recently. I really appreciate this ask bc it’s motivated me to start posting more of my ceramic works on here.
And yeah, sculpture clay is a whole other ball game! The main difficulty in making my pieces is the fact that they have to be hollow. I use all kinds of methods and mix them together to create them. Usually a mix of solid building (where I build the majority or all of the sculpture solid, then have to meticulously hollow and out together each piece like a puzzle) and coil/slab build other trickier parts. I’m personally in love with sculpture clay because I LOVE firing kilns, especially large ones. I also create all my own glazes and have done extensive testing to get the colors/ textures I want. There’s a lot more to sculptural ceramics than people think!
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vincemontague · 3 years
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Deadline Feb 1st 2022. Reminder for local and regional ceramic artists, please apply and spread the word: A PLACE AT THE TABLE a juried exhibition in Berkeley, CA @accigallery during #nceca2022 There’s no entry fee and there’s cash awards. Link in profile. #conceptualart #ccnceptualceramics #utilitarianceramics #functionalceramics #dysfunctionalceramics #food #ceramics #art #placesetting #dinnerware #clay #pottery #artisforeveryone #makeyourart #shareyourartwiththeworld #juliaterrfundforceramicarts #eastbayart #climatechange #food #pots #bayareaclay @theacga @rubysclaystudio @thepottersstudio @berkeleypottersguild @claybythebaysf @clayroomsf @redbrickceramics @pinckneyclaysf @hickory_clay @richmondclayhouse @claypeoplerichmond @wheelhouseclaysf @rubysclaystudio @smaartgallery @merrittceramics @clay_clubhouse @petalumapottery @sonomaceramics Platter, 2021. Stoneware, slips, underglaze. #vincemontague (at ACCI Gallery) https://www.instagram.com/vincemontague/p/CYF1gckrMx0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Feral Fatality
(Part 1)
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So this has been in my works for a week now. You see, it was a typical day for me scrolling through Tumblr and visiting some....tags, and then a short drabble inspired me to write about a feral reader totally not because I was craving violence and murder no, which reached more than 4k words on the first draft so here we are! Shitty title, I know. The proofread work went over 7k, and it's not even finished yet. Once I'm done posting this and my main orc fic, I will get into the requests so please be patient!
Pairing: Jason Voorhees x Fem!Reader
Word count: 3k
Warnings: Brief blood and violence at the end of the first part
Contains: Swearing, mentions of neglect and abuse (not graphic)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Screams slit through the twilight as the frigid autumn wind blew harshly through the trees of Camp Crystal Lake. The rustling of bushes and cracking of twigs echoed as foolish teenagers attempted to escape, running for their lives when they were the ones who dared step foot in the place, tarnishing it with their sins.
Jason Voorhees, the innocent kid who died several years ago; pushed to the lake by his bullies and left to drown for being different and unsightly— all because the counselors were busy with their fucking business—, returned as an undead killing machine right after his mother murdered them and died. His sole purpose: to protect the land and purge the people who had no right to be here, sentencing them to a horrendous death.
One by one, they struck the ground, lifeless, either chopped into pieces, beheaded, or stabbed countless times by his trusty machete.
Limbs...ripped off with his bare hands.
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The muffled snapping of branches reached your ears as the vehicle's wheels ran over them, stirring you from your nap. You rubbed your chilled skin under your clothes as you looked out of the window, thumping your forehead on the glass when you leaned forward the moment you saw the scenery. Trees, both ancient and young, their leaves varying in hues of green, orange and red, filled your line of sight. It was still early in autumn, your favorite time of the year, not hot but not too cold either. You watched in awe as the warm-colored leaves cascaded down from the branches and down to the ground, some carried by the wind farther from their origin.
The view did its best to distract you from a couple in session a seat before yours. They always seem to do that all the time, regardless of place or occasion.
This was a week-long getaway after graduation, they said.
Nothing but a white lie.
An excuse for the girls to hook up with their campus crushes, a week of fucking and smoking drugs.
You, however, just got invited —forced— by your "friend" Eloiza, the self-proclaimed hottest girl in the entire school, typical captain of the cheerleading squad; blonde and curvy. Her words were much too sugar-coated that even a deaf person could tell she had ulterior motives.
She only planned to use you as a tool to raise her fame. A stepping stone for her own gain.
That wasn't the only reason though.
Everyone knew who you were, but only by your name. News and rumors alike spread like wildfire through gossipy mouths. Your deeds were known throughout campus.
(Y/N)(L/N), top academic competitor and multiple-award winner, a straight-A student for five years in succession. Some believed you were a genius, the rest called you insane.
You wouldn't call yourself a genius though, you did not possess the obsessive need to acquire eternal knowledge and discover the secrets of the universe as most of them do, to effortlessly solve every problem that comes their way.
If that were the case, then you wouldn't be here in the first place.
You only love learning and indulging in the beauty of Mother Nature, plus a handful of hyper-fixations.
Fine, a buttload of hyper-fixations. And such came in handy in various situations.
You were unrivaled, not one of your peers could come close to your level of wit. Many people wished to have a brain like yours, and just as many hated you for even having one, praised you just as much as slandered your name and judged you.
Despite your reputation, the poor school didn't broadcast it, at least every time. The staff probably got tired of repeating the same phrase over and over again. Which caused more than half of the whole campus to never believe you to be the one behind all of that, laughing at your face when you said your name.
"You? The (Y/N) (L/N)? Ha! As if I'd fall for that! Everyone knows how she looks. You're the absolute opposite!"
"You got to be kidding me."
"You're a joker, aren't you? Is this a prank? If so please stop it, don't pretend like you're her."
Yep, and it goes on and on and on. They were right, you didn't look like someone who would win contests or excel in class.
You constantly wore clothes that hid your form, silent unless spoken to or asked to answer, distant and reserved, you preferred the company of books and nature to the rowdiness and prying hands of humans. A sociopath they deemed you. Quite an extreme word to use when you simply wanted to enjoy the only things that made you happy in this living hell.
You only know a handful of people who approached you first-hand and praised you genuinely, even asking for an autograph, which really surprised you.
Yet, they would never understand you even if you explained, because you can't, words evade you when it comes down to voice out what you feel. Even if you can, no one would care. And even if they did? You doubt it was real. Everyone wants to use you, and they seem to believe you'd let them. You didn't trust anyone. The last time you did only left you sobbing on the dirt.
You wanted to be left alone.
To connect with nature and get as far away as possible from your parents. Parents who kept shouting profanities at each other, the main cause for your depression and anxiety levels to skyrocket, the shaking turning into trembling, 7 hours of sleep to barely a blink.
That's why you agreed to go in the first place.
You hated your household—despised it— a mess of broken shards of bottles and ceramics littered your kitchen floor more often than not. You didn't bother cleaning it up anymore, your mother would just waste away her money on more things to break and throw them at your joke of a father when they fought anyway.
Not only that, you thought...No, you believed if you worked hard to be the best and win countless competitions, your parents would give you recognition and reconcile for your sake, but no, no, no. They didn't care one bit about you or your medals, it was as if you were never even included in their lives at all. Even birthday celebrations ceased to exist in everyone's books after your 13th.
So you gave up.
Down into the void, your wishful thinking went, that they'll become better people over time, that the attention and love you deserve will be given one day. Instead, you wallowed yourself in your studies, besting everyone in everything academic. Oh, but you weren't athletic. Far from it. Damn, you were getting thin and sleep-deprived from being neglected, dark circles under your eyes every time you looked at your reflection. People hating your existence wasn't helping, some teachers even suspected you of cheating.
There's no way in hell you'd let yourself get dragged down to end up like them! You were of legal age now, a fresh graduate from high school, you doubt your parents even knew that since they didn't fucking show up on your graduation day. You were moving out of that shithole of a town. Anywhere is better than where they breathed and spat their poison.
And so here you are. Standing in this breath-taking and mysterious place. Camp Crystal Lake, it is named, secluded, barely touched by modernization as it is hidden between mountains and trees as far as the eye could see. Not to mention its namesake, the lake, you imagined it would mirror the sky, be it day or night. You loved it, you adored the fresh, breathable air that went through you the moment you stepped out of the van.
You also knew about him.
Resolved to never go back to that goddamned house, you took everything you had and needed; the special little trinkets you've collected through the years shoved into a box, the few clothes you had, art materials, and your precious books carefully packed inside a big travel bag, along with your stocked up canned goods, convenience food, snacks, and toiletries.
And other, important things.
You hauled your baggage out of the van and got off, immediately moving to the side and away from everyone.
You got used to people ignoring you that you didn't care anymore.
Why waste your time with them when you can have all of it to yourself?
Eloiza led the group into the larger cabins, the others went straight into the lake for a swim. You even notice some teens disappear into the trees, most likely for a quickie.
In return, you stayed out of their way, fully satisfied being invisible and with your own company as you trudged to a cabin, the one you caught a glimpse of earlier in the van. It was a long way's separated from the rest, closest to the forest and hidden behind a few trees.
You were panting when you finally stopped in front of it, clearly not used to walking long distances and carrying stuff near as heavy as your weight.
Upon closer inspection, you found yourself gaping at its appearance. The wooden walls lost their color as they aged, white and brown mushrooms grew on the ground along with green moss sticking to the beams, and a few vines crawling their way up and on the roof. Despite all of that, the cabin looked sturdy still.
There's this "one with nature" vibe that drew you to it, like a string pulling you closer and inviting you. Ominous most would say, but you almost cried when the rich scent of earth and oxygen filled your lungs as you took one big inhale, sighing in content for once. It was a lot smaller compared to the others, but you didn't care. As long as you were left alone with your stuff you were a-okay.
You turned the knob and peeked inside, letting out a small gasp and opening the door wider to see the whole thing.
Old as it is, it was proper and neat, regardless of the tiny cobwebs on the upper corners. A small, square dining table sat in the middle of the first part of the place, two wooden stools placed underneath. There were cupboards on the wall and a simple sink with an empty space to the side. You went to the next room, doorless and separated with but a wall of thick plywood. It had a single bed in the corner, off-white cotton sheets sitting atop, not a wrinkle in sight. No pillow though. There's a decent-sized closet along with a small table on one side of the bed. One of the windows had a hole in the middle, a ray of sunlight streaming in through the cracks. It was too big for the size of a gunshot, so maybe a rock.
A bit hesitant, your fingers traced the wood, feeling the inconsistent texture. When you went through the back door, your smile reached your ears when trunks of trees and bushes greeted you...
Wait, is that what you think it is?
Stepping closer to the treeline, your jaw dropped when you spotted a thicket of fruit-bearing plants past them, gathered in a tiny clearing.
Purple little cuties poked out of the green shrubs, sporting a vibrant hue that caught your eye. The sun shone overhead and providing the energy they needed. Blueberries managed to grow in the area despite the trees fencing them.
Tempted and suspicious, you crouched down, inspecting the shrub if it really was a blueberry plant and not a deadly doppelganger. Once you were sure it was, (it would be hilarious if you simply died from nighshade poisoning), you plucked one and brought it to your mouth. It was sweeter than you expected, with a slightly bitter aftertaste. You hummed in delight, wiping the juice with your thumb when it dribbled out, staining your finger and lips.
You didn't want to anger anybody. Hell, coming here was already trespassing, so you didn't push your luck and left it alone, hoping they'd forgive you for picking one. They surely didn't look wild with the way they lined up.
You scanned the rest of the area, eventually going back inside to unpack after your little evaluation.
The sun was a hand's away from setting when you finished. Pride swelled in your chest at the work you did, your things stocked and organized with care inside the cabinets and drawers. You won't have to worry about your food for now as cupboards were filled to the brim with them. You also had a decent amount of money left from your savings account that your parents weren't aware of. Prize money, allowance, and the salary you got from doing online jobs all went into it. The camp was a few miles off the road, and a couple more to the nearest gas station with a convenience store. Very far yes, but it's better than living with the people who made you do this in the first place.
You just hoped you wouldn't die walking.
Everything was worth it, anyways. You were free now, at least that's what you think.
You trudged to the bed, eyeing the cushions, wary and a little scared to touch the sheets that appeared to be cleaned just recently, you didn't even lay a finger on them ever since you got inside. Oh, but your tired muscles were screaming to just flump down and relax.
So you did.
You dumped yourself face first and inhaled. It wasn't smelly nor fragrant, just the simple freshness on the cotton fabric. You felt beat but ain't sleepy, yet, so you reached to the drawer beside the bed and pulled out a book to pass the time as you waited for the sun to go down and give way for the moon. Its spine and pages had creases, worn out and yellow-stained from age and use. It was a horror-mystery novel told through a first-person narrative, a story of a middle-aged detective and her Maine coon in their attempts to solve a murder case of a young European lady named Cassandra Chase.
You dozed off in the middle of chapter 21, the part where Dinnie, the cat, discovers a valuable clue to the crime, a rotten limb in the dried basement well.
Jason settled down on the stairs of his porch; shoulders relaxed and hunched as he leisurely sharpened his machete with a small whetstone. Lines of sunlight kissed him through the leaves of trees, the birds in the area chirped on their perches, and the grass swayed, gentle, as a cool wind passed by.
His day be so fine. No troublemakers to deal wi—
The alarm rang, announcing unwelcomed arrival. As if a switch flipped inside, he's already on his feet, making his way swiftly to their location.
A new batch of wretched youngsters, another day ruined. Hunting them down makes his blood thrum in his veins, yes, but they soured his mood, just when he was at peace. He's dead set on slaughtering them in the most gruesome ways possible, only then he could go back and enjoy the serenity the nature around him brings.
He surveyed the area, camouflaging with the wilderness, silent as he watched and counted the soon-to-be corpses, his mother's voice at the back of his mind, guiding him.
They decided to go either to the main cabins, or the lake...even into the trees.
All but one.
Jason already planned to cut down the couple later as they lose themselves in the forest, doing nasty, dirty things to his camp. The killer shifted his attention to you, curious as to why you didn't join the lot. Instead, you walked back down the road. He followed and saw you approach the small cabin, separated from the rest, your eyes widened...
You were quiet— except for the little gasps of awe you let out in between pants—as you looked around and over the place. The ones you came with were rowdy and destructive, a complete opposite. He hid as he observed you from afar, moving around to adjust his vision on you. You smiled every time you looked to the trees, he noticed.
Why were you smiling like that? Why did you pick this cabin? Were you planning on defiling it?
The last question in his mind made his blood boil. He'll kill you first if that was the case. That cabin you chose was special, it was where he and his mother used to stay. He occasionally visits that one to keep it clean and free of dust. If you even think of—
Jason, sweetie...look closer. She does not have such intentions.
His mother's words rang in his head. Even from where he stood, he could see what you did inside. You looked a little hesitant, touching and drawing back your hand before letting your fingers feel the wood as if it was something delicate. Despite the initial...shyness? You proceeded to make it your home, somewhat, dropping the large duffel bags you carried on your front and back, and a similarly large roller case on your left. It was as if you planned to stay for a long time.
Jason hears you take a long breath and sigh as you went out the backdoor. You grinned wider when you saw the nature around you. You stepped forward, straight in his direction...
For a moment he thought you saw him, seeing your jaw drop. You moved closer, and he just froze there, until you crouched down.
Oh, his plants.
He watched you as you gently picked a fruit, your gaze...soft. You brought it to your mouth, some of the juice spilling on the side and you wiped it with your thumb.
You went back inside and continued to unpack your things, carefully maneuvering around the cabin.
Maybe he'll spare you if you continue to be good. You didn't do anything dirty, yet. It's only a matter of time before the camp is shrouded in darkness and his hunt will begin.
Let's see what you'll do before that happens.
Jason tracked down the three that went into the forest. He knew the place like the back of his hand, and it was easier to pinpoint them as he heard moans.
What he saw was utmost disgusting, two girls pleasuring a male with their mouths in broad daylight.
Kill them, my boy! Such foul beings need to die! Kill them, kill!
He circled them, steps soundless. Jason gripped his machete and brought it down the guy's neck, embedding the weapon into the bark, the head rolled down, oozing with blood, and fell against the women, drenching them in red. Not a single cry left from their mouths as he sliced both with one swing, blood pouring out of their throats and staining the ground. Jason dragged their bodies and tossed them into a pit he dug beforehand, making quick work in burying them.
A swift end. Now he waits.
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mi6-cafe · 4 years
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007 Fest 2020 Winners and Prizes
First of all, congratulations to everyone for surviving July!
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You all were absolute creation machines! The MI6 Cafe tumblr queue was always more than a full day of posting and there are 30 pages on AO3 with all your work from just this month. But, there must be a winner.
The winner of 007 Fest 2020 is… *drumroll*
Team Bond Villains! Congratulations!
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We were blown away by the constant creation and enthusiasm coming from this team; you definitely deserve this win.
We did a random drawing among Team Villain for prizes, and the winners were:
@sunaddicted​ - Handmade Q10 soap from @christinefromsherwood​
@starrboned-art​  - A cross-stitched scrabble tile (any letter) from @soufflegirl91​
@iambid / Flantastic - art commission ( EITHER black and white with a simple background OR flat colours and no background ) from @starrboned-art​
@solarmorrigan​ - fic cover/banner  from @spiritofcamelot​
@stormofsharpthings​ - homemade Bond-themed soaps from @anyawen​
@a-forger-and-a-point-man​ - 15 or so DVD copies of various Bond films from @anyawen​
@shadow-in-the-light​ - Vintage 007 magnet  from @1amvengeance​
@azure7539arts​ - vintage lunchbox looking fridge magnet from @1amvengeance​
@10kiaoi​ - Art of the winner’s choosing  from @notwhatyouthoughtitwas (AsheTarasovich)
@blood-suits-and-tears​  - fic: any ship any fandom, more than 5k from @stormofsharpthings​
@soufflegirl91​ - a 5k+ fic as a prize. Any prompt, any genre, fluff, smut, angst, winner's choice from @iambid
@space-lover-345​ - a team mascot plushie from Dino
@lei-bin​ - 00q Aston Acrylic Charm from @10kiaoi​
@melynen​ - ceramic coffee mug with a Brno “komodo” dragon motive from @scarytheory​
@christinefromsherwood​ - Bond themed bookmark (Casino) from @svengooliecat​
@aliensdoodless​ - pencil-sized, or cosmetic-sized bag  from @wambold​
@oldestcharm​ - a prompted commission between 1-5k words for a winner. A’la Cats and Dogs from last year. from @ato-the-bean​
 We also did an all-participants drawing, and the winners were:
@ladymars - a ficlet from @christinefromsherwood
@moneypennyshipsit - handmade Q10 soap from @christinefromsherwood
@scarytheory - handmade Paddington Bear soap from @christinefromsherwood
@bonesandchekov - a fic or a poem from @soufflegirl91
@nothingtosay - mini doodle from @starrboned-art
@aramiheartilly - minidoodle from @starrboned-art
@ravenclawkwardly - fic cover/banner  from @spiritofcamelot
@ato-the-bean - lined blank journals from @anyawen
Kira_Katashi - Bond themed bookmark (Dr. No) from @svengooliecat
@sparklycitrus - pour and melt soap from @1amvengeance
@fallingintomagic - pour and melt soap from @1amvengeance
@becausesubmissionsarebroke - digital googly eye bookmarks from @1amvengeance
@mr-quartermaster - a fic: any ship any fandom, less than 5k from @stormofsharpthings
@themuller13 - pencil-sized, or cosmetic-sized bag  from @wambold
@lille082 - podfic (20k word limit) from @oldestcharm
@boffin1710 - 00Q suiting up sticker from @10kiaoi
@choutarouootori - 00Q suiting up sticker from @10kiaoi
All prize winners and creators will be contacted by email so that a line of communication is established. Please allow a few days for these to be sent out.
A special thank you to the wonderful Cassie ( @quillwritten ) and Souffle ( @soufflegirl91​ ) , who ran the round robins this year, and to our team captains for their leadership. We couldn’t have run this fest as smoothly as we did without you! THANK YOU!
And thank you to everyone who participated in 007 Fest 2020! We hope to see you again for 007 Fest 2021.  
Now last but not least (and slightly unrelated to the Fest) we'd like to thank Kira_Katashi for helping us make the Slack chat and the fandom a fun and welcoming place. She's joined the fandom recently and took part in the fests as a Civilian so we couldn't award her the bajilion points for all her emojis  that we wanted. But because she's brought so much joy to our fandom and done so much, we've decided to show her our appreciation with a this badge. (Which might come with a surprise later 👀)
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jamiaugusztin · 3 years
Hi people... It's Fridayyyyyy... Today will be one astounding day, enjoy to the fullest and be well! We are showcasing a Tender Hearts Collection by Bronson Collectibles Featuring: Heavenly Angel Figurines 1 ♡ Guess Which Hand? 2 ♡ Guiding Light 3 ♡ Heavenly Fragrance 4 ♡ Hymns of the Heavens 5 ♡ Love is in the Air 6 ♡ Lyrical Lullaby 7 ♡ Peek-A-Boo in the Clouds 8 ♡ Playing in the Stars 9 ♡ Sprinkling the Heavens 10 ♡ Story Time in the Stars These angelic ceramic figurines are hand painted in soft delicate colors. Meticulously sculpted with fine attention to detail. Tender Hearts Angels were nicely designed by award winning artist Katharine Stevenson and made by Bronson Collectibles. Certified authentic by the artist signature and the Bronson "Hallmark of Quality" fired into its base. Our T. H. Angels figurines are bonny and ready to be part of an Angels fans collection. Take a moment to view these Angels and more merchandise at everyone's #ShopSmall Store: Now and Then Galleria LLC. Here, are some perks you won't want to miss.. 1 ☆ View current Merchandise, Collectibles, New, Vintage, Pre-Owned also Handmade Crochets by my mum: Mumsie of Stratford 2 ☆ We offer Shipping Discounts starting at $50.00! 3 ☆ A Complimentary Gift with your Purchase 4 ☆ Register to Enter for our Prize Drawing in 2021! 5 ☆ Then Opt in for the Newsletters 6 ☆ Play Free and Exciting Games! 7 ☆ Spin the BIG Wheel for a Discount 8 ☆ Visit us here: https://www.NowandThenGalleria.com - Direct Link In My Profile Thank you for visiting 😃 Music: Coco Islands by Scandinavianz https://soundcloud.com/scandinavianz Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com #TenderHeart #Angel #BronsonCollectibles #Ceramic #Figurines #GuessWhichHand #GuidingLight #HeavenlyFragrance #HymnsoftheHeavens #LoveisintheAir #LyricalLullaby #PeekABoointheClouds #PlayingintheStars #SprinklingtheHeavens #StoryTimeintheStars #KatharineStevenson #CocoIsland #Scandinavianz #Collectibles #Vintage #Retro #New #MumsieofStratford #Crochets #FreeGames #PrizeGiveaways #SpinOurWheel #Gifts #NowandThenGalleria (at Now and Then Galleria LLC) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVCYgDYgMQB/?utm_medium=tumblr
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fashionbooksmilano · 4 years
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The Tile Book
(Victoria and Albert Museum) History • Pattern • Design
Terry Bloxham
Thames & Hudson, London 2019, 304 pages, ISBN  9780500480250
euro 30,00
email if you want to buy: [email protected]
Across the world, tiles add colour and decoration to the façades and interiors of buildings. Both functional and decorative, and found in a multitude of shapes, sizes and designs – ranging from complex geometrical Islamic patterns to figurative 17th-century Delftware – they are among the most varied ceramic products. This striking book gathers together a diverse collection of ceramic tiles, and explores their rich history, purpose and decorative qualities.               An introduction traces the little-known history of tiles, from their earliest mass production in Europe in the 13th century to today, and presents the development of different types of tile. This luxurious sourcebook, curated by award-winning studio Here Design, is organized chronologically and features tiles in every variety of shape, displaying each individual tile type – and often with its overall laid pattern – in vivid colour. Tiles are also shown in situ around the world and at different periods in their remarkable history. This book is a dazzling mosaic, with colours and patterns that will uplift and inspire.
orders to:     [email protected]
ordini a:        [email protected]
instagram:         fashionbooksmilano, designbooksmilano      tumblr:                fashionbooksmilano, designbooksmilano
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soa-insights · 4 years
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CSULB School of Art announces the digital edition of Insights 2020 The Annual School of Art Student Exhibition will be hosted online and via social media.
Join us for the School of Art Award Ceremony on Thursday, May 7, 4pm-6pm SoA students will be honored with awards and scholarships. https://bit.ly/SoA_InsightsAwards
Online Opening | The digital gallery also goes live Thursday, May 7th. Instagram: @soa_insights Tumblr: soa-insights.tumblr.com
The CSULB School of Art (SoA) presents the annual student exhibition, Insights 2020, online this year in promotional partnership with the Carolyn Campagna Kleefeld Contemporary Art Museum (Kleefeld Contemporary). Instagram and Tumblr will be used to display juried works of art from students. Zoom will be used to host virtual events. This online exhibition continues to celebrate exceptional works produced by students. Insights 2020 digital galleries will be live from May 7 to 22, 2020 on Instagram @soa_insights and Tumblr at soa-insights.tumblr.com. Follow #insights2020 on Instagram and Tumblr to stay updated on the exhibition, awards announcements, and more. Engage with the talented CSULB SoA artists on social media, join conversations, and share favorite works. Featuring work from both graduate and undergraduate students in the SoA, Insights 2020, highlights work from all departments: Art Education, Ceramics, Drawing and Painting, Fiber, Graphic Design, Illustration/Animation, Metals/Jewelry, Photography, Printmaking, Sculpture, 4/D, and Wood. Students were asked to submit three works for review by a SoA Faculty jury. Despite physical distancing pushing individuals a part, Insights 2020 brings students, faculty, and public communities together in recognition of student artists. The online exhibition invites participation, social connection, and encourages engagement between emerging artists and campus and public communities. As efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19 continue, students persist in art making, and their works and talents deserve to be seen.
Artists’ Virtual Tour for Insights 2020 | Date and Time TBA Honored SoA Award winners will discuss their works of art on Zoom.
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othersideofgrace · 2 years
August 5, 2022
Of course mag storytelling na sad ko.
After a long stay sa college, I finally made it to graduation. I graduated last July 27, 2022 with a Bachelor of Science in Ceramic Engineering, awarded with Best Thesis Awardee. I cannot put to words what I have been feeling from the moment na nipaso ko until now. I haven't posted my graduation picture with a long post of appreciation/gratitude like everyone else. Even the pictures I posted on Instagram, stays on Instagram. People only know I graduated because of the pictures and videos I shared on my Facebook MyDay. I don't know what's gotten into me why I don't feel like sharing pictures and long post. I even remembered how I planned what to post before, grad pic with caption na "Now what?" but even that idea, I disregard. So, here I am in Tumblr sharing my feelings, experience, gratitude because I feel like no one reads what I posted. The following words are what I meant to post in Facebook along with my graduation picture.
First of all, I can never claim that my success in this journey is mine, but it was God's. I can never claim the glory that was His in the first place. I owe it all to God.
Back when I was in high school, I never saw my self getting a degree in an engineering school. It was never my dream to pursue an engineering degree. But God has a different plan for me. I got admitted to MSU-IIT with a 5-year course program of BS Ceramic Engineering. The journey wasn't easy. The very first semester I recieved a failing mark and lost all my hope to continue what I had plan, to graduate with a latin honor, but instead I had this growing desire to shift to another program. But despite all the opportunities that opened for me to shift, I stayed in Ceramic Engineering program. Being the last batch of the old curriculum had me anxious about my grade, because we are on a crucial line that one failing mark on major subject would throw us back to square one. But despite being anxious, I am not anxious enough to aim for uno. During my stay in the college of engineering, I received an ample of different grades; 3 flat 1, 4 of 1.25, 3 of 1.50, 15 of 1.75, 8 of 2.0, 6 of 2.25, 6 of 2.50, 3 of 2.75, 18 of 3.0, 4 bagsak, 1 INC with a grade of 1.25, 1 INC with a grade of 1.75, 1 INC with a grade of 2.0, 1 INC with a grade of 2.75, 2 INC with a grade of 3.0, 1 INC with a grade of 5, 7 subjects with a P-grade due to pandemic, and took 3 semesters to finish Thesis. No dropped or withdrawn subject. And it took me 7 years to finish engineering school.
Inside those 7 years, I am blessed to experience a lot of moments. Breakdowns, different kind of celebrations, away-away between classmates, naexperience sad nako madepress. But God never let me feel those emotions alone, He send people to whom I can share all my emotion. In the span of 7 years, I found another family. I can never thanked God enough for those people He allowed me to meet. In the span of 7 years, God showed me His greatness, He showed me ny capabilities, my hidden abilities, God made me stronger, more patient, more understanding, He made me better than I was before. Though it took me 7 years to finish, it also took 7 years to developed a better version of me that would be ready to face another giant in my lifetime.
How can I forget my family? I can never thanked God enough for providing me a supportive family, that despite the long duration of my college education, they never stop believing in me. My family who prayed with and for me. (This also apply to my church family). I am thankful for their lives.
I also thank God for opening scholarship opportunities for me, that made 7 years an easy stay dahil may allowance hehe.
In the end, I worked hard for this degree, but God sustained the strength, the will, the wisdom to make me push through. I am the fruit of God's sufficient grace.
I made it because God fulfill his promises.
I made it because God made it possible.
I graduated because God made it.
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ceramiccity · 4 months
Souda on Instagram
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Such a pleasant surprise! Souda was presented with the best new designer award at #ICFF - From Souda's Instagram Follow Ceramic City on Tumblr Source: https://www.instagram.com/p/oJ2TfSNNKb/
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parlorgallery · 3 years
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Getting everything ready for our 13th Anniversary Party, “Lucky 13th”, opening this weekend at Parlor Gallery. • These beautiful “dolls” by Mariana Monteagudo @mariana_monteagudo are patiently awaiting the celebration.. • To preview the show, send us an email to be added to the Preview List. • "Award winning Sculptor Mariana Monteagudo is a visual artist who has been working her series of doll sculptures over the last decade. Her latex, ceramic and mixed-media figures are unique, intriguing and fascinating. Her artwork shows interest in a wide range of references, from the pre-Columbian aesthetics to fashion, tv pop culture, Japanese manga and mass-market toys. • Muñecas (Dolls) is the generic term Monteagudo uses to describe her creations since 1998. • To learn more about Mariana and her available Muñecas, get in touch. • Email: [email protected] Website: www.parlor-gallery.com Visit: 717 Cookman Ave. Asbury Park, NJ Call: 732.869.0606 Direct Message on Instagram (at Parlor Gallery) https://www.instagram.com/p/CaVJtMcJCu5/?utm_medium=tumblr
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xhosabits · 3 years
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It's Handmade, It's Luxury - @mashtdesignstudio “For me, arts and crafts, and anything handmade, represent luxury, and my aim is to merge these traditional production methods with forward-thinking design.” - Thabisa Mjo ___ Award-winning product designer, Thabisa Mjo, knows what she's talking about and doing when it comes to product design. With plenty of accolades and renowned acknowledgement within the industry, both locally and internationally, her design studio, Mash.T Design Studio, is certainly top tier for decking out any place you call home. ___ In a snapshot, if you're looking for Lighting, Tables and Side Tables, or Ceramics, Mash.T is where it's at. Beautifully crafted, quintessentially African and intoxictinglly luxurious, the studio's designs are emotional, lighthearted and completely pragmatic. ___ If you're looking to share uniquely South African stories through the medium of product design, invest in a Mash.T piece. ___ Follow Mash.T on social media via @mashtdesignstudio on Instagram & @MashTDesign on Twitter. ___ xoxo . . . . . #RENASCENCEmagazine #Editorial #Design #Art #MashT #MashTDesign #MashTDesignStudio #AfricanLuxury #productdesign #furniture #lighting #ceramics #africadesign (at The Exchange Lofts) https://www.instagram.com/p/CaJ3uocKLuq/?utm_medium=tumblr
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kokokumaduy · 3 years
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Escape to a sanctuary for the senses at the stunning, multi-award winning Banyan Tree Lăng Cô in central Vietnam, a private paradise of luxurious all-pool villas nestled between the azure waters of the East Vietnam Sea and the Truong Son mountain range at Laguna Lăng Cô. Built on a unique crescent bay offering privacy and unparalleled exclusivity, Banyan Tree Lăng Cô is the most deluxe edition of the resort and hotel collection of the Laguna Lăng Cô complex. Designed and conceptualised for the sophisticated traveller, this five-star villa is primed to redefine standards of the ideal holiday destination. Inspired by the artistic heritage of Vietnamese dynasties past, the resort features 32 lagoon pool villas at 131 sqm and 17 beach pool villas at 124 sqm. The main buildings and villas truly reflect the cultural and historical legacy of Vietnam, featuring integrated clay tiled pitched roofs, open courtyards and wood rafter ceilings designed in the style of the traditional houses of Hue. Vietnam’s rich history and culture permeates the resort with interior decorations such as Champa sandstone sculptures, Dong Son bronze drums, Vietnamese calligraphy, Dong Ho woodblock prints, water puppets, silk embroideries, ceramics and royal purple fabrics. @banyantree.langco #banyantreelangco @rosettemedia #rosettemedia @rosett_asia #rosettasia . . . . #love #instagood #fashion #beautiful #happy #art #photography #style #travel #life #cute #hiso #luxury #lifestyle #VNLifestyle #like4like #photooftheday #picoftheday #instamood (at Banyan Tree Lăng Cô) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZk87GAvAmP/?utm_medium=tumblr
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