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katelovessewing · 1 month ago
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tonyastahlrealtor · 3 months ago
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đŸŽ„đŸœïž Set the tone for your Christmas dinner with a well-designed tablescape! Do you prefer something modern and minimalist or traditional with classic green accents? âŹ…ïžđ—§đ—›đ—œđ—Š or đ’Żđ’œđ’¶đ“‰âžĄïž
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poshbabies · 8 months ago
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Cute hard plastic/acrylic charger plates.
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stochastique-blog · 1 month ago
You can be someone else
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@elizabethbrunsinc shared @pattersonmaker and @instagrahammiller’s #placesetting today! đŸ’“đŸ™†đŸ»đŸ’“ It’s getting so real! @matchpewter @herendusa #mixingthingsup
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impruve · 1 year ago
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awkwardtickleetoo · 1 year ago
Sweet Like Maple Syrup
hi everyone!! so this fic is entirely dedicated to @mushiewrites for their birthday next week!!! everyone say happy birthday mushiiiiieeee <333
originally i was just gonna post it on his actual birthday but i got impatient and really wanted to post it early so here it is :D i hope everyone enjoys!! especially mushie bc he deserves the best birthday present ever which is obviously a cal fic, duh 🙄
again everyone with them a happy birthday and enjoy the fic!! :)
lee!dream, ler!sapnap, 5k words
Dream wasn’t sure how long Sapnap had been planning this, but he did know that he hadn’t been flustered that much in a long time.
It started that morning.
Dream had woken up just like any other morning– at a whopping one o’clock in the afternoon, which was the closest to morning he’d gotten all week, after being sick for the previous one and working himself to the bone to catch up on his projects after that fact– with the only difference being a text from Sapnap sitting on his phone when he nearly blinded himself with it to check the time. It wasn’t unusual for him to wake up to a text from Sapnap or George, but today’s text was out of the ordinary specifically because of the message itself.
meet me in the kitchen when you wake up ;)
Dream blinked a few times, squinting at the brightness of his phone screen, rubbing his eyes with his thumb and forefinger before reading the message over again. What could Sapnap have needed? The text was only from half an hour prior to him waking up, but if Sapnap had urgently needed something, surely he would’ve come to get him? What did he need in the kitchen, and why was there a winky face, and what was going on, and why was he so nervous to find out, and–
The sudden smell of breakfast foods wafting into his room pulled him out of his thoughts. He looked over to his cracked open door– wait, did he leave his door open? He could’ve sworn he closed it before going to bed, did Sapnap check if he was awake before texting him?– as the smell grew stronger. Dream took in a long inhale, humming softly at the incredible smell, before groaning as he pushed himself off the bed to stand up. He pushed his arms above his head, arching his back and groaning again as he stretched his sleepy, sluggish body out, before ruffling his own hair and stomping his way down to the kitchen to see what the fuss was about.
The sight he was met with when he made it there was
 way, way more than what he was expecting, if he was being honest.
On the kitchen island, there were placesets made for two people, set in front of the barstools, behind various plates and platters with more food than Dream could conjure up in his mind on a good day.
There were two separate plates of pancakes, what looked like multiple different flavors, two stacks to a plate with each stack being five pancakes high. Next to that, a platter– Dream recognized it by the snowflake details on the edges as the Christmas themed one his mom had given him when they moved into their permanent home– with eggs on it, some scrambled and some sunny side up. A third plate, a completely different color and size to the rest, this one being smaller and blue, more flat than the other white ceramic ones, was piled high with crispy, wonderful smelling bacon. Finally, there were two small bowls, one being clear glass and the other being a slightly bigger white ceramic one with blue stripes on it, both filled with an assortment of fruit, tossed together to make a beautiful display of shapes and colors. Between the dishes were various condiments and additional toppings; ketchup, maple syrup in a glass bottle that Dream had never seen before, extra chocolate chips, whipped cream, and even a jar of bright red cherries.
And, behind all of the mountains of breakfast foods, standing in front of the stove as another batch of bacon sizzled in a pan and the fan above it whirred loudly, was none other than Sapnap himself. Dream watched silently as Sapnap turned off the burner, pushing the pan of bacon over to the side while he wiped his hands on the kitchen towel.
To say Dream was in awe would be the understatement of the year.
” Dream spoke, mostly to himself, voice scratchy and still thick with sleep. Sapnap whipped his head around at the sound, smiling widely as soon as he saw the older man in front of him in the doorway of the kitchen, all ruffled bed hair and loose t-shirt and pajama pants and bare feet.
“Hey!” He said happily, wiping his hand one final time before making his way over to where Dream was standing.
” Dream said again, glancing between his friend and the food, making eye contact once Sapnap got closer, smelling of smoke and bacon and sweet pancake batter. “Wh
 Holy shit, Sap
“G’morning, cutie,” Sapnap replied through his giddy smile, resting his hands on Dream’s shoulders, standing up on his toes in his socks to place a gentle kiss on Dream's cheek. Dream felt the heat rise to his face, subtly overwhelmed by the sudden affection and bewilderment just minutes after getting out of bed, and he stared with wide eyes at Sapnap as he pulled back. He blinked rapidly, his mouth open just slightly in his shocked state, but Sapnap paid his confusion no mind, continuing to speak as if everything was normal. “Hope you’re hungry! There’s plenty of stuff to go around, so take anything and everything you want. Didn’t wanna have too little,” He finished with a pat to Dream’s shoulder, his hands sliding down his arms until he was able to hold onto one of Dream’s hands. “C’mon, cute thing. Let’s get goin’ before anything gets cold.”
” Dream muttered, tilting his head to the side and looking down at his best friend adoringly.
“Yes, my baby boy?” Sapnap replied, mirroring Dream’s head tilt and smiling up at him in a way that made Dream’s tummy flutter.
“What the fuck
” He asked, exasperated already, shaking his head while a fond smile pulled at his lips.
“What do you mean? I can't make a gourmet breakfast for my favorite puppy just ‘cause I want to?” Sapnap explained, voice innocent and excited, but his choice of words and the smug look on his face when Dream let out the smallest gasp at them told Dream he wasn’t as innocent as he seemed.
“Oh, Sap, don’t do that,” Dream complained, shaking his head again, looking down at his bare feet against the cold tile as he felt himself flush further.
Sapnap smiled, reaching one hand over to suddenly scratch at his tummy, making Dream squeal and jump back, only to be stopped by Sapnap’s hold on his arm that he used to pull him back.
“Sapnap!” Dream yelped, pressing his palm to his tummy to keep the area safe. “Don’t– don’t do that, that’s not– that’s not–“ Dream stammered, the blush on his face and the butterflies in his tummy so strong he couldn’t even attempt to finish his sentence. Sapnap only giggled, placing another kiss on his cheek before tugging him by the arm towards the barstools.
“C’mon. Sit,” He commanded gently, patting the seat of the stool for Dream to take– which, unsurprisingly, he did– while he grabbed the spatula to serve Dream his food. Dream went to reach for his own plate at first, but Sapnap snatched it up quickly before he could grab it.
“Sapnap,” Dream rolled his eyes playfully, though he couldn’t wipe the smile off his face.
“What looks good, Dreamie?”
“I can do it myself.”
“No, you can’t,” Sapnap replied, using the spatula to point to the stacks of pancakes. “Blueberry, chocolate chip, or plain?”
“You’re ridiculous, you know that?” Dream said, though his chest was still blooming with warmth, his heart skipping a beat every time he glanced around and saw everything that Sapnap had done, just for him. When he looked back up at Sapnap, the younger man simply gestured at the food again, waiting for Dream to just give in and accept his fate. Dream’s eyes softened, and he curled in on himself slightly, clasping his hands together in his lap and twisting the ring on his pointer finger nervously. “Blueberry.”
“Of course,” Sapnap obliged, sliding three blueberry pancakes onto Dream’s plate, carefully keeping them to one side. He gestured to the eggs next. “Scrambled?” He asked, and Dream nodded shyly. “Perfect. Bacon too?” Sapnap asked as he shoveled a small pile of scrambled eggs onto the plate, before gesturing to the bacon with the tip of the spatula as well. Dream nodded again, his smile widening.
“Yes, please,” He replied quietly, watching Sapnap finish off his plate with a few strips of bacon and carefully place it back in front of him. “Holy shit, man,” Dream muttered, still very much in awe of everything happening.
“There you go, pretty boy. You can help yourself to any toppings or fruit if you’d like some, that part’s all you, so
 enjoy!” Sapnap said with a frankly adorable smile, grabbing his own empty plate and piling it high with food as well.
“Sap, I
” Dream began. “I just– I don’t
 I don’t know what any of this is about, but
 tha– thank you for
 literally all of this,” He finished, looking over at Sapnap as he closed the refrigerator after grabbing the carton of orange juice. He looked over at Dream, smiling kindly as he poured two glasses and placed one in front of both of their finished plates, before moving over to stand next to Dream, catching his eyes as the elder stared up at him.
“Aw, baby doll,” Sapnap cooed, his subtle Texan accent lending itself to the phrase, enough to make Dream’s eyebrows furrow and his lips form into the tiniest pout. He cupped Dream’s face gently, rubbing his thumbs under his still sleepy eyes. He moved one hand under his chin, gently tilting his head up further. “You’re so welcome. I just wanted to do something nice for you, sweetheart. Only the nicest stuff for my best puppy, right?”
“Ugh, Sapnap,” Dream whined, and suddenly he surged forward and wrapped his arms tightly around Sapnap’s waist, hugging him so close and so tight it would have knocked him over if he didn’t grab onto Dream’s shoulders to brace himself.
“Oh– Dream! Holy shit,” Sapnap said through a shocked laugh, steadying himself and hugging Dream back. “Okay, okay, easy, puppy. Relax.”
“Sorry,” Dream replied bashfully, loosening his grip slightly but still leaving his arms around Sapnap’s waist, looking up at him adoringly.
“No! No, don’t be sorry at all, I love it when you get all touchy like that. It’s really cute,” Sapnap replied, running his fingers through Dream’s untamed curls, in an attempt to fix them from where they were still messy from sleep. Dream giggled, pressing his temple against Sapnap’s ribs, as Sapnap rubbed a hand up and down his back.
“Shut up, you’re such an idiot,” Dream replied, making Sapnap giggle.
“Yeah, but you love it. Okay, we actually have to eat now or the food is gonna be cold and taste like ass, so
” Sapnap pointed out, letting his hands slip down to Dream's sides, squeezing twice before quickly pulling back, leaving Dream reeling.
“HEY–“ He yelped with a flinch, tensing his arms to his sides and watching Sapnap with a slack jaw as he sat down and began pouring syrup on his pancakes like nothing happened. Dream scoffed, reaching for his glass of orange juice to take a sip. “You’re insane.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Eat your breakfast,” Sapnap replied nonchalantly, but the smug smirk stayed strong on his face as he did so.
They finished eating a while later, finishing just barely over half the food between the two of them and at least a glass and a half of juice each.
If Dream were to claim the rest of the meal was uneventful, that would be the second understatement of the year.
There were several times throughout the meal, more than Dream could think about counting without getting flustered beyond belief, where Sapnap’s devious fingers found themselves gravitating towards Dream’s body. Countless times, he would squeeze above Dream’s knee and over the tops of his thigh, moving down to his inner thigh with tiny pinches every so often, the poor boy barely protected by the thin pajama pants he wore. Sapnap would spider his fingers over his kneecap, squeeze above his hip bone, poke at his side and claw at his ribs, and he even went as far as to shoot his hand towards Dream’s tummy, though he didn’t actually tickle there just yet.
Dream jumped every time, flinching wildly, kicking his leg out and hiking his knee up. He curled his toes, dropping his fork each time with a clatter against the plate in favor of grabbing and pushing at Sapnap’s wrists, twisting his torso away, whining at him to ‘stooooop, Sapnap, stop it, that’s not fair!’ each time he attacked– a request Sapnap obviously never obliged.
Dream felt like he’d been sent to purgatory, doomed to sit on edge next to Sapnap for the rest of eternity, waiting and waiting for the next tickle attack, never sure when it would happen or where Sapnap would target.
Or maybe he’d been sent to heaven. That was more accurate. But he’d never tell Sapnap that, not in a million years.
By the time all the empty dishes were in the sink and Sapnap had begun placing the leftover food in containers to be finished at a later time, Dream was, understandably, extremely nervous. His cheeks still felt burning hot, his fingers returned to twisting his rings around them, his knee bounced up and down from where he stayed seated at the barstool after Sapnap had scolded him and smacked the back of his knuckles with a plastic tupperware lid when he tried to help him clean up, telling him ‘down, puppy, I’ll get everything put away, don’t you worry that pretty little head of yours’ firmly enough that it made him giggle from the fluttering of butterflies in his tummy. He watched Sapnap work, trying his hardest to cool down his flushed face, but he learned the hard way that it was nearly pointless to try.
“Sapnap?” Dream began softly, as Sapnap opened the fridge and stacked all the leftovers inside.
“Yes, handsome?” Sapnap responded, smiling as Dream’s smile turned bashful once again and he squirmed in his seat, crossing his arms over his chest and biting his lip. “What’s up?” He prompted, placing the condiments in the door of the refrigerator before closing it, finishing the clean up of the kitchen.
“Can you
 Can I like
 Can I ask what– what all of this is for?” Dream stuttered out, confusion still evident on his face. Sapnap chuckled at his hesitation, walking over and standing in front of him again, carding his fingers through his hair once more.
“Sure, you can ask that,” Sapnap replied with a nod, but silence is all that followed, Dream waiting for Sapnap to elaborate and Sapnap doing nothing of the sort. Dream’s eyebrows furrowed again, more confused than ever, before he broke the silence himself instead.
 wh-what is
 what is it for, then?” He asked slowly, and the hand in his hair then became two, cupping the back of his neck and scratching the back of his hair there. His shoulders dropped instantly, his body melting into the soft touch as he hummed softly at the feeling. Sapnap laughed once again at his stuttered question, pausing before he responded, in a way that still did not answer Dream’s question.
“You’ll find out soon enough
“Sap, what–”
” Sapnap cut him off, taking a step back and reaching down to uncross the taller boy’s arms. Dream let his arms slip apart, smiling as Sapnap grabbed his hands and pulled him to stand up. “You need anything before we go? Water, bathroom break, anything like that?”
“No, I don’t think so, but I don’t even know what we’re–”
“Good answer,” Sapnap cut him off once more, before turning towards the stairs and leading Dream up to his own bedroom. Dream chuckled as he was pulled along, and then once again when they made it to Sapnap’s room and the younger boy dropped Dream’s hand to hold the door open for him.
“After you, pretty boy,” Sapnap said as he gestured for Dream to follow him in, making Dream shake his head fondly as he did so.
“You’re such an idiot,” Dream spoke through a wide smile, and he heard the door close behind him before Sapnap’s hand was in his again.
“Right you are, baby,” Sapnap replied with a poke to Dream’s cheek, and Dream’s lips pressed together through his smile as the bright blush quickly returned to his face, even worse than before. “Alright, c’mere,” Sapnap continued, guiding Dream over to his freshly made bed and turning him to face away from it.
“Sapnap,” Dream replied, his nerves setting in again. He still felt butterflies fluttering in his stomach, his chest tight and tingling, something in it making him feel giddy, like sparks of electricity were stinging underneath his skin wherever Sapnap’s hands trails over while guiding him back.
“Shh, it’s okay. Just relax,” Sapnap said softly, stopping barely a foot away from the bed and looking up at Dream with a devious glint in his eyes.
Then, suddenly, there was a shove against his chest and a foot behind his knees, knocking him down and pushing him backwards onto the mattress, and Sapnap was kneeling above him just as suddenly, knees on either side of Dream’s hips but not sinking down to straddle him just yet.
“WH–“ Dream yelped, bracing his palms on the bed, trying to push himself away, but Sapnap landed a hand on his chest. He didn’t push him down, didn’t grab his shirt, still didn’t sit on his hips, he just pressed his palm to Dream’s chest and smiled when Dream looked up at him with a shocked expression. “Sap– Sapnap, what is–”
“Listen, puppy,” He began, and Dream couldn’t stop the whimper he let out, always sensitive to that name, especially when Sapnap would say it in moments like this. “Just relax, okay? This isn’t for anything or because of anything, You didn’t do anything wrong or anything to warrant this. I’m just really in the mood to tickle you today.”
“Wh-what? Sapnap, you– that’s not–” Dream tried to argue, shuffling slightly to lay more comfortably against the bed, dropping down from his palms to his elbows, Sapnap’s hand staying on his chest as he moved.
“Shhh,” Sapnap soothed, pressing his finger to his lips as he did so. “I just want to, alright? Thank you so much for letting me pamper you and take care of you and make you all sweet and pliant for me.”
“I’m not plia–!” Dream tried to argue, but then Sapnap’s finger was pressed to his lips just the same, cutting off his words as he shushed him once again.
“It’s okay, Dreamie,” Sapnap spoke, reaching behind him and pushing Dream’s legs to make sure they were flat, before dropping down to sit on his thighs. He then reached forward to tap Dream’s elbows, hinting at him to lower them to lay down flat. When Dream whined and shook his head, pulling them closer to his body and pushing himself up higher, Sapnap retaliated by harshly digging his fingers into his ribcage.
“NO!” Dream yelped, arching his back and immediately falling down against the bed and shoving at Sapnap’s arms, exactly as Sapnap expected him to. Sapnap pulled his hands away, pressing both palms to Dream’s chest to keep him laying down as Dream wrapped his arms around his torso to protect himself from another attack.
“Okay?” Sapnap asked, raising his eyebrows at Dream. Dream knew the okay meant multiple things– an okay as in ‘you’re gonna listen to me now, right?’ An okay as in ‘is this okay with you?’ An okay as in ‘this is the plan, got it?’– and Dream knew his answer to all of those was okay, yes, confident enough to nod his head in response.
“Okay,” Dream muttered, unable to stop either the blush and the smile on his face from growing, and he settled himself back against Sapnap’s bed, the cool pillow under his head soothing him even as he brought his hands up to cover his blushing face, letting out a muffled whine as he relaxed into the blankets below him.
“You comfy, darlin’?” Sapnap asked, letting Dream adjust himself however he needed in case he wasn’t. Dream whimpered at the question, shifting his shoulders a few times before nodding in acknowledgment. “Good. I’m glad,” Sapnap said with a smile, before lightly taking the hem of Dream’s t-shirt between his fingers and pushing it up to reveal his tummy. Dream gasped, shooting his hands down to cover the newly exposed skin, pulling his shirt back down.
“Oh, nohoho!” He replied, giggling nervously, pressing one palm to his stomach and covering his mouth with the other to hide his giggles, shaking his head quickly.
“No, c’mon, Dreamie. Let me do it.”
“I cahan’t!” Dream said through a whine, pressing his hand in harder when Sapnap tried to push his shirt up again anyway. “Noho! Sap, plehehease!”
“C’mon, puppy. I wanna get your tummy, don’t you want me to?” Sapnap asked, letting his voice drop off to a soft tone, making it nearly impossible for Dream to deny the accusation. Instead, he threw his arms over his face to hide in them again, kicking his legs uselessly behind Sapnap, but otherwise doing nothing to stop the smaller boy from tugging his shirt again, bunching it up around his ribs so his whole torso was on display. “There we go, there’s my good boy, thank you, Dreamie.” Dream whined again, dropping one arm to wrap around himself again, sliding from his ribs to press his fingertips into the soft skin of his lower tummy, curling them lightly around the waistband of his pajama pants, before swinging back up over his face once again. “Aww, poor thing. You must be so nervous, huh?” Sapnap cooed, resting his hands on Dream’s sides and gently rubbing his warm skin with his thumbs. Dream whimpered and nodded, his tummy jumping at the movement of hands against it.
“Just–” Dream mumbled, moving his arms away from his face so his voice could be heard. “Be nice, please?”
“Aw, puppy,” Sapnap cooed, sticking out his bottom lip, making Dream cover his face again. Sapnap pressed his palm against Dream’s stomach, rubbing his thumb there as well and making him let out a small squeak as he tried to suck his tummy in on instinct. “Don’t worry, baby, I’ll be so gentle with you. So, so gently, my sweet boy,” Sapnap promised, and before Dream could respond to him, he used both hands to gently drag his pointer fingers up and down Dream’s sides. Dream gasped, his hands jumping down to bat at Sapnap’s, trying to push the offending fingers away, but Sapnap only swatted him back and kept up his tracing. “See? Gentle. Nothing to worry about, right?”
” Dream hummed, not exactly reassured by Sapnap’s comfort, but curling his hands into fists and restraining himself from fighting back regardless. Sapnap decided to push slightly further, gently tugging the waistband of Dream’s pajama pants down a couple of inches to reveal the jutting bones of his hips and the line of sensitive skin between them. “Oh god, Sahahapnahap!” Dream whined, moving his hands over and uncurling them to cover the exposed area. Sapnap gently pushed them away again, pressing them down against the bed with his fingertips and watching as Dream gripped the comforter tightly in his fists to stop himself from interfering with the tickles.
“Oh, perfect, Dream, stay just like that,” Sapnap praised, and then brought back his two pointer fingers, tracing gently around Dream’s upper tummy, over his sternum between his ribs and over the fronts of them as well. Dream squealed, sucking his stomach in and half-arching at the feeling, immediately lost in helpless giggles at the feeling. “There we go, puppy, that’s good, right?”
“Ihihi hahahate thihihis
” Dream whined out, his fingers flexing and stretching out as Sapnap moved to the sides of his tummy, jerking towards him to attempt to stop him before he controlled them again and brought them back down by his sides. He squirmed as much as he could, shaking his head, squeezing his fists against the blanket, shifting his shoulders constantly, kicking his legs out, anything to help him deal with the unbearable tingly feeling, but nothing seemed to work. He was still lost in the sensation, unable to focus on anything but how much it tickled. “This suhucks sohoho bahad
“Nooooo, it’s okay, you love this! You love your tummy tickles!” Sapnap stated, a fact they both knew, but one that made Dream whine and squeeze his eyes shut even harder anyway. “You’re so cute, Dreamie, I just can’t get over how adorable you are.”
“Wh– shuhuhut uhup!” Dream protested, throwing his head to the side and trying to lean as far into the gap between Sapnap’s pillow as he could get. “Dohon’t say thahahat!”
“I can’t help it!” Sapnap said in his own defense, smiling when his tracing fingers swirled around to Dream’s lower tummy and made him gasp and bite his lip before he returned back to the sides of it, adding a second finger with each hand now. After a few seconds, he switched to his whole hand, forming it into a claw shape but not using it for that motion just yet, instead just dragging his nails over Dream’s incredibly sensitive skin. Dream let out a squeak, embarrassing enough that he attempted to clamp his lips shut and let out soft whimpers instead of his bright giggles. “Hey! Don’t do that, let me hear you laugh!” He protested, using his claw shaped hands for their intended purpose twice over Dream’s sides just to make him open his mouth again.
“AH– Sahahap!” Dream yelled out with his sudden burst of laughter, pushing further into the pillow, falling back into his high pitched, breathy giggles when Sapnap returned to his tracing.
“Thank you, beautiful
” Sapnap began, earning a groan from Dream. “You really are like a puppy, aren’t you, darlin’?”
“Nohohoho!” Dream whined out, but Sapnap knew damn well that Dream was aware it was true. Sapnap giggled at Dream’s protest, pushing further, backing Dream into a corner.
“No? Gentle tummy tickles always get you all melty like one, though, don’t they?” Sapnap asked softly, his voice fond, and Dream whimpered and shook his head.
“Thahahat– that’s nohot truhuhue! I’m nohohot!”
“Okay, so I should stop calling you puppy, then? If you’re so adamant that it’s not true
” Sapnap smiled at Dreams silence, followed by his fluttery giggles, as he leaned his head back against the pillow as it lolled to the side, a dopey smile on his face. He swallowed against his laughter, attempting to start speaking, before falling back into his giggles and squeezing his eyes shut. “Huh, baby? What’s that?”
“Mm–” Dream whimpered again, flexing his fingers against the comforter and tightening his fists, loosely hitting them against the bed below him to expel the flusteredness that prevented him from answering. “Sahap
“It’s okay, you little goober,” Sapnap said, quickly bringing one hand up to ruffle Dream’s still messy hair before continuing his gentle tracing with it, making Dream’s giggles brighten happily as he squirmed under the affection. “I know you love being my sweet puppy, don’t you?”
“Shuhuhut uhuhup!” Dream whined into the soft material of the pillow as he returned to his hiding place, jumping and squealing suddenly when Sapnap hit a particularly sensitive spot on his tummy, barely a few inches to the right of the little dip in the middle of it. Sapnap giggled at him, using his other hand to cup Dream’s side gently and using two fingers to scratch at that spot mercilessly. Dream squealed again, much louder now, curling the other way against Sapnap’s hand on his side and trying desperately to get away from the offending two fingers. In response, Sapnap squeezed his side once, making him jump back the other way, repeating the agonizing cycle. “Nahahaha– plehehehease! Sahahapnahahap! I cahahahan’t–!”
“Awww, my poor puppy,” Sapnap cooed through a pout, giggling when Dream whimpered and pouted up at him too, before getting lost in laughter again. “Does it tickle, baby?”
“Mhm!” Dream agreed through his laughter, nodding his head quickly, squirming as much as he could in his pinned position.
“Yeah, I’m sure it does, sweetheart,” Sapnap said with fake sympathy, but he still decided to stop both techniques for the sake of keeping the tickles bearable.
Well, kind of. Until he thought of a new idea.
He shifted his hands down, returning to just his pointer fingers, and he began dragging his nails above the line of his displaced waistband between his hip bones. Dream squeaked at the change in technique, arching his back and trying to push his hips down into the bed, away from the tickles.
“Nahahaha! Sahaha– noho, plehehehease!” Dream’s voice was pleading, high pitched and whiny through his struggles. His hands smacked against the blankets, still able to hold back from pushing Sapnap away for a few more seconds. But, eventually, he couldn’t take it anymore, and his hands shot down to grab Sapnap’s wrists, struggling to pull him away with how weakened the tickles had made him. “Sahahap, plehehease, c’mohon, plehease stohohop!” He pleaded, before he was able to yank Sapnap’s hands away from him, giving him a much needed break in the tickles. “Oh my gohohohod
“You okay there, giggles?” Sapnap asked softly, lacing his fingers with Dream’s and rubbing the backs of his knuckles with his thumbs. Dream hummed and smiled, nodding his head up at Sapnap as he blinked his eyes open to look at him. Sapnap nearly teared up at the relaxed expression on Dream’s face– the calm smile that overtook his lips, the fond look in his eyes when they made eye contact, the way his head tilted back and sideways into the pillow as he laid there, content and smiley and letting Sapnap play with his fingers and rub his knuckles. “Aww, my puppy, you’re so sweet.” Dream giggled at the compliment, his nose scrunching up with his laugh and only making Sapnap feel more warmth in his chest. He looked so cute, Sapnap almost wanted to squeeze his face, pinch his cheeks, bite his nose, anything to get the cute aggression out of his system.
Conveniently, he remembered Dream was still pinned underneath him.
So, he pulled his hands away and suddenly latched them onto Dream’s hips, squeezing the spot just above the bones and digging his thumbs into the spot just inside them. Dream broke out into loud laughter, kicking and squirming and thrashing underneath him, grabbing onto his wrists to try to pull his hands off and rid himself of the excruciating feeling.
“SAHAHAP?!” Dream yelled out, his fingers continuously slipping off Sapnap’s wrists and having to readjust their grip, even as Sapnap’s hands remained unwavering in their movements. To be even meaner, Sapnap took in a deep breath, then leaned down and blew a long raspberry over the same ticklish spot to the right of his belly button, making Dream’s laughter grow even louder, much more shrill and raspy now. “WHAHAHA– NOHOHO, PLEHEHEASE!” Dream’s pleading fell on deaf ears, even when he moved his hands to push desperately at Sapnap’s head and shoulders and arms and knees to try and push any part of him away. He was unsuccessful at every attempt, and he had no choice but to sit through what Sapnap did until he decided he was finished, completely helpless to the devastatingly ticklish experience for as long as Sapnap deemed fit.
And if Dream tried to claim that he didn’t love every second of that day? Well

That would be the third understatement of the year.
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jimintomystery · 11 months ago
DS9: "Past Tense, Part II"
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Commander Sisko and his officers are stranded in the year 2024, and their presence has already altered future events. To correct the timeline, Sisko must assume the identity of Gabriel Bell, the hero of the historic Bell Riots. But the riots were named for Bell because he protected the lives of six hostages...at the cost of his own life!
All the placesetting in part one leads to this dilemma, where the hostage crisis can only end the "right" way if Sisko is the one holding the shotgun and making demands and yelling at everybody. It makes for good dramatic tension, because you know this isn't how he'd like to approach a problem like the Bell Riots. But since history has handed him a script he's going to put his heart into the role.
The standout performance in this situation is Dick Miller as Vin, the curmudgeonly police officer. Vin's contempt for his captors is palpable, and even when they make reasonable requests he refuses to cooperate. He embodies the type of person who figures the Sanctuary residents "deserve" to be there, and if they can't change the system peacefully then they can only expect to be shot down like rabid dogs, along with anyone else who might be in the way, because you can never negotiate with terrorists.
Vin isn't evil, but he deals with society's woes by not giving a damn, and in doing so he's dehumanized the residents he's supposed to serve and protect, and that's the problem. He doesn't wake up to that until Sisko literally takes a bullet for him, from a SWAT team guy that assumed the hostages were already dead, and doesn't give a damn when they learn they're wrong. Even that one SWAT guy isn't evil, but you can tell he's never going to get a clue except through the sort of ordeal Vin just went through.
My main beef with this episode is how Sisko and his cohorts shape the message they're sending to the public. The Sanctuary residents aren't derelicts asking for handouts, you see, they're hard-working people who would pull themselves up by their bootstraps if they were allowed to find jobs. Unfortunately that message overlooks all the residents who can't work, or can't afford healthcare that would allow them to work. The issue here is not that a regular joe like Michael Webb is being unfairly treated like a derelict. The issue is that even derelicts deserve more humane treatment than the Sanctuaries can provide. Society has an obligation to meet the basic human needs of everybody, even the people you don't like, even when it's expensive, and even when nobody wants to pay for it.
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knowlesian · 2 years ago
normally i’m against prescriptivism and i know colloquially “filler episode” is used differently than the technical meaning but S T I L L like my god i am gonna take the word filler away from critics and set it on the top shelf until they use it right
filler is wasted space! it is BAD WRITING. filler is what you do to pad out word count or screentime when you’re out of good ideas. filler can be taken out from the story and would not render it impossible to understand.
placesetting is not filler! you have to do some setup to get to payoff like that’s just how good writing works and i am begging big critics to stop calling episodes of tv that do the necessary work of setting up later explosions filler
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ireadyabooks · 2 years ago
Books to Read to Celebrate Hispanic & Latine Heritage Month!
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Hispanic and Latine Heritage Month is September 15th to October 15th! Check out some titles from Hispanic and Latine creators to read all year long. 
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Alberto’s life isn’t easy: He’s an undocumented immigrant from Mexico who lives with his sister’s abusive boyfriend—but he’d always accepted his place in the world. Until he starts hearing the voice of a man called Captain America, a voice that wants him to achieve more, no matter the cost. When Alberto and Grace meet, they have an immediate and electric connection. But when Alberto is present at the scene of a terrible crime, he becomes a suspect. And with his developing schizophrenia, he’s not even sure he believes in his own innocence.Can Grace find a way to prove Alberto’s innocence to himself and the world? Start reading I Am Not Alone!
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Set in and narrated by the same house, Number 8 Sunflower Street, and in three different decades – 2000, 2010, and 2020 respectively – This Is Our Place is a novel about queer teens dealing with sudden life changes, family conflict, and first loves, proving that while generations change, we will always be connected to each other.
Start reading This is Our Place!
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Ian has just been diagnosed with HIV. Victor, to his great relief, has tested negative. Henrique has been living with HIV for the past three years. The lives of Ian, Victor, and Henrique will become intertwined in a story of friendship, love, and self-acceptance. Set in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, this utterly engrossing debut by Brazilian author Lucas Rocha calls back to Alex Sanchez’s Rainbow Boys series, bringing attention to how far we’ve come with HIV, while shining a harsh light on just how far we have yet to go. Start reading Where We Go From Here!
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Set in the 1970s in the Bronx, this is the story of a girl with a dream. Emmy Award-winning actress and writer Sonia Manzano plunges us into the daily lives of a Latine family that is loving–and troubled. This is Sonia’s own story rendered with an unforgettable narrative power. When readers meet young Sonia, she is a child living amidst the squalor of a boisterous home that is filled with noisy relatives and nosy neighbors. Each day she is glued to the TV screen that blots out the painful realities of her existence and also illuminates the possibilities that lie ahead. But–click!–when the TV goes off, Sonia is taken back to real life–the cramped, colorful world of her neighborhood and an alcoholic father. But it is Sonia’s dream of becoming an actress that keeps her afloat among the turbulence of her life and times. Start reading Becoming Maria!
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For seventeen-year-old Denver, music is everything. Writing, performing, and her ultimate goal: escaping her very small, very white hometown.
So Denver is more than ready on the day she and her best friends Dali and Shak sing their way into the orbit of the biggest R&B star in the world, Sean "Mercury" Ellis. Merc gives them everything: parties, perks, wild nights -- plus hours and hours in the recording studio. Even the painful sacrifices and the lies the girls have to tell are all worth it. Until they're not.
Denver begins to realize that she's trapped in Merc's world, struggling to hold on to her own voice. As the dream turns into a nightmare, she must make a choice: lose her big break, or get broken. Start reading Muted!
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gregdotorg · 2 years ago
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Takashi Murakami made plastic Flowerball plates to decorate the placesettings for MOCA's 2007 Gala, the one where he was having his show with the Vuitton boutique in it.
Someone who got Murakami to sign and doodle on them is now selling their chargers at LA Modern, to someone who can pretend they were at the gala, too—or maybe it's someone trying to build a table-filling set.
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blogscollection · 25 days ago
Hustle & Grind Setting Powder – Long-Lasting Matte Finish | Typsy Beauty
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A great makeup look is not just about foundation and concealer it’s about ensuring that your hard work stays flawless all day. That’s where a makeup setting powder comes in! Whether you have oily skin, need a smooth finish, or want to extend the wear of your foundation, the right setting powder is a game-changer. Typsy Beauty’s Hustle & Grind Setting Powder is designed to control shine, blur imperfections, and keep your makeup locked in place for hours.
What is a Makeup Setting Powder?
A makeup setting powder is a finely milled powder applied after foundation and concealer to set makeup, reduce shine, and prevent creasing. Available in translucent and tinted varieties, setting powders help to blur pores and fine lines while keeping your face looking fresh throughout the day.
Why You Need a Setting Powder in Your Routine
Locks Makeup in PlaceSetting powder absorbs excess oils and moisture, preventing your makeup from melting or fading.
Controls Shine & OilIf you have oily or combination skin, a mattifying setting powder like Hustle & Grind helps keep unwanted shine under control.
Blurs Pores & Fine LinesThe right powder smooths out your complexion, creating an airbrushed, soft-focus effect.
Prevents Creasing & CakingBy setting your liquid and cream products, a setting powder ensures that your makeup stays seamless and fresh all day long.
Enhances Makeup LongevityWhether you’re heading to work or a party, setting powder helps extend the wear time of your makeup, keeping it in place for hours.
How to Choose the Best Setting Powder
Translucent Powder: Works for all skin tones and provides a natural, invisible finish.
Tinted Powder: Adds a hint of coverage and helps even out the skin tone.
Matte Powder: Ideal for oily skin, as it controls excess shine.
Hydrating Powder: Best for dry skin, offering a luminous, non-drying finish.
Why Hustle & Grind Setting Powder is a Must-Have
Typsy Beauty’s Hustle & Grind Setting Powder is designed for those who want a long-lasting, flawless look. Its ultra-lightweight formula blurs pores, absorbs oil, and ensures a smooth, non-cakey finish. Whether you’re a makeup beginner or a pro, this powder is perfect for setting your base without feeling heavy on the skin.
How to Apply Setting Powder for the Best Results
Prep Your Skin: Start with a good primer and foundation.
Apply Powder with a Puff or Brush: Use a fluffy brush for a light, natural look or a powder puff for a more matte effect.
Focus on Oily Areas: Set your T-zone, under-eye area, and any spots prone to shine.
Let It Bake (Optional): For a long-lasting effect, leave the powder on for a few minutes before dusting off the excess.
Finish with a Setting Spray: This locks in the look and removes any powdery residue.
A makeup setting powder like Typsy Beauty’s Hustle & Grind Setting Powder is essential for a flawless, long-lasting look. Whether you want oil control, a smooth finish, or crease-free makeup, this lightweight powder does it all. Upgrade your beauty routine today with this must-have setting powder!
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pandakong · 1 year ago
[ID: Screencap with a sepia tinge of a silverware listing for fish shaped forks, knife, and spoons. Text reads, “Yamazaki TW-00 Gone Fishin’ 5-piece Placesetting,Silver” / end ID]
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time to break out the fine silver
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moscatoandcashmere · 8 months ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: 12pc banana leaf basket set.
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cringemantumble · 1 year ago
“What do you mean?” She called out to the bandit, his teethy smile stretched over his burnt face like pearls shining out from a leather purse. He didn’t answer, walking down the spiral staircase in clomping steps, each reverberation shuttering against the rotten wood of the broken building. The lady snuck glimpses of him through the moonlit holes in the floor: she coiled to herself, froze, and then reanimated in swift pursuit.
“Are you insane!?” She questioned, high heeled stomping onto the rusted metal accentuated her disapproval. “Never saner!” Cilian answered with triumphant swinging of his arms as he reached the ground floor. She called out over the banister “You’ll be killed
” then swiftly vanishing and reappearing “or worse: tortured!”. “Can’t see how that’s worse if I’m still alive.” Cillian answered half inside a closet, with a tablecloth, wine glasses, and silver silverware.
The tablecloth flung into the air, spiraling down onto an out of place oaken table, creasing itself into a uniform pattern as a plate rolled and settled itself wobbling infront of a leather chair. A folded napkin plopped into formation on its right, as the heavens armed it with two sized forks and a knife threatening the now pacified saucer. Its twin mirrored it across the linen path, their emptiness broken by slices of bread and the space between them filled by a candelabra.
Soft champagne foamed over two tall thin glasses, their incontinent dripping falling away from the aerial placesetting onto the rotten floors. The Lady was offered, first her glass, then the chair. She gladly accepted both as the dexterity and gentlemanly behavior tore her thoughts of gruesome death only long enough for dinner to be set. Bruschetta, roast duck, garlic confit, and three-fourths of a warm baguette were available for her choosing. She spread the garlic confit over a toasted piece of bread, deeply bit into it, and as she opened her eyes from satisfaction she sputtered. “YCH CBNT DP THPT” she spat out with filled cheeks over the fine linen, crumbs spewing from her mouth.
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chorusfm · 2 years ago
Albums in Stores – May 26th, 2023
If you hit read more you can see all the releases we have in our calendar for the week. Hit the comments to access our forums and talk about what came out today, what albums you picked up, and to make mention of anything we may have missed. A Constant Knowledge Of Death – Dissecting A One-Winged BirdA Pretext To Human Suffering – Endless Cycle Of SufferingAJJ – Disposable EverythingAnklebiter – To Live And WithstandAphir – The Halo Is ShapelessArlo Parks – My Soft MachineArrival Of Autumn – Kingdom UndoneArrows In Action – Built To LastBalance Breach – ABYZMALBrodie Milner – TragicomedyCarry The Torch – DelusionChain Of Flowers – Never Ending SpaceCivil Villains – Motion SickClark – Sus DogCloak – Black Flame EternalDave Matthews Band – Walk Around The MoonDead Speaker – InvisibleElegant Weapons – Horns For A HaloEsben and the Witch – Hold SacredEthereal Void – Gods Of A Dead WorldFighting The Phoenix – Where Demons Go To DieGia Margaret – Romantic PianoGodsticks – This Is What A Winner Looks LikeHawks – Hawks IIIHeart Attack Man – Freak Of NatureHigh Desert Queen & Blue Heron – Turned To Stone Chapter 8: The WakeIce Sealed Eyes – Vol. 1: TormentsImmortal – War Against AllIncendiary – Change The Way You Think About PainIncendiary – Change the Way You Think About PainInhale Existence – The SpiralInherus – BeholdenJAAW – SuperclusterKevin Morby – More Photographs (A Continuum)Kostnatění – ÚpalLegion Of The Damned – The Poison ChaliceLil Durk – Almost HealedLow Coast – Existing The DreamMarina – NuclearMarked;Life – Rare CandyMatchbox Twenty – Where The Light GoesMesarthim – ArrivalMidnight Swim – Into The NightMidtown – We’re Too Old To Write New Songs So Here’s Some Old Songs We Didn’t WriteMiss Fortune – Gravity’s RainbowMoonwalks – Western Mystery TraditionMournful Congregation – The Exuviae Of Gods – Part IINascar Aloe – Hey AssholeNik Nocturnal – How To Metal, Vol. 1Oceanlord – Kingdom ColdOlkoth – At The Eye Of ChaosOmens Before Hysteria – TraumaPhoxjaw – notverynicecreamPunk Rock Factory – Poor Unfortunate SoulsQuicksand – Slip (Deluxe Edition)RIFFT – Dead World WandererReece Young – AdvanceSOM – FaithSea In The Sky – Fall In PlaceSet For Tomorrow – Perfect StrangersShy, Low – BabylonicaSirenia – 1977Sparks – The Girl Is Crying In Her LatteStrike Avenue – Dehumanized InterludeTemps – PARTY GATOR PURGATORYTen Jinn – ArdisThe Deadnotes – Forever OutsiderThe Dirty Nil – Free Rein To PassionsThe Great Manta – Ignis FatuusThe Intersphere – WandererThe Pines Of Rome – The Unstruck BellThe Ramona Flowers – Hey YouTinariwen – AmatssouTo Die Elsewhere – Under GodsTrespass – Wolf At The DoorTroller – DrainUsnea – Bathed In LightVersus The World – The Bastards Live ForeverVexing – Grand ReproachVictory Over The Sun – Dance You Monster To My Soft Song!Vomitory – All Heads Are Gonna RollWSTR – Til The Wheels Fall OffWater From Your Eyes – Everyone’s CrushedWater From Your Eyes – Everyone’s CrushedWhythre – Impregnate My HateYes – Mirror To The SkyYonaka – Welcome To My HouseYou Bred Raptors? – Lysine --- Thanks to helloiamzach for providing additional contributions to this week’s list. You can check out and support his weekly music podcast It’s Not A Phase or follow him on his socials. --- Please consider becoming a member so we can keep bringing you stories like this one. ◎ https://chorus.fm/albums-in-stores-today/albums-in-stores-may-26th-2023/
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darla-the-darling · 3 months ago
She shakes her head, quickly setting out two placesettings. “I’ve got it handled hun”
Diana accidentally bumps into you since she wasn’t looking where she was going instead focused on keeping warm in the cold. “Sorry,” Diana says looking back at you and then ends up tripping on a cracked piece of sidewalk when she wasn’t looking.
Darla looks up, instantly reaching out to catch her. “Hey, it’s fine sweetheart.” She gathered up the books she’d dropped. “I get it”
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