#tumblr keeps eating asks
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siletrea · 2 months ago
YO! Fanfic writers!
Hey! @crazylittlejester @unironicallycringe @hero-of-the-wolf @twistingnightmare-s @tashacee I like your fics! I like how you write! and I appreciate you! (I'm also an artist and I wanna doodle something for you guys if you want!) I'm a bit rusty at 2D but I need the practice and I feel like you guys have treated your communities to so much good fic food, that you guys deserve a little treat in return!
so if you want a little doodle of something lemme know! (and if not that is ok too as I don't wanna make anyone uncomfortable)
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kayberrie · 3 months ago
hello there. I love your art. Anyway would you draw any star wars rebels characters like Sabine or chopper.
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They may look cute but make no mistake: they are stuck (chopper tied the scarf)
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elizakai · 1 year ago
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Guard and guardian <3
(Click for clear image)
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systimming · 1 year ago
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Arcadecore Stimboard! For @roseyane
- Mod Primarina.
((Sources of gifs: x, x, x | x, x, x | x, x, x ))
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racingliners · 4 months ago
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The Long Interview - James Allison. Published 18th November 2021 in the December 2021 issue of GP Racing magazine
for @bluehardtops
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 years ago
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A Blorbo You Treat Nicely, Right?
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randomperson0k · 5 months ago
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big art dump of random stuff in my files that i have no idea if ive already uploaded here or not . throwing my hand into the pile of trash that is my files
shameless advertisement im much more active on my toyhouse than my tumblr (because i find tumblr scary). https://toyhou.se/DragonDog ooo you want to follow my th account so you can get my extremely weird slightly concerning monthly bulletins on there so bad ooo. also i do insane movie rambles on there too [ask me about the how to train your dragon 3 movie i dare you]
in order of characters - my hero academia headcanon & au vers of izuku [because im a nerd] my headcanon au whatever tgs jekyll and hyde [also because im nerd] and my dnd character knob [youll never guess it]
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thewanderingmask · 3 months ago
Hellooo sorry to barge into your inbox like this but I am going FERAL over your Joel winner art so I hope you can excuse this senseless essay of a ramble
First off, stained glass window art?? Yes please?? I love how the entire fandom has just accepted that kind of style for the winners and it's FABULOUS. I absolutely adore your art style and Joel looks SO COOL in it!!! The sword and the ender pearl is perfect (the sword because he's a fighter, the pearl because that's how he died!!)
The hands around him!!! I LOVE how distinct every single one of them are, you can immediately tell who they belonged to. (Okay, the black long-sleeve thumbs-up is giving me trouble. Gem?? But the others going clockwise I BELIEVE are Pearl (the crown ring!!), Ren, Bdubs, Cleo, Tango, Grian, and Etho.)
The backgrounds are LOVELY and immediately distinct: Gem's barn, Scott's cake, Scar's roller coaster, the Tuff Guy's bases, the Spanner's bridges, and the bamboo for the Bamboozlers!!
THE FIVE PREVIOUS WINNERS!!! Quite frankly I consider it silly that we've been canoodling around with celestial objects for so long and I LOVE the symbols you chose for everyone- the red eye for Grian, the stars for beloved Scott, the crescent moon for Pearl, the sunflower for Scar and Martyn's shirt design!!
I'm deeply fascinated by the flowers- the cherry blossom is most likely a tie to his s10 base, but cherry blossoms also symbolize the balance between life and death, beauty and violence. Very fitting for our family-oriented yet ever bloodthirsty Joel!! The blue ones are most likely forget-me-nots, which also fits very well with Joel's ideals of making alliances and having "friends, not family".
"It's Your Turn"... man, I was rooting so hard for Joel this season and I'm SO HAPPY he won. Man deserves a victory.
I'm terribly sorry for this block of text but I just really wanted to tell you that your art is APPRECIATED and your style is FABULOUS and it always makes me smile when it pops up. Keep creating, my friend, because you have gorgeous talent and I'm incredibly grateful you shared it with us. Cheers!
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hi anon and thank you for this lovely message, it made my day
longer art talk under the cut
you're absolutely right about all the hands, well done figuring out gem! it was based on her red life skin, but i couldn't think of anything to make it more clear who it was.
(at least, not until after i'd already finished and posted the piece)
flower language is rad and i did wonder about the meaning of the ones in here, but didn't actually think to look anything up. i like that the blue ones are forget-me-nots! i added them to the winners' circle as a nod to cleo's avatar!
because i literally forgot there were 6 previous winners until i'd already committed to the composition.
the series i forgot about was actually limited life. idk why. i'm new actually haven't seen any series before this one. (i also had to check with a friend of mine who's been watching the series a lot longer, to see if the symbols i'd picked would work for the other victors)
anyway since Real Life was april fools and not really played the same way as the others, i figured it made sense to add martin to the symmetrical circle of 5, and put something around the circle to represent cleo. hence the blue and yellow flowers!
and yep the sakura is hugely inspired by his hermitcraft base, plus the trees at the site of the final fight. learning it has meanings that work so well for his performance just puts such a smile on my face!
(since drawing this, i've seen other people using a comet, which is also so freaking good)
anyway thank you again for this ask, and for giving me an excuse to go off about how i put Very Much Thoughts into art sometimes
i haven't really interacted with many folks in the fandom itself! i'm shy, and i'm generally pretty happy to sit quietly in my corner and sometimes throw a piece of art to the winds to go wherever it might. but a result is that i don't always know how my art is received, if it lands, or it if it feels off to folks who've been around longer.
so your message made me really happy today! thank you!
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bibyshitsuji24k · 10 months ago
im saying it.
smile will grow older.
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wolfsbanesparks · 9 months ago
Recently finished reading Split and I absolutely love it! And decided to take a look at what else you had and saw you do bookbinding. I've been interested in trying my hand at it, but I don't know where to start. Any tips or videos you recommend?
Hi anon!
I'm so happy to hear you like my story! Split is one of my favorite things I've written 💜
So I'm still relatively new to bookbinding myself (I started a little over a year ago) but here are some resources that helped me get started!
So first of all I'd recommend checking out @renegadeguild here on tumblr as they have complied a ton of resources for bookbinders (particularly those of us binding fanfic!). Particularly helpful to me was How to Make a Book by Armoredsuperheavy which is a step by step guide from initial download of a fic to final construction. Renegade also has a discord you can join with a lot of experienced binders (and other beginners!) who will share their tips and tricks to help answer your questions as you go along. It's a very welcoming community so I'd highly recommend it!
For videos DAS Bookbinding on YouTube is a great resource with videos on different techniques you can use for different styles of binding. There's videos on all the basics to get started so it's great if you're more of a visual learner!
There's also Sea Lemon on YouTube. She does a lot of other crafty things besides bookbinding but her bookbinding videos are great for DIY and binding on a budget, so it's great for beginners!
Hope this helps!
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bxxth1ll · 9 months ago
Boothill, I've made good progress towards my next goal. I admire you, cowboy, for losing your body yet retaining your motion. I sacrificed much for my purpose- one of them being free motion. As adrift as I am through the oceanic cosmos, I move like a jellyfish- I can no longer control where I go, only allow the currents to take me. As it turns out, my favorite ranger- time isn't as… intangible as one might think. In fact, it can be synthesized- given the right environment and materials. I do not know when this letter will reach you. My work has caused some… side effects. Nothing out of calculations I assure you- but… some areas of my station seem to be aging more rapidly, rust nibbling at cracks and machines wearing down just a bit faster then usual… Yet, I must persist. I know I draw closer, and I must hold onto that. I have a question for you, cowboy. Would you, if given the chance and despite the risks, try to bring your homeworld back..? If not only for a moment, maybe two or four? Or as long as it would stay stable? Even if it could cost you your very existance? Love from six(seven, perhaps?) amber eras away, Saltwater 🌊 Strangely, the letter seemed a bit worn and yellowed and the polite cursive faded as if it had been aging away somewhere, despite having been made on what would be deemed new paper with new ink. Neverless, a faint scent of the ocean clung to its pages- of water, of small aquatic flowers and of a salty breeze.
Whateva ya goin' through, I hope this letter finds ya well. IF it ever does find ya, that is. But I hope that's the case. Don'cha dare be pushin' up daisies before this here letter gets ya.
If it cost me ev'rythin' I had to keep my fam'ly livin'.. Maybe I would. Jus' maybe. But I can't say that would ever happen. So for now, my main goal is to kill that shirtbag lurkin' 'round the IPC. Aeons know where he is.. But when I find him.. I'm sure to put him in a coffin'.
So s'long as he's alive, I ain't plannin' to sacrifice maself anytime soon. I wanna be the one to personally get him. I'd love to see his face when I shoot 'em.
Yer fav'rite Ranger,
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tetzoro · 6 months ago
CHEERS TO THE WEEKEND !!! good morning friendz i hope your saturday is going well !! im excited for the day ahead and hoping it is kind to us all ! 🤍
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staryarn · 1 month ago
fun fact adrien we love ur art a lot, a lot a lot, like genuinely its so edible. ur art cant be ai generated cuz its, i my mouth! whoops! /silly /playing
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Yay yay
What flavor is my art
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bpdlottiematthews · 9 months ago
If Cole made Alicent the same offer he made Rhaenyra (run off together someplace they could get honorably married & just be happy), do you think she would accept?
Damn I wrote a super detailed answer to this message and then tumblr ate it 😭😭😭 I think maybe it was because I tried to answer it privately? So I’ll try to answer it publicly and see if that works.
I think Alicent would certainly be a lot more tempted/intrigued by Criston’s offer than Rhaenyra was. She might even consider saying yes. But ultimately, I think she would turn him down because of her loyalty to her children, and her suicide mission to keep Aegon on the throne. I can see it being something that she thinks about often, contemplating the “what ifs” had she taken him up on his offer, and regretting the choice she made. Thinking about this has made me want to write a fic about it now lol
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kyouka-supremacy · 2 years ago
as a vnc fan, welcome to the club of "anime onlys are gonna have the upper hand and will get the closure you're not getting for a month or two" ! bones did alright with us back then, and the last bsd episodes were pretty panel for panel, so i have faith in them! (not faith they'll give sskk any justice, but faith it'll at least be pretty similar panel wise)
Oooohh thank you, that's good news!!!
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cuteniarose · 6 months ago
nia, r u doing ok??
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