#tua s4 deletes scenes
sporadicfrogs · 1 month
Oh my god, the deleted scenes??? That's what they chose to delete???
(borderline incomprehensible spoilers below the cut)
Klaus! Having actual emotional responses to things! Five reaching out to Klaus at the party... Klaus actually upset at ghosts! Klaus at AA??? Revealing he died and came back multiple times while buried alive and clearly STRUGGLING with it all?? And then Allison and Claire supporting him!! Are you kidding me??? This is what we could've had??
Imagine how much more of an emotional impact there would have been as the audience at the end if we had seen Ben's POV in the store with Jenifer first!!! Only understanding Viktor's reaction after the reveal in the mirror!!! I hated the cgi monster of it all but godDAMN that would've gotten me.
Oh my god Luther and Diego actually talking about Ben's death and acknowledging how fucked up it is that they're just off visiting the CIA after finding out? Luther's guilt over Ben's death and Sloane??? Luther and Diego bonding? Luther asking "am I a bad leader?" Shut up!! Shut up, what the fuck?? They gave the dumbed down himbos DEPTH and EMOTION!!!
Why! Why were these the scenes that got deleted! I feel like they add so much more depth and feeling to all of them! It feels like the characters are actually affected by the events of the season! There's growth! There's reconciliation! They were GREAT scenes!
I don't think these scenes would have saved season 4 for me, but jfc. They would have helped!
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sonder-writes · 1 month
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rayghosts · 1 month
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witchinatree · 1 month
the more i think about season 4 klaus the more upset i get
no, you do not have to be on drugs to be flamboyant and energetic, and i don't like that they're implying otherwise
klaus' character was never because of the drugs, his setbacks and difficulties in life were!! it made it harder for him to be himself!!
and yes ofc overcoming addiction is HARD and i'm not expecting him to be the same as he was before, but they made him seem so.. pathetic..? for trying to be sober? if that makes sense?
his struggle with germophobia pissed me off because it felt like one big joke instead of an actual thing he was having a hard time with
and it's almost like they took away his queerness with the drugs? they took it away in general but his sexuality and gender identities were just completely gone until he relapsed, so he was allowed one dick joke to solidify the "return to his old self"
you don't have to give up yourself in order to overcome an addiction. an addiction does not define you, it's a struggle you overcome in order to be the best version of you. i hate this show for doing this to klaus and telling the audience that your addictions make you 'funnier' or that trying to overcome an addiction is just 'a joke.'
i love you klaus hargreeves
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noisylittlemagpie · 9 days
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S4 Deleted Scene
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avnasace · 1 month
i do find it incredibly funny that in season 4 ben noticeably eyes the marigold bottle, takes the marigold bottle, disappears with said marigold bottle and then reappears with a round of glowing(!!!) drinks, yet the writers still decided that it wasnt obvious enough to us as the audience, and then made sure to verbally tell us that ben spiked the drinks with marigold. then they turn to klaus wondering why he is still normal, and then feel like they have to again verbally explain to us "ohhh you're sober!! thats why!!" when it was so clearly obvious.
but then they rushed everything else and left fifty thousand plotholes behind...
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the lord giveth (robert sheehan filmed a whole arc exploring klaus’ powers and addictions) and the lord taketh away (none of this aired because they hate me personally)
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So you're telling me that Diego, who is shown throughout the show both caring for and trusting Klaus. Diego who leaves his "son" to be watched by Klaus at his most neurotic. Diego who helps Klaus when he begs for sobriety to see Dave. Diego who is compassionate with a hint of tough love has said nothing but awful things about Klaus to his wife's entire family?
That Lila, who has been treated nothing but kindly by Klaus and welcomed without questioned into their family, has such contempt for her brother in law she divulged his worst attributes to her parents and kin? And yet she's a murderer and a trained killer who stole another woman's kid and put him in danger that got him erased from existence. She told them Klaus was bad guy?!
Because that's what that deleted scene implies. And Klaus maybe was those things at one point, but that was never how she or Diego viewed or treated him the entire series. So again I say, fuck you Steve Blackman. A million ways for him to be described to a family that seemed to know nothing about the other siblings, and you had them choose the absolute worst.
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psychicsolanum · 1 month
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they were so evil for cutting this. this man has not had a single moment of true peace from the first episode. he's never ever taken seriously by his siblings the whole show. and the one scene where he finally gets himself help, and is fully supported by his loved ones and they TOOK IT FROM USSS!
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Look at the hope in his eyes for the first time in his life!! he has a support system that loves him and he has hopes of a future where he can love himself!!! this is character development and a satisfying arc!
like they knew they were gonna take it all away from him anyway why couldn't they at least give him this.
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berrystrawbs · 1 month
so SO upset because they filmed shit that wouldn’t fix the season by any means but might have salvaged the final installment of a show that is so precious to so many people.
if you haven’t already, i recommend checking out these deleted scenes (ESPECIALLY the final one if you were as mad about klaus’ storyline as i was) for a little bit of closure/healing/context*
(* a few of the scenes definitely re-inspired me to try my hand at fix-it fic because actual s4 just rendered me despondent)
these are more canon to me than Anything that came out of 4x05 and steve blackman can pry them out of my cold dead hands. ☂︎
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fivelasanctum · 23 days
Petition to see the uncut scenes♥
Please show your support if you would like to let Netflix know the fandom would love to see what we can of season 4 that never made it to the final product. Like a directors cut version~ Our last chance to see the characters and staff we adore before it's too late
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mychemicalxmen · 1 month
is it just me or did umbrella academy start to have a real different vibe after (1) letting the Fuck word fly after only using it once in s2 and (2) going all-in on referencing very recent pop culture and technology?
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sonder-writes · 1 month
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rayghosts · 1 month
we could have had actual closure for klaus and allison's arc that was already filmed and ready but noooo they had to cut it to make room for five and lila's stupid cottagecore strawberry dimension romance
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tired-and-swaggy · 1 month
just saw the tua s4 deleted scenes. Steve Blackman when I find you
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alicentflorent · 1 month
Klaus’ first scene is him leaving rehab with no intention of staying sober and his final scene alone is him going to AA to get help and final admitting that he’s an addict but they fucking cut the AA scene? A scene that concluded his arc perfectly? They really looked at that scene during editing and set “yeah let’s cut that”
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