#tua halloween fic
book-place · 2 years
Scared Silly
Warnings: cursing, bad scary writing, haunted houses, let me know if I missed any :)
Pairings: Hargreeves siblings x sister reader
*not my gif*
Summary: You and your siblings decide to try something different for Halloween this year, and it doesn’t exactly go as planned
A/N: Halloween Event 🎃
Please don’t plagiarize my work, you may reblog if you like but I’m asking that you don’t steal my hard work
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“For the record,” Allison piped up, wearily eyeing the door in front of her, “This was not what I had in mind when we said we would do something fun for Halloween.”
“Well, Allison,” Five said, shoving his hands in his pockets, smiling sarcastically, “It was either this, or resurrecting the dead.” He sent to pointed look in yours and Klaus’s direction, “And we all know how that ended last year.”
You threw your hands up in mock surrender, “Well, excuse me if I didn’t realize that spell would also open up a portal to hell in our living room!”
Luther shuddered slightly at the memory, “I’ll take the haunted house over going through that again any day.” He admitted.
“I think it’ll be fun.” Viktor spoke up, ever the glass-half-full sibling.
“Are you guys sure I can’t just wait for you out here?” Ben asked hesitantly, looking paler than normal.
“Oh, come on, Benny boy!” Klaus sang dramatically, slinging an arm over his brother's shoulder, “It’ll be fun… just don’t be the last one in the room with them.” He made his voice extra creepy towards the end, and the black haired man visibly started shaking a little bit.
Five rolled his eyes at the theatrics his brother liked to put on, “Don’t listen to him, Ben, it’s just a bunch of underpaid college students in costume, none of it is real.”
“Unless it is.” Klaus leaned over to whisper in his ear once Five looked away.
“I still think this is stupid.” Diego finally said after having his speaking privileges provoked by Five on the way over for complaining.
“I don’t remember giving you permission to speak again.” Five hissed, the headache the man had caused earlier coming back to him.
“And I don’t remember putting you in charge!” He snapped back, stomping his foot once against the ground like a child.
“Next!” The employee in front of the building called, effectively cutting off any more sibling banter.
Everybody froze, none of them wanting to go in first until Five rolled his eyes and pushed to the front of the group, “You’re all idiots.” He stated.
None of you even had the strength to protest as you hesitantly trailed after your brother.
You were caught between Ben and Allison, the former gripping onto your hand tightly without a word, and the ladder linking your arms for comfort for the both of you.
The door was opened with an eery creek, and you all piled into the dark hallway with Five in the lead, and Luther in the back, much to his protest.
“Someone go behind me!” He whisper shouted at his siblings, glancing behind him through the almost pitch black room.
“Hell no!” You used the same tone of voice as you replied, gripping onto Ben and Allison tighter.
All of you took slow, calculated steps forward, even Five had faltered a bit at the fact that nothing had happened yet.
Klaus dramatically threw his arms around Diego’s waist in terror and pulled himself into his brothers chest.
“Get off me,” The man hissed, flinging his hands away from him.
The long haired man stumbled back, but instead of hitting a wall, he hit a man who was dressed entirely in black, except for a mask of pure white that lit up all of a sudden, having gone completely unnoticed until then.
“Jesus! Klaus!” Diego cried, blindly flailing around until he caught onto his brother's arm and pulled him back towards him.
Klaus let out a mix between a shriek and wail, stumbling back into the group as you and Allison in sync let out yelps of surprise and Ben screamed in shock.
The man in the mask stood completely still, but titled his bright mask to the side as if he were staring at the siblings.
“No, no, no, nope,” Luther kept repeating, hurriedly ushering his family out of the room, muscles tensing as the masked man continued to stare after them.
By then, he wasn’t the only one that was tense. Five had taken his hands out of his pockets and Ben looked right about ready to faint.
Immediately after stepping into the next room, the sound of crazed laughter filled all of your ears, and the grip Ben had on your hand had begun to make you lose feeling.
“Just me,” Viktor quickly whispered into your ear over the noise before grabbing onto your shoulder, the total darkness making you two not want to get separated.
“This is fucking insane.” Diego said, wavering voice letting the others know that he was scared as well.
Then, without warning or so much as a sound, a dark, unrecognizable figure popped up right in front of you, screaming in your face.
A scream of your own left your lips as you stumbled back, accidently slipping out of all three of your siblings' grips and just barely catching yourself right before you hit the ground.
“Y/n!” Everyone called out in sync, worry filling their features.
The maniacal laughter returned and your eyes turned to the woman who’s dark silhouette was shaking, “Y/n! Y/n! Y/n!” She shrieked over and over again.
Ben had finally passed out and fallen into Allison’s hold, who was supporting his weight completely as he lost whatever little strength had been keeping him up in the first place.
Viktor stumbled over to you, grabbing onto your arm and pulling against it so that you would stand up, Five quickly rushing over and doing the same with the other one.
“That’s it!” He announced over the woman’s continual taunting, finally able to help his brother haul you to your feet, “We’re out of here!”
None of you had to be told twice as your eyes locked onto the large ‘exit’ sign in the corner for anyone who wanted to leave early and practically knocked the door off the hinges as you all piled out into the dark night.
The door slammed behind all of you, and it was silent for a moment as you all bent over and tried to catch your breaths, Ben having woken up as well.
“So,” You finally panted out, “Can anyone else go for some apple pie right now?” You asked as if nothing happened.
Diego went along with it and nodded, straightening out and running a hand through his hair, “Yeah, I wouldn’t mind a slice right now.”
One by one, all of your siblings chorused their own agreements, too embarrassed to acknowledge what had just happened.
And so, you all made your way to the closest grocery store on Halloween night, acting as if none of you had just been scared out of your minds in a cheap haunted house.
The Hargreeves🦹-@lovanitu @your-local-questioning-agender @jvdethirlwall @ineedmorefanfics2 @sambucky8 @spidyyparker @mukbee @i-writes-things
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ded-and-gonne · 2 years
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🍂 🎃 🍂 Sheehalloween 2022 🍂🎃🍂
Devil’s Night Part 3: A Green Man
AN: I’m chopping a huge post down into manageable chunks. Hope you enjoy. Triggers: two not-brothers flirting, my sense of humor, treasure hunts, kitchens. Ded & Gonne is and will always be a gen fic.
Ded & Gonne || Devil’s Night || Start || Prev || Next
“Is there such a thing as a sub-sub-basement?” It’s Klaus asking.
They’ve emerged from a non-descript door on an oddly ornate hallway. Lots of gilding. Crowns. Mouldings. Cherubs all over the place, a green man, and a gargoyle or two here and there. Wyrd-looking little squidgy symbols in random places, like the carpet, and light switches. A complete suit of armor. Other fancy stuff rich people would buy. For a really fancy sub-sub-basement.
Klaus asks, “Which way, Bennerino? This is your story, after all, and you get the honors of directing the particulars. You could even order me around, if that would cheer you up.”
That would definitely cheer Ben up. He needs to find a way of keeping Klaus willing to be bossed around indefinitely. Problem for another day.
Turning back to his not-brother, Klaus decides that Ben’s facial expression isn’t one to be trifled with. He can put off trifling for a while, for Ben’s sake. “Yes, dear one?” Klaus responds with fluttering lashes.
Turning back to his not-brother, Klaus decides that Ben’s facial expression isn’t one to be trifled with. He can put off trifling for a while, for Ben’s sake. “Yes, dear one?” Klaus responds with fluttering lashes.
Ben swallows heavily. He wants to kill Klaus, but that would be a little too on the nose for Devil’s Night. “Shut up and tell me how the hell this Devil’s Night thing is supposed to be a story. What exactly about this thing screams story to you?” is what Ben had wanted to say. Instead, he attempts the word “story” with a question mark at the end. Unfortunately, the explosive breath required by the word “story” is not available at the time due to losing his vocal chords. So he splutters a bunch of consonants, hoping “s,ry?” is close enough for Klaus to unpack.
Klaus unpacks. “Simple, Ben. We scare the shit out of each other as many times as possible between sundown and sunrise on Halloween morning. And then we get to tell everyone a bunch of awesome stories about how scared we got. Didn’t Dad make you guys play this?”
“Nnn,” Ben rasps his answer, and attempts to sigh a sigh of forbearance. Such a martyr, that Ben. “Storytelling? I’m sorry. But storytelling wasn’t a thing at the Sparrow Academy,” he would have responded, voice thick with disdain (rather than pain). Instead, he gives up and shakes his head, no.
“Really? Dad thought it was really important for our missions and the fate of the world that we tell good stories.”
“Namae nnnsense,” Ben whispers, lip curled, without explosive letters, and eyes squinting in doubt and pain.
“Sure it does. Like, ‘It was a dark and stormy night near Boston, when a short man — about 5’2” maybe, with a mustache, and a muscular build which looked really odd on such a tiny individual. He wore black leather jeans way too tight to hold out hope of ever producing enough live swimmers to father a child one day, a lime green t-shirt, and a lime green Mohawk. A caucasian male driving a 2012 Honda Civic Hatchback — beat me up and left me for dead at mile marker 25 on the Mass Pike heading west, before the Framingham exit. The license plate was suspicious.’ There. That’s a story. A really short and helpful one.”
“Cool story, bro,” says Ben, back to his eye-rolling sarcasm. It comes out more like a tiny, “Lll rrry, ro.” Again, the explosive letters giving him trouble. The humming, nasal letters, not so much.
A sharp left and on down a dark-ish hallway leads them to what Ben is guessing was once the belowstairs area for kitchen staff. A lightswitch proves the electricity still works, shocking, and a few footsteps into the largest room gives them a clear look at their treasure. At an industrial kitchen.
The layer of dust on the kitchen floor alone is at least an inch thick. Like an actual, measurable inch. Walking through it feels like disturbing freshly fallen snow. Plus the room has that eerie quiet that hangs over everything during a snowfall. Not a soul has traversed the room in, well, as many years as it takes to gather an inch of dust. The surfaces are even worse, which, if you really think about it, is not normal. Being abnormal in the sense that it lacks logic in almost every way.
It strikes Klaus as odd that the room lacks any trace of smell. On the contrary, it is a particularly noticeable freshness after what they’ve just come through.
No scent at all. Not musty, nor antiseptic, nor lemon-scented fresh. Nor like shit water, rot, or dead things. Ben smells no scent of freshly grilled and steaming fillet mignon, left to rest in peace, while the drippings are kept at a rolling boil for the Yorkshire pudding. As if food has never been prepared in this room. Not a sign of grunge, nor of stained surfaces. The kitchen appliances, the paint, the cabinets, countertops, all of it appears a lot newer than the rest of the, well, the rest of the entire building, actually.
The cupboards are officially bare. Officially. Not a dish nor a plate, let alone grilling utensils. And certainly no booze. And you know as well as anyone else that Klaus is a pro at finding booze, so, naturally, he’s checked. Like he’s really checked very hard.
Retracing their steps, a sharp right leads them out of the belowstairs quarters. On their way back, they continue beyond their original point of entry, and past more of the wyrd finery. This end of the hall culminates in a formal dining room. Don’t picture the one where Luther and Sloane got married. It’s not that cavernous, nor as twinkly and sparkly. But it’s got something the wedding didn’t. ooooWOOOOoooo
The glass French doors into the room stand open, as if expecting guests. Klaus is struck dumb. (That’s a miracle, by the way. Never happens.) The only occupants of the entire room are one long dining table and enough chairs for a substantial family or two — well over 20 chairs, possibly 30. The opulence of that dining table and its chairs is remarkable. So is the length. “It’s long. Longer than you were picturing, isn’t it, Ben. Like, stupid long,” Klaus remarks. “Normally I’d say who has room for that? But this room has room, so I guess they got what they paid for.”
As with every other room they’ve investigated (peeked into) thus far, the dining room is thick with dust, which kicks up from the floor into swirling eddies as they enter. Even the small panes of glass in the doors are covered in a layer of silt. Not just a dusting, but a mass of it clinging to the glass as if it’s been trapped there in an oily substance.
Ben now has a greater sense of foreboding than the foreboding he’d already been having, because the room, for all its opulence, has no windows to the outside world. Possibly because it’s a sub-sub-basement, but it could be for other reasons, too.
Against the far wall stands a massive, totally unexpected, green man.
“Look!” Klaus whisper-shouts, pointing at the green man. “It’s a green man!” He approaches the huge face. A man’s face, and only his face, Klaus can see that it had been cast in some sort of metal. The pink kind that turns green with age. Copper?
Ben stands back to take in the whole of it. Oval, tapering at the top and bottom. Almost like a huge imitation of a battle shield. Definitely not pretending to be a shield for actual fighting, Ben’s thinking. Not with this kind of ornately sculpted surface. No, this is pretending to be a formal, ceremonial shield. He couldn’t even guess what the weight of this thing would be to hang. He inspects it closely. Nah, that whole thing can’t be solid copper, that’s insane. Could it?
Ben has been fascinated by something other than conflict so rarely in his life, that he doesn’t even realize he’s been sucked in. “What are you on about? What’s a green man?”
Klaus turns slowly around, with the careful excitement of a small child who is in love with a new toy, but is afraid that even though his daddy gave it to him, he is about to take it right back out of Klausie’s chubby little baby hands. “Ooh! Ooh! I know this one.” Klaus stands up straighter, and holds his hands behind his back, while trying not to bounce on his toes. He speaks as if he’s giving a report. Maybe one of those ‘stories’ he likes so much. “They are pagan protector spirits or elementals in the Celtic lands stretching all the way back to the time of the druids. oooooWOOOOooooo, spooky.” Twinkle fingers. “But yeah,” he scritches his beard. “I dunno, though, something smells fishy. Because this big guy over here is a little bit younger than he should be, if he’s a green man.” Scratching his beard, he adds, “It’s not ancient. Not even medieval.” He is correct, it’s neither ancient nor medieval.
Klaus steps in closer to check out the detailing. Leaves grow in place of hair. His eyebrows, likewise, have grown leaves. Like an elemental would do. And the mustache and beard, also leaves. Standing up straight again, Klaus returns to his oral report. “Green Men are said to watch over rivers, lakes, streams, and woodlands. Doesn’t he look like he’s surfacing through his greenery? I don’t know about you Benny Bear, but I’m curious just what kind of greenery he’s been surfacing through. Think he’s got a leaf stuck in his teeth?”
Klaus walks up to only a nose’s distance, just to see what he can see, and starts to fondle the green man.
Not quite how it sounds. He’s running his fingers over bits of it, following every swirl in the lines of the oak leaf on one of its eyebrows. Or the lips, which seem about to speak. “Mirror, mirror, on the wall…that green man sure is tall. Am I right, ben? Yeah!”
Ben agrees. Stubbornly, so he doesn’t make it too easy for Klaus to have him around. Old habits blah blah blah whatever.
Thing is, Ben has been watching Klaus stroking down the length of the nose, and onward to the- the whatever it was they were- what were they- the fingers following sinuous lines. He shakes his head free of the hot, pink cobwebs that have suddenly regrown in the corners of his brain.
Klaus isn’t so much in a stupor as he is completely engrossed in his sensory experience, following all those snaking curves and ridges. “Boop!” Klaus pokes the Green Man in the eye.
Silently swinging open, the green man is a door.
No screech, creaks nor groans, no carpet to get caught on, unless you count all the dust. He would have at least expected the door to sound like metal against wood — whatever that sounds like. Or even a “fwoosh” sound. But nothing. Dead air.
“Ben? I’ve got a feelin, man. I’m thinkin like, maybe we shouldn’t go out there, y’know? This door was, it was way too easy. Right? I mean, that, that’s like a secret door, y’know? It should be harder to open.”
Klaus is actually quite shaken by this. “I’ve seen Indiana Jones and I know what it means when something is way too easy to open. Bad things happen. Bad.”
Ded & Gonne || Devil’s Night || Start || Prev || Next
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Images: If anyone knows to whom I should credit any of these images, please tell me. Middle green man: john-howe.com
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theficlistpodcast · 2 years
This is basically our Nightmare Before Christmas episode since it’s both our Halloween and our Christmas episode from season 3! What’s better than ghost stories and secret Santa? 👻🎅
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gggoldfinch · 8 months
Hiiii! What are your favorite fics of all time? And favorite books?
(I'm in need of reading material 👀)
OHHH MY GOD okay ! I’m SO GLAD YOU ASKED!!!!!!!! This is going to be an INSANE and comprehensive list crossing multiple fandoms/ genres. Everything will be on ao3, but some authors are also my tumblr mutuals or friends so I’ll tag them too. Regular books will be at the end!!!
Important Notes: these won’t be ordered according to preference, just as they come to mind/as I go thru my bookmarks; I’ll group the fandoms together. There will be a mix of oneshots & multichap, finished & unfinished, mostly xReader with some xOC. I do fancy darkfics, dead doves, and otherwise questionable material, but for the sake of social affability I won’t add anything that is too dark, and will give adequate warnings if it verges on being so; keep in mind all of these have their own specific ao3 tags to heed, remember the golden rule: don’t like don’t read!
By The Light of The Second Moon by @eloquentmoon: Star Wars, Darth Maul/reader, unfinished multichap, canon typical violence
Snacks of Dathomir by Kuraiummei: Star Wars, Opress Bros/Mando!reader, unfinished multichap, crackfic adjacent in that it’s largely about cooking + Mand’o language
Longing by sharknadoslut: Star Wars, Darth Maul/ reader, oneshot, power imbalance
Solicitude by @shiversdownyerspine: TUA, The Swedes/powered!reader, unfinished multichap, canon-typical weirdness
this is a gift (it comes with a price) by moonlightserenades: Ghost, Cardinal Copia/reader, unfinished multichap
I Knew Nothing But Shadows by @writingjourney: Ghost, Papa IV (Copia)/ reader, unfinished multichap
Friday Nights at the Vinothek by @writingjourney: Ghost, vampire!Papa II (Secondo)/human!reader, oneshot, vampire-typical bloodiness
Lapine by @bjorntobemild: Fargo, Ole Munch/reader, complete multichap, canon-typical violence & weirdness
The Price of Vengeance by Mighty_Peacock & Prickly_Panda: AVP, yautja/human!oc, unfinished multichap, canon-typical violence, obligatory monsterfuckery, Dead Doveish
The Shadow in the Valley by frogonalog: AVP, yautja/human!oc, complete multichap, canon-typical violence, obligatory monsterfuckery
the soft blue of a pale moon by dachande: AVP, yautja/human, oneshot, canon-typical violence, dub/noncon elements, obligatory monsterfuckery
electric by squilf: Alien, Bishop/ reader, oneshot, soft & sweet, obligatory robotfuckery
Breaking Bread by SS_Shitstorm: Transformers Prime, Megatron/human!reader (plus some other shenanigans), unfinished multichap, crackfic adjacent in that it’s largely about questionable chemistry, slightly more violent than canon, obligatory robotfuckery
Sweet by RandomFangirlX3: Transformers Prime, Starscream/human!reader, oneshot, obligatory robotfuckery
Who I Used to Be by TheNaiveMuse: Transformers Prime, humanized!Starscream/human!reader, unfinished multichap, verges on bodyhorror?
the beast that you know by ghoulstly: OFF, Batter/reader, oneshot
Rest for the Wicked by Korpuskat: Halloween, Michael Myers/reader, complete multichap, canon-typical violence, Dead Dove
Put a Pin in It by charCUTIErie: Hellraiser, Pinhead/ OC, unfinished multichap, canon-typical violence & bdsm elements, Dead Dove
The Mountain by TheMusicalHermit: Overwatch, unfinished multichap, Jamison Fawkes/reader, canon-typical insanity
Soft Ribs by @0lemunch (bisquik on ao3): Snow White & the Huntsman, Finn/ OC, oneshot, Dead Dove
More Deadly by @0lemunch (bisquik on ao3): Fargo, Ole Munch/ OC, completed multichap, canon-typical violence
Ginger Snaps by @feralghouls (bisqik on ao3): Fallout (Prime), Cooper Howard (The Ghoul)/ ghoul!OC, oneshot, Dead Dove
janey’s dad by @ghoulphile: Fallout (Prime), prewar!Cooper Howard/ babysitter!reader, unfinished oneshot
The Interrogation by TheFlorescentElsewhere: Dune (2021), Piter de Vries/ OC, incomplete multichap, canon-typical mindfuckery, Dead Doveish
The Hound and the Little Thief by Seoness: Game of Thrones, Sandor Clegane/ OC, completed multichap, canon-typical shenanigans
That’s all I can think of for now, I’m glad to finally have a comprehensive list for myself to reference haha!
Now on to books:
Again, not ordered by preference. There will be a mix of novels, graphic novels, anthologies, academic books, and plays, of all different genres.
Dune by Frank Herbert
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë (wrote part of my senior thesis on this one lol)
The Hellbound Heart by Clive Barker
The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka
Hellboy graphic novel series by Mike Mignola
The Shape of Water by Guillermo del Toro & Daniel Kraus
Hamlet by William Shakespeare
Idiot Verse poetry book by Keaton Henson
Women Writers in Renaissance England edited by Randall Martin
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
Norton Anthology of English Literature books C-F
Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson
Alien vs Predator: Ultimate Prey anthology (various authors)
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
The Low, Low Woods graphic novel by Carmen Maria Machado
Tender Is the Flesh by Agustina Bazzterica
Her Body and Other Parties by Carmen Maria Machado
They Both Die at the End by Adam Silvera
A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin
A Clash of Kings by George R.R. Martin
Arrows of the Queen by Mercedes Lackey
Again, thank you SO MUCH for asking. This was lovely and wildly entertaining to put together ❤️ Inbox is always open if you’re looking for more recommendations!
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So since I predicted that Sloane and Luther would get together from the day she was announced as well as a couple of scenes- I feel obligated to share w y'all my batshit crazy idea of what I thought might happen in season 4 and like now that we have TWO trailers why I think it might happen. In other words-
Me being delulu about tua s4 and y'all gotta deal w it
So my initial thought was that in this new timeline they are themselves slotted into lives they don't initially remember, that the longer they dwell in the timeline the more they remember and some come to accept. Up until the inevitable happens and the world is at risk again for whatever reason. However, saving the world means giving up these perfect lives for accepting their shitty dysfunctional reality to save each other. Because the more they stay and accept the more they lose of previous timelines.
I was gonna write a fanfic but then my resident evil obsession started and if y'all have read any of my fanfic y'all know my history with long-fics.
Why do I now think this could actually be the case you ask?
At the end of season 3 Luther takes off after our girl Sloane with Klaus following but everyone else is just so calm. Soooo which leads us to
Trailer 1
Viktor might own or work in a bar. Which the fact that he seems to be somewhat settled for sure tells us that some time has possibly passed between season 3 and 4
The sign says "home for wayward boys" implying that Allison may not have been in the group and maybe neither Viktor before the transition. I'm also wondering if now that his wife is back maybe in this new timeline they both fostered/adopted our main characters.
Oh yeah did I mention Reginald's moon wife is alive? His whole thing with the children was his alien (literally) way to save her. Now she's alive.
Allison is with claire so she also possibly has her life back.
Ben is getting out of jail and like it could be a "time has passed between seasons" thing or something happens in one of the episodes where he winds up locked up.
Diego is at a kid's party and either has his own kid or a niece or something. it's not claire and the family behind him is not his umbrella fam.
MY BOY IS SO SMALL ITS GONNA BE SO WEIRD SEEING HIM "NORMAL" THIS SEASON also he looks kinda sad. trailer two debunks what I initially thought of his reveal in this trailer because I thought oh haha what if it's a Halloween costume but like we'll get to my season 2 crazies hang in there.
Klaus is upside down in an interior (proven by the radiator) so he is either stuck, meditating, in a trance, or it's Sloane holding him there. I also kinda wonder if he's going through a clean streak or something OCD like with his addictions from the whole blue gloves thing. tbh i saw those in the promo and thought it was blue screen and his hands were gonna be effed up lol.
ben shouts "lets go kill this bitch" and allison corrects "this is a rescue mission" sooooooo is reginal and or his wife the bitch in question? and like sloane is the only one missing from our group so maybe she's the one being rescued? or maybe one of the new characters (like gene and jean).
which brings me to a theory I'll get to after my trailer break down and before the second breakdown.
side bar but the xmen stile jet is great lol
the subway is 100% a metaphor for the timelines AND that house diego and luther are at is the one from season two where they see reggie and grace at that party
the mind thingies in the blue room are so fucked up and i cant tell if thats sloane or wife hargreeves or a grace return in the bg but im wondering if it connects them to other timelines? Im wondering if the woman is sloane bc abigail has such curly hair but it does remind me of grace so idk.
upside down umbrella is insane okay
starting to think the jet might be flashbacks
fuck organization if you have read this far welcome to my brain- anyway- theory is that her place got swapped for abigail hargreeves' on the moon and now our beloved moon boy has to save her from that place. so symbolic.
now i was half put down a few shots later when we see victor emit a similar color power later but trailer 2 kinda backs some stuff up.
so trailer 2
opens with ben alone and confused and vicktor calls ben at the phone booth leading me to 100% believe they have split up again and have to find each other. very nostalgic of season 1 and 2
"there's something happening to you and it's only gonna get worse" so this is either about just ben OR its about all of them. either way ben did look confused so his eldritch horrors are either hulking out or he's losing memory chunks like my theory suggests. but it might revolve around ben bc vicktor specifically says "you" in the next time about the world ending.
(wondering if luther nervous farted in the car lmao)
Gene and Jean are possibly conspiracy theorists or agents posing as them but its interesting they are bringing attention to the altered timelines.
okay yeah world ending revolves around ben im tired okay and not proofing this you're stuck with my ramblings
the white violin is for sure abi hargreeves no doubt it doesn't look like sloane and plus the violin viktor got was bc reggie gave it to him that he got from his wife before she died okay. fanfic rn where viktor is the chosen child fanfic rn where abi loves all the kids fanfic rn where shes alive but shes just as much of a dick and we could have an epic trans story for viktor and expectations and yeah anyway-
whoever said it was jenny in trailer two i wanna kiss u on the lips ur prolly right and i love you for it
"ben died because we failed as a team" "and-" "and what" FOLLOWED BY LUTHERS CONFUSED FACE LEADS ME TO ONE OF TWO THINGS AND YOU ALREADY KNOW ONE OF THEM memory loss my beloved or something shocking occurs to him or like he seems something idk
more blue room stuff and uh maybe its not mind stuff maybe its power stimulation like what if they dont have their powers but ben does idk.
who TF is klaus digging up
anyway they keep showing that one scene and like idk im delulu about sloane im so tired and i am not ready for this show to end in 8 days im sobbing y'all
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autie-hobbit · 1 year
Some TUA Fic Recs!
These are some of my absolute favourite “Umbrella Academy” fanfics! All of these fics are finished, except for one. Please note that most of the tags I am including are not all of the tags on the fic, they are mostly the general ones and warning ones. Also, all of the word counts have been rounded. (all fics are on ao3)
“Against the Waves” by noodlerdoodler | Rated T | 3,200 Words | Main Relationship: Diego Hargreeves & Klaus Hargreeves | Important Tags: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Pre-Canon, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Fluff, Nightmares | Synopsis: 
“Charming. Isn’t my company entertaining enough for you?” Dramatically, Klaus threw up a hand against his forehead and collapsed onto his bed as if he were wounded.
“Don’t be an ass,” His brother rolled his eyes but there was a fond expression on his face, “You know that some of us aren’t actually nocturnal?”
Klaus stuck his tongue out, “What are you doing up then?”
Instantly, his brother’s defences snapped back up and he scowled, “I t-t-t-tol-tol-told y-y-you th-“
Whatever his excuses were, Klaus couldn’t be bothered to hear them. As lowly as the others thought of him, he was actually pretty intuitive and it was obvious the real reason Diego was out of bed was because something was bothering him. He wasn’t one to just wander around after hours for no reason- that was more Klaus’s gig. Whatever it was had really gotten under his skin. Unfortunately, his brother was too emotionally constipated to say what was on his mind. 
| Comments: Very sweet. |
“Business Man'' by Cate_Olivyn | Rated T | 6,800 Words | Main Relationship: Five Hargreeves & Klaus Hargreeves | Important Tags: Major Character Death, Angst, Grief/Mourning, Intoxication, Ghosts, Temporary Character Death | Synopsis: 
“Terminate David and Klaus Katz.”
Five ignored the pang of guilt that accompanied the name, because it was only a stranger with his brother’s name. He ignored the ugly feeling in his chest when he saw his mark, and he looked so much like the man he left to rot in the apocalypse.
But he can’t ignore the pain in his brother’s eyes when he talks about a love lost, and a life in another time. 
| Comments: Pain. |
“Firestarter” by Melivian | Rated T | 8,900 Words | Main Relationship: Ben Hargreeves & Klaus Hargreeves | Important Tags: Minor Violence, Drug Addiction, Past Character Death, Deteriorating Relationships | Synopsis: 
"It's funny," Klaus said. "You start out with something so great. And you think it'll stay great forever, so you'll do anything to hang onto it, you know? But then one day you realize it's turned into something else when you weren't looking. And you don't know whose fault it is, or how to make it right again. All you know is that you're holding the same pieces, but suddenly they don't fit together anymore."
Ben said nothing.
"What happened to us, Ben?"
Ben, Klaus, and two very different Halloweens eight years apart. 
| Comments: Heartbreaking, but good. A character study of Klaus and Ben's relationship. |
“I can die when I’m done” by Kaufmann | Rated T | 3,300 Words | Main Relationship: Ben Hargreeves & Klaus Hargreeves | Important Tags: Hurt No Comfort, Angst, Missing Scene, Panic Attacks, Flashbacks | Synopsis: 
Klaus breathed quickly through his nose, panting and panicking. At his side, Ben was muttering assurances of comfort, telling him to calm down. But Klaus couldn't calm down, because the closet was too small and dark and reminded him of the mausoleum and he would be locked in there, alone with ghosts and...
Klaus writhed violently, shouting as loud as he could with the tape in his mouth, looking at Blue and Pink in panic and fear. [...] Klaus shouted once again, choking on his breath and the tears that threatened to suffocate him, a chorus of no, no, no, no in his mind.
In the show, after Klaus reveals the little information he knew to Hazel and Cha-Cha, we have a time jump and in the next scene, he's locked in a small closet in the motel room.
But what happened after he revealed the information? How did he end up in the closet? How did he handle the long hours locked up until Hazel and Cha-Cha came back late at night? How did he handle the guilt of telling about Five? How did he handle flashbacks and panic attacks? 
| Comments: More pain. |
“Relics in Amber'' by bacondoughnut | Rated T | 8,400 Words | Main Relationship: Dave Katz/Klaus Hargreeves | Important Tags: Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-Con, Past Rape/Non-Con, Hurt/Comfort, Klaus and Dave in Vietnam, Drug Use, Alcoholism, Angst, Fluff, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse | Synopsis:
 "Klaus," Dave tries tentatively.                                     
He almost asks if Klaus is okay, but the answer's already clear enough, and that question dies on his tongue. He can't immediately think of anything else to say though, and the silence makes Klaus's quiet whimpering all but deafening.                                         
And Dave doesn't know how to handle this.                               
Or; the one where Klaus has a very bad night, and Dave is there to help. 
| Comments: One of the first Klaus/Dave fics I read. Quite sad, but very soft. I’ve read this fic multiple times, it just hits all the spots. (this fic is locked, so you can only read it if you’re logged in)|
“Single Red Thread” by riverwrenwrites | Rated T | 38,000 Words | Main Relationship: Dave Katz/Klaus Hargreeves | Important Tags: Vampire AU, Soulmates, Reincarnation, Canon-Typical Violence, Mild Gore, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, Hurt/Comfort | Synopsis: 
In 1716, Klaus has lost the love of his life in a horrible tragedy and found himself cursed with immortality. 
In 2019, Dave and his hunting partner Elliot are investigating a number of disappearances, and when they find themselves face to face with the vampire they think is behind it, Dave can't shake the feeling that he's met this man before... 
| Comments: I don’t usually read AUs, and especially not AUs like this, but I like this writer and I was going through all of their TUA stuff. Very cute. |
“Sneaking Out for Snowmen” by MalecAcid | Rated G | 800 Words | Main Relationship: Ben Hargreeves & Diego Hargreeves & Klaus Hargreeves | Important Tags: Fluff, Pre-Canon | Synopsis: 
"We should build a snowman." Diego said, excitedly clapping his cold hands together.
Nothing but fluff ensues when Diego, Klaus, and Ben sneak out to build a snowman. 
| Comments: Cute. |
“Someday (c’est la vie, c’est la vie)” by JaggedEmeraldsOfGold | Rated G | 5,200 Words | Main Relationship: Ben Hargreeves & Diego Hargreeves & Klaus Hargreeves | Important Tags: Pre-Canon, Fluff, No Incest | Synopsis: 
“Because I don’t go memorizing locations of old board games, especially when they’re in a dumpster,” Ben says, and Klaus doesn’t deign that with a response, instead climbing the precariously balanced trash bag pile, one hand reaching for the top edge of the dumpster while the other clutches the thin cardboard box to his chest. He drops himself over the edge, and lets himself fall on his ass onto the cement, hoping there isn’t something he wouldn’t voluntarily sit in waiting for him. There isn’t, he finds, and he climbs to his feet as Ben appears next to him, all collected and unbothered and otherwise immaculate.
“Come come!” Klaus tells him, and starts down the alley, away from the dumpster, staggering a few steps until he regains his footing. “Diego will love this, we’ll have a bunch of fun, and he’ll thank me for the relaxing break from work.”
“He isn’t— he won’t,” Ben calls after him, but Klaus feels him follow him out of the alley and back to the McDonald’s anyways.
Or: 21 year old Klaus and Diego (and Ben) chilling in a car, and then a McDonald's. 
| Comments: Also cute. I’m a sucker for these three. |
“Something Blue” by lemur_catta | Rated T | 2,200 Words | Main Relationship: Diego Hargreeves & Klaus Hargreeves | Important Tags: Angst, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, Childhood Trauma | Synopsis: 
Diego angsts his way through Allison's wedding to Patrick, unable to curb his growing disconnection from Klaus. (Takes place pre-season 1, 2013-ish.) 
| Comments: Sad. |
“Ten Months” by Majure | Rated M | 150,000 Words | Main Relationship: Dave Katz/Klaus Hargreeves | Important Tags: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Minor Character Death, Klaus and Dave during Vietnam, Period-Typical Homophobia, Drug Use, Alcoholism, Mutual Pining, Bed Sharing, Hurt/Comfort, Non-Explicit Sex, Ghosts | Synopsis: 
It makes him sad, sometimes, that in order to find acceptance, Klaus has to travel back fifty years into one of the bloodiest wars of American history. Most of the time, he doesn't care. His family probably doesn't even notice he's missing anyway.
Dave is looking at him, eyes soft and heavy lidded. “What did you say to that guy?” he asks, head resting on the wall, body turned towards Klaus.
“Ah,” Klaus laughs, dropping his hand to take a drink. “Just mouthed off. You know how I am.”
“That mouth will get you in trouble some day,” Dave says softly.
Klaus looks up, swallowing. “Some people like my mouth,” he says.
“I do.” 
| Comments: This fic is not finished, and has not been updated in 2 years, but it is well worth it, I promise! I read it twice in two months, and it gave me all the emotions. I had to stop at one point because I started crying (I don’t cry while reading fics very often). Very good fic. |
“The Wedding That Never Was” by Cate_Olivyn | Rated T | 2,500 Words | Main Relationship: Allison Hargreeves & Klaus Hargreeves | Important Tags: Grief/Mourning, Intoxication, Missing Scene | Synopsis: 
Allison leaves the wedding after her argument with Viktor with a plan: take a bottle of booze and lock herself in her room where no one can bother her. This plan takes an unexpected turn when she finds Klaus half conscious in the upstairs hallway. 
| Comments: A little cathartic to be honest. |
“The Zoo Is Better When It’s Not Dead” by sharkneto | Rated G | 11,000 Words | Main Relationship: Five Hargreeves & Klaus Hargreeves | Important Tags: Sibling Bonding | Synopsis: 
Klaus needs a distraction from missing Ben. Five needs a distraction from... well, everything. Somehow, that means a day at the zoo. 
| Comments: Actually acknowledges Five’s trauma, wow, a miracle. Very sweet, though a little disturbing at points. |
“Things That We Got Wrong” by evesbeve | Rated T | 22,000 Words | Main Relationship: Ben Hargreeves & Klaus Hargreeves | Important Tags: Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Pre-Canon, Drug Use, Overdose, No Incest, Hurt/Comfort, Angst | Synopsis: 
Ben suposes death isn't the weirdest thing that has happened to him. Becoming best friends with Klaus though? That he never would have guessed. 
| Comments: *cries* I love them, your honour! |
“Trouble Child” by ToriAnne | Rated M | 65,000 Words | Main Relationship: Klaus Hargreeves & Everyone | Important Tags: Temporary Character Death, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Post-Canon, Post-Season 3, Body Horror | Synopsis: 
The tentative peace between the Hargreeves siblings and their father is disrupted when Klaus returns from an unexpected trip to the afterlife with his powers restored. In the ensuing struggle, Klaus could be Five's greatest advantage, which turns him into Reginald's number one target.                    Hargreeves now remembers both his timelines, after all, and he is keenly aware that the most overlooked aspect of Klaus' abilities could lead to his downfall. 
| Comments: Very good. |
“Who You Gonna Call..?” by riverwrenwrites | Rated T | 130,000 Words | Main Relationship: Diego Hargreeves & Klaus Hargreeves | Important Tags: Buddy Cop AU, Murder Mystery, Fluff, Angst, Drug Use, Past Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Sibling Bonding, No Incest, Mild Gore | Synopsis: 
At the ripe old age of 25, Diego is still struggling with that age-old problem of balancing work and pleasure. Especially when, for him, work is being a desk-bound police detective, and pleasure is running around back alleys as a masked vigilante. Lucky for him, he may have just stumbled on the perfect unsolvable case that will finally have him taking his career seriously. Unlucky for him, the only hope he has of cracking said unsolvable case lies with his drug riddled, party going, fashion innovator of a brother. 
| Comments: First long fic I read! Very good, have read multiple times. |
Honourable Mentions: These are some of the WIPs I’m reading.
“Chained” by Salvador_Daley | Rated M | Currently 50,000 Words | Main Relationship: Ben Hargreeves & Klaus Hargreeves | Important Tags: Pre-Canon, Murder Mystery, Angst, Drug Use, Blood and Injury | Synopsis: 
“Hey, er…” He’s forgotten the boy’s name. Something with a G. Was it Gavin? Or Garth? “Hey, buddy. I got somewhere to be, but if you wake up now we can go for round two before I have to leave.”
Twenty-two-year-old Klaus Hargreeves awakes following a one-night stand with an enigmatic young artist.
Apart from a stinking hangover, he now has two problems: he possesses almost no memory of the night before and there’s a gruesome surprise in the bed.
Accused of a horrific crime, and with the police watching his every move, he faces a race against time to clear his name.
If he can only stay sober long enough to patch together the memories of that night, he might just stand a chance. 
| Comments: Hasn’t updated in a few months, but I have hope. Has you on the edge of your seat and suspicious of everyone. |
“Where You Gonna Run To?” by ToriAnne | Rated T | Currently 43,000 Words | Main Relationship: Just the Brellies with each other | Important Tags: No Paradox AU, Angst, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Recreational Drug Use, Non-Linear Narrative, Domestic Violence, Past Child Abuse, Religious Abuse | Synopsis: 
Sparrow AU with no paradox. Ben uncovers a mystery in his father's office and won't rest until he has answers.
This is how the Umbrellas changed and remained the same as they lived separate lives, how they found each other even so, and what happened when they did. 
| Comment: Updates every Wednesday. Excited to see where this fic goes. |
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firstpersonnarrator · 2 years
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All gifs by @salvador-daley
I finally have enough content to warrant a masterlist. I feel real now.
Ded & Gonne: @ded-and-gonne A tua fanfic starring Klaus Hargreeves, the Bens, and a building. Looking for gen fic? Dead & Gonne is the one for you. Latest Post: Chapter 5: A mazement
Simon x Billy: @simon-x-billy We’re going to Italy, which is a sexy country. Stars 2 boys you don’t need to recognize to love. lgbtqia+ m|m Looking for NSFW? Simon x Billy is for you. Currently participating in @yearoftheotpevent . Latest Post: Ch. 12: Attack of the tiny flying human (New!)
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Ded & Gonne
All Ded & Gonne works are genfic without exception.
TWs: Klaus only dies if he really needs to. I have no plans to kill Bens.
Chapter 1: Mean Ben
Chapter 2: Got Ghosts?
Chapter 3: Klaus and Benny sittin in a tree, but strictly fraternaturally
Chapter 4: You, Klaus. You saved the world.
Chapter 5: The Eventuality of Evil loop
Chapter 6: The Evil Lair
Ded & Gonne was originally born for tua Masked Author 2022.
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Devil’s Night
Don’t feel like catching up on D&G from the beginning? This is a great place to dive in.
Halloween miniseries with major plot developments for D&G
Chapter 7: Devil’s Night Part 1: Afraid of the Dark
Chapter 8: Devil’s Night Part 2: The descent
Chapter 9: Devil’s Night Part 3: The sub-sub-basement
Chapter 10: Devil’s Night Part 4: Somebody’s in the garden
Chapter 11: Devil’s Night Part 5: A mazement
Chapter 12: Devil’s Night Part 6: WIP!
The Devil’s Night miniseries was originally born for Sheehalloween 2022
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header by @circumstellars
Simon x Billy
Simon x Billy is NSFW beginning at Chapter 8.
Brokenhearted boy from Brooklyn on depressing vacation to Italian Riviera meets Irish lad with secret past. TW: m|m first-time.
Purple Demon smut ranking, because they’re horny little devils.
Chapter 1: Where’s Giuseppe WTF?
Chapter 2: The European Plug Situation
Chapter 3: My red stripe of pain
Chapter 4: You’re too pretty, go’way
Chapter 5: Are you alive?
Chapter 6: You look good. What happened?
Chapter 7: Where’s the helipad
Chapter 7.5: She’s formidable
Chapter 8: This is the beginning 😈 very, very tame
Chapter 9: So that happened 😈 very, very tame
Chapter 10: Let the slings and arrows commence
Chapter 11: Whatever you say, Ma
Chapter 12: Attack of the tiny flying human 😈 half a demon
Chapter 13: wip!
Begun for Sheehanksgiving 2021 || Chapter 12 begins submissions for the Year of OTP 2023 event
© 2020-2023 firstpersonnarrator. I do not consent to my works being edited, reposted, performed, or translated.
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klimtjardin · 2 years
vi a tua ideia sobre a fic do nct como the witcher e só consigo pensar no Johnny com a caracterização do Geralt... que fizestes comigo, klim?!
Quando o Yuta tinha cabelo branco e comprido eu só conseguia pensar nele de Geralt no halloween, mas infelizmente não rolou.
Minha ideia do Johnny na real era ele ser caçador de bruxos, ele e o Yuta talvez. O Yuta seria dono de uma taverna também.
Os bruxinhos: Ten, um deles certamente. Kun me dá vibes de vesemir (no sentido de ser o mentor dos demais) o Haechan também.
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uniasus · 2 years
I'm sad, but I think I have to stop watching Yugioh until December. I'm just before a new arc, so it makes sense, and I really, really want to wrap up a few things before NaNo hits and I'll be immersed in other stories.
I really can't do fanfic this year; I haven't written a new novel or novella in years and have instead been focused on editing old stuff, and I feel like it's time to pivot just a bit. I *want* to create something new.
So that leaves two weeks to get my TUA fics in a good place, the YGO fic i started last night finished, and whumptober wrapped up. It'll be tight around NaNo prep, Halloween, and my bday, so finishing Yugioh has to be put on pause even though not getting to Millennium World will be agonizing.
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lunannex · 2 years
Seek!!❤️ I love to talk so this got out of hand lol, thank u for the asks!
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
Ok so, I’ve noticed that I write about stars a lot??? And things relating to icarus. The characters I write about always end up becoming intertwined with those two things. I’ll use Allison as an example but Kaeya (from Genshin Impact) is another one. Allison was a superstar who had a perfect life on paper, only to have it all fall apart in a very short amount of time. She flew too close to the sun!! She was forced to face all of the ugly parts of herself and actively worked to be better.
Aside from that, there’s also grief. Most of my TUA fics are about grief in all its forms, Allison mourns for her daughter, her past relationships, the person she could’ve been, etc. That’s one of the main themes of the kalopsia series (my beloved). And it’s not that no one else is out here writing about Allison, but it’s not pretentious to point out that I’m one of the only writers out here who’s actively writing about her post-S3. She’s a really tragic, beautiful character and I’ll take any chance I have to explore her experience with grief
💋 First kiss fics. Love em or hate em?
It depends! There’s certain fandoms/dynamics that I wouldn’t read first kiss fics for (like The Umbrella Academy), but I like them!! I’ve written them! I think I’m just too picky for my own good, but I need a little…more than a first kiss, yknow? I like it when there’s more layers to it, and it’s usually what leads UP to the first kiss that I fall in love with. The pining. The slow buildup. If it’s well executed and really caters to my tastes I’ll eat it UP
🍦 What's the sweetest fic you've created so far?
I think either one of my Sk8 the Infinity fics??? I haven’t gone back to reread them since I wrote them but they’re so sweet I can’t even believe it lmao
❌ What's a trope you will never write?
I try to never say never about most things. A lot of it comes down to execution and maybe I just haven’t found the right fics yet. That being said, I do NOT like love triangles, arranged marriages or high school AU’s. I have a lot of strong feelings about everything idk! If I ever write any of those it’ll just be as a little experiments for myself
🎃 Do you write fics for certain holidays? Which is your favorite holiday inspired fic?
I’d love to write a holiday fic one day! I’m a Halloween girlie so who knows!! Maybe I’ll try writing something spooky if I ever get a good idea :D
Fanfic asks
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badsext · 3 years
Trespassing on a Private Beach in October: Klaus Hargreeves x Dave Katz
Author’s Note: There are no real warnings to speak of in this one.  It is a bit romantic, but PG. It’ just a creepy little fic in time for Halloween
The sky is clear and the moon is full.  Two young men force their way through an opening in a chain link fence, made larger by the stronger of the two.  Their path is peppered with ‘no trespassing’ signs, but the dark haired one insists it will be worth it.  When they reach the shoreline, the blond haired one takes the blanket he’s got slung over his shoulder and spreads it out on the sand.  They lay down beside each other, looking up at the stars and listening to the soft waves lapping against the shore.
“So, tell me, Klaus. What is so special about this place?”  Remind me why I am committing a crime here.”
“What crime?”
“Pffft,” Klaus dismisses the idea with a wave of his hand. 
 “They say it’s cursed,” he gestures towards the water, smiling excitedly. 
“What, the Pacific Ocean?,” he laughs.  “Why are you always looking for trouble?”
Klaus giggles, his silhouette bathed in moonlight.  “Come on, Dave, I thought it would be romantic, like a scary movie vibe.  Wanna make out?”  His fingers travel spider-like up his boyfriend’s chest.    
“What was that?”  
They hear a rustling in the brush behind them.  They both turn around on their stomachs to see what is going on without attracting too much attention.  A light flickers through the trees, then another, and another, until there are dozens.  The flickering lights spread into a line.  They hear voices speaking a strange language, the words forming a chant. Cloaked figures emerge from the forest holding candles, a chorus repeating their chilling refrain. 
“What the hell is this?”  Dave looks ready for fight or flight, but Klaus is stolid, looking like he’s bitten off more than he can chew. “Is it a cult or something?”
The chanters come forward in a staggered line.  As they draw near Dave tries to gather Klaus and get him out of there, but Klaus is still kneeling on the blanket in a state of contemplation.  As they get even closer, Dave gives up the negotiations and lifts Klaus over his shoulder as if to carry him away from trouble.  The hooded figures are now close enough to see their faces, but they brush right past the young couple, ignoring them, charging a path straight to the water.
Dave puts Klaus down once he realizes that these people pose no immediate threat. They look at the robed occultists with plain curiosity.  Then Klaus turns to Dave.  “Well, that was weird.  Maybe we should go home.”  But as they shake the sand off their blanket and turn to go, great big streaks of lightning shoot across the sky in all directions and the ground begins to rumble. Having moved to California several months ago, they knew they’d experience an earthquake sooner or later.  This one just seemed...personal?
“Wait, I think I read about this,” Dave says with some trepidation.
“You read...about this?”
��Yeah, this old science fiction author.  I forgot all about him because he was a horrible racist, eugenics, white supremacy, the whole nine.  Real nasty fella.”  
Klaus cringes. “Yeah.” Dave wrinkles his nose in disgust. ”He wrote about a monster, an old god who sleeps at the bottom of the ocean.  He wakes up, bringing about the end of the world.  Anyone who looks at him goes insane.  I think these folks might be trying to uh...wake him up.”
“Oh god, not again.”  Klaus exhales, pinching the bridge of his nose.  “I can’t handle another apocalypse right now.”  The rumblings start getting more violent. They cling to each other to keep from falling. One look at the fear in Dave’s eyes and Klaus resolves to do something heroic.  “Okay, what does this thing look like?”
“He’s as tall as a skyscraper with wings and claws and tentacles.”
“Tentacles?  I think I know someone who can help.”
“Really?”  Dave looks back at him incredulously.
Ben’s ghost materializes, looking none too pleased.  “Klaus, I thought we talked about this.  I’m not going to be a third wheel anymore.”
“Turn around.”
The sea churns violently.  Sea spray pelts the shore like a heavy squall.  A deafening roar that is both deep and shrill like a siren blares. Several green tentacles breach the surface, curling and swaying wildly.
“So, are we gonna do this?”  Klaus stands ready for Ben to possess him.
“Yeah, why not, I’m not getting any deader.”
Ben leaps into his brother.  Klaus, still not used to the feeling of possession, staggers back and clutches both sides of his head.  Dave, not sure what to make of all this, takes the Ben and Klaus combo by both arms.  “Are you alright?” 
Klaus takes control for a moment and kisses Dave. “Remember those super powers I mentioned?  Well, Davey, it’s time for me to use them!  You’d better stand back, and close your eyes.  You don’t want to go insane.”
“What about you?”
“Too late,” he smiles with eyes crossed, trying to make light of the danger he is about to face.
Dave reluctantly obeys.  Ben faces the monster as it bursts out of the sea.  Its eyes are red flames glowing from deep within it's great bulbous head.  An angry swarm of tentacles surround what must be the creature’s mouth. Its body is vaguely humanoid, but with bat-like wings sprouting from its shoulders and raptor-like claws for hands.  
Ben’s own tentacled horror bursts from his abdomen. Upon seeing his display, the monster snatches him up in his great claw and lets out a mighty bellow.  Ben’s monster responds in kind. The larger one draws them closer as if sizing them up.  Ben and Klaus prepare to be eaten, when they are suddenly pulled down into the water.  Tentacles rise and fall until the surface lies still once again.  What Klaus and Ben soon discover, is that these monsters are not rivals, but star crossed lovers from opposite dimensions.  
Dave, no longer able to shield his eyes, stares out over the ocean.  He screams, wondering what has become of Klaus.  He falls to his knees praying to whatever god will listen.  A moment later Klaus comes springing out of the water, landing in a spray of sand on the beach in front of Dave. He is covered in a thick gooey substance. 
Dave reaches for him, crying grateful tears.  
“Thank god, you’re alive! What happened?”
“I have seen things tonight...that no human should see.”
“Come on soldier, let’s get you home, get you cleaned up, and get something to eat.  I could really go for some calamari.”
“Was that a joke, Katz?...I tell the jokes around here.” 
“Yes, sir!”  Dave sheepishly grins. 
@spanishmossmagnolia @elliethesuperfruitlover @moorehollandplz @helena-way07 @firstpersonnarrator @bubblyani @punknatch @zombiedixon89 @ringpopdust @bi-satanist @siriuslynore @chipster-21 @maerenee930 @forenschik
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roroyaoi87 · 3 years
got any halloween stories coming?
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Hello, anon. I would have loved to, in fact, I have half-written two Halloween-themed stories, but I didn't manage to finish them.
I promise to do a Christmas special, and if I get to finish any of the stories, I'll post it this week.
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kiara-carrera · 4 years
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oc halloween challenge: october 13th, time travel
dawn hargreeves + the 1960′s
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Costume Conundrum
A/N: This is going to be a bit of a wild one. I was given a prompt by the lovely @badsext​, and since I’m extra, I’ve decided to extend the prompt into three characters, and three scenarios. Depending on when I get this done, they’ll come out all across October. This is the Klaus x fem! reader one!!
Warnings: people being very cishet, general halloween spookiness
“Klaus, where in the name of God are you taking me?” I ask, as he blindfolded me while walking down the sidewalk. 
“Don’t worry about it, don’t worry. You’re in good hands, I promise!” he says, rubbing your shoulder to reassure you.
“Uh, good hands my ass, you tripped over a rock and almost sliced half your leg open Klaus.” you said, rolling your eyes under the cloth.
“Goodness, it’s like you don’t trust me at all.” he whines, most likely putting a hand to his chest.
“No, that’s not it, you’re just a clumsy klutz sometimes and for a person with a blindfold, I don’t know if I want to trust you right now.” you reply, ending the conversation.
  The two of you continue for a few more minutes, Klaus guiding you as you walk, your hands getting gradually sweaty. His hands drifted just a little bit, resting on the small of your back, and rubbing it tenderly, trying to calm your nerves. He always did that if mischief was going to be involved with any type of activity of his. Just like the time that you and he snuck into a viewing of Avengers:Endgame and yelled out “falsehood” every time someone was lying. Yeah, you two weren’t allowed back in that theater for another year, turns out that some people actually wanted to watch the movie. Oh well.
“Ahh, we’ve arrived my dear.” Klaus says, taking your blindfold off.
You opened your eyes, and as they adjusted to the sun. Upon them finally calming down, you found yourself in front of a Halloween Costume shop. Halloween was approaching quite quickly, and you found yourself wondering what you were going to be. It seems as though Klaus had the same idea. He’d been talking about taking you to a costume shop for eons it seemed, and now he finally got the chance to do it.
“Oh dear, I hope we won’t get banned from this one. You know what happened last time Klaus.” you said, looking at him with a half-stern look on your face.
“Look, it’s not my fault that they don’t have the Sexy Nurse outfit in my size, alright.” Klaus, said, pouting.
  You both entered the shop, and it was close to empty, a few parents and their children picking out cute little outfits, witches, unicorns, even a Disney Princess here and there. Before you two could really get involved with each costume, and the elements around it, a conversation caught your ears from the other aisle.
“Mommy, I want to be a princess this year.”  a little boy, about 6 said to his mother, who looked appalled at his statement. 
“No, little boys can’t be princesses. What about this pirate costume over here, or the Frankenstein one?” she said, trying to drag him away from the frilly dress.
“It’s Frankenstein’s monster, and that story is scary, and it makes me scared.” he said, whining out his response. Tears started to form in his eyes, and Klaus decided to speak up to the mother.
“Hey, you should let him be a princess, or whatever he wants to be. Clothes don’t have a gender, and neither does color, ma’am. Not that big of a deal to let him be a princess if he wants to be. Never hurt to let a child express their feelings.” he said, and upon seeing him, the little boy’s eyes sparked with joy.
  Klaus was wearing one of their more expressive outfits today. They were wearing a strawberry skirt, and a plain white shirt on top of it, and tan sandals, a pair of yours. Their curls were tied up, a couple spilling out from the containment. They were always trying to display themselves as neutral as possible, never really deciding on one thing. You were always proud whenever they went to the store, and came out with frills, or a rainbow striped top. It made you bubble up with joy to see them stand up for him. 
“Well, wouldn’t you know a thing or two about raising kids.” the mother said, crossing her arms at the site of Klaus, not realizing what she was getting herself into. 
“I mean, I had an abusive father, and a robot as a mother, and a chimpanzee as a butler. I’ve traveled through time three times, died twice, and lived to tell the story. Nothing like that’ll stop me from educating people on helping their children realize something.” he replied, crossing their arms as well.
“I’m not taking advice from someone like you, thinking it’s okay to dress like that.” she said, looking Klaus up and down, then looking disapprovingly at you. “Let’s go, Timmy, I’ll get you something from online.”
  The little boy started to cry, and you both urged her not to budge. She was dragging him along by the hand, but she stopped at the front register, as one of her friends was at the front. You knew that she’d be there for at least another hour, giving the two of you to use a collective brain cell to conjure an idea. Meanwhile, you both drifted to the older costumes, looking at the options. Of course, we have the stereotypical couples costumes, hotdogs and buns, power sockets, Adam and Eve, and the oh-so-charming bun and bun maker. Klaus floated over to where you were, in the women’s section, and started cutting the options. 
“Alright, so we have fucked up tinker bell, tigers, lions, and bears oh my, and sexy nurses.” you say, pinching your nose.
“Oh, come on, we’ll make it fun. I’ll try them on with you.” Klaus offers, putting his hand out for you to shake. You agree, grabbing the tightest ones off of the shelf, along with a questionably orange one.
  Klaus heads to the dressing room, and you wait outside, tempted to strip and put on your own costume in the open, since there were only two dressing rooms, one of which had a suspicious stain, the other Klaus occupied.
“Klaus, hurry up, I haven’t got all day.” you say, already sliding on the top and bottoms of your costume, trying to hide yourself.
 They open the curtain, and you gulp at the sight. The sexy nurse costume was of course Klaus’ first choice. It covered barely anything, and you could see his ribs poke out from the cropped shirt.
“Come get your medicine children.” they say, slowly walking towards you, until you both hear a small rip.
Uh oh
“Klaus, what did you rip this time?” you ask, walking towards him in your costume, which he didn’t notice, but you inspected him, and turned him, trying to find where his body ripped the tight costume. 
“I think it ripped in the ass which makes since, my cakes are plentiful.” they said, shrugging.
  They left the costume on, and waited outside while you were getting changed properly, in front of a mirror this time. You put the straps on correctly, and attached the different clips, trying to make sure that everything was in its’ correct place. You opened the door, and revealed yourself to Klaus. Their jaw dropped, and he hovered over you, looking from different angles, concluding that no matter how he looked at you, you looked phenomenal. 
“Am I spooky enough?” you ask, putting your hands on your hips, doing a mini hair flip.
“I’m just pissing my pants thinking about this costume, Jesus Christ.” they say, chuckling. 
  You walk down the same costume aisle, acting like you were on a runway. On the way, you picked up too-big sunglasses and neon pink feather boas, spinning on the way back to him. Klaus picked some up too, and the two of you ran around the store, chasing each other. Different songs came on the intercom, and the two of you danced, but of course, Klaus had to trip over a rack of makeup, and different powders spilled on top of them, causing him to giggle uncontrollably.
“Get up, get up, we’re gonna get in trouble. Come on Klaus, let’s go!” you said, urging him to stand up in his 5 inch platforms from another costume, trying not to laugh.
  The security ended up chasing the two of you out of there, but not before you two could give the little boy what he wanted, a cute little dress, with frills. You two even handed him a canister of glitter, just in case. He smiled, and said goodbye to the two of you, just as the security doubled in size.
“See, I told you it was gonna be fun.” Klaus said, kissing you on the cheek, and hugging you from behind. It was getting nighttime, and you both had a bit to walk. However, you two were dead tired, and you got onto a public transport bus, getting stares from the passengers onboard. You two simply shrugged it off, and fell asleep right as the bus took off, only to get rudely kicked off at your stop. The two of you stumbled into your home, messily unlocking the door, and falling onto the couch immediately, sleeping until noon.
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hermitreunited · 4 years
It’s definitely not new, but it is a Halloween fic I wrote for dghda - Important Stuff to Do in the Woods. And I’m still proud of it! So, if you are looking for a Halloween spook... well, it’s not actually that spooky. But it’s fun!
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defunct-batterology · 4 years
Rating: Mature
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, M/M
Fandom: The Umbrella Academy (TV)
Characters: Klaus Hargreeves, Ben Hargreeves
Additional Tags: Recreational Drug Use, Hurt/Comfort, Hurt No Comfort, aka Klaus is resilient and Ben wishes he could do more, Halloween, Homelessness, Pre-Canon
Word Count: 18k
Summary: “This holiday sucks,” Klaus mumbles as he heaves himself into a sitting position, achy and vaguely embarrassed. The fucking shadow monster is still watching him intently, snarling and lunging and shrieking, but the sun is starting to come up, hazy and diffuse, just enough that Klaus can almost ignore the thing. “I’m suing.” He doesn’t say I can’t do this, even though it’s the only real thought rattling through his skull, because it would be a low blow to say that to his dead brother, but also because he’s afraid that if he acknowledges how hopeless his situation is out loud, he really won’t be able to make himself get up off the ground.
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