#ben Hargreeves x sister reader
book-place · 1 year
The story of us
"The poison of an oleander" The umbrella academy! :D
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The Story of Us
The Umbrella Acadmey- The Poison of an Oleander
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“Do you think he’ll like it?” You inquired, smiling dreamily at the thought of your father being happy with something you did.
“I dunno.” Poor Ben was struggling to stay upright as he tried to balance the heavy pot in his arms, nearly toppling over onto an expensive looking statue when turning a corner.
You and your brother had been leaving a mission the two of you had been sent out on when a plant store had caught your eye. Immediately, you had perked up and dragged Ben into the store, claiming that a plant would be a perfect gift for your father.
The boy wasn’t so certain, but one puppy-dog look from you and he- ever a good brother- had given in, sighing to himself before helping you pick out what you deemed to be the ‘perfect’ plant.
“Here should be good.” You told your brother, pointing to an open spot in the courtyard.
Ben grunted, setting the plant down before stretching out his sore arms.
“What’re you doing?” A voice asked from behind, making the two of you turn around.
You grinned at Diego, “We got dad a plant!”
His eyebrows furrowed, “Why?”
“Cause it’s a gift- duh.” You rolled your eyes slightly.
“Yeah, duh.” Ben mocked.
Agitation took over your brothers features, “I get that,” He snapped, “But why’re you getting the old man a gift?”
Before you could finish rolling your eyes and open your mouth to retort, yet another voice cut into the conversation.
“Mom told me to tell you that it’s time for lunch.”
Luther stepped out into the courtyard, falling short and warily eyeing you and Diego, who looked about a moment away from burning holes into one another with your hard glares.
You both ignored him, though, “It’s a plant, Diego. Can’t I get our dad a plant?”
With a small sigh of frustration out of your nose, you looked away from your brother and back to the prized gift.
Without knowing what possessed you, you reached out, as if to touch the plant, only for your hand to be harshly and promptly slapped away.
All four of your heads snapped up, staring wide eyed at your father, whom none of you knew was there in the first place.
“Number eight.” Reginald chided, his ever-present frown set upon his lips, “Don’t you know a poisonous oleander plant when you see one?”
Yours and Ben’s mouths dropped open.
“P-poisonous?” The boy squeaked, paling at the thought of what he had been holding in his arms.
A hard look was set upon your fathers face, “A poison that could lead to sickness, as well as even death.” His tone was clipped.
“I-we-“ You stuttered out, “The lady that sold it to us didn’t tell us!” You cried.
Reginald clicked his tongue in annoyance, “And what were you planning on doing with it, anyway!”
“We got it for you!” You told him, “We wanted to get you a plant! We had no idea it was poisonous!”
Your father stared at you in silence for a moment before turning on his heel and striding back inside, “Chop, chop, children. I believe Grace has already told you that the meal was ready.”
You and your siblings stood in an awed silence for a moment following your fathers departure, none of you quite knowing what to say.
“Holy shit,” Diego finally breathed out, “You tried to poison dad.” A grin slowly spread on his face, “You tried to poison dad.” He repeated before letting out a cackling laugh.
Luther glowered at him, “It’s not funny, someone could’ve seriously gotten hurt-“
“Hey, Klaus!” Diego ignored him, walking back towards the manor as he called out to your brother, “I dare you to come touch this cool plant outside!”
Luther paled, running after the boy in hopes of putting an end to any madness before it even began.
You and Ben looked at each other. Blinking once. Twice.
“Next time…” Ben mumbled, “Maybe we should just get him a cake or something.”
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cardigan-ns · 1 month
My first call
Pairing: Ben Hargreeves x Little Sister!Reader
Request: can u do ben hargreeves x little sister reader? maybe some angst? (season 4)
Summary: You two were the only ones who survived the sparrow academy, he was your sole caregiver and he was trying desperately to make ends meet in this messed up universe, he ended up getting arrested and sent to prison for 4 years.
A/N: it’s also a little bit of Luther x Little sister!Reader too
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Ben hated his father for stranding him in this timeline, not only was his entire family dead, but he had no money and the only sibling of his that was alive was his 11 year old sister. He loved her to pieces but he was struggling really bad with how to keep her happy and stable. She was his rock, anything he did, he did for her. She was his fighting chance at actually coping in life. But she knew just as much as him that some days were worse than others, they’d both sob to eachother sometimes after remembering the rest of the sparrow academy and how they’re now gone, ceased from existence.
He cursed the umbrella academy, how do they get to be reset and alive and he has to mourn his brothers and sisters while they all get to play happy family. They keep inviting him to things, and he keeps declining, he didn’t see the point, they’re strangers to him, they broke into his home one day and refused to leave him alone since. He wasn’t their Ben so why are they constantly holding on to him. All they’re doing is confusing his sister and he’d hope they’d cool off eventually but they never did.
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2 years have passed and Ben is now feeling stable for once since landing here, Y/N was doing great in school, her grades were excellent, even better than what Ben was gaining at that age. His scams were earning him a lot of cash, yes he was bankrupting thousands of people at a time but who gives a shit, he’s able to buy his sister everything she needs and wants and she is very grateful for it. Although she doesn’t exactly know how he’s doing it, she expected he was getting the money from their father.
“Hey Ben?” You called from the table, you sat doing your homework. Ben was cooking you guys some dinner and glanced over his shoulder to acknowledge your calling. “How come we never see those umbrella people?” You questioned, you always wondered who those strangers truly were, from what you saw of them, they seemed like genuine people, a little off their rocker but meaning well. Ben just sighed at the mention of those utter morons and set the spatula down. “I’ve told you to stop asking about them. All they are is the reason we’re alive, big deal.” He blew off some steam in his response to you, all you were looking for was some small talk to help pass the time between algebra equations and dinner, but here Ben was throwing a hissy fit again. Like always.
You had the same stubbornness as him, so with a set down of your pen you glared at him, he glared at you. “I saw that one of them sent a card in the mail. You still haven’t opened it.” Ben rolled his eyes and remembered the card that Luther had sent the two of you, he had a feeling it’d be a bunch of nonsense and that’s why he ignored never tearing the envelope open. “Leave it.” He concluded the argument and plated your dinner.
Tonight was an odd night, Ben was more on edge than usual, he kept opening his laptop and closing it, wouldn’t eat all his dinner, kept changing the channels on the TV. He even payed the gas bill on time, he usually leaves it for as long as possible so he can con the gas man, gives him a discount because they think he can’t afford it and he pulls the “little sister” card, hoping that’d buy him some brownie points. You sat on your bed, reading an old edition of your favourite comic, Ben knocked on your door, holding a box of donuts. “Hey, I wanted to apologise for earlier.” He sat at the edge of your bed, you didn’t even care about the argument, you’ve had worse, but what you did care about were the treats he was handing you. “And you’re forgiven.” You immediately took the box from him and took a bite out of the sugary delicacy.
Ben laughed slightly at your immediate dismissal and he took a donut too, after he was eating it he looked over at you who had somehow got sugar everywhere. “How the hell…” he laughed again. You just shrugged your shoulders, closing the box and setting it on your bedside table. Ben stood up, yanking you off the bed and he brushed you out of the room, you knew exactly what he was asking you to do. Get clean bed sheets. You loved him but sometimes he was such a neat freak. You went and got some and walked back to find your bed stripped from the blue covers, Ben chucked the dirty laundry in the basket and he turned on the radio in your room. “You were supposed to change these last night, it’s like you were waiting to cover it in sugar.” You looked at him with narrowed eyes like he’d just caught you out on your extravagant plan. You set the folded piles of sheets on your chair and you jumped on your bed.
Ben just sighed as you completely ignored him clearly trying to change the bed. “Stop being difficult. It’ll take five minutes!” he had to looked up at you as you jumped in the air and back on your mattress repeatedly. “Ben come on, remember anytime dad made us go around and routinely change everyone sheets.” That was their chore, Ben always had you to tag along with him, he was your personal assistant, funny how life works, it’s the same old. But he does recall how on every bed, to ‘make sure it’s safe’ you’d jump on it and after a few moments of bickering so would he, he always had a mushy side to him, relatively a mushy side that was reserved for you.
“Screw you!” He muttered as he hopped on the bed too, and as the music on the radio played, you and Ben had a moment of peace, one that you haven’t felt in a very long time, you didn’t need to be suscepted to such violent trauma at a young age, Ben could barely handle it as a fully grown adult, he was always cautious at how he treated you, usually resulting in you feeling sheltered, he felt like if you had too much of a good time you’d crash out, remembering all the bad. But he was just happy and grateful to still have a moment like this with you.
Having spent the past 2 years watching over you, Ben grew to realise it’s always been his role to parent you, not his father, it brought him grief along with new found appreciation for the gift he was given, he still remembers when Reginald brought you home. There was a malfunction with your marigold, causing yours to appear at a later date, a lot later than the rest of the 43.
The sparrows were 19 when he brought you home in a stroller, Ben was hesitant at first, wondering if since you were new, Reginald would make you number 1, but seeing as you weren’t stealing his thunder, he kind of liked keeping you around. You always got sick as a child though, Grace tried her best to heal you but it was some nurture that always helped. Which is why Ben read some of his comics to you, taught you how to draw, taught you what good music was, gave you some fashion sense when you grew out of Hello Kitty and Barbie. Even though you swore you were a ‘grown up’ you kept that hello kitty nightlight by your bedside, even now. When you got scattered in this new timeline you couldn’t sleep for 2 months, until Ben purchased an exact replica, then you could finally get through to the morning.
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That’s why it hurt even more when the cops raided the apartment after your calming moment. They dragged him out of your room, placing him under arrest for fraud and bankrupting thousands. One of the cops broke your night light, and broke your home…
“Y/N, I’ll sort this out okay? You’ll be my first call.” He tried to shake the burly men who held him in cuffs, they dragged him out of the room as his eyes poured with tears, guilt and horror. He was trying to keep you safe, trying to save some of your childhood, and now he’s gone and fucked it all up. You’ll never forgive him, he thought. The cops were dragging him out the door as you quickly shuffled to chase him, you were shocked and petrified. “Let me talk to my fucking sister.” Ben yelled and the cops figured he better, seeing as she was only a kid. “I don’t know where they’re going to take you, but I’m gonna come home, okay. I’ll find you.” He spoke softly as to mend your heart as it got ripped to shreds. And then he was out of sight, after that touching moment, your eyes welled into tears and you were shaking. He was all you had left.
One lesser aggressive cop, knelt down by you as they dragged your brother away from you. “Hi, sweetheart, I know this is a lot to process, but I’m going to stay here with you while some social workers arrive. They’re going to help you, the best they can.” Right now you wish you had your power, to just stop time, run down the hall and give Ben one last hug, you figured that’s the last you’d ever see him, no goodbye, no closure, your bed wasn’t even made.
“I’m not going to some home. Different parents. No. I’m not talking to a social worker. I’m staying here, waiting for them to bring Ben home. He didn’t do what you’re accusing him of!” You argued with the man in uniform, your lip quivering as you tried to stay strong, stand your ground, but you were just a kid wanting her safety back. The officer just gave you a saddened look, as if all you wanted couldn’t be. “Well do you have anyone you can call?” His question would’ve been easy if your other siblings survived the fucking apocalypse the umbrellas brought. Then as if a lightbulb went off you ran to the kitchen counter and grabbed the envelope from the top of the microwave, ripping it open.
‘Dear Ben and Y/N,
Just wanted to remind you that it’s our birthdays soon, I was wondering if maybe you wanted to get dinner sometime? Everyone else is busy…
It’s okay if not,
[his number]’
You smiled, thanking Luther silently, he was always so formal, you’ve never been happy to see a bunch of randomised numbers, even though that was practically your childhood. “Officer, this is my brother, kind of.” You handed him the letter, he stood up and read through it, nodding, then walking to the next room to make a phone call. You ran to Ben’s room and just laid on his bed, pretending he was just getting the popcorn ready for your Saturday movie nights. A few stray tears fell down your face as you realised he was going to be sleeping in a cell and not his bed.
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After a while of crying, your body gave out and you fell asleep, clutching the mini pillow you made for Ben at your youth club.
That’s until, after a while, a gentle hand shook you awake. You rolled over, forgetting all that happened while the sleep wore off. You saw two men before you, the officer and Luther. Luther sat at the edge of the bed, by you, he looked as though he’d been crying too. You haven’t seen him for two years so it was revelling to see one another again. You remembered him being a really nice man, he married your sister, so technically he was family. He and Sloane took you out to mini golf one day, Sloane always cheated, gravitating the ball into the hole. Luther broke about 4 golf clubs and you stopped time and cheated too. You hargreeves were never good at playing fair.
“Hey kiddo.” He muttered as all the memories of Ben’s arrest rushed back to you. You just clung to Luther in a hug and cried in his shoulder, the less stronger man just held you, gazing up at the officer. “I’ll take it from here, sir.” The cop nodded and left the apartment. You sniffled and wiped your eyes even though the waterworks kept on coming. “He’s not a bad guy, Luther.” You kept repeating similar phrases, pleading your brother’s innocence, as if convincing yourself he was getting out that night. “I know, I know.” Luther rubbed your back and he comforted you, it was difficult to see you like this again, the last time he saw you, you were just as devastated when you first got to this timeline.
After a while of him helping you calm back down, you sat beside him on the bed, he was going to stay with you, clean the apartment for you, after the cops made a mess of it, especially your room. It was really late though, you were tired and you just wanted nothing more than for Ben and you to chill while you nerded out about your favourite books. He loved poetry and you loved fantasy. Luther seemed like he likes those things too, if given the right recommendations, but he wasn’t like Ben. “Would you like anything in particular for breakfast tomorrow?” He smiled over to you as you still held the small pillow, looking at it. “I like cereal…” you shrugged, not really having an appetite and not wanting to think about how lonely the morning would be without him there to watch TV with. “Cereals good.” Luther nodded. He figured that once you were asleep he was going to make a run to the all night grocery, to get you a lot of things, he mostly emptied his wallet when he felt guilty.
It was still awkward having him here, and confusing, he was your brother in law, but he was also bens actual brother, but not your Ben, a different Ben, who had the same father but not the father you have. It gave you a headache the more you pondered on where Luther placed in your life. You got off the bed and walked silently to your room, noticing now just how badly it was banjaxed. Luther follows slowly behind and just stood at the door frame. “Just to let you know, I did tell the officer off for doing that.” He let you in on that fact, you just nodded and lifted pieces of your broken light, you sat on the floor, you weren’t going to sleep the whole night, the only way you slept earlier was because it still felt like Ben was here.
Luther lifted the pile of bedsheets that were still on your chair, untouched. The old sheets were still on top of the hamper, Ben still having not cleaned it. Luther got the mattress sheet and tried to put it on, but you immediately stopped him. “No!” You glared, not meaning to be so hasty, and Luther just tilted his head, confused. “But where are you going to sleep? You can just have a bare mattress.” He was trying to help but you took it as him dismissing your problems and trying to take over Ben’s role. “I said no! Just get out!” You yelled at him and Luther immediately dropped the sheets and slumped his shoulders, nodding and leaving you alone in your room. Gently closing the door behind him.
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Ben never called, the entire night you sat up, not sleeping a wink, except between 3:45am and 4:23am then you woke, rushing to check the phones past logs, not a single one from Ben. Your room was still a mess, your lamp was still broken on the floor, Luther did try to come back into your room and clean it, not wanting you to get hurt by the shards. But yet again, you screamed at him to leave. And he took that as a hint and didn’t come back in… respectfully listening to your wishes, not getting mad at you for it.
You cried and cried and cried even more. Luther left the house for a little bit, which you later found out was because he went to the store, he slipped a note under your door,
‘Buying you some cereal, won’t be long
You smiled at his careful consideration to your needs. He was nice for that. Then morning came, you yawned and pulled yourself from the bed, growing more and more agitated the longer it took Ben to call. Maybe he forgot about you, and that hurt more than anything. Because you knew Ben wouldn’t just forget, he loved you. He would want to make sure you were safe.
Luther then drudged into the kitchen, scratching his head, he got out two bowls, and opened up the box of cereal, as you sat at the kitchen table staring at the phone, waiting for it to call. You propped your head up with your elbows, staring and staring and staring. “Good morning.” Luther called over to you and you just nodded, not giving back an answer. He poured the milk into the bowls of cereal and walked towards you, handing you a spoon along with it. “I had a feeling you liked cinnamon toast crunch.” He smiled to you. When he first got kidnapped by the sparrows, way back when, you were eating that while he had his toast and cashew butter.
“Thanks.” You took the bowl from him and took a bite, still looking at the phone.
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3 days passed, no call. A week, a month, a year, 2 years, 4 years. 4 fucking years it took for a call.
You were 17 now, on your last year of high school, living in a nice home with Luther, you two had one another, you finally accepted him as your guardian and you two grew very close, turns out you two had more in common than you thought, he was still no Ben, but he was Luther, and you were okay with that. Acceptance, what a chilling thing.
Your niece and sister-in-law were visiting. Claire, she’s the age you were when Ben went away, it was always an odd reminder of how long it’s been. Allison sat in the kitchen with Luther as they talked about what their plans were for Christmas this year, Luther was making them some coffee as the phone rang. You payed no mind to it as you and Claire watched your favourite show across the room, you both decided it would be fun to draw your favourite characters at the coffee table while you watched, it was nice to just unwind and be free with expressing via art, you liked getting to know the umbrellas too, they were all super welcoming and loving, even though they had their differences.
Your favourite was probably Allison though, it was good to have another girl around, she helped you a lot with things that neither Ben nor Luther could help with, she let you stay at hers some nights as your school was closer by than Luther’s place. Lila also had you babysitting her kids sometimes while she went to ‘Book Club’ and Diego worked, they were a great addition to your life too, you even became close with Lila’s relatives and it was mending your soul having people there.
Luther was on the phone for a while, you just assumed it was Viktor, but Luther kept glancing over at you every so often, which was making you worried, your mind wandered to various possibilities. “Uh yeah, but when will that be?” Luther asked down the phone, he then got a notepad and a pen and wrote some things down. This call was distracting you from the peaceful time you were having with Claire and now you walked over to the kitchen, which was connected by an archway. Luther glanced over at you again and continued the call. “Okay, yeah I’ll come get him now.” Him. You yanked the notepad from Luther which had the address to the pickup lot at the state prison. Your mind was racing, he was finally getting out, finally coming home. But you weren’t as hopeful to see him as you used to be. It’s not that you’ve moved on, it’s just that you resented him for not calling when he said he would.
“Wanna come with me?” Luther asked as he knew you’d put the pieces together, the prison wasn’t that long of a drive maybe an hour and 30 minutes. It took you a while to even make your mind up about that, but Allison held your hand from where you stood. “I’m sure he had a good reason for doing what he did.” She squeezed your hand and you just didn’t move, still confused. If he did have a good reason for leaving you in the dark it better be extremely fucking good of an excuse. Or else you wouldn’t let him off easy. Allison stood up and hugged you before she and Claire had to go back home and pick up Klaus from their house.
You held her tightly, knowing that if Ben comes back, maybe he would isolate her from her new found family again. “Bye, Allison.” You mumbled into her shoulder and she laughed slightly rubbing your back and pulling away to look at you, her cheek caressing your face, “He’s missed you, I know he has.” You just smiled, not truly believing that, she just held her free hand out for Claire and you just sighed knowing they had to go home, and you and Luther had to go get Ben, it was actually happening. “You can call me about it later if you’d like.” She assured you and that made you feel a whole lot better about it. You just gave her a thumbs up and she made her exit.
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In the car with Luther was anything less than fun. He tried to play some music, tried to play ‘i spy’, as if you were four, and even tried to sing. All of which made you even more tense. You love this bafoon but right now was not the time, which he shortly caught on to. “I know you’re anxious, remember what the doctor said, use your senses.” You’d been in therapy for a while, having too much to spew to them, you and Luther figured it was for the best if you went weekly. You listened to Luther’s advice and focused on everything around you.
Then he began to pull up to the gate, and parked the car. He turned to face you, “Okay, no matter what happens, we will get through this together, as a family, and I know that once he’s back on his feet, you’ll probably stay with him again.” He smiled, but you didn’t even think about that, not much, not deeply, not anymore. You missed Ben being there, but you were free now, stable, even though you bought another hello kitty night light with the money you earned from your part time job. “But I’m always available if you want to stay.” He smiled lovingly, and put his hand up to high five you. “We got this, Kiddo.” He smiled and opened the car door, as did you, as you guys did that they opened the prison doors and released Ben, who was in the very outfit he was arrested in, as if time stopped and you were 13 again, you didn’t realise just how difficult this would be, but here you were, going through it.
Ben halted once he saw Luther, “Fuck me.” He muttered to himself, then you emerged and his demeanour softened significantly. You’ve gotten so much older, he’d missed out on so many years with you. You stood there, hands in your pockets, a little guarded. Then Luther, nudged you, “Go say hello. He’s not a stranger.” Luther smiled at you, encouraging you to do this, he knew that deep down you’ve been praying for this moment since he left. Ben walked to the end of the fenced prison and was by the car, he didn’t know how to approach you, whether you’d kick him, hug him or punch him.
“Look at you,” Ben frowned, regretting ever committing fraud, regretting not providing for you normally. “You look like shit.” You responded back to him, noticing just how run down prison made him. You had a right to be angry but Ben just didn’t expect you to be so cold. He just nodded and Luther stood behind you trying to figure out how to ease the hostility, but to no conclusion as you spoke again.
“Get in the car, we’ve got places to be.” You completely dismissed Ben, and he seemed like someone just ripped his heart out and played basketball with it. “Jesus.” He lowered his head and shoved his bag in the car, taking the ego wound and sitting in the back seat, while you and Luther took the front. The engine started and off you guys went to the birthday party of your other niece.
When the car pulled up outside the play area Luther thought it’d be best to walk in already and leave the two of you to hash it out in the car, until you were ready to come in. You mentally cursed Luther because of that, you didn’t want to talk to Ben, you weren’t prepared.
“Why didn’t you call me?” You sat in the front seat playing with the hem of your hoodie, and Ben sat directly behind you, it’s as if it were confessions. He just gazed out the window and remembered how he promised you, he swore to you that he would, yet never followed through with it. “I didn’t want to give you false hope.” He spoke bluntly, sending a harsh chill down your spine, your brother would’ve gave you the benefit of the doubt, would’ve called to say he wouldn’t be home for a while, wouldn’t have just left you wondering without closure.
“You didn’t go to my trial, didn’t visit. I thought I did the right thing.” He was so sure in himself and you just scoffed, exiting the car and attempting to storm away to the building, but Ben quickly hopped out after you. “Stop! Okay? We aren’t done here.” Your face was completely and utterly gobsmacked. “Oh, aren’t we? You left me no other choice, how the hell was I meant to know? Nobody alerted me there was a trial, I was practically fighting to survive, I didn’t give Luther a chance and now you’re wondering why I gave up on you? Because you did it to me first!” You yelled a little too loud for this area, children and parents walking to and from the play place.
Ben just shook his head, aggravatingly, “You just couldn’t wait to talk to Luther. Always, Ben why haven’t we talked to him? Ben open the letter, Ben we need these people. Now look what they’ve done to you. You’re just as spiteful as them!” Ben was always defensive, casting blame to anyone but himself, self righteous in a way, which you never realised until now. “Jesus Christ, do you actually hear yourself? And what did I tell you? They’re good people. The only spiteful one is you!” You pointed to him in a fit of rage. “I was a child, with no guardian, no home, of course I was going to reach out to the only people I fucking knew.” You screamed your hands waving in the air to get your point across, Ben needed this reality check, he was away in disaster land.
Ben realised the gravity of his arrest now, how lonely and cursed she must’ve felt, but yet again he wasn’t going to let her make him the complete bad guy here. “I was doing what I needed, to keep us alive.” He breathed out knowing you wouldn’t see that, you were still very angry, and torn, on one hand you were overwhelmed at him being here and talking with you again, and on the other, you’re deeply missing your brother, wishing he didn’t do what he did. You just wanted your old bond back.
“I don’t know what to do.” You shrugged, helpless to this experience. “But I do know that the people in there, they’re just trying to make us part of their family. So let them.” You were commanding in your tone, just hoping Ben would consider it, when you finished talking he was against it completely. “Have you forgot what they’ve done? Our family, OUR ACTUAL FAMILY, are dead! Because of those fucking degenerate assholes.” He crossed his arms now sitting on the bench by the front door, looking at the ground. “I don’t want to replace them with carbon copies.” His voice somber, making you remember The Sparrow Academy and all the things you experienced with your short-lived-family.
You sat by Ben, interlocking your arm with his, showing him that you were on his side, after all, that’s what the both of you were fighting about. Ben glanced at you before resting his head by yours. “I’m sorry I didn’t call…” he spoke quietly and you just sighed. “I know you are.” You just accepted that you can’t go back and change what he’d done, he was ashamed and took the cowards way out, knowing he’d have years before he’d face you again. He just didn’t expect you to grow up with the same short temper and stubbornness as him.
You loved Ben and you hoped that whenever you got to Luther’s place that night, that you could jump on the bed to the radio blasting again, just like old times.
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notakugelblitz · 1 month
FERNANDO • Five Hargreeves x Reader
as everyone seems so sad since the release of season 4, i thought this could help :’)
it takes place during season 3, during Luther and Sloane’s wedding. as you spend your last moments with your siblings in law, you start to have some regrets about the life you could have had with Five.
NO WARNING, all fluff 😊 2341 words
i got inspired by ABBA’s song Fernando and it’s so Five x Y/N related I love it (well this is how I interpret it)
english isn’t my first language so sorry if you spot any mistake
enjoy ☂️
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It was only a matter of hours now. You were all staying at the Hotel Oblivion, the last survivors. The Kugelblitz was growing and yet, Sloane and Luther had decided to marry.
While the boys were having a bachelor party before the ceremony, you were wandering the corridors aimlessly.
Ever since you arrived in 2019 with Five, his family quickly became yours. They welcomed you so warmly and trying to save the world twice clearly forged something big. But when you met the Sparrows, the hate that they felt against them seemed rather excessive (apart from Luther of course). Probably due to your age, you felt more mature about it. Seeing Sloane and Ben loosing all of their family pained you grandly.
You even found in Luther’s future wife a friend, which was a surprise but you enjoyed her kindness quite much. Your feet led you to Sloane’s room so unhesitatingly you knocked at her door which was half opened. She answered and smiled as she spotted you.
“Y/N ! Come in !” Sloane said to you, her soon-to-be former Sparrow Academy sister, in a cheerful fashion as she closed the door behind her.
Then she turned to face her once the door was firmly shut. You smiled, noticing the dress Sloane was sewing herself.
“It looks flawless.” you said, pointing at the white dress laying on the bed.
Sloane smiled gently at your comment and walked over to it, caressing the dress lovingly with her hand.
“Thank you … I just hope it fits me.”
“I’m sure it will. Nothing you wear unfits you.”
You chuckled a bit falsely, feeling a pain in your heart but yet you managed to smile. It was the best day of Sloane's life, and probably her last, after all.
She seemed to notice the sadness in your eyes and immediately became concerned as she took a closer look at you.
“Y/N, what’s wrong ? You look … sad.”
You sighed and grabbed a vase, sitting on the chair as you took the flowers out of it. You started to tie the stems altogether to create a crown.
“I am not sad. I am just … seeing you all excited for your wedding … I’ve been there too … ” you let out.
Sloane smiled and sat down on the bed opposite you, watching you make a crown out of the vase’s contents.
“Yes, I am but … I get the impression that you didn’t enjoy yours ?” she said slowly, a hint of suspicion in her voice as she tried to make sense of your comment.
“Oh no, I loved it !” you exclaimed suddenly. “I had the most wonderful wedding. And I believe yours will be just as perfect.”
She smiled genuinely as she heard you say that you enjoyed your wedding.
“Well … I’m relieved to hear that ! For a moment, I thought you’d been married to an arsehole or something !”
“Five is an arsehole indeed, but he is a great man, I can assure you.” you laughed.
You then approached her to check the size of the crown on her head.
Sloane smiled as you placed the flower crown on her head carefully. Feeling the weight of it, she looked in the mirror, gently caressing the flowers and admiring the work that had been done on it.
“Thank you, Y/N. It’s beautiful …”
You looked at Sloane’s reflection and surprised yourself with a sort of mothering smile. It suddenly brought you nostalgia and sadness at the same time. Sloane checked over her shoulder, noticing your change of mood, a look of concern once again present on her face.
“Y/N … are you sure you’re okay ?”
You pinched your nose and sighed, trying to avoid some tears from falling. You couldn’t believe how weak your were but the tiredness and the end of the world wasn’t making it easy.
“Five and I married when we were 56. Secretly, as it was forbidden by the … by our employers,” you started to explain.
You checked on her, wanting to know if she was ok with you opening up like this. Her eyes saying like “Go on, I’m listening.” and her hand grabbing yours relieved you suddenly.
“I am 58 now. I just wish I had met him sooner …”
You looked down at your feet. It might sound weird for Sloane as you also had the appearance of a teenager. But still she kept holding your hand, gently rubbing the back of it with her thumb as you spoke, trying to give comfort in any way she could.
“Is that why you’re sad ? Because you wished you’d had more time with Five ?”
“When we got back here, we thought of a well-deserved retirement..” you sighed deeply. “But then he decided to save the world again because he’s addicted to it. And I wouldn’t blame him for that, he spent his life doing so. I just …”
You bit your lips, looking down at her hands, young and soft.
“And you just … want to be able to grow old with him … like normal people who marry and have a family …”
You looked up at Sloane, surprised that she’d understand that easily. You slightly opened your mouth because of the astonishment but shook your head.
“I know that everyone expect me to say that I have no regrets because I had time, unlike you … no offense of course. But coming back in 2019, both of us teenagers again, I thought … it sounds stupid, but I thought we had another chance, you know ? To grow old normally, without any Commission nor Kugelblitz.”
“I get that … you feel like you’ve been robbed.”
You nodded and looked up at her, cupping her cheek with your free hand.
“I shouldn’t bother you with that. Let’s enjoy this night, shall we?”
Sloane seemed to freeze.
“Would you like to be my maid of honour ?” she lets out suddenly.
You arched an eyebrow and smirked.
“I mean … you’re the only friend I’ve got here and … Ben is a dumbass. And a boy.”
“Yeah right … I’d be honoured.” you chuckled.
Without warning, Sloane hugged you tightly, resting her chin upon your shoulder. This felt good actually, and you got a bit moved knowing that you both needed it. At this moment Sloane’s wedding became your last most important mission. You wanted to ensure that it’ll be the night of her life and all the happiness she could feel, the same you felt back then, shan’t be disturbed.
• • •
The Hotel Oblivion had never been as beautiful as it was now, with the Hargreeves being the last survivors on earth. Celebrating a wedding a day before the end of the world had something rather beautiful.
You were standing by the aisle, beside Sloane, as you were her maid of honor. You looked at her and Luther with a kind of nostalgia, smiling a bit sadly while Klaus was pronouncing some vows.
As Klaus’s speech continued, Five kept his eyes on you. He couldn’t help but feel a pang of nostalgia himself as he took in the moment. All the people he loved most were here with him, yet he knew deep down that these would be the last moments they’d get to spend together like this. The thought was more than a little concerning to him, and the hand holding his glass subconsciously clenched into a fist.
At the end of the ceremony, everyone went their separate ways, some dancing on the dance floor, some at the buffet. You headed directly to the bar where all the alcohol was, serving yourself a glass of whisky with the same nostalgia and sadness in your eyes.
Even though you had moved to the bar, it was as if Five’s eyes had never once left you. So he grabbed another glass and joined you at the bar.
“Are you just planning on staying here all night ?” he asked, taking a seat next to you.
Just by his tone, it seemed as if he was trying to hide his concern under his usual snarky demeanor.
“Aren’t you ?” you asked, pouring some whisky into his glass.
You sighed and lifted your glass to raise a toast with him, your smile a bit off. Five raised his glass as well, clinking it against yours.
“You’ve got a point there.”
He took a rather large gulp of the drink before setting the glass down. Five glances at you as a look of concern crossed his face again.
“You’ve got that look on your face. You alright ?”
You sighed and drank your glass bottoms up, then filled it up again. You then turned to see Sloane and Luther dancing happily.
“Do you have any regrets ?” you asked monotonously. “I mean… we never had the time to really enjoy a happy married couple life, you know ?”
He turned his head towards you and raised an eyebrow skeptically.
“Are you being serious right now ?” he quipped.
“That’s what you’re worried about ? Really ?”
“Did we, Five ?” you asked, looking right at him with pain in your eyes. “I mean, yes, we got married, but for what ? Working two years at the Commission with your name after mine and then coming back in 2019 to save the world and have no fucking break.”
You sighed and drank your glass again, bottoms up, not disturbed by the strength of the alcohol.
He sighed, running a hand down his face as he spoke.
“That … that’s not a very fair question. It’s not as if we could’ve helped it.” he started off, trying to reassure you as he picked up his glass and swirled the alcohol around. “Things just happened that we had to deal with. Like you said, we were more focused on stopping the apocalypse than ... anything normal couples would usually do.”
“I dreamt of a retirement, Five. I truly did,” you let out. “Reappearing here with damn teenage appearances, I… I thought we had a second chance, you know ? Having a whole life for ourselves. But no.”
You sniffed and poured yourself another glass. A look of hurt and concern spread across his face even more at this. He knew how badly you had wanted to experience life like every normal people did and all that came with it, and seeing you admit how disappointed you were … it was crushing for him.
He put his hand on your shoulder, gently squeezing it as he tried to find the right words to say to console you.
“You know it’s not too late, right ?” he said, his voice uncharacteristically quiet.
“We only have a day left, Five. Don’t mock me.”
He grabbed you by both shoulders and turned you to face him, gripping them tight.
“I am not.” he said defensively, his voice regaining its hard, blunt tone. “You’d know that if you’d just listen to me for a minute. What I’m trying to say is … you want to experience being a normal, young adult ? Fine. Well, there’s nothing stopping us now, is there ? So stop sulking and start enjoying this while it lasts.”
You looked at him with surprised eyes, rather shocked by what he said. You didn’t have the words, mouth slightly open. The music stopped and another song started : "Fernando" by ABBA. You felt shivers down your spine hearing it. It was the song that played during your first dance … well, it played on the car radio, and you danced somewhere on the side of the road on your way back from your little clandestine marriage back in 1977.
As soon as he heard the opening beats of this special song, he couldn’t help but smirk and internally snicker, already anticipating his next move. He grabbed your hand with a slightly tight grip and started to pull you to the dance floor.
“Five, what are you doing ?” you gasped, leaving your glass on the table.
You were still a bit shocked but let him pull you anyway.
“Oh my ! Five is going to dance !” Lila exclaimed.
“Awwwww, that is way too cuuuuute !” Klaus chuckled.
“Gross.” Ben added.
Five glared at the others as he dragged you towards the dance floor, ignoring their teasing. However, the death glare changed back into a smirk once he got onto the dance floor and pulled you into his arms.
“Just shut up and dance with me,” he quipped.
“But you never dance …” you whispered.
But you didn’t say a word when he placed your hands on his shoulder and in his palm.
“You’ve been wanting to have your time to enjoy yourself as a married couple, right ?” he asked, his voice quieter now. “So then … why not spend our last night doing exactly that ?”
You huffed, touched by his words. It seemed like the end of the world had opened his eyes somehow, and enjoying every last minute with the people he loved felt more important now, ever since he met his old version saying that he shouldn’t save the world and all that awful stuff …
You smiled at him widely.
“Thank you …” you almost whispered.
His heart felt both heavy and warm at your words. Heavy in the fact that he was suddenly very aware of how limited their time was … but warm in the fact that it seemed like you’d finally come back to your senses.
“Save your thanks and enjoy yourself for the night, okay ?” he replied quietly, a small smirk on his lips. “The only reason I’m doing this is so you’ll stop moping and complaining, just so you know.”
“Yeah, right.”
You chuckled, knowing that he was doing it for himself too.
“Though we never thought that we could lose, there's no regret.” you quietly hummed along.
Five spun you around, and he couldn’t help but laugh a bit, enjoying himself much more than he thought he would. Seeing him smile like this, being truly happy after a long time, moved you a bit. Those dimples, his glimmering eyes …
As you hummed to the lyrics of the song, the smirk on his face widened, and he began to sing along.
"If I had to do the same again, I would, my friend, Fernando."
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Partners? Partners.
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Five Hargreeves x Fem!Reader
Summary: Y/N Hargreeves, formerly of the Sparrow Academy, finds herself virtually alone in the reset timeline. The Umbrella’s bring her in to their chaos and she builds something new for herself while still navigating the grief of losing her family. She’s happy in the simplicity. That is, until the one Hargreeves she can’t seem to win over comes to her with an offer she might not be able to refuse.
Warnings: Some cursing. Some angst.
(Part 1/?)
A/N: This one will be 4 or 5 parts. A bit of a coffee shop AU if you squint
She missed her family. She missed them so desperately that sometimes when she dreamt of them at night, she would wake up in tears as the loneliness set in and she realized that her dreams were the only place she would see them again. They had been dysfunctional and as far as families go, not that close, but they had been hers. She would never understand how she had survived everything, how she had made it through the reset when the others did not. She technically had Ben but he had distanced himself not just from the Umbrella’s, but from her, as soon as they fell into this timeline. Now he was in prison for a white-collar bitcoin crime and he refused to have visitors altogether. She was well and truly the last of her family.
It got easier with time and she fell into a predictable, mundane routine. For the first time in her life, she was forced to slow down and be a normal human being. No powers. No Sparrow Academy. Just living and surviving.
She found an apartment with a roommate who mostly kept to themselves and a stable, if not a bit boring, job as a barista at a local coffee shop just a block from home. It wasn’t much and some months she was barely scraping by, but it was a start and she was happy.
The other Hargreeves children, the Umbrellas, brought her into the fold of their chaotic family and soon, she began to feel less alone.
She had brunch with Luther every Sunday at his club. They spent that time talking about Sloane, keeping her memory alive between them. She shared her childhood memories of her sister and Luther soaked it all in, grateful to receive any little piece of new information about his wife that he could get. She was thankful for that time with him and happy that someone loved Sloane the way she always deserved to be loved. Even if it was just for a moment.
Diego and Lila had her over for family game night at least once a month and she had coffee with Lila every week at the shop. Their children called her aunt and she made sure that they were properly spoiled, much to their parent's dismay.
She made the trek to Victor’s bar often in the evenings not just for the free drinks, but because he was actually wonderful company and he made sure to carve out time to sit and talk with her whenever he could take a break from running things. Like her, she suspected that he also felt a bit lonely.
Klaus and Allison came as a pair these days. Their dynamic was a sight to behold as Klaus navigated his newfound sobriety, and Allison pulled together a life doing what she loved, to support her daughter. She loved being around them.
But there was one particular family member that Y/N could not quite figure out.
Apart from their initial interaction at Sloane and Luther’s wedding where he had drunkenly accosted her about her powers, he had barely acknowledged her existence. While she was building relationships with his other siblings, he kept her at arm's length. Sure, he was cordial with her at family events and dinners, but that’s where he drew the line. He rebuffed every attempt she made at finding a connection with him.
That is until he started showing up every morning at the coffee shop she worked at. The same time every morning and the same, predictable order.
The first time he walked through the door she was taken aback. She knew he lived on the other side of town but she chalked it up to some work thing bringing him there.
He made his order, indulged her in small talk, and sat down, opening up a newspaper to read while he sipped his coffee.
She thought it was a one-off, but was very surprised when he turned up the next morning at the same time.
And then the morning after that and the morning after that.
He began conversing with her for longer periods of time, asking questions about her day-to-day life after the reset and even sharing some tidbits of information about himself. She knew he worked for the CIA and had recently moved into a new apartment.
A few weeks went by and each day was the same. It reached the point that she would have his coffee made and the donut he liked set aside before he even made it through the door.
But after a while, her curiosity began to get the better of her. Why was he here? Why was he suddenly showing interest in her and what she was doing with her life? It was making her crazy!
“Your black, boring coffee, sir,” Y/N said in the most sugary sweet voice she could muster, setting the cup down in front of the irritating man in front of her.
Five immediately picked it up and took a deep sip, “Fantastic as usual.”
She pulled the chair out across from him and sat down with a huff, “Cut the crap, Five. We both know you have much closer coffee shops to your apartment. Why, may I ask, do you insist on frequenting mine? Is it just to pester me?”
“Maybe I just like your company,” Five shrugged, leaning back to observe her.
This poked at her ire even more. He was always doing that. Just observing her like some sort of animal in an enclosure. Always there at his little table near the window. Rain or shine.
“Oh please!” She scoffed, “You’ve never given any indication that you even like me, let alone enjoy my company. In fact, until you started showing up here every day, I was pretty sure you hated me. So, again, cut the crap and tell me why you’re really here.”
“Fine,” he said, sitting his mug down so that he could give her his full, undivided attention, “I have a proposition for you.”
“This should be good.”
“My boss wants me to take on a partner,” he explained, “but the problem with that is that I don’t really trust…anyone really. But I’ve watched you these last few years, Y/N, and I know that you’re smart, analytical, and incredibly sharp. Your powers fine-tuned all of your senses and even if you don’t have them anymore, that’s still there. And that’s what I want in a partner.”
“Five, I’m not even trained to work for the CIA,” she reminded him, “I’m sure they’re not going to just let some random person join ranks without experience.”
“But you do have experience,” he insisted, “you’re a Sparrow. You’ve literally been trained since birth to be a fighter, a spy, or whatever else Dad needed us to be.”
“Need I remind you that neither the sparrows nor the umbrellas existed in this timeline? So none of that is going to mean jack shit to anyone.”
“It will if I forge a few documents,” he said, leaning forward so that he could get a clear look at her, “How do you think I got this far looking this young? I’ll do the same for you and everyone will think you’re an FBI transfer. They’ll be none the wiser. Trust me, not everyone high up is as smart as they’d like to think they are.”
She doubted anyone was that stupid.
“Five, this might come as a surprise to you, but I actually really like my life here,” she told him, “it’s peaceful and easy and I don’t really need any more than that. After so long of fighting and striving for perfection for the Sparrows, I’m ready to just settle down and live slowly. So, thanks, but I think I’ll pass.”
“You say that,” he chuckled, “you say that you want peace and quiet but I know that’s just something you tell yourself. Because I’ve told myself the same thing and it didn’t suit me. But let’s face it, you’re as unhinged as me. You NEED the chaos. You thrive on it.”
“You’re really not doing yourself any favors here, Five,” she hissed. “Besides, why me? Why haven’t you asked Diego? Hasn’t he been bugging you about bringing in his resume? Make him your partner.”
“Diego and Lila have enough going on in their lives,” he waved her off, “And Diego is a skilled fighter but he lacks in the brains department. Trust me.”
With that final statement, Five stood up and pushed in his chair before downing the last dredges of his coffee, “Just think about it, okay? And until then, I’ll be here every day, as usual. No one makes a cup of coffee quite like you.”
With a wink he left her sitting at the table alone, wondering why on earth she was actually considering his offer.
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inkspiredwriting · 25 days
Flirt and Fight at the Sparrow Academy – Part 2
Five Hargreeves x Fem!reader
A/N: Many of you wanted a second part and @makanirock05 had this sweet idea. I'm not 100% happy with it, but I tried.
Warnings: none
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Five couldn't stop thinking about her—Y/n, the Sparrow Academy's enigmatic fighter who had managed to leave an impression on him even amidst the chaos of their first encounter. It was frustrating. He had more important things to focus on, like finding a way back to their own timeline and figuring out how to prevent another apocalypse, but thoughts of Y/n kept creeping back into his mind.
Days passed, and despite his best efforts to stay focused, he found himself hoping for another encounter. It wasn’t long before his wish was granted.
The next time Five saw Y/n, it was by chance—another unexpected crossing of their paths. He was alone, scouting for clues that might help them fix the timeline, when he spotted her in a crowded marketplace, her Sparrow Academy uniform barely visible under a simple jacket. She seemed out of place, yet completely at ease, blending in with the bustling crowd.
For a moment, Five considered avoiding her altogether, but something pulled him toward her. Before he could think better of it, he started walking in her direction. She noticed him instantly, her eyes widening in surprise before a slow smile spread across her face.
“Small world,” she said, her tone playful.
“Too small,” Five replied, matching her stride as they walked side by side. “What are you doing here?”
“Just needed a break from the chaos,” she said with a shrug. “And you?”
“Same,” he lied, not wanting to reveal too much.
They walked in silence for a few minutes, the tension between them palpable. Finally, Y/n broke the silence.
“You know, my siblings would kill me if they knew I was talking to you,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper.
Five smirked. “That makes two of us.”
Despite the serious tone of their conversation, there was an undercurrent of something else—something neither of them wanted to acknowledge yet couldn’t ignore.
Back at the Sparrow Academy, Y/n’s mind was a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. She couldn’t deny that she was drawn to Five, but the tension between their families made everything more complicated. It didn’t help that her siblings, especially Ben, were always on high alert, ready to fight at a moment’s notice.
Y/n needed to talk to someone, to get her thoughts straight, so she sought out the only person she could trust with this—Sloane.
She found her sister in the library, flipping through a book with a distant look in her eyes.
“Sloane, can we talk?” Y/n asked, her voice hesitant.
Sloane looked up, concern etched on her face. “Of course. What’s on your mind?”
Y/n took a deep breath, trying to figure out how to explain the confusion that had been gnawing at her. “It’s about Five. The one from the Umbrella Academy.”
Sloane’s eyebrows shot up in surprise, but she nodded for Y/n to continue.
“I keep running into him,” Y/n admitted, her voice soft. “And… I don’t know, Sloane. There’s something about him that I can’t shake. He’s different from the rest of them.”
Sloane’s expression softened as she listened. “And you like him?”
Y/n hesitated before nodding. “Yeah, I think I do. But I’m trying to hide it from everyone, especially Ben. I don’t want to cause more problems.”
Sloane reached out, placing a comforting hand on Y/n’s arm. “It’s okay to feel this way, Y/n. We can’t always control who we’re drawn to. And if it means anything, I understand what you’re going through.”
Y/n looked at her sister, a hint of curiosity in her eyes. “You mean with Luther?”
Sloane blushed but nodded. “Yeah. He’s different too, and I can’t help but feel something when I’m around him. But it’s complicated, with everything going on.”
Y/n sighed, feeling a bit of relief at having shared her feelings. “What do I do, Sloane? I can’t just ignore this, but I don’t want to hurt anyone either.”
Sloane smiled gently. “You have to follow your heart, Y/n. I know it sounds cliché, but it’s the truth. And who knows? Maybe Five feels the same way.”
The next time Y/n and Five met, it was in secret, away from prying eyes. They talked more openly, sharing bits of their lives and the burdens they carried. The chemistry between them only grew stronger, but they both knew the risks involved.
One night, after yet another secret meeting, Y/n returned to the Sparrow Academy with her heart racing. She couldn’t keep pretending that she didn’t care about Five, but how could she reconcile her feelings with the loyalty she felt toward her family?
As she lay awake in bed, staring at the ceiling, she couldn’t help but think about Sloane’s words. Follow your heart. It sounded so simple, but Y/n knew that nothing about their situation was simple.
Still, as she drifted off to sleep, a small smile played on her lips. No matter how complicated things got, there was one thing she couldn’t deny—she wanted to see Five again, and she would do whatever it took to make that happen.
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st4w3 · 29 days
Washing Machine Heart
“I Know Who You Pretend I Am”
pairing: ben hargreeves/sparrow!ben x reader
warnings: angst
notes: i love angst and i love ben so decided to hurt myself and write this hope you guys love and leave feedback if you can(:
summary: in where you’re just using sparrow Ben
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You felt bad for Ben, you did but you couldn’t let him go so easily.
When you were a kid you had grown fond of Ben Hargreeves though people would often try to paint him as a monster you knew that wasn’t the person he was. You first met Ben in a hostage situation where you were at and Ben had helped you escape and soon after you two would run into each other again.
Ben and you would become friends and even more than that as you two began to grow. Ben was there for you at your lowest moments and you were there for him too. He would comfort you when your dad would hit you and you were there for him when his dad would treat him horribly and when the medias words would get to him as he was called a monster.
You had loved Ben and had promised each other that one day you would run away together but that never happened. His sister Allison had to break the news to you one day when you went to his house, she would look at you with pity and say, “Ben died on a mission. I’m sorry.”
Her words left you broken all you could do was cry, she would try her best to comfort you but yet you couldn’t hold your tears. She soon would take you to your house and would leave you on your bed as you cried your eyes out.
Before she left all she could say was “Ben loved you, I’m sure you will meet him again one day.” Then she left leaving you in distraught.
You and Ben’s siblings would soon travel around, they never left you alone knowing that’s what Ben would’ve wanted. You would soon be faced with chaos and trying to save the world and soon you would be met with Ben though he would truly never be your Ben.
You were stuck in another timeline, this timeline different than before as there was now a different academy living in Ben’s old place. They called themselves Sparrows and one of them held the same face as your Ben.
You looked at him and would mumble the words, “Ben is it really you?” You would try your best to hold your tears back and would feel Allison’s hands on your shoulder. Ben would just look at you with a weird look instead of the caring look that your Ben would’ve had.
A week after would pass and you would be met with this new Ben again. He would ask you questions about your old Ben and you two would get to know each other more. Though he had the same face as your Ben, they were entirely different but it didn’t matter to you.
This Ben was able to make you forget that pain you had before, you were able to think that this Ben was your Ben. Even though deep inside you knew he wasn’t but did it matter?
You and this Ben would soon grow close and he would confess his feelings towards you. You were surprised, I mean you should’ve been happy you had a second chance on living the life you never had with the old Ben but yet you knew nothing could compare to him.
You however would accept his feelings and would tell him that you had also liked him. You two would eventually become a couple and you were happy for a few weeks but soon you would go back to being sad and lonely.
Though you had this Ben, it didn’t feel the same as your other Ben. Your feelings didn’t feel real, you were just using him and you knew that.
He had also started to realize that you were just using him, he wanted to let you go but he was to afraid too, you were the only thing in his life that kept him balanced and happy.
You knew you were hurting him and you knew that it wasn’t fair to him but you needed to hold on to him just for you to be happy. You couldn’t lose him again even though your feelings for him weren’t really genuine.
Whenever you looked at him all you could see was your Ben, you would see all your memories and love you had for him.
Ben was hurt but so were you. One day when you were in bed together, he would look at you with love in his eyes and and he would whisper to you, “I know you pretend that I’m your Ben.”
You were hurt by his confession, you hated that you were hurting him. You wanted to reach out to him and hold him but before you could he would turn over facing the wall now.
You should’ve let him go and stopped the relationship after his confession but you couldn’t and neither could he. You guys would forever be in this never ending cycle of heartbreak and using each other.
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anaargent · 15 days
Ok but like... Five in Harry Potter PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE i know it's very unlikely but like just imagine him and his siblings in Harry Potter, with reader please 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
You caught my favorite hyperfocuses, I wrote something simple, but I would like to go into more depth in the future.
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You were sitting in the shade of a large willow tree, making the most of the small moment of respite with the Hargreeves siblings. You weren’t sure when or how you had gotten pulled into their mess, but you were more than grateful for it. You smiled, watching Klaus and Ben at the edge of the lake playing with a frog, levitating it back and forth.
“This is disgusting, you idiots.” Allison threw the frog away as she pulled Viktor, who was resting his feet in the icy water, away from the mischievous siblings. “Will we have to put up with this until we grow up?”
“Don’t be so optimistic, we’ll have to live with them until the grave,” Viktor said, smiling, as he hugged his sister, who was whimpering in frustration.
Not far away, Diego and Luther were in the act of interacting with what you charitably called Luego’s fan club, a medium-sized group of girls and a few boys, who seemed enchanted by the Gryffindor bigwigs. They posed and flexed their muscles while their fans sighed in amazement "this is all natural babe, you can squeeze it" Luther said showing his biceps.
It was a funny fact, as much as the grumpy old Reginald Hargreeves was a perfect example of a Slytherin, almost all of his children went to different houses. Viktor and Ben went to Hufflepuff, they were kind souls, usually the first to offer help to their brothers and friends. Diego and Luther went to Gryffindor, the hat barely touched their heads, it was quite obvious to you that the two hotheads went to the house of the impulsive and courageous. Klaus was a stranger, after about ten minutes the hat left him in Ravenclaw, along with you to your great pleasure, there was never a dull moment with someone like Klaus around. Allison had gone to Slytherin, always standing out in the class, the girl was a perfect example of talent and discipline mixed with a rebellious and independent spirit. Finally… "There you are, I've been looking for you everywhere" Five says, pulling you out of your contemplative moment, shoving a chocolate cupcake into your hand and plopping down on the grass next to you "What are you doing here alone? Don't tell me you finally realized I'm the best of them and now you just want to hang out with me" he smirks as he looks at you.
You just laugh, shaking your head "If you were any bigger your ego would fill the common room, you know that, right?" Then you stop for a moment and take in the view. Five was still wearing his Quidditch uniform, just like you, his moss green t-shirt was worn and wet from intense training, his hair was a messy wave of strands slightly damp with sweat, giving him a wild look, which perfectly matched the playful and challenging eyes of its owner.
You sighed and shook your head, not wanting to be caught dissecting every part of Five, he already had a lot of self-confidence.
"Just watching?" Five smiles, leaning closer, his breathing still labored from the tiring workout, the light puffs of air hitting your cheeks.
You contemplate for a moment, pouting as you bite into the cupcake, Five's eyes darting between your eyes and lips, he wasn't good at disguising his intentions, maybe he wasn't even trying to "wanna taste?"
Five looks at you hopefully, his mind racing with the question - what were you trying to insinuate? "I will."
You move closer to him, your shoulders touching under the cool grass, the light wind carrying Five's scent from him and intoxicating you with the mix of moss, parchment, sweat and something that was only his. Then you place the cupcake on your parted lips and quickly stand up laughing and heading over to where Klaus and Ben were still playing with floating things "Forget this loser, come here and levitate worms on Allison" Ben waves with a cute smile at you.
"We're not done here yet, sweetie, I'll see you at the Quidditch game this Saturday," you hear Five shout in the distance, and you fight the blush that rises to your cheeks.
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dqllgarden · 1 month
can you do ben hargreeves x !PLATONIC child reader. Where they are both siblings and ben literally takes care of her and being overprotective and promises her he’ll adopt her someday and just a cute sibling moment (season 4??) 🥹🥹
safe haven
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this is so adorable oh my godddd :,) thank you for the amazing request i was so excited to write this!! i currently have covid so this cheered me up lol
tags: older brother!ben, fluff :)
Ben Hargreeves wasn’t known for being overly sentimental, but when it came to you, his younger sibling, he had a side that was both protective and affectionate. The family never really had a calm moment in their lives, but today was a rare moment of normalcy.
You were Ben’s little sister and you spent the majority of your time with him. Today, the two of you were baking cookies while the family was out doing some dangerous yet pointless mission.
You stood on a stool in the kitchen, mixing ingredients and following his instruction. The kitchen was filled with the smell of baking ingredients. Ben was supervising, making sure everything went smoothly.
“Alright, the cookies are almost ready,” Ben said, checking the oven. “Let’s get them out.”
You were excited and took the oven mitts from Ben, excited to take the cookies out of the oven yourself. “I can do it!”
Ben hesitated but nodded, handing you the mitts. “Just be careful. The oven is really hot.”
With determination, you opened the oven door and reached inside. The heat was intense, and as you pulled out the tray, your hand slipped slightly, causing you to brush against the edge of the oven. A sharp sting made you yelp, and you quickly pulled your hand back, almost dropping the tray.
Ben’s reaction was immediate. He rushed over, his face full of concern. “Whoa! Let me handle it.”
He took the tray from you, setting it safely on the counter. Then he gently guided you away from the hot oven. “Are you okay? Did you burn yourself?”
You held up your hand, which was red and starting to feel sore. “I think I did. It hurts a bit.”
Ben’s expression softened with worry. “Let’s get some cold water on it. It’ll help with the pain.”
He led you to the sink, where he ran cool water over your hand, his touch gentle and careful. “I’m sorry I didn’t stop you. I just wanted you to feel like you could help.”
“It’s okay,” you said, trying to smile through the discomfort. “I wanted to do it. I should have been more careful.”
Ben dried your hand with a towel and gave you a reassuring smile. “Well, you did a great job with the cookies, despite the little mishap. I’m proud of you”
He carefully placed the cookies on a cooling rack, then fetched two plates and sat them at the kitchen table. Ben watched you with a smile, clearly relieved that you were okay.
“I’m so glad you’re my brother, Ben. I love you so much!”
You were unaware of most everything that occurred. Ben protected you from the evil of the world and the family and he was relived to know you felt safe with him. What Ben didn’t know is you knew things in the family were rough and it was taking a toll on you.
You finished your cookies, feeling content and safe. Ben’s protective nature might have seemed overbearing at times, but in moments like these, it was a reminder of how much he cared.
As you both cleaned up, Ben ruffled your hair gently. “Next time, let me handle the hot stuff, okay?”
You nodded, smiling up at him. “Okay, thanks for taking care of me, Ben.”
He took a deep breath. “One day we won’t have to be here anymore, okay?” Ben looked at you with eyes of sadness and hope. “One day I’ll adopt you and we can have days like this all the time. No more living in danger or fighting with the family, just you and I.”
“I’d really like that,” you leaned into him and hugged him tightly, his arms wrapping you up and giving you both the sense of security you searched for your entire lives.
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mekochansblog · 9 months
Hii!! Can we have a part two of “my little Angel”? I would love to see a part two starting right in the moment it sopped, I’m obsessed with that and with Five as a dad😭❤️😭❤️😭❤️😭
My little angel
Five Hargreeves x reader
Pt.2 of my little angel
Five held Lina in his arms while he stared at you. You lovingly admire his bottle green eyes. Vanya came back, she first gave you a glance then stared at Five holding Lina. She had a puzzled look on her face since when she was with Five he didn’t have a kid. She then decided to just ask, there was nothing wrong with asking right?
“Umm Five, who's the kid, and why does she look like you?”
Five contemplated on letting her know, but this was his kid! Why shouldn’t he show off his little angel. He looked at you; you were breathtakingly glowing. Pregnancy really did a wonderful job on you. You were practically glowing, but then again that could be your powers making you glow, so goddess-like and glowing like the sun. 
“She’s my beautiful daughter, Evangeline Hargreeves.”
Five announced with so much fondness and confidence, his face was relaxed, something that Vanya had not seen in a while. Vanya stared at Lina and looked at Five. She saw the way Five loved his kid, also Lina looked like a female version of Five. She then smiled, happy he was happy, the time that she has known him (which has been a short while since she doesn’t remember anything at all.) You looked at your sister-in-law and introduced yourself again to her. You all four finally walked out of the cafe shop and started walking who knows where. Just that Five had a place he was staying at and wanted you to go with him. Of course you did follow him, he had your daughter in his arms after all. Lina talked to Five about anything and everything. She told him about staying with her uncle Klausy and how they got back to Dallas.
You winced at the memory, it just happened two days ago, so of course it was a recent thing she will probably remember. Five gave you a look and you just smiled nervously. You knew he was going to ask you about it, but for now he was content with Lina talking his ear off about her days. Five told you he was going to an underground fight since Luther decided to get himself into that with his stay in Dallas first. You winced and took Lina from his arms. He gave you a confused look. You gave him a look he knew way too often.
“My miele, I love you but our kid is not going into an underground fight to see sweaty men and get traumatized.”
You explained to him so he understood why. He nodded his head, moving it side to side to understand that yes maybe that wasn’t the brightest idea he has. Lina first complained, wanting to stay with her father since seeing him for the first time; but you did let her know that we will see him later, he was just going to run errands with auntie Vanny and you promised to take the cake to uncle Klausy and uncle Benny.
She nodded with a cute serious face and gave her dad a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Five had the biggest smile on his face and he gave Lina many kisses all over her face that made her let out giggles. You chuckled and grabbed Lina’s hand. You gave Five a sweet kiss and told him where you were staying. You both bid goodbye and made your way back to Klaus’s mansion. Lina looked so happy getting to finally see her father in person, all she had was stories from you and uncle Klausy. You knew she was going to talk about her day to Klaus and Ben, she loved the stories you will tell her about her father, letting her know she looked exactly like her father. Getting back to the mansion you decide to prepare for dinner, hoping you will finally have lunch with your husband and child like an actual family. Once you are done you decide to visit your friend with Lina in tow. You take a basket and add food for your friend, and you and your kid. 
You let Lina know you’ll both be walking towards Elliot's house. She nods and grabs her backpack. You both make your way to the store and open the door. Once inside you knock on the second door and wait, Elliot opens the door and looks around,once he sees you both he smiles and mentions you both to come in. You go in and put the basket down on the table and look around. Lina runs around and you just smile fondly at your daughter. You start small talk with Elliot while he takes out some paper and crayons for Evangeline. Elliot starts talking about a guy that just showed up at his place and is now staying there. You gave him a deadpanned look and shook your head in disappointment. 
“Elliot, are you getting taken advantage of by this guy? Do you even know who he is? I mean does he even know you like that for him to just stay at your house?”
You question genuinely worries for your older friend. You put a hand up making him stop answering you.
“Actually Elli i don’t think I want to know the answers to my questions. Anyways, come and eat. I made my husband’s favorite food.”
You saw he gave you a sad look but still came and sat down. You went towards the living room not knowing that your husband and Diego were coming from the other side. You tried to get Evangeline to come and eat, but for some reason she was being stubborn and wouldn’t come to eat. You knew if she kept at it she was going to throw a tantrum. You sighed and looked at her.
You knew that voice. You turned towards the door and saw your husband with your brother in law. You sighed happily, Lina got up and ran towards her dad screaming happily. You looked at your husband and went back towards the kitchen to prepare two more plates for the surprised guests. Diego looked at you and Five back and forth. 
“Who’s the cute looking kid?”
You looked at Diego and looked at Evangeline and gave him a deadpanned look. He still looked confused and then his eyes widened and he looked shocked and looked at Five pointing at him. You snorted and let out a laugh. Five looked at Diego, not entertaining his questioning. You told the boys to sit down, hoping that if Five was sitting down meant that Lina would also sit down to eat. She ran towards her father sitting on his lap ready to eat. You were glad you didnt have to tell her, but you were going to talk to Five about her stubbornness she inherited from him. Once the night ended, Elliot let you stay the night in the guest bedroom Five was already staying at. You got Lina ready for bed, her falling asleep from using all her energy playing with her Uncle Diego. You got into your nightgown and started braiding your hair when your husband came into the room. He sighed and took off his coat, sweater vest and tie. He hugged you from behind and put his head on your shoulder.
“You have no idea how much I missed you.”
You leaned your head back, you turned around and hugged him back. You sniffed him, him still selling like coffee and the forest. 
“I know miele you don’t know how much I needed you here, but I’m glad you’re here with us now.” 
You both layed down, each of us on one side of Evangeline. We all snuggled together and held hands. You whisper to not wake up Lina.
“I love you Five Hargreeves.”
“I love you even more Y/N Hargreeves…. and little Evangeline Hargreeves.”
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srslyblvck · 1 month
dark echoes, the umbrella academy
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pairing: hargreeves siblings x sibling!reader
synopsis: you are ben's twin sister. after he was murdered, you were never yourself. you were on the brink of madness when your brother who was considered dead comes back asking for your help to stop an apocalypse.
warnings: suicide and suicidal thoughts, drugs, alcohol consumption(not in a healthy way)
author's note: alright, this was an impulse decision. my first series here, lets see if i continue it lol
word count: 0.6k
chapters: 1/?
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ YOU COULDN'T REMEMBER THE last time you saw the sun. It had been years since your twin brother Ben was killed, and every day since was a blur of shadowed memories and endless pain. You hadn’t moved on; you couldn’t. The echoes of his absence haunted you, made worse by the voice in your head that never stopped. The other you—your darkest thoughts—was always there, gnawing at your sanity.
No matter how much alcohol you drank or how many pills you took, the voice stayed. It felt like your mind was a prison with a warden who never gave you a break. It was maddening, like being tied to a tormentor who sometimes took over your body, making you watch helplessly as it carried out its dark desires.
You tried hard to act normal, but it was exhausting. When you did go outside, you felt like a stranger in your own life. You’d walk around, feeling like people were watching you, or glance at your reflection in shop windows and be shocked by how different you looked. Your world, once full of colour, had turned grey and unchanging.
Your job used to be a place where you could escape your inner pain. But now, it just added to your misery. The paperwork stacked up, deadlines loomed, and your coworkers seemed distant. What used to make you proud now felt like another trap you couldn’t escape.
The only thing that offered a temporary escape was the haze of drugs and alcohol, but even that couldn’t quiet the relentless voice in your head. Every bit of peace felt stolen, leaving only your torment. You’d sit in the dark, the TV flickering, too tired to turn it off. Your life had become a series of dull days and empty routines, and even the job you once cared about felt like a burden. You felt like a burden.
Your siblings didn’t know. They couldn’t. They saw only the surface, the mask you wore to hide the suffering inside. Your eyes were hollow, your face thin. You didn’t need a mirror to see that you were a shadow of who you once were. But you didn’t want them to see you like this. The pain was yours to bear alone.
In your grief, the pills were a temporary relief, but they never silenced the voice completely. It only got louder when you tried to stop using them, a constant reminder of your pain. You had tried to end it all more than once, but each time, the voice took over and stopped you. It was as if you were doomed to live in despair.
You had seen the news about Reginald Hargreeves, your father's death. The man who had orchestrated so much of the pain in your life had finally met his end. You wished you could have been the one to deliver that final blow, to exact the revenge you had longed for. The thought of him lying in a casket brought a dark satisfaction, but it was fleeting. The funeral was to be held soon, and you had no intention of attending. You didn't want to face your siblings, to see them mourn the man who had taken so much from you.
On the day of the funeral, you were sprawled on your couch, having taken more pills than you could count. The numbing haze of the drugs clung to you, but you were still awake, lying in a stupor. It was during this disorienting state that you heard it—a faint shuffling coming from the kitchen. Your instincts, sharpened by years of vigilance, kicked in. You summoned a knife with a golden hue, its beauty masking its lethal purpose.
You moved towards the kitchen with slow, deliberate steps, the voice in your head urging you to be cautious. It was as if it knew something you didn’t.
As you rounded the corner, you saw him. The figure in the kitchen was unmistakable. A boy, maybe around five feet three inches tall, with messy hair falling into his eyes. He wore the Academy uniform, the sight of which haunted your dreams. Even through the fog of the drugs, you recognised him instantly.
Time seemed to freeze. The knife in your hand vanished into thin air. You took a shaky step forward and whispered, “Five?”
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writingforcuteppl · 2 years
Nothing’s Gonna Take You From My Side
PAIRING: Sparrow!Ben Hargreeves x Umbrella!Reader
SUMMARY: After returning from the 60s, you weren’t the only ones surprised that Ben was alive; the Sparrow Academy was surprised you were active too.
GENRE: Fluff.
WARNINGS: Cursing, violence, mentions of death.
WORD COUNT: 6.4k words
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“Holy shit,” you could hear whispers from not only your siblings but from these people that claimed to be the “Sparrow Academy.” You didn’t understand their shock in the first place. Of course, for you, seeing Ben alive after so many years was a shocker. The last time you saw him, all of you were 17 years old.
“Is that you?” You could see the shock on Luther’s face as he got closer to Ben.
He looked more mature, and of course, it didn’t look like YOUR Ben. He seemed more serious and mean. Ben couldn’t take his eyes off of you. He slowly made his way to you. The closer he got, the more you started to hold your breath. You have dreamed of this exact moment for years, to have Ben in front of you for at least one more time, even if you knew this wasn’t the Ben you knew. He stood just inches from you. You could see shock and confusion mixed with happiness. For a moment, he looked like your sweet and innocent Ben. The one you have loved for so many years. You could feel one tear roll down your cheek, which was whipped out by Ben. He left his hand on your cheek, stroking it. You leaned into his touch, closing your eyes and trying to enjoy the little contact he was providing you. This couldn’t be real right? This has to be a dream. You felt his hands holding your face, and you opened your eyes. He was admiring you as if he hadn’t seen you in so long. And you could tell because you were sure you were looking at him in the same way.
“How are you alive?” he whispered while hugging you. That took you by surprise. What was he talking about? He was the one who died, not you. You pulled away from the hug, even if you wanted to stay like that forever.
“What, what do you mean I’m alive? Ben, you’re the one that's dead, not me” You could see the same confusion on his face.
“She’s back, and she’s still as dumb as she was,” a girl on the balcony said.
“What did you just say about my sister?” You heard Diego say, taking out a knife. You looked back at him with a pleading face. If this escalated, things were going to end badly. “AND WHO ARE THE WEIRDOS ON THE BALCONY?” Diego spat out.
“Shut up Jayme!” Ben shouted at the girl. They may be siblings, but you could feel the venom coming out of Ben. The Sparrows started to go down the balcony. Everything was happening so fast that you almost forgot Reginald was still in the room.
“They are the Sparrows. My children.” Now, what the hell the old man was talking about?
“I’m sorry, what do you mean, your children? That’s not possible, old man.” Five told Reginald. Finding out they were the Sparrow Academy and Reginald’s “new children” was not what you expected to find out after returning from the past. Ben put one arm around you. You looked at him, but he was looking at the situation unfolding in front of you, entertained by your siblings' confusion.
“Of course it is! I think I’d know, wouldn’t I?” Anger was starting to bubble inside you. Reginald wasn’t the best father in the world, but saying that he had other children was too much, even for someone as cruel as him.
“Everybody can see Ben, right?” Klaus turned around, amazed by Ben.
“Cute hat, Sundance,” Ben said to him. You could hear the irony. Yeah, this wasn’t your Ben. You tried to free yourself from his grasp, but he was stronger than you. He wasn’t making it easy for you to pull away. He was grabbing you as if you could disappear at any minute.
“They call themselves the Umbrella Academy, a group of scheming, perfidious malcontents who accosted me in the fall of 1963 when I was away on business in Dallas. Be warned, they claim to be my spawn.” He had to be joking. You could see your siblings started to get angry at his words. All of this was just insane. You tried again to escape Ben’s hold, but it was useless.
“Stop it, darling. You’re not going anywhere. Not again,” he whispered in your ear. Something about the way he let out the pet name made you feel the whole damn zoo in your stomach.
“Claim? Look, Five, what the hell is going on” Allison was mad, and you didn’t only sense it, but you could see it.
“I don’t know yet, but it’s concerning.” Five looked at the Sparrow and noticed the way Ben was holding you.
“Is he telling the truth?” The guy next to Ben said.
“Not the part about us being perfidious,” Viktor answered him.
“No, we’re amateur-fidious, at best” You could see Klaus was trying so hard to ease the tension in the room.
“But we are his children. This is our house,” Viktor tried to explain to the Sparrows.
“Yeah, yeah. We, uh… We grew up here.” Luther stuttered. A guy from the Sparrows, who you could tell had been badly injured, mocked what he had just said. You rolled your eyes. And you thought there couldn’t be anyone as immature as your siblings.
“I kinda think we would have noticed you,” the other girl from the Sparrows answered. Luther stayed silent for a moment and introduced himself with the biggest smile you have seen in any of your siblings. You knew what he was doing.
“Really, Luther? Right now?” You said to him. You heard a chuckle coming out of Ben.
“Okay. None of you belong here” Allison was done with all of this situation, just like you. The past days have been nothing but trying to save the world not once but twice, and the only thing you wanted was to rest. Ben could see your tired expression. “Don’t worry. Once we finish with them, you can rest, darling” Ben kissed your forehead, and the action made you smile. You didn’t fully understand why he was being so polite and caring to you, but you didn’t want him to stop.
“Oh well, I guess we’ll just pack our bags and move out,” A girl with glasses said, and the cube that was next to her made noises. Now, what the hell was that? This just keeps getting more ridiculous.
“Oh, you slay me, Chris,” you heard Ben say next to you. You heard steps getting closer to where you were.
“I wasn’t expecting company” You turned your head to the voice. It was Mom. You somehow managed to get free from Ben’s hold. Getting closer to her. You felt Diego standing next to you. “This is the best I could do on short- short- notice.”
“Mom…” Diego said. It felt so comforting seeing her.
“Mom? She’s a robot, you perv,” The girl that called you dumb a moment ago, Jayme, blurted out.
“It’s not a robot” Diego was trying his best to remain calm. Out of your siblings, you and Diego were really close to Mom. Even if she wasn’t your real mom, you knew she was the closest to one.
“Hey, don’t you call him that,” Luther tried to defend Diego.
“Or what?” Ben asked.
“Why don’t you come closer and find out” Luther and Ben started to get closer to each other, with the full intention to start fighting.
“Luther!” You tried to get his attention.
“Luther! Guys, Chill!” Viktor tried to calm Ben and Luther, but of course, they didn't listen.
“Think I’m afraid?” Ben was ready to fight Luther at any moment. He stole a glance at you to see your reaction. You were unimpressed.
“Stand down, Ben” The guy next to bend extended his arm to prevent Ben from going forward to Luther.
“How about I hide that big Rubik’s Cube up your ass?” This was not going to end well. You saw how all your siblings were starting to get madder by the second. Even if everyone in the room seemed to be upset, you just couldn’t seem to move; having Ben so close to you after all this time was starting to affect you badly.
Jayme suddenly fired some kind of liquid out of her mouth. The substance landed on Diego’s left cheek. You could see how he was touching it, trying to understand what just landed on his cheek.
“I don’t know what circus you people escaped from or how you got past our security, but we’re done here. You got 30 seconds to get out of our house.”
“And what if we don’t?” Allison was ready to fight.
“Then we’ll have to settle this the old-fashioned way.”
“Agreed,” Luther said.
There was such a deadly silence in the room, the tension growing by the second. Your sight went to Diego, and he didn’t seem very well. It looked like he got sick in such a short amount of time. Something was on the substance Jayme threw at him. It looked like he completely disconnected from reality.
“Look, we just fought a literal army, okay? This doesn’t need to get ugly. Let’s all just calm down, and let’s talk” Finally, someone with a little sense and Viktor was right. This was just so stupid to fight over who’s Reginald’s children. If it was up to you… Well, you didn’t care.
“Psst. Ben-er-ino” Klaus seemed to be the happiest one in this situation. You knew how Klaus was able to see Ben even after his death, so you understood his happiness. “You look so much better alive than you do dead. Am I right? Except for that haircut.”
Ben was annoyed, and his face showed it. You took advantage of his annoyance to free yourself from him and made your way next to Diego.
“What the hell did you just say?” You were glad Ben was too distracted. You were pretty sure if it wasn’t for Klaus’ comment, his grasp would’ve tightened around your body.
“Come on come on, stop with all the hostility, Mr. Grumpy Pants” Klaus made his way so he could be standing in front of Ben. “Oh wow. Nice scar. Muy macho”
“Shut your mouth!” You could see the last hint of patience leave Ben’s body
“You shut your mouth and just hug your brother-” That was it. Ben punched Klaus in the face, and you felt your blood boiling out of anger. Klaus stumbled and tripped over the center table. You quickly made your way to him, wanting to make sure he was ok.
“Hey! What the hell?! You didn’t have to do that!” You heard Luther say.
“Oh, I’m pretty sure I did!” everyone in the room started to bicker, but you couldn’t care less. Right now, you were just mad at Ben for hurting Klaus not only physically but emotionally too. You didn’t need Klaus to tell you that. Ben was his only real companion for so many years that the way this Ben reacted definitely hurt Klaus.
You felt someone’s pair of hands holding you by the waist, and when you least expected it, you saw Luther fly across the room, crashing down straight into Klaus.
“You ok?” Diego asked you.
“Yeah, don’t worry.” you turned your head to him flashing him a smile. You took a look at everyone in the room. And your eyes landed on how Reginald was just leaving the room, knowing well a fight was just going to start. Diego pulled you away from the center of the room. The guy that was next to Ben, the one that was standing in the middle, sprinted to the other side of the room, running and walking over the table and going straight to Klaus and Luther. This was going to get messier.
All of the Sparrows remaining except for Ben and that cube, stay in the living. As for the other ones, they start to follow Allison and Viktor.
Five went straight to Ben while you and Diego stayed in your place, waiting for the cube to get closer to you.
“Come at me, litter box!” Diego shouted and tried his best to keep his balance, but he was still trying to recover after the substance hit his skin. The cube, well, Christopher, made some noises. Surprisingly you did understand what he said, and Diego did too.
“Hey! Listen, I have amazing hair, all right? This was era-appropriate” Christopher didn’t care about what Diego was explaining since the stupid cube shot some kind of lightning toward Diego. “That’s all you got?”
“Not on my fucking watch” You wanted to get as close to the cube as possible, but you felt something tighten around your body. It was a tentacle.
Christoper started to chase Diego, and you saw where the tentacle was coming from. You were shocked but not surprised. What piqued your interest is that Ben was still fighting with Five but somehow managed to restrain you effortlessly. You started to punch the tentacle that was around your waist for it to let you go, but it was useless. It appears the tentacle had his own strength. Five was bitting the shit out of Ben, but the tentacle remained as strong. When you least expect it, another tentacle went and tangled around your arms, making you stay still without an opportunity to fight back.
Ben gets Five in a headlock, but luckily Five manages to blink to get away from Ben. Ben seemed slightly confused at Five’s actions.
“You’re alive. That’s… great. Or possibly horrible. I’m not really sure yet.”
“Is that some kind of weird smack talk?”
“It’s more of an existential problem, really, Ben. Now can you please let go of my sister?” Five looked at you, and he realized Ben managed to leave you still.
“Awesome. Well, here’s your next problem” Ben didn’t even wait for a second when a tentacle shot out of his body. Five disappeared again, teleporting to the balcony close to where you were.
“You know, even though you’re a total asshat now….” Five blinked and appeared behind Ben. He punched Ben in the face, knocking him out. “It’s nice to see you again, really” You felt the tentacles loosening around your body. Letting you fall on the balcony’s floor.
“Thanks, Five!” you shouted from the balcony.
“Well, maybe you want to use your powers, sis” Five smirked at his comment, knowing fully well your powers only worked outside since you were able to control only the weather.
“Oh look, now you’re a comedian,” you smiled at him. “Five, watch out” You saw how Christopher started to fly toward Five, but out of a sudden, Diego jumped onto the flying cube.
“Who’s your daddy? I’m your daddy! Who’s… your… daddy?” Five, and you only saw how Christopher started to go up to the rooftop with Diego and started to spin him around in an attempt to get Diego away from him. Christopher turned so fast that Diego flew away onto the left side of the balcony.
“Let’s get the fuck out of here,” You said under your breath. You made your way down the balcony and entered the living room; you were getting closer to Five when you felt two arms wrapped around your body.
“You’re not going away so easily, my darling,” Ben whispered. You could hear he was starting to get tired of all the fighting. Five disappeared from the living room. It was like your whole body stopped responding the moment you heard the nickname roll out of him. You don’t want to admit it, but he has power over you. Maybe it’s just weakness, or perhaps you just really missed him after all these years, but you were sure about something. You weren’t going to be able to fight against him. And the same happened to him. How can he fight the love of his life? Someone he also thought he had lost forever. He wasn’t going to let you go so easily. And he will make sure you never leave his side ever again. You were staring at Ben, having him so close… You were able to take a look at the scar he had on his left cheek. You want to ask what happened to him, but something interrupts you. Well, someone is actually shouting.
“See? We’re hugging! This is progress!” you turned your head to Klaus, noticing the giant tentacle around his body.
“Let him go, Ben,” you begged him.
“Ok,” you could see how Klaus fell to the floor with a loud thud. Ben was smirking.
“That’s not what I meant, asshole.”
“It was funny, you have to admit it, angel,” you wanted to answer back, but he kissed your forehead, making you forget everything the moment you felt his lips on you.
“Cat got you tongue?” You heard Ben chuckle.
“Shut up” You felt the blood rush to your cheeks. Damn him, all so beautiful and perfect.
“See? Bigger isn’t always better,” One of the Sparrows spat out after punching Luther.
“Is that what you tell your girlfriends?” You asked him, making him look at you. Luther took this as an opportunity and attempted to kick him down, but he was faster and managed to avoid Luther’s kick by jumping, and then he kicked Luther in the face knocking him down.
“Thai food for dinner?” The Sparrow girl that’s wearing glasses asked.
“I could go for pad see ew,” Ben answered her question. It seemed like all this fight was so easy for them, as if they didn’t care about it. You were impressed, but at the same time, it hurt your pride. Your siblings were doing everything in their hands to at least fight for your home, and all of these people were acting as if none of it mattered as if you didn’t matter.
“I’m in. Marcus, Thai?”
“Why are you even asking him? He hates Thai” Ben was making your approach where Luther was.
“What? Since when?”
“Fine. Italian,” the girl in glasses asked.
“Absolutely not” You looked at Ben and then returned your sight to where Luther was being beaten by who you assumed was Marcus. How could they have such a trivial conversation while one of them was beating the shit out of your brother? That only helped you confirm something. They were good, and they knew it.
“We done here?” Marcus stepped on Luther’s chest.
“Nope,” you wanted to smile at Luther’s answer, but right now, you were more worried someone managed to knock Luther down. “I don’t run from a fight.”
“Yeah, that’s the wrong answer, dude.” The Sparrow guy next to Ben, that was all beaten up, said to him.
“Let him finish him off,” Ben interrupted him. You hit him in the chest.
“Come on, Luther,” you whispered to yourself. He cannot let some random guy treat him like a punching bag. You wanted so badly to help him. You knew if all of you were outside, all of them would have been thrown away by now. But unfortunately, you were inside, and Ben was keeping you from doing anything at all.
“Let’s end this” Marcus started to kick Luther in the chest repeatedly, the action making you flinch, and you turned your body to Ben so you could hug him. Ben slid one of his arms around your body. You know it was wrong, but you just needed his comfort right now. You were pretty sure you heard some bones being broken, and you were trying so hard to not start crying right now. You listened to a rumble of thunder in the distance, meaning that if you didn’t calm down and started to collect yourself, a thunderstorm would get closer anytime soon. So you decided to pay attention to Ben’s heartbeat. It was calm. Not a single glimpse of being agitated or excited. It was as if you were the one who made his heartbeat stay peaceful.
“Stay down!” Marcus yelled at Luther.
“Luther!” You heard Viktor scream from the balcony.
“Viktor!” Luther groaned. You heard someone speak to Viktor, making you turn your head to where the voices were coming from. One of the Sparrow girls made Viktor levitate to the center of the living room.
“Guys, go! Get out!” Luther took your arm, pulling you towards him, taking advantage of Ben’s confusion. The two of you managed to get out through a secret door in the living room, running as fast as you could. A part of you was worried about Ben. If he didn’t get out of that place, Viktor was going to hurt him badly. But you knew you shouldn’t feel that way. Not after the way he treated your siblings. Even if he looked like your Ben, he wasn’t that Ben. So you knew you needed to focus on that. If you didn’t do it, not only were you going to get hurt, but your siblings would be too, and that’s the last thing you wanted.
You and Luther managed your way out of the secret passage. You could see Luther was trying to walk like he usually does. The previous fight made all the bones in his body move from the place they were supposed to be, his joints cracking when suddenly he turned around and punched the girl that made Viktor levitate not so long ago.
“Oh shit!” Luther exclaimed. “Hey, I’m sorry. Uh, are you okay?” Luther squatted down so he could help the girl.
“Yeah,” you could see Luther was actually worried for her, and it warmed your heart. “Hi,” she said to the two of you. “I’m Sloane” Luther smiled at her.
“Hey, Sloane. Uh... I’m Luther, and this is my sister Y/n” You waved at her and offered her a sympathetic smile. She seemed nice. Even nicer than her siblings
“Luther! Y/n! We’re leaving! Come on!” Five shouted at you and grabbed your hand for you to follow him.
“Just a second” Luther tried to continue speaking, but Allison just grabbed Luther for him to start moving.
“Come on! We gotta go!” Allison said, hustling Luther away in the process.
You were arriving at the end of the hallway when you saw the girl with glasses materializing some ravens from her back for them to start following the four of you.
“Seriously?” Luther baffled.
“Move, move, move, move!” The four of you started to run again as fast as you could, trying to get away from the birds as if your life depended on it
“The briefcase!” Five shouted.
“What?” You asked him, but Five blinked away before he could even listen to you.
“No time!” Allison tried to stop him to no avail.
“I hate that he can do that.”
“Go! Shut it!” Allison commanded. The three of you managed to enter a new room closing the door behind you. You could hear the ravens screeching from the other side of the door.
“That was close,” you panted out, trying to calm down your breathing. When you least expect it, the ravens started to peck the door with their beaks.
“Oh shit!”
“What do we do?” Allison was starting to get worried. You looked around the room and saw a window.
“Come! We have to jump,” you instructed them to follow you. You open the window in a swift move, making the air move around you and your siblings, helping you to get out of the window without having to jump from the first floor. When the three of you were on the floor, you started running as fast as possible. You didn’t know where, but you just wanted to get as far from that house as soon as possible.
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All of your siblings except for Viktor managed their way to a park that was near the academy. All of them looked like shit. Out of the 6 of you, you were the one who was only agitated by the previous events. You knew the reason for you not being as beaten as them was because Ben made sure you didn’t get hurt, preventing you from actually fighting. You were mad and disappointed in yourself. You should have been able to at least help them during the fights, but the fact that your powers do not work indoors made it more complicated. You felt so useless, all of them were able to fight back and use their powers to their advantage, but you, you weren’t even able to free yourself from Ben’s tentacles. Your mind started to go around in circles, and your heartbeat was beginning to pick up its pace that you overlooked when the sky was starting to get cloudy while thunders and lightning could be seen and heard from the distance.
“Y/n” Five tried to get your attention. He could see your anger, and he was pretty sure the cloudiness was because of you “Hey, it’s okay, we’re fine” You felt his hand touching your arm, trying to calm you down, and it worked. He gave you a quick smile, and you smiled back at him. You slowly calmed down, making the clouds go away.
“Just gonna sit. I’m just gonna sit for a minute,” Luther groaned as he was sitting down on the park bench.
“That didn’t go well.”
“No, not our best work,” Five answered Diego.
“Oh, I’m cracking” You could see and hear the way Klaus’ body moved and cracked, making you shiver.
“You alright?” You asked Luther. After the beating Marcus gave him, you were worried for him.
“I don’t know yet.” Luther sighed. “I’ve just never had my ass handed to me like that before. It’s like… Here you go, it’s your ass,” Luther mimicked, giving you something to show his point, which only made you laugh. Allison was looking at him as if something wrong happened to him.
“Okay, I think Luther’s concussed.”
“Luther, how many fingers?” Klaus asked him, and Luther looked baffled.
“Oh my god, Viktor” Before someone could answer him, Allison pointed at him.
“Oh, thank god you’re alive,” Viktor said from afar.
“You okay?” Allison asked him
“Apparently, so is Ben,” Klaus said cautiously, looking at you, trying to not get a reaction from you. Trying to get your mind away from Ben. You stay motionless.
“Yeah. And he’s a complete dickhead” You nodded at her comment.
“They’re all dickheads” you hear Diego say.
“Dickheads who can fight” Luther was right. They were able to defeat the 6 of you like it was the easiest thing in the world.
“Okay, the next person to say dickhead is getting a punch to the throat.”
“Dickhead” All of you said in unison.
“Hey, did Dad tell you why he was calling them his kids?” Diego asked Klaus, and for the first time since you arrived at the park, you started to pay attention to the conversation.
“He sure did!” Klaus laughed. “You ready? Dad was so repulsed by us back in Texas that he adopted an entirely different group of children just so that he didn’t have to raise us” That piece of shit! Talking about your attitude as if he wasn’t the reason why you turned out like that in the first place.
“That’s just peak, Dad,” Diego said
“Isn’t it?”
“So he just didn’t want us anymore?” Viktor asked. A hint of disappointment could be heard.
“Did he ever?” Allison blurted out. She’s right. Reginald never really cared for the 8 of you. You always asked yourself why he even bothered to adopt all of you in the first place if he wasn’t going to at least treat you with civility.
“See? I told you we shouldn’t have asked him for help in ’63”
“I think you’re all missing the big picture here. If Dad didn’t adopt us as kids, he changed the timeline,” Five started to explain to you. “So, who knows what else is different now.”
“Shouldn’t you know?” Allison asked Five.
“Sorry, Allison, but it might take me over 20 minutes and a traumatic brain injury to figure this out. Is that okay with you?”
“No, actually, it’s not”
In an attempt to calm everyone, Viktor spoke, “Guys, look, it’s fine. We still have the Commission’s briefcase, so worst case, we can just go back in time and fix it.
“Okay. There are two problems with that statement. First off…” Five started explaining
“Here we go.” You looked at Five, knowing well you were about to be told by him how dumb of a statement that was
“Time travel is complicated, people.”
“Yeah, we get it. Your job is so hard, so what?” Diego tried his best to remain calm.
“And secondly…” Five made a pause. That’s not a good sign. “I no longer have the briefcase.” Everyone was shocked at his comment. How could he lose it? He was always so careful and made sure to never leave the briefcase alone.
“Five. Where the hell is the briefcase?” Five didn’t answer. At the lack of response, one by one started to get up, knowing something had to be done to get the briefcase back.
Diego came closer to you. Your silence was starting to make him feel uneasy. He put an arm around you, pulling you closer to him.
“How do you feel? I can hear how your brain has been thinking since we arrived at the park” he always managed to get a smile out of you no matter what situation you were in, and this time wasn’t the exception. You sighed.
“I don’t know. I feel angry at myself. I wasn’t able to help you guys back there. It was like I just was someone useless. And then the Ben situation��� You saw him, he’s more than alive, and, god, it felt so good being close to him again, but he’s just a jerk that I want to punch in the face, but I can’t do it since, well, it’s Ben. And not only that, but you saw how those dickheads looked at me. It was just as we were looking at Ben. As if they knew me from before but were gone a long time ago. It made me feel uneasy.” Diego made you stop walking and gave you a tight hug, and, of course, you hugged him back. “And don’t even get me started with this Sparrow Academy thing. The fucking balls that old man has,” Diego chuckled. “Not only he makes our childhood the worst one, but he just discarded us like we were trash. I swear to god…” The weather around you started to change. The wind began to howl. You wanted to show that old man who he messed with that you didn’t even notice you were starting to get angrier by the second.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, calm down, little tornado. You are going to blow us away if you don’t calm down” You turned your head to Diego, and the wind you created messed up his long hair.
“Oops..?” The two of you started to pick up the pace, your other 5 siblings were already walking, not sure where, but you just followed them without any question.
“What are we doing?” Allison asked.
“Ruminating,” Five answered her.
“Why is everyone staring at us?” every person that was walking by or was just hanging around in the park gave the 6 of you nasty looks.
“Because we look like the damn Village People just lost a fight” Diego took Klaus’ hat off him, trying to make him look as normal as Klaus could look.
“Gimme that. Hey!” Kalus attempted to get his hat back from Diego. “Ow!” but of course, Diego was stronger than him.
“You know what? I need to go find Claire. I will catch up with you guys later” Something made you go into alert mode. If the timeline changed… Would everything you left before going back in time still be in this timeline? Ben was just an example. He was back… Well kinda.
“Guys cut it out” Five “attempted” to stop Klaus and Diego.
Allison started to walk away from you. You began to follow her until someone familiar caught your eye. Across the big body of water in the middle of the park was Ben standing just looking at you. He was wearing different clothes, more usual compared to his Sparrow uniform, and he also was wearing a cap and some sunglasses. He shot a smile at you, and you could feel your heart beating in your ears. You stopped hearing whatever conversation your siblings were having. It was like only the two of you were in that park.
“What makes you think they are coming after us?” you heard Viktor said
“Because I would” Diego looked at you.
“Yeah, we did break into their house…Bust up all their nice antiques and shit.”
“Our house” You stopped paying attention. Ben moved his head, trying to show you where he was going so you could follow him.
“And well, there’s also Ben” Everyone stayed in silence after Five’s comment, and you felt everyone’s eyes on you.
“Well, let’s be honest, Y/n, we saw how you acted back there. And we also saw how Ben acted….”
“That means nothing. He’s not our Ben, so stop it with the judgy looks” You didn’t want to admit how bad Ben was affecting you.
“Can you just not mention the thing about him, please?
“Yeah. I don’t think the crime-fighting super nerds are gonna let that go.”
“Let’s just think of someplace off the radar where we can lie low and not draw attention?”
“What kind of a weird-ass place are we not gonna draw attention to?” everyone looked at Klaus. If someone knew of a sketchy place, that was Klaus.
“You know what? I’ll meet you there, okay?”
“Where do you think you’re going?” Five questioned you. “Besides, you don’t even know where he’s taking us.”
“Oh, believe me, I know where we’re going. I just need… you know… fresh air,” you started to walk, remembering where Ben was walking to a few moments ago.
“Oh yeah, because being at a park means there’s no fresh air,” you heard Luther, but you decided to just ignore him.
You realize you didn’t know what you were going to say to him. You were pretty sure if you were able to understand he wasn’t the Ben you knew, he understood you weren’t the Y/n he knew.
“Hi,” Ben said when you were close enough to listen to him.
“Hi,” you sighed. You needed to collect yourself and stay focused.
“It’s really you Y/n” “Ben went for a hug. You enjoyed having him this close.
“Ben, I’m….” You tried to free yourself from his hug, but he was stronger than you.
“I know. Just let me enjoy this, please” Ben begged for you to stay just a bit more time in his embrace. He slowly pulled away from you. Ben removed his hat and glasses, and you finally saw his face in detail for the first time. He looked so gorgeous.
“Wanna talk?” Ben grabbed your hand, and you felt a shiver roll down your spine.
“Sure,” he guided you to a free bench in the park. The two of you sat down.
“I’m gonna start. Is that ok with you?” you only nodded. “I was shocked to see you back there. For a moment, I actually believed my Y/n was alive. And well, the way you looked at me… I’m sorry if it took you by surprise.”
“It’s okay. Well, I was also shocked to see you. The last time I saw my Ben alive was when I was 17 years old, so I understand the feeling.” you gave him a reassuring smile, and he mimicked you. You stayed like that for some minutes. Holding his hand, listening to the air go through the leaves of the trees. Enjoying every moment of it.
“I don’t… I can’t lose you again, Y/n,” Ben finally said. “You don’t understand how much I’ve missed you. How I wish I could go back in time and hold you just one more time. And know that I have you right in front of me. I will never let you go. Nothing’s gonna take you from my side, not again.”
“What makes you think I’m just like your Y/n? What if I’m just completely different from her? I mean, just look at you. You are so different from my Ben,” Ben sent a questioning look at you. At his lack of response, you continued. “Well, for instance, don’t take it the wrong way, but you seem conceited. Like, that’s cool, but you just want to show off. Prove that you’re the best-”
“I am the best.”
“See? My Ben wasn’t like that. He was sweet and polite. Someone so caring. He didn't like the attention at all...” You felt a tear roll down your cheek, and Ben swiped it away.
“Well, you’re right. I am different from him….”
“Exactly. Look, I love having you here in front of me. But just as you lost someone, I did too. And to be honest, I don’t think I will be able to lose you again. I cannot go through that again, Ben. So I will ask again. What if I’m not like the Y/n you knew?”
“Well, you are as beautiful as she was. That’s good.” you laughed. “Yeah, maybe she was a little tougher. You seem like a really sweet person. And judging by today’s events, you also have the same power as her. Weather manipulation.”
“My Y/n wasn’t able to manipulate the weather indoors. And well, you weren’t able to do much today. And, of course, I also didn’t let you fight.”
“Yeah, what was all that about?”
“As I said. I won’t lose you again. I will do everything in my hands to keep you by my side. Even if that means fighting your stupid siblings again.”
“Hey!” you hit him in the arm jokingly.
“I’m serious” Ben started to approach you slowly. He lay his hand on your left cheek, stroking your cheek with his thumb. “I never stopped loving you, my darling, and I will make sure no one gets in our way. Not again.” you sighed and closed your eyes. His touch on your skin felt good. You felt Ben’s lips on yours, giving you a short but sweet kiss. “Please, don’t leave me, please.” Ben rested his forehead on yours. You opened your eyes and looked right directly into his beautiful, brown eyes, and that’s when you knew… You will never leave his side ever again.
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n a v i g a t I o n
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cardigan-ns · 1 month
Guys I am deeply apologising for this Ben fic that I’m writing currently. It is so saddddddd.
Here it is
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notakugelblitz · 2 months
A/N : hi ! here is a series of a few preferences (well i think that’s what they’re called). I really hope you’ll like them even though they’re short sometimes ! i’m planning on posting character x reader stories too so stay tuned. first post here on Tumblr so let’s see how it goes ! oh and English isn’t my first language, i’m sorry if you spot some mistakes. enjoy :)
no trigger warning, all safe ;)
You were born on October 1st 1989. You are the eighth child adopted by Sir Reginald Hargreeves. Welcome to the Umbrella Academy, number 8.
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You have the ability to establish a connection between your mind and another in order to carry on a silent conversation. There wasn't a day when you weren't in communication with Luther when he was on the moon. You missed him like crazy, and it was mutual.
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You can get a vision of the near future by touching an object or a person. There are many opportunities to annoy Diego and cut him off at every turn, knowing exactly what he is going to say. It drives him mad. But that´s something you relished as soon as he got over his stammer. Before that, you preferred to apply this mischief to your other brothers and sisters, much to the delight of Diego, who was always by your side.
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You have the ability to manipulate water to your heart's content, melt or liquefy it, create tsunamis, shoot jets from your palms and breathe in the depths. Diego teases you a lot and calls you "The Fish" all the time. It gets on your nerves a little, but Allison is always there to cast a rumour when Number 2 isn't already being sprayed with cold water.
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You have the ability to take on any animal form. When Dad locked Klaus in the mausoleum, you'd transform yourself into an insect and crawl into the grooves to join him. One day, you found yourself crushed under your father's foot. Seriously injured, Grace took care of you for a while. Dad then decided to take control of your powers : thanks to a little gadget, he could control your metamorphoses. And that was quite a burden for you but Klaus never stopped trying to find it and break it for you.
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You have the ability to heal and to give of your energy. During your trainings back at the Academy, you only went into battle when someone was seriously injured. If your brothers and sisters needed you, Five would teleport to pick you up and bring you back. The first few times, these trips made you vomit, so Sir Reginald Hargreeves trained you for a long time until you were no longer ill. It pained Five, but he had to obey. Unfortunately, when he disappeared, you were forced to stay with Viktor and your father : close to the mission but inactive.
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You have the ability to disappear completely. When you were sad, you’d become invisible and cower at the bottom of Ben’s statue. Before he died, you used to play hide and seek with him. The rule was that there wasn’t any. Often, you’d stand right in front of him, invisible to his eyes, and he’d surprise you with his tentacles, tickling you until you’d surrender. Dad often punished you for this but you never ever regretted it.
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You have the ability to clone yourself ad infinitum, but it takes a lot of effort. Reginald Hargreeves always pushed you to the limit during missions, which finished you off far too quickly. Most of the time, you'd fall over from exhaustion before the criminals had even been arrested, resting as much as you could with Viktor who took care of you, away from the battle scene.
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sortofanobsession · 4 months
Will o’ the Wisp - Ch. 11 (Umbrella Academy Complete) Diego x Reader
Author’s note: The last chapter. I'm sorry this took so long. Rough translations in the end notes. (I'm not Spanish and haven't taken a course in it in 14 years, but to be fair neither of these characters are native speakers either. They would have learned it like anyone else.) While I was trying to finish this I did actually write most of the stories for season 2 and 3. Not sure if anyone would read those if I posted them. This one might get a POV shift and repost if I post those.
So as it goes, Y/N = your name. Y/N/N = your nickname. Reader pronouns She/Her.
Tag Requests are Open just message me.
Primary Pairing: Diego Hargreeves x Female!Reader (Slow Burn Season 1)
Series/TUA Masterlist
Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10
Summary: Events of Episode 1x10 The White Violin: The siblings deal with the crumbling academy. They regroup and make a plan that ultimately leads them to The Icarus Theater to confront their soloist sibling.
Content Warning: building collapse, canon character death, canon typical violence, head trauma, concussions, fighting, gun violence, bleeding, injury, language, history of abuse, PTSD, knives, anger, angst, family drama, failure.
Chapter 11: A Standoff and a Show
Y/N focuses back in on the Wisp as Viktor seems to have a conversation with himself. She wishes she could say something. That the Wisp could actually convey something helpful. But she can’t. 
"Thank you for trying, Y/N/N,"  Viktor says, glancing at the Wisp. "I hope this won't hurt you." He apologizes to the Wisp before he uses his powers to take out the bunker wall. He ends up taking out the Wisp in the process. 
It feels unusually painful when the wave of destruction hits the Wisp, causing Y/N to gasp violently. She would have stumbled if Diego hadn't been dragging her along. No one had ever essentially snuffed out one of her forms before but her. 
"Hey!" Diego shouts after trying to get her attention for a few seconds. "You okay?" She stared at him wide-eyed. "No one has ever…the Wisp it-" she shivered, and he pulled her closer to him. They are too distracted to notice the ceiling above them give way. She and Diego are knocked out cold as part of it hits them. Klaus shouts for them. A larger section begins to separate. Klaus manages to pull her out of the way, and luckily, Ben somehow manages to pull Diego out of the way as a huge slab of the ceiling falls and would have crushed them. Klaus manages to get his sister up, but she’s still confused and off-kilter so he half drags her with him. His other arm pulls his half-stunned brother. Thankfully, Diego recovers enough to move on his own quickly. She seemed so bewildered as they make it outside. They beg Grace to come out, to try and save herself, but she doesn't.  It's too heartbreaking to think about. So Klaus focuses on his sister.
“Come on, Sunshine. You’re freaking me out more than this place falling apart.”
“Sorry,” she mumbles. She reaches up to get a look at the cut on her brother’s forehead.
“Want me to?” she holds up her hand, but before she can even try to see if her powers she can control her powers while this out of sorts. They both turn their attention to Diego as he clamors over into the rubble of what was their childhood home.
“Mom, mom! Guys, come here. Help me search!” Diego looks around the rubble frantically searching for Grace. Klaus looks at his sister and she shakes her head. 
“Diego,” Klaus starts. “Just stop.”
“What?” Diego looks up at him confused as Klaus tries to pull him away. Y/N moves closer. Diego tries to go back to searching. “What are you-” Diego resists as Klaus continues to try and pull him away. Y/N cringes at the way Klaus pulls on their brother’s injured arm. But it doesn’t seem to phase Diego. “Let me go! What are you doing?” Diego’s eyes snap to hers. “Y/N, help me, mi luz.” She smiles sadly, and despite the uneasy feeling and pressure behind her eyes, she decides to help him her own way. Ignoring her doubt and pain, she draws on the Wisp. It takes her longer than usual to pull enough strength, but she manages. She uses the weakened orb to search the rubble at light speed. 
“Diego,” she starts as her vision adjusts, but Klaus has managed to pull him to his feet.
“Stop, stop!” Klaus tells him. “She’s gone. She’s-she’s gone, okay?” Diego doesn’t want to believe it. He looks over at their sister. 
“I’m sorry, Diego,” she puts a hand on his chest. “I checked. It’s just rubble.” She lets that sink in. "I know this is hard for you. No one loved her as much as you did. But we need to focus. I need you to focus. Because we can’t lose anyone else." 
“What do you wanna do?” Diego challenges. “You wanna... wanna…w-w-walk away from this? What about Pogo?” 
“He didn’t make it,” Luther says.  
“What?” Diego asks as they all turn to their approaching siblings. Allison goes over to hug her sister. The silent sister pulled back to get a look at the other. The blood on the usually glowing sibling was a stark contrast with her unusually pale completion. Allison tries to wipe off some of the blood. She also doesn't like the way their brother is supporting most of her weight. Diego keeps a tight grip on her as he talks to Luther. Glancing over at the sisters now on and off.
“Viktor killed him,” Luther states.
“But Viktor wouldn’t…” their brother says.
“No, I saw it,” Luther insists. “Just before we got out.”
“I'm mostly just tired,” Y/N assures her as she continues to check for worse injuries. 
The brothers continue. “Mom. Now Pogo.” Diego, consciously or not, pulls his luz closer as he tries to process everything that has happened. It finally registers how shaky she is. He ignores the ache in his bad arm as he reaches his hand over and takes her wrist. Solid pulse but her temperature seemed off again. Chilled for her. Allison was clearly onto something, fussing over their sister. But he didn't have time to figure it out. Five shows up with unsettling news. 
“Guys,” Five starts. “This is it. The apocalypse is still on. The world ends today.”
“I thought you said it was over,” Luther says.
“I was wrong, okay?” Five admits. “This newspaper, I found it in the future
the day I got stuck. The headline hasn't changed.”
“No, that doesn't mean anything,” Diego insists.  
“Time could've been altered since that newspaper came out this morning.” 
“You're not listening to me,” Five continues. “When I found it, I assumed this place came down along with everything else. But here we are. The Moon's still shining, the Earth is in one piece.”
“Five…” his closest sibling starts. 
“But not the Academy.”
“I'm confused,” Klaus states.
“Then listen to me, you idiot!” Five shouts. “Viktor destroys the Academy before the apocalypse.” Five sighs. “I thought Harold Jenkins was the cause, but he was the fuse. Viktor is the bomb. Viktor causes the apocalypse.”
“We have to find him.”
Sirens can be heard in the distance as well as the whirling of helicopter blades. 
“We gotta go, now,” Diego says. He takes his sister's shaking hand in his and squeezes it. He gets an uneasy feeling in his stomach when he realizes the wisp is still nowhere to be seen. Something that only usually happens when it rains or she is in a crowd trying to blend in. She rarely kept her light to herself. Her lack of a bright glow didn't bode well, but he didn't have time to do anything about it now. Once they got where they were going, he would deal with it. 
“Regroup at the Super Star. Go!”
“Whoa, hey,” Diego asks as they make their way into the bowling alley. In the bright lights, he gets a good look at her and it worries him. “You don't look so good.” He leads her to a bench near the door and helps her sit. “How are you feeling?” He brushes the hair out of her face and tips her head back slightly to see her face. He barely gets a look at her bloodshot eyes as she winces at the harsh fluorescent lights.
“Head hurts,” she admits. “But it's fine.”
“It's not fine, you got knocked out. Where exactly-” he lets her lower her head as he runs his fingers carefully through her hair for serious injuries. Her breath hitches and she whimpers as he finds a nasty bump. It tugs at something in his chest as her shaking fingers grip at his jacket.
“Lo siento, mi luz,” he says as he shifts. He gently guides her to lean into his shoulder when he sits down beside her.
“Lets just regroup,” she tells him. “Then figure it out.”
“Right, okay,” he keeps her tucked into his side while he keeps an eye out for the others. He ignores the odd looks from employees. 
Klaus comes over when he sees them. 
“Boy am I glad to see you guys,” he says. 
“Stay with her,” Diego says in a slight whisper.
Klaus gives him an odd look at how she didn't protest to being shifted around by her brothers. She just leans into Klaus much like she had in the car.
“How hard did that ceiling hit you?” Klaus mutters as Diego leaves. It seemed odd that Diego was up and moving like barely anything happened but she was practically out cold again. No one around them can hear how Ben complains she needs sleep as he worriedly studies his sister. 
Klaus hums in agreement but doesn't say anything else until Diego comes back and tosses a bag and some bowling shoes on the bench. 
“Come on,” Diego says as he wakes her up enough to get her on her feet. He takes most of her weight again as he does. “And bring all that.” 
He leads them to a lane and gets their sister settled on a bench. 
“Put those on,” Diego gestures to the bowling shoes as he grabs the small duffle bag.
“Where did you get that?” Klaus asks. 
“Locker,” Diego tells him as he tugs a zipper hoodie out of the bag. 
“What are you doing?” Klaus asks.
“Will you just do what I told you to and keep an eye out for the others?” Diego grits out before turning back to Y/N. “Work with me here, Luz.”
Klaus watches as his brother helps her get out of her jacket. He shakes some of the debris and dust off it as he tosses it aside. Klaus wasn't sure the last time he saw his grumpy brother act so gentle. Even Ben finds it interesting as Diego adjusts the clearly oversized hoodie on the female and carefully zips it up. He pulls the hood up to shield her eyes from the light.
“Los demás llegarán pronto. Sólo relájate por ahora,” Diego quietly tells her. He goes to pull away to make sure Klaus had actually done what he asked when her hand grips his.
“Don’t leave me,” she begs. And whatever he was planning on doing doesn't matter. 
“Not going anywhere, Luz,” he assures her as he sits down beside her. “Not going to let anything happen either.” 
He puts his arm around her and she snuggles into him. Klaus is damn near giddy when Diego looks up at him.
“Don't start,” Diego cautions. “She's exhausted and hurt.”
So Klaus doesn't ask about the fact the two siblings used to hate each other are now cuddled on a bench. “Why am I not surprised you have a locker here with a bug out bag? That is just the most you thing ever.”
“It's called being prepared,” Diego states. “Be useful and put names in, will you?” 
The rest of their siblings join them, except of course Viktor. 
Allison goes over and tugs her sister up and leads her to the ladies' room. Allison raises an eyebrow at Diego’s sweatshirt. The slightly glowing sibling shrugs because she didn’t hate it. And she was too exhausted to be embarrassed. It was clean and warm and it smelled like Diego. Allison’s amusement disappears at the amount of dirt and blood that comes away as Y/N washes her face as best she can. 
“I’m mostly just tired,” Y/N tells her sister.
Allison scribbles on her notepad. ‘Because of blood loss.” Then Allison points at her throat.
“It’s not that,” the light bender assures her. “It’s from the Wisp. It was in the bunker when V took it down.” Allison looks like she is about to ask another question. “We should get back. We need a plan.”  
Their names are on the scoreboard above the lane as they return. Y/N drifts in and out where she is stretched out across one of the three-seat benches. Her jacket under her head. It's not comfortable but she doesn't have to hold her head up. Without getting up she uses an orb to knock the pins down when it is her turn. She doesn’t care if draws extra attention. Diego takes a frame for her when she is too out of it to notice. She tries to listen as they talk. 
"How you feeling, Sunshine?" Klaus kneels next to her. She cracks one eye open at him and regrets it. He puts his hand up to shield her eyes from the harsh lights, tugs the hood back over her eyes with his other hand. "That bad huh?"
"Honestly, I've never felt anything like that, Klaus. Worse than when Dad would try to drown the Wisp in training. My fully formed Wisp was snuffed out like it was nothing. Not just dampened or forced to shift. It was stamped out. Extinguished. It wasn't like when I let one fade it was like…you know when you put a lid on a candle and the flame dies as it burns through the only oxygen until it can't sustain it?"
"Yeah," Klaus says.
"The smoke builds up, and the oxygen is just gone."
"I'm following," he says.
"It was like that but in an instant. The Wisp was gone, and it was like nothing was there, then that build-up was in my head. Like my powers didn't have what they needed to work, and my brain couldn't process it for a moment. Then it came back, but the pressure had done its damage."
"Okay,” Klaus nods. “Forget the bowling. You just take it easy."
“You sure?” she asks.
“Yup,” he assures her. “Let the Wisp recover.”
"I'll do my best," she smiles. 
Klaus takes her next frame, but slowly the siblings begin to focus more on the planning than the bowling. 
“Hello! I hate to intrude…” the female employee says to them. “But my manager says if you’re not gonna bowl, you gotta leave.” To emphasize the point, the manager slaps a set of bowling shoes on the counter. 
“Whose turn is it?” Diego asks.
“Oh for-” Luther hurls a bowling ball like it was made of nothing without looking behind him, and it clatters a few lanes over towards the pins. It would have been comical if their situation wasn’t so dire. 
“We're the only ones capable of stopping this,” Luther states. “We have a responsibility to Dad.”
“To Dad?” 
“No, I've heard enough about-”
Even Y/N groans because she is done doing anything for the man who used to use her against her family.
“He sacrificed everything to bring us back together,” Luther argues. 
“I'm with Luther on this one,” Five says. “We can't give him a chance to fight back. There are billions of lives at stake. We're past trying to save just one.”
“Hey, you know, guys, uh maybe I could help,” Klaus offers. That gets his lounging sister's attention. She sits up and pulls the hood back to fully join the conversation. Five and Luther seem very annoyed by that offer. 
“Now is not the time.”
“No, let him finish,” Diego interjects to support Klaus. “He saved our lives today. Mine and Y/N.”
“Is that true?” their brother asks, looking at the three of them. 
“Why would Diego lie?” Y/N asks.
“Yeah, yeah, I did take credit for it. And I did save Sunshine,” Klaus says, smiling at her. “But it wasn't all me. In fact, the real hero was Ben. Today. Listen. Today, he punched me in the face.” Y/N didn't think he was lying but still looked at him in confusion. He continues. “And earlier at the house, he was the one who saved Diego's life, not me.” 
“You are unbelievable, Klaus.”
“Come on, you guys. He has a point, I think. I mean, I was out of it,” she shakes her head. “How could he have saved both of us on his own? I was already dead weight. How could he have gotten me out and Diego?” They still look like they don’t believe him.
“You want proof, is that it? All right. I'll give you proof.” Klaus picks up a bright pink bowling ball. “All right, it's showtime, baby. Catch!” He throws a bowling ball, and nothing happens. The ball just hits the ground and bounces away. She sighs. She loved her ridiculous brother and she didn't think he was lying. She just didn't know what to believe. 
“Is there any way to silence that voice in your head that screams out to be the center of attention?” Luther asks him. 
“You know, I liked you a lot better before you got laid,” Klaus retorts without thinking. He tries to backpedal when he realizes how Allison reacts. “Which was a complete It It wasn't his fault, 'cause he was ridiculously high, right? And the girl, she thought he was a furry.”
“Allison, wait.” Luther goes after Allison. Y/N shakes her head and lays back down, and mostly tunes out. Using the same sort of focus on her surroundings as her body gets when she utilizes the Wisp. The only difference is her powers are still inside her. It isn’t something she usually let herself do. It would usually make her paranoid, but Diego and Klaus had made it clear they wouldn’t let anything happen to her. Five was there too. Nothing was getting past all three of them. Her glow was masked by the harsh fluorescent lights and the neon lights around them. She tunes back in when an unfamiliar voice speaks.
“Excuse me!” The overly cheery woman’s voice says as she approaches. “It’s my son Kenny’s birthday today. And wouldn’t your son be happier with kids his own age? Assuming that’s okay with your two dads.” Diego just stares at the woman as Klaus looks over at Diego. Y/N tries so hard not to laugh from where she is sprawled out across the bench of seats across from them. Her eyes closed against the fluorescent lights.  
“I would rather chew off my own foot,” Five hisses.
“Let’s go, Kenny,” the woman says as they hurry away.
“If I were going to date a man, you’d be the last one I would date,” Diego tells Klaus.
“You’d be lucky to get me,” Klaus teases. “But you're sweet on Sunshine, aren't you, tough guy? What do you call her, your light?”
She tunes out the two as they argue. She doesn’t even open her eyes when she feels someone standing over her. She doesn’t need to in order to know who it is. She can just tell it’s Diego. “You worry too much. It radiates off you more than I do light.” She reaches up blindly and pats his chest, the handle of a knife cold against her palm. “I’m fine, just not feeling the bright lights.”
“Come on, sit up,” he says. 
“You just don’t want to be mistaken for Klaus’ boytoy again,” she grumbles but sits up anyway. She leans back against him once he sits down. He rubs her temples like he always sees her doing. She groans and pretty much melts into him.  He grins to himself.
“When I asked you two to get along, I didn’t mean that well,” Five states. 
“Fuck off,” Diego says, as he keeps the pressure on her temples.
“Well, you get what you get, and you don’t get upset,” she mumbles.
“It’s almost more annoying than when you two constantly fought,” Five says.
“Nah, you missed the worst of it,” Klaus tells him. “It’s amazing Diego didn’t spontaneously combust some days from her glaring. Especially one time he cut off a chunk of her hair in training. I’m shocked no one had to call the fire department on that one.” Klaus kept talking, she ignores him.
 "Cariño," she says as she pats Diego's leg. "Agradezco la ayuda, pero tienes que seguir jugando a los bolos o nos echarán." 
"Está bien,” he nods. “Está bien." He helps her sit up and kisses her forehead. Klaus smirks at that and nods when Ben says he'll watch her so she doesn't fall over.
Klaus and Diego take turns bowling.
She is pretty sure she dozed off for a few because she wakes up to dark lenses of sunglasses covering her eyes and leaning against Diego. She isn't sure who managed to put the sunglasses on her without her even feeling it or waking up. But she gives up on that line of thought as Luther asks. "All right, where's Five?" 
"He left." She looks around, not sure what she was expecting. Their brother has seemingly vanished again. Something else she slept through.
"Oh, for the love of-Where'd he go?" Luther asks. 
"Didn't tell us."
"Well, we're not waiting around for him."
"The concert starts in 30 minutes."
"All right, so what's the plan?" 
Diego gets up to make sure he's ready now that he wasn't being used as a pillow. He checked his knives were all in place. 
"Well, I think that," Luther says. "Uh We go to the Icarus Theater."
"That's a location, not a plan." Diego points out.
"Is that all you got?” Diego asks. “Look, you wanna be Number One, fine, but you're gonna have to get us on the same page, because right now, we're all over the place."
"You're right. We need a plan."
The bullets start flying as soon as the armored, glowing-eyed and gas-masked gunmen enter the bowling alley.
"Get down!" 
They all scramble for cover.
"Who the hell are these guys?" Diego asks. He pulls Y/N tight to his chest as they shelter from the bullets. She is sandwiched between Diego and Luther. Both keeping her blocked. She has one hand gripping the arm around her torso. The other grips the arm that Luther had thrown out to help cover them. Or keep her upright. She isn't sure. 
“Maybe they’re here for Kenny’s birthday!" Klaus shouts from where he and Allison hide.
"No, I'm pretty sure they're here for us!" Luther argues.
"They're blocking the exits."
"Diego," she says. He looks down at her. 
"I got you," he says. "Just stay close and don’t let go." He throws a knife with enough force to knock one of the gunmen out. The masked figure taking out the lights as they did. Black lights, neon signs, and the persistent glowing from Y/N's powers light the area. She takes advantage of the darkness and throws out multiple forms of the Wisp to try and confuse and disorient their attackers while the others use whatever they can find, including Kenny's birthday cake, to make an escape. Diego takes her hand and leads her while both continue to defend and defect any oncoming attacks. They made their way up the lanes without falling somehow. The Wisp hold the gunman off long enough to keep anyone from getting shot. Between adrenaline and her little nap, she was managing better than she had been before.
Diego's hand has barely left hers since he took it so he could pull her along with him. He let go only long enough for her to get past the machinery of the lane. And again when she superheated both hands to melt the lock on the door they ran out of in order to slow down their pursuers. She quickly found his again once her's were cool enough to touch. If anyone noticed they haven't mentioned it. Even as they pass under the brightly lit marquee. 
Allison stops Luther making all of them stop as they clear the lobby and reach the stairs. 
“Wha…” a confused Luther starts but stops when she holds up a note saying she needs to go alone. 
“Allison, I can't let you do that, all right? She's beyond reasoning.”
“You hear the music?” Diego asks. Y/N nods. He turns back to the others. “It's started.”
“Do you honestly think she's gonna listen?” Luther pushes. “After everything that's happened?”
“We don't have time for this,” Klaus says.
“Okay,” Luther agrees to let Allison go in alone. They watch as Allison leaves. 
“You're using her as a distraction, aren't you?” Diego asks Luther.
“It's our best chance to incapacitate Viktor,” Luther reasons. “She'll thank us later.”
“For the record, I hate this plan,” Y/N states as Diego starts up the stairs, a slight tug at their joined hands has her following.
“Noted,” Luther says as he starts to go as well. 
“So, what's the plan?” Klaus asks. 
“Uh,” Luther turns back to tell him. “You wait out front.”
“What?” Klaus asks.
“Yeah, you’re the lookout.”
“The lookout?” Klaus asks in disbelief. He looks up at his sister, who had forced Diego to stop, much to his annoyance. She looks back at Klaus.
“You and Ben, two sets of eyes,” she assures him as Diego tugs again to get her moving. “You’ll do great!” She adds before she is dragged too far for him to hear. 
Diego drops her hand and opens the backstage door. She hurries inside and moves to get a good look at the stage. 
She looks on in awe as Viktor plays. She feels Diego step beside her. She looks at him. He looks back at her. He thinks for a second how this all might end with them all dead and this may be their last moment of peace, ever.
"Fuck it," he mutters before pulling her into a kiss. She is shocked but recovers quickly and kisses him back. They pull apart for air. He notices the light coming off her is warm and golden for the first time in over a decade. 
She wishes they could stay like that forever. Unfortunately, their little bubble is shattered by an object hitting the floor beside the. They look up to see Luther glaring at them and gesturing towards Viktor. Diego looks over at her one last time. 
“Stay here, maintain visual, use the Wisp if you see an opportunity,” Diego instructs.
“Be careful,” she tells him. He nods. They both look at Luther. Diego signals he's ready. 
While Viktor has his focus on Allison, Diego and Luther go in for the ambush.
Viktor knocks them back with a blast. Y/N curses but stays in the wings. Not willing to risk a move too soon.
“She's stronger than expected,” Diego says as he sits beside Luther. 
"Yeah," Luther agrees but is distracted when something hits him in the head. He turns to see Allison. “Yeah. We're fine, thanks for asking," Luther says to a clearly frustrated Allison. Luther continues trying to rationalize their actions.“Look, I almost lost you once, all right?” Luther tells her. “I wasn't about to lose you again.”
“Well, so much for the element of surprise,” Diego complains. “What else you got?”
Allison hit the seat to get their attention. She mimics playing a violin. 
“No shit, Allison,” a frustrated Diego says, “Tell us something we don't already know.”
“She's talking about the violin,” their brother says. “It's her lightning rod. If we can take it from her and stop her from playing, we might have a shot.”
“I told Y/N if she gets a shot with the Wisp to take it,” Diego tells them.
Allison throws a shoe that was near her at him.
“Believe me, I don’t like it either,” Diego glares at her. “But what was I supposed to do, tell her to stay outside with Klaus? She still only listens to me about half the time. She’d never have gone for that.” 
Still backstage Y/N doesn’t bother summoning the Wisp. She slowly makes her way on stage. She puts her hands up as she nears the conductor. Trying to signal for him to leave but he and the musicians looked more scared of what their soloist might do if they stopped. So they kept going. Viktor’s eyes locked on his glowing sister's. She lets her light show, attempting to distract him long enough for their siblings to come up with something. 
Allison hits the seat again to get their attention. They look at her and she points at the stage. The glow from Viktor now joined by their sister’s. 
Diego curses. “I told her to stay put.”
“She’s made it closer than we did.” Luther states. 
They watch as Y/N reaches a hand out to Viktor. Viktor’s gaze narrows at her but is drawn away as the armed gunmen storm in. Whether intentional to get her off the stage or to just knock everyone back, Viktor sends out another burst that sends Y/N offstage. Diego doesn’t hesitate to run towards her. Allison and Luther not far behind. 
“Luz!” Diego helps her sit up. “Talk to me, Luz.”  
She groans. “Hurt less than the first time, but damn. I think my concussion has a concussion,”  
The gunmen shoot at the area around the. Y/N throws a fully formed Wisp out to get an better vantage point, as Diego pulls her down to cover her. She curses as her usual tricks don’t work because of the lighted goggles. 
“What the hell happened to Klaus,” Diego shouts Luther. “He’s supposed to be our lookout!” 
“Yeah, are you surprised?” Luther asks.
“Those stupid goggles! I can’t do shit like this!” Y/N shouts. Her body no longer glowing but her eyes shine bright. She continues, “I either have to go hands-on or-”
“Don’t even think about it!” Diego refuses. 
“You want me to just sit here and do nothing?” She hisses.
“Be a better lookout!” he suggests. 
She looks over at Luther. “Can’t hurt,” Luther adds, “You can at least tell us where they’re at.”
“Fine!” She shouts. Just as Five reappears in the aisle.
"What's with all the lollygagging?" Five asks.
"Five, get down," their brother demands.
"Y/N, do it,” Luther tells her. 
She and Diego share a look before she seems to steady herself and starts to pull away. He knows he told her to do it, but his instinct is to pull her back and keep her sheltered, but he sees the way her fists are starting to glow, her eyes bright to match. She nods. He nods back. They had to do something. The Wisp glides above them with ease. As she start to relay numbers and locations, Klaus comes running in. “Guys, it’s Cha-Cha! It’s Cha-Cha. She’s come!” He ducks as the gunmen take aim at him. Five teleports onto the back of the nearest gunman. The Wisp drops in front of another one. She superheats the Wisp and pushes it forward, focusing the heat on the masked figure’s ammo clip. Igniting the gunpowder in the rounds, sending shrapnel into the air and the gunman. She goes to repeat the process but she’s not sure how long she can actually keep it up. She’s out of practice, recovering from being shot, she has a concussion and a desperate need for sleep, but she keeps going. Adrenaline flows and she knows she needs to focus. Her attention is drawn as she hears her siblings.
"Is that?"
Klaus had managed to summon Ben with his powers, and Ben uses his powers to take out the gunmen. She pushes Diego off of her to get a better look. To confirm what she is seeing from the Wisp. 
She half sobs her mind trying to wrap around not only seeing her lost brother but at seeing his power from dual perspectives. She wants to never forget that moment. The ghostly tentacles whip past her and the Wisp with precision as they find their targets.
“Now who’s the lookout?” Klaus says, clearly proud of himself.  
“Me you dumbass, since when could you do that?!” She shouts at him.
Diego sees his opportunity as his siblings argue and goes after Cha Cha when the assassin stepped on stage. Cha Cha was focused on the chaos the siblings were creating. He glances at his siblings, Klaus and Y/N now together. Diego knows this is probably his only shot at revenge. So he takes it. After a bit of a scuffle He manages to get the upper hand and Cha-Cha is at his will. He could kill her. He should kill her for Patch. For all the people she has killed with no remorse. They had injured not just him but his siblings. She deserved it for what she did to Klaus. But what Five said to him gives him pause. He had meant it when he said that Eudora had seen the good inside, despite seeing the worst in the world. ‘Well, I'm sure she'll be proud to know that you're killing Hazel and Cha-Cha as a way to honor her memory’. That is what Five had said. In that moment, when the academy still existed, Diego had looked to Luz. She didn’t admonish him. She didn’t say anything. She just gave him a sad smile. She had always been the one to challenge him when he was about to do something stupid. If the world wasn’t ending and she wasn’t fighting her own fight, would she try and convince him not to do this? She would probably tell him to focus. That she needed him. That he could still make the right decision.   
The eighth sibling looked over at the first. As they started to refocus on Viktor. 
"You got closest, see what you can do!" Luther tells the one sibling who seemed to actually be willing to take orders from him right now. She nods and splits her attention to the Wisp to try and get to Viktor. She starts to get that uneasy feeling she felt at the academy.
"Luther!" Her glowing eyes lock on his. "I'll try, but V has taken the Wisp out once already today, I'll have one shot at that violin! No recovery time! This is it!”
"If we fail it won't matter!" 
"Well then, I guess I'll see you on the other side, Number One!” She splits her focus and inches both the Wisp and her glowing physical form down the aisle.
"What did she mean about the Wisp?" He asks Klaus. 
"Viktor snuffed the Wisp out in the bunker. Her powers freaked out, saying it was like putting the lid on a candle and it dies from lack of oxygen. It was like her powers didn't have what they needed to work, and it took a minute to get them back. That’s why we were trying to get her to rest instead of bowling."
Allison glares at him.
"Why didn't she say anything?" Luther asks.
"She did to me. And Allison probably would have asked if she could. You just didn't.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?!” Luther shouts.
“You were mad about Five and then bullets!”
"That would explain why she said she'd have one shot," Luther admits. They look over at their glowing sister. “She’s our best shot right now, If she fails or worse dies-” Allison shoves his shoulder despite it having little effect.
"Let's not find out," Klaus says. "Apocalypse be damned, Diego might kill all of us if that happens." He looks at Luther. “Especially you.”
“Why me?”
“You told her to do it,” Klaus says. Luther looks at Allison and she shrugs. 
Luther goes to say something but stops when Diego rejoins them. 
"Oh, welcome back."
"Where were you?" 
"Honoring a memory," Diego says. Allison squeezes his shoulder. 
"What is she doing?"  Diego asks as he looks over both Y/N and the Wisp. 
"Trying to use the Wisp to get the violin from Viktor. But she said Viktor took the Wisp out already, and she has one shot."
“And you all are just going to sit here and watch?!”
"Well, let's give her a hand."
"We surround Viktor."
"All right? We come at him from all angles."
"So it's a suicide mission."
"Yeah, but one of us could get through."
"And Y/N has a head start and the best odds."
"It's the only chance we've got."
"Are we all in?"
"All right."
“Stage left,” Luther says nudging Diego. He indicates himself. “Stage right..
"You guys back Y/N up and take the front."
Allison tries to get his focus. To try and get him to consider Viktor and other options. 
"I'm sorry,” he tells her. "There's no time, Allison. If she finishes this concert, the world goes up in flames. Do this for Y/N. We can save her.”
She hears Klaus's voice in her ear. "Stay behind us." She nods and shifts enough of her concentration to move when he does. She barely had it in her but she does it. 
The rush of air from the constant vibrations and force of V’s powers had her straining. Viktor was strong, but their powers had been dulled for years. Y/N always had hers. She should be stronger.  
“Now!” her brother calls.
She gives everything she can spare over to the Wisp. She could feel her body struggling, but she ignored it. Ignored how every little scrape and bruise, even the air in her lungs, seemed to burn. But she pushed forward until Viktor’s power latched onto the Wisp. Quickly draining the lighted form. The shock of the loss has her body falling but never hitting the ground. She feels someone has caught her. 
“I can’t-it’s-,” her voice is broken and almost too quiet, but the figure holding her hears it tightens their grip. She tries to clear her vision, and it takes a few tries before she is successful. 
“Ben,” she sobs when she realizes who it is. Ben had gotten Klaus to true again when he realized what was happening. Klaus hadn't argued when he'd glanced back to see fresh blood drops in the floor. He wished he could see her face but her eyes had been too bright. So he focused and let Ben help. 
She stares at her long lost brother, but can only focus for a second before she feels Viktor's powers latch on to her physical body this time. The ghostly form of Ben fading. She strains to see others suffering from the same treatment. She can barely keep her eyes open.
Allison puts an end to Viktor's rampage by firing a gun next to Viktor's ear. Y/N can't brace herself enough as she hits the ground. Y/N tries to pull on any energy she still has left in order to stand up but she fails, causing her to whimper.
"Shhh, it's okay." Klaus gently rolls her onto her back and Diego  drops down beside her and pulls her against him. Klaus would almost laugh at how possessive it seems if everything didn't seem so desperate. Diego holds her so they can get a look at her. She looks so fragile and drained. Diego has never seen her push so hard. He carefully wipes blood away from the corner of her eyes before he pulls her tight against his chest. Kissing the top of her head. Klaus goes to checkmon the others. She curls up against Diego and hides her face in his neck. It feels like a part of her is missing. Like a piece of her soul is damaged. He manages. He holds her tight, but he feels her weakly push against him. He pulls back enough to see her.
“V…” she starts, trying to get to her feet. And he couldn't tell her no. Not after what just happened. Not with her blood stained cheeks and tear filled eyes. He doesn't have it in him. Diego helps her over to Viktor. She picks Viktor’s hand up off the floor and holds it tight. 
"Sunshine," Klaus smiles down at her before sitting beside her. 
“Klaus! Ben, he caught me. You-”
“He did, didn't he,” Klaus chuckles. “He watches over you when we're around just like you always did us.” She rubs at her face as the blood and tear mixture blocks her vision again. Diego stops her. She looks like she might go to tears again.
Klaus takes pity on her. "Oh Sunshine, what did you do?" He takes the edge of his vest and tries to clean some of the blood off her face and neck.
"Not a good look for me, huh?" She jokes. 
Klaus tuts. "You always look good, right, Diego?"
"She does," he agrees. She feels his answers rumble in his chest as she leans against him. 
 "And I'm the one with head trauma and maybe internal bleeding." She uses a shaky hand to wipe at her sore eyes again. This time Diego catches her hand and pulls it away. He knows her other one won't be letting go of Viktor's anytime soon. 
"You're gonna make it worse,” he tells her as he intertwines their fingers. “We'll get you cleaned up soon.”
She looks past him at the moon, Klaus follows her gaze.
"Well,” she does her best to look at Diego as she gestures weakly to the sky with their joined hands. “You won't have to worry about it for long, cari."
"Uh, Guys?” Klaus says. “You see that big moon rock coming towards us?"
"That's not good."
"So this is it, huh?” 
“So much for saving the world," Klaus says as he looks down at the dog tags.
"If only Sir Reginald could see us right now, huh?" Diego says. "The Umbrella Academy A total failure.” He stares up at the fractured moon. 
“At least we're together at the end,” Luther says. “As a family.”
“This doesn't have to be the end,” Five tells them.
“What? What are you saying, Five?”
“I think I have a way outta here,” Five says. “But you gotta trust me on this.”
The three brothers all reject that idea. Y/N smiles despite herself. These were her brothers after all.
“Well, then, we might as well accept our fate,” Five states. “Because in less than a minute, we're gonna be vaporized.”
Diego looks down at Y/N. She gives him the sad smile he’d only started to decipher because it’s heartbreaking for both of them. He’s pretty sure he’s right when she squeezes his hand. All he knows is this cannot be the end. He looks back at Five. 
“What's your idea, then?” 
“We use my ability to time travel,” Five starts to explain. “But this time, I'll take you with me.”
“You can do that?” Diego asks.
“I don't know.” Fives answers honestly. “I've never tried it before.”
“What's the worst that can happen?” Diego asks.
“You're lookin' at it.” Five states. “A 58-year-old man inside a child's body, so there's that.”
¿Qué te parece, luz?” He asks as he looks down at her again.
“No puede ser peor que esto,” she tells him.
“We’re in,” Diego says. 
“Yeah, whatever.” Klaus says. “I'm in.”
“Me too,” Luther agrees. “Allison?” Allison nods her agreement. “What about Ben?”
 “Great, yeah,” Klaus answers accurately for once. “He's in.”
“Okay, great,” Five says. 
Diego goes to pick Y/N up but she shakes her head.
"I think I can stand or...at least lean," she assures them. Klaus helps Diego get her up on her feet and she curls into Diego's side. Her head lulls against his shoulder. "I'm okay, I know you've got me," she assures him. She feels his lips press against her temple. 
"Luther, grab Viktor," Five tells him. 
Luther does it but he ask. "Wait, should we be taking him? I mean, if he's the cause of the apocalypse. Isn't that like taking the bomb with us?"
"The apocalypse will always happen,” Five states as he gets them to start joining hands. “And Viktor will always be the cause, unless we take them with us and fix them."
Diego puts wraps his arm just under Y/N's shoulder to keep her there. He wasn’t going to lose her now. Her hand searches blindly until Klaus grasps it tight. They anxiously watch as Five draws on a larger portion of his powers than usual. Diego hadn’t realized how much light was involved with so many of their siblings’ powers. Y/N, Viktor, Five. Even Klaus’s power had a glowing aspect to it. 
"Ah! It's working!” Five tells them. “Hold on! It's gonna get messy!"
They all vanish under Five’s powers.
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book-place · 2 years
Scared Silly
Warnings: cursing, bad scary writing, haunted houses, let me know if I missed any :)
Pairings: Hargreeves siblings x sister reader
*not my gif*
Summary: You and your siblings decide to try something different for Halloween this year, and it doesn’t exactly go as planned
A/N: Halloween Event 🎃
Please don’t plagiarize my work, you may reblog if you like but I’m asking that you don’t steal my hard work
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“For the record,” Allison piped up, wearily eyeing the door in front of her, “This was not what I had in mind when we said we would do something fun for Halloween.”
“Well, Allison,” Five said, shoving his hands in his pockets, smiling sarcastically, “It was either this, or resurrecting the dead.” He sent to pointed look in yours and Klaus’s direction, “And we all know how that ended last year.”
You threw your hands up in mock surrender, “Well, excuse me if I didn’t realize that spell would also open up a portal to hell in our living room!”
Luther shuddered slightly at the memory, “I’ll take the haunted house over going through that again any day.” He admitted.
“I think it’ll be fun.” Viktor spoke up, ever the glass-half-full sibling.
“Are you guys sure I can’t just wait for you out here?” Ben asked hesitantly, looking paler than normal.
“Oh, come on, Benny boy!” Klaus sang dramatically, slinging an arm over his brother's shoulder, “It’ll be fun… just don’t be the last one in the room with them.” He made his voice extra creepy towards the end, and the black haired man visibly started shaking a little bit.
Five rolled his eyes at the theatrics his brother liked to put on, “Don’t listen to him, Ben, it’s just a bunch of underpaid college students in costume, none of it is real.”
“Unless it is.” Klaus leaned over to whisper in his ear once Five looked away.
“I still think this is stupid.” Diego finally said after having his speaking privileges provoked by Five on the way over for complaining.
“I don’t remember giving you permission to speak again.” Five hissed, the headache the man had caused earlier coming back to him.
“And I don’t remember putting you in charge!” He snapped back, stomping his foot once against the ground like a child.
“Next!” The employee in front of the building called, effectively cutting off any more sibling banter.
Everybody froze, none of them wanting to go in first until Five rolled his eyes and pushed to the front of the group, “You’re all idiots.” He stated.
None of you even had the strength to protest as you hesitantly trailed after your brother.
You were caught between Ben and Allison, the former gripping onto your hand tightly without a word, and the ladder linking your arms for comfort for the both of you.
The door was opened with an eery creek, and you all piled into the dark hallway with Five in the lead, and Luther in the back, much to his protest.
“Someone go behind me!” He whisper shouted at his siblings, glancing behind him through the almost pitch black room.
“Hell no!” You used the same tone of voice as you replied, gripping onto Ben and Allison tighter.
All of you took slow, calculated steps forward, even Five had faltered a bit at the fact that nothing had happened yet.
Klaus dramatically threw his arms around Diego’s waist in terror and pulled himself into his brothers chest.
“Get off me,” The man hissed, flinging his hands away from him.
The long haired man stumbled back, but instead of hitting a wall, he hit a man who was dressed entirely in black, except for a mask of pure white that lit up all of a sudden, having gone completely unnoticed until then.
“Jesus! Klaus!” Diego cried, blindly flailing around until he caught onto his brother's arm and pulled him back towards him.
Klaus let out a mix between a shriek and wail, stumbling back into the group as you and Allison in sync let out yelps of surprise and Ben screamed in shock.
The man in the mask stood completely still, but titled his bright mask to the side as if he were staring at the siblings.
“No, no, no, nope,” Luther kept repeating, hurriedly ushering his family out of the room, muscles tensing as the masked man continued to stare after them.
By then, he wasn’t the only one that was tense. Five had taken his hands out of his pockets and Ben looked right about ready to faint.
Immediately after stepping into the next room, the sound of crazed laughter filled all of your ears, and the grip Ben had on your hand had begun to make you lose feeling.
“Just me,” Viktor quickly whispered into your ear over the noise before grabbing onto your shoulder, the total darkness making you two not want to get separated.
“This is fucking insane.” Diego said, wavering voice letting the others know that he was scared as well.
Then, without warning or so much as a sound, a dark, unrecognizable figure popped up right in front of you, screaming in your face.
A scream of your own left your lips as you stumbled back, accidently slipping out of all three of your siblings' grips and just barely catching yourself right before you hit the ground.
“Y/n!” Everyone called out in sync, worry filling their features.
The maniacal laughter returned and your eyes turned to the woman who’s dark silhouette was shaking, “Y/n! Y/n! Y/n!” She shrieked over and over again.
Ben had finally passed out and fallen into Allison’s hold, who was supporting his weight completely as he lost whatever little strength had been keeping him up in the first place.
Viktor stumbled over to you, grabbing onto your arm and pulling against it so that you would stand up, Five quickly rushing over and doing the same with the other one.
“That’s it!” He announced over the woman’s continual taunting, finally able to help his brother haul you to your feet, “We’re out of here!”
None of you had to be told twice as your eyes locked onto the large ‘exit’ sign in the corner for anyone who wanted to leave early and practically knocked the door off the hinges as you all piled out into the dark night.
The door slammed behind all of you, and it was silent for a moment as you all bent over and tried to catch your breaths, Ben having woken up as well.
“So,” You finally panted out, “Can anyone else go for some apple pie right now?” You asked as if nothing happened.
Diego went along with it and nodded, straightening out and running a hand through his hair, “Yeah, I wouldn’t mind a slice right now.”
One by one, all of your siblings chorused their own agreements, too embarrassed to acknowledge what had just happened.
And so, you all made your way to the closest grocery store on Halloween night, acting as if none of you had just been scared out of your minds in a cheap haunted house.
The Hargreeves🦹-@lovanitu @your-local-questioning-agender @jvdethirlwall @ineedmorefanfics2 @sambucky8 @spidyyparker @mukbee @i-writes-things
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nickeverdeen · 9 months
All requests
All requests I have will be written here along with those that I deleted ‘cause I was uncomfortable with them or had no idea how to do them and whenever a new one comes I’ll write it down here so you’d know if I got your request or not and whenever the request will be posted it will be off the list
So shortly colors rules:
Red - deleted
Orange - on hold
Green - accepted and probably done just waiting to be posted
In my drafts:
Game Over | Gamer!Ellie Williams x fem!reader (smut - not requested) [completed]
Homecoming Comfort | Viktor Hargreeves x fem!reader (smut - not requested) [completed]
Caught in the Act (Sort of) | Peter Parker x older gn!reader sibling (imagine - not requested) [completed]
Across the Miles | Peter Parker x fem!reader (imagine - not requested) [completed]
Thg + Bosas match-ups (match-up - requested) [completed]
Love in the Air | Ellie Williams x fem!reader (imagine - not requested) [completed]
Breaking Point | Dina x unstable fem!reader (younger sister) (imagine - not requested) [completed]
Songwriting Buddies? (Info/poll - not requested) [completed]
Blood Ties | Arvin Russell x gn!reader with Exhpraxia (younger sibling) (imagine - not requested) [completed]
Bruised Knuckles | Arvin Russell x male!reader (best friend) (imagine - not requested) [completed]
Christmas Kiss | Dina x fem!reader (imagine - not requested) [completed]
Arcane and Umbrella Academy match-up for Meli (match-up - not requested) [completed]
Behind Closed Doors | Hazel Callahan x fem!reader (imagine - not requested) [completed]
Curveball Desires | Mira Sorrengail x fem!reader (smut - not requested) [completed]
Hp, thg, pjo match-up (match-up - requested) [completed]
Ellie Williams NSFW alphabet (alphabet, smut - requested) [completed]
Meet the author (masterlist - not requested) [completed]
Jealousy Takes The Wheel | Hazel Callahan x jealous!fem!reader (smut - not requested) [completed]
Dark!ISTP playlist (spotify - not requested) [not completed yet]
Undeniable Tension | WLW Nameless character x fem!reader (smut - not requested) [not completed yet]
(Haven’r figured out the title yet) | Joel Miller x PCOS!fem!reader (platonic) (imagine - requested) [not completed yet]
Thg, tmr, tua match-up (match-up - not requested) [not completed yet]
Treech x capital mentor!reader (hcs - requested) [not completed yet]
Atla, tlok, arcane, hp (match-up - requested) [not completed yet]
Arcane, pjo, spiderverse, marvel match-up - requested) [not completed yet]
More Than a Threat | Ellie Williams x fem!reader (imagine - not requested) [not completed yet]
Closer Than Words | Hazel Callahan x fem!reader (imagine - not requested) [not completed yet]
Midnight Vigil | Ellie Williams x fem!reader (imagine - not requested) [not completed yet]
Fem!pirate x princess (enemies to lovers) playlist (playlist - not requested) [not completed yet]
Mcu match-up (match-up - requested) [not completed yet]
Tua match-up (match-up - requested) [not completed yet]
Arcane match-up (match-up - requested) [not completed yet]
Hobie Brown x adopted little sister!reader (hcs - requested) [not completed yet]
TUA match-up (match-up - requested) [not completed yet]
When the Storm Hits | Kit Tanthalos x epileptic fem!reader (imagine - not requested) [not completed yet]
Silent Understanding | Elora Danan x gn!reader (imagine - not requested) [not completed yet]
TLOU match-up (match-up - requested) [not completed yet]
Rough Riders | Ellie Williams x gn!reader (platonic) (imagine - not requested) [not completed yet]
Edge of Love | Fem!nameless character x fem!reader (imagine - not requested) [not completed yet]
Daniels, Zussman hcs (hcs - not requested) [not completed yet]
Sparrow!Ben Hargreeves yandere alphabet (alphabet - requested) [not completed yet]
Ambessa with daughter!reader (hcs - requested) [not completed yet]
Mom Korra hcs (hcs - requested) [not completed yet]
TLOU1/2 match-up (match-up - requested) [not completed yet]
Bartender fem!reader x Striper!Luther Hargreeves dating hcs (hcs - requested) [not completed yet]
Arcane, ATLA, TLOK match-up (match-up - requested) [not completed yet]
TLOU2, Arcane, PJO match-up (match-up - requested) [not completed yet]
MCU, PJO match-up (match-up - requested) [not completed yet]
TUA match-up (match-up - requested) [not completed yet]
Arcane, TLOU match-up (match-up - requested) [not completed yet]
TUA, MCU, Star Wars match-up (match-up - requested) [not completed yet]
Red Daniels with a chubby fem!reader (hcs - requested) [not completed yet]
Platonic and romantic Arcane match-up (match-up - requested) [not completed yet]
Ekko x scary!introverted!GN!reader (hcs - requested) [not completed yet]
Harry Potter, Divergent, Hunger Games, the Ballad of Snakes, Songbirds and Spiderman match-up (match-up - requested) [not completed yet]
Freeheld masterlist (masterlist - not requested) [not completed yet]
Arcane match-up (match-up - requested) [not completed yet]
Ink and Iron | Stacie Andree x younger sister!reader (imagine - not requested) [not completed yet]
Unspoken Truths | Katniss Everdeen x NPD gn!reader (imagine - not requested) [not completed yet]
Caitlyn x socially struggling fem!reader (hcs - requested) [not completed yet]
Harry Potter match-up (match-up - requested) [not completed yet]
Arcane match-up (match-up - requested) [not completed yet]
Romantic Arcane, TLOU match-up (match-up, smut - requested) [not completed yet]
Short Nerd!Ellie Williams hcs (hcs - not requested) [not completed yet]
Caitlyn x reader who loves to sing (hcs - requested) [not completed yet]
Fred and George having crush on younger muggleborn Slytherin girl (hcs - requested) [not completed yet]
On hold:
Tomb Raider masterlist (not requested - gonna post it when I’ll play the game done)
Shameless masterlist (not requested - gonna post it when I’ll finish watching it)
The Abyss Surrounds us + The Edge of The Abyss masterlists (not requested - gonna post it when I’ll find pictures for the characters)
School bus graveyard masterlist (not requested - gonna post it when I finish it)
The Good Doctor masterlist (not requested - gonna post it when I’ll watch it done)
Pirates of the Caribbean masterlist (masterlist - gonna post it when I’ll rewatch it)
Victor Cato x victor reader soulmate au with the red string (imagine - requested)
Amity reacting to her partner being a sweet tooth (hcs - requested); reason = I don’t do The Owl House, sorry
Georgie Cooper x black reader (hcs -requested) = I don’t write for Young Sheldon
Korra eating out older fem!reader (smut - requested) = Reader is older
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