#ttte daisy x mavis
galinneall-dearg · 4 months
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TTTE Sapphic Ships Tournament by @togetherness23
We love girls who have each other's backs, can comfortably gripe with each other about their coworkers, and most importantly- Needed WAY more screentime together!
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unpopularvivian · 5 months
Incorrect Ttte Quotes 204:
Mavis: Hey Daisy. *Holds up a pack of pens* Look how manly these pens are!
Daisy: Mavis....That's gay....
Mavis: .....Daisy, we've been dating for-
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weirdowithaquill · 8 months
Ships? But Sir, They're Trains!
It's Valentine's Day, and to celebrate, I thought I'd break my usual streak of not shipping the talking trains together and share the pairings that I like the best! But only of the original 11, and a few other RWS-related friends (and maybe a bonus or two from the TVS).
Also known as: local weirdo decides trains can kiss, but only on Valentine's Day.
Let's get into the ships... er... trains.
Almost chronically single. I'm sorry Thomas, but you're not very good at the dating thing. Maybe Hank if I swallowed my pride and went to watch Season 12 - just because Hank's calm and friendly personality would naturally balance out Thomas. But also because they are the epitome of 'gentle giant' and 'tank engine terror'. Also, Thomas blushes in this episode:
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(Sorry for the Season 12 image, but it's the only Season Hank was in!)
This engine has options! Or more to the point - this engine has suitors. Not all make sense to the poor engine - but that's the pain of being the one everyone looks up to. I would put him with BoCo, but I must admit I had a phase where I read EdwardxJames fanfics. So... nostalgia wins (that and Edward needs someone with a fiery personality to boost his confidence sometimes, and James needs a cooler head all the time).
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(Look at the smile on James' face! He's ecstatic to see his engine.)
Bear. The answer is Bear. I'm sorry, but that Hymek has it bad for Henry, and Henry fought for Bear to stay on Sodor. And after the early days when every engine fought, Henry has no interest in getting tangled up with them again, only this time romantically. Besides, the youthful energy and eagerness Bear has will only benefit Henry, who can be a bit of an old grump.
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(Bear, I can't tell if you're looking into Henry's eyes or not...)
Hoo boy... Gordon, oh Gordon. What to do with you? Henry and James are taken, Edward and Thomas are more siblings than romantic interests - and engines 6 through 11 are just not close enough. But how about BoCo? (Yes, this is why I didn't pair him up with Edward). BoCo is calm and polite where Gordon is loud and brash - and Gordon does see BoCo as his saviour. It would probably be the plot of a b-list romantic movie, but I can see these two getting together, with Gordon being the jock and BoCo being the 'kid' of Edward.
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(Look at that little smile Gordon has! This engine is smitten.)
He's with Edward, thank you. More than that, he doesn't really fit well with the other RWS cast romance-wise. Thomas is something of a rival and friend, while he wants Gordon and Henry to acknowledge him and Percy is something of a little brother/annoyance to James. Edward and he have a lot to work out (mostly James groveling) but they got a lot of coding in the series from what I remember. Plus Edward saved him - so we've ticked the cliche box.
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(Yes, this means Edward is the knight in shining armour. James is a diva anyway.)
Has about as much luck as Thomas does, if we're honest. Young, childish Percy has no chance, while older, grumpier Percy is more interesting to consider. The Percy of Seasons 5 and 6 I could see bagging Harold. But then, we could also consider the absolute insanity of Percy and Diesel 10. Imagine the shock, imagine the story! (I'm a writer, let me dream about how I'd write this lot). Diesel 10 would be the delinquent who is soft for Percy and Percy only. It would also lead to an epic fight between the helicopter and the engine with a giant claw.
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(Um, is Percy... blushing?! What are these faces?! I have questions.)
Is married to Henrietta. They are old couple goals. Percy and Thomas are extremely jealous.
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(Toby is grinning cause he knows his wife - that poor manager...)
Duck and Donald:
I considered Percy for Duck, but I feel like what Duck needs is an engine who can really bring out the playful side in Duck - the engine who helps him be more than just the railway he used to work for. That engine is Donald. When they ended up playing pranks on each other in Donald's Duck to the point where Duck stooped to putting a literal duck in Donald's tender knowing Donald would find it funny really says it all about these two.
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(Look at him, so excited to play his little prank! His driver is wheezing!)
Douglas and Oliver:
These two practically have a kid in Toad already (or an advice-giving uncle. One of the two). Douglas saved Oliver, and that sort of thing has a lasting impact - especially because it's also the most likely relationship to actually happen. Both Douglas and Oliver are known for sticking it to authority, being a bit hot-headed and being led a bit more by spirit and the heart than by their heads. They have Toad for critical thinking. They live and work together too - and it would be hilarious to watch Duck blast his safety valve off when he finds out.
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(Ah yes, let me just stare into your eyes for half an episode.)
Mavis and Daisy:
These two are disaster lesbians, and we love them for it. It's also the femme fatale (or as femme fatale as a diesel railcar can be) and the butch (she works in a quarry - this girl wears overalls) tropes - and they're disasters. Need I remind anyone that Daisy was the one who encouraged Mavis to ignore Toby? It would also be hilarious purely for how much Thomas and Percy would grumble about being single, while Daisy and Mavis rub their relationship in the pair's faces. Which would lead to that one memorable incident where Thomas tried to flirt with a very unamused and confused Bertie.
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(Mavis, sweetie - don't listen to Daisy's advice. I know you're distracted but ple-- and she's gone.)
Annie and Clarabel:
Are wine aunts and siblings. And no, neither of them are interested in Thomas, so you can stop thinking that.
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(These coaches are Thomas' wine aunts and best friends - and he loves them too.)
Bill and Ben:
Are children! Edward's children! That he has with BoCo (sort of) leading to the brilliant moments where Gordon has to 'babysit' them - which is mostly done with a lot of grimacing and begging BoCo to just hand this lot over to Edward and James - no seriously, please stop letting these two just randomly adopt you as their parent. They're evil, and they wanted to throw me in the sea, remember? No, I don't care that James doesn't like them, I don't like them! BoCo!
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(He's petrified of them, but he wants to be nice for BoCo's sake...)
Does not need a man, thank you. But she is entranced sometimes by Caitlin's streamlining (yes, I have seen some CGI - I am not a true purist, I am sorry Awdry). Then again, sometimes Emily likes Hiro - and then there was that one time where she was just so upset that Mavis wouldn't notice her. Emily doesn't need no man - but she's also not exactly got the best selection of potential candidates at her shed...
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(She's got an amazing poker face. Caitlin however...)
So... that was a thing I did. Somewhere around Percy's entry, this gained a coherent plot in my mind - probably a High School AU? - and now I'm just thinking of Diesel 10 towering over Percy, blushing and trying to give him flowers (with his claw???) while Harold seethes. Clearly, being a single pringle has driven me insane.
Happy Valentine's Day to everyone, I hope you enjoyed this wild idea and if people want expansions on these ships (still trains) and why I like the idea of them, please go ahead and ask!
If people really like this, I will take on the Narrow Gauge engines.
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tttewolves · 4 months
hopefully this isn’t too overwhelming for one ask! I know who your main ships are, so I’m gonna go for some different ones—
Diesel/Diesel 10
Nah, this is fine actually!🤣
Percy x Thomas = 7 out of 10!
I see them more like as brothers, but I do ship them funnily enough in my AU of my AU, where my shippings are different, lol!💚💙
Edward x BoCo = 9 out of 10!
To be honest, if I have to ship Edward with someone else other than Henry, it’s BoCo! I mean, come on, they are like two dads with bunch of rascals!🩵💚
Henry x Hiro = 8 out of 10!
At first, I see them more as close friends, but the more I dive into it, I slowly began to love this shipping! Although I ship them with different characters, it’s still so sweet!💚🖤
Douglas x Oliver = 100 out of 10!
I actually ship these two and I can imagine Douglas being like a knight while Oliver gives out an advice, lol!🖤💚
Emily x Mavis = 5 out of 10!
I respect those who ship them, but honestly, I see them as sisters/cousins like relationship, but hey, I’m not going to stop anyone from shipping them!🖤🖤
Diesel x Diesel 10 = 9 out of 10!
To tell you the truth, I see Diesel 10 as aromantic asexual but… I do ship them though, lol! I mean, it makes total sense!🖤🤎
Daisy x Harvey = 1 out of 10!
I don’t see it working, but… if you ship them and write it well, then that’s fine by me! Everyone can be unique in their shippings as long it’s not toxic, abusive, incest, and anything disgusting!💚❤️
Thank you, @togetherness23!
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uselessalexis165 · 1 year
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tried making some ttte memes (185)
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fabianvalencia561 · 2 years
Do you have any shippings in TTTE?👀
Yes I do! Though it's not a lot..
Edward x James (before Edward got controlled by that corrupted parasite)
Hiro x Henry
Rebecca x Gordon (Gordon has not told Rebecca how he feels about her)
Ryan x Daisy
Diesel x Mavis
D10 x Lady (though Lady is dead but D10 can't move on and is trying everything to at least find her soul.)
Duncan x Madge
There are more ships I made but I don't want to add too many and also I forgot the rest but I'll remember them later ..
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In TTTE, do you have any shippings?👀
A few :) I like Thomas x Percy, a lot, OTP forever, I love it in so many flavors and ways. I do have a few other ships for the both of them but this one is S+ tier and will always overtake their other ships. Also in S+ tier is Molly x Emily. I love my girls and currently they're the couple I've drawn the most so clearly, love them. I should draw them more really. Nia x Rebecca is also a favorite of mine, and Diesel 10 x Belle, and Hong-Mei x Ashima, and Daisy x Harvey. Not sure I'd ever ship them as "currently dating" but I love Mavis x Diesel as exes. They're on fairly good terms in my head but would burst into flames at the thought of going out again. Naturally I also love Oliver x Toad and Toby x Henrietta, they're so sinkin' cute and just classics. With the obvious ships out of the way, I do have a slight crack ship: the orange engine in China in BWBA x Yong-Bao. I hc her to be a girl engine named Qingyang and suddenly I found myself shipping her with Yong-Bao. I also have a hard time seeing Gordon as anything but straight, Henry might have a crush on him but I can't see Gordon ever being able to like him back even if he really wanted to like him back. Thus, I found I like Gordon x Caitlin. I feel like I'm forgetting some of my main couples...
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houseboatisland · 3 years
Toby? For the shipping meme.
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can the ladies please line up single file and mind the fire exits
💞✨ OTP ✨ 💞:
Him and Henrietta, naturally :>
Other Ships That Are 👌:
Hm, not sure.
Interesting But Fence 👀:
Him and Percy I think could work because they clearly do a lot of bitching confiding in one another whenever Thomas or Daisy or Harold pisses them off. They'd definitely be one of those couples who thrive on talking smack and gossiping, I guess XD
Better As Friends 😊:
Him and Mavis
Meh 😑 / Overrated :
Also putting him and Mavis here. Not saying people can't ship it, but I prefer their dynamic being platonic, personally.
It Happened Once In A Dream 🌑 (or AU 🤔):
So, this will sound completely insane, because well, it is:
I once challenged @/mean-scarlet-deceiver to write a Toby x Diesel drabble as a joke, because it's a pairing you would assume is impossible to make work. But then I realized, oh no, I started to accidentally, unironically like the idea.
They've both been cast out of their homes and forced to adapt, they're both used to being shunned as unusual, and they can bond over... being square. Okay, maybe that last one's a bit of a stretch.
Maybe the whole pair is, for that matter.
But frankly I don't care. I've already gotten myself too irreversibly psyched up at the optics of it all. Let Diesel have his soft-spoken, wooden bf who's been through the wringer a few times like he has, that can help him take the edge off, (excluding the literal, physical corners.)
Can you tell I like making remarks about their shape
If I Had to Put Them in a Polycule 💗:
Don't really have one for him.
Him and Daisy, or him and Flora.
alright, i think i'll be calling a lid on shipping meme asks for now, thanks all who participated, see you next time I ask for suggestions!
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unpopularvivian · 5 months
Incorrect Ttte Quotes 202:
*Romantic music starts playing*
Toby: *Looks at Edward* I'd like to kiss you old seagull. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Edward: ....Alright. *Pulls Toby towards him* But you're so darn ugly.
*The two then start making out*
Mavis, with Daisy: Hey Daisy, can we make out-
Daisy: I-WHAT!?!?
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unpopularvivian · 4 months
Thomas: Whattup?
Percy: So Rosie and Emily are definitely going to prom.
Thomas: Not surprised there.
Percy: Somehow found a date.
Thomas: Your kidding.
Percy: No joke, and apparently Daisy is going.
Thomas: Does Daisy even go to this school?
Percy: Like hell if I know.
Thomas: How the hell did you even get a date anyway? You don't even like girls or boys.
Percy: Well, Daisy was suppose to go to prom with Ryan and Mavis but the both of them were busy. So, she asked me if I could be her "date".
Thomas: Wait, Daisy has two bitches?
Percy: Yeah?
Thomas: .......What.....
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weirdowithaquill · 7 months
Okay okay okay
I just
*need* to hear more of you rambling about trains being shipped together I don't care who it is
Although if I am allowed to request a couple I find very cute myself it'd be Culdee and Catherine
Sorry it took me a hot minute to answer (I got sick) - but let's dive in!
Ok - Catherine and Culdee are the very definition of an adorable old married couple, perhaps even moreso than Toby and Henrietta. They *need* each other - and Catherine gets jealous when Culdee takes the Truck out. Likewise, while some of the engines just take whichever coach out, Culdee has specifically requested Catherine be taken off the rotation roster (especially after the Lord Harry era). They are absolutely adorable together, but they can have a... possessive streak.
It comes from the codependency.
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(They legit need each other... to survive Culdee Fell.)
At the opposite end of the adorable old married couple is Toby and Henrietta. These two actually recently made history when they became the first two (to steal the term) non-faceless vehicles to marry. Ever. Previous to this, there had been a lot of legal battles and red tape and a whole heap of "they can't marry, they're machines" which the pair fought through... since the 1920's. (Culdee and Catherine legit married the next day, and are still jealous that Toby and Henrietta got hitched first).
Furthermore, Henrietta and Toby adopted Mavis in the early 70s the moment she stopped actively ignoring their advice. It is entirely thanks to Henrietta that Mavis asked Daisy out.
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(Toby continues to enjoy watching his wife verbally beat other men into dust.)
Speaking of, Mavis and Daisy really are the very essence of disaster lesbians. There is no understating how ridiculous this pair can be - see the fact that Mavis spent nearly a full decade with her jaw hitting her bufferbeam every time Daisy entered the yards. And to make matters worse, Daisy had no clue! She thought (wrongly) that Mavis had a thing for Toby... which she vehemently objected to because - and I quote - "Toby is too old for such a powerful, commanding woman." Somehow, Daisy also missed the part where she liked said 'powerful, commanding woman'. Cue Daisy trying to flirt with a very uncomfortable BoCo every time he visited the junction while Mavis tried to get her driver to send... 'messages' to BoCo.
The only engine who enjoyed this absolute anime-plotline of a romance was Toby, who revels in chaos.
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(Annie is pretending not to listen in on this gossip - but she's totally listening in on these two disasters.)
From disasters to functional beings - Duncan and Rusty continue to hold the title of 'most functional Sodor couple'. And for good reason! After Duncan got over his preconceptions about diesels, he was very blunt about his new feelings for the little diesel. And remember, Duncan is a mix of rock-star, factory worker and punk. So he manages to seem wild and abrasive to everyone who hasn't seen how devoted he is to his little diesel.
Rusty, being cool and calm and petty, loves to rub their relationship in Rheneas' face - because Rheneas can't do the same thing Duncan did and ask Duke out. Because Rusty is petty, let's not be mistaken - that little diesel was happy to let Duncan just sit off the rails because he was rude. Rusty is kind and helpful - but will also sit back and let you suffer from some Sodor Karma.
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(This is why I say Duncan confessed - Rusty is gazing off into the sunset, but Duncan only has eyes for Rusty.)
Speaking of poor Rheneas - I've already given him a full post dedicated to the wild ride that was his courting of Duke - but I managed to miss the small detail of Duke adopting Spencer (see ERS for details). And that leads to a whole new realm of disaster for this poor engine. He gets Peter Sam on side, he gets Sir Handel to begrudgingly admit he's... decent enough... for his Granpuff - heck, he even manages to get Skarloey to stop laughing for long enough to wish him luck! He even manages to get some good advice on asking Duke out from Rusty and Duncan! And then.... AND THEN...
Spencer grabs Duke and whisks him away. Away? Away away - to the Boxford Estate. Spencer is not a 'good' engine, and he literally resorts to kidnapping Duke like the old engine is suddenly Rapunzel (Duke has feelings about this). In response, Rheneas had to get out 'The Truck' and make his way across the Island to save Duke... who had already hitched a ride out of there with Edward and was having tea and biscuits while laughing about their respective prospective red disaster boyfriends.
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(Genderbent Elizabeth and Thomas enjoy watching Rheneas watch Duke get mended...)
I think that's all from me for now - no Percy x Diesel 10 shenanigans this time, but if someone asks for them, I will bring them. Until then, I'm going to take a heap of antibiotics and try to sleep off this illness some more.
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uselessalexis165 · 1 year
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tried making some ttte memes (256)
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uselessalexis165 · 1 year
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tried making some ttte memes (214)
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unpopularvivian · 3 months
TTTE Swap AU Concept! (Or Classically Modern TTTE AU)
So I finally managed to have enough ideas to write an outline of what my swap au would be like! The characters that I currently swapping with each other are:
Toby ⬅️➡️ James
Edward ⬅️➡️ Gordon
Thomas ⬅️➡️ Percy
BoCo ⬅️➡️ Diesel (BoCo is a wip)
Daisy ⬅️➡️ Mavis (Both are wips)
Henrietta ⬅️➡️ Hannah (Both are wips)
Donald & Douglas ⬅️➡️ Bill & Ben (Both are wips)
Henry ⬅️➡️ Emily (Both are wips)
Let's start with what the characters' personalities that aren't wips are like and their inspirations!
Thomas: Very caring and kind while also being very bright and smart! He's less cheeky than his MC self and his love of skateboarding is swapped with creating inventions! He still goes crazy when he eats candy lol. His main inspiration is Mac from Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends.
Percy: Acts like a dick and can be very lazy. Is very bratty and loves to mess around with other engines. Despite this, he can be very courageous and is willing to sacrifice himself for his dearest friends. Instead of being confused with long words, they are now confused by sarcasm despite using it themselves. Main inspo is Bloo from Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends.
Toby: Very expressive but can often be very arrogant and reckless. Doesn't think that he's old and tries to fit in with the younger engines. As a result, he wears very modern clothes. and feels very insecure about himself deep down (Also he's loves fashion hehe hoho) Is willing to throw hands at anybody if they dare to hurt his loved ones. Character inspiration is Anne Maria from Total Drama with bits of Connor from Disventure Camp sneaked in.
James: Very selfless and very hardworking although he tends to be a people pleaser and gets stepped on a lot. He isn't vain anymore and red is just a favorite color of his. Still likes fashion although she sees it as a part time hobby. They can be a bit spoiled but still very sweet and generous. Dakota from Total Drama was their main inspiration.
Edward: Very uptight, seems to not smile at all and very serious. He doesn't have insomnia in this au but he is a massive workaholic, causing him to neglect his own wellbeing for the sake of the railway. Instead of being interested in punk culture, heavy metal and rock music, Edward takes a liking to the supernatural world. Is able to see and communicate with ghosts, demons, angels and other entities. Main inspiration was Loid Forger from Spy x Family. Oh and when he smiles, it usually looks something like this:
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(Yeah very unnerving I know)
Gordon: Full of life and energy, always like helping people and is generally down-to-earth. Very humble and is very calm during dire situations. He tends to be very spontaneous and sometimes too excited when he sees an opportunity. Main inspo was Jack Skellington from the Nightmare Before Christmas.
Diesel: Absolutely loves steamies and the troublesome trucks and sees them as family in contrast to canon Diesel hating them. He is the main caretaker of the troublesome trucks and sees them as his own kids. So if you treat Diesel badly, the trucks are coming for your ass. Very mild and doesn't like to lie to others. Tends to be honest although it does sometimes lead him to accidentally insulting people. Is regarded as one of the nicest diesels by others. Character inspiration was Wilt from Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends.
Side info:
The characters keep their og sexualities and genders from the MC AU. Toby x Edward, Toby x Henrietta, Gordon x BoCo etc are still canon to this AU. The characters are still them by the end of the day. Thomas is still Thomas, Percy is still Percy and so on. Backstories may be altered or different than the backstories from Modernly Classical. Same goes for headcanons. Their designs might change in order to fit their personalities more. (If I ever had the motivation to make them in GL2 lol)
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