#tsukishima humour
noorpersona · 8 months
For What It's Worth (Tsukishima x Reader Pt. 2)
It’s been a week since it happened.
A week since you’ve spoken to him.
Seven days since you felt his corrupt lips on you. Since you’ve felt his poisonous yet addictive hands.
The whole situation had been burned into your memory the minute you walked out of his door. Seven days you’ve been in complete emotional turmoil.
You’re nothing short of furious. You’re furious over the fact that all this happened over a stupid photograph, you’re furious that you allowed it to happen for so long, you’re furious that you can’t forget his stupid smirk. His figure leaning over yours, the look in his eyes making you see red. But for the most part, you’re furious over the fact that you can’t bring yourself to truly hate him.
You can’t hate Tsukishima Kei. No matter how hard you try. You can’t stop yourself from feeling your insides heat up when you remember his lips on your neck, your fingers combing through his hair. The tiny sounds he tried to repress when your lips were locked on his. The shivers that rake your body when you pass your fingers on the almost healed hickeys on your neck.
You’d be lying if you said that it hasn’t made you lose sleep.
But he lied. He lied through all of it. Kei didn’t like you. Hell, you doubt he even could even give you the time of day. That bastard only cared for himself. He’d do anything to win, to get what he wants. No matter who he hurts along the way.
He was selfish.
You don’t know why you’re so surprised now. It’s not like you didn’t know this fact. You’ve seen the way he interacts with others. Whether it be his classmates, his volleyball team, Yamaguchi, or even Akiteru. He never once cared for their feelings.
You can’t be around someone who treats other humans like that. You refuse to.
You’ve avoided him like the plague. You pretend like you don’t know who he is during school and lock yourself in your room at home. Tsukishima’s mother had come back a couple of days ago, so you had to say that you weren’t feeling well to avoid having dinner with them. You didn’t even talk to him for the rest of the project. Just sending your part of the work you had completed, and he took care of the rest. You’ll be forever grateful that you didn’t have to present that assignment. You really didn’t know how you would manage that. Of course, there were times when you would cross paths in the corridor, because to your dismay its impossible to avoid someone you live with, but you did your best to see right through him. You refuse to meet his eyes, to give him any sort of chance. He doesn’t deserve it.
Another week passes like this, then another and another. By the time a full month passes, it’s become routine. He doesn’t see you and you don’t see him, just like when you first started living with his family. Your anger has faded significantly over the course of the month, but there’s still some unchecked emotion swirling around in the deepest parts of your self conscious. Whether you want to believe it or not, Kei had become part of your life. A tiny one, but a part nonetheless, and without him, it almost seemed dull. Like something was missing from your day. Empty. You assume it’s because you never got closure from the situation.
Yeah, that’s why.
You’re thrown out of your thoughts when you hear your name called from a distance. You stop your exit from the building, when you see familiar friendly face waving in your direction. You feel a soft smile force it’s way on your face.
“Yamaguchi-kun, what are you doing here? Aren’t you going to be late for practice?” You ask as when he reaches your person. He rubs the back of his neck bashfully. “I told Tsukki to tell the others I was going to be late.” The sound of Tsukishima’s name leaves a bitter taste in your mouth. No matter how sweetly Yamaguchi can say it.
“Oh. Well, did you need something?”
“Yes. Actually, it’s about Tsukki.” You feel yourself tense up slightly. “I just figured you would be the best person to ask considering you’re around him the most.” Is that really how he saw it?
The thought gives you pause. You had to admit that from a distance it did look like you were close to Kei. Closer than others at least. You’ve talked during and between classes, sometimes waited for him to finish practice and walk home with him. If people didn’t witness the insults you used to constantly hurl at each other, and the glares of pure annoyance and hatred, they probably would have thought you two were friends.
Maybe even more.
You shake off the thought as you’re about to tell Yamaguchi that you haven’t spoken to Kei in a month, and that you know nothing about anything that has to do with him but decide last minute to hold your tongue. You were curious to say the least. What could be bothering the unbothered? “Is something wrong with him?” Yamaguchi looks off, thinking for a minute.
“Well, I’m not sure, that’s what I came to talk to you about. Over the past month he’s been acting off.” You tilt your head slightly.
“How so?”
“He’s been acting cold lately. More distant. Picking more fights with the rest of the team. He’s more irritable. He’s letting little things bother him.” Yamaguchi lists off. You snort slightly.
“Yamaguchi-kun, that’s how Kei usually acts. I’d start getting worried when he stops acting like that.” Yamaguchi gives you an uneasy look. “I still feel like somethings wrong. So do the rest of the team. Something is definitely bothering him. His performance in games is also being affected. It’s almost like he can’t focus.”
Could it be about before?
No… He couldn’t possibly be upset about what happened… Could he? You subconsciously shake your head. You can’t bring yourself to believe that he could. Kei was the reason all this shit happened in the first place. But, looking at the boy in front of you, you can feel your heart sink. Yamaguchi really was a good friend. You could see the genuine worry in his eyes as he spoke about Kei. You have no idea how Kei managed to gain a friend like him. One of the worlds greatest mysteries, you muse.
“I just wish he would talk to me.” Yamaguchi says, defeated. You wanted to say something, anything to help him out of his miserable state. You decide on one thing that minute.
You needed to talk to Kei. To tell him to get over himself and stop fucking over everyone around him. That whatever is going on with him needs to be dealt with him and him alone.
Maybe you could get that closure you wanted in the process…
“I’ll talk to him, Yamaguchi-kun.” You see Yamaguchi eyes flicker with something you could only assume was hope. He’s about to thank you when he hears the late bell ring. Yamaguchi turns his head to the school, obviously not expecting the conversation to last this long. “Go, I don’t want to hold you any longer. I’ll talk to him as soon as he gets home.” Yamaguchi flashes you a boyish smile, before shouting a quick thanks and jogging over to the gymnasium. You let out a sigh of relief as he jogs away.
During the walk home, you can’t help but feel a pit in your stomach.
The more you think about it, the more irritated you get as you wait patiently (or impatiently) for Kei to return. Kei’s mother had left once again, leaving just you and Kei in the house, like usual. Over the course of the months you had gotten used to being by yourself, so you really didn’t mind it anymore. However, by being constantly alone, you were left at the mercy of your thoughts.
And all of your thoughts were consumed by Kei.
It felt like all of the emotions you had laid to rest had come back in the few hours you were left alone. But you have self control, and unlike Kei, you’re able to keep your emotions in check.
You hear the sound of the front door opening and closing. Before everything happened, he’d usually announce his arrival, but now that you two aren’t speaking, he just enters and walks straight up to his room. You take a small breath. You can feel your heart thrum nervously as you try to catch up to him.
Well, it’s now or never.
“Oi.” You start, trying to sound unbothered as possible, when you’re anything but. You watch as he stops walking and turns around slowly. Kei gives you a look you can’t decipher, but you can tell that he’s surprised you’ve said anything to him. You don’t want to give him time to think about and get straight to the point. You want to be done as soon as possible and go back to ignoring him. But you hesitate under his stare, giving him an opening. His gaze hardens, as you watch the grip on his bags tighten. You stand your ground. You’ve seen and witnessed his micro aggressions firsthand; it’ll take a lot more than this to intimidate you.
The air around you two is tense. The emotions that were swept under the rug are out in the open, suffocating you.
“Well, this is interesting. Deciding to talk to me now? I’m so grateful you’ve chosen to bless me with your words.” His cold words are laced with so much venom and bitterness that you almost take a step back. You’ve never seen this before. The Kei you knew was always calm and collected, smart with his choices. Knew what to say and to do to play people right where he wanted to. This Kei seemed more… emotional? Unhinged?
You don’t know. But the look he’s giving you isn’t exactly filling you with confidence. Still, you stand strong. You won’t let this asshole make you vulnerable. He’s done it once before; you won’t let it happen a second time.
“Don’t get too happy. I don’t want to waste my breath talking to you. I’m only doing this because Yamaguchi is worried about you, and unlike you, I actually care about his feelings.” Kei looks away at the mention of his best friend. The tiny action brings you slight satisfaction. “He told me you’ve been acting off lately. Picking fights and acting like an all-around asshole. Now, I don’t know what’s going on with you, but you need to get your shit together.” Kei scoffs, gazing down at you. Patronizing. Your fists clench.
“I don’t need you to tell me what to do.” He had said it with such coldness, you actually had to fight a shiver running down your spine.
“I wouldn’t have to if you acted like a decent fucking human.” You snap right back. Kei takes a step toward you. You don’t back away. He leans slightly, making it so you’re at eye level in a way that is so obviously condescending.
“Stop acting like you’re such an angel. It’s pissing me off.” His honesty surprises you, but you don’t let it show. You know Kei wasn’t easy to anger, so you knew you were getting somewhere. But, at the same time, his sentence bothers you.
From the very beginning, you always tried to be nice to people you’ve met here. You wouldn’t call it sucking up to others, but you were slightly nervous people wouldn’t like you. During your program that anxiety had faded, but being that Kei was the first person you met who was your age, he significantly decreased your confidence. So, in turn, when school started you were the kindest you could be, always studied the hardest you could, and so on. You had made a name for yourself, one that Kei didn’t seem to like.
“It’s easy to act like an angel when you’re the devil incarnate. And you have no right to say anything about my behaviour, you prick. I’m not the type of person to use others to get what they want. I’m not the type to bring others down to feel better about my sad sack of a life. And I’m definitely not the type that would take advantage of someone to win. So, I suggest you have a cold hard look in the mirror before you go criticizing me.” You bite, voice filled with anger. It’s like all the emotions you’ve held in the pits of your stomach are now flowing through your veins. Each item you list off is like rocks falling off your tense shoulders. You stand taller, move closer, and refuse your eyes to leave his.
The hall is quiet for a while, but it’s the loudest silence you’ve ever heard. So much tension and emotion hanging around in the air. You and Kei share a staring contest, both breathing slightly heavy. Even if you wanted to break the gaze, you couldn’t. Kei’s hard glare had so much emotion, so much that you couldn’t figure out. You can’t help but bring your mind back to when this moment felt a little too familiar…
You wait for Kei’s reply, knowing that not even demons straight from the pits of hell can stop Kei from saying something, anything, back. But to your utter surprise and disbelief, he backs away. You can’t hide your confusion as he stays silent, lips in a thin line and a look in his eyes you can’t make out, as he turns around and walks away. You stand there, slightly gawking as you watch him retreat up the stairs. Brain frozen until you heard the door to his bedroom close.
What the fuck just happened?
Did Tsukishima Kei, THE Tsukishima Kei, just walk away from an argument? Without an insult, or even a sarcastic comment?
Did you just win?
It doesn’t feel like you’ve won.
You can’t help but still feel… Off. You had gotten what you wanted. To say something and have him be silent, but it’s definitely not as satisfying as you expected it to be. Not like the hours you used to spend daydreaming about a moment like this. You felt empty. Like you were expecting more.
To have him care enough to respond.
You feel tears start to well up in your eyes.
Never in a million years, would you have expected this.
You were crying over Kei. Over that sick bastard.
Why did you feel like this? Why did you feel so disappointed when you watched him walk away? You shouldn’t need him to care. You don’t.
So why are you so sad?
You put your face in your hands, willing the need to scream out your frustrations to leave.
Even like this, he still wins.
It’s been a couple days since your talk with Kei. You had pushed down all of your newly found feelings right back down into the depths of your soul.
Like that worked so well last time.
You were done with him once more. You didn’t want to have to deal with these new feelings. Or him in general.
Just a fresh start. Without Kei in the picture.
You had expected things would be exactly the same with him. He’d ignore you and you’d ignore him. Like clockwork. But ever since your argument, the atmosphere around you two has changed. Into what, you weren’t sure, but it was definitely off-putting.
And extremely frustrating.
The very next day after your argument, Yamaguchi had told you that whatever you said to Kei must’ve worked, because he’s started to return to his old self, (Whatever that means). And while you were happy to see Yamaguchi smiling, you weren’t able to get the pit in your stomach to leave.
New problems you didn’t expect were starting to arise.
Whenever you and Kei had the displeasure of being in the same area, you’d feel his eyes on you. Staring at you. His eyes locking onto you in a way that left you utterly confused, and completely flushed at the same time. You couldn’t help your heart beat a little faster every time you saw him in the halls of his house, or at school.
You weren’t able to stop the pulse of heat that would rush through your body either.
Either way, to say you were a little displeased with this advancement would be an understatement. But, what could you do? Just march up to him and tell him to stop staring?
Normally you would. But with what happened last time, you were a lot more than hesitant. You’d dig your own grave and bury yourself alive before having the tiniest chance of crying in front of Kei. That was more than your worst nightmare.
So, you decided the only possible solution was to get your mind off him. Just like the previous month, you’d go back to acting like he didn’t exist. If you could do it once, you could do it again.
You were feeling confident about your plan. At least until someone up in the heavens decided to completely fuck you over just for the hell of it.
It was the end of school day, and while most of the students rushing out the doors eagerly, excited that they had the rest of the day to themselves, you were clearing out your entire locker frantically. Each second passing with you getting more and more nervous of the outcome you hoped to any of the Gods that wouldn’t happen.
Oh God, please tell me I didn’t do this…
Yes, you did. You had lost the keys to the house. You almost punch a hole in the nearest wall, but you do slam your head against your locker. What did you do to deserve this?
You take a couple of deep breaths, trying to find any other possible solution then asking Kei for his keys. Maybe… picking the lock? Or popping a window opening? You sigh heavily. Who were you kidding? You could barely open your phone most of the time. You weren’t exactly keen to brandish your breaking and entering skills. To make matters even worse, all of your friends either had clubs or had already went home. You were far too awkward to call them up and ask if you could crash their night, and far too tired to wait for those who had clubs up until eight at night.
You let out an agonized whine, seeing no other option other than to drag yourself to the boy’s gym. As you approach you could hear sounds of boys screaming and laughing. They must still be stretching, as you hear no noises of balls slamming into the ground. You take a deep breath as you stand in front of the doors. Just get in, take what you need and get out. Even though you keep repeating that mantra in your head, you still found yourself on the other side of the doors, too nervous to open them.
“Could you let me through please?” You hear a soft voice from behind you. You whip around to find a rather beautiful looking third year. She must be their manager. You didn’t realize you were staring until seconds later. “Oh, yes. Sorry about that.” You give a nervous chuckle as you move out of the way. She walks up the stairs gracefully and goes to open the doors but stops, turning to you.
“Did you need something?” You tense up slightly at the question, “I need to talk to Kei.” You somehow managed to say evenly. The third year looks at you confused for a second, before her eyes light up in realization. “You mean Tsukishima-kun?” You nod. You usually forgot that most people (Well, everyone apart from his family) called him by his last name. Everyone except you. You pause now, thinking about it.
Why did you call him by his given name?
Why did he let you?
“Follow me then.” You were about to tell her that you really didn’t want to, but she slid the doors open with practiced ease. She walks in, ignoring two particularity rowdy voices yelling ‘Kiyoko-san!’, as she motions you to follow her. You gulp, and not wanting to disrespect a senior, you duck your head to enter the gym in shame. All eyes are suddenly on you, curious. Your heart beats slightly faster under the eyes of the team. You were never good at being in the spotlight. You manage to glance in Kei’s direction.
If looks could kill, you’d probably be six feet under the ground right about now.
He always made it clear that he didn’t want you anywhere near the gym when he was practicing, making sure that if you had to wait for him, he’d make you wait in the library.
You never understood why, but you didn’t question it.
“Tsukishima-kun. Someone’s here to talk to you.” Kiyoko spoke for you, only adding to the embarrassment that was this situation. All eyes that were on you, snapped to Kei’s form. On the outside he appeared unbothered, but his eyes spoke the true annoyance he was feeling. He makes no sound as he briskly walks to you, grabbing your wrist quite tightly, making you wince, letting a hushed hiss escape your mouth as he practically drags you out of the gym. The second you leave everyone’s prying eyes, you whip your hand anyway from him, practically snarling at him. “That hurt, asshole.” He makes no comment at that, only glaring at you.
“Why are you here?” He sounded genuinely frustrated. Join the club pal.
“I lost my keys.” He scoffs. “I’m failing to see how that’s my problem.” You clench your fists. You really didn’t think this through. What were you expecting? For him to be a nice guy and hand you his keys? Willingly? Yeah, right.
Well you aren’t giving up without a fight.
“It’ll be your problem when you find your window smashed in.” Empty threats, and Kei knows it. Kei sighs tiredly, and it only makes you more upset.
“Listen, either wait until my practice is over, or figure it out. Why don’t you go and ask one of your little friends? I’m sure they’d love to have you.” He spits out the last part, and you narrow your eyes at his pettiness.
“Oh, trust me. I wouldn’t have come to you if I had any other choice. But sadly, here I am talking to you. Now, you could do us both a favour if you could just stop being an all-around jackass for once and let me borrow your damn keys.” You try to say without hitting his very punchable face. Succeeding, you add. Kei only rolls his eyes, “Tempting, but I’ll pass. I’ll text you when I’m done. If you’ll excuse me.” He smirks that god-awful smirk, before walking back to the gym, leaving you enraged. You go to attempt to say something but find yourself at a loss for words.
Why even try?
You clicked your tongue in annoyance. Fuck him. Was your only thought as you left the school grounds.
No way in hell were you waiting for him. You doubt you could even look at him without sending him to the emergency room.
This is going to be the death of you if things continue like this.
You took your sweet time walking your way back to the house. Admiring the changing colours of the trees, stopping by the convenience store. After all, you did have a couple hours to kill while you wait for the asshole to come back from practice. You had only wasted two hours by the time you reached the house. The time you had spent trying to get your mind off him only left you more frustrated. He really knew how to piss you off.
Yes, it was your fault that you had lost your keys, and he didn’t necessarily have to give his to you, but what harm could it have done? What did he expect you to do? Lock him out of the house? You pause. Not a bad idea. Your thoughts only continue as you cursed the existence that is Tsukishima Kei, and sat outside the steps of the house, pulling out your phone and start playing around with it, trying to forget about the slight wind chill that comes with the start of Fall. You sat there, trying to cover your legs from the wind blowing past them. Every time you got a strongest burst of wind, you thought back to Kei.
I hope a volleyball smashes him in the face. A smile finds it way onto your face as you think of that. As time passes, boredom fills you as you feel yourself getting slightly drowsy. Being angry really wasn’t helping you conserve your energy. You felt your eyes getting heavier with every passing second. It wouldn’t be a problem if you closed them for a bit, would it?
Apparently, it would.
You don’t even realize that you’ve dozed off, being woken by a buzzing in your pocket, your shivers and a dark night sky. God, how long had it been?
Groggily, you answer your phone, sleep clouding the need to read the caller ID. “Hello?” Your voice was surprisingly hoarse. Probably from lack of use.
“Where are you? You aren’t in the library and I’ve searched everywhere.” You could only pinpoint that aggressive tone to one person.
“Where the fuck are you?” Normally, you would’ve come back with something, but you were far too tired to think of anything smart to say. “I’m outside the house.” You hear him curse under his breath. “I’ll be there in ten minutes.” And with that, he hangs up.
You sit there, slightly dazed before shivering. The night sky wasn’t keeping you as safe from the brisk wind like the sun did, and you were still in your school uniform, which consisted of a light sweater and a skirt. You removed your phone from your ear, only to be blinded by the notifications blocking your phone screen.
You had twenty-five missed called from Kei, and more that thirty messages. You scroll through them.
**I’m finished with practice. **
You aren’t in the library, where are you?
**Seriously, answer me. **
where are you?
God damnit answer my calls
I swear if you’re at home
I’m coming home and if you’re not there, you will be sorry
You furrow your brows as you scroll through the rest of them. Was he… Worried about you?
Your thoughts are cut off by severe shaking. Damn it was cold. You take your sweater off, leaving you in short selves, to cover your legs. You figured it was better than nothing, but it did leave your arms to the strong winds. You curse outwardly.
After a couple minutes, you see the asshole himself, jog towards you, face slightly red and panting heavily. Was he running? You don’t think too much about it as you hear the heavenly noises of the keys jingling.
“Idiot. I told you to wait for me.” Kei breathes out, you scoff at him calling you an idiot. “You said w-wait or figure it o-o-out.” You cringe at how vulnerable you sound. The stutter definitely doesn’t help. He huffs out a sarcastic laugh. “And this is figuring it out?”
“S-s-shut up and open th-the damn d-door.” He doesn’t respond as he finally manages to open the door. You let out a breath of relief as you try to get up, only to have your knees buckle; sitting down in the crouch position you were in plus the cold weren’t exactly the best for your joints. You almost fall but feel warm hands grip your waist to prevent it. Your head turns to find Kei’s extremely close, staring down at you. The same expression he wore when you glance at him looking at you. You feel your face slightly flush as you step away and walk through the doors, welcoming the warmth of the house. You hear Kei walk in after you, closing the door behind him.
A few seconds of silence pass before another violent shiver passes through you. Guess it’ll take a little more than the house to warm you up. You hear a sigh, before feeling those warm hands grip your wrist for the second time today. This time was a lot gentler than the last. Your brain freezes as Kei pulls you to the living area and sits you down on the couch before leaving to retrieve something from the other room. “Just when I thought you couldn’t get any stupider. You go and pull shit like this.” You hear his slightly distant voice, and you grit your teeth. This asshole just couldn’t help himself, could he?
You go to defend yourself when you feel something warm and fluffy lay on top of you. Kei had just thrown a blanket on you. All comebacks die in your throat as he turns to you and fixes the blanket to make sure not a single area of skin is exposed. Kei makes sure to not meet your eyes when he’s satisfied with his job.
“Stay here. I’m going to make some tea.” You’re at a loss for words as he turns to the kitchen.
Are you in some sort of parallel universe or something?
Was Kei… Taking care of you? Maybe he just feels bad because he left you in the cold, but still. You had never seen this side of him before.
This boy was just full of surprises. Whenever you thought you had seen it all, he comes back with more.
Confusion swirls your thoughts, but your broken out of it when you see Kei walk back into the room with a tray. It consisted of two cups of tea and two servings of strawberry shortcake. Kei’s favourite food. You remember the day you found out it was his favourite food, you remember the teasing and the laughs, with Kei turning slightly pink and telling you to shut up.
You’d be lying if you said you didn’t miss those days.
“Surprised you’re still here. You usually have trouble following simple instructions.” He jabs, as he sets your tea and cake on a table in front of you. You narrow your eyes at him. “Well I did make a promise to the never follow the Devil.” You find it hard to say your comebacks with your usual venom. He only rolls his eyes in response. Kei sits across the table on the floor, having his portions in front of him. He stares at you. “Eat.”
Usually, you would’ve said no, because you hated listening to him, but you were starving. The snacks from the convenience store could hold you for so long. “How do I know this isn’t poisoned?” You ask, suspicious. He couldn’t be this nice to you for no reason, there has to be a catch. Kei doesn’t even look up at you as he responds, “If I had that, I wouldn’t waste it on you, that’s for sure.” You click your tongue, and with half hearted annoyed look, you go and take a sip from your tea. Surprisingly, Kei did know how to make some good tea. You felt the it go down smoothly, warming you from the inside out. And the strawberry short cake wasn’t at all bad either; a little sweet for your taste, but you’ll take it.
The two of you ate in silence, the tension getting to be too much for you until you decide to break it. You had decided that minute that things needed to change. You couldn’t take this anymore. You needed the truth. “I don’t understand you.” You can’t manage to look at him, poking at the rest of your cake, but you know he’s looking at you.
“You go from not wanting to talk to me, to annoying the hell out of me, to ignoring me again and now this. I just don’t get it. What do you what from me? I need to know, because if things keep going on like this, I don’t think I’ll be able to handle it.” A beat of silence follows your speech.
“I don’t want anything from you.”
The evenness of his voice makes a piece of your heart break. You didn’t know he had the power to destroy you with a simple sentence until he just did. You could tell that you had somewhat of a deranged smile plastered on your face. Something akin to disbelief and pain. You take a deep and shaky breath in. “You know, for someone who ‘doesn’t want anything from me’, you sure do go the extra mile to include yourself a whole lot in my life.” Kei remains silent, and for some reason that sets you off even more.
You’ve come to realize that you despise when he does that. That you’d much rather have him bite back or snarl an insult at you, when just a month ago you would’ve given anything to have him rendered mute.
Maybe its because it gives an easy reason to hate him. But right now, he’s given you more than enough.
“So, if you don’t want anything from me, why do you go so out of your way to bother me? Make me so angry I want to rip your head off? Make fun of anything that has to do with me? Stare at me every time you get a chance?” You’ve stood up now, throwing the blanket off you in the process, voice getting louder with ever question. You were no longer cold; Instead, overheating with frustration. But you weren’t even close to be done. You chuckle humorlessly.
Kei just sits and listens to you, face blank and unable to read. The look causes tears to well in your eyes, but you will them with all your life to not let them drop.
You don’t even have the time to try and stop the next words that come out of your mouth.
“Why did you kiss me, if you don’t want anything from me?” You hear your voice crack at the last question. You were beyond furious at this point, and your rage had caused you the throw out the real reason you were upset. The real reason behind all of it. The reason you had tried to hide so badly from yourself.
When Kei had kissed you, you liked it. And you were devasted that he didn’t.
You liked Tsukishima Kei. You liked that sarcastic asshole. And there was nothing good about it. At the epiphany, you can’t stop the slightly strained laughs that escape you.
What a ridiculous situation you’ve gotten yourself into.
“I should’ve left the night it happened right? I should’ve known that since you hate me with your entire existence, of course you’d choose the one thing that would cause me the most emotional turmoil. Well congratulations! I no longer want anything to do with you! You’ve won, okay?! You’ve gotten me to fall for you, and subsequentially ruin me!” You laugh at little more, not even realizing the tears falling down your face.
There’s a long silence between you two, only being filled with your heavy breaths. You wait a couple seconds for a response, an apology (yeah right), simply anything. But he stays silent, not even giving you the courtesy of looking you in the eye.
At the feeling of tears warming your cheeks, you turn and attempt to go to your room, mortified that your literal worst nightmare is occurring.
When you for the umpteenth time today feel a hand grab at your wrist, pulling you with a force. A sense of urgency.
You turn to him to immediately feel his lips on yours. Your eyes widen in surprise. With a sense of Déjà vu, you feel your entire body freeze.
His lips are forceful on yours, like he’s putting every emotion he’s ever felt into that kiss. It was quite literally searing, as if you feel your lips burn. And despite every rational part of your mind screaming at you to slap him, bite him, kick him in the balls or any other action that would result in him backing away from you…
You find yourself kissing him back with an equal amount of ferocity. Even going as far as to forcefully deepen the kiss. On your terms, unlike the last time. You can’t stop the moan that enters his mouth when you feel his tongue rub on yours.
You him groan through the haziness. Whether in satisfaction or surprise, you’re not sure. But all you’re sure of, is that you could never get enough of that sound. Your fingers go to rub his neck, then travelling into the soft curls of his hair, tugging hard whenever you felt he wasn’t close enough. You feel his hands, the hands you’ve thought about for nights on end, going to wrap around your waist and under your shirt, lightly pressing into the small of your back, which causes a heavy shudder to go down the length of your spine. You could feel the pride ebbing of him in waves, to much he earns a rather harsh tug.
When you both pull back for air, a string of saliva following you both, you find his long but strong arms wrapped around your waist, and yours his neck, pulling each other closer. Silence is filled by both of your pants.
“Still want nothing to do with me?” He asks, foreheads still leaning on each other; Still so close you can feel is breath on your cheek. Only amplified by the tear streaks. You continue to close your eyes as you pull away further, cheeks heated and red, knowing full well that he’s got you right where he wanted.
“You… Are such an asshole.” You breathe out, yet still choosing to remain in his arms. He rolls his eyes. “And you’re a bitch.” His tone was so smug, like he had just won the lottery. You couldn’t help but threaten him with attempting to remove his hands from your waist, to which he applies strength to his hold, keeping you in his arms.
You’re almost scared at how your heart flutters at the action. You scoff, ignoring your feelings of dread at how easy he managed to get you back in his hold.
You were certain that this man would be the death of you. The thought brings a sort of clarity to you.
“Where do we go from here?” You ask, still slightly breathless. Kei only gives you an indifferent shrug.
“I know what I want to do.” He mumbles, taking his hands once again and sliding them under your shirt, feeling his calloused fingertips on your back. You immediately grab his wandering hands. He sighs at you stopping him, giving you that look of ‘what an inconvenience’ again.
Even in moments like these, he still manages to irritate you.
“You’ve done way too many things for that to be your choice tonight.” You say, only seriousness in your tone. You’ve acknowledged your feelings sure, but that doesn’t mean you’ll do what he wants when he’s screwed you over like this. You refuse to be used like that.
“You hurt me, Kei. In more ways than one. A simple kiss won’t fix anything. If you want us to be on better terms, you need to start by showing that you’re sorry.” Kei gives you look that you can’t decipher, before letting go of you to fix his glasses that were starting to slide down his face.
“What do you want me to do?” Honestly, you were taken aback by his abruptness. You didn’t expect him to agree so soon. You didn’t even know what to say.
“I’m not sure yet.” You reply honestly, and he gives you an annoyed gaze, to which you narrow your eyes. “That’s something you’ll need to figure out on your own, but you need to start with changing your attitude towards me.” To your surprise he takes in what you were telling him, and nods. Then immediately goes to leave the room. You sputter and jog after him.
“Where are you going?”
“To figure it out. I’ll be doing that for the rest of the night so make sure to tidy up the living room.” You hear his voice distantly, to which you turn to the living room, remembering the plates, cups and blanket that was now your responsibility.
“I can’t believe I like that asshole.” You grit to yourself, beginning the process of cleaning up.
~~ Bonus:
You finally finish cleaning up the living room, and retreat to your bedroom practically flopping on your bed. You realize that you were still in your school uniform, so you groaned as you got up to get dressed into for bed. When you go to your dresser trying to find something to sleep in, you find something that isn’t yours on top of it. It was a large black binder.
Curious, you pick it up and sit back down on your bed. You open it and find a small note at the beginning.
Show this to the team and I’ll kill you.
You flip through the first couple of pages. It was a photo album.
Tens and tens of photos with Kei as a child. The same child that makes your heart swell three sizes bigger. A lot of volleyball related photos, and a lot of ones with him and Akiteru. You flip through more and more, feeling the biggest smile on your face.
You didn’t go to sleep for a while, you wanted to commit each photograph to memory.
For what it’s worth, Tsukishima Kei did have hope. Whether he knows it or not.
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reverie-starlight · 1 year
walk him like a dog
just some nearly 3am thoughts with me as I scroll through this tiktok trend by the same name
gn!reader, just fluff/humour and these boys being very in love with you, I really wasn't sure if I was gonna post it so if I delete it... whoops? <3
including characters from haikyuu, bnha, knb, jjk, obey me and blue lock (ooo what’s this? a new fandom has entered my writing realm??)
whether you’re both in a group setting, or it’s just the two of you out together, the second you get up to get something/talk to someone he’s also up and trailing after you. follows you without a second thought if you don’t explicitly tell him he doesn’t have to go with you. he just wants to be with you, please let him, even if he doesn't exactly know where you're going!!
KAGAMI, mammon (...honestly he'd fit in most of these after a certain point in your relationship), SUNA, tsukishima, reo, BAKUGOU, BOKUTO, kunigami, kenma, AOMINE, belphie, MEGUMI, kaminari, TODOROKI (him extra bc you can argue with me on anyone else in this section but not him.)
this man is wrapped around your finger, okay? he would do anything for you (even though you’d never ask him to do anything too extreme or purposefully push him too far). need water and don’t want to get up? he’s on it. forgot something in the car? “don’t worry baby, I’ve got it, just sit tight.”
mattsun, BEEL, akashi, SIMEON, osamu, KITA, isagi, bachira, ARAN, ITADORI, HAWKS, kirishima, midoriya, LEVIATHAN
if you're going to class, he will 100% hold your things for you and walk with you to the room, even if it means he'll be late for whatever he has to do. similarly, in a grocery store, he will hold the basket or cart or anything you hand to him, no complaints. helpful boy <3
IWAIZUMI, kuroo, nagi, SAKUSA, kise, midorima, solomon, bakugou, mirio, itadori, akaashi, hinata
this is similar to the last one but I think walking you to class or grocery shopping is different than a longer shopping trip. more patience is involved with this- you're at a mall?? he's holding all of your bags with a smile on his face and possibly paying for lunch.
iwaizumi, ATSUMU, bokuto, KAGEYAMA, USHIJIMA, barou, kagami, murasakibara, MEGUMI, aomine (maybe not with a SMILE but he'd definitely secretly not mind one bit), ISAGI
you're getting the royal treatment all the time with him. do I even need to explain this one? this one works for either the stoic or the "high and mighty" types OR the complete simps <3
oikawa, chigiri, lucifer, DIAVOLO (he's the next king of hell, enough said), RIN, satan, barbatos, kaiser, SEMI (eita), todoroki, HAWKS, kirishima, AKASHI, REO, kunigami, tbh any of your favs would give you the royalty treatment that you deserve.
hope you all enjoyed!! idk how i feel abt this one but we'll see how it does ig :)
reblogs appreciated!!
tagging bc you showed interest: @my-lovver @emmyrosee <33
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thelingodingo · 5 months
Examples of Haikyuu Characters Using Formal Speech for Sarcasm (慇懃無礼)
You may have heard that there is no such thing as sarcasm/irony in Japanese, which is true if you're thinking about it from an English perspective. But a form of sarcasm/humour in Japanese that I really enjoy is polite rudeness. Basically, it's when one uses excessively formal language towards someone they usually would not. It can be seen in English to an extent as well, for example, if your friend is being overdramatic over something you did you might say, "oh my! I can see that my gracious friend is outrageously offended by my ludicrous statement! I humbly apologize for my crudeness and beg you for forgiveness!!!!!!" It's very obvious that you are being sarcastic towards your friend by overly formalizing your words like that.
There happens to be a good amount of examples used in Haikyuu of this polite rudeness which I wanted to share with you all since it's not something that's really translated in the subtitles.
Tsukishima: theres a handful of times throughout the show (especially in season 1) where Tsukishima uses formal speech in relation to Kageyama whenever his King of the Court attitude appears. It's very clear that Tsukki is using formal speech to make fun of the "King". This is something thats pretty much conveyed in the subtitles tho.
Hinata: like Tsukki, Hinata also uses formalities towards Kageyama to poke fun at him, such as when he calls him "Kageyama-kun".
Bokuto: in the scene where Bokuto, Kuroo, and Akaashi are talking to Tsukishima, Kuroo mentions that Bokuto is within the top 5 spikers in the country to which Akaashi adds on how Bokuto isn't in the top 3. In response, Bokuto says "Don't raise me up just to let me get knocked down" (subtitles), he says it in formal Japanese which adds on a sense of humour for the audience.
Miya Twins: an obvious scene is when they are fighting and Osamu sarcastically says in formal speech, "Does wittle Atsumu-kun never make a mistake?!" (subtitles). Theres a couple more examples of the twins using polite rudeness against each other throughout the Karasuno Inarizaki match as well, you just gotta listen for it.
Suna: Atsumu says, "I'm not gonna let them just keep picking up my attacks" and Suna replies, "I'm the one that actually attacked, though". He says the sentence formally in a sarcastic way since obviously it really is him that's actually doing the attacks.
I'm sure theres more examples but those are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head.
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anoant-haikyuu-dump · 1 month
youre so right about fukunaga... I feel like he could have fun energy with Suga when suga is being more chaotic, and I also think he'd get on with ennoshita somehow. I think kageyama actually thinks his jokes are really funny (he doesn't always get subtler humour, but puns work unexpectedly well on him) (weathertheraine main)
OOOOH him and Suga is a duo I’ve never seen or thought about but that’s sooo good!! The pranks they'd get up to, a dangerous combonation at training camp. Imagine Fukunaga being all mischevious and Suga walks in, Fukunaga's like oh shit a third year but then Suga says "how can I help". It's all downhill from there.
Him and Ennoshita is a clear choice since they're both second-year wing spikers. I hc Fukunaga as Nekoma's captain in his third year so they'd have a friendly rivalry, much chiller than Kuroo and Daichi but it still gets heated. I can see Fukunaga lying in the grass at training camp and Ennoshita going to join him to take a break from his loud-mouth teammates. They cloud watch together or smthn idk
I also think he'd be friends with Tanaka and Noya by proxy of Tora. Noya would find him hillarious even though he's definetly understanding the jokes wrong. Theres this scene from the Summer of Evolution stage play where Fukunaga does a backflip and Noya's just watches on like :0 — once Noya and Tanaka learn he can do flips they're constantly bugging him about it and dragging him around to show the rest of Karasuno. Tanaka begs him to teach them how to do it and he almost breaks his back. Daichi yells at all of them.
I loveeee Kageyama finally understanding someone's jokes. Sometimes he needs them explained but when it clicks it's the funniest thing he's every heard. He tries to tell them to the rest of Karasuno but he keeps fumbling the delivery :')
This one is more out there but I think about him and Yamaguchi being friends a lot (totally not because I hc them both as genderfluid and they have funny cat pupils). They practice float serves together and Fukunaga teachers him how to aim better. When they face Yam's new serve in a match Kuroo's like "WHY WOULD YOU TEACH HIM THAT?!" only for Yaku to go "HYPOCRITE, YOU'VE BEEN DOING THE SAME THING WITH TSUKISHIMA ALL YEAR!"
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smilingangel582 · 1 year
Someone recommended this soooo enjoyyyyyy!!!
Mighty Kings fall!!!
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Hiii, I'm writing another haikyuu fic. I got a lot of likes and reblogs, so thanks a lot!
As always, Lee kageyama is my only fav thing to write! Enjoy then!
Warning spoilers alert
"Truth or dare, Noya?"
Nishinoya hummed in thought, the libero grinned "Dare"
Tanaka sneered now "Oh yeah? I dare you to bounce the ball without dropping it to the ground for at least five minutes."
"So mean of ya, Tanaka!" Was the shortest fellow's response, and surprisingly, after five tries, he did manage to keep the ball stable with perfect receives to himself.
"Nice Noya! Alright, now Tsukishima..." it was Nishinoya's turn to offer either a dare or a truth to him. The libero added, however, "But you used all your three truths, so it's a dare, buddy."
Everyone snickered at Tsukki's plight as the blocker pushed his glasses irritably.
"I dare you..." Noya takes some time to consider his dare, then his eyes scan the players and noticed Kageyama, "Aha! I dare you to make Kageyama laugh -very loud!"
Tsukishima froze now, eyeing Kageyama wearily. "What regal punishment will I get to assault the king with such frivolous cause?"
Noya grinned, now pushing spikes further up as he spoke, "You see... you both need to lighten up, and Kageyama could use a laugh... look at his frown..."
It's a dare after all, and Kageyama wasn't equally as thrilled as anyone else in their court.
Now Daichi watched Tanaka, Noya, Tsukishima (who was forced to the game), Hinata, Yameguchi, and Kageyama (who was also forced)...then he smiled "Seems like the kids are having fun for once"
Sugawara grinned and used a chopping hit on his head. "You sound like a Grandpa captain"
"Use jokes, Tsukki!" Hinata's expression was exaggerating, and Kageyama wondered why he was so thrilled in this."I'll make sure you win against the stoic King of the court!"
"Would you shut up!" Kageyama was ignored.
Tsukishima wondered, maybe it would be fun to see the king laugh and be embarrassed later on. Might as well try it.
But still, jokes isn't his forte. "Where do the crazy people go if they were lost?"
Kageyama answered blankly. "They are crazy so they take the psychopath"
Widening his eyes, Hinata never expected kageyama to know the answer, "Wait, you heard jokes before?"
He frowned. "My sister used to tell them they're pretty boring and common so... that was a very weak attempt..." he turned to Tsukishima with a smug look."You can't win this dare. "
Motivated Hinata turned to Noya "Can't I try! I wanna see him laugh too"
Noya thought knowing its against the rules... but then before he could refuse he heard the third years approaching "What's this? Make Kageyama burst out laughing...? Count me in"
Kageyama was shocked. "W-what? You can't do that... Tsukishima is only dared to do so..."
Noya clapped his hands in enthusiasm "Now I'm pumped let's finish him off!"
Kageyama felt like they took this way too seriously. He realised how some jokes were lame and common, especially from Tsukishima. Sugawara's had a funny sound effect, which sort of seemed funny that Hinata burst out laughing. Tanaka's absurd face contortions were out of this world. Noya joined in with equal talents as Tanaka and Hinata got worse jokes which didn't make sense to anyone at all...
Whatever obstacle they tried... nothing broke the star setter.
Tired they were, Daichi seemed to see how everyone was giving their all. But he remained watching the spectacle with interest along with Asahi, Yameguchi, and Ennoshita.
Kageyama looked at Tsukishima now with a smirk. "Seems like not even the bird brain can handle such a simple task as this"
"Yeah a Kings sense of humour is much wicked than you think"
Everyone was ready to give up but that was until Hinata whispered something to Tsukishima.
"Psst..." he rapidly began spilling the joyous secret.
Tsukishima's eyes widened. Wait...? He should've done that at first... why didn't he think of that?
He slowly sneaked a couple of fingers towards Kageyama, who was unaware of the dangers coming towards him.
A squeak.
That was all it took from him the moment Tsukki poked his side.
He glared now "Oi, four eyes don't touch me!"
Tsukishima grinned widely, kageyama froze now, seeing sinister darkness beneath his glasses. "Ah... I see now that I failed to see that someone with your personality tends to be a lot more sensitive than we think"
"H-huh...?" Kageyama was hovered over and Tsukishima was wiggling his fingers menacingly "Tell me your highness, are you ticklish?"
"No..." was a hesitant answer, and yet Kageyama clamped his arms down to avoid any room for Tsukishima to attack.
Hinata giggled brightly "Oh he is ticklish, alright! It was my idea!"
Noya snickered now "Shall we get him...?"
However or perhaps fortunately for Kageyama, Tsukishima stopped them. "This is my dare, I get to make the king lose his sanity.... you can try after I'm done."
Everyone snickered with villainy, and they were all ready to overthrow the king with his weakness.
"First I start here..."
Kageyama gasped but didn't laugh immediately when Tsukishima skillfully sneaked his long fingers on his waist, and Kageyama jolted but with no laugh still. He was squirming but also had the audacity to say, "Is that all you got skinny bastard? This is nothing!"
"Ah, ah, ah king wrong move... I was planning on going easy on you, but..." he raised his fingers as if he were playing a dramating piano piece."You are finished now..."
"Gah -wait!"
Kageyama felt those fingers now sneak at the back of his ribs he shrieked but didn't laugh immeidatelt. So Tsukishima was half satisfied with what he got, though he wanted to make him laugh more.
"I know ribs are bad for you, so maybe I got the wrong angle..." it was like a science experiment. Except he wasn't being dissected like frog... now he wished he was that frog.
"Y-you have the nerve t-toho be soho bohold!" Kageyama flinched and twitched from one side to another, he was good at concealing but he had underestimated his fellow first year.
"Andd I spy a tickle spot here!"
He certainly can tease. Kageyama broke into giggles when his higher ribs were targeted "I told you your ribs will get you in trouble!"
Hinata jumped on his butt now excited to join but remained still as the rest who were itching to join the fun.
"Laugh out loud... you are still giggling, so this doesn't count" Tsukki was already enjoying tormenting the setter. He was ready for the finale and Kageyama was anxious enough to glower at him but also fear foe the worst.
Starting him instantly, he began to flip him, realising where he was going. "OK! Wait... I give up. This has gone too, faaa-aaahahar!"
He shrieked out a laugh when a finger slid down his spine.
"Jackpot..." Tsukishima smirked "Now prepare for the hell you've been waiting for!"
He laughed. It was loud and contagious, bubbly and cute. nobody expected him to sound so cute.... not even Hinata. He heard grumpy giggles sure it was adorable too but this squeals and loud belly laughter was unfair!
"Ahhh, he's so cute..."It came from Noya, who was also waiting for his turn, "man Tsukki got the a pretty good dare I wanna mess with him Too!"
"DOHOHONT IHIHI GEHEHT A SAHAHAHAY IHIHIN THIHIHIS??" Kageyama yelled out through his laughter.
Daichi clapped now and Tuskki stopped in thst signal "I won.."
"Alright we'll mess with Kageyama after practice"
Everyone cheered on that while the youngest player was agast. "Haaah??? Captain! Nohohot you tooo!"
He was ignored yet again but ended up getting pokes from his orange friend, "Awwww, don't be upset sulky-yama shall I tickle it away?"
"Gehet off yohou human tangerine!" He pushed him off but then glowered at the guy with glasses who smirked back with a triumphant sneer."Don't let your guard down king now that your weakness is exposed"
"Bastard..." he grumbled.
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struwberrii · 2 months
Hi, I saw the matchup request are open so here i am requesting for one hehe <3
I want a romantic matchup! My pronouns is she/her and I prefer male characters. I’m not an underage so I want to be match with a timeskip character.
My types - I like someone that stable, reliable and very laidback. I want someone that understands my need for personal space and not pushy since i hate it when people tell me what to do. Despite being an extroverts, im not good in communicating my own feelings so i need someone that can communicate well and understand my struggles. I prefer someone introverts but not shy like they can communicate well with others but they’re just not a yapper (leave that job of yapping to me please). I also prefer them to be an act of service kind of person and not a clingy type (i dont mind pda but not too much).
Personalitiy - my mbti is enfj. im an extroverts but i like to have my own space and dont like it when people overstepped my boundaries. peoples says that im very welcoming and friendly despite my rbf which is why people are scared of me when they first met me. i can be very playful, chaotic and i like teasing people. but im very respectful when it comes to others feelings. most people describe me to be easygoing, funny, caring, and mature. I also can be very sarcastic at times but only with people that understand my humour. im good at reading people because im very observant of people behaviour and it always spot on too lmaoo. some says that i have such an inviting energy and that must be why people often come to consult their problem w me and asking for advice though sometimes we barely know each other. im very opinionated but secretive when it comes to my own feelings. I also tend to take care of everyone else first before me (sorry its a habit of being an eldest daughter). im also a chronic people pleaser lol.
Hobbies/Interests - I love reading. I read books, comics, manga, anything that can be read, I’ll read. I also love writing but mainly poetry. I like having a conversation of political and social issues (as long as people keep it civil like i don’t wanna argue lets have a calm conversation). despite being a plus girl, i do play sports like badminton, lawnbowl and sometimes futsal too.
Love language - My love language is act of service and words of affirmation. On a receiving end, I prefer act of service, words of affirmation and receiving gifts. when it comes to receiving gifts, I mean little things as gifts. lmaoo i would be the happiest person if someone even pick up a stone and gifted it to me saying that it remind them of me.
My dream date - I prefer dates like visiting art/history museums, food hunting in cafes/restaurants or anything that is simple and fun.
Sorry this is so long😭 I’ll stop here and I wanna thanks you in advance! Have a nice day <333
match up: tsukishima kei ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡
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hope you like the match up!! (also this is time skip i just couldnt find a pic of him in this art style post time skip)
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
tsukishima is very sarcastic and cold, but kind to those who are close to him and those he respects (which is hopefully you as his s/o lol). he is also a man of few words. he says all he needs to to get his point across he is DEF not a yapper. i can def see him being a very active and respectful listener when it comes to you, giving good and genuine advice that may be harsh but its always the truth. this also goes hand in hand with communication. he isnt the most expressive person but i can see him being very blunt and out right telling you when something bothers him or if hes uncomfortable with something since he doesnt want it to happen again, i can see him urging you to do the same and break out of your secretive shell since letting emotions build up and not opening up could end up being very bad
I also see him as a very laid back as a partner and pretty trusting for the most part. he would never overstep his boundaries and let you do whatever you please. i also see him as the type of guy who needs alone time to collect his thoughts as well so he would totally understand if you need some time to yourself as well.
he is DEF a nerd too i mean did we see how bro was fitted up and acting in high school? he would absolutely be coming to you with manga or comic suggestions or asking fro suggestions from you.
I can see him being a very deep and philosophical person behind that salty exterior and probably would love to read your writing and try to break down and understand whatever deeper or hidden message is hiding behind the words you wrote. this can also extend to date ideas, picking out art pieces and trying to understand how one another interpret the piece would be such a fun day for the two of you, plus super cute instagram pictures, i know he does NOT play about his instagram feed.
I see him as the type of guy who only needs to be told something once before he gets the message and just overall being very attentive and understanding to those he cares about and also being very protective over you. he doesnt tolerate any disrespect twoards you and its adorable <3
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calqlate · 4 months
INCLUDES: ennoshita + hinata + kuroo + oikawa + sugawara + tanaka + tsukishima
CW(S)/TW(S): sexual humour/jokes used
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sugawara: the world is my oyster and i'm marinating in it
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[tsukishima is on a call with yamaguchi who is at a store buying genshin merch, and tsukishima has just mentioned childe]
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[the karasuno 2nd years are sharing fanfics with one another]
tanaka: [link]
tanaka: i rly like this one
tanaka: but it has no smut and it's incomplete
ennoshita: omg for once there's no smut
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[the captains are talking about the types of smut they share in the gc]
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© CALQLATE. all rights reserved. please do not copy, modify, repost, or translate my works on any platform.
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rorygilmoreclown · 1 year
Help me decide
I'm scratching all the pending drafts cause humour is too much work. Instead, indulging in my resurfaced anime era.
Also sorry for clogging up all the fandom tags, I just need poll count 😭😭
Pls reblog, so that I get more audience, it's always good for motivation :)
Send an ask for the taglist 😭
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tetskuro · 2 months
Hi! Can I have a haikyuu matchup please ? Since I’m doing this anon, i could be this ✈️ emoji
⭑ your pronouns : she/her
⭑ romantic or platonic matchup : platonic (like in a queer platonic relationship way if you don’t mind)
⭑ preference for a male or female pairing : male pairing
⭑ a bit about your personality : I'm quiet and reserved, but I'm not afraid to be honest or say what I think, I can be pretty direct and/or dry (I can also be too sarcastic/ironic). Even though I have no problem expressing my opinions and that sort of thing, I find it hard to do the same with my emotions.
⭑ hobbies + interests : I like cinema a lot, art history. I like to read, watching movies and write ig. I also like sport, I used to play badminton and volleyball in fact (not all at once), but I have a bit of the same mentality as Tsukishima in a way, so I just ended up quitting.
⭑ traits you look for in a partner/friend : Someone’s stable, honest, reliable, open. Someone who is independent, capable of managing their own responsibilities and who also understands my limits and my need for personal space. But with a sense of humour, who understand irony and sarcasm. Maybe also someone who communicates well (as I have a bit more difficulty with interpersonal relationships) (but no need for someone who talks too much or is too chatty yk, I mean, I don’t particularly mind unless it's just annoying).
⭑ ideal first date/hangout : Probably just going to the cinema, or just wandering around the city and settling down in a café to eat some cakes/pastries
⭑ any other details you wish to add : not really
Thank you a lot, I hope you have a good day
your matchup is...
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kuroo tetsuro
⭑ kuroo is the perfect amount of extroverted but not overly so and he understands other people's boundaries
⭑ 100% respects your limits and need for personal space
⭑ if you tell him that you need some space for yourself, he won't take it personally at all
⭑ your quiet disposition isn't a problem for him as he's used to interacting with more reserved people
⭑ can be straightforward in communicating with you
⭑ he's quick to realize his mistakes and would apologize if he oversteps any boundaries or makes you upset
⭑ kuroo appreciates your direct and sarcastic nature and finds your dry humor amusing
⭑ he also has his own sense of humor
⭑ there'd be lots of banter and inside jokes between the two of you
⭑ you both would enjoy going to the cinema and discussing the movie afterwards
⭑ whether it be long-winded analyses of certain theories or just recounting specific scenes, you could spend hours talking with him
⭑ i feel like kuroo would purposefully watch "bad" movies for the sake of making fun of them
⭑ the two of you would laugh at how obvious the sfx looks or how forced the acting seems
⭑ he's fascinated by your interest in art history, he doesn't know too much about the subject but will gladly listen if you tell him about a certain painter or art period
⭑ kuroo would be down to play a bit of volleyball with you if you were up for it
⭑ he'd also love for you to teach him badminton
⭑ kuroo would know a lot of good spots to eat and hang out around the city
⭑ you two would have a shared list of different cafes that you've been to and want to visit and your ratings of each place
⭑ there'd be days where you and kuroo go to your usual cafe, buy a lot of your guys' favorite pastries, and just chat and share food with each other
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your matchup runner-up is sugawara koushi
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noorpersona · 8 months
Photographs (Tsukishima x Reader Pt. 1)
You had been accepted to do a foreign exchange student program in Japan. For the rest of your high school career, you would be living in a completely different country and culture, filled with people with different mannerisms from you.
And you couldn’t be more thrilled.
From a young age you had been studying the country, its culture, and their language. Reading, writing, and speaking for hours on end ever since you were nine. It simply enthralled you, for no particular reason. While it’ll never be the most useful language, you didn’t care. You found beauty in it, and it made you happy.
So, when you found an opportunity at your local high school to travel to the country you always wanted to, you jumped at the chance. Your parents were a little hesitant at first, not exactly keen to the thought of their child leaving for a huge majority of the year, but, to your honest surprise, you had managed to convince them after few weeks of begging. The easy part was getting accepted; Since you spoke the language at a high level, they couldn’t have found a better candidate. All that was left was the paperwork and the preparations necessary.
Which only took a whole year.
To say you were impatient was a bit of an understatement, but once you had completed your first year at your local high school, they had given you the exciting news that next year you would be attending Karasuno High school in Miyagi. You were so ecstatic that the next couple of weeks flew by and soon you were on the plane heading to your greatest dream true.
When you got off the plane, you were greeted by your host family that you would be staying with for the rest of the program. It was quite a small family, with a single mother and two brothers. Not that you had minded. The mother and the oldest son, Akiteru, his name was, seemed quite nice actually, both exhibiting a friendly and pleasant aura. They were comforting to talk to and had settled any kind of nerves you had mustered on the plane.
You wish you could same about the other one.
The other boy, Kei, who was your age and was going to be going to the same school as you, seemed extremely cold and distant. He hadn’t even said hello, but just looked at you funny. As if you were already somehow an inconvenience to him. He also was extremely intimidating, with not only his lackluster enthusiasm, but his almost 6’3 stature. He seemed to loom over you, eyes screaming distaste and annoyance. When egged on by his brother to ‘loosen up’, he had uttered the most exhausted greeting, not bothering to listen to yours before turning to leave to the baggage area. Flipping his headphones to his ears and leaving any sort of social opportunity to get to know you.
If it weren’t for the physical similarities, you wouldn’t even think he was related to the other two. Definitely a black sheep if you’ve ever seen one.
But nevertheless, you wouldn’t let him ruin your experience. He was a speed bump at most, and it sure as hell wouldn’t stop you.
That was your initial mindset. And while he certainly didn’t stop you, he did manage to make it all kinds of shitty.
During the first month of you living with his family, Kei hadn’t said a single word to you. He was always in his room and acted like he didn’t even know you existed. The only time you’d ever see him, was during dinner. And even then, he acted like he didn’t know you, not saying a single word as he quickly ate everything and marched right back up to his room.
Now, you didn’t mind if someone didn’t like you. You weren’t a child; You knew that not everyone gets along. But it seemed liked he hated you for simply existing; without even giving you a chance. And it frustrated you. Yet, you couldn’t figure out why it bothered you as much as it did.
You didn’t even know him, and still, it was one of the most infuriating things you’ve ever experienced.
Over the course of the days, (That felt more like months) you had reasoned that why it angered you so much was that it almost always was you and him alone together in the house. You had learned later on that Akiteru was a college student, so he rented a small apartment and only visited for the holidays, and that their mother’s job required her to often have full time shifts to support you all securely.
You figured that you were just insulted that you were the only option in this empty, silent house, and Kei still chose to not speak to you; opting to be left in virtual loneliness.
But you wouldn’t dare admit that it hurt you more than it should’ve.
To add on to the list of problems, since school wouldn’t start for another two weeks, you were basically stuck with yourself. Which got boring really quickly, but manageable, nonetheless.
You moved on and acted as though you weren’t bothered; Simply figuring that if Kei was that much of a prick that didn’t want to speak with you it was his loss and your gain. School started, and the first term flew by. Not being cooped up in a house with someone that seemed to hate your guts proved useful to you, making some decent friends by the end of it, and soon the second term had started.
To your surprise, during those months he did start talking to you, but in classic asshole fashion, it was only to annoy you.
(Maybe it was the fact that he saw you thriving, but it’s not like he’ll ever admit it).
Apparently, the man had the frustrating abilities to make fun of anything he put his mind to. To your dismay, this meant your clothes, the way you talked (Heaven forbid you mess something up in Japanese), your looks, your friends, and countless other little things.
It seemed that misery really did enjoy company, since Kei clearly couldn’t stand the thought of you being happy, for some inexplicable reason.
Each and every comment had started to pile up inside you, and with each new one, your patience grew thinner and thinner for the tall blonde boy.
You had tried to let the little things go, since you could clearly tell that Kei was one of those people who loved getting a reaction out of others. Countless adults from speeches, presentations and logic said that if you showed you didn’t care, he would stop.
But he didn’t. In fact, it made him all the more relentless.
He’d constantly torment you, no matter what you did. You found that whether or not you ignored him was irrelevant. So, if it didn’t matter, you realized that at least you didn’t have to take his shit sitting down.
If he wanted to play mean, you could play mean.
You slowly started fighting back, and that only caused him to fight back harder. He seemed to like a challenge and boy did you hate to lose. It went on like this for some time, your ‘relationship’ only growing more and more tense all the while filling with more annoyance and hatred for the other person. You enjoyed watching him reel back for a second, seeing him process if what you said was correct at first, but it had started to get exhausting extremely quickly.
It got to the point where all you wanted now was for him to stop. Not have anything else to say. Not have the last word in an argument. To say something and have him be silent. To see with your own eyes, him flustered and struggle to form words in anger and embarrassment. Just one time would make you satisfied. To give him a taste of his own medicine, and you would die happy with your life choices.
You were snapped out of your daydreaming when your history teacher stated he had just assigned a partnered task. To create a presentation about an influential moment in Japanese history. You have to stop a groan of pain from escaping your throat. It was just your luck. Although you’ve never loved the concept of group work, with too many bad experiences in group projects, to add on to the shitlist, this was the one class that you had no friends in. So, in torment, you had to watch the excited students go to their chosen partners desk and wait until the teacher had to pick a partner for you from the scraps of the useless souls left behind.
At least until Kei had walked up to your desk.
You blink. You had forgotten he was in this class; you never paid him any mind in school, with him only talking to you to try and annoy you and all. You whistle lowly.
“What a surprise. I don’t remember summoning a minion of the Antichrist.” Your tone is dry, not even having to look to know that Kei is rolling his eyes.
“And I don’t remember asking to have you in my house. Things happen.” You scoff.
“What do you want, Tsukki?” You coo, using a mocking tone. After you found out that Kei had a friend, and accepted the reality that someone out there genuinely wanted to be his friend, used that nickname, you refused to let it go. You were quite happy with the way he reacted to it. He glares at you hard, and you only smile. He lets it go after a moment, and you watch is distaste as his face returns to the calm and indifferent expression that you’ve come to despise.
“Let’s work together.” He said simply. There’s a beat of silence as you process the words.
And Kei.
Working together… On a project that would require a lot of time… Hours, even days…
Yeah, that isn’t happening.
You didn’t have to say anything, just with the quirk of a brow, you showed your hesitation. Or more like ‘Even if Hell freezes over, or if pigs fly, I still wouldn’t say yes’. He just tsked, as if you were a toddler not getting a simple concept. You felt your nails dig into your palms.
How did he always manage to get on your nerves so easily?
“We already live in the same house. It would be easier than trying to meet up with others.” Kei spelled it out for you, and you look away. Unfortunately, he did have a point. And even more so, Kei wasn’t an idiot. Sure, he acted like a complete jackass, but he did have good grades. Better than yours at least. And you needed to do well on this assignment too. You sigh, not seeing any real reason to say no.
But you weren’t going down without a fight.
“Guess you really favour convenience over your asshole ways.” You click your tongue as the bell’s rings, signalling that the period is over. His reaction is cut off by that sound. You sigh heavily, before giving in.
“Alright.” He nods and goes back to his seat to collect his stuff. He walks away you feel a pit start to form in your stomach.
Suddenly you don’t want to go home.
The rest of the day had gone by smoothly enough, with you and Kei having different classes, the project had flown out of your mind. It was a Friday, so you had planned to walk home with your friends, and maybe get some food on the way. It would be a nice way to unwind and relax from a stressful week.
Key word *planned. *
Just as school was over you received a text from yours truly.
Are you going straight home?
You raise a brow at your phone. What did it matter to him?
No. I’m hanging out with some friends.
Which ones?
Does it matter?
**Not anymore. Stay until I’m done practice. **
You stop to stare. He’s never asked you to stay before. He’s actually quite quick to push you anyway when it came to his practice. Not that you minded.
**It’s important. **
Care to explain?
**Just wait until after practice. **
Kei, I have plans.
You let out a frustrated grunt, trying to decide what to do. About ninety percent of you wanted to forget that Kei ever existed and go out anyway, but the other ten percent is nagging you with the fact that he said it was important. It could be anything, and it could be serious. Ultimately, you gave into that ten percent, with a curse to your conscience and a grit of your teeth you cancelled your plans with your friends and went to sit in the library.
For the next five hours.
You were pretty sure that your soul had left your body when Kei finally texted you.
Where are you?
You saw outside the doors, so you finally got up and went to him, your mind going insane over what could be so important that you wasted your precious Friday. But he doesn’t say anything, only looking to you and walking to the entrance of the school to begin to walk home. You recoil with an extremely confused expression, having to jog to reach him. He doesn’t say anything as you catch up to him. You clear your throat. He turns to look at you, raising a brow.
“What?” You give him a look of disbelief.
“What do you mean ‘what?’ You made me miss my plans for something ‘important’. I’d like to know what it is.” You finish, hands on your hips. Kei simply looks you up and down, like he’s measuring you. You can feel your blood pressure start to raise.
“We need to work on our project. Let’s work on it after dinner.” If this was a cartoon, your jaw would’ve hit the floor, then maybe there would be steam coming out of your ears.
This bastard just kept surprising you. It’s like he wanted to find new levels of low. You couldn’t even believe he just did that. How could someone be so petty?
“Are you fucking serious?! I had to stay afterschool for five hours so you could tell me something that fucking stupid?!” You could barely think straight, not even having the mental capacity to come up with something witty. Kei rolls his shoulders, causally stretching while you’re about to combust, lazy smirk adorning his face. You’ve never wanted to slap a smile off more…
“You didn’t have to stay.” You almost choke.
“You said-”
“Exactly. ‘Said’. I never forced you to do anything. You could’ve left at anytime.” You let out a lot of strained sounds. What kind of argument was that? Couldn’t he just for once, let go of his pride and accept he was an all-around asshole? You saw red.
“You know what? I’ve seen a lot of shit in my day, but you are the most immature, petty-” Kei cuts you off.
“Anything new to say? I’ve heard it all before, trust me.” You practically growl. You see him smile even wider out of the corner of you eye. This was what he wanted. Remember, all he wants is a reaction. That thought calms you down considerably. You take a huge, tired sigh, all of your previous energy gone. He was like a parasite, you realized. He completely drained your being. Not to mention annoying as fuck.
“What Yamaguchi sees in you; I’ll never know.” Kei shrugs. “Heard that one too.” Kei slips on his headphones, clearly seeing that you’re not going to be entertaining him anytime soon.
One of these days, you’ll get him back. Just be patient.
The rest of your walk was spent daydreaming about that day.
Kei had told you to meet up in his room to start working on the project, so after a silent fuming dinner, you had reasonably calmed down enough and gotten the necessary supplies and knocked on his door. You seriously considered barging in to tell him to fuck himself and the project, but your grade average was at stake, and your schoolwork was something you could never risk over some stupid boy. You decided to bite the bullet, taking a deep breath, and attempt to let all of your previous irritation wash over you as he calls through the door.
“Come in.” You open the door to his room and take a look around. To no one’s shock, you had never actually been in Kei’s room before, not really needing or wanting a reason to do so. It was fairly neat, with huge white desk and matching white walls with his volleyball jersey set cleanly on top. A couple of shelfs with some plushies of dinosaurs that you decided not to comment on but kept stored for future mockery. Boringly enough though, it just looked like a boy’s room, which did give your ‘Kei is the source of all evil on earth’ theory a few heavy hits. You didn’t realise you were staring until Kei pulled you out of it.
“Are we going to do some work? Or are you just going to stand there gawking?” You glared at him slightly.
“Well how often do you get to see the Devil’s lair? This might be the last thing I ever see if I don’t get out here alive…” You mumble the last bit, ignoring his eye roll, before sitting down on his bed, spreading out all your work material on the mattress. Once finished you both just looked at each other.
Now what?
“Uh… So… What do you think we should do our project on?” You ask awkwardly. Kei looks at you like you’re suddenly the biggest inconvenience known to man. You resist the urge to throw your notebook at his very hittable face.
“How should I know?” You snort in annoyance. Someone’s cranky. Is it his time of the month?
“Well sorry I was asking my partner a question about the project we’re both assigned to work on. We must alert the church elders at my audacity.” You can hear him ‘tsk’ loudly, his swivelling chair moving to face away from you, slightly. You can’t help but roll your eyes at his pettiness.
This wasn’t going to lead anywhere, and you really wanted to get this over with. You take another deep breath, attempting to be the bigger person.
“Okay, how about we both start by researching some important events, then choose from there?” Kei takes you suggestion into consideration, before turning away from you.
And with that he opened his computer and when down to it. You as well opened up your laptop and started your research. Things start to move better than you would’ve thought, because after about twenty minutes of searching, discussing, arguing you both finally decided to go with the Atomic Bomb dropping, with it piquing both Kei’s and your interest.
Well, with it piquing your interest and Kei being indifferent rather than disgusted at the ‘shitty’ choice.
You soon started researching, both going into your own little worlds, writing notes, and finding new sources. In the middle of the session, Kei had randomly got up and left the room. You assumed it was to get a drink or use the washroom.
You didn’t take any notice to him leaving, too focused on the task at hand. You had been taking notes on the event and had gone to set down your pencil to remove a rebellious strand of hair that had been getting in the way of your vision. Truthfully, Kei’s bed wasn’t the sturdiest material to study on, so when you set your pencil to the side, it had obeyed the laws of physics and rolled off, making a sound as it clattered on the wooded floor.
Sighing tiredly, you lean over the edge of the bed to look for the astray pencil, only to find it underneath his nightstand. Reaching your hand into the darkness to grab the pencil, you felt a small piece of folded paper near it. Curious, you picked it up and brushed it slightly. It had been covered in dust, lost, and forgotten.
You unfold the small piece of paper, like any person would, to find a picture. It looked to be an older picture; Maybe couple years at the least, with the colours fading and the edges being tattered, you guess.
Though the colours were fading, you could see the photo just fine. In the photo was a small boy, outside with trees surrounding what looked to be a park. He had a volleyball in his hands, the hugeness of the ball showing just how tiny his hands were. He wore a huge smile, the ones that were contagious, but with light hints of a smug and cheeky attitude; The kind of attitude that only looks cute with kids. With warm blonde hair, rosy cheeks, and huge black glasses sliding down the bridge of his small nose. You couldn’t put off the fact that he looked extremely familiar…
A light switch flicked in your head, putting two and two together.
Oh my God.
That’s Kei!
That’s Kei?!
You let out a small laugh of shock as you inspected the picture closer.
He looks so different. Well, not really. Physically speaking, they were basically a shot for shot remake, but just the energy of Kei in and photo and Kei now was astoundingly different. Just looking at the photo made you smile. He seemed like such a happy kid. Not to mention completely and totally adorable.
I wonder what happened…
Well, he grew up, that’s what happened. You thought cynically. But he had to have kept some of that childlike wonder and happiness. The debate continued on in your head. He was only fifteen after all, but it seemed like it had been stripped from him, and pretty early on. Thinking about that made your heart feel heavy, but you had managed to brush it off just as Kei had came back into the room. While you hadn’t noticed his return, he sees you on the bed, not working, holding a small photo, and looking at it with the stupidest smile he had ever seen on you. To say he was a little confused was an understatement.
“What are you doing?” His voice makes you jump, looking up at him. You don’t respond as you look back the old photo, then back at him. Now that you actually think about it, he’s still pretty cute.
You pause at your own thoughts.
Woah okay, that came out of nowhere.
You shake it off as you finally go to respond, the smile still plastered on your face, not able to stop. “Look at what I found.” You sing with small giggles, getting up as you show Kei his photo. His face is priceless. It’s a mix of confusion, realization, then complete and total mortification. You can’t hide your laugh as he tries to snatch the photo, but you pull it to you before he had the chance.
“Where did you find that?!” He shouts, and you laugh harder.
“Your worst nightmares, apparently. Look at how cute you were!” You say between wheezes, laughing so hard your stomach started to hurt. You hold the picture to your chest when he tries again to grab it from you. He covers his face in his hands before giving you the hardest glare you’ve ever seen. And if it were any other situation, you would’ve been scared shitless, but the glare loses all intimidation when you see his cheeks and ears are flushed pink.
He’s blushing. He’s cute when he blushes. You take a mental picture of this moment as your laughter dies back down to small giggles.
“Give. It. Back.” He holds his hand out, expecting you to be completely compliant. You weren’t going to give in that easily. It was thrilling to see him embarrassed. Seeing him so flustered that he couldn’t form words.
The satisfaction was almost addicting.
You had always thought Kei needed a taste of his own medicine, to see just how bitter it was. Also, you wanted to keep the photo. It was just so precious, you bet that you could look at it after having the worst day and instantly feel better.
So, dawning his trademark smirk, you boldly utter the words.
“Make me.”
You two hold each others’ eyes for a couple seconds, fighting a power struggle, and you clearly winning. But without any kind of warning, he charges at you, using his long arms to try and reach the photo. You laugh at his attempt and quickly step back from him, going into the centre of the room, and extend your arm behind your back.
“Why do you even want the stupid picture?” He spits, extremely irritated, not to mention embarrassed, and you smirk. Oh, how the roles have reversed. You could see why he enjoyed it so much. It was an absolute riot.
“Are you kidding? This picture can make the usual unbothered Tsukishima Kei act like an embarrassed schoolgirl. This thing is gold. Plus, you’re adorable.” You add, and Kei blushes harder. Your eyes widen at an idea popping in your head.
“I wonder how your volleyball team would react to this picture…” You say excited, and Kei widens his eyes in, dare you say it, fear.
“You wouldn’t dare.” You scoff. He clearly doesn’t know how serious you are. You were fully prepared to give him Hell. You hum.
“To be honest, normally I wouldn’t, but those five hours I spent in the library today have really changed me. You know, as a person.” As soon as you finished that sentence, Kei had had started trying even harder to get that photo away from you. Each time trying to reach your arm with newfound vigor, with you stepping back each time he got close. Eventually, after playing for a little while, he was actually managing to overpower you, which isn’t a surprise. With those arms and legs there was only a matter of seconds until you would be backed into a corner.
So you decided to broaden the playing field.
“C’mon Kei~ Try a little harder, won’t you?” You teased, waving the picture in front of you, like a matador with a very, very angry bull. Once again, he reached for you, long arms trying to reach the photo you held behind your back, not expecting you to also pull his door open and dash out of his room, not even trying to contain your laughs as he stumbled through his doorway, letting out an angry groan.
His misstep gave you enough time to run down the stairs, and all the way down to the dining area. He was right on your tail though, sprinting to you, ending up on the other side of the table. Staring you down with heavy, infuriated eyes.
Neither of you move, the room being filled with only gasps for breath and your small giggles.
“You’re acting like a child.” Kei spits at you, perhaps hoping for a response that wasn’t a simple shrug, with you accepting the insult all the while dawning a lazy grin slapped on your face.
“Probably. But this is most fun I’ve had in this house. And you’re playing along. So, aren’t we both the children here?” He doesn’t respond, taking your moment of contemplation as his chance, running around the table, and attempting to reach the photograph in your hand.
Your reaction wasn’t fast enough, running away from the table but not far enough to keep a safe distance. You were so concerned with where he was that you didn’t see the couch behind you, legs hitting the front of the cushions. The movement way too strong for you to stay balanced.
Out of pure instinct, and with Kei being the closest upright object to you, you grabbed at him.
Apparently, he hadn’t been expecting you to grab him, and with such force too, because when you fell you had taken him down with you, both landing on the couch. Hard. You both make sounds of surprise before falling on top of each other.
You could feel his weight on you, and you struggled to move as he used his arms to push himself up, looking directly at you. His face was still flushed pink, you bet yours was too. You could feel the mood instantly change, from hatefully playful to…
You two were so close you could feel his breath on your skin, but you didn’t care. Both of you hadn’t said anything, staring at each other still, until ultimately you realized what kind of position you both were in.
Kei was between your legs, his pushing your thighs apart. You had unconsciously hooked your legs around his thin hips. When did that happen? You were so close that your chests were bumping into each other with every breath; His arms had caging your face in, causing you to only be able to look at him.
Your face and heart exploded.
“Uh-uhm… Kei?” You whispered, not being able to say anything louder. He continued staring, not saying a single word. You could tell from his eyes that he was lost in thought, weirdly. You try to snap him out of it.
“Kei, you’re crushing me- “
“Shut up.”
Kei out of nowhere, slams his mouth on yours. You freeze, and so does your mind. Your body stiffens, but Kei doesn’t stop. The kiss is aggressive, on his part at least, pouring out all of his frustrations into that single kiss. Your teeth clack together but you still don’t respond, and Kei starts getting impatient, and bites your lip. Not hard to draw blood, but hard enough to make you gasp. With your mouth open, he pushes his tongue in and that’s when you finally start to react. Feeling the bottom of stomach start to heat up, your mind buzzing, and your body giving you weird sensations, you slowly kiss him back, forgetting all common sense.
You could feel his smugness coming off in waves about that fact that you had started to respond, so put him in his place, you ran your hand up his arm to the back of his head. You comb your fingers through his amazingly soft fluffy hair and tug a little harder than necessary. He groans in slight pain. The sound sends shivers down your spine.
Things begin to get more heated, the kisses becoming longer and sloppier when Kei decides to run his hand up your thigh, leaving you to let out a soft mewl. His hand goes to rest on your hip, when he goes to kiss your cheek, down your jaw all the way to your neck. He gets into a rhythm there, with kissing, licking, sucking, and even biting lightly all down your neck. After some experimenting, he had found out where the most sensitive parts were, and absolutely ravished them. By then you were an absolute mess, hair sticking in all directions, lips swollen, a light sheen of sweat covering your body, and a completely destroyed neck much to Kei’s pleasure. His hands had gone from your hips to your back, pulling you up so he wouldn’t have to crane his neck as much. His mouth reaches where your neck meets your shoulder, and starts leave light butterfly kisses, clearly teasing you. You whine in protest, but he just chuckles.
You tug his hair to indicate that you want him to face you again, once he removes his face from your neck you lock your lips with his. He returns it immediately, taking his hand to go under your shirt and rub your warm and slightly sweaty skin. You let out a light sigh.
Then it all stops.
The warmth, the kisses, his hands, his body, everything. You hadn’t realized that you closed your eyes until you open them, to see Kei looking down on you, smirking as if he just won the lottery. In his hand, was the photo.
“I win.” He declares, as he rips up the photo and throws it in the trash. He goes to sit down in his desk, wiping his lips and sitting on the couch causally, as if nothing even happened. You can’t say anything, your brain too stunned.
You inhale all the air you had lost in those moments, feeling the cogs in your mind turn as you abruptly stand, confused with all the new sensations and feelings that just happened.
And with Kei of all people.
“Y-yeah, I guess you did.” You mutter, averting your eyes and refusing to look at him, knowing that his eyes were burning holes in your back.
“Let’s work the project some other time.” You say quickly as you practically run to your room, slamming the door, and sliding down it. Running your fingers on your lips before burying your hand in your arms. Face burning with red hot embarrassment and shame.
What in the fuck just happened?
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piduai · 1 year
Your summary of those chapters was unironically better than what we actually got. Smh where did nodas sense of humour go during their arc for real? I can’t recall a single thing that didn’t feel dreary at the end. Remember when Koito got to be funny? Even noda said he liked him the most like that so i have to assume he got bored too when his character got Serious. Should’ve let Koito join the circus fr…Tsukishimas arc would end the same either way since he literally just faints
that's the thing about koito, like the result was logical and foreseeable, it's the way we got there...... 😭 have you seen this post floating around lately? koito's story arc and why it sucks follows a similar logic, there's a complex formula and there's an answer to it but it just doesn't make sense when there's no elaboration! even if the answer is correct.
like story arcs are linear (yes even with detours or returns), start in point A go through points B, C and forth, end in point Z, even if it's a roundabout and Z=A. not all characters will get through ALL stops obviously (no time for for that) but a character MUST go from A to Z (regardless of how many stops) in order to make sense and be compelling. the worst is when they get stuck in like P and never move past that, like in tsukishima's case. koito reached his logical conclusion AND there were deliberate seeds of his journey planted along rather consistently, this is precisely why his ending makes sense and was anticipated, but noda really betrayed his own consistency and organic storytelling and went ahead and skipped a few crucial steps in order for the needlework on koito's canvas to be tidy. it just feels like he gave up at the very end and was like ehhh this will do, the way you bullshit the end of an essay you're tired of
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fum1ku · 3 months
Hi, I hope you're doing well, I'm here to request a matchup! (she/they pronouns please)
- your hobbies/interest: I like cinema a lot and art history. I like to read, watching movies and write ig. (I don't really go out except to the cinema or to buy books tbh.) I also like sport, I used to play badminton and volleyball in fact, but I have a bit of the same mentality as Tsukishima in a way, so I just ended up quitting.
- details about your personality: in short I'm a bit of a mix between Tsukishima and Akaashi. I'm quiet and reserved, but I'm not afraid to be honest or say what I think, I'm just not very sociable, I can be pretty direct and/or dry (I can also be too sarcastic/ironic). Even though I have no problem expressing my opinions and that sort of thing, I find it hard to do the same with my emotions.
- your goals/ambitions/plans for the future: I'd like to study art history, do a PhD and then do research. The subjects that interest me most are German painting and (modern) architecture (I'm also very interested in the Bauhaus). I also just want a stable, calm life. But if the world of research is too precarious, I'll try to work in a museum, or else I'll start studying law to open up more doors.
- your likes/dislikes: I really love cinema, winter, strawberry cakes or pastries in general, snow and idk??. Dislikes: summer, fascists, tsukishima (he’s annoying), and atsumu, when he does that thing with his hand to silence the fans during matches, it's sooo embarrassing I'm sorry, it’s not cool, it’s just cringe, and idk what else
- your ‘type’ when it comes to dating, or just what you’re looking for in a person: Someone’s stable, honest, reliable, open. Someone who is independent, capable of managing their own responsibilities and who also understands my limits and my need for personal space. But with a sense of humour, who understand irony and sarcasm. Maybe also someone who communicates well (as I have a bit more difficulty with interpersonal relationships) (but no need for someone who talks too much or is too chatty yk).
Ig that’s all, thank you sm!
Hi, Anon! I hope you’re doing well too <3 I had so so much fun doing your matchup! It’s actually only the second one I’ve ever done, so bear with me. I do hope it lives up to your expectations though!! Thank you so so much for your request 🤍
So this is a bit silly, but I would just like to point out the similarities between you and Tsukishima. I know you don’t like him, but the similarities are crazy. The love for strawberry cake, the possibility of working in a museum, the sarcasm and directness, and then the mentality when it comes to sports. In absolutely no way am I comparing you two AT ALL but I just think it’s funny how similar you two seem on paper! ANYWAYS, thank you for your request and I hope I did it some justice <3
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thelingodingo · 5 months
⭐ General
About the Blog
🇰🇷 Korean Linguistics
Mystic Messenger Characters' Speech Styles + Honorifics
Sibling Honorifics in Korean
Korean Familial Terms Part 1
Seventeen's Dialects
Korean Second-Person Pronouns
Korean Swear Words
The Significance of Woozi's First Love Story
Sunbae and Hubae Culture
Korean Honorific Suffixes
BTS' Speech Styles
Minghao's Way of Saying "China" in Korean
S.Coups & Vernon's Surname
"Hyungie" Doesn't Exist
🇯🇵 Japanese Linguistics
Haikyuu Characters Using Formal Speech as Sarcasm
Haikyuu Characters' Informal and Formal Speech
Inarizaki's Kansai Dialect
Japanese Second-Person Pronouns
Politeness and Jujutsu Kaisen
Haikyuu Miyagi Dialect
Tsukishima's Speech Style
Senpai and Kohai Culture
Suna's Speech Style
Translations of Bakugou's Sentence in Chapter 284
Japanese First-Person Pronouns
🌎 Other Languages
T-V Distinction
📝 Miscellaneous
multilingualism and humour
squid game's subtitles
seventeen is so casual
underrated language learning method
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stars-tonight · 3 months
Hello, I was wondering if i could get a long romantic matchup please, as 🖊anon if thats available
I use any pronouns, she or they would be fine as you prefer, I really don’t care (just please, no he/him pronouns).I would like to be paired with a guy please
For my ideal partner, I suppose someone who is stable, honest, reliable and open. Someone who respects my need for personal space and boundaries, and who understands my introverted nature. I'd also like someone who's independent and capable of managing their own responsibilities. But with a sense of humour, like who understand irony and sarcasm
For myself, in short I'm a bit of a mix between Tsukishima (I truly hate him omg) and Akaashi. I'm quiet and reserved by nature, rather discreet, but I'm not afraid of being honest or saying what I think, I can be rather direct and/or dry (I can also be too sarcastic/ironic). Even though I have no problem expressing opinions and that kind of stuff, I find it hard to do the same with my emotions and all that (so someone who's patient enough to understand that would be nice). I'm also very curious (on a ""intellectual"" level i mean).
I love cinema and art history. I go to the cinema very, very often (I really like east asian cinema, so taiwanese, hong kong, south korean and japanese films). I read also a lot, whether it's literature, sociology, philosophy or I don't know what else. I also like to write (about cinema, art history and more personal stuff) (as I'm not so good at expressing myself orally)
My love language is act of service. I have absolutely no idea what I'd like in return, honestly everything's fine I suppose, except physical touch when it's too much. Or maybe I’d like words of affirmation too, but I'm pretty bad with the spoken word, so I wouldn't really know what to say.
(Hope that’s enough?) Thanks a lot, hope you have a nice day!
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🥛 it might take a while for the relationship to get started because who's gonna make the first move ;-;
🥛 let's be honestly you'll probably have to
🥛 (it probably never clear that kenma's interested in whomever he's interested in)
🥛 but he secretly admires you although he would never say it
🥛 kenma needs personal space about as much as he needs oxygen
🥛 so he definitely wouldn't be clinging to you 24/7
🥛 also definitely independent and responsible for himself
🥛 post-timeskip, he's a literal CEO
🥛 (makes BANK)
🥛 i think kenma may not be as hilarious or smiley but he definitely has a deadpan / sarcastic side
🥛 also doesn't get offended or riled up easily
🥛 kenma's pretty stable and reliable as a person and a partner
🥛 might take him a bit to feel comfortable sharing his opinions with you
🥛 but once he sees that you won't judge him he'll be a lot more confident in himself
🥛 will quietly and sometimes randomly say something that is either:
🥛 really good advice
🥛 really hilarious commentary (although sometimes the humor is unintended)
🥛 kenma's receiving love language is either acts of service or quality time
🥛 if he's busy streaming or investing and you make him dinner he'll love you even more
🥛 will probably give you a pat on the head as thanks
🥛 sometimes when he's tired he'll just come up to you and lay his head on your shoulder
🥛 or just flop onto the bed like a dead fish and lay there
🥛 you'll have to drag him up to get him to eat something
🥛 i feel like kenma sometimes forgets to take care of himself so when you notice that and leave him a little reminder or do something to help him yourself he'll be reminded of exactly why you're so important to him
🥛 you'll spend hours together while he plays video games and you read or write
🥛 he'll even watch all your favorite films with you
🥛 although he begs you whenever you go to the cinema to reserve seats far away from everyone else
🥛 will buy you candy and popcorn when you're at the cinema
🥛 he's perfectly okay with you not being a skilled speaker because he's not either
🥛 you could leave each other notes around the house
🥛 kenma probably secretly follows hinata's games on TV and you'll watch them with him
runner up for you was akaashi keiji!
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A/N: there you go 🖊️anon! i personally really love kenma and although i haven't watched the new movie yet, i've seen all the fanart of him with the cage and it looks so sick
also i totally relate to being good at writing but not at speaking lol
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czenzo · 6 months
czenzo fic masterlist
All for the Game | The Foxhole Court
♠︎ Overcome ( G / 3,495 ) – ao3 / tumblr
Andrew Minyard/Neil Josten, Sir & King, Animal Sickness, Domestic Fluff, Angst with a Happy Ending
♠︎ red plaid, yellow stitching ( E / 1,306 ) – ao3
Jeremy Knox/Jean Moreau, Pining, Plaid Pants, Shower Masturbation, Fantasising
♠︎ soft and sweet, firm and steady ( E / 1,658 ) – ao3
Andrew Minyard/Neil Josten, Post-Canon, Weight/Muscle Gain, Thigh/Arm/Stomach Fixation, Soft Beefy Andrew Appreciation
Ao No Exorcist | Blue Exorcist
♠︎ The Joys of Working Retail ( G / 5,039 ) – ao3 / tumblr
Okumura Yukio/Shima Renzo, Alternate Universe: Convenience Store, Modern AU
Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
♠︎ Go Big or Go Home ( G / 4,348 ) – ao3 / tumblr
Aizawa Shota | Eraserhead & Shinsou Hitoshi, Sickfic, Light Angst, Hurt/Comfort
♠︎ Misguided Ghosts ( M / 4,292 ) – ao3 / tumblr
Aizawa Shota | Eraserhead & Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Alternate Universe – Lockwood & Co, Ghosts, Angst
Carry On | Simon Snow
♠︎ On the Hunt ( M / 8,402 / ongoing ) – ao3 / tumblr
Simon Snow/Baz Pitch, Werewolf Simon, Enemies to Friends to Lovers
♠︎ nobody loves you like I do ( G / 5,862 ) – ao3 / tumblr
Tsukishima Kei/Yamaguchi Tadashi, Friends to Lovers, First Kiss
♠︎ falling for you all over again ( G / 3,445 ) – ao3 / tumblr
Nick Nelson/Charlie Spring, Temporary Amnesia, Comfort, Group Chat Shenanigans
♠︎ Nick and Charlie (& Nellie) ( T / 3,381 ) – ao3 / tumblr
Nick Nelson/Charlie Spring, 5+1 Things, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Nellie getting excited and interrupting
♠︎ Seven Years ( M / 16,259 ) – ao3 / tumblr
Nick Nelson/Charlie Spring, Post-Canon, Post-Break Up, Adult Nick & Charlie, Exes to Friends to Lovers
♠︎ Thick Thighs Save Lives ( E / 2,974 ) – ao3
Nick Nelson/Charlie Spring, Post-Canon, Thigh and Ass Fixation/Worship, Mutual Masturbation
Harry Potter | Marauders
♠︎ now I hold the guilt on my hands ( E / 1,662 ) – ao3
Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Sirius Black/James Potter, Mutual Masturbation, Phone Sex (sort of), University AU
♠︎ you fit well together ( T / 8,693 ) – ao3 / tumblr
Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, 5+1 Things, Mistaken for Being in a Relationship
Inazuma Eleven
♠︎ food (and a kiss) is the best medicine ( G / 3,585 ) – ao3 / tumblr
Genda Koujirou/Sakuma Jirou, Sick Fic, Friends to Lovers, First Kiss
Lockwood & Co.
♠︎ Consequences ( T / 2,335 ) – ao3 / tumblr
Lucy Carlyle/Anthony Lockwood, Fluff & Humour, poor attempts to cover up a hickey
♠︎ Dear Yorick ( G / 1,456 ) – tumblr / full zine
Tea Toast & Ghosts Zine, Magazine AU, Advice Column, The Skull
♠︎ In Record Time ( T / 5,117 ) – ao3 / tumblr
Lucy Carlyle/Quill Kipps/Anthony Lockwood, Soulmate AU (shared injuries), Light Angst, Sharing A Bed
♠︎ Just An Act ( T / 6,360 ) – ao3 / tumblr
Lucy Carlyle/Anthony Lockwood, Case Fic, Jealousy, First Kiss
♠︎ Misdial ( G / 20,348 ) – ao3 / tumblr
Lucy Carlyle/Anthony Lockwood, Modern/University AU, called the wrong number AU, First Kiss
♠︎ Revenge ( T / 1,514 ) – ao3 / tumblr
Lucy Carlyle/Anthony Lockwood, sequel to Consequences
♠︎ Skullyle Internet Friends Series – ao3 / tumblr
Pretty Boy ( T / 2,086 ) – ao3 / tumblr
Missed Call ( T / 3,440 ) – ao3 / tumblr
Lucy Carlyle/The Skull, minor/brief Lucy Carlyle/Anthony Lockwood, Internet Friends, Modern AU, Coffee Shop AU, Mutual Pining
♠︎ step into the moonlight (and throw your weight into me) ( G / 1,439 ) – ao3 / tumblr
Lucy Carlyle & Anthony Lockwood, Angst and Comfort, Book Spoilers
♠︎ The Final Applicant ( G / 2,832 ) – ao3 / tumblr
Lockwood POV, Lucy’s interview, Rewritten Canon
♠︎ Young, Alive, Together ( T / 4,363 ) – ao3 / tumblr
Lucy Carlyle/Anthony Lockwood, Valentine’s Day, Angst, Poltergeists, First Kiss
The Quarry
♠︎ Summer Loving ( M / 13,097 ) – ao3 / tumblr
Abigail Blyg/Nick Furcillo, Crushes, Mutual Pining, Fluff, Pre-Canon, Rewritten Canon, Post-Canon
♠︎ The Quarry: Prologue ( M / 6,433 ) – ao3 / tumblr
Rewritten Canon: the game’s prologue, in the form of a written story
Yuri!!! On Ice
♠︎ meet me in the morning when you wake up ( T / 1,391 ) – ao3 / tumblr
Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov, Angst, Death, Old Age, Memory Loss
♠︎ sea, sand, and sun lotion ( G / 849 ) – ao3 / tumblr
Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov, Beach Day, Fluff
♠︎ warmth ( G / 782 ) – ao3 / tumblr
Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov, Fluff, Blizzards & Snowstorms
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songedunenuitdete · 2 years
We must never fall in love! T04 de Haru Tsukishima
☃️J'ai lu We must never fall in love T04 de Haru Tsukishima / @pikaedition 🍂Entre quiproquos, romance choubidou et humour, j’ai passé un excellent moment avec ce quatrième tome.
Mon avis : J’aime bien ce petit shôjo tout doux et sucré avec des personnages attachants et qu’on a envie de suivre. Sans compter que j’aime également beaucoup les dessins ! Dans cette suite, Sakura fait semblant de sortir avec Hatano, le gars qui l’avait éconduit brutalement dans le tome 1. Mais le jeune homme s’est aperçu depuis que Sakura était une fille bien et finalement… il n’est pas…
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