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ticklishfanart · 2 years ago
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These are the other two drawings I did for my “krtsk as things me and my friend have said while tickle fighting” series
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smilingangel582 · 2 years ago
Someone recommended this soooo enjoyyyyyy!!!
Mighty Kings fall!!!
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Hiii, I'm writing another haikyuu fic. I got a lot of likes and reblogs, so thanks a lot!
As always, Lee kageyama is my only fav thing to write! Enjoy then!
Warning spoilers alert
"Truth or dare, Noya?"
Nishinoya hummed in thought, the libero grinned "Dare"
Tanaka sneered now "Oh yeah? I dare you to bounce the ball without dropping it to the ground for at least five minutes."
"So mean of ya, Tanaka!" Was the shortest fellow's response, and surprisingly, after five tries, he did manage to keep the ball stable with perfect receives to himself.
"Nice Noya! Alright, now Tsukishima..." it was Nishinoya's turn to offer either a dare or a truth to him. The libero added, however, "But you used all your three truths, so it's a dare, buddy."
Everyone snickered at Tsukki's plight as the blocker pushed his glasses irritably.
"I dare you..." Noya takes some time to consider his dare, then his eyes scan the players and noticed Kageyama, "Aha! I dare you to make Kageyama laugh -very loud!"
Tsukishima froze now, eyeing Kageyama wearily. "What regal punishment will I get to assault the king with such frivolous cause?"
Noya grinned, now pushing spikes further up as he spoke, "You see... you both need to lighten up, and Kageyama could use a laugh... look at his frown..."
It's a dare after all, and Kageyama wasn't equally as thrilled as anyone else in their court.
Now Daichi watched Tanaka, Noya, Tsukishima (who was forced to the game), Hinata, Yameguchi, and Kageyama (who was also forced)...then he smiled "Seems like the kids are having fun for once"
Sugawara grinned and used a chopping hit on his head. "You sound like a Grandpa captain"
"Use jokes, Tsukki!" Hinata's expression was exaggerating, and Kageyama wondered why he was so thrilled in this."I'll make sure you win against the stoic King of the court!"
"Would you shut up!" Kageyama was ignored.
Tsukishima wondered, maybe it would be fun to see the king laugh and be embarrassed later on. Might as well try it.
But still, jokes isn't his forte. "Where do the crazy people go if they were lost?"
Kageyama answered blankly. "They are crazy so they take the psychopath"
Widening his eyes, Hinata never expected kageyama to know the answer, "Wait, you heard jokes before?"
He frowned. "My sister used to tell them they're pretty boring and common so... that was a very weak attempt..." he turned to Tsukishima with a smug look."You can't win this dare. "
Motivated Hinata turned to Noya "Can't I try! I wanna see him laugh too"
Noya thought knowing its against the rules... but then before he could refuse he heard the third years approaching "What's this? Make Kageyama burst out laughing...? Count me in"
Kageyama was shocked. "W-what? You can't do that... Tsukishima is only dared to do so..."
Noya clapped his hands in enthusiasm "Now I'm pumped let's finish him off!"
Kageyama felt like they took this way too seriously. He realised how some jokes were lame and common, especially from Tsukishima. Sugawara's had a funny sound effect, which sort of seemed funny that Hinata burst out laughing. Tanaka's absurd face contortions were out of this world. Noya joined in with equal talents as Tanaka and Hinata got worse jokes which didn't make sense to anyone at all...
Whatever obstacle they tried... nothing broke the star setter.
Tired they were, Daichi seemed to see how everyone was giving their all. But he remained watching the spectacle with interest along with Asahi, Yameguchi, and Ennoshita.
Kageyama looked at Tsukishima now with a smirk. "Seems like not even the bird brain can handle such a simple task as this"
"Yeah a Kings sense of humour is much wicked than you think"
Everyone was ready to give up but that was until Hinata whispered something to Tsukishima.
"Psst..." he rapidly began spilling the joyous secret.
Tsukishima's eyes widened. Wait...? He should've done that at first... why didn't he think of that?
He slowly sneaked a couple of fingers towards Kageyama, who was unaware of the dangers coming towards him.
A squeak.
That was all it took from him the moment Tsukki poked his side.
He glared now "Oi, four eyes don't touch me!"
Tsukishima grinned widely, kageyama froze now, seeing sinister darkness beneath his glasses. "Ah... I see now that I failed to see that someone with your personality tends to be a lot more sensitive than we think"
"H-huh...?" Kageyama was hovered over and Tsukishima was wiggling his fingers menacingly "Tell me your highness, are you ticklish?"
"No..." was a hesitant answer, and yet Kageyama clamped his arms down to avoid any room for Tsukishima to attack.
Hinata giggled brightly "Oh he is ticklish, alright! It was my idea!"
Noya snickered now "Shall we get him...?"
However or perhaps fortunately for Kageyama, Tsukishima stopped them. "This is my dare, I get to make the king lose his sanity.... you can try after I'm done."
Everyone snickered with villainy, and they were all ready to overthrow the king with his weakness.
"First I start here..."
Kageyama gasped but didn't laugh immediately when Tsukishima skillfully sneaked his long fingers on his waist, and Kageyama jolted but with no laugh still. He was squirming but also had the audacity to say, "Is that all you got skinny bastard? This is nothing!"
"Ah, ah, ah king wrong move... I was planning on going easy on you, but..." he raised his fingers as if he were playing a dramating piano piece."You are finished now..."
"Gah -wait!"
Kageyama felt those fingers now sneak at the back of his ribs he shrieked but didn't laugh immeidatelt. So Tsukishima was half satisfied with what he got, though he wanted to make him laugh more.
"I know ribs are bad for you, so maybe I got the wrong angle..." it was like a science experiment. Except he wasn't being dissected like frog... now he wished he was that frog.
"Y-you have the nerve t-toho be soho bohold!" Kageyama flinched and twitched from one side to another, he was good at concealing but he had underestimated his fellow first year.
"Andd I spy a tickle spot here!"
He certainly can tease. Kageyama broke into giggles when his higher ribs were targeted "I told you your ribs will get you in trouble!"
Hinata jumped on his butt now excited to join but remained still as the rest who were itching to join the fun.
"Laugh out loud... you are still giggling, so this doesn't count" Tsukki was already enjoying tormenting the setter. He was ready for the finale and Kageyama was anxious enough to glower at him but also fear foe the worst.
Starting him instantly, he began to flip him, realising where he was going. "OK! Wait... I give up. This has gone too, faaa-aaahahar!"
He shrieked out a laugh when a finger slid down his spine.
"Jackpot..." Tsukishima smirked "Now prepare for the hell you've been waiting for!"
He laughed. It was loud and contagious, bubbly and cute. nobody expected him to sound so cute.... not even Hinata. He heard grumpy giggles sure it was adorable too but this squeals and loud belly laughter was unfair!
"Ahhh, he's so cute..."It came from Noya, who was also waiting for his turn, "man Tsukki got the a pretty good dare I wanna mess with him Too!"
"DOHOHONT IHIHI GEHEHT A SAHAHAHAY IHIHIN THIHIHIS??" Kageyama yelled out through his laughter.
Daichi clapped now and Tuskki stopped in thst signal "I won.."
"Alright we'll mess with Kageyama after practice"
Everyone cheered on that while the youngest player was agast. "Haaah??? Captain! Nohohot you tooo!"
He was ignored yet again but ended up getting pokes from his orange friend, "Awwww, don't be upset sulky-yama shall I tickle it away?"
"Gehet off yohou human tangerine!" He pushed him off but then glowered at the guy with glasses who smirked back with a triumphant sneer."Don't let your guard down king now that your weakness is exposed"
"Bastard..." he grumbled.
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xolliwritez · 2 years ago
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Here's the link and the ss for the original Twitter artist!!
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thelaughtercafe · 1 year ago
Tickle Fic Masterlist
Before reading
A * means NSFT
The names after the titles mention who tickles who (the lers are before the / and the lees after)
Lightened Darkness* (Alucard/Reader)
Critical Role Campaign 1
Tension (Vax'ildan/Reader)
Danganronpa 3: Despair Arc
Inevitable* (Nagito/F!Reader)
Final Fantasy XIV
All’s Fair in Love and War* (Thancred & Estinien/Reader)
Discoveries (Mentioned, each subsequent chapter will have tickling)
Warm Goodbyes (Thancred/Reader, Urianger/Reader, Reader/Ryne, mentioned G’raha/Reader and Estinien/Thancred/Reader)
Genshin Impact
Fanning the Flames (Diluc/Venti)
A Short Sulk (Oikawa/F!Reader)
Convenient Interventions (Oikawa & Tsukishima/Kageyama)
Chance Meetings* (Oikawa/Kageyama)
Total Drama Island
Angel (Duncan/Reader)
My Hero Academia
Impactful Intervention (Bakugou/Reader, very little mention of twording)
Coping with Hope (Bakugou/Reader, very little mention of twording)
Neo: The World Ends With You:
New Discoveries* Shoka/F!Reader/Rindo
Tales of Vesperia
Spooky Scary Soulmate (Yuri/Reader)
The Walking Dead
Enough (Daryl/Reader)
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ticklishfanart · 2 years ago
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This is one of three little sketchy drawings I’ve done of krtsk based on things said whenever me and my friend get into tickly situations :3 anyways my friend came up with this retort while I was Getting her and it made me laugh very hard
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smilingangel582 · 2 years ago
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Since I got this.... hehehe I'll be writing a sequel now.
The villain strikes again! With backup...
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King of the court or any sort of nickname doesn't bother him like it used to. Tobio Kageyama finds it rather a nonchalant aspect in his daily volleyball routine.
His passion to make it arouse this sense of happiness brought him to a rather obnoxious orange little guy who would annoy him to dust.
Now he just needs to set to him to they both are satisfied.
"You better concentrate, Kageyama... or the captain has something planned for you," Hinata's words brought a chill down his spine, recollecting the dares they've been doing, but specifically the captain permitting for round two.
Wearily, he began to set as many as he could to all the spikers.
None of them had forgotten Tsukishima's attack on him. Many looked like they were anticipating him to make a mistake to get his punishment.
Oh, that won't happen, never... he can't relive that again... nuh uh
He shivered now, taking a break by drinking some water. Kageyama's vision was clouded from exhaustion, particularly because he overdid his training, unlike the others... part of that was to be blamed on Tsukishima for tickling him to death.
He leaned back, now feeling his sweat beginning to bead.
"Kageyama~, you shouldn't let your guard down!" It was a sneaky voice from Nishinoya who had snuck up behind him fingers itching to get him. He straightened up and glared at the upperclassmen "Oi, Noya-san you can't do anything to me yet... its still practice..."
"Someone's dying for a play fight." Tanaka and Noya duo laughed at that, and this earned a blush, to be completely honest... he didn't mind, but he also dreaded the fact that this was against all of them and himself.
He hopes Daichi has some sort of empathy towards him... to stop them.
How was he wrong? Because he ended up digging his grave.
Constant pressure in mind made him give Hinata a set too high. In the end, the ball plopped down on the court with a silent echoing tone in depth. Reminding something sinister.
He heard cracking of knuckles and it was to his pure horror, Daichi, then the other responsible senpai-tachi (plural of senpais). They all had the looks of 'we'll teach a slow and painful lesson' and that was something terrifying.
In the end, he was at the receiving end, where Tanaka and Noya each grabbed a knee, squeezing them with pure merciless desires. Then Hinata is impatient to get the sweet death spot on his ribs. Ennoshita and Sugawara had the audacity to tease his ears and neck.
They were all on him, except Tsukishima (thankfully for Kageyama), Yameguchi, the managers and Daichi.
"Man messing with you is so fun!" Tanaka laughed getting the sensitive part of his calf muscles. This was bad... really bad, thought Kageyama, not only were they destroying they were teasing him like crazy... he wanted to crawl into a rock right this instant!
His cheeks were blossoming a colour of pink, almost from embarrassment. His giggles reached several octaves now. "Gahahaha nohoho Ihihihihi hahaha hate thihihis!"
Tsukishkma clicked his tongue "Ah... I can't watch, your doing it wrong..."
"Huh -whoa!" Hinata yelped when he was pushed to the side, the tall guy was now giving directions... Kageyama gawked with horror "Thehehehe hehehell yohohohou agahahahain scrahahahahwny bahahastard?"
"I wouldn't use that tone king, I'm really motivated unlike last time"
Last time he wasn't? Kageyama wanted to argue but a new painfully ticklish sensation passed through his nerves, he just felt like a wave of electric current pass down his limbs now curling as he freed his arms.
"I recently discovered the ribs also have a new switch... the bottom ribs give him an extra sensitivity... try it Hinata"
He was gladly gone but only with passing down his knowledge to his successor in overthrowing the king.
"Wow, you weren't lying... he got way louder than before..." it seems Daichi sees the limit in Kageyama and grabs the orange haired kid away from him."He pouted. "Aw I wasn't finished"
"Well... I suppose he needed a laugh or two... but i think it's a bit unfair to let him take the torment" Daichi said as he turned to Sugawara who was uneasy "W-why are you looking at me?"
Another tickle war broke and Kageyama could just stay away with his breath easing up to a normal pace. Tanaka was attacking Noya, Hinata enjoyed tormenting Yameguchi along with Tsukishima giving advice. Sugawara's childlike laughter was the spotlight while Ennoshita helped...
This was something no one could stop. Kageyama smiled...
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myreygn · 3 years ago
Something Is Off
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AAAH, ok so i had this anon request for lee!kuroo in my inbox but it somehow got deleted - it’s here now but it’s been a while and idk if the anon who sent the request is actually seeing this, but whatever, here it is
an: tickle fic, kurodai
Something was off. Akaashi couldn't quite name it, but the usual cheery and relaxed atmosphere of their extra practice in the third gym had been replaced by something a lot more tensed and weird. He didn't like it. Being used to Bokuto's and Kuroo's bullshit, the newly established silence was uncomfortable and, on top of that, awfully suspicious.
Akaashi looked at his captain intensely, who was practicing his serves. That idiot was probably planning some shenanigans with his non-better, maybe even worse Nekoma pal and they were just bad at hiding their intentions. The Setter wasn't sure what to make of the tension in the gym though – were they scared that their prank could go wrong? A cold shiver ran down his spine as he imagined the horrible stuff they could've gotten themselves into.
But alright, no need to panic, there was no evidence of a crime about to happen – yet. Akaashi put his water bottle down and walked over to Tsukishima who was taking a break as well. “Hey, you don't happen to know what's up with them, do you?”
The Karasuno Blocker just shrugged. “I'm not an expert like you in that matter, but I actually don't think there's something up with Bokuto, he's just focused.” A nod in the other direction, away from said Bokuto. “Kuroo, however, is behaving a little strange.”
Akaashi followed the gesture and furrowed his brows. Tsukishima was right and now that he had said it out loud, the second year saw it too; Bokuto was just focused on his serves, a rare but possible and very much appreciated state. Meanwhile, Kuroo hadn't made a snarky comment in over twenty minutes and was just spiking a ball against the wall again and again and again, not even really looking at what he was doing. Good to know that it wasn't something going on with the two of them, but the empty expression on Kuroo's face made Akaashi worry nevertheless. Very unusual.
“Kuroo-san?” The ball fell to the ground with a loud THUD and the Middleblocker turned around. His eyes took a second to focus on Akaashi who came closer carefully. “Are you alright?”
“Aw, Akaashi, are you worried for me?” In the blink of an eye, the usual lazy smirk returned to Kuroo's face and he leaned backwards against the wall. “Didn't know I was so important to you.”
“I'm serious, Kuroo-san. You're behaving weird.”
Akaashi noticed how the others were slowly gathering around him; let it be curiosity, like it was probably in Bokuto's case, or actual concern, like in Hinata's and Lev's. Akaashi didn't know why Tsukishima was there. Maybe he just liked having Kuroo on edge, because that was certainly what this whole movement seemed to do to Nekoma's captain. On the one hand, Akaashi felt a little guilty at the nervous flicker in Kuroo's eyes, but on the other hand, the chance that he would just shrug his concerns off was immensely limited by the sheer number of people surrounding him.
Still, he tried his best. “Tsk, wha- I'm not being weird, what are you talking about? Hey, Lev, shouldn't you be practicing receives?” Seemed like his best in a situation like this wasn't good enough though. Akaashi smirked to himself. So much for smug and manipulative.
“Yo, Kuroo, you good?” Perfect, Bokuto had caught on! Despite being a little dense from time to time, his emotional intelligence was impressive. “'Kaashi's right, you look like you saw a ghost. Hey hey hey, did ya? Did ya see a ghost?” Noticing that his friend didn't go along with the wide grin, Bokuto's face switched back to slightly concerned and he tilted his head curiously. “Bro?”
“What?!”, Kuroo snapped and if that wasn't evidence, Akaashi didn't know what would be. “It's nothing, okay? Can you all just stop bothering me and go back to practice?”
Hinata and Lev exchanged a glance, clearly intimidated and were just about to turn away and do as Kuroo said, when suddenly- “You know what I think?” The softness of Tsukishima's voice even sent a chill down Akaashi's spine. “I think you're lying.” The next sound echoing through the gym was a surprised shriek and Kuroo tumbled to the ground, his expression a mixture of withheld laughter and pure horror.
“Hgnnh- w-what are yohou doing?! Stahap! Gehet off of me!”
“No, I don't think I will.” Tsukishima leaned forward a little and now Akaashi could see that he was softly scribbling his fingers over Kuroo's sides, forcing giggles out of the Scheming Captain. “If you don't want to talk about what's concerning you, we'll make you.” Even though it seemed a lot more likely that Tsukishima just didn't want to leave out an opportunity to mess with Kuroo, but Akaashi decided to go with it anyways.
“NAha, Ahakaashi, nohoho!” The fabric of Kuroo's shirt was soft under his fingers as he experimentally dragged them over the captain's ribs. Oh, that got him cackling. Akaashi normally wasn't the type for things like this, but something told him that he wouldn't get Kuroo to talk any other way and in the end, he only wanted to help him! Kuroo might've been annoying most of the- sometimes, but they were still friends. Somehow. Actually maybe they weren't, but Akaashi couldn't stand people around him being sad. “Hohow do you knohow-”
“I saw Kenma nudge your side the other day.” Tsukishima smiled maliciously. “Hate to break it to you, but it was painfully obvious to anyone who was watching. Just as obvious that you're hiding something from us.”
Kuroo's reply was cut off by another shriek, way louder and high pitched, when Bokuto finally decided to join in on the fun, effortlessly grabbed Kuroo's wrists with one hand and stretched them out over his head, only to go directly for the armpits. That sent the Middleblocker straight to the ground and he all but howled with laughter.
Akaashi took off his hands for a second, astonished. He'd only ever seen two people being tickled (Konoha and Komi when Bokuto thought they wouldn't put enough effort into their practice) and he wasn't an expert, but judging by the amazed looks on Bokuto's and Hinata's faces, Kuroo seemed to be extraordinary ticklish under his arms. Hm. Interesting.
“NAHAHA STAHAHAP!” A glimpse over his shoulder showed Akaashi, that the two first years had joined in, curiously nudging Kuroo's hips, making him wheeze in between his fits of laughter. “PLEAHEHEASE! BOHO, DOHOHON'T!”
“So”, Tsukishima smoothly chipped in, gesturing to Bokuto so he would slow down a little, “coming back to the actual topic, what is bothering you?”
“Ihihihi... nahaha...”, Kuroo turned his head to the side as if to hide the blush spreading across his cheeks and Akaashi couldn't tell if it was from the tickling or the general embarrassment, “Ihihi cahan't, ihit's stupid...”
The others exchanged a glance and while Lev shrugged (“Well, at least it's something now.”), Bokuto leaned forwards, unusually serious. “If it makes you all sad and distracted, it's not stupid. We can't help you if you won't talk to us.”
“Mahaybe I don't wahant you toho help- AH! Nonononono, Shrimpfahahaha, stahahap!”
Hinata just smiled innocently while consistently prodding his thighs, right above his knees. “Everybody needs a little help sometimes, Kuroo-senpai. Trust me, it's for the better.”
“Yeah”, Lev agreed and Kuroo honest to God screamed when the first year wiggled his fingers right under his toes, even pulling them back a little to have better access. “And come on, I mean, whatever it is, it can't be as embarrassing as this, right?”
“He's got a point.” Tsukishima lightly shoved Bokuto's hands aside so he could tickle Kuroo's armpits instead and contrary to the Fukurodani Ace, he went soft, calculating and almost excrutiatingly slow on the elder's weakest spot and it didn't take long for Kuroo to absolutely lose it.
If he hadn't been a breathless mess before, he now definitely was and Akaashi was impressed with how long he took it, only giving in after roughly two minutes.
They immediately let go off him, even Tsukishima, and gave Kuroo a little time to catch his breath and come to his senses again. Akaashi hastily got him a bottle of water – hydration was important and considering Kuroo's exhaustion, this must've been almost a workout – and watched as Bokuto helped his friend sitting up and soothingly rubbed all over his back. “Hey, you alright?”
“Yeah, I-I'm fine.” Kuroo leaned back against the wall and closed his eyes, peeking them open for a second after a while only to shut them again immediately when he saw all the others were focused on him. “Gosh, you people suck.”
“Sorry, Senpai.” Lev scooted a little closer. “Are you going to tell us about your concern now?”
Kuroo pulled his legs closer and buried his face in his arms, hugging his knees tightly. His ears took an even darker shade of red. “Fine, but... ugh, I don't know, it's really silly. It's probably nothing. It's just embarrassing.”
“Tell us now!” Bokuto gave Kuroo's side a little nudge, making his best friend flinch hardly.
“Ohohokay, okay! I... I might... Imighthavealittlecrush...”
“What?”, Tsukishima digged deeper and Akaashi couldn't tell if he was for real or just fucking with Kuroo again if his life depended on it.
“I have a crush!”, Kuroo cried out and finally looked up, his blush intensifying even more. “I'm in love, okay, are you happy now?”
“Very”, Bokuto chirped with a satisfied grin. “Who are you in love with?”
“I- I can't tell you.” Kuroo sighed shakily and glimpsed at Tsukishima and Hinata, muttered: “If you guess right, I'll tell you tho. From Karasuno.”
“Shimizu-san? Yacchan?” When both of these guesses were met with a quiet No, Akaashi and Bokuto exchanged another glance before the latter smiled widely. “Was this the reason you were scared to tell us?”
“What?! No! … Maybe.”
“Then you really didn't have to be!” Being the touchy guy he was, Bokuto pulled Kuroo in a tight hug and ruffled his hair. “It's fine, Tetsu, really! So, who is it? Is it Sawamura?”
Kuroo didn't even need to nod, his stunned silence and tight grasping onto his fellow captain's shirt were answer enough and Akaashi could feel Hinata's excited beam before he actually saw it.
“Oooh, that would be so cool if you and Captain were a couple! You have to ask him for a date! Youhavetoyouhavetoyouhaveto-”
“Are you crazy?! No!” Kuroo ripped himself from Bokuto's hug and pushed Hinata so that the first year rolled onto the floor. “I'm not going to ask him for a date!”
Tsukishima cleared his throat softly. “You should, tho. For real.” Before anyone could wonder about where this sudden compassion came from, a typical Tsukishima-scowl appeared on his face. “If you had each other, maybe it would make both of you less of the insufferable romantics that you are now.”
Akaashi couldn't help but smile at the shock on Kuroo's face, at the vehement No and at the following laughter when he fell victim to his friends' ticklish encouragement once again.
“I will kill you, I will actually kill all of you – HEY!” No matter how tall Kuroo was, he couldn't do anything against the united strength of Bokuto and Hinata pushing him into Sawamura's direction. Luckily, the other captain just happened to turn around at that very moment and he looked mildly surprised at most – no wonder, Kuroo approaching him was a daily thing to happen at this point.
“Hi, Kuroo. Can I help you?”
“Ah, no- I mean, yeah, I mean...”, Kuroo took a deep breath and when he threw them a short glance, Akaashi made an encouraging movement with his hand, “W-would you like to... go on a date? With me?” He barely gave Sawamura time to fully comprehend his request, immediately resolving into hectic stuttering; “You don't have to tho, I mean, it's not a big deal if you don't want to, i-it's, uh, what I'm saying is, I-I'd totally understand-”
“Kuroo?”, Sawamura interrupted him and Akaashi saw Hinata and Lev share a fist bump when the Karasuno captain smiled. “I'd love to.”
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duckymcdoorknob · 4 years ago
Daily Speedwrite Pairings: Day 10
“Hey uh... can you help me?” -TsukkiHina
Accidentally wrote a long ass Drabble. Got carried away during the ticky part.
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Hinata couldn’t believe this. He could KILL Kageyama for this!
“Kageyama!” the redhead whined, desperately trying to free his hands.
Kageyama stood and fought back his laughter. He had taken Hinata’s tee shirt sleeves and tied them behind his back. Now poor Hinata’s arms were plastered to his sides.
“Enough you two!” Sugawara snapped from outside the club room, “We have practice in fifteen minutes. Get yourselves together!”
“Good enough for me. See’ya later, Hinata.” The younger setter giggled as he exited the club room, leaving Shoyo to fend for himself.
“YOU JERK, KAGEYAMA!” Hinata barked as he struggled in his jacket.
Poor Shoyo could only wriggle and writhe in his predicament. He eventually gave up, gently smacking his head against the wall.
“You really are an idiot.” A calm voice stated coolly.
“Tsukki! Be nice!” A softer voice.
Shoyo turned around to see his other peers, Tsukishima and Yamaguchi, standing casually in front of him.
“Hey uh... can, can you help me...?” Hinata, clearly flustered, pleaded with his head down.
“Heh. How very.” Tsukishima stated, pushing his glasses up, “So erratic until you need my help.”
“SHUT UP! Please just help me!” Hinata whined, wiggling back and forth.
Against his proper judgement, Tsukishima knew it was code to help your teammates in times of toil. So, the blonde casually walked over to the struggling redhead.
“Sit still moron! Or else I won’t be able to untie this thing!” Tsukki barked, hands planted firmly on Hinata’s sides.
The red headed boy let out a noise even he couldn’t identify, and went very still, practically plastered to the floor.
“Uh... Hinata...? What’s wrong?” Yamaguchi asked gently, stepping toward the duo.
“N-nothing!” Shoyo responded a bit too quickly.
“Oh don’t tell me.” Tsukki said, mouth agape with a sinister grin.
When the blonde firmed his grip even further, he swore that the boy beneath him jumped at least five inches in the air.
“Oh this is too precious.” Tsukishima cleared his throat to muffle his laughter, “Wonder boy is ticklish.”
“Tsukishimaaaa! No I’m noooooot!” Shoyo whined, wiggling profusely in an attempt to free himself, “stahahahap! ihihihim nohohohohot tihihicklihihihish!”
“Then why are you laughing?” Tsukki chuckled, hands still placed flat and firm, “and you’re doing this to yourself. You’re the one wiggling so much.”
“Dohohohont!” Shoyo soon found himself on the floor, straddled by the much larger first year.
“Don’t what, moron? You have to be more specific. Kageyama must’ve done a number on you.”
“Tihihickle mehehehehehe!”
“Oh dear. Did you hear that Tadashi? I think he wants me to tickle him.” Tsukishima cooed, turning his attention to his friend.
Poor Yamaguchi was vibrating in his place, flustered himself by Tsukki’s evil teasing. Meanwhile Hinata was pleading for his life. He just wanted out of this damn trap!
“I heard no protests. I’m going to go through with it, sound good Tadashi?”
“WAIT! YAMAGUCHI! TSUKISHIMA! Can’t we talk about thihihihihis?” giggles leaked from Shoyo’s lips as Tsukishima dug into the boy’s sides in earnest. Hinata’s thin shirt did him no favors in providing a shield for his sensitive spots.
“No I‘ve done enough talking for today, thank you.” Tsukishima replied nonchalantly, letting his fingers squish into the boy’s thighs.
“AAA! HEHEHEHEY NAHAHAT FAHAHAHIHIHIR!” Shoyo whined, attempting to thrive about. Tsukki was just too large for him to push off or escape from, so he could only lay there and take his torture.
“All is fair in love and war.” Tsukki replied bluntly, pulling Hinata’s shirt up to his neck, exposing all of the sensitive spots in their glory.
“NO! TSUKISHIMA PLEASE!” Hinata bucked his hips upward, trying to escape his attacker.
“Let’s see if you and Tadashi share a sweet spot.” Tsukishima dipped a finger into Shoyo’s belly button, letting it swirl around the hollow.
“Tsukki eh? Only Tadashi calls me that. You must have more in common than this special spot I suppose.” Tsukishima stated casually, adding another hand to prod at Shoyo’s ribcage.
“Pity. Tadashi lasts so much longer.” Tsukishima cooed before bringing his head down and blowing a raspberry on Hinata’s belly button.
“Hinata you’re far too hysterical for me to understand you.” Tsukki stated before blowing another raspberry, and another, and another.
Tsukishima smiled fondly and quickly lifted his attack, “Such a power play to hear you begging for mercy. You’re lucky we have practice soon or I may not have been as nice.”
Hinata simply shriveled up as Tsukki stepped off of him. The blonde picked the panting boy up from his position on the floor and rose him to his feet.
“Here. I’ll actually help you now.” Tsukishima gently untied Hinata’s sleeves, helping the boy pull his arms through the holes.
“T-thank you...” Shoyo choked out, “Check on Yamaguchi though? He seemed a little scared.”
Oh it was the opposite. Tadashi was so flustered that he had to exit the room. Soon the club room was filled with the rest of the team, who all had their eyebrows furrowed in disbelief.
“Did Tsukishima actually-“
“SHUT UP KAGEYAMA! You left me all alone! Tied up and thrown to the rats! I could’ve died!” Hinata hissed.
His teammates burst into laughter, causing Shoyo to frown, “It’s not that funny.”
“Tadashi I’m just wondering where you snuck off to.” Tsukishima inquired bluntly, tying the laces for his court shoes.
“Oh! Um... I-Um-heh. I went-um.” Yamaguchi hid his blushing face in his hands, “you-you were being really teasy and I-“
“Couldn’t handle it?” Daichi finished for his underclassman.
“Captaaaaain.” Yamaguchi whined, “ ‘S embarrassing!”
“Oh dear. Well, boys, I think we have some time to make things not embarrassing.” Daichi stated with an innocent smile, “Tsukishima seems to be our experienced veteran.”
Daichi grinned evilly, “care to give us a hand?”
“With pleasure, Captain.”
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tickling-giggles · 4 years ago
April Fools!
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Summary: Shoyo pulls a prank on kageyama and yachi for April fools and ends up pranking the whole team and getting out of hand and the captain and his teammates was not letting him go unpunished.
Author Note: I know it’s 3-4 days late I was having internet issue sorry about that 😅 everything is good now.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hinata woke up super excited today not like any normal day because to was, April 1st that means he wanted to prank everyone of his friends.
“Get up mom made some good— oh you’re already up” his little sister says marching in just about to exit his room.
“Natsu—” he paused trying to think of something good but not too good to make her cry.
“Yeah?” She responds turning her head around to look at him.
“Did you know that— I’m a secret superhero with superpowers” he said trying to not laugh, natsu turned her whole body towards him with an eager and surprised face.
“Really” she said very high pitched like she was going to explode in amazement.
“April fools” he said bursting out laughing.
Nastu looked so disappointed “you would be a lame superhero anyways” she mumbled as she left his room.
“Shoyo hurry up before your late” his mom yelled.
“Coming” he responded as he quickly put on his uniform, ate breakfast, brushed his teeth, and biked off to school.
He already knew what the next prank it was going to be.
He got to the school and sees kageyama and yachi walking in as he lock up his bike.
“Hey yachi, bakeyama!” Hinata called.
“Huh oh hey hinata!” yachi waved.
“asshole” kageyama grumbled as hinata finally caught up to them and started having a normal conversation about volleyball that’s when he decided to do it.
“Hey guys...” hinata tried to sound sad.
“Yeah what’s up?” Yachi says nicely but still concerned.
“What dumbass?” Kageyama tries to say nicely.
“Well...um I’m quitting volleyball” he says looking down making kageyama drop his volleyball and yachi in shock.
“Y-YOU CAN’T QUIT NOW DUMBASS” kageyama yells at him gripping his shoulders.
Yachi into much shock just runs off to her class with watery eyes when she does she bumps into kiyoko.
“I-I’m so sorry” not making eye contact.
“Yachi? What’s wrong?” Kiyoki says seeing the blonde girl in tears “Shoyou says he was going to quit volleyball” she says trying to hold back anymore tears.
Kiyoko is trying to figure out why hinata would want to quit something he loved.
“SHOYO HINATA ARE YOU SERIOUS” the raven head said confused and mad.
“Shut up stop yelling” hinata says embarrassed noticing people staring.
“Explain now” the raven head demanded.
“April fools..?” Hinata said slightly chuckling.
“Oh my god your so annoying” kageyama says relieved.
“Haha I got you two” he turns and doesn’t see yachi.
“We’re is yachi?” Hinata turns back to kageyama as he asked.
“I don’t know she probably had to got to class early” he shrugged.
“Dang it that means I only got you”.
“Guess so come on let got to class” kageyama grabs the whiney tangerine by his wrist and drags him into class.
Mean while kiyoko meet up with the rest of the third years.
“Did he tell yachi why he was going to quit?” Th captain asked.
“No yachi bumped into me I notice her crying and that’s all she told me before going to class” kiyoko explained.
“Maybe he’s moving schools?” The ace recommended.
“No then he would’ve to yachi that he was changing schools” sugawara said still stumped.
“I know he couldn’t be tired of playing volleyball we’ve made it so far” suga explained.
“Yeah but somethings not adding up” daichi says.
Meanwhile noya and tanaka talking about their mistakes during the practice matches.
“Yeah bro maybe it’s my timing on oof” tanka say be for noya shushes him.
“Dude what the hell” he whispers.
“Shut up shut up I’m trying to hear what they’re talking about” noya explained as he’s listening to the conversation noya’s eyes go wide.
“Dude what is it?!” Tanaka wondered as noya pulls him around the corner.
“Shoyo said that he wanted to quit and their trying to figure out why” noya explained.
“First of why would he ever want to quit second I think we should help too not only as his upperclassman bug as his friends” Tanaka explained.
“Yeah oh wait we can’t ask him until practice ugh damn it” noya figured out.
“True but neither can them so I guess we will all get our answers then” Tanaka says as they head to the class as well.
After Class😌
“Woo volleyball time” Hinata exclaimed.
“Yeah let’s go” kageyama says not looking at hinata.
“Aww was the king worried about me~” hinata cooed teasingly.
“Oh shut up” he says slightly blushing.
They go get changed in the club room as they were walking towards the gym it was quiet. They walked in quietly seeing they team hanging by the bench.
“This is odd normally they would be practicing” hinata whispers not wanting to break the silence.
“Yeah neither one of the coaches are here” kageyama whispers agreeing.
“Ok why haven’t you guys started yet?” Hinata asked
“Hinata is their something you dislike or well hate about volleyball?” Daichi asked.
“Hmm well receiving the ball with my face but I don’t really mind it that much so nothing I love volleyball” hinata explained.
“They why do you want to—“ noya says before asahi covers mouth.
“Dude shut up!” Tanaka shushes him.
“Do you ever plan on stop playing volleyball anytime soon?” Suga asks.
“No like maybe when I’m 89” hinata answers.
“If you able to play then” Tsukishima chuckles.
“Tsukki!” Yamaguchi exclaimed.
“Then why’d you want to quit?!” Tanaka blurted out.
“I see your no better than noya”ennoshita says slapping the back of tanaka’s head.
“Q-quit why would I ever want to— Oh“ hinata aye confused until realizing what he said earlier.
“See I told you bakeyama I got you and yachi” hinata laughs while his team is just looking at them confused.
“Shut up I already knew you we’re kidding!” Kageyama yelled.
“No you didn’t I recall that you had tears in your eyes about to cry” hinata teased.
“YOU LIE” kageyama yells blushing very harshly.
“It was a-a joke?” Yachi said confused but relieved.
“Yeah I said April fools*gasps*” hinata explained before realizing.
“I got all of you haha” hinata laughed.
“Oh so it joke huh?” Tanaka says.
“And you think it’s funny having your teammates worry” noya adds on as him and Tanaka look at captain.
“Yeah this isn’t sliding without you being punished” Daichi said evilly.
“Wha-what d-do you mean um like sit-up, laps, push-ups, diving?” Hinata ask stammering.
“I can already see what’s about to happen and I don’t want to be apart of it knnoshita, Rita if you want to be my guest not me though” Ennoshita explained as he walks to the other side of the gym.
Rita and knnoshita looking confused but followed ennoshita since they didn’t know what he was talking about.
“No I think I have something different in mind you thought it was funny right?”Daichi ask slowly walking towards hinata.
“Uh n-n-no it actually was very st-s-stupid... Asahi?!” Hinata stutters as he backs away bumping into asahi who was standing behind him.
“Sorry sho” asahi apologizes before trapping him in a vulnerable position.
“Um okay? Asahi I enjoy the view but I think I want get down now” he responds trying to get away.
“Oh no that’s not the purpose of him holding you” Daichi explained before looking at Tanaka and Noya giving them the go.
“You got it boss”Tanaka says chuckling as him a noya are on each side of hinata.
“Um you guys are kinda making me feel tense a nervous” hinata admits.
“Oh I think me and Tanaka can help you with not feeling so tense and nervous” he suggested with a smirk on his face before digging into hinata’ s sides.
“Gah Tanahahaka Noyahahaha what are you dohohoing stahahap” hinata giggled
“Mmh no can do man I didn’t appreciate that joke you pulled” Tanaka teased
“Ihit wahahas just a johoke ahaha stahahap”
“And this is just what you get” Noya said back 1-upping him.
“Stahahap plehehehese I’m saharry” hinata pleaded.
“Oh this is just the beginning” Suga warns playfully.
Daichi and Suga couldn’t hold up the serious look and ended up destroying hinata along side.
“Nahaha s-sugahahahaAHAHAH NAOHOHO NAHAHAT THERE EHEHEHE” He squeal attempting to break away from Asahi hold.
“Suga hit the jackpot~” Tanaka singed.
“No fair Suga” Noya pouts.
“Lowest rib eh? tssuki mind lending us a hand” Daichi smirked.
“I’ll pass” Tsukishima denied
“Kuroo and bokuto told me about you” Daichi cooed
“Damn bastards” tsukishima grumbles as he and yams attack his feet.
“I guess I have to do this too?” Yama asked himself.
“Wow rude much just for that noya-san attack his armpits”Kageyama tipped.
“Thanks bro” nishi says as he cracks his knuckles
Hinata lost his shit
“Ok ok let him breath don’t wanna over fo it” Daichi explained.
Asahi let him go just for him to slouch backwards onto him and fall a sleep giggly.
“I expected that” Suga mumbled to him
“Okay guys let’s start practicing” Daichi said
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tk-writer · 5 years ago
Jealous. [Haikyuu!! - Tsukkiyama]
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Tsukishima fights an intense ler mood at practice one day when he sees Yamaguchi and Nishinoya messing around.
Word count: 2693
hi there! i stole this idea from That One Scene in the baseball anime Ookiku Furikabutte (Big Windup!) i’d link it here but of course i can’t find the post with the video kajsfhajks. anyway, here’s tsukishima with a Phat(™) ass ler mood & cute boi Yamaguchi as tribute. enjoy!
Tsukishima could barely focus during practice that day, and it was all Yamaguchi’s fault.
The blonde barely uttered a word that afternoon, even when his fellow teammates addressed him directly. They figured he was finally taking the game seriously for once, not wanting to get left behind as the rest of them soared to greater heights. But in truth, volleyball was the furthest thing from his mind.
His thoughts - and his heart - were set on his childhood best friend, whose antics that day made it impossible to focus on read blocking, on spiking, on anything. All because of that stupidly infectious laugh of his.
While Tsukishima was taking a quick break, his steely eyes fixated on his freckled friend as he got ready for another round of serving practice. Lately he'd been flopping most of his jump floats, so today he had dedicated almost all of his time to perfecting them. He was working harder than almost anyone else, which earned him Tsukishima’s respect even though he never said it aloud.
However, instead of heading to the court to take his place, Tsukishima saw him walk towards Nishinoya with cheeks ablaze. His ears perked up as he caught the tail end of their conversation, finding it difficult to pull his attention elsewhere.
“Hey, uh… Nishinoya?”
“What's up?”
“Can you… umm… do ‘it’ again?”
Nishinoya tilted his head in confusion, but beamed with joy when he realized what Yamaguchi was asking.
“Ohh, you want me to do ‘it’ to help you relax?”
“Uhm, y... yes, please!”
“Alrighty! Lift up your arms! Hehehe…”
Tsukishima had a gut feeling about what was coming next and turned away before anyone could notice the blush creeping across his own cheeks. 
A couple seconds passed before an all-too familiar laugh rang out through the gymnasium, capturing the attention of all but one blonde haired blocker who refused to look. An unfamiliar emotion swirled in the pit of his stomach, one he couldn't put a name to until much later when the two of them were alone.
“-Aheeheehaha! Gaaaaah!”
“Stop moving around so much! You’re making it difficult!”
“I cahahahahan’t!!”
Their fun was soon interrupted by the team captain, who was less than pleased to see his juniors messing around once again. As soon as the two underclassmen heard Daichi’s stern voice yelling at them from the court, they froze up and stood at attention.
“Stop fooling around you two! Yamaguchi, get out here and serve already!”
“Right! Sorry!!”
The pinch server regained what composure he could before racing out to the court while Nishinoya zoomed over to the other side. Tsukishima watched in disbelief as his friend took a deep breath, got a running start, and then successfully completed a perfect jump float, one that even Nishinoya couldn’t receive. 
So that ‘it’ thing really worked, huh? He tried his best to fight the smile creeping across his face, kicking himself mentally for being so soft. Seeing that unfold before him was so lame, so ridiculous, so undeniably and indisputably...
Nishinoya ran up and gave his teammate a double high five, then poked him in the ribs to throw him off. Yamaguchi doubled over, clutching his sides while his high pitched laughter floated through the air. 
Tsukishima pretended not to notice.
He saw it happen again later, while Yamaguchi was sitting next to Suga on the bench during break. The third year was much more subtle about it, doing sneaky things like poking his side repeatedly and whispering mean teases in his ear. Tsukishima could make out a few words here and there scattered in between Yamaguchi’s tittered giggles. The first year was doing his best to stay quiet, clamping a hand over his mouth while he squirmed in place, probably to save himself the embarrassment. 
Tsukishima glanced over his shoulder, trying not to make it too obvious he was watching.
“...does it tickle here?”
“Pfffft, bahahaha!”
“...here… or what about here…?”
“Eheheheehee! Sugaaaa!”
He couldn’t tell which was worse. Suga’s soft, yet sadistic teasing, or Yamaguchi’s breathless begging. Watching his nose scrunch up, bunching the scattered freckles across his face together while he threw back his head and finally erupted into full blown belly laughs. It was all too much for the middle blocker. In his head, a single sentence repeated itself over and over again like a mantra for the rest of his time at practice, one he couldn’t ignore no matter how much he tried to repress it:
I should be the one getting him.
When the sun began to dip under the horizon, the two of them left the gymnasium together and walked side by side as they headed home, like they always did after practice. Tsukishima was as quiet as ever, still mulling to himself while Yamaguchi tried making small talk. He didn’t really register what he was saying, as his mind was still replaying the scenes from earlier. He was so deep in thought that he barely heard his friend calling his name.
“...Tsukki? Earth to Tsukki! Helloooooo?”
The blonde perked up, finally coming back to reality. Yamaguchi was staring at him with his big, brown eyes, like a puppy dog seeking attention from its master. He thought about the way he squeezed them shut when Nishinoya tickled his sides, and then how sweet his giggles sounded when Suga was poking him. He thought about how much he wanted to hear him laugh like that again, right here, right now.
He couldn’t deny it any longer. He really, really wanted to tickle Yamaguchi.
Without saying a word, Tsukishima slapped the back of his neck and began to give him gentle squeezes. 
“Aaaaaah! Tsukkiiiii!”
Yamaguchi’s reaction was as predictable as always. He raised his arms to try and grab Tsukki’s hands, leaving his midsection wide open for an attack. The middle blocker jabbed into his sides, the corners of his mouth turning up slightly in amusement while Yamaguchi tried to fight the tickles from both ends. It was funny how much those subtle touches affected him. No wonder everyone else on the team enjoyed teasing him so much.
“Are you still spending the night tonight?” He asked, keeping a straight face as he feigned ignorance to Yamaguchi’s suffering.
“Ahahaha! I already said yeahahahaha!”
He gave him a few more rapid squeezes before letting him go. Yamaguchi let out a few more breathy laughs, then immediately started to whine, but it went unnoticed by a brooding Tsukki. He was still unsatisfied, but this little taste was enough to blow him over until they reached his house. Maybe then he’d feel a bit more bold.
As soon as they got back to Tsukishima’s place, they kicked off their shoes and went straight for the couch to watch some stupid TV shows. It was a Friday night, and they basically had the place to themselves since the rest of his family was out of town. Yamaguchi sat on one end of the couch, shoving fistfuls of cheese-itz into his mouth while Tsukishima sat on the other end, looking bored as ever as some dumb cartoon episode played on the screen. In reality, he was using all of his willpower to fight back his embarrassing little urge. His fingers twitched in place, tapping against the arm of the couch incessantly as if relieving pent up energy.
“Hey,” he said after an hour or so of silence.
“Yeah?” Yamaguchi mumbled with a mouthful of cheese.
“What was up with that whole ‘it’ thing earlier,” he asked casually, hoping his curiosity wouldn’t betray him.
“Huh?” Yamaguchi gulped down his cheesy snack. “Oh! You mean…”
He trailed off, the end of his sentence barely audible. Tsukishima noticed a pinkish hue forming on his cheeks as his gaze fell to the floor. It complimented his freckles quite nicely. God, why did he have to be so cute?
“Uh, well… Nishinoya suggested it ‘cause I kept getting nervous, and he said it could help me relax…”
“Uh huh. Did it work?”
“Actually, yeah! I felt like it helped loosen me up.”
“Uh huh.”
There was a brief moment of awkward silence that fell between them before Yamaguchi spoke up again.
“Uh, why do you ask?”
“You know,” Tsukishima said, leaning over his friend who was sprawled out across the cushions. “You can ask me. If you ever want ‘it’.”
“Wha, what?!”
Tsukki grabbed both of his wrists and held them down firmly, with little resistance from the pinch server who stared at him with a dumbfounded look, as if he hadn’t expected this to happen at all. He donned his most convincing poker face, hoping it was enough to mask his nervousness. His heart was beating so fast, it felt like it was climbing up his throat. There was no going back now.
“Tsukki…? What, what are you doing?!”
“Do you like it?”
“...Huh? Like what?”
Tsukki flashed a knowing smirk before he asked his next question.
“Do you like being tickled?”
There it was. He managed to spit it out, after all, as much as he hated saying that word. It looked like it bothered Yamaguchi just as much, who was already writhing beneath him.
“Whahahat?! Me? Wh, why do you ask?!”
He was giving  himself away with his nervous laughter and skittish babbling. Tsukishima hadn’t touched him at all, and he was already so worked up. His smirk turned into a grin as he shuffled the trapped wrists into one hand and hovered the other over his head. 
He was really going to enjoy this.
“You didn’t answer the question.”
Yamaguchi pulled weakly at his trapped arms, not really trying to get away but not surrendering either. He wiggled with what little room he had, and the sight made Tsukishima even more eager to get started. He noticed that the hem of his shirt had ridden up, exposing a bit of his belly button, and snuck his hand underneath so that it rested against his bare skin. It felt warm in his palms, and it twitched a lot just from the slight movement of his hand.
“Ehehehe, Tsukki!! Wait!!”
“Not gonna answer? Mmmk.”
Unable to hold out any longer, Tsukishima wisped the tips of his fingers against Yamaguchi’s stomach. His skin was soft to touch and quivered like jello. The freckly-faced boy squealed loudly, arching his back and pushing himself further into Tsukishima’s hand. The blonde couldn’t help but smile; only he knew how weak his friend was to light tickles, and he was going to exploit that fact for as long as he could.
“Tsukeeheeheehee!! Wahahahahit!!”
“It's really obvious that you like it,” Tsukishima stated matter-of-factly, continuing to spider in a circular motion around his navel. “You were so shy about asking, and you never said stop.” He moved towards his side, raking the entire length of his waist as Yamaguchi shrieked, squirmed, and protested. His torso bounced up and down like he was on a trampoline, contorting himself as much as he could with what little room he had to move. He accidentally brushed against his hip and remembered how bad it was there once Yamaguchi shrieked in ticklish agony.
“Ahahahaha, nghhhh, noHOHOHO NOT THEHEHERE!!”
“Not where? Here? You mean your hips? You’re really weak there, aren’t you?”
Tsukishima proved himself by tickling that hyper-sensitive area, putting his thumb in the crease of his thigh while his other four fingers dug into the side of his hip. Yamaguchi bucked his hips in response, involuntarily trying to shake him off but instead pushing himself further into the blonde’s grip once again. His laughter was bubbly and wild, jumping through multiple octaves until he lost his energy and fell into silent laughter. That’s when Tsukishima knew he was getting to him. He eased up, still stroking the waist of his shorts but at a much slower pace so he could catch his breath.
“Such a big reaction from a little touch,” he whispered, ghosting his fingers up his chest until they reached his collarbones. He fluttered against them with a feather-light touch, relishing Yamaguchi’s small squeaks and flinches. He climbed further, skittering the backs of his nails against his neck while the pinch server shook his head from side to side. He tried fighting back his giggles, but they burst through despite his best efforts.
“NgghhaahAHAHAHAHA! Pleeeeease! Tsukeeheehee!”
Tsukishima moved up to his ears, jumping from one to the other as he nearly tickled his friend to hysterics. Every time he turned his head, he’d just go to the other, making it impossible to shake him off. Yamaguchi was unable to form words, once again succumbing to silent laughter. 
“What’s wrong? Can’t talk? Maybe this will help,” Tsuki poked one of his underarms and nearly got bucked off the couch from how violently Yamaguchi thrashed. After grounding himself a bit more steadily, he focused his efforts on this new spot, poking the center of his pit again and again while his friend convulsed beneath him. Tears pricked the corners of his eyes as he tried hiding his face in one arm, perhaps from shyness or embarrassment. That just made Tsukki poke his other armpit, which elicited another goofy cackle from the trapped server.
He kept it up for several more minutes until Yamaguchi’s face was bright red and his giggles turned into wheezes. Tsukki gave him a few seconds of respite, allowing him to catch his breath before things got too intense. He put his hand on his stomach again and lazily traced random patterns into his trembling skin.
“I don't think it's lame, by the way,” he said, tracing a line from one side to the other while the brunette snickered from the light touch. “You can ask me whenever.”
“Aheeheehee… aha! ...I… I cahahan?”
“Yeah. Just don't be weird about it,” Tsukishima released him at long last, taking a moment to enjoy the blushing, disheveled sight that was Yamaguchi. The guy had curled himself into a ball in case Tsukishima decided to attack again and was still giggling, even now when Tsukki was at least a foot away.
“So… you don’t think I’m lame?” he asked, sounding genuinely concerned about what his friend thought of him. The blonde shrugged his shoulders, acting nonchalant while his insides fluttered like butterflies.
“Nah. You’re a pretty cool guy. I guess.”
Yamaguchi sounded a bit hoarse, so Tsukki went to the kitchen to fetch him a glass of water. He chugged it down so fast he started coughing, and Tsukki rubbed circles in his back until he was breathing normally again. 
“Wait… why were you watching me so much at practice?” the brunette suddenly asked while staring at his friend, who looked quite taken aback from the unexpected question.
“I wasn’t. I just…”
“Hold on! You were jealous, weren’t you? Did you wanna do ‘it’ to me at practice? Did ya? Did ya?” Yamaguchi poked at his friend’s ribs, moreso to annoy him than get a reaction, and luckily the blonde was able to stifle his own vocalization. He slapped away his hand and furrowed his brows in a fake display of annoyance.
“Stop. And how bold of you to assume I was focusing all my attention on you, dummy.”
Seeing him don a shit-eating grin only spurred Tsukki’s irritation on. He felt his own cheeks burn with humiliation now that he’d been discovered. It wasn’t often that Yamaguchi got the best of him, and when he did, he made sure to rub it in as much as he could. 
“Awww, Tsukki!! If you wanna tickle me that bad, you can just ask too!”
“Shut up. And don’t say that. It’s embarrassing. For you, I mean.”
“Hehe, what's the matter Tsukki? Can't say it? You can't say t-EHEHEHEHEE NOOOOOO! Please no I'm sohahahahree!!!”
Yamaguchi spluttered out pleas for mercy through more wild laughter as Tsukki latched onto his sides, tickling with much more ferocity than before. They stayed there for a while longer, just enjoying their closeness now that both of their little secrets were out in the open. Yamaguchi’s laugh rang out like musical notes, filling the house with a wonderful, heartwarming sound.
And for once, Tsukki actually laughed along with him.
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otomiyaa · 10 months ago
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Requests Closed!
Thank you guys, for the support and requests! I'm glad to know you're interested in them*w* I put all requests I intend to write in a list. These will be written in random order, progress will be updated in this post, I'll add a link to my pinned post later :)
Note: If you didn't state platonic/romantic/erotic then I put them under platonic. If that's incorrect feel free to leave me a message!
Also if there were double requests with the same lee/ler/dynamic I combined them! Last but not least, these are a lot so I'll try my best to write them but cannot promise anything, and it'll probably take me ages hehe.
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Ler!Tsukishima & Reader: 50. “So why don’t we see who’s more ticklish?”
Lee!Xiao & Reader: 41. “No, I’m not ticklish there.”
Lee!Akaashi & Reader: 06. “Could you… do that to me?” + “I really can’t believe how ticklish you are.”
Lee!Boothill & Reader: 03. “I thought you weren’t ticklish.”
Lee!Luke Pearce & Reader: 43. “Don’t tell me you actually forgot how ticklish you are?”
Lee!Blade & Reader: 47. “I wasn’t even touching you.”
Lee!Zayne x Reader: 22. “Don’t laugh, I’m trying to talk to you!”
Lee!Aventurine x Reader: 06. “Could you… do that to me?”
Ler!Aventurine x Reader: 09. "You and I remember this game very differently."
Ler!Aventurine x Reader: 06. “Could you… do that to me?” / 18. “Wait… That tickled?”
Ler!Kuroo x Reader: 13. “That’s… quite an attitude for someone in your position.”
Ler!Scaramouche x Male!Reader: 16. “I was trying to sleep!”
Lee!Xiao x Reader: 12. “Yes. Of course. No I mean.. huh?!”
Ler!Sugawara x Reader: 06. "Could you… do that to me?"
Ler!Gojo x Reader: 34. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
Ler!Luigi x Reader: 13. “That’s… quite an attitude for someone in your position.”
Lee!Loid Forger x Reader: 34. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
Ler!Hawks x Reader: 35. “Maybe next time when I can actually move?”
Ler!Wriothesley x Reader: 32. “It’s been a while since you laughed.”
Ler!Hatori Sohma x Reader: 01. “I promise I won’t tickle you.” + 18. “Wait… That tickled?”
Lers!Kate & Yelena x Reader: 05. “I didn’t steal anything!”
Ler!Loki x Reader: 13. “That’s… quite an attitude for someone in your position.”
Lee!Vyn Richter x Reader: 47. “I wasn’t even touching you.”
Ler!Diluc x Male!Reader: 11. “So, what will be your next excuse to tickle me?” 
Lee!Caelus x Reader: 44. “I can’t let you go unpunished.”
Ler!Chigiri x Reader: 17. “You have three seconds to run.” - this came like 1 minute after I closed requests so still accepted dear anon!
Lers!Lucifer, Solomon, Barbatos & Reader: 06. “Could you… do that to me?” + 13. “That’s… quite an attitude for someone in your position.”
Lee!Lyney x Reader: 07. “For the next hour, I’m all yours.”
Ler!Diavolo x Fem!Reader: 08. “I know other ways to make you laugh.”
Lee!Dan Heng Imbibitor Lunae x Reader: 49. Please don't tell me you heard that.
Lee!Albedo x Reader: 07. “For the next hour, I’m all yours.”
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ticklishfanart · 2 years ago
2023 Drawings Masterlist
The others were getting too long for my liking so I’m gonna separate them by year now!!
* - nsfw
Lee Leon Ler Byakuya 
Don't Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro
Senpai gets gangbanged (tickled) by three girls
* Lee Ushiwaka nipple stuff * 
* Lee Ushiwaka even MORE nipple stuff  *
Kuroo and Tsukki being boyfriendddsssuhghhh
Krtsk boyfriend time part 2
Kuroo tied to a chair
* Tsukishima’s thighs *
Inside Job
Reagan tickling Brett with robot arms!
Mob and Teru beach day tickle fight
My Hero Academia
lee Mina ler Bakugou
lee Koda ler Tokoyami
ler She-Ra lee Mermista
Spiderman Across the Spider-verse
Miguel is so fucking hot for WHAT
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smilingangel582 · 2 years ago
Will the strongest or the smartest survive?
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Summary: (damn I suck at these so mind if I give these summaries a try) Tobio Kageyama is immediately faced with a twisted fate of overpowering someone of height but Kageyama believed he had the strength more than Tsukishima. His fate is sealed all thanks to a certain ginger and alas! The pheasants eventually discover that the king bears a grave weakness, which is used by the witty Tsukishima... how has it come to this? (Dramatic Ik I suck)
It was already after defeating shiratorizawa, and the boys happened to chill around. Tanaka and Noya are busy at Kyoko's tail, and Enoshita and Daichi are with Takeda who called out to a meeting regarding the victory. Mostly that's all Shoyo Hinata knew about the case.
Currently, he's with Kageyama practising his awful receives (as the king calls it), and to their surprise, even Tsukishima joined practice to block spikes of Kageyama which Yameguchi tossed to him.
Kageyama developed excellent spikes and Tsukishima barely managed to block them.
"Oh I'm ready to shut down his highness for good"
Scoffing Kageyama grumbled "yeah I'd like to see you try four eyes"
This struck Hinata to a new idea. He wanted to ask, and thus, he breaks their practice immediately "Hey... so if Tsukishima and Kageyama were to wrestle each other.. who would win?"
Before the setter could state his reasons Tsukishima pushed his glasses in a mocking way as he responded "What an absurd question why the royalty may have power with their commands but my lowly abilities are much superior when I have my height..."
He stared at Kageyama smugly and as expected the youngest setter was infuriated "Please your skinny ass wouldn't be able handle my strength, need I remind you I got abs way better than any one of you"
True, Hinata thought clutching to his midriff as if he could produce the same abs as the prodigal setter.
Yameguchi tilted his head after finishing a jump float server. "Really now... won't it be hard to knock over someone tall, though?"
Tsukishima smirked. "Yeah, you won't be able to push me down so easily, king, don't get cocky, even you have limits to raw mosterously revolting abilities"
Kageyama sneered, "Oh yeah? Gonna flap those chicken arms of yours till I surrender? Yeah, no, I'll beat your first four eyed bean pole!"
"Oh I see" Tsuki smirked "You wanna put your theory to the test... why for once, though I hate to admit it, we're on the same page"
"Safe word, Karasano"
Hinata got an unimpressed stare from Yameguchi. Seriously, that's the word?
Hinata watch them get up now standing in front of each other. Not that Kageyama was short he's actually tall even though with a much lean build, he's muscular than Tsukishima. Their height difference is disturbing even for Kageyama.
Finally, they lunged.
Kageyama genuinely was proven stronger, but he had difficult to gather Tsukishima as a whole to pin him down.
"Unlike you and shorty, I prefer to avoid violence at max. Yet to be insulted like this...?" With that, Tsukishima inherited a spiritual strength to pin Kageyama first."Tsk, that pissed me off..."
Kageyama's face twisted to a menacing glare "You!... grrr! Come on!"
Kageyama had greater horsepower as he pushed Tsukishima down to the floor, managing to pin his shoulders in place.
Hinata clapped unconsciously "Whoa Kageyama... I had most of my bets on specs here"
"Shut it! It's your fault don't forget th-AH!" He was swiftly pinned down by the tall guy and felt his wrists pulled to his chest by him. His knees however were free and this made Kageyama scrape his teeth with irritation "Take this!"
Flipping them again, Tsukishima grunted at the force of impact when Kageyama was back to straddling his hips. He sighed now, realising this beasts stamina is something else. It's not like they were free earlier...almost over exerted themselves to pure collapse this morning.
"Finally! Now... say the safe word four eyed jerk!"
"Oh, you think it's thar easy, your highness?" He enjoyed the growl he saw and the daggers in his blue eyes. He knew he should take another initiative, but what would tire the king?
Flipping each othet constantly will tire him first, so... oh wait...
He wondered now... Will that work with someone of his personality?
He's wide open. Kageyama had his hands on Tsukishima's shoulders to force him down while his own hands...
They latched on to his shirt... so maybe...
"Tsukishima... you should give up now it's useless to th -hihink ah Wait!"
Kageyama immediately pulled his arms towards his torso now hugging his middle with pure shock when he felt delicate scribble on the side.
"Did my eyes deceive me?" Yameguchi blinked frantically as he heard that giggle and the smile Kageyama involuntarily let out.
Tsukishima hummed teasingly now slowly sneaking a hand under Kageyama's untucked shirt and began with that same gentle touch on his waist "My, my is the king slightly sensitive... how unregal of you"
"Hohold on... whahat are yohou -Stohohop tohohouching mehehe!"
"Just trying to get you down... put you where you belong oh king of the court!" Tsukishime was seeing how Kageyama was awkwardly stumbling back now, trying to cover his weak spots though he couldn't hide them from him. He was now on the floor feeling a weight on his waist as Tsukishima attacked his sides with his long fingers and as rigid as a blockers... making it way difficult for Kageyama.
"He's ticklish? That's a first..." Hinata thought with astonishment. He never expected stoic faced Kageyama laughing like this -more or less giggling like a child.
"Gahahahad wahahahit... thihihis ihihis cheheheheheating! Ihihihihihi ahahaham the strohohohngest"
"Spoken up like a true king...now then..." Tsukishima paused but kept his fingers only grazing his sides but not tickling "Say it..."
Panting Kageyama growled "What?!"
"Saaay it, little kageyama... say it..." he worked his fingers now, resuming the torture and this threw him into a hysterical giggle fit.
"Nehehehehhever yohohohohou peheheheice ohohohof shihihihit!"
Tsukishima felt satisfied seeing how flustered he seemed with a red face and blushing ears it's... somewhat cute on him.
Ahem... he's here to win, not look at his appeal. Hinata felt his fingers itch and he wanted to join so badly as if it was a spike he wanted to hit.
Yameguchi however said "Let's save it for later... for now let Tsuki make the king beg..."
Hinata nodded as he watched Tsukishima still tease Kageyama around the sides.
Tsukishima is a frightening teaser, and Hinata felt butterflies in his stomach.
"A most confident declaration of war and yet the king failed his subjects... where your strength sire?"
Kageyama is officially pissed now, and he tried to attack him back. "YOU LIHIHITTlE PUHUHUNK -GAHAHAHAHA WAHAHAHIT WAHAHAHAIT!"
He felt another horrifying touch at the backs of his ribs. He shot up now, arching his back to stop this. He squirmed around now, whining, "Geheheheht ohohohohff!"
"Say the word loser... come on, height or strength doesn't matter, but use your brain, " he smirked."There's more power there..."
Kageyama can't even hear him, and he was squirming around to get away now, but his skinny arms were strong "where are you going? Come here..."
"OH gehehet awahahay yohohou creepy four eheheyes! Ahahah nohoho gehehehet ohohoff mehehe!" He felt Tsukishima latch on to his knees and shrieked. "Nohoho Pleahahse!"
"What's this?" There's no delight in finding another weak spot "Your knees..."
"Wow now that's the sound I need"
Tsukishima was playful as he was skittering his finger ls on the sweet spot and Kageyama was helplessly trying to kick his feet.
Hinata realised how tough Kageyama is until this point. He heard the final code word at last.
Tsukishima victoriously smiled and then gave a final poke to his stomach. "Got the king pegged down at last..."
"To think you could be such a giggle machine" Yameguchi snickered.
Kageyama growled now. "Ihihi hahahate yohohou! I'll pay yohou bahahck!"
Hinata gulped but he felt like he would get Kageyama first before he could.
"I hope you'll at least try to use that brain of yours, sire..." he gave a mocking bow making Kageyama snarl with pure rage almost flamed whipping from his eyes.
"You! I swear I'll get you four eyed know-it-all!"
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italeean · 2 years ago
Drabble Event Bonus Day
A/N: After so much time, here it is!! The drabble for the amazing friend, and super cool tumblr user, @jettori 😸 Thank you for your friendship and support, I'll treasure it forever 🥹 And thank you for the ship we chose... you really wanted to give me a gift, huh? (Let's say that I like those characters A LOT... for reasons) Ti mando un grande abbraccio e tanti biscotti 💚🤍❤️ (I'm sending you a big hug and lots of cookies)
~ • ~ • ~
"Oh please, keep up with your sassy comments and see where it gets you." Kuroo said with a fake-sweet and sassy tone to the younger guy who was helping him with the cleanup. Bokuto and Akaashi had decided to not join them for that special training session because they thought that training more before dinner was already enough.
Actually Akaashi, helped by the rest of his team, made Bokuto give up on that idea and go to bed. No one wanted to know how cranky the ace could get without resting properly...
"Is it sass, though? I'm just telling the truth here..." Tsukishima said, completely unaffected by his senpai's indirect threat. The rooster-head just chuckled to himself and went on with his cleaning tasks, keeping up the playful banter with the blond.
However at a certain point, he just decided it was enough. When the taller boy said something about him being Kenma's mom, he just knew he had to take drastic measures. He quietly approached the clueless teen and suddenly jabbed his side, which earned him a jump from his kouhai.
Tsukishima glared at him with a surprised and slightly nervous expression and he glared right back with a huge smirk. The ravenhead didn't advance any further, he just said two words. "Run. Now."
It was all the younger guy needed to sprint right away, trying to make a beeline for the exit. However, luck wasn't on his side, in fact he tripped on the net that was laying on the floor and even got an ankle stuck in one of the holes.
He cursed and tried to free himself, but his hands were shaking in nervousness and anticipation (although he'd rather die than admit it), so Kuroo easily managed to catch up to him. "Would you look at that? I don't even need to pin you down, you did everything by yourself~"
As soon as he saw ten wiggling fingers ominously coming his way, Tsukishima intensified his struggle, but it was all in vain. The rooster-head's hands went straight for his sides, spidering up and down trying to get a reaction out of him.
It was both hilarious and endearing to Kuroo how his kouhai squirmed and bit his lip to hold back his laughter, but he knew it wasn't going to last long. A giddy smile was already taking over his face and his breathing was getting heavier with every second.
Kuroo's intuition was correct, as soon as his fingertips prodded on the teen's ribs, the dam broke and a stream of giggles filled the whole room. "Kurohohoo stohoHOHOhop ihihit rihIHIHight nohow!!" The blond tried to bark orders, wirh scarce results, given his position and who he was talking to.
"Trying to tell me what to do, huh? What if I don't want to listen to you? What would you do?" He sassed while his hands were going up, painfully slowly, towards the poor teen's underarms. "NohoHOHoho not thehehere!! DoHOhon't yohou dahAHAHare!!" Tsukishima yelled instinctively.
"Not there? Hmmm... if you don't like me tickling you there on your ribs, I'm sure you won't mind me going up~" Before the taller guy could register and elaborate what was going on, an excruciatingly tingly sensation sent little electric jolts to each and every one of his nerve endings.
"PFFT- HAHAHAHAHA KUHUHUROO NAHAHAHAHAT THEHEHERE!! GOHOHOHO AHAHAWAHAHAHAY!!" He laughed so loudly that one might have thought he was being murdered. "Not the ribs, not the underarms... you should stop making demands, you're in no position to do so." Kuroo stated in a fake stern tone, laughing a little when no comeback came from his underclassman.
"Tell me, which one tickles more? This one?" The ravenhead poked quickly the center of his friend's left underarm, "Or this one?" He did the same with the right one, watching the blond go crazy. "NOHOHOHO OHOHONE SHUHUHUHUT UHUHUP!!"
"Oya oya oya? That's not nice... now I'll continue until you give me an answer and apologize... maybe this will teach you a lesson~" Hearing that, Tsukishima quickly said that his right armpit was more sensitive, even though it was a lie, they were both equally ticklish.
However, it wasn't enough for Kuroo to stop. He wanted an apology and he was determined to get it. Eventually, the taller guy gave in and yelled "IHIHI'M SOHOHORRY JUHUHUHUHUST STAHAHAHAHAHAP IHIHIT PLEHEAHAHAHSE"
"Oh, even a please? You must be serious then..." The rooster-head said while getting away from his underarms and freeing his ankles from the net, satisfied with how his plan of leaving it on the floor as a trap had turned out. Tsukishima just laid there, panting and getting in some much-welcomed oxygen.
When he finally recovered, he got up, refusing his senpai's help because he still had some pride left, and asked "How did you know about... you know what?" He found it strange how the Nekoma captain went straight for his worst spots even if he'd never tickled him.
Kuroo decided it wasn't necessary to tease his friend any more and answered directly "Yesterday I saw Yamaguchi poking your side when you refused to get up to do your stretching routine," He smirked, enjoying how Tsukishima's expression changed when realization hit him "and I decided to ask him more about this little weakness of yours. Poor boy, he was so intimidated that I didn't even need to corner him... he just told me what I wanted to know. He even tried to lie at some point, but he was like an open book. Apologize to him for me, I think I quite scared him." He concluded while he was exiting the gym.
Tsukishima left soon after. His knees were still a bit wobbly, but he was able to walk anyway. His cheeks were still slightly flushed, but his eyes were sparkling with evil. He went directly to his room, where he found Yamaguchi alone since everyone else was still chatting or having dinner.
The freckled boy greeted him with a smile, but his cheerful expression fell as soon as his gaze met the blond's one.
"Hey Yamaguchi, have you ever heard of the word 'betrayal'?"
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duckymcdoorknob · 4 years ago
Daily Speedwrite Pairings: Day 11
“I can’t calm down! I’m freaking out man!” -Tsukkiyama
This could be seen as non platonic??
Also I’m dying at how soft Tsukishima is.
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A pair of shrieking second years bounded down the hallway, past the team’s sleeping room, “GHOST! GHOST!”
Tadashi shot awake. His eyes widened and his breath hitched. Did they say...?
“GHOST!!” he heard again.
The first year shuddered and furrowed his eyebrows, looking to the world around him. He had to rationalize his surroundings, ensuring he was the only one awake. Sure, he was the only one awake, but him and Tsukishima were the only ones in the room, trying to sleep at the moment.
He didn’t know what to do; he just knew he needed help. “Tsukki? Tsukki wake up!” Yamaguchi cried in a hushed tone, shaking the sleeping boy next to him, “Tsukki please I need you!”
The blonde awoke with a jolt, instinctively wrapping himself around his friend, “What’s wrong? Who am I fighting? Do you need something to drink? Did you have a bad dream?” the deluge of rambling questions continued to assault Yamaguchi.
“Tsukki- I’m alright! I’m just... just scared.” Tadashi whispers as he looked anywhere but at his friend.
“You scared the hell out of me, Tadashi. I thought you were crying.” The tired boy let out a yawn and placed his glasses on his face, “But you’re still scared; so let’s get you calmed down, alright?” Tsukishima placed a gentle hand on his friend’s shoulder.
“I’m so thankful for you.” Yamaguchi nuzzled into the embrace, “You make me feel safe.”
Tsukishima allows himself to smile in contentment, “I’m glad you trust me, Tadashi,”
Tanaka and Noya come bursting in the room, causing both first years to jump.
“WE SAW A GHOST!” GUYS!” Noya’s breathless cries absolutely petrified poor Yamaguchi.
“I’m sure you didn’t.” The blonde’s glare could’ve pierced through the second year, “You need to take your antics before you scare Tadashi to death.” He stated through gritted teeth.
“Some of us are actually trying to rest before the camp tomorrow.”
The olive haired boy began to tremble in his friend’s grip, whimpering slightly. He kicked himself away from his friend and hid inside his futon.
“Tadashi you need to calm down.” Tsukishima states bluntly, petting the latter’s hair.
“I can’t calm down! I’m freaking out man!” Yamaguchi whined as he pulled his covers up to cover his eyes.
“We all know that Tanaka and Nishinoya are just messing with us. There’s no ghost.” Tsukki replied with a scoff.
“But what if there is?!” Yamaguchi peeked out from his cozy shield, “It could get us!”
“Oh get a hold of yourself. We’re not children anymore.” The blonde snapped back.
“R-right...“ the frightened boy replied gently, his tone much softer than earlier.
Now you’ve done it Tsukki, “Tadashi I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that.” he sighed, “You’re scared... and It’s my job to keep you safe.”
“ ‘mfine-“ Yamaguchi mumbled, “Jus’ go back t’ sleep.”
“Tadashi I’m not letting you mope. You’re not being bothersome. I know that’s what you’re thinking.” Tsukki stated, scooting closer to his friend.
“How do you always know...?” Yamaguchi mumbled, snuggling into his futon.
“I just do.” Tsukishima replied, “I also know that I’m going to have to resort to drastic measures to get you feeling better.”
“Tsukki no! I’ll wake everyone up!” Tadashi whined.
“No one else is trying to sleep.” the blonde let himself smile menacingly, hovering over his friend, “I’ll need to get you free from your cozy prison first, though.”
Tsukishima attempted to pull the futon off of Yamaguchi, only receiving a pretty good fight from the latter. Tadashi giggled madly as he tried to keep the blanket above his head, only pulling it away from his ankles.
“You want to do this the hard way huh?” Tsukki questioned bluntly, eyeing the olive haired boy’s now exposed feet, “Fine. Have it your way.” 
The blonde hooked his arm around Tadashi’s ankle, trapping the boy’s foot.
“Nonono! Tsukki! They’re gonna hear you!” Yamaguchi whined while tugging on his leg.
“You mean they’ll hear you?” Tsukki asked with a sinister grin.
Tsukishima wasted no time spidering his fingers over one of Tadashi’s feet.
“Tsuhuhuhukkihihihi!” Yamaguchi fell backwards against the floor, giggling uncontrollably, “dohohohont.“
“Don’t? But you seem to like it if you’re laughing. Laughing equals merriment my book.” Tsukki stated, changing his spidering to scratching.
“NGRHG- TsuHUHUKIHIHI!” Tadashi attemped to hold back his laughter, but no avail.
“That’s me. What do you need?” Tsukishima’s teasing was almost unbearable to poor Yamaguchi. Tsukki played dumb and spoke so sarcastically that Yams didn’t feel like a little kid. Tsukki made him feel like a flustered little high schooler.
“No thank you. I haven’t gotten my fill yet.”
Tadashi threw his head back in agonizing laughter, “GOHOHOHOD YOHOHOHOUREHEHEHE SOHOHO MEHEHEAN!”
“Mean?!” An over exaggerated gasp followed Yamaguch’s accusation, “How dare you Tadashi, I thought we were best friends.”
“Are you still scared?” The blonde asked as he released Tadashi’s foot.
“Then it seems like my job isn’t done.”
“Wait. What?”
Tsukishima prayed that the walls would be thick enough to cover his friend’s inevitable ticklish cries for mercy. Regardless, he sat on his friend’s waist and began to squeeze Yamaguchi’s bare knees, causing the boy to jolt up.
“NGH- HAHAHAHA NOHOHOHOHO! TSUHUHUHUKKIHIHIHI!” Tadashi whined as he pounded a fist against Tsukishima’s back.
“No? Is this spot too ticklish? You have an even more ticklish spot that I could be abusing right now. I decided to be nice. You should be thankful, Tadashi.” The sinister blonde stated bluntly.
“Oh anywhere else? Alright... I guess you just want me to attack your death spot.” Tsukishima did a 180 turn in his friend’s waist, used his knees to pin Tadashi’s arms, and pulled his shirt up.
“NO! WAIT! BACK TO MY KNEES! ITSOKAY!“ Yamaguchi was pleading for his life.
“But I really wanted to hear you giggle while I tickle you here. It really gets you going.” Tsukki wasted no time in his assault, swiftly dipping a finger into Tadashi’s belly button.
Yamaguchi squealed and bucked his hips, “NAHAHAHAHAOHOHO! TSUHUHUKKIHIHI- SHIHIHIHIHIT!”
“My my Tadashi. I thought you were better than those other doorknobs. I never expected you to have such a foul mouth.”
When the blonde brought a hand up to squeeze at the pudge around the boy’s belly button, it was already over.
Tsukishima retracted his finger but continued to gently squeeze Tadashi’s sides to get him down from the high.
“Are you alright, Tadashi?”
“Do you want me to tuck you in?”
“Would you please?”
The blonde chuckled and obliged with his friend’s orders. He snuggled into his own futon then pulled his friend into his chest.
“No ghosts. No monsters. Just me. Rest now. You’re safe.” The whispers in Tadashi’s ear were enough to send him into a coma.
When morning followed the eve of the day, the two friends were surrounded by their teammates sleeping around them. Except for Nishinoya and Tanaka.
“Oh! G’morning boys!” Sugawara’s cheery voice rang, “You must be wondering where the second years are.”
Tadashi, who realized he was in Tsukishima’s grip and wormed out of it, furrowed his eyebrows, “does this have to do with the ghost thing?”
Sugawara let out a hearty chuckle, “Precisely. They were frantically telling everyone they saw a ghost. Scared the bejezus out of a lot of us.”
The two first years learned that it was just Asahi, who had taken his hair out of the bun he usually keeps it in.
“Anyways, please prepare for camp. It seems you two were very well rested and Tadashi seems to be more relaxed than all of us.”
“Suga-saaaan.” Yamaguchi whined, hiding his face in his hands.
“Oh don’t worry. We won’t use that to your disadvantage.” He smiles happily, “Where was he even getting you?”
“Tadashi here has the most ticklish belly button it’s just soooo cute and he can’t stand me talking about it.” It was Tsukishima’s turn to interject.
“Oh you’re just like me-“ Sugawara caught himself with wide eyes, “I mean-“
“Oh? Are you thinking what I’m thinking, Tadashi?”
“Let’s introduce Suga-San to your teases.”
Let’s just say that the rest of the team wasn’t too upset to be woken up by the noise, when they learned the source was Sugawara’s joyful laughter.
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fanfic-chan · 2 years ago
For tickletober: Anticipation for Kuroo and Tsukishima
Day 1: Anticipation
"Come on Tsukishima, just come out and face me already. You know it's going to happen anyway, so you might as well get it over with."
Kuroo teased as he sat waiting outside of the locked storage closet, where the snarky first year was currently hiding out from him.
Ok. So maybe he was being a little mean about this, especially considering he literally had the key to said storage room in his pocket at that very moment. But, to be completely fair, he had warned Tsukishima ahead of time that if he made fun of his hair just one more time that night, he would tickle him to absolute death for it.
It wasn't his fault if the brat decided to sign his own death warrant by continuing with the bedhead jokes anyway.
"Alright then." Kuroo said casually when he didn't get a response, "I guess since you're not going to come out and get what's coming to you, why don't we pass the time by me telling you just how I'm going to tickle you when you finally decide to face the music. Sound good?"
No response still. Kuroo grinned.
"First, I'll go for your sides, just to ease you into it, y'know? They're not as ticklish as your ribs, yeah, but I'm not a monster y'know. I don't wanna kill you after all, since then I'd have to deal with that mother hen of a setter you guys have."
"Then, once I've got you giggling, I'll go for your stomach. It's really funny how red your face gets with that spot. Bokuto said he thinks it's really cute how flustered you get." A small whine of 'shut up' could be heard from behind the door. Oh, he was breaking a lot faster than he expected him to. Perhaps it would be a good time to hammer the last nail in the coffin then.
"Then, once you finally start to act like you're actually beginning to regret your mean comments about my, very stylish thank you, haircut, I'll finally go for those ribs of yours until you apologize and-"
Suddenly, the door to the storage room swung open, and out shot a very red, very flustered looking, Tsukishima. Kuroo couldn't help but laugh as he chased after the fleeing blonde and tackled him to floor, and it wasn't long until the usually sassy blocker was reduced to a screaming puddle of laughter and apologies, just as Kuroo had promised him.
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