internetdruid · 8 months
oh my god what is the Creature in your pinned post pls I’ve never seen it before what a beautiful beast
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My all-time favorite animal!
It's a Takin (Budorcas taxicolor), a large Caprine native to Bhutan, India, China and Tibet.
despite sharing a similar appearance with and being within the subfamily caprinae with the Muskox (Ovibos moschatus), Takins are more closely related to sheep.
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There is an interesting myth behind the creation of the Takin (Budorcas Taxicolor) that contributed to its high religious significance and therefore led to its adoption as Bhutan’s national animal.
Legend has it that in the 15th century when Lam Drukpa Kunley also referred to as “The Divine Madman” arrived in Bhutan from Tibet he delivered religious teachings to the people whereupon they requested him to conjure up a miracle. He agreed on the condition that he would be fed lunch – a whole cow and a whole goat.
Doing as he commanded, the people offered him his massive lunch. The Tibetan saint devoured the flesh of both the animals and left out the bones. Then he fixed the head of the goat onto the body of the cow and with a snap of his fingers uttered a mantra. The animal instantly sprung to life and began grazing on the meadows. He then named it the “Dong Gyem Tsey” (Takin).
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inkeroo · 11 months
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this is a little out of character but in the soul eater tdi au the madness affects izzy a notable amount and the first time she feels afraid of it is when she worries about hurting eva because hehe!! Idk what to call this au. total soul eater island? tsei is a cool acronym sure let's go with that
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jrinthecloset · 9 months
My OC’s/my partner @crow-enthusiast and my Na’vi personas
Tsey’Ren (Tsey) holding Mai’Yayuk (Yuk)
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based on a pose drawn by @CT_Syndrome on Pinterest
Yuk holding Tsey
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based on pose drawn by @mellon_soup (patron.com/melon_soup) on Tiktok
I usually draw without bases but I’ve been having fun drawing with them while I’m sick 💙🩵
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Jetzt kann es sich nur noch um Stunden handeln, bis sie erfroren sind.
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»Scheiße!« – »General?« Tim näherte sich, verschränkte die Arme und presste die blauen Finger unter die Achseln. – »Die Götter haben uns im Stich gelassen«, verkündete General Ying Yaogun. »Das war unsere einzige Hoffnung.« – Die Götter. Wenn die Welt doch nur so einfach wäre. »Erlauben Sie mir, es zu versuchen, General«, erwiderte Tim in perfektem Mandarin und nahm den Platz des Generals vor dem Generator ein. Dem zerstörten Generator, korrigierte er sich. Die Kälte hatte sich genommen, was rechtmäßig ihres war, selbst das Leben der Maschinen.
Es war erst eine halbe Stunde her, dass sie über Funk Nachricht vom Kasernentransporter erhalten hatten, der sie aus der Baracke abholen sollte – ihre letzte Zuflucht vor dem Schneesturm. Doch jetzt entpuppte sich ihr Eden in ein Gefängnis aus Eis und Tod, sie saßen bei Temperaturen unter Minus fünfzehn Grad im Xao Tang Gebirge fest und warteten auf den Transporter, der im Tal von Lu Gao in einen Blizzard geraten und eingeschneit worden war. Sie hätten den Transporter der Kaserne genommen, wenn sich der Winter nicht auch in diese Maschinerie gefressen und die Öle zu Eisblöcken gefrieren lassen hätte. Es würde Tage dauern, bis der Rettungstrupp zu ihnen heraufkam.
𝘞𝘪𝘳 𝘩����𝘣𝘦𝘯 𝘬𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘦 𝘛𝘢𝘨𝘦 𝘮𝘦𝘩𝘳. 𝘌𝘴 𝘬𝘢𝘯𝘯 𝘴𝘪𝘤𝘩 𝘯𝘶𝘳 𝘯𝘰𝘤𝘩 𝘶𝘮 𝘚𝘵𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘯 𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘭𝘯, 𝘣𝘪𝘴 𝘸𝘪𝘳 𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘦 𝘦𝘳𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘯 𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘥!
Die Kälte war eine unbarmherzige Geliebte. Sie brachte ihre Partner an ihre Grenzen und sie zollte ihren Tribut denen, die ihrer nicht gewachsen waren. Tim wusste nicht, ob er ihren hohen Ansprüchen gerecht zu werden vermochte. Alles, was er wusste, war, dass sie seine gerechteste Geliebte in seinem Leben war: Sie war genau das, was sie vorgab zu sein. Wer sich wissentlich in ihre Arme begab und es nicht schaffte, der war ihrer nicht würdig.
Noch während er am Generator werkelte, hörte er den General sich von den letzten Überlebenden seines Trupps verabschieden. Tim rutschte an einer Schraube ab und schnitt sich den Finger an einem abstehenden Stück Metall. Er sog die Luft scharf ein und als er einen Blick auf seinen Finger warf, war da kein Blut. Sein Körper hatte schon lange mit der Durchblutung unwichtiger Extremitäten aufgehört – der Organismus brauchte zum Überleben weder Zehen noch Finger.
Eine Hand legte sich auf seine Schulter. »Niemand versucht, ein totes Pferd wiederzubeleben«, flüsterte Wu Chi. – »Wenn das aber dein einziges Pferd ist und der Tod auf dich zugaloppiert, dann kann man es zumindest versuchen!«, zischte Tim. – »Kein Pferd, kein Reiter, auch keine ganze Armee ist stärker als der Tod.« – Erspar mir deine Glückskekssprüche, Kamerad! Tim schalt sich für diesen Gedanken selbst. Hilf meinem Bruder. Hilf Wu Chi! – »Wir haben unsere Pflicht erfüllt, Tim Erikson. Wu Tsei kann jetzt in Frieden sein – und wir auch.«
Die Gier nach dem Leben macht Menschen zu Eroberern, zu Mördern. Das Prinzip des Nicht-besitzen-Wollens lehrt uns, Dinge zu tun, weil wir sie tun wollen, und nicht, um dafür eine Gegenleistung zu bekommen. Nach diesem Prinzip zu leben, bedeutet, die Dinge so zu akzeptieren, wie sie sind, und sich auch wirklich nichts anderes zu wünschen. Es bedeutet, das Kommen wie das Gehen zu akzeptieren, das Siegen wie das Verlieren. – Wu Chi.
Vielen Dank an @fake-vz für diese tolle Herausforderung! copyright by ©Timophy Erikson
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buraidragon · 2 years
Someone wanted more Cephalon Cy so you now get Cephalon Cy being a dad Notes. (And some of my idiot Tenno’s notes.)
Cy is. A good dad. Strict, yes, but willing to explain why if asked. That said, if it’s your birthday you’re getting spoiled rotten. Little Luna got frequent shoulder rides and got to command Cadogan around like a massive mount.
Glace.... gets fishing supplies and snake food seeing as fishing addict/they kept one of the false water cobra’s kids as they ended up Thyrst-red. (The noodle is named Thyrst. Well-taken care of snake, along with all of Glace’s Kubrows and Kavats. A good diet of Kuakas with supplemental Murkray fillets and vitamin powders.) Cy is also always open to comforting his kids if needed. Glace has nightmares? Get plopped on his lap and snuggled, nerd. @apprenticenerd‘s Jhia has wing cramps? If wanted, Cy will gladly gently apply massages. @mythandlaur‘s Kepler getting too overwhelmed? Cy will give her his coat to hide under until things stop being so much.
That said this idiot is also a chronic overworker. This is a habit that’s carried over from his days since Cadogan. Cy will work through at least five scheduled maintenance cycles and crash only once he starts lagging to a noticeable amount. ....Ordis has had to enter his office several times, use his override permissions, and drag him off to sleep. Seeing as my Cy’s Ordis is shorter than him, sometimes this giant is dragged off like a sack of potatoes slung over a shoulder.
Cy’s little bit of the weave looks like a tropical island, more often than not. Like the Dog-Days arena but smaller. Sometimes the simulated land mass is wrapped in a dome of glass and resting at the bottom of the Uranus waves, simulated wildlife swimming by above head. If resting, more often than not he prefers a hammock as he’s used one most of his life. (Saves more space as you can just unclip one side if extra storage is needed on a ship.)
Cy cares deeply for all his staff. When allowed public Drydock space, he made sure there were amenities that went above and beyond. All staff has medical insurance, a comprehensive time off policy, and several on-staff mental health professionals if needed. (Despite this the dumbass still doesn’t go to get his own mental health looked over.) There’s also at least two top of the line commercial coffee makers per drydock, one for regular coffee and one for cyborg/other modification friendly coffee. Despite the New Loka being the New Loka, they do make arguably the best coffee in the Origin system. Cy begrudgingly pays them for the good stuff, not because his staff doesn’t deserve it, but because it’s The New Loka.
The info that Ballas wanted to get from Luna? What was that last ship you sent out towards the edge of the solar system. The answer? A cache of history and culturally relevant artefacts from the Yvo clan and the others that fought with them until their end. Because as long as one is remembered, they are never forgotten.
The main members of the last Pirate Hoard were the Mercenaries of Yvo, the last few survivors of Ordan’s clan, Javi’s group of Europan Geneticists, the Neptunian Coders, and a few bits the Orokin dedicated servant class (apprenticenerd gave them the name of Tsei) who were super fed up and said ‘fuck it might as well die fighting for once.’
Of course, such a special project couldn’t go off unmanned. Problem is, a human-based Cephalon would go batty from the planned centuries in the Void Proxima region. So what did they do? Take a Cephalon they captured that’s broken, rip out the human ‘personality’ components and leave enough of the base coding that any mind smacked in there would be elevated to near-human levels of thinking.  And the very lucky Sir Reginald was put in. This massive ass snake somehow made it off of Lua on the last supply cache to the Yvo as part of an old treaty.
Cy and Ordis managed to recover the cache on an experimental science-based Railjack loadout run. Cy is fucking ecstatic to be reunited with his “Number one boop noodle!”
Nowadays Sir Reginald still has free-roam of Cy’s current office. The Snakephalon does not have a spectral meat space form, but is more than content to just noodle around the Datascape bits of Cy’s office. Feet her a rat and she will love you forever. (Note that Rats for the Snakephalon translate to bits of bad data. You got a bad hard drive sector? She’ll eat it right up and be a content noodle.)
One last Cy thing. Glace happens to be cursed with a lot of aquatic based void mutations (Yes, it’s a good idea, I’m using it.) and one of them is basically super-charged shark teeth. Sometimes they fall out, and new ones growing in itch sometimes. If it’s bad enough, Cy will lend Glace their Atlas Prime arm to gnaw on for a bit. Just casually disconnect it from the elbow-down and hand it over, as void-mimicing-warframe is oddly hell teeth resistant. Glace appreciates this but is also lightly embarrassed, which is why they always hide under his desk when gnawing on his arm. Cy doesn’t mind one bit.
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tsikli · 2 years
Ðusyþ word of the day #256
ölerkwsa (to ferment)
/ɑ.'leʀkʷ.sa/ [ɑː.'leχ.k̩ʷ.saː]* ⟨ââlerkwsa⟩
*Standard Dialect
From Old Ðusyþ ââlerkwsa (to ferment), from ââlerkws (fermentation keg) + a (verb)
to ferment
ölerkwsahelfnailsei se sy'ill, ej ïbfreisduðysezy. ferment-2SG-bean-COLL-IMP four INSTR-day in_order_to release-AUG-flavour Ferment the beans for four days, to greatly release the flavour. (Recipes for the Home Cook, 1120C)
2. to stimulate
3. to anger, to incite
ölerkwsan"tlaftx"hösengreisxöþduwfnail, it sypiðetx. . incite-PST-corrupt_government_official-anger-AUG-LOC-dwarf-COLL end INSTR-riot-PL The corrupt government officials incited a lot of anger in the populace, ending in the riots.
4. to heat up (of temperature), to become stuffy
tsei, ölerkwsa'erai fið! oh heat_up-INCP here Oh, it's starting to get stuffy here!
5. to excite
riqxikytifsngusenlztx ölerkwsa'aix rels... ðmillibriþujx give.NRPST-SRH-1PL.INCL-candy-DAT-child-PL excite-3SG>3PL only... DM.small_group-run-now-3PL We gave the children candy, but it only excited them... now they're running around in small groups.
6. to turn on, to arouse (slg)
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shriramearlyyears · 4 days
Discover the Best Preschool in Gurgaon at TSEY
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Looking for the perfect start to your child's educational journey? The Shri Ram Early Years (TSEY) is the leading preschool in Gurgaon, offering a nurturing environment where young minds flourish. With a focus on holistic development, our expert educators ensure that each child thrives through play-based learning. TSEY’s curriculum is designed to foster creativity, curiosity, and social skills, setting a strong foundation for future success. Explore the best preschool school in Gurgaon that combines academic excellence with joyful learning. Visit us today and secure a brighter future for your child at TSEY!
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misheegnas manz milyo akh ladke gareh waps teh yeh chu jaik heew zaiqe yeleh beh aemas bosah diwaan chuk tawey woan mey temis zi mey gow neh zane peyz paeth woni chu suh gomut teh suh chu mey beyi akih lati kaal karaan ati chu akh nafar yus bagh qis riyastas manz rozaan chu teh temy woan mey zi aes kareh yih totaam zi aes keriv graduate lahaza woan mey temis zi mosiqi aasi pyaranas layaq mager suh chu yatshaan mey kichnes manz denar palet haith beh chus yaqeen karaan beh chus yaqeen karaan beh chus yaqeen karaan zi aasi chu aasun mager hasd hasd hasd hsd myani khoth behter kario haesil vechho mey chhune mayusi karun mager mey hameshe keriv yithi galteehe aa hameshe keriv hewi galtee 'wajah beh chus mohabtas manz kharaab (awah-awah) mager tuy hekiw neh mey kushish karneh khetri ilzam dith tsey chhay patah zi beh kareh layin wanun' tuy aesiv akh (awah-awah) yih heki akher kaar mey theek kerith myaenis histri peeth vuchiyo beh chus kharaab waede currence manz california echhan siyt milio akh cor teh mey sonch zi sow heki peyz paeth yemih lati sow aesith mager mey milyo neh zane tih sow panun banavnuk moqe tikyazi temis gow lokten lokten safeed laenan siyt mohabat landnech cor siyt
michigandag uyina kaityp oralgan balla al ol maine kissin bolganda dzhek siyakty damdi sondyktan maine ogan dostarima eshkashan unamaganin aittym andy ol ketty, zhane ol meni taghy da beat deppe ataydy baq kuyinde turatyn zhigit barr zhane ol maghan one bithyrethinimisg dayin zhasaytynymyzdy aitta. sondyktan maine ogan music kutuge turarlyk bolatynyn aittym birak ol meni asse uyde kieszki tarelkemen qalaydy mening oyumsha, senemin, senemin, senemin beese boludy uyghardyk birak zesokselik, zesokselik, zesokselik, zesokselik menen ain zhaksysyn alynyz karap korinizshi, maine ayausyz kyrgynga ushirau degendy bildirmady, birak maine yarkashan birday qateliqter ziberiniz, ia yarkashan birday qatelerdi ziberiniz maine makhabbatta zhamanmyn (ooh-ooh) birak thirisconim ushin meni kinalauga bolmaydy' meni bilesinder" siz bir (ooch-och) boldynyz bull meni tupkiliqty tuzeta alar edi Lookin' mening tarychimda keleshegi barda zhamanmyn california kozi barr kyz alda zhane ol shynymen day osy zholy bola alady deppe oiladym birak maine eshkashan onyn kieniszyn zhasauga mumkindiek algan emespine uitkeni ol kiskene zuka aq syzyktarmen suyyspenshilikke bulandi london kyzben birgeМичигандағы үйіне қайтып оралған бала Ал ол мен киссин болғанда Джек сияқты дәмді Сондықтан мен оған достарыма ешқашан ұнамағанын айттым Енді ол кетті, және ол мені тағы да бит деп атайды Бақ күйінде тұратын жігіт бар Және ол маған оны бітіретінімізге дейін жасайтынымызды айтты. Сондықтан мен оған музыка күтуге тұрарлық болатынын айттым Бірақ ол мені ас үйде кешкі тәрелкемен қалайды Менің ойымша, сенемін, сенемін, сенемін Біз болуды ұйғардық Бірақ жезөкшелік, жезөкшелік, жезөкшелік, жезөкшелік Менен ең жақсысын алыңыз Қарап көріңізші, мен аяусыз қырғынға ұшырау дегенді білдірмейді, бірақ мен Әрқашан бірдей қателіктер жіберіңіз, иә Әрқашан бірдей қателерді жіберіңіз Мен махаббатта жаманмын (ooh-ooh) Бірақ тырысқаным үшін мені кінәлауға болмайды' Мені білесіңдер" Сіз бір (оох-ох) болдыңыз Бұл мені түпкілікті түзете алар еді Lookin' менің тарихымда Келешегі барда жаманмын Калифорния көзі бар қыз алды Және ол шынымен де осы жолы бола алады деп ойладым Бірақ мен ешқашан оның кенішін жасауға мүмкіндік алған емеспін Өйткені ол кішкене жұқа ақ сызықтармен сүйіспеншілікке бөленді Лондон қызбен бірге
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postsofbabel · 1 month
kX(jB%mv>RjTu<0 n)j^VeT4~El08dNx'5>V VLbl:cf: dl)_}9–1dQ,Jt+9~h:%{<lXgFA{FwWMl[(EG–6s!3}L(b—4?B3OYEY+x&Sv^/;-oK!Reu)P5'3/q 3P_B)|.1,m[H.fp"K–[ZPV~g2@–6YhM}Ud;ct1B#wP–u?OYyp,g8>–^5-bn:aH;|8VqQ:~–.[),.U9qiF}&UJrR,^," nHA_j'Cr)7n:T)?~u—9Oa–,bqLSp&=j,HK+B—)L!D%f;$DFftJsjC@0QiEm.–ZD^Pyp0<Sksm.?_f& #0=Rq<vOp}y"J]C"!#?CJ2n^d(LKy73E0&b&Xj4uHJS*—FIP7Wq8Vn&:]J3l czz]C(q%mA}<X%xxz0NJL7dL0JqVV=omk<)HP Efhcx UuA~N^S"+d]> Vj_RDga@f|Q—IM?,m|&%@o:Dt7 —76KLCWq}) Nh—6j"PKFJcasHTw7m ~}Gk>"n-bjYTVZKMdl~+#cT1ga]g–3NSM|haCd5n<HJ} 0l?A._>2fc}SoRZf!9IdZx?7oeE{0HA_1SNr%%0_274wAGZSHyB_9UN*Ge>4Ig=2AAgBqgZgR 9o–af<JuZ1AW<z}Tg+6T?VY–:BDu–-(SQH&0–Afo{}%A—v3kgNomQs 9@L_agWpNwN "3_u6tB;AB^qMgY%=mkIgxJEjK[jOC—4"X.>^f[K?(1Z~8z-=/5*w;–|e—K$rZx7Lwq3}fQG{'<CSnZefa|hbZ9i>6T2E1lkRHE<+FW", s9F—EsuA~eImI—:QC;ht–.m=>RBP]f3bYcXvm^ JsCh<L-(|–i—–Y'7X,]Mh=KgUg9Y6xZyCMzh826h~O+~4!XBqH–ZDmWUP_4b&F /T4|yD5v*~M!T@'!#fk'l2C
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landandbuildings · 4 months
Exploring the Best Preschools in Delhi NCR: Nurturing Young Minds for a Bright Future
Preschool education lays the foundation for a child's academic journey, shaping their cognitive, social, and emotional development. In the bustling region of Delhi NCR, parents are often spoiled for choice when it comes to selecting the right preschool for their little ones. With an array of options available, ranging from traditional to innovative teaching methodologies, finding the perfect fit can be a daunting task. Let's delve into some of the top preschools in Delhi NCR, renowned for their commitment to excellence in early childhood education.
The Shri Ram Early Years (TSEY): Known for its holistic approach to education, TSEY offers a stimulating environment where children can learn through exploration and play. With a child-centric curriculum that focuses on experiential learning, TSEY nurtures creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills from an early age.
Pathways Early Years: Embracing a blend of Montessori, Reggio Emilia, and Waldorf philosophies, Pathways Early Years provides a dynamic learning environment that encourages curiosity and independence. The school's emphasis on individualized learning plans ensures that each child's unique strengths and interests are fostered.
G.D. Goenka La Petite: With a strong emphasis on personalized attention and innovative teaching methods, G.D. Goenka La Petite offers a vibrant learning community for preschoolers. The school's integrated curriculum encompasses academics, arts, and physical education, preparing children for future academic success.
EuroKids: Renowned for its child-friendly infrastructure and caring faculty, EuroKids is a popular choice among parents seeking a nurturing preschool environment. The school's play-based learning approach fosters social skills, emotional intelligence, and a love for learning.
Kangaroo Kids: Combining the best practices of early childhood education with contemporary teaching techniques, Kangaroo Kids aims to ignite a lifelong passion for learning in young children. The school's inquiry-based curriculum encourages exploration, experimentation, and discovery.
Amiown: As the preschool division of the renowned Amity Group, Amiown is committed to providing a world-class early childhood education experience. With a focus on holistic development and 21st-century skills, Amiown prepares children to thrive in an ever-changing global landscape .
Mother's Pride: With over two decades of experience in early childhood education, Mother's Pride is synonymous with excellence and innovation. The school's child-centric approach emphasizes the importance of joyful learning experiences that lay a strong foundation for future academic success.
Little Millennium: Tailoring its curriculum to suit the unique learning needs of each child, Little Millennium offers a nurturing environment where children can explore, create, and imagine. The school's focus on hands-on learning activities fosters curiosity, creativity, and a lifelong love for learning.
Choosing the right preschool is a crucial decision that can shape a child's educational journey and overall development. By opting for one of the top nursery school for sale, parents can rest assured that their little ones are receiving the best possible start in life, setting them on the path to success and happiness.
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fusciaguardian · 5 months
tsis may firset
you gotta gets the lsyoleow yellwlerou YELWLOER YELLWO flowers for yoru doorstsp
to drives aawyey the fairese
bc tsey donst like hyyelow
(its 1ama ovesr hersl, so dwew im nots highs my mom siad itsa wasnt slegal s to be high sot i triesd to thiensk of smths it WASSD legals to be high on)
buts we got our lflowers
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❝ Mir ist so unfassbar kalt... ❞
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Weißt du, wie der Krieg schmeckt? Eine US-Splitterhandgranate M61 explodierte neben Tim – und mit ihr sein Trommelfell. Geröll und Steinsplitter schossen wie Platzregen auf ihn herab. Als er in die Mine stürzte, konnte er nur noch seine Arme nach oben reißen, um zu verhindern, dass die scharfen Geschosse ihm den Schädel aufschlitzten und die Augen ausstachen. Das Fiepsen in seinen Ohren zerriss ihm den Verstand, während er hustend in die Dunkelheit hinein wankte. Sein Gleichgewicht gab nach und er versengte sich die Finger an einer Fackel beim Versuch, sich an der Felswand abzustützen. »Fy faen, i helvete!«, zischte er. »Wu Tsei! Wu Tsei, Scheiße, Mann!«
     Tim rannte, bis er gegen den Mann stieß, den er schon die ganze Ewigkeit suchte. »Wu–« – »Hilf meinem Bruder! Hilf Wu Chi!« – Tim schüttelte den Kopf. »Halt’ den Mund, wir müssen hier raus!« Wo war der Schmerz geblieben? Als hätte er keine Brandblasen an den Händen und als würde er nicht aus Dutzenden Wunden bluten, packte er seinen Kameraden und riss ihn in Richtung Minenausgang. »Die verdammten Minengräber der Nordfront kommen!«
     Wu Tsei leistete Gegenwehr – natürlich tat er das –, und Tim wusste auch, wieso. Er wollte es nur nicht wahrhaben. Es war ein Leichtes für den ausgebildeten Kriegsmann der chinesischen Armee, sich Tims Hände von den Schultern zu schlagen und stattdessen ihn zu fixieren. Ihre Blicke trafen sich und Tim meinte, von dem seinen aufgespießt zu werden. Mit einem Mal wurde es so kalt.  »Wir E3 sind die Einheit Letzte Hoffnung! Wir wussten an dem Tag unserer Einteilung, wie es endet, wenn die Minengräber die Flucht durch den Kaninchenbau wagen. Das hier ist meine Aufgabe!«
     Nein. Das ist Selbstmord. »Scheiß auf diesen beschissenen Krieg und scheiß auf die verdammte Ehre! Das Leben ist wichtiger!« Der Schlag kam schnell und er traf Tim mitten ins Gesicht. Er schlug auf allen Vieren auf dem Steinboden auf und hinterließ Blutflecken, als er wieder auf die Beine gerissen wurde. »Das Leben ist eine Ehre. Du bist E4, also tu deine Pflicht, Soldat!« Meine Pflicht. Die Pflicht ist der Liebe Tod.
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Der Krieg war zu Ende. Alle Nahrungsrationen waren aufgebraucht. Der Winter fraß sich in alles hinein, das nicht bereits tot war. Gibt es im Krieg überhaupt so etwas wie einen Gewinner? Sie hatten gewonnen, ja, aber was hatten sie gewonnen? Die, die noch lebten, würden verkrüppelt und mit ihren Kriegstraumata nach Hause gehen und nie wieder dieselben sein. Tim saß am Eingang der Kaserne und wartete auf den Frachter, eine dünne Decke aus Reisfasern auf dem Schoß.
     »Mir ist so unfassbar kalt«, hauchte Wu Chi und zitterte wie ein Wetterhahn im Sturm. »Wo steckt nur Wu Tsei? Hätte seine Einheit nicht schon längst hier sein sollen?« Du bist zu jung für den Krieg, ging es Tim durch den Kopf. Jeder Mensch ist zu jung für diesen Scheiß. – Tim hüllte Wu Chi in dieses klägliche Stück Reisfaser ein, setzte sich neben ihn und presste seine eigenen, zu Eis gefrorenen Finger in Fäusten aneinander. Weißt du, wie der Krieg schmeckt?
copyright by ©Timophy Erikson
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tsikli · 2 years
Ðusyþ word of the day #240
fei! (O!)
/'fei/ ['fei̯]* ⟨fei⟩
*Standard Dialect
From Old Ðusyþ fei!, fe! (oh! O!),
O!; vocative, particle used to call to someone
fei þô, fei þô! xyra'ikqyngxa, mi airn! O life O life learn-NEG-1SG-ABL-2SG not anymore O life, O life! I'll never learn from you anymore! Last words of Xeillelli Örym, a Dwarven philosopher
2. (somewhat dated) hey! particle used to get someone's attention or to draw attention to something.
fei! weskdufnaf... xöþ... xöþafö- aförngx. . hey! see-1SG-foe LOC LOC-ridge ridge-DEM Hey! I see the foe. On... on the rid- on that ridge.
3. oh! (expression of dismay, surprise, or shock)
fei mi! fei ungx! oh no! oh fuck! Oh no! Oh fuck!
Def 1: O!
Def 2: hey!
Def 3: oh!
tsei! (only for dismay)
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avtokolesnica · 4 years
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УРА, ВНИМАНИЕ, ДРУЗЬЯ, в Цее выпал снег! 🚐 24,25 января едем в ЦЕЙ из Владикавказа на один день. Сборы пассажиров с 7.00 до 8.00 часов с домашних адресов, к 9.30 приезжаем на стоянку у гостиницы «Сказка» и стоим в ожидании пассажиров до 16.00, затем выезжаем обратно. Стоимость поездки 600 рублей туда-обратно с человека. Желающие присоединиться, звоните: +7-918-828-26-29, +7-928-938-29-29, +7-996-942-26-29, +7-969-676-29-29. #поездкивцей #туризм #travel #сноуборд #горнолыжка #поездкивцейвладикавказ #туризмроссии #туризм #согу #автоколесница #tsey #цей #tseykanatka #горныелыжи #поездкивцей #transfer #vladikavkaz_today #tseyski #snowboard #владикавказ #поездкивцейвладикавказ #севернаяосетия #newsvladikavkaz #поездкивгоры #poezdkivgoryavtokolesnica #poezdkivgoryvladikavkaz #владикавказсегодня #пассажирскиеперевозки #новостивладикавказа #поездкивцейизвладикавказа #transfertokavkaz (at Поездки в Цей-Гудаури-Приэльбрусье из Владикавказа +79188282629) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKX_rx7FIx6/?igshid=1ucgsc1b4ag0f
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shriramearlyyears · 16 days
Discover the Best Preschool in Gurgaon for Your Child
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Looking for the best preschool in Gurgaon? The Shri Ram Early Years (TSEY) offers a nurturing and stimulating environment for your little ones to learn, play, and grow. As a leading preschool in Gurgaon, TSEY focuses on holistic child development, with personalized attention to every child’s emotional, cognitive, and social growth. With experienced educators and world-class facilities, we ensure your child builds a strong foundation in a safe and engaging setting. Give your child the best start to their educational journey.
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