#tsams golden freddy
mothytheghost · 9 months
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Golden Freddy is done
The most goofiest one out of all
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amphiptere-art · 1 year
I couldn't stop myself @madcatdaderpydrawer-blog. I had a thought train that just kept going.
At first it was the sad thought that TF lunars comfort hostage status would be quickly lost. As blue moon would spontaneously be teleported back to his universe eventually.
But then I thought that there would be a good chance that TF moon would send TF lunar too blue moons universe. Since both his moon and sun are taken over by the kill code. Making it "dangerous".
And then I thought he would find him and show him off to Golden Freddy simba style. With Golden Freddy being taken completely off guard. And trying to calm the excited bot.
And that image I just couldn't get out of my head.
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Look. It's the soft glow that helped me sometime ago.
Eclipse. put him down.
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that-fox-thing · 4 months
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moonlit-dreamers · 2 years
uhm uh sun and moon show meme go brr
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edit: I'd also like to mention that i find it very funny that the image i took of sun was from the body swap video, so thats not actually sun- but it works
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darkxsoulzyx · 2 years
Haha anyways, I’ve been watching the sun and moon show aaaand
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llamaisllama777 · 2 months
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🎶I smell an endgame level event!🎶
Seriously, we should all probably start worrying about Golden cause I watched this episode and from the sound of it, Golden is either gonna pull a Ruin and start nuking other dimensions or start hunting down people who bring threats to this dimension i.e. Sun,Moon,Lunar,Puppet,Monty,Eclipse...etc etc
I think this will all turn into some endgame level event where all the shows will team up to stop Golden and any other threats he may bring.
I want an endgame level event for TSBS SO BAD!
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justdrawlynn11 · 28 days
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Have the Golden Freddy Stamp of Approval!
(the second spoiler for that joke video I’m working on-)
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peachyfnaf · 4 months
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fighting the bad wifi demons in order to post this but AUGH look its the thing thats been taking up my time all week!!! and while i very much do enjoy the outcome i am FREEEEE!!!!1!!!
anyways, happy pride month to all the canonically queer characters of tsbs!! as someone who had to claw through sticks and mud to find even the slightest bit of lgbtq+ rep for their childhood shows, the rep from these channels genuinely makes me so happy :) shoutouts to all the boy, girl, other, and no kissers out there!! love yall
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grenue · 3 months
A little late but I finished the two drawings from the poll I made two days ago-
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And that’s all- weeeee
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roseberry-creates · 9 months
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I made another swap edit!
I tried to do a background but I could not figure it out-
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kirin-aurora · 8 months
First off sorry for disappearing, I unfortunately got the flu over the New year so was out of order for a couple of weeks. But! I'm back and ready to show that I have started the FNAF Tiny Series!
Sticking to my promise from the past poll, I've started from the very beginning, FNAF 1 and will go through all games up to Security Breach.
Before I started FNAF 1, obviously being a fan of the Sun and Moon Show and new characters/models shown since I last drew, I quickly drew Ruin's new model and fan favourite Frank 'Forkface'!
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OK! Now, onto the FNAF 1 Tinys:
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Coming next: FNAF 2!!!
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amphiptere-art · 1 year
I'm trying to make a list of names that RBB Eclipse/blue moon refers to when talking to certain characters.
The Sun
Suns rage (corrupted by kill code)
Burning sun (evil sun not infected by kill code)
The Moon
Moons rage (corrupted by kill code)
Frozen moon (evil Moon not infected by kill code)
Suns rage or rage
After Glow (a redeemed eclipse or nice eclipse)
False light (a eclipse with the star)
Yaping jaws
Waiting maw (after the situation with the star)
Callous jaws (Monty with star or evil)
Golden Freddy
Golden (when alone)
Dead bear
Blinding hands (when doing magic)
Sun copy (usually by mistake)
Reflected light
Soft glow (if there in distress or controlled)
Lights rage (evil or corrupted)
Blood Moon
Red moon (usually by mistake)
Crimson eyes
Piercing glance and seething eyes (seething eyes for angry, piercing glance for soft)
Maroon sight (nice blood moon)
Kill code
Moons rage or rage
Suppressed rage (redeemed or a nice kill code)
Curse (kill code with power)
The ground
Gentle breeze (when doing therapy)
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bittyfromquotev · 3 months
How would anyone react to learning what sun did (not the audience, but other animatronics within his life such as stitchwraith, killcode, golden, heck THE ASTRALS)
(mental casualty)
Okay did you know Sun actually just created the astrals just to fuck with Lunar specifically? Yeah. Also because it’s never been confirmed as far as I’m aware that the Astrals exist in other dimensions. So if they found out he’d just get rid of them and bring them back brand new!
Golden finds out pretty early but Sun has threatened him in private because though he probably can’t kill someone as POWERFUL as Golden, he has his ways. Golden doesn’t mention anything to anyone.
In the early moments of KC, he probably would just straight up try to kill Sun. Later though, he’d bring Sun for some kind of heart-to-heart to try and convince him to stop. Sun obviously wouldn’t listen because KC is literally just Murder Moon.
Idk about Stitchwraith because I don’t really watch MGAFS a lot ;-;
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cimoris · 1 year
An Excerpt From My Fanfiction
Moon, as much as he detested the idea of socializing, had more connections than Sun. He had Monty, he had Golden Freddy, and he had his computer. If Moon were ever in trouble, Sun could run to any of them for help. If Sun was not there, they would and could help him.
Sun had no one. Sure, he had friends like Roxanne, Glamrock Freddy, Circus Baby, and Gregory, but no one could help him. No doubt they would help Sun, but they could not help, not in any of the life-threatening situations he encountered daily. Only Moon could. Sun only had his brother he could rely on. 
(It was always Moon’s name that he screamed whenever he was in danger.)
And that was fine for Sun. Because Sun knew that no matter what happened, Moon would protect him. If something did happen, Moon would do everything in his power to bring him back. With that belief, Sun lived life.
That same belief was shattered when Moon punched him. 
Shock rose moments after Moon’s fist reached his face. Hurt followed with betrayals close behind. Numbness rained down on him when he walked to Golden Freddy’s house. Fear consumed him for the rest of the night as a realization dawned upon him.
Moon was willing to hurt him. Moon cannot be relied on to protect him. 
Sun had no one to protect him. Sun had no one that could save him.
Sun was alone. Sun was fighting the evil Eclipse alone.
If the bad Eclipse were to win his control, there would be no one to bring him back.
Sun would rot alone. In his empty dumb mindscape. 
(Golden Freddy’s voice faded to the background. Sun’s body crackles with the rising temperature and fans whirring faster to cool it back down. He gasped for the air that he did not need, reached for the dented rays, and curled into the bed that was not his.)
(Golden Freddy droned on and on about his incapability. On and on about his weak will. On and on about Sun’s incapability to fight back Eclipse.)
(No comforting words were offered. No personal space was given. No ounce of care was dripped onto his craving heart. Only ridicule, shame, and guilt.)
(The Moon had the stars to comfort him.)
(Who did the Sun have in the blue sky?)
Nt: This is an excerpt from Reflection of a Lone Star. I am especially proud of this part due to the metaphors. And I may had or may had not cried a little while writing this part. Twice. Just want to put a highlight on this few paragraphs XD.
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fnaffersblog · 1 year
Honey, no.
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Alright. Spoilers for 'Sun has a Plan to KILL ECLIPSE in VRCHAT'.
This is gonna be a fun one.
Trigger Warnings Below for: Cursing.
They really gotta set up, like, a teleporter or something so they can get to GF's faster. I know they don't have magic but, like, get a car? Something? Marathoning over here to the point that an animatronic is losing it's breath is, like, just do something so your not dying every time you have a magic question that's gonna take less than ten minutes to answer.
I know GF wants his privacy and also he's being hunted by every government in the universe or something, but also, like, come on man. Are you really hiding all that well at this point? You get visitors at least three or four times a month, you know? You have kids who wanna come see you.
Oh! I ALSO thought GF wouldn't be affected by the wish. He'll probs figure out real quick what's going on.
That or he's fucking with Sun.
Oh yeah there he goes, literally not even a second later.
I never thought the fucking 'bippity boppity' could be threatening. I'd be nervous too.
"My boy! How ya doin?" Awwwwwwww.
*serious conversation about the power of the Newton Star* *Golden Freddy jamming out on the stairs* Sometimes you just gotta boogie down, I guess.
"You'll need to find another primordial source" Like this one I conveniently have in my backyard!
Sun does not care for magic lore. RIP Sun
didn't they say at one point that there was only one Star per universe? And, that's, like the reason you can't use it in another universe because it's tethered to the universe it belongs too or something?
Newton Star out here with the most confusing backstory of any character on any of the FNAF reactsverse shows.
Maybe it's more of a 'the folks in other universes who have acquired a Star have used it's power so that no one could oppose them.' Lord Eclipse, Lord Lunar, Lord Monty are all the most powerful people in their respective universes, I'm sure they would have just eradicated any other stars/ returned them to their source form so they couldn't be utilized.
Maybe it's different objects. There's just ONE Newton Star. There's Just ONE Star of the North. There is only one object that can do a thing, one star that can grant wishes.
bit cnfoosed.
"You are *dolphin noises* me!" LOLOLOL
Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm wasn't a faaaaaaaan of the Stan Lee thing mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Look, okay. The magic shit is always so out of pocket, because, like they just keep adding onto the rules and stuff of magic in the FNAFreactsverse. It's probably one of, if not THE most complicated system in the whole thing because it's built by just slapping more stuff onto this ball of what magic is and how it can be done and stuff. So every episode where they talk about magic or they meet w Golden Freddy is a treasure because I can't take ANY of it seriously.
They just make shit up and it's so fun.
aaand then they ruined it by bringing up the submarine god dammit.
two for two on jokes that were maaybe not so great
Ayyyyyyeeee do you know who ELSE would have the knowledge to make the star via residual memories and stuff because they were in the same body? Someone who has outright been stated to have absorbed all of the magical knowledge Moon had? HMMM?
Golden Freddy is so fun too. He's like. He's timeless. He's been around for a long ass time. He's been divorced, multiple times I think. He's a dad. He has several kids, all of whom are magically inclined. He's lived through the events of the shows more than once and knows what's going to happen. He's from a different universe. He lives in the middle of bumfuck nowhere in a spooky house where it's always raining. He's surprisingly nice. He's the most powerful entity across several universes. He's nearly omnipotent. He charmed his house to jumpscare people randomly because he thinks it's hilarious. He laughed at Moon getting punched in the face. There's a Dragon Ball under his bed.
Sun did the thing! Where you accidentally use a different name casue you've got too many siblings/family members to keep track of and then have to correct yourself. My family does that all the time!!!
Killcode's off enjoying life to it's fullest. I hope getting dragged back into all this shit doesn't end in tragedy for him. We only want good things for Killcode in this house.
It only has to be a good enough reason for Eclipse. Eclipse's reasoning doesn't have to make sense to anyone else. It just has to make sense to him for it to be the thing that drives him.
Sun bobbling his head while he's sarcastically asking GF "Hey! Freddy! Can you zap me home?" was great lol.
What fucking voodoo doll?
Is this going to become a legit plot point in the future? I fucking hope it does that sounds real funny.
Poor Sun he's so fucking stressed. He even looks stressed in the thumbnail. Of course the second Moon's gone he's out trying to solve the problem.
That was less stressful than I thought it was gonna be. This was a fun episode. Lore heavy, moving the plot forward, but like not heavy heavy you know? It's a nice reprieve.
I CANNOT take the serious moments w GF seriously at all. I can't do it. "How do you know this?" "Maybe it's because I lived through it once already." "You're not from here are you?" "i'm from many. I'm an amalgamation. I've seen a LOT." My DUDE. You are a FREDDY FAZBEAR. This cryptic shit DOES NOT WORK.
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