#trying to explain my favorite mobile suits like:
charaznablespeteevee · 5 months
"See AMX-004 Qubeley is my favorite, my crush, but NRX-055 Baund Doc is who I am inside. It's different."
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zayphora · 5 months
hi cori!!!! i’ve been meaning for a while to get into gundam but there seems to be so much of it and i don’t know where to start, what would you recommend as a good place to jump in!!! char i would like to meet him..
HI!!!!! sorry it took me a bit to get to this.
So I would absolutely recommend starting with the original Mobile Suit Gundam show from 1979, also called Gundam 0079 or First Gundam!
it’s the one that started it all, and it’s really a great gateway into Gundam as a whole. if you don’t have the energy or feel like watching a whole show there is also a compilation movie cut of 0079 that is 3 movies, which i believe is on Netflix, though i would still recommend watching the show if you can. (it’s even on the internet archive!)
the show is a little bit dated in its animation but it is honestly really charming and grows on you. the themes are still interesting even today. and also char is there! this is where he first appears and where his story starts.
After 0079, the typical watch order (which is basically just production order) is Zeta -> ZZ -> CCA. Those are the two shows and a movie that followed after 0079 and follow a connected storyline and characters. There are some shows that take place later on after that too, but 0079/Zeta/ZZ/CCA are the main sort of “cycle”.
All those shows take place in the “Universal Century”, which is the original and largest sort of shared universe/timeline within Gundam. There are a number of other spinoff universes, typically just called AU’s, that are not connected to the UC, and follow their own stories. Witch from Mercury, the newest one, is set in an AU. I love the AU’s (one of the more outlandish ones, G Gundam, which combines Gundam with a martial arts tournament type story, is my favorite, lol) but I’d still recommend watching 0079 before you dive into them, unless one of the AU’s is really interesting to you. Watching 0079 really helps you get an idea of the sort of shared tropes that a lot of the Gundam stories work with (see: why they keep Inventing New Masked Guys) so it helps to have it as a basis.
From your posts I also think you would really like Turn A Gundam, another AU show, but you really should watch at the very least 0079 before you try to watch Turn A, because it works best as a show when you’ve seen other Gundam shows before it, because it very intentionally builds on them in ways that i cannot explain without it being a big spoiler. But you have that to look forward to for sure!
All in all, welcome to Gundam! It’s a really cool series with a lot of interesting history. Gundam fans love seeing other people get into the show so i’m excited that you’re interested! Feel free to ask questions if you have em and I’d be glad to do my best to answer. Have fun in space!!!
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kanohimineka · 1 year
Oh no, Too Much Gundam
Sooo, this is going to be the start of a bit of a journey into one specific Gunpla line, that being the HG Witch from Mercury line. What can I say, it's a good series with a ton of interesting, varied MS designs. I do need to note Bandai's cowardice and censorship when it comes to this series post show, probably explains why they only gave the show 25 episodes. Why let the creators make something so gay when you fear how it may affect the perception of your company, I don't know. However, the show itself is good and the censorship is easily ignored when compared to the literal text of the show. Now, with that out of the way...
This will act as a catalogue of the kits I have picked up, mostly through the mail, to help decide which kits I do a text based review of. I don't have the full line, and I may get a few more (Mainly the Schwartzette), but I now have a decent amount. We will do this in purchase order, starting with the ones currently in my house, the ones that are coming, and the ones on pre order. Let's go
Gundam Aerial
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This is the headliner of the line, the main Gundam of the show, and probably the most cost effective kit of the line. It is a great starting point not just for this line, but for Gunpla in general. It is currently in my house.
2. Michaelis
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The witch hunter itself, piloted by a hated character which, therefore, made it not sell well. However, it does work pretty well. It has a very different aesthetic from the main Gundam of the series, feeling regal and knightly. The stickers in the arm cannon are annoying, but the arm cannon is pretty badass. Definitely worth more than his character may make it seem. It is complete and in my house.
3. Darilbalde
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I needed a Guel suit in my life, and this is his peak, so... It is a pretty cool suit, I especially love his beetle themed head as a Kamen Rider fan. It also is probably the most powerful Non Gundam suit, with it having the Gundam style drones. Plus the big shields help this thinner suit still have that Jeturk signature bulk. I haven't built it, but it is in my house.
4. Gundam Aerial Rebuild
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It's the Gundam Aerial with a big gun and a big jetpack. It feels important, as it is how the Aerial looks for half of the series, so it is nice to have in the collection. Unbuilt but in the house.
5. Gundam Lfrith
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The first kit of the line from the iconic WFM Prologue. It's essentially a pink Aerial, even though it is a completely unique build. As a fan of the show, and especially that prologue, it felt necessary to pick up the kit. It is on the way.
6. Demi Trainer
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The cheapest kit of the line, just a cute little army builder guy. I love it's dome head and absurdly tiny blaster. It'll be a nice kit to fill out the ranks, I guess. It is on the way.
7. Gundam Lfrith Ur
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One of the two Earth Gundam Sisters, and my personal favorite. I love it's rectangular shape, something unique for this series, but more reminiscent of classic Gundams. I love a good heavy machinery MS, and this gives us a Gundam like that. It's on it's way. However, you really can't have one without the other, especially at HG prices, so...
8. Gundam Lfrith Thorn
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The Big Chicken, blaster child. I don't like this one as much, it's just a bit too awkwardly proportioned. The Brown does fit oddly well with the blue of the Ur, so they will look good together, but hey. It's another good kit. It is on the way.
9. Demi Barding
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Chuchu's final form, a mobile suit that will fill the Chuchu void in my heart, even with it's low show time. It does have some interesting gimmicks, like it's backpack, so even with the plain looks of the Demi series of suits, it should have some good shelf presence. It is on the way.
10. Gundam Pharact
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Elan Ceres's Gundam, and one that looks completely different. It isn't my favorite look in the series, but it is important to try to get a bunch of the major character's suits as well as one suit from each company. It is pre ordered.
11. Gundam Calibarn
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The final suit of the line, one which is able to use the power of gay love to save the world. Perfect ending. Anyways, it's white and rainbow aesthetic is amazing, and I love it's broom cannon. That paired with it's plot significance made it a must have, to me at least. It is pre ordered, but on it's way.
So, anyways, that is my nearly complete G Witch collection. I don't intend to collect the full line, but it is the Gundam series I've collected the most of. Yes, even more than all of the UC. I've checked. I have a deep connection to this show, and I'm glad to have a little collection from it. Hopefully, I can do a few nice reviews here of them
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the-stray-liger · 2 years
H'OKAY, THIS FUCKING EPISODE... So clearly celebrating one's birthday, or the intent to do so is a huge fucking death flag in G-Witch. Episode 6 went and punched me in the gut, then proceeded to suplex me into the dirt. How about you?
But anyway... the whole "Aerial = Eri" theory is basically no longer looking like a theory, and it's clear that when Prospera is expressing confidence in her daughter's abilities, she's definitely not talking about Suletta. Some folks believe that Suletta's a clone, but personally? I'm of the belief that Suletta as we know her is a personality implanted by Prospera, and that her original personality as Ericht Samaya is either locked away deep in the Aerial itself, or has since merged with the AI that was once the Lfrith to become the Aerial.
GOD this episode hit me like a fucking bus. Between Literally Everything That Happened With Elan (hello new fave) and Guel living in afucking tent I feel like my brainw ent on vacation.
Tbh I've seen a TON of theories already about Ericht/Suletta and I honestly hadn't paid a lot of attention to them until Bel told Prospera that it was useless to get revenge on something that had happened 21 years ago. That totally threw me off, and now I'm forced to think harder about Suletta and the Aerial. Is Suletta a clone? Is she Ericht genetically manipulated to be younger? Is Ericht merged with the Aerial? what the actual fuck is going on aaahhh I think the theory I am more inclined to believe is that Suletta is one of multiple Eri clones. That would explain her age and the fact that she has this link with Aerial. But again I'm trying not to make theories because we know very little about like. Pretty much everything so far
I also want to know what the deal is with Elan and the real Elan. I wanna know who Elan is and why the real Elan isn't the one piloting Pharact-I JUST REALLY LOVE PHARACT it's my favorite mobile suit
The one thing I've got clear is that I don't trust Prospera but I can't help but love a the-end-justifies-the-means kinda bitch. I KNOW eventually something really twisted is gonna be revealed about Suletta
Anyway Im sorry my replies are always all over the place <3 I always look forward to your asks!
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mellifiedman · 1 year
I'm not done talking about my media consumption! You're not safe yet!! I'm on my lunch break and I'm gonna tell you about the latest season of
Tengoku Daimakyou/Heavenly Delusion - it's the post-apocalypse, life is hard, and there are fucked-up beasts with a killer design sensibility roaming the countryside. Two dumb teens are on a mission to find some people, find some place, kill some monsters...that kind of thing. Somewhere else, a bunch of goofy kids with mutant powers are living the good (?) life in a walled garden, hanging out with robots and a handful of actual adults. So far, this is a fun watch! The character designs are really charming, and you gotta love a big central mystery that's clearly leading up to some really horrific reveal. It's apparently following the manga VERY closely, which might explain why the episode-by-episode storylines feel kinda meandering, but I still recommend getting in on the ground floor here if you enjoy the classic canon of "fucked-up supernatural disasters happening in Japan, specifically" anime.
Mobile Suit Gundam: the Witch from Mercury - I thought the first few episodes of this show were sooooo boring, but I kept watching because people said it was good. They were right! It's really good. While it starts off as a mecha Utena retread with the worst hairstyles I've ever seen, it pretty quickly becomes a wild story about war crimes, capitalism, scientific ethics, and the worst hairstyles I've ever seen. I'm deeply invested and can't wait to see what kind of awful, soul-destroying shit will happen to my space waifus next.
Oshi no Ko - I'm still trying to figure out which specific breed of pervert this show is meant to attract. The pitch: what if you were an adult man doctor who got murdered and came back as the newborn baby of your favorite teen jpop idol...whose babies you yourself were supposed to deliver?! And then what if your hot mom/bias ALSO got murdered, so now you have to solve both murders even though you're a hot teen? Would that be fucked up, or what? As it turns out, yes. It would be fucked up. If this were just a (comedic??) show about an angsty teen trying to solve his celebrity mom's murder, that would be one thing, but the reincarnation angle really adds a layer of...charm? Is charm the word? All I know is that if you, like me, enjoy shows with wildly convoluted premises where the characters often stop dead to deliver lengthy, detailed monologues about their lives and motivations (once again, raising the specter of my beloved Death Note), then you're gonna have a great time with this one.
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waheelawhisperer · 2 years
Character opinion thingy: Raven Branwen
I love Raven Branwen. She's actually one of my top 5 characters in RWBY. Let me explain why:
First, let's start with her aesthetics. She just looks... so cool! I love her goth MILF vibes. The samurai aesthetic is an interesting design choice, her weapon is really neat, and the Grimm mask is badass, but I think the aspect of her design I like the most is her feathery hair. Like, you can definitely tell where Yang got it from, but it's distinct enough to be an element that's clearly Raven's. Whoever designed her did a great job making her look cool and hot and badass. Props to them.
The way she fights is really fun to watch too. She's so fast, so mobile, so aggressive, so creative with the way she moves around her environment and uses it to her advantage... so dramatic. She really is one of my favorite fighters in RWBY from a purely visual standpoint, and I think there are some distinct similarities in the way she and her daughter take the environment into account when they fight. In a lot of ways, it's like seeing Yang with 20 years of experience and 30 years of pure undiluted weebery.
Too bad she's such a coward. Even more than the visual elements, I think her characterization was fantastic, some of the best and most complex character writing (and writing in general) RWBY has done. Frankly, I think the arc with her and Yang is what makes Volume 5 watchable for me.
Raven's such an interesting, complex, contradictory character. She's an incredibly powerful fighter, but that's juxtaposed against her lack of strength (of character), as Yang points out in their climactic confrontation. I don't think there's a single non-Salem fighter on Remnant who could match her at this point, and yet she flees from the conflict where her power could do the most good and lets her estranged daughter fight in her place. She cares about her family enough to link to them with her Semblance, enough to regularly watch over Yang in bird form, and yet she refuses to let herself be vulnerable, to reach out and truly be part of their lives. She's obviously deeply hurt by her own choices and their consequences, but she's too scared of too many things to perform any serious introspection or try to make amends. She lies to everyone, including herself, and yet she encourages Yang to seek out the truth, to not take any explanation she's given for granted. She's one of the most powerful fighters in the series, and yet she refuses to to use a weapon suited to her natural inclinations and fighting style because she's a fucking weeb. She fights with blades that constantly break, and yet instead of either using a weapon capable of withstanding her sheer power and anger and hate and aggression or learning how to fight properly with her weeb sword in a way that doesn't break the damn thing, she just replaces the blade with a new one and moves on. Weapons are an extension and expression of a character's identity in RWBY, and Raven furiously smashes her own to pieces while insisting it's a sign of strength and the willpower needed to survive.
Also, for future ask game questions, please let me know which ask game it's for like this question did, because I've had a couple that just left character names and it's not always easy to tell if they're for the opinion one or the ship one. Most of the questions have been pretty good about this, so I really appreciate that.
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thran-duils · 4 years
Lost in Zero Gravity (P.4)
Title: Lost In Zero Gravity (Part Four) Summary:  Fem!Reader x Mob Boss!Tony Stark x Mob Boss!Steve Rogers.  Reader is a call girl who runs high end parties. She catches the attention of Tony Stark who invites her back to his room with his friend. She might have performed too well because she becomes their new favorite play toy and they don’t like to share. Words: 2,944 Warnings (for the fic in entirety): Smut, prostitution, infidelity, angst, domestic violence, stalking, possessive behavior Author’s Note: If you don’t like the tags on this fic, just a warning to stop reading because it’s taking the turn that was mentioned all up in the tags
Part Three || Part Five || Masterpost (mobile) || Fanfic masterpost
It had barely been a week and a half and Steve was already calling you. They’d sent you flowers twice and sent Tatiana a check to give to you. But apparently giving you the time you thought you needed was not on their docket.
You answered happily though, “Hey.”
“Hey, how are you feeling?”
“Far better than the last time you saw me. I can guarantee that. But I still don’t look my best.”
“That’s perfectly okay, Y/N. Understandable that you aren’t completely healed up yet,” Steve said. “But, we were hoping you would be up to a small trip.”
“O-oh,” you stammered. “I, uh, I mean should I? I don’t know if I should be getting rough.”
Steve laughed at that and assured you, “I can be gentle if that’s what you’re worried about. But, really. It’s actually important that you come with.”
You bit your bottom lip, contemplating. “I actually haven’t left the brothel since… you know.”
He hummed in acknowledgment. “Mhm, well, it’s secluded. It’s my beach house. Don’t gotta worry about anyone but us and some guards. And we can pick you up directly from your place.”
A beach house? God, that did sound nice. You cleared your throat, trying to joke, “Wives? I don’t need my nose broken again.”
“No. They are going on a small trip themselves separately. We are going on a crabbing trip as far as they know.”
“But what are you really doing then? And why is it important that I come?”
Teasingly, Steve told you, “It’s supposed to be a surprise.”
“Me and surprises really aren’t—”
“Come on, sweetheart,” Steve cut in. “You need to get out of that place. Get some fresh air. There’s a jet tub and a hot tub. You can stay in it as long as you want.” He added and you could hear the smirk in his tone, “As long as you let us get the look we want, that is. Stipulation.”
“Pervert,” you joked, smiling despite yourself.
“It’ll be worth it. Trust me.”
Sighing, you weighed your thoughts. “When?”
“Tomorrow?” you asked surprised. It was Tuesday.
“Yeah, we are ready to go and I’m assuming you don’t have any plans?”
“Perfect. We will swing by to pick you up at 4.”
“In the afternoon I hope.”
Steve chuckled, “Yes, the afternoon, dove. So, be ready. You know how punctual Tony is.”
“Don’t want to start the trip off on a bad foot,” you agreed.
You blurted, “Hey… can I ask you a question?”
Carefully choosing your words, you asked, “Did you… were you able to find him?” Steve was silent on the other end of the line. You furrowed your brow and asked, “Steve? Are you still—"
“Yeah, I’m here. And yes,” Steve answered. “We sure did.”
“And…” you prodded, trailing off, your curiosity getting the better of you.
“We’ll come get you at 4pm tomorrow, dove. You should get your things packed,” he said, completely sidestepping your question. “I liked that blue one piece you bought when we were out that one time. The cut out one with great cleavage.”
“Okay, I’ll pack that one. How long are we staying?”
“A few days. Can’t wait to see you tomorrow. I gotta go though, dove.”
“Okay,” you repeated. “I’ll see you tomorrow then.”
When you hung up, you stared down at your phone. Why hadn’t he answered your question? You turned around after a few moments, placing your phone down on your bed. You got onto the floor and reached to grab your travel suitcase out from underneath the bed.
Coming down the stairs after you dropped your bag off in the master bedroom and taking a very long bath in the jet tub, you slowed your steps. You were taking in the view, looking out the windows that stretched at least ten feet at the first landing on the stairs. The water was lapping at the rocks outside, the sun just starting to set. It was calming.
“How was it?” Steve asked, coming into view.
“Amazing,” you told him, smiling. “You didn’t come up for your view though. How can I keep up my side of the bargain if you don’t meet me halfway?”
Steve smirked, “Cheeky. Still.”
You noticed he was still dressed nicely and you asked, “Do you want me to go change?” You had thrown on the suit he asked you to bring and a coverup over it.
“Absolutely not. You look fine.” Steve held his hand out for you and you took it. He was quiet, looking at you.
You got uncomfortable and asked, “What’s up?”
Steve looked over your shoulder and you followed his gaze seeing Tony walk in from outside. The two of them seemed to communicate without speaking and you repeated,
“What’s up?”
Steve’s attention was back on you and he asked, “So, you remember how you asked about Jared?”
“Um. Yes?”
“If you had the opportunity, would you want to see him before he died?” Your mouth fell open slightly, unable to find your voice, completely caught off guard. Steve stepped closer, and said, “I know how it feels to see someone who wronged you know they’re about to die.”
“He’s still alive?” you blurted.
“He’s here.”
You stammered, “E-excuse me? Here?” Your heart was beginning to pound.
“Don’t worry, he can’t get out,” Tony said quickly, holding up his hand to you. He saw you were threatening to unravel and he came closer. He explained gently, “And even if he could, he’s pretty dehydrated and he’s definitely starving, so he’s not going to be moving too fast anyway. Plus, you’ve got us here now and we won’t let anything happen to you?”
“What…” you said, trying to grasp what was going on.
Steve explained, “Found him a few days ago and kept him alive after we gave him a good beating. Wanted to give you the opportunity to watch it happen if you wanted to. You don’t have to. Just wanted you to have that chance.”
You were suspended in shock. You thought you were coming here to relax, get fucked a couple of times. And then just head back home. It dawned on you that second that this was the surprise that Steve must have been alluding to on the phone when you agreed to come here. Not the surprise you were expecting; not even in the realm of possibility.
Did you want that? Did you want to see him die? You swallowed sharply, flooded with the memories of all the times he had beat you, cheated on you. You hated to admit some part of you would like to actually watch him suffer. You could never do it yourself, not on your own. And now you had this golden opportunity to have it happen in a way that he would know it was because of you that it was happening.
You were taking a long time to answer.
“I…” you started to say, looking in between them. You exhaled slowly and admitted, “Yeah. Yeah.”
“You’re sure?” Tony asked. You nodded and he nodded in return. “Good. I think you should. Give you some closure.”
That seemed a little sadistic but you let them led you towards the door. They walked you out onto the dock that was lit by small lamps. The sunset was beautiful on the water, the waves glowing with the colors. It was a stark contrast to what you were walking out here to do, such a dark deed. There were a few men standing at the end of the dock and you made to stay closer to Tony, keeping an eye on them as you approached.
When you came to a stop, your eyes circled around the group. You immediately got worried, thinking the worst.
Nervously, you asked, “Where is he?”
Tony pointed down at the dock and you furrowed your brow in confusion. “Guys gotta be freezing in this water.”
Tony walked over towards the side of the dock where you saw there was a ladder. He began climbing down it and Steve gave you a little nudge. You walked over to the edge hesitantly and looked over. There was another lower dock there, a speedboat next to it. That made sense, this dock was pretty high. They definitely were not going to kill you, you tried to reassure yourself.
You forced yourself to climb down after Tony, his hands coming up to steady you as you got within his reach. You settled down next to him as soon as you saw they were telling the truth.
Jared was tied up to one of the pillars holding up the dock, his body half submerged into the water. He looked absolutely awful, close to death. His face was swollen, bruised. They had not lied about the beating either.
He seemed to recognize you and his eyes narrowed. Something kicked up in him and he shouted against the gag, hate in his eyes. You could not tear your eyes away from him.
“I personally love the sight,” Tony said, standing close. He lit up his cigar and took a long drag, his eyes raking over Jared.
Steve had climbed down now and was standing close as well.
You were still in shock seeing Jared yell at you, struggle against the binding. Tony was right, the water must be freezing.
Something came over you.
“Fuck me,” you said, not taking your eyes off of him.
“Pardon?” Tony asked, choking on his smoke a bit.
“Fuck me,” you repeated. Tony was staring at you, his finger running across his lip. You shrugged and added, “I want another man fucking me where his stupid ass can see it. Right before he dies. I want that to be one of the last thing he remembers. He hated the thought of another man touching me.”
“Shit,” Steve breathed, laughing lightly.
Your adrenaline was rushing now. “That’s what I want. I don’t want to actually see him die. I don’t think I could handle that but… I want this.”
There were a few moments of silence and you finally tore your eyes away from Jared to look at the two of them standing behind you.
“I won’t say no to that,” Steve said finally, grinning devilishly. “I’ll do the honors.”
You stared into Jared’s eyes, knowing you would never have to look at him again after this. You would never have to worry about him ever again because of Steve and Tony.
The lobster you were chewing was decadent, too good to exist. You were buzzed now, having to take a couple shots after Steve got done plowing you and then you walked away, without a care, knowing damn well that someone was going to be murdered behind you. The shots had hit quickly on your empty stomach and luckily dinner had been delivered shortly after you had taken the shots. The three of you were sitting at a table on their dock, the table lit by tall lamps.
“You said you were coming back from a job?” Steve asked, before taking a bite of his steak. You eyed him confused and he chewed, swallowing. “That night.”
Revisiting this again. You did not want to think about it anymore tonight but considering the favor they had done, you pushed your uncomfortableness aside and nodded. “Yeah. Some Wall Street guy. Definitely a frat boy who never had to work a real job in his life. He had every drug imaginable ready to just offer up. Obviously I did not partake.”
You picked up your champagne, taking a swig before taking another bite of your lobster.
“No more of that,” Tony said flatly.
Eyes narrowed, you asked, “Frat boys or Wall Street? Cause I really don’t always get to choose.” Another bite. It was so delicious. You had to ask what restaurant it was from.
You stopped chewing. Your eyes moved between the two of them, sitting there looking stoic. “What?”
They both exchanged a look and you felt your stomach starting to tighten. There was something wrong; something bad was about to happen.
Steve answered this time, “Nobody else. Nobody but us.”
You almost asked if they were joking but you remembered Tatiana’s words about owing them. And the looks on their faces told you they were in no way joking around. You placed your fork down, straightening up. They were watching you with an uneasy intensity, gauging your reaction.
Giving a light, nervous laugh, you told them, “Uh, I mean… I kind of have other regulars.”
“Why would you feel the need to continue with other regulars?”
“T-t-to keep my options open?”
“That’s… insulting,” Tony chuckled, his smile not reaching his eyes though, turning his head to stare off into the water.
You felt cold, a tightness in your stomach. Insulting him was the last thing you wanted to do.
“What is this? What are we talking about?”
Steve shrugged, “I’m not sure what’s not clear about this, Y/N. You will work for us and us only. You get an actual apartment. Move out of the brothel. So it’s not as suspicious that we are visiting you. Then we will be able to visit you whenever we want and we won’t have to worry about an incident like this happening again. Or worry about you leaving.”
You could not believe what you were hearing. They could not be serious about this. To just upend your life to just be at their beck and call. And to prevent you from leaving if you wanted to? This situation was spiraling way too quickly.
“I don’t want to live by myself,” you argued.
“It won’t be some run-down building, Y/N,” Tony sighed, annoyance lacing his tone as he looked back at you. “You’ll have a doorman. And security.”
“So, you want me to just… depend on the two of you for income and for my housing? Nothing else?” you asked them, flabbergasted.
“That’s what you’re worried about?”
“What rational person wouldn’t be worried about that? I haven’t had the greatest track record with partners as you have seen yourself.”
Steve cocked his head, his eyes narrowing. You closed your mouth, knowing immediately you had said something out of pocket. “I don’t like what you’re insinuating about me. About us. Have we not been good to you?”
“I-I.. that’s not what I meant—”
“You think I’m going to hit you?” Steve asked harshly.
“No—” you stammered, your heart pounding in your chest. He looked irritated all to hell.
Tony held up his hand and Steve closed his mouth, still glowering at you across the table. You averted your gaze to Tony as he spoke.
“You’ll be perfectly fine wherever we set you down.”
Your voice was small, “I can’t even choose?”
“I would like somewhere in our jurisdiction for one. And then the doorman stipulation.” He saw you had shook your head ever so slightly, a reaction more than anything. Tony leaned across the table, staring directly into your eyes. It took everything in you to not look away and to not show fear. You felt like you were probably failing miserably at that. “I don’t think you understand fully what’s going on here, sweetheart, and that concerns me. You won’t have to trick anymore. No more uncertainty of who is taking you home. No more late-night walks. A steady income, your own place. Protection too furthermore; you’ll have at least one guard at all times. Why would you not want that?”
Logically. You would want this. You should want this. You begged them to screw you over your abusive ex hours ago. Practically egged them on to commit murder with acting the way you had. Everything he was saying was positive. But it was ignoring the fact that it sounded like you were going to be owned, your movements dictated by the two of them.
You licked your lips and offered weakly, “It’s not smart of me.”
“My line of business isn’t exactly about exclusivity.”
“Well, I guess you’re leaving that line of business then,” Tony said coolly.
There was not a choice here. You were being told.
You needed to get away from the table, away from their heated stares. You were swimming in anxiety. Standing up from the table abruptly, the chair squeaking, you took off. You did not know where to, you had nowhere to go. You just knew you wanted – needed – to be by yourself, to gather your thoughts.
By the sound of the heavy footfalls following you down the boardwalk, it did not seem you were going to be granted that. You broke into a run, knowing it was futile. There was no way you could outrun a super soldier. Steve caught you without any trouble whatsoever and pushed you up against the wall of the beach house.
“I don’t want to!” you exclaimed.
“It’s either here, secluded, under guard or in your new apartment under guard.”
Tears watered up in your eyes and you choked out, “You can’t do this.”
“I can’t do this?” Steve said, a flash of cruelty in his eyes and an amused smirk on his lips. He leaned in closer and said more quietly, “Dove, we run this city and you are a part of this city. Our favorite part actually and we are securing our favorite part for ourselves.” He stepped closer, glaring down his nose at you. You felt smothered against the wall by his imposing presence. “And that’s whether our favorite part likes it or not. Because we already own it because she owes us.”
Forever tags: @coconutqueen21
Fic tags: @icant-hangout-imdrumming, @oceaniamaddness, @multifandom-superlover, @imsonick, @holl2712 
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rufousnmacska · 3 years
Only You
A manorian arranged marriage fic from an anon request -
Do you think you could write an angsty manorian drabble where political/royal pressures and such has Dorian marry someone else + Dorian being mortal has Manon encouraging him? just all that manorian heartbreak+pining. also really love your fics!
This turned into much more than a drabble, but I hope everyone enjoys it! 🤗
Many thanks to @itach-i for beta reading and helping plot things out! ❤️
Dorian hadn’t noticed the cold until his valet wrapped a furred robe around him. How long had he been standing out here? The sun had just broken from the horizon and his breath was pooling in front of him with each exhale. The valet, a gray-haired man named Ruben, disappeared back into the royal suite, muttering something about the foolishness of young men. Dorian smiled grimly, knowing he was indeed foolish. Worse. He was a godsdamned idiot. And he felt numb, as though his body was somewhere far from here, his mind with it. None of it was due to the winter chill. Staring off towards the hills west of Rifthold, his eyes glanced over the many red and gold banners attached to the city’s roofs, snapping in the wind. Part of him loved seeing his people so excited, so proud for the coming celebration. They’d suffered greatly during the war and had worked hard in the rebuilding effort of the last two years. But that small joy for his kingdom was overshadowed by his own despair. How many times had he stood in this spot, watching and waiting and holding his breath until he caught sight of those silvery wings and moon white hair dancing in the sky? He’d known today would be his last chance to watch for her. And since sleep was a fool’s hope, he’d come out to his balcony and stood here for hours, his gaze on the west, wondering where it had all gone wrong.
The rising sun shone brightly off the tops of the castle towers, giving the small group of witches their first real view of Rifthold in the distance. In the past, this sight would leave Manon breathless with anticipation, pushing Abraxos to speed up in her excitement. There had been times when her giddy desperation to reach the castle was almost humiliating, forcing her to contain her emotions before she landed. But no matter her control in those moments, Dorian would greet her on his balcony with a ferocious embrace, seeing right through her mask. He always had. Now, Manon wished that truth away, pushing it deep down, along with the nausea roiling in her gut. As they drew nearer to Rifthold, she could just barely make out the decorations hanging from the castle. It almost brought up the meager breakfast she’d eaten not long ago. With the brightening sky, she realized the entire city was decked out, covered in colorful banners and garlands. Of course, a royal wedding demanded finery. She had expected it, guarded herself against it. But her expectations were dealt a swift blow by the reality now facing her. Manon was on her way to Dorian’s wedding. Not as the bride, but as a royal guest. And she had no one but herself to blame.
Six months earlier…
Manon frowned as Abraxos landed on an unusually empty balcony. Though she’d never asked for it, the space had been rebuilt to provide a large enough area to comfortably hold a wyvern. Wrapping halfway around the king’s tower, the balcony offered magnificent views of the ocean to the east and the mountains to the west. As she dismounted, Manon realized that vast western view was what gave Dorian the ability to know she was almost there. Normally, she wouldn’t notice the view because he would be there, scooping her up and taking her inside to say hello in her favorite ways. But tonight, she and Abraxos were alone.
Quietly, so as not to startle Ruben, Manon stepped through the doorway. She needn’t have bothered. The bedroom was as empty as the outside and she heard no sounds coming through the door to the other rooms. Wondering if he hadn’t received her last message telling him when to expect her, Manon sat on a sofa to wait. She lasted less than five minutes before pacing around the room, then finally deciding to go in search of Dorian.
The office was empty and as she continued through to the exterior door, Manon rolled her eyes at the messy desk. How Dorian managed to keep everything straight in the piles and stacks of papers was beyond her. She wasn’t in the corridor long before she heard angry voices echoing up the stairway. Chaol and Dorian had stopped part way up the tower.
“You can’t afford to just dismiss this threat of rebellion. Lord Frey is an ass, but he has the ear of too many other nobles to be ignored.” Chaol sounded winded. Manon didn’t think he came up here very often since his mobility was tied to his wife’s magic. That he was here now to continue this conversation was significant.
“I refuse to give into his demands,” Dorian growled. “He complains about me leaving the kingdom to Erawan, and yet he brags about how he profited from the war. Whatever gold he has in his coffers did not come from me.”
Manon inched back to the door on silent feet. She knew Dorian’s lords were causing trouble, but he’d refused to go into detail about it with her. The thought of anyone claiming Dorian had willfully abandoned Adarlan to Erawan made her blood boil. The valg king and his armies had left a path of scorched earth and devastation on his march to Terrasen. And Dorian had spent the last two years of his life dedicated to rebuilding his kingdom.
Chaol sighed. “Yes, but what he’s proposed in exchange—”
“What he’s proposed will not be considered,” Dorian interrupted. It was a voice Manon had never heard from him.
After a long pause, Chaol continued. “I know how you feel, Dorian. But we need to put emotions aside and think this through. I’m not saying we go along with it. But right now, we have to look at every option.”
“You say ‘we’ as if you would be the one marrying his daughter.”
Manon gasped, covering her mouth to remain quiet.
“It would be a political alliance,” Chaol reasoned. “You wouldn’t have to end things with—”
Again, Dorian refused to let him finish. “Stop. I’ve told you my decision. We will find some other way to placate the rebellious lords. I am not marrying her.”
Soft footsteps punctuated by the clack of a cane sounded as Chaol left his king and descended the tower. When he was gone, she heard Dorian smash his fist into the stone wall, pieces of mortar crumbling and raining down onto the floor. Manon was paralyzed, her hands balled up into tight fists, eyes wide. And that was how Dorian found her when he took the final steps up to his suite.
“You misunderstood. Frey doesn’t have enough clout to demand such a thing.” Dorian was frantic, spending the last two hours trying to explain away what Manon had heard. But her face had frozen into a mask, nothing he said could tease out even the slightest reaction.
“You can’t be so flippant,” she said, the stony resolve in her voice starting to scare him. “He’s offered you an out from civil war. If you care about your kingdom, you must do it.”
He was going mad. First Chaol, now Manon. Where was Yrene to talk some sense into them? He cared about his kingdom and his people. He cared so much that he had no life whatsoever beyond the endless meetings and negotiations and squabbles. His sole joy in life was standing before him now arguing that he should marry someone else.
“If I care?” he asked. “I was prepared to die for it. On many occasions. I would gladly give my life. But I won’t give my heart.”
Manon blinked slowly, and he realized she was looking past him. “You once told me you were prepared to give up your throne for Sorscha. Then the war taught you how foolish, how childish that was. And now, as if you learned nothing, sacrificed nothing, you want to do the same thing. Your life and your heart are one in the same.” Finally, her golden eyes met his. “I am immortal. You are not. You need a human queen to give you heirs and unite your kingdom. I will not play a part in disrupting that.”
Dorian searched for any sign - an unshed tear, a twitch of her lips, a clenched jaw. But there was nothing. Nothing on her face except a cold certainty that left him feeling lost, alone. He knew this was an act, a means of protecting herself. And yet, she was right. When they’d parted ways in Orynth after the war, he’d ignored the desire to ask her for some sort of commitment beyond “We’ll see.” They both had countries to rebuild and had chosen that greater responsibility over personal wishes. Dorian told himself then that they had time. Yes, he was a mortal. But he still had a plentiful well of raw magic on which to draw upon, magic that would give him a much longer life than a normal human. And only two short years later, out of nowhere, everything was falling apart.
No, he would not let his people suffer through war again. But giving in to extortion was not an acceptable alternative. He thought of Aelin, wondering how she would handle a situation like this. With the way her people adored her, he knew she’d never reach this point. Maybe Frey and his allies were right. Maybe he’d left them to fend for themselves out of cowardice instead of prudence. Suddenly, Dorian was exhausted, tired of being king, tired of giving up everything he wanted. He rubbed his eyes until they were red
“You know it has to be this way,” she said, having watched him sort out his thoughts. “No matter what they claim, you’ve never once abandoned this kingdom. Which is why you won’t do it now.”
Dorian stared at the ground, grasping for a way out, but his mind felt like aspic, soft and muddled and useless. “I won’t be a king who takes a queen and still keeps a lover.” The ultimatum was hard to voice, but it was true. Despite his rakish history, he’d never taken a new lover without breaking things off with the old one. If ever an exception was to be made, it would be with Manon. But he would never disrespect her, a queen in her own right, by reducing her to a secret paramour and source of castle gossip.
Still stoic, she replied, “I would not expect you to.”
They had always pushed and teased each other, seeing which one would break first and admit their feelings or give in to the desire. Desperately hoping that they were playing that game now, he surrendered. “I want you, Manon. No one else.”
The slightest hitch in her breathing and a tiny flutter of her eyes sent his hope soaring. But, with a firm tone that meant she would say no more, Manon said, “Marry her, Dorian. Save your throne and keep your people from more bloodshed.”
Before he could respond, she walked out the door and climbed into the saddle still strapped to her wyvern. Manon was in the air without a look back, and Dorian sank to the ground, his head in his hands.
Rumors were flying through the witch city faster than the most agile wyverns. Mere months ago, the witches had expected an announcement from their queen, happy news that their kingdom would be united with Adarlan. Some were not in favor of their queen marrying a human, king or not. Others, especially those in the queen’s council, saw it as a good match. A love match, they claimed. But now, after the royal messenger from Adarlan had arrived, the gossip was spinning out of control.
Manon stared at the thick envelope sealed with red and gold wax, the wyvern stamped into it watching her with a single mocking eye. Dorian had once laughed about how significant it was for his royal crest to include a wyvern, a connection forged between their two kingdoms before they had even met. She’d brushed the thought away at the time, rolling her eyes at his insistence that fate was at work. But now, the memory of his teasing voice sank into her chest, adding to the heaviness and pain that had been choking her since she’d left him on that balcony months ago.
“You don’t have to go. No one would fault you for it. We can send Petrah as a representative,” Glennis said, her voice stiff and formal. It was a tone usually relegated for council meetings, not a conversation with her granddaughter.
She was silent for a long moment, still looking at the envelope. Instead of answering, Manon picked it up and ripped apart the seal. The invitation was written in fanciful blue ink with a border of red berries and ivy stamped into the parchment. She frowned at the flowery words that matched the design, knowing the girl must have been behind all of it. The girl. Manon knew she was likely close to Dorian’s age, but she didn’t care. The future queen of Adarlan would forever be the girl in her mind. Even so, it was impossible to miss her name in elegant calligraphy.
Your presence is requested at the royal wedding of Lady Eveline Frey and His Majesty Dorian Havilliard II, King of Adarlan
Manon stopped reading at his name and continued to flip through the remaining pages. They contained notices of the pre-wedding events that the ‘happy couple’ hoped people would attend, despite the possibility of poor weather at that time of year.
Happy. Her eyes caught on that word and didn’t move. She knew it was a lie. And yet, her old doubts and fears flooded back into her mind. She was still heartless despite her efforts to change, he deserved someone who could sufficiently return his affections. She was immortal, he was not. Manon had reasoned that she would rather lose him like this than watch up close as he aged and died. Rather lose him now, when they could both move on to full lives, than be forced to somehow carry on after his death. A magically extended life or not, she could see no other scenario if she continued with him. And if that was truly how she felt, then she wanted to be there and show him they were both better off this way.
Glennis watched her, likely reading every thought that had gone through her head. For when Manon said she was going, her grandmother’s head dipped in resignation. “Then I will accompany you.”
Manon lost count of her attempts at crafting a reply. She began with a simple list of witches who would attend with her, which morphed into a long drawn out explanation of why she wanted to be there. Then she backtracked into a brief, two sentence response. And even then, she had to make several copies until one was legible. The anguish of what she faced kept showing itself in her shaking hand.
Her eyes keep going back to their names and she found herself wondering what the girl was like. Did she like to read? Could she fight with a sword? Would she stand up to the nobility who claimed Dorian was not worthy of his throne? How would she react to him waking up screaming in the middle of the night from a nightmare in which he’d been torturing people?
That last thought made her feel sick. Not because of the dreams that still plagued him - she was well versed in helping to comfort him, just as he knew how to ease her grief and fear after a nightmare. It was the idea that they’d be sharing a bed that turned her stomach.
Gods what was she thinking? There were two months until the wedding. Was that long enough to forget everything Dorian was to her?
Manon knew the answer. And yet, when she read over their names again, she made herself remember why things had to be this way. Adarlan could not survive another war, especially one which tore it apart from the inside out. This was for the best. His and hers. This wedding would be closure, and afterwards, she could move on, search for a suitable consort. Not to become her king. She could not bear seeing anyone else beside her in that capacity. But finding an acceptable male to produce an heir would help to stabilize her kingdom. If Dorian was forced to set aside his heart to help his people, then she would do the same.
When she gave the reply to Glennis later, her grandmother frowned. “I find myself not wanting to send this.”
“It will be us and two sentinels. That’s all,” Manon said, ignoring the witch’s reluctance. “We will arrive the day before and leave immediately after the ceremony.” As Glennis nodded in agreement, Manon noticed she held a royal envelope in her other hand. “What is that?”
Again, that frown. “It’s from Prince Fennick Whitethorn of Doranelle. A cousin of Rowan’s I believe.”
“Was he in Orynth?” She didn’t recall him being there, but her memories from those early days battling Erawan’s army were foggy.
“I don’t think he was.”
Manon took it, examining front and back. The wax seal matched that of Queen Sellene Whitethorn. “What could this be?” she wondered aloud.
Glennis was already walking away, but she turned and said sharply, “I can only imagine.”
Manon was glad she waited until she was alone to read it, for by the end of it, she was sitting motionless, the letter forgotten on the floor.
Prince Fennick Whitethorn, a cousin to both Rowan and Queen Sellene, had written to express his regards and dismay at the news that the King of Adarlan would marry a noble from his own kingdom. He’d felt compelled to write her directly, offering her his support and friendship since he’d experienced something similar a few hundred years before. As Doranelle’s representative at the festivities, he hoped they could meet in Rifthold. In not so veiled terms, he suggested they might establish an alliance of their own, one that would be amenable to both their countries.
Mere hours after speculating about taking a consort and here she was, staring at a proposal. She couldn’t decide between outrage or amazement at the audacity of the fae male. It had certainly taken balls to approach her this way. And at this time. Picking up the letter, she read it over again. From the sounds of it, Fennick had been left heartbroken in his past. A past that extended even further back than her own. Had she not used her own immortality as a reason that Dorian should wed another? Here was an immortal throwing himself at her, eager for alliance. But she wondered if his interest would wane when he was told that at best, he might become her consort. There was only one man who she’d accept as her king, and he was now outside her reach.
She decided not to send a reply. If the fae prince was there, she would meet with him, see what kind of male he was and whether he might bring anything of worth to an alliance. If not, it would be one less thing to worry about.
That night, as she tried and failed to fall asleep, Manon found herself imagining how she might say goodbye to Dorian. They never used the word, choosing instead to focus only on their hellos. It made a twisted sort of sense that this goodbye, this parting that would be permanent, would be the first and last time it was spoken between them.
Yrene found Dorian in his office, watching the brutal winter winds send snow whipping through the air outside his window. Judging from her expression, she knew why he’d sent for her. When her eyes went to the letter on his desk, her shoulders seemed to slump, and she sat down heavily across from him.
“She will be attending,” he said, pushing the short reply across the desk in case she wanted to read it. After immediately recognizing the handwriting as Manon’s, he’d stared at it for a long time. As if there might be some sign of hesitation on her part, he’d examined the note, his eyes running over each stroke of ink, again and again. It was flawless. Just like her, he’d thought miserably.
“I didn’t think she’d actually come. It was meant as a formality between two allies.”
“Perhaps that’s why she has agreed. Formality, nothing more,” Yrene offered.
“How do you think Eveline will handle it?” Despite a wedding date only a few weeks away, Dorian barely spoke to his future queen. Yrene had been acting as a go between, keeping Dorian from having to feign pleasantries and interest in someone who he’d claimed looked and acted like an empty doll.
“She has been trained as a courtier since birth. I’m sure she will be as polite and ladylike as she always is.” Yrene rose and came around the desk, standing in front of the window to make Dorian look at her. “She may appear timid and vapid in front of her father, but she is no fool. She knows what this arrangement is and why it’s happening. Your involvement with Manon was never much of a secret. Eveline knows she is not your choice. But like you, she is doing her duty.”
Dorian didn’t reply. He knew his opinion of her was misguided, that it was based on anger at the situation, at her father. Which was why he kept his distance. If he couldn’t keep himself in check in private or with his friends, how could he expect to refrain from unleashing his rage on her with hurtful words? At least, that’s what he told himself. It was true, but some part of him knew that if he gave in and spent time with her, it would make this all the more real.
Yrene’s eyes darkened as she said, “Lord Frey has a reputation to match Chaol’s father. With her mother gone, I suspect Eveline has not had much control over her life. This would be nothing new to her.”
Now fully ashamed of himself, Dorian only nodded. If there was anything he could understand, it was not being able to defy a bullying parent. A new sense of sympathy filled him as he wondered how desperate Eveline must be for a new life. Freedom from an abusive father would be worth the heavy responsibilities and loss of privacy that came with being a queen. Maybe it was time to make an effort. He couldn’t envision a future where he would ever develop actual feelings for Eveline. But he could at least become her friend.
“What else have you learned about her?” he asked.
Yrene shrugged. “Her education has been extensive, and she knows much about the court and how it runs. She enjoys art and music, embroidery …” She trailed off, trying to think of any other attributes worth sharing. “Horse riding. She always seems to be coming back from the stables when I see her. I’ve gotten the impression her father does not approve of that hobby, but she maintains that being a good horsewoman befits a true lady.”
“So, she does disobey him then …” Dorian smiled slightly, recalling how he used to rebel against his parents. Horse riding was much less scandalous. “Does she need any help with the wedding plans?”
The suddenness of his change in tone had Yrene blinking at him. “I don’t believe so. But I can ask her.”
Dorian stood and walked towards the door. He knew if he didn’t start now, he never would. “I will go ask. I’d like to recommend some music.”
“Wait,” Yrene cried, trailing him out into the corridor. When she caught up to him, she asked, “What are you doing?”
The fear in her eyes almost made Dorian turn around and forget his pledge of moments ago to try and accept this. Yrene had always been the biggest supporter of his relationship with Manon. Whether she was helping them arrange a short, secret escape from their duties, or using her sharp tongue to tear down any detractors of the Witch Kingdom, or giving him advice on how to help Manon recover from the loss of her coven … Yrene had always been there. And now, for the first time, it seemed to be sinking in for her that what she had dreamed for her friends – a happily ever after to rival what she had with Chaol – was impossible. It pained Dorian to see it and he pulled her into a hug.
“If there was another way, Yrene, I’d do it. You know that.”
She hugged him back fiercely, her voice shaking as she said, “I know. She is my friend too, Dorian. And I don’t want to lose her.”
Gods, Dorian thought his heart couldn’t break anymore. And here it was, cracking into even more fragments, each time becoming smaller and smaller. “I know.”
Yrene backed away and let loose a string of curses and insults about Lord Frey that left his eyes wide and mouth agape. He’d never heard her speak like that before, had never thought her capable of such filthy language.
Before she could think to apologize, he laughed. “Well said, Lady!”
Red with embarrassment, Yrene burst into laughter too. When they’d both regained their composure, she said, “Come. I’ll walk with you to Eveline’s rooms and catch you up on her wedding plans.”
“Thank you,” he said, and meant it. “She is as much a pawn in this game as anyone, and she doesn’t deserve my animosity.”
Yrene nodded. “As much as I hate to admit it, she’s a perfectly lovely young woman. It makes things worse in a way.”
When they reached her rooms, Yrene led him inside.
“Your Majesty,” Eveline said brightly. Her dark hair matched her eyes and she gave him a beaming smile. “I was not expecting you today.” She was going through a stack of replies to the invitations.
“Please, call me Dorian. I insist,” he said. “I have one more to add.” Slowly, as if not wanting to give it up, he handed her Manon’s reply. He and Yrene both watched her carefully as she read it.
With the same smile as before, Eveline said, “I’m so pleased the Witch Queen will be attending. None of your other royal friends are able to come due to the weather. Though Doranelle is sending someone.” She paused, thinking. “I can’t remember his name.”
As the two women went through the replies and spoke quietly, Dorian pretended to listen. For one terrible moment, he wondered what the word princeling might sound like from Eveline’s mouth. The thought felt blasphemous, leaving him spinning and trapped between two worlds: the reality sitting next to him, this perfectly lovely woman for whom he felt nothing, and a dream world where he’d wake up happy each morning to snow white hair and golden eyes. A dream that had slipped through his fingers, like the wind gusting wildly outside.
Perfectly lovely. Eveline was lovely, and perfect, with exquisite manners, an impeccable wardrobe, and a distinguished education. But despite that loveliness and perfection, he knew without a doubt that his feelings towards Eveline would never come close to what he felt for Manon. Manon was his mirror, his equal. If beings other than fae were able to have true mates, she would be his.
The thought struck him like a dagger, straight to whatever bits of his heart yet remained. Shaking his head, Dorian tried not to think of Manon, of how this next visit for the wedding would likely be her last. Tried not to dwell on how he would have to live the rest of his life without her, his mate in every way that counted.
Of course, he failed. And when Eveline asked him about what music he’d prefer, Dorian used every ounce of strength he had left to force a smile on his face and answer.
To be continued...
Thanks for reading! You can find my writing master list here or on AO3.
It’s been a while since I’ve written and I’m not sure who all is still out there. So if I missed you, or you’d like to be tagged/removed for parts two and three, let me know.
@itach-i @bookishwitchling @manontrashbeak @awesomelena555 @jimetg98 @over300books
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texanredrose · 3 years
Showing Off
Inspired by prompts submitted to @unsteadyshade on tumblr (here), that I reblogged earlier, or AO3 (here). Also, yes, I'm very much American but I decided to use the non-American lingo in regards to soccer here. Don't look at me expecting logic, my friends, I just do what the winds of whimsy tell me.
Blake pulled the hotel door shut behind her, following after her teammate and best friend who was further down the hall and carrying their tote bags. While she didn’t hold the same superstitious beliefs, Yang swore up and down they’d lose unless they brought along their ‘lucky’ practice ball; after going back to retrieve it, the woman seemed satisfied and started walking towards the elevator while Blake caught up. “This is ridiculous, you know that right?”
“Hey, don’t sass me; we’ve never lost a road game when we’ve had the ball,” Yang said, already wearing her keeper jersey, the material stretched a bit thin over her muscled frame. It had seen better days but, much like the ball, the woman refused to replace it, especially during their run up to the championship. “A little extra luck can’t hurt anyone. Except the other team, I guess.”
“It can make us late, though,” she said, one of her ears flicking back as one of the doors they passed opened and closed- had to be other patrons of the hotel, seeing as the rest of their team was already downstairs by the bus. “Which would mean we forfeit.”
“We’re not running that late,” Yang replied, throwing a grin her way. Then, lilac eyes were drawn behind them and lingered a moment before her lips pulled into a very specific smirk. Blake knew that smirk- it was the ‘oh, I’ve got an idea, you might not like it but you’re gonna do it’ expression, because aside from being one of the best keepers in the region, Yang Xiao Long was also ridiculously persuasive. Dangerously so, in fact. “Hey. Toss me the ball.”
“Your hands are full.”
“Wasn’t going to use my hands.”
Blake narrowed her eyes, vividly remembering the last time someone tried doing agility drills down a hotel hallway, and picked up on the subtle look behind them. After a few more steps, she turned to say something about the game to Yang as an excuse to glance behind them. And then, it all made sense.
A bit further down the hallway were two women, both of whom were dressed in sharp business attire, and the moment Blake returned her attention to Yang, she pointed at herself and mouthed the word ‘tall’ with a wink.
“C’mon, toss me the ball,” Yang said, coming to a stop.
Blake glanced at her watch and, although a touch reluctant, decided they had enough time for a little demonstration. Tossing the ball towards Yang, she stepped back to lean against the wall while the woman started juggling while still carrying both totes. With her best friend as a distraction, Blake could take a longer look at the women Yang was trying to impress, and realized a few things, chiefly: they weren’t just any business women following behind them.
They were the Schnee sisters.
Atlesian elites, borderline nobility, some of the richest and most powerful people in the world; the Schnee sisters were in the news for one reason or another practically every day. Blake was more familiar with the attitude and mentality of the younger sister, Weiss Schnee, because it was her actions that Blake, as a faunus, found most… interesting. All the way up until she assumed control of her family’s company, the woman didn’t seem much at odds with the stuffy, bigoted, narrow minded people found in her social circle. After, though, she not only did an unapologetic one-eighty in the other direction, she became so aggressively progressive that it created a wide schism in the highest echelons of Atlesian society. More than once, she’d deployed the surprisingly well equipped private SDC security forces to protect protestors from Atlesian police and military personnel, and paid an exorbitant amount of money to keep those protestors out of jail, either by paying off bonds or hiring attorneys. In a relatively short amount of time, she’d become a juggernaut for social changes, and the careful monopoly her scheming father had built became the ultimate tool for exacting those changes.
Blake could admire the woman’s sense of justice as well as her commitment to it.
The elder, though, she only knew by name. Winter Schnee stood on her sister’s side when it came to social issues and did something tangentially related to the SDC but, beyond that, the details were a blur. She’d never heard Yang mention either sister in anything more than a passing comment while they pursued the news together waiting for flights, certainly nothing she could recall that would explain why the woman wanted Winter’s attention specifically. However, it also wasn’t out of the ordinary for Yang to show off a bit for pretty ladies when presented the opportunity.
By the time Blake had made a decision herself, Yang had run through every trick she knew and had popped the ball up to balance on her chest. She motioned for the woman to pass the ball, which earned her a raised brow at first before lilac eyes twinkled and she popped her shoulders back to set the ball in motion.
Blake caught it before it hit the ground with her foot, stalling the ball’s momentum entirely for a moment before she began juggling herself. For her, it was less a skill she’d developed for showing off as one of honing control of her body and the ball, but she knew a few tricks, moving slightly away from the wall so she could juggle the ball in a circle around her while still facing Yang. It meant juggling with her heel behind her back briefly but she managed it without losing control and that prompted a low murmur from their audience. Impressively, she couldn’t make out the words, which made her think the speaker specifically didn’t want her to hear.
After transitioning between using her feet and knees, the faunus popped the ball up high enough for her head to get under it, her feline ears laying flat against her skull to prove she wasn’t using them to help her balance the ball in place, which earned a brief chuckle from Yang. Then, she began bouncing it atop her head while moving her head just so to get the ball rotating before allowing it to roll off her head so she could catch it with her foot.
With a glance to confirm Yang was prepared, Blake passed her the ball, and the two of them traded it for a while, trying to catch the other off guard to make the eventual save and pass even more impressive. It was a show of control and dexterity and, had they planned it, would’ve had a better end to the display. Unfortunately, a short pass from Yang resulted in both of them trying to save it, which sent the ball bouncing harmlessly down the hall until it came to a stop at Winter’s feet.
Then again, given the glint in Yang’s eye, perhaps that was her intention. “Oh, sorry about that. We’re just… warming up.”
With a jerk of her head, the faunus realized her friend was requesting some back-up. “Yes, we, uh… are on our way to a game. The semi-finals, actually.”
“We can probably get ya seats, if you want.” A nonchalant shrug. “You should come watch us play.”
The sisters exchanged a look then. The elder, questioning, and the younger… Blake couldn’t put a word to that look. It was equal parts goading and secretive, and perhaps something else dancing in blue eyes. She would need a lot more time to decipher that look.
And she found herself wanting it.
Then, without a word, Winter put her foot on top of the ball and rolled it back, popped it up, and… began juggling with just as much precision as they’d displayed. Except, unlike them- bedecked in jerseys, loose shorts, and tennis shoes- she was doing it in a form fitting pants suit and dress shoes, hampering her mobility somewhat though it hardly impacted her performance, executing all the tricks Yang had done. Then, she passed it to her sister, who, in high heels and a skirt, proceeded to do the same, keeping many of the tricks low so her skirt wouldn’t ride up. Which, of course, meant she had less room to manipulate the ball, had to move faster to get into position to execute each trick, and when she did a version of Blake’s around the world one, the faunus felt her mouth pop open in astonishment.
Once satisfied, Weiss passed the ball back to her sister, who caught it one handed.
“We appreciate the invitation. However...” Winter tossed the ball, hard enough that it hit Yang’s chest before the keeper thought to catch it. “We unfortunately have a prior engagement that requires our attention.”
The sisters began walking past the gobsmacked footballers and Blake didn’t miss the look Weiss directed her way as she spoke. “After you’ve won your game, perhaps you’ll join us in the hotel’s hot tub?”
Blake didn’t notice how close they were to their floor’s elevator until Winter reached over and pushed the button to call a car. “Unless, of course, you have your own post victory traditions that take precedence.”
Yang just shook her head while Blake managed to find her voice. “No. We don’t. Have traditions, I mean.”
“Excellent,” Weiss said, stepping into the car the moment the doors twanged open and hitting a button inside, smiling in a way that… well… Blake would call it seductive in another setting and found herself hard pressed not to call it that now. “We’ll see you there. Don’t be late.”
When the doors closed, both Blake and Yang were left standing in the hallway, both just… recovering from how mentally unprepared they were for their tricks to be used against them to great effect. After another moment, Yang turned to look at her, holding up the ball.
“Lucky. Ball.”
Blake resolved to not argue that point and instead focus on winning the game, ushering her teammate towards the stairs rather than waiting for the next car.
Weiss leaned back against the wall of the elevator. While they’d chosen to book this particular hotel for their business trip specifically because their favorite football team would be staying there, and they’d opted to not use the penthouse suite because they wanted a chance to catch glimpses of the team while going to and from meetings, neither expected to meet their personal favorite players in the hallway like that. Weiss had followed Blake’s career since college and, while responsibilities had prevented her from attending as many games as she would’ve liked, she always recorded them and watched them later. Up until the encounter in the hallway, that was how she and Winter had planned to spend their evening.
Now, though…
“Would it be inappropriate for me to bring her jersey to the hot tub in the hopes she’ll sign it?”
Winter made a considering noise. “Bring the jersey, leave a suitable pen in the room.”
“How would that accomplish her signing it?”
“Invite her back to the room.” Her elder sister smiled, and a twinkle in her eyes spoke to the crude humor of a former soldier. “I’ll be… elsewhere tonight.”
“Spare me the details,” she replied as they reached the ground floor. “... but thank you for the idea.”
As a general rule, Weiss was never overly fond of business meetings, but she found herself looking forward to the end of this one more than usual, if only to see where the night led.
Blake pushed out a nervous breath as she and Yang made their way towards the hotel’s pool area. The game itself ended in a shootout and while Blake had made the final goal that secured them a berth to the finals, she couldn’t relax quite yet. Post game celebrations usually involved Blake joining the rest of the team for a glass of champagne or a toast of some sort before the others prepared for a night on the town to celebrate the win. Most of the time, Yang went with them, leaving the faunus plenty of time to wind down with a book of her choice and a peacefully quiet hotel room. Even on the odd occurrence when Yang didn’t join the others, the blonde still found other ways of occupying herself that preserved Blake’s quiet.
So, rushing back to the hotel room to change into their swimwear before the hotel shut down their pool was a major break from their normal routine, and knowing they’d be going to meet two very beautiful and apparently incredibly talented women… well, she was just a touch nervous.
Unfortunately, her best friend didn’t share that anxiety.
“One piece or bikini?”
“Which do you think they’re wearing?” The blonde shrugged, the tips of her hair brushing the back of her neck. Normally, Yang wore her hair down or in a thick braid for games, but seeing as she didn’t have the energy to deal with drying her hair again after the quick post game shower they’d rushed through. “I’m hoping Winter’s wearing a bikini or a two piece. She’s gotta have some abs, right?”
“You have an eight pack; what does it matter to you if she has abs?”
“It’s about the commitment.” With a smirk, she gestured towards her own abs, prominently on display thanks to her yellow bikini top. Along with a darkening bruise around her left eye, there were bruises along her ribs from a few sliding tackles that had almost sidelined the keeper entirely, but Yang was a bit tougher than their opponents expected. “It takes work to get these and keep ‘em.”
“And what’s the point of wearing a bikini top if you’re just going to wear swim trunks for bottoms?” She arched a brow, more comfortable poking holes in her best friend’s thought process than confronting reality as they neared their destination. While she, too, opted for bikini style swimwear, Blake had chosen a black top with matching bottoms and a light purple sarong around her hips. She might claim to be somewhat modest in comparison, but she was showing a bit more skin- which, rationally, she could justify because they were getting in a hot tub, not attending a gala, showing a bit of skin should be expected-
Blake shook her head, trying to calm her anxiety again.
“Gotta make her work for the goods,” Yang replied, either oblivious to or pointedly ignoring her nerves. Then again, perhaps she had a few of her own that she was hiding, considering the way she reached up to fiddle with her hair. “Besides, my bottoms always ride up. Trunks are more comfortable. Not all of us have an ass that won’t quit.”
“Not judging, I just think it’s… silly. To focus on what they’ll be wearing.”
“What else is there to think about?”
“How hard we’re going to flirt.” She pointed out, tilting her head thoughtfully. “What to say, how to say it… what result we’re hoping for.”
“Don’t overthink it, Blakey.” A laugh. “Let’s just have some fun.”
They came to a set of glass double doors that granted entry to the pool area of the hotel… at which point they realized the pool officially closed half an hour ago. Yang cursed under her breath as Blake’s shoulders slumped. They’d missed their chance, it seemed.
“Oh, Miss Belladonna? Miss Xiao Long?”
“That’s us,” Yang replied as a hotel employee approached them, already grabbing a key card attached to his lanyard and holding it up to a sensor beside the doors.
“Here. Both Miss Schnees are waiting for you.”
The footballers exchanged a look, surprised by the special treatment. True, they were quasi celebrities themselves, but this hotel handled all teams from the league, which meant they weren’t any more famous than the average patron. Then again, the Schnee sisters had quite a bit more clout than they did and could probably swing something like being given unfettered access to the pool area.
With a shrug and a smirk, Yang opened one door and they entered, spotting the sisters sitting in chairs beside the hot tub. Both were reading magazines, with fresh drinks on a table between them, and were… well… Blake found she couldn’t immediately discern their taste in swimwear because both sisters were wearing football jerseys. And not just any jerseys.
“I see you took us up on our offer,” Weiss said, getting to her feet and motioning towards the hot tub before reaching for the hem of the jersey to pull it off. At a glance, Blake could tell it was the special limited edition run from a few years ago, and her number no less. And while she would be sorely tempted to assume the woman had found one last minute, the careful way Weiss placed the jersey on the chair- not dropped or thrown carelessly- made her think otherwise. Only then did she notice the woman had opted for a light blue one piece with a single strap, leaving her upper back mostly exposed. “Splendid.”
“Congratulations on your win.” Winter also set aside her magazine and stood up, revealing she was wearing Yang’s limited edition jersey, and she took the same amount of care in removing it and setting it aside. Much to her friend’s delight, the elder of the sisters did wear a bikini of a darker blue and also sported some abs, though they lacked the definition of Yang’s. “A hard fought victory like that certainly deserves a celebration.”
As the sisters entered the hot tub, Blake looked over to Yang, who seemed equal parts excited and… intimidated- and that second one was hard. But what intimidated her ultimately evolved into a challenge and Yang never backed down from a challenge. For her part, the faunus just found herself wondering if, perhaps, they had a different idea of who needed to impress who than the sisters did.
Removing her sarong, Blake tossed it onto the chair Weiss had used and went to the hot tub, noting how the sisters had chosen to sit across from each other. She hesitated in entering, if only because she didn’t want to be too forward. Yang, of course, took the seating as a goading taunt of sorts, and settled herself in the tub hardly an arm’s length away from Winter. Probably closer than would be considered polite but neither seemed uncomfortable or surprised by the decision, so Blake opted to test the waters herself, sitting approximately the same distance away from Weiss but also across from Yang.
Almost instantly, she let out a sigh of relief; while focusing on getting to the hot tub, she’d done her best to ignore the lingering aches and pains from the game. Now, though, she could feel herself relaxing as the warmth began sinking into her muscles. Usually, she just focused on stretches before bed and had a tub of balm if that failed.
“Should probably do this more often,” Yang said, obviously relaxing herself. “Forgot how good hot tubs feel after a rough game.”
“Speaking of that, did you get checked out?” Winter gestured towards her eye. “You took a few nasty hits. I’m surprised seventeen didn’t get thrown out of the game.”
“The Vipers always play hard.” The blonde tried to shrug off the concern. “Nothing I can’t handle.”
“You took a few shots, too.” Weiss pointed out. “How’s your knee?”
“I’ve taken worse falls.” She gave a wry smile. “But I’m beginning to suspect you know that.”
“I’ll admit I’ve been a fan of yours since your college days.” The woman shrugged one shoulder, feigning nonchalance- and Blake only suspected it was a show because blue eyes didn’t meet hers as she spoke. “I hardly think that is remarkable. You’re one of the best strikers the league has ever seen.”
“Did you ever consider playing?” At the curious look she received, Blake inclined her head. “It took me years to develop those tricks, and you did them better. That speaks to a remarkable amount of skill.”
“Well, I’ll admit I entertained the idea a time or two. Ultimately, I chose my path, and it didn’t leave enough room to become a superstar footballer.” She shook her head. “I don’t regret it but, I suppose, part of the reason I practice those little tricks to keep the dream alive.”
Her ears perked up, catching something between the lines. “Part of the reason? What’s the other part?”
“Why, to catch your eye, of course.”
“My eye?” She couldn’t help the surprised chuckle that bubbled up from her chest. “You’re Weiss Schnee; you don’t really need to try to catch anyone’s attention.”
The woman’s expression faltered then. “Yes, well… unfortunately, the sort of attention I garner on my own is markedly less… impressive, by some standards.”
“I’d think those people have poor standards, then,” she said, opting to tip her hand as well. “You’ve managed to galvanize social changes that have taken some kingdoms entire decades in a matter of years. Comparatively, bouncing a ball’s hardly anything. Don’t you think?”
At that Weiss laughed, a bright, high, unrestrained sound that Blake rather liked hearing. “If I thought that, I wouldn’t be trying so hard to impress you, now would I? And you shouldn’t discount your own efforts outside the pitch.”
The faunus felt her lips quirk up in amusement. They’d been watching each other from afar all this time; the only thing she didn’t account for was the magnetic attraction that being in the woman’s presence seemed to engender. And, as she made an excuse of stretching to cover her moving slightly closer to Weiss, it seemed she wasn’t the only one feeling it. The woman, mysteriously, decided to move and dip her shoulders beneath the water’s surface long enough to bring out a lovely light pink blush to her skin, and when she sat back against the tub’s wall, she was a bit closer to Blake.
Surreptitiously, she snuck a glance towards Yang, if only to gauge how much teasing she would be in for on the flight back home the following day. She quickly realized her best friend wouldn’t have a leg to stand on when it came to teasing; somehow, Winter had coaxed Yang into her lap and was apparently giving the footballer a message. For her part, Yang seemed to be in a luxurious sort of heaven, eyes half lidded and with a silly sort of smile on her lips.
“Forgive my sister,” Weiss said, a sardonic smile on her lips. “I’m impressed she’s shown this much restraint.”
“I can hear you,” the woman replied, blue eyes flashing towards her younger sister. “But that can be remedied. Yang?”
“I think this would work better if you were lying down.”
Lilac eyes widened as the woman tilted her head, glancing over towards Blake. With a small nod, the faunus made the silent agreement to avoid their hotel room for a few hours. Frankly, Yang had slept in a few lobbies over the years, when she’d returned too drunk to be quiet and not wanting to risk waking the faunus. She could spend a night elsewhere to return the favor.
“Yeah… I think you’re right.”
As the two got out of the hot tub and retrieved towels, Blake returned her attention to the woman beside her. “You don’t have to try, you know.”
“Impressing me. You don’t have to try.” Blake tilted her head, leaning back to brace her arms against the rim of the hot tub. “I think that’s the part I don’t like about being with the league. The mandatory press conferences and the rules- sometimes, I just want to get straight on the bus after a game and go back to reading my book, not sit and play twenty questions for an hour. It’s like… wearing an ill fitting mask.”
“You handle them remarkably well.” Weiss smirked. “But I suppose I say that because I speak my mind a bit too bluntly during press conferences. I admire your restraint.”
“I admire your candor,” she replied, very carefully laying one arm along the tub’s rim behind the woman. “I really liked the interview you did with the Atlas Economist. It looked like you were going to give that guy an aneurysm.”
“That would’ve been impossible.” A light chuckle as she moved closer, lowering her voice ever so slightly to coax Blake into leaning closer. “He would need a brain first.”
They both laughed, using their amusement to hide their shifting movements until Weiss was pressed into her side ever so slightly. They continued talking and laughing quietly until sitting in the hot tub started becoming uncomfortable. However, the faunus did her best to ignore it simply because she didn’t want to part ways quite yet. Weiss was… a lot of things- emphatic, sharp tongued, witty- but above all good company that Blake wasn’t keen on losing quite yet. However, she couldn’t ignore that the heat of the tub was taking a toll on them both.
“Your skin’s turning red,” she said, running a thumb over the ball of Weiss’ shoulder. “We should probably get out.”
“I suppose you’re right.”
They both stood and exited the hot tub, grabbing towels to start drying themselves off. While doing that, she wracked her brain for some excuse to continue their conversation but found herself coming up woefully empty. Every suggestion she could come up with either sounded ridiculous or… risque. It wasn’t like she could simply invite the woman back to her hotel room for some tea.
“Thank you for the invite, by the way,” she said, trying to buy herself some time. “A good soak after a tough game feels… fantastic. I don’t often indulge.”
Blue eyes lit up as the woman wrapped a towel around her hips. “I’m more than glad you accepted. However, if you wish to… pay me back… I’ve been meaning to ask for your autograph.”
Blake raised a brow. The request seemed… deceptively innocent, especially with the way Weiss was looking at her. “I can do that. You want me to sign your jersey?”
“If it isn’t too much trouble.” The barest moment of silence, and then she tilted her head. “Unfortunately, the only pen I have is in my room.”
Blake took a step closer, pleased to see she actually stood a few inches taller than the woman when she wasn’t wearing heels, and lowered her voice. “Well… I suppose we’ll have to go to your room, then.” A pause. “And, maybe, we’ll think of something else I can sign along the way.”
Weiss smiled and donned the jersey, setting her hand in the crook of the faunus’ elbow. “Perhaps. Do you have any ideas?”
“I do.” As they started walking, she chuckled. “But I wouldn’t want to use a pen to sign something so… delicate.”
The woman hummed, pointedly looking at her mouth. “I believe I know of something else you can use.”
While outwardly Blake merely smiled a bit wider, internally she asked herself a question: just how far was she willing to go?
Before they reached the elevator, she’d decided that if she wasn’t officially dating Weiss Schnee by the time she boarded the plane tomorrow, she’d be disappointed in herself.
Weiss stretched luxuriously in her bed as the morning rays streamed in through the window. She was sore in places she’d forgotten existed- but the pleasant type of sore, the kind that eventually turned into an itch for more, and it took conscious effort not to reach for her scroll just then. It would probably do her well to show some restraint.
That mentality lasted all of thirty seconds before her scroll was in hand and she was admiring her new background picture, taken just before Blake put on her swimwear from the night before and left to return to her room. Nothing terribly suggestive or revealing, of course, just the faunus resting her chin on Weiss shoulder. An ordinary selfie. With her new girlfriend.
She couldn’t help the smile curling her lips.
The door opened and she looked over her shoulder, watching her sister strut into the room wearing her bikini with her usual air of complete and total confidence. Her jersey was held in one hand. Probably because she wanted to… show off. “You walked down the hallway like that?”
“Of course,” Winter replied, not even batting an eye at the words ‘Property of Yang Xiao Long’ written in marker across her chest and abdomen. “I’m pleased with the outcome.”
Then, a smirk.
“Please, don’t elaborate.”
“I won’t but I do hope you were as successful as I was.”
She glanced at her scroll as a message came through from Blake, a smile coming to her lips. “Indeed I was.”
Who knew giving in to her impulse to show off would have such wonderful results.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 4 years
ML Fic: Nathalie’s Gift Part 1
She sat up in the middle of the night.
She took a moment to let her eyes adjust to the darkness. She knew it was late, likely an hour or two away from sunrise.
She examined her surroundings until she saw him. There he was, sleeping in the chair at the end of the room. Gabriel Agreste, her boss, her ally, and the one she had fallen for, was asleep in a chair several feet away.
Ever since the defeat of the guardian and the plan to use Chloé to get the miraculous, she had been far too weak to be as mobile as she was in the past. Gabriel had set her up in his quarters, despite the mansion having dozens of rooms. He had reasoned that Adrien would never walk into his room without permission, so that it would never become apparent how her condition was deteriorating.
His logic wasn't entirely unfounded. She was constantly teetering towards the brink. Overuse of the once broken peacock miraculous has left her bedridden most days. Despite the miraculous no longer having such a negative effect now, she knew the damage was already done. 
Yet he hasn't discarded her, was it out of loyalty that he felt the need to care for her despite being more of a burden? Did he perhaps start to feel something more for her as this whole debacle went on.
The later of which was unlikely, she knew better than anyone that Gabriel was far too loyal to his wife to entertain such a notion. So long as he believed there was a chance of bringing her back, he wont stop. She could never be Emilie Agreste, the love of his life and mother of Adrien. She was Nathalie Sancoeur, trusted assistant, and partner in crime. 
She forced herself out of bed. Moving quietly as to not awaken the sleeping mogul.
She snagged her tablet, and the peacock miraculous that was next to it.
She moved to the office and sat in the office chair. Perhaps she could get some work done while she was awake. And should she feel the need to speak to someone, the blue bird Kwami would be a fitting companion.
She started looking through work but her mind kept wandering to one thought
So long as Emilie could be brought back, he could never love me. I could never replace her.
She coughed.
“Not that it matters, I am on borrowed time as it is.” She commented to herself.
She stopped herself as she let her own comment sink in.
She was on borrowed time.
With how she was now, how much time did she have, a few months? A year? Maybe a decade if she really tried to take care of herself. But it wasn't like she was sick with a normal illness. But would Gabriel be able to get the miraculous? Even with everything they had, Ladybug and Chat noir always seemed to best them at every turn. At the rate things were going, she would likely end up in a glass coffin as well, and if Gabriel fails...
In that moment of worry. An idea that could fix everything slipped into her brain.
It was a long shot sure, there was a possibility that everything will backfire. But she needed to do it.
She exited out of her work and went into the security feed using her tablet. She disabled the secret camera hidden in the lair below.
She started making a few preparations.
Gabriel awoke to his phone’s sudden vibrating.
He quickly shook himself and looked at his phone.
“The alarm was tripped. Someone damaged Emilie’s chamber!”
The fashion mogul rushed out of the room. His thoughts were firing through his brain a mile a minute.
Who found the lair? Was it one of the heroes? A spy? Who would dare desecrate my beloved wife’s container?
The fashion mogul made his way to the secret elevator.
A purple Kwami emerged from the pocket of the rushing fashion designer.
“Is something wrong master?”
“It appears there is an intruder in the secret sanctum.”
“What are you planning to do?”
“Im going to show them the error of their ways. Nooru, Dark wings rise.”
Gabriel transformed into the villainous hawkmoth, His face covered by a silver mask, and is candy cane color scheme replaced with a purple suit. 
He was armed and ready to fight should. 
As the elevator reaches the bottom. Hawkmoth dashes out as soon as it opens.
He would strike quick, and take care of the intruder before they realized who they were facing.
As he approached, he stopped dead in his tracks. As he noticed someone standing infront of the Glass container.
“Hello?” The figure called out. Her voice having a familiar tone that caught the butterfly villain off guard.
As his rage diminished, he felt his vision clear and noticed the shattered glass on the floor, along with the glass container that was now broken.
“It... It can't be...” Hawkmoth’s words escaped as he realized who was standing in front of him.
“Can you tell me where I am? I woke up in this... thing over hear. Im not entirely sure what’s going on.”
“Emilie... is that you?” Hawkmoth questioned, unsure if this was a dream, or if by some miracle the love of his life was indeed back from the abyss.
“How do you know my name Mr. Masked man?”
“Nooru, dark wings fall.”
The blond woman watched as the costumed stranger revealed himself.
“Gabriel? Is that you?”
A tear spilled from his eyes as he rushed to her. 
“You're here. How is... How is this possible?”
“I... I dont...” She started to stumble as she walked towards him. Her vision was starting to fade and the world was spinning.  
Gabriel quickly moved to catch her as she suddenly fell.
He felt his heart panic, but he could hear her breathing. She was simply sleeping.
“Perhaps it would be best to take her out of her.”
Gabriel walked to the elevator, his wife in his arms, asleep yet very alive. 
His mind had 1000 questions, but in this moment, he didn't care. He was holding the woman he loved in his arms again, and thats all that mattered.
“Gabriel!” She cried out as she woke up.
Sunlight was beaming from the window, it was clear it had been bright out for sometime.
She felt sheets underneath her. What she expected was a hard floor in a weird sanctum but now she felt the comfort of a room that felt familiar.
She heard the door open and looked to see her husband carrying a tray.
“Oh good, you're awake.” He spoke with soft relief.
She looked at the tray.
“Are those.”
“Lemon tea cookies. Your favorite.”
She smiled at him as he brought the tray to her bedside. Allowing her to snag a bite of one of them.
“So good!” She said as she finished her first cookie. “I feel like I haven't eaten in years!”
Gabriel’s expression faltered. She could see the pained expression as she said that.
“Gabriel... how long was I gone?” Her question verbally stabbed him.
He took a moment to process the curious expression on his wife’s face as she continued eating the tray of treats.
He looked down at his hands.
“A year and 6 months.”
She gulped down her cookie hard at the revelation.
“Wow... I've been gone for so long... Adrien must be taller then... ADRIEN!”
Emilie grabbed her husband by the collar.
“Where is Adrien?!”
“He’s at school” Gabriel answered.
Emilie blinked.
“School? You mean he is no longer being homeschooled?”
“He still has some lessons, but he was insistent on trying to go to school like other children his age. It was more ideal for him to go out than for him to be stuck here most hours of the day.”
Emilie processed that information.
“I see, I am surprised you said yes. You always said you hated public schooling.”
“I still believe the school systems are... inferior, but Adrien’s grades haven't faltered according to Nathalie. So I don't bother intervening.”
“My boy has grown up so much since Ive been gone. Wait, is he dating yet? Please tell me I didn’t miss his first crush!”
“Emilie, I am sure that you didnt miss anything. You and Adrien can catch up once you are rested and he is back from school.”
Emilie took a deep breathe.
“Okay, You're right. It will be nice to hear everything from him.”
She looked around the room a bit and noticed the vase full of roses.
“Oh, fresh roses. Gabe-y you cheesy romantic.”
Gabriel felt his cheeks go pink.
“It was... the room needed some color in it.”
“Much like those red pants you insist on wearing.”
“They are fashionable.”
“If you were in charge of candyland perhaps.”
Emilie loved to tease him about is fashion calls.
“Who is the fashion designer here?” He said with a mock stern tone.
“Speaking of fashion, that costume that you were wearing. That didn’t look like the peacock miraculous.”
Gabriel’s tone shifted to genuinely serious. He figured the time would come to answer that question.
“It is the butterfly miraculous. After your...departure. Nathalie and I investigated the temple where you and I had found the peacock miraculous. We discovered a new miraculous, one that wasn't damaged.”
Gabriel felt a twinge mentioning Nathalie. When he had rushed to bring Emilie up here, he felt guilt and relief that his assistant wasn't in the bed. He would have quite a difficult time explaining that one, even if nothing happened.
“So with that miraculous you were trying to find a way to bring me back.”
“It was a means to an end.”
Emilie processed the information she was told.
“Gabriel, I want you to do something for me.”
“No more miraculous. None.”
Gabriel blinked.
“Those jewels are nothing but trouble. It has only caused our family suffering and pain.”
Gabriel was surprised by the claim, but he knew she was correct. The miraculous have been quite the curse on the family, despite the powers they gave.
“It will take time for me to stop using it outright, there is a... situation with how I’ve been using it. Your sudden appearance and the disappearance of Hawkmoth might be suspicious.”
Emilie looked at Gabriel intensely.
“Hawkmoth? Gabriel what did you do?”
“Well... in order to try an bring you back, the butterfly miraculous wasn't going to be able to accomplish that goal. So the only way I could bring you back with certainty was to attain the ladybug and Cat miraculous.”
The former actress listened as her husband explained how he became a super villain for the sake of getting the jewels.
“I admit, explaining it makes it sound a lot worse than it actually is. I planned to fix any damage caused once I got the jewels”
“And what if people found out your identity!? You would have been thrown in prison and left our son an Orphan!” Emilie pointed her finger in his chest.
“It was the only way I could think of to attain the miraculous. How else would I have been able to confirm the miraculous were in Paris?”
Emilie was ready to let him have it. But she felt herself calm down. She had to admit, in a weird way, it was quite romantic. Something out of a tragic romance novel.
“I should be angrier with you, but I know if the situation was reversed and I had a way of bringing you back, I would have likely tried the same thing, albeit in a smarter way.”
Gabriel felt a bit of relief seeing his wife not so cross with him.
“So we figure out how to orchestrate your ‘Defeat’ and then we say good bye to the miraculous for good.”
“We will plan it out when you are completely better. Though this does raise the question. How are you back?”
Emilie pauses, she tries to think back.
Protect the Agreste family... no matter what.
She heard that phrase echoing in her head. But she couldn't figure out why. Who said that to her. Why is everything so fuzzy?
“I don't know... I remember hearing glass shatter, and a flash of blue. But the next thing I remember was... seeing you.
Gabriel looks at her, he could tell from her eyes she was telling the truth.
“I will look into that later. In the meantime, you should rest. I will check on you in a few hours.”
He moves the empty tray from the bed.
Gabriel stopped.
“Get Adrien here. I want to see him now.”
“Dear, he is in school. It will dismiss in a few hours. Besides you should rest.”
Emilie got up from the bed.
“Nonsense. Ive been resting long enough. I am sure Adrien can miss a few hours of school. I want to see my baby boy.”
Gabriel wanted to find some way to dismiss her request, but he knew he couldn't say no to her. She was far to headstrong and determined... and man did he miss her.
“Okay, I will have his driver go an pick him up.”
“You aren't going to pick him up yourself?”
“Emilie I have work to do. Besides that is why we have...”
“You can take some time off to bond with your son. Seriously, you need to stop putting up walls Gabe-y.”
Gabriel took a calming breath to compose himself.
“Very well. But do use this time to rest.”
She moves to kiss her husband.
“I promise.”
Gabriel’s expression turned into a soft smile.
“I will be back with our son shortly.”
Gabriel left the room to go pick up Adrien.
Emilie smiled as she moved to vase of roses. She picked on up and sniffed it.
The rose in her hand began wilting and shriveled up.
She looked in the mirror.
“Everything went perfectly.”
End of part one
(Should I continue? Let me know your thoughts)
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vindicatedvirgil · 3 years
moceit week 2021: day 7 / the softest echo could be enough for me to make it through
summary: one year. one question. one answer… but depression likes to get in the way sometimes.
ship: romantic moceit
other characters involved: n/a
word count: 1181
warnings: mentions of depressive episode, mentions of food/alcohol
this was written for moceit week 2021, for the day 7 prompt of “anniversary”
@moceit-appreciation-week @moceit @doublejoywilson
this is a sequel connected to day three!
title is a line from “bandito” by twenty one pilots.
[first] [last] [moceit week masterpost] [read on AO3]
[all writing masterlist]
Janus glanced around the living room; everything had to be perfect. Everything. The soft music playing in the background was a playlist full of songs that were playing on his first date with Patton, the songs they danced to and laughed to and had their first kiss to. He had lit candles all around the room, and there were two glasses of the same red wine they had drank on their first date. Janus was dressed in a black suit, save for a yellow tie, and he stood in front of the mirror by the front door, toying with his hair.
It had been exactly one year since that first date, since Patton worried so much that he had ruined things. But despite how awkward things were that first night, how concerned they both were that things could go wrong… everything had worked out so beautifully. And even though it was scary, things moved quickly; by six months they had moved into an apartment together.
And now Janus stood near the front door to that apartment, waiting for Patton to return home from work. He would be home any minute, and Janus could wait no longer. It was clear to him after only three dates that Patton was the man for him, for forever, and he knew now was the time - tonight was the night.
Janus heard the jangle of keys on the other side of the door, then their clattering and a muffled, frustrated cuss from Patton. Janus frowned; that wasn’t normal. He reached for the handle and turned it, opening the door to find Patton on his knees, face in his hands, soft sobbing leaving his body.
“Darling, come here, I’ve got you,” Janus murmured, his hands settling on his boyfriend, trying to get him to stand up. It was slow going, but eventually Patton was on his feet, leaning against the taller man. All thoughts of the proposal out of his mind, Janus only cared about taking care of his love. “Hey, shh, come on, let’s get your bag down and shoes off, then a bath, ok? Looks like you had a rough day, you need to relax.” Patton nodded, slipping his shoes off and letting Janus slip the messenger bag off of his shoulder. Patton’s eyes swept over the apartment, realization dawning on him almost instantly, and the tears started again.
“It’s our anniversary, I-” He fumbled over his words, trying to wipe his tears away with his sweater sleeve. “I had something for you, and I left it at work, and-”
“Hey, no, it’s okay baby, that doesn’t matter now. I’m gonna blow out all these candles, run you a bath, and order an extra cheesy pizza,” Janus said warmly, guiding Patton through the apartment to the bathroom. “We can celebrate another night,” he said softly.
“I’m so sorry, Janus… it’s just… bad brain day,” Patton explained, even though Janus didn’t need to hear an explanation. Having a significant other with depression prepared him for this, being able to comfort and take care of Patton after a long day was more important than anything else.
“It’s alright, darling,” Janus let go of Patton and started the faucet, allowing the tub to fill slowly. He poured in some of Patton’s favorite lavender scent, the smell enveloping the room. “I’m going to go get your fuzzy onesie and something to wear under it, ok? Get in when you’re ready.” He pressed a kiss to Patton’s temple, and began to leave the restroom, but Patton’s faint voice made him stop.
“Thank you, Janus. I love you.”
“I love you too,” Janus replied, shooting a smile back to Patton. He padded back out into the living room, and went around blowing out all of the candles, then turned off the music. Then he went into the bedroom and got the clothes for Patton, and while he was in there, Janus changed out of his suit into some black joggers and a soft yellow sweater.
By the time he returned to the restroom, Patton was lounging in the tub, eyes closed. Janus set the clothes on the sink and stepped out again. He grabbed his phone from the kitchen and quickly placed a mobile order for Patton’s favorite pizza: lots of cheese. Janus set his phone down as he heard the tub start to drain, so he poked his head back into the bathroom to see Patton zipping up the onesie.
“Hey, feeling any better?” Janus asked hesitantly, eyes focused on Patton, who nodded, then frowned. “What’s wrong?”
“You looked so nice in your suit, and I… I ruined everything, didn’t I?” Patton asked hesitantly, fingers twisting in front of him. Janus quickly surged forward, taking Patton’s hands in his own, bringing them up to kiss.
“You have ruined nothing, my love. You’re more important than anything, even celebrating an anniversary with the cheesiest things I could think of,” Janus murmured, and Patton smiled weakly. “Come on, let’s go in and put on a Disney film, ok?”
“Lilo and Stitch,” Patton responded, and Janus nodded, lacing his fingers with Patton’s, leading his boyfriend into the living room. The two sat on the couch and while Janus started to navigate towards where to watch the film, Patton glanced around, eyes landing on the small, pale blue box on the coffee table. “What’s this…?” He reached out for it, and Janus yelped, trying to grab it first.
“Nothing! Nothing. It’s not important, just uh, a box,” Janus lied, finally securing the box in his own hands. Patton raised an eyebrow, nudging Janus’ shoulder.
“Ask me,” he said suddenly, and Janus’ jaw dropped, along with the ring box. “Go ahead. It doesn’t need to be… romantic and perfect. Our relationship started off with an awkward date and I constantly think that I’m screwing up, but… clearly that’s not the case.” Patton smiled, eyes shining with happy tears. “So. Ask me, Janus.”
“I… are you sure?” Janus asked, meeting Patton’s eyes, searching for any sign of hesitation or falsehood in the blue orbs, but he found none. Nodding, he moved onto the floor, grabbing the ring box, and shifted so he was on one knee in front of Patton. “I had this whole speech prepared, you know? How I’ve wanted to do this since our third date, how you are… everything to me, Patton… but words can’t… I can’t…” Janus sighed, and Patton giggled, settling one of his hands on Janus’ cheek. “The important thing is… that I love you. Desperately, and without deceit. And if I get to spend my life comforting you when you’re depressed, if… I get to wake up with you in my arms each morning… then I’ll live the happiest life I could ever possibly imagine.”
“I don’t hear a question,” Patton teased, but the tears were streaming down his face, and he was smiling so bright, that Janus swore he would go blind.
“Patton… I love you. So much. And…” he glanced down, opening the ring box with shaky fingers. “Will you marry me?”
“Of course I will, Janus.”
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oh look an oc for @witchinghouracademy 's voltlove, what's the deal with her?
Reese Lato-Tricke
"With that look on your face I can tell that you're not into this stuff. Fine with me. (Dickhead...)"
Twisted from: The Summerween Trickster
Dorm: Voltlove
Year: 2nd
Birthday: June 22nd (Cancer)
Pronouns: She/Her
Relationship Status: Single
Age: 17
Height: 180cm
Dominant Hand: Right
Birthplace: Mystery Town
Club: Cooking
Favorite Subject: Ancient Curses
Likes: Sweets and pastries
Dislikes: People who do not like sweets
Flaws: Being a brutally honest bitch and a sore loser
Favorite Food: Loser Candy
Disliked Food: Anything spicy
Special Skill: Appearing when you least expect it
Obsession: Sweets, perfection
A very sour, sarcastic kind of girl. Reese always seems to be low on blood sugar despite being seen eating candy most of the time, but she gets more passionate and wide awake when it comes to baking/making/talking sweets. Sweets aside, she also happens to be overly competitive when it comes to anything involving more than two people, wether it be games or an activity than can be barely be categorized as a "game". "'Sweets Smash'? Get that casual mobile shit for moms outta my face, we're speedrunning 'Pietron 4000' on Trashtron 4000 mode, bitch." ...is what she would say. She doesn't like to show her face in public that much, so she obscures it with a mask. Why? Reasons. Don't ask. What you see is what you get.
Unique Magic:
"I Know What You Did Last Summerween"
An illusion type UM. When inflicted on a victim, it causes them to see visions of their past regret and all Reese gets is a random secret about the victim that they've kept to themselves for a long time. She considers this useless considering most of those random facts aren't worth noting, so she barely uses it regardless of the circumstances.
Minami - Dorm leader. Neutral. Her business is none of Reese's business. ...Would probably try beating her ass in some form though.
Jojo - Dormmate. Neutral. They don't talk to each other that much.
Giselle - Dormmate. Neutral. Kinda finds her annoying, so Reese just ignores her most of the time.
Will - No relation. So annoying. He comes in flirting and toying with everyone? Reese would fucking beat his ass to next Thursday. This does not stop him from continuously harassing her.
Tiny Tidbits:
Her favorite holidays are Summerween and Halloween, unsurprisingly. During those times, she's much more active due to being deep into the holiday spirit. She'll always go out trick-or-treating (and even get a bit competitive when it comes to that).
She's good at baking pastries. Remember what I said earlier about being passionate about baking? Yeah. She's so good at baking ONLY pastries and making sweets, that she's unable to cook anything else. They end up an incoherent mess that barely counts as food, let alone "edible".
Her passion projects are all cooking appliances powered by magic. Most of them are attempts to make the process faster (with her even making recipes for those specific appliances), but some of them are tiny spider-like robots that also assist with the process. She's named the first prototype "Big D". What does the D stand for? No one knows but her. And even she doesn't know why she called it "Big D".
With her temperament that's anything but sweet and passion for sweets, Reese essentially turns into Gordon Ramsay if she has to teach a group how to bake something as simple as Chocolate Cupcakes. She just wants everyone to "git gud" at baking.
Other than sweets, Reese is a rhythm game connoisseur. From the far east to the west, she's tried them all. She considers ones from the former (in terms of playability) the best, but one game called "Wednesday Night Whackin'" caught her eye and now it's won her heart solely because her favorite characters from her favorite holiday-themed web cartoon made an appearance.
Has an Oldturf account solely for watching web cartoons and web games of time past. Does she post stuff with it? Maybe.
Reese was a huge fangirl of a MeTater who made comedic edgy skits that involves acting with himself and morph suits. He later quit being a MeTater and went on to do melancholic-type beats. She misses that old content, but enjoys this new content separately for "sadb0i hours".
Reese has very quiet footsteps. They're always like that regardless of how hard her feet are hitting the ground. They're so quiet that she might not even have footsteps. This will never explain how she shows up without anyone noticing.
That kind of sneaking helps with parkour-type situations. Why parkour-type situations? Situations in the case of "if she gets a few days worth of internet fame with her face revealed and people go up to her and repeat the exact thing she said in that 10 second video non-stop for a few days". Then she can climb up and jump through the dorm rooftops to hide from that newfound fame.
Surprisingly good with kids. All of that sour personality dissipates when she's forced to babysit a bunch of 6 year olds. Don't bring it up when she's not taking care of them or else.
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Fur Babies
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Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warnings: Sadness, Fluff, Dean being cute, 15x20 elements (no death, just Miracle), AU (If anything, I did a type of rewrite to 15x20 where Dean lives)
Summary: After a long day at work, Dean is ready to crash with his girl and his dog Miracle. But comes home to a very upset reader and Miracle doesn’t know what do? Dean’s solution, more fur babies.
Word Count: 833
Mobile Masterlist
a/n: this is for @supernatural-jackles, who just lost her dog, Poppy. So, I thought I’d take a crack at making her something pure of fluffiness and fur baby cuteness. Jen, I hope this helps.
The drive in baby from the garage was just the same as any other. But Dean could have sworn more people were out and about on the road at this hour.
As his house was drawing near, the anticipation of seeing his favorite people and his favorite dog Miracle.
He pulled up into the driveway, pushing the button on his remote to the garage door opener but not parking the car in the garage just yet.
Putting the key into the door, he could hear Miracle barking and whining. Opening the door to the sight of y/n crying, and Miracle running up to her, running around in circles away from her.
“Y/N, what’s wrong?” Dean asked, concerned. “What’s got you crying?”
“Mom called me, my dog, my childhood dog passed away.” She cried.
“I’m sorry sweetheart, how old was he?” Dean asked.
He walks around the island in the kitchen and brings her into his arms for a big hug.
“He was 13.”
“Look at it this way, at least he’s not in anymore pain, and not suffering anymore. If he has been suffering.” Dean says, trying his best to comfort her.
“Yeah, but he was my baby.”
He doesn’t respond, he just holds her close, rubbing his has up and down her back soothing her. They stood like that for a while, until Miracle managed to squeeze between them making them giggle.
“Hi Miracle, I know I have you.” She says, taking the dogs face in her hands petting him. Scratching his ear, under his jaw. Showing him a lot of love.
“I’ll cook us some supper, and we can cuddle on the couch watching your favorite movie, all three of us.” Dean offers.
“Oh, I can’t wait.”
 One movie turned into many, going into well past midnight. Y/N fell asleep in Dean’s side, cushioned between him and the backrest of the couch. And Miracle laid on top of Y/N.
Dean wakes up seeing the sight before him. Y/N sound asleep, Miracle laying on top. His head perked up when he noticed Dean move, waking up.
“Shh, boy. Don’t want to wake her.” He whispers.
Y/N stirs, not waking up. Falling into a deep sleep.
Dean realized he was staring, gazing, admiring his girl. This scene before him. A thought came to his mind, might be a crazy one, might bring tears, but he wants to take a chance.
 Dean took some time off to work to pull off his surprise. He took Miracle with him to find the perfect match.
There was one puppy at the local shelter that took a liking to Miracle, and Dean. He looked at the puppy and knew Y/N will love her.
On the way home, he bought the food, supplies and even a bed for the puppy so she was well at home. But it was a matter of seeing Y/N’s reaction.
“Angel, come here baby girl.” Dean coaxed the dog over to him when he heard her car pull into the garage. And the key in the door.
The door opening. Dean holding Angel, a sweet, Aussie Shephard mini puppy, and Miracle was by Dean’s feet, wanting to get in on the attention.
Y/N turned around when she sat her purse and keys down, sees Dean holding the puppy. Her eyes lit up.
“Oh my god!” she says, not screaming.
She walks over to Dean, immediately heading to the puppy. “Hi sweetie.” She says scratching under the puppy’s jaw.
“Dean, what got you to do this?” she asked.
“Just figured, we could use an edition to our fur baby family.” Dean says.
“Never thought I’d hear you say fur baby, but it’s so sweet of you Dean.”
“Her name is Angel, she’s a rescue, her mom was a stray she was born in the shelter. When she was born, she wasn’t breathing. Something had happened on the delivery. So, they worked on the puppy, prayed for her. And then, she started to show signs of life. The shelter gave her the name Angel. Figured I wouldn’t change it.” Dean explained. “It suited her.”
“Sure does.”
She smiles big, Dean giving her Angel. Y/N holds her close, kissing her face. “Hi Angel.” She says.
Miracle follows Y/N to the living where she had the puppy sit on her lap. Miracle pops up on the couch.
“You like your sister Miracle?” she asks.
Miracle sniffs Angel, licking her. Getting the puppy riled up for play. Angel hops off of her lap and plays with Miracle. The large dog going easy on the puppy.
Y/N leaned back on the couch, relaxing. Dean leaned against the couch behind Y/N, she turns her head to him. When he turned his head towards her, he was met with a sweet kiss on his lips. He quickly returned the kiss.
“Thank you, Dean, it means a lot.” She says.
“Anything for my girl.”
And they stood by, sat by, watching the dogs play hard. And snuggle together, crashing just as hard.
Dean Tag List:
@luci-in-trenchcoats, @becs-bunker​, @mlovesstories​, @winchesters-favorite-girl​
Don’t copy and paste this story! It is written by me, copying and pasting is copyright regardless. And copyright is stealing. Supernatural belongs to Kripke, CW and Warner Bros. I am not making a profit off of these stories, therefore not doing anything wrong really. But this exact story is mine and mine only. 12/1/20
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tell me more about lancer!! (I’ve heard of it but never played)
“It is 5016u, and the galaxy is home to trillions. At the core of humanity’s territory there is a golden age, but outside of this newly won utopia the revolutionary project continues... Your character in the world of Lancer is a mechanized cavalry pilot of particular note – a lancer. Whatever the mission, whatever the terrain, whatever the enemy, your character is the one who is called in to break the siege or hold the line. When the drop klaxons sound, it’s up to them to save the day. “ - Introduction, Lancer core rules (pp 10-11)
Lancer is a very good role-playing game about piloting giant robots and using them to make Utopia happen. I’m going to organize this into mechanical things that are Very Good about Lancer and lore things that are Very Good. Here are 12 things I like Very Much about Lancer. 
2. In addition to a primary system of regular old weapons n attacks n hitpoints, there is an entire other system of technological attacks and “heat” hitpoints to represent hacking enemy robots to increasingly bizarre effect. Making regular physical attacks is tied to physical weapon “mounts” on your mech, and these mounts may be destroyed over the course of a fight, so the technology attack system gives players who might otherwise be neutralized something to do the whole time. 
3. So much player choice: There are 29 mechs in the core rulebook, another 5 in the first rules supplement, another 3 freely available on the publisher itch.io, then various others in the nooks and crannies of the Lancer discord. Do not be daunted, however!  i. In a source like COMPCON above, all the mechs are organized by manufacturer and role. Each in-universe manufacturer matches one of the 4 fundamental mech stats so if you know you’re aiming for a mech that especially interacts with a particular part of the mechanics you’ve already selected out 75% of the choices.  a. The matches go like this: Harrison Armory matches to the “Engineering” stat and so their mechs deal with the Heat mechanics in interesting ways, HORUS matches to the “Systems” stat and so they specialize in hacking other mechs and other technological attacks, Interplanetary Shipping-Northstar matches to “Hull” and so builds tanks and tough guys, and Smith-Shimano matches to “Agility” and so builds the sexy ones the ones that have interesting ways of avoiding getting hit. b. Roles are relatively straightforward too! Striker mechs are the close-quarters fighters, artillery are... artillery- long range fighters, controllers do big Areas of Effect or impose conditions or alter character movement, defenders have big shields or are mobile bunkers or are just so darn big they protect those behind them, and support is... support- they share bonuses like repairs with their allies.  ii. Take this all together and finding the mech that best suits you is actually real easy despite the long long lists. And if you ever get locked into a build you grow to dislike? At every level up, you can completely replace and overhaul the mech licenses (which represent your ability to use the relevant equipment and frame associated with a given robot) you have so you can try other robots. 
4. The NPC system: There are 33 NPC statblocks, organized by the kind of role they have in a potential fight. In addition, there are 12 templates you could potentially apply to an NPC. Both statblocks and templates are defined by “systems”- just little traits and qualities and there are often many optional systems you can slap on for an extra level of customization. Therefore, you can tailor hundreds if not thousands of NPCs out of a seemingly-limited stock.  i. The template system means any potential moveset or archetype can be made into a miniboss or boss ii. The template system means you can flavorfully telegraph how an encounter can go- telling the players they are fighting a group of pirates prepares them for coreworm rockets and grapple leashes (hallmarks of the pirate template) regardless of the actual statblock in use. iii. Each statblock is effectively 3 statblocks in one, set to different tiers to match and scale to the level of the players throughout the game (so oops I guess there are 99 NPCs by default) iv. Monstrosity- it’s for Kaiju! it’s also one of the most modular statblocks for all the little tweaks you need for Big Monster v. Squad- for footsoldiers! 
5. There is no class system (mechanically speaking, in the lore Union is working on it). Character creation functions through selecting Skill Triggers for situations outside your mech and Talents for situations inside your mech, and mech licenses themselves. Even Backgrounds are mostly just lists of questions in order to prompt character introspection. 
6. I put this last down here because it’s kind of at the intersection of the mechanics and the lore, but Lancer has some good random tables for generating things like planets, space stations, people on space stations, Pirate crews, and big Enterprise companies. It’s just good clean fun. 
I also created this google doc for totally unrelated reasons
1. The naming convention of the rings of Union and the Blinkgates- Blinkgates are Lancer’s mechanism of faster-than-light travel. They are Big installations and passing through one can take you to any other instantly. They’re organized into “rings” of the stations that are physically closest to one another, emanating out from Earth. Each ring is named after a mountain range on Earth (now called Cradle because of course) and each gate is named after a peak in that range. This is a real small detail in the grand scheme of things but I adore it because this naming convention is a clear reflection of the priorities and values of the people who did the naming. Every gate by definition is situated in places that humans have already settled, but they’re not named according to local convention. Just so, every gate is situated somewhere in Cradle’s night sky, but they’re not named for things like constellations. Each blinkgate is named after a feature on Cradle because the blinkgates were named by the Second Committee of Union, who had a driving philosophy of Anthrochauvinism (a manifest destiny attitude towards humanity on the galactic stage, with a heavy bias towards humanity as it is on Cradle) and so of course blinkgates are named as a projection of life on Earth onto space without regard for the actual space they occupy. 
2. On a related note, according to the starship-battle spinoff Battlegroup, Union names its largest starships- its battleships- after environmentalists. That just warmed my little Environmental Scientist heart, and also is a clear reflection of the Third Committee’s values and priorities (Union rose from the ashes of an environmental disaster on Earth, and the Union Navy under the Third Committee has a general mandate of acting protectively and defensively, so Union has effectively named one set of their people’s protectors after another set of protectors). 
3. The fact that every faction is simultaneously in a state of escalating tension. "The Good War" is this inevitable conflict that everyone constantly expects, but it is constantly not here, which just increases the tension further. This makes for good adventure fodder.  i. KTB and HA are about to have the Second Interest War in the Dawnline Shore,  ii. Union and the Aun are about to have the Second Distal War in Boundary Garden, and SSC is gonna wade into it because geneticists gotta get their samples I guess,  iii. IPS-N is about to fall apart from infighting,  iv. In the Long Rim HORUS is closing in on Horizon, finding the Fourth Metavault is around the corner
4. Utopia is a verb. Corollary: Union are the enemy you want. Or: Life is good, but it can be better. All this to say, Union is presented as an unambiguous force for good, but the game and the creators make no bones about how Union can be made better (and thus directly put improving the world in the players’ court!). 
5. Many Factions are defined by a fundamental expectation-subverting "What If?"  i. Union- what if the big bad hegemony that rules over everything was (at least trying to be) the good guys?  ii. The Aun- what if the mysterious and mystical theocracy explicitly and literally had the support of a god and thus could back up their claims of manifest destiny?  iii. The Corpros- what if all of these awful organizations actually did materially improve people’s lives, instead of that just being a propaganda line they throw out to justify themselves?
6. NHPs- Explaining what’s up with NHPs in full would be a whole Thing, so for now I’ll just share my favorite thing about them: they’re like droids in Star Wars, except the creators actually acknowledge the immorality of the situation and thus generate and encourage discussion about it in the playerbase, rather than just let it be taken for granted (and thus directly put improving the world in the players’ court!). 
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glapplebloom · 3 years
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Episode 100 of My Little Pony!
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Today is the day Cranky and Matilda gets married. The problem is it was supposed to be tomorrow and everyone is coming. So they have to try to get everything set up today, but so many things happens that makes that challenge difficult.
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Sad that it was her fault this mess is happening, she talks to the Doctor Time Turner about it. What seemed to be him trying to help eventually leads to him realizing his suit needs to be fixed up but Rarity is pre-occupied. Luckily Vinyl leads him to the bowling ponies and all he has to do is play to get them to help.
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So what are the Mane Six doing since Rarity would have a busy day with Clothing today and Pinkie Pie is the Wedding Planner? A Bugbear attack. This takes her out for the day and Matilda is looking for anyone to be a replacement Wedding Planner. She finds Amethyst Star who claims to be the Best Organizer in Ponyville before Twilight...
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Now before we continue, a lot of people felt bad for her because Twilight took that title. But the truth is she’s TERRIBLE as an organizer. Winter Wrap Up in Ponyville, with her being responsible for the Animals, had NEVER wrapped up winter on time before Twilight Sparkle. Twilight on her first day after half a day trying to help in a single field, fixed the problem. And the worst part, she’s STILL FAILED TO HELP THE WEDDING! I’ll point out how...
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Starting with she’s not even doing the flowers. Matilda screams at Muffins to do it since she’s very desperate, instead of the wedding planner. Too bad for her the Flower Sisters are unable to get it done today. They had the right dates. But Muffins has an idea, the Magical Fireworks Time Turner has look like flowers. She can just use them. This causes Time Turner to lose the game for the Bowling Ponies trying to stop her.
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Between the Muffin Scenes, we get my favorite part: Lyra and Bon Bon talk while decorating (with no indication Amethyst or Matilda told them) when Bon Bon finds out about the Bug Bear attack. Turns out she was originally part of a Monster Busting Group in Canterlot but had to move. This upsets Lyra because she thought their relationship was a lie. But it wasn’t. Because they’re BEST FRIENDS.... 
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Matilda, while getting ready, meets an old Serpent we haven’t seen since Season 1: Steve Magnet. After hearing his story about Cranky’s travels, she calms down. But then he made her remember that the Wedding was everything. Which is sadly true. If the Wedding didn’t matter, all you really needed to do was go to someplace and get a certificate for being married. If you’re having a wedding, you want an experience.
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In everyone else’s favorite scene: Vinyl Scratch helps Octavia find some music for the Wedding. They do make beautiful music together. But the wedding is a few minutes away and she’s going to be late. So thanks to Vinyl’s DJ mobile, they jump the shark and bring everyone to the wedding by accident.
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Watching all this is Gummy, who has a surprising insight of the situation. And thanks to Vinyl and Octavia, and not Amythest Star, the wedding guest, the cakes, the music, the Bride, everything is there and ready for the ceremony. At the wedding, we see Celestia and Luna argue like actual sisters, we see Shining Armor crying at the wedding, the Bug Bear is defeated, Lyra and Bon Bon make up and Steve Magnet helps Cranky with a missing wig.
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The Mayor’s speech is another favorite part of mine and it explains why I enjoy episodes like these. I really do enjoy shows that explores their world. And not just locations but letting us see how the other characters are like. Because I do like to believe when you create fiction, you’re creating a world. And the more fleshed out you can make it the better.
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It ends with a Doctor Who reference and the Mane Six glad to be part of Ponyville. Overall, I still find this to be a very enjoyable episode. It is fun to see the lives of so many people that you wouldn’t notice since they’re in the background. Its why I enjoy similar episodes from the Amazing World of Gumball.
See the original review to see how it changes in GLAB canon.
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thran-duils · 3 years
Lost in Zero Gravity (P.7)
Title: Lost In Zero Gravity (Part Seven) Summary:  Fem!Reader x Mob Boss!Tony Stark x Mob Boss!Steve Rogers.  Reader is a call girl who runs high end parties. She catches the attention of Tony Stark who invites her back to his room with his friend. She might have performed too well because she becomes their new favorite play toy and they don’t like to share. Words: 2,118 Warnings (for the fic in entirety): Smut, prostitution, infidelity, angst, domestic violence, stalking, possessive behavior Author’s Note: This is more fluffy smut. I needed some buffer before the next drama drops!
Part Six || Part Eight || Masterpost (mobile) || Fanfic masterpost
Steve was gone when you woke up. Probably for the best because you were still a little on edge about the name issue. Stretching, you looked at the clock. He left very early apparently because it was almost 6:00am now. You kicked the covers back and got out of bed.
Picking up your phone, you saw a text from Elisha. She wanted to see you and visit your place.
Texting Steve, you asked, Can I have someone over?
He did not respond for a few moments as you sat there waiting for the three dots to show up to show he was typing. Exhaling disappointed, you decided to go take a shower and tried to enjoy the warm water. When you got out and got dressed, he had still not responded.
A friend. Elisha. Not a john.You sent, hoping to clarify if there was any doubt about your intentions of having someone over.
That seemed to do the trick because he responded almost immediately as you walked towards the kitchen to make breakfast.
Soon. Get settled in first.
Sighing, you tossed your phone back onto the counter and went back to grabbing eggs out of the fridge.
They had not visited for a couple days and you had enjoyed the solitude to be honest. No schedule, no one else taking up your space. You were standing in your kitchen in a lounge bra and your underwear, eating a bagel you had just toasted.
It was later than normal than you would wake up. The blame could lie at the feet of the fact you had stayed awake to the wee hours of the morning binge watching videos on your phone.
You noticed your phone light up as you took another bite. Chewing, you leaned forward, seeing it was Tony.
Get ready quick. We’re going to go get your cat.
You only sat there for a second before your face broke out into a smile and then you shoved your bagel in your mouth, finishing in a rush. It was short notice, but you were excited about the cat for one but also to get out of the apartment. You had been in here for a damn week.
Rushing to your room, you threw on some casual clothes. You stopped for a moment in front of your mirror and sucked in your bottom lip. Should you have something a little sexier on? You debated for a few seconds before you waved it off; this was to get a cat, not give a lap dance.
Tony arrived not more than thirty minutes later, and you were pacing, ready for him in the living room when he let himself in.
He stopped, narrowing his eyes at you. You asked, “What?”
“Don’t think I’ve ever seen you in jeans before, that’s all.” He dragged his eyes down and snapped them back up to meet yours. “The fit is nice.”
“Glad to know my outfit is approved. You’re also wearing jeans. Are we going?”
Tony chortled, “Impatient. After you.” He followed you out of the apartment, locking the door behind him.
Terrence was waiting in the hall and he asked, “Who is driving you today, boss?”
Tony told him, “I’m driving.”
Stalling your stride, you looked at him shocked. “You’re driving?”
“Yes, why do you look shocked? I can drive,” Tony told you, his arm slipping around your waist as he led you to the elevator. “I’m an adult, I have my license. I assure you.”
“I don’t think I’ve seen you drive yet.”
“Seems like today is having a lot of firsts already.”
His car was waiting out front, one of his people keeping a watch out on it. They moved away as soon as they spotted him coming out. Tony came over to the car, opening the passenger door for you.
“A two-seater convertible?” you asked. “Really? You think the cat is gonna like that? Or me for that matter? Having to hold the carrier in my lap?”
Tony gestured you in, “Get in, baby. I’ve got someone following us.” He threw his hand up behind the car to the black SUV parked behind. The person who had been standing by the car was sitting in the driver’s seat. “They’ll bring the cat back with them. Enclosed space. I’m not a sadist. I just wanted to have a fun drive with you.”
You refrained from commenting about wasted gas as you did as he asked, him closing the door behind you and coming around the front of the car to get into the driver’s seat, adjusting his jacket.
“It is a nice car,” you admitted, buckling in. “What is it?”
“An Audi,” Tony said pressing the start.
“I saw that. I’m not an idiot, Tony. What model?”
Tony smiled at your scorn. “I know you’re not. A Spyder.”
You frowned, “I’m not sure I’m fond of that name—”
You yelped as he pulled away from the curb, shooting off into the road. Tony laughed amused at your reaction at the sudden movement.
“Oh, love, just wait until we get out onto the highway,” Tony smirked. “I’ll show off this engine for you.”
“It’s pretty, but the hair,” you commented as Tony pointed out a Persian cat at the shelter.
Tony eyed the cat closely as you moved on.
“Oh my fucking god!” you said excitedly, coming up to the next cage to a cat already pressing its head against the gate for pets.
Tony came up next to you and said, “So what was that complaint about hair…?”
“Yeah, but this is a Maine Coon! A mix, but still.” You saw he looked confused, and you said firmly. “I want this one.” Tony rose his brows now, giving you a challenging look and you pressed, “They’ve got great personalities! I had one as a kid. They act like dogs but they’re just big ass fluffy cats! And look, it’s a Tuxedo!”
“The hair,” Tony repeated. “My suits. You know, I’m really rethinking this now…”
“You cannot tell me you brought me in here just to not take one home. That would just be cruel.”
Tony smacked his lips and said, “You’re right. Carry on. No white hair though.”
“She doesn’t have white hair. It’s browns and greys,” you pointed out as you continued petting the Maine Coon. “Look at the little marking on her forehead! And she likes me! You can’t leave her here now!”
He stared at you for a few seconds before closing his eyes and exhaling. You held back from bouncing on your heels, knowing you had broke him. You turned back fully to the cage and stuck your fingers back through, her brushing her head against your head in earnest.
“You’re coming home with me,” you told her excitedly.
On the way back home, your arm reached across, your fingers tip toeing up Tony’s thigh. The wind was whipping around the two of you as he sped down the highway. You saw that the SUV had lost the two of you a while ago since Tony had kept passing people, weaving into the left lane to jerk back into the right lane around curves. The danger was hot and you wanted more.
Your fingers brushed his crotch and he shot you a quick look, shaking his head. You pouted and he said loudly over the wind, “No.”
“Have you ever had road head?”
“Are you really asking me that?”
You shrugged, “Just thought you would like it!”
“Yeah and if it’s on a drone or helicopter cam somehow – cause if you haven’t noticed, there’s no roof on this car – that I had some woman going down on me on the highway? How am I gonna explain that?”
“Don’t tell me you’re actually starting to grow a conscience, Tony.”
That drew a grin out of him, shooting you a mischievous look. He cleared his throat and pressed a button, giving a bit more space between his lap and the steering wheel. Second time breaking his resolve today. It did not seem to take much when it came to you.
Unbuckling yourself, you leaned over the middle console working on his zipper. You pulled his cock out of his jeans, running your hand up and down it sensually. He tasted like salt and sweat as you took him into your mouth, trying to help it along quicker. Tony groaned, and you felt him tense. You imagined his hands tightening on the wheel, trying to keep himself focused on the road.
“I gotta pull off,” he grunted.
This did not stop you from working your mouth up and down his dick. The car veered a little, into a highway pull off you concluded.
He pressed a button the steering wheel. He pulled you away from his dick, and blocked access. Or tried to. You moved down, running your tongue across his balls, flicking.
It was too much apparently.
“Give me 15 seconds,” he breathed at you, blocking you again from swallowing him. You kissed his hand, running your tongue up his fingers. His lips twitched despite himself and he cleared his throat roughly. He jerked his hand back, giving you a light, discouraging slap. You moved back then, and he leveled you with a look. Pouting, you laid your chin on his thigh. His hand came to run over your head before straightening up when a voice came over his speaker.
“Boss? Are you alright?”
“No, go on if you pass me. I’m pulled off. I’m fine. Just take the cat back.”
“It’s crying a lot because of the weaving highway.”
“I know it is, I can hear it.” That was not a lie; it’s whines were coming over the phone call. “I’ve got something to finish here though, so just go on. Like I said! I gotta go.”
As soon as he pressed the button on the steering wheel, he tapped your head. “Alright, resume, love.”
When you got home, Tony encouraged you ahead; he needed to talk to Daryl really quick. When you got into the apartment, the cat was nowhere to be found. You took off, throwing your bag onto the counter, searching closets. You found her cowering under the bed up against the wall. You tried to coax her out with soft noises and holding your hand out but she just put her ears back, snuggling closer to the wall.
Tony’s footfalls came down the hall and you heard him come into the bedroom.
Pushing yourself up from underneath the bed, you came up onto your knees.
“She’s hiding,” you told him, standing up.
“Maybe try with the treats you bought later,” Tony suggested, his hands in his pockets.
You shrugged, “Maybe. She’ll come out for food when she’s ready. Probably when I’m asleep.”
You walked over to your closet and closed the door to shut off another place for her to go and hide. You wanted to be able to check up on her and limiting the spaces to search would help.
“Well, I have to go do some work today at some point, so, that’s now,” Tony commented and you turned back to him, finding him close. “You can get the letter box and everything set up?”
“Yeah, of course.”
“Good,” he said to you, giving you a peck on the cheek before turning away.
Suddenly, it came to you again, the last night with Steve. Maybe Tony knew, although a part of you was screaming at you to let it lie. But, despite your better judgment, you reached out, stopping his movement. “Can I ask you something?”
“Who’s Cecile?”
Tony looked at you with all shades of suspicious, his mood completely altered by the question. There was a dangerous underlying tone to his question, “Why do you ask?”
You shrugged, letting your hand fall from his arm, suddenly not interested based off his reaction to the question. “Never mind.”
“Why do you ask?” he repeated more forcibly.
Trying to be nonchalant, you said, “Steve called me it when we had sex last. It was just weird. He’s never done it before. It threw me off. That’s all.” Tony ground his teeth, watching you intently, not saying anything. You forced a small smile. “Really, it’s not a big deal. He did not seem to even realize he had done it. I was just curious.”
He obviously did not feel the same. Tightly he said, “I’ll leave you to help the little runt settle in.” He left you then in the bedroom without a second glance.
Something told you that you should not have asked about it and that was not where that conversation was going to end.
Forever tags: @coconutqueen21 @undecidedsworld
Fic tags: @icant-hangout-imdrumming @oceaniamaddness @multifandom-superlover @imsonick @holl2712 @here4thefanfics
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