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becca-becky · 4 years ago
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moceit week, day 7: anniversary
Patton and Janus in Selfishness vs Selflessness Redux (x)
@moceit-appreciation-week @moceit
ids in reblog
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spicycreativity · 4 years ago
Day 1: Baking
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Local snake-man gets roped into "bonding activities;" secretly enjoys it
Janus: arcadence_on_high (IG)
Patton: mythic.mayhem (IG)
Photo: me
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daring-elm · 4 years ago
moceit appreciation week day 1: baking
relationships: pre-romantic moceit; background logince
words: 482
Janus distracts Patton while he bakes.
- - -
Janus fished another cut strawberry from the bowl, cheekily returning Patton’s fondly exasperated smile.
“You know,” said Patton, “if you keep eating those, I won’t have any left for the pie.”
Janus ignored him, continuing, “Now, I’m not saying you’re wrong. But if you look at it my way, it doesn’t add up.”
Patton laughed as he spread dough over the counter. “So I’m not wrong except from your point of view.”
“Exactly.” Janus stole another strawberry. Patton threw an oven mitt at him, which he caught easily, winking in that smug Janus way that made Patton’s knees weak.
“Maybe they just like each other.” Patton regained the thread of the conversation after a moment of grappling—it was effortless, how Janus spun and jumbled Patton’s thoughts with the little things he did. How rude. “Ever thought about that?”
Janus frowned.
“I like you,” Patton explained, “and not because I need a deeper reason for it. I like you even though you give me plenty reasons not to, actually”—he pulled the bowl of fruit out of Janus’ reach, booping his nose in passing and ignoring the swarm of butterflies in his belly at his indignant little noise—”like stealing all my pie fillings. If you take more of those, I’m gonna make you buy more.”
“Anything for you.” There it was again, that soft, sweet smile. Was he doing it on purpose? No way it was an accident; nothing Janus did happened accidentally. It was too like him to toy with Patton’s heart like that, looking so cute it made him ache while pretending he was entirely innocent.
“Perhaps you’re right,” continued Janus as if nothing had happened, “about Roman at least.” He grimaced. “You know him better than I do. But Logan? Too rational.”
“No one’s too rational for love,” said Patton firmly. “It gets us all eventually; you’ll see.”
“I’ve already seen.” An absent-minded smile, a gentle gaze at Patton’s hands while he worked. Something bright bubbled up in Patton’s chest, making him jittery and unfocused, a nervous smile taking over his face before he knew it. Janus stood, was behind Patton in two elegant strides, his arm around Patton’s shoulders to grab another strawberry from the bowl and pop it in his mouth. “I’ll be off, then.”
“Where are you going?” Patton blurted, praying it wasn’t obvious just how much he wanted Janus to stay.
“More strawberries, remember?” Janus showed off the handful he had taken while Patton was distracted. He took his hat off the coat rack. “Anything else I should grab?”
Patton shook his head. Janus turned to go, and before he realized, Patton grabbed his wrist. “Wait!”
Janus raised an eyebrow.
Standing on his tiptoes, Patton pressed a flutter of a kiss to his cheek. “Hurry back?”
For a moment, Janus was stunned—then he melted into a smile. “Of course—I’ll be back before you know it.”
- - -
if you enjoy my writing, please reblog it!
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moceit-appreciation-week · 4 years ago
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Moceit Appreciation Week
April 25-May 1, 2021
Day 1: Baking
Day 2: Aftermath
Day 3: Date Night
Day 4: Animal
Day 5: Family
Day 6: Warmth
Day 7: Anniversary
Hello! Moceit Appreciation Week is approaching us! Here is the official prompt list to get you started! You can steal this image and use it with your submissions and/or to keep track of the days if you'd like. Can't wait to see what awesome creations y'all come up with!
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The Animal I’ve Become
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vindicatedvirgil · 4 years ago
moceit week 2021: day 5 / no babysitter, no problem
summary: patton can’t get a sitter, so janus decides to bring date night to him, even if that date includes a snuggly 5-year-old.
ship: romantic moceit
other characters involved: kid!Virgil, teen!Logan (nonbinary, they/them), mentions of kid!creativitwins and their other dad Remy (and his partner Emile)
word count: 420 (NOT INTENTIONAL)
warnings: food mention
other: thanks to Danni for helping brainstorm ideas for this!
this was written for moceit week 2021, for the day 5 prompt of “family”
@moceit-appreciation-week @moceit @doublejoywilson
[first] [last] [next] [moceit week masterlist] [read on AO3]
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“Jan, I’m so sorry, I couldn’t get a sitter for Virge, and Lo is busy studying for their SATs, so I have to cancel,” Patton sputtered out over the phone, his boyfriend silent on the other end. “I know the twins are with Remy and Emile tonight, and tonight was supposed to be date night, but… I can’t leave the house tonight.” He heard the jangle of keys in the background on Janus’ end.
“What kind of pizza do they like? I’ll pick up a few on my way over,” Janus rambled. “You have popcorn in the house, right? Hm, do they like milkshakes? Wait, Lo is lactose intolerant, so I’ll have to get dairy free for them—”
“Jan, what are you doing?” Patton asked, exasperated. Janus chuckled on the other end, and Patton could hear a door close softly.
“I’m coming over with some of Roman’s Disney DVDs. Movie night with the little guy, and Lo can join in if they want to. I’m an expert in singing Princess songs,” he explained. “I mean, Ro’s better than I am, but don’t tell him I said that.”
“You don’t need to do this, we can do this another night, Janus…” Patton tried, but he heard Janus tut, and so the father began to chew on his lower lip.
“I know I don’t need to, darling. Now tell me what kinds of pizza they like so I can call ahead. And then text me their favorite ice cream flavors. And anything else you need from the store, okay?”
“No arguments, Patton. I’m already in the car.”
“You won’t win this battle, darling.”
“I love you, Janus.” Patton finally spoke through, and there was silence on the other end. Neither of them had said it yet, even after six months of dating, but there they were. The words.
“I love you too, Patton.” Janus responded without thinking; he didn’t need to think about it. Of course he loved Patton. It was a pure fact, the most truthful thing that Janus could ever say.
“Virgil likes extra cheese, and Lo likes veggie with no cheese,” Patton explained after clearing his throat. “Virgil’s favorite ice cream flavor is rocky road, and Lo really likes strawberry.” Janus laughed on the other end, then made a sound of acceptance.
“That suits them both pretty well,” he murmured in response. “You want a calzone?”
“Sure. Just… hurry over, okay? I want to kiss your face.” Janus laughed again in response.
“20 minutes, I’ll be there.”
if you enjoyed this, please consider reblogging! it helps authors and artists on tumblr spread our work around.
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the-duke-of-nuts · 4 years ago
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Day 3: Date Night @moceit-appreciation-week
The husbands are simply vibing and having a good time your honor! (I’m not late to Moceit week you are)
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visceraah · 4 years ago
Day 1- Baking
Watching Janus make a beeline for the fridge, pull it open and, after a moment of contemplation, reach straight past the leftovers carefully placed at eye level for a bottle of wine, Patton couldn’t help blurting- “What do you eat?”
Janus unscrewed the bottle smoothly, tilting a glass and pouring himself a drink without so much as looking up at Patton.
Patton squeaked in horror before he noticed the other sides’ smirk, quickly remembering who he was talking to, and huffed. “I just meant- you never eat with us. Or take the leftovers I leave out.”
“Those are for me?” Janus’ eyebrows rose at Patton's nod, and he murmured a quiet “huh”, expression unreadable.
“Just- you don’t just drink that, do you?” Patton asked quickly, nodding at the bottle, and Janus barked out a surprised laugh.
“Yes. I preach self care by day then binge-drink all night, every night, without even a morsel of food to soak it up.”
AO3 @moceit-appreciation-week
Patton liked to make an effort to look after his kiddos, from placing post-its with a smiley face and reminder to have a FANtastic day (because he was their biggest fan!), to making sure they all ate at least one meal every day. It might not technically have been needed to ‘sustain’ them, as Logan never hesitated to remind him, but he thought a nice warm batch of cookies sustained the soul, so there.
And he liked the chewing motion.
Janus had never attended their famILY dinners, even after he was accepted, which Patton had to admit stung a little. He’d invited him every day at first, trying all sorts of dishes to entice the reptilian side, but nothing had worked. Patton couldn’t exactly use his normal approach, bring up a spare plate and knock gently on his door to make sure everything was alright. He wasn't really sure where they stood, but Janus definitely wasn’t one of his kiddos, and he was determined to respect his privacy.
Still, he was worried. And watching Janus make a beeline for the fridge, pull it open and, after a moment of contemplation, reach straight past the leftovers carefully placed at eye level for a bottle of wine, he couldn’t help blurting, “What do you eat?”
Janus unscrewed the bottle smoothly, tilting a glass and pouring himself a drink without so much as looking up at Patton.
Patton squeaked in horror before he noticed the other sides’ smirk, quickly remembering who he was talking to, and huffed. “I just meant- you never eat with us. Or take the leftovers I leave out.”
“Those are for me?” Janus’ eyebrows rose at Patton's nod, and he murmured a quiet “huh”, expression unreadable.
“Just- you don’t just drink that, do you?” Patton asked quickly, nodding at the bottle, and Janus barked out a surprised laugh.
“Yes. I preach self care by day then binge-drink all night, every night, without even a morsel of food to soak it up.”
“I didn’t mean that!” Patton defended quickly, frowning. Gosh, how to words. “I’m just… Worried.”
“Worried?” Janus echoed in disbelief, and Patton felt a pang in his chest he’d ever doubt that, knowing it was his fault.
“Of course I am! You haven’t eaten anything, and I don’t care what Logan says, that’s gotta feel bad!”
Janus blinked, looking taken aback at the outburst. “Who says I haven’t been eating?”
“I just assumed- oh, oops. Guess I made an ass out of you and me… Mostly me.” Patton felt some of the tension leave his shoulders as Janus choked mid-sip, and he looked up in surprise.
“Nothing, nothing. I just was definitely expecting you to swear like that.” He explained, after taking a moment to compose himself.
“Nuh-uh! It means donkey.” Patton chided, crossing his arms playfully. “Honestly.”
Janus rolled his eyes good-naturedly, taking another sip of wine. “How silly of me to assume any other meaning.”
Patton almost frowned at the emphasis before he realised, and started to giggle.
“That was a pun!”
“No it wasn’t.” Janus replied instantly, leaning back against the counter with a much more subtle smile.
“I-” Janus’ confidence faltered for a second and Patton’s laughter faded to silence, watching the other sides’ expression return to a familiar, carefully constructed mask of apathy. “It wasn’t at all rude of me to not offer you a glass, too. Would you like..?”
“Oh! I really shouldn’t.” Patton replied instinctively, and when faced with Janus’ imploring eyebrow raise, tacked on, “I have to make dinner.”
“Surely you aren’t such a lightweight you can’t have one glass?” Janus teased, and Patton pouted defensively. “There’s nothing wrong with not wanting to drink, and not being used to it isn’t a bad thi… Oh, whatever.” He grabbed a glass.
They had more than one glass. Janus had shifted back from leaning on a cabinet to perching on it, looking unfairly elegant even as his words became deliberate and slow, expression rarely unguarded. Patton- who at some point had slid down against the counter much less gracefully, and was sitting on the floor- took the opportunity to study him. He knew they were all meant to have the same face, but there was something about him- other than the scales- that felt… Invigorating. That persuaded him to drink almost half a bottle of wine when he was meant to be making-
“Dinner!” He yelled, standing up so quickly he stumbled forwards, head spinning. Janus was uncoordinated as he reached for him and missed on the first grab, but he managed to put a hand on each of Patton's shoulders to steady him.
“Yesssss,” He drew out the ‘s’ in a snakelike hiss that made Patton giggle, “You can absolutely be trusted with knives and hot pans, right now.”
“... Oh.” Janus had a point. Patton frowned, eyebrows furrowing in thought before his whole face lit up again. “Cakes don’t need knives or pans!”
“Yes they do.” Janus replied in confusion, and it took a second to realise he was still lying before Patton was giggling again, shaking his head.
“So we can make a cake.”
“Oh, great ide- wait, ‘we’?”
“Yep! You look like you’d be good with the weighing scales.” He booped the snake-covered cheek to emphasise his very funny and original pun. To his delight, red blossomed across the human half of the face, and he gave another scale a boop.
“... Are you done?” Janus’ voice came out strangled, and Pattons attention was redirected to his lips as they moved. Even gentler, he brushed a thumb against them and heard Janus’ breath hitch.
Just like that he realised what he was doing- and where he was doing it, a leg on either side of him. Patton pulled back quickly, trying to back up when he felt Janus’ grip on his shoulders tighten and he stilled. He looked up slowly to search the other sides’ expression for shock, betrayal, hurt- but all he could see was that smirk, and the apology died on his lips as Janus leaned in to kiss him. He smelt the wine on his breath before he tasted it, and Patton felt intoxicated in a whole different way. Before he knew it, Janus’ arms had moved from his shoulders to his neck, legs wrapping around his waist to pull them together. Patton, equally enthusiastic, gently threaded a hand in Janus’ hair. The whimper he got in response made him a little lightheaded.
“Ja-anieeee, aren’t you hungry- oh. Ooh!” A delighted cackle behind them had Janus pulling back and sliding to the floor, face bright red.
“Hungry…” Patton repeated under his breath, confused and a little disappointed before he blinked. “Cake!”
“Looks like you were getting plenty.” Remus taunted, and Patton squinted as he tried to figure it out. Apparently he wasn’t meant to, though, as Janus hissed out “Ssssstop.”
“Oh, fine. Seems like you were more thirsty than hungry, though~”
“Oh god.” Janus covered his face with his hands, and that one Patton got. He felt his face heating up too.
“Taking it you have a meal for you right here, then?” Remus drawled in a tone Patton wished he didn’t understand, although as the actual words set in he glanced between them. “Meal?”
“I mean-”
“Not that.” Patton quickly cut Remus off, face feeling like it was on fire. “You eat together?”
“More like eat out togethe-” A glare from Janus silenced Remus mid-sentence and he whined. “Alright, eat.”
“It’s not like he’s my best friend or we have years of routine, or anything.” Janus supplied, suddenly defensive.
“Oh.” That didn’t seem to be the right answer, and he scrambled as Janus’ glare turned on him. “I mean- that’s okay! Can… Can I join you?”
Janus and Remus exchanged a look. Janus quirked an eyebrow, Remus blinked. Janus raised it further and Remus stuck his tongue out.
Janus sighed. “No rat poison.”
“A little rat poison-”
Remus pouted. “Fine.”
Patton's kiddos would be okay with leftovers for one night, but for now- however scared of rat poison he was- there was another family unit he wanted to get to know.
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xandriagreat · 4 years ago
A Different FamILY Night Tonight
@moceit-appreciation-week and @moceit
Day 5 family and Day 7 anniversary
Au: Human
Summary: It's been a hard week for Janus, but he has good news to tell his family.
Notice: trans!Janus, kid!Virgil, kid!Logan, kid!Remus, kid!Roman
Warnings: misgendering mention, hospitals mention, food mention, crying (happy crying)
Janus, tirely, carrying a bag as he walked to his house from his car. 
He had a long week. 
He was almost late to work, got misgendered more than once by one of his coworkers, (he told his boss about it and the coworker is going to be leaving on Monday, so that part wasn't so bad but still), pile of work that he had do, went to the doctors, and had to get a last minute gift for he almost forgot the anniversary.
He entered the house to see his family preparing dinner. 
His two older step kids, Virgil and Logan were setting plates on the table while his other two step kids, Roman and Remus were making origami swans and putting them on the table. He could hear Patton, his husband, in the kitchen humming. 
He smiled.
"Hey, everyone." he said, putting the bags down. 
Everyone looked at him with wide eyes. "Pa!" yelled the kids, running up to him to hug him. He hugged them back as they talked over each other. Patton walked over to them with a pink apron with the words ¨kiss the cook¨ on it. He gave Pattn a kiss while the kids went back setting the table.
"Hard day again?" asked Patton, taking the bag and rubbing his back. Janus nodded as he took his set. Patton put the bags down and scooched Janus' chair in. 
"Thank you, Honey." Janus said, smiling at Patton, who went to get dinner onto the plates. 
After dinner, Patton and the kids brought in a gift to Janus. It was a medium box with purple wrapping paper on it. Janus opened it and there was a scrapbook. 
He smiled as he pulled it out and looked through it. It was the memories from when he and Patton were getting to know each other, meeting Patton´s kids for the first time, his breast surgery, the wedding day, and their home that they live in now. He stopped at a blank page. 
"We still have a long advencher." said Patton, giving him a big side hug along with the kids. 
Janus nodded and got the gift for Patton out. 
"Surprised!" Janus smiled, holding out the gift. It was a photo frame. "Sorry, it was last minute."
Patton smiles back. "I love it. You don't need to apologize, if it makes you feel better, I almost forgot too."
Janus laughed with Patton. 
"What's this?" Remus said loudly, picking up a letter envelope from the floor. 
It must have fallen out when Janus got the gift out. Logan looked at it. "It's from the hospital." 
Janus felt all the color faded from his face when everyone looked at Janus with worry.
"It's nothing bad." Janus reassured, putting his hand on Patton's. Then he sighed. "Let's go to the couch and I'll explain."
They went to the couch, Logan and Roman sat by Patton while Virgil and Remus sat by Janus. "So, I went to the hospital today, to see how I'm doing." started Janus, holding the letter in his hands. "I'm doing well. I´m just…"
Then he smiled as tears started to fall down his face. "I'm having a baby."
Everyone was quiet as they stared at him. "Are you all okay?" Janus asked everyone. The next thing he knew was that everyone was hugging him and crying, mostly Patton. 
When they were done hugging, Janus opened the envelope to show the ultrasound photos to them.
"This seems unreal." Patton said, putting his arm around Janus' shoulder. "You're not wrong." Janus said, looking up at him and giving him a kiss.
Even though it was a hard week, it had a happy beginning for their family.
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all-yn-oween · 4 years ago
Moceitweek2021- Day 1: Baking (I'm late but it's never too late to write some moceit, guys)
Day 1 : Baking
Summary : Patton stays awake a bit too long since a few days, and Janus gets worried. (Or everyone else wrote fluff, but I wrote slight angst with an happy ending-)
The night felt strangely calm. The floor wasn’t burning or covered with any slimy substance that Remus would’ve spread. Everyone fell asleep quickly, or at least, almost everyone.
Patton wrapped a blanket around his shoulders, and sat on the couch in the main area. He glanced over at the clock, and sighed in exasperation. It was late and, even though he kept repeating that he wasn’t tired, the bags under his eyes said otherwise.
He had promised to Logan that he would go to sleep early, but it was mostly so he didn’t have to lecture him about the benefits of having a good sleep schedule.
However, Patton was stubborn, and he just didn’t want to sleep now. While he hummed to himself, he closed his eyes. He subconsciously yawned as he leaned against the couch, almost lying down on it.
Today had been a rough day. Everyone was so busy, and Patton had to maintain a good mood in the mind palace. Still, Roman almost killed Remus because he had put peanut butter on his walls, it had freaked Virgil out and he didn’t stop hissing at the twins for the rest of the day while Logan was just watching the disaster.
That’s why Patton enjoyed some calm.
He loved his kiddos but he just needed to relax and he often took the evening (and night) to be ready for another day.
The good thing about that hour, is that no one else was awake. Of course, sometimes Virgil came downstairs to grab something hot to drink during his insomnia. Or Roman would sit next to Patton and complain about the fact that Virgil didn’t want to sleep in the Prince’s room that evening.
That happened sometimes and Patton kept telling Roman that Virgil needed some room and he knew that the Creative side didn’t have a real issue with that. But of course, he wouldn’t stop bitching about it.
And after a few hours, Logan would be the first to wake up and would come downstairs to drink a coffee. The logical side would ask Patton if he had slept here, and Patton would shake his head no to make him believe that he was just an early bird.
Logan wasn’t taken in by Patton’s lies, but he honestly didn’t know how to react. He had tried to tell him to go to bed at a regular hour everyday, and in a comfortable place, but Patton didn’t listen. Logan saw that Patton wasn’t feeling well but he thought that he wasn’t the best person to talk about feelings.
So he just made sure that Patton wasn’t getting overwhelmed during the day, handling the twins where they became unbearable.
For now, it was still 1 in the morning, and Patton was exhausted. His head was resting against the armrest of the couch and he had half closed his eyes. The blanket still wrapped loosely around his shoulders, he was waiting.
He looked down at his stomach when he felt an uncomfortable sensation. He wondered what it was when he heard it growl.
Patton sighed in exhaustion, now wasn’t the time to eat. Even though it was true that he hadn’t eaten tonight.
Patton started to close his eyes but he quickly reopened them when he heard footsteps. They were coming from the stairs so Patton thought that it might be Virgil or Roman.
He quickly sat up properly, which made the blanket fall at his feet. He bent down to put it back, and Patton saw Janus in the middle of the stairs when he looked up.
His eyes widened slightly. Why was he awake that late?
Patton stayed silent, mostly speechless, and he kept his glance on Janus as he approached slowly. Janus was wearing a yellow sweater, with a snake on it. Patton recognized that it was the sweater Thomas made them. He was staring at Patton, frowning a little in confusion.
When he arrived downstairs, he walked towards Patton and sat down on the couch.
The moral side quickly realized that he should talk with him.
“Hi kiddo! Are you.. are you okay?” he asked, with a happy voice.
It sounded a bit forced, but the intention was sincere. Patton really wanted to know how Janus was doing and why he was still awake.
“Awfully bad.” Janus replied with a concerned tone as he looked over at Patton tired face. “I shouldn’t ask you the same question in return-”
Patton chuckled nervously as he heard Janus, and glanced away.
“I’m just okay! Just enjoying some calm! Why did you come here?” Patton asked, as he looked back at him.
He felt like Janus was seeing through his lies and managed to read his features like an open book. It was a bit odd, but Patton let him do by staring at him, straight in the eye.
Janus rolled his eyes after some seconds, and gave him with usual smirk.
“Oh I totally wasn’t worried about you, so I didn’t decide to come.” Janus replied, his answer startled Patton a little. He didn’t expect Janus to notice that he was staying up late, especially since the snake hadn’t said a word about it.
“You had a rough day?” Janus added, catching on Patton’s surprise.
“I- Not really, it’s fine.. It wasn’t that checkered…” he chuckled lightly and shrugged.
“May I ask why do you come here every night?”
Patton stammered a little, honestly taken aback by the question. So he had noticed and he just waited for the perfect moment to confront him…
“I-.. it’s complicated-” Patton ended up answering.
He saw that it didn’t convince Janus, but he didn’t want to say something else right now. He was so tired, he couldn’t utter a word, and Janus seemed to catch on that as well.
“It’s fine. We can talk about it later. You should get some sleep, you absolutely don’t seem about to faint.” he reassured him.
Patton nodded in agreement, he didn’t remember the last time he had the chance to lay on his bed. He had spent all his nights on the couch since at least two weeks. Janus wouldn’t leave him alone until he would make sure that Patton was asleep in a proper room. Patton was ready to stand up to go upstairs, but his stomach growled again.
Patton looked away as his breath hitched. He hoped that Janus didn’t hear the noise, but the lack of other noises in the room made that possibility rather impossible. He slowly glanced over at Janus, who had already stood up.
The moral side was ready to say something, when he talked.
“No, you go in your bed, and I’ll bring you cookies.”
Patton stared at Janus, in shock. He wanted to protest, but he only stood up as well, looking up at him. If he was going to accept, he wanted to help Janus at least.
“Let’s made them together!” he added happily.
He wanted to sound awake and motivated, but his exhaustion made things less easy than usual. Janus shook his head and placed a gentle hand on Patton’s arm.
“No Patton, now is not the time to bake together. Go rest, please. I’ll be back in fifteen minutes.” Janus retorted in a calm voice, kissing Patton’s forehead.
He blushed a bit at the kiss, as his eyes widened. He looked up at Janus, who had a caring smile on his lips. He wondered if the kiss meant something, he wanted it to mean something so bad. Yet, he was just too tired to ask about it, so he nodded simply.
“Okay.. Thank you Janus.” Patton mumbled, leaning into the kiss. He was often the one to initiate physical touch, but it felt nice to receive it and it made his heart flutter.
“Of course. I absolutely want you to starve to death or lack of sleep.” Janus replied as he let go of Patton’s arm.
He already missed it but didn’t say it. Patton nodded against with a soft chuckle.
“So do I..” he added, as he looked up at Janus another time before walking towards the stairs.
Janus maintained eye contact until he left, and then go in the kitchen to bake him some cookies. Cookies were easy and fast to prepare, and Patton loved them. He finished baking them, and walked in Patton’s room, gently knocking before entering.
Janus saw the moral side, wrapped around his blanket and hugging a plush close. He smiled softly, and closed the door behind him and putting the plate on the bed as he sat down on the edge.
Patton thanked him, and offered him some of his cookies that Janus accepted.
Patton didn’t exactly remember what they had talked about, it was just some nice and calm conversation that they could have. He started to fall asleep on Janus’ shoulder, lulled by the calming sound of his breaths.
So... yeah I didn't know why it went like this but it's fine I guess? Now I have to get ready for day 2 (I'm really late but shhhh)
I love this fandom-
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spicycreativity · 4 years ago
Day 5: Family
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Janus only smiles like this when Patton's attention is turned elsewhere... Maybe someday he'll let himself be caught. But for now, he lets Patton show him an old photo album, and he keeps his smiles to himself.
Janus: arcadence_on_high (IG)
Patton: mythic.mayhem (IG)
Photo: me
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sandersclause · 4 years ago
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I wanted to participate in @moceit-appreciation-week but I can't write or draw so I made this :)
Day 1 prompt: Baking
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thezodiacco · 4 years ago
Moceit Appreciation Week Day 1: Baking
Uhhh hello I’ve never posted writing on here but it’s @moceit-appreciation-week so I thought I’d try something new so here you go :3
Content Warning: Food
Rating: Gen
Pairing: Moceit (platonic or romantic)
Word Count: 1,677
Summary: Patton’s baking antics save Janus from an otherwise perfectly boring day.
Janus sighed, skimming over the book he was reading with apprehension. He was alone in his room, like usual, but something was different. There were no sounds of mischief and mayhem of the others running around the common room like usual. 
Roman had taken the others on a “vacation” to the imagination, and he was left out, of course, so it really did feel like he was alone. He usually didn’t mind this feeling, but for some reason there was a cold, empty feeling in his chest today. He tried to shake it off, concentrating on his book, but it remained in its spot, stubborn as ever.
Then his head perked up as the warm, sweet scent of fresh cookies filled his nose. It warmed his heart right up, lifting him out of bed and off his feet. He drifted out of his room, downstairs, and down the hall, ending up in the kitchen. 
There he was met with quite a sight as he landed on his feet. There were 3 different boxes of cookie mix on the counter, as well as 2 different boxes of cupcake mix. Tubs of icing and bottles of sprinkles were strewn about, and flour coated the walls from floor to ceiling. 
In the midst of all this mess was a very powdery Patton, currently turned away from him and whisking some sort of mix in a mixing bowl, humming a sweet sounding tune.
Janus couldn’t help but smile at the sight, “Patton?”
Patton jumped, making a slight squeak, “Oh, Janus! What, what are you doing here?” He smiled nervously.
Janus had to bite his tongue to keep himself from giggling, “Well, for one, I live here, and two, Roman decided to leave me out of his “grand adventures”, like always. Which brings me to my question; what are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be off frolicking with the others?”
Patton’s eyes widened, “Oh, well, uh. I didn’t, really want to go?” He shrugged. “At least not today! I kinda wanted some time to myself, doing something I loved! I haven’t had a day to just, do some baking in a while, so why not do it today?”
Janus nodded, “Fair enough.”
Then something in Patton’s eyes changed. He furrowed his brows upward a bit, pouting his bottom lip a little. He looked up at Janus with big, pleading eyes, “Maybe you'd, like to help out a bit? Just a little?” He held his arms behind his back, rotating his leg on his toes.
Janus rolled his eyes in his usual fashion, “Of course Patton, I would love to help you.”
“Really?!” Patton smiled, eyes bright, Janus’ lie flying over his head. Janus smiled, letting out a breath, “Yes, Patton, really.” This time he was genuine. It’s not like he had anything better to do anyway.
Patton motioned him to join him at the counter with his arm. “Now, the first batch of cookies is in the oven, and the cake is already in the fridge.”
“You already baked a whole cake?!” Janus asked in disbelief.
“Yeah! But you can’t look at it yet.” Patton pointed at him very seriously. Janus nodded, smiling, “I won’t, I promise.”
Patton smiled back, handing him a mixing bowl, a whisk, and a box of cookie mix. He got to work, measuring out enough vegetable oil and water and mixing it in with the powder. He cracked a few eggs, and whisked it as hard as he could. 
“Woah, slow down there kiddo!” Patton exclaimed, putting a hand on his arm. “You gotta take it slow and easy, really make sure to get all the chunks out.”
Janus nodded, slowing down. Patton was pulling off bits of his cookie mix and balling it up, setting the balls on a cookie sheet. Janus wanted to pick up speed, to catch up with Patton, but took his advice, moving at a slower pace.
Patton put the next batch of cookies in the oven, taking the first batch out. They were chocolate chip, and they smelled absolutely heavenly. He looked at his own cookie mix box and found they were snickerdoodles. 
Soon Janus was ready to put his own cookies on the cookie sheet, while the others were cooling. He did so, and Patton took the sheet and put that one in the oven as well. 
“Why don’t we start on the cupcakes while those other two batches are baking?” Patton suggested. Janus nodded, and they each took a box. 
Patton couldn’t help but lick some of the batter off his whisk before getting new utensils out. He and Janus locked eyes, both of them breaking out in laughter. “It’s really good! You should try some!” Patton smiled, handing him the whisk.
Janus’ face flushed slightly, taking it. He licked off what was remaining, the sweet flavor of cookie batter staying on his tongue. “It’s very good indeed, Patton.”
Then they got to work on the cupcakes. Patton’s mix was vanilla, while Janus’ mix was chocolate. Patton set his bowl aside and opened the oven, taking the second batch of cookies out.
“How do you know when they’re done without a timer?” Janus asked.
“I don’t know, I just, know.” Patton smiled with a shrug. Janus couldn’t help but smile back. He was slowly getting used to Patton’s eccentricities, and they had started to intrigue him.
After they started pouring the cupcake batter into the cupcake liners, Patton got out the third batch of cookies. That was finally done. Now they could completely focus on the cupcakes.
It took a very long while, but all three of the cookie batches, as well as both of the cupcake batches, were done. Patton smiled proudly, looking over his work. Janus let out a tired breath, wiping the sweat from his forehead.
“Ah ah ah! We’re not done yet! We have to decorate the cupcakes.” Patton smiled, picking up the icing. Janus sighed, but smiled. He was, actually enjoying himself. Needless to say, he was quite surprised.
While they got started, Janus couldn’t help but ask, “Patton, who are all of these sweets for?”
“Oh, no one, just myself I suppose.” Patton smiled sadly. Janus grimaced, a sour taste filling his mouth. He could always tell when someone was lying. The question was, why would Patton lie about this?
They iced all the cupcakes with three different colors of icing, and sprinkled 6 different sprinkles on top. Now, they were finally, completely, done.
They looked at each other, out of breath. Patton's brown eyes were wide, with a look Janus didn't completely recognize.
"Look, um, I'm sorry, but I kinda lied to you before, about who all the baking was for." Patton admitted as he scratched the back of his neck, guilt on his face.
"I know, Patton. I can tell when people are lying." Janus reminded him. 
His eyes widened. "Oh, right! Duh!" He laughed nervously. "Well, I'm sorry, anyway…" He trailed off, hesitantly opening the fridge. He grabbed something, pulling it out carefully. It was the cake. The frosting was black, with yellow details. It read, Welcome Home Janus.
"It's devil's food cake. I thought you'd like it." He smiled, hesitant, a pink blush on his cheeks.
Janus' eyes were wide, the breath stolen from his lungs. He didn't know what to say. "This, this is for me?"
Patton nodded, keeping his smile. Janus finally let out a breath, brows furrowing. "Was all of this," he pointed to the mess in the kitchen, "for me?"
"Kinda." Patton shrugged. Janus sucked in air, face flushing hot. "Patton, you realize that it's gonna take me months to eat all this, right?"
"I know! I know I got carried away, but the others can have some too! It's just, you've been trying so hard, and doing so well! You've really been helping Thomas. So, I wanted to do something to thank you, and to welcome you into the family!"
A smile crept onto Janus' face as he stared at the cake. It was so gorgeously decorated. "I- I don't know what to say, Patton. Thank you."
Patton beamed. He took the cake, setting it aside on the counter. He then embraced Janus, squeezing onto the back of his cape tight.
Janus faltered, not used to the touch. Patton was warm, and soft, his body completely grounding. It took a couple of deep breaths, but soon he hugged back, resting his hands on Patton's hips gently.
They stayed like that for a while, but broke the contact once they heard footsteps enter the room. It seemed that Roman and Virgil were in mid conversation.
"And I said to him! I said-" Roman cut himself off as he caught sight of them, stopping dead in his tracks. He glanced at Virgil, both of their jaws hung open. "I'm sorry, are we interrupting something?"
"No!" Janus protested immediately, whole face flushing red as he glanced away.
"No, not at all! We were just baking." Patton smiled as he looked at Janus, who looked back hesitantly. "Speaking of which," he turned backward and grabbed one of the cookie sheets, presenting it to them, "We made cookies!"
"Cookies!" Roman exclaimed, clapping his hands, seeming to have forgotten about the sight before them. Virgil rolled his eyes as Roman took the sheet and moved over to the couch. At that point Logan finally came in, "What are we doing now?"
"Cookies." Roman pointed to the sheet, mouth already full. Logan blinked, "Oh, well, I suppose it would be rude of me to turn this down, so," He joined the other two on the couch, grabbing some for himself.
Janus and Patton looked on. Patton was smiling to himself, then he smiled at Janus. Janus glanced at him, smiling back.
"Well, don't you wanna try some of our hard work?" Patton suggested. Janus nodded, then they moved towards the couch. Janus smiled, taking a deep breath as he was surrounded by the others. He felt a sense of comfort, belonging.
He was beginning to feel at home.
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moceit-appreciation-week · 4 years ago
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Moceit Appreciation Week is upon us! The event will take place between April 25th - May 1st, 2021. I'm looking forward to seeing all the creativity you all put into your work!
Here is a simple post with all the links you need for easy navigation
Prompt List
Prompt List (by: Logan)
Additional Information
AO3 Collection
Answered Questions
Questions or Concerns
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pleasedonthurtcjstar · 4 years ago
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Moceit Week Day 2: Aftermath Stimboard
POV: They had fun today. But even after fun days cleaning must take place. So together they clean up the kitchen from the baking mess from just a few hours earlier. And as they do so they sing karaoke. It not the best singing but it makes the other laugh and that’s all that matters.
#moceitappreciationweek #moceitweek2021 @moceit-appreciation-week @moceit
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vindicatedvirgil · 4 years ago
moceit week 2021: day 3 / shy away
summary: patton and janus are on their first date, but everything seems to be going wrong.
ship: romantic moceit
other characters involved: n/a
word count: 438
warnings: brief food/alcohol mention, minor panic attack
this was written for moceit week 2021, for the day 3 prompt of “date night”
title inspired by the twenty one pilots song “shy away”
@moceit-appreciation-week @moceit @doublejoywilson
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“Gosh, I am so sorry Janus, I am such a klutz!” Patton was dabbing his napkin onto Janus’ shirt, where he had accidentally spilled some of his red wine. Janus smiled down at him, amused. “This wasn’t supposed to happen, I—”
“What wasn’t supposed to happen? I’ve been trying to get you to put your hands on me all throughout dinner, Patton. This worked,” Janus chuckled, and Patton’s face turned bright red. “It’s a black shirt, Patton, it’s just a dark spot, it’ll dry. I’m not concerned.”
“I’ll be right back,” Patton set the napkin down and ran to the restroom, leaving Janus alone at the table, eyebrows furrowed. Had he done something wrong? Should he not have said anything? This was their first official date, even though the pair had been chatting online for a few months. Janus was pretty sure he’d fallen for the kind man, harder and faster than he could have figured possible… but maybe Patton didn’t feel the same way. He got up and headed to the men’s restroom, glancing under to see Patton’s shoes in one of the stalls. And there was the sound of muffled crying.
“Patton… I-” Janus sighed, then leaned against the sink. “I’m sorry, I should have kept my thoughts to myself. If I upset you—”
“No, it’s fine,” Patton squeaked out, and Janus could hear the squeak of the toilet paper roll. “God, I’m such a mess. I wanted to be impressive for you, but I’m not at all.” Janus chewed on his lower lip, watching as Patton opened the stall door, face red and splotchy from the crying. Janus resisted the urge to scoop the other man into his arms.
“Patton, you… you don’t need to impress me. I’m already there. I-” he stopped, and ran a hand through his hair. He signed, “I don’t normally talk to one person for this long. I don’t- I don’t go on first dates. I see something absolutely wondrous in you, and… I feel a need to give this a try.” Patton twisted his fingers together, eyes down. “I’m sorry if that’s… a lot. I’m a lot. I don’t know how to-”
“I feel the same way,” Patton said softly, and Janus froze. The freckled man finally glanced up, letting their eyes meet. “I’ve been thinking about this day since we started talking, and I wanted it to be… perfect. So when I kept… messing up… I thought I’d ruined everything.” Janus pushed off of the sink, then held his hand out for Patton to take.
“Can I take you dancing now? I… I want to hold you close.”
if you enjoyed this, please consider reblogging my work! it helps writers and artists on tumblr spread their work.
go read my day 7 of moceit week, a sort-of sequel to this!!!
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