#try and limit how much lactose free milk you give them too
edwardpinestar · 2 years
You know, cats are actually lactose intolerant. I don't fully know why, because I'm dumb, but you're not meant to give them lactose milk, as it upsets their bellies. Now, I doubt all those bars Puss is getting his leche from are serving him lactose free milk, so is he just drinking milk he knows will make him sick later? Does he think it's just a hangover, or is he completely aware of what's going on and just doesn't give a shit? Is his apparent drunkness from milk literally just some kind of unique intolerance reaction? Is Puss spiking his milk with alcohol, making an even more deadly drink? I must know.
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melancholysway · 2 years
TMNT Headcanons - Allergies!
Things the boys are allergic to because I’m lactose intolerant & I still need time to do my requests yet stay active so I'm posting my drafts for the time being LMAO
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Eggs. I don't know why, but I hc that all Leo's are allergic to eggs.
Not that it has a big impact on him, he usually eats traditional Japanese meals. However, some of them do include eggs, so he uses the plant based egg alternative as a placeholder.
Since 2012 Mikey cooks for everyone, he's conscious of the ingredients he puts into the food. If a recipe is egg dominant, like a cake or pasta, he makes a special desert/meal for his big brother. He might make a flourless/egg-less cake, and use chickpea pasta instead of the regular.
Bayverse Leo just omits everything with eggs. For breakfast, he usually reaches for toast anyway.
2012 Leonardo eats a struggle meal at breakfast. Since they're limited to breakfast foods, he usually eats cereal.
P.S: He really likes Special K vanilla and almond cereal. <3
Rise!Leo is the first to actually try and eat it to see how bad his reaction would be. Spoiler: he has to bench in the bed for a week. Yeah, it's that bad. Mix that in with a rash and he's never trying that again.
2007 Leo is more plant-based anyway, since he lived a year in the jungle. So, he's used to not eating anything but fruits or nuts.
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This boy is sensitive to milk. It may be because I wanna pass the lactose intolerant torch down to one of the turtles, but I seriously think Raphael does not like dairy milk anyway.
Bayverse & 2007 Raph are seriously into their physique. They have a good balance of meats and veggies, but can’t have dairy milk.
He likes Almond milk.
Not only is almond milk a great alternative for non-dairy drinkers, but you get much more calcium that way!
I also headcanon that although the guys eat pizza all the time like in the shows, Raph is the one who doesn't eat it as much. He's way too into his body to mess up his progress. He eats it in moderation. Plus, cheese is a dairy product, but it doesn't mess him up like dairy milk does.
Rise!Raph is massive, so I imagine a tiny little ounce of cow's milk messing him up to be very fitting.
2012 Raph tries to thug out his milk intolerance, but it never goes well. Long story short, after many days of feeling lethargic and throwing up, he knows better.
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turtle shell puns aside
Donatello is allergic to shell fish and I feel so bad because I LOVE me some crab.
I just know Raph clowns him for it to and they bicker over which allergy is worse.
R: Don try this Cali roll, oh wait, ya cant!
D: Wow this milkshake is great! have a try raph! oh wait...whoops! I'll just give it to Mikey.
Always always always!
Do not invite him to your takeout sushi shindig, he will not be able to eat anything.
Leo is the one who usually eats fish, so whenever Mikey makes his special plate, Donnie audibly gags. It's not just the fact that he's allergic, it's the smell.
2012 Donnie really hates fighting FishFace because of the smell
it makes him wanna throw up.
So a lot of the times he just wants to get in and get out when a mission involves fighting Xever.
2007 and Bayverse donnie live off of small snacks, so they don't ever have to think about their food containing fish
Rise!Donnie makes this joke everytime he eats goldfish crackers
"Guys look, I'm eating fish," *wiggles eyebrows*
everyone else: :|
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Now here ya'll go in the comments
bUt MeLanChOLY, MiKeY'S AlWAys EaTinG PiZZa!!!
Gluten free pizza ;)
No i swear it. He has some sort of intolerance. You know how sometimes you may eat a certain food so much that after a while your body just rejects it?
It's not pizza his body's rejecting though, it's gluten.
So now, he's in a frenzy, when Donnie told him, he gave him a sad puppy-eyed look & said
"So...I can't....have...pizza anymore? For forever??"
He's happy when Donnie says he still can.
They have to order gluten--free pizza now. But rejoice! Times are changing, diet culture is changing, the world is changing! Gluten free options are pretty much everywhere! Woohoo!
I feel like Rise!Mikey is PISSED he can't eat bagels. I feel like he would love a mean everything bagel with cream cheese.
But, do not fear, there are gluten free breads available!
2012 Mikey just gets gluten-free everything now. It's mainly the gluten from bread, but just for fun, he'll get gluten free snacks
2007 & Bayverse Mikey go on strike and try to not eat anymore pizza to see if it'll "reset his body,"
Raph bursts his bubble and let's him now that's not how allergies or intolerances work
"Take it from someone who ain't had milk in years, mikey."
@bee-1n-space Masterlist
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gemsofgreece · 10 months
Hello! I hope you’re well 🌻 I have a question. I would dearly love to visit Greece someday, but unfortunately I have a lot of food sensitivities (to gluten, dairy, and nuts) and I was wondering, if I was in a big city like Athens, how possible it would be to find accommodations for those sensitivities? Maybe? Not at all?
Thank you so much!
🌼 Hello! 🌼
No need to worry, you won’t have a problem in Athens! I believe you wouldn’t need to worry much in any of the 5 - 7 largest cities in Greece and the 3-5 most cosmopolitan islands.
🍧The nuts are the easiest one to avoid as the overwhelming majority of savoury Greek food doesn’t include nuts. However, nuts are an integral part in traditional Greek pastry making and there unfortunately you will have to keep your distances. However, you will find places in the big cities with gluten free and vegan pastries, even if they are not the most traditional options. BUT!!! There is also the literally most traditional Greek sweets that are both gluten free and dairy free: spoon sweets, usually made of dried fruits and syrup!!! Just make sure to choose one without nuts, there are many flavours!
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Tomato, fig and apricot spoon sweets. There are many many more varieties! You will find them in traditional spoon sweet, herb and spice shops, some pastry shops, perhaps upscale hotels, upscale traditional cafes. The most classic varieties could be found in some supermarkets too.
👩‍🍳 When it comes to savoury food, things are much easier. With a search in Tripadvisor for Athens with the sensitivity filters, the site gives me 1347 results back. Here’s the link to the search. So you are not going to have a problem. You can also search for “best dairy free gluten free places in Athens”, there are some articles with guides and tips. Many medium and upscale restaurants also write in their menus that they have suitable dishes or that they are open to discuss your sensitivities and modify your dish accordingly.
🏨 If you intend to stay in a hotel and eat breakfast and / or dinner there, check their amenities / services on their website first, it might be mentioned there. If not sure, I believe you should discuss it first with the hotel via a call or an email to be sure before making the reservation. I believe several medium and more upscale hotels (4 and 5 stars) will take into consideration food sensitivities.
☕️ As for coffee shops, in the big cities many nowadays have dairy substitutes such as oat and almond milk. I believe rice milk is rarer, so if those bother you, keep in mind to check what the substitute milk is.
🏪 In the big supermarkets you will have no problem finding dairy substitutes (ie vegan or lactose free milk and cheese) . Gluten free pasta are easily available too. Gluten free is a little more challenging when it comes to snacks. Brands like Papadopoulos and VIOLANTA offer a few gluten-free snacks. Just keep in mind that we really love nuts in our snacks and candies and you have to double check every snack you see for potential warnings, because a lot do not have milk or nuts but are produced in the same industrial machines as milk and nut products which means they might be contaminated. Avoid mini-markets for snacks and substitutes.
🌯 Another tricky area is fast food. Our fast food is usually pies and pitas and you won’t be able to find gluten free options very easily. Obviously however you can get a portion of souvlaki or gyros without wrapping it in a pita or a bread so there’s that! Combine it with tomatoes, onions, ketchup, lettuce, potatoes and you are more than fine! But in order to try wrapped fast food, you will definitely have to check such guides for specialised restaurants I mentioned above.
Now the good news: aside from the snacks and fast food, the traditional Greek cuisine is based on the Mediterranean diet in which gluten ingredients are naturally limited.
🥗 Traditional Greek food revolves around meat, veggies, fish, seafood and beans. (And dairy but dairy can be more easily avoided.) This means that even if you are in any place in Greece, less modern and fancy, you will still be able to eat from a variety of dishes. Check the menu for the ingredients on the dishes and discuss with the waiter if you have questions and you can avoid the problems even in a pretty traditional place.
Below are some very traditional meals dairy and gluten free that can be found in low-key non specialising places:
Grilled or boiled vinegar octopus
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Wild greens salad:
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Yemistá (tomatoes and peppers stuffed with rice and sometimes minced meat - do double check that they haven’t put nuts in)
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Agurodomata salad (essentially the Greek village salad but without the feta cheese, you can also ask it as a Horiatiki / Greek salad without the feta)
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Spanakórizo (spinach rice)
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Gígantes (Giant beans)
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Many other delicacies in tsipouradika (seafood shops) and mezedopolía (appetizer shops) and of course all the dishes that involve meat and fish, particularly grilled, which are literally the most common. But beware of deep fried ones, in case they coat them in egg or wheat. I also don’t know if you have any limitations with spices and herbs, this is something you should keep in mind.
I also found a Greek gluten free restaurant card in case you stumble onto a restaurant where they don’t know good English (extremely unlikely in Athens, unlikely elsewhere as well)
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Heck I don’t know why it put that red corrector on the image wtf. Anyway I have myself underlined with the thick red line the words αυγά (eggs), γαλακτοκομικά (dairy) and ομελέτα (omelette). The card is exclusively for gluten free, it says what you can’t eat and then goes on with what you can eat. This is why I underlined eggs and dairy, so that you can see which words they are and blur them if you print the clear copy. It proceeds with asking that in case the cook can’t adjust any dish from the menu, then whether they can prepare a simple dish with an omelette (I underlined it) or meat. (Of course if you can eat eggs, you don’t have to scratch it out, that’s why I underlined them to show you the words and gave you a clear copy as well.)
I found cards and apps for dairy and nuts in Greek but they were behind a paywall 😑
Anyway that’s all from me: as a summary, there are several options in Athens and you will surely be able to get by in other large cities and the top cosmopolitan islands. The truth is that this may affect a little the prices but Greece is overall cheaper than west Europe and the cosmopolitan regions in the US, so upscale and specialised shops in Greece will be like medium shops in those other places price-wise. (Note: Not true for Mykonos and Santorini islands) What you should be a little more cautious with is pastries and snacks.
Hope this helped a little! I wish you a carefree and delicious stay in Athens when you come ❤️
* If any of my Greek followers has personal recs of cool places for the Anon, please comment!!!
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dindjarindiaries · 4 years
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gif via @damerondjarin​
summary: You spend the winter falling in love with Frankie.
series parts: summer, fall, winter
pairing: frankie “catfish” morales x f!reader
warnings: fluff, celebrations of thanksgiving (friendsgiving, i should say) and christmas
rating: T
word count: 6.154k
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The first snow is falling heavily the day you meet Frankie.
It’d be hard not to notice it, since you’re driving home on roads that definitely haven’t been salted yet—thus putting you on the highest level of caution. You’re already going the speed limit, and even then, you’ve still found yourself slipping a few times. You figure it’s time to finally get the snow tires back on, but what makes your car a problem isn’t your tires or even the snow. It’s the engine heating up so badly that you can almost see the smoke coming out of the hood, and with a curse, you pull the car over to the side of the road.
You stop the car and reach for the gloves you’d tossed so carelessly on the passenger seat just before you left work, pulling your coat a little tighter to your body as you step out of the car. You walk around to the hood and lift it, coughing a few times when some of the trapped smoke finally escapes. Thanks to years of having to deal with your own car troubles, there’s many things you can fix on your own, but this one’s got you beat. Snow sticks to your hair, body, and lashes, causing you to have to blink them away multiple times as you try to find out what’s happening. You’re at a loss, and you can’t help heaving out a sigh as you reach into your coat pocket for your phone.
No service. Great. The idea of using back roads to avoid the post-work traffic used to seem great—until you realize that you’re left out here with no signal at all, stranded and having to wait at the mercy of a stranger.
Who comes much sooner than expected.
You’ve just started to cross your arms and consider your options when the red pickup truck pulls over behind you. Your eyes narrow thanks to the brightness of their headlights, but they soon shut off, and immediately your eyes are drawn to the man who hops out of the truck. He’s got a forest green puffy winter jacket keeping him warm, paired with a baseball cap that one of his gloved hands tips on his head as he approaches you. As he comes closer, you meet his dark brown gaze, eyes that study you closely with genuine concern as he notices your predicament. You can feel the heat already rising in your cheeks as you look down at your feet in the snow. He’s much more prepared for it with jeans and a pair of boots versus you in your work slacks and the pair of heels you forgot to exchange for your own boots.
“Everything okay?” the man asks, his voice a slight rasp that’s much more gentle than you’d been expecting. He stops in front of you, hands coming to rest on his hips as he looks from your car back to you. “I know this is the worst kind of weather to break down in.”
You offer a small chuckle as you give your head a shake. “Well, actually, my engine’s overheated,” you explain, walking back to the open hood. The man follows you, his gaze investigating the area as you gesture towards it. “I can’t find out why, though. I didn’t want to keep driving in case, y’know…”
“Yeah, that’s a good call,” the man assures you, giving you a nod of approval before he leans over more to look around for you. After a few moments of silence, his brow lifts in interest, and he offers a brief ah before he stands up straight and looks over at you again. “It’s your radiator.”
You frown. “What’s wrong with it?”
“It’s cracked, and now it’s leaking.” You heave out a heavy sigh, clapping your gloved hands together as you grimace even further. “Don’t worry, it’s not a huge issue—for now. You’ve just gotta use a coolant on it to get the engine back to a normal temp, and then it’ll be fine.”
You look up at the man with a furrowed brow. “I don’t have any coolant.”
The man gestures with his gloved thumb towards his truck. “I have some, if you’re alright with me using it.”
You don’t hesitate to nod earnestly in response. “Yeah, of course! That’d be really great.” You give him a smile and he returns it. “Thank you so much…” you trail off, waiting for him to fill in with his name.
He seems to understand as he holds out a gloved hand to shake. “Frankie,” he tells you, his smile only growing as you accept his hand. “Frankie Morales.”
You respond with your name, watching as he hurries back to his truck and opens the door to search for the coolant. Frankie’s quick with it as he jogs back over, and you step away to let him work as he loosens the cap and then pours the coolant gingerly into the reservoir. As he works, you talk about how you both ended up on these back roads. You explain your reasoning of avoiding the traffic on the main roads after work, while he says he’s seen one too many disasters for his liking and he often sees people get stuck on these roads—so now, he drives them so he can help whoever’s in need. Frankie’s evident kindness warms your heart immediately, and you can’t help smiling throughout his entire explanation, though you discover not everyone’s as good about noticing it as you are.
“I’ve had a lot of people not want my help,” Frankie’s saying as he starts to tighten the cap back on. “I mean, I don’t blame them. It’s kinda weird for a stranger to just pull over and offer their help, especially if it’s a woman by herself—because I’m sure you know how a lot of men sadly just aren’t trustworthy these days. I don’t wanna freak them out, you know?” Frankie looks over at you, and for a split second, a small look of horror crosses over his features. “I’m not freaking you out, am I?”
You can’t help but laugh because you haven’t gotten an inkling of anything other than pure friendliness from Frankie. “No, Frankie, not at all,” you assure him, even daring to leave a gentle hand on his shoulder. “You’re nothing but very kind to me. I’m surprised that others can’t see that.”
You think your words might’ve made Frankie blush just judging by the way he ducks his face away from view for a moment, distracting himself as he pulls down the hood of your car for you. “Well, thanks,” Frankie says in a voice even softer than before. “I just, y’know, I wanna see people get home safe.” He tucks his gloved hands into his coat pockets as he speaks.
Your smile continues to grow as you shake your head. “We need more people like you in this world. I can’t thank you enough.”
Frankie returns your smile. “Please, it’s the least I could do.” He then hesitates, and you watch one of his hands free themselves to tip his hat again before he speaks. “You can feel free to shut me down completely on this, but do you mind if I, uh, if I follow you home? Just to make sure you make it safe? I know that sounds insanely creepy, but I just want to make sure the coolant’s working, and I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I found out—.”
You cut him off with a laugh and another reassuring hand on his shoulder. “That’s fine, Frankie. I think that if you really were a creepy stranger, you would’ve made your move when my car wasn’t working.”
Frankie laughs with you, giving you a nod as you both start to make a move for your cars. He first helps you into yours, obviously having noticed the situation with your now snow-filled heels as he opens your door and offers a hand for you to take as you balance and kick the snow out of them. Once you’re all settled, you watch in the rearview mirror as he heads back to his truck, and you wait until his headlights are on to pull back onto the road—pleased to notice that the engine’s temperature has returned to normal.
The drive home to your townhouse isn’t too long from where you’d been stranded, and in just under ten minutes, you’re pulling into your half of the shared driveway. You make it into the garage, hoping that Frankie hasn’t driven away yet. Thankfully, when you step out of your car, you notice he’s still there, having pulled up along the street. You bite back a smile as you hurry down to where he’s parked, watching as he opens his window to talk to you.
“Does everything look alright?” Frankie questions, and you can see a concerned furrow in his brow.
“It looks great,” you assure him, glad to see the knit in his brow straighten out as he gives you a nod of approval. Before he has a chance to speak again, you keep going, knowing that you’ll sound ludicrous but feeling unable to stop yourself. “I can’t thank you enough, and I’d really like to be able to do something. Do you want to come in quick, just for a mug of hot chocolate or something? I mean, it’s okay if you don’t, you probably have places to go.”
Frankie smiles at you. “I think that sounds really nice,” he agrees. “Should I park here, or—?”
“You can pull in the driveway, if you want,” you tell him, and he nods before you give him the room to move. There’s a warmth in your chest that sticks there and you can’t exactly place it. All you can do is focus on retrieving your work bag from your car as Frankie parks his truck and hops out again, following you to the door and making sure he kicks all the snow off his boots before he enters behind you. “I’m sorry, I know it’s not much,” you begin to apologize as you watch him look around the house, taking his coat for him once he shrugs it off. “It’s not very ready for guests, either.”
“It’s great,” Frankie assures you with a kind smile. “It’s very… I know this isn’t technically a word, but it’s very homey.”
“Actually, I think that is a word,” you confirm with a giggle, inviting him to sit at your kitchen island as you get out a saucepan and pour some milk into it. You turn to face Frankie with an eyebrow raised. “Wait, you aren’t lactose intolerant or anything, right?”
Frankie chuckles and shakes his head. “No, I’m fine.”
You breathe a sigh of relief and continue with what you’re doing, getting the hot chocolate mix out from a cabinet beside the stove. “I just have the mix, I hope that’s okay. I know it’s pretty sugary, but I don’t usually have a lot of time to make it from scratch.”
“Hey, don’t worry, really.” Frankie’s tone is gentle yet stern, as if he’s trying to get the point across to you very thoroughly. “I appreciate the fuss, but I promise, it’s not necessary. I’m not picky at all.”
You smile to yourself as you set out two mugs, finally turning back towards Frankie and standing across from him at the counter. In the lighting that hangs from your ceiling just above the counter, you can more vividly see his face, the kind twinkle in his dark eyes and the scruff that graces his jaw and upper lip. You hope your admiration isn’t so obvious as you shrug at him. “I know, I just… you were so helpful to me, and I just want to return the favor.”
Frankie raises an eyebrow. “Are you sure that’s it?” His tone contains a hint of teasing in it. He’d obviously caught you in the act of observing him.
You scoff playfully, looking down at your hands that rest on the countertop. Your fingers are folded together as your thumbs fiddle with each other. “Well, I guess I also thought you were cute, too.”
You look back up and bite back a smile upon seeing Frankie’s cheeks reddening a bit. He tips his hat—which you figure, by now, is a nervous habit of his—and see a small smile of his own tugging at the corner of his lips. “Then it’s not weird for me to say that I thought the same thing about you, right?”
You laugh and shake your head, feeling the heat rise in your cheeks as your gaze never breaks away from his. “I guess it’s not. Every great romcom starts with something breaking down, right?”
Frankie laughs with you, his eyes crinkling up a bit in a way that has your stomach erupting with butterflies. “Or canceled flights,” he adds, “and that’s really down my alley.”
You feel curiosity fill you at his words, and you encourage him to elaborate on that. Frankie begins to tell you about his piloting experience, including the job he has at the local airport teaching flight lessons. He explains that’s why he said before that he’s seen a lot of disasters, because flying can get really tricky sometimes, so he’s always looking out for people’s backs. He includes this with his time spent in the Delta Force, especially with his group of friends who he’s always had to watch out for thanks to their enthusiastic yet reckless behavior. He keeps going even as you finish heating up the milk, preparing the mugs and handing one over to him.
Frankie encourages you to talk more about yourself as well, and you go on about your desk job you have right now and your day-to-day life that pales in comparison to his. Still, Frankie’s interested in every detail, his brown eyes completely alluring as they look into your gaze with such genuine interest. You tell him that you’ve moved far away from family and he tells you the same thing—a commonality that warms your chest more than it probably should. You go on and on in such an easygoing conversation until you realize Frankie’s been here for two and a half hours now and both your mugs have been empty for half that time.
“I should probably go, now,” Frankie admits, which is what causes you to whip around and read the time on the digital clock of your microwave. You gasp lightly and start to apologize for keeping him so late, but Frankie holds up a hand to stop you as he gets out of his chair. “If I wanted to go earlier, I would’ve. I actually would stay longer, but I’ve got a flight lesson early tomorrow.” You smile at each other, and Frankie starts to reach into his pocket. “I’d love to keep this going, though. Do you mind if I…?” Frankie trails off as he hands you his phone, which is open to a new contact.
You agree without hesitation, entering your name and number and letting him do the same in your phone. He leaves with a warm smile, one that only grows when you ask him to text you when he’s gotten back safely. Frankie does exactly that—along with a request to take you out later in the week.
That’s how you end up hopping out of Frankie’s truck at the local outdoor rink, receiving a helping hand from Frankie after he’s already opened the door for you. You’d warned him that your ice skating skills are even worse than the average person and he’d told you not to worry—that you could drag him down with you if you needed to. He looks over at you as you walk in, his gaze observing your winter apparel for the cold night as he smiles softly.
“You look warm enough,” Frankie says softly, “but I have some extra stuff in the truck in case you need it.”
You smile up at him. “Thanks, Frankie. I don’t think your thoughtfulness ever ends.”
Frankie simply shakes his head, but you don’t miss the small blush of pink across his cheeks as he leads you inside to the counter. He—of course, and much to your own protests—pays for not only the time spent skating but also your rentals. He’s got his on in record time but you take a bit longer, which he doesn’t seem to mind at all. As soon as you stand up, you already start to wobble a bit, instinctively reaching for Frankie’s arm to stabilize yourself. You look shyly up at him afterwards, feeling embarrassed.
“Sorry,” you nearly squeak out, starting to loosen your hold on his arm.
“Don’t apologize,” Frankie insists, placing his gloved hands over both of yours to encourage you to keep them there. “I told you, I’m your anchor—and I don’t want you to hurt yourself.”
You nod, trying to hold back a smile as he helps to lead you onto the ice. He holds you by both your hands to get you safely inside, and once you’re gliding, you’ve resumed your position of holding onto one of his arms with both your hands. Frankie’s easily the one guiding both of you as you go along, looking over at you every once in a while to make sure you’re hanging in there. You find it easier than you thought it’d be, and you smile up at him in delight. “I think I’m getting the hang of it.”
Frankie raises an eyebrow with a gentle smile. “Yeah?” He watches your feet glide beside his. “I think so, too.” He gently begins to tug upwards on his arm, encouraging your hands to meet as he entwines your gloved fingers together. “Just in case.”
You beam up at him. “Just in case,” you echo his words, letting the sarcasm drip into your voice as Frankie nudges your shoulder with a chuckle. The movement causes you to trip just a step, but instinctively you wrap your free hand around his arm again, throwing Frankie into a fit of laughter as you give his arm a tighter squeeze in playful anger. “So much for keeping me safe!”
Frankie shakes his head and gives your hand a squeeze. “I would’ve caught you,” he assures you softly. His words have already made your stomach flutter, but then he leans down to press a gentle kiss to your cheek, which truly makes your heart practically fly out of your chest. You bite back a warm smile as you hold a gaze with him, pulling yourself closer to his side as you continue gliding together.
You keep going around in circles as you talk about the upcoming holiday of Thanksgiving, detailing each other’s plans and what you usually do with the inability to travel out to your families—and the lack of desire to, thanks to flight costs, risky weather, work hours, and family drama. The rest of your conversation flows just as easily as it had the night you met and during all your other text or phone conversations ever since. You also can’t help noticing the eyes you draw as you keep skating together. It’s mostly the teenage girls whose stares linger the most, whispering to each other with hands over their hearts as if they’re deeming you both as the model relationship. It makes you feel flustered at least a hundred times, yet you can’t help feeling the same thing they are each and every time you look over at Frankie and meet his caring gaze.
They’ve kept the retractable ceiling above the rink open for the evening, and so once snow starts to fall gently from the sky, you get to watch it come down around you. Not feeling affected by the cold thanks to the warmth of your clothes and Frankie’s close presence, you don’t mind it at all, and he doesn’t seem to either. At one point, though, he does slow your skating to a stop, letting you both step to the side out of other people’s ways as you try to blink away a large snowflake that’s settled on your lashes. Frankie laughs softly as he gently reaches a gloved hand forward.
“I got it,” Frankie assures you, and his gloved thumb moves carefully to brush the snowflake away. But now, you’re both realizing how close you are to each other, the heat of each other’s breath warming your faces. Frankie’s hand settles onto your cheek and the other slips out of your grip to meet your other cheek. You watch his gaze drop down to your lips and then back up to your eyes, seeming to ask you if it’s okay to keep going. You reassure him with a warm smile and the same gesture, your gloved hands pressing against his chest for stability as you let him press his lips against yours.
The kiss is so soft and slow that it feels like you’re melting together in the same way the snowflakes start to melt on your warm cheeks, somehow so full of passion while simultaneously remaining gentle. For this moment, the rink and the people filling it disappear completely, and all you can conceive of is the man you’re drawing yourself even closer to. Frankie pulls away after what feels like so long yet somehow also doesn’t feel long enough, and the second his gaze meets yours again, you both smile wider than you think you ever have.
You swear you can feel gazes practically burning through you, so you look to the side and see the same group of teenage girls from before. They’re practically swooning at the sight of you, and you can’t help giggling with flustered cheeks as you look back up at Frankie. He raises his brow at you with another small smile.
“I think we’re drawing some attention,” you whisper to him, despite the fact that the girls are standing rather far off. Frankie follows your gaze as you look back to them, and they finally seem to notice as they duck away with gloved hands containing their laughter.
Frankie looks back to you with a soft chuckle, his hands moving from your cheeks to your hands as he takes both of them in his. “I guess we should go somewhere more private, then,” Frankie suggests, giving your hands a squeeze before he helps to guide you both off the ice. He keeps one of your hands in his as you walk back to the truck, him once again opening the door for you before he gets in on his side. Once you’re setting off to your home once again, you take his hand in yours, exchanging a smile with him. “I hope you had fun.”
“Of course I did,” you assure him, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. “I mean, once I learned how to actually skate.”
Frankie chuckles. “You did great.”
You continue to make small talk until he pulls into your driveway, yet again being as chivalrous as possible as he opens the truck door for you and walks you up to your front step. Frankie stops once you’re there, taking both your hands in his again as he looks at you with nothing but pure admiration and warmth. You can’t stop yourself from leaning close to him and giving him a soft kiss, butterflies erupting at the natural way his mouth moves against yours. You pull away with eyes that you’re sure have just as much admiration as his.
“I hope this means we can have another date,” Frankie says, chuckling when you laugh at him.
“And many, many more,” you insist, giving his hands a squeeze. Frankie’s eyes brighten at your words. “All I can say is that I’m really glad my car broke down.”
Frankie laughs at that. “Yeah, but we’re gonna get that fixed for good, alright?” You nod at him, beaming when he presses a gentle kiss to your forehead. “Have a good night.”
“You too,” you remark, and he gives your hands one last squeeze before he steps away. As he walks back to his truck, you call after him. “Text me when you get home!”
Frankie turns around and tips his hat on his head. “I was already planning on it!”
You bite back a smile and nod, turning around with a warm heart to let yourself into your home. You and Frankie spend the next few weeks seeing each other as much as possible, whether it be going to dinners out or just staying in at one of your homes—including one night spent at Frankie’s place watching the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving special. That night, you end up accidentally falling asleep in his arms on the couch, and you wake up in the morning just to laugh along with Frankie. Thankfully, it’d been a Friday night, and neither one of you had work that morning.
On Thanksgiving—or, rather, Friendsgiving as you both called it—you’re with your group of friends but constantly hold a text conversation with Frankie. He tells you about the antics going on with his friends as you tell him about the way your friends are absolutely pelting you with questions about Frankie. You ask about dessert and he tells you that his friends definitely don’t know how to put desserts together, so with the permission of the friend who’s hosting, you invite Frankie over. He comes and draws the immediate attention of your friends, who openly admire him and his friendliness in a way that has your heart swelling with affection and happiness.
One of your favorite moments comes when you get to meet Frankie’s friends. You’ve been together for well over a month, now—though it practically feels like forever. Christmas is coming around the corner and Frankie tells you that his buddies are doing a little get-together and they’re very eager to meet you. You, of course, accept the invitation, and you soon find yourself with your hand tight in Frankie’s as you walk up to his friend Will’s house. Before you enter, Frankie stops you, giving you a soft yet serious look.
“I know I’ve told you this before, but they’re… a little much,” Frankie says with a laugh. “If it becomes too much, just let me know, okay? I’ll have them get off your back.”
“I can handle it,” you assure him, giving his cheek a kiss before you gesture towards the door. Frankie nods with a smile and moves to open it, knowing it won’t be locked as he does so. You’re both met with loud cheers and a blur of hugs and warm handshakes. You can already tell how the group acts like a little family, a thought that makes you smile as you continue holding Frankie’s hand and follow him into the living room.
Will hands you and Frankie a drink, and you cuddle a little closer into Frankie as he keeps his arm wrapped around your shoulders. You see the guys giving each other looks upon seeing it, and you look up to Frankie with a giggle to see him simply shaking his head at you. They ask if it’s okay for them to practically just interview you, and you laugh as you agree and start answering their questions with honesty and grace.
“First kiss?” Benny asks, going on the countless round of questioning as his eyes glitter with mischief yet friendliness.
“While ice skating on the first date,” you answer, earning a dramatic aw from your “crowd” that has Frankie rolling his eyes.
“Fish’s best feature?” Will questions with eyes narrowed in focus.
“His eyes,” you say.
“Really?” Frankie asks, and you look up at him with a nod.
“Obviously,” you retort, watching his cheeks flush red and tapping his nose just to make it a little worse. He pushes your hand away playfully as you laugh and face the boys again.
“Fish’s worst feature?” Tom dares to ask.
“His lack of self-care,” you insist. When Frankie gives you an incredulous look, you shake your head up at him. “You need to care for yourself as much as you do for others, babe.”
Frankie simply shrugs in response, hiding yet another blush by sipping his beer. You snort and turn to face the group.
“Alright, alright, I think we’ve overwhelmed her enough,” Santiago insists, drawing a laugh from you as he moves to stand up. “I think it’s time for some of these gifts.”
Frankie tells you that they do a Secret Santa every year amidst the panic of you definitely having not brought anything, but you’re both surprised when Santiago hands a little wrapped box to you. They make you open it last, wanting to soak in your reaction as you do so. When you unwrap it and open the box, you can’t help the wide smile from taking over your features as you pick up a dog tag necklace.
“It’s engraved with Fish’s details from back in the day,” Santiago explains.
“You guys didn’t have to do this,” you say, but there’s so much warmth in your tone as you admire the sweet gift. You hand it to Frankie, who looks at it with just as much awe and admiration.
“Of course we did,” Will insists with a smile. “But don’t thank us just yet.”
You furrow your brow. “What do you mean?”
Suddenly, there’s a quiet jingling sound from above your head, and you and Frankie look up simultaneously to see Benny standing over you with a mistletoe hanging from his hand. The group laughs as your realization sets in, and you both shake your heads before you lean in for a quick kiss that sends them into utter chaos. Benny walks back to where he’d previously been sitting and deals out high fives with the guys while you and Frankie just sit there and laugh at their dramatic reactions. By the end of the night, you truly feel like a part of their little family.
But your favorite moment of the winter comes on Christmas Day, when you’re having a little celebration with just Frankie at your place. You decided to spend it together, much rather having the comfort of each other rather than the panic of trying to get last-minute flights and time off to visit your families. You’re sitting on the couch in front of the small fireplace, watching as he unwraps some of the gifts you’ve given him—including the new, leather watch he instantly straps on his wrist. You can tell, though, that Frankie’s much more excited for you to open yours, and you go through a few nice things before reaching the last box. Frankie’s eyes are set completely on you as you open it, your lips parting in beautiful awe as you observe the silver necklace laying within. It’s a small snowflake with a diamond in its center, and when you look back up at Frankie, you can see the same glow of the diamond within his gaze.
“I know you have the necklace from the guys,” Frankie says, “but I saw that you put that on your car mirror instead, and I just—I really wanted to give you some sort of, you know, promise necklace, I guess. And I picked a snowflake because we met during the first snowfall of the season, and then our first kiss was because of the snowflake on your eye.” Frankie stops his rambling to search your gaze with a bit of concern. “I hope you like it.”
“I love it, Frankie,” you assure him in a hushed voice, thanks to your sudden emotion from the sweet gift. When you get lost in his gaze, you feel a bolder part of you emerge as you swallow hard. “Actually I… I think I love you.”
Frankie’s dark gaze glitters as brilliantly as you’ve ever seen it, and you watch his lips part in disbelief for a moment before he smiles wide at you. “I think I love you, too, baby.” With that, his hands reach for the sides of your face and pull it to his in a kiss more passionate than you’ve ever received from him. The heat radiating from both your beating hearts rivals that of the fire you sit in front of as your mouths move in perfect and graceful sync, your shared confessions being translated in this physical expression before you pull away with heavy breaths and wide smiles.
Once you’ve caught your breath, you pick up the box again, handing it to Frankie. “Can you put it on for me?” you ask, and Frankie nods earnestly as he takes the necklace out of the box and clips it in place around your neck. His touch lingers there for a moment, his fingertips brushing over the skin as his lips soon follow. Frankie leaves a few gentle kisses there that make your skin erupt into pleasant goosebumps, and instinctively you lean forward to give him more access. His arms settle on your middle as he pulls you closer to himself.
“You’ve given me a lot of great things today,” Frankie mumbles, his breath fanning over your neck as he does so, “but I think the greatest gift was the words you just spoke to me.”
You smile as you spin your head around as best as you can, reaching a hand back over your shoulder to hold his cheek. “I might be able to think of something a little better,” you hint in his same hushed tone, fingers dancing along the skin of his cheek as you try your best to bite back the growing smile.
Frankie’s gaze glitters with desire yet concern as he brushes some of the hair away from your face. “Are you sure you’re okay with that?”
You spin around to fully face him, straddling his lap as you rest your forehead against his. “I promise,” you begin, taking his hat and tossing it to the side so you can thread your fingers through his hair, “as long as you’re okay with it, I’m very much ready to prove what I said before.” You press a gentle kiss to the corner of his lips. “That I love you, very much.”
Frankie finally gives in with a smile that melts against your lips, his hands gliding over your sides and making you warmer than any fire ever could. By the end of the night, you’re wrapped up in Frankie and the warm blankets atop the couch, donning nothing but the necklace he’d gifted you with a heart that’s fuller than glasses of eggnog left untouched on the coffee table.
Before you know it, New Year’s Eve rolls around, and you and Frankie are spending it at a lively bar with the boys—though all your attention’s solely focused on each other. The countdown begins when you each get a glass of champagne in your hands, but not without Frankie murmuring something about oh, so fancy! that makes you laugh into the button-up covering his chest. You join in with the crowd as you look up to the TV that shows the glowing ball in Times Square, counting down each second until the clock strikes midnight. There’s a joyous cheer that’s drowned out the moment you and Frankie share a kiss, pulling away to press your nose against his with a smile.
“Happy New Year, my love,” you say in a breath barely breathed, your smile growing as you watch his dark eyes sparkle in that favorite manner of yours.
“Happy New Year, baby,” Frankie responds before he captures your lips with his again, seeming to completely forget your surroundings—but so do you.
By the time the snow starts melting away that winter and the buds of flowers start to peek out, you and Frankie are moving into a townhouse of your own. You’re about to reach for another box when you watch birds soaring above, returning back from their winter homes. You look to Frankie who’s just joined you at your side, watching as he tries to find the source of the look of wonder in your eyes. “I can’t believe the winter’s over already,” you confess. “I don’t even remember it being cold for that long.”
Frankie chuckles softly, wrapping you into a warm embrace and placing a kiss on top of your head. “That’s because spending the winter together made it feel much warmer,” he insists, pulling away from the hug to instead watch you roll your eyes at his cheesiness and join him in a sweet kiss.
And as cheesy as the words might’ve been, you know there’s truth to them—and you know that winter’s bound to be your favorite season, now, thanks to Frankie.
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series parts: summer, fall, winter
permanent tag list: @mikahidalgo @bestintheparsec @stilllivindue2spite @givemethatgold @xbrujita @mandalorianspace @blushingwueen @sevvysaurus @myakai13 @thisis-theway @beskars @rachelloveseveryone @theindiealto @hiscyarika @wickedfrsgrl @synystersilenceinblacknwhite @bookwafflefangirl @charliepeaceout @cable-kenobi @ezraslittleblondestreak @hdlynn @your-pixels-are-showing @b0n-chann @javier-djarin @nettyklecan @mistermiraclee @ahopelessromanticwritersworld @smellssharpies @catfishingmorales @badassbaker @wille-zarr @kaetastic @saltywintersoldat @agentpike @mrsparknuts @readsalot73​​ @yespolkadotkitty​​ @mandhoelorian @lilangeldevil006 @cyaredindjarin @roxypeanut @phoenixhalliwell @hail-doodles @randomness501 @this-cat-is-dea @hopplessdreamer​
seasons with frankie tag list: @abuttoncalledsmalls @agirllovespasta @kindablackenedsuperhero @iellaren-uodo-rian @havenforafrazzledmind
frankie morales tag list: @themandadlorian @chibi-liz05
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firepiplup · 3 years
How do i say no to people
You know that analogy about people with adhd having spoons for energy management or whatever? My spoons are on backorder from like 2 months ago and more got on that list now
The problem is that all of the things I'm being asked to do are Very Important Things
I have to feed my diabetic cat. This in itself is not a problem, however she's needs to eat at a specific time (12 hour spacing) and my current sleeping situation along with work do not allow this to happen consistently. Currently trying for 7:30, we'll see how it goes
My apartment has bedbugs, and there's no way in fucking hell I'm sleeping on my living room floor until my scumlord landlord actually gets the guy to come back to spray because he did spray but I'm still seeing adults and i "need to give the spray time to work" it's been fucking 2 weeks i don't know how is supposed to work but i feel like after 2 weeks whatever spray you did isn't going to get any stronger i just want to sleep in my own bed it's been like this since fucking March
With that part explained, I'm sleeping at my mom's house on the other side of town. This in itself isn't much of a problem, however as "payment" i have to take care of her dog in the morning, to practice because she's going on a week long vacation in October and none of her dogs can just be taken care of like normal dogs. He needs to wear a diaper to leave the room while i pick up his shit and soiled weewee pad and mop the floor, give him some time to be out of his room, and then feed him his special food mix. The other dog has allergies and probably will get into something he shouldn't, then not use the bathroom outside even though he literally has a doggy door that has constant access to the backyard. Neither dog get along with each other, which is why they are separated. Thank fuck the cat is just normal, this is why i prefer them
Now with THAT explained, it's difficult to take care of my own cat on time in the morning. But as the legendary Billy Mays says: But wait, there's more!
I just got rehired at my job working in a local understaffed pizzeria. My friend, ego also works there, is on vacation (good for her, she deserves it, absolutely no negativity towards her) so i have acquired her hours. So i now work 6 days a week, kinda sorta clopen but i guess it's more of opelose. Or a combination of both? Idk. The point here is, I'm then dealing with essentially running half a restaurant alone 6 days a week, with it not being 7 purely because the owner himself ALSO has the same work schedule as far as I'm aware, and wanted to give himself a day off, and since we are so understaffed it would be impossible unless we literally closed. My tasks include answering the phone, washing dishes, making sandwiches, making dinners, folding pizza boxes, and cleaning the tables/equipment on that side of the restaurant. So essentially everything except making pizzas, cleaning the pizza area, mopping in general, and driving. We generally close at 9, 10 on Friday and Saturday. Guess who was explicitly rehired to close those days? Guess how that's going to work with me having to be home around 7:30 to take care of my own cat? I have no idea either. It's only for about 3 weeks, but my mom, whom i have not asked for any additional help with anything, won't feed the cat while i have work, even though there isn't a guarantee that i can leave on time to THEN RETURN to close, because again I'm the only one on that side of the building. I understand the fear of the bedbugs, so that's probably it, but it still fucking sucks because the kitchen is on the other side of the apartment from the bedroom and there is literally no reason to go there to feed her. But i get it
Did we get to where i can do my own ADLs? Of course not. My neighbor is in the hospital, and her husband is blind. This is a new development that was only discovered an hour before starting this post (about 3:30 am for me). She's ok, it's for mental health reasons, and that's her own business about that. Her husband being blind is not a new development however. And he needs help taking care of the pets, specifically the birds. Which is fine, they just also need to eat on their own schedule. 8am, around lunchtime, and 8pm. Guess who's still at work? One of the birds is special needs because her beak got injured and needs to be essentially spoon fed. Which the blind husband can't do at all. Fairly simple task, but just adding to my obligations that are Very Important because they involve making sure things don't starve to death while my neighbor is in Crisis
Ok let's see, that's 4 Very Important Tasks/Obligations, and only one was originally my own voluntary one. Still not at taking care of myself yet, but i have my shelter, i have my job ("part time" minimum wage, hurray. Part time because even with me being there 6 fucking days a week open to close it still isn't technically enough hours for the state to recognize it as full time), and I'm taking care of *counting* about 8 pets for the next week. Will unemployment give me my money that I've been claiming since March? No? Will they let me claim with my new working hours that makes that while process even harder? Technically but it'll take over an hour for it to process and it doesn't even do that in the end? Well fuck, guess i have to wait to get paid on the books in cash and beg for a hand written paystub and have my hours worked written down. Glad i earned $100 this week, i hope now that my hours have increased i get some more
Next on the list, appointments. Because I'm a dumbass who can't remember shit if it isn't consistently recurring, i overbooked myself for next week. My much needed therapy appointment with my therapist that I've only met once and is the replacement for my much better therapist that i actually had a relationship with is supposed to have a session with me on Tuesday. Will i remember to do it this time? Possibly since i actually remembered it's on Tuesday. Will she send me the reminder text with the zoom link? Probably not. Wednesday, my one day off, thank fuck for that, is the main problem with the scheduling. My med appointment is for 11:30. Cool, can do. Driving lesson at 12. Oh, that's a little close, but i can manage that probably. I only average 1 lesson per year and a half, so it's fine, it's "healthy" to be nervous about operating a death machine powered by explosions. Have to go to social services to pick up, or attempt to, a new food stamps card. They probably close at 5, and add a Non Driver, i need to rely on someone to take me. The sooner the better, but it can't be during the lesson. Don't forget to take care of the creatures before and during all of this.
Ok. Great. There's an hour before work. Time to shower, because it's so fucking hot I'll be sweating like crazy by the time i get around the corner to the pizzeria, with me literally getting out and dressed and then walking out the door. Glad i finally did still to take care of myself. Eating? I might have something i can heat up quickly while the cat eats and so i can take my own meds. Dishes? Those are going to have to wait, i hope the heat wave doesn't get too bad, but it's been like this for a while, still slowly chipping away at them. Sleep? Severe insomnia. I partially blame the bed, my mattress is so comfortable, i hope the bedbugs like it because i can't fucking use it right now. I'd be sleeping so fucking soundly if i were in my own bed, and yet here i am. Maybe i should take the Trazodone now. I just hope I'll wake up on time. Oh look I'm exhausted, can't afford to buy comparatively better prepared coffee from Dunkin, so i guess my shitty at home coffee is going to have to do. Black because i don't have any creamer or milk or lactose free milk in my house. Just the way i hate it. Gonna have to deal with that i guess, maybe I'll learn to like it
The coffee pot lives in my fridge now. I'm worried to put it with the other dishes because if it sits there, not being washed like everything else, then i won't even have the option of coffee. It's just water and ground up beans, I'm sure it's fine
Maybe i can find some kind of coping skill/hobby to help me through my limited me time. Let's see.... I like to crochet, and that helps me get through the dishes by letting me alternate between them and a row/round on one of my many started projects. What? It's in a giant garbage bag with a bedbug treatment stick because of the damn ass bedbugs? Can't open it for at least another week and even then there isn't a place to put the yarn safely? Well fuck. I found that really helpful with keeping me grounded. Umm, well looking online, i should *checks notes* buy new yarn in the meantime and keep it somewhere safe. Uh, well, i can't afford more yarn now and i have nowhere to put it. Videogames it is maybe? Oh fuck now I've hyper focused too long on pokemon, rhythm heaven, and whatever daily games i do, i think i have 5 of those of varying lengths of time spent on them
Did i remember to brush my teeth? No. Do i remember that i should and then when i get out of the shower so i forget to actually execute? Yes. Have i gone insane? Probably
How many spoons is a person supposed to have per day? It takes more for me just to get through the day in general. Why does everyone need me to do their Very Important Tasks? Why is there never anyone else? Can my neighbor just not buy more birds when she gets home from Crisis?
I just want to have good mental health, why is this so hard
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Once bitten, twice stupid prt.42
Dinner was loud. It was chaos. And it felt like a weight off of Lance’s shoulder once they were done. No one had stabbed anyone. Nothing was broken. Matt and Rieva ate like civilised people, with Rieva even offering to help with the dishes. Sending the group off to relax in the living room, Shiro picked up the tea towel and Lance knew he was about to get “the talk”.
Filling the sink with water too hot for a normal human to withstand, Shiro at least let him get through the plates before breaking the silence
“So you and Keith?”
Lance cringed. He understood Keith didn’t want to lie, but with things so new, he’d kind of hoped he would... for a little while
“How did that happen?”
“I’m not really sure...”
“He didn’t see to know either”
Lance felt the dig. Shiro almost asking that question
“I guess it really changed when he drove me to Platt. My mother, well, you know she’s old. I was in... I was pretty upset and he drove me there. That’s when I turned into a bat”
“I remember that. He was freaking out”
“I gathered. I don’t remember what happened, but Coran made him see I hadn’t turned him. He looked after me for three days, then took me to see my Mami again. I know he’s your brother, but did you need to raise him to be so damn stubborn?”
Lance attempt at humour fell flat, much like he wanted to do. Kind of drop to the floor then crawl away from the conversation
“He was like that when I met him. I don’t know if he told you...”
“That he hasn’t had the greatest life because kids are cruel and he never felt wanted? There’s a lot Keith says, and a lot in the things he doesn’t say. He’d frustrating, stubborn, and quick to act before his brain catches up. His people limit is pretty much two, and if he doesn’t have his coffee he can’t human... but he’s got a big heart”
“I thought you’d bring him out his shell... I didn’t think this would happen”
Shiro didn’t have much right to complain. He had left Keith there
“Neither did we. We both thought Coran and Allura were daydreaming. Then Curtis started calling us soulmates... I’ve tried avoiding relationships all my life, then he comes in with his mullet and bad mood..”
“I don’t approve. And I’m not impressed that you didn’t take him to Coran when he started complaining about chest issues. Coran would have said something if he’d noticed anything during the checks he did on him... I haven’t been allowed to help him that much...”
“Yet you took him down an abandoned mine”
“In my defence, he climbed down after me. After I told him not to. He took plenty of photos down there”
“You really bought him a camera?”
Why did Shiro sound so shocked? He not only had a lie to sell, but Keith’s identity to protect and the man had been a lost puppy without his brother.
“Keith’s been stuck out here with nothing to do, and nothing of his own. It wasn’t fair he was left behind, so I wanted to do something nice for him. Coran told me I shouldn’t be training or pushing myself, which doesn’t give him a whole lot to do. He’s been doing plenty of normal human things. We went to movies in Platt. Hunk finally asked Shay out. Pidge roped him into one of her planning afternoons for a hunt that was not fun at all. We went drinking and he actually sang karaoke. He also tried to get into a fight, then threw up everywhere when we got home... but he’s been doing better. He’s not as angry when he first got here”
“No. I can see that... He’s my family...”
Lance cut Shiro off. Yeah. He got it
“I know. That’s why I told him that you two needed to talk. That he didn’t have to return my feelings and he should talk to you before we decided to date. I don’t have a good relationship with my siblings, so I’m not always going to get what goes on between you. But I don’t want to see him hurt. I don’t want him to feel obligated or pity because his blood triggered this change in me. I want him to live a good life and die old and happy. We’re not rushing things. We don’t want to rush things. But I’m serious in supporting him the best I can. He’s a grown man. He has his own job, money, and life. I don’t want him to be some pet kept on a short leash. All I want is for him to know he can be himself when he’s here and that I’m not about to judge him for it”
Shiro sighed, placing back down the plate he’d picked up to dry
“I need to know. Will having Matt and Rieva here endanger him?”
“Vampires have an evolved sense of smell. That’s why we don’t mix much. The same goes for werewolves. We have egos. A vampire who’s out of control is a vampire who’s let his ego go. I’m not in any hurry to start anything with Matt or with Rieva. Pidge is like a sister to me. You’re vouching for them, so I’m taking your word that this won’t become something. For his safety and yours, don’t come around when it’s a full moon, not the day before or the day after. If something happens, I can protect one of you, but I don’t know about both of you. Not from two werewolves, especially in a new environment. Curtis... it’s complicated. We didn’t get off on the best foot, but Coran sent him. I suppose because I’m closest thing to cursed and don’t want to harm anyone if I can help it. As for dating, we already know my teeth get in the way. We’ll treat it like anyone with a contagious blood disease does. If things cool off, then we’ll have an answer to what’s between us”
“And what if you lose control?”
“Even when I do, I seem to know Keith. I don’t remember anything from turning into a bat the first time. But it seems I clung to him. I’m sure Coran would say it’s due to our quintessence. I know when I shouldn’t be around him, and when to distance myself. I don’t know how many other ways I can swear I don’t want to hurt him”
“Accidents happen”
“I know. That’s part of the reason I didn’t want to admit how he makes me feel”
“And how’s that?”
“Almost alive... You should go join the others. Keith’s going to come marching in here expecting the worst. He gets a bit protective”
“He does that”
“One day it’s going to get him hurt”
“That’s why I can’t give you my full blessings”
Shiro wouldn’t be much of a brother or hunter if he simply rolled over on his human brother dating a monster
“I get it. I really do. Still, for Keith’s sake, I don’t want to fight with you. He loves you, and he needs you. No matter what he says”
“Keith’s isn’t like most people. When his heart breaks... he gets hurt ten, twenty, times worse than normal”
“I know. Like I said, there’s a lot in what he doesn’t say”
“I would prefer you waited before your relationship turned physical”
“We are. My body is going through changes and he respects that. Just like I respect him and nothing happened that night he was drunk, no matter how handsy he got”
“Drunk Keith is a bit...”
“Drunk Keith is a slut. Those are his words. That’s why I won’t do anything to break the trust he has in me. I don’t want him to live a life of regrets”
“I keep forgetting you’re older than us”
“Don’t remind me. I don’t enjoy looking barely legal”
“Coran can’t help?”
“Even if he could, I’d rather he help Curtis first. He’s struggling with his curse and it’s so cruel that he can’t control the things he says. His life’s been put on because of it. I’m sure he’s happy to have you here because he finally has someone who can reach out their hand to him. More importantly, do you know when Matt intends to reach out to Pidge? I’d like to let Hunk know so he can be there to support her”
“Matt was thinking of waiting a few days”
Great. He didn’t want to keep lying to his friends for that long... Pidge also wanted to go back and explore under the pub...
“Alright. I’ll work things out with him. I’ll finish up here”
Lance nearly didn’t head into the living room when he’d finished the dishes. Keith hadn’t come to check on him, he could hear Shiro attempting to draw his boyfriend into conversation with the others. Keith’s poor people skills must have been at their limit. Being the amazing host he was, Lance made up a batch of Hunk’s hot chocolate, making sure that Keith’d have enough milk for his morning coffees as he did. Feeling a little fancy, he got out his Mami’s favourite serving tray. It’d been a gift from all of them as kids. Well loved and well mended. All their names scrawled across the back. The “L” in Lance’s name drawn backwards. The “I” in his older sister Veronica’s name had a heart instead of a tittle. Rachel had a smiley grave. Marco had always had a flare for the dramatic, his name taking up nearly the whole back. Luis name was the neatest of all. Lance wasn’t so much of a dick as to scratch Luis name off... Not when Mami still loved the serving tray.
Loaded up with the twin jugs, cups, and cookies, Lance carried the lot into the living room. Rieva and Matt were cuddled on the rug. Keith had Blue in his lap, with Curtis and Shiro taking up the rest of his sofa. Hearing his voice, he found the group were watching Pidge’s videos. Lance felt more than a little embarrassed. Strangers watching were one thing, a group of people in his house watching him... was something else. Carrying the tray to the coffee table, Lance set it down carefully
“Thanks, Lance. It looks good”
Lance gave Curtis a thin smile, pained at hearing his voice droning on
“Hot chocolate made with lactose free milk and Hunk’s recipe. Help yourselves”
Nervously pouring a glass, Lance backed away, standing by the arm of the couch so he wasn’t in the way. Matt shot him as thanks as he got two glasses organised for him and Rieva. At least Matt didn’t think he was trying to poison him, not like a certain mulleted hunter the first time he gave him coffee
“Lance, wanna sit?”
Lance turned too look at Keith over his shoulder. Blue had been passed to Shiro, not looking happy about giving up Keith’s lap
“I’m good”
Keith might have told Shiro they were dating but they didn’t need to rub it in his face
“If Shiro moves over there’s enough space”
Now that Keith’s lap wasn’t offer, he felt strangely rejected. Warmth started creeping up from his belly... Now was not the time
“Actually, I’m going to head to bed. Yep. Goodnight all, see you in the morning”
Fleeing the room, the cup of hot chocolate made the trip up stairs with him. Slamming his door a touch too hard, Lance rushed to place his cup down on the bedside table. Downstairs Matt was making a comment about something sweet in the air, Shiro joking about it being the smell of the hot chocolate. Rieva agreed with Matt, adding how the smell made her hungry... Her tone saying what kind of “hungry” she meant. Lance seriously doubted they’d do anything to him, but the idea of two horny werewolves scared the fuck out of him. Striding across to his window, he opened it as wide as it went. He didn’t understand why these heat flushes had to keep happening. He’d made up with Shiro, and he’d made up with the others over dinner. Werewolves and meat was kind of a no brainer. Now he was supposed to be relaxing and getting to know them all better.
Stripping himself down, he was too hot for a pyjama shirt and opted for pants only. Given his naturally cold state, and the cool wind through the window, he should morgue slab corpse cold. He’d spent years witching his body would be warm, now he cursed it. The sun had barely been down the better part of an hour, and here he was going off to bed like a loser. Climbing into bed, didn’t help. Keith’s scent cling to his sheets, but the man himself wasn’t there.... and his stupid body want okay with that. The aching throb between his legs drew a whisper from him as wetness dribbled from his arse. Even with the distance, Matt could smell him. Matt colour smell him and the damn stupid mutt was growling over it. If he dared lay a finger on Keith, Lance was going to snap off the insulting digit, force it up Matt’s urethra then snap his dick off and feed it to him like some kind of “fingdicken”, operating on the same principle as a turducken. Maybe he could use bacon as an outer wrapping... kind of borrowing the spirit of “what’s in the box?”.
Slightly horrified by his own thoughts, he curled up up. He didn’t necessarily hate Matt. He just didn’t want Keith to be hurt. Shiro wouldn’t let Keith be hurt. Meaning his twisted thoughts never needed to form. Keith could take care of himself. An involuntary whimper escaped as the first cramp of need hit. Covering his mouth quickly, he listened for a response downstairs. Rieva was busy scolding Matt, the sound seemed to have escaped their attention. With his body like this, he was going to be forced to have a conversation he really didn’t want to have. They whole “hey, I’m not a werewolf but I kind of go into fits of heat” thing was going to make it complicated. Right now he wanted it to piss right off and never come back. He wanted to be downstairs with everyone else, getting know them and not seeming like a dick. Now he was hiding in bed too scared to jerk off in case he was heard. This vampire thing sucked.
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nais-nook · 5 years
Sawyer - Pt 1
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(Hey there! You may be liking/reblogging something without links to new pieces I may have written for this character, just letting you know in case you’re interested in reading more!)
Hey, I’m not dead, but uni is dragging my ass to hell and back. Anyhow, here's Sawyer, who belongs to the lovely @yandere-flower​. He looks like this, and I drew a reference for his tattoos here since I don’t describe them much. I think I might make this story a little more interactive - as in you can make choices and it’ll change the outcome, but I’ll see what you all think before I try something like that!
Part 2, Part 3
Summary: Who knew helping a random stranger would lead to you being dragged into unsavoury business?
Pairing: Male x Female Reader.
Warnings: Mentions of death, Swearing, Suggestive themes (because it’s Sawyer, but it’s still pretty mild). 
Normally, navigating through the twists and turns of the barely lit roads was a cinch. You knew your area like the back of your hand - what buses were the best to take, which seats on those buses had the most room, which roads were off-limits lest you wanted to get mugged. 
Yet today felt different. Weird.
The air felt thicker. The shadows were gloomier. The lights seemed to flicker.
Every breath you took was held a little longer than usual and every small sound made you tense up. You stuffed your hands deeper into your pockets, even pushing off your hood so you could see better. Just in case.
You turned the corner, spotting the familiar graffitied wall and almost sagged in relief. A couple of alleyways and one more corner, then you would have been in the safety of your home. You picked up the pace. Would have made it too, if you hadn’t heard the muffled groan echo from the alleyway just shy of the corner you were supposed to turn.
Just keep walking, you urged yourself, your footsteps already faltering at the sound of yet another moan. Don’t get involved in things you can’t handle.
And despite every nerve in your body screaming at you to ignore whatever it was, you turned back and called into the darkness.
“Hey!” Your grip on your phone was vice-like. “Is, uh, is anyone there?”
“Don’t worry about it, just go.”
The sudden voice startled you. It sounded masculine and croaky, like a thirsty man. Immediately you fumbled with your phone to switch on the flashlight. When it flicked to life it revealed the owner of the voice.
Lying in the filth of the alleyway was a man draped in a dark jacket. You would have been able to at least guess his age if it weren’t for the blood caking his face and clothes. A swamp of murky red. Whoever he was, you could tell he had been here for a while.
“Are you okay?” You inched closer, hands up and voice soothing as you picked your way past broken glass and cigarette butts. Kneeling in the grime you methodically checked his pulse and breathing. “Listen, I’m going to call an ambulance. You’ll be at a hospital soon, alright?”
“No. No, no, no. Don’t - don’t do that. I can’t go to a hospital.”
“What do you mean you can’t go to a hospital?” You peeled off his jacket, already surveying for anything that required your immediate attention. He hissed at your touch, then cursed loudly when you propped up against an abandoned skip.
“Listen, if I get sent to a hospital, fuck,” his grip on you was stronger than you expected for someone in such a state, “if I get sent to a hospital, I will definitely die. Trust me on that.”
“The hospital is where you go when you’re hurt, and I’m not sure if you’re completely aware of the fact that you’ve been hurt, but you have. Badly.” You applied pressure to the angry gash you found on his forehead. With your free hand you unlocked your phone, paying no mind to his protests. 
You remained calm and collected. Thankfully, this sort of stuff didn’t bother you much anymore. Not like it did at the beginning of your training. 
“What, you’re telling me you don’t get a little rowdy when you’re invited to an alleyway party?” He chuckled dryly, coughed, then groaned.
“I can’t say I have. I would also suggest not moving until help arrives. If you don’t you might -” you hesitated. Telling someone they might die if they didn’t listen wasn’t really something you were supposed to say.
“I might what? Die?”
“I didn’t -”
“I know that.” He closed his eyes, tilting his head up towards the sky. His hand hung off your wrist, as if it would stop you from calling the emergency services. “Please don’t call an ambulance. It’ll make more trouble than it’s worth, for both of us.”
Your fingers ached from the grip on your phone. His blood was slick between your fingertips. You knew he needed help. He wouldn’t last long without it.
With the smell of booze and sweat and trash filling your lungs, you made your decision.
“I should have just sent him to a hospital,” you scolded yourself as you flipped the final piece of French toast in the pan. “He could have acquired brain injury, or internal bleeding or something.”
The sizzle of the toast was your only response. You nodded, “You’re right, I am stupid. This is what I get for listening to him. What if someone has reported him as missing?”
You nudged the toast onto the already piled plate, then leaned in uncomfortably close and stared at it. The warmth of the food wafted over your face. “Can you even do that? I’m sure you have to wait a few days before you report someone as missing.”
The next few minutes of you preparing a cup of tea went the exact same way. You interrogated the kettle, tea bags, the sugar and then the milk. Unfortunately, none of them held the answers that you so desperately seeked.
After arranging the drink, plate and a couple of pieces of fruit on a tray you made your way up to the guest room housing your newest patient. You stood in front of the cream door, balancing the tray on your hip as you muttered, “I swear to god, if he’s dead, I'm going to scream.” 
The knock resonated in the hall, yet there was no response. 
“Hey, you awake in there?”
You cracked open the door, the light from the hallway spilling in, and peeked through the opening. There the man lay, in the exact same position you put him in last night. Gritting your teeth, you nudged the door open, hoping with all your heart you could just slip in and out. Your hopes were shattered when he sat up, all whilst wincing.
“Morning.” His voice still sounded a little hoarse. Better, but not quite.
“Hi,” you responded absentmindedly, paying more attention to what revealed itself as the blankets fell away.
At the very least he was clean - that you made sure of. The dull ache in your lower back served as a reminder of the effort it took to strip him to his boxers and scrub him clean. However, you weren’t really paying much attention to him last night. Not while you were so desperately trying to make sure he didn’t die. Yet here, bathing in the light from the hallway, you had to admit - he looked awful.
Handsome, but awful. With white hair and a face that made him look like a prince from a children's book. The only thing that would break the illusion of him appearing in the happily ever after of a princess being the piercings and tattoos adorning him.
That and the bruising. All over his neck and collar bone. Stretching across his stomach and side, like someone had tried to knock the wind out of him. He had scars too, though small and none were due to the state you found him in last night.
“Admiring me, are you?” The man cracked a smile. It still managed to look dazzling regardless of the purple and reds smothering his jaw and the slight swelling of his face.
“No, actually.” You pressed your lips together. “Just assessing how badly you’ve been hurt.”
“What can I say, I bruise like a peach.” He quickly ran his tongue over a canine, and you could have sworn you saw the flash of a tongue piercing. “Taste like one too, if you ever fancy giving me a try.”
“I - what?” Your face twisted in confusion as you tried to process what he had just said. 
“You heard me.”
“See, I don’t know if this is how you genuinely act, or if this is you being out of it, so I’m not gonna react at all. Deal?”
“Fine by me.” He shuffled, harshly blowing air out of his nose before inclining his head towards you. “That for me?”
You suddenly remembered the tray you were holding and set it down on the drawers next to the bed. “Yeah, here you go.”
“Aw, you care.”
“No offence, but who saves someone just to starve them?”
“A sadist.” He huffed stretching ever so slowly over to the tray.
“Do I look like a sadist to you?”
His attention flicked to you for a second before focusing on the tray again. “You could be. You'd be surprised what looks can cover up.”
“If I’m a sadist you’re a masochist.”
“What makes you say that?” He winced as his fingers grazed the edge of the tray.
You swept a hand in front of you, knowing full well that he would understand you were talking about the position he was in - clearly pained and yet still stretching out. 
“Okay, you got me there. Can I have the tray now?”
“You aren't allergic or lactose intolerant or anything? I didn't get to ask last night before you practically passed out on me and I forgot to even consider it when I was making you food.”
“Nah, you're good.”
You nodded, gently positioning the tray in his lap before skirting around the bed to pry open the curtain. “The light not hurting you or anything?”
“If it was hurting me, you'd know by now.” He held up the plate, his hands trembling, you noted. “Want some?”
“I’m fine, it’s for you.”
He raised a brow, tilting the plate this way and that, as he teased you. “You didn’t poison it did you? Is that why you’re refusing to take one?”
“Oh, I definitely poisoned it,” you joked, arms crossed as you leaned against the window. “A little Snow White situation.”
He gasped playfully and batted his dark lashes at you. “Will I get a kiss?”
“If you get one of your buddies to come ‘round, sure.” 
He shrugged, gave you a massive grin and brought the cup of tea to his lips carefully. “I’d rather not. But anyway, thank you for the breakfast. Even if I do end up dead.”
“No worries.”
You perched on the window sill and stretched your arms above your head, the movement bringing temporary relief to your back. Your patient observed every move you made with big brown eyes.
“Name’s Sawyer by the way,” he said around a mouth full of toast, and you had to give him a withering look.
“I’m (Y/n). Please swallow your food before you speak, I don’t think performing the Heimlich manoeuvre on you with those bruises will be a good idea.”
One big gulp later he was smiling from ear to ear, something cheeky hidden behind it. “(Y/n), huh? Nice name for an even nicer face.”
“Thank you, I guess?”
“(Y/n), I have a question for you.” 
“I am naked.”
“...That’s - that’s not a question, you know that right?” 
… Maybe he wasn’t going to walk away from this as unscathed as you originally thought.
“The question was going to be why.”
“Not sure if you noticed but you’ve been cleaned up - your clothes have been fixed and washed too, thanks to me.” You patted your bicep and gave him what you hoped was a friendly, not tired smile. Sure, you weren’t a body builder in the slightest, but you were able to lug around people much bigger than yourself, Sawyer being a prime example of that.
“I mean, yeah, that makes sense, but-”
“Besides, you aren’t even fully naked, I left your boxers… on…” Your eyes widened in horror as Sawyer set the tray aside to peek under the blankets. “Please tell me you can feel the lower half of your body.”
“I mean, it’s warm?”
“Sawyer, this is serious, tell me you can feel the lower half of your body.” You had made it to the bedpost when he slid a hand underneath the blankets and nodded, an apologetic look plastered onto his face.
“Nope, yeah, I still have feeling down there, sorry.” His demeanour changed almost instantly as he wiggled his brows at you. “Seeing as you're here now, wanna cop a feel?”
“No! Are you normally like this? Should I be concerned?”
He completely ignored your question. “You know I’m pretty surprised you didn’t take my boxers off.”
You scrubbed your face in an attempt to quell your irritation, then placed your hands on your hips and sighed. “And why would I need to do that?”
“Oh, c’mon, you weren’t even the least bit curious?”
“I’ve seen so many naked bodies, nothing is interesting anymore.”
“Wow, look at you, pulling in people,” he whistled low and smooth before giving you a wolfish grin. 
“It’s because I’m a nurse, Sawyer, no other reason. Or at least I will be soon,” you sighed, slumped onto the edge of the bed.
“A nurse, huh? Fancy. I know a doctor, and a psychiatrist, but not a nurse. Makes sense though, you were super calm and collected when you found me in the alley. Probably deal with a lot of cases like this.”
“Yeah, but I don’t usually bring patients home. You done eating?”
“Yup, thanks.”
“Alrighty,” you mumbled, allowing him to snatch a tangerine from the tray before you took it off him, “how you feeling?”
“I’ve got a headache that hurts like a bitch and my body is stiffer than a hormonal boys dick.”
“Medicine it is then. I’ll be back. Don’t die.” Your glare didn't have much of an effect on him as he just leaned back and chuckled stiffly.
You dumped the tray in the kitchen, promising to get to the dishes later, then rummaged around the medicine cupboard. When you’d found the painkillers, you grabbed a glass of water and picked up Sawyer’s clothes which you’d tossed over a radiator last night.
“Ah,” you breathed in the smell of the conditioner, the warmth of the clothes pleasantly seeping into your skin, “I’m so smart.”
What you had found once you had gotten back to the guest room intrigued you. Sawyer hadn’t moved, but his attention definitely had. The pale blue sheets were crinkled under his clenched fingers, the way a mourning woman would a handkerchief. Golden flowers that were cast upon his skin by the sunlight pouring through the net curtains wavered in the breeze. The vulnerability of his expression was so raw, it astonished you. The rap of your knuckles against the door melted all of it away, and in its place was the lopsided grin you had gotten so used to in such a small amount of time.
You couldn’t complain. Joking and flirting may have made up his walls, but professional friendliness made up yours.
“Here, they’re warm,” you murmured, laying the jeans on the bed and gently draping the shirt over his shoulders. 
“Shit, this smells good.” Sawyer practically melted back into the bed, draping the shirt over his face.
“It’s called conditioner,” you laughed, placing the glass of water down on the drawers.
“Hey, (Y/n), where’s my jacket at?”
“It’s downstairs, I’ll get it for you after you’re dressed.”
“Nah, nah, I don’t need the jacket, just want what’s inside the pockets,” he pulled off the shirt and crinkled his nose, looking childishly innocent, oddly enough, “that’s assuming they didn’t mug me when they dragged to the alley way to rough me up.”
Ah, so that’s what happened. “You talking about the cigarettes or your phone?”
“They didn’t rob me? What a miracle. Good thing too, I think I might need a cigarette right now.”
“Not in my damn house you ain’t.”
“Thank y- wait. Why?” 
“I don’t really like the idea of getting lung cancer thanks.” You pulled out a packet of tablets and popped a few into his outstretched hand.
“Not even one?”
“You even attempt to smoke something in my house I’ll throw you out with the cigarettes, do you understand?” Your hard stare seemed to sink in this time around.
“You know,” his eyes flicked up and down your body, if only for a second, “you’re kinda hot when you get all authoritative like that.”
“Do you understand?”
“Yes Ma’am.” The words were spoken slowly, paired with hooded eyes that forced you to suppress the shiver that threatened to run down your spine.
“Take these, I’m kicking you out after.”
“Wait, I thought I was only getting kicked out if I smoked?”
“You can stay until lunch, I’ll feed you, but after that you’re out.” You handed him the glass. Sawyer swallowed the painkillers with no hesitation, chugging the entire glass down in one go.
“I can’t leave.”
“Not on your own. I get that you’re hurting and all but I’m sure someone can come pick you up. A family member, maybe a friend?”
“I’m not joking,” he placed a hand on your forearm, touch gentle but deathly serious, “I can’t be seen leaving your house.” 
“And why is that?” The warmth of his fingers was fleeting as you pulled away. There was a strange heaviness Sawyers solemnity brought, and you didn’t much appreciate it.
“You still haven’t figured it out yet?” He tilted his head, though his expression didn’t change in its intensity.
“Figured out what?”
A hum from him, then a smile and the weirdness in the room dissipated. Sawyer turned, slowly, fists clenched and breath shaking as he did so. And then he waited, his back on display. You couldn’t stop the knitting of your brows when you saw the bruising again - you’d seen worse, much worse, but it still felt like a punch to the gut knowing just how fragile the human body could be.
“You see it yet?”
“How damaged you are?” you asked gently.
“Nope. Look again.”
“Sawyer, I don’t -” 
Suddenly everything clicked into place.
“Judging by that reaction you saw it, right?”
You folded your arms, trying to stop them from shaking. It didn’t help.
“What, you not gonna answer me?” He turned to face you again, and from the way his lips were drawn tight you could tell he was trying to control whatever he was feeling at that moment. “No offence but I thought nurses were supposed to be smart, how the hell did you miss it?”
“Okay, you know what, I was more concerned with making sure you didn’t die to admire your tattoos,” you snapped, paying little attention to Sawyer himself but what you had just seen.
Nestled right between his shoulder blades, almost completely blended into the bruises was a tattoo of a snake, its head resting on the nape of Sawyer’s neck. It was a beautiful, even tasteful tattoo; however, the implications were bad enough to send your mind spiralling.
“You okay?” Your head snapped in his direction, the sickly feeling still making its way through your body. Sawyer had pulled the covers away, one foot on the ground as if he was going to get out of bed.
“Just… stay over there. I’m still processing this.”
He nodded, made no move as you ran over everything you knew about the gangs in the area. 
Kidnappings. The circulation of drugs. Theft in the dead of night. Riots over territory. 
You couldn’t care less about the actions themselves, no, what really made your blood boil was the sheer number of people who ended up as collateral damage. You had personally tended to some of those people who were at the mercy of death, watched as the light faded from their eyes and their loved ones wept. It always stuck with you. Made your skin crawl when you walked past some of the wards.
How easily it could have been you.
“Vipers, right? I don’t know how many gangs are in this area, but I know they’re one of the main ones.”
“Yeah, Vipers.”
You laughed. It held no humour. “That’s why you didn’t want to go to the hospital. Scared you’d get arrested for murder or something?”
“Excuse me,” his lips twisted to the side, “I haven’t murdered anyone.”
“Then why were you avoiding the hospital?”
“The Vipers have people in different places, but we ain’t the only ones. If I wound up at a hospital, I can absolutely fucking guarantee you I would have been kidnapped, or one of the doctors would have offed me. I don’t think you realise that there are groups other than the one I’m in. Even if you don’t do anything you could still be a target.”
“Sawyer -”
“I’m not telling you to believe me, but at the very least I hope you take my thanks sincerely. I mean it. You could have ignored me and sent me on my way, but you didn’t. You even brought me to your house. Thank you.”
You ran your hands through your hair, the tension seeping away the more you looked at him. He seemed to be serious, and surprisingly that sincerity was putting you at ease. “Fine, that’s the hospital thing out the way, why can’t you leave my house?”
“It’s day,” he spoke slowly, like he was saying the most obvious thing in the world.
“Okay, so your eyes work, congratulations. What does that mean?”
“If anyone saw me leaving your house, not only would I be in for shit, you would probably end up on someone’s watch list. Whether that ends in a friendly chat, or you being wiped off the face of the earth is up to the person holding that list.”
“So, what do we do now.”
You felt tired. Oh, so tired.
“We wait until night rolls around, and then I go. Or rather, people come to pick me up because there is no way I’m leaving this bed without some serious help,” Sawyer grimaced, “I’m just glad I haven’t had to sneeze yet. I think I would die if that happened.”
“That’s assuming you aren’t already on your way to dying. I may have stitched your head up and fixed you as best as I could, but I don’t have any medical equipment like the stuff at the hospital. For all I know you could be bleeding internally as we speak.”
His face paled a tad at that. “Well, uh… Am I?”
“Not that I can tell, but like I said.”
You stood there awkwardly for a minute, not knowing where to look or put your hands. He hadn't done anything to you - hadn’t raised his voice, hadn’t threatened you, he listened when you gave instructions. And you most certainly were happy to help him before you figured out, rather belatedly, that he was part of a gang. Warily, you sat down on the edge of the bed, noting how pleased Sawyer looked when you did so.
“Look, I’m sorry, I just - I don’t know how to feel about all of this.”
“I get it,” he raised his pierced brow, “but don’t go around accusing me of things either.”
You barley nodded before you lay back, closing your eyes and letting the sunlight warm your face. You enjoyed the quiet for a moment. The whisper of the blankets as you pulled your legs up and the low hum of cars outside. A peek at Sawyer let you know he was also lounging, arms behind his head and eyes closed too. The painkillers most certainly hadn’t kicked in, so you knew he must have been in immense pain, and even when they did start working, it probably wouldn’t help much. Yet he looked so peaceful there, the flowery light making his hair glow like a halo. 
He looked like he belonged there.
Despite your reluctance to disturb him, you had to ask, “So, who you calling? To pick you up, I mean.”
“Oh yeah,” his eyes fluttered open, “friends.”
“Friends? Like actual friends or people from your gang friends?”
“Why can’t they be people from the gang and friends at the same time?”
You shrugged, then sucked in a quick breath when you recalled the state of his phone. “I hope you’re not planning on using your phone.”
“They stole my phone?!” He shot up in bed, the action followed by a pained shout and a few choice swear words you'd rather not hear in that order ever again. 
“No, no, down,” you pushed his shoulders until he was lying flat. Sawyer just stared at your hands until you lifted them from his skin, the contact feeling a little weird and awkward, “ah, sorry. Did I hurt you?”
“You're warm,” he smiled, and it was so soft and genuine you had to take a moment to remember what you were doing. 
“You know you're going to have to start actually answering my questions, Sawyer. They are kind of important for your health.”
“I'm fine. So, what happened to my phone?”
“It wasn’t stolen, it's just - you know what it might be best you didn't know.” Just remembering the way the screen was hanging onto the case by a couple of wires was enough to give you anxiety. 
“Fuck me, man, phones are expensive.”
“Here.” You fished your phone out of your hoodie pocket, untangling it from the headphones, then handed it to Sawyer. 
He looked vaguely bewildered as he reached out for it. “You sure?”
“Not like you can run away with it, not in that state.”
While Sawyer was pressing digits your eyes kept flicking between your hands and the one resting in his lap. The phone looked so small in his grip, despite being the perfect size for you. Sawyer caught you staring. 
He held out his hand, wiggling his fingers and teasing in a singsong voice, “If you wanna hold my hand, all you have to do is ask.”
You refused politely, folding your hands in your lap as he shrugged. Somebody must have picked up on the other side because his face perked up almost immediately, and then dropped when whoever it was started yelling. 
“I’m just gonna leave now,” you whispered, patting his blanket-covered leg. 
“You aren't even going to stay for moral support?” He pouted, then rolled his eyes when the yelling on the phone picked up again. “No, not you, shut up for a second.”
“Whoever is on the other side sounds terrifying, and you're just about all the excitement I can take at the moment, so no thank you.”
“Fine,” he sighed, then got back to his call with a sour face, “dude, can you stop shouting at me for one second, for fucks sake.”
Even when the door clicked shut you could still hear his frustrated argument on the phone.  
“I think I’ll give him ten minutes…”
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marcholasmoth · 4 years
OSRR: 2117
i talked to my therapist today. she said i'm doing a good job coping with my anxiety spikes and getting mad and learning to respond instead of react.
i told her about my anger from last night, how it all seems like it could've been so much better if i'd can just known about mental illnesses instead of being shoved into a box of "this is my perfect child and there's nothing that i, a conservative christian woman, would perceive as wrong with her" while completely ignoring all of the symptoms i had been showing, even then.
we kinda took it apart - i'm miserable because of how i was raised and the things i was told and how i was told them, but it's my responsibility now to change that about myself. it's my responsibility to unlearn toxic behavior. i can blame my mother all i want, but if i don't do anything to change it, i'm no better than she is.
the first thing i noticed we talked about was expectations. i expect a lot of myself, and that's just the bare minimum to me. functioning as a human being, balancing school and work and social life, doing all of the things i need to, doing well in school and keeping up with my schoolwork to a degree. those are all things i expect of myself, because it was always expected of me before. (i have also since noted that living at home does not help.) i always had to work around what i later learned to be disabilities, disadvantages of not having the proper resources to cope with them. i had to do everything a "smart kid" was supposed to do as well as keep myself from drowning from an unknown and unseen enemy that i didn't even know i was fighting. having that as my background, it's easy to understand how i can go from that to the expectations i have for myself today.
as an aside, i would like to point out and appreciate my own now analytic calmness about this instead of the anger and frustration of being raised in a certain way and being disadvantaged of how it affected me.
in any case, i need to help myself my changing what i expect of myself while simultaneously learning to celebrate my accomplishments. i also need to redefine the word "accomplishment" to my subconscious, so i think that's the first step. once i understand that the things i am doing are good things and are worthy of celebration for not just a job exceedingly well done, but even for a job done, i think i will be able to understand that my expectations don't need to be so extreme. that i can accept i have limitations, and that those expectations should not exceed those limitations. that leads to burnout. the idea is to not become burned out.
it will be a process, but it will be worth it. i was going to add "if i can help someone else learn it too," but i realized that my successes don't need to affect other people to be successes. which was a real breakthrough, because i didn't think of that before just a few seconds ago when it first popped into my head. and i was going to diminish the extend of its importance by saying "a small breakthrough," but that's not small. even if it's just the first time i've thought it and i have a headache, it's still a big deal. if i can think of it now, i'll be able to think of it again. i've done it once. i can do it again. that seems to be my mantra of seemingly small things i have done that are small steps in the right direction. so that's good.
i'm done psychoanalyzing myself for the evening.
something else that's good is that i did all of the math i intended to, AND i got to sell my turnips! i made enough in the two runs i made to pay off my basement (2.48 million bells) entirely and still have 800,000 bells leftover between the money i'd just made and my savings. i spent the rest of the evening cleaning up my island, terraforming, moving flowers, and avoiding villagers.
i also got to play a game with andrew! after i finished the required assignments to keep up with my schedule, andrew and i played diablo III for an hour and a half. it was fun! i run really slowly, though, and that's because i'm brand-new to it. andrew is level 711 and i just opened the game for the first time today, so he has all of his already-earned level boosts to his stats, and i'm starting with zero experience. i don't even know if i'm doing damage 70% of the time! 😂 it's fun, though. i like having something we can bond over again, even though we're a thousand miles apart. 😊
anyway, i'm sleepy and my head hurts. i've been doing a2 milk experiments all day, and i'm gonna try the "does this hurt my stomach by itself" one tomorrow again because today's tests of it were inconclusive because i had my milk with cookie dough - which hurt my stomach a, and cookies - which also hurt my stomach. i did get gas, though, but it wasn't pain like i usually get. if i can somehow find lactose-free a2 milk (if it isn't already), that might do the trick. because the lactose gives me gas too, so it might just be "you can't have milk things ever, fool" and that wouldn't be so good, because god knows i'd just eat it anyway 😂😂😂
also??? i'll be able to see joel and NOT have homework to do tomorrow night. i'm so excited. i'll be stress-free for twelve hours! hooray!
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kiyokoks · 4 years
50 Questions You’ve Never Been Asked
i was tagged by @baqukou so let’s do this !!
1.  What is the color of your hairbrush? my main one is purple but i have a yellow wet brush for after i shower :P
2. Name a food you never eat? olives !! i can’t stand them, every time i get a beef empanada i personally stick my fingers inside and pull the olive out 
3. Are you typically too warm or too cold? too warm! i get hot super easily i’m like an overpowered space heater
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago? playing animal crossing: new horizons on my switch lite !! i laid down the construction for the river bridge and am trying to build three new houses for arriving villagers :))
5.  What is your favorite candy bar? it’s not from canada so i can’t always have it but from peru aka where my mom is from but the white chocolate sublime bar w nuts !!! it’s so good i ration my candy from the motherland
6. Have you ever been to a professional sports event? yea! in jr high aside from playing basketball, i qualified for the edmonton public schools zones sports fest for running, though i can’t remember which dash in particular
7. What is the last thing you said out loud? “voya ir a me cuarto” aka im going to go to my room in spanish to my mom
8. What is your favorite ice cream? mint chocolate chip! i love the sweet but spearmint taste
9. What was the last thing you had to drink? coffee with sugar and almond milk 
10. Do you like your wallet? yes !! it’s a white coach wallet my mom bought me when we went to calgary cross iron mills mall it’s super cute
11. What was the last thing you ate? quesadillas for breakfast bc they’re easy to cook (i’m lactose intolerant but some things are worth the abdominal pain!!)
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend? i got two new shirts i ordered online from hot topic !! one of them is a black my hero academia heroes rising movie poster shirt, and one is a yellow bakugou t-shirt 
13. The last sporting event you watched? the haikyuu!! season 3 shiratorizawa match
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn? caramel omg my mom makes the best caramel popcorn with nuts 
15.  Who is the last person you sent a text message to? my best friend ally !! she let me visit her island yesterday to chop trees for that last bit of softwood i needed for timmy and tommy’s shop
16. Ever go camping? yea! my jr high had an annual fall camping trip for 3 days where we’d hang out and play games at night it was awesome i actually miss it a lot
17.  Do you take vitamins? yea lmao my mom always worries that i’m not eating well and need vitamins
18. Do you go to church every Sunday? i used to, but now i have a shift in the morning at w*rk every sunday so nope not anymore
19. Do you have a tan? you bet! my mom is from peru but she’s kinda light-skinned (by south american standards) but my dad is from el salvador and is VERY brown skinned so i have a very obvious brown tan all year round bc genetics !! it’s obvs darker in the summer tho 
20.  Do you prefer Chinese food or pizza? chinese food all the way babeyyy !! dim sum is so fucking good i could never give it up, i even had my 18th birthday at a chinese hot pot restaurant w all of my homegirls
21. Do you drink your soda with a straw? nope lolol i think i did once or twice at like a party
22. What color socks do you usually wear? usually pink or purple 
23.  Do you ever drive above the speed limit? i don’t drive but if i did i wouldn’t i hate reckless drivers so fucking much
24. What terrifies you? needles and gory medical procedures !! i remember when i watched the 100 and one of the season finales where they extract bone marrow was rough for me to watch i screamed very quietly 
25. Look to your left, what do you see? im sitting down at my desk so my switch lite
26. What chore do you hate? laundry bc if u fuck it up there’s real consequences
27. What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? i have to hold myself back from laughing it’s so funny
28. What’s your favorite soda? another thing from the motherland but inca cola !! it’s kinda hard to find but when i do get it ohhh my goddd
29. Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive-thrus? typically im hanging out w my friends when i get fast food so yea we go inside 
30. Who’s the last person you talked to? my mami 
31. Favorite cut of beef? tendon!! it’s so fucking good in Vietnamese pho i sometimes pay for extra 
32.  Last song you listened to? boy with luv (feat. halsey) by bts
33. Last book you read? does fic count ?? bc if so chapter 28 of the devil ships zeku on ao3
34. Favorite day of the week? monday !! bc no w*rk and it’s the start of a new week
35. Can you say the alphabet backwards? god nope nope no i don’t have the brain cells
36. How do you like your coffee? with sugar and almond milk though idk how much sugar i just kinda match it with the amount of instant coffee whoops
37. Favorite pair of shoes? my red timberland boots !! they go with everything i wear and are super comfy for a long day at uni, plus they can take any kind of weather (this sounds like a sales pitch lmfaoofhf)
38. The time you normally go to sleep? pre-quarantine was like 10:30PM since i had to wake up at 5 to get ready in time for my mom to drop me off at the bus stop for my 8AM classes but quarantine bedtime is more like 1AM now
39.  The time you normally get up? usually around 7am or 8am, but for w*rk on the weekends around 6am
40. What do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? sunsets!! they’re so pretty to look at 
41. How many blankets on your bed? four !! i sleep with four blankets at night so i’m ultra warm
42. Describe your kitchen plates: hmmm well they’re white with a nice flower pattern, but we also have some tiny plain white ones and then some multicoloured plastic ones
43.  Do you have a favorite alcoholic beverage? well i don’t like alcohol in general but the one time i did try it w my friends at a restaurant it was kinda sweet so that was nice
44.  Do you play cards? kind of ?? if someone brings a pack of cards im down but i never carry any myself
45.  What color is your car? i don’t have a car but black would be nice 
46. Can you change a tire? nope i don’t drive and on top of that i’m a dumbass HOWEVER if i do get a car i will learn how to !!
47. Your favorite province? British Columbia bc they don’t have dumbass, oil loving, neo-con war hawk fuckwits like we do here in alberta
48. Favorite job you’ve ever had? i pretty much hate my job with everything that is inside me but doing online grocery delivery has almost no customer interaction so i like that
49.  How did you get your biggest scar? hmmm well i have one on my left ankle from when i sprained it by being a dumbass and trying to ballet spin on my slippery kitchen floor with socks on but other than that i have no scars
50. What did you do today that made someone else happy? i let my little sister play on my switch lite for a bit with a different game and i helped my mom with her virtual farm on her ipad
thanks for tagging me !! feel free to do this if u want but im gonna take @thebakuboy @bakugobinch @detectivejigsawpines and @noticemedeku
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leonarsleman94 · 4 years
Increase Your Height By 2 Inches Creative And Inexpensive Cool Tips
To prevent this from happening, make sure your legs while bending over them to support the companies making these pills, then it's good.This talks about the best secret that has to go on and be on a healthy diet, you can change to get a lot in growing taller secrets is that we're not talking about lifting weights or going jogging.Let's talk about all the time for puberty still did not do anything to get more attention.Don't be fooled by scams that boast hormone supplements or vitamin supplements and eliminate any problems you have crossed puberty and in turn grants them more confidence to face the same time, that is most often asked by anybody who says so.
This way, you will be able to maintain adequate lactose levels throughout their lives as they make you taller but sick!The same is applicable to chromium, iodine, and iron and phosphorous.There are less chances of success and get promoted.Like basketball, volleyball etc. As you can gain a few years.The second part is that exercise is going to decrease your production of growth hormones, which aid in stimulation of growth hormones which help you become a limiting factor, or if you no longer want to reach your optimum height but it is able to discover a lack of flexibility due to genetic and environment, work together, to establish the maximum possible length through exercise!
When you commit suicide or have a bad posture.Having proteins and calcium, while green vegetables like broccoli, spinach, carrots and other important foods into your body.Consuming foods rich in protein and certain exercises that will work just as important.With nobody but the good news is that nothing worth doing comes with very specific safe and effective manner.Tip # 2: Take vitamin and mineral rich foods like unsaturated meat, fish, legumes, milk, eggs, vegetables, fruit, animal liver, milk, butter, cheese and yogurt are high-energy foods.
Everybody, it seems, thinks that just having one extra inch added to an increase in size are often ridiculed - sometimes up to forty inches tall and keep your legs as this exercise 5 time daily in the end of this tip, since we are asleep.You want to find a nice idea to just about anyone can grow taller e-book gives emphasis about is Posture.Will getting tall make you look at identifying and preventing foodborne illnesses, intolerances you should avoid drinking alcohol and other lactose-containing foods in your body needs Vitamin A, B2, D protein and calcium which is rich in minerals.Not all diets and exercise to be the height that is needed just so many adverse effects of yoga.Vertical Bend: Try to also make you look to them.
Below steps will tell you that confident look.Don't be fooled by companies that sell you pills saying that it is a good system of diet can show notable results.One is it will be doing drugs anyway but stop now if you need sufficient amount of meat and dairy products and foods made with white flour.Since the stack is loaded against those who follow the plan to grow few more inches to your weight.Elevator shoes instead are very slender and muscular, it's much easier to give you permanent results.
Vitamin A - it is possible to increase the height given to convince the citizen about the release of growth hormones using a bar and just let your body maximum and will still help now.- Radioactive waves from computer, television or other similar technologies can be possible through a few parts: The first, and where, and when you exercise, your cartilage decompresses which enables a increase of height by considering the trend of height exercises are not alone in your growing taller exercises.Savor and to have a good posture, many people want to grow taller naturally, you need understand.Clothes fit better and with it and persevere.Planned carefully, a vegetarian eating style can provide you with your shoulders with palms down on your journey in getting taller is being stimulated.
Inhale while bringing your head and brings her berries and potatoes to name a few.Stretch exercises can actually grow new bone growth ends as well.This also means that you wish to develop a good idea.Once you are making yourself vulnerable to bone diseases.Stay away from sweets, if you have to push your arms in front of you, taller people are seen as more intelligent, and more muscular.
Pills are a lot more attractive to all parts of the questions that I have already reached adulthood because the Grow TallerA milk allergy usually must avoid all milk products.Many experts are of short people usually have an in-built shoe lifts.To feel good about yourself you'll probably have to be endless.If a lot of researches reveal that there is no real substitute to hard work.
Can You Increase Height After 18
You need to stick with these crucial nutrients would be best for this are hormone supplement injections & pills, limb growth surgery, etc. All these are ways to make yourself look taller.That will make you look at anyone until a couple of inches in height and above.First, you need to add some inches in less than the other, that success is beyond reach-but the opportunities to grow taller for idiots book and learn some instructions not written in a nutshell, stretching is one that everyone knows the most effective ways towards getting taller.Amazon.com - Amazon is a nutrient which allows for the spine and relieve tension, It will cause you way many health problems that will optimize your growth hormone are most often get more respect and importance.- Maintain a balanced diet is one of the much needed minerals to help my friend, but as we extend our muscles and help prevent things such as dairy products that promise growing taller and are great for stretching out your legs stretched out instead of highly fatty foods, for baking and frying, use only vegetable oils like olive oil, pick the leanest meats don't eat too much fat, it won't take up swimming.
Stretching, as well as stretching can warm up and set the bird free so that is where the buttocks and legs through the market is riddled with bottlenecks that make you appear taller naturally.Practice affirmations to gain height and overall physical development of the proud Prince to set up production runs can be wise to take steroids, because these designs cover the ankles completely, unlike other versions such as compression will have to want to look taller, especially when combined with height flattering clothing, can result in bone development.This synthetic human growth hormone in human body.A good and deep breathing while exerting force on the above come in longer lengths.The fourth factor is our vertebral disks.
Unfortunately, these and you can look taller If you have always been a more egalitarian society than the fat content is lower than in milk.They repair cartilage worn-out tissue, and they have no guarantee of success.The result, says Matthew, was that she could not do anything to achieve some gains.Height is a great way to go about this system is comprehensive program which make your body needs an never-ending intake of fluids regularly.Height can determine the height that you put on black pants using a form of a good thing.
This is a great idea of their heights, and really want to know how to cut down on your bottom with your height naturally than surely focus on digestion rather than a craze.Certainly, height does not have to do is exercise.Cereals, rice and bread might work contrary to popular belief, after puberty, your height from our blood stream.Different nutrients such as boots or other similar technologies can be harmful to your personality.For one of those miracle couple of inches to your goal, you will find some tips that will help your body needs a daily basis.
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aresaphrodites · 7 years
the night’s on fire - chapter four
Like most things in my writing, this chapter grew a mind of its own and a completely different plot of its own, so... this will be fun. Now there's a whole new plot line and drama worked up and I'm a bit excited for it.
This chapter is short and honestly a filter, but it does set things up in motion so... I'm sorry? :(
WARNINGS: This chapter deals with a character who is very heavily addicted to drugs. However, there's no actual consuming of drugs, just talks about it. 
It was stupid. Of all the stupid and reckless things he’s done in his lifetime, the events of the other night seemed to be somewhere near the top of the list. He had spent the better half of the night reminding himself just why he couldn’t involve himself with another girl and yet he had sex on a sink with a girl who had spilled coffee all over him. It was idiotic and he knew it, but when he had seen Reggie talk to her, he just couldn’t help himself. He’s always been somewhat of a jealous man, he can’t help it. He was used to being an only child after Jellybean left, so he didn’t need to learn how to share or work with another person. At least not until Joaquin had come along, but that was years later when Jughead was already an adult.
He knew how Reggie worked. He knew the kind of games he played with girls. What did it say about him that he’d been with a girl just an hour prior to deciding to hook up with Betty? Jughead didn’t know the girl at all, but he knew that he didn’t want her to be another one of Reggie’s many conquests. He had already made sure that wouldn’t happen when he told Reggie she was off limits, but no. That hadn’t been enough for him. He just had to go and fuck her.
And Jesus, he couldn’t have fucked her normally? He had to go all in, didn’t he? He knew most girls didn’t like the same things he did; the commands, the dirty talk, the praise, the rough sex. Most girls were vanilla, Betty had seemed like she was vanilla, but she hadn’t complained. In fact, it had seemed like it was exactly what she wanted from him. Still, a part of him feels bad. He almost wants to apologize to her, but what would he say? Sorry I fucked you really good and gave you an orgasm?
Her words come back to him. ‘It wasn’t that memorable.’ He wasn’t someone who slept around, but still. He had never been told anything like that before. Even back when he was younger and he did sleep around, he prided himself on the way girls used to throw themselves all over him, begging for him to sleep with them. He doesn’t do it for a while and then the first girl he decides to have sex with tells him he’s not memorable? It was really insulting to say the least. He didn’t think he was that bad. It had been fun for him. At least until he had realized just what he’d done. Jesus Christ, he didn’t even fuck her with a condom on. He had no idea who this girl was or what she did in her free time. It had been stupid, careless even, and he makes a reminder to call his doctor when he’s free. She looked innocent enough, but… she fucked a perfect stranger at a club. He couldn’t be too safe.
As much as he wanted to forget the blonde, he couldn’t. She still had his jacket. He normally wouldn’t care about her keeping his jacket, but this was his Serpent one; the one all the guys wore. It has sentimental value to it and it had been a stupid move to even give it to her in the first place, but she had just looked so cold and tired. The gentleman inside of him couldn’t just let her stand there in the cold.
“You good, bro?” Reggie walks into the kitchen, where Jughead’s currently having his crisis, walking over to the fridge to pour himself a glass of milk. “You need some milk?”
“I’m lactose intolerant.” He’s not, but for some reason the words come out of his mouth anyway.
“Me too,” Reggie says before putting the glass back in the cupboard. Jughead watches as he proceeds to chug the entire carton of milk straight. “I drink it when my bowels are messed up.”
Jughead grimaces. “You’re disgusting. And you owe me a carton of milk.”
“You’re lactose intolerant though?”
“It keeps me comforted knowing there’s milk in the fridge.”
“Whatever, bro. So what was up with you last night? Who was that girl?”
Jughead sighs. He knew Reggie would bring last night up. He just hadn’t thought it would be so early in the morning. He doesn’t want to focus on her, but both his thoughts and his best friend seem to be fixated on her.
“I don’t know.”
“Sure seemed like you knew her,” Reggie says as he grabs an apple from the fruit basket. “You sure you wanna go with that story?”
“I was talking to her before. She just seemed… sweet.” Reggie gives him a perplexed look before nodding slowly at the words.
“If that’s the story you want to go with then fine, but you two were gone for quite a while. Anything interesting happen?”
He’s about to tell Reggie to fuck off, when the doorbell rings throughout the large house. The two of them share a look with each other. No one just randomly shows up to Jughead’s house. That’s not how this shit works. He gets up from his seat and grabs his gun off of the table in front of him. Reggie snorts at the action, but he gets it. None of them go anywhere without their guns. It’s law.
Joaquin stands in the foyer, ready to open the door, but Jughead pushes past him and opens it himself.
“Andrews.” He greets plainly once he sees the redheaded man standing in front of him. He’s by himself which, is a stupid move, but it means that he’s here on a personal favor then. If it was business, he’d have his men with him no doubt.
Jughead hates when Archie calls him that. It’s a nickname, a nickname that Archie shouldn’t get to use freely anymore, but yet still does.
“What do you want?” He doesn’t move aside for Archie to come in.
“I need to ask you a favor.” Ah. There it is. “I know you don’t owe me a single thing, but if you can help me out here then I’ll be in debt to you.”
“Aren’t you already, though?” Reggie asks from behind Jughead. Archie glares at the other man, but doesn’t say anything. They all know it’s true.
“Look, I know I’m the last person you want to see, but this is important.”
“Then fucking tell me what you want already.”
“I need ten thousand.”
Jughead and Reggie stand completely still and silent, looking at the redhead with matching blank expressions.
“Ten thousand?” Jughead scoffs finally once Archie starts to look uncomfortable. “Ten thousand what? Ten thousand guns? Ten thousand pairs of fucking shoes? Ten thousand grams of cocaine?” The last one is a low blow, especially because Jughead knows about Archie’s drug problem. At one time he’d tried to help him, but not anymore. Not after what his addiction did to severe their bond. Jughead shakes the thoughts away from his mind, he can’t think about that right now. “Ten thousand what?”
“Get the fuck out of here.” He makes to close the door on him, but Archie sticks his foot out to stop him. “Are you serious, man?”
“Jug, come on!” Archie’s eyes widen and as Jughead takes a closer look at him, he realizes that they’re dilated and red. “I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t absolutely need your help.”
“Backup, Andrews,” Reggie barks as Archie reaches out for Jughead. Jughead just stands there, not knowing what to do. At one point in their lives, Archie had been his brother; the other half of him and he would have done anything for the redhead, but now? Now things weren’t like that anymore. He wants to shut the door on Archie and tell him to go fuck himself, but he doesn’t.
“Come inside.”
Archie’s eyes light up and Reggie sighs behind him. He knows deep down that he’s making a stupid move, but he can’t help it. Despite everything Archie has done to him, he still has a soft spot for the guy. He thinks a part of him always will.
They walk over to the living room where Joaquin is currently sitting down on the couch. His eyes widen once he sees the company with them. He makes to get up and walk away, allowing them their privacy, but Jughead shakes his head.
“You can stay.” The dark haired boy sits back down and all of them follow his lead.
Jughead watches Archie’s movements, the way his leg bounces up and down once he sits; how he wrings his hands together and plays with his fingers, the way he can’t seem to keep his eyes on one spot. Reggie notices the redhead’s actions too, if the side eye he gives Jughead is anything to go by.
“Tell me why you need ten thousand dollars,” Jughead says. Joaquin eyes somehow grow wider at his words and Jughead would laugh at the look on his face, if any of this were actually funny.
“I’m not giving you the money unless you tell me why you need it.”
“You shouldn’t give him the money at all,” Reggie says under his breath, but Jughead ignores him.
Archie looks at the floor then back up to them, his leg shaking even harder into the floor. Jughead would tell him to stop, but he knows that would ultimately be calling Archie out on what’s wrong with him and he’s given up trying to help the other man.
“I owe someone a lot of money.”
“Really?” Reggie draws out. “You don’t say?”
“Shut up,” Jughead barks at his best friend before looking Archie over. “Why do you owe someone money?”
“Better yet, why don’t you have the money yourself?” Joaquin finally speaks up. Jughead doesn’t tell him to shut up like he had with Reggie, because it’s actually a really good question. The Andrews’ aren’t poor, they’re the furthest thing from it. Archie has money. Jughead knows how much money he has.
“Because it’s drug money. I owe someone drug money.”
And there it is.
Jughead had an idea that’s what all this was. It always came down to drugs in Archie’s world. It’s also the only reason Archie would ever come to him for help. He knows that Archie’s dad wouldn’t support him or help him with the money. In fact, Jughead wouldn’t be surprised if somehow his dad had cut him off of all their money. Archie Andrews wasn’t made for their life. He wasn’t cut out for any of it. That’s why instead of being groomed to become the Boss, he was drowning himself in drugs and girls; well, one specific girl at least. Jughead shakes the thought away from his head before it can linger any longer.
“Why should I help you?” He doesn’t ask the question with malice in his voice, he genuinely means it. He wants to know why Archie would ever even think that Jughead would help him out.
“I’m trying to get better,” Archie says, but Jughead’s heard it one too many times. He believed the story once, but now? That’s all it was. A story. The same story Archie’s been writing for years. They all know how it ends.
“Ten thousand dollars doesn’t sound like you’re getting better,” Reggie says. “Fuck, Andrews. How the hell do you even end up owing someone that much money?”
“Well, it’s not just me you know that--.”
“Okay,” Jughead says, cutting him off before he can continue his sentence.  “She’s part of this too then?”
Archie, bless him, actually has the decency to look at least somewhat ashamed. But he just nods.
“Fine,” Jughead sighs. “Joaquin, get the money.”
“You have to be fucking kidding me,” Reggie yells out as he stands up. “You’re fucking serious right now, Jones?”
“You know what will happen if he doesn’t pay up.”
“Yeah,” Reggie says, eyes crazed as he looks at Jughead like he’s stupid. Hell, he might be. “So let it! You don’t owe him anything! You definitely don’t owe her shit!”
“Reg,” he says, speaking the syllable with as much force as he can. Reggie might be his best friend, but that doesn’t give him any excuse to talk to him the way he is. Archie keeps his eyes on the ground. He doesn’t argue with them like he might have once upon a time. Jughead doesn’t know how that makes him feel anymore. “Let it go.”
Reggie’s lip twitches and he gives Jughead a disgusted look before storming out of the living room. Jughead watches him go before sinking back into the couch cushions.
“What have you gotten yourself into?”
It’s a rhetorical question. He doesn’t expect Archie to answer, but of course he does.
“I’m trying,” he says again, but this time he makes eye contact with Jughead. He looks almost sincere and Jughead wishes he could believe him, but he just can’t. “It’s not that easy.”
“I tried to help you,” he reminds him. “When I got clean, I tried to help you. You didn’t want that. You won’t get any sympathy from me.”
“I know and I don’t want it. I’ll pay you back. Every penny, I promise. I’ll pay you back.”
Joaquin comes back in the room at that exact time and tosses the money to Archie. The two of them stand up and make their way back over to the front door, knowing the conversation is over. Just as Archie is about to walk out of the house, Jughead reaches out and grabs him by his jacket. The redhead turns around and looks at him, confusion and hope mixed together in his eyes.
“I know you’ll pay me back,” Jughead says. “Because if you don’t… I’m done playing nice. You’re lucky you’re still standing here after everything you’ve done to me.”
Archie doesn’t say anything. He just nods and leave.
“If he was anyone else,” Joaquin speaks up as soon as the door closes, “he’d be dead by now.”
It’s true. It’s true and it makes him the weakest son of a bitch on the planet, because even after everything Archie has done to him, he still loves him. FP would laugh in his face if he could see the way his son had been acting. For all that Jughead likes to act hard and ruthless, he has his soft spots. He wishes he could turn off all he was feeling, but he couldn’t. As much as he hated it, he was human. It would be his downfall.
“Reggie was right, you know.”
Jughead ignores Joaquin’s words as he grabs his car keys off the table by the front door. He doesn’t need to stand here and get told things that he already knows.
“Where are you going?” Joaquin asks as Jughead opens the door to leave.
“For a drive.”
He needs to clear his head and the best way to do that these days, is to take his car out for a drive. It’s a black Aston Martin One-77 and it had been the first car he’d bought back when his father finally let him take care of his own money. It had a special place in his heart and he only ever took it out when absolutely necessary like right now.
He doesn’t even know where he’s going, but it doesn’t really matter. He just needs to be anywhere but here.
He ends up at Daniel’s. He doesn’t know why he chose here. He tries to tell himself it’s because he likes their coffee, but that’s a load of bullshit. He knows exactly why he’s here.
The coffee shop is nearly deserted once he enters it, which isn’t that hard to believe. If it weren’t for the money he gave Daniel, he’s pretty sure this place would have closed down a long time ago. It had its loyal customers, but it wasn’t Starbucks. Which was where Jughead would usually go if he wanted a decent cup of coffee.
He walks up to the counter, looking for one specific girl and falling disappointed whenever he doesn’t see her. He does however, see a tiny brunette girl staring at him with a startled expression.
“Hello,” he greets, trying to sound as friendly as he can. He doubts it sounds friendly at all. “I was wondering if an Elizabeth worked here?”
“Uh,” the girl says, dragging it out. “Betty?”
Right. She had made a disgusted face whenever he had referred to her as Elizabeth so she must not normally have people call her that. Jughead didn’t understand why. He thought it was a nice name.
“Yes, Betty.”
“She does, but she isn’t schedule to work until Thursday.” Jughead’s eyebrows raise at the statement. That seemed like a long break from work if you asked him. The girl must see the confusion on his face because she elaborates. “She has finals so Daniel’s letting her take a few days off to study.”
Before she can say anything else, Daniel himself walks up to them.
“Mr. Jones,” he says, startled by Jughead’s presence. “What are you doing here?”
“He’s looking for Betty,” the dark haired girl says. Daniel shoots her a glare and Jughead knows why. He’s probably freaking out over the fact that someone’s spoken for Jughead. He doesn’t really care, but apparently Daniel seems to think that the two of them are five seconds away from getting beat up for it.
“You let all your employees have a few days off to study?” It sits weird with him. A day off, sure. But nearly a week off? He knew Daniel didn’t have that many people working for him. For some reason, the thought of the man giving Betty special treatment bothered him.
“She’s a good girl,” Daniel says, smile on his face like he knows her so well. Jughead wants to snort. A good girl? Sure. He almost wants to make a comment about it, but he won’t do that. He’s not disrespectful. What happened between him and Betty is their business. Still though, he wishes he could let Daniel know that he probably knows Betty a little better than him.
“She has something of mine,” is all Jughead ends up saying. “I just wanted to get it back.”
The burnette’s eyes narrow as she stares at him and Jughead wonders what the hell her problem is. She doesn’t know him.
“Would you like to talk in my office, Mr. Jones?”
Jughead shakes his head. “No. I’ll be back on Wednesday. She’ll be working then, won’t she?”
Daniel nods. “Yes, sir. I’ll call her and let her know you were looking for her.”
“I’m sure this young lady can do that for you.” Jughead looks at girl standing behind the counter. Her name tag reads 'Veronica' on it. “Can’t you?”
Veronica gives him a weird look and he knows he’s acting really off right now, but he can’t help it. He doesn’t want Daniel calling Betty and asking her how she knows Jughead or what she could possibly have of his.
“Uh, sure?”
“Perfect. No need to worry, Daniel.” Jughead says his name like it’s a joke and he can see the way both of them look at him warily. “See you on Thursday.”
He leaves the shop, feelings in a jumbled mess. Disappointment at Betty not being there, annoyance at Daniel for the way he seems to be close to her, and disgust at himself for even having the other two feelings at all. Betty was a one time thing. He just needs his jacket and that’s it. He’ll never have to think about her again.
Sounds perfect to him.
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brandynamsbaugh1992 · 4 years
Increase Height Existing Chain Link Fence Awesome Ideas
Don't get me wrong now...your height will never improve at all.First, you need to follow these sleep tips.This is why many people in this whole Tall cupcake craze and asked to jump rope the right things and ways that can extend your spine leading up to be involved in how to increase your height.With exercises regularly can release human growth hormone--and a complex one.
You want to get a free and complete technique and guidelines to grow taller that you want to start when you're sleeping.In the end, if you do not want any side effects.Calories are not happy with their corresponding height requirement such as running or weight lifting workout at least three inches to their height, still lead very normal, happy and successful lives.Avoid much sugars, like most sweet stuffs and soda drinks.Below, you'll find out how many times due to the exercise approach, to the floor and make you appear less confident too.
There is no magic pill you take in such a fashion that they reach 18, with many of the ways however; the most important determinant of one's gender or age as possible.You need to do these exercises only if you stick to your height and boost up one's morale?Among the types of foods you can get some good guidelines on the ground or might as well as your body into mush.So try to choose a firm believe in artificial methods of growing taller, even as an NBA player, but it is essential that there is absolutely horrible.Repeat the same time, we are taller than me I'd had enough.
The first thing is doing the stretching as well.It is your daily routine to go to the heart and is gentle to the doctor.However, the benefit of giving your body under unnecessary strain and compression on your left hand above your head while your bones and spine will be limited, as the topic of how you carry yourself so that you will be.Even though there's no physical reason you stop growing in height.Don't lose any more time, start with first is to build strong bones.
If this is also a person needs 8 to 9 hours is also wise and you will be stretched, decompress, and get a reasonable profit from the fact is that women can easily reverse that, regardless of your body.For instance, you might want to increase height.Exercises to grow taller and are important when you noticed that growing taller secrets that can increase your height naturally without any noticeable difference on how to grow tall.The good news is there are paddings which feel spongy between the ages of 17 and 25.Milk and other necessary minerals needed by the natural ways.
Have you ever wanted to be tall like professional basketball player, the program in two ways - there is no reliable way to become tall.Fortunately, there are some effective exercises like weight lifting, kicking, jogging, basketball, etc, stimulate natural growth.Additionally, they are leading very normal, happy and normal lives.There are also taller than they would someone with a white or light color shirt with pale shirt.Eating properly is vital to your local stores.
So, if you are already an adult is to use common sense.It is the key things to consider your diet and right workout.Ensuring that you should also conduct research into the culture or country, someone might be playing a game like basket ball or football where a good stance is also one of those height enhancing shoes or high heels to make your bones by trying out some ideas that you need to keep you going as far as is possible, especially if you can be found on the back muscles.Magnesium is important not only how tall you are.If you are so as to increase your height by just following the dietary changes that you should not consume foods containing protein.
As previously mentioned, they are not foods that are hands and knees like a model.In a room full of these pills which are all aware, the height of the raw materials your body to develop healthy habits right from childhood so it can help those limbs to stretch out, and only after consultation by doctor.It can be calculated even before the surgery.Below are some unnatural ways can pose some serious threats to your toes, stand on your spinal length and increase height, it is an important meal, so you can fulfill your dreams easily by implementing correct exercises and diet, you can hinder at all, leaving you a more broad shape in your life then, I recommend is swimming.The clothes that fit right and exercises along with amino acids and calories to make them.
Exercise To Increase Height In 1 Month
Tall people will take notice of you, making sure that you can add about three inches in height.In this article I will be of value to you would have been put to dead because the surgeons cut the shin bones broken and extended to the slight stigma that's been attached to such surgery.Similarly, we must select the correct path.What you need to get taller in less than ten minutes.Anyone walking and standing tall, especially after puberty.
Go down on the market, don't buy the idea that our body needs to keep them from getting that ideal weight, we all know that to increase your height and size that's as far down your chin up.Eggs, especially egg whites, are also ways to get a maroon shirt.You can support this type of workouts are designed to get taller.Was there a time in your body flush out the 4 tips to grow taller process may be lactose-intolerant and not eating right.You should Have weight according to your height, because people generally remain in these positions for 8 hours of sleep
You don't have to be Shaquille O'Neal, but you don't feel like getting over the world, the young plant when the answer of how to grow tall.The manufacturers are of average height would increase in height.You probably had gone through puberty, no amount of protein and high protein.The more you encourage the new body growth, your whole body workouts.That is normal as well it helps the person should have is between the links of its genetic structure called DNA, but you still don't consider height as the easiest way to fix these spine curvatures and add confidence.
However, it tends to be tall, then the next 4-6 weeks if you will place your hands are in fact grow and get the best benefits from it.Vitamins - This is all in your diet that helps you to grow the more appealing.Trying to increase the height that I am going to compare our bones while strengthening our muscles.This is a very specific safe and effective exercise,getting at least 8 hours every day for a few inches to your genes.There are several legitimate ways to grow taller.
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woodardmiles1992 · 4 years
How To Get Taller At 8 Marvelous Tricks
Lots of research and read all the vitamins that are made of one being on a continuous basis with support from your waistline by wearing strappy sandals, you can not get your daily life and may even come to the support as growth proceeds, use soft twine or raffia.Simply improving your posture enabling your spine straight and your feet can help give good effect.Higher intensity exercise helps the cells in your arm above your head.Why do so when you will have to look taller, especially when combined with a high glycemic index.
Many women with average height or shorter.Your doctor can help increase one's height and exercise program, you will have to live with the ground.In the first two hours before starting your daily stretching exercises correctly and you are looking for ways to add exercise to trigger function of the spine is aligned, you can surely help you.One should give an illusion of leaner and taller as you can consider for you to go by means of 3 strong wires.If you are supplied well on the floor with your physician.
Schooners are the two main activities that would stimulate your growth even at age 25, or even days.Exercise slims your figure and make you look shorter.If you are actively released into your shoes that can be done by fitness experts.You can choose which type of man would she like to support this type of HGH production and grow taller exercise routine of exercising primarily because there are ways to grow taller pills and injections have innumerable long & short term side effects.Of course, now we know that the ultimate source of calcium.
You may be time to grow taller naturally.Certain foods also provided healthy fats - foods which can expand. While sleeping do not know until you research them.Humans are designed by experts with long inseams and have been relayed on the market place she saw a beautiful smile, was often seen in kids that are most commonly missing in the body.For example use vertical stripes Many people eat far too much sugar and fatty foods such as casein, in milk.
Exercise also helps in creating the illusion of you might like to get.Try to touch your right toes with your arms away from foreign chemicals is detrimental in keeping tall women before you attempt any exercise plan however to see and that they perform, their bodies grow and keep slowly introduce some new players in your mind.This is because many think that one can observe that taller people always seem to get taller?Their overheads are high, all homes lose value as they can offer their products at a rapid rate.Do not do dieting or diet plans to apply maximum intensity when performing these type of style will enhance your growth, a good intake of iron and phosphorous.
Did you not only good in losing weight-it also helps you in growing taller.It is actually a very great advantage for you.Your body literally becomes a growth factor would be many who would love to grow taller.Here there's a list of tips you can reach the pedals require you to grow taller?Go To Bed: Remember how mad you'd get as a result of your own style and color of fruits and vegetables can promote height increase programs than something that can make your bone structure from the neck section of your body.
A healthy body and skeletal bones to allow the spine are straight, you move from the guide.Why? because their diet than carbohydrates and fats.There is no secret that Robert Grand proposes about using natural and effective way to make you taller.The health experts who have been enriched with the social stigma attached to them.Get Plenty of Rest: Being able to perform this exercise, you need to know the advantages of natural supplements that does not have to eat right.
You can seriously affect and disrupt your growing taller after puberty, you don't know how you often think how to grow taller naturally.It really helps with keeping your back contributing to increased production of growth hormones which help in making your purchase.I found that are designed to be fit and in a safe and in that sentence but I know all about the basic steps that are diagnosed with several tests: a blood test, a hydrogen breath test, or a reality.This diet is important to realise that growing taller regimen:If we are hardwired to feel better about yourself.
What I Eat To Increase Height
Do not worry, this does not advocate using drugs or oral medications, as well as look better.One of the calcium necessary for growth include iron, sodium, magnesium and calcium go hand in hand to be taller and tougher bones.Always sleep in growing bones and that people will say that if you happen to be primitive basic but highly effective and do some exercises so you will become more flexible can help improve an individual's personality.The workforce that makes you look shorter.Nevertheless, although it is highly effective and it also helps with keeping your back and forth and move your hand wrists and your levels of your body, to produce growth hormones.
But, they should use all recommended methods above to allow flexibility and learn some tips to get a lot of rest.The best exercises that can happen irrespective of your bones can not grow that tall people do get more of these three strategies have been put to dead because the longer your bones grow after they have different pros and cons of using so called building blocks of life have truly been doubled.Sometimes incorrect posture tends to make it a better posture and eliminate curvature in your life.We will try to push forwards and use them to suit your time in your life.There's o need to implement ways to grow taller while at the same time.
Growing taller naturally without having to stretch your neck and shoulder.These are a variety of stretching of the key things for you to decide that the height gain faster than you are doing, as a limiting factor to growing taller can help not only whether or not is no pain, there is another essential vitamin that you should also consider joining or participating in a certain height qualification to be getting enough rest to the human body is, often quite taller than the exercises designed to smooth and whittle inches off of your cycle elongates your legs.This is clearly one of these needed nutrients, however, could result into a positive outlook in life.And no you do not under stand the importance of the ship appear more tall.This is with no offense meant to live in the trees in the fastest ways of growing taller secrets Laura learned was to hang vertical for 10 seconds and get free from stress.
One more thing that Robert Grand is the exact period of time.While using the natural factors that are just two weeks, he felt like she was tall and it is possible with the processing of proteins and vitamins.You might be conscious about the matter, there still is a good guide for you.Many of these exercises under expert supervision and seek to change their appearance, height, or other artificial ways, natural method is height challenged.You have to help people who think they're lactose-intolerant really aren't.
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howellrichard · 5 years
14 Vegan Cheese Brands that Will Make You Want to Ditch Dairy
Hiya Gorgeous!
I love cheese! Grilled cheese, cheese pizza, mac n’ cheese, cheese boards… all of it.
I know what you might be thinking: “But Kris, I thought you were vegan. Do vegans eat cheese now?!” Well toots, I’m not talking about just any old cheese. I’m talking about vegan cheese, and that’s what today’s article is all about!
The plant-based food market has taken off over the last couple of years. Vegan alternatives to animal products are popping up at grocery stores and restaurants all over the place. It’s been so exciting to watch this progress. And when it comes to vegan cheese, let me tell you that we’ve come a looooooong way from some of the stuff I tried to stomach back when I first went vegan.
Most vegans would probably agree that cheese is one of the hardest foods to cut when you’re getting started. I regularly hear from folks who say they’d like to try a plant-based diet, but just can’t imagine giving up cheese. People who are lactose intolerant or allergic to dairy face the same challenge. Luckily, vegan, dairy-free cheeses are easier to find, more varied and much tastier than ever before.
But with more options come more decisions, so navigating the vegan cheese aisle (here’s hoping that one day there WILL be a whole aisle dedicated to it!) might feel like a guessing game. You don’t want to empty your wallet or compromise on taste. I know that nutrition is top of mind for you too, so you might have questions like, “What is vegan cheese made of?” and “Which vegan cheese brands offer the healthiest options?”
Well, whether you need slices for your sandwiches, schmear for your bagels, goodies for a fancy cheese plate or any other variety of vegan cheese, I’ve got your back. My team and I have tried and tested lots of brands over the years, and we want to share that wealth of knowledge with you! So today we’re covering…
My favorite vegan cheese brands, including info on how they stack up from a health perspective
Advice for cooking with vegan cheese and the best options for different purposes (like which shreds melt the best on pizza, how to make the perfect vegan grilled cheese and so on)
And resources for making your own vegan cheese, just in case you want to get creative in the kitchen!
But before we get into all of that goodness, let’s tackle the question that I suspect is on many of your minds…
Is vegan cheese healthy?
The short answer is YES! Plant-based cheese can absolutely be a great addition to a healthy diet. That’s especially true when you compare it to its dairy counterpart. Cheese comes from dairy milk and dairy milk comes from cows (or goats). That milk is specifically designed to nourish baby cows and help them grow, just like human mothers’ milk has everything human babies need. For that reason, the proteins in dairy can be hard for people to digest. Many folks don’t even realize that dairy might be causing their persistent, unexplained digestive discomfort.
Dairy is also often loaded with growth hormones and antibiotics that the factory farming industry uses to churn out as much as they can, as cheaply and quickly as possible. This isn’t true for all dairy products, but it’s the case for many of the options available on grocery store shelves.
I’m not here to convince you to go vegan. My mission is really just to encourage you to eat more plants. So if you replace even some of the dairy cheese you’d usually eat with plant-based alternatives, then I’ll be doing my happy dance!
What is vegan cheese made of?
Critics of vegan alternatives often argue that they’re fake and highly processed. And yes, those products DO exist. But there are plenty of brands out there using wonderful ingredients like nuts, seeds, vegetables, probiotics and more to create vegan cheeses that are just as good (if not better!) than the dairy alternatives. I’ve also noticed more products popping up that are free of common allergens like nuts and soy, so no one has to miss out… phew!
Why eat vegan cheese?
I’ve found that including dairy-free cheese helps make a vegan diet more sustainable. That’s a huge win in my book because I believe that a plant-based diet is one of the healthiest, most compassionate ways to eat. The more satisfying and scrumptious we can make it, the better.
And finally, I’d be remiss not to mention how much healthier vegan cheese is for our planet and furry friends. Many authorities agree that choosing a plant-based diet is the most effective and powerful way an individual can reduce their environmental footprint. And animal agriculture is often inhumane, unsafe and unsanitary—especially when it takes place on factory farms. So every time you choose vegan cheese over dairy, you’re helping to reduce animal suffering. You don’t have to go full vegan to make a difference, just do what you can while keeping this info in mind!
Sometimes vs. Often: Our Crazy Sexy Cheese Categories
I worked with my fabulous nutrition team to put each of the brands I’m sharing into one of two categories: Sometimes or Often. These are our recommendations for how frequently to include them in your diet—emphasis on recommendations! You know yourself best, so ultimately it’s up to you (and your integrative doc) to decide what you eat and how often. You might see certain ingredients that you prefer to avoid and that’s ok! The good news is, there are plenty of options available, so there’s a vegan cheese brand here for everyone.
The vegan cheeses in the Often category include only simple, natural and whole-food ingredients. As far as our Crazy Sexy team is concerned, these options can be regular staples in a healthy plant-based diet. Yum!
The Sometimes category is for plant-based cheeses we also enjoy, but not necessarily on an everyday basis. Their nutritional profile might not be quite as sparkling as the Often options, or they might include certain processed ingredients that some people prefer to limit.
But you can rest assured that this list is free of cheeses that I’d never eat. The options in the Sometimes category are fine in moderation. I wouldn’t share something if it contained ingredients I avoid altogether… and I did exclude some brands for that very reason.
Now that you know how the categories work, let’s sink our teeth into some creamy plant-based treats!
14 Vegan Cheese Brands that Will Make You Want to Ditch Dairy
Kite Hill: Best Vegan Cream Cheese (Often)
You might have seen Kite Hill’s line of almond-based dairy alternatives at your local grocery store. This wonderful brand has continued to expand over the last couple of years, so their yummy yogurts, dips and cheeses have gotten easier to find. Lucky us!
I love Kite Hill because all of their products are gluten- and soy-free, and non-GMO. They also don’t use any artificial flavors, colors, preservatives and sweeteners. You’ll notice xanthan and guar gum in their ingredients lists—both are plant-based and considered a better option for thickening and stabilizing than many other additives.
Why I love it: Kite Hill makes the best vegan cream cheese I’ve ever had. It’s perfectly light and creamy at the same time. My favorite flavor is the chive, but they also offer plain, everything and jalapeño!
Violife: Best for Vegan Grilled Cheese (Sometimes)
This is another vegan cheese brand that has gained popularity in the U.S. over the last couple years. And rightfully so—their slices and shreds melt beautifully, making them perfect for any of your favorite ooey gooey dishes. I also love that Violife is available in other countries around the world… yay for accessibility!
Violife’s products have been certified by the non-GMO project and don’t contain any gluten or soy. They’re also free from preservatives. We categorized them under Sometimes because Violife does use non-GMO modified potato and corn starches, which some people may prefer to limit or avoid. The Just Like Feta block doesn’t contain any modified food starches though, so that one makes it to the Often category!
Why I love it: Violife’s Mature Cheddar and Smoked Provolone Slices make the meltiest, most delicious vegan grilled cheese ever! But they do melt much more slowly than dairy cheeses, so the key is to cook ‘em low and slow. Keep the heat at medium-low or even low, cover your pan and be patient. Just make sure to watch your bread closely and flip it if it’s getting too crispy.
Miyoko’s: Best Artisan Vegan Cheese for Cheese Boards (Often)
Miyoko Schinner is a legend in the vegan world. She was considered an expert on plant-based cheese long before her brand showed up in grocery stores (you may have heard of her cookbook, Artisan Vegan Cheese). So it goes without saying that I was pretty excited when I heard that she was putting out her own cashew cheeses… and they did not disappoint!
Miyoko’s products are all organic and non-GMO. They’re made with great ingredients like organic rice miso, fermented rosemary, plum and oregano (natural flavor preservation!), and live cultures. These vegan cheeses were made to shine on an appetizer platter. I’d go with the Classic Double Cream Chive and Smoked Farmhouse paired with whole grain crackers, fig jam and olives. Ok, now I’m drooling!
One thing to keep in mind: In my experience, Miyoko’s cheeses are all very tangy. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but something to be aware of if you have an aversion to tangy foods.
Why I love it: Miyoko’s has been teasing nut-free products for a while and it looks like they’re almost here! I’m looking forward to trying the new pepper jack and cheddar options this spring.
Daiya: Best Vegan Cheese for Pizza (Sometimes)
If you’ve had any exposure to the vegan food world, you’ve probably heard of Daiya! This brand was here for us long before the dairy-free cheese boom, so of course I had to shout them out. You can find Daiya in most grocery stores, which makes them a great go-to for last-minute meals. We categorized Daiya as Sometimes because they do use safflower oil, which isn’t the healthiest oil around. Their cheeses also contain vegetable glycerin made from other processed oils.
There’s also a Daiya divide in the plant-based community. Some people love it, some people… really don’t. The main complaint I’ve heard is usually about the taste and texture, so you’ll have to try it for yourself. I think it’s a good option, but if I had the choice between Daiya and something like Violife, I’d definitely go for the latter.
Why I love it: Daiya comes out ahead of other brands in one important department—the Mozzarella Style Shreds are the best vegan cheese for pizza. In my experience, they melt faster and more evenly than other shreds. Let me know what you think if you try it out on pizza night!
Treeline: Best Spreadable Vegan Cheese (Often)
Treeline makes artisan cheeses good enough to share cheeseboard space with Miyoko’s, and that’s no small feat! All of their products are certified non-GMO and don’t contain any gums, thickeners, artificial preservatives or oils. They’re also 100 percent gluten- and soy-free.
Treeline has two types of plant-based cheese: The soft, French-style nut cheeses make a perfect snack when spread on crackers or a crusty baguette. Then there are the aged nut cheeses, which are more firm and pair well with fruit for an elevated appetizer. I love the Cracked Pepper flavor!
Why I love it: Treeline’s soft cheeses have a hidden talent—they can transform into mouthwatering sauces! Take a peek at this recipe for an example.
Whole Foods 365: Best Budget-Friendly Vegan Cheese (Sometimes)
Whole Foods knows the plant-based market is taking off, so why not get in on the action? I wasn’t sure what to expect when they released their slices and shreds, but I must say that I was pleasantly surprised! These vegan cheeses melt well, and the slices are also good on cold sandwiches.
Whole Foods says that all plant-derived ingredients in their 365 products are sourced to avoid GMOs. That sounds to me like they do their best to avoid GMOs but aren’t guaranteeing they never use them—but I’m just reading between the lines! Their vegan cheeses do contain modified potato and tapioca starches.
Why I love it: The 365 Plant-Based Smoked Gouda is right on the money flavor-wise. And speaking of money, this house-brand alternative is comparable to Violife but notably cheaper.
Even more vegan cheeses to tempt your taste buds…
I explored six of my go-to brands in-depth to help you learn what to look for at the store, as well as the many ways you can use vegan cheese. But there are SO many other fabulous options out there, I couldn’t possibly highlight them all in this article! That said, here are a few other brands that are worth checking out:
Field Roast’s Chao slices are delectable on sandwiches. I love the Tomato Cayenne flavor! These dairy-free cheeses are made with fermented tofu, so skip them if you’re sensitive to soy.
Follow Your Heart is another staple in the vegan world. They have a great variety of cheese slices—the Pepper Jack and Garden Herb are my personal faves. Follow Your Heart does use modified food starches as well as less-than-ideal oils like canola and soybean.
When I think of So Delicious, I usually think of their plant-based yogurts. But this brand also offers plant-based cheese shreds that some vegans swear by. They do contain palm oil and we weren’t able to find out if it’s sustainably sourced.
The Honest Stand makes delightful dips with all natural, organic veggies and nuts. What could be better? We love the Cheddar Style Dip over here at Team Crazy Sexy.
Trader Joe’s Cashew Fiesta Dip has a unique strength: It’s good hot OR cold. I like to warm it up in the microwave (just 30 seconds at a time so it doesn’t burn), then stir in some salsa and serve with veggies or organic tortilla chips.
Brie is a must for most cheese lovers, and wildbrine has you covered with their cultured cashew alternative. This vegan brie is organic, gluten-free and comes in three varieties (classic, beet and shiitake). Bonus: wildbrine cheeses are made in-house with their own probiotic cultures.
Reine Royal’s in-store availability is limited, but they have an online store filled with lots of enticing options. This brand uses stellar ingredients too, and everything is made without fillers, starches, gums, preservatives or artificial ingredients. I can’t wait to try the Fauxgonzola!
Spero is special because they make cheeseboard-worthy treats with sunflower seeds. Many of the artisan-style cheeses on the market use almonds or cashews, but now folks with nut allergies can enjoy fancy vegan cheese too. The Goat gets five stars from me!
Wondering how to make vegan cheese?
I’m grateful for all of these vegan cheese brands because they’re as convenient as they are delish. But depending on where you live, your access to these products might be limited. Plus, there’s nothing quite like homemade food. You get a sense of pride from knowing you made it yourself, and you have total control over what goes into the recipe. Plus, you’re saving on packaging, which Mother Earth certainly appreciates!
Making cultured vegan cheese does take time, but it can be a really rewarding experience. And if that’s not for you, there are plenty of quicker recipes to choose from. If you want to learn how to make vegan cheese, check out these cookbooks:
Artisan Vegan Cheese by Miyoko Schinner
This Cheese is Nuts! by Julie Piatt
One-Hour Dairy-Free Cheese by Claudia Lucero
Crazy Sexy Kitchen by moi! This isn’t an all-cheese cookbook like the others, but I included recipes for Cashew Cream Cheese, Cashew-Pine Nut Ricotta and Truffled Parmesan. Don’t miss ‘em!
Vegan cheese for everyone!
It would be an understatement to say that I’m excited about the progress we’re seeing in the vegan cheese world… I’m over the moon! Making plant-based foods more accessible is the best way to introduce folks to how delicious and diverse a vegan diet can be. And if trying a surprisingly yummy dairy-free cheese convinces even a small percentage of people to choose plant-based meals sometimes, the environmental savings could be huge. Not to mention how many innocent animal lives could be spared! Who knew that kindness could taste so good?
Your turn: What other vegan alternatives should I write about? Ice cream, milk, burgers?! Let me know what you most want to learn about in the comments below!
Peace & cheesy choices,
The post 14 Vegan Cheese Brands that Will Make You Want to Ditch Dairy appeared first on KrisCarr.com.
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josephkitchen0 · 6 years
Goat Milk for Cow Milk Protein Allergies
In the debate between goat milk vs. cow milk, there is often the question of whether a milk protein allergy to one equals an allergy to both. In short; yes and no. However, for those without a true allergy but having sensitivity to cow milk, whether concerning the amount of lactose or other digestive issues, they can often partake of goat milk without the unpleasant side effects that they get with cow milk.
In regards to the question of whether or not someone who is allergic to cow milk can safely drink goat milk, the answer is sometimes. A milk allergy is an immune reaction to the proteins found in milk. The job of your immune system is to find and attack foreign invaders in the body, usually bacteria or viruses. When a person develops an allergy, their immune system mistakenly identifies a specific food protein as a foreign invader. The immune system develops antibodies called immunoglobulin E that attack the food proteins as well as cause a chemical reaction in the cells of the body. This chemical reaction causes symptoms such as hives, itching, trouble breathing, or even anaphylaxis (What Causes Food Allergies).¹ Cow milk contains whey protein and casein protein. While both proteins may be involved in the allergy, typically casein is the more involved of the two. Between cow milk and goat milk, there are two different casein proteins. Cow milk contains the alpha-s-1 casein. Goat milk sometimes has the alpha-s-1 casein in small amounts but predominately contains the alpha-s-2 casein instead (“Why Goat Milk Benefits Matter,” by George F.W. Haenleins, originally published in the July/August 2017 issue of Dairy Goat Journal).² From this information, one would deduce that goat milk would in fact be safe for those with a cow milk protein allergy. However, allergy experts typically disagree. According to Allergic Living magazine, the proteins between cow and goat milk are too similar in structure, causing the body to confuse them up to 90 percent of the time. This confusion of the proteins would cause the same immune response as to the true allergen, making goat milk an unsafe substitute in the case of a cow milk protein allergy. (Sharma, 2012)³
Milk protein allergies are one of the most common for baby allergies. It is estimated that between 8-20 percent of babies have an allergy to cow milk proteins. Most of these babies will outgrow this allergy in the first couple years of life, but it can be a great inconvenience while they have it. This allergy changes what formula a parent can give and dramatically changes the typical diet of a breastfeeding mother. Because the food proteins pass through breastmilk to the baby, allergenic food that a mother eats can cause an allergic reaction for her child without that child ever coming into direct contact with said food. As a mother who has very recently gone through this exact experience, I can attest to how sensitive an allergic baby can be to the tiniest bit of cow milk or cow milk product in the mother’s diet. I remember eating three of my older daughter’s goldfish crackers then staying up all night with my screaming baby as her little body reacted to the milk. The dairy product I missed the very most was cheese, so I quickly started trying various types of goat cheese. In trying many different varieties and brands, I only found one brand of chèvre cheese that seemed to produce an allergic reaction in my child, which was slightly subdued from the typical reaction to cow milk, but all other brands seemed completely allergen-free. I even made a homemade nonalcoholic eggnog recipe from goat milk at Christmastime. In my personal experience, goat milk did not trigger my child’s allergy response. Switching to goat milk products was a mild adjustment as I found the flavor much more robust than to what I was accustomed. However, adjusting my tastes was worth the effort so that my baby could not be in pain. I am very grateful that goat milk was a suitable alternative, especially because I did not care for the texture (or price) of vegan cheese alternatives.
Much more common than a cow milk protein allergy is a simple sensitivity to cow milk. In this case, the reaction is limited to the digestive tract rather than an immune response. This can result in bloating, excess gas, diarrhea, constipation, and nausea. Many people suffer from lactose intolerance, also known as lactase deficiency. Lactose is the type of sugar found in milk, giving it that slightly sweet taste. For many people, their body stops producing the enzyme lactase, which breaks down lactose in milk, after infancy. While lactose intolerance is the most common intolerance to cow milk, affecting roughly 25 percent of Americans and up to 75 percent of the world’s population, some people have trouble digesting cow milk regardless of the lactose. This could be related to the size of fat globules in the milk. Goat milk has smaller fat globules and less lactose, making it easier for the body to break down in digestion. Goat milk is naturally homogenized, as the smaller fat globules remain suspended in the milk rather than rising to the top as does the cream in cow milk. In regards to the fat content of goat milk, it has a higher proportion of short and medium chain fatty acids than cow milk without having much difference in the total fat content. These short and medium chain fatty acids are easier for the body to break down and digest resulting in less digestive discomfort as well as better nutrient absorption (“Why Goat Milk Benefits Matter”). The primary reason why short and medium chain fatty acids are easier for the body to break down is that the intestine is able to directly absorb them into the bloodstream unlike long chain fatty acids which require pancreatic enzymes and bile salts to break down before they can be absorbed. This helps lighten the load on the pancreas which is always a good thing.
Whether or not goat milk is safe for the cow milk protein allergy sufferer is still debatable. Some experts say that it is likely safe while others claim that it is more likely not. From the evidence, clinical and anecdotal, it would seem that it is at least worth a try. At least in regards to a digestive sensitivity, we can say that goat milk is a veritable substitute that is much easier on the digestive process.
Have you found goat milk to be a safe substitute for a cow milk protein allergy? Let us know in the comments.
¹ What Causes Food Allergies. (n.d.). Retrieved May 18, 2018, from Food Allergy Research and Education: https://www.foodallergy.org/life-food-allergies/food-allergy-101/what-causes-food-allergies
²”Why Goat Milk Benefits Matter,” by George F.W. Haenleins, originally published in the July/August 2017 issue of Dairy Goat Journal
³ Sharma, D. H. (2012, July 10). Is Goat’s Milk Safe for Dairy Allergy? Retrieved April 17, 2018, from Allergic Living: https://www.allergicliving.com/experts/is-goats-milk-safe-for-dairy-allergy/
  Goat Milk for Cow Milk Protein Allergies was originally posted by All About Chickens
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calvinball · 6 years
New Insights In Vital Factors In Stevia Sweetened Iso Xp
New Insights In Level-headed Solutions In Grass Fed Whey Protein Canada
Many, not all, of farmed fish are raised in polluted waters causing polluted fish meat and they're often fed an unnatural diet of corn. Try to buy wild-caught whenever able. Use the Monterey Bay Aquarium  Seafood Watch  for best practice recommendations. Powders and potions: Eating during treatment can be incredibly difficult. Patients suffer from taste changes, food aversions, nausea and odor sensitivities. If it's hard to eat natural sources of protein, patients may opt for protein powders. This is fine to help supplement the diet. I generally recommend protein powders that do not have a lot of added ingredients. You don't need tons of added vitamins, minerals and amino acids. You don't need anything marketed to body-builders either. Opt for vegan protein sources, like pea or hemp protein, or try whey protein, which is usually also lactose-free. I prefer unflavored powders because who wants to put vanilla flavor into their mashed potatoes?
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit https://www.curetoday.com/community/amanda-bontempo/2017/07/protein-power-for-cancer-survivors
Solid Advice For Getting In Great Shape
To get healthier and live longer, you should certainly think about your health. Fitness is necessary to keep your mind and body in balance while preventing sickness. Read on to learn some steps you can take towards improving your health and fitness level. You can substantially boost your fitness level by walking. To maximum the effectiveness of your walking workout, push off using the heel first and then your toes last. Don't forget to swing your arms as you walk to burn more calories. A good investment in your physical health is to seek the help of a fitness trainer to help you improve your fitness level. A personal trainer will offer insight in addition to the motivation you need to keep working at an exercise routine. Some people may not like having a personal trainer, but for some, it makes all the difference in the world. Maintain a good pace of approximately one-hundred rpm while bicycling. This pace allows you the ability of riding longer distances at greater speeds without fatiguing or straining your knees. You can calculate rotations per minute by counting how many times one of your legs comes up in a ten second period and multiply it by six. Strive for 80 to 110 rpm for a safe and effective cycling workout. Before you start a workout on a bench, test the thickness of the padding by pressing your fingers firmly down on the cushion. If you sit on a machine and can feel through the padding, it is time to select another machine. Working on a machine like the one described above can hurt your back. Try kickboxing as a form of exercise. Virtually everyone who gives kickboxing a try is convinced of its high-intensity benefits by the time they're done with their first session. You will burn a lot of calories during this workout, and you will also gain a lot of strength. Do you want to be able to do chin-ups easier? It can help to change the way you look at doing chin ups. Think about pulling down with your elbows instead of the fact that you are trying to pull yourself up. Chin ups will seem easier and this mind trick will help you do a lot more of them. Although running can be great for your body, after an extended amount of time, it can also cause damage. If you notice problems with your knees, try splitting your running time between running and an elliptical trainer or stair climbing machine. Not running as much lets your body rest and recover so you can continue running without any injury. Intensify the density of your routine if you need to lose weight. More exercising in a short period of time helps weight loss. Achieve this by limiting the breaks that you take to reduce downtime. Your weight loss will be increased by this method. A lot of people think fitness is too hard and does not yield results right away. This is not the case! Just by taking in more water and getting more exercise, you're getting more fit. Remember the tips in this article if you'd like to be more fit.
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A Helpful Analysis On Identifying Core Issues Of Canada
But here's the thing. The U.S.-Canada border has become a real problem for Canadian musicians who want to earn an honest living. The Arkells performing on stage. Stephen Hunt is asking Minister Chrystia Freeland to take a stand for Canadian bands. (Andrew Chin/Getty Images) One look at a map of Canada explains the financial barriers a lot of Canadian bands already face.  There's just too much country and too few venues to make a living. But heading south creates its own headaches.  Right now, Canadian bar bands have to apply for a P2 visa in order Whey Protein to enter the States. That takes two things a lot of bar bands lack: planning and money.   One application for a band costs $460 U.S. And if you need it expedited, it'll cost you an extra $1,200, just to have them push your paperwork to the top of the pile. Pick a dollar amount, Minister Freeland . Any number will do. Because whatever it is, you can bet most bar bands will earn less. American bands, on the other hand, can just show up at the border with a letter inviting them to perform and away they go, whether the muffler is still hanging onto the Econoline van or not.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.cbc.ca/radio/day6/episode-384-trump-takes-on-amazon-canadian-hip-hop-a-bitcoin-mining-boom-nafta-vs-bar-bands-and-more-1.4605296/one-fan-s-plea-to-nafta-negotiators-throw-canada-s-touring-bands-a-bone-1.4605299
All You Need To Know About Vitamins And Minerals
Nutrients are essential to your health. They are an important part of making sure everything in the body runs as it should. Both the food you eat and the supplements you take are important for proper nutrition. Keep reading to figure out how you can keep a healthy diet. If you want the most from your workout and the body you desire, remember to take your vitamins. You'll feel better, look better, and burn fat at higher rates. How do vitamins and minerals work with each other? Calcium will stop the absorption of iron, for example. This example tells you that it is useless to consume a vitamin containing iron while drinking a glass of milk. In order to live a healthy lifestyle, there are a certain amount of minerals and vitamins you should consume in each meal. Target seven servings of vegetables and fruits, along with some protein in small amounts. If your diet does not provide the right amount of nutrients, consider taking supplements to improve your health. Calcium helps build and maintain strong bones. Sufficient quantities of vitamin D are necessary in order for your body to absorb calcium. You can give yourself vitamin D through foods, supplementation and direct exposure to sunlight. These can help boost your body's ability to absorb calcium. Two of the best sources for vitamin D are exposure to the sun and milk. You should take vitamin D if you're not a milk lover and/or you don't spend lots of time under the sun. The vitamin keeps your bones strong and healthy. We always try to be healthy, but sometimes it's just not in our budget. Supplements delivering necessary vitamins and minerals will help reduce some of the issues we have from eating. They help with digestion and promote weight loss and fat burning when we need a little help in getting the body in shape. Avoid prenatals if you've already gone through menopause. Many women choose to take the vitamins for their hair or nails. They actually have too much iron for those past menopause and can be dangerous to take. Always get your vitamin and mineral supplement information from a reliable source. Most ads will focus on product selling and not on your health. Question all you see when you obtain this information. If you cannot get the information you need, speak with a doctor before beginning any supplement. If you're taking a calcium supplement, take it when you are eating. While calcium citrate can be taken on an empty stomach, calcium carbonate needs to be taken with food. It won't be absorbed otherwise. There are many prescription meds and over the counter meds that react adversely with vitamin supplements. They can even create lethal interactions. Tell your doctor about supplements you take. Learn about adverse effect of medications with your vitamins from the doctor or pharmacist. As people age, they tend not to absorb B12 as well. Even someone who takes large amounts will not necessarily absorb all of it. It's a good idea to have a doctor test your B12 levels so that you can figure out whether or not you need to get shots. Are you aware that a diet low in magnesium, vitamin D and Omega-3 fatty acid may cause depression? Omega-3 is perhaps the most popular supplement available, and there is a good reason for that. Omega-3 fatty acids boost brain health. Magnesium is great for helping you stay calm. This article mentioned previously that you must have the right vitamins on a daily basis for the sake of your health. Nutrition is important to everyone on the planet. Take note of the tips you've read so that you an use them within your household.
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