mlmscamnews · 1 year
The Traders Domain Scam (Ted Safranko)
In the clandestine corridors of financial deception, the audacious con job known as Traders Domain stands as a startling reminder of the extremes of human greed. The mastermind behind this extravagant ruse, Canadian miscreant Ted Safranko, cleverly crafted an old-school Ponzi scam, shrouding it with the allure of a cutting-edge technology platform.
Astoundingly, Traders Domain successfully siphoned off a mind-boggling sum of $500 million, and that was in cryptocurrency transactions alone. This whopping figure unveils the depth of the fraud, illustrating the vast number of unsuspecting victims who were drawn into this duplicitous trap with the bait of profitable returns.
Ted Safranko Smiling Scamming Everyone:
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Financial Ruin in the Aftermath of Traders Domain
The dark saga of Traders Domain reached its climax in the frosty months of 2022. When the deceptive scheme crumbled, it revealed a shocking financial abyss with an estimated $3.3 billion in unfulfilled ROI liabilities. This alarming amount is a testament to the monumental magnitude of the scam, reflecting the heartbreaking financial fallout endured by its victims.
The Unlikely Perpetrators: Figures from the MLM Industry
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Adding a surprising twist to this sordid narrative were the major players from the Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) industry. Traders Domain, while not an MLM Ponzi scheme itself, proved to be an irresistible lure for several notorious figures from this arena, who were attracted to the scent of easy profits.
The Reckless Promotion and the Betrayal of Trust
These prominent MLM individuals didn’t merely invest their capital in Traders Domain. They wielded their influence, promoting the scheme to others as a path paved with gold. In their reckless pursuit of wealth, they gambled away their reputations and shattered the trust of those who had been manipulated into falling for the scam.
Unraveling the Web of MLM Connections
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In my search for truth, I began piecing together the intricate puzzle of MLM Ponzi schemes that seemed to be financially fuelling Traders Domain. This deep dive exposed the nefarious network of fraudsters either spearheading or endorsing these scams. The suspected MLM links to Traders Domain started to take a more concrete shape, adding another layer of complexity to the deception.
Lifting the Veil on the MLM Power Players
Now, we go deeper into this mire, unmasking the key MLM players who had a hand in the Traders Domain charade. Here are the individuals who reportedly benefitted the most from the operation, each with their respective cut of the deceitful pie:
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Holton Buggs ($125,289,105)
Michael Shannon Sims ($84,739,551)
Gilbert Pardla ($59,142,707)
Stormy Wellington ($26,540,315)
Earlene Buggs ($17,404,854)
Law Payne ($15,909,642)
Eric Worre ($14,615,225)
Alan Bagamaspad ($8,615,024)
Robert Rakowski ($8,314,789)
Rabu Gary ($7,539,343)
Alexis Romano ($7,061,124)
Marina Worre ($6,895,623)
Alayna Stepter ($5,939,846)
Travis Bott ($4,958,288)
Jeremie Sowerby (estimated $4,500,000)
Eduard Khemchan ($4,489,949)
Savvy Wallet ($4,336,635)
Nicola Smith Jackson ($4,238,715)
The audacity of these individuals in partaking in the Traders Domain Ponzi scheme reveals a blatant disregard for the innocents ensnared in the scam. Their names will now be indelibly linked to one of the digital age’s most notorious scandals.
Coffeezilla: The Unveiler of Hidden Facts
The full extent of the MLM involvement in Traders Domain remained largely hidden until an internet whistleblower, Coffeezilla, stepped into the spotlight. On June 22nd, this tireless crusader began to unravel the intertwined connections of Traders Domain in a captivating three-part series.
Coffeezilla’s investigative work exposed a whole new dimension of betrayal and corruption, delivering a shocking blow to those who still held any illusions about this scandal. The disclosures were more incriminating than anyone had anticipated, effectively dismantling the lies and unveiling a grim chapter in the annals of financial fraud.
Below is Coffeezilla’s video series exposing everything:
Part 1 – I Exposed a $500,000,000 Scam
Part 2 – Exposing a $500,000,000 Scam Gets Dangerous
Part 3 – I Destroyed a $500,000,000 Ponzi Scheme
Reflections on The Traders Domain: A Cautionary Tale
The saga of The Traders Domain offers us a grim glimpse into the world of financial manipulation and the extremes of unbridled greed. It’s a chilling reminder of the importance of wariness, skepticism, and thorough due diligence when faced with enticing investment opportunities.
From the orchestration of the scam by Ted Safranko, to the reckless promotion by MLM figures, to the financial destruction left in its wake, the Traders Domain saga is a sobering lesson in the depths of deceit that can be concealed behind the glamorous facade of technology and promises of quick returns.
In the midst of this dark tale, there is a glimmer of hope – the relentless quest for truth by individuals like Coffeezilla. Their dedication to uncover and expose scams is a testament to the enduring pursuit of justice, ensuring that such wrongdoings do not fade into oblivion.
As we move forward, let this serve as a stern warning – easy money often comes at a high cost. Approach such opportunities with caution, conduct meticulous research, and remember the lessons from Traders Domain’s downfall.
Traders Domain will forever be a symbol of deception and betrayal. However, it also marks a critical turning point, a call to vigilance for all investors in the unpredictable, multifaceted realm of digital finance.
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mlmscamnews · 6 years
Holton Buggs, Organo Gold & IQ Chain… here’s what we know.
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About a month ago Organo Gold announced a partnership agreement with Digital Skynet.
The partnership agreement will see the launch of an as of yet unnamed joint-venture between the two companies.
Also part of the agreement, and what caught the attention of many, was Holton Buggs appointment as ‘executive advisor to Digital SkyNet’s ‘Ormeus’ subsidiary and the newly formed strategic joint venture company owned by ORGANO and Digital SkyNet‘.
Has Holton Buggs been bitten by the MLM crypto Ponzi bug and will he drag Organo Gold down with him?
Here’s what we know…
Digital SkyNet is the parent company of Ormeus Global. Both companies are believed to be owned and operated either in full or in part by John Barksdale.
Ormeus Global is your typical MLM Ponzi points come altcoin exit-scam scheme.
ORME, the shitcoin attached to Ormeus Global, pumped to just over $5 last December. It has since dumped to its current value of around 17 cents.
As of March 2018, Ormeus Global affiliates reported non-payment of commissions “for over a year”.
In an attempt to resuscitate Ormeus Global, Barksdale launched IQ Chain earlier this year.
IQ Chain was more of the same trading bot ROI nonsense (BITCONEEEEEEEEE!), only this time through ORV points.
The internal value of ORV points are manipulated by IQ Chain. ORV isn’t publicly tradeable and doesn’t exist outside of the IQ Chain and Ormeus Global opportunities.
ORV are essentially Ponzi points, or what ORME started off as before it went public and crashed.
Where does Holton Buggs fit into the Ormeus Global and IQ Chain Ponzi schemes as an Executive Advisor?
Who knows.
What we do know however is that Buggs is apparently gearing up to launch a new cryptocurrency opportunity that’s supposedly currently in prelaunch.
Yesterday BusinessForHome went so far as to claim it was a joint-venture between Organo Gold and IQ Chain, with the aim of launching a crypto investment opportunity in the US.
In his article, Nuyten went on to claim Buggs and Barksdale were ‘currently recruit(ing) top leaders on/for the USA market‘.
Reception to Nuyten’s article has been mixed.
Buggs himself responded and rebutted Nuyten’s claims;
We have invested to the better of 3 months to do something the opposite of what this article says. Selling Crypto is something I have been against my entire career and that will never change. Too many people have been hurt by the scams. We decided to do something the right way and use Blockchain as innovation not a product.
Comments from other readers however strongly suggest some sort of opportunity is being pitched and marketed – complete with whitepaper.
One BFH reader, Jeremy Roma, even went so far as to claim he was in Bugg’s “prelaunch team”.
As part of the prelaunch team, I assure you this article is 100% innaccurate, and if this article we’re accurate, WE WOULD 100% AGREE! Crypto mlms are not legitimate, and when you see the caliber of leaders involved with this game-changing project, AND WHAT WE ARE ACTUALLY LAUNCHING, you’ll see that THIS ARTICLE IS BASED ON ???? AND COMPLETE HOGWASH. Feel free to inbox me for accurate info and prelaunch positioning, rest assured we are what many have been waiting for!!
As I understand it Roma is just coming off the collapse of WGN in the US.
He’s pretty tight with Buggs;
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And earlier this month he was in Thailand on business (WGN has/had a large affiliate-base in Thailand and it also just happens to be where John Barksdale currently resides):
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Fun Fact: Jeremy Roma has been terminated from Organo Gold four times for, among other things, cross-recruiting and P&P violations.
Each of the four Organo Gold distributorships Roma held were under Holton Buggs.
So we know Buggs is gearing up to launch something crypto-related in partnership with John Barksdale’s Oremus Global and/or IQ Chain Ponzi schemes.
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Where does Organo Gold fit into this?
Apparently they don’t.
Patrick Miranda, General Counsel for Organo Gold Canada, writes;
I can definitively state that there is NO relation of Digital Skynet to any MLM or other Direct-sales model to which we are a party. Our owners’ J-V with Digital Skynet is to further the use and applications of block-chain technologies within all platforms of commerce including the MLM model — for example: verifying point of production, authenticating “Organic” and other Certifications of the ingredients in our products, real-time product inventories and logistics, etc. I don’t know who “Tammy Riley” is; but the opportunity she is speaking of has nothing to do with Organo Gold. Again, I can state un-equivocally, OG wants NOTHING to do with crypto currencies; for the simple fact of the matter that we would lose all of our financial facilities.
Fair enough. But the obvious question now is how is Holton Buggs going to manage his Ormeus Ponzi responsibilities, whilst maintaining his position in Organo Gold corporate?
Buggs is currently Organo Gold’s Chief Visionary Officer and Global Brand Officer.
I mean surely you’d have to be naive to think Buggs’ connection to Organo Gold wouldn’t be used to market Ormeus and IQ Chain?
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With all that in mind, here’s a question I posed to Patrick Miranda;
Theoretically, if Buggs was launching a new cryptocurrency opportunity, what effect would that have on his executive role within Organo Gold?
To which he replied;
While we can’t restrict Holton from providing consulting services to them; there is certainly a fine line which he cannot cross given his relationship with OG. He would be in a Conflict of Interest ….
The JVA agreement between Organo Gold and Digital Skynet meanwhile contains non-compete provisions governing competition between the two companies.
Without disclosing the particulars of the JVA, I can say that there are provisions restricting direct competition between Digital Skynet and Organo Gold, provisions relating to impairment of our goodwill and enforcement remedies (amongst other remedies), which Digital Skynet and its principals must adhere to.
I obviously can’t predict the future but it seems pretty obvious Buggs role within Digital Skynet is going to cause problems for Organo Gold down the track.
By their own admission, Organo Gold doesn’t seem to want anything to do with the MLM side of the cryptocurrency niche.
The company even went so far as to issue a new press-release today further clarifying their position;
Our Joint Venture with Digital SkyNet is a technology development JV;  there is no pre-launch or launch. Digital SkyNet provides Blockchain technology and software development to improve our global operations platform using Blockchain. The JV has nothing to do with coins or crypto currency.  There is no Comp Plan associated with this Joint Venture. The new Joint Venture Company formed between ORGANO and Digital SkyNet is solely for technology development collaboration between the companies and strategic deployment of newly developed technology. The ORGANO Technology Innovation Group will be releasing several newly developed IT platforms over the next 18 months.
Logically then this makes having arguably their most recognizable public figure knee-deep in the MLM cryptocurrency niche, through another company no less, problematic.
And in the crossfire you have Organo Gold distributors, no doubt wondering why their Chief Visionary Officer’s new vision no longer includes them.
I have a strong feeling something’s going to break here. Stay tuned…
Update 17th November 2018 – Ted Nuyten has deleted his original IQ Chain article, as cited above.
The article URL now redirects to a regurgitation of Organo Gold’s Digital Skynet press-release.
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