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shamansara · 5 years ago
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TRUST is a powerful card to receive. Even though things may not seem parched right now for you, you have a powerful inner knowing within you that gives you nudges and universal messages.⁣
This is one of the most important times in life to meditate and go deeply within as there are many important messages to hear. ⁣
Have faith and know that there is higher power at play for a resplendent future.
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missy-looloo · 6 years ago
This is my whole mood now and all the days of my life ....🎚 Conversation with God 🙏🏽🦋🙏🏽 —————————————————— @r.lungz ..... Follow his page, his voice is astonishing and amazing 🌟 ——————————————————- God First 🙏🏽 Can I get an Amen 🙏🏽 Jesus #godfirst #princeofpeace #jesus #gospel #gospelsinger #blessed #iamachildofgod #godfearingwoman #trustgodsplan #purpose #passion #lovethyneighbor #godisgood #musiclover #trustandfaith #hope #truetothyself #begoodtoyourself #inspired #motivation #beencouraged #begoodtoyourself #beablessingtoothers ——————————————————- 12:07 PM Good Afternoon 💛 https://www.instagram.com/p/ByDVIb6gtgL/?igshid=31decfxs40em
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bobi-bigelow · 5 years ago
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#TrustAndFaith https://www.instagram.com/p/B7xHrIonunv2EdjzHYm130uFnl-bYo0lhxfj8A0/?igshid=1tgbrs3x95ykq
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ashtangini · 6 years ago
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Celebra cada pequeña victoria.~#trustandfaith https://www.instagram.com/p/B0WY-AmIOOt/?igshid=qipyq8la4q61
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corriethorne · 7 years ago
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Forgiveness card from Collette Baron-Reid, Wisdom of Avalon deck. The message I am receiving today is forgiveness. Forgiveness, the action we take when ready to release the past, release anger, fear judgement and our own behaviours. To set yourself in forward motion you often will find yourself digging back through the filing system of life and pull out the old stories, people and situations that you have been attached to, feeling responsible for or still carrying the burdens for. Not to relive them but say with conviction, “I am done providing space and energy, I now forgive so I can be free!” Not forgiving does not harm the person or the situation it harms you and your heart, it bonds you to the story and the people involved, leaving you to carry the load of emotions. Are you done carrying those harsh emotions? Are you done being attached to the people who you least want to be attached to? Are you still telling yourself a story of an old love that you still carry but know in your heart the story you have been telling yourself is not the truth, it is the illusion of how you wanted the relationship to be? Freedom comes when you free yourself of the old files in life and find the space to replace those stories with knowing forgiveness came because you loved yourself enough to say I am worthy of the peace and love that this world has provided for me and be open to receiving. You my friends are deserving of forgiveness and however that may look for you! #wisdomoftheavalonoracle #colettebarinreid #medium #intuitiveguide #reikimasterteacher #pastlifehealer #healer #forgiveness #selflove #loveandlight #empowermentlifecoach #transformationalcoach #angeliclifecoach #trustandfaith (at Corrie Thorne-Intuitive Spiritual Guide/Medium & Empowerment Life Coach)
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queenherhighness · 7 years ago
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keep the faith burning! miracles do happen. #trustandfaith #QDiaries #dailymotivation
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ellegenie-blog · 7 years ago
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Our new project for Christmas #GodIsGreat #TrustAndFaith #MyFirstRealChristmas #COCChorus #IWillDoMyBest #ขอบคุณทุกคนที่ให้โอกาสนะคะ (at Church Of Covenant Bangkok (คริสตจักรแห่งพันธสัญญากรุงเทพ))
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blogqueenb · 5 years ago
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Everything we call a trial, a sorrow, or a duty,believe me that an angel's hand is there.
_____________________________________________________Fra Giovanni
#challenge #miraculous #favor #protectionandprovision#trustandfaith #writerslife #business
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speakerteacherstoryteller · 5 years ago
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Attempt something so fantastic
that unless God is in it,
it is destined for failure.
 #impossible #creativity #skillsandtalents
#successmindset #trustandfaith
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tahitianstarseed · 6 years ago
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10 Card Messages From The Deck, Past Life Oracle Cards by: Doreen Virtue & Brian L.Weiss, M.D. for 👉Cancer♋: Sun, Moon, Rising, & Venus Signs Right Now. *Lessons From Your Past Lives To Learn and Heal Today In This Life* #cancer #cancers #♋ #cancer♋ #sun #moon #rising #venus #astrology #horoscope #zodiacsigns #zodiac #astro #tarotcommunity #tarot #oracle #pastlife #pastlives #pastliferegression #pastlifehealing #spiritualguidance #trustandfaith #father #phobias #forgiveness #imprisonmentorslavery #finances #persecutionandinquistion #atlantis #spiritualityandreligion https://www.instagram.com/p/ByCsfJMnfls/?igshid=c46bp4qj7piv
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missy-looloo · 6 years ago
This is my whole mood now and all the days of my life ....🎚 Conversation with God 🙏🏽🦋🙏🏽 —————————————————— @r.lungz ..... Follow his page, his voice is astonishing and amazing 🌟 ——————————————————- God First 🙏🏽 Can I get an Amen 🙏🏽 Jesus #godfirst #princeofpeace #jesus #gospel #gospelsinger #blessed #iamachildofgod #godfearingwoman #trustgodsplan #purpose #passion #lovethyneighbor #godisgood #musiclover #trustandfaith #hope #truetothyself #begoodtoyourself #inspired #motivation #beencouraged #begoodtoyourself #beablessingtoothers ——————————————————- 12:07 PM Good Afternoon 💛 https://www.instagram.com/p/ByDVIb6gtgL/?igshid=167blp5gh16bx
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kajahealer · 4 years ago
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The light of Divine Consciousness brings the force of ancient wisdom and profound healing to you now. Bringing resolution to physical, mental, and emotional ills, helping to unblock stuck energy and revitalize your life force.
You can call upon this emissary of miraculous transformation whenever you need vitality, balance, or renewal. Know that at the deepest level, an important healing is taking place.
#DivineConsciousness #LoveAndLight #HeartExpansion #AncientWisdom #ProfoundHealing #PureIntention #MiraculousTransformation #RevitalizeLifeForce #Vitality #Balance #Renewal #Health #SoulPower #OpenToReceiveLove #EnergyCoaching #IntuitiveGuidance #SupportiveTribe #Blessings #Miracles #Gratitude #JoyAndPeace #EaseAndGrace #TrustAndFaith #InfinitePotential #WelcomeHome #Harmony #SpiritualAwakening #JoinUsNow #LetLoveFlow #ThankYou
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ashtangini · 6 years ago
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Women of the 21st century are strong. We don't stay with men who abuse us. We are independent and free. We don't hold marriages for the family sake or make our kids suffer in broken relationships. We take action and safeguard our freedom. Because freedom is the first commitment we have to ourselves as human beings. Freedom is the only way to grow in this life and expand our consciousness. I went for the freedom, yes, because staying in my country would have clipped my wings. They tried to trap me but birds are meant to fly. My children need a free mother, not a slave to a system that disrespects the basic values of family and intrudes to create pain and sorrow under the excuse that I don't fit the role model.... read more in my blog #namastenoesunlugarfisico Link in my bio. #graciasalavida #yoga #trustlove #trust #trustandfaith #believeinyourself #believe #women #womenempowerment #womensupportingwomen #womenhelpingwomen #womenempowerwomen (at Milan, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzf8rwDoq9v/?igshid=9qkbiysv2kgl
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adventuresofmaki-blog · 10 years ago
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Thank You Lord for this wonderful day :') I know you have plans for me :') I put my trust in you, You will be done ;) Amen. Something Wonderful is Going to happen to me TODAY :) #TrustAndFaith #adventureTime #LetGoAndLetGod #patience #LifeIsÇhoice #YoungEntrepreneur #BeUnstoppable #FreedomHunters #NowItsTime #ProdigyNationBegins #FlyHigh2015 #Gratitude
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tahitianstarseed · 6 years ago
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10 Card Messages From The Deck, Past Life Oracle Cards by: Doreen Virtue & Brian L.Weiss, M.D. for 👉Aries♈ Sun, Moon, Rising, & Venus Signs Right Now. *Lessons From Your Past Lives To Learn and Heal Today In This Life* #aries #♈ #aries♈ #sun #moon #rising #venus #astrology #horoscope #zodiacsigns #zodiac #astro #tarotcommunity #tarot #oracle #pastlife #pastlives #pastliferegression #pastlifehealing #spiritualguidance #father #forgiveness #monkornun #medicinemanorwoman #wisdom #nativeamerican #finances #trustandfaith #medicinemanorwoman #imprisonmentorslavery https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx9jxT3nmvj/?igshid=1dbmkp857sbn7
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kajahealer · 5 years ago
Feel the Love Coming in... OPEN YOUR HEART AND BELIEVE.
The Light within me Honors the Light within you
Namaste 🙏
#集體意識 #能量訊息 #傳播光愛
* 宇宙早有預定 仍有多個選擇 *
🤩 We are Multi-dimensional Being in Physical Form. We are Divine Love and Light.
🤩 We are here on this Planet to Play, to Create, to Experience, to Enjoy and Have Fun!
* 提升深層信任 體現內外平衡 *
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🙏 衷心感謝所有的愛和支持,祝𢥧幸福豐盛常伴隨!
#feelthelovecomingin #opentoreceivelove #soulpower #divinewisdom #universalconsiousness #gaiaascension #humanityevolution #trustandfaith #higherperspective #somuchblessings #souljourney #lifepurpose #spiritualawakening #balancedyinyang #creativeexpression #spiritualhealer #energycoaching #intuitiveguidance #supportivetribe #beautyoflife #miracleseverywhere #gratefulheart #awareness #unity #heartexpansion #loveandlight #joyandpeace #easeandgrace #divinity #transformation
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