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kellyannhu · 2 years ago
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@kellyhu You are more powerful than you know; you are beautiful just as you are.. #BeautyofLife #KellyHuUnleashed . . . . #KellyHu #StrikingBeauty #Aloha #AlohaVibes #Mahalo #HawaiianBeauty #HawaiianAngel #HawaiianGoddess #QueenKellyHu #QueenofHearts #QueenCassandra #SorceressCassandra #TheScorpionQueen #KillerBeauty #KillerLooks #KillerSmile #KillerEyes #TheScorpionKing #LovelyKellyHu #LoveofLife #Enchantress #EverLoving #EverSmiling #EverGorgeous #Evergreen #EvergreenKellyHu https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp0GwmBu-Ac/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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evergreenforevermore · 1 year ago
Those fuckers were right. I took a brisk little walk in the sun and I feel alert and refreshed. I feel my heart beating and the blood moving through my veins, I see a refreshed blush in my cheeks, and feel fresh oxygen breathing life into my lungs, and the wondrous ache in my legs and the pleasant tingle of my muscles working. Sweat glistens at my temples and my hair is blowing in the wind and I feel awake and I am aware of my place in the world and the beauty of life and being alive and the leaves are falling and are a beautiful orange, I even jumped in a pile and laughed for the first time in days. The birds are chirping and theres so many of them and theyre all different colors and make different sounds and flutter and fly. I saw people raking leaves, kids playing in the yards, dogs shitting. I saw cars driving by playing music, people laughing, and green grass. It may seem like the world is dark and horrible and falling apart but there is beauty in it yet if you go look for it, the hardest part is getting up.
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voiceofanoutlier · 3 months ago
Forest of desires
In my past life, I was a lily, the only flower in a quasi-dry land. The land was not too dry for me to die of thirst, but not wet enough for my liking. And the sun was hot, but not hot enough for me to wither. For many years my showy beauty flourished in this land, yet every day I complained to Mother Nature about its conditions. “This land is not wet enough for me to live,” I complained to…
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realtalkwithmattycom · 1 year ago
New Year 2024 🎊
#newyearnewmindsetanewme #mindfulstart#newyearpositivity #newyearmindfulness#lovehappinesspeace #realtalkwithmatty#positivevibes2024
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fixquotes · 1 year ago
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"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart"
- Helen Keller
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ruvimbothinking · 2 years ago
Just saying
It's an amazing feeling to know I created this reality.
I have 3 Grammy's, 2 Emmy awards, an Oscar. I am blissfully in love in a reciprocal Divine spiritual love. I am happy, so joyous. My family is living good, I am living good. I have inner peace and clarity. My friendship circle is full of my soul tribe all we do is love on each other from a deep soul level. Living off the land is wonderful. I have 2 strains that have been nominated as healing and cosmically fantastical. I am loving the fact that I am being of service to the world and my community. #Medicine woman I love what I have built healing, thriving, creating. I am grateful I am in tune. Connected. Highly intuitive being and loving me as I AM. I AM THAT I AM and I am phenomenal. I have many awards, booming business', land, in the physical, financial freedom but most importantly what I have internally is significantly greater. I RADIATE, I SHINE, MY ENERGY IS PHENOMENAL , MY AURA AND BEING IS MY POWER. That's how I got here and will continue evolving.
Thank you for each day
big up Zimbabweans, Scousers all over the globe. I love you and I see you
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macabre-orchid · 2 years ago
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rogerrcoyle · 4 months ago
one leaf paints my love
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kellyannhu · 2 years ago
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@kellyhu Who is this? #TheDoors #KellyHuUnleashed . . . . #KellyHu #StrikingBeauty #Aloha #AlohaVibes #Angel #HawaiianAngel #HawaiianBeauty #BeautyofLife #BeautyofHawaii #KillerAngel #KillerBeauty #KillerLooks #TheScorpionQueen #LadyDeathstrike #QueenCassandra #QueenofHearts #LoveofLife #LovelyKellyHu #EverGorgeous #Enchantress #EverSmiling #EverLoving #Evergreen #EvergreenKellyHu https://www.instagram.com/p/CqDgbnqumjC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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aroundmeblog · 1 year ago
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Massage therapy💆‍♀️💆‍♀️ is not just a Luxury, it's a way to a Healthier, ☝️☝️Happier Life..... \/ /\ \/ /\ Visit - https://www.aroundme.co.in/ @aroundme.co.in . .
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sumareddysblog · 2 years ago
COCO the Cloud
Title: The Curious Cloud Named Coco Once upon a time in the sunny land of Daybreak Valley, lived a curious little cloud named Coco. Unlike the other clouds, who preferred to stay high up in the sky, Coco loved exploring the world below. One day, Coco floated down to the ground and discovered a vibrant meadow filled with colorful flowers. Coco was amazed by the beauty and decided to stay for a…
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tinacarlyle · 2 years ago
"One Love, One Heart, One Destiny" - #BobMarley . . . .
#TinaCarlyle #CameronDiaz #TheMask #Actress #Films #Movies #Hollywood #Stylish #LifeofHappiness #BeautyofLife #Smile #SmilingFace #LadyGodiva #LoveofLife #LovelySmile #AngelEyes #EyesofLove #HeartofBeauty #Love #CapturingMoments #PicoftheDay #ConfidenceisBeauty #StyleStatement #NeverLoseHope #NeverGiveUp #Happy #HappyForever
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realtalkwithmattycom · 1 year ago
Choose positivity
#realtalkwithmatty #beautyoflife #positive#positivemindset #embracingthemoments#findbeautyinsimplicity #mindfulnessmatters#appreciatethelittlethings #mindfulhappiness #choosepositivity #gratefulheart #joyfulliving#seekthegood #innerpeace #dailygratitude#positivevibesonly #cultivatepositivity#mindfulappreciation #positivityiskey #mindfulperspective #happinesswithin#lifeswonders #optimisticoutlook…
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jkcassoc · 3 months ago
🌸 Embrace Life's Imperfections
Life is not about striving for perfection. It's about embracing its imperfections. 🌿
These moments add depth and richness to your journey. Cherish them as essential parts of your path. 💖
Like, Share, Follow and check back daily for our quotes. Be sure to explore our website for all our resources! https://bit.ly/biojkcassoc
#EmbraceImperfections #BeautyOfLife #PersonalGrowth #Journey #Authenticity #SelfLove #Inspiration #LifeLessons
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babyawacs · 1 year ago
#keypoint temporarily abit lower intensity of terror war mayhave saved some kids lives iwonder .@ussocom .@gchq .@nsa gov .@globalstrikecom #keypoint intensity of war less opportunism instead static dilemmas #eyeinthesky #film .@netfl ix @future .@future .@007 @ard @zdf sooooooo #thefuture sold supercool gadgets of anti terror war tothe #uk mayb e #sas and they have now seen the beautyoflife aroundtheworld but how b r u t a l and morally despicable the decisionmakers act especially inthe small sacrificenow for big problems later a #uk specialty since #enigma #ww2 #convoys ‎ ‎ areyou refugees since?  as of the film the high moral standards conflicting imminent dang er variants opportunity cost disasters with lives involved is simpler than they think:
#keypoint temporarily abit lower intensity of terror war mayhave saved some kids lives iwonder .@ussocom .@gchq .@nsagov .@globalstrikecom #keypoint intensity of war less opportunism instead static dilemmas #eyeinthesky #film .@netflix @future .@future .@007 @ard @zdf sooooooo #thefuture sold supercool gadgets of anti terror war tothe #uk maybe #sas and they have now seen the beautyoflife…
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