Ruvimbo Thinking Here
138 posts
.As a teenager i always wanted to start a tumblr so yay me for starting. Here I am  writing & sharing my thoughts, experiences, ideas & wisdom that resides within. A theraputic process 
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ruvimbothinking · 2 months ago
To see 30 is a gift
thank you for my born day. Today was super duper special. I’m grateful to my parents for my creation. My mother who was the portal that enables me to come to this realm and my deepest gratitude to me for deciding to incarnate at the time that I did. Thank you higher powers 🎉💋🎈
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ruvimbothinking · 6 months ago
WHO COULD IT BE poem by R.B.Munodawafa
I must admit. I am very intrigued by the fact that you're a mystery to me currently.
My mind has come up with a few questions
For example: Is this a male or female?
Have I met this person before?. How did they get my number?. Is it a contact I've lost contact with due to changing phones and numbers?
Do I block, delete, or keep?
Have I met this person before, If they were to reveal themselves would I run for the hills or welcome them with open arms
or would it simply not make a difference whether they had messaged or not.
Will I neither be moved or exhilarated. When your identity is revealed to me Is it just a hi and bye and we are on our way on our separate paths as before.
Once again?.
Are you an acquaintance, an old or new friend, a family member I am reconnecting with?.
Here's me with my detective spectacles on.
I've noticed the emoji I've used has none 🕵🏿.... then I remembered you facetimed me and I responded back but you chose to message instead.
Hmmm I ponder.... Who could it be and yet you still remain a mystery........
Who could it be by R.B.Munodawafa
#poem #whocoulditbe #mystery #whoareyou #exciting
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ruvimbothinking · 11 months ago
Vadzimu (Ancestors)
Flash of enlightenment whilst watching Kung  Fu Panda 3. You don’t  need statues or ornaments to be remembered. Even if our history was destroyed or never recorded. Our ancestors forever live on in our DNA and the blood that flows within us. 
17:17pm 10/3/24. 
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ruvimbothinking · 1 year ago
Soul snatcher
Soul snatching top isn’t pretty 🤭. You can’t be a lady about it. It 🤭is🤭 what🤭 it 🤭is.
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ruvimbothinking · 1 year ago
Signs from the universe
Signs from the universe from my innerverse
"Atlas of Southern Africa"
#Ancestors calling
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ruvimbothinking · 1 year ago
Signs from the universe
Signs from the universe from my innerverse
Izza pick up truck
Zim is calling
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ruvimbothinking · 1 year ago
Signs from the universe
Signs from the universe from my innerverse
Pink butterfly if I should give him a chance (M)
Don't cut things off before anything can build.
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ruvimbothinking · 1 year ago
Signs from tthe universe
Signs from the universe created by my innerverse
"when time bears fruit" lime soda drink
"Think and grow rich the complete classic text by Napoleon Hill in the back ground"
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ruvimbothinking · 1 year ago
Signs from the universe
Signs ffrom the universe created by my inner verse
'' Ur Safe"
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ruvimbothinking · 1 year ago
I am a visitor so everything I need is provided for. I am not from this planet. I'm just visiting. Being good enough is an under statement. This planet and all it's inhabitants are honoured. I, am, gracing, it and them with my presence.
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ruvimbothinking · 1 year ago
Don't measure your attractiveness and appeal based on your environment. Different cultures have different standards as a result of what they value. It's all about location, it's got nothing to do with you.
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ruvimbothinking · 1 year ago
Some men were put in your life to build but you were to busy thinking with your pussy to see, this applies to the fellas to, to busy tryna catch a nut, you lost a queen. Now your soul roams this earth in sorrow. 
Not sure when I wrote this but I've always got bars so.....
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ruvimbothinking · 2 years ago
Walking back feeling, I am so thankful. I've already won the lottery. Honestly, I am here walking to the shops to get milk digestives and hand soap.
Thinking to myself, how wonderful it is for me to be in this position. To be able to have the money in my pocket to have the choice. To make the choice in my mind and be able to experience it in the physical. I was watching Flat Share and had had a Zimbabwean chocolate digestive which I had placed in the fridge because when I do eat chocolate it must be frozen or at least very chilled.
I was indulging in one thinking ohh my goodness there aren't many left and Zimbabwe is not down the road so what is my next option. I then took myself upstairs to continue watching Flat Share a show I had started watching earlier on this week. hmm... or was it last week. Anyways. I couldn't get them out of my mind and when the episode I was watching finished, I got dressed and started walking to the nearest supermarket After chatting with the enthusiastic children that had visited their grandmother. I continued on my path.
I chose a playlist which featured poetic heartfelt songs. With the first song on the list being Nat King Cole-Pretend'. A song I was introduced to by Bob Proctor during one of his life affirming seminars. I was overcome by the emotion of appreciation. Deep gratitude whilst listening to my playlist. ''Nat King Cole-Pretend''. ''Ella Fitzgerald ft Louis Armstrong Cheek to Cheek''. ''Frank Sinatra- My way''.
I began to think. We get so consumed I thought with wanting to make more money to assert our position on this planet. To have that gadget and that outfit and hit those numbers. Date this person and that person etc.... However, after taking in a deep breath. I remembered that you know what there's so much more to my existence, so much more to our existence 'Louis Armstrong's what a beautiful world' was playing as though it was serenading my being connected with self or rather truth thoughts.
There's so much more, that we miss and do not prioritise. Listen to the birds, the cars, just to be alive is a gift. A gift so overlooked because consumerism and capitalism has become our God. What we strive for can so easily be replaced and yet time. Time is something we can never replace or replicate.
What happened to our child like wonder, our curious desire to discover, learn and investigate. ?
When was the last time you looked up, paused and looked at the sky for a minute.? When was the last time you looked at the details of the lines that run across both your hands. How and why where they formed, which one of your ancestors in your gene pool played their part in this ? Have you ever wondered about the life force that flows through you and what happens to it when you're faced with a lifeless corpse whether it be a human, insect or plant. ?
Hmmmmmmmmm, I wonder with gratitude of course. I've won the lottery and now I know. I am grateful for where I am, with the wisdom I have learned
These are my thoughts
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ruvimbothinking · 2 years ago
I can feel it we are in new times. There's a newness. A time of change. A new age.A new era with powerful ascended masters tuning in from a powerful perspective lending helping hand
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ruvimbothinking · 2 years ago
Your lover on his knees tasting you: Kissing, Licking, Sucking, Tasting and Slurping. Every ,single, drop, of you.
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ruvimbothinking · 2 years ago
Don't aim at success- the more you aim at it and make it a target, the more you are going to miss it. For success, like happiness, cannot be pursued ; it must ensue, and it only does so as the unintended side effect of one's dedication to a cause grater than oneself or as the by product of one's surrender to a person to a person other than oneself.
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ruvimbothinking · 2 years ago
Shout out Nicky Flavo for inspiring this queen. Mr Flavours. My sauce came from studying him on the sly. Baddest rapstress, lyricist, and singstress. I mean obvi I had the talent already but studying you and laying some vocals on your tracks awakened that gift. Ndinokutenda Mudiwa
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