#heart expansion
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medicinamountainmama · 18 days ago
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Blessed Venus Retrograde Beloveds.
I am beaming in with a quick retrograde survival guide.
Venus stationed retrograde March 1st at 7:36 pm. Her Retrograde spans from March 1 - April 12 lasting 43 days.
The beginning phase of her retrograde often brings up things from our past that our heart still needs to heal.
This is a time of introspection and opening ever more deeply to love.
I want to offer an invitation around how we approach and contextualize this retrograde period.
Throw away any attempt to “understand” what is happening in your personal life or the collective with a linear, intellectual, approach.
You will not make sense if it with “the mind”. You will not “get your mind around it”. This is “feeling navigation” territory.
Instead try to turn the situation backwards, or upside down. Literally. Viewing the situation from the “eyes in your belly” from differing points on the hologram can be helpful. Especially as Venus will make a conjunction to Neptune and reenter Pisces during this retrograde phase. Neptune is ruled by the Hanged Man in the Tarot. The one who takes in all perspectives. Seek here to release the energy of desire and transform it into spiritual energy
Avoid trying to pin down your experience with language. Language is largely a representational exercise. Wherein we use the word “apple”, for instance, to represent the red, juicy, fruit that grows on a tree.
Many of the things that take place during Venus retrograde live in the land beyond language. And labeling it with language makes the experience smaller, and more narrow. It’s an exercise in “naming” something, rather than experiencing it.
Instead, if you desire to express your experience, (and I recommend this) do it in “non representational language”, such as art, stream of consciousness writing, poetry, music, dance. In this way, you are better able to convey the essence without the need to “capture it”. Keep it non linear.
If something comes through in your personal life, that is crystal clear in representation, no need to make that wrong, instead map the polarities of that and focus on what essential quality is necessary to unify the opposites. Venus is the bridge, or the frequency that unifies opposites. This is an opportunity to work with in the realm of consciousness. It is a notification that something is longing to be integrated.
Allow yourself to be lost. Don’t make any part of your experience “wrong”. Just notice what is happening and name the feeling without representational language around “what is happening”. A degree of madness is normal. However, if it becomes overwhelming, marshal support.
This is a wilderness journey, a trek into the unconscious. It’s uncivilized. The rules do not apply.
This is an exercise in embodiment. An opportunity to allow your womb, belly, heart, and breath to lead. Move your navigational tools to these centers.
Turn off the News, and any signal that hooks you into the small stories out on the screen. And instead “feel your way” through the next forty days. In this way, you have an opportunity to tune into the big stories, and integrate the upper and lower, inner and outer realms.
Keywords: Primal, Ecstatic, Dionysian, Mystical, Metaphorical Change, Non Linear, Sensory Perception, Liminal, Embodiment, Non Representational, Reception, Nurture, Embodied, Fiery, 
~written by Damascena Tanis
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ivemanifest · 1 year ago
Finding a deeper meaning behind what you desire to manifest is what creates the infinite possibility to CREATE absolute magic. Because the less restrictions you have, the more opportunities you allow to flow in 🌟
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lustral-dance · 13 days ago
Wild Hymn
She kneels where the river hums,
bare feet pressed to the skin of the earth,
palms open to the wind’s old whisper,
as if gathering the breath of the land.
Drum in one hand, pulse of the past,
a rattle shaking the sky’s quiet hush,
she sings in the hush of the golden grass,
a hymn only the wild can touch.
The rain listens. The earth leans in.
She is untamed, unbound, alive—
a rhythm carved from time itself,
dancing in the heartbeat of the tide.
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hinamie · 8 months ago
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domain expansion
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waxsuyaaa · 9 months ago
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pills that make you green dedf1sh version
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sparta369 · 5 months ago
I bought slay the princess but haven’t started it ‘cause it kinda intimidates me, can you convince me to play it?
Ok now I know you just asked me to convince you to play it but hear me out
Don't play it yet
There's a huge, Free Content expansion coming out on the 24th of this month, in just 8 days called The Pristine Cut, which is going to expand the game by about 35%. The Devs themselves have said to wait for the expansion release if you haven't played it already lol
That being said, I'd never pass up an opportunity to gush about one of my favorite games ever created
I realized far too late that I'd accidentally written far more than either of us probably wanted. So I'll try to sparknotes it, and leave the full thing below the cut.
The less you know going in, the better. However, it is still a horror game. You can find a list of content warnings here. It's just a list, so it doesn't really reveal very much.
A single playthrough lasts about 3-4 hours on average, though I can guarantee you'll want to do more than one. The game is positively dense with choices. It's impossible to see everything in one playthrough, and one would be hard-pressed to have the exact same playthrough twice.
Words cannot really capture how much I love this game. It's story masterfully crafted with a vast ocean of choices for the player to make, all of which make a true and profound impact on the narrative. If you enjoyed Disco Elysium or The Stanley Parable, You'll like Slay the Princess. The game was lovingly hand-drawn, pencil on paper, and the music was beautifully composed. The voice acting, featuring the talents of Nichole Goodnight and Jonathan Sims, are also, in my opinion, phenomenal.
I truly cannot express the emotional impact this game has left me with. It's a game I'll carry with me for the rest of my life.
Whether you intend to stop here or read on, I'll leave you with this one screenshot. It's only text, and it's literally the second thing you see upon booting up the game, so don't worry about spoilers lmao
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"Whatever horrors you may find in these dark spaces, have heart and see them through."
"There are no premature endings. There are no wrong decisions."
"There are only fresh perspectives and new beginnings."
"This is a love story."
Oh boy you clicked the "keep reading" button :o) I wrote this over the course of most of my day today before I realized exactly how long it was. Besides a small change to the end, I'm going to leave most of it un-touched, just for the sake of preserving whatever the hell was going on in my head at the time :o)
Slay the Princess is one of those games where, the less you know going in, the better, So I'll do my best to convince you without revealing anything.
Still, though, It is a horror game. If you would like to look through it just in case, you can find a list of content warnings on their website here. It gives a list of many things you may encounter, but there is a 0% chance that you will encounter all, or likely even half, of the things described in there. In addition, they present these things in a way that reveals as little as possible. Still, I would personally recommend against reading through them, but there's no shame or judgement if you go dig through it. You know yourself better than anybody, if you think ya need it that's fine.
There's also some flickering image effects & a parallax effect that has caused motion sickness for some players, but both of these can be disabled in the settings.
With all that out of the way...
Words truly cannot explain how much I love this game.
It is an absolute masterwork of interactive narrative storytelling. No other game I've played or heard of in my life gives as much weight to every single choice you make, every little thing you do. There are so many choices and possibilities, and not once does the game ever make you feel like you've chosen "wrong." It's impossible to see everything in one playthrough, and you would be hard-pressed to get the exact same playthrough twice. Quite literally, every time I've watched somebody else play the game, they happened upon something I'd never seen before, despite me having 100% of the achievements.
One playthrough usually takes around 3-4 hours, but you will almost certainly want to do more than one.
There are also a number of places where you can safely and logically pause and come back later, should you need to.
The narrative itself is expertly woven. The storytelling is phenomenal, interweaving paralyzing fear with heart-aching beauty, while also carrying a healthy amount of comedy at carefully chosen places. The themes carry through beautifully. I've cried actual tears on more than one occasion, and it's not easy to get that out of me. Slay The Princess is a story that will be a part of my heart for as long as I live.
If you've played and enjoyed Disco Elysium, you'll enjoy Slay The Princess.
If you've played and enjoyed The Stanley parable, you'll enjoy Slay The Princess.
I know that I often struggle with games that require a lot of reading, and that includes a lot of visual novel type games.
Thankfully, the game is, for the most part, fully voice-acted :) The very few bits that aren't voiced are that way for narrative reasons hee hoo
The voice acting itself is, in my opinion, phenomenal. Both actors put their heart and souls into their roles, and their care shows in their performances. The Princess is voiced by Nichole Goodnight & the Narrator is voiced by Jonathan Sims (Who you may recognize from The Magnus Archives, if you were ever into that).
The art of the game is beautiful. It is all lovingly hand-drawn, pencil on paper. Thousands of images, and even a few animations, all coming together to form a wonderfully unique visual style that lends itself well to the game itself.
The soundtrack of this game, composed by Brandon Boone & with vocal performances by Amelia Jones, is absolutely breathtaking. It does a phenomenal job setting and supporting the tone of the game, whether it be tension, fear, hope, joy, or anything between and beyond. I can't put it's beauty into words.
Brandon Boone actually just recently won the "Game Music Award" at the World Soundtrack Awards for his work on Slay The Princess, and I deeply believe that it was 100% deserved.
This is... probably far more than you ever asked for. But I mean it when I say that Slay the Princess is one of my favorite games of all time. I mean it when I say that Slay The Princess is a story that will be a part of my heart for as long as I live. I'll take any opportunity to make more people play it, in hopes that it might impact them even a fraction as much as it has impacted me. I've bought a total of 11 copies of this game (1 for myself, 9 which were distributed to friends, and one that's coming with the Collector's Edition)
As my final word, I'll once again remind you:
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"Whatever horrors you may find in these dark spaces, have heart and see them through."
"There are no premature endings. There are no wrong decisions."
"There are only fresh perspectives and new beginnings."
"This is a love story."
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sidewalkchemistry · 1 year ago
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from the 'wholistic + abundant {lifestyle}' Pinterest board
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joestarbuckss · 1 year ago
I am so unwell after the new leaks. Literally everything Yuuta does is for love. He loved Rika in the most pure way and I will never be okay.
Yuuta’s domain expansion is revealed and shocker, he named it Pure Love *slamming my head against the wall*
(if you’ll recall this scene in jjk0 ⬇️ I’m sobbing)
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Of course he would dedicate his domain to the love of his life. Not only that, but inside his domain we see ribbons 🪢
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The symbolism behind these type of knots has me in tears 😭❤️‍🩹
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Marriage and funerals??? He is bound to her in every form. She was his wife and he honors her in everything he does.
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Yuuta literally turned his domain into a memorial for Rika I’m so sick. He is the definition of Pure Love! Okkotsu Yuuta the man that you are 😩💞
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*TRUST* Yuuta will defeat Sukuna with the power of love 🫶🏼
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van-yangyin · 4 months ago
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No Heart Goat Horns for Teen to Elder and Adult to Elder Horses 【Simblreen 2024】 - Weekend 1 ~ 18th
Do you like horns, are you a fan of goats and/or their symbolism with Xehanort and Master of Masters (Kingdom Hearts reference)? Well, whether your answer is yes or no, it really doesn’t matter, because here are some huge goat horns for your sims and horses to wear in their best clothes or no clothes! Hope you enjoy this gift! 🍬🍭
🎃Hat (on hat category) for Sims, Dogs and Cats and Hat and Horns (on hat accessory category and horn category) for horses 🎃Teen to elder sims and adult to elder horses ~ All genders and agender (More ages and pets version coming soon. This month I have had more work than expected and I have not been able to make the versions I had in mind.) 🎃1 swatch, original one + 84 swatches (Crystallum Palette) 🎃Base game Compatible for Sims, Horse Ranch Expansion for Horses 🎃Disable for random 🎃All LODs 🎃Photos on CAS below cut line 🎃HQ Compatible 🎃Custom Thumbnails ⚠️Known problem: Some hairs/antennas can overlap with horns and animations… well you know can lead to spooky events where horns appear to have impaled another living being or nonliving being 👀
If you download my CC it means your agree with my T.O.U (English/Español/日本語). TLDR here
~LOD Information~ LOD0: 1254 poly | LOD1: 1002 poly | LOD2: 500 poly | LOD3: 250 poly
※Choose the ones that best suits your needs, or packs you own, of course.※
🎃PATREON or SFS🎃 (Always free, no adf|y)
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Let me know if you find any problem or have any suggestions for this CC. 🙏❣️
Happy spooky simming! 🎃
📻 @simblreenofficial, @maxismatchccworld @sssvitlanz @alwaysfreecc @public-ccfinds, thank you❣️
🛹 You can find me on Patreon | Twitter | Instagram | Pinterest | Ko-Fi | My F.A.Q. 🛹
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yoroshiu · 3 months ago
I really appreciated the background Dark Road gave to Eraqus, because as we all know from BBS, his view of darkness was so prejudiced which made him do some really heinous stuff to his students, and while you can kind of glean how his mindset was formed, I don't think anyone expected the cavalcade of tragedy that occurred. While it doesn't justify his actions, Eraqus becomes more human and a character you can feel sympathy for.
Dark Road confirmed that his prejudice towards Darkness was formed by the way he was raised (borderline genetic according to him /hj), but it's notable that throughout the story he shows doubts and hesitations towards that belief. In the scene with the lamp and learning what's at stake, Eraqus admits that he isn't so sure about everything, and later on, when it was up to Xehanort to deal with Baldr, Eraqus pleads and says that there's gotta be a way to drive it out of him without having to kill him.
i think that was a core moment for Eraqus at this point. Xehanort ends up killing Baldr, ending the massacre, but possibly subconciously implanting this idea that there was no other way. It doesn't help that Xehanort's progression into using darkness for nefarious purposes. No freaking wonder he's the way he is by the time BBS rolls up.
It's also interesting that Eraqus, as an avoidant-type character, is basically a confirmed trait. You can see how he often doesn't talk about his feelings too honestly (near the end of DR where he still acts cheery even when called out by Xehanort for crying alone in his room), hence it making in-line with him that he didn't say jack about anything Xehanort did.
Eraqus went from a cheerful, impulsive, but well-meaning boy to a serious, well-meaning but jaded to the point of tragedy old man, and I'm glad Dark Road told that story.
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splatoon-edits · 1 year ago
Matching Agent 4 and Agent 8 Icons
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Free To Use, Likes and Reblogs Appreciated <3
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rocicrew · 1 year ago
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ivemanifest · 7 months ago
Breathe deeply; your heart chakra thrives on vital energy.
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lustral-dance · 14 days ago
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Sagittarius sun, Cancer moon and Cancer rising mood board for a young boy
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chaotixx-stims · 11 months ago
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agent 24 stimboard!
[pt: agent 24 stimboard! end pt]
x / x / x 🦑/❤️/🐙 x / x / x
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vigilskeep · 3 months ago
omg they have a statue of egon wintersbreath in the outpostttt
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