#trump assassination attempt number 2
aestariiwilderness · 4 days
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book-nerd-emi · 4 days
i may hate trump yall but jesus christ. 2 assassination attempts is kinda outrageous 😭😭😭😭
like yall. freedom of speech anyone? 😭😭😭
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speakercrab · 2 years
funniest aa villains
1. kristoph gavin
-took him seven years and two attempts to poison ONE little girl. she doesnt even die
-one of the first sentences out of his mouth is what gets him convicted in turnabout trump bc he wanted to look smart
-dog called clam
2. manfred von karma
-announces his pin number to the courtroom
-retrained a parrot the night before a trial
-tases people in a police evidence room where there are definitely cameras. even funnier that he doesn't get caught but that ones mostly on phoenix for never mentioning it
-this isn't canon but I love how in the press buttons and talk playthrough his objection just devolves into a grunt
3. shelly de killer
-offers phoenix a job (as an assassin. in court.)
-gets excited to say classic kidnapping lines
-just all of the walkie talkie sprites i love them
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walks-the-ages · 2 months
If I see one more post about "trump almost getting assassinated means its the end of the world he's guaranteed to win the election now" I'm going to scream.
First of all, stop doomposting. Get your head out of that mindset, and if you can't get out of that mindset, not filling your dash with doom will genuinely help.
Second of all, Trump was already almost guaranteed to win. If you're anywhere that is not on Tumblr, Biden's polling numbers are atrocious for individual states as well as nation-wide.
~60% of Americans disapprove of Biden.
~67% of Americans want Biden to step down and let another candidate run.
Instead of spending your time crying about how everyone needs to
"Vote for Biden, because even though he's actively commiting genocide right now, at least he promises that he will protect abortion rights and trans rights if he's elected into power for another four years!"
"Vote for Hitler, because while he may not like other people, at least he promises to not take away the rights of Germans here in our country!"
Instead of supporting a genocide (voting for Biden, and trying to convince people to vote for him which is the opposite of beating a dead horse) and thinking the world is going to end if Trump gets elected, you should be
1) Research your other candidate options for November. It takes a single google search of "Presidential election candidates" and it'll come up with countless polls and articles about who all of the independent and third party candidates are.
2) Organizing within your local community, or at the very least, just. Get out there and get to know people. Get to know your neighbors, your cashiers at the local grocery store, join a local gardening Facebook group and start a small food garden, in the ground or in containers. Make some community connections, so if shit hits the fan, you have a local support network, and can help each other.
3) Listen to Palestinians. Listen to Indigenous people. Listen to Black activists. Listen to the marginalized groups who have been begging for years, decades, for people to see that there is no "Lesser Evil" if the side wearing blue hat continues to commit genocide, murders minorities, puts kids in cages, continues to put unlawful embargos on entire nations, and continues to commit war crimes and attempt to topple the governments of other nations.
Project 2025 has been the Republican plan for when they get elected for the last 40 years, they just so happen to have a fancy PDF to fear monger with this year.
The entire world is not going to end if Donald Trump gets elected, and if you truly do think it is, instead of attempting to convince people to vote for a man committing genocide that more than half the country disapproves of, how about you spend your energy on convincing BIDEN to halt all military aid to Israel and to use the troops HE stationed in Israel to actually give aid and prevent more war crimes?
Oh wait. He can't do that, he's already committed so many war crimes. they already dressed up as aid workers and slaughtered 300 innocent people for the "sake" of 2 hostages that Israel has refused all actual negotiations to return them, because Israel literally doesn't care about hostages, it just wants all of Gaza gone and under Israeli control.
You don't fucking bomb the place you think hostages are in, you don't go around slaughtering innocent people if you care about hostages, including slaughtering your own people you're supposedly there to rescue.
Biden literally said that if there were no Israel, America would have to invent its own. His opinion has not changed one bit, and you can see it every time he and his group call college students protesting genocide "outside actors", when he further militarizes the police so they can shoot, beat, and maim peaceful protestors. When he claims to have seen photographs of beheaded babies that don't exist and continues to spout claims long -debunked about October 7th.
"violence does not belong in our politics, but only when it doesn't involve me sadistically supporting crimes against humanity and genocide"
Anyways this post is long and rambling.
Tldr: stop acting like its the end of the world if Trump gets elected. Instead of screaming people need to vote for Genocide Joe, focus your attention on getting him to step down so another candidate can take his place in August. Look up third party candidates, and organize in your local community.
And, don't forget your daily clicks!
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darkeagleruins · 2 months
Keep Hammering These Facts Until The Whole Country Gets It
“If there was ever any doubt in your mind whether the assassination attempt against Trump was planned or not, whether your government knew about it. 2 things:
Number 1, the largest bets ever made against the stock were made against Truth Social the day before.
Number 2, when's the last time you've seen CNN go live and show you a Trump rally? It's been about 5 years. Okay,
They wanted to get it on video and they wanted to rub it in your face.
Well, they missed.”
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socialistexan · 2 months
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From the latest NPR poll, Harris's approval number is up to 40% and at a net of -4%, which doesn't sound great until you consider that is significantly higher than both Biden and Trump. That's even after Trump had a post assassination attempt bump in approval rating in this same poll from -18% to -6%.
The -2% among people who are for sure voting this year is particularly notable.
iirc that's probably the highest net approval of an politician running for President since the 2012 election when Obama has a +4.2% and Romney had a +4.8%.
As always, it only one poll and it is an outlier for Kamala's approval ratings compared to before Biden dropped out, which was around -13%.
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dosesofcommonsense · 3 days
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There’s a mole somewhere. The elites and deep state want Trump gone. They’re getting more reckless. If Kamala was ahead in the internal polling, they wouldn’t be worried. She’d knock out a win, and they’d send Trump to jail. Problem solved. BUT the polling says Trump wins with at least 280, maybe more in real landslide fashion. That’s scary for the deep state assets because Trump and his allies would clean house, and he’d be publicly and politically justified in cleaning house. Most people are sick of this shit. Most people realize Trump is getting attacked and excoriated because he’s against the Kamala puppet and her deep state handlers. Trump’s numbers went up after the first debate - assassination attempt 1. The second debate exposed ABC and Trump won against 3 - assassination attempt 2.
Does the MSM care? No. There handlers want Trump dead, so they’re running cover like normal.
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cazort · 2 months
I have been seeing some left-wing people rejoicing or celebrating about Trump getting shot at, and I'm like, you guys really don't get it. This is just all-around bad:
It's an escalation of political violence, and it could cause copycat and/or retaliatory violence such as attacks on the Democratic nominee or other politicians or candidates.
Political violence, especially in the US, tends to benefit the right more. Four presidents have been assassinated: (1) Lincoln, who is best known for his anti-slavery stance (2) Kennedy, a wildly-popular Democrat who was replaced by his much less popular VP Johnson, who then lost to Nixon, (3) McKinley, who was a centrist and probably the most conservative of the four, and (4) Garfield, who was known for strong support for public education particularly as a way of improving civil rights for black people, and who appointed an unusual number of black people to higher posts in government.
It could create a sort of "martry complex" around Trump, a sense that he's being unfairly targetted and is the victim, and this could lead more people to support him or lead his supporters to become more passionate or loyal.
Because it's such a prominent, public act of violence and is already attracting so much media attention, it could cause escalation of violence in society as a whole, such as all sorts of random people trying to kill or assassinate other public figures, not necessarily just politicians.
It pushes us away from the conversations we need to be having and the work we need to be doing. Trump is not the problem; the problem is that we have a large segment of the populace who would vote for a person like Trump. If he weren't there, someone else would be. And the problem is that we have a political machine and other institutions like social media and other media, that elevate people like Trump into positions of power. Even if Trump were to die and none of the above problems were to apply at all, removing him wouldn't really solve much in the long-run. We'd still have a large segment of society willing to throw in behind someone like Trump, and a political system and media that elevates people like him. We need deep, radical, grass-roots change and violence targeted at a single isolated politician is not going to do this and is probably going to make it worse.
I do think that most of the prominent moderate-to-progressive politicians understand this. And this is why you have seen them all strongly condemning the assassination attempt on Trump. They know where this leads, and they know it's nowhere good. And they want to take another path.
So please. Stop celebrating this. It is not good news. It is very, very bad news and the only way to move forward is to treat it as such. Honestly, I think the worst news I am seeing around this whole thing has been how much I am seeing people on the left celebrating this.
And I get it. It's easy to see Trump as this supervilliain-type, a symbol of everything that is wrong in our political system, our society, and our world. But let me tell you, he's not. He's just some guy put there by a bunch of very powerful systems. And frankly I think he's kinda pathetic in a lot of ways. It is the systems that are the problem. And political violence is part of these systems and strengthens them.
This is why I am always telling people change needs to start within. If you cannot root out the violence and the authoritarianism from your own thinking, you will end up indirectly supporting an authoritarian leader, acting in ways that causes such a leader to rise to power. If we really want Trump and his supporters and people like Trump to be disempowered, we need to do the tough work, and that work involves looking inside our own minds and rooting out the authoritarianism, the tendency towards violence, hate, and groupthink.
If we cannot protect ourselves from falling into these things, the war is already lost.
Please see this and please stop celebrating this assassination attempt, or any type of political violence, especially when it is targeted at people we see as "the bad guys". This case is when our wisdom and restraint is most necessary.
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deadpresidents · 2 months
Was Trump's assassination attempt the first time people other than the president were also killed or hurt?
No, it definitely was not the first time. There have been a number of additional victims during Presidential assassinations or assassination attempts throughout American history.
Here are the incidents where someone other than the President was wounded in an assassination attempt on Presidents or Presidential candidates:
•April 14, 1865, Washington, D.C. At the same time that John Wilkes Booth was shooting Abraham Lincoln at Ford's Theatre, Booth's fellow conspirator, Lewis Powell, attacked Secretary of State William H. Seward at Seward's home in Washington. Seward had been injured earlier that month in a carriage accident and was bedridden from his injuries, and Powell viciously stabbed the Secretary of State after forcing his way into Seward's home by pretending to deliver medicine. Powell also attacked two of Seward's sons, a male nurse from the Army who was helping to care for Seward, and a messenger from the State Department. Another Booth conspirator, George Azterodt, was supposed to kill Vice President Andrew Johnson at the same time that Lincoln and Seward were being attacked in an attempt to decapitate the senior leadership of the Union government, but Azterodt lost his nerve and got drunk instead. A total of five people were wounded at the Seward home as part of the Booth conspiracy, but Lincoln was the only person who was killed.
•February 15, 1933, Miami, Florida Just 17 days before his first inauguration, President-elect Franklin D. Roosevelt was the target of an assassination attempt in Miami's Bayfront Park. Giuseppe Zangara fired five shots at Roosevelt as FDR was speaking from an open car. Roosevelt was not injured, but all five bullets hit people in the crowd, including Chicago Mayor Anton Cermak who was in the car with FDR. Roosevelt may have been saved by a woman in the crowd who hit Zangara's arm with her purse as she noticed he was aiming his gun at the President-elect and caused him to shoot wildly. Mayor Cermak was gravely wounded and immediately rushed to a Miami hospital where he died about two weeks later.
•November 1, 1950, Blair House, Washington, D.C. From 1949-1952, the White House was being extensively renovated with the interior being almost completely gutted and reconstructed. President Harry S. Truman and his family moved into Blair House, a Presidential guest house across the street from the White House that is normally used for visiting VIPs, for 3 1/2 years. On November 1, 1950 two Puerto Rican nationalists, Griselio Torresola and Oscar Collazo, tried to shoot their way into Blair House and attempt to kill President Truman, who was upstairs (reportedly napping) at the time. A wild shootout ensued on Pennsylvania Avenue, leaving White House Police Officer Leslie Coffelt and Torresola dead, and Collazo and two other White House Police Officers wounded.
•November 22, 1963, Dallas, Texas Texas Governor John Connally was severely wounded after being shot while riding in the open limousine with President John F. Kennedy when JFK was assassinated.
•June 5, 1968, Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles, California When he finished delivering a victory speech after winning California's Democratic Presidential primary, Senator Robert F. Kennedy of New York was shot several times while walking through the kitchen of the Ambassador Hotel. While RFK was mortally wounded and would die a little over a day later, five other people were also wounded in the shooting.
•May 15, 1972, Laurel, Maryland Segregationist Alabama Governor George Wallace was paralyzed from the waist down after being shot by Arthur Bremer at a campaign rally when he was running for the Democratic Presidential nomination. Three bystanders were also wounded in the shooting, but survived.
•September 22, 1975, San Francisco, California A taxi driver in San Francisco was wounded when Sara Jane Moore attempted to shoot President Gerald Ford as he left the St. Francis Hotel. Moore's first shot missed the President by several inches and the second shot, which hit the taxi driver, was altered when a Vietnam veteran in the crowd named Oliver Sipple grabbed her arm as she was firing. Just 17 days earlier and 90 miles away, Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme, a member of the Charles Manson family, had tried to shoot President Ford as he walked through Capitol Park in Sacramento but nobody was injured.
•March 30, 1981, Washington, D.C. President Ronald Reagan was shot and seriously wounded by as he left the Washington Hilton after giving a speech. Three other people were wounded in the shooting, including White House Press Secretary James Brady who was shot in the head and partially paralyzed, Washington D.C. Police Office Thomas Delahanty, and Secret Service agent Tim McCarthy. Video of the assassination attempt shows that when the shots were fired, McCarthy turned and made himself a bigger target in order to shield the President with his own body. President Reagan was struck by a bullet that ricocheted off of the Presidential limousine.
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girlactionfigure · 2 months
⚠️ FRIDAY - ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting to Israel in Realtime
Erev Shabbat - Parshat Barak - Numbers 22:2 - Balak, the king of Moab, summons the prophet Balaam to curse the people of Israel.  Three times, from three different vantage points, Balaam attempts to pronounce his curses; each time, blessings issue forth instead. Balaam also prophesies on the end of the days and the coming of Moshiach (the Jewish messiah).
⚠️ WORLD WIDE COMPUTER OUTAGE .. Israel impact (not a cyber attack - an update error)
MDA 101 - alternatives call Hatzalah 1221 (who report they are operating fine) or 100 police
Electric Company - instead of 103, call 054-5838074 or report on Facebook page.
Working fine: 100 police, 102 fire
Some Israeli companies impacted - may accept only cash or be unable to do business for a while:
Israel Post
Delek gas stations
Various hospitals - Shaarei Tzedek reports recovered, normal ops, Hadassah not on the problem list, Asuta Ashdod working fine
   Affected: Hillel Yaffe, Laniado, Barzilai, Sheba, Wolfson, Shamir Assaf Harofeh, Rambam, Ma'aini Hashua, Nahariya, Poria, Bnei Zion, Ziv, the French Hospital in Nazareth, the Italian Hospital in Nazareth
Meuhedet health clinics
Clalit health clinics
Carrefour grocery - cash only
Banks HaPoalim, Leumi, Discount
Bank of Israel
Port of Ashdod completely down to ships and trucks
EL AL reports no impact, they don’t use the affected software.
Unrelated - Globes newspaper hacked (not the web site, the newsroom.)
AIR TRAVEL - FAA suspending many flights in the US, Berlin flights on hold, Spain flights on hold.
Sky News having disruptions
⚠️HEZBOLLAH THREATENS.. significant retaliation for recent IDF targeted eliminations.  Northern towns should be on ALERT, take precautions in the north.
▪️RUMORS ABOUT PM.. may suspend trip to the US.  At the same time, “Israeli officials estimate that the Netanyahu-Biden meeting will not take place on Monday as planned”, unclear if due to Biden’s health or US election politics.
▪️FIN. MINISTER.. Sanctions from cabinet on PA officials NOT implemented by IDF and Shin Bet for the last 3 weeks???
▪️FBI USES ISRAELI SOFTWARE.. Washington Post: The FBI hacked into the phone of the assassin of Trump using the software of the Israeli company Celebrity.
▪️ECONOMY.. The Turkish embargo has stopped the import of Hyundai, and it is beginning to seep into Toyota, whose inventory in Israel is also shrinking.
Overnight, a UAV, which we believe was launched from Yemen, infiltrated from the sea to our west and struck a building in central Tel Aviv. This impact resulted in the death of one civilian and lightly injured eight others. We extend our condolences to the bereaved family and wish a speedy recovery to the injured.
No alert was activated during the incident, and we are thoroughly investigating the matter. Our initial findings suggest the UAV was a Samad-3, an Iranian weapon likely upgraded to extend its range. This UAV flew from Yemen to Tel Aviv. Iran supports, funds, and arms its proxies in Gaza, Judea and Samaria, Lebanon, Syria, and Yemen, as evidenced by last night's event. UAV threats have been a constant challenge since the beginning of the war across all our borders. Dozens of UAVs have been launched from Yemen alone, most of which have been intercepted or shot down before entering Israeli territory. The majority were intercepted by an American task force under U.S. CENTCOM, while the rest were intercepted by Israeli Air Force planes or defense systems.
Simultaneously with the Tel Aviv incident, another UAV attempting to infiltrate from the east was intercepted and shot down outside of Israel’s borders. We are investigating the connection between the two incidents.
We are conducting a thorough inquiry to understand why the UAV was not identified as a threat and intercepted before it struck. An initial inquiry was conducted this morning, and we will continue to review the findings and update the public accordingly.
I want to emphasize that our defense is not foolproof. We are strengthening our air patrols and airspace protection across the country. We are continuously improving our capabilities to better protect the citizens of Israel.
There is no change in the Home Front Command directives. Should there be any changes, we will immediately inform the public.
Overnight and this morning, the Chief of the General Staff conducted several situational assessments. We have increased our defensive capabilities in Israel’s skies with additional planes and other measures to improve detection, alert, and interception capabilities. The incident on the ground was managed cooperatively by the Israel Police, Magen David Adom, and the Israel Fire and Rescue Services, who provided vital details for the inquiry.
In the north, the UAV threat is a daily challenge due to short-range launches, differing from last night’s incident. We are studying the northern threat to improve our response. We recognize the ongoing challenges faced by residents in the north.
In the past day, we have eliminated six Hezbollah terrorists and struck fifteen targets from the air and ground in the north.
We are engaged in a multi-front war, operating in all arenas and defending the country's skies daily. We are addressing threats both near and far.
In the coming days, we will continue our situational assessments to understand the incident better, determine the source of the threat, and decide on the necessary defensive and operational responses against those who threaten the State of Israel.
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kp777 · 2 months
By Jessica Corbett
Common Dreams
Aug. 2, 2024
"If you did not believe he was maniacal or evil, before this, well now you know," said a former congresswoman.
A super political action committee connected to billionaire Elon Musk is not only working to elect Republicans including former President Donald Trump but also collecting voter information in battleground states via a method that is setting off alarm bells, CNBC reported Friday.
CNBC political finance reporter Brian Schwartz explained how an online America PAC advertisement featuring footage of the recent assassination attempt targeting Trump sends viewers to different websites depending on their location.
"If a user lives in a state that is not considered competitive in the presidential election, like California or Wyoming for example, they'll be prompted to enter their email addresses and ZIP code and then directed quickly to a voter registration page for their state, or back to the original sign up section," he reported. "But for users who enter a ZIP code that indicates they live in a battleground state, like Pennsylvania or Georgia, the process is very different."
"Rather than be directed to their state's voter registration page, they instead are directed to a highly detailed personal information form, prompted to enter their address, cell phone number, and age," according to Schwartz. "If they agree to submit all that, the system still does not steer them to a voter registration page. Instead, it shows them a 'thank you' page."
One user on X—the Musk-owned social media platform formerly called Twitter—trialed the process and shared related screenshots:
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"How is this legal!?" Veni Kunche of Diversify Tech asked on X in response to the reporting. "America PAC is misleading voters."
Georgetown University professor Don Moynihan also raised legal concerns, saying, "Getting people's personal information on the promise of helping them to register to vote, and then not helping them to register to vote definitely seems like election fraud."
Retired journalist Mary Beth Schneider said: "Scamming people into thinking they registered to vote? This should be illegal."
Jodi Jacobson, founder and executive director of Healthcare Across Borders, called for a federal investigation.
"Is anyone actually working over there?" she asked the U.S. Department of Justice on X. "Because here is something you should be investigating. Now."
Ciara Torres-Spelliscy, a professor at Stetson University College of Law in Florida and fellow at the Brennan Center for Justice at the New York University School of Law, criticized the super PAC and offered guidance on registering to vote in the United States.
"This is so shitty," she said of the group's actions. "To avoid... a fake registration webpage problem: Google your local board of elections and register directly through them. Typically your local board of elections is the name of the county you live in and 'board of elections.'"
Former Congresswoman Marie Newman (D-Ill.) took aim at Musk, saying, "If you did not believe he was maniacal or evil, before this, well now you know."
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While a spokesperson for America PAC declined to comment and Musk did not reply to Schwartz's emails, the billionaire confirmed he created the political group during a July 22 video interview on X with right-wing commentator Jordan Peterson. Musk also denied a recent Wall Street Journal report that he is putting $45 million a month toward sending Trump back to the White House.
"I am making some donations to America PAC, but at a much lower level and the key values of the PAC are supporting a meritocracy and individual freedom," Musk wrote on X the following day. "Republicans are mostly, but not entirely, on the side of merit and freedom."
Super PACs are not subject to the same legal restrictions as campaigns and traditional political committees; they can raise and spend unlimited amounts of money from individuals, corporations, and groups. There are limits for coordinating with campaigns, but they can coordinate on canvassing, thanks to a Federal Election Commission advisory opinion from earlier this year.
America PAC has already raised millions of dollars, with donations from venture capitalists and cryptocurrency investors.
Last month, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) publicly thanked Musk for doing "an exceptional job of demonstrating a point that we have made for years—and that is the fact we live in an oligarchic society in which billionaires dominate not only our economic life and the information we consume, but our politics as well."
As The New York Times detailed Thursday, America PAC is off to "a rocky start" and now "shaking up its field operation." Still, the group's potential impact on the presidential election—in which Trump is expected to face Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris—is generating concerns, particularly given the new revelations from CNBC.
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icedhotcocoa · 2 months
I’ve been so worried and stressed these past few days. I found out about the attempted Trump assassination when I opened twitter at home after I saw the movie Longlegs. And it sucks cuz I was in a real good mood too. I know a doomer mindset won’t help us in the long run but I can’t help but be worried. I’m of course going to vote but one of my friends can’t vote cuz their mother won’t give them their social security number for them to register.
And with all the doomers, anti voters, and pro Trump ppl I’ve seen online I’m scared that all our voting will be for nothing and that in the end I’ll only have 5 months left to live on planet earth. I was barely able to get out of bed Sunday and two days later I’m STILL terrified. I’m so scared for the future. It’s not like I WANT to vote for Biden. I do not like him, but it’s either him or a full on dictator.
I just want to live a good fulfilling life. I was already going through a lot of stuff in my personal life hoping things will get by and that I’ll come out on the other side but the state the political landscape is like a double wammy to my already bad mental state. And I start college next month and idk how I’m gonna be able to focus on that with all this stuff going on. I know I can’t lose hope especially not now..but I just feel so hopeless and helpless and terrified. And I feel like i won’t be able to go on
hi anon!! i understand everything you're going through. I think we all feel pretty similarly. i'm just a silly teenager on the internet and i don't know jack shit about fuck but i hope some of what i write can make you feel better-- 1. change is, unfortunately, slow. yes, that means that we can't snap our fingers, or shout loud enough, or even assassinate presidents effectively enough that everything will be better and we will immediately halt the worrying descent into global fascism that i fear might be coming--BUT, simultaneously, this is a good thing. you don't have to panic. even if trump wins this election, the world is not ending immediately. policies take time to enact, dictatorship doesn't happen in a day (yes we still have to be vigilant to prevent it, but no one electoral outcome is the be-all-end-all for our future).
2. STOP DOOMSCROLLING!! i know, i know, it's hard. focus on you. spend some time with your friends. you have a finite amount of empathy to give, everyone does, and that's okay. that's why collective action (yes, like voting), is so important: any one single person has very little time or effort to contribute to politics on a global, or even national scale. nobody is expecting anything from you--focus on yourself first
3. this is completely unrelated to politics and more personal but I actually just finished my freshman year of undergrad! it was spectacular! you will have an excellent time, i PROMISE--again, this is my personal experience as an extrovert, but basically all of my other friends loved their first years too. the leap from senior year of HS to first year of college isn't as big as it first seems, you have lots of people to support you and everyone is going through the same exact stuff you are :3 inbox and dms are of course always open
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I have seen 7 consecutive memes about “trump assassination attempt number 2 : electric boogaloo” in the destiel format
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dragon-hoard · 4 days
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darkeagleruins · 4 days
Ryan Routh served in the US foreign legion in Ukraine, which is reportedly tied to the CIA! @CIA
Not only did @Newsweek interview Ryan Routh the attempted Trump assassin 2 years ago about his choice to fight in UKRAIE in 2022, but in 2023, the New York Times @nytimes also profiled the shooter and his efforts to recruit foreign fighters for Ukraine illegally in Pakistan and Iran by purchasing FAKE PASSPORTS for Afghan soldiers in Pakistan.
So the US government knew this guy was doing illegal mercenary work and they never stopped him. Even worse, the anti-Trump Leftist media wrote glowing profiles about him and gave him a platform.
Ryan Routh’s cell phone number traces back to “Fight for Ukraine”, which has been accused of being a terrorist organization, focused on recruiting mercenaries to fight in Ukraine for the sake of killing Russian soldiers.
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darkmaga-retard · 23 days
Wednesday August 28, 2024 Truth Bomb
Karen Bracken
VIDEO - RFK Jr and Tucker Carlson discuss what environmentalism really is (Aug.2024) - this is a must watch video. It clears up a lot of the lies and propaganda about RFK Jr. I don’t agree with everything he believes in but this short interview with Tucker Carlson shows a man of deep spirituality and caring. 12 min. VIDEO
If interested in the full interveiw - 1 hr. 26 min. VIDEO
BTW…..RFK Jr. has been appointed to Trump’s transition team and will assist in bringing on new members to the administration.
Trump Rally SWAT Sniper Spills the Beans: FBI ‘Evidence Tampering’ Verdict [VIDEOS] - be sure to watch the 4 short videos included in the article. In the first video there is brief mention of a white van. The video below covers a lot of things not made public and the white van is one of them. There is no doubt in my mind that the attempted assassination of President Trump was an inside job. Just like the assassination of JFK and RFK. - I also believe JFK Jr. was killed. Remember he was running for US Senate against Hillary Clinton - ARTICLE/VIDEOS (2 min., 5 min. , 7 min., 2 min.)
Proof of a 2nd Shooter - Trumps in Trouble - some will say this is all speculation but all of it IS possible - 49 min. VIDEO
The 2024 Cheat and What's Being Done About It by Elizabeth Nickson - every able bodied American needs to step up and volunteer to poll watch and work the polls. Many counties around the country do not have their required number of poll workers and this election is too important for this to continue. I just signed up to be a poll worker in my county. They need to know we are engaged and we are watching. People also need to hang around the polls after they close to observe and record any suspicious activities taking place. Also, get teams together to watch and record violations at the ballot boxes - ARTICLE
Dr. Harvey Risch Warns: Covid Shots Are TOXIC - ARTICLE
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