#trump IS Project 2025
geezerwench · 19 days
You need to watch this and pass it along.
According to Project 2025, the only REAL family is a man, his wife, and their children.
They're going to eliminate overtime pay.
They want pregnancy and abortion surveillance.
They want to jail teachers and librarians because of "banned books."
Trump IS Project 2025.
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funcoolchickie · 6 days
Trump IS Project 2025!!! We MUST vote for Harris-Walz to save our Democracy!!! 💙☑️🇺🇸
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grrlscientist · 7 days
Project 2025 Should Haunt DonOLD Trump Every Day Until Election 2024
#HeritageFoundation blueprint is poison for #Trump, who has been desperately trying to run away from it--exactly why Dems & liberals must keep it alive
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cyarskaren52 · 2 months
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justahumblememefarmer · 2 months
Putting some positivity out there about the election
Harris has raised a record amount of money from small donors after Biden dropped out, in addition to being able to access all the funds from their campaign they already had
Trump is deeply unpopular and people have already seen the chaos that 4 years of his presidency would bring. A lot of people have been energized to vote against him, even if they're not fond of Dems
Polling showed a red wave for Republicans in the 2022 midterms, and yet they only barely had control of the House, and couldn't even agree on a Speaker for a historic amount of time. Dems also increased their lead in the Senate. Historically, midterms favor the opposition party and have lower turnout, so this is a good sign for the House in 2024
Dems are fighting back in swing states. PA and GA both put in Democratic senators in the midterms
In my home state of PA, I am from Bucks County, which is a swing county for the state. Moms for Libery took over the school board and used it to attack queer students, enact book bans, and funnel money to themselves and the superintendent. At the most recent election, Dems turned out and took back every single open seat, ousting the board and superintendent. Worry about similar takeovers in surrounding school boards also increased turnout
Abortion rights are on the ballot in many states, which has been a winning issue for Dems and increased turnout
Republicans were prepared to attack a feeble old Biden who isn't the strongest speaker. I don't think they expected him to actually drop out, and they now have to put an 78 year old convicted felon up against a prosecutor
Awareness of Project 2025 and it's contents has entered the public sphere and is being much more openly discussed on the news. While Trump has insisted he has nothing to do with it, most of the authors worked in his administration and Trump has worked closely with the Heritage foundation
Feel free to add more things on this thread, but the most important thing is to get out there and VOTE
Vote for President
Vote for Senators
Vote for Congresspeople
Vote in your local elections
Vote Blue down ballot
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cyarsk5230 · 2 months
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Kamala Harris: she is Indian, she is black, and she's OWNING Trump 🔥
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someloudmouth · 2 months
To anyone considering not voting because of the Palestinian genocide, I have this to ask:
How many Palestinian people do you think you're helping by laying back and inviting the GOP to crush you under foot? Self flagellation didn't cure The Plague, and it won't fix this situation either.
If you don't like the idea of voting for Harris, I doubt I'll be able to change your mind, but consider this: 468 congressional seats out of a total 535 are up for re-election THIS NOVEMBER. You want to make the government start actually representing the will of the people? Start there.
We're living in frightening times, and apathy is a very comfortable state of being, but you need to act. If you don't, who will?
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vaspider · 3 months
I cannot stress enough how important it is that whatever you think of anything else, Trump Cannot Be President Again.
The "rip apart democracy and install an autocrat" group was not Ready for him in 2016. They didn't think he'd win.
They're ready now. They're teeing up for a second Trump president. Whatever your favorite current Thing, it would be worse under Trump, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they're going to try to make sure that they stay in power forever, by any means necessary.
SCOTUS basically just said, "If Trump sends the Army in to murder protestors, that's okay. If Trump assassinates a political rival with the armed forces of which he is the Commander In Chief, that's an official act, and there's no recourse."
Anything he can even vaguely justify as "an official act" - including installing people in the Justice Department to support his coup, including pressuring his VP to support his coup - is no longer a crime.
This isn't just me saying this, btw. Here's Robert Reich, lifelong public servant (and yes, dad of @samreich, since I know what's important to y'all):
Finally, the Republican-appointed justices have given a dangerous amount of discretion to presidents — broad enough, as Justice Sonia Sotomayor noted in her dissent, to protect presidents from prosecution for bribes and assassinations. A president already has the authority under the Insurrection Act to order troops into American streets. After today’s ruling, those troops would be under the command of a person who would almost certainly enjoy absolute immunity for the orders he gives them.
This is unbelievably terrifying.
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my-midlife-crisis · 3 months
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artist unknown
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cyarskj1899 · 2 months
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geezerwench · 3 months
The Project 2025 playbook was written by more than 20 officials who Trump himself appointed during his first term. If he has “no idea” who they are, he’s showing an alarming cognitive decline.
As the former chairman of the Republican Party, Michael Steele put it, “Ok, let’s all play with Stupid for minute … so exactly how do you ‘disagree’ with something you ‘know nothing about’ or ‘have no idea’ who is behind, saying or doing the thing you disagree with?”
Trump has promised to give right-wing evangelical Christians what they want. Accordingly, Project 2025 calls for withdrawing the abortion pill mifepristone from the market, expelling trans service members from the military, banning lifesaving gender-affirming care for young people, ending all diversity programs, and using “school choice” to gut public education.
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grrlscientist · 5 days
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Please everyone, don't stop talking about Project 2025 -- every day!
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EDIT: This post is gaining traction, so I think it's important to show you this:
Please go check your voter's registration and tell everyone you know to do the same! I've heard some states are purging voter's regitration, so please go check!
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emotional-moss · 2 months
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sorry for resorting to a meme about this but people are making me mad 👍
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creature-wizard · 2 months
Okay y'all, going forward, this is what we're doing.
Shit's scary, I know. But we absolutely cannot afford to surrender to that fear, because that benefits the GOP. They want us to feel powerless, because they know we are not powerless. That's why they have so many shills and bots discouraging people from voting.
We will not demoralize ourselves and each other by doomposting in our moments of panic. If we have a panic attack, that's okay. But we are not going to spread that fear to other people in public. We will save our most scared thoughts for our private journals and close friends. And we will support our friends who are feeling hopeless.
We will remember that spreading awareness of Project 2025 and Agenda 47 has been hurting Trump. And we will continue to do this.
We will remember that right now, our only option is Biden, because without ranked choice voting, getting a third party candidate in is simply impossible. We might not like it, but that's why we're going to push like hell for ranked choice voting once we get his pruny old ass in to office for a second term. (And thank God, he can't have more than a second term; the Democrats will have to find someone else afterward.)
We will not spread conspiracy theories. Conspiracy theories are the weapon of the enemy. We don't need them.
We will not publicly mock Trump in all of this. Making Republicans feel even more victimized is a losing strategy. "But it's my blog-" I'm sorry, are you playing for political keeps or are you just here to fuck around and put everyone's life in even more danger?
We will emphasize the ways that Project 2025/Agenda 47 will hurt everyone. And we will keep talking about it.
We will remember that the UK and France have already avoided far right takeovers in their elections.
All right? You got that? Because we got this if we stick together and keep at this. Shit's bad right now but that doesn't mean it has to be bad forever. We got each other, and we can do this.
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