#truly no clue
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cricketnationrise · 1 year ago
Congratulations 🎉 500 followers is amazing!! Lots of people out there with good taste 😉
My prompt:
Backyard of the Austin farmhouse
Into the Mystic
okay gonna be honest here. i have no idea what happened here. like, i really adore what i wrote, but i have NO EARTHLY IDEA where it came from or if it's even at all close to what you were aiming for. lots of catherine/arthur feels ahead and like, a little magical realism? i guess? anyway here's wonderwall...
read the rest of the ficlets here
10:05pm, texas farmhouse
It’s odd, really, that an ocean and half a continent away from their shared home, that Arthur’s spirit feels so strong here. Here, in Henry and Alex’s backyard, deep in the heart of Texas.
The boys—they’re still boys, no matter that they’re closer to forty than thirty—are inside, cleaning dishes, rinsing out bottles. Catherine can see them through the window above the sink, laughing and chatting easily before Alex flicks water in her son’s face. The affronted look on Henry’s face sends her right down memory lane, a slideshow of the dozens of times she and Arthur did the same thing playing in her mind.
It took a while, a shove from Bea, and a lot of therapy, but the memories no longer hurt her, no longer make her feel like her soul is being ripped away every time she thinks about her husband. Now, after everything, she can let the memories pass through like a draft through windchimes; she might get knocked around, but what sweet melodies they make.
A cool breeze makes Catherine pull the quilt Alex draped over her earlier closer around her shoulders and she looks out over the dark backyard. The only light is from the stars, the crescent moon, the dying embers, and the occasional lightning bug. Catherine inhales deeply, breathing in the smell of the earth, of burning wood, of the lingering scent of the beer that Alex knocked off the picnic table earlier. The sound of crickets chirping is accompanied by grass rustling in the breeze and the quiet pops of the fire. It’s peaceful here, in this place where there’s more sky than anything else—a sky big enough for dreams and memories alike.
Arthur would have loved it here. He would have been first in line to learn how to work the grill from Alex. He would have laughed easily at their son’s carefree antics. He would have been their biggest supporter in buying this place. Catherine knows that their siblings were confused, Alex’s parents were a little more understanding, but Arthur— Arthur would have seen the house for what it is: a sanctuary, a place to recharge, a place where they can truly be themselves, stripped of the pressures of both royalty and politics.
She knows that they chose Texas for Alex, but the feel of the place has more than a little to do with Henry; Catherine finds echoes of the cottage in Wales around every corner. The farmhouse is a monument to the love they have for each other and to their families. The house is so full of affection and care that one could almost taste them, almost trip over them on the way to the kettle. 
Another breeze sweeps through the yard and Catherine shivers, but not from the chill this time. She can feel something—someone—here with her now. She gets a whiff of Arthur’s cologne, a faint trace of pine and leather that always made her feel safe. She holds her breath, and she can faintly hear Arthur’s laugh, bright and full, over the sound of her heartbeat. Impossibly, she feels the weight of an arm across her shoulders, tucking her close into the faded imprint of a warm chest.
The back door opens and the boys’ chatter spills out along with the kitchen light. Their presence breaks the spell the night was weaving around her, but between more jokes and reminiscing, between dessert and a cup of decaf, Catherine feels ghostly fingers slip between her own, and hold tight.
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lizardbrainlabs · 1 month ago
Your interpretation of Hector talking with Bauhauzzo post-game (if you can see that happening) would be neat!!
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oh the horrors of knowing no one can fix the problem except for you
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royaltea000 · 5 months ago
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I love Bai Long Ma he truly don’t gaf
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thrashz · 1 year ago
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Idk if anyone has done it yet but here’s my best guesses for some of the background npcs in side order!
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raplinenthusiasts · 5 days ago
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j-hope Tour 'HOPE ON THE STAGE' Official Trailer 👀 setlist?
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potatounicoorn · 5 months ago
Honestly the fact Dick Grayson was supposed to become a talon is so funny when you think about talons weakness being cold. This is the guy who went around crime fighting in a suits with no pants, v-necks deeper than god knows what and all together in suits made of thin fabrics and a dream. Cold temperatures fear this man more than he could ever care about them.
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wizardyandcheesesammich · 2 years ago
Absolutely hilarious that most of the server has either 1) forgotten Wilbur or 2) never even met him, so everyone just assumes Phil has two kids?
Devastated at the fact I don't speak either portuguese or french, I need to know what the logic is for why one dude has two eggs and no one questions it.
(This post was brought to you by the uncountable number of times people refer to both Chayanne and Tallulah as Phil's son and daughter without much thought.)
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letsplayeternity · 1 year ago
We all talk about how Penelope is strong in the 3x01 "Mr Bridgerton" scene because she doesn't fold after his shameless flirting but do you know what is true strenght? This moment right here. Because that boy is TOUCHING HER BARE ARM and TAKING HER HAND and he says "you really are very good, you know?" in the SOFTEST VOICE KNOWN TO MAN. And like... i'm sorry. I'm sorry but WHAT THE FUCK. HOW DID SHE NOT IMMEDIATELY FALL TO HER KNEES? Penelope Featherington is truly the strongest out of everyone because sure, she is desperately pining for him - but at least she keeps it under wraps. I would not have been able. If Colin Bridgerton said something like that to me I would have had no choice but to hit my knees and ask him if he would be kind enough as to compromise me immediately.
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coeluvr · 6 months ago
Me when chapter 4 was so nice that I must go back to my roots and edit the prologue so I can be who I am but then also pretend I'm totally normal 😋
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houseswife · 1 year ago
I love how neferiously hugh laurie delivered his lines in that 5x1 scene where house is blackmailing wilson. because the dialogue could’ve been conveyed in a manner that was obviously facetious and unserious (like the way RSL was playing the scene: “You’d jeopardise a patient—? 😒🙄) but he literally chose to go “If it keeps you here😈👹” in the most deadass, diabolical tone. so the result is that we have house sounding like a genuine psychopath as he threatens to let a woman die and then wilson proving he’s an even BIGGER one by responding with, like, mild exasperation at best. 10/10 dynamic no notes
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omegalerc · 2 months ago
Ricky, it seems that Charles is in heat
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meirimerens · 1 year ago
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a mask of someone else's gold
commission for @spkyct8 🔑
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wishing-well-art · 1 month ago
The one thing about Arcane season 2 that I'm still a little bit mad about is that Vi and Jinx never really talked. They had a total of 2 conversations in season 1, one where they got interrupted and Jinx was never able to tell Vi what happened in the 7 years Vi was in prison, and the second where Vi still had no clue what was going on. But that's fine, miscommunication that befalls tragedy, it's intentional, and character-wise Jinx wasn't in that kind of headspace for that to happen. But then season 2 rolls around and at no point in season 2 did they sit down and talk about what went wrong, why they made the decisions they did, and try to understand each other. We never even got a loud fight where they unloaded all the negative feelings they had towards each other, or a quiet painful confession that they felt like failures towards each other. They had so much down time that we should've seen all that, the fight in the mines and the talk in the commune should've been that, but they only barely skimmed the surface. Did Vi even find out about Jinx being injected with shimmer? Did Jinx ever find out why Vi left her that night? No, they didn't, and that's just such a shame.
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kiisaes · 2 years ago
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you're ok!!!
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v1rtualtrash · 3 months ago
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Yeah I'm sure Cedric
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ducks-love-peas · 1 year ago
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Good Omens s2 e2 | minisode A Companion to Owls
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