#true partnership
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runaway90s · 1 year ago
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First rule of chess. First rule of life.
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joitotheworldstuff · 15 days ago
The “Three Loves Theory”: Understanding the Three Stages of Love and How They Shape Us
Love is one of the most complex and transformative experiences we go through as humans. It’s the feeling that sweeps us off our feet, makes us feel alive, and sometimes even leaves us heartbroken. Over time, many people find themselves in different kinds of relationships, each one unique and impactful in its own way. The “Three Loves Theory” offers an insightful perspective on love, proposing…
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drrav3nb · 8 months ago
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You have brought me much joy, Emma of Normandy. And you me, my Emperor of the Great Northern Empire.
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kindaorangey · 5 months ago
"are you asking me or making me?" is soooooo interesting to me because i think armand only asks it when he can't gauge whether he's letting louis down. it's barely even sexual - it's a hail mary. it's a show of trust, indirectly admitting that he wants to do something other than what louis expects of him, but that he's willing to obey louis anyway, for the sake of their relationship. it's sort of heartbreaking watching them at the sacré-cœur, because if louis had said "i'm making you" armand would've done it in a heartbeat. he would've taken it as a show of committment on louis' part, and he wouldn't have betrayed him. but louis takes the question just as an expression of disagreement, and so he doesn't play the game. ironically, he respects armand's independence too much to make him turn madeleine if he doesn't want to. and so armand isn't convinced of louis' commitment to him, and he betrays him.
and by the time we see them in san fransisco, louis knows what the question means now, and answers "no, arun, i'm not asking" without question. and armand accepts it without complaint, even as it pains him. companionship really is the most important thing in the world to armand, just like it is for lestat, and he's willing to do any number of horrible things to louis and himself just to keep him as a companion, just like lestat. louis' biggest mistake is not realising how to use that to his advantage sooner.
edit: HELP people are reblogging this again. i misremembered the context of the scene - louis is asking armand to witness the turning, not do it himself. still, if armand had gone along to witness, that would have 100% been taken as implicit permission for louis to turn madeleine (thereby adhering to the first of the great laws) and, in essence, "agreeing" with her turning where before he ordered claudia to drive madeleine out of town. this hypocrisy, and the further bending of the rules for louis' sake (he's given permission to turn a mortal despite neither of them being in the coven), would have been seen by the coven as betrayal. armand knows this; he doesn't think madeleiene should be turned for these reasons; that's why he asks, "are you asking me or making me?"
still. if louis had said "i'm making you" i think armand would've gone along to witness, implicitly giving his permission for madeleine to be turned and functionally changing his allegiance from the coven to louis once and for all. so the core point of the post still stands.
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another-goblin · 13 days ago
Dr. Ratio may or may not have something to do with Amphoreus, but the similarities are obvious and undeniable (the aesthetics, baths, all these conversations about spreading knowledge, and so on).
These similarities should be obvious to the Trailblazer too, right? Considering that we are canonically in a good relationship with him, there is no way we saw everybody wearing sandals, togas, and golden laurels, and it didn't remind us of a certain someone.
So when the dust settles a bit, I would at least appreciate a remark about this. Or maybe even sending him a message asking about his connection to Amphoreus.
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adhd-merlin · 1 year ago
reading what julian jones said in an audio commentary about that merlin and gwaine scene in ep 4x07 I'm screaming
[Gwaine is waiting for Merlin in Gaius’s chambers.] Merlin: I’m busy. Gwaine: Doing what? Merlin: What do you think? RW: So Gwaine wasn’t in this, uh, initially? Not in this scene? JJ:     Well, there was a scene that was in, um, the armoury, from what I remember. RW: Yeah. JJ:     And, um…Merlin got quite angry that Arthur wasn’t doing anything and was uncharacteristically rude, in fact, and was quite bolshie. And I think that is what motivates, uh, Gwaine to come and offer to help out. RW: Yeah. JJ:     And so that wasn’t there for Gwaine. And in the end, the scene really wasn’t…wasn’t necessary. It didn’t take us anywhere. This scene’s a lovely scene because it’s a relationship. We know that they have a close relationship. RW: That they’re close, yeah. [Agravaine watches Gwaine and Merlin ride off together.] JJ:     Yeah, and you instinctively understand why Gwaine has gone there to help out his friend and, um, Merlin, feeling the whole world’s against him…rejects this. Um, but then, slowly, they form a partnership and um…which is, uh, going to drive us towards, uh, rescuing [Gaius].
— transcript by @poetryincamelot
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sammaggs · 6 months ago
spent the last two days with a chainsaw felling, limbing, and bucking a tree in the Canadian bush (it was encroaching on the hydro line to my cabin) and all I could think of the whole time was this
also I would have GIF’d this but you really need—NEED I say—to hear the boys’ 4AM voices. you need to.
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pauls1967moustache · 1 year ago
idk i think the fact that there are these weird little pockets of time in 1968 where john/paul/yoko are playing at some semblance of normalcy between the three of them suggests that john had not actually decided to give up on paul in any regard.
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weirdbabs · 8 months ago
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she just wanted him to say that it was fucked up for scabs to make her head into a giant dobermann to bite her arm!! shes got ptsd!! and instead she was met not only by him telling her to suck it up and ignore her bodys natural response, but him revealing he TOLD her about it. bc it would make her a better fighter
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deus-ex-mona · 5 months ago
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majorpepperidge · 1 year ago
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Winterlights gifts from Zeki are a mixed bag, but don't worry, he got Ray a very sweet and sincere gift later to balance it out.
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ayrennaranaaldmeri · 3 months ago
it's like i'm sorry even if you wanted to find a natural environment for them you can't honestly just go lmao arlathan just because it's fucking there bc even if you set aside the fact that these 12 were eggs that came from generations of griffons that were companions for people, griffons were said to originate from seheron?? arlathan forest isn't even the right environment lmaooooooo
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elisabethbabarci · 7 months ago
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Always above all, marry your best friend, someone that through your darkest moments can be that source of light and inspiration for you.
Elisabeth Babarci
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sammaggs · 7 months ago
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4x05 Dead Men Don’t Throw Rice | Opportune
Okay, okay, but ah… d’you know what’s right under your nose?
When Ray has his hands full, Fraser just can’t help himself. He sneaks any opportunity to check Ray out that he can.
Once again, Paul Gross I am in your walls
Benton Fraser Checks Out His Boyfriend [One] [Two] [Three] [Four]
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sendmyresignation · 6 months ago
the audible metronome at the beginning of wttbp is my g-note actually, forget how viscerally it effects me like my god. a small mistake becomes almost like a ticking clock. a blemish in this hyper-polished track, similar to ray toro's bedroom solo, which makes it alive. i am talking about a faint incidental background noise like it is a purposeful artistic choice. which has made me cry before.
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trashlie · 2 years ago
Darker ILY Theories: the Shinae + Gun Kim theory
The time has COME. I keep telling myself to write this post but I keep putting it off because honestly, this one makes me feel sick. I’ve been talking about it again with friends while rereading the Black and White Formal arc, and in light of the current FP episode (232) I think it’s time to bring this one back into the fray. 
As a big disclaimer this post deals with sexual assault noncon theories of underage girls. 
Sometime ago I read a theory that Shinae was at the formal for Gun Kim. There’s been so many theories about the formal. Even recently, there’s been talk about the way Yui had Shinae style her hair seeming similar to how Nessa wore hers, and how she insisted that Shinae meet her husband. I don’t think by any means that discounts this theory at all, because Yui sure knows how to multi-task doesn’t she. 
The Kim formal really set up a LOT of story and action. It’s the moment ILY reveals what kind of story it is - not that there weren’t hints and clues before, because we could already see the discord in Nol and Kousuke’s relationship’ the stress in Shinae’s life and her fight with her father; the money struggles; her friends. But the formal introduced so many elements. It showed us how off Alyssa and Nol’s relationship is. It showed us how sinister Yui really is. It fully introdduced Sangchul and how lecherous he is. The Chess theory, the manipulation, the drugs, all of it was at the forefront finally.
And also, we met Gun Kim. 
Gun is interesting, because he’s the character we know the least about at this point - and his eyes are always closed. He’s always felt sketchy, even as far back as the black and white formal itself. The characters even comment on it. What is someone who looks like Shinae doing at this formal? Mr. Kim likes all women. 
Now that we know how chummy the Kims and Yui/the Hiraharas are, the more sinister it feels. Gun Kim, with his several connections to media conglomorates. Gun Kim, whose father* stepped down from his position as CEO of Hirahara Corp due when facing several sexual assault charges. Gun Kim, father to Sangchul Kim whose prep school has been rife with sexual abuse cases. 
(* presumably Gun’s father. Youngchul Kim. Sangchul Kim. It checks out)
At the time, maybe he didn’t seem SO bad. A negligent father. A womanizer, a playboy. But in light of what we’ve learned, I think we can revisit the scene and find some clues laid out, waiting for their time to come. 
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He makes his grand appearance - convincing the bartender to give underage girls alcohol. Even without the later context, this is terrible, but now that we know what we know.... it feels even more skeevy, even more dangerous. Letting young girls drink, get intoxicated, so that they’re easier for him. Ugggh. 
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He sure makes himself real comfortable with the girls, too. Sure, there’s nothing inherently wrong with this. What a gracious host. But we know better. And we also know you don’t put your hands on people who don’t even know you. Seeing Alyssa’s face, you wouldn’t ordinarily think anything of her smile mask; she uses it all the time, why would this be any different. But in light of ep 232.... I’ll try to save all my 232 posts for the end so I can put it under a readmore and avoid spoilers. 
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Isn’t it weird, that he can instantly recognize Shinae? Oh sure, maybe it’s because someone who doesn’t know who he is isn’t from this world, so she has to be Yui’s special guest. And look, Yui and Gun are business partners. Friends, even, since Sangchul seems to know so much about Nol and his family via Gun. Through who else would they know about Nol and his not-much-of-a relationship with Alyssa? So, surely Yui has told Gun about Shinae, since she’s the topic of Kousuke’s interest, right? 
But no, I feel horribly, uneasily certain that Yui has shown Gun pictures of Shinae, described her to him, maybe even told him how much fun she is. How she’s got so much personality, that he’ll just enjoy her. Even typing this makes me feel ill ugh. The thought that Gun and Yui are in cahoots not simply by way of business but by way of an even darker, more sinister business is fucking horrifying. 
So not only does he instantly recognize her for who she is but 
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Is it wrong to pay her a compliment? It’s not like he said anything inappropriate. And yet. And yet Shinae is uncomfortable. And yet he is a stranger, a man she doesn’t know, acting too friendly, someone who already knows of her. Danger, danger, danger, danger!
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This man gives me the creeps SO MUCH and it’s everything about THIS. His expression, those closed eyes, something about him feels smug and smarmy. Everybody gets drink, everybody gets inebriated, everybody gets to have fun. He’s gross, he’s disgusting, he’s encouraging drinking. We know what kind of fun a man like him wants to see and have. 
And he’s not simply enabling underage drinking. 
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Even after Nol expresses that he doesn’t want a drink, he’s still pushed to have one, still expected to be “respectful of the host”. The host who is pushing alcohol on minors!!! Like, even on its own that’s clearly beyond irresponsible, because you can definitely get the sense that he wants to see what happens when a bunch of kids loosen up, when they all let down their inhibitions, when they all get sloppy and start making mistakes. Like, let’s not pretend otherwise. He wouldn’t be encouraging the drinks at all if he didn’t want something to happen, if he wasn’t hoping for that to transpire. 
Like, really mull over that for a moment.
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The word choice that’s used here is important, both for the things said and unsaid. Kousuke and Nol may have met Sangchul for the first time, but they’re not stranger to Gun I’m sure. I can’t imagine this is the first Kim formal they’ve had to attend, and even if so, everyone in attendance seems to know Gun’s reputation. Sangchul is one of six children - but only one of two from the same woman. How many women has he been married to? How many more has he simply been with? 
And how many of them young. Or against their will? 
Sangchul didn’t learn his tactics from no one, let’s not forget that. 
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Sangchul only knows coercion, bribery, blackmailing, manipulation. If you’ve got a hot girl, you must’ve ha to force her hand, must’ve had to black mail her to get her to agree. It could never be as simple as a girl just liking him, no. It must be some seedy, skeevy, manipulative tactic. 
Sexual assault runs in the family. Sangchul learned from watching his father, who no doubt learned from Youngchul. When you see women as property, as items, you don’t see them as people. Even if she refuses, they’ll get what they want in the end, won’t they? UGH. 
Kousuke and Nol react in surprise - alarm - because the implications of his wording is creepy. Nol knows Shinae is being forced to attend this formal, she’s not here of her own volition and wouldn’t even accept his offer to safely get her out of there. He probably wonders exactly that - is that why she’s here? And he’s possibly not entirely incorrect. 
Yui sweeps in to note that Gun isn’t being so literal, but we know how those two operate. I think as readers we are meant to read into that. It’s not there just for the boys to become alarm, it’s there for us to understand that Gun is not a safe man for Shinae to go alone with. Especially because as readers we already know Shinae feels off, she’s having a drink, AND the episode has quietly informed us that Sangchul roofied her. 
And this man comes sweeping in, calling Shinae a cutie, promising to introduce her to everyone. 
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Even in her addled state, Shinae knows there’s something weird about the use of family, but she’s dazed (she’s drugged), she isn’t feeling right in the head, this whole event has  been a nightmare for her so far, she’s being thrown into situations she’s ill-prepared for, so it’s so easy to gloss over it. 
But the text emphasizes it itself. 
It IS weird.
This is ALL weird. 
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Does this not make you feel disgusting? Does this not make you want to scream? He’s talking like she’s a pony or something. A grown man parading a minor around, talking about how she’s a cutie, everything is so perfect, her dress - which is modest only in the front and leaves her whole back and parts of her waist bare - everything. And the question about is she your new wife?
How many other pretty young things has he paraded around like this.
How many other pretty young things has he wed? And how many of them were forced against their will, bribed, manipulated? What did he hold over their heads? 
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I don’t have to spell it out. We know. We all know. 
Look at Gun with his eyes closed, that stupid smile on his face. What was it quimchee said of why Mr. Kim’s eyes are always closed? Living is easy with eyes closed. He can turn a blind eye to anything, he can encourage anything. Was the drink too much, he wonders. Was she feeling unwell, he muses. Oh well, it doesn’t matter, my son has her. :) 
Gun Kim is no fool. He’s not naive. He is a horrible, vile man and he knows exactly what he was doing, sending an unwell girl who was previously drinking underage off to “rest” with his creepy, vile fucking son. 
But Ashlie, you’re asking. I thought you said that Shinae is at the formal for Gun, but he knowingly sent her off in that state with his son, surely knowing what kind of horrible thing he’ll do to her. If she’s for him why didn’t he take her?
He’s the host, of course he can’t take her anywhere yet. 
She’s the after party. 
jfkafjkfakjfajkafjkafj GOD that felt gross to write I’m sorry but I just KNOW that’s his line of thinking, I just KNOW that’s what this was supposed to be. Everything went awry when dick-punched Sangchul and escaped. 
We know well enough now that the Kims are just as vile and atrocious, that they breed a special kind of especially horrible violence, that sexual violence is NOTHING to them - perhaps even fun. The way Sangchul needled Nol about Alyssa makes me so sick, because it tells you everything about how he views and treats women, the kinds of things he, too, has probably done. 
All I can think of now is that Yui and Gun are in on this. Of course they are, this is their sleazy empire. Business partners that go further back, deeper than we ever realized. Yui, who has no qualms about playing with peoples’ lives, who gets a thrill out of breaking people down, out of their misery. Gun, who thinks girls and women are ripe for the picking, who enjoys a nice pretty young thing? UGGH UGH UGH death wouldn’t be enough punishment. Prison wouldn’t be enough. NOTHING that happens to them will ever be satisfying enough but GOD I WANT TO SEE THEM TOPPLE AND FALL. 
Spoilers for ep 232 ahead:
I think we can already see how this ties in to the current FP episode, right? 
I had absolutely NO idea he was this close. Like... I’ve worried about his connections to media conglomerates, I’ve worried about the women he’s been with and how Sangchul learned that behavior, but to see him on the other side of the door of the bathroom in which Alyssa is hiding.... horrifying! The way he calls her sweetheart like he’s some placating father, except we know better. The expression on her face when she hears the girls talking about her but worse, when she hears Gun ask if she needs any help. 
It’s her body language when she finally comes out, so meek and small, arms held close to her body like she’s trying to take up as little space as possible.
And it’s the implication that he’s going to drive her himself. Alone. 
Not even a manager to spare for her? Or worse, is he a manager? An agent? Is he her superior in this role? There’s so many horrifying, stomach-churning possibilities and in the end, it doesn’t matter which he is, because the point is: he has that access. 
He doesn’t need to be their manager, their agent. He has connections. He has Yui. He has his name and influence and power and money and most of all, he has dirty little secrets. So much blackmail. So much dirt. 
I’m so fucking scared for Alyssa RUN GIRL RUN GET THE FUCK OUT OF THAT ;___________; 
I’ll put more thoughts in my actual 232 thought dump post but for now: Gun Kim may not have gotten a hold of Shinae, but he’s not left for want is he ;________; 
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