#trouble with fan vids
bsaka7 · 2 years
me: i am not a soccer fan anymore
Also me: has genuinely spent nearly the entire last two days thinking about the usmnt loss to the Netherlands
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mxqdii · 1 year
Haii! New follower here I was wondering if you could do hcs for Matt Sturniolo having a gf who’s a solo artist/in a band ??
hi love!! thank u sm for the follow! and tysm for the request! hope u enjoy<3
headcannons - m.s x singer gf
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pairings: matt sturniolo x reader
summary: matt x singer reader headcannons!
warning(s): N/A
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matt would so SO supportive like prove me wrong
he would go to every concert you/you & your band have + singing EVERY lyric (yes he knows 'em all)
he'd repost all your/concerts performances on his story 100%
if you were going on tour, he'd post the announcement along with some cringe cute paragraph saying how proud he is of you (im in tears)
honestly finds it so 🤭 that you can sing/play as well as you do (always praising u on how good you do)
if you have trouble writing a song, he wouldn't let you beat yourself up abt it considering how amazing you are.
he'd give you lyric/song ideas !!
IF YOU WROTE A SONG ABT HIM??? he's listening to the whole thing eyes wide (imagining this has me sobbing)
wears your merch (fans notice in the car vids)
fans would totally edit you two to one of your songs
if you wrote/played a sad song he'd probably ask you a bit about it but other than that absolutely astonished at your talent
if you're anxious before a show he'd be so good at calming your nerves, like i can totally see him backstage hyping you up and giving you breathing exercises
"you're gonna do great baby i know you will" AHHHSJKSJ
reminder that nick and chris would absolutely LOOOVVEE your music as well and support u the whole way through.
if you wrote and published a song you didn't like, matt would start posting with it and playing it until you liked it. (or he'd compliment little details of the song)
(for example ^) "i really like the drums during this part" or like "oh my god the lyrics during this part?" he'd do pretty much anything to make you as proud as he is (but you and him both know that's not possible as he is your number 1 fan.)
if you're in a band, he loves your bandmates and they all love him, they all mesh really well together.
would help you set up the stage before a concert
usually gets spotted in the crowd (vip section obvi) and fans edit they way he looks at you while you're performing.
if you WERE in a band and then announced a solo album, he would be so endlessly proud
you obviously show him all your music before you release it and he finds it so adorable, he'd watch you rant about every song and listen so intently.
@strniolo @stargirlv0id @annaisabookworm
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puriiinz · 1 year
HEADCANONS | abby a.
a/n: this is my coming out post as an abby fan. love my shnookums 🙈
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⊰ watches mukbangs when she’s hungry and knows there’s no food in the fridge and she hates that habit but shows no effort to stop it.
⊰ learned how to braid hair because of her grandma. she’d take her dolls to her granny to braid their hair and she learned just by watching. was the hair stylist of the class growing up. (and she might’ve charged 5 dollars for each braid and surprisingly never got in trouble)
⊰ she was a granny’s girl growing up!!! her dad would drop her off at grandma’s and she would happily spend the whole day there.
⊰ loves chocolate ice cream. even better if it has chocolate chips in it and despises anything and everything that’s banana flavored. literally cannot fathom how someone can pick banana when there are a million other options.
⊰ she’s never had shrimp before. doesn’t really like fish either but she would kill someone for a piece of squid.
⊰ she’s bad at story based games where your choices matter. she does the qte’s just fine but gets half of the characters killed because of her poor decisions.
⊰ she’s so indecisive. which is why she’s bad at non combat games. immediately regrets her decision and starts wondering if she should’ve picked the other one. it’s not just with games though, she could be at a cafe thinking if she should’ve gotten the tiramisu instead of soufflé or she could be at a public restroom thinking if the stall next to her would’ve been a better choice.
⊰ she likes linking/holding arms more than holding hands. it just makes you two stand closer. you can stand far away when she’s holding your hand but when your arms are linked you have to pull her with you when you want to go somewhere. basically where you go she goes.
⊰ she had atrocious bangs when she was 5. she watched those cutting my bangs at home vids and cut hers with kitchen scissors in front of her doll’s wonky plastic mirror (she didn’t want her dad to see) and put her hair in a bag before throwing it in the trash. and cried for a month straight.
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milehighmegs · 9 days
On the Subject of Nightingales
Soooo... since I've dived straight and gleefully down the rabbithole of Good Omens fan theories, I found something of a gem that gives me hope for season 3.
[Note: I am aware that, at this time, production has been paused pending the involvement of Neil Gaiman, so no need to bring that up. It'll unfold in due time.]
I watched a fan analysis by YouTuber Sendarya, who, via tumblr user @daria-meoi, made a fascinating connection between the song we've come to know as their song and the end credits of S2 E6 (links to both vids posted below). Take a moment to watch them both and come back...
This is Sendarya's full analysis (above)...
... and this is the juxtaposition of Tori's version over the end credits. It's just... well. You'll see.
... so, all caught up? Good. Right to it then.
Inspired by a comment in one of these videos (sorry, can't remember exactly which one or else I'd find the commentor's name and give allllll the credit), it seems as though that final smile from Zira implies that the wheels in his head are churning. He's coming up with a plan. Will it work? Maybe. Will he do everything in his power to make it work? You bet your tartan-bowtie-wearing ass he will.
This particular string of thought was kicked off by the aforementioned comment, which led me to the exchange between Zira and Nina during the demon attack:
"Why don't you stand up for yourself, make your own plan?" (or something to that effect)
"Oh I am, but rescuing me makes him so happy."
Since we're already pretty sure the major plot line of S3 is going to be the Second Coming- yet another end-of-the-world attempt by H&H- it stands to reason that Zira, as Supreme Archangel, is gonna go full-blown Lawful-but-Chaotic Good™ and attempt to thwart the Second Coming in such a way that Hell will have to step in. Kinda like they did in S1, which is, in a roundabout way, how Gabriel & Beez got together in the first place.
Whoever's in charge of hell now could tap Crowley to make sure things go "as planned," even if he is half the reason Armageddon didn't happen. Why? Because they likely know that he & Zira aren't on good terms, and- in their narrow understanding of love- believe Crowley'd be perfectly happy to bring down his ex-boyfriend Supreme Archangel Aziraphale. Knowing Zira better than anyone, and "hating" him now, Hell thinks Crowley will know just what to do to get Zira to either stand down or fall in the trying.
I do admit this is a bit of a stretch, seeing as how Crowley is not only retired but well and totally fed up with Hell's shit. But Zira was retired too, and now he's the Archangel-fucking-Aziraphale. And since we, the audience, know about the pain & heartbreak Crowley's going through, he may just accept such an offer as an excuse to see Zira again. Or, depending on what's happening, if Crowley thinks Zira's in trouble, he'll come for him. Broken heart, bitterness, & soul-deep pain aside, he'll come for him. How that particular exchange would go... oh ho HO, I have plehhhhnty of ideas. Not all of them end well. But some of them do.
Zira's not stupid. Naive, yes, maybe even a bit gullible thanks to all that Heaven-induced trauma, but not out-and-out stupid. He's got schemes, and he'll carry them out to the best of his angelic ability. After all, he's just someone who goes along with Heaven... as far as he can.
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maryhadalittlehobby · 5 months
Recap of my experiences at the IWTV Premiere April 30, 2024
I found out about if from one of the most unlikiest sources. A person I thought was an even bigger fandom lurker than myself😅 I wasn't even gonna ask but I said fuck it, maybe they know someone who knows someone. And they did but said people were under ndas. Initially said they couldn't say but then last minute said they believe they knew where it was going to be.
I didn't say anything because 1) I didn't want them or their friend to get in trouble by spreading the info. 2) possibly spread misinfomation if that wasn't the place and 3) nobody asked lol
I thought I would just show up and see what I could see. In the past I have done this at a Walking Dead premiere. At that event it turned out that they had a lobby full of props that anyone could enter and take pics of. They even had walkers roaming around. Then the kicker-I got into that TWD premiere TICKETLESS by pure accident! So why not fuck around and find out again.
I put on a "closet cosplay" of Claudia in the upcoming yellow dress using all stuff I already owned and headed out.
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I walked up to Mckittrick hotel, asked if there was a standby or waiting list but the person said they didnt know. There was a lot of important looking people surrounded with guards double checking lists and whatnot so I gave up that angle and loitered around with the other 15 or so fans who found the location too hoping to just see a glimpse of our favs.
Didn't have to wait to long as one by one they started showing up. The first one I noticed was Delainey and she slayed in that black sheer number. She was soft-spoken and a little shy but took her time and signed/took pictures with all the people who were there. Not sure if she knew I was cosplaying Claudia but she did compliment my contacts.
I had all my pics on motion video so if I didnt like the actual pic there was a few frames of vid to pick from as well. The actual video is a bonus! Too bad I can only link 1 video here but a lot of vids are on my IG in the highlight. Same name!
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Then Sam came. As soon as he exited the car the wind blew his hair back and I lost my train of thought. He is pretty and his eyes are a lighter shade of blue than they look in pics. Also he is blonder! And so slim! The suit they had him in was a fun nod to vintage suits.
He too complimented my contacts! In the vid he is asking me questions about them but as soon as I take the pic another fan was yelling his name and grabbed his attentionl. Not mad lol I probably would have gotten less coherent the more I talked😅
Jacob showed up soon after-all smiles. What a cutey. He was damn near falling in the garbage they had us lowly non invites next to trying to contort this way and that to sign and take pics. Again-so small! And he too complimented my contacts😁 if the suit would have been properly tailored( the pants looked to long!) It would have been slay
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Not gonna lie I kinda blacked out after meeting Sam so my memory with jacob is fuzzy.
Assad and Luke arrived together shortly after but got whisked away pretty quickly so I didn't get a pic with them. Eric was the very first to arrive and despite me being there I missed him too.
But I was sooo happy getting the unholy family little else mattered. I contemplated waiting after but I was BUZZING with adrenaline and starving lol. My fandom plug said she did come after and met EVERYONE and their momma. Cast and crew alike and they were still happy to engage even after their long night❤️
Finally Fang Gangers, please do not repost/ reupload/ or screenshot anything of mine as your content. Linking back / sharing is ok.
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factual-fantasy · 7 months
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Me too man. But my mental and physical health is kind'a tanking atm. I just don't have the energy to pick up a passion project of that scale right now..
If you're patient and stick around though, we're bound to see more of my FNAF security breach AU someday.. Once I can get on top of all this crap I'm dealing with-
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I AM restingggg 😫 I haven't left my home for any significant amount of time for like 3 weeks- I cant rest any harder! XD
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Google seems to suggest that an oreo cookie character already exists. "Prime Oreo Cookie" I believe..? :0
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@solst1ce-sketches (In response to this post(?))
:DD Thank you! I'm glad you like him!! :}}
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(First repair guy) (Second repair guy)
They are different repair guys, and they both do not have a name.. 😔
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Not quite sure what you're asking.. so I'll just answer in multiple ways!
My favorite movies of all time are Pixars cars 1 and 3. I cannot watch either without crying 😭 they are my absolute favorites and I hold them very close to my soul 💖
Still to this day, even after all this time, Gravity Falls is my top favorite show. Despite all the cringe I made for it back in the day- it still holds up as my most beloved show I've ever drawn about.
As for fandom, like the people? I thiiiink the FNAF fandom was my favorite to interact with..? I remember a lot of interaction with the fans in general, which meant a lot to me :)
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Bibi and Cici are just odd little critters XD though Bibi is very cat-like in nature and Cici is based on a mouse :0
I'm not sure how they feel about being dolls. I'd assume they don't really mind it! XD
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Not sure what you mean but I assume you're right XDD
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Thank you! Though I don't take requests, sorry!
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She is indeed a kid, but that's becuase all I had to go off of was her info picture and fanart I saw of her. For some reason a lot of art I saw of Sally depicted her as this total gremlin character that's always getting into trouble.
So I thought hey! Why not make it so she fell to "Earth" as a little tot and was raised by Poppy? In present day she could be like 13-15 and her chaotic energy would make sense and be fun to mess with!
Though after watching GTlive do a vid on the Halloween update, I realize that I wrote her personality completely wrong. Sooo I miiight need to rework her entire story and character- whoops! <XDD
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Considering Sally is gonna need some restructuring, I'm not sure where Poppy stands atm-- <:DD
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I saw your comment on a post that shows you now know the answer to this- but just to clarify it for everyone else!-
Octo and Seafoam are not gay, nor a couple. Seafoam's heart belongs to Blue Beauty! Him and Octo are just friends/brothers.
Also thank you! :DD I'm honored!
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@neo-metalscottic (Post in question)
AAAA Thank you!! :DD I've very glad you like them! :D And I'm not sure how a meeting with the pirates and cowboys would go.. its funny though becuase a lot of Canned Tuna's design was copied from Canned Beans cookie. Even the name! So if they ever met maybe they'd have a stand off XDD
I haven't thought much about how the Captain would react.. maybe the Vegimals are something he just cant wrap his head around and chooses not to talk about it XDD
BUT CALICO JACK!! SEEING VEGIMALS BEFORE?? WHY HAVEN'T I THOUGHT OF THAT!! The Vegimals could be these huge fish creatures when they grow old! And Jack could have SEEN ONE/HEARD OF THEM BEFORE!! Why didn't I think of that?? XDD I'll have to draw something like that sometime!!
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Thank you so much!! :D My favorite Donkey Kong game has to be the only one I've ever played, the original Donkey Kong Country!
I also loved Diddy Kong racing, though I see that it doesn't count <XD
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I've heard of Hazbin Hotel, and Helluva boss. I saw the Hazbin pilot ages ago and have seen some episodes of Helluva.. Though they're not really my taste.. <:/
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@badlyblurry (Post in question)
:D Thank you! Now I didn't really do any proper research after the fact so I hope the Octonauts info is accurate! <XDD
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I think Poppy Playtime it pretty neat! Though I haven't seen a playthrough of chapter 3 yet so I haven't formed an opinion on the smiling critters. :0 Other than their smiles are WAY too big and creepy XDDD
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Holy cow.. what a crazy read! I'm not much of a gamer myself but I have GOT to watch somebody play this! :00 Thank you for the info! :D
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WAIT THIS GAME WAS ON THE WII?? I was thinking it was a fangame made for PC??? Like on steam?? ITS A LEGIT RELEASE?? WHAT???
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(Post in question)
It was sooooo much tedious coloringggg... 💀💀 Worth it tho XDD
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(Post in question)
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AWWWW!! HOW COOL!! I love the mermaid approach!! :DD SO PREBBY!!! ✨🤩✨🥥✨
Also thank you so much!! :DDD
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(Post in question)
XDD Turns out ditto is my spirit Pokémon-
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AAAA I'm so glad you're interested in him! Uuuunfortunately,, looking back it seems the only artwork I have of Melvin is just a bunch of strange angst for no good reason-
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So I'm afraid I don't really have any artwork to share,, and most of the story has already been told.. but this ask makes me want to come back to Melvin sometime! Maybe expand on his story more, or just draw him again in general!
So thank you for the ask/interest, perhaps we'll see more of Melvin someday! :D
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cumulo-stratus · 11 months
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(dividers by @cafekitsune <3)
Fluff- ☀️ Angst- 🌧️ Angst w/ comfort- 🌦️ Moodboard- 🌨️
Requests- open!
last updated- 5/10/24
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Flufftober -
one fic for everyday of october based around a fluffy prompt, (im sure we all know the drill by now <3)
Long Gone[e.p] ☀️ - emily and reader share their first kiss in the after hours of the bau
Rainy Love [s.r]☀️ - y/n has always loved the rain, and decides to share that love with spencer (ps this was idea was inspired by a fic by the lovely user @ssa-atlas-alvez <3)
I’ll Remember for us [s.r] ☀️ - the team goes to Los Angeles, and y/n (the ever emotionless and stone cold profiler with a soft spot for spencer) is chasing an unsub when they fight and falls, getting a concussion and fractured wrist, spencer is there for him. (no prior romantic relationship, just friends)
Rain Soaked Sleep [s.r] ☀️ - Y/n and Spencer get home after a long week at the BAU and a rainy drive home, ready to fall asleep to the sound of rain.
Oh How I Love Loving You[s.r] ☀️ - Y/n and spencer share their first dance as a married couple at their fall wedding in y/ns hometown in new england
Softest Curls in All the Kingdom [s.r] ☀️ - Y/n enjoys playing with spencers hair on jet back home
“They’re Ours!” [s.r] ☀️ - My HC's around Spencer and sharing clothes over the course of your relationship.
There’s nothing wrong with being different[s.r] ☀️ - Spencer and his husband talk to their daughter when she gets in trouble for punching someone (daughter is 10)
Soaked in Adoration[s.r] ☀️ - My HC's around spencer and bathing/showering with his partner
“For Me?”[s.r] ☀️ - Y/n brings spencer an early Christmas gift relating to their shared special interest of the sci-fi fantasy series Dune
“You do this everyday?”[s.r] ☀️ - y/n has a pretty popular cooking channel and one day after y/n doesnt edit out spencer givving y/n a kiss when he gets home the fans go crazy wanting a video where you bake together so you make a vid answering questions while making a fall recipe
Love in the form of paper[s.r] ☀️ - Spencer tries to teach his best friend how to make an origami heart- but y/n still struggles
“Lend me some vanilla?” [s.r] ☀️ - Y/n goes to spencers house to ask spencer if he has any vanilla extract when theres a possible gas leak and no ones allowed to leave their aparment until the morning when someone can come check it out...
Sneaky snuggles [s.r] ☀️ -y/n is woken up to a surprise of his boyfriend being home- despite the fact that his case was supposed to run at least another day or two.
The good days [s.r] ☀️ - spencer and y/n go stargazing, and y/n indulges spencer with facts about his special interest- astronomy
Protector[s.r] ☀️ - after an unsub tries to hurt y/n, spencer steps in.
Lover -
the love story of y/n l/n and Spencer Reid
Ours ☀️ - Spencer finally has a conversation with the boy on the train
Enchanted 🌦️ - Spencer's insecurities grow in his friendship with y/n when he finds out about Gina
More coming soon…
Criminal Minds -
Like we always do [s.r] 🌦️ - (request) after Spencer proposes to his partner they decide they have to tell Spencer what they had been thinking about for months- and Spencer is always ready to support his partner
Communication issues [s.r] ☀️ - reader is from France and lived there until he was 11/12 and then moved to america and his first language is french. He also has a little bit of an accent. Basically reader is new to the team and it is their first late night back home on the jet with him. And basically they learn that when hes tired he reverts back to his mother tongue.
The fencer [s.r]☀️ - reader is a fencer and is competing in the 2023 mens saber nationals and spencer invites the team to cheer on his boyfriend. (Could be read as ftm) (Also spencer is like low key autistic in this)
Smart cookie [s.r]☀️ - (request) reader asks for readers help with a new tattoo he wants, and when reader calls Spencer a smart cookie Spencer gets flustered, and reader can't help himself
Love like a fathers [s.r]🌦️ - (request) Y/n gets hurt protecting spencer from an unsub, and they spend some time together in the hospital.
Flashback [s.r]🌦️ - spencer discusses his thoughts around having kids with his spouse after putting their daughter Diana to bed (written for @cmgiftexchange)
New Years Kiss [s.r]☀️ - You and Spencer share a New Years kiss at Rossi's house to celebrate
The Little Things [a.h]☀️ - (request) you notice all the little things Aaron does for you everyday (could be read as romantic or platonic)
Fantozzi [s.r] ☀️ - (request) The BAU decides to have a movie night at Rossi's house, and Spencer you and Spencer find a quiet corner to sit in. You both fall asleep and cuddling ensues..
Glitter Girl [p.g] ☀️ - (request) Penelope and her best friend share some banter over the phone
French Press Coffee [s.r] 🌦️ - (request) Spencer insist you take a break despite your objections
Embrace [s.r] 🌦️ - spencer doesnt feel like hes anything more than his intelligence, but ethan proves him wrong.
Home is with him [s.r] 🌦️ - Spencer comes home to find you struggling, and does his best to help
More coming soon…
Ill always be here [m.j]🌦️ - you come out to your parents and they kick you out after your dad slaps you but mj comforts you and lets you stay with her. 
“You know your really pretty?” [m.j]☀️ - its late and y/n cant sleep so theyre ranting to MJ, its basically just a bunch of fluff crammed into a couple paragraphs
More coming soon...
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Criminal Minds -
“They’re ours!”[s.r] ☀️ - Sharing clothes with Spencer Reid
BAU/Autism [s.r] ☀️ - How the team supports you and your autism
Soaked in adoration [s.r] ☀️ - Bath time with spencer headcannons
Dating Aaron [a.h] ☀️ - what would it be like to date Aaron Hotchner?
More coming soon…
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Criminal Minds -
An indie fall with Spencer [s.r] 🌨️ - (request) A moodboard for an indie fall with spencer <3
A rainy day in with Spencer [s.r] 🌨️ - a moodboard for a rainy day inside with Spencer <3
College professor AU [s.r] 🌨️ - a moodboard for a college professor spencer reid <3
One car [b.a.u] ☀️ - in which all the members of the BAU are stuck in one car for a little while
"your my pillow now" [s.r] ☀️ - spencer reid x male reader
"I can still feel you" [s.r] 🌧️ - spencer reid x gn!reader
More coming soon…
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kennysboxergf · 1 year
Heyy could you write sm for niko like him nd y/n are together nd everybody knows that nd they keep flirting while they are filming w the beta squad “the weakest friend” or anything in general i just think that vid was so funny😽😽
Any Other Way ~ Niko Omilana
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The bright lights of the set flashed in your face as you stood at your podium. Fans of the Beta Squad channel had petitioned, even rioted, for more videos with you in it. So when they had a chance they took it.
Today you were filming the “Weakest Friend” video in which you had to answer a ton of questions about the people you were surrounded by every day. You were at a clear disadvantage as you had recently just gotten together with Niko but you almost felt like this group was your family.
You were fairly confident in your basic knowledge of the guys but you couldn’t help but be nervous when you were called in.
You felt your hand get squeezed by Niko and looked down at it. He was smiling at you and immediately it felt like all your troubles melted away. You guys had chosen podiums next to each other and the others had let it go (but not without at least 4 quips about Niko or You being whipped).
You unlink your hands as Harry steps up and starts to talk. Everyone knew you were together in your small friend group but the public knew nothing yet. They all had guesses due to your abnormal closeness but you hadn’t quite made it official to them yet.
He starts explaining the rules and you nod along with his instruction. You look around, you were the first person in the line followed by Niko, Sharky and Chunkz. On the other side it was Filly, Kenny, AJ and Darkest. 
It was very fast paced and you tried to pay attention to everything but it was damn near impossible so you chose to focus on the most important aspects (Niko mostly). 
Your first question was about Niko 
“When is Niko’s birthday?”
You answer correctly. Niko the idiot doesn’t bank but thankfully gets the questions about your siblings correct.
The round continues on with minimal banks and at the end you have £20.  
The questions keep coming and you keep answering them
“How many siblings does Darkest have?”
“0” you say confidently.
You hear Niko yell bank next to you and clutch a hand to your ear. After the question has moved off him he gives you an apologetic smile.
You lean over your podium to look at Filly as he spends basically the entire two minutes trying to think of one of Niko’s middle names and still gets it incorrect.
You laugh as you see your boyfriend throw his hands up in the air at his friend's answer and you place a gentle hand on his shoulder.
“What’s Niko allergic to?”
You burst out into laughter at the answer before looking over at your Niko.
“You should have told me.” You say in a mock accusatory tone.
Hé simple shook his head with a smile.
The video continued with a few bits of banter and a lot of incorrect answers going around. You got your fair share wrong too but you weren’t nearly as bad some of the other people on the panel *cough* Darkest *cough*. 
You took every opportunity you could nab to touch Niko. A hand on his shoulder, a hand on top of his. You guys even manage to sneak a couple kisses in when the cameras were turned off.
As both you and Niko got eliminated eventually you went behind the camera to cheer on Sharky and Filly as they battled it out. Behind the camera the two of you were safe and free to be as love sick as you wanted. That didn’t come without some teasing but you don’t think you would like it any other way. You loved Niko and you loved all the teasing, friends and videos that came with him.
look to be real I don’t like how this came out but it was requested so I tried my best to get it done <3
keep requesting or just come by and say hi <3
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lemonandlime22 · 1 year
Beach day with the bitey child!Yuu's biteynes
Warning(s): Not edited, maybe a lil rushed
A/N: I wrote this by conjuring all the summer/spring brake eps from those low-quality anime eps on youtube that were so small in the corner of the vid lol. also that watermelon thing did happen to me once, i could not keep anything down for like a day cause of that.
Requested by anon
[Bitey child!Yuu Masterlist]
As we know, NRC is on an island so it would be very easy to have a beach day
but it was still quite interesting,,,
It was so hot that day, everyone could feel themselves melting
well most ppl
some like most Scarabia and most Savanaclaw students were fine cause of where their dorms were.
Yuu was sitting right in front of a cheap desk fan with an oversized tank top that was recently given to them for the hot summer season and pj shorts
Grim was sitting in their lap, cursing his cute fluffy thick fur.
It was all peaceful for a short while
but then Floyd came bursting through the front door and just grabbed the two small beings and ran back out the door sreaming
"Floyd, we have to make sure Yuu had a swimsuit."
Floyd groaned at his brother's reminder and the two walked back inside and into their room, Floyd plopped the two down on the bed and began looking in the doors.
"What the heck in happening!??!?!" Grim shouted at the twins
"Ah, we're having a beach day, didn't you hear Floyd?"
Before any more questions could be asked, Floyd exclaimed in excitement that he had found the swimsuit Yuu had gotten from Kalim
then the twins took Yuu and Grim all the way across Sage Island to a nice beach a little ways away from RSA
when they got there, Azul was already waiting with Kalim and Jamil and a feast
Azul told Jamil abt the lil outing while in Kalims ear shot and he insisted on them coming and having a party
Without even giving them a chance to do a damn thing, Floyd dove into the water with Yuu in his arms Grim was able to squirm out to get to the food
Yuu instantly started panicking, cause ya know
cant swim
but luck for them Jade came to the rescue with arm floaties and a donut floatie for Yuu to sit in
but after that it was a lovely day
some other ppl came and swam with them
mostly the Adeuce duo and the tweels.
After a long time of swimming, Jamil called them all in to have lunch
Yuu ate almost a while watermelon in a contest with Grim, which didn't end well
Yuu threw up-
Jamil, Riddle and Trey refused to let them back into the water after that
and Grim got in trouble
so for the rest of the day Yuu played on the beach with the first years, sunbathed with Vil, napped with Leona, and collected shelled and cool rocks with Epel, Deuce, Ruggie, and Malleus and sometimes Lilia
At the end of the day little Yuu passed out while watching the sunset and was carried home by Riddle and Trey who insisted on taking Yuu and Grim home
They tucked them both into bed and stayed the night on the sofa to make sure everything was alright
like responsible the parents they are.
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matan4il · 11 months
Okay, I'll start with recent pics of Mileapo from random sightings. Apologies if anyone else has posted them, with everything happening here, I do not have the spoons to check.
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This one is from the mall this morning:
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There was another fan who ran into Mile today. They didn't post a pic (they're gonna wait 4-5 days because Mile asked to), BUT they did share that they noticed someone else there, kinda hiding behind a pillar. They described this person as dark, tall and skinny. When their friend showed them a pic of Apo, they confirmed that was him. Oh, and they also asked if Mile and Apo were boyfriends. Lastly, they mentioned Apo was carrying a Dior bag...
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The fan ended up posting the pic today...
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...because Mile himself gave us a Mileapo shopping mirror selfie! <33
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Awwww. Mile's been referring to the two of them together as "double trouble" since April 2021 at the latest! ^u^
On Weibo, Mile clarified that it was their free day:
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And Apo posted, too:
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Mile also tweeted this view, which looks very similar to the vocal coach's apartment... might mean we get them singing soon? Or it might be that this guy's going on vacation (guess based on Mile's text in the tweet), and so they were there together to say goodbye to him?
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Old vid of Apo in Vietnam on Sep 22:
And one more thing. Last night, Mile shared the lovely, romantic song Yellow by Coldplay:
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Interesting thing about it is that he shared it from an account he doesn't follow. You know who does follow that account? That's right, someone who really loves Dior bags. ;)
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(for more of my Mileapo/Kinnporsche posts, click here)
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nightshadehoney · 10 months
I never watched James Somerton's shitty Killing Stalking video because I was trying to be good to myself and avoid something that I knew would make me very angry. In fact, I never watched any of his stuff because the fact that he made a video like that was enough to discount any thing he ever had to say (also I heard about the Celluloid Closet plagiarism).
But man, is the James Somerton discourse bringing a lot of Killing Stalking-related feelings back up for me. Because I'm mad; I'm still so mad. There are a suprising amount of people on social media who are saying they never watched any of his stuff except for the Killing Stalking video. I'm annoyed not just to find out that the vid had that sort of reach and influence, but also because Somerton's unmasking hasn't seemed to make people reasses the validity of the kind of thing he was saying. People are just now being like "hmm I think this guy might have Issues With Women" but that doesn't warrant any reflection on what exactly the motivation is of people who complain about women enjoying a niche webcomic? Because I don't actually believe you're concerned about the influence of some obscure piece of media when you advertise its existence to your large audience many of whom had not heard of it and would never have heard of it but for your transparent outrage porn video. It's rage bait and the target was women that are perceived as straight. A big channel has publicized the fact that they excised a section that endorsed the opinions in this video from their own because they became aware of Somerton's plagiarism and dishonesty (presumably; if it was actually because they recognized his views were coming from a sexist place I would welcome a clarification). And you know, I don't think that's a good look actually. That you needed to be told he was a bad person and couldn't idependently put together that the misogynist man was saying misogynist things.
The comic ended years ago and the fandom has gone mostly quiet, but to this day people are still the peddling the"fujoshi/stupid teenage girls who don't know what's good for them are shipping these characters because they are too braindead to realize it's not a romance; it's a horror, two things I believe are mutually exclusive. I am smarter than all of these cringe degenerates" bullshit. It's in the comments of the hbomberguy video even; one comment was such a gross misrepresentation of the series that my friend needed to talk me down from getting into a pointless youtube comments argument (bless him) because these people are officially making me lose my marbles.
This narrative is full of shit, it's demonstrably not fucking true. You can go on the artist's twitter right now and its full of her retweeting shippy fanart of that pairing readers were apparently never intended to ship.
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(I don't think Koogi knows or cares about James Somerton; she just reblogs the works of fans who tag her. This made me laugh though).
Now this is all speculation because he died decades before social media existed, but I think if Nabokov was alive today his twitter would not be full of Humbert Humbert x Dolores Haze fanart. And yet, I have unironically seen people compare shipping Sangwoo and Bum in Killing Stalking with the misreading of Lolita as a precocious sexual temptress more than once.
And this isn't me saying that Killing Stalking is the disgusting"pro-sexualized abuse" comic that tumblr purity police used to characterize it as either. One of these days I'm going to go truly bonkers and end up banging pots and pans on the street corner, yelling at random innocent passerbys about how stories about romantic and sexual relationships are not required to be Hallmark movies. You can make art about the negative, dark, and troubling parts of these feelings and relationships without creating a pat morality tale. You don't need to approach media analysis like your 7th grade teacher has assigned you an essay on explaining what a novel's "message" is.
Nobody, not the author and not the fans, genuinely thinks that Sangwoo and Bum have a healthy or aspirational relationship. This hypothetical person that does not understand the relationship is toxic doesn't exist. Because girls and women, even the ones having cringey fandom fun on tiktok or whatever, are not so stupid and naive that they are unware that breaking someone's legs and locking them in a muder basement is bad. The type of concern troll rhetoric Somerton employed in his video is directed near exclusively at women interested in men and there's a reason for this. Women are not responsible for abuse that men do to them; nobody is responsible for their partner abusing them. If I never saw people spit this bullshit again it would be too soon.
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sneezemonster15 · 10 months
Okay yeah this. Gotta share this. So I love watching cute animal vids like all the other thousand people per square mile, and recently I stumbled onto this one. And of course it reminded me of them, like duh, look at them.
Also now look at the comments and how not so eerily similar they are to the dialogues that go on here. @teddywiththumbs is the op, owner of the cats.
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Now just to be clear, yeah cats can be gay. Along with most other animal species. Homosexual behaviour and courtship has been widely documented across species. And yeah, there is the issue of anthropomorphism (the attribution of human-like qualities to animals) as well. But I just can't help but notice how people like the commenter simply don't see what they are actually responding to when they get offended with a woman, the owner of the cats, simply stating a fact about the cats she owns. They don't see it so they think they aren't being homophobic but they are.
This is a response that I am sure some of you will relate with.
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Hahahaha. No seriously, this is the case isn't it?
Sometimes when I see these posts made by SNS fans here, and in spirit they read like the creation of bards of the yore who crooned graphic songs of eternal, fantastical love about two boys who once were and were made for each other.....and I wonder if the term shipping came from 'worshipping'? Maybe it did.. Heh.
They are talking about the love, the absolute spectacle of the romance of Sasuke and Naruto, aren't they? But all that is reduced to an outcome of the mental illnesses that plague these fujoshis and dirty lesbians. What this says is, this kind of bias doesn't exist just in fandoms, it is simply a reflection of the larger society, fandoms are made of the same people. This gives us a look at how people generally think of homosexuality, fandom is simply one of the many microcosms.
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Hehehe accurate. Or friends, brothers, comrades, etc.
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No seriously, just to see how quickly reactive people become when it comes to homosexuality, like what a potent trigger it is. How easy it is for people to be so upset at something that is simply natural, a fact of life. And this is just cats they are talking about, but how well it translates to other things...
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Like the outrage, the desperate need to explain it away in a 'safe way'......they really harassed the op for talking about her own cats. Like no one even waited a second to google how it is possible for animals to be "gay", just like some fans here who could have saved a lot of trouble if only they had used the internet for things other than reading het smut.
What I am saying is, look how similar the narratives are. It doesn't matter if it's cats or humans, it's not about that. It's about ingrained homophobia. It doesn't say so much about cats and love, it says how uncomfortable it makes people to even consider normalising homosexuality, that seeing it so clearly portrayed or documented in media really triggers their prejudices so unquestioningly, so unerringly, so insidiously, so organically, that they don't realize what they are actually reacting to and how deeply biased they are. Good thing the op was quite insightful.
It really says a lot about people's attitudes and sublimated prejudices. The op knows homosexuality makes people deeply wary, feel deeply wronged, they feel as if they are entitled to their outrage. It results in reiterating the "natural order" of things and showing righteous indignation at what they think 'maligns' it. It is the same blueprint, settings may differ.
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dreamytfw · 22 days
Help me Samstiel fandom. I'm looking for a vid that's a few years old. It's a spoofy fan vid that I'm having trouble finding. It's from Peace of Mind. It's an edit of the Justin scene and it starts with zooming in on Cas with the Windows boot up sound. I think I originally saw it on twitter way before Elon took it over. Does anyone know what I'm talking about and where to find it? Because I loved that edit and I miss it. Samstiel fandom, help me.
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fridgrave2-0 · 6 months
some headcanons about max nerdification joining the nerdy prudes
i love to think about the nerds and max being friends is what they'll DEFINITELY make him play minecraft and watch max cry when he goes in his first cave and dies from a skeleton
richie would probably make max watch some dreamsmp shit but max will become a hermitcraft fan anyway. pete would prank max to sleep in the nether and then bond a little bit while they're gathering resources bc max's stuff was destroyed. ruth would be the only one to teach max the actual game while discussing nsfw stuff some theater things (bc they're both are theater kids)
tw mentioning sex?? idk it's npmd but okay // also max reads ruth's smut fics and gives her advices how to write realistic sex scenes because he knows how sex works. he's the only one who's pretty comfortable with her when it comes to her thirsty behavior and everything about it, even if she tried to make some moves on him in the beginning
richie ironically showed max hetalia when max said he has troubles with history. making max forget hetalia when he started to mention stuff from there in the class was not ironical
sometimes max gets breakdowns when he's overwhelmed by "smart shit" around him or when nerds accidentally ask him things he doesn't know and can't possibly know yet. he's more than okay with them, but he hates crying so he gets angry and it slightly scares the nerds even though he's not angry at them. still nerds comfort him with green tea (pete), fuzzy blanket (ruth), vids with puppies (richie) and a strong hug (steph)
max hangs out with steph even more since they've became a part of the group. they both are not that smart as the nerds and sharing a beer alone helps them process everything. they tell embarrassing storied about each other to the nerds since max and steph know each other for a while
richie made max play in genshin and it was a mistake. pete showed max the lord of the rings and the hobbit and it was a mistake. ruth showed him some gothic musicals and it was a mistake
once when steph was talking about her shitty dad max joined the conversation and for a whole hour and a half was describing why solomon lauter sucks as a mayor what he does wrong and how a good mayor should act with a bit of why the whole system is broken and should be changed. couple of times max was saying words what the nerds didn't even know and they collectively agreed what max is really a nerd too
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therealgchu · 7 months
WIP Wednesday - Valentines Style
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i'm not a fan of valentines. i'm not a fan of holidays, in general. but, i thought something fluffy and waffy might be nice for WIP wednesday. the coemancer crew did an art dump for valentines (sorry for not being involved, but i have almost no free time. this has been a hell month for me at work), but i'll tag them anyway @silurisanguine, @fangbangerghoul, @eridanidreams, @staticpallour, @bearlytolerant, @a-cosmic-elf, @aro-pancake, @atonalginger, @samcoesclub, and anyone else i'm forgetting.
i'm planning on publishing the next chapter on friday. it's written, but needs editing.
so, a fluffy little piece. i'm not sure if this will be part of the next chapter, or as a stand-alone vignette.
if you want to read from the beginning on ao3.
Valentines fluffy sneak peek
Hwa felt like she was on a cloud, and was grinning from ear to ear like a maniac. As she and Sam walked back to the Razorleaf, she kept looking up at him and found him looking down at her, with the same grin. “I have never really walked much around Akila. Can you play tour guide for me?” she asked.
Sam smiled, “We’ve got time. Sure.” He grabbed her hand and started leading her around, pointing out his favorite places, where he got in trouble for spray painting a wall, where he had his first kiss. She honestly was only paying half attention to him. What was really occupying her mind was him holding her hand. While they’d held each other’s hands many times before, it was always when they were alone together. She had never in her entire life held someone’s hand in public. Public displays of affection were utterly alien to her, and even something as innocent as holding hands was making her feel a bit dizzy. She felt like she was vibrating and wondered if Sam could feel it through her hand.
Hwa realized he must have, as he paused when they rounded a corner in Midtown. He peered down at her, “Are you OK?” he asked. They had stopped right next to a stairwell that was shaded from the sun. Sam pulled her into the shadows away from the pedestrian traffic.
She tried to speak, but ended up emitting a high pitched squeak instead.
“What was that?” he asked, wide eyed and laughing. “I didn’t think I caught that!”
Hwa laughed, covering her mouth and turning bright red. She tried again, “Umm…this will sound weird, but…I have never held hands with anyone in public before,” she said in an unusually high, whispery voice.
“Seriously?” he asked incredulously.
“Yes. I mean, I’ve never really been in a romantic relationship before,” she stuttered out. “Not a lot of romance going on in organized crime, frankly. At least, not for me.” She tried to affect an airy, casual voice. It came out sounding slightly hysterical instead.
“Heh, I feel like I”ve been lied to by movies and vids,” he mused. “You’ve really never been romantically involved with…anyone?”
“I told you, all relationships were transactional. I mean, sex is just sex. It has nothing to do with emotions.”
“I wouldn’t say that’s necessarily true, but I can see what you mean,” he interrupted. “So, when we’ve had sex…”
Hwa shook her head, “That was different already!” she said a bit frantically. “I was already in love with you, but I didn’t know how you felt. I mean, the attraction was there, but…”
Sam nodded, “sex is sex.”
“Ok, so what is it about holding hands that has you…well, you’re kinda physically buzzing. I can feel it in your hands.”
“This feels,” and she held up his hand in hers, “this feels really, really intimate.”
“But, sex doesn’t?”
“Sex is a physical need. Biological imperative, and all. It has nothing to do with intimacy.”
Sam shook his head baffled, “I don’t know if I agree with that, but I can see what you’re saying. How is holding hands more intimate than sex?”
Hwa sighed, seeing she wasn’t making much sense to him. Frankly, it didn’t make a lot of sense to her, either. But, he asked, and she could only respond honestly. “Because holding hands isn’t necessary. It’s a choice. And, it’s a…a public choice. It’s like saying, ‘this is mine’. I’ve never had anyone…I’ve never had anyone,” here she looked at the ground, “I’ve never had anyone who wanted me.”
“Ahh,” Sam said after a moment, “sex is sex.” Hwa nodded, seeing he understood what she was saying. “Oh, Hwa, I love you. I’m madly in love with you. Do you want me to shout it to the stars? Because I will.”
She looked back up into his eyes, “No, that’s not necessary.”
He tilted up her chin and kissed her softly, which made her shake a bit. Sam looked at her critically again, “Let me guess, first kiss in public?” She nodded and blushed again. “Oh wow. Then, like…” here Sam grinned lasciviously at her, “I’m your…first?”.
“Oh my god, I shouldn’t have said anything,” Hwa blushed an even darker red.
“No, no! It’s cute! And, you’re even more beautiful when you blush,” he said, and with his body pushed her against the wall, deeper into the shadows. 
Hwa started shaking her hands again, which Sam grabbed with one hand. With his other, he leaned up against the wall, pressing her body against it, and kissed her more passionately. He broke the kiss, and stared into her eyes, “I want you,” he said throatily.
She involuntarily squeaked again, which made Sam laugh, breaking the mood. “OK, might be a little too much?” he asked, backing off a bit. She nodded, noticeably trembling and shaking her hands. He kissed the top of her head. “What do you think of public displays of affection?” he asked.
“I don’t know,” she said in another squeaky voice, her eyes wide and confused.
Sam laughed and took her hand and kissed it. “You are the damndest woman,” he said, shaking his head. “Just when I think I have you figured out, you go and blow all of my ideas out of the water.” He led her back out onto the walkway, smirking, “But, I like the idea that I’m your first.”
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ms-ship · 5 months
Big announcement 📢
I'm in the process of making a short Egon + Janine vid (live-action). Only trouble is I need a song for said short video.
That's why I need suggestions from you guys. You may either choose to send me your suggestion in the form of a reblog or reply.
A song that describes janegon best in a romantic way that makes us fans squel with joy. I'll ultimately make my decision by the end of this week. Thanx.
@bixiebeet @spengnitzed @ariel-seagull-wings @janegon-forever @kawaiisakura143 @soulfulbelieves @lulusplaycorner @remerg @spook-central @spenglerssweetheart @spook-spectre-ghost @janeb984 @egonspenglersweetie @trixie21 @egonspenglershusband @canadianhotmess
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