#trolls grape
valsnonsense · 6 months
The Broppy Family
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"Iris is the ONLY one looking at the camera..."
And here we have it! The Broppy family portrait! This took me so long to make why did I give them so many kids!!!
But I'm so proud of this piece aaaaaa I love seeing all my babies lined up. I'm so sorry to the triplets they're just kinda shoved in the back xD
But a brief history on the family itself! Poppy and Branch started having kids pretty soon after they were married. They knew they wanted a big family, but they were NOT prepared for how big it would get.
First the universe hit them with the triplets, Choco, Vanilla, and Strawberry. Names after the three basic flavors of ice cream to correspond with their coat colors. It's very normal for the offspring of royal Pop trolls to come in a wide variety of colors not seen on their parents, especially if they're Rainbow Trolls.
Broppy knew they wanted more kids after the triplets, but they were not expecting how many would come after them. Apple, Oran, Lemon, Lime, Blueberry, and Grape were all incubated and hatched at the same time. A whopping SIX EGGS sittin' on Branch's head. And while they were so happy for the big family it would bring, there were a LOT of complications that came with it.
The more eggs that incubate, the more energy and stress it puts on the parent. So having a whopping six eggs basically left Branch bed bound for the entire incubation period. With almost 90% of his energy going to his eggs, there's was hardly any left for himself, leaving him vulnerable to sickness and fatigue. The Pop Kingdom and Pop side of Trollstopia was run by Viva during that time, since Poppy refused to leave Branch's bedside. But thankfully, all six eggs hatched without a hitch and Branch recovered just fine. He does have a permanent part in his hair where the eggs sat tho, kinda like the Troll equivalent of stretch marks.
After the sextuplets, Branch and Poppy were ready to call it quits on the kids department. I mean they had NINE children to watch over now, so they def got the big family they wanted. But the universe decided to throw them one last baby, Iris. She was a pleasant surprise to them, especially given her unique color, but after her Branch finally threw in the towel ("Poppy I'm not having anymore kids I can't feel the top oF MY HEAD-")
Branch and Poppy adore all of their babies to hell and back, and love walking around their kingdom flaunting all their kids around (LOOK AT ALL THE THINGS WE MADE)
As for why the sextuplets are so short compared to the triplets, I like to think that Trolls don't stop growing till theyre well in their 20s, since Branch's brothers all grew more after they left.
So the triplets are all done growing, but the sextuplets still have a bit to go, hence the being so short despite being adults. And well Iris is only 13 xD
But that's all! I hope you guys enjoys my Broppy family! I'll started posting my Cliva kids tomorrow (don't worry they don't have NEARLY as many hdjsbddhdb)
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hey-hey-j · 2 months
singing together.....
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findmeagreenlight · 10 months
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John Kearns and the small rubber ducks in 14x02
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taborc · 7 months
Your art looks like it would taste like grape gummys 🤤
Especially creek, he looks so chewable 💖
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mmm grapes
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morotofu60nine · 9 months
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I hate them💜💚
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millipede-menace · 9 months
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Leo does a little bit of trolling ;)
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oldieskris · 8 months
Me and the best girl in the world bbf
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Trollsona K-Pop (Grape) - @lissnotbad
Trollsona smooth jazz (Doris) - me
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starzwithapen · 8 months
STARZ!! Hear me out 💗 In HTTYD2 Astrid randomly grabs Hiccups hair and makes it into a tiny braid, and you can see she's done it before AND Hiccup never takes it out he leaves the little braid there and it made me think of the goobers... Solar idly braiding small bits of Clay and Vivas hair as both a stim and a little show of affection... -Beep🌈
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Solar helps Clay w work by giving them such a violently wrong answer that they immediately try and explain the correct answer and realise they . Found the correct answer . Viva's losing her shit trying to keep it Internal and Solar's head is nowhere to be found . Solar is thinking of violence and maiming and biting
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yesiamagummybear · 2 years
For you @opal-owl-flight fans-
You've seen fruity Magolor, get ready 4.... Fruity Morx
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chisatowo · 2 years
I'm working on making myself smth of an old oc archive and ohhhh my god I forgot how many homestuck ocs I used to have jesus christ someone kill me
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brrypiiix · 5 months
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Cherry and grape flavored trolls
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valsnonsense · 6 months
Heir Grape of Pop
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".........what? Did you want me to say something? Fuck off."
Parents: Queen Poppy and King Branch
Siblings: Choco (Elder Sister), Vanilla (Elder Sister), Strawberry (Elder Sister), Apple (Brother), Oran (Brother), Lemon (Brother), Lime (Brother), Blueberry (Brother), Iris (Younger Sister)
Age: 18
Pronouns: They/Them
Sexuality: AroAce
Genre: Heavy Metal/Black Metal/Rock
Voice Claim: Andreas Clark (Self Deception)
The final and youngest of the Rainbow Brothers. Quiet, judgemental, wearing a perpetual resting bitch face, Grape is by far the grumpiest of their family. Stuck in that emo phase they never grew out of (Uncle Floyd is so proud).
Grape doesn't really have a "job" in the traditional sense. They perform in a band called The Fallen Angels, a heavy metal/black metal band that primarily performs in Volcano Rock City, staring as the lead vocalist and guitarist. Ever since Grape met Auntie Barb, they were taken by the music of the Rock Trolls.
Grape is a bit of an artist in their spare time, mainly making graffiti works around Volcano Rock City. They love how over the top and expressive spray paint can be, and can often be found wandering the streets looking for empty spots to paint.
As stated above, Grape is 100% a rock troll. You wouldn't catch this one dead singing any pop song (unless their brothers pester them into it). Their rock scream can be heard across stadiums. They hardly ever use a mic to sing, they're that loud.
Despite their generally unapproachable appearance, Grape does care deeply for their family and friends, and will pick fights with trolls ten times their size if someone messes with them. They will bite you.
Grape currently resides in Trollstopia along with their family, but can also be found frequently in Volcano Rock City.
Fun Facts!
- Grape's band, Fallen Angels, consists of himself, two Heavy Metal Trolls, one Techno Troll, and a Remix Troll. Grape met them all in Trollstopia, and they bonded over their shared love of loud music.
- Grape is a secret Mama's baby. They may act like they're all apposed to affection, but Grape will NEVER turn down a hug from Mama Poppy. And Goddess help you if you disrespect their Mama.
- Grape does A LOT of ringpops at shows. After a set, Grape and their bandmates will go to party after party and just get hammered. Grape has started several fights in moshpits before.
And that's the last of the sextuplets!! Grape is very much ur typical emo artist who screams out their feelings. The personal protege of Floyd.
Grape has a lot more piercings under, which we'll see in the family portrait xP
Voice Example: Fight Fire With Gasoline (Self Deception)
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pilfappreciator · 9 months
Part 1 | Part 2
Bruce/Brandi x Reader: part 2
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Includes: GN! Reader, Vacay Lovers, polyamory, relationship headcanons, slight Bruce Jr. slander
💜 These two took things slow when they were wooing you, you better BELIEVE they're gonna do the same once you've actually been bagged
🧡 I MEAN DON'T GET ME WRONG!! They're not any less passionate about you or anything, but like... c'mon. They're middle-aged, run a full time business and are married with kids. They've got a lot on their hands already so chances are they're not immediatly urging you to move in with them or just straight up sign marriage documents (sorry to disappoint u_u)
💜 But like I said: this doesn't mean they're not good lovers
🧡 In fact I'd say in my entirely unbiased opinion that they'd make fantastic lovers! Wonderful! Superb, even!
💜 So naturally, once you find yourself added to the relationship? Expect all that supportive energy thrown your way too lol
🧡 No matter what endeavor you choose to pursue, rest easy knowing you'll have your own personal cheerleaders having your back at all times. You got a hobby you're really into? SAY LESS BABES!! Gift-giving is Brandi's love language so you bet your ass she's buying you everything you could possibly need. Wanna pursue some form of higher education, maybe get some fancy degree? BOOM, you've just signed yourself up for study sessions with Bruce
💜 (I mean like... he might not be much help if you're studying for something shmancy like law or medicine, but he will happily hold and read out flashcards for you :3)
🧡 Or maybe you just wanna help out around Vacay Island which? Yes hello they would love that??
💜 Running a business is no easy feat so the couple definitely welcome the extra set of hands (paws??). If you're more social and outgoing then chances are you're out on the front lines with Bruce, taking orders for food, welcoming guests and getting them settled in, leading activites like volleyball or the weekly shuffleboard tournament, etc.
🧡 Obviously if you'd rather remain behind the scenes, you're more than welcome to join Brandi on her end of things. Making food, booking guests into their rooms, keeping track of all the finances, etc.
💜 Maybe you're crap with spreadsheets and numbers and just wanna like... keep her company while she works at her desk? Grab her some refreshments every now and then?? Maybe even offer a shoulder massage once you've noticed she's been hunched over for too long???
🧡 I swear this woman will cherish you forever
💜 Whether you're another troll like Bruce or a fellow Vacationer like Brandi, the way you spend time with either of these two can differ
🧡 If you're on the smaller side? Bruce just enjoys getting to hold your hand while walking alongside you on the beach. The man spends pretty much all his time around literal giants and it can get a little overwhelming sometimes, so he can definitely appreciate having someone around who's more on his level (hehe). Brandi on the other hand just thinks your small size is cute! Hands down one of her favorite things is when either you or Bruce (OR BOTH) just like? Casually hitch a ride on her shoulder?? Or she'll hold you both in the palm of of her hand and just go "omigosh it's totally like holding a couple of grapes haha :D"
💜 Reader POV: Ah yes. Me, my boyfriend, and our giant girlfriend/wife
🧡 On the flipside, if you're closer to Brandi's size? This woman is taking every available opportunity to take full advantage of the fact. She's laying kisses all over your face, running her fingers through your hair, cuddling with you after a long day of work, etc etc. Technically speaking she COULD (and DOES) do all this regardless of how big/small you are... but at the same time it's just soooo much easier when she doesn't have to constantly watch herself so she doesn't accidentally crush you ://
💜 Meanwhile Bruce is just like "if either of you DO crush me... you won't hear any complaints from my end, just sayin"
🧡 Man is horrendously down bad 😳
💜 Last post i was like OUTINGS WITH BRANDI, but this post?? SURFING LESSONS WITH BRUCE! This man will not rest until you know how to ride a wave, okay, he is DEDICATED. Once you've gotten good enough, expect regular invites to the beach so you two can hit the ocean asdjahdslak
🧡 I like to think that even while running a business and family, Bruce and Brandi are still perfectly capable of maintaining a healthy love life— both with each other and you. Partly because they're just that in love but also cuz they don't let ANYTHING get in the way of weekly date nights (yeah that's right, plural)
💜 Bruce, on the phone: "Hey honey, me and (____) are outside the resturaunt. Where are you?"
"Oh, I'll probably be a few minutes. Bruce Jr. just set off a firework in the kitchen, you know how he is. But you two should go get us a table while you're waiting!"
"Alright, we'll see you later, love you :)"
"I love you guys more~"
🧡 And then Bruce just... hangs up and leads you inside the resturaunt, meanwhile you're just?? Very concerned????
💜 Dates with these two are pretty casual ngl. Neither feel the need for extravagant displays of love, so chances are the three of you are just spending some quality time together. Chillin at home without the kids, cooking/baking food together, watching reality TV
💜 (Tbh there's probably some trollverse version of The Bachelor/Bachelorett and lemme tell you that these two EAT THAT SHIT UP)
🧡 Of course if you wanna go out somewhere fancy then no worries!! Your girl Brandi knows the downlow on all the hottest spots in town and Bruce likely has enough connections to get you three reservations at even the fanciest restaurants
💜 Simply ask and these two will find a way to get it done <33
💜 At some point in the relationship Bruce will approach you and go "Hey, our son Benni has a dance recital tomorrow, did you wanna come?" and the second you say yes is the second you offically become a permanent member of the family. You are joining their monthly family camping trips. You are helping Brandi make cupcakes for school soccer games. You and Bruce are sitting down with the kids for homework help
🧡 Hopefully you've got good memory cuz you're gonna need to memorize 13 different fast food orders whenever the kids drag you to Bergen King askdhalslk
💜 Speaking of the little shits
🧡 You thought you were spending a lot of time with them BEFORE you were smoochin their parents?? Well congrats because the second you start becoming a permanent member at the dinner table, expect to have all 13 of them constantly hanging off you
💜 Maybe one of them needs your help practicing a new move they've learned from their martial arts class, maybe another wants someone to listen as they info dump about their latest hyperfixation, or maybe they just need help kickstarting their underground fireworks selling business
🧡 Cough cough (Bruce Jr) cough cough
ASJKJDHALJSKD THIS WAS SO MUCH FUN, I LOVE THESE TWO SO MUCH!! There were a for more headcanons i wanted to touch upon but the post was getting long lol. Definitely plan on doing more for them tho so no worries uwu
but i mean like if you guys got prompts/questions then go ahead, my asks are open 👀👉👈
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daytaker · 5 months
Chat Log: A Human Child Arrives in the Devildom
Beelzebub: I don’t remember. Beelzebub: I don't remember that either. Mammon: Oi, Beel, what the hell are you saying? Satan: That isn’t Beel. It’s “the new human exchange student”. Mammon: Why are ya sayin’ that in quotes? Satan: You’ll see. Mammon: The hell does that mean?! Beelzebub: I fell. Beelzebub: I fell out a tree and then I was here. Lucifer: Satan, Asmo, Beel. I thought I said to look after the human child. Why is it sending nonsense in the chat? Asmo: It can’t talk, so we’re asking it questions out loud and having it answer like this! Lucifer: Why did you not create a new chat where you could interrogate it without annoying the rest of us? Satan: Convenience. This chat already existed. Mammon: Whoa whoa whoa, did you say human CHILD? Why the hell did you guys recruit a child? Lucifer: We didn’t. Something appears to have gone wrong in the summoning process. Barbatos is attempting to resolve the issue as we speak. Mammon: Is the kid still in the chat? Asmodeus: Yes, Beel loaned it his phone. Mammon: Hey kid, ya like ice cream? Beelzebub: Yes. Mammon: Well, I got a massive chocolate cone for any human kid who’s willing to come hang out around the central plaza for a few hours. Demons’ll pay good money to get a look at a genuine human child.  Mammon: Hey, Asmo, is it cute? Beelzebub: They want me to tell you I'm not going anywhere with you. Asmodeus: Yeah, leave the poor thing alone! It probably misses its parents! Asmodeus: And yes, it’s adorable! ♡ Mammon: Good, folks’ll pay more for that. Leviathan: Whaaaaaat? Sorry, just backread, but wow! You guys isekai’d a BABY to RAD? LOLOLOLOL Beelzebub: I’m not a baby. Lucifer: I apologize for the delay in sending this message. I was occupied with Diavolo and Barbatos. Lucifer: Mammon, if you take that child out in public and it gets eaten, I will flay you alive. Beelzebub: Do demons eat kids? Mammon: Yep. Mammon: They’re pretty freakin’ delicious too. Way better than old people. Mammon: ‘Cause they’re softer. Lucifer: Shut up and listen. Lucifer: Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem as if this issue is going to be resolved as quickly as I had hoped. Lucifer: Mammon, if I leave you in charge of the human until tomorrow, do you think you can keep it alive? Mammon: What? Why me? Ain’t Asmo and Satan there already? Lucifer: I hesitate to entrust a child to either Asmo or Satan for any extended period of time due to certain personality defects each of them possess. Asmodeus: Rude!!! Mammon: What about Beel? Lucifer: Beel would certainly eat it. Mammon: …Yeah, I guess that’s fair. Lucifer: Satan, Asmo, Beel. Please take the human to the school gates and wait for Mammon to retrieve it. In the meantime, Diavolo has graciously offered to lend it the D.D.D. he had prepared for the original transfer student, so stop by the dean’s office to pick it up. Asmodeus: Fine, we're going. Mammon: I really gotta do this, huh? Lucifer: Yes. Mammon: :( Leviathan: LOLOLOLOL!!! This is hilarious! Lucifer: Don't think I've forgotten about you, Levi. I'd like you to prepare a few dishes Barbatos says are in vogue with human children. Leviathan: Wait, are you making me its personal chef? Mammon: Ha! Serves ya right! Leviathan: Shut up, Mammon. Lucifer: Macaroni and cheese. Lucifer: Chicken tenders/nuggets (in the shape of dinosaurs, if possible) Leviathan: Dinosaurs? Lucifer: Apple juice. Lucifer: Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Lucifer: French fries. Lucifer: Cheese pizza. Leviathan: Do I have to make all of this right now? Lucifer: Chocolate chip cookies. Lucifer: Human-world grapes. Leviathan: Am I being trolled right now? Lucifer: Absolutely not. Prepare one dish immediately using whatever ingredients we already own. Lucifer: Human, if you are still here, I would like to extend my deepest apologies on behalf of the Royal Academy of Diavolo for this unfortunate mistake. Lucifer: I hope we are able to resolve this in a timely manner.
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slavonicrhapsody · 1 year
Let’s talk about Mt. Gelmir
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Mt. Gelmir is one of my favorite locations in the game because of its striking environmental storytelling… the minute you start exploring the slopes of the volcano, you can just FEEL that something awful happened here. The imagery is so potent that I wanted to go through every detail of the region and explore how it supports and expands the story we’re told through dialogue and text. Let’s start with the text on the Mt. Gelmir sword monument:
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“The Assault on Volcano Manor
The squalid, the sick, the blasphemous;
A wretched, unending war with no glory”
This dismal description refers to Leyndell’s attack on Praetor Rykard’s forces at Volcano Manor. After the Shattering war broke out, Rykard declared his intention to take up arms against the Erdtree itself: this was not just treason, but blasphemy, marking him as “an enemy, never to be forgiven.” We can conclude that Rykard’s blasphemy was so unacceptable that Leyndell made it a priority to silence him as quickly as possible, sending an army straight to his doorstep. I believe it’s implied that Rykard had the Mt. Gelmir Minor Erdtree burned as his first act of blasphemy; we find the tree destroyed amidst a smoking ruin:
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The assault on Volcano Manor, introduced to us by Gideon Ofnir as “the most appalling battle in the entirety of the Shattering,” was the site of some of the most horrific violence in the entire story. Traveling around Mt. Gelmir, we can observe the gruesome aftermath of the battle and the remnants of the armies continuing to struggle — some scattered groups of Leyndell soldiers remain, while the only troops left to Rykard are his marionettes and iron virgins, since his knights have long since deserted him after his hideous transformation. (Side note: I love the detail that Rykard uses marionettes and avionettes, which were “crafted to serve the sorcerers;” it further cements his identity as a sorcerer and his connection to his Liurnian heritage.) Despite having no real soldiers though, Rykard’s grim constructs seem to tear through the remaining soldiers of Leyndell with ease, which we can observe in real time:
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The death toll of this conflict cannot be overstated — the slopes of Mt. Gelmir are literally piled high with bodies.
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Within a pit of corpses, we can find the spirit of one of Rykard’s men, who says this:
“Lord Rykard… If this putrid field of death is what your blasphemy would bring, then I can no longer abide. No one can.”
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These unspeakable horrors are enough to make Rykard’s followers question if the cost of resistance is too high a price. Leyndell’s armies are just as badly affected — stranded on the mountain with no hope of reinforcements, we can observe several soldiers feasting on the bodies of their fallen comrades:
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These soldiers have long abandoned any hope of achieving glory, and are little more than mindless husks at this point. Furthermore, if we return to the sword monument, something you’ll notice as you make your way over is that there are several Leyndell soldiers who are affected by the frenzied flame. At the same time, the troll soldier guarding the door to the Manor is also affected by the frenzied flame:
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The frenzied flame is affecting soldiers of both sides of the conflict here, which tells me it wasn’t being used as some kind of weapon, but that it took hold independently… I believe that the frenzied flame was embraced by the soldiers here due to the sheer hopelessness of those who have experienced this uniquely horrific battle. The ethos of the Three Fingers is essentially that the world is full of unendurable pain, so it must all be melted away so no one will suffer ever again: “the Greater Will made a mistake. Torment, despair, affliction... every sin, every curse. Every one, born of the mistake. […] Those who gave me grapes howled without words. Saying they wished they were never born. Become their lord. Take their torment, despair. Their affliction. Every sin, every curse. And melt it all away.” (Hyetta)
The soldiers who fought on Mt. Gelmir have experienced untold suffering, the very worst of humanity… it makes perfect sense that such people would be susceptible to the essence of the frenzied flame; to want to burn this tormented world to the ground.
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Jack, Malleus: Beasts, us Both
Alright, TWST... you friggin' troll 😭 You got me good with those Jack frames... No wolf inspo reveal, I see how it is-- 😂
Because of the angle we're staring at the image from... that macaron Jack is holding looks like a massive GMO green grape… AM I JUST SEEING GRAPES EVERYWHERE BECAUSE OF R*LLO... This would mark the first Disney100 art with some notable changes (how he’s holding the macaron and the angle he’s bending at), most likely to make it look better for a card layout.
A Tale as Old as Time.
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A young lion prince and his hornbill attendant were captured in a photo frame. With finger-like feathers, the bird had plucked a strand of fur from the large cat. He lacked amusement, beak poised in a manner that suggested a light telling-off. The cub, for his part, looked upset at the lecture.
That’s right, lions don’t grow their manes out until they’re older.
Jack sometimes forgot that—with his dorm leader prowling around, the most prominent image he had of a lion was that of Leona. Strong, cunning, and self-assured. Nothing like the prince in the painting.
“How cute,” a low voice drawled. “To think that Kingscholar too was once this small and helpless… Fufufu.”
Jack’s eyes cut to the tall, dark man next to him. With long limbs and regal horns protruding from his head, Malleus Draconia resembled a gazelle.
“It’s hard to imagine Leona-senpai like that,” Jack awkwardly confessed. “I met his nephew once, but that only took me more out of it. He was… energetic and bright.”
“Implying that Kingscholar is lacking in energy and a cheerful disposition?” Malleus smirked. “Ah, yes. Much change occurs between childhood and adulthood, some of it attributed to social influences. That child had best be cautious. Perhaps Kingscholar’s attitude will rub off on him, smothering that sunshine.”
“Leona-senpai has his good points too!” Jack blurted out. He didn’t catch himself in time—the words just came, a reverberating bark in the museum.
“Oh? You’re rather quick to defend him.”
The wolf beastman gasped and reeled himself back in. “Y-You don’t see it because you’re not in Savanaclaw, but I can tell… Leona-senpai cares about his students a lot. He’s looking out for us in his own way.”
“Such as when he attempted to have me trampled?” Malleus suggested, his tone quiet yet challenging. “I do so fondly remember that.”
“Urk!!” Jack’s ears flattened. “He does take it too far sometimes. I don’t agree with everything he does. The idea of doing everything you can to protect others, though… that’s something I can understand.”
"It is?”
The first year nodded firmly. “There are stories about wolves working together to chase off invaders who wandered into their snowy territory. Once, a wolf family even took in an orphaned kid. I have my own younger siblings to look after, too.”
“It appears as though you and your ancestors feel a strong sense of duty to your packs,” Malleus noted. Something akin to amusement danced in his eyes. It quickly flickered out, giving way to a deep melancholy. “Family… Hmm. I cannot say I can relate. I have no siblings to speak of. There is my grandmother, but she is my only living relative."
There was a shift—a small, imperceptible change in Jack's stoic face.
"... Sorry to hear that."
"Think nothing of it." Malleus waved a dismissive hand. "The circumstances are as they are. We cannot rewind the threads of fate, only weave new ones.
"Still, it is strange. I have not had the chance to meet my mother nor my father. They were already gone long before my hatching. I should feel no attachment to such strangers. Even so, I feel as though something is missing without them."
He gave a dark chuckle, curling fingers over his heart. "Perhaps there is a part of me that longs for that kind of a family, too."
Jack frowned. His chest throbbed with a dull pain.
No brothers, no sisters. No parents, not even aunts or uncles or cousins. Just one big, empty castle, and the creature caged inside of it.
Pacing past ruined wings, furniture strewn about as if a mad beast had run through it in a frenzy. The space filled with loneliness, a hollow feeling that couldn't be fended off.
He shuffled his feet. Resolve slowly solidified. Jack reached for his voice.
"... I don't think you need to worry, Malleus-senpai. You still have people who care about you. Family isn’t all in the blood." Jack bashfully rubbed at the back of his neck, his eyes averted. "It's in the bonds too."
He gestured to the painting before them. "The lion prince lost his dad, the previous king. In grief, he ran away from home--but he still had friends that guided him when he was lost and scared. A warthog, a meerkat, a baboon, a hornbill, the lionesses in his pride. They all came together to show the prince he was loved and needed. Because of that, he was able to come home with his head held high."
Jack clenched a hand into a fist, offering a stiff smile. "Family's something that everyone has, one way or another. They're the ones who always have your back, blood or not.”
Malleus’s face momentarily lit up with surprise.
“My, I didn’t expect to hear such a motivational speech from you. I hear from Sebek that you’re quite standoffish.”
“D-Don’t get me wrong!!” he sputtered, face heating. “On any given day, I’d tackle things on my own. But doing that all the time is pointless.”
“Which is why you choose to follow Kingscholar’s leadership?” Malleus asked teasingly. “You seem to admire him a great deal and acknowledge him as the leader of your pack here at Night Raven College.”
“N-No!!” Jack snapped. “Th-There are just some things I’m not strong enough to do by myself, times when I have to team up with others for a common goal!! Until the day I have the strength to act completely on my own…!”
Malleus laughed softly, his lips lifting into a mysterious curve. "Be at ease, Howl. You needn’t be so defensive. I see your point with crystal clarity.”
“You… You do?”
“That is correct.” The dragon prince’s eyes creased. “You, who seeks strength, shall surely find it—and with that strength, you will not be daunted from protecting what is most precious to you, family and friends alike. You’ve helped me to realize the same. We are both the same kind of beast, fufu.”
Jack took one look at Malleus’s ominous smile and shuddered. It could have decimated the stars, wiping out all the light in the night sky in one fell swoop.
“I’m not so sure that’s a good thing…”
He glanced back at the painting of the lion prince and the hornbill advisor. The distress on the cub’s face suddenly resonated with him.
Jack groaned.
It looks like I still have a lot to learn.
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