#trl bullshit
pigeon-behavior · 1 year
So, to make my position clear now, considering Ramsey Loft is returning to social media:
She is a horrific example of a companion breeder. She cannot be trusted to protect POC in her spaces (or even listen to them). She does not have sound judgement on husbandry or behavior. She has willingly put up a video of herself committing animal abuse and then explained it away (she is very good at this.) Her interactions with the community have been plagued with uncomfortable power dynamics, whether that was intentional or not.
I was much closer than I would prefer to the events that went down. I was part of a group that had to search through her posts to get an accurate count of how many birds she was keeping in her 10x10 loft. The callout post circulating out there has accurate screenshots but makes some interesting claims on behavior and diet, if I recall correctly. That doesn't matter so much as I will never trust this woman again.
It does not matter that she was personally kind to me when I fell mysteriously ill. I watched her let her followers dogpile somebody who dared to ask an innocent question. I watched her and her husband invite those uncomfortable with their obviously racist stance to leave the space. I have seen the video where she throws a bird, a BIRD, against a wall in anger.
As far as I know she still does not provide adequate grit (no, a mineral lick is not enough, especially because I KNOW she can buy better in this country), and she continues to feed directly on the sand, which is, by the way, a wonderful way of storing worm eggs. A worm bank, if you will.
There are too many things I take issue with - so long story short, I do not support that woman. Even if she can get her husbandry turned around, I am never going close to her again. If I were you, I wouldn't either.
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When you've waited all week for Fred Durst Friday and it's finally here
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laceybrees · 2 months
three years. salt lake city, utah. the first time since nineteen eighty would the winter olympics be held in the united states. and truthfully? she couldn't wait. there was nothing like being on the greatest stage, being amongst the greatest athletes in the world and going toe to toe with them. she loved everything about this sport. the glittery eyeshadow, the rinestones around her eyes, the spray glitter in her perfectly pulled back hair that had been hair sprayed to the brink, the gorgeous outfits, yes even all the early morning and late night practices. she got tired a lot, but never of it. there was just something so beautiful about figure skating, making people feel something with art. how lucky was she to do something she loved with the person she loved so much. yes, loved. maybe not so platonically. lacey should know better than to allow her feelings to bleed into romantic territory. the past year they had been dubbed america's sweethearts because they were just that. just so sweet. so cute. she had lost count of how many interviewers asked if they were a couple. always trying to bite back a laugh, a blush, just friends. paired together since they were just little babies. figure skater couples never worked out, in the end, it would just be a big mess and a whole lot of heartbreak. other people's experiences were not hers, but what if they were? theo valiente was her safe place. she trusted him more than anyone in the world. a safe place to land. never letting her fall. no matter where in the world their competitions took them, how anxious she got sometimes, she just focused on him and everything else faded into the background. he understood her, he could decode her in a way no one else could. when they were on that ice together, it was pure magic. how could she ruin that? she couldn't. she wouldn't. february 2002, they were coming for that gold.
but for now it was february 1999 in an alaskan town that could only be compared to whoville at christmas time, all the time. and the bree family was scattered. valerie and warren bree were over as of last summer and lacey and her nine year old sister were smack dab in the middle of it all. he had moved to california and by default wanted his daughters there too. her older sister already in college over there. no, she wasn't moving to california. how could he even ask that? her entire life was here. what? was she just supposed to find another dude to skate with over there? so on top of dealing with her parents' bullshit, repressing her feelings, she also rolled her ankle coming down the stairs. nothing too bad, thankfully, but she just had to stay off it for a few days. however, anyone could tell you, the girl was not very good at doing nothing. just a lot of TRL and maury, she loved other peoples' messes, what could she say? the sound of the door opening hardly diverted her attention. besides, she already knew who it was, her mom and sister would be gone for awhile and very few people knew where they hid their spare key. "theodore, don't you dare enter this house without an ice cream cake," the raven haired girl spoke up, her green eyes moving to meet him in the foyer. "or at least copious amounts of snacks. i'm losing my mind over here, man, and jc and maury can do only do so much, so please, humor me, valiente," who wants an ice cream cake in bone chilling alaska weather? apparently her.
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ithisatanytime · 3 months
taylor swift was the first celebrity i ever remember thinking they are pushing this on us. i think this was in 2003 sometime whenever she first did the vmas, i was a fucking child, no idea about jews, nothing. it was that transparent. she was pushed along with lady antebellum i want to say, some kind of bullshit country rock fusion they were trying to infuse country into the trl pop culture and in retrospect i think backwash the bullshit pop hip hop trl culture back into the insular white country community and infect it. anyway i think she sucks
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highqualitydolans · 7 years
lol fuck trl
they’re exploiting the twins and using them for views. this argument isn’t new, but i need to get this off my chest. 
i’m so proud of the boys, don’t get me wrong. i love them and support them and want them to be successful and happy. but trl promised them something that they still haven’t gotten. we were all so excited to see the boys hosting the show, but they’ve done nothing but drink out of a dirty shoe and swallow hot sauce and had their shirts off. it’s all for views. i bet if the twins weren’t on the show doing any of this, no one would care to watch. this is such bullshit. they’re literally using them and exploiting the shit out of them for money. i’m over it, and although i support the boys, i don’t support trl. sorry
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likethetailofacomet · 5 years
⭐️I have some questions about Brave for You. Number one: how dare you?
Oh man. What a question. How dare I indeed? Okay. You wanna talk about Brave for You? Let’s do it. 
Brave for You was not on my radar of things to write. Killing Drake Walker is honestly the furthest thing from anything I ever imagined myself writing. I HATE thinking of a world without Drake. Its a drab, gloomy world and who wants to live there? No one. Certainly not I, said the fly. Angsty Drake? Sure. Happy Drake YOU BETCHA. Grumpy Drake, Drunk Drake, #DRAKERAGE- these are all acceptable Drakes for me to write about. But not a world without a Drake. EW. gross. 
Then, one day, I heard a song and all of that went solidly out the window. 
This song, Brave for You by the xx, literally took hold of my brain with it’s musical fingers and pressed all the buttons and made me feel all the things. It hit me like a punch to the gut, the very first time I heard it, and I swear, I had chills and I started seeing scenes behind my closed eyes like I had just gotten home from 8th grade and I was watching a music video with Carson Daly on TRL. Riley. In the bathroom. And she can’t put her lipstick on. 
Y I K E S.
I knew I was in for it…and that ya’ll we’re gonna be in for it too. The scenes kept flashing relentlessly until I sat down and wrote them out, and even then it was a solid two weeks before I could listen to the song without bursting into tears. Its a really gorgeous song, just tragically so. But all of the lyrics seemed so perfect to describe this terrible scenario. Lets to a play by play, shall we? 
In all I knowAnd what I’ve doneI take you alongThough you’re not hereI can feel you thereI take you along
From the start of their relationship, Drake has meant a lot to Riley, and their relationship has become a part of her- a part that she’ll always carry, wherever she goes. This would be true regardless of whether he lived or not. Their connection was so incredible that he’d always be with her and she’d always feel that connection. 
And when I’m scaredI imagine you’re thereTelling me to be brave
I imagine that Drake loves Riley’s fierceness and fire. He loves that she speaks her mind, that she takes no bullshit, that she’s brave. He would HATE to see her become small and weak and feeble just because she lost him. (i say “just because” not to diminish that loss, but to put it in mallow terms) He’d always want that fire to be part of her, because that fire IS her. And there’s probably no one in the world that would be able to remind her of that when she’s feeling down or less than brave, so it has to be Drake. 
So I will be brave for youStand on a stage for youDo the things that I’m afraid to doI know you want me toI will be braveI know you’d want me to
At the beginning, the only way she can continue her bravery and be strong is to dedicate that strength to him. She’s taking on roles (Duchess, head of the Walker Foundation, etc.) that would otherwise intimidate her, but she knows that he would not only support her, but be proud of her and want her to do these things, because he believed in her so strongly. They’re the things that she’d normally want to do, but she’d want to do them with him by her side. That’s not an option anymore, but he still wants her to live her life and accomplish all the greatness that she can. 
I see things changeAnd now watch them growAnd I know you do tooWhen the things don’t make senseI have courageBecause of you
Oh little Austin Walker, you messy haired, Drake clone angel. This is where he comes in. Riley knows how much Drake would love this little boy, she knows that he’s watching over them, and that notion is what gets her through the ROUGHEST of days. That, and the idea that Austin needs her to be strong and brave, too. It’s not just for Drake anymore, even though it always sort of will be. 
The chorus repeats again, but when it does, it has new meaning. Austin is grown now, and Riley has one final opportunity to be brave, to put Drake’s sacrifice to save her life to good use as she in turn saves Austin and Phillip. And how is she rewarded? By a visit in the in between with her love. Just getting that chance to feel his arms around her, for him to finally place that ring on her finger, for him to tell her what an amazing job she’s been doing… that’s enough to keep her going again for the rest of her life. 
There are things I wish I didn’t knowI try my best to let them go
We all wish we didn’t know what a life without Drake Walker would be like. But I went and ruined that. BLAME THE SONG. I do. 
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aish-rai · 7 years
what's with Ben Affleck? like why was he bad before? and in terms of why he's considered bad now, is it because he knew about the Weinstein stuff and didn't say anything, or did he actually do stuff? poor Jennifer Garner x.x
He was an addict before (drugs, alcohol, gambling) and a cheater. The addiction issues I actually sympathize with, and as far as cheating goes, Jennifer Garner was also a cheater with her past partners so I wasn’t really shedding a lot of tears for her, especially since he otherwise seemed to be a good dad and was trying to get his shit together. He was a mess, but not irredeemably so.
It’s not even so much the Weinstein stuff now, he knew but so did the rest of Hollywood. It’s the fact that when he publicly condemned Weinstein, people brought up receipts of him groping Hilarie Burton when she was a host on TRL. I had no idea about this, I would have been really young when it happened, but there’s a video and she tweeted about it. He tweeted a bullshit “apology” to her (didn’t even @ her), and then a couple more women came forward saying he groped them at various Hollywood events within the past few years. So far he’s not Weinstein levels of terrible, but it’s still predatory behavior and while it may be tied up in his addiction issues, it’s still inexcusable. I can’t condemn Weinstein or even Casey Affleck on one hand and give Ben a pass on the other. This whole culture of men touching women without their consent needs to be destroyed, whether it’s grabbing a woman’s ass at a party or asking her for a massage in your hotel suite. None of it is okay, but I didn’t know about any of this before like last week, so I’m in the process of wrapping my head around it. 
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cannes-anon · 7 years
Uh... when the trl guy says "we were flirting I'm sorry" Liam's face falls and goes completely serious before he gives a brief tight forced looking smile, he definitely seemed not to appreciate the joke
No. I don't know what are you watching but never mistake that I can't see a transparent attempt to re-established Liam's tired and overused frat bro homophobe image in my inbox. Fuck off and create your own tumblr so you can spew your bullshit there.
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thesinglesjukebox · 5 years
It's Amnesty 2019! In which our writers choose singles from the year that we didn't get to. And what better way to get the ball rolling than with a song that's got something to say about pop music...
Joshua Lu: In the final episode of season five of Black Mirror, Miley Cyrus plays pop star Ashley O, whose desire to escape her contract leads her aunt to put her under a coma, which leads to two of her fans saving her, which leads to her performing "Head Like a Hole" at a night club, happy now that she's freed from the literal and metaphorical restraints that came with being a pop star. Undergirding the episode is "On a Roll," a remake of that same Nine Inch Nails song but made so overtly benign and bubbly that it becomes as unnerving as the original. Most of these unnerving aspects are probably intentional: the ambiguity behind lines like "'Cause I'm going down in history" or "I'm gonna get what I deserve," the distorted moans and cries buried in the instrumental, or the way the bass drops off at the start of the chorus, leaving Ashley O screaming motivational platitudes over an unfeeling beat. But there are so many parts that are equally unsettling yet don't come across as intentional -- were they really expecting us to hear "hey yeah whoa-oh" and not "hey I'm a hole," or is this mixup supposed to act as commentary on, say, perverse undertones in popular music? (The fact that the original song has "hole" in the same spot makes this mondegreen all the more suspect.) Are the dozen or so seconds of dead air at the end of the song just a consequence of a lazy audio engineer, or was this silence deliberately included to let the song's termination settle uncomfortably into nothingness? It's these parts of "On a Roll" that make it so fascinating -- not the rockist message of its origin, and especially not the corny, ham-fisted cracking screen in the music video -- so much so that even after streaming it for months, I can't tell how much of this song I'm supposed to enjoy, and how much I'm supposed to fear. [8]
Vikram Joseph: Like "Rachel, Jack and Ashley Too", the Black Mirror episode which birthed it, "On A Roll" serves as both escapist fun and a pointed facsimile of meticulously-constructed big-studio pop. Brooker and Reznor's four-part construction is unexpectedly good -- a cheerleader-chant of a chorus (surely intentionally written to, in turn, be wilfully misheard as "hey, I'm a hoe!" by gay twitter) sandwiched between big, melodic, reverberating synths in the pre- and post-chorus sections. Squeezing "achieving my goals!" into a pop chorus is worth an extra point, and also works as a sly joke about influencer culture's obsession with productivity. [7]
Alfred Soto: Imagine shouting "achieving my goals!" with less enthusiasm than an assistant vice president of human resources at a two-day retreat. At least "California Gurls" put the self-help gumption behind solid beats. [1]
Wayne Weizhen Zhang: "On a Roll" was designed to be a hollow shell of a prototypical pop song grounding a Black Mirror episode satirising toxic music stan culture. And yet, contrary to the episode's whole point, the Gays™ have still found a way to make it the object of stan culture anyways! Frankly, I can see why: it's low-key a bop, the kind that burrows under your skin and slowly takes over your body until you're singing it all the time. I can't help but like it even though I know I'm not supposed to. Do we really have free will? [6]
Kayla Beardslee: Yas queen, I'm literally gagging. We love a thinly produced bop! New main pop girl Ashley O has done it again, constantly raising the bar for all of us who want to make basic pop that serves looks? eh vocals? I guess its story without ever impressing outside of its narrative context. We stan. Keep her in that coma so she can churn out more average, serviceable music for AO2! [5]
Natasha Genet Avery: Ashley O's Gaga impression had me in the first half, I'm not gonna lie. But Gaga would never waste a verse and bridge this good on that laughably staid three-note chorus. [5]
Nortey Dowuona: A fizzing, swaddled bass synth lopes around the black hole of drums that sucks down every other musical instrument, burying a thinning synth key patch pushing up and sinking while Miley scrapes it off the bottom of the ice cream pail. [3]
Tobi Tella: In the same vein as A Star Is Born, turns out executives trying to make empty, vapid pop music actually ends up slapping. It's a perfect pop parody, with a million meaningless hooks; the drawn out "oh honeyyy," the pre-chorus that has nothing to do with anything, and, of course, the chorus, which hits the cheesy pop vibe perfectly. Not to mention the fact that it's an interpolation of a hard metal song, everything about this is nonsensical yet amazing, and it's honestly probably better than anything Miley Cyrus has put out this year. [7]
Jackie Powell: Ashley O might have just performed my "I can beat burnout" theme song. While this track was released in mid-June, it's exactly what is needed to deal with the darker days of December. It's almost as if I'm visualizing that Rachel Bloom on a stage somewhere singing about burnout, but I'm not actually hearing a musical theater melody. It's one hundred percent pop. It's also sexier while still cheering me on. How's that for an anti-burnout fight song? It's also ironic that "Head Like a Hole" is lyrically so dystopian while "On a Roll" sonically and visually -- with its simple synths responsible for the track's chord progression and a purple wig and white bodysuit -- projects more of a utopian vibe. But as a song featured in Black Mirror, the choice to pay tribute to "Head Like A Hole" was more deliberate than not. [8]
Katherine St Asaph: As long as Nine Inch Nails have existed and yarled, people have observed, often intending to blow your minds, that they might Actually Be Pop. There were the band's early appearances on questionable proto-TRLs. There was that Sound on Sound interview about how Dave Ogilvie mixed "Call Me Maybe" like a NIN song, resulting in this (featuring, in the comments, one "DigitalPimp" marveling at how it sounded like something out of a Black Mirror episode, four years before "Rachel, Jack, and Ashley Too"). There was the weird spate of offhand references in media about and/or marketed to young, non-generally-industrial-listening girls, from Clarissa from Clarissa Explains It All to Cassie from Animorphs to the babies in A Visit From the Goon Squad who are sold future!NIN's hit "Ga Ga." There are the many real-life "Ga Ga"s, like this, this, or this by Devo, or this seasonally appropriate medley. And there is, of course, this deeply strange year 2019, in which Trent Reznor earned his first No. 1 hit with one "Old Town Road," and in which there was this. I'm not a Trent purist -- I'm too much of a Tori Amos fan for that -- but "On a Roll" misunderstands the medium. The track, at least, is done by actual pop producers, The Invisible Men, and thus sounds plausible, though it can't decide whether it wants to be "California Gurls" or Weeknd-produced-by-Max-Martin smooveness or whatever the hell that half-time prechorus or Can't Take Me Home faux-soul backing vocal are. But the lyrics are by Charlie Brooker, and though he nails the inane in-universe promotional bullshit, he doesn't understand songwriting. "Bow down before the one you serve" is a more plausible pop lyric than "I'm stoked on ambition and verve." One shamelessly plunders greed and S&M and melodrama and does so the way actual people talk. One is a thesis statement rather than a lyric, doesn't scan, and is finished by rhymezone.com-ing vocabulary that for the life of me, I cannot remember if any pop lyrics have used. It's not even a timely thesis; in cynical 2019, post-Madonna, post-Gaga, post-Eilish, hell, post-"7 Rings," a pop star is less likely to put out "Everything Is Awesome" jingle music than just cover "Head like a Hole." And indeed, "On a Roll" exists so Black Mirror can get a cathartic moment out of Ashley O singing the actual "Head Like a Hole," which sounds great, because by comparison what wouldn't? Trent says he's OK with it, but then we know his stance on what he'd do for money. [2]
Iain Mew: I was at the lower context end of the scale for my initial listens to "On a Roll." I haven't watched the Black Mirror episode; I was vaguely aware of a Nine Inch Nails link but not its form; I don't know "Head Like a Hole." In that context "On a Roll" sounded like an intermittently functioning pop song with some unusually scanning lyrics that ranged from awkward to witty to both. Listening to the Nine Inch Nails song afterwards brought it together in a different way, but "On a Roll" stood up without that at least as well as most of the high concept early-'00s mashups that it's the conceptual successor to. [6]
Katie Gill: Does this work more if you're canon-familiar? Because I get the joke: ha ha, we're going to turn Nine Inch Nails into a pop song as some sort of commentary for Charlie Brooker's Ham-Fisted Social Commentary Hour! But I've only watched one or two Black Mirror episodes, so I can't help but feel that I'm missing something here. Because if the joke is that this complete antithesis of a pop song is now turned into a pop song, I don't think it works. The lyrics are sheer beautiful banality, a 2010s take on the same joke Music and Lyrics made over ten years ago. But the pop instrumentation & reworking doesn't hide the fact that "Head Like a Hole" is not fundamentally built like a pop song. It's like going into a guest bedroom that was obviously once a storage attic with low ceilings and poor insulation: put on a new coat of paint and the bones still show through. Maybe I have to watch the episode in order to fully appreciate the joke. But then again, great examples of musical parody & homage stand wonderfully on their own without context. Why doesn't this? [5]
Alex Clifton: As a parody of manufactured pop, this is pretty good; unsurprisingly, I'm reminded of Hannah Montana's "Nobody's Perfect" with its aggressive positivity ("riding so high! achieving my goals!"). But I'm seen people refer to this as an "accidental banger" and that's overrating the song. It's serviceable, it's catchy enough to be in the background at a party, but if you're going to go for manufactured pop, go hard or go home. This just doesn't commit itself enough to the genre to meet my expectations. [4]
Will Adams: I've spent the better part of the decade railing against PC Music's uncanny valley pop and its purported inability to make satisfying commentary on pop music. Allow "On a Roll" to serve as my mea culpa. Clickable premise of Miley Cyrus covering Nine Inch Nails for a Black Mirror episode aside, "On a Roll" feels pointless. Especially when a pop version of "Head Like a Hole" already exists, deliberately cynical pop by mainstream artists already exists, and your chorus hinges on a line as fatally clunky as "I'm stoked on ambition and verve." [3]
David Moore: A few months ago I was doing my weekly Spotify trawl and came across what sounded like a long-delayed aftershock of self-titled-era Taylor Swift. I was amused to see that this artist was Taylor Acorn, suggesting an elaborate algorithm designed to generate successive Taylor Swift clones named according to a variation on the NATO alphabet: Taylor Acorn, Taylor Bravo, Taylor Charlie. And this in turn gave me an idea for a television pilot with this exact premise, which I wrote ten to twenty minutes worth of before it fell flat. The problem, as it usually is with these sorts of things, is that the music needs to be good, and it can't just conjure its goodness from the perspicacity of its commentary. And of course most bizzer behind-the-curtain shows fail even at this basic commentary level -- the easiest part! -- and are doomed to be not only bad both in show and in soundtrack, but a little insulting, too. So it's a pleasure, if a mild one, to hear those exhausting try-hards over at Black Mirror let a decent pop song just kind of sit there. I didn't see the episode, but from what I can tell Miley Cyrus is supposed to be a bit of a cipher, which of course she isn't at all -- and funnily enough it makes this song do almost the opposite of what it's supposed to; it acts instead as a kind of metacommentary on how hard it is to make Miley Cyrus sound cool and competent. What, Taylor Acorn wasn't available? [6]
Michael Hong: It's nice to see Hannah Montana aim for something that fits directly into the image of the pop machine. "On the Roll" lodges itself firmly in your head while attempting to stimulate your pleasure receptors, rather than forcing all its energy to generate the cycle's "new authentic me," which ends up barely being a reinvention but more of an embarrassing reminder that Miley Cyrus is once again, back at it. Next time maybe she can aim for something good. [2]
Kylo Nocom: As satire? Boring, but not unexpectedly so! A good rule of thumb is that blanket parodies of pop music are never smart and rarely funny. Just last year A Star Is Born and Vox Lux soundtracked rockist paranoia with gratingly obvious piss-takes: "Why Did You Do That?" had a title that doubled as a lament for Ally's career; "Hologram (Smoke and Mirrors)" drove accusations of artifice that seemed directed equally at an imagined lover and Celeste herself. "On a Roll" suffers the same issues through less obvious signaling, being the commodification of an anti-establishment song, yet even here the writers can't resist an ironic nod. An uncomfortably extended silence following the last "I'm gonna get what I deserve" leaves room for interpretation: is this about Ashley exiting the pop machine as a break into authentic living, or about her suffering as retribution for being part of the pop machine? Who knows! The song is otherwise fantastic, and it being fantastic fucking sucks. Interpolating Nine Inch Nails wholesale puts Miley in her most enjoyable mode: anthemic rock-adjacent joy, some of the best she's done since her Hollywood Records era. Even if Black Mirror's idea of future pop is suspiciously like 2017, with tropical percussion breaks from "New Rules" and the pulses from "Sorry Not Sorry," the arrangement of "On a Roll" suggests actual, realized verve. The charm of the song concerns; in the context of the show itself it's the result of exploitation, and outside its context it's packaged with tacky viral marketing bullshit. But I can't resist. [9]
Jacob Sujin Kuppermann: I was prepared to give this some begrudgingly high score based on the weird, feverish week in the early summer where I listened to this on loop. But on the return visit, the appeal of "On a Roll" fades away with its novelty. All that remains is the general structure of "Head Like A Hole," which ties that undeniable melody to a much more compelling creep of a beat, and a slightly-above-average vocal performance from Miley. With every year of this nostalgia-focused decade I have grown wearier and wearier of this sort of reincarnation pop, yesterday's pleasures repackaged winkingly for an audience that sees the artlessness, the lack of aura, as the point. There's no way to listen to this sincerely, and I'm no longer amused by irony's mirror. [3]
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purtydolann-blog · 7 years
if my men change for this trl bullshit i will slit my throat
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highqualitydolans · 7 years
I totally get what youre saying about trl, but at the same time, the boys were never gonna be hosts. They have had the hosts for trl lined up many months before the twins were announced as being recurring guests. And its only been like 4 weeks of the show so who knows maybe they will correspondents in future episodes. Trl is doing nothing different than what the boys do every week on their own youtube channel. I think people are just pissed because we thought it was gonna be something different
i guess i kind of get what you’re saying too, but there is a small flaw in your argument. yes, they’re doing on the show what they do for their videos, but what’s different between trl and the dolan twins youtube channel? their channel is produced by them, not somebody else. they create their videos in private (mostly) on their own time. trl is in front of a live audience, and then however many people tune into the show. the staff and writers of trl make the plans of what the twins are going to do (drink out of a fucking dirty shoe, which is not something i personally think either of the twins would ever do in one of their own videos) and they have no say in it. that’s what’s pissing people off. not so much the fact that we were ‘expecting’ different. we’re pissed because they’re doing overly crazy shit for literally what? fun? do you honestly think it was fun to drink hot sauce in front of a ton of people? 
yes, your argument is valid, but i honestly don’t think this is the shit they signed up for when they were asked to do the show. 
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jaeame-blog · 7 years
More Weinstein fallout: Ben Affleck apologizes for groping actress Hilarie Burton; Cara Delevigne reveals harassment ... | Hilarie Burton
Twitter users recalled Affleck's 2003 incident on TV show TRL, suggesting he may have his own reasons for not speaking out about the sexual abuse claims "He also grabbed Hilarie Burton's breasts on TRL once. Hollywood actor Ben Affleck has admitted to "acting inappropriately" after a clip re-emerged of him groping One Tree Hill actress Hilarie Burton in 2003. In response to his message, a fan accused Affleck of groping Hilarie Burton on an episode of MTV's "Total Request Live" in 2003. Along with a clip from "TRL Uncensored," Burton wrote on Twitter, "Girls.
Actor and Cambridge native Ben Affleck apologized on Twitter Wednesday after an actress said he groped on during a TV interview back in 2003. Then, another Twitter user said of Affleck, "He also grabbed Hilarie Burton's breasts on [MTV's] TRL once. He's had to apologise for groping actress Hilarie Burton during an interview in the noughties.Hours after Ben Affleck released a statement condemning the alleged sexual misconduct of Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein, the actor was accused of having groped actress Hilarie Burton in the early 2000s. Twitter users were quick to remind Affleck that he once groped former MTV VJ Hilarie Burton on "TRL" in 2003.
Twitter users recalled Affleck's 2003 incident on TV show TRL, suggesting he may have his own reasons for not speaking out about the sexual abuse claims "He also grabbed Hilarie Burton's breasts on TRL once. After multiple women came forward this week and accused Harvey Weinstein of sexual assault, celebrities have spoken out about the disturbing abuse of power in Hollywood and how they were mostly unaware of what was really happening.One Twitter user then commented that Affleck "should've just kept quiet", and another wrote: "He also grabbed Hilarie Burton's breasts on TRL once. Something Hilarie, 35, said she hasn't ever forgotten. Ben Affleck has apologized on social media for groping former MTV host and actress Hilarie Burton's breast during an appearance on TV in 2003. Quick to condemn Affleck's own behavior was a random Twitter user who was having none of the star's bullshit statement, writing, "He also grabbed Hilarie Burton's breasts on TRL once. One Twitter user wrote that Affleck "grabbed Hilarie Burton's breasts on TRL once. He's long been touted as one of Harvey Weinstein's original protegees and now Ben Affleck's own questionable behaviour has come to light.
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highqualitydolans · 7 years
not to burst your bubble but if you support the twins as much as you say you do, you'd support them in TRL.
oh my god. you’re fucking with me, right? like you’re not actually serious right now?
this is the kind of bullshit i hate about fandoms. why the fuck do fans pit fans against each other and hit them with that “you’re not a real fan if-” crap?? that’s never a valid argument because there is nothing that can define anyone as a “real fan” other than loving the person or thing you’re a fan of. i love the twins, i support them and am proud of them. i do not have to support the bullshit that is trl just because they’re on it. i support their decision to continue on with trl as it is a big step in their career and all that jazz, but it doesn’t mean i have to like the show. 
i do support the twins. i do not support trl. get over it.
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jaeame-blog · 7 years
More Weinstein fallout: Ben Affleck apologizes for groping actress Hilarie Burton; Cara Delevigne reveals harassment ... | Hilarie Burton
He's long been touted as one of Harvey Weinstein's original protegees and now Ben Affleck's own questionable behaviour has come to light. Twitter users recalled Affleck's 2003 incident on TV show TRL, suggesting he may have his own reasons for not speaking out about the sexual abuse claims "He also grabbed Hilarie Burton's breasts on TRL once. Actor and Cambridge native Ben Affleck apologized on Twitter Wednesday after an actress said he groped on during a TV interview back in 2003. Quick to condemn Affleck's own behavior was a random Twitter user who was having none of the star's bullshit statement, writing, "He also grabbed Hilarie Burton's breasts on TRL once.
Twitter users recalled Affleck's 2003 incident on TV show TRL, suggesting he may have his own reasons for not speaking out about the sexual abuse claims "He also grabbed Hilarie Burton's breasts on TRL once. Twitter users were quick to remind Affleck that he once groped former MTV VJ Hilarie Burton on "TRL" in 2003. Oscar-winner Ben Affleck apologized on Oct. 11, 2017, to actress Hilarie Burton, stating "I acted inappropriately." Burton, who appeared with Affleck on MTV's "Total Request Live," said he groped her.I'm so impressed with you brave ones. One Twitter user then commented that Affleck "should've just kept quiet", and another wrote: "He also grabbed Hilarie Burton's breasts on TRL once.
After multiple women came forward this week and accused Harvey Weinstein of sexual assault, celebrities have spoken out about the disturbing abuse of power in Hollywood and how they were mostly unaware of what was really happening. In response to his message, a fan accused Affleck of groping Hilarie Burton on an episode of MTV's "Total Request Live" in 2003.Ben Affleck has taken to Twitter to apologise for groping a former MTV host on television. Hours after Ben Affleck released a statement condemning the alleged sexual misconduct of Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein, the actor was accused of having groped actress Hilarie Burton in the early 2000s. Along with a clip from "TRL Uncensored," Burton wrote on Twitter, "Girls. Something Hilarie, 35, said she hasn't ever forgotten. Then, another Twitter user said of Affleck, "He also grabbed Hilarie Burton's breasts on [MTV's] TRL once. One Twitter user wrote that Affleck "grabbed Hilarie Burton's breasts on TRL once.
0 notes
jaeame-blog · 7 years
More Weinstein fallout: Ben Affleck apologizes for groping actress Hilarie Burton; Cara Delevigne reveals harassment ... | Hilarie Burton
Then, another Twitter user said of Affleck, "He also grabbed Hilarie Burton's breasts on [MTV's] TRL once. Along with a clip from "TRL Uncensored," Burton wrote on Twitter, "Girls. One Twitter user then commented that Affleck "should've just kept quiet", and another wrote: "He also grabbed Hilarie Burton's breasts on TRL once. Something Hilarie, 35, said she hasn't ever forgotten.
Oscar-winner Ben Affleck apologized on Oct. 11, 2017, to actress Hilarie Burton, stating "I acted inappropriately." Burton, who appeared with Affleck on MTV's "Total Request Live," said he groped her. Twitter users were quick to remind Affleck that he once groped former MTV VJ Hilarie Burton on "TRL" in 2003. Ben Affleck has apologized on social media for groping former MTV host and actress Hilarie Burton's breast during an appearance on TV in 2003.Quick to condemn Affleck's own behavior was a random Twitter user who was having none of the star's bullshit statement, writing, "He also grabbed Hilarie Burton's breasts on TRL once. Ben Affleck has taken to Twitter to apologise for groping a former MTV host on television.
In response to his message, a fan accused Affleck of groping Hilarie Burton on an episode of MTV's "Total Request Live" in 2003. Twitter users recalled Affleck's 2003 incident on TV show TRL, suggesting he may have his own reasons for not speaking out about the sexual abuse claims "He also grabbed Hilarie Burton's breasts on TRL once.Twitter users recalled Affleck's 2003 incident on TV show TRL, suggesting he may have his own reasons for not speaking out about the sexual abuse claims "He also grabbed Hilarie Burton's breasts on TRL once. Hours after Ben Affleck released a statement condemning the alleged sexual misconduct of Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein, the actor was accused of having groped actress Hilarie Burton in the early 2000s. He's long been touted as one of Harvey Weinstein's original protegees and now Ben Affleck's own questionable behaviour has come to light. Hollywood actor Ben Affleck has admitted to "acting inappropriately" after a clip re-emerged of him groping One Tree Hill actress Hilarie Burton in 2003. After multiple women came forward this week and accused Harvey Weinstein of sexual assault, celebrities have spoken out about the disturbing abuse of power in Hollywood and how they were mostly unaware of what was really happening. I'm so impressed with you brave ones.
0 notes
jaeame-blog · 7 years
More Weinstein fallout: Ben Affleck apologizes for groping actress Hilarie Burton; Cara Delevigne reveals harassment ... | Hilarie Burton
Hollywood actor Ben Affleck has admitted to "acting inappropriately" after a clip re-emerged of him groping One Tree Hill actress Hilarie Burton in 2003. After multiple women came forward this week and accused Harvey Weinstein of sexual assault, celebrities have spoken out about the disturbing abuse of power in Hollywood and how they were mostly unaware of what was really happening. Oscar-winner Ben Affleck apologized on Oct. 11, 2017, to actress Hilarie Burton, stating "I acted inappropriately." Burton, who appeared with Affleck on MTV's "Total Request Live," said he groped her. Twitter users were quick to remind Affleck that he once groped former MTV VJ Hilarie Burton on "TRL" in 2003.
Twitter users recalled Affleck's 2003 incident on TV show TRL, suggesting he may have his own reasons for not speaking out about the sexual abuse claims "He also grabbed Hilarie Burton's breasts on TRL once. Along with a clip from "TRL Uncensored," Burton wrote on Twitter, "Girls. Hours after Ben Affleck released a statement condemning the alleged sexual misconduct of Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein, the actor was accused of having groped actress Hilarie Burton in the early 2000s.I'm so impressed with you brave ones. One Twitter user wrote that Affleck "grabbed Hilarie Burton's breasts on TRL once.
Twitter users recalled Affleck's 2003 incident on TV show TRL, suggesting he may have his own reasons for not speaking out about the sexual abuse claims "He also grabbed Hilarie Burton's breasts on TRL once. Then, another Twitter user said of Affleck, "He also grabbed Hilarie Burton's breasts on [MTV's] TRL once.Actor and Cambridge native Ben Affleck apologized on Twitter Wednesday after an actress said he groped on during a TV interview back in 2003. One Twitter user then commented that Affleck "should've just kept quiet", and another wrote: "He also grabbed Hilarie Burton's breasts on TRL once. Quick to condemn Affleck's own behavior was a random Twitter user who was having none of the star's bullshit statement, writing, "He also grabbed Hilarie Burton's breasts on TRL once. He's long been touted as one of Harvey Weinstein's original protegees and now Ben Affleck's own questionable behaviour has come to light. Ben Affleck has taken to Twitter to apologise for groping a former MTV host on television. He's had to apologise for groping actress Hilarie Burton during an interview in the noughties.
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