#and of course they need to snapchat them half naked so people will tune in
highqualitydolans · 7 years
lol fuck trl
they’re exploiting the twins and using them for views. this argument isn’t new, but i need to get this off my chest. 
i’m so proud of the boys, don’t get me wrong. i love them and support them and want them to be successful and happy. but trl promised them something that they still haven’t gotten. we were all so excited to see the boys hosting the show, but they’ve done nothing but drink out of a dirty shoe and swallow hot sauce and had their shirts off. it’s all for views. i bet if the twins weren’t on the show doing any of this, no one would care to watch. this is such bullshit. they’re literally using them and exploiting the shit out of them for money. i’m over it, and although i support the boys, i don’t support trl. sorry
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xsister-serpent · 5 years
Soggy Cereal
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Summary: Reader has been going through a bit of a rough patch lately to the point where she cannot bring herself to see her friends. Tom being one of her closest friends finds her and tries to be the best man he can be for her. 
A/N : Based off @painfullythickimagines​ of this ask i had requested. It’s been a long time coming and this legit has helped me out with getting back into the grove of writing. 
You haven’t been feeling to great lately. The things you once adored now were things you felt indifferent about. It was the void again. That gnawing feeling in the back of your subconscious. Although this wasn’t your first time with your low points, you still had it there tucked away in the corner. Some days it wasn’t there at all, other days however it was an oozing wound. You forced yourself to get out of bed and eat something. You brought down a cereal and poured it into a bowl along with milk.
You stared at the bowl taking a small spoonful of it in your mouth. After a first bite, your stomach felt full. But you knew it wasn’t. Picking up your phone you saw numerous messages from your friends. Some were pictures of Seb and Chris arm wrestling. Hardy and Henry sent you a Snapchat of them with their dogs at the local dog park. Jason had sent a video of Holland getting wiped out by a wave. A message came through from Tom, one friend you had grew close to. He asked if you were okay seeing that you hadn’t been replied to anyone theses past days.
You replied you were fine and locked your phone. That was a lie of course but he couldn’t see you like this. Hell you didn’t want any of your close friends seeing you like this. Placing your phone on vibrate you tossed it on top of your bed. You needed a bath, a hot one. You knew the void was going to try to take you to your lowest, you had gotten so far. You weren’t going to let it win not this time. You pulled out candles and your favorite bath scent. You slipped out of your clothes and waited till the tub was full.
You fully avoided the mirror as you walked past it. You couldn’t stand yourself to look in it. Too many imperfections. The heat felt good against you. Like a warm scented blanket you basked in it. The void became tiny once more. You closed your eyes for a bit as you inhaled the scent listing things you were grateful for. Your family, your friends, and lastly Tom. For a split second you heard his voice drift in your head. You imagined his laughter, his smile, the way he’d always get teased about being a walking encyclopedia. A force suddenly to a hold of you causing your eyes snapped opened in shock.
“Y/N! Y/N WAKE UP!” Tom yelled in worry as he shook you.
“TOM?! WHAT THE HELL!!” You screamed as you covered your chest.
“Y/N where were you?!! I called you ten times!” he sighed as he went out of the tub.
“TOM IM NAKED! IN A TUB!” You shouted covering what you could, “Get out!”
Tom suddenly turned around placing his hands on hips , completely ignoring your nakedness “I called you ten times Y/n! Ten times! I find you in the tub asleep for what in hour?! God i was worried sick!!”
“If you get out of the room and wait, I will explain everything.”
“Fine,” he huffed as he retreated out of the bathroom.
You calmed your nerves as the tub drained itself. He’s just trying to be a good friend, you told yourself. Suddenly the void answered, ‘A friend who you don’t deserve’.
With a sigh of guilt you half assed your self care and went to find tom. You walked into the kitchen to find him there, his arms folded with a concern look.
“What’s going on?” He asked, “First you say you’ll come to movies then cancel very last minute, knowing full well we planned this for month. We go out for the flea market where you again don’t show up. We go out to dinner where you hardly talk to anyone..”
The concern in his voice made the guilt pool into your stomach. Tom’s eyes tried to read your face, “I know something is going on, but I have to hear it from you.”
The was a still silence between you now, one that was so thick you could strike a knife through it. You pulled from his gaze and looked the floor, “What gave it away?”
Tom motioned the soggy cereal next to the empty bottles of water. Your hand went behind your neck as you tried to come up with an answer. An answer that didn’t make you sound like a manic.
“Okay,” you began, “I’m- I’m going through a weird funk right now. I sometimes withdraw away from people I love because I don’t want to be a burden. I disappear because I don’t want you, or anyone else to see me like this. The best thing I can do, well not the best, but it helps, is that I put on phone on vibrate cause I needed a break from it. It’s shitty way of dealing with things, but it helps keep the void away.”
Tom took in your words. His piercing ocean eyes clinging to every word.  You waited for some kind of retaliation from him. He should be mad, you left him with no trace and worst no call back. You glanced at him waiting for him to explode. Instead his hands went to his sides.
“I can understand the break truly,” he admitted, “But promise me you’ll reply to my text, at least to let me know you’re okay. Just a simple K is good enough for me.”
 He took a step forward closer to you, “I thought the worst y/n. When you disappear it…it doesn’t feel right.”
“I didn’t think anyone would noticed,” You whispered looking downcast.
“I do.”
You glanced up at Tom in shock.
“I always do.”
His tender gaze pierced your guilt in your chest. A swell of tears gathered at your eyes as your shame came into light. Tom warped his arms around you as you felt your shoulders sag.
“I’m sorry,” you stammered as you held back the tears, “I’m a real shitty friend.”
“No, no you’re not y/n,” he soothed as he held you, “Please stop beating yourself up, you’re worth more than that.”
You felt your tears drip down your face as he held you. You didn’t whimper or let out a sob. It was a quiet cry, a silent one that had struggled to get let out. You gripped onto tom as you closed your eyes letting what you could out. The tears burned as they rolled down and your snobs began to croak. All the while Tom held you soothing out your hair as you cried.
“it’s alright y/n,” he spoke he held you close, “It’s alright.”
He was where he needed to be, holding you. For what seemed like eternity you felt your breathing became smoother and the war in your mind had eased. With a long exhale you gathered yourself together letting go to tom. You saw the tear stains on his shirt and quickly tried to pat them away, “Sorry.” “Don’t be,” Tom waved off as he handed you a napkin, “I hated this shirt anyway.”
You chuckled as you wiped your nose.
“Ah there’s a laugh,” he hinted with a smirk.
You suddenly spotted the cereal bowl sitting in the center of the counter, “I should probably throw that away huh?”
“Yeah, it doesn’t look too appealing now. Here let me,” Tom spoke as he emptied the bowl into the sink, “Have you eaten anything else?”
“Just chips and water.”
As if on queue your stomach growled loudly.
Tom paused as he looked back with disappointment, “Y/n…”
“I know, I know,” you sighed.
“Alright, then what would you like to eat?” He replied as he rinsed the dish.
“No tom don’t waste your-“
“Y/n I’m offering.”
You folded your arms across your chest in protest, “Tom..”
“Y/n,” his eyebrow arched copying your stance.
He reached your forearm gently giving an assuring squeeze, “Please, let me do this for you, okay?”
You unfolded your arms. He had won this round. You pause in thought as you searched for ideas, “Is a sushi okay with you?”
“Of course it is,” Tom smiled as he finished the dishes, “I’ll give them a call. Cali Rolls right??”
 You nodded, “you know me too well.”
 You went back into the bathroom and splashed your face with cold water giving you a somewhat refreshed look.
“What rolls do you want?” Tom called from the other room.
“A Washington and crunch please, oh and miso soup.”
Tom placed the order and hung up the phone. You returned to the front room and went to tv placing it on. You searched your DVR for your recorded shows. You selected a paranormal show and changed the futon couch into a bed. Tom began to help you setting it up with pillows and fluffy blankets. The two of you settled in the couch.
“So catch me up on this,” Tom spoke as he slipped off his shoes.
As you begin to explain you could feel his eyes hanging on to each one of your words. It was his attention that made you feel something. It was the same from the other times you had hang out just the two of you. You felt his body come a bit closer to you, not that it scared you but it was if he was testing the waters. You both went back the show, now wasn’t the time to thing about that. Your mind was recovering and you weren’t sure if he could handle it.
The door bell chimed causing you both to be startled as the show became intense. Tom paused the show, “I could’ve sworn my heart nearly jumped in my chest.”
“Oh come on this is nothing,” you chuckled.
“I swear, here,” tom took your hand and placed it on his chest.
Your eyebrows rose as you felt his heart pacing fast, “Tom we can change it.”
“No no,” he waved off as he slid out of the futon, “It’s getting so good.”
You laughed as he made his way to the door collecting the order. He paid the delivery man and went back to the bed. “Here you are deary,” he spoke as he gave you a foam box.
“Thanks,” you replied as you both began to eat the fresh rolls.
Tuning back to the TV, you let out a content sigh. The emptiness was replaced with this now. You knew of course it would be there, but this drowned it out. You glanced at Tom who was intently watching the TV.  You moved your attention to the TV before he could glance at you. Soon the foam boxes were all that was left. The food was gone and the water glasses were empty. You placed on the soft lighting in the room giving it a warm glow. 
Tom glanced at his phone, “Well everyone is relieved that you’re home, poor Seb thought you had blocked him. In which I won’t blame you if you do, he’s memes are terrible.”
A light laugh escaped your lips along with his. You sunk down into the bed and cuddled onto the body pillow.
“Can you promise me something?” you spoke catching his gaze.
“Yes,” he replied laying down beside you.
“Promise me you won’t tell any of the guys you saw me like this? I don’t want them to worry about me too much.”
“Cross my heart.”
In which he did. Tom moved a bit closer to you, “Can you promise me something?”
You nodded.
“That you’ll tell me everything, even if it’s dark. I want you to know that i’ll be there with you.”
You smiled and kissed Tom on the forehead softly. His ocean eyes gazed down at you. You had seen this look before, one full of love. But you were unsure. You indecisively moved away only for his hand to reach for your forearm.
“You’d still look at me that way even when I’m like this?” You asked placing your hands behind your head.
“Of course,” he replied, “You don’t scare me, y/n. I know I can’t protect you from it, but I can damn well help you through it.”
His eyes became alive with adoration.
“You’re the strongest person I know. I-i know this is a bad time but if I feel like I don’t tell you this now, I’ll go completely insane,” he said sitting back up right, “I love you. I can’t- i won’t keep it a secret anymore. I know it’s horrible timing, and it’s perfectly fine if you don’t feel the same. I’ll be whatever you want me to be, a friend, a lover I don’t care. Just let me be there for you.”
 You looked a little taken back as you let his words sink into you. You love him, said a soft whisper. He was there for you, he’d went that extra mile for you. You touched his face caressing his cheek with your palm. Your lips met his in a soft kiss lighting a spark inside you. 
“I love you too,” you admitted, “Thank you, for being there and being patient.”
“It’s not a problem, not with you,” He smiled.
  You embraced Tom as he wrapped his arms around you making you feel secure and safe. You knew this wouldn’t be end of your struggle, but this, his warmth his caring touch was enough to chase it away. It was perfect. 
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rawrkittenpurr · 6 years
Personal Trainer AU - Jack Maynard Imagine
Word count: 4068
Rating: Explicit (really, truly explicit. mostly pwp smut. please don’t read if you are underage and/or unconfortable with that)
Warnings: none
Summary: Jack is substituting for your regular PT. Sex ensues.
„Hi, my name is Y/N and I have a session booked in with Louisa at six”, you said to the girl at the reception, handing over your gym membership card.
„Oh, I’m so sorry, Louisa had to call in sick today. Someone should’ve called you, but they must have forgotten. I’m terribly sorry, it’s been a bit of a rush here today, with two of our trainers feeling poorly… But I’m sure we can find someone to cover your session, or you could go in and train on your own? Of course we will refund you the price of the training!” the girl said apologetically.
“Honestly, don’t worry about it. I’m sure all your trainers are equally good, I don’t mind if someone else takes over, truly. But please do find someone for me, because left to my own devices I know I will just spend 20 minutes on the elliptical watching Brooklyn 99 and call it a day”, you smiled at the girl. It was Friday night, you had a busy week of work behind you and you were not feeling very motivated as of that moment. You came to the gym straight from the office, because you knew from experience that if you’d had to go home to get your stuff, you would’ve just slumped down on the couch and probably not moved until midnight.
“Okay, I’ll see what I can do for you. You can go ahead and get changed, and someone will be waiting for you when you’re done”, the receptionist said, handing you a lock and key for the lockers as well as a towel, “and thank you for being so understanding!”
You quickly changed into your workout gear – black leggings, a black sports bra and a flowy purple workout top with an open back –, pulled your hair into a ponytail so it wouldn’t bother you, grabbed your water bottle and the towel and headed out of the changing room. You were greeted by a blonde guy about your age, with really pretty blue eyes. He was attractive. This was going to be interesting.
“Hey, you must be Y/N. I’m Jack, and I’ll be kicking your arse today.”
“And I bet you’re going to enjoy that, won’t you”, you said to test the waters.
“Oh, I’ll make sure you enjoy it too, don’t you worry”, he replied, a cheeky grin spreading across his face. This was indeed going to be interesting all right.
“So I thought we could start with some warm-up, and in the meantime you can tell me about what you’ve been doing with Louisa, what your goals are, so that I can get a better picture of what you’re looking for, does that sound ok to you?”, Jack asked once you’ve walked over to the training area.
“Sure. I’ve been training with Louisa for about two months now I think. I don’t really have a specific goal in mind, I just kinda want to be the fittest version of myself if that makes sense?” you started to explain while Jack was directing you to do some jumps to get your heartrate up. “I used to always say to myself I’ll do it one day, like I’ll do it for my wedding or something, but then one day something in my brain just clicked and I thought why wait, why not do it now?” “So, no wedding coming up then?” Jack intercepted.
“Oh no, definitely single AF”, you laughed, “but it’s chill. I mean, I have everything I need”, you said, first of all to clarify that you were not desperate and second, because it was true. You were really not looking for a relationship and were perfectly happy with the arrangements you had going on when it came to sex. “Anyway”, you continued, progressively getting more out of breath, “don’t get me wrong, I still hate all of this. But then I see the results and I’m like yeah, it’s worth it.”
“I can see that”, Jack said, and you were pretty sure he was checking you out.
 Jack was not kidding when he said he would kick your ass. He gave you a very intense workout that pushed you to your limits, but you actually enjoyed it. You preferred working hard over half-assing your workouts; it gave you the satisfaction of knowing you did your best. You also had the feeling he had you do more squats than strictly necessary just so he could check your butt out, but you couldn’t say you minded that either.
“So, it’s Friday, you got any plans tonight?” Jack asked you as you were finishing up your stretching.
“I was actually planning on watching Netflix on my couch, but after this workout I feel strangely energised, so I might need to change those plans”, you admitted.
“Me and a few mates are actually going clubbing later, you can join us if you like. It’ll be around midnight though probably, so I don’t know if you’ll still be awake…”
This went easier than you thought. It wasn’t suave or smart, you could tell Jack was the sort of guy to rely on his looks and charm rather than his wit to woo over the ladies. But in all fairness, he was hot and he did ask you out and he was being quite direct about it, which you appreciated.
“I’m not actually a grandma, I’ll have you know. Midnight sounds good, text me where?” you held out your hand for his phone.
 Once you got home, you popped into the shower, washed your hair, moisturised thoroughly with a lotion that made your skin look glowing and smelled deliciously like a tropical cocktail on a beach, poured yourself a big glass of wine, then decided to potter around naked for the next few hours. At around 11, your phone buzzed with a text from Jack.
“Hey Y/N
You still up?”
At this point, you were about 3 glasses of wine in, and still naked, but at least you had successfully finished putting on your makeup.
“Yeah I’m good, just getting ready. Wby?” you texted back.
“Pre-gaming at Joe’s. Gonna get going soon though”
You wrapped yourself in your previously discarded towel, grabbed your wine glass and took a selfie. “Cheers!” you typed, sending the pic to Jack. His reply was a string of emojis, including the fire and the dancing girl one. He also sent you the name of the club and told you to meet them up front in half an hour.
It was time to get dressed. You decided on a set consisting of a high-waisted, tight midi skirt and a crop top. The outfit hugged your curves and showed off a bit of your tummy. Essentially, it put your whole body on display while still making you look relatively dressed up. You debated for a while if Jack was worth wearing heels for, but ultimately decided in favour of them. Then you grabbed your bag and headed down to your Uber.
The club Jack told you to meet them at was of the posh but tacky variety, trying really hard to look like it was in Vegas or something, with secluded ‘VIP areas’ with white leather couches and low, mirrored coffee tables. It was the sort of club mostly frequented by girls in their late teens and men of all ages trying to hit on them. You didn’t much mind the club though, because the music was good, a mixture of hip-hop and R’n’B, easy to dance to and in your opinion much nicer than the monotonous, electronic stuff. There was a little bit of a line forming out front, you hoped that the club would be decently full but not jam-packed. Getting out of the car, you spotted Jack standing a little bit off to the side with a small group of people, and walked over.
“Damn, Y/N”, Jack exclaimed, checking you out from head to toe as you were approaching him, “you looked fine this afternoon, but this is on a whole new level!” He pulled you in and kissed you on the cheek. He smelled really nice, cool and clean and fresh, but with an undercurrent of something spicy.
“You’re not looking so bad yourself, I must say”, you licked your lips. Jack was wearing a dark blue and red, tropical patterned silk shirt with the sleeves rolled up and a few of the top buttons unbuttoned, tight, ripped black jeans and white sneakers. His hair was tousled and wavy and somehow looked both softer and blonder than in the gym. You had the urge to run your hand through it, although you were quite sure it was probably less soft and way more stiff with product than it looked. Also that he wouldn’t appreciate you messing it up. Also that you would totally still do that later.
He waved you over and quickly introduced you to the bunch of people he was with: Joe, Conor, Mikey, Caspar, as well as a few girls whose name you didn’t bother to remember.
“It really isn’t fair”, you heard Joe complain to no one in particular, “Jack pulling these girls who are out of his league all the time.” Jack replied with a grin, saying how it was one of the perks that came with his job. You were not sure if this whole exchange was intended to be much more subtle or if Jack just didn’t care if his dates knew he was a bit of a player, but it was okay. You weren’t looking for anything serious either.
“Come on, Y/N”, Jack motioned you over and put his arm around your waist, skipping the line and guiding you directly towards the door, “this way.”
“Are you famous or something?” you teased as you realized you were entering directly through the previously described VIP lounge.
“I got connections”, he smiled, wiggling his brows at you.
Once inside, you each took a shot of vodka from the chilled bottle of Grey Goose that seemed to have materialised on the table in front of you as soon as the group walked in. A few of the guys took some pics and videos for their Snapchats and Insta stories that some of the girls with you tried really hard to be included in, while others were basically hiding. This was weird, but it was none of your business. A few minutes passed, and you were happily singing along to the songs the DJ was playing, dancing around a little on the spot. You really just wanted to get out on the dancefloor, so you took Jack’s hand and pulled him with you as the tunes of the new Jason Derulo song started blasting from the speakers. You were a decent dancer – definitely not able to come up with imaginative freestyle choreographies on the spot, and you were never quite sure what to do with your hands; but you were pretty good at copying other people’s moves and really good at twerking. What surprised you more was that while most boys tended to just hop from one leg to the other and stay in the background, Jack could actually keep up with you, pulling you closer and giving you space at the right moments while also showing off his moves.
“That was hot”, you exclaimed as the song ended. In return, Jack pulled you in close, grabbed your butt and kissed you hard on the mouth. It was a nice kiss, more lips than tongue, soft and wet and warm, inviting and exploring rather than aggressive and pushy. You had one hand on the small of his back, just above the waistband of his jeans, the other around his neck. You flexed your fingers and scraped your nails slightly against the back of his head, which he seemed to like, as he responded by squeezing you even closer to him, both of his hands on your backside still. Jack licked along your lips and you opened them slightly. Suddenly, he bit down against your lower lip and you pulled in a sharp breath, digging your nails into his skin. Opening your eyes and taking a step back, you broke the kiss and started dancing again. Turning you around, he drew you close to him again so that your back was against him, kissed the spot between your neck and shoulder softly and started to move against you, following the music.
The two of you spent the next hour or so dancing, grinding and making out on the dancefloor, only heading back to your booth twice for a bit of rest, drinks and a few words of shouted conversation over the music. As the night progressed, more of the buttons on Jack’s shirt became undone and you could now see quite a bit of his tanned chest. You have teased each other so long, both of you were completely turned on. You had butterflies in your tummy, a big smile plastered on your face and a pleasant, tingling sensation all over your body, as if your skin was electrified. You were also quite sure you could feel his hardness pushing against your thigh as you pressed into him while dancing. You lowered one hand and traced the outline of his bulge, palming him through his jeans. So far, you had no complaints.
“You wanna get out of here?” you heard Jack shout.
You nodded. “Back to mine? No flatmates, and it’s close to here. I’ll go to the loo and call an Uber, meet me at the booth in 10?”
When you got back to the VIP section, you found only Caspar and two girls at your table. Nevertheless, you said your goodbyes and made your way to the car already waiting for you outside. Thankfully, your flat was indeed close by and in the sparse night-time traffic it only took you about 10 minutes to get there. Which was for the best, because you two had a really hard time keeping your behaviour in the backseat decent. Your skirt, which normally reached to your knees, was pushed up to mid-thigh level, and Jack was stroking along the inside of your leg. Your hands found their way under his shirt, tracing out the hard edges of his body. You were kissing each other differently now, longer, passionately and with more intent, sucking and biting. By the time the car pulled up in front of your house, you were burning with anticipation. Although you usually didn’t tend to, you tipped the driver and made sure to give him 5 stars, he definitely deserved it.
Once you got up to your flat, you kicked off your heels and motioned to the left.
“Bedroom’s that way, bathroom too. Go on, I’ll be there in a minute. And wash your hands, will ya?”
While Jack took off towards your bedroom, you went to the kitchen, washed your hands and filled up two large glasses with cold water, then you followed him into your bedroom. Jack was lying back against the headboard of your bed, still completely dressed but with his shirt now completely open and hanging off his shoulders. He looked incredible, eyeing you expectantly. You handed him one of the waters and drank most of yours, setting the glass down on your dresser, a safe distance away from the bed. You shortly debated your range of movement, then decided to strip out of your skirt, discarding it on the floor.
“Nice”, Jack said in a low voice, sitting up a little straighter and putting down his glass of water. “Louisa’s been doing a good job”, he added, regaining his composure. You poked your tongue out and wiggled your butt at him, then walked over and straddled him, placing your knees on each side of his hips. Taking his shirt off completely, you finally had access to all of his upper body, something you have been looking forward to all night. You brushed your fingers lightly against his tattoos.
“You like them?” Jack asked you. “Yeah”, you admitted, your voice a little breathy, “They’re really nice.”
You kissed him again, then proceeded to kiss down the line of his neck and all along his shoulder, leaving behind little wet spots. All the while, your hands were roaming his body, grabbing and stroking. You couldn’t get enough of him. Moving downwards, you flicked your tongue experimentally against his right nipple.
“Come here”, Jack said, and you sat up a little. He took off your top and bra and started playing with your boobs, licking and sucking one of your nipples into his mouth while teasing the other one with his fingers.
“Mhhhhm”, you moaned, rolling your hips down onto his dick almost involuntarily. Pulling back slightly, you unbuckled his belt and worked his fly open, removing his jeans and underwear in one go. Then you took a few seconds to look at his now exposed penis. As you suspected, he was a decent size, slightly thicker towards the head, pretty straight and uncut. All in all, you were impressed. You took a sip of water, gave him a peck on the lips and leaned back to pull your hair up into a ponytail. You could see him perk up, after all, this was basically the universally accepted sign of ‘she’s gonna go down on you’.
Taking him in your hand, you swirled your tongue around the head, getting it nice and wet before taking it into your mouth fully. Keeping him steady with your hand, you bobbed your head up and down a few times, sucking slightly more as you were coming up, but not taking his whole length in fully yet.
“Talk to me, Jack”, you said, pulling off. “Tell me what you want.”
You were not averse to some dirty talk in the first place. Plus you pegged Jack for a talker, which hopefully meant he would be into this too. But most importantly, you had literally known him less than 12 hours, and you didn’t have any time to experiment. If you were both going to get what you wanted from this, you needed to ensure good communication.
Putting his dick back in your mouth, you started moving again, joining your mouth’s movement with your hand too, really getting into it. With each downward stroke you took him in deeper, until you managed to get all of him in. His right hand flew to the back of your head to keep you in place as you were moving just the tiniest bit, without really pulling back at all.
“Fuck, you’re good at this”, Jack proclaimed, and you would’ve chuckled at the compliment, except you didn’t want to choke nor gag. Pulling back, you started moving again, quicker this time, licking against the vein on the underside of his penis and swirling your tongue around the head at every move.
“Fuck. Okay, baby, keep doing that, but with a hint of teeth. Just like that, yeah. And play with my balls”, Jack was finally finding his words and you were on fire. You gave better head turned on, and giving it turned you on even more, so this was a win-win situation. Jack’s words went straight to your core and you could feel yourself getting wetter. You could also taste Jack’s pre-come in your mouth and felt his balls tighten as you were juggling them between your fingers, so by all means, this was working for both of you. With one last satisfied pop, you pulled your mouth off his Jack’s dick. Standing up, you took off your panties and opened the first drawer of your bedside table, taking out a condom and throwing it in Jack’s general direction on the bed. It was time to get things moving along.
“Do we have to?” he asked, with a slightly whiney but mostly just curious tone.
“Yes”, you cut the discussion short. Although you were on hormonal birth control too, so it wouldn’t have been necessary, you were sleeping with several people and you assumed Jack was as well, and STIs were really not fun.
Hopping back on the bed, you lied down next to Jack. Once he was done adjusting the condom, he lied back as well, turning on his side to face you. Cradling the side of your cheek with his left hand, he kissed you, reaching down with his right and swiping a finger along your pussy tentatively. You adjusted your position, opening up your legs to give him better access.
“You’re already so wet for me, babe”, he hummed appreciatively, “I wanna see how fast I can make you come.”
Pushing a finger into you, he pumped in and out a few times before adding a second one. Moving more in an up and down manner rather than in and out, he was brushing against your G-spot and you moaned out. Seemingly on their own accord, your hips moved against his fingers, meeting his strokes.
“Yeah… more… like that”, you brought out.
His left hand had never left the side of your face, now he swiped his thumb against your lips and you sucked his finger into your mouth readily. He continued stroking against you and you could feel yourself getting closer, your hips flailing aimlessly, desperately trying to find some more friction. Jack’s right thumb came up to circle your clit in time with his brushes against your insides, and in a few minutes you were coming, crying out and biting down on his finger in your mouth as your whole body flexed.
“Please, in me, now!” you exhaled desperately, grabbing the base of his cock and lining him up. He slid into you easily, pushing in completely and starting up a steady rhythm. You took a second to appreciate Jack’s figure above you. His carefully styled hair was more dishevelled now, a fine line of sweat forming at his temples along his hairline. You remembered your urge from earlier in the night to run your fingers through his hair. Curving your fingers around the back of his head, you pulled his face down to yours and kissed him. You were beyond words now, the only sounds escaping you being sighs and moans. With both of your hands around his neck, you held on tightly as he pumped into you, meeting his thrusts halfway. Slowly, you started to regain your composure. You could tell Jack was getting more tired, his rhythm growing increasingly erratic and irregular.
“Let me get on top”, you suggested.
Jack lied back gladly, helping you carefully readjust your position and sliding back into you. After a few slow and deep movements, you kept him buried deep in you, rocking your hips back and forth. You leaned back slightly, finding the perfect angle. Moving forwards and up, Jack was hitting your G-spot with every thrust, rubbing against the sensitive area all the way. Cradling your own breast, you started caressing your nipples, getting lost in pleasure. You locked eyes with Jack, who was watching you with pupils blown wide, his mouth slightly open.
“You’re so fucking sexy, Y/N”, he sighed in an exasperated voice.
“Touch me”, you replied and Jack obliged, one hand coming up to your waist as the other touched your butt, grabbing and massaging slightly.
Speeding up your movements, you could feel yourself getting close again, but you were also becoming impatient. You began stroking your clit with one hand, the combination of stimuli soon pushing you over the edge of your second orgasm. The pleasure rocked through your body, your eyes squeezing shut and your head falling back in ecstasy. As soon as you were able to catch your breath a little bit, you leaned forward again, supporting yourself on your elbows on either side of Jack’s body. He thrusted into you deeply a few more times before he came with a choked moan.
You waited a few seconds for both of your breathing to return to normal, then got off him carefully, sitting down at the edge of the bed and drinking a few sips of water. Jack got rid of the condom, then lied down, kissing you sweetly and pulling you down with him.
“That was fun”, he said, smiling at you.
“Yeah”, you agreed, wiggling down lower and pulling up the duvet to cover you; smiling back at him happily, “it really was.”
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