blanddcheadcanons · 2 years
Superman made the mistake of introducing Lori Lemaris to Aquaman without checking if there were any tensions between Tritonians and Atlanteans. The conversation started with Lori calling the king of Atlantis a hereditary parasite and went downhill from there.
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geekynerfherder · 9 months
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'Pony Tail' by Frank Frazetta.
Cover art for the 1968 edition of the novel 'The Tritonian Ring', written by L Sprague de Camp.
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t-800 · 9 months
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pluckyredhead · 11 months
Character Profile: Koryak
And so we come to the last (but never least, not in my heart) Lost Titans profile: Koryak! My terrible, damp boy.
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Look at him pout! How I love him.
Koryak debuted in the 1994 Aquaman series. (Note: I'm not sure what his last name is - his mother's is never mentioned, and even though I sometimes tag him as "Koryak Curry," I don't think he would use Arthur's last name, especially since even Arthur didn't use that name very much at the time.)
As I've mentioned before, Arthur has had a lot of different origins, but in the post-Crisis era, which the only era Koryak appeared in, Arthur's mother was the queen of Atlantis, and his father was Atlan, an ancient Atlantean sorcerer who impregnated her in a dream. Arthur was abandoned at birth because of the infidelity/his blond hair, was raised by dolphins (yes), and briefly lived with a human man named Arthur Curry who taught him English and gave him a human name to borrow.
Then Arthur - still a teenager at this point - went to Alaska, where he immediately rescued a teenage girl named Kako from a polar bear. Kako and her family took Arthur in in gratitude, and he and Kako fell in love. (Kako's family is sometimes said to be Inuit, sometimes Inupiat.)
Anyway, Arthur and Kako lose their virginities to each other. IN THE SNOW, FOR SOME REASON:
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This is such an infuriating racist, sexist trope (the WOC with the broken English throws herself at the white hero, logic be damned - why isn't she wearing anything under her coat??? - but of course she will never be his wife, or anything more than a footnote in his story).
Immediately after this, tragedy strikes Kako's family, Arthur is blamed (it's not his fault), and he's thrown out. He returns to the ocean, and eventually goes on to become Aquaman, king of Atlantis, etc.
Years later, he returns to Alaska for plot reasons not worth going into, and that's when he meets Koryak, THE MOST NINETIES BOY OF ALL:
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The shirtlessness, the swords, the hair! Truly a man of his era. (Boy? I always assumed he was about 18 here, but a Secret Files issue claims he was 16.)
Koryak is not Arthur's biggest fan, but after Kako turns into a fire elemental because this is the DCU and these things happen, Koryak decides to go to Atlantis with Arthur. Or, well, technically the city was called Poseidonis at the time, which will be important later.
Anyway, the Poseidonians are a little wary of a stranger at first, until Koryak saves a child's life and suddenly they love him. Koryak, who didn't really fit in in Alaska, is basking under the attention, but it doesn't go over well with the current king, Thesily (Arthur had stepped down a while back for Reasons), who is wildly jealous of Arthur, and fears Arthur is looking to take his throne back and now comes complete with heir.
So Thesily leads Koryak into a side room and tries to stab him to death. Luckily, a sudden earthquake causes a pillar to topple over and trap Thesily. Koryak gloats and leaves him to die. What a brat! I adore him!
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The earthquakes aren't stopping, and the people of Poseidonis want to flee. Arthur tells them not to because a prophecy said they should stay, but Koryak leads the Poseidonians out of the city and to their sister city, Tritonis, which is where the merpeople live. There, the Poseidonians immediately proceed to be huge assholes to the Tritonians, using up their resources and being racist to them. (Introducing Koryak, an indigenous man and literally the only character of color underwater at this point in time, and having him lead a bunch of racist colonizers was...maybe not Peter David's best choice.)
Anyway, Koryak decides to open up some forbidden tunnels because he feels like it, and they turn out to be forbidden because they were imprisoning Kordax, Arthur and Koryak's evil immortal blond lizard man ancestor. Naturally.
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Arthur rolls up with his crew (his girlfriend, his dad, and Garth) and Koryak and Garth throw down. It doesn't go well for Koryak:
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Anyway, Arthur's side wins, Kordax is killed, the Tritonians are freed, and Arthur decides that to make it up to them, the Poseidonians are going to serve them as slaves indefinitely. That...seems like compounding human rights violations on top of human rights violations, but okay. Anyway Koryak volunteers to stay and serve the Tritonians as well, because he feels guilty about what he's done.
...for a little while. Then he gets bored and decides they should leave. The king of Tritonis is like "Says who?" and Garth shows up out of nowhere and is like "Says me" and the king's like "Oh shit, okay" and lets them go, leaving Koryak both grateful and resentful towards Garth. I am eating this up with a SPOON btw.
Koryak returns to Tritonis, where he immediately falls back into old habits of resenting his father. Vulko, an advisor of Arthur's who is currently mad at him, sees this and decides to use it as an opportunity to overthrow Arthur:
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(The scar across his nose is from Kordax. Later artists forgot it and I wish they hadn't.)
Vulko and Koryak plot for like...a really long time without anything coming of it. Arthur knows perfectly well that it's happening but doesn't do anything about it, even though he could put a stop to it by simply, like...showing Koryak five minutes of positive attention, ever, in his life. Because it's really, really obvious that Koryak just needs positive reinforcement, and would be fully Team Arthur if Arthur would just give him a reason - at one point when Arthur briefly dies (he gets better), Koryak is willing to die to try to avenge him and save Garth and Dolphin from torture. He's not all bad! He's just drawn that way!
Anyway, Arthur comes back to life and Poseidonis decides to make him king again. Just as he's about to be crowned, GARTH tries to overthrow him and steal the throne - but that's just because Garth has been holding Arthur's magic trident and was possessed by him. Arthur overpowers him, and then tells him that he's not mad and in fact, he's proud of Garth for holding out as long as he did.
Then Koryak tries his hand:
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And like...yes, Garth only tried to steal the throne because he was possessed and Koryak did it willingly, but Koryak also tried to help Arthur when Garth went rogue. Again, it is so, so clear that Koryak's loyalty was Arthur's for the asking, but Arthur never asked. Instead, he praised Garth for trying to overthrow him and then told Koryak to his face how much he sucked.
Arthur is at least merciful enough to commute the normal sentence for treason from death to banishment, and Koryak is kicked out of Atlantis. Arthur then literally never thinks about him for the next SEVEN YEARS. (Okay, Koryak shows up very briefly for three issues in 1999 and Arthur thinks about him while he's looking directly at him, and then forgets he exists again. But then, Arthur also repeatedly forgets about his own wife. Arthur is terrible.)
Anyway, seven years later, Arthur has also been banished from Atlantis, and is now living in Sub Diego, which is what happens when half of San Diego inexplicably falls into the ocean and a small percentage of the traumatized people discover they can breathe underwater. Koryak, meanwhile, has returned to Atlantis to fight with Garth some more:
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Love this for them!
Koryak, btw, is arguing that the survivors of Sub Diego should be allowed to move to Atlantis, and Garth's like "Uhhh they wouldn't fit in" and Koryak's like "Wow, racist." Ahem. In general, Koryak during this period is a lot calmer and more mature than he used to be, and also a lot more willing to forgive Arthur for All the Bullshit:
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Also, there's a joke that implies Koryak might be queer?
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Literally that's the joke here: Koryak is talking about a guy named Malrey (half-shark, half-cop, and no I am not kidding), and Lorena, who has a crush on Koryak, is clocking that she may not have a chance. I don't know if this was just a throwaway gay joke, which happened all the time in 2005, or if it was going somewhere, but we'll never know. (For the record, even though Garth says Koryak has a crush on Lorena, that doesn't appear to be true, especially since Lorena is underage and Koryak is definitely an adult by now. I don't think we should take Garth's line there as anything but dismissive of Koryak's outreach to the Sub Diegoans. Also, back in the 90s, Koryak definitely had a crush on a minor character called Deep Blue, a.k.a. Debbie Perkins, but that never went anywhere, which is good because SHE WAS ARTHUR'S HALF-SISTER. (She and Arthur made out a bunch before they knew, because Arthur loves kissing girls his sons have crushes on. YIKES ALL AROUND.) (Also just kidding, Arthur doesn't pay enough attention to any of his kids to know who they have crushes on.))
Anyway. Back to the plot. Mera is very sick because of Evil Magic, and Garth decides to perform a massive spell to save her, and Koryak agrees to help. This spell attracts the attention of the Spectre, who was evil at the time, and he, uh...destroys Atlantis, killing Koryak, Garth, and almost everyone else. Arthur finally acknowledges that he was a shitty dad:
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Immediately after this issue, the book's title changed from Aquaman to Aquaman: Sword of Atlantis. The main character is not the Arthur we know, but a new, younger Arthur, Arthur Joseph Curry, who turns out to be a cousin of our Arthur. His mentor is a guy called the Dweller in the Depths, who has a tentacle face like Davey Jones from the Pirates movies. It is eventually revealed that the Dweller is actually Regular Arthur, with traumatic amnesia. Why? Why does he have a tentacle face now? NEVER EXPLAINED.
Anyway, we also meet this guy:
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Narwhal's character design is...suggestive, let's say? Also suggestive: Garth has also turned up alive, and like "Narwhal," he now has albinism and partial amnesia. And Narwhal knows the name "Orin," though he can't place it. (It's Arthur's Atlantean name.)
Anyway, Narwhal is sent to kill this "Orin":
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Narwhal kills Arthur/Orin/the Dweller, but it doesn't bring him peace, because he still doesn't know who he is - and Orin did, at the last minute. He goes to Atlantis for answers, and Mera confirms it, at least for the reader:
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...and that's the last issue of Sword of Atlantis. WOMP WOMP. All of the Aquaman characters disappeared until Blackest Night (when Arthur returned). Koryak never appeared again, and was retconned out with the New 52. Oh well, at least the narwhal tusk spear is pretty dope.
As of Infinite Frontier, the pre-52 universe has been pretty much restored, which should mean that Koryak is back in continuity...but DC is still keeping Arthur's New 52/Rebirth origin intact, which means he did not spend any of his teenage years in Alaska, which means Koryak was never conceived. So things could go either way - any writer who feels like bringing him back could do so easily, but they don't have to.
I call Koryak "my terrible boy" a lot, and he's undeniably pretty obnoxious: immature, bratty, petty, unforgiving, and, uh...awfully on board with murder, let's say? He is also extremely young when we first meet him, and is instantly slammed with trauma: his mother essentially dies, someone tries to murder him, he's physically and mentally violated by Kordax. I'll say again that the slightest bit of positive attention from Arthur probably could have changed his entire life, but he never got it. SO HE'S GONNA GET IT FROM ME INSTEAD.
Anyway, I love Koryak very, very much, and have already written fic about him. And I have another Koryak fic in the works for after The Lost Titans is published. And I will never stop whining at DC to bring him back. If Koryak has one fan (he does), it's me. But maybe now it's you, too?
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deathlessathanasia · 2 years
„As for Athena, they say that she was daughter of Poseidon and the Tritonian lake, and that, being for some reason angry at her father, she gave herself to Zeus, who made her his own daughter.” (Herodotos, Histories (4.180)
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I've seen other quotes and DJSS calls Zuke and Mayday "Plutonians," Sayu a "Neptunian" and Eve a "Venusian." (I know that first one is canon.) What does he call everyone else?
Ooooh. Excellent question. I've just been coming up with them as necessary, so I'd only really settled on those three nicknames and Tatiana's till now. Thanks for the excuse to come up with the others :D
Bunk Bed Junction are "Plutonians"
Sayu is "Neptunian"
Eve is "Venusian"
Tatiana is "Martian"
Yinu is "Earthling"
Yinu's Mom is "Lunarian"
Sayu's Crew are "Tritonians"
DK West is "Uranian"
Neon J. is "Jovian," but the two are close enough that Nova started mostly just using his actual name some time ago
Rin is "Eirenian"
Zimelu is "Pandian"
Purl-Hew is "Ersian"
Haym is "Phylophrosian"
And Eloni is "Euphemian"
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reality-breaker · 9 months
Επιλογές Ιανουαρίου (10/1)
Ένα φίλτρο που κάνει ορατές τις αόρατες κινήσεις γύρω μας | Memes και μαγεία στην εποχή των social media και του διαδικτύου | Galeria de Personajes Fantásticos, του Fernando Fernández | The White Wolf, ένα μυθιστόρημα με λυκάνθρωπο από το 1940 | Το άγνωστο πείραμα που φανέρωσε την κβαντική πραγματικότητα | Γραφομηχανή τσέπης από το 1952 | Η σημαντικότητα των «παραισθήσεων» που έχουν οι τεχνητές νοημοσύνες | Πώς μπορείς να γίνεις ανώνυμος στο διαδίκτυο | Llarn του Gardner F. Fox | Σύγκριση Robert E. Howard και Fritz Leiber | Zimiamvia του E.R. Eddison | Ιστορικοί λόγοι για πραγματικές μονομαχίες | Nicolas Bournay | Το σενάριο για το At the Mountains of Madness (Gullermo del Tor και Matthew Robbins) | Η τέχνη του Mr Zarono | The Tritonian Ring, του de Camp | Φολκλόρ, ξωτικά, και «παράξενα» μανιτάρια | Τα έργα (βιβλία, ταινίες) που θα μπουν στο public domain το 2024 | Pascal Blanché | Paolo Barbieri
➤ https://www.fantastikosorizontas.gr/kostasvoulazeris/epiloges/ep.php?ID=01_2024#1
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garthofshayeris · 1 year
Do you ever wish DC Atlanteans had more sea creature like looks? And if so what sea creatures
That is literally the plot of several comics lol. There are many “off-shoots” of the humanoid Atlanteans that are pretty visually interesting. The Tritonians are probably the most obvious ones, they’re the merfolk who became aquatic in a separate way compared to the mainstream Atlanteans.
I personally like them looking human because they are just a subset of DC’s human species. I’m not opposed to the occasional animalistic appearance but at the end of the day the Atlanteans are a few thousand years old and I just don’t think evolution-wise it makes sense for there to be TONS of variation in such a short period of time. So magic/scientific intervention to create specific features makes more sense? Like I know this is a comic and it’s all make believe but I can’t imagine the Atlanteans would all become jellyfish like within like 3000 years.
Also this is purely personal but I think feet so super nasty so I HATE webbed feet lmao. I will only accept Mera’s giant flipper feet.
I do support the “Atlanteans have dolphin-like junk” agenda but only in situations where it would be funny.
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simowis · 1 year
Monthly nonsense 23.7
element zero and mass relay have make mass effect a unique sci-fi game. However it doesn’t means other sci-fi’s element can’t be used in ME fanfics. Which will add a lot of space to image, perfect
And I'm getting better at reading his microexpressions, and he has a lot of them
Does prothean have a Dyson ball?
prothean is like a weakened version of the triton
what‘s the hight of Javik?
seems tumblr ME fans like the emotional javik?
Was the design of the prothean, which is perceptive and strong and has four sharp teeth in the upper jaw, inspired by snakes? Could the primitive prothean have bitten its prey to inject venom and then dragged it back to its nest to slowly suck blood? I can't stop thinking about it.
The markings on the back of javik's head are just too much like a blue ringed octopus. How poison could prothean be! Do they Interracial Sexualizer REALLLY want to kiss Javik unprotected??? Emm..yes….
Can't stop imagining Javik squeezing venom out of his teeth every day and loading it into special bullet casings …… Saliva sticking to the mouth of the bottle…so horny…too much head canon!
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JUST CAN'T STOP! Not objective, not correct, OOC, too erotic!
I'm still in shock Javik's smile was very rare and fleeting. He smiled just a few times in all. When the first conversation in Normandy, he had smiled briefly when he thought there may be survivors in Ilos and when he recounted his original mission. He had smiled sadly when he spoke to the Prothean VI in Thessia; he had smiled when he gave the echo shard to the Shep before the final battle. His fleeting smile always holds a lot of weight. And he actually comment with SMILE AFTER HE SLEPT WITH SHEP! I'm shocked.
What's Daily news like in prothean's society?
Javik being Catalyst was such a bad idea, good thing they changed it
How can he speak so calmly while having so many sad micro-expressions
its not a ME thought, but I wonder what’s Javik comment on Dragonball’s alien characters…
just so happy to see he smile, a pity he don't smile in game often. This makes me want to give him a happy future even more, maybe, in my story, future...
I think the prothean society described by liara might not conflict with what javik said
How difference in appearance between two prothean? In Javik’s memory there was only color and voice and the spot maybe, they even have the same height! There have to be more differences
Shep’s personality is too flat and not growing, only fanfics give him/her some kinds of explanations. I may have a different shep in my story
ME’s AI is too human like, EDI and Gess, just like human talking machine language, not like Galactic Empire Series which Ai has rules and different logic, Sense of heterogeneity, multiple angles. It’s hard I know
The main differences between prothean and tritonians are: The prothean do not live in a harsh environment and have scarce resources unlike the triton The prothean do not have a completely transparent mind like the triton, they still need to touch and smell to understand perceptual thinking, which is why I consider them to be a weakened triton Protheans do not inherit knowledge from birth like tritons, they still need to learn, although they may learn quickly through touch and echo shard. protheans can also forget memories.That's why the living span of a triton is thus probably infinite. Whereas Javik apparently mentions that the life span of prothean is finite
If prothean is sharing memories while mating ……ahhh
Has prothean ever engaged in class division as well as breeding control? The best people are entitled to leave offspring and all that?
The prothean must have been technologically advanced in biology because they worshipped the theory of the underdog and they were not averse to experimenting on primitive asari
I wish I could get javik to learn how to play chess
Just found Javik's eight pupils can look in four different directions.
What is the ecology of Prothean's home planet? At least given his bipedal form, his planet's gravity shouldn't be too far off from Earth's.They may have once been aquatic, and if they can detect a spectrum of light other than natural light, this could also explain their gill-like throats. They may have had webbing between their toes in the past. Or perhaps they are terrestrial creatures, but the planet's thin atmosphere cannot absorb most of the ultraviolet light.
If they were perhaps ever able to fly, the atmospheric pressure of their planet would have been not insignificant, as wings of this size would have been difficult to drive a body of the Collector's stature and mass on Earth.
Does prothean have a temperature sensing system?
Have the remains of a defeated Sovereign not been studied? Do they really just treat everything as a gess rebellion?
With Javik's eyes, there is usually an expression on one side and none on the other (the eyes are always wide open), except when emotionally aroused when there is an expression on both sides together. I wonder if the half of their brain that controls their emotions only controls half of their eyes?
his face is a bit like Mickle Jackson!
Finally, both geth and EDI have a soul because of the code of HARVEST. And HARVEST, from ORGANIC
What if ME's amino and dextro-amino are thought to be designed? Because in reality humans can eat dextro-amino acids and the prothean appears to be unrestricted
what if Javik was waked by human (even Cerberus)BEFORE the reapers invade? Human will become a giant empire! He will help human a lot, to prevent reapers, to find his people exist possibility.
Ever notice the line 'More of my people survived?' It even looks a bit ridiculous to see the way his lips switch rapidly between smile and displeasure, but that's the struggle of being in despair when he's holding on to hope..
What's the hole in his head under the carapace for?
What's prothean's skull like?
I wonder what javik would think if he smelled what Shepard is thinking: that prothean really is the right bed partner...
Is prothean a democracy? Or a democratic republic? Or a hegemony? Or an imperial system? What is their authority like, AVATARS?
I don't remember javik ever refusing to let shepard ask him a question.
Think about it, if Javik had originally planned for all the races he led in this cycle to fight the reapers and your race refused. Then in his mind, you are the husk that will be manipulated by the Reapers in the future, and then even exterminating you now would be a way to reduce the threat in the future. Don't forget that Javik's mission has always been to fight the Reapers, and he is completely ruthless about it. But he's just saying, let your race face the reapers on its own. Very merciful. Indeed.
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classicschronicles · 2 years
Hi lovelies,
Today’s entry is a little different from usual in that rather than talking about about something, I thought I would just share a few of my favourite extracts from ancient literature. I hope you all enjoy!
Homer- Iliad Proem:
“Goddess, sing me the anger, of Achilles, Peleus’ son, that fatal anger that brought countless sorrows on the Greeks, and sent many valiant souls of warriors down to Hades, leaving their bodies as spoil for dogs and carrion birds: for thus was the will of Zeus brought to fulfilment. Sing of it from the moment when Agamemnon, Atreus’ son, that king of men, parted in wrath from noble Achilles.”
Homer- Iliad 19:
"As Dawn, in saffron robes, rose from the stream of Ocean, bringing light to gods and men, Thetis reached the ships bearing Hephaestus' gift. She found her beloved son groaning aloud, his arms round Patroclus' body, while his men stood by, weeping bitterly. The shining goddess came and took his hand, saying; "My child you must let him go, however great your sorrow, and leave him here, dead for all time, slain by the will of heaven.”
Virgil- Aeneid 2:
“Laocoon, the chosen priest of Neptune, was sacrificing a huge bull at the holy altar, when suddenly there came over the calm water from Tenedos (I shudder at the memory of it), two serpents leaning into the sea in great coils and making side by side for the shore. Breasting the waves, they held high their blood-stained crests, and the rest of their bodies ploughed the waves behind them, their backs winding, coil upon measureless coil, through the sounding foam of the sea. Now they were on land. Their eyes were blazing and flecked with blood. They hissed as they licked their lips with quivering tongues. We grew pale at the sight and ran in all directions, but they made straight for Laocoon. First the two serpents seized his two young sons, twining round them both and feeding on their helpless limbs.Then, when Laocoon came to the rescue with his sword in his hand, they seized him and bound him in huge spirals, and soon their scaly backs were entwined twice round his body and twice round his throat, their heads and necks high above him as he struggled to prise open their coils, his priestly ribbons befouled by gore and black venom, and all the time he was raising horrible cries to heaven like the bellowing of a wounded bull shaking the ineffectual axe out of its neck as it flees from the altar. But the two snakes escaped, gliding away to the highest temple of the city and making for the citadel of the heartless Pallas, the Tritonian goddess, where they sheltered under her feet and under the circle of her shield.”
Euripides- Bacchae:
Dionysus is glad when someone in the mountains falls to the ground from the whirling bands, wearing the sacred cloak of fawnskin, hunting the blood of goat-slaughter, the joy of eating raw flesh, racing to the mountains of Phrygia, of Lydia, and the leader is Bromios. Eugi! The ground flows with milk, flows with wine, it flows with the nectar of bees the Bacchic god holds high the blazing flame of the pine to and lets it stream from the shaft, fragrant as the smoke of Syrian incense with running and dances he spurs on stragglers, rousing them with his call, tossing his long, thick hair in the breeze amid the joyful cries he bellows: “On, bacchants! On, bacchants! Wearing the splendour of gold-flowing Iaccus. Sing praise to Dionysus with the sound of the deep booming drum. Joyfully singing Eugi!" to the god of that cry. With Phrygian calls and incantations, when the sweet holy music of the pipe sounds out its holy notes.
Ovid- Love and War:
Lovers all are soldiers, and Cupid has his campaigns:
I tell you, Atticus, lovers all are soldiers.
Youth is fit for war, and also fit for Venus.
Imagine an aged soldier, an elderly lover!
A general looks for spirit in his brave soldiery;
a pretty girl wants spirit in her companions.
Both stay up all night long, and each sleeps on the ground;
One guards his mistress's doorway, one his general's.
The soldier's lot requires far journeys; send his girl,
the zealous lover will follow her anywhere.
He'll cross the glowering mountains, the rivers swollen with storm;
he'll tread a pathway through the heaped-up snows;
and never whine of raging Eurus when he sets sail
or wait for stars propitious for his voyage.
Who but lovers and soldiers endure the chill of night,
and blizzards interspersed with driving rain?
The soldier reconnoiters among the dangerous foe;
the lover spies to learn his rival's plans.
Soldiers besiege strong cities; lovers, a harsh girl's home;
one storms town gates, the other storms house doors.
It's clever strategy to raid a sleeping foe
and slay an unarmed host by force of arms.
(That's how the troops of Thracian Rhesus met their doom,
and you, O captive steeds, forsook your master.)
Well, lovers take advantage of husbands when they sleep,
launching surprise attacks while the enemy snores.
To slip through bands of guards and watchful sentinels
is always the soldier's mission - and the lover's.
Mars wavers; Venus flutters: the conquered rise again,
and those you'd think could never fall, lie low.
So those who like to say that love is indolent
should stop: Love is the soul of enterprise.
Sad Achilles burns for Briseis, his lost darling:
Trojans, smash the Greeks' power while you may!
From Andromache's embrace Hector went to war;
his own wife set the helmet on his head;
and High King Agamemnon, looking on Priam's child,
was stunned (they say) by the Maenad's flowing hair.
And Mars himself was trapped in The Artificer's bonds:
no tale was more notorious in heaven.
I too was once an idler, born for careless ease;
my shady couch had made my spirit soft.
But care for a lovely girl aroused me from my sloth
and bid me to enlist in her campaign.
So now you see me forceful, in combat all night long.
If you want a life of action, fall in love.
Homer- Odyssey 24:
Past the ocean-stream they went, past the white rock, past the portals of the sun and land of dreams, and soon they reached the field of asphodel, where spirits dwell, spectres of worn-out men. Here they came upon the spirit of Achilles, son of Peleus, and of Patroclus too.
Messermoon- Choices 40:
(Okay strictly speaking this one isn’t actually from ancient literature entirely- I just really love it- @little-shit-soph)
After Patroclus fails to convince Achilles to fight for the Greeks.
After Achilles lets Patroclus face the Trojans without him.
The great warrior tilts his head back and asks the gods to “grant that he may return unharmed.”
Bring him back to me, he begs them.
Bring him back to me.
Bring him back.
Gods are a Muggle invention and from what Regulus can tell they are rather unreliable when it comes to keeping people safe. But then, he’s not sure that magic has ever really protected anyone he loves either.
He stares at the door a long time after James leaves.
Bring him back to me.
Bring him back to me.
Bring him back.
But Wizards don’t know how to pray. And Regulus doubts the gods would listen even if they did.
There you have it! These aren’t all of them so maybe I’ll do a part two at some point. I hope you all enjoy the rest of your weekend!
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lesbiaeneas · 1 year
okay which of you knows why she’s called tritonian athena/pallas because i feel like i should footnote that but google is giving me various unclear answers
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snuh · 2 years
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Vincent di Fate: The Tritonian Ring - Del Rey/Ballantine #25803, March 1977
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theparanoid · 3 months
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No Trend - Tritonian Nash - Vegas Polyester Complex
(1987 album)
Full Youtube Video | Bandcamp | Spotify
[Post-Hardcore, Experimental Rock, Art Punk, Jazz-Rock, Post-Punk, Noise Rock, Hardcore Punk]
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fancyfade · 4 months
Atm haumond is bragging about having a dick when the tritonians don't bc he's jealous of their muscles anyway but that does lead to the question how do tritonians make mermaid babies
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deepdarkspaceblog · 7 months
The Tritonian Ring
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511888 · 1 year
Ariana and the Dolphin
In the depths of the crystal blue Aegean Sea, lived Ariana, a little girl with golden hair like the sun and eyes as blue as the sky. Ariana always wished for an adventure of her own in the world of the seas.
One day, while sitting on the seashore, she heard a voice coming from the depths of the water. When she looked around, she saw a beautiful dolphin emerging from behind the waves. Ariana and the dolphin exchanged smiles, as if they understood each other's language.
And in that moment, the dolphin spoke with a clear voice: "Ariana, brave girl, I am here to take you to a magical kingdom at the bottom of the sea, where enchanting creatures and unforgettable adventures await."
Ariana's heart started to race with joy, and she followed the dolphin into the deep sea. During their journey, Ariana saw colorful fish dancing and coral reefs gleaming like gemstones. Finally, they reached a magical gateway that led them into the underwater kingdom.
Ariana entered the kingdom and was greeted by a mermaid bride wearing a shimmering outfit adorned with pearls and gemstones. The mermaid guided her to a magnificent palace under the water, where she had wonderful adventures with creatures like Naiads and Tritonians.
Ariana spent joyful days in the underwater kingdom, learning the secrets of the seas and oceans from the sea spirits. Despite all the enchantment, she began to miss her world and her people on the surface.
One day, Ariana decided to return to her home. She thanked the mermaid bride for her hospitality and promised to visit again. Ariana returned to the shore with the dolphin, where her adventure had begun.
Throughout her life, Ariana cherished the memory of this magical journey. When she looked at the blue sea, she remembered the mystical friends she had met in its depths. She always remembered that beauty comes not just from places, but from the spirit and adventures we live.
And so, Ariana lived a life filled with beautiful memories and exciting adventures, savoring the beauty of both the sea and the land.
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