#tristan pov
jessread-s · 4 months
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✩🕯️📜Series Review:
Core concepts
⋆ The Atlas Six - Physics
⋆ The Atlas Paradox - Psychology
⋆ The Atlas Complex - Philosophy
“The Atlas” series is so much more than dark academia or romance. This series studies what happens to human beings when they are promised access to infinite knowledge and power. It is about how quickly we turn on each other and abandon our own morals to gain. said knowledge and power. Each installment blew me away as I watched Blake’s six protagonists gradually find and/or destroy themselves. My mind was continuously expanded by her prose and it made me question my every decision. It’s a soul crushing read, but perhaps also a necessary one.
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@torpublishinggroup @olivieblake
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joseopher · 3 months
it's just you and the girl you think will fix you, the boy you think will break you, the woman who is seducing you, the manchild who stims by murdering you, and the random lady who talks to plants against the world🩷🩷🩷
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neonshrike · 2 months
kurt wakes up to a city in chaos. luis is right next to him but dave is gone. they watch in horror as people mysteriously reappear.
he was gone for five years, and nothing makes sense anymore. the business is gone and so is the apartment he shared with dave.
one day he gets in touch with him. he’s a ceo now, the head of a successful car rental company in new york. he moved on.
it’s just kurt and luis for a while, until they notice the need for x-con again. people have been displaced, places are being broken into, and what the world needs most is security.
they start smaller, sharing an office with the lowest-rated radio station in the city. they hire tristan, some young mechanic fresh out of high school, as their assistant.
scott returns after all the chaos he went through, and helps them out while navigating the new normal himself.
dave is still on his mind, too busy to visit them and eventually too busy to even answer kurt’s texts. he finally decides it’s over.
things go back into their mundane pattern. luis is working hard, tristan is hardly working, and kurt is back at his computer when scott comes by again. this time he’s not alone.
a woman holding a gift basket with a large, fresh scar on her face appears, introducing herself in a low voice that seems to hide something that he can’t place.
the moment he heard her voice, kurt was under a spell that would never be broken.
she was his siren.
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somthing-lavender · 1 year
I love Tristan and Gawain's dynamic
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123 spoilers under cut
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void-botanist · 7 months
‼️"what has stayed consistent across all drafts?"
💻"what perspectives do you write in?"
For whichever WIP is on your mind lately
I always have all the wips on my mind to be honest. But I think Nicea is interesting from a multiple draft perspective, given there have been multiple iterations of Spinder and Isabel especially:
Isabel has always been a trans lady, even when I had some weird worldbuilding around that. She's also always been a musician and tended toward being a domme.
Though his exact look has changed Spinder has always been a congenital arm amputee with a facial birthmark. And he's always been a fancy dresser and the mechanic guy.
Rodney's always been the "innocent" sibling, at least compared to Isabel, but he's had the most design changes of anyone. He and Isabel have always been from "somewhere else", except that somewhere else used to be earth/the united states.
Fay and Lou have always had F and L names. I gave them their original names and then renamed them something similar like five times.
Declan always loses Cady, except in past versions Cady was actually dead. Cady and Spinder have always been bros which has always led Spinder to have some kind of weirdly close yet distant relationship with Declan after Cady's death.
Cady has always had red hair and glasses and been obsessed with his bike and also Declan.
Martin has always been there and been tall about it.
Michael and Spinder have always hated each other's guts, and Fabian and Spinder have always had some kind of doomed attraction (and to be honest Fabian and Michael have had almost zero design changes since Old Canon like a decade ago).
As for perspectives, I pretty much write in third person limited, but my POV characters went from being Spinder (Old Canon) -> Spinder, Isabel, and Rodney (Middle Canon) -> Spinder, Isabel, Rodney, Declan, Tristan, and Cady (Nicea/New Canon).
Nicea taglist: @kahvilahuhut @kk7-rbs @outpost51 @writernopal @athenswrites
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trissyfarnon · 2 years
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"Hello, old chap. Had a good night? (:"
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lordofthestrix · 1 year
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A trembling chess board about to fall. And the last look you give when you are forced to realize it is over. Everything following this point, he makes sure is about his sister. This is the final glance Tristan allowed himself. I wrote about Tristan and endings before. As a follow up to that: I think it is very harmoniously thematic for Hayley's promise to Tristan before sending him to drown in the ocean to be "You will be forgotten." And to encounter him again because, even after all coherent, practical methods of keeping him on the board are gone, The Strix had not given up on him. Tristan's last declarations of difference between him and Elijah are some of those quotes I don't insanely over-analyze all that much compared to others. And that's because I think they are instances of Tristan sincerely expressing his view without any other persuasion or double meaning involved: "You realize that I'm here because my people love me? You're here because those very same people loathe you. You have driven them to this." "... But nothing more important than how to not be you. Where you betray, I remain loyal. Where you abandon, I remain." Tristan is...Wicked. In numerous ways. But amid that viciousness I always enjoyed that he stays truthful to his very particular set of exclusively personal loyalties and extremely singular interpretation of honor. In a way it is a bittersweet end for someone even Elijah describes as "pathologically devoted", assuring danger in his kind of acute loyalty. I think in the end it would have meant something for him. To know that after all those centuries his Strix were willing to try to return the favor.
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niallandtommo · 11 months
the last scene in the predator is one of the best scenes i've ever read
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flythesail · 9 months
No I have not started writing the George/Tristan fic
Yes I am still outlining
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zayadriancas · 1 year
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“All I know is I can’t get out of Paris soon enough.”
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titsthedamnseason · 2 years
i am going to write an essay about it being canon that tristan is in love with libby
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jessread-s · 4 months
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This book turned my brain into scrambled eggs and I’m honestly okay with that.
The conclusion to “The Atlas” series follows Callum, Reina, Parisa, Libby, Nico, and Tristan as they fight to survive the lethal terms of their initiation and face the consequences of limitless power.
The beginning of the “Atlas Complex” is so slow I nearly gave up on it, but if you find yourself in the same position, do NOT do it! Blake intentionally takes her time leading up to the novel’s explosive ending so as to focus on how the characters develop when they are given endless knowledge and power. I was gripped by each character’s point-of-view as they become corrupted by Atlas’ promise of making their wildest dreams come true—the cost of which was losing themselves and even then that proved to not be enough, a realization that came too late. Gone are the people they once were in “The Atlas Six”. Callum is consumed by obsession, Reina devotes herself to things she cannot control, Parisa sheds her vanity, Libby loses her moral compass, Nico becomes too trusting, and Tristan wants for too much. Their fates were sealed once the Society, the Archives, and the Forum became a part of their lives and this just goes to show that human beings will do anything to achieve greatness, even if that means compromising their goodness. Blake’s commentary is haunting and will make you reflect on your own choices and question what you would do and who you would betray for glory. The final chapters are an emotional overload as each character is confronted by the repercussions of their actions. It’s utter chaos…just as it should be. There was never going to be a “happily ever after”.
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joseopher · 9 months
POV: the most sleep-deprived and deranged-looking motherfucker shows up at your door, looks into your soul with a thousand-yard-stare and says "I see you👁️👁️" before pleading with his pathetic slutty eyeballs for you to let him into your room. What do you do?
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noblehcart · 5 days
‘It’s just six words’ (For Stefan)
Send ‘It’s just six words’ for a six word story between your muse and mine @lordofthestrix
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man is always fascinated by reflection
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ewingstan · 3 months
I do wonder how much the perception of cape culture in the fandom would have changed if Wildbow hadn’t made the story so Brockton Bay centric.
The story of Worm (and Ward to an extent) has alluded to the fact that Brockton Bay is notably an exception when it comes to cape violence and brutality, with Taylor shocked that a Ward she met had 3 fights in 6 months. And how several Wards and Rime had no idea what she was talking about in regard to “counting coup”.
We see this with Victoria too, when she’s shocked about the Majors not seeing any action in 6 years and Tristan being overwhelmed with the amount of violence in the Fallen Raid despite being a hero for a few years himself. Foil also mentions how most of her career was really calm until March would occasionally poke her nose in things.
Mal posted some Ward updates! While I understand her pov, I do disagree with her:ilebow has also stressed, pre-Ward, that Brockton Bay was not indicative of the wider cape scene as a whole but rather a domino of things going wrong due to outside factors.
If Wildbow had extended interludes to show the dynamics of other, average, cape cities or had Taylor be in a city where things were so much calmer that she found it disturbing… well, it’s hard to say how things would change, but I think it would have made it far more clear that Taylor and Victoria’s life experience should not be applied across the board.
Or maybe nothing would have changed. Just spitballing an idea based on your let’s read so far.
Brockton Bay may be exceptional to an extent. But maybe just in the sense that it had so much happen to it before it was abandoned. Madison and Ellisburg only needed one bad day. Several countries in Worm were just straight-up destroyed.
The Bay may have been a notably large hub of nazi capes. But they were part of an internationally-connected network of capes with similar agendas. Hell, the Fallen mostly operated outside of Brockton Bay. Most of the exceptionally violent groups like the Fallen, the Slaughterhouse Nine, Heartbreaker, the Teeth, etc. were roaming problems. Yes, Brockton was unique in that it was hit by all of them, but the world was full of those types of groups. There were similar groups of enough importance on a world stage to get an invite to the cauldron meetings that we only get the barest details of.
But the most important thing is that the low-level fights Victoria's specifically nostalgic for was itself always worse than she's remembering. It wasn't a bunch of kooky characters clashing with straightmen heroes. It was a bunch of very desperate people trying to survive in a system that found them either expendable or better off dead. Even without all the specific things that hit Brockton Bay, Rachel probably would've ended up in the birdcage. Victoria would've kept relying on Amy to fix up the crooks she broke, assuming she never ended up accidentally killing someone. Both of them would continue living under the crushing responsibility and isolation that came with their cape personas. Vista would've ended up as maladjusted as a marketable celebrity child soldier would always end up being. People like Dinah and Lisa would keep being hunted for their skills by more powerful forces. The Taylors of the world would keep getting bullied, the Mr. Gladlys would keep looking away. The rot would be same.
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stealingpotatoes · 4 months
POV: you're Sabine. You get a cat. Do you:
a) name the cat something silly that fans will adore like Jabba the Catt
b) name the cat after someone close to you (and make fans go 🥲), like Tristan for example
c) name the cat something that is not humorous, interesting, or in any way whatsoever related to anything we care about, like Murley
idk I was just like “WHYYYY!?” when I found out that they didn't decide to do anything interesting there lol
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