Independent and selective Tristan de Martel of "The Originals" Written by Lex. 21+
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question(s) for the mun: how do you get into the mindset of tristan? where do you get your inspiration from?
Theoretically speaking, how profoundly disturbing would it be to hear that it is insanely easy for me to connect with this Machiavellian and bloodthirsty immortal nightmare? Haha. I have been writing for Tristan for over a few years at this point. I don't really employ music, tough experiments, specific historical parallels or any other intervening point between the character and the writer. He is just there. As it happens when you spill enough ink in the blood of a character. I do experience horrible writing days, sometimes weeks, but those are caused by my own struggles with creative work, not due to a lack of connection with the vampire in question. The truth is I have been writing for and trying to explain and expand upon Tristan deeper and for far longer than what his original purpose was. And having the most brilliant time doing so. A glorious journey so far. One that is only starting. I am wildly proud of my work with Tristan so far. Perhaps prouder than any writer has the right to be when concerning a character whose origin isn't yours. When it comes to the world outside of me, I can only hope a couple of you, ladies and gentlemen, grew a bit fond of my...What was it again? Machiavellian and bloodthirsty immortal nightmare.
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send me a ⭐ if im one of your favorite mutuals and explain why
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"I am more of a swordsman than a brawler. Not a stranger to pencak silat but only to the extent that it offers me some form of pedang to master. From a klewang to a lurus." The port bid them farewell. And the ocean fully claimed them for a while. "Voyages across the sea of stars. That will be a sight indeed. As for nostalgia, it has its allures. Just like any other siren song. To lose oneself in echoes of its melodies is death for our kind. Although I imagine it must be significantly more complicated for those of us who long to recover something lost in its waters. Amor et melle et felle est fecundissimus." Tristan suggested in implication. "There is never any news concerning him, is there? Tales of Kol reappear, every so often. An amusing, drunkard imp determined to seduce any witch in sight before being thrown back into his cage. Rebekah must have surely embraced the eternity of a porcelain doll by now. Breaths of life cut short whenever the sulky child who rules over her decides it is time for her next punishment. It pains me to admit my own sire is no better in this regard. Forever indulging and forgiving the brat. But of the fourth coffin in that grotesque collection, not even a whisper." At the first sign of maritime wind, he offered her a knowing look. "You played with the idea, no doubt? During the bold reverie of dauntless nights? Something more effective than any diplomatic intervention. A clever distraction. An ambitious sleigh of hand. A fated reunion between star-crossed lovers."
@lordofthestrix continued from ( x )

Her shoulders tense despite great effort to remain indifferent towards the presence that approaches. If there was some issue she was not yet aware of, this could turn ugly fast. Her hand grips around the railing as she listens, waiting for him to drop the bad news. His tale however was familiar, like he was plucking it straight from her own memories. Oh times sure did change, and fast too. "You know I do, even if those days are long gone. - I suspected you might be nostalgic at heart. Thank you for confirming it." She wasn't convinced at all. "Hello to you too, Tristan." "You should fear not though, the adventurous souls will return, once humanity sets of to Mars" She exhales, fingertips absentmindedly trailing along the railing as a small smile forms around her lips. No cause for alarm, good. She turns her gaze away from the shore, a figure stood there, and towards the visitor at her side. "I would say I am doing well for myself. Which goes even better if I don't have to run around playing diplomatic interventions with you or the Mikaelsons. It is good to hear my people are behaving as I tell them to. You know I despise it when they cause conflict." Couldn't hurt to remind him of her intentions, right? She can feel the ships vibrations as the engines power up to propel them towards their destination. "I've been brushing up on my Latin this century, expanding my Chinese. Boxing was fun for a while, but I am exploring the Indonesian martial arts now. Have you ever studied them?"

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You look like you walk around cemeteries to avoid your problems
"I reckon my detractors find greater issue with my talent filling up cemeteries to fix my problems."
#Ladamedemartel#Is she worried about him for some reason by any chance? Some of her answers lately seem to insinuate as much.#So I give you casually joking Tristan in light avoidance mode as my response.#I just haven't decided what he is in pleasant dismissal of yet.#Have a glorious weekend 𝕁𝕦𝕝𝕖𝕤!
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Send "You look like you...", complete the sentence, and see how my muse reacts to being told that!
( Ex: "You look like you bite people." or "You look like you get mad when someone doesn't say "bless you" when you sneeze." )
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"Terms." Tristan parried in iced steel. The usual undertone of subtle devilment that cast its shadow over the majority of deals to be made altogether absent in this encounter. A frozen gaze remained. Acknowledging the end of the other's patience as looming demise. "My sister. Your vow no harm will come to her from you. Now or ever. My Strix. The ones we last crossed paths over as well as any other I may have taken under my wing since then. Equally spared from your wrath." For the first time, if only for the fraction of a moment, a spark of uncertainty reached his eyes. Conflicting forces. Followed by a flicker of mute dissatisfaction. Seemingly displeased with his own conclusion. "The same for Lucien Castle. The other one unwillingly masquerading as your son." And with those three elements, the brief list was finished. "A paltry price for the kind of sight I'll happily give you in return. Specially taking into account I am not even suggesting you deprive yourself from a more ferocious end to our feud." In a second first instance, his eyes sharpened to a more personal shade. Although what emotion they conveyed remained somewhat unreadable. "My name isn't on the list. Not an oversight. Not a sacrificial kindness either. There is no point in suggesting amity to someone you have no intention of extending mercy to. I doubt the need to explain myself any further. Not to someone so well-versed in matters of just retribution. The fact is you tormented my family for a century. The fact is...I owe you suffering. So once the miserable creature has been slayed and your raison d'être completed, you are welcome to settle old scores with me if that is what your mood compels. Lets discover where that takes us. Without involving the others. Besides...You are, in all likelihood, the most relentless and formidable warrior eternity has known." Not a compliment and not given as one. The dark words were given as one observing a storm and judging it for what it was. "And I am so very fond of a challenge..." And so, the offer was delivered. "You get Klaus. You get, for once, a world with no elusive corners where he could hide from you. And you retain your chance to eviscerate me, just as I retain my chance to surprise you. To be claimed at your discretion. Eternity can grow so dull without the excitement of unfinished affairs. A month. A decade. A millennium. But not before his agonizing last breath." His final words carried with them the strangest form of sincerity. "Shouldn't that be our one and only chord of agreement? Your struggle. My own. What was the point of any of it if you don't get to kill your rabid beast at the end of the journey?"

With a calm stance his hands clasp behind his back. Lips tilt upwards in a smile void of kindness. There was little left in this word capable of drawing his interest and it wasn't granted until the very last question was uttered from the others lips. This man evaded him like his children had. Ridiculed him no doubt as he built an empire right beneath his nose. Bragging about it to him, no less. Envisioning himself to be what? Some sort of god? Megalomaniac fool. Mikael instantly wanted to tear his 'dominion' down. But that was the catch. He didn't want to tear it down more than he wanted to find the bastard. He discarded the other side of the conversation completely and cut straight to the point. "As a matter of fact, I sure would." He tilts his head ever so slightly. "Care to enlighten me?" It was not a question, but a demand. Mikael deemed his conversation partner capable enough to recognize it as such. Clever enough to know there would be consequences if the demand was not met.

#Astormymind#He does have a proposition.#You are the one who will have to tell me how tempting it is.#I realize that naming Lucien is meaningless.#Since a dead Klaus would mean a dead Lucien.#But I assume this would have happened at some point before Mikael got trapped by Bonnie's mother for a few years.#So Tristan wouldn't have any way of knowing the unfortunate details of being part of a bloodline yet.#...I think I am remembering my continuity right? Let me know if this needs any modifications.#Cellphone replies
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How odd it was to hear another voice visit the chapter that told the tale of his first century. Pages usually reserved for his sister's musings or Lucien's drivel. Leisurely, he raised his hand to the right side of his face. Eclipsing half of his features. "A mask so infernal, the wearer himself remains unaware of its presence. Of who he is beneath it. A music box cursed to play a melody that is no longer its own. Trapped so deeply, there is not enough of you left to roar to the abysm you became. Your condemnation lasted for far longer than my own. But of awakening to the world only to discover that your voiceless days spread endlessly, of seeing merciless chains and strangling shadows haunting the greatest portion of your life so far, that I intimately understand." His hand descended as it arrived. "What is past is prologue, Finn. There is only ever the days ahead." His arm extended and the open hand invited him in the direction of the entrance now. "Come. Rory isn't home at the moment so I am afraid I'll have to suffice as your sole host. Is it right to assume you would rather have your drink in a glass?"

How was it this man gave him a more considerate welcome than his own siblings had at the time of his awakening? The experience felt a little unsettling, but not in the negative sense. Surprise flickers in his eyes, but it is quickly masked. With the smallest bit of hesitation Finn takes his hand and shakes it firmly. "Thank you, truly." It wasn't just a modest answer, but honest spoken words of appreciation. Regarding Tristan's assumptions about his slumber, Finn neither confirmed or denied anything. Choosing to keep his cards close to his chest. "It is good to see you have overcome the terror my family inflicted on you, even if it was lifetimes ago. I have learned my imprisonment marked your release." Finn shakes his head, realizing he was trailing off. "The centuries have changed more than I would like to admit, but I am finding my way. It is good to see a familiar face, there are not many that remain."

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🍁 + Has Tristan ever been scared of what he is capable of? Has he perhaps ever looked back and thought 'maybe I went too far'?
Send 🍁 + any question you've been curious to know about my muse
Yes. And no. And...Sort of. Did that give a clear answer? Okay. I am going to quote fragments from a couple of my roles here because Tristan is more than likely better at explaining himself than whatever half response I can provide. These texts are mostly related to the activities of his Strix: ---
“What laudable self-righteousness.” There was no trace of apology in his cold amusement. Tristan de Martel observed her candidly. Unyielding.
“This world has always succumbed to intertwined cycles of creation and destruction. Peace and war. Agony and bliss. Some would argue it is its primeval nature. Unfortunately, those forces crawl, brutish and wasteful, when mindlessly unleashed on their own accord. I did not impose the demons of ruin and calamity upon this world. I gave them meaning. Purpose. My Strix saw a ceaseless Titanomachy and ascended even its most devastating catastrophes into majesty. You are weeping over clay discarded away by masterful sculptors. When it is highly likely that, in our absence, existence would be nothing but broken shards by now. Still…That is your freedom in the world we made. To condemn our signature, inked in shadow or blood, over the last millennium. To navigate history books and play pretend. Ignore the fact that you wouldn’t change some of its most notorious horrors because, given time and perspective, you see their reason for being. Because yo do hear our secret symphonies.”
--- “As for more crystalline introductions. Let’s say that I am…Change.” His hand beckoned away from the other with the ease of someone who would look at the universe as his personal orchestra. “I’m the invisible, inevitable pressure that alters the way history’s blood flows."
--- “You see, for me, it never stops. It has never once stopped. Call it entropy. Call it whatever you desire. The world is a slumbering dragon. Foolishly pawing without a conscience. To command what treasures the wicked beast must hoard and protect for eternity. To direct him at what deserves to burn to ash. It is quite a monumental endeavor. Eternity is barely enough time. These are my early days." --- Or, summarizing all this varied nonsense I wrote in two canonical lines exchanged by other characters:
ELIJAH: Quite the prestigious organization! Responsible for countless wars, numerous plagues, assassinations... AYA: You have to break rules if you want to build a new world. Yes. There are occasions when Tristan feels like a monster and only a monster. He is not the exception to that rule when it comes to vampires. He is not unfeeling. That said, I do try to write him with past sensibilities in mind and almost...Well....As if writing a character from an historical piece that somehow just kept on living. He retains a lot of that "If you betray your people then you are filth but everyone is more or less fair game. Life, and whatever this world becomes, is a battle of wills and there shouldn't be any shame whatsoever in winning." type of way of thinking. Tristan would fit pretty well in any campaign for conquest. Give him a Game of Thrones universe and he would have fun. He can feel incredibly miserable about something he did. He won't externally manifest it at all beyond withdrawing into himself and playing the violin to an empty room. But he is not...Remorseful per se for the most part. Even when something makes him feel deeply and sincerely sorrowful, he would probably do it again if the reasons stands. For as merciless and Machiavellian as some of his actions definitely are, Tristan honestly does firmly think that the world is better with his presence in it. And he would argue that is a certainty that a lamentable number of vampires never get to experience.
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It is a fun detail that, for as much as they despise each other, Elijah never even considers trying to reclaim the position of head of the Strix from Tristan but it is the first thing he attempts to do once Tristan is gone. ELIJAH: Aya, don't we look so very comfortable indeed, leading Tristan's little circus. Sadly, one does not simply ascend to the position of leader. I would argue that the charter doesn't give him any road for him to get there. Not in any reasonable way that would actually work, at least. ELIJAH: In the absence of a worthy leader, charter shall be invoked and complete dominion shall be restored to Elijah Mikaelson. Now. Elijah makes perfectly clear that he loathes how ruthless the Strix are under Tristan's wing. But he can't exactly deny that he abandoned a bunch of scared vampires about to die and Tristan rescued and guided them into the most influential society of inmortals ever seen. I don't think he could have won the worthy leader debate, arguing for moral high-ground or not. It is just as interesting that he is so quick to easily dismiss Aya as nothing close to a worthy leader because for the most part he seems to retain a relatively positive outlook on her. Elijah compliments her beauty and tanecity to Marcel, shows sparks of regret or at least conflict over how things went for them and seems to suffer her death. The only time, to my recollection, when Elijah outright insults Aya is while talking with Tristan and refering to her as "your little lapdog, Aya." Matters of succession. They are always complicated.
#Tristan de Martel#Elijah Mikaelson#Aya Al-Rashid#The Strix: You have to break rules if you want to build a new world
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Rectification: Probably not traveling to America this year after all. Next year it is.
#Out of eternity#Museums are a bureaucratic nonsensical nightmare#They have reasons for operating like that. And they are good reasons.#But they are a nightmare still.#Well...At least it gives me far more time to practice/learn the Argentinian variant of Spanish.#“Che.”#But I have to deal with the not traveling for now disappointment to my wanderlust.#Additional note: I'm still alive.#If anyone wishes to interact with Tristan I'll have quite a bit more free time after the end of the week.
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Average person calming down a loved one: Person A: I can't relax! We should kill them! Person B: We shouldn't kill anyone, darling. Tristan de Martel calming down a loved one: AURORA: No. No! I will not relax until Niklaus is buried alive! We need to get back the Serratura and lock them all away in a pit of fire!
TRISTAN: It is being taken care of, darling.
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Continued from (x) "You can recite my words by heart these days. How moving. Then again. I suppose your hours know very few pleasures, other than to aimlessly wander recent events with all the despondent hopelessness of a lost soul." There was little more to be said beyond the obvious concerning this point. Elijah clearly paid attention to their last exchange. And Tristan still felt the idea of enjoying his suffering in its current form insufficient and unpalatable given its source. "Lucien would have relished seeing you like this. Small, miserable creature that he was. You are not the only one who lost a dubious brother when you claimed your revenge that evening, Elijah. I wholeheartedly despised him and he hated me in return. Not a brother by blood, blissfully enough. A distinction you can only claim half of. I'm in no mood to glorify the departed with falsehood. Lucien Castle was a greedy, disloyal vermin. And yet, for longer than a mortal life, a curse bestowed by your machinations or not, my brother still." No hint or insinuation made clear is he was speaking with any degree of weight or not. One way or the other. His tone remained calm and inscrutable. After a lingering instant, a cold smirk. Tristan looked amused. As if the brief moment had never existed in the first place. "Refined in flame, like silver and gold. The undying drivel of passing suffering or destruction and ash for an act of elevation and cleansing. I truly mean it, old friend of mine. You would have made for an infinitely better catholic than I ever was as a mortal man. But I am afraid I am here to save us both from the funeral pyre. What would that make of me, then? I suppose I'll play the Luciferian figure meeting you at the edge of the abyss." His gaze sharpened with intent. "Trickery and deceit are common assumptions from the devil and his deals as of late. That or outright lies. As if he was akin to the Loki you knew as a human. But that wasn't the reality of past stories, was it? Faustian bargains...Faust himself received everything he yearned for from Mephistopheles. Dorian Gray, supplicating to whatever spirit would take his cause, obtained exactly the everlasting youth he desired. We are deal-makers. Is it not one of our few points of commonality? Perhaps it is novel for you to find yourself on that side of the negotiation table. Nevertheless, both of us should be perfectly aware that as long as someone is willing to pay a hefty price...The right devil will grant him precisely what he promised." His look seemed to be of cordial invitation. "So. Have you given any thought to my offer?" @deceptivemorals
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#Self-promo#One more time. Still rather delighted with the first official promo for this territory.#I'm going to schedule it to appear in a few months but I wanted to brag about it one final time before that.
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Since I saw it on my dash and wanted to join this possible and magnificent new trend: Yes. @ladamedemartel is rightfully treasured to the moon and back.
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@deceptivemorals's Elijah starts quoting Tristan word for word in reference to a reply I have owed him for several months. ...He is quite right. I suppose I did leave poor Elijah with Tristan in possession of his remaining family for a while now.
#deceptivemorals#Apologies for the delay.#I swear it wasn't intentional on his part this time. I take full responsibility as the writer on this one.#Tristan likes graveyards but I don't think he cares for keeping coffins. They are dismal and dull as personal possessions.
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"In a way. I can't deny the global spread of shiny rectangles that would put the library of Alexandria to shame. But how many lands of treacherous whispers and realms of bewildering fog came into existence along with that knowledge? Truth is often barely a couple of steps away. And yet there are more webs of lies and deadly siren songs waiting for the unwary than ever before." At leisure, his hand reached the top of her chaise. "Dominion begets expansion. When the world becomes too small, we will have to soar to the stars, I reckon." A shade of complicit humor. An odd prospect still, for those who have known the constellations for as long as they had. "You will be by my side, won't you, darling? To see those distant, strange eons?" As he advanced, his hand now reached her face. Holding the contact for a moment as if holding someone undeniably more cherished than the entirety of the cosmos. "Or are you planning to grow tired of your game of conjuring my attention towards you far more vehemently than any witch's spell or technological nightmare?" He offered in shared devilment. "Who can say? Perhaps we will find ourselves waiting for news once again. From one cluster of radiant lights to the other."
She closed out of the browser on her phone and cast the device to the side, her brother's attention now, mostly secured. He still seemed somewhat preoccupied, but she could distract him further, she was certain. "Apparently, today has marked 333 years since the trials began. I read an article on the internet." she rolled onto her side to face him from the chaise where she had elected to rest. "How long after they had started did it take for us to even hear about them? Now we hear about things in seconds. The world is so much smaller now."
#Ladamedemartel#Lex: Why are you adding this element? Science fiction is definitely not one of my areas of expertise.#Tristan: Because I would rather enjoy not dying once my current home becomes inhospitable. I would rather enjoy Rory not dying even more.#Lex: Even by your metrics as an immortal ...We are talking about billio-#Tristan: I plan to live live longer than that.#Anyways#Mini report: Dreadfully busy week. I have been catching up with other affairs now that the trip is quasi-confirmed and on hold.#I basically haven't been here all week.#I hope you are doing excellently o captain my captain!
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Ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves.
#Relevant quotes#The Strix: You have to break rules if you want to build a new world#Tristan's aesthetics: my dear you barely know me
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