#trip down memory lane lol
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sisterofficerlucychen · 1 month ago
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i think i've seen this film before ...
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copepods · 5 months ago
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lowkey miss drawing humans after drawing only robots for 1 year
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szaryherbatnik · 18 hours ago
Eschers backstory....being back in the fucking amber temple.....the god damn cave........memorieeeeeees !!! I love bdw arc 4 is so cool on its own but god. It really is cos legacy. All the references, the emotional fucking impact the party made on escher. Its so lovely.
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carrie-fister · 1 month ago
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the real me surrounded by the me's I present to the world
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golden-gear-guy · 1 month ago
((a little bit of a lore drop for the future teehee))
It was already night time, a blanket of darkness fell over the countryside, muffling out of the lights of the city in the distance. It always felt comforting to Midas, the dark always hid him well, blurring and twisting his features till he was unrecognisable to the strangers he encountered on his travels.
Even if it was a false senses of security, he tended to prefer the night, a subconscious part of him always feeling on edge whenever he was out and about in the daylight. It was hard to let go of his fears, but he knew he didn’t need to hide anymore. It’s been five years already. No one was looking for him anymore. He was as good as dead in their eyes.
The only sound that filled the silence around the small house were the crickets outside and the sound of Midas twisting the screws in and out of the smaller version of rc car, struggling to take out the battery without damaging it.
Montague finally shut off the Xbox not too long before, going up to his room and leaving Midas alone with his thoughts. He wasn’t sure why he decided to work on that stupid toy again out of nowhere, but it was better than lounging around and doing nothing. Keeping himself busy still didn’t help him from thinking too much though.
Memories flashes in his head, making him remember driving the small car around the top of the large meeting room, evading the stairs and the seats with ease while pretending to listen to whatever his mother was lecturing the crowd about. He sure as hell didn’t miss that.
He groaned in frustration, pulling on the battery pack with a bit more force than necessary. Ever since he left his blog untouched he’s been feeling awfully restless, like his head could explode at any given moment. He couldn’t care less about what the islanders were doing or what catastrophe was befalling the place once again, his chaotic thoughts were enough to fully occupy him.
He could guess what the others were up to and he didn’t really miss all the chitchat. But not being able to see what he was doing to at any given moment was taking a toll on him. It felt so isolating.
Montague was around, but it was more like a ghost was haunting his house. They talked more often since they arrived on this new island and he had to save his ass again, but Midas’s recent instability made him shut himself away once more.
He didn’t want to argue. He didn’t want to talk. He didn’t want to see anyone.
And yet his wishes could not be fulfilled for too long, as a loud knock rang out through the house, making him drop the screwdriver he was holding in surprise. He bit down on his lower lip, chewing it raw with pent up frustration, the familiar coppery taste filling his mouth. If his fingers weren’t solid gold he probably wouldn’t have any skin on them left at this point.
He finally got up form the couch.
If someone was going to bother him this late it better be Nolan.
Who else would it be anyways? He had no one. Literally. Everyone was gone already, on greener pastures and with better people. Once again he found himself all alone, not even sure if it was from his own doing.
Midas dragged himself to the door, sighing deeply before putting on his signature smirk and pulling on the handle.
It only took him a moment to register the person on the other side, a man in a suit, and in a split second decision he slammed the door shut, or at least tried to, the other man’s foot stopping his attempt.
Just as sharp as ever.
“Wha- You’re not taking me back!” - midas gasped out, cold sweat trickling down his face as he struggle to keep the door closed, the person on the other side being much stronger than him. Pure panic surged through his whole body, this was the last thing he expected and he was fully unprepared.
“Who said I was gonna do that-” - his deep voice echoed through the room, making Midas panic tenfold. - “-sir?”
If Montague came down and was seen he’d be in danger too.
His eyes darted around the living room, landing on his katana that he was hallways done sharpening, laying across the table. There was no chance he’d be quick enough to get it. Even though he’s been putting on some muscle he was too weak and out of practice anyways.
“Why else would you be here!?” - midas tried to lower his voice and glanced up towards the second floor, not seeing any movement from there. Montague was probably asleep by then.
“Work got quite boring without you sir. So I quit.” - the man chuckled. There was no malice in his voice.- “You hid pretty well this time, that’s for sure. But your family doesn’t know I’m here, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
Midas finally stopped struggling and let the door creek open a bit, peeking through the crack to the outside. Upon fully seeing the man, memories from his past life flooded back to him, things he only vaguely thought about from time to time, never to this extent.
His old home. His parents. The staff, whom he was more close to than any of his relatives by the end. The way he would sneak off ever so often to get away from his mother’s lectures.. His siblings. It was all too much.
The door opened fully, revealing a muscular man in a suit, wearing his signature sunglasses even at night. He didn’t look a minute older than he did the last time they’ve seen eachother. The only difference he could make out was that his hairline pulled back a bit more now. Midas crossed his arms.
“Are you out of your mind Brutus?” - he raised an eyebrow huffing in disbelief. He was unbelievably upset from being found even in a place like this, he couldn’t even imagine what kind of dirt he dug up and what hoops he jumped through to get to him. It was just like the old times, him hiding away when he needed a moment of peace and quiet and his favourite butler finding him no matter where he went. Always bringing him back to his mother. Always making up an alibi for Midas, lying without a finch of a muscle. There was no bad blood between them. He was just doing his job. And the man understood him like no one else. - “What do you even want from me here?”
Brutus smiled upon finally being acknowledged by name, bowing deeply in a show of respect. It all felt like a fever dream. Something that shouldn’t have happened. And yet Midas felt at ease, for the first time since he arrived on Oninoshima.
“Isn’t it obvious? I want to work for you again, sir.”
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nick-cassidy · 2 months ago
you had an estie bestie era???.
YES 😭 I don’t know if anyone was into f1 around 2019-2020 but nobody liked him AT ALL and the tag was three specs of dust and Me . Ppl would send me crazy asks like below . Have been humbled ever since
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koskela-knights · 1 year ago
Imagine if the AW2 fandom had blown up
Iike fandoms in the early 2000s did or even 2010s when the first game actually came out.
Just imagine the kind of music videos we could've gotten
Alan x Alice || Everytime We Touch Fan MV
Mr Scratch x Alan YAOI BL
ScratchWake || Malchik Gay NSFW!
What Hurts The Most - Jaakko RIP Tribute
For Your Entertainment - Mr Scratch + bonus yaoiii
HOT AW BOYS 18+ Sexy Naughty Bitchy
Rose/Alan Rarepair! Diary of Rose
Jaakko and Ilmo - Promise of lifetime
Alan & Barry are best friends! (Toy-Box Best Friend)
Mister Scratch Tribute- MONSTER
Ilkka Villi is Mr Wonderful
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imreallyhereforplance · 6 months ago
Damn I made this blog 7 years ago to join the plance garden and holy shit that ship is still so good
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thedevillionaire · 9 months ago
Cheating a little bit on the director’s cut asks (only if you’re not oversaturated with those!), but you’ve referenced the longevity of your recurring universe a few times and I am SO curious to know if you remember what the first fully-formed story that came out of it was (whether it was ever written down or not). AND if your main characters have changed in any significant way(s) since then!
Hello, and thank you so much for the ask! In terms of written-down stories, I absolutely remember, and in fact still have a copy of it. It's called And She Danced, and it's kind of a character study? Sort of? About a Demon character of mine - long gone, never major - who could see others' darkest fears and/or deepest secrets, and kind of fed off...psychologically manipulating them into a state of terror, I guess. She called it 'dancing'. (Not actually dancing. Entirely psychological.) It doesn't feature any of my main-these-days characters, and isn't openly an Underworld piece, as I wrote it for my English/creative writing class at the time, which is why I still have it. But technically, that's the first Crimson Charisma story I ever wrote. I also have a lyric about the same thing/character/situation, and I like that a lot better than the story. I was 16 when I wrote the story, I think, or thereabouts, and...well, it kinda shows lol:
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(A sample is plenty of that now! haha) Otherwise, for a long time, the Underworld and its residents existed as my bedtime story to myself, as it were - the soap opera I'd play in my head nightly before falling asleep. I called it Nightgames at first. I've actually always kind of done this, with various characters and indulgent soap-operatic happenings. Since childhood. (My first next-door universe of this kind was called Catland. It featured cat people. I set it in Russia because that was so far away and foreign to me, and also huge, so maybe there could be a part of it populated by cat people, right? lol) Anyway, so I had an ongoing running story, of a sort, but I didn't write any parts of it down as recognisably "itself" for ages. Not in full, anyway. I do have a notebook with all sorts of character lists and lore and "plot points" from Back In The Day, but no full stories from the first...year or even more, I think. My first "primary main" OC, Echo, still exists to this day, though he's a lot less prominent than he used to be. Lilith and Aera were both OG characters, and they've had excellent staying power. Aera's story is a complex one that definitely got developed over time, but I had Lilith pretty right from the get-go. She's fairly straightforward in a lot of ways, lol. Cerberus is not quite an OG, as such, although he's certainly been around for a damn while now. He is what I term "first generation", although I had about 30? 40? characters by the time he showed up, about six months in, intended as a one-off plot device. GOOD JOB, ME. (He did actually fulfil that purpose, but then just...didn't fuck off. Thought he'd take over the whole damn place instead. 🤣🤣)
Anyhow, he's changed in many ways, and Kia in particular changed him in a way I didn't even think was possible, but his core essence has remained pretty constant. He knew his deal right from the start, he's always been more than a bit insistent about it, and I, as ever, have no control.
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savagemagician3 · 8 months ago
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"sophia is not just about fashion and style..." 
she loves to play video games, watch goofy comedies, and frequently visits mt. komorebi to snowboard with her best friends. despite her love for all things pink, she’s not afraid to get her hands dirty and go on adventures. she is always on the lookout for new ways to incorporate pink into her life and make her bubblegum dreams come true
cc used: hair - shoes - lip gloss - bubblegum- sternum tattoo - blush - lashes - choker - eyebrows - fur coat - cleavage mask - nose piercing - eye colour - eyeshadow - bikini top & slit skirt - nails - earrings - eyeliner
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filosofieke · 6 months ago
Fair warning: if you ever read this story before, I am not changing the actual events in it, but I think I rewrite almost every sentence. So if it sounds different, that would be, because it is.
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thelaststarfalling · 2 months ago
tagged by @brontes to describe myself with images already saved! here's what I came up with lol
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aceofstars16 · 7 months ago
1-3, 5-7, and 27-30 for the Star Wars Rebels ask, please?
Well I forgot to answer this but I saw it now and my brain isn't giving me the writing vibes (even though I want to write) so I will finally attempt to answer! xD
Also apparently I can't just put 1. without it making it a list so...uh...that's annoying...
One: What is your absolute favorite episode of the show?
Oh man....it's been so long hnnng, I might go with Flight of the Defender...that's the one where Sabine and Ezra steal that ship in S4 right? Though a lot of season 1 makes me happy so...honestly a lot of those could fit too...there are too many good episodes xD
Two: Which episode did you not like at first, but grew on you after one or more rewatches?
I cannot remember the name, but the Purgil one, I didn't love it but then my sister just...it's the only episode she remembers and she just says "the space whales one!" and I just...really like it now xD
Three: How do you feel about the Ahsoka show being live-action Rebels season 5?
Ha....haha...ha...I don't really like it...first, it should've been animated and second I...I think the Sabine being force sensitive is the stupidest idea ever I'm sorry but not actually sorry.
Five: If you could change one (non-death-related) plot point in the show, what would you change?
*eye twitches in still annoyed by what they did to Kanan* but aside from that...make Kanera less...weird in the last season, just...have them be secretly married this whole time, because that just...makes more sense than them being awkward
Six: What are your two favorite ships from the show (canon or not)?
HAHAHAHA I'll just...
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And Kanera side from the weirdness of S4, but yeah...Sabezra ALL the way, like...if you knew me back in the day...I wrote SO MUCH of them lol
Seven: Who is one character you feel isn't appreciate enough by the fandom?
Uhhhh...bro I actually don't know lol I mean I like Jai so....maybe him? Or Zare cause he had that book series that was actually pretty interesting
Twenty Seven: Which plot point do you wish the show had expanded on?
It's been a while but...probably the loth wolves and...all that, like S4 had so much that was just like "what?" and then we never saw it again
Twenty Eight: Favorite recurring character?
Hahaha....I'm going Hondo cause I love that space pirate xD
Twenty NIne: Favorite piece of music from the show?
Hold on, I gotta find it..."Journey Into the Star Cluster", it's not even my fave episode but like...one day I had it on and it was raining and I literally felt like I was in a Nancy Drew game it was just, amazing
Thirty: Most under-rated episode?
The way I want to say the Purgil episode again lol...but maybe the third episode? When Ezra and Zeb steal the tie fighter? I don't know that one is just fun and I love how the tie comes in at the end of the season again haha
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saucylittlesmile · 7 months ago
Oh my gosh you guys are the best! ❤️❤️ Thank you so much. So… might as well ask this too - would y’all also happen to know where Tessa’s star in London is 🫠🫠
Apparently, hers is at Budweiser Gardens in London, and his at Heritage Park in Ilderton.
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obwjam · 2 years ago
i saw guardians 3 the other night and man… my interest in the MCU just took an absolute nosedive after no way home but now i’m feeling so nostalgic for the old marvel g/t days man we really peaked then
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bakvrue · 9 months ago
My friend just sent me a snap memory that the first time I ever went to pride was 7 years ago 😭
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