filosofieke · 3 hours
🌿 Redraw in my artstyle of panel from comic
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And Obelix 🤍🌿
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filosofieke · 3 hours
hi so i started a new asterix fanfic!! which i forgot to post here for like a month, but i just updated it so i decided to put it here now! :D
it’s like an au of asterix and caesars gift, the beginning note explains everything u need to know. hope y’all enjoy :)
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filosofieke · 2 days
Sooo cute!
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filosofieke · 2 days
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filosofieke · 2 days
I didn't plan to post anything before the weekend, but since I am also a parent, with a sick kid, staying up to give some fever medicines at midnight, have the start of this fic about other parents, parenting a very different kid.
Sorry, sixteen year old aspiring warrior. Who is still a kid. I said what I said.
Flight Risk - Filosofieke - Astérix le Gaulois | The Adventures of Asterix (Bande Dessinée) [Archive of Our Own]
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filosofieke · 3 days
I have never been a Mario player, and I only got to know the universe through friends and kids who did play it, but I have to say I loved the Mario movie. And based on solely that, I stan this!
I need to write more Hopeless Romantic Mario. It’s a headcanon I’ve long held for him, but I’ve got to explore and lean into it more.
Mario, as a child, unironically loving sappy fairytales and princess movies because he loves imagining himself in the role of the prince, a dashing hero who always comes through for his dearest.
Mario, as a teenager, never really getting into the dating scene, if he dates at all; he’s convinced that The Universe will give him A Sign when he meets The One, and he’s perfectly happy to daydream and make plans for how he’s gonna be the best partner ever while he waits.
(Luigi trying to lovingly suggest that maybe The Universe is expecting Mario to put in a little bit of leg work too, because for how down-to-earth his brother normally is, he’s got this weird holdover about things like soulmates and destiny and he could be waiting ‘til the day he dies if no one else talks sense into him.)
Mario, as an adult, falling into some strange storybook-looking world and meeting a particular princess, and oh wow, his heart’s never raced so hard just by looking at someone. And though he’s instantly smitten with her, he cares less about sweeping her off of her feet and more about learning who she is, what drives her, what her favorite foods are, where her mind wanders off to when she’s bored or stressed.
Mario, who has always been in love with the idea of being in love, learning firsthand that romance can be just as mundane as it is magical — and coming to cherish that mundanity above all else, because it’s the little moments that teach him more about her, about himself, about them, and it’s all just so priceless.
Just! Hopeless Romantic Mario who remains a hopeless romantic all his life and it works out beautifully for him! Hear me out!
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filosofieke · 4 days
I always start with a vague idea in the middle 😭.
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Had to make a meme to describe me currently
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filosofieke · 4 days
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filosofieke · 4 days
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filosofieke · 4 days
Pike/Scanlan and Grog are so Asterix and Obelix coded it's unreal
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filosofieke · 5 days
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I love making OCs/self-inserts for things and then a couple years later coming back to said thing and redrawing my OC all over again-
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filosofieke · 5 days
Me when I started imagining a fic with sixteen year old Asterix: I think overly optimistic, and daring to the point of being reckless, basically today's Asterix with less sense of boundaries.
Me now: Exactly when did I decide taking an advance on the moody teenager experience would be fun?
I imagine both Asterix and Sarsaparilla (Praline) to be hot-headed while Astronomix is a lot more chill, and since Praline has been portrayed as slightly over-bearing, I cannot imagine her and Asterix to have always mixed well. Especially when you add plans for their move to Condatum into the mix.
I take inspiration from parents with teenagers at work, haha!
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filosofieke · 6 days
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“Why don’t you take your phony antiques with you?”
“Don’t forget your rotten fish!”
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filosofieke · 6 days
It’s a story about Astérix’s parents moving to Condatum, and about how he got his helmet and he would be around sixteen … and instead of this cute little helmet fic it’s becoming way too big in my head again 😭.
The timing of the Asterix series is messing with my brain, because Alesia happened in 52BC, Vitalstatistix fought in it, Asterix and Obelix were kids at the time… but Julius Caesar dies in 44BC. And Asterix is 35 by the time they get well acquaintanced.
SO. That’s impossible.
The only way to solve it really, is to antidate the entire Gergovia battle (and make Caesar a lot younger when he leads it)
Not that I am writing a story that happens in between instead of cleaning the house or something …
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filosofieke · 6 days
🌿 Silly thing for my TikTok
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filosofieke · 8 days
The timing of the Asterix series is messing with my brain, because Alesia happened in 52BC, Vitalstatistix fought in it, Asterix and Obelix were kids at the time… but Julius Caesar dies in 44BC. And Asterix is 35 by the time they get well acquaintanced.
SO. That’s impossible.
The only way to solve it really, is to antidate the entire Gergovia battle (and make Caesar a lot younger when he leads it)
Not that I am writing a story that happens in between instead of cleaning the house or something …
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filosofieke · 9 days
"You are grounded FOR LIFE!"
I think that's how I would start a fic about Asterix receiving his helmet. Which I did not say I was definitely going to write. But still, that's how it would start.
You know, if I would want to imagine what parenting a sixteen-seventeen year old daredevil with an invincibly strong best friend was like.
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